
=== noy_ is now known as noy
huatsBlackZ, I should attend the meeting, but I might be a little late (like 20 minutes)14:23
BlackZhuats: so should we start without you?14:23
BlackZOK, thanks for the info14:24
huatsor you can wait for me if you want14:24
huatsbut not necessary !14:24
BlackZRoAkSoAx, statik, showard, it's the time to start16:00
BlackZRoAkSoAx: are you there? statik ?16:01
BlackZok, no problem we can start BTW16:02
MootBotMeeting started at 10:02. The chair is BlackZ.16:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:02
BlackZhuats will be late, he said to start without him16:02
BlackZ[TOPIC] Developer mentoring reception meeting - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring/Reception/Meeting16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Developer mentoring reception meeting - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring/Reception/Meeting16:02
BlackZshoward: do you want to start?16:03
showardsure, loading up the agenda16:03
BlackZ[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous sessions.16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous sessions.16:03
BlackZthat's the first item16:03
showardthe action points were to make the documentation on the wiki16:04
BlackZOK, so we can go with the second item instead16:04
BlackZcan't we?16:04
showardtrying to find the link16:04
BlackZ[TOPIC] Discuss and approve proposed mentoring program documentation16:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Discuss and approve proposed mentoring program documentation16:05
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/MentoringReception/MentoringProposal16:05
BlackZwell, I have reviewed that, seems OK16:06
showardOK, we can start floating it once we get an ok from hauts as well16:06
BlackZany objection against it?16:06
showardI think it's just the two of us16:06
BlackZOK, so we need almost huats for discuss of that and start the vote16:07
BlackZshoward: in the meanwhile we can talk about an interesting point and let that to discuss later16:08
BlackZ[TOPIC] Discuss with the packaging training coordinators the membership approval for our team16:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Discuss with the packaging training coordinators the membership approval for our team16:08
BlackZshoward: what do you think about that?16:08
BlackZaccording to https://lists.launchpad.net/packaging-training-coordinators/msg00095.html16:09
showardIt's interesting, but I think it might be good to have two seperate teams still and have us individually apply (if interested). Kind of like how MOTUs still have to apply for bug-control16:10
showardmostly because they have their own system and I want us to be a part of that (especially since there are only 4 or so of us)16:11
BlackZshoward: we have to talk with huats and the others about that16:11
BlackZyeah, but that would give a lot of benefits for the mentors16:11
BlackZand the contributors16:11
BlackZdholbach: are you there?16:11
BlackZdholbach: can you start to say what do you think about that proposal?16:12
showardI'm not familiar with it, how to do you see our relationship with the training coordinators team working? could you guive some examples16:12
BlackZshoward: have you read the e-mail?16:12
dholbachshoward: as far as I understand it, BlackZ wants to suggest to mentors to give sessions regularly or make their training activities with their mentees in a more public forum and ask them to run packaging training sessions16:13
dholbachI think it's a wonderful idea - we always need more packaging training sessions16:13
BlackZyeah, that's what I want to say16:14
BlackZshoward: so are you +0 ?16:14
dholbachI think it should be good to include it in the documentation and in the initial mails you send mentors16:14
BlackZdholbach: we have to wait huats, he will be late :(16:15
BlackZ<huats> BlackZ, I should attend the meeting, but I might be a little late (like 20 minutes)16:15
showardOk, I thought you wanted something else16:15
dholbachshoward: what were you thinking of?16:16
BlackZshoward: what's your vote then?16:16
showardYes, mentors should be able to help give sessions and coordinate - I thought you wanted the reception team to coordinate what training sessions were giving16:16
dholbachah ok16:16
showard+1 for mentors being in the team16:16
BlackZ+1 from me too16:16
showardso BlackZ - we'd have a "Developerment Mentors" team which would be a member of Packaging Train. coordinatorS?16:17
BlackZshoward: yeah16:17
showardthat sounds good16:18
BlackZpersia suggested something of that16:18
BlackZand huats and others was agree16:18
showardWe should add that to our proposal page, could you do that after the meeting? under Mentor Workflow and Reception Workflow?16:18
BlackZ[ACTION] BlackZ to set up this idea in the mentoring propostal page16:19
MootBotACTION received:  BlackZ to set up this idea in the mentoring propostal page16:19
BlackZproposal, argh16:19
BlackZ[ACTION] BlackZ to set up this idea in the mentoring proposal page16:19
MootBotACTION received:  BlackZ to set up this idea in the mentoring proposal page16:19
BlackZshoward: can you send an e-mail to our mailing list for the absent people?16:20
showardyes, with the minutes16:20
BlackZ[ACTION] showard to send an e-mail of this meeting to the developer mentoring reception mailing list for the absent people16:20
MootBotACTION received:  showard to send an e-mail of this meeting to the developer mentoring reception mailing list for the absent people16:20
showardso we need an email vote on the proposal16:21
showardthen send the proposal to relevant lists for feedback?16:22
BlackZshoward: I'd say yes if huats will not be here16:22
BlackZwe can wait until 16:00 UTC16:22
showardlists: DMB, devel-discuss, MOTU, and the teams lists?16:22
BlackZBTW I'd send it for the vote from absent people16:23
BlackZcan you do that?16:23
BlackZ[ACTION] showard to send an e-mail to (MOTU, Ubuntu core development team and delegated teams) for get feedback about our documentation16:23
MootBotACTION received:  showard to send an e-mail to (MOTU, Ubuntu core development team and delegated teams) for get feedback about our documentation16:23
BlackZ[TOPIC] Discuss about the completely rename of the team and the mailing list16:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Discuss about the completely rename of the team and the mailing list16:24
BlackZwell, I have said huats to rename the old LP team and he did but we still have ~motu-mentoring-reception as ID16:24
BlackZit should be ~developer-mentoring-reception16:25
BlackZand.. we should rename the mailing list16:26
showardWe'd need a new team, I believe. We also need a team for ~developer-mentor, and a project "Ubuntu Developer Mentoring Project"16:26
BlackZshoward: I don't understand, can you be more clear?16:26
BlackZa new team for what?16:26
showardsure, the Project is for the bug report applications16:26
showardthe new team would be ~developer-mentoring-reception (I don't think you can rename LP teams)16:27
BlackZyeah, it could be possible16:27
showardand we need a team for the mentors so they can be added to the Packaging Training Coordinators team16:28
showardor we could just manually add them16:28
showardalthough they might like having the icon for being a mentor16:28
BlackZOK, so:16:28
BlackZ~packaging-training-coordinators will add the ~motu-mentoring-reception team as a member16:29
BlackZdo we need a new team for the bug report? I'm still +0 about that16:29
showardthe ~developer-mentoring-reception team would be the owner of "Ubuntu Developer Mentoring Project" so we are the only ones that can assign/triage bug reports16:29
BlackZah, hmm16:29
showardno to: ~packaging-training-coordinators will add the ~motu-mentoring-reception team as a member16:29
showardI thought we decided that the mentors get added, not the reception team16:29
BlackZwhy that?16:30
BlackZI think we could have the membership automatically, dholbach ?16:30
dholbachif you want to, you'd get on the mailing list then16:31
dholbachmaybe you can talk to nhandler about it16:31
BlackZdholbach: yeah, we have to16:31
BlackZisn't he here?16:31
BlackZshoward: so are you still +1 about that?16:31
showardso we're adding outhe reception team and the mentor team to the mailing list?16:32
showardmailing list= packaging training coordinators?16:32
BlackZshoward: no, they will add us as member and the mentors will get the membership automatically16:32
BlackZif somebody is in the team that means he's good with the packaging-related tasks16:33
BlackZam I wrong?16:33
showardI'm just thinking about implimentation, you're right about having them join  -- I was thinking that you have a mentor team, and the mentor team is a member of the packaging training coordinating team16:34
BlackZclarified that point16:34
showardand we add people to the mentor team16:34
BlackZthey will get the packaging training coordinators membership automatically16:34
BlackZaccording to my e-mail16:34
showardI'm trying to minimize work so that they don't have to be manually added to multiple teams, but that the mentoring team would do it automatically16:35
BlackZonce somebody is added to our team16:35
showardahh that's the problem, I don't think new mentors are added to the reception team16:35
showardthey are two seperate teams16:35
showardreception = coordination (don't even have to be MOTU), mentoring = actual mentoring16:36
BlackZshoward: yeah, they're: LP account -> our team -> membership in our team -> membership in the packaging training coordinators team16:36
showardbut new mentors won't be on our team, I don't think16:36
showardI don't think all mentors should be in -reception16:37
BlackZmentors are encouraged to join16:37
BlackZand they should16:37
BlackZwe don't want what you said16:37
BlackZ*ALL* mentors should join the team16:37
BlackZbut that doesn't mean: "join the team or we will kill you"16:38
showardIn the past that wasn't the case, but I think you're right - we could encourage it16:38
showardand those that want to join reception would be interested in packaging training - so that makes sense16:38
showardkill my "mentors" team idea16:38
showardand just have one team16:38
BlackZshoward: are you +1 then?16:39
showardthe reception team16:39
showardanother problem: if everyone is in the reception team, who assigns mentors?16:39
huatshello everyone16:39
huatssiorry I am late16:39
BlackZhuats: \o16:39
showardit was seperate in the past to prevent self selection of mentors16:39
showardhey hauts16:39
BlackZshoward: mentors?16:40
BlackZthe people who wants to take part should send their application16:40
showard(*mentees) our current discussion is whether all mentors should be members of -reception or not16:40
BlackZI think they have to16:40
huatsoh ok16:40
BlackZhuats: for you?16:40
huatsI don't think so16:40
showardThe pro side: encourages participation16:41
huatsthe reception is the team who is handling the mentors/mentee couples16:41
showardthe con side: who chooses mentors/mentee pairs if everyone is a reception?16:41
huatsI like to consider the reception like a desk where people go asn ask for something16:41
BlackZOK huats16:41
BlackZso we should do another team16:42
huatswhy do you think it will encourage participation ?16:42
showardhuats has a point just because they are there doesn't mean that they will participate16:42
BlackZthe reception will take all decisions and assign mentee to mentors, but the mentors are BTW encouraged to talk with us16:42
BlackZand take part of the decisions16:42
huatsBlackZ, I think mentors are highly encouraged to talk to us16:43
huatsand to take part of the decisions regarding thei (potential) mentee16:43
BlackZhuats: so we need another team16:43
showardBack to the original question: I think both teams should be members of packaging training coordinators (or have -reception be a member of mentors, and have mentors be a member of  PTC)16:44
showardThe only reason why we need a mentors team is so that mentors can get on the PTC mailing list16:44
showard(I believe)16:44
BlackZyeah showard16:44
BlackZthen we will approve the other team in our team16:44
BlackZand they will be BTW members of packaging training coordinators16:45
BlackZbut I'm still confused on that, it's a chain16:45
BlackZhuats: according to https://lists.launchpad.net/packaging-training-coordinators/msg00095.html what do you think about that?16:45
huatsBlackZ,  I have seen this email indeed16:46
BlackZhuats: what's your vote?16:46
huatshum honnestly I don't know16:47
BlackZso are you +0 ?16:47
huatsI haven't figured out all the pro and cons16:47
BlackZwe had a discussion with dholbach16:47
huatsright now I would +0 but I might be convinced :)16:47
showardThe pros: we and the mentors know what's being planned and can request specific topics (general training)16:48
showardthe cons: more mail for us16:48
BlackZhuats: what's the balance for pass an idea? 5+ or 4+ ?16:48
showardthe pros for them: some mentors (and us) might sign up for teaching some sessions16:48
showardthere are 3 of us, so I'd like us to all agree if possible - if not we can shelve it until more people show up16:49
BlackZshoward: I was talking about the vote16:49
BlackZsurely according to first you will send an e-mail16:49
BlackZand we will hear the feedback from other members16:50
huatsshoward, if it is only a few more mails... then go for it16:50
huatsthen  +1 for me16:50
showardyes for both mentors and us, but if mentors complain for some reason we can make it just -reception16:51
huatsshoward, sure16:51
BlackZhuats: another thing: we should decide how an idea can pass, with balance?16:51
BlackZ4+ or 5+ seems enough16:51
huatsshoward, I think only reception might be better16:51
huatsand if any mentors want to be part of that he can subscribe to  PTC16:52
BlackZthat will help in our next ideas16:52
BlackZI think 4+ would be sufficient16:52
BlackZshoward, huats for you?16:53
showardHow many "members" do we have?16:53
showardwe could do what other teams do: to vote you need 1/2+1 present, and to pass you need 1/2+1 of the vote16:54
showardso we'd need 4 present to vote16:54
huatsI agree with showard16:54
BlackZshoward: send the e-mail then16:54
BlackZwrite who's agree and that we want to hear a feedback from them16:55
BlackZhuats: last thing and we will close the today's meeting: what about the LP team rename and the documentation rename?16:55
showardso two topics to vote on: approval of the proposal before getting feedback from other teams and membership in PTC16:55
huatsBlackZ, I have tried many times the LP team rename16:56
BlackZalso the mailing list, forgot16:56
huatswithout succes16:56
huats(I will try again tonigh)16:56
BlackZhuats: I will ping the guys in #launchpad16:56
huatsBlackZ, I'll do that, it'll be easier16:56
BlackZhuats: for the mailing list?16:56
BlackZI think we will need to do that as last point16:57
huatsregarding the mailing list, I'll do that this week or the next one, since it is on my server and I am currently reorganising my email infrastucture16:57
huatsI haven't worked on renaming the documentation yet16:57
BlackZyeah huats, for the documentation after the feedback could we rename the pages?16:57
huatsI think so16:57
BlackZ(if the feedback is positive)16:57
BlackZOK, for me the meeting is over16:58
BlackZany objections? ideas?16:58
BlackZI will talk with the packaging training coordinators about us after we get 4+ votes16:59
BlackZare you agree huats, showard ?16:59
huats+1 for me17:00
BlackZOK, let's discuss about that in our ML17:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:00.17:00
BlackZthanks all17:00
showardthanks, good job blackz17:00
BlackZshoward: ^17:00
BlackZhave a nice day17:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
keesjdstrand, sbeattie, jjohansen: security team meeting?18:00
* jjohansen \o18:01
keesmdeslaur: oh... were you hiding? my tab-complete didn't find you.18:01
MootBotMeeting started at 12:01. The chair is kees.18:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:01
kees[topic] stand-up report18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  stand-up report18:01
keeslast week the kernel security updates were published.  besides the handled glitch with kvm in lucid, it seemed okay18:02
keestoday i'll be publishing OOo, since that unembargoed on saturday18:02
keesspent some time last week looking at apparmor bugs, fixed one.18:02
keesthis week I might start looking at packaging fixes18:03
jjohansenyeah I saw that thanks kees18:03
keesfor a later topic: we should schedule a AA upstream meeting18:03
keesthat's it from me.  jdstrand is up.18:03
jdstrandwould it be worthwhile to have aa commits go to apparmor-dev automatically?18:04
keesnot sure.18:04
sbeattiejdstrand: I dunno, you can subscribe to them.18:04
jdstrandgranted, it is a bit after the fact as we menioned before that non-distro specific stuff should get an ACK18:04
jdstrandyes, I am subscribed. it just occurred to me18:05
jdstrandanyway, we can discuss that in the apparmor upstream meeting18:05
jdstrandthis week I am focusing on testing/publishing the firefox 3.6.4 update for hardy18:06
jdstrandjaunty and karmic will most likely be in a week or so more18:06
jdstrandlast week I uncovered several issues and brought them up to the ubuntu-mozillateam, and they are addressing them18:06
keesis there a master checklist or something for all the steps/packages needed for the transition?18:06
jdstrandthe most disconcerting is that I discovered that epiphany/webkit does not provide adequate feedback of certificate validation18:07
jdstrandupstream gnome has noticed and seem to be working to fix that18:07
jdstrandyeah. pretty bad18:07
mdeslaurjdstrand: did the non webkit version work properly?18:07
jdstrandit affects all versions of Ubuntu18:07
jdstrandmdeslaur: yes, gecko webkit gave a popup/confirmation type thingie18:08
jdstrandgecko epiphany18:08
jdstrandkees: the qa team has setup something for firefox, plugins and addons in the qa tracker18:08
jdstrandand there are wiki pages18:09
* jdstrand goes to get it18:09
sbeattiehttp://mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com/ is the tracker18:09
MootBotLINK received:  http://mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com/ is the tracker18:09
keesjdstrand: I've seen the giant wiki page, but it didn't seem organized (at the time) like a "here are all the steps we need to do" page18:09
jdstrandthere is one that I believe ara setup that is more clear18:09
jdstrandfirefox is in pretty good shape18:10
jdstrandwith the exception of openjdk and the sun-java5 plugin, it worked fine18:10
jdstrand(in my testing)18:11
keesthat's more of a test-plan than a list of what actions need to happen.  is it maybe just "flush the entire mozilla PPA to hardy" ?  that works, if it's true.18:11
jdstrandkees: oh, I have a personal list for the publication. is that what you mean?18:11
nxvljdstrand: can i get that list?18:11
keesjdstrand: yeah, like "here are all the things we need to get into the archive", "here are all the current known caveats" etc18:11
jdstrandkees: ie, I have a list of packages that are arch 'any' and 'all'18:11
nxvlkees: http://paste.ubuntu.com/440456/ <- firefox rdepends18:12
nxvlXulrunner rdepends: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/xulrunner-list18:12
jdstrandnxvl: yes I can get that to you18:12
jdstrandkees: well, it is basically just everything that is in mozilla ppa for hardy, yes (minus a couple of things)18:13
keesjdstrand: okay18:13
keesnxvl: thanks18:13
jdstrandI have also grouped things by USN18:13
jdstrandeg, firefox will have -1, it's extensions, etc will have -218:13
jdstrandnss will have a different USN18:13
jdstrandand epiphany I am not publishing until there is a patch for the cert verification18:14
nxvlso it's not just 930-1?18:14
jdstrand(and by extension, webkit)18:14
jdstrandnxvl: 930-1 is for firefox18:15
jdstrandnxvl: that will be for hardy and lucid18:15
keesjdstrand: it sounds like you're in fine shape.  for us following along (at least me), I'd like to see some kind of list of tasks (publish all of mozilla ppa, fix epiphany, etc)18:15
jdstrandnxvl: 930-2 will be for all the rdepends18:16
keesjdstrand: but if it'll all be over sooner than such a list could be created, skip it18:16
jdstrandnxvl: 930-3 will likely be jaunty and karmic's 3.6.418:16
jdstrandnxvl: though, if there are regressions, it might be higher18:16
jdstrandkees: I can write a quick page explaining it18:16
nxvlkees: i've been asking for that list since i jumped into the loop, still haven't got it18:17
jdstrandI also talked to them about publishing 24 later than upstream releases18:17
nxvlchrisccoulson told me he was going to make one, but still no luck18:17
jdstrandthis is pretty normal for us (unless there is an earth shattering vuln)18:17
jdstrandupstream is still iterating on some stuff18:17
keesnxvl: it sounds like it's a large and complex set of things, which defies documentation.  :)18:17
nxvlkees: yup18:18
jdstrandso the ff build that is in the mozilla ppa is likely to change18:18
jdstrandI'll write it from my perspective and ask them to review it18:18
nxvlkees: but i kinda need it, i need to reproduce the entire update, but i'm specting to use the USNs to do so18:18
jdstrandnxvl: we can talk after the meeting18:19
nxvljdstrand: :D18:19
jdstrandbeyond the ff and friends update18:19
jdstrandI'm on community this week, and am following up on several embargoed issues18:19
jdstrandI have several items to bring up after mdeslaur and sbeattie18:20
jdstrandmdeslaur: you're next18:20
mdeslaurSo, I'm still hacking away at mysql updates18:20
mdeslaurI'll be publishing them this week18:21
mdeslaurand I am on triage18:21
mdeslaurand will take a look at php5 next to see if there are patches available for the month of php bugs yet18:21
mdeslaurif that doesn't pan out, I might start trying to backport the maverick's webkit to earlier releases to fix all the CVEs18:22
mdeslaurthat's it for me18:23
sbeattieI don't have much, I'm still in transition from QA18:23
sbeattieI set up what I think is a working sbuild/schroot environment (great docs, jdstrand)18:24
sbeattieThis week I should probably test it out :-), start looking at cve triage, and generate a new gpg key to replace my current nearly expired one18:24
sbeattie(interviews for my QA replacement should start this week \o/)18:25
keessbeattie: are you going to go the SHA2 route?18:25
sbeattiekees: I might as well, unless you guys think otherwise.18:25
keessbeattie: I think it's a great opportunity to test it.  :)18:26
sbeattiekees: that was my thought as well. :)18:26
mdeslaursbeattie: there's a blueprint to test the SHA2 keys with different email clients18:26
jdstrandyeah, we are each assigned one18:26
jdstrandI have kmail, but have not tested it yet18:26
sbeattiemdeslaur: right, poking at firegpg after I gen'ed a new key was on my todo list.18:27
sbeattieanyway, that's all I have that's relevant here.18:27
kees[topic] aa upstream meeting18:28
MootBotNew Topic:  aa upstream meeting18:28
keesso, I'll propose a meeting on the aa mailing list.  any starting preferences?18:29
sbeattieNot particularly, +1 to having one.18:29
sbeattieHolding it at a time that's convenient to arekm on oftc would be helpful, IMO.18:30
keesIRC, likely early in the US day to get anyone from EU TZs in too.18:30
jjohansenno preferences from me either18:30
keesoh, where is arekm?18:30
keesokay, noted.18:30
jjohansenor at least that is what I remember it as18:30
kees[topic] jdstrand topic #1 of "several"  ;)18:31
MootBotNew Topic:  jdstrand topic #1 of "several"  ;)18:31
ScottKIIRC "Russia" only narrows it down to about 8 time zones.18:31
keesjdstrand: whatcha got for us?18:31
jdstrand1. usn publication18:31
jdstrandwe need to either poke newz2000 about getting this to work like before, or define the interim procedues18:32
jdstrandwe are behind a few atm18:32
keesI have now poked newz200018:32
jdstrandoh heh18:33
keesI have 3 different screen scrapers at this point ...18:33
jdstrandyeah, we have published 946-1, 947-1, 948-1 and 947-218:33
keesand I built a new template for doing refreshes18:33
keeswell, "different" is really just a few lines different, but yeah.18:35
jdstrand2. I'd also like to discuss rotation duties18:35
jdstrandit came up this morning that mdeslaur set the topic to me as triager again. he did the right thing by looking at the scedule18:36
jdstrandbut, because of vacation, I was triager last week, so it seemed odd18:36
keesthe schedule was just a tool to help us plan into the future.  it should serve reality, rather than the other way around.18:37
jdstrandI'm not totally sure what the best solution is, and if it is 'honor thy schedule' then fine18:37
jdstrandbut, I thought we could perhaps be more flexible with this, and always do a certain order18:37
keesi.e., I'm fine to ditch the schedule if it's a hassle to keep in sync with reality18:37
jdstrandkees: yes, but I didn't want to have to adjust the schedule after each vacation18:38
jdstrandok cool18:38
mdeslaurso, how do we determine who does what?18:38
mdeslaura rotation?18:38
mdeslaurmonday morning, I'm pretty groggy, so it's got to be simple :)18:39
jdstrandso what if we did a rotation like: k:triager, j: community, m:happy, s:happy followed by k:community, j:happy, m:happy, s:tirager, ...18:39
keesmdeslaur: yeah, our standing rotation seems to be working, but if we want to keep the schedule, we just need to adjust it when vacations happen18:39
jdstrandie, we always have the same 'ordering' of people18:39
jdstrandbut on vacations we deviate and have flexibility to adjust18:39
jdstrandthis is basically our current schedule, without actually maintaining it18:40
sbeattiethat seems okay from here18:40
jdstrand(it is what I do when chaning the topic-- I never look at the schedule)18:40
jdstrandI can update the wiki to put this in terms that is easy to understand if we are all agreed18:41
mdeslaurfine with me18:41
jdstrandkees: ^18:42
keesjdstrand: +118:42
keesokay, sounds like we have a stable USN publication procedure now, though it requires a webadmin push a button each time.18:43
jdstrand2.5. is it worth changing the /topic each week in #ubuntu-hardened for the above? at least for triager and community18:43
keesjdstrand: perhaps only for the community role?  kind of like IS's "vangaurd" role.18:43
keeswho is on triage doesn't seem entirely interesting for #u-h audience.18:44
jdstrandkees: re usn pub> that is not totally satisfactory, since we publish at non-webadmin-available times. that said, if it has changed, can you update UpdateProcedures or somewhere else?18:44
jdstrandkees: re community> sure, that makes sense18:44
keesjdstrand: yup, I will.  gonna get the correct scraper ready and publish the missing ones, update docs, etc.18:44
jdstrandkees: is this an interim thing or what we can expect going forward?18:45
jdstrandkees: (usn)18:45
keesjdstrand: sounds like it's a going-forward thing.  which just means we get to push for an automatic USN-db-reading module, IMO.18:45
keesokay, other stuff, anyone?18:46
jdstrandI still have more18:46
* kees notes that several != 2.5. ;)18:46
jdstrand3. we need to talk about task rotations at some point (ie security-m-task-rotation)18:46
jdstrandthis is different than weekly duty rotations18:47
jdstrandthis is rotating who does kernel, firefox, etc, etc18:47
mdeslaurwhy don't we talk about this now?18:47
jdstrandif we even want to do the rotation18:47
jdstrand(and I have two more related items)18:48
jdstrandwell, related to each other, not this18:48
keeswhat are our areas of biggest need here?  kernel and firefox, yes?18:48
keeswe have other stuff like moodle, php, but they're less common still18:49
sbeattiewill chromium issues be growing to match?18:49
jdstrandthose are the biggest, but others like webkit and poppler might be worth including18:49
keessbeattie: probably, though both ff and chromium are changing shape, so no real idea18:49
jdstrandsbeattie: I imagine 'firefox' really means 'browser - webkit'18:49
keesjdstrand: ah yeah, webkit and poppler.18:50
keesso, I think there are two ways we could go: mentoring and rotation.18:50
keesrotation requires mentoring.18:50
jdstrandoo.o is also a big one, but happens infrequently and isn't that hard to get into if one follows the QRT docs18:50
keesthe question would be "do we just train up the other people, or do we train them and start a full-blown rotation of publication duties" ?18:51
jdstrandkees: hold on. I'm not sure we are in agreement on whether task rotation is beneficial. mdeslaur?18:51
keesjdstrand: good point.18:51
jdstrandI for one, am in favor18:51
jdstrand(but still have an open mind)18:51
mdeslaurI think training is beneficial, I think rotation is detrimental18:51
keesI'm in favor of the procedures not being a dark art.  I'm not sure if rotation would reduce efficiency, though.18:51
jdstrandI don't think it would reduce efficiency either18:52
jdstrandbut, it might reduce burnout, which could be a real concern18:52
keeswell, let's start with cross-training first, since it's required.  and we can go from there?18:52
jdstrandand, I don't think a 'quick' training is really all that helpful18:52
sbeattiejdstrand: more like "pair usn publishing"?18:53
mdeslaurjdstrand: I'm all for task rotation if burnout is a problem18:53
jdstrandeg, kees showed me the kernel stuff a couple of times, but I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it except in an extreme emergnecy18:53
keesright, we'd need to have someone fully shadowing the lead.18:53
keessbeattie: yeah18:53
jdstrandpair usn publishing would be a part of the training, certainly18:54
jdstrandbut how long does that go on for?18:54
jdstrandie, during training, we expect inefficiency since two people are doing it18:54
jdstrandif there is a rotation, then that iniefficiency is minimized, since it gets down to one person again18:55
keesmaybe the output should be documentation?18:55
jdstrandkees: yes18:55
keesi.e. the shadow writes up documentation about that specific update methodology.18:56
jdstrandin fact, I think that is probably the most important aspect18:56
jdstrandwe will get good docs out of the trainer, and the trainee18:56
jdstrandor the trainie/shadow writes it, sure18:56
keesand once that's "done", the shadow is done, and maybe someone else steps up to shadow, following the docs, and if they're happy with it, then 3 people know the routine, and we can talk about rotation at that point.18:57
jdstrandI still think that people doing it for a period of time is worthwhile... to internalize it18:57
* kees nods18:57
jdstrandbut sure18:57
jdstranddocs with shadowing first18:57
jdstrandas such, I don't think that poppler/webkit should be involved18:58
keessounds good.18:58
jdstrandit is really just kernel/browsers that need docs, since the publication is only different for them18:58
keesso, given ff's transition, that should probably wait a bit?18:58
jdstrandcertainly not this week ;)18:58
jdstrandbut, soon is fine18:59
keeslet's start with kernel then?18:59
jdstrandthe whole rdepends fiasco is a one time deal18:59
* kees nods18:59
jdstrandafter that it is back to the old publication methods18:59
jdstrandand it isn't nearly as different as the kernel, so yes, I think the kernel first18:59
keesokay.  who wants to shadow first?  :)19:00
jdstrandwell, actually, it is quite different in the publication parts... but the building is similar19:00
jdstrandkees: when is the next kernel update? next month?19:00
keesjdstrand: yeah, next month.19:01
jdstrandwell, since I don't mind documenting, I can do it19:01
jdstrandI've also seen it a bit already...19:02
jdstrandunless someone else want it?19:02
mdeslauroh god no :)19:02
jdstrandmdeslaur, sbeattie: ^19:02
keescool.  Is another group waiting for this channel, or can we continue to go over our hour?19:02
jdstrandwhat I have left can go off this channel19:03
keesokay, let's switch to #u-h then.  anything else quickly?19:04
jdstrandnot from me19:04
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:04.19:04
keesok thanks!19:04
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czajkowskirobbiew: you rock!23:38
robbiewheh...I try ;)23:38
Pendulumrobbiew: I'm just +1 what czajkowski said :)23:38
robbiewPendulum: thnx....hopefully we can start nailing down locations much earlier too23:39
robbiewthat's the next step23:39
czajkowskirobbiew: finally, makes so much sense for community people to be able to plan and book annual leave or save up cash! thanks23:39
robbiewsee...we hear you ;)23:39
czajkowskirobbiew: we'll keep you!23:39

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