
edlikRAOF: Good morning to you- actually it is my desktop computer, do you have a suggestion on how I can work around this error?00:03
edlikI just edited my xorg.conf file as suggested in workaround B here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes - still not working00:06
RAOFCan you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /etc/X11/xorg.conf and dmesg logs please?  You can do that from a VT with the “pastebinit” package.00:08
edlikI only have command line, but I can do it if you dont mind walking me through a little bit. What is VT?00:12
RAOFVirtual Terminal - the command line that you've got :)00:13
RAOF(The things accessed by Ctrl+Alt+F{1,2,3,4,…})00:13
edlikI got it00:13
RAOFSo, “sudo aptitude install pastebinit” to install the package, then “pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf” will send xorg.conf to a pastebin and return the URL.00:14
ccheneyRAOF, it seemed like he might have a messed up xorg.conf plus another problem, after updating his bios the console is now high resolution so it appears kms works00:19
ccheneyRAOF, he tried booting lucid live cd and it didn't come up to desktop00:19
RAOFHm.  That's more troubling.00:19
ccheneyRAOF, i was having him try the maverick live cd once he could download it, but i'm not sure if that would help or not as the intel driver is still the same00:20
RAOFThe kernel is different, though, and that contains a _lot_ of the driver code.00:20
ccheneyRAOF, yea, it might help, but the console working was the reason I wasn't sure if it would be enough00:20
* ccheney is confused by the xorg.conf file being set to vesa by nvidia00:23
edlikI set it to vesa per instructions from the site I pasted earlier00:24
ccheneyoh ok00:24
RAOFOh.  That's not going to work with KMS active :).00:24
ccheneyit looks like he could just delete the xorg.conf and have it potentially work?00:25
RAOFI note with suspicion that the xorg.conf was generated by nvidia-xconfig - do you have an nvidia card in there at all?  Anyway, try moving the xorg.conf out of the way totally.00:25
ccheneyedlik, pastebin output of lspci00:26
ccheneythat should be able to conclude for certain there isn't any nvidia stuff in their lurking around00:26
ccheneyer there00:26
edlikcan you give me more detailed instructions? Im kind of new to the command line00:27
RAOFsudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf.backup00:28
RAOFThat'll move your xorg.conf out of the way.00:28
* RAOF contends that mission-control-5 shouldn't be using 500MiB physical memory.00:29
ccheneyi think for lspci running:  lspci | pastebinit   would do it00:29
RAOFHave you manually installed the nvidia drivers at some point?00:35
edlikI know I had them once upon a time, I have tried since my upgrade to 10.04 but it says they are not there00:38
ccheneydoesn't appear to be any nvidia devices in the box at least anymore00:40
edlikI just got done installing maveric to a usb, should I try it?00:42
RAOFYes please.00:42
edlik:-( disappointment, the same as lucid.00:45
RAOFHm.  So, the system brings up a nice Ubuntu splash screen, then you don't get anything when X should come up?00:46
* ccheney bbl, dinner time00:47
edlikcorrect, it powers down my monitor, i cant even get into safe graphics mode and have a gui anymore. At first I was able to get into safe graphics mode, then I messed around and had kde at start up, and then I tried that other one...xfce I think, no gui since.00:49
RAOFedlik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting#Reporting%20Bugs%20from%20a%20Different%20Machine should, at least, get you a usable bug report.00:51
ccheneyedlik, and hitting the ctrl-alt-f1 gives you high resolution console from what you said before?00:53
ccheneyso at least from someone not familiar with kms/xorg i think that would indicate that edid is ok, which some reports have been about00:54
* ccheney finally really has to leave, wife is ready now00:54
edlikI am rebooting into lucid, it is checking disc for errors, it must do that after so many reboots?01:00
TheMusoRAOF: fun times ahead.01:10
edlikI tried the reporting as suggested...my computer says "no pending crash reports". I tried sudo startx and get fatal server error: server is already active for display 0, if this server is no longer running remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again01:10
RAOFDamn straight!01:10
* TheMuso is still running lucid, so won't be affected.01:10
* RAOF is running the new server, and is affected by vsync working. Yay!01:11
RAOFedlik: Hm, I think those instructions might be slightly misleading for you.  Try “ubuntu-bug --save ~/xorg-bug.apport xorg”.01:14
edlikit worked, does that send the information or just put it into a file that I have to find and send?01:18
RAOFIt just saves it to the file xorg-bug.apport.  When you've got a webbrowser available, you can report it by running “ubuntu-bug ~/xorg-bug.apport”01:21
edlikI have a live 9.10 cd that works great, can I run that command from there and send it?01:26
RAOFAbsolutely, as long as you've got the file (xorg-bug.apport) with you.01:27
edlikHow do I navigate from my live terminal to the file on my hard drive?01:34
edlik1RAOF: I was able to find the file by a search, can you decipher this? http://pastebin.com/q9dANQQy01:57
RAOFedlik1: Sorry, didn't notice your question.  That's the main apport script.  From memory, to get at the files on your hard drive you want to go to Places→Computer and browse the hard drive there.01:59
RAOFedlik1: I'm pretty sure that just double-clicking on the xorg-bug.apport will start the submission process.01:59
edlik1RAOF: that worked, it is nice to know that the ubuntu community is so full of good people like you and ccheney who are there to help others, I thank you very much:)02:14
* ccheney back03:04
pittiGood morning07:38
didrocksgood morning08:00
baptistemmsalut didrocks08:01
didrockshello baptistemm, ça va ?08:01
pittibonjour didrocks, baptistemm08:04
baptistemmhi pitti08:04
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti, enjoyed your week-end?08:04
pittiit was great, yes08:04
pittino rain any more since Friday \o/08:04
pittiit was really depressing before08:04
didrocksoh really? Very nice weather from a few more days there (apart from yesterday Morning, very very rainy for an hour)08:07
pittiI'm back in Dresden now08:08
* pitti goes to hunt some food to refill his fridge, bbl08:09
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didrockssalut seb12809:03
seb128lut didrocks09:03
pittibonjour seb12809:05
seb128hello pitti09:05
seb128mvo, hey10:26
seb128bug #57255010:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 572550 in xserver-xorg-video-mga (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Panel utilities not shown on startup using Matrox gfx with compiz (affects: 15) (dups: 6) (heat: 115)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57255010:26
seb128do you have any clue if compiz works with matrox drivers for some people on lucid?10:26
mvono idea10:26
seb128or if we can,should turn compiz off on those cards?10:27
mvoits odd10:27
mvois that hardware still in production?10:27
mvowe can easily do that10:27
mvoif we gather the pciids10:27
mvoits probably some sort of timing problem (a race)10:27
mvolike that mga inits slowly10:27
seb128not sure what you call production10:27
mvoand panel gets loaded10:27
mvobefore compiz10:27
seb128but the bug has 6 duplicates now10:27
seb128so it means some users still have such cards ;-)10:28
mvoI was not aware that you can buy mga cards that will work with compiz :)10:28
mvoits cool if it works :)10:28
seb128I'm not sure that you can still buy those10:28
seb128but seems compiz accepts to run on old cards10:28
seb128mvo, the compiz filtering is by pci ids not drivers?10:29
mvowe can do both10:30
mvobut nowdays that its no longer a script10:30
mvobut part of the binary10:30
mvoI think its not looking for the driver anymore10:30
mvobut instead just probes the capabilities10:30
seb128ok, let's wait for some feedback on the bug10:30
mvoand if they look ok, starts10:30
seb128I will ask for lspci infos10:30
mvothat would explain why we see the bug now10:30
mvothanks seb12810:30
seb128mvo, did matrox used to be filtered out by compiz?10:31
seb128ie compiz was not running on matrox cards before?10:31
mvoyeah, before 9.10 I think we just did not run it for them10:31
mvobecause I thought it would just not work10:31
mvoeh, before 10.0410:32
seb128mvo, thanks10:33
seb128mvo, how are you otherwise?10:33
seb128had a good weekend?10:33
mvoseb128: yeah, very nice10:40
mvoseb128: looong10:40
mvoseb128: and next week I will be on vacation too10:40
mvokind of odd :)10:40
* seb128 hugs mvo10:41
mvoI knew that you would say this :)10:41
* mvo hugs seb12810:41
mvodidn't you just change jobs from hacker to slacker for the whole cycle ;) ?10:41
seb128right, but it's official for me!10:41
seb128chrisccoulson, hey10:50
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you?10:50
chrisccoulsonhey seb12810:50
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm ok thanks. how are you?10:50
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm fine thanks10:51
seb128chrisccoulson, "ok" is not great? did you work again during weekend?10:51
chrisccoulsoni did a bit of work, trying to figure out why firefox isn't respecting gnome font settings10:52
chrisccoulsoni didn't work much though ;)10:52
seb128chrisccoulson, ok10:53
seb128chrisccoulson, I assigned bug #562027 to you10:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 562027 in gnome-session (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "openoffice: unable to shutdown / reboot / logout when quickstarter is active (affects: 35) (dups: 6) (heat: 202)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56202710:53
seb128no hurry to look at it so please don't overwork yourself for it10:53
ftakenvandine, here? gwibber refuses to start in maverick. http://paste.ubuntu.com/445997/10:53
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that's an openoffice bug10:54
seb128fta, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2010-June/010945.html10:54
chrisccoulsoni had a quick look at that one at UDS, and openoffice is cancelling the logout10:54
seb128fta, it's likely fixed by that change10:54
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, can you drop a comment on the bug saying that?10:54
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, can do. i think there's a duplicate somewhere too10:55
seb128chrisccoulson, and maybe reassign to openoffice, I will assign to ccheney10:55
seb128chrisccoulson, well that one has a collection of duplicates10:55
ftaseb128, uh? a new kernel?10:55
chrisccoulsonyeah, i just saw that10:55
seb128fta, it's the ptrace security change which limitation proc use10:55
seb128fta, that breaks port finding for desktopcouch10:55
ftaseb128, oh. ok. Thanks10:56
seb128that breaks lpi as well10:56
seb128ara, hey10:56
seb128ara, chrisccoulson: do you know if anybody tested the hardy langpack updates?10:57
seb128ara, chrisccoulson: we need those to be tested with the new firefox today10:57
araseb128, I don't10:57
ara(and I haven't)10:58
seb128ara, could you try to organize some testing?10:58
seb128ara, how are you btw? had a good weekend? ;-)10:58
seb128ara, sorry to have tasks already on a monday morning there :-)10:58
araseb128, OK, I will try to organize something, although I am busy with other stuff. where are the langpacks?10:59
seb128dpm, ^11:00
seb128dpm, maybe you can get some translators to help testing those?11:00
seb128ara, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA11:00
araseb128, thanks11:00
seb128ara, dpm has been setting that11:00
araseb128, but are the lang packs already in -proposed?11:01
seb128ara, I'm checking, I think not since they should go with a security update11:01
seb128ArneGoetje, ^11:01
seb128though that would be a good way to get them tested11:02
seb128ara, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/+archive/ppa11:02
seb128pitti, ^11:02
seb128help! ;-)11:02
pittiseb128: I got a mail from Arne over the weekend wrt. langpacks11:03
seb128the langpacks updates for hardy should go with the security update11:03
seb128how do we test those?11:03
pittibut there were some problems with the PPA overflowing, haven't checked the status yet11:03
seb128do we push them to hardy-proposed for now?11:03
pittiyes, -proposed sounds fine11:03
seb128pitti, I got that solved on thursday11:03
seb128the ppa has 8G now11:03
seb128ArneGoetje did the upload11:03
seb128pitti, I'm not sure what to do next though11:03
pittiright, but I got a million reject mails11:03
seb128pitti, when?11:04
pittidid he reupload the bunch after increasing the size?11:04
seb128pitti, should have been fixed on thursday?11:04
seb128on thursday evening11:04
pittiok, good11:04
pittiwe have an existing process for testing langpack updates11:04
seb128right, though usually don't go to -security11:04
seb128so I don't know how much that impacts the process for this round?11:05
pittido they need to go to -security?11:05
seb128I think so11:06
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ can you confirm11:06
seb128pitti, we need the new firefox xpi with the update11:06
seb128I don't think -security can depends on -updates11:06
pittiok, then we should upload them to -proposed, test, and then copy to -security11:07
seb128pitti, can you do the copy to proposed?11:07
chrisccoulsonyeah, tha langpacks have to go through security11:07
pittican do11:07
seb128pitti, thankss11:08
chrisccoulsonwe probably don't want to do the copy just yet11:08
seb128chrisccoulson, why not?11:08
seb128chrisccoulson, well, we are speaking about copying the updated langpacks to hardy-proposed11:08
* pitti holds on11:08
seb128chrisccoulson, so they get some testing11:08
pittiI'm just confused why Arne doesn't want me to copy the entire PPA, just a subset of languages11:11
pittibut well, I'll use Arne's subset for now, once we clear chrisccoulson's comment about "not just yet"11:11
seb128pitti, another issue is that the updated langpacks don't have translations for current firefox11:11
seb128pitti, that's the issue chrisccoulson is concerned about11:12
pittiseb128: ? I thought that was the very point of them?11:12
seb128since the new firefox didn't get flagged yet11:12
seb128pitti, well it means people using -proposed without the mozilla ppa will get broken firefox11:12
pittioh, I thought ffox already was in -proposed11:12
seb128pitti, it's still in the ppa and the security update is not officially out yet11:12
pittiwhy isn't it?11:13
seb128because mozilla still didn't release it11:13
pittiseb128: then we should ask people to test the langpack PPA instead of -proposed11:13
seb128we should perhaps copy those langpacks in the mozilla ppa?11:13
seb128can we do that?11:13
seb128chrisccoulson, ^11:13
pittiyes, there's a --to-ppa option11:14
pittibut it might be easier to just add the langpack PPA11:14
seb128well that means having to reach testers with that informations again11:15
chrisccoulsonwe can. i'm not sure if i need to change the series to hardy-security though11:15
seb128rather than having people getting those updates as they test what we called for testing a week ago11:15
chrisccoulsoni'll ask jdstrand11:15
asaci would think pushing the langpacks in the mozilla ppa makes sense if we just stage everything there and push the update from there. why did you do a full new langpack update anyway? i would have thought that putting the mozilla.data.tar.gz in the old hardy langpacks manually would have been the safest way to move forward11:22
seb128asac, that is a good question, I would have though as well11:24
seb128chrisccoulson, ^11:24
seb128or ArneGoetje^11:24
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure, i'm not really involved with the langpacks11:25
asacat least i thought that we didnt roll langpack updates for ages, which makes it feel risky to send out a big batch11:25
asacfrom a fresh hardy launchpad export11:25
seb128it does11:25
seb128that's why I'm a bit nervous that didn't get tested yet11:26
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
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seb128hey slomo13:39
seb128slomo, did you read bugs about divx playing being broken with current gst stack?13:39
seb128it's in maverick, could be an issue with ffmpeg or something13:39
slomoseb128: nope, which bug?13:49
seb128slomo, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gstreamer0.10/+bug/59006213:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 590062 in gstreamer0.10 (Ubuntu) " Missing plugin: gstreamer (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 3131)" [Undecided,New]13:50
seb128for example13:50
slomoseb128: maybe a rebuild against ffmpeg 0.6 helps, i don't know13:51
seb128slomo, ok13:52
slomoseb128: seems to be a ffmpeg problem though, gst-ffmpeg git uses ffmpeg 0.6 too without any changes and there it works ;)13:52
seb128slomo, you don't have such issues in debian?13:52
tdr112anyone know how to automount a ext4 drive , i looked up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab but there is noting on ext4 there13:53
slomoseb128: debian doesn't have 0.613:55
seb128slomo, in experimental it has it seems13:57
slomooh yes, i didn't try that ;) but sjoerd uses the experimental ffmpeg and had no problems13:57
seb128ok thanks13:58
seb128slomo, btw I will upload dconf to debian this week13:58
seb128I would have done it some days ago but current glib i386 built failed13:58
seb128and I didn't have time to rebuild glib before the weekend to build dconf13:58
seb128I hate that Debian doesn't accept source uploads ;-)13:59
ccheneygood morning14:02
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
seb128hey ccheney14:20
ccheneyseb128, hi14:20
seb128ccheney, I assigned you that openoffice inhibiting the session bug14:22
seb128ccheney, chrisccoulson says it's an openoffice bug14:22
ccheneyseb128, ok, testing it now, yea i saw he said it is the quickstarter telling the session not to end14:23
ccheneyseb128, forwarded it on to the ooo-build guys it appears that part of the code is disabled in official OOo at the moment14:28
ccheneyseb128, so it seems ooo-build thought they fixed it and turned it back on14:28
seb128ccheney, ok thanks14:30
ArneGoetjeseb128: The Hardy langpacks have been rebuilt with the FF3.6 translations injected and the FF3.0 ones removed for those languages where we have translations for. The rest in the langpacks is the same like in the currently published ones. Therefor, once you can confirm that FF3.6 is properly translated for the subset of languages I mailed to you, you can copy them to -security directly. For the remaining languages, there are no changes at all compare14:43
seb128ArneGoetje, hey14:44
seb128ArneGoetje, so they have no new export of po?14:44
seb128ArneGoetje, only the xpi changes?14:44
ArneGoetjeseb128: For Jaunty, I had to do a faked full export (i.e. a merge of the last full export and the latest published delta) and therefor there will be translation updates for other applications as well. But only the subset of languages like in the Hardy langpacks, have XPI updates.14:45
ArneGoetjeseb128: For Hardy, yes.14:45
seb128ArneGoetje, ok thanks14:46
seb128pitti, chrisccoulson^14:46
seb128ara, dpm, chrisccoulson: so we need to test those translations14:46
seb128either by telling users to add the langpack ppa or by copying those to the mozilla one14:46
seb128but we need to start testing now14:47
pittiok, thanks14:47
araseb128, hardy only?14:47
dpmArneGoetje, seb128, yeah, which distros and which languages need testing?14:48
seb128chrisccoulson, ^14:48
chrisccoulsonArneGoetje, thanks. would you be able to do the same for karmic as well when you get the chance?14:48
seb128ara, dpm: hardy to start yes14:48
ArneGoetjechrisccoulson: sure, just tell me when14:49
chrisccoulsonArneGoetje, once we've got hardy ready, the plan is to work on jaunty and karmic in parallel too14:51
ArneGoetjechrisccoulson: I see... Iʼll have a meeting in 10 minutes, but after that I can prepare new Karmic langpacks as well.14:52
chrisccoulsonArneGoetje, thanks :)14:52
dpmSo we need to give instructions to testers: where do we put the PPAs then, on the langpack or on the mozilla one? Would the mozilla one not be easier for users, so that they only have to add a PPA subscription?14:53
dpmArneGoetje, what's the subset of languages that need testing?14:53
arachrisccoulson, are you checking the feedback people are giving at http://mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/4173/53714:57
chrisccoulsonara - i am, although i didn't look today14:57
chrisccoulsoni'm going to address jdstrand's issue today once i've got the font rendering issues sorted14:57
aradpm, if we use the mozilla ppa, we could use the same instructions as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade14:57
aradpm, if you want, we can provide different instructions for the langpacks, and add a couple of specific test cases14:58
chrisccoulsonjdstrand found some fairly serious regressions in epiphany too14:58
dpmara, reading the instructions now14:59
ArneGoetjedpm: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/latest-3.6/linux-i686/xpi/ <- all those language codes have the updates15:02
dpmara, yeah, I'd say if technically possible to use the mozilla ppa, it will be easier for testers and we can reuse the current instructions as you're saying. As per specific test cases on FF translations, I'm still not sure which ones would be best to add. A crash due to invalid translations will be noticed in other test cases, and the only think I can think of is to go through the menus and check if everything is translated as it was before. Actually,15:05
dpm that might be a test case worth adding15:05
aradpm, OK, I will add that testcase15:06
dpmthanks ara15:06
araseb128, chrisccoulson: please, let us know when the lang packs are in the mozilla ppa, so we can resend the updated call for testing15:07
araseb128, ping15:32
araseb128, dpm and I thought that it is better to move the lang packs to the mozilla ppa to make it easier for testers15:39
araseb128, need the packages to be moved to send the call15:39
rodrigo_hmm, emacs seems to be broekn in maverick15:44
seb128ara, chrisccoulson is working on it15:45
araseb128, OK, thanks15:45
seb128ara, the issue is that he needs to change the changelog target to be lucid-security15:45
seb128so he can't ppa copy over15:46
ArneGoetjeseb128: if we copy them over to another ppa, doesnʼt it mean the packages need to be rebuilt in that ppa?15:56
seb128pitti, ^ do you know?15:56
seb128chrisccoulson, pitti, ArneGoetje: I'm not clear how we get those updated hardy packages in the mozilla ppa but we need that today15:57
pittiyou can copy the binaries, too15:57
pittino need to rebuild15:57
seb128chrisccoulson, what is the current plan of actions?15:57
seb128pitti, but will that work for security?15:57
ArneGoetjepitti: thanks for info15:57
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'll do that in a minute15:57
pittino, we can't copy binaries from PPA to distro15:57
pittithey'll need rebuilds15:57
pittibut I don't see a problem with that?15:58
seb128pitti, I don't think there is an issue I'm just trying to figure how we move forward since we are not making progresses today on this it seems15:59
seb128so current plan of record is to move the updates langpacks to the mozilla ppa and do a call for testing?15:59
seb128chrisccoulson, ^16:00
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vishseb128: have you seen the recent comments on Bug 403135 , seems to be pointing to the gnome-panel again. seems to be fixed when compiled with--with-in-process-applets=all16:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 403135 in wine1.2 (Ubuntu) (and 31 other projects) "Notification area icon wrongly rendered/uses bg_color as a background (multiple apps) (affects: 356) (dups: 32) (heat: 1692)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40313516:09
vishseb128: can the gnome-panel task be re-opened?16:09
seb128vuntz, ^ do you know about this?16:11
seb128vish, seems there is still application side issue since some are working16:11
seb128vish, but yes you can reopen the gnome-panel task if you want16:11
rodrigo_seb128, do you know anything about X having some brokenness in latest maverick? most apps run ok, but at least banshee and emacs fail with X errors16:12
seb128rodrigo_, it's bratsche's fault with gtk csd16:12
rodrigo_bratsche, !!! :)16:12
seb128rodrigo_, there is an environement variable to turn rgba off I think16:12
rodrigo_seb128, oh, which one?16:12
seb128mvo knows it16:12
seb128mvo, ^16:12
ftastrangely, i loose the cursor in the evolution editor each time i click somewhere in the window. could it be gtk/rgba once again?16:14
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
seb128fta, there is an open bug about that but not sure16:14
pedro_rodrigo_, try to run it with: export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=116:14
seb128that's it16:14
rodrigo_hey pedro_, cool, trying16:14
seb128thanks pedro_16:14
pedro_you're welcome16:14
bratscheI'm getting back to work on this stuff today finally.  Sorry for the trouble.16:15
seb128pedro_, hey btw16:15
rodrigo_yay, it works16:15
seb128how are you?16:15
seb128hey bratsche16:15
seb128bratsche, had a nice weekend?16:15
pedro_bonjour seb128! good good catching up with weekend bug mail. how are you doing?16:15
seb128pedro_, I'm good thank you!16:16
aradpm, seb128, chrisccoulson: I have to step out now. I have added a "Translations" testcase to mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com and I have updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade to ask to test the langpacks16:46
seb128ara, thanks!16:46
seb128ara, have fun, see you tomorrow16:46
araonce ready, you can send the updated call for testing to the translator mailing list, and also reply my original email to ubuntu-dev and ubuntu-qa with the updated info16:46
araseb128, np, please, keep me posted by email16:49
seb128will do16:49
ArneGoetjeseb128, chrisccoulson, dpm: I have tested ff3.6.4 on hardy with the following languages: ar_SA de_DE es_ES fi_FI fr_FR it_IT tr_TR zh_CN zh_TW; all look fine to me.16:50
seb128ArneGoetje, thanks!16:51
jcastroseb128: what days are you going to guadec?16:52
seb128jcastro, didn't decide yet16:52
seb128jcastro, I guess start to wednesday or thursday16:52
seb128I need to look at the schedule16:52
seb128jcastro, what about you?16:52
jcastrowednesday is the start afaik16:52
seb128I'm not sure then16:54
seb128I might go back home after the sprint16:54
seb128and come to GUADEC on tuesday afternoon16:55
ArneGoetjeseb128, chrisccoulson: langpack-o-matic run for karmic to include FF3.6 translations is running. Expect uploads to the langpack PPA tomorrow morning.16:58
seb128ArneGoetje, excellent, thank you17:00
chrisccoulsonthanks ArneGoetje17:03
seb128chrisccoulson, let me know when you get those in the mozilla ppa17:05
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seb128chrisccoulson, bug #562027, shouldn't gnome-session display a dialog with "log out anyway"?17:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 562027 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "[ooo-build] OOo QuickStarter: unable to shutdown / reboot / logout when quickstarter is active (affects: 35) (dups: 6) (heat: 198)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56202717:55
seb128isn't the standard way to display, the "what do you want to do" with "cancel" or "log out"17:56
chrisccoulsonseb128 - if openoffice was genuinely interacting with the user, or not responding, then gnome-session would display a dialog17:56
chrisccoulsonbut it requests interaction and then immediately sends a message saying it has finished and logout shoud be cancelled17:56
seb128I see17:57
seb128gnome-session[30945]: DEBUG(+): GsmManager: Response from end session request: is-ok=1 do-last=0 cancel=0 reason=17:57
seb128gnome-session[30945]: DEBUG(+): GsmXSMPClient: Client '0x16e1be0 [/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice 10e1827b246fac322127590469171257800000309450041]' received InteractDone(cancel_shutdown = True)17:57
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, thats it17:57
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, makes sense, thank you ;-)17:58
chrisccoulsonso, as far as gnome-session is concerned, openoffice has already displayed a dialog and the user clicked to cancel the logout17:58
seb128I knew there was a reason I don't use openoffice ;-)17:59
didrocksLaTeX \o/17:59
didrockssorry :)17:59
didrocksseb128: do you think you will have some time for NEWing or we will do the back and forth tomorrow morning? (no hurry, almost all the MIR paperwork is done, just have to get a package in launchpad to open corresponding bugs)18:00
seb128didrocks, what source do you need NEW-ed,18:01
seb128didrocks, I will go to sport in 15 minutes but if I don't do it tonight I will do it first thing tomorrow18:01
didrocksseb128: bamf, indicator-datetime, dee, unity-asset-pool, unity18:02
seb128I didn't NEW bamf the other day?18:03
didrocksseb128: but no hurry, if you can't do it this evening, not a big issue. I'll cut and paste tomorrow the MIRS :)18:03
didrocksno bamf, sorry18:03
seb128no worry18:03
didrocksmy bad being tired after a day in packages and branches and patches :-)18:03
seb128didrocks, open the bugs against ubuntu if you want and we will reassign when I new things18:04
seb128didrocks, it's likely going to be later tonight or tomorrow morning18:04
seb128I don't think I will have time before sport now18:04
didrocksseb128: well, no need, gedit is my MIR handler :)18:04
seb128starting by having a quick look in case I see an issue18:04
didrocksseb128: don't be late at sport! ;)18:04
seb128don't worry18:05
seb128it's in 35 minutes18:05
seb128and it takes 10 minutes to get there18:05
didrocksseb128: libunity-misc was the 5th in fact18:07
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seb128didrocks, dee18:18
seb128 examples/synced-lists.c       |  269 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++18:19
seb128 vapi/dee-1.0-custom.vala      |   11 +18:19
seb128changes out of the debian dir18:19
didrocksseb128: yeah, this is because of merge-upstream when a file is in the tarball and not in upstream branch18:19
didrocksseb128: typically, generated file18:19
seb128I need to go but I will continue reviewing those later18:20
seb128see you ;-)18:20
didrocksseb128: enjoy your sport time :-)18:20
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