
askhl_Hi.  What do we do about the \eg command?  It's not mentioned in the style guide pdf.00:10
askhl_I suppose it outputs "e.g.\ ", but the question is whether that happens to be translatable elsewhere00:11
askhl_Also, should we type in the plural name for glossary commands even though that is not designated in the English string?00:16
godbykaskhl_: There are two options for \eg and \ie:00:16
godbyk1. Replace each occurrence with translated text.00:17
godbyk2. Email me the translations <kevin@ubuntu-manual.org> and I'll modify the code to do the right thing and you can leave the \ie and \eq commands as is.00:17
godbykaskhl_: Leave the label part of the \newglossary commands in English, but you can add "plural={plural form}" after the description={..} part.  (Separate them with a comma.)00:18
godbykFor example: \newglossaryentry{cherry}{name={cherry},description={Yummy fruit that goes in pies.},plural={cherries}}00:19
godbykThen the \glspl{cherry} command will output 'cherries' in the PDF.00:19
askhl_I think the sensible way (for inter-language portability) is not to use commands like \eg -- could you add that to the style guide?  (For other translators of course)00:19
askhl_I'm going through some suggestions written by other translators, and they tend not to get it right00:19
askhl_godbyk, great, I'll write a few notes about that for our other translators00:20
askhl_Thank you godbyk00:20
askhl_(also I recommend adding all this to the style guide :))00:20
godbykYeah, I really need to spend some time updating the style guide.00:20
godbykRegrading the \ie and \eq commands, it just depends on what each translation team prefers to do.  The reason the commands exist in the first place is to ensure my nit-picky spacing is consistent throughout the manual.00:21
askhl_How much will I break if I write illegal latex translations?00:21
godbykaskhl_: Can you give me an example?00:21
askhl_godbyk, sooner or later I'll make a typo in one of the latex commands :).  And there's no msgfmt command to check validity for tex00:22
godbykaskhl_: Ah, right.  Well, the build scripts are designed to try to carry on despite your error.  It will show up in the log file and in the error count on the build page, though.00:23
askhl_Two errors in Danish already :)00:24
godbykIf you do a really good job at screwing it up, it may give up on that PDF and move on to the next language. :)00:24
askhl_Anyway, that link should definitely be in the style guide (or whichever piece of text translators should read :))00:24
godbykGood point.  I'll make a note of it.00:25
askhl_(I hope I'm not too annoying, coming in here and saying do this, do that, but it'll make things go smoother in other languages, and I've translated a lot so I know which things tend to go wrong, are difficult to communidate etc.)00:25
godbykNope, I'm happy to receive suggestions.00:28
godbykUnfortunately, I haven't had as much time lately to implement them as I'd like.00:29
godbykBut I am always on the lookout for ways to simplify translators' (and others') lives.00:29
godbykThe easier we make it for people to contribute to our project, the more people (and more often) will contribute.00:29
askhl_godbyk, can you make it possible to add translator coments to the po templates?01:01
askhl_godbyk, I wouldn't mind contributing a few if it can be done01:01
godbykaskhl_: I don't think it's possible right now, sorry.01:02
askhl_I guess you have some special script for i18n of latex documents which would have to be modified01:02
askhl_All right01:02
godbykWe're using po4a to handle the LaTeX-to-po conversion (and vice versa).01:02
godbykIn the original English .tex files, I can add %TRANSLATOR: pay attention to this! comments.01:03
godbykBut the English .tex files are locked down now -- we can't modify them.01:03
godbyk(Where "can't" is imposed by a writing freeze, not a technical limitation.)01:03
askhl_Oh, okay01:04
godbyk(The primary reason is that then Launchpad would reimport the new translation template file and wreak havoc on the existing translations.)01:04
askhl_Yikes.  Just because of added comments?01:04
askhl_At least with normal po-files this wouldn't be a problem, but launchpad doesn't always do the most sensible thing01:05
godbykWe've been bitten by a Launchpad bug that causes translations to be reset as mere suggestions when it imports empty strings in po files.01:08
godbykSo I've turned off all of the automatic importing in Launchpad for now.01:08
godbykNo auto-import or auto-export.01:08
askhl_godbyk, right, you're not the only one :)01:09
askhl_Just a question -- when we have 7% of the strings translated, is there a magic translation percentage that has to be reached for the translations to be shipped?01:11
askhl_err, that should read "e.g. 75%" or something01:12
askhl_(that would be a bit low I guess, actually)01:12
godbyk'To be shipped'?01:12
askhl_well, 'made available'01:15
godbykWell, it won't be published (released to the general public via our website and lulu.com with lots of fanfare) until it's completely finished.01:16
godbykYou can always find the latest draft copies at http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/, however.01:16
askhl_Great, thanks01:17
godbykWe'd like the translated editions to be of the same high quality (don't snicker!) as the original English edition.01:17
askhl_Danish at 5% now.  Booyeah...01:40
ubuntujenkinsmoning all07:11
quickshotdevsNew news from manualplanet: Benjamin Humphrey: Many hands make the light work; few make it shine08:27
* ubuntujenkins don't try and install arch quickly fail count = 208:36
nailorawhen will the translated versions (esp. the german one) be released? are there preliminary versions i could have a look at?09:02
ubuntujenkinsnailora: if you look at build.ubuntu-manual.org for a draft . The translated ones then have to go through a editing process before release.09:04
ubuntujenkinssorry builds.ubuntu-manual.org09:05
nailoraok the german one is said to be completely translated and building ok. is there any time schedule for the post-editing?09:06
ubuntujenkinsnailora: I am not sure godbyk is the person to ask, I think he is asleep. Basically there is/we get an editor for each language and then it goes through a checklist of things that need to be done. godbyk handles all that09:08
ubuntujenkinsI don't knwo which langauges have editors and which don't09:09
nailoraso godbyk is not the german editor but the person managing all the editors09:09
ubuntujenkinsyea godbyk manages all the editors and is or latex wizard09:10
ubuntujenkinsyou can either get hold of him this evening or drop an e-mail to the list09:11
ubuntujenkinsok I am off to do revsion now if anybody wants build errors fixed get them to e-mail me and i will fix them tonight09:36
ubuntujenkinsbye o/09:36
nisshhoh wow, check out benjamins awesome rant on omgubuntu: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/many-hands-make-light-work-few-make-it.html11:14
nisshhvery relevant points but also a very LONG post11:14
thorwilnisshh: hmm, that's actually rather short and tame ;)12:48
nisshhthorwil: hehe, yea i suppose, he isnt swearing in it is he? still its one hell of a rant if you ask me12:55
shrinithanks a lot for all your support.12:58
shriniwe celebrated ubuntu release party12:58
shrinireleased ubuntu-manual in tamil12:58
nisshhshrini: excellent, well done!12:58
shriniwith godbyk and ubuntujenkins12:59
shrinicontinious help only12:59
shriniit happened12:59
nisshhshrini: i know you guys have been working hard for a while now13:00
nisshhgood to see it form into a final product13:01
ubuntujenkinsshrini: I am fixing the tamil build errors in my lunch break. If you see any translations marked for review by "luke jennings" then thats me fixing latex santax.13:06
shriniubuntujenkins: thanks a lot13:09
ubuntujenkinsshrini: with this string https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/ta/+translate?start=123 I put the old translation back as i got it wrong. But in it there are a lot less \{} than the english. Is that the correct string for the english?13:13
shriniubuntujenkins: checking13:15
ubuntujenkinsshrini: also what is this in english "நோட்டிவிகேஷன் ஏரியா" ?13:17
shrininotification area13:18
shriniubuntujenkins: in that link we missed acronyms13:19
shriniwe are not finished 100%13:19
shrinistill there are some improvements are required13:19
ubuntujenkinsok shrini thats fine also in https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1/+pots/ubuntu-manual/ta/3/+translate the top one is correct as far as latex is concerned13:19
shriniubuntujenkins: yes13:20
ubuntujenkinsshrini: just saw it an thought i would mention it :)13:21
shrinithanks a lot13:21
shriniubuntujenkins: so kind of you13:21
vishthorwil: do you know the script/code for the progress bar, we used for the manual site?13:44
vishor godbyk ^13:44
vishheh , daker is never around when we need him!13:45
thorwilvish: except for the logo and planet button, i had no involvement with the website13:46
ubuntujenkinsshrini: if you type an & in you need to put a \ before it so it reads \&13:53
ubuntujenkinsshrini: I am back to more work now but I will do some later14:08
ubuntujenkinsshrini: can you review all the translations I marked for review please I have just done lots in launchpad. \menu{Applications -> Games -> World of Goo} should be written \menu{Applications \then Games \then World of Goo} . The word "\then" makes and arrow when it is in a \menu{ }16:06
vishhmm , could someone ping me when daker is back here16:22
shriniubuntujenkins: yes. i agree16:24
shriniour team will review all the items16:24
shriniand make the necessary changes16:24
ubuntujenkinsthanks also does அப்ளிகே mean package16:25
ubuntujenkinsI think i have made the correct changes to them it just needs double checking please16:25
shriniubuntujenkins: you are right16:25
shriniwe will do that16:26
ubuntujenkinsalso can you check that all the \gls{} and \glspl{} are in english. they get changed to tamil automatically buy translations you do in another part. Its all to do with the \newglossryentry{}16:27
shrinii think we need to follow the guidelines strictly16:28
ubuntujenkinsthanks when you have reviewed them all i will do some more tonight.16:28
ubuntujenkinsok I am back to work see you later16:29
nisshhdudes check this out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperationCleansweep17:15
h00knisshh: that's pretty sweet17:35
nisshhh00k: yea, no kidding ay, i might join in later somtime18:10
pleia2godbyk: any luck finding anything out about docbook to mallard conversion?18:25
* pleia2 is currently neck-deep in docbook, and sincerely hoping she isn't learning this stuff for the lols18:26
* nisshh feels sorry for pleia2 18:28
pleia2hah, thanks :)18:28
pleia2I used it some back in 2005, but that feels like eons ago now18:28
pleia2and mostly I was just hacking at and existing docbook thing, not actually learning how it works18:29
nisshhhmmm, better or worse than latex?18:29
pleia2well, it's a more standardized format for documentation industry-wide, which makes it appealing18:29
nisshhyea, isnt it more for online stuff?18:29
pleia2but the -manual team's latex templates made things pretty easy, not sure yet how docbook templates will similarly translate18:29
pleia2you can write books with it, the benefit of docbook is that it's exportable into a zillion formats18:30
pleia2the problem, of course, is that it's not easy18:30
nisshhyea, it never is is it? theres always a learning curve18:31
* pleia2 nods18:31
pleia2but you can actually get real life jobs based on knowing docbook, can't say much for mallard (or latex, honestly)18:32
nisshhi did read somewhere just yesterday that yelp in 10.10 has support for mallard18:33
pleia2it'll gain traction since gnome is switching, but I doubt it'll get beyond the gnome world18:33
pleia2docbook has actual real life usage outside of open source18:33
nisshhhmmm, it must never be printed on book covers and stuff, you never see or hear about it outside of OS18:35
nisshhwhich is a shame18:35
ubuntujenkinsdo we have a malay or Brasilian Portuguese translator here?19:09
ubuntujenkinsor any translator that would like their language19:10
ubuntujenkinsor any translator that would like the build errors for their language fixed?19:10
shriniubuntujenkins: approved your suggestions19:17
shrinithanks a lot19:17
ubuntujenkinsshrini: no problem I will try and find the rest of the errors now19:18
shriniubuntujenkins: no hurrys19:18
ubuntujenkinsI am bored of work so I need a break19:18
shriniubuntujenkins: our team will look it19:19
ubuntujenkinsI will :)19:19
shriniwhat is your work?19:19
ubuntujenkinsI am a student I am currently studying for final exams19:19
ubuntujenkinsfinal exams for this year that is19:19
shrinithats great19:20
shriniwhere do you live?19:20
ubuntujenkinsI live and study in the uk at loughborough university www.lboro.ac.uk19:20
c7pit sounds something like the previous name of win vista (I don't remember the exact name though)19:23
ubuntujenkinsshrini: one thing i fogot to say earlier is please don't press the return/enter key in a translation as it causes errors. You can edit the layout in the editing stage. thanks :)19:25
shriniubuntujenkins: thats great man19:31
shriniso happy to see young people doing wonders19:32
ubuntujenkinsshrini: can you review them again please19:37
c7pubuntujenkins: excuse my curiosity but what do you study?19:40
ubuntujenkinsc7p: I study Mechanical Engineering19:45
shriniubuntujenkins: awesome19:46
ubuntujenkinsshrini: thanks :-)19:47
dutchieMaths is the way forward!19:47
c7pubuntujenkins: cool :D. Engineering is very interesting19:48
ubuntujenkinsc7p: its also hard work :/ . I am looking forward to having time for quickshot19:48
ubuntujenkinsshrini: there are a couple more to review, one is because I made a mistake.19:50
shriniubuntujenkins: done that19:50
ubuntujenkinscool I will get the new file19:51
c7pubuntujenkins: nevermind if you like it ;). As a greek phrase says "each thing on it's time". Quickshot rocks, what else should be done on it?19:51
ubuntujenkinsI do like quickshot has loads of plans for the next release and we have not really started on the user interface19:52
ubuntujenkins*I do like uni19:52
ubuntujenkins*I do like uni,19:52
ubuntujenkinsshrini: no build errors just loads of font ones now19:55
shriniubuntujenkins: we need the screenshots in english itself19:58
ubuntujenkinsshrini: are you saying you need the english screenshots?20:00
shriniubuntujenkins: yes20:00
ubuntujenkinsshrini: we will sort out the fonts first, that can be done really easily. I need to do some more work now20:04
shriniubuntujenkins: ok20:04
shriniactually, I did it in my laptop20:04
shrinicopied all english screenshots and20:04
shriniput in folder screenshots/ta20:04
shriniit did the magic20:04
shriniwhat are the issues with font?20:05
ubuntujenkinsall you need to do is link the ta folder and the en folder I will do that on main later. I will be back in an hour or so20:05
ubuntujenkinsI don't know about the font i need to speek to godbyk20:05
ubuntujenkinshow are we channel?21:04
c7pubuntujenkins: what do you mean ?21:09
ubuntujenkinsc7p: I was asking the channel how they are feeling21:09
ubuntujenkinschannel/ people in it21:10
c7paha no I see21:10
c7pnice, I think these days are pretty low-paced so no anxiety etc21:12
c7pis there anyone who know the basics of html ?21:15
ubuntujenkinspopey: do you what program can you make an e-book with?21:17
popeydefine ebook21:17
ubuntujenkinsthanks popey21:18
popeyI was asking a question :)21:18
popeywhat do you mean by 'ebook'21:18
ubuntujenkinsdoh! facepalm . You were looking for an ebook version of the manual. so it could be read on a kindle or such like. You started to make one what program did you use?21:19
ubuntujenkinsor android etc21:20
* ubuntujenkins tries calibre21:27
* ubuntujenkins that failed21:28
popeyah yes21:29
popeymobipocket iirc21:29
popeythe pdf version looks arse on the kindle21:29
popeyfont is too small21:29
popeyand grey text on white is impossible to read even on epaper21:29
dutchiepopey: you get to be kindle texting man!21:29
dutchieerr, testing21:29
ubuntujenkinsok thanks popey, this is me "revising"21:30
* ubuntujenkins wishes his exam was in ubuntu21:30
ubuntujenkinsdoes i run i wine?21:31
dutchiewine Setup.exe21:31
popeyi tried it at work on my windows laptop21:31
ubuntujenkinsok, I will try in wine21:31
ubuntujenkinshmm it fails in wine loads of "fixme:" erroes21:34
godbykvish: For the Ubuntu Manual progress bar, humphreybc generated that by hand each time. There wasn't a script for it.21:38
* ubuntujenkins epubs on ubuntu from pdf is not easy at first glance21:39
godbykpleia2: I haven't looked at the docbook-to-mallard conversion yet, I'm afraid.21:40
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I have fix all the build errors dues to latex in tamil just font errors now. I will do some more soon. but it helps if you have a translator to check things with when you are doing it.21:42
pleia2godbyk: no problem, thanks :)21:42
godbykubuntujenkins: great! yeah, I know what you mean about having a translator at hand.21:42
dutchie  21:42
godbykdutchie's speechless?21:43
ubuntujenkinsChrisWoollard: uk English now has no build errors.21:43
dutchiejust spaced out21:43
ChrisWoollardWho did that21:43
dutchiebadum tish21:43
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I am not looking forward to russin 115 errors21:43
ubuntujenkinsChrisWoollard: me :) . Its my way of revising Mechanical engineering :P21:43
godbykubuntujenkins: Is the Russian getting translated pretty quickly?  We have a ton of requests for it.21:43
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: 10th21:44
ubuntujenkinsabout 48% done21:44
ChrisWoollardI was going to do it myself, but my youngest child has Chicken Pocks21:44
ubuntujenkinswe have 5 translated languages21:45
ubuntujenkinsChrisWoollard: took 5 mins nice and easy, its harder when you do it in a langauge you don't speak21:45
vishgodbyk: the progressbar image was pretty, maybe we can get that for the review team .. i think they have the script worked out21:45
* ubuntujenkins rembers how ichy chicken ox was21:46
* ubuntujenkins fails at typing21:46
godbykvish: cool.  yeah, it could've been script, if I'd had the time. :)  ImageMagick can do damn near anything.21:46
ChrisWoollardIt took me ages the other day to re-translate everything that got lost :(21:46
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: can you please write down how to get latex to do the correct font for the language that way i can put one in for languages that don't have one. (assuming its not to hard to write out). I think several of the next ones in the translation list need fonts ircc21:48
godbykubuntujenkins: Basically, copy the um-template.clo file to um-LANGUAGENAME.clo21:49
godbykthen edit that file and change the font names (and the command names).21:49
ubuntujenkinsok cool thanks, have you made the tamil one work as I am wondering if it is my computer thats making the font not show21:51
godbykYeah, there's a um-tamil.clo file.21:51
godbykYou have to download the Akshar Unicode font from the web.  It's not packaged.21:52
godbykubuntujenkins: http://www.kamban.com.au/fonts/akshar.ttf21:52
ubuntujenkinsare link? do you know if i am free to package it my self?21:52
ubuntujenkinsthanks :)21:52
godbykCame from http://www.kamban.com.au/21:52
ubuntujenkinswhere do i save it?21:52
godbykYou'll have to look into the license. I'm not sure if we can package it or not.21:52
godbykSave it to ~/.fonts/21:53
godbyk(create the dir if it doesn't exist)21:53
godbykthen run: fc-cache -v ~/.fonts/21:53
godbykand then it should work.21:53
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I am still geting random squares and lots of Missing character: There is no ் in font Linux Libertine O/ICU:mapping=tex-te21:57
ubuntujenkinsxt,+onum,! in the log file21:57
godbykThere are still some issues. :)21:59
ubuntujenkinsfair enough . Just thought it may be me.21:59
godbykI think there are still some places where it's using a different font.22:00
godbykI'll pull the latest translations from launchpad and start the builds.  We'll see how things look.22:00
ubuntujenkinsok you should fine the top seven work fingures crossed22:00
godbykTamil just kind of shot up out of nowhere, didn't it? :)22:01
ubuntujenkinsthey translated on paper an then typed it up in open office and then copied it into launchpad22:01
godbykubuntujenkins: If you have time (or are procrastinating on other things), you can poke around and figure out how we teach the indexer about new languages: http://xindy.sourceforge.net/22:02
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: that had crossed my mind I will add it to the list22:03
c7pnight all22:14
ubuntujenkinsnight c7p22:15
ChrisWoollardubuntujenkins: Does the en_GB manual build for you?22:18
ChrisWoollardmind gives an error.22:18
ubuntujenkinsChrisWoollard: works for me have you pulled the latest po file godby-k updated a about 30 mins ago22:20
ubuntujenkinswhats the command to find out the revision of your bzr branch?22:21
godbykubuntujenkins: bzr revno22:22
ubuntujenkinsthanks go22:22
ubuntujenkinsthanks godbyk22:22
ubuntujenkinsChrisWoollard: I am on revison 87122:22
godbykChrisWoollard: The latest build of en_GB looks clean to me.22:23
godbykThere's a missing reference, though.22:23
godbykLooks like someone probably misspelled a label with an -ise instead of -ize.  :)22:23
godbyk(Look on page 23 for something that references sec:customising-desktop22:24
godbykand later sec:organising-photos22:24
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: in the 10 minitues I quickly looked at the xindy stuff I "think" what we need is for the letters of the alphabet to be written out in alphabetical order. Thats my first impression22:30
godbykubuntujenkins: Okay.  Now you might have to see how to do it more specifically with Tamil (as it's a syllabic script).22:31
ubuntujenkinsI am not sure of yet i will look into it more on wednesday after my exam22:32
ubuntujenkinswe should also send any work we do on making new rules back to the xindy people to improve future releases22:37
ubuntujenkinsnight all22:41
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: was that ise ize thing means me.22:50
godbykChrisWoollard: You or ubuntujenkins or whoever wants to fix it. :)22:51
ChrisWoollardcool. I guess when it comes to references they shouldn't have their spelling corrected to british22:53
godbykThe most important thing is that the references *match*.  It's just easier if they're left as-is.22:56
godbyk(The rule is to leave them in their original form because they're used internally by LaTeX in weird ways, and I didn't want funky non-ASCII characters to give LaTeX fits.)22:56
ChrisWoollardno problem.23:01
ChrisWoollardI'll see if i can fix it23:01
ChrisWoollardHow often is launchpad sync'd23:11
godbykChrisWoollard: However often I push the button.23:12
godbykI think there are some internal delays, too.23:12
godbykSo your new translations may not be exported immediately.23:12
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: what is a LaTeX Warning: Hyper reference `ch:installation' on page 119 undefined on input23:17
ChrisWoollard line 6327.23:17
godbykChrisWoollard: It means that LaTeX is trying to link to \label{ch:installation}, but \label{ch:installation} isn't present in the document.23:17
godbykHowever: it will say that about ALL the cross-references the first time through.23:18
godbykOnly pay attention to the log file after you've ran 'make ubuntu-manual-en_GB.pdf' (because it runs xelatex the requisite number of times to resolve the cross-references).23:18
ChrisWoollardok, thanks23:27
godbykFresh builds should be up at http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/.23:31
ChrisWoollardI found those23:32
ChrisWoollardAccording to that I only have 5 warnings23:32
ChrisWoollardI also notice that the de trans has 0 errors and 0 warnings. That is impressive23:33
ChrisWoollard1 warning is Package polyglossia Warning: File gloss-UKenglish.ldf does not exist!23:35
ChrisWoollard I will nevertheless try to use hyphenation patterns for UKenglish. on input li23:35
ChrisWoollardne 188.23:35
godbykYeah, you don't have to worry about that one.23:38
dutchiehi humphreybc-mini23:39
ChrisWoollardYou sound like elmer fudd23:39
humphreybc-miniwho does?23:48
dutchieyou, i think23:48
humphreybc-miniso someone offered to buy a domain for us23:50
dutchieso you like starting your sentences with "so"23:51
humphreybc-miniah, he's here now :)23:51
humphreybc-miniveetmo: :)23:51
humphreybc-miniI got your email!23:51
humphreybc-minidutchie: yeah, must be an NZ thing23:51
dutchiehumphreybc-mini: no, it's just an annoying thing23:51
humphreybc-miniI'll do it more often then if it annoys you Josh23:52
dutchiehumphreybc-mini: that's mean23:52
humphreybc-miniveetmo: so the only domain we need at the moment, well, not *need* but we'd like to have it, would be quickshot.org23:52
humphreybc-minidutchie: (see what I did there?)23:52
dutchiehumphreybc-mini: i'm going to ignore that23:53
dutchiehumphreybc-mini: what happened to the OMGU podcast then? ;)23:53
humphreybc-minidutchie: So I've got exams over the next couple of weeks23:53
humphreybc-minihence it's not happening till after them23:54
dutchiehumphreybc-mini: yeah, me too23:54
humphreybc-miniBUT it's coming back!23:54
dutchiehumphreybc-mini: do you see me doing revision?23:54
humphreybc-miniNo but you're a smart arse23:54
dutchiehumphreybc-mini: yay, more opportunities to laugh at your accent23:54
humphreybc-miniYou're going to Oxford you cock23:54
dutchiethe exams are very hard :(23:54
veetmohumphreybc-mini: ok, if you find a good option let me know, preferably by mail...as i need to go to sleep...23:54
dutchieand I do have to actually do well also23:54
humphreybc-miniAnyway, after your exams, you will have more time to work on UMP - specifically our lovely bug reporting form, yes?23:55
humphreybc-miniveetmo: I'll hunt around! Thankyou so much!23:55
dutchiethe bug reporting form is working, thank you very much23:55
dutchiethere are a few todo items23:55
humphreybc-minidutchie: howcome it's not on our site then?23:55
veetmohumphreybc-mini: my pleasure ;)23:55
dutchiehumphreybc-mini: bugs.ubuntu-manual.org23:55
* humphreybc-mini waits for the page to load23:56
dutchiehmm, that doesn't seem to be up23:56
humphreybc-minino it's working23:56
humphreybc-miniLooks... lovely23:57
dutchiei'm not a designe23:57
humphreybc-miniCan I report something?23:57
humphreybc-miniI know I know, I'm taking the piss23:57
humphreybc-miniI'm sure daker can make it look beautiful when we incorporate it into the redesign23:57
dutchiethere's a resdisign happeneing?23:58
dutchieI don't think it actually includes the suggestion in the bug report yet23:58
humphreybc-miniyeah I'm making our site look nicer, not happy with it as it is :)23:58
humphreybc-miniit's not exactly a huge priority though23:59

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