
nikolammicahg, I am yet to try it on lucid. I migrated finally to SM 2.04 on hardy few weeks ago.00:25
micahgnikolam: ah, ok00:25
nikolamgood thing is since then not a one bad thing to report at me. I would also like to see some day, enigmail for SM again inside ubuntu repos.00:28
micahgnikolam: 1.0.1 from Lucid should work00:28
micahgnikolam: if not, file a bug and I'll look into it00:28
nikolamhm, I set up 1.0 from enigmail page (no 1.0.1 there for x86-64=)  I will try this one from lucid hot it is working, thanks.00:30
nikolammicahg, enigmail deb from lucid requires newer libasound200:45
nikolamthis is on hardy.00:46
* nikolam needs to sleep now 00:46
micahgnikolam: k, idk if we can do that for hardy then, but please file a bug00:46
micahgnikolam: actually, don't00:46
micahgnikolam: we won't be updating enigmail since we're not updating thunderbird00:46
micahgnikolam: I might be able to push to PPA though possibly00:48
nikolammine target is enigmail for SM in maverick+, anyway00:49
micahgnikolam: should work in Lucid00:49
nikolambut most probably lucid+ for real00:49
nikolamaha will check it out, then.00:50
nikolamaha, also, never got to congratulate you micahg for pushing Seamonkey 2.04 to Lucid! :)00:51
nikolamThank you :)00:51
micahgnikolam: thanks, we still have some cleanup thought :) no locales yet :)00:51
nikolamaha I see. ;)00:52
nikolamg night (here almost 02am)00:53
micahgnikolam: night00:54
gnomefreakdid the bot(s) take a vacation or is it broke?02:17
micahggnomefreak: which bot?02:18
gnomefreaknothing updated daily ff3.6 ff3.7 chromium tbirds 3 3.102:18
gnomefreaktb3.1 is expected02:18
micahggnomefreak: only update from mozilla last night was ff37 and xul193 and xul193 broke02:19
gnomefreakok let me see what update i have02:19
gnomefreakok firefox-3.7 is from saturday rest is friday02:20
micahggnomefreak: yeah, I have to see if I can get it going tonight, the build failed for no good reason02:20
gnomefreakthunderbird is from may 3002:21
gnomefreakmicahg: ok thanks02:21
gnomefreakreally really need to find a faster way to do this :(02:44
micahggnomefreak: do what?02:46
gnomefreakmicahg: adding some of my background images to apperance. i have well over 100 of them and adding one by one takes forever02:46
gnomefreakam i here?03:49
micahggnomefreak: do you want to be?03:50
gnomefreakyes but tb isnt connecting to smtp gmail so i was wondering if it was me03:51
micahggnomefreak: I thought you have to use your ISPs SMTP for gmail?03:52
gnomefreaki do?03:52
micahggnomefreak: xul193 should build again tonight barring more breakage :)03:52
micahggnomefreak: that's what I always had to do03:52
gnomefreakmicahg: ok thanks i will be here tomorrow if i ever get to sleep03:52
gnomefreakthunderbird is starting this reply below bug again. i will play with it tomorrow03:53
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
BUGabundo_remoteHave u seen the Sun?I need my photosynthesis!09:15
BUGabundo_remotefta http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4598709:46
BUGabundo_remoteI think this local, not upstream09:46
ftaBUGabundo_remote, which nss do you have?09:48
BUGabundo_remotefta what's the package name?09:51
BUGabundo_remotelibnss-mdns  ?09:51
ftalibnss3-1d (>= 3.12.3)09:52
BUGabundo_remote *** 3.12.6-2 0        500 http://ftp.debian.org unstable/main Packages09:53
ftanot sure what those ms-like nss error codes are10:08
ftacan't start gwibber anymore10:29
BUGabundo_remoteold old kerneç10:35
BUGabundo_remote.34 won't work10:36
BUGabundo_remoteto much restrictions10:36
ftawhen i try to start gwibber, it complains with "Unable to find listening port" and apport pops up for gwibber, gwibber-service and desktopcouch-service10:49
BUGabundo_remotereboot to kernel .32 and it works10:51
ftabug 58965611:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 589656 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "help -> report a problem doesn't work on Maverick (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58965611:18
ftaweird, that was 3 days ago, but i just got a new kernel this morning11:21
BUGabundo_remoteI still can't install the new kernel11:37
ftagot 2.6.35-1.1 this morning11:39
ftaoh, it's from friday11:40
BUGabundo_remoteĩ can't complains12:05
BUGabundo_remoteabout missing image12:06
gnomefreakfix me :(12:08
DASPRiDu r unfixable :P12:23
gnomefreaknot a chance in hell to get the usb stick to mount12:23
* DASPRiD tries to put some glue on gnomefreak, but it doesn't stick12:23
DASPRiDgnomefreak, i also once had a usb stick which didnt want to automount12:24
DASPRiDi had to mount it manually12:24
gnomefreakDASPRiD: not sure how to do that never had to before. i have a theroy on how. still not sure if it really is sdd1 either12:25
DASPRiDgnomefreak, do: sudo fdisk -l12:25
DASPRiDfind the partition (/dev/sd*)12:25
DASPRiDyou can recognize it by the size usually12:25
* gnomefreak doesnt care much about the data at this point. 12:25
DASPRiDor look in gparted, there you get more information12:25
DASPRiDheh okay ;)12:26
gnomefreakDASPRiD: http://paste.ubuntu.com/446047/ im not seing it there12:28
gnomefreakthe red light is lit on stick but not mounted12:28
* gnomefreak not seeing 4gig anywher ein that list12:31
gnomefreakwell gparted doesnt help either oh well12:45
BUGabundo_remotegnomefreak: none of my usb *disk* will  automount13:24
BUGabundo_remoteand e-sata no mather what I do, won't automount13:24
BUGabundo_remoteusbpendrives work fine :\13:24
BUGabundo_remoteits weird13:24
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: mine worked fine until i corrupted the drive (windows XP tells me that)13:25
gnomefreaknot formated right or something like that13:26
gnomefreakits not really that its not auto mounting but more of it doesnt recognize the drivenothing shows me that it is even there13:27
gnomefreakthe red light is lit on the drive but that is the closest i come. gparted and fsdisk do not show it so i dont where it even is13:29
gnomefreaknothing i have found in repos works13:29
BUGabundo_remoteplug it, and format it?13:35
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: that would work great if it saw the disk at all13:36
BUGabundo_remotefdisk or dmesg doesn't show it?13:36
gnomefreakplugging it in is the same as not plugging it in  (other then the pretty red light)13:36
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: nope13:36
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: http://paste.ubuntu.com/446047/13:37
gnomefreaki hate to throw it away and have to buy another one13:38
gnomefreakwell looks like 1.9.3 builds now14:04
gnomefreakwhat is the mozilla channel for extensions?14:15
jdstrandchrisccoulson: which apps are using webkit in the hardy update? epiphany and yelp?15:31
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, just epiphany15:31
chrisccoulsonyelp will still be using xulrunner 1.915:31
chrisccoulson(it doesn't work with 1.9.2, so i patched it to not load the new one)15:31
jdstrandchrisccoulson: ok, so we can technically wait on epiphany then, cause the one in hardy will (obviously) continue to use gecko15:32
jdstrand(well, wait on both epiphany and webkit)15:33
jdstrandI have very strong reservations about epiphany/webkit due to the ssl cert validation15:33
jdstrandchrisccoulson: also, what is the eta of 3.6.4 going live upstream?15:35
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - i'm not entirely sure atm15:36
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I've been testing build6 -- will you be uploading a final?15:37
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - build6 might be the final, unless mozilla do another respin before release15:37
jdstrandI see15:37
chrisccoulsonhey micahg15:38
jdstrandchrisccoulson: in the past asac and I would wait 24 hours or so after upstream releases. unless there is an amazingly critical vulnerability, I suggest the same for this update15:38
micahghi chrisccoulson15:38
jdstrandchrisccoulson: what do you think?15:38
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm not sure how busy you are, but we should probably start getting extensions in karmic updated15:39
jdstrandit would allow more testing time as well as making sure upstream didn't introduce any regressions15:39
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - yeah, that makes sense15:39
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll start on that tomorrow morning15:39
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: you should have had dart read the wiki. He is not installing it in vmware im 90% sure on that15:40
jdstrandI don't know releaseing on release day if the testing is there... this is just a hairy update15:40
chrisccoulsoni'm going to fix the issues you reported today, as well as the font issue too (hopefully, if I figure it out)15:40
jdstrandand any extra time is probably a good thing15:40
jdstrandI don't mind releasing on release day...15:40
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, no worries15:41
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: what is the "font issue"?15:42
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, ff3.6 ignores the gnome font settings15:42
chrisccoulsonit does that in lucid too, but the fonts look ok because the hinting is set to slight in fontconfig15:43
micahgchrisccoulson: there's one more issue blocking, so probably a respin will be necessary15:43
chrisccoulsonbut in hardy, it is different, and the fonts look terrible after the update15:43
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, thanks15:43
micahgchrisccoulson: I expect 3.5.10 to be released this week early w/out the CVEs15:43
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: oh, right...yeah, that appeared in 3.0 because of an upstream change to fix another issue15:43
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, it seems to only be exposed when we use the in-tree cairo15:44
chrisccoulsondo you know what the other issue was?15:44
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: I think it was this: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38526315:44
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: for performance reasons15:45
ubot4Mozilla bug 385263 in Graphics "[pango] we call FT_Open_Face twice per font" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:45
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: see last comment of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40026515:45
ubot4Mozilla bug 400265 in Graphics "trunk uses wrong (unwanted) rendering engine for fonts" [Major,New]15:46
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, thanks15:47
micahgfta: regarding the patch, I added to xul193, they broke something which doesn't make any logical sense, I'm actually going to switch it to just revert the change they made instead of changing the way it works15:49
jdstrandchrisccoulson: would you mind pinging me when you upload the new xul/ff and whatever fix you had for openjdk/sun-java5 plugins?15:49
micahgthat reminds me, I need to talk to doko :)15:50
ftamicahg, looks like you patched it just to change an --enable-xx to --disable-xx, should not be needed15:50
ftai mean, a patch should not be needed, even if you don't agree with the default value15:51
micahgfta: they dropped the explicit setting of disable in the check and now it doesn't work, so I thought, maybe I'll flip the check, but realized a couple hours later that would change that functionality of configure and wouldn't be accepted15:51
micahgthe simplest change is to add back the if-not to the bool check, which is what I'm going to do and let them figure out why it doesn't work anymore w/out it15:52
micahgfta: full discussion at mozilla 57044015:57
ubot4Mozilla bug 570440 in Build Config "disable-javaxpcom not recognized after configure.in change" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57044015:57
BUGabundo_remotegnomefreak: I'm too. but  then he will be forced  to install fresh16:10
micahgchrisccoulson: looks like it'll be 2 more weeks before I can upload rights, I don't have time to get my wiki page up ATM, I figure we'll be busy enough w/out that anyways :)16:10
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I believe I got the ok to push openjdk for the mozilla updates, I'll try to have this up tonight then16:16
micahgat least for hardy16:16
Milos_SDI have latest update for Firefox 3.7 and xulrunner 1.9.3 ... but I can't start Firefox17:07
Milos_SDthere is Firefox-3.7 process loaded, but there is no gui or anything else :)17:07
ddecatorMilos_SD: try killing the process and starting it again17:09
Milos_SDI tryed that17:09
ddecatorstill no luck?17:09
ddecatortry launching 'firefox-3.7 -P' and create a new profile, see if it will start then17:10
Milos_SDif I watch some system monitor app, I can see that nothing is happening, no cpu usage, and no io/wait17:10
Milos_SDno luck after presing "Start Minefield"17:11
ddecatorstrange..and you're using the mozilla team's daily PPA?17:11
Milos_SDI had a problem like this before, and the problem was in xulrunner17:11
ddecatorcan you pastebin the output you get if you try to start it from a terminal? (paste.ubuntu.com)17:12
Milos_SDand today I had some xulrunner 1.9.3 update17:12
Milos_SDno output17:12
Milos_SDthere is no output17:12
ddecatoroh hey, i'm having the same thing...i wonder if the xr version is past the ff3.7 version again..17:13
micahgddecator: trunk is brok17:14
ddecatormicahg: thanks, i was just about to ping you17:14
Milos_SDxr version is 20100606 and firefox is 2010060517:14
micahgnah, that should be fine17:15
ddecatoryah, both a5 still though17:15
micahgI think trunk is actually broke though17:15
ddecatorlooks like it17:15
micahgalthough ff37 is depwait on xul193, should build soon17:17
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jdstrandchrisccoulson: fyi-- https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=620852 just filed. hopefully a patch will be soon17:56
ubot4Gnome bug 620852 in General "Lacking significant warning on bad certificates" [Critical,Unconfirmed]17:56
ftajdstrand, thanks for copying chromium to lucid17:58
jdstrandfta: oh sure, np. thanks for the update :)17:59
ftamicahg, chrisccoulson; is the ffox35 still used?20:05
ftawell, this one: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/mozillateam--ffox35.html20:05
micahgfta: yes, I'm using it for staging for the FF36 upgrades20:05
micahgfta: BTW, I'll drop the xul193 patch as soon as the one that was approved upstream is checked-in (m-c is currently closed)20:35
ftamicahg, ok20:35
ftamicahg, btw, ff3.7 needs a refresh too. http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/ubuntu-mozilla-daily--ppa.html20:36
micahgfta: k, I'll try to get that in tonight20:37
micahgfta: BTW, I have ddecator working on songbird, and WRT to dailies, I hope towards the end of the month I can fix up my server so that I can take those over20:40
ftaoh my! langpacks.. http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/ubuntu-mozilla-security--ppa.html  :O21:26
micahgfta: yep :)21:28
ftaasac, just released my code for those dashboards21:32
ftamy 1st program in python :S21:32
ftaripps, ^^21:42
ftai hate the text that quickly appears when i open a new tab21:52
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
chrisccoulsonmicahg - we have langpacks with 3.6 translations in the PPA for hardy now22:09
BUGabundoasac: what was that command to see the screen DPI number ?22:44
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo, xdpyinfo will tell you that22:45

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