
czajkowskiakgraner: how's the shoulder03:25
akgranerczajkowski, the should is feeling better but the are isn't03:25
akgranerI find out tomorrow if they were able to move me surgery date up03:26
akgranerI can't wait 3 more weeks03:26
czajkowskiohhh feck03:26
czajkowskimust be bad when you;re admitting that03:26
akgranerand I *hate* admitting that  - but I human :-)03:27
czajkowskifecking calls from exs and not being able to sleep is not a good combo03:27
valorie{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}} to you two03:31
valoriegentle hugs03:31
AlanBellakgraner: I was just wondering if the wiki still needed to be locked down06:32
valorieis anyone lurking in #defocus and such?06:38
valorieuntill the gnaa vs whoever fight is over06:39
valoriewe'll be a target06:39
rwwvalorie: yes06:39
valorieoh good06:39
valorieI never thought we were a primary target06:41
valoriejust a convenient arena for their posturing06:41
hypatiathey are still lurking in #u-w-i06:51
valoriefun, fun06:52
* hypatia sighs06:53
rwwAlanBell: #ubuntu-women-invites07:00
dholbachgood morning07:59
svakshavalorie: gnaa?08:29
* svaksha does not remember all the acronyms08:29
AlanBellsvaksha: that isn't a repeatable one08:30
valoriesorry, shouldn't have repeated that in here09:22
czajkowskihypatia: loved your blog post!17:22
hypatiathanks :)17:24
Pendulumhypatia: that sounds really awesome17:25
Pendulumif manually propelling a wheelchair didn't mean I constantly break nails...17:29
nigelbhypatia: you're blogging again?17:32
hypatianigelb: i wouldn't get too excited, but i'll try to post more :)17:33
nigelbhypatia: I picked up quite recently.  Also, now its very easy to screw things I suppose since the screw would stick to your nails :)17:34
hypatiaoh crap i forgot to mention that!  that's the best part.17:35
jussisomeone want to link me to hypatia's blog?17:35
hypatiaPablos was disassembling his macbook and one of the screws fell out and stuck to his finger :D :D17:35
nigelbhypatia: wow! awesome!17:36
hypatiayeah :D17:36
* nigelb renames hypatia to robogeek!17:36
nigelbAlso, I used to bite my nails as a kid.  My teacher put masking tape on my hands.  Stopped then and there :)17:37
* jussi has zucchini slice in the oven, nom!17:38
jussiI love zucchini slice, not only delicious, its so _easy_ to make :)17:38
nigelbjussi: not a big fan of zucchini :/17:40
Pendulumjussi: yum :)17:40
jussinigelb: dont worry, its not got a really zucchini taste - I am not such a big fan, i find it soggy usually but this is awesome17:40
jussinot including backing time it takes about 10-15 mins to make, depending if youve an electic/automatic grater or not17:41
nigelbthats convinient :)17:41
jussiif anyone wnats the recipe, just pm me. :)17:43
AlanBellhypatia: wow, very cool hack!17:51
czajkowskiPendulum: see cute caoimhe pics :)17:51
AlanBellwould have been handy when ripping jussi's mac to bits17:51
czajkowskioh that was amusing17:52
jussithe mac ripping?17:53
Pendulumthere was a spa there, we could have all had our nails done for it17:53
jussioh lol17:59
jussithey dont show the dirt very well...17:59
jussiand poor AlanBell's face got hidden...18:00
AlanBellyeah, I am just a collection of body parts in the photos18:00
* AlanBell could have phrased that better18:00
czajkowskiAlanBell: bless :p18:01
jussiand this photo... well I just get reminded of popey's disgust for maplesyrup + bacon.... http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1678004/in/album/37681018:01
AlanBellfor example: http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1678029/in/album/37681018:01
czajkowskiAlanBell: http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1678002/size/80018:01
czajkowskioh bacon and syrup18:02
pleia2akgraner: who do we talk to to get our wiki un-locked-down?18:02
czajkowskipleia2: elmo?18:03
popey:) work of the devil, that stuff18:03
pleia2czajkowski: ok, I know they were doing some investigation on a couple things, wasn't sure who was heading that up18:03
czajkowskipleia2: ah ok18:04
akgranerpleia2, sorry just got back18:15
akgranerhad to see about getting my AC fixed in my car18:15
czajkowskiakgraner: you're all out broken aren't you18:15
akgraneryeah - well it was about time something broke in my car :-)18:16
akgraner4 years and almost 150K in miles something was bound to need fixing soon :-)18:16
akgranerpleia2, did you get that worked out or do you still need someone?18:17
Pendulumakgraner: well done that this was the first18:17
pleia2akgraner: we still need someone18:17
akgranerPendulum, I thought so :-)  I do try to take care of my stuff18:17
akgranerpleia2, ok  - hmmm I thought we would be able to un-lock18:18
pleia2if we do, I don't know how :)18:18
pleia2would be nice to know htough18:18
akgranerI was just going to ask in the sysadmin channel then email elmo as well :-)18:19
AlanBellmight be worth locking the front page down still18:19
pleia2would also be nice to know if us wiki admins can block individual users18:19
akgranerpleia2, one sec and let's figure out what all we would like to do and let's just send one email18:20
pleia2thank you :)18:20
akgranerI just walked in the door :-) need to grab something to drink and move to a more comfortable seat...18:21
pleia2no problem, take your time18:21
pleia2so my questions: Can the admins listed at http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/AdminGroup block individual users and do they have the ability to turn on/off wiki-wide immutable status?18:22
* pleia2 back to work now18:22
akgranergotcha :-)  I'll shoot you a link once I have it drafted for you to tweak if need be - thanks18:25
MarkDudeakgraner, when can I best be used for SELF. I am trying to figure out my schedule for Friday. Courtney can help with Ubucon on part of Friday also19:08
akgraneroh awesome!19:08
akgranerFriday I could use someone - for a couple of hours, and Sunday for an hour or so.  If any wants to they can also help at the Ubuntu Booth on Saturday as well.19:09
MarkDudeWe'll have to do some stuff prepping for Zareason booth. We'' be busy there during expo hours19:09
czajkowskiakgraner: fly me over and I'll be there :p19:09
akgranerright now looks like we will have 103 people attending the UbuCon on Friday and almost 90 on Sunday19:09
pleia2wow, nice :)19:10
akgranerczajkowski, oh if I were wealthy  - I so would :-)19:10
akgranerpleia2, yeah I thought so19:10
akgranernow I am wondering if the room is big enough :-/19:10
MarkDudeWe might have some time Thursday night, depending on when we get the shuttle over. We are staying in the sketchville section of Charlotte on Wed19:11
akgranerahh ok - hmmm I was trying to see if my schedule would allow for time and I would drive up and pick you all up19:11
akgranerLet me see if one of my parents or my sister can pick ya up19:12
akgranerit's an hour+ from Charlotte to Spartanburg19:12
akgranerI'd hate for you to pay for a shuttle/taxi19:12
MarkDudeok, gtswagger told me he should be able to get a shuttle ride, still have not heard the price :(19:13
akgranerMarkDude, ok let me know - I have to go over to my parents tonight - I'll still ask them19:13
MarkDudeAs long as we need not hitchike :)19:13
akgranerthey are good peoples :-)  and they're nicer than me19:13
MarkDudeSounds good19:14
* MarkDude is afraid that Dale Peterson will be there to pick me up :D19:14
MarkDudeSELF off topic scared me19:15
MarkDude<joking> O deservedly got teased for the dude thing19:15
ikoniahello, can I please get an except from #ubuntu-women I don't wear a members cloak so can't get back in after my session dropped20:01
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
Pendulumone of my mates just bought a netbook with "Windows 7 Starter Edition"22:59
Pendulumturns out Starter Edition is shorthand for "will not let you do anything including change your wallpaper without upgrading at a cost of $119-$219"23:00
AlanBelltime to install Ubuntu Finished Edition23:00
PendulumI've already suggested it to her23:00
PendulumI'm a little nervous because she got an Eee a couple years ago that I think must have been a lemon so I'm not sure how Linux-friendly she feels23:01
ellymaybe we should start marketing it as Ubuntu Ultimate?23:02
PendulumI've pointed out that Ubuntu as an OS is small enough that she can even choose between the netbook edition and the full version23:03
czajkowskielly: your @hat is showing :)23:10
ellyindeed it is, czajkowski23:10
ellyif I take it off, it disappears :P23:10
czajkowskielly: not very helpful23:22
ellyelky opped me here after I got ops in #u-w23:22
czajkowskielly: right bbut you don't need to remain opped up23:23
ellyczajkowski: yeah - I just can't reop myself if I deop23:23
czajkowskipleia2: ping23:24
pleia2czajkowski: hey23:25
czajkowskipleia2: can you help sort out elly op issue otherwise she remains opped up which isn't nice to see23:25
rwwhow come #ubuntu-women-project and #ubuntu-women have different access lists, anyway? I remember this being an issue for someone the other day too :\23:25
Pendulumit was one for me23:26
pleia2rww: we don't need as many ops here :)23:26
PendulumI was told I had ops here, but I couldn't op up or something like that23:26
ellyatheme has a feature in the works that will allow mirrored access lists, by the way23:26
Pendulumpersonally, I think it's a little confusing because most people assume if you have ops in one, you have ops in both23:26
czajkowskipleia2: thats what I thought23:26
ellywell, here23:26
ellyI do not feel like I really need ops here23:27
pleia2elly: sorted now23:27
czajkowskipleia2: cheers23:27
ellyoh, well, thanks :)23:27
pleia2Pendulum: you too23:27
czajkowskielly: sorry, it's just not nie seeing opped up folks unless there is a need23:27
ellyczajkowski: no, I quite understand23:28
czajkowskigrand job23:28
macoelly: there *is* an Ubuntu Ultimate Edition. it's not supported in #ubuntu23:34
ellymaco: haha, really?23:34
macoelly: yeah its an unofficial derivative23:35
rww(it isn't surprisingly enough, ultimate)23:36
* rww throws another comma in there23:36
czajkowski 11.04 UDS - October 25-29 (2010)23:37
czajkowski        11.10 UDS - May 9-13 (2011)23:37
czajkowski        12.04 UDS - October 24-28 (2011)23:37
Pendulumnigelb: ^^23:37
JanC"Ubuntu Ultimate Edition" was really "Ubuntu Ultimately Illegal Edition"  ;)23:41
macoJanC: so um... Mint?23:47
IdleOnegood for the breath23:51
JanCmaco: Mint at least doesn't pretend it's Ubuntu and provides its own support?  ;)23:58
JanC(and it seems to be better engineered too)23:58

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