Ian_corne | aah, I'm glad wifi works again :) | 00:04 |
BUGabundo | now fix video codecs too | 00:07 |
Ian_corne | What's broken? | 00:09 |
Ian_corne | I'm watching avi's atm | 00:09 |
BUGabundo | humm | 00:14 |
BUGabundo | I couldn'ti can retest | 00:14 |
BUGabundo | No suitable decoder module: | 00:15 |
BUGabundo | VLC does not support the audio or video format "avc1". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this. | 00:15 |
Ian_corne | Vlc. | 00:15 |
BUGabundo | totem is busy playing music | 00:16 |
BUGabundo | cause pygtk is broken for exaile | 00:16 |
Ian_corne | BUGabundo: doesn't vlc have it's own codecs? | 00:16 |
BUGabundo | no | 00:16 |
Ian_corne | oh | 00:17 |
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker` | ||
bjsnider | vlc uses ffmpeg for codecs. so whatever ffmpeg has, vlc can play | 00:46 |
BUGabundo | but since maverick has all codecs broken | 00:47 |
BUGabundo | I can't play nothing with any player | 00:47 |
bjsnider | libavcodec can play vc1 files | 00:48 |
BUGabundo | well them some update is not fixing it for me | 00:50 |
BUGabundo | the bug we filed for the codecs is closed | 00:50 |
BUGabundo | and me and some others users, can't play squat | 00:50 |
bjsnider | videolan will pass along a bit more info if you open it in a console | 00:57 |
BUGabundo | $ videolan | 01:04 |
BUGabundo | videolan: command not found | 01:04 |
BUGabundo | [0x211ecb8] main decoder warning: cannot load module `/usr/lib/vlc/codec/libavcodec_plugin.so' (libavutil.so.49: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) | 01:04 |
bjsnider | ah, there you go | 01:05 |
bjsnider | install libavutil | 01:05 |
bjsnider | libavutil-49 | 01:05 |
bjsnider | wait, it's called libavutil49 i think | 01:05 |
BUGabundo | bjsnider: wants to remove libavutil49-extra | 01:07 |
bjsnider | ok, so it's already installed, but this is an old version | 01:08 |
BUGabundo | yes | 01:08 |
BUGabundo | we are on 50 | 01:08 |
bjsnider | why do you have the old version? | 01:08 |
BUGabundo | but -50 wants to remove half my OS | 01:08 |
BUGabundo | I do have libavutil-extra-50 | 01:09 |
bjsnider | have you got any ppas or other outside maverick sources? | 01:09 |
BUGabundo | $ dpkg -l | grep libavutil | pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/446902/ | 01:09 |
BUGabundo | several | 01:09 |
bjsnider | what about vlc? where did it come from? | 01:10 |
BUGabundo | $ apt-cache policy vlc | pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/446904/ | 01:10 |
BUGabundo | archive | 01:10 |
bjsnider | i wonder if it was built before or after ffmpeg. it needs to be rebuilt after a new ffmpeg version like that | 01:11 |
bjsnider | you have 2 ffmpeg versions in there conflicting with each other and you need to resolve that | 01:12 |
bjsnider | actually you have 3 ffmpeg versions | 01:13 |
BUGabundo | at least now I have video | 01:13 |
BUGabundo | cool | 01:13 |
BUGabundo | guess I can sleep now | 01:13 |
BUGabundo | thanks bjsnider | 01:13 |
BUGabundo | :) | 01:13 |
sebsebseb | Anyone active here? | 01:38 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, I believe so unless they are all in europe which means they are asleep :) | 01:39 |
sebsebseb | coz_: no not everyone in Europe is asleep | 01:39 |
sebsebseb | anyway look at this | 01:39 |
sebsebseb | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/1.199 | 01:40 |
sebsebseb | bye bye aptitude and tasksel it seems | 01:40 |
coz_ | mmm | 01:40 |
sebsebseb | tasksel is used by Debian, and not Ubuntu as far as I know | 01:41 |
coz_ | I wonderif this is already in repositories | 01:41 |
coz_ | let me check | 01:41 |
sebsebseb | ,but removing aptitude is bound to annoy quite a few more experienced users | 01:41 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, yeah I never use aptitude myself...only apt but for sure it will irritate if that is the case | 01:42 |
sebsebseb | coz_: yeah | 01:43 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, I dont see this in the current updates so far | 01:44 |
bruce89 | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/1.199 | 01:45 |
coz_ | bruce89, yea :) that is what we have been talking about | 01:45 |
bruce89 | I found out on identica today | 01:46 |
coz_ | well from that link tasksel if only removed from minimal | 01:47 |
coz_ | aptitude from standard | 01:47 |
bruce89 | I have a theory about the hidious gnome-terminal background | 01:47 |
coz_ | what;s the theory? :) | 01:49 |
bruce89 | they're driving people from the CLI you see | 01:49 |
sebsebseb | coz_: http://identi.ca/conversation/35175401 | 01:54 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, oo already upset :) | 01:55 |
bruce89 | I'll declare that I'm a Fedora person now | 01:55 |
sebsebseb | coz_: uh? | 01:55 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, according to that link people are upset already :) | 01:55 |
sebsebseb | coz_: well this distro is really for the newbies and those that want to help them, starting with 9.04 | 01:56 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, fedora / debian are to "anal" about gpl for my tastes | 01:56 |
sebsebseb | coz_: Ubuntu I mean | 01:56 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, right understood | 01:56 |
sebsebseb | its not so much for expereinced users anymore really | 01:56 |
sebsebseb | so yeah bye bye aptitude and tasksel I guess | 01:57 |
bruce89 | coz_: because they actually care about freedom | 01:57 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, well... the way I look at it is... ubuntu is what you make of it | 01:57 |
bruce89 | instead of market share like sebsebseb here | 01:57 |
coz_ | maybe but I have been with ubuntu since day one... so ... I even have the install disks | 01:58 |
sebsebseb | I don't want loads of people to use Windows :) or Mac OS X, but mainly Windows | 01:58 |
sebsebseb | coz_: second release in 2005 for me | 01:58 |
sebsebseb | not my first distro though | 01:58 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, not mine either ...actually I was using BeOs at the time | 01:58 |
bruce89 | coz_: i kind of was | 01:58 |
sebsebseb | !freedom | 01:58 |
ubottu | freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing | 01:58 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, i switch as many of my clients over to ubuntu as possible and not a single one has had complaints but loads of compliments | 01:59 |
sebsebseb | coz_: oh? | 02:00 |
sebsebseb | loads of them have complained about Ubuntu, thats what your saying? | 02:00 |
bruce89 | compliments != complaints | 02:01 |
bruce89 | != == not equal | 02:01 |
bruce89 | quiet ubottu | 02:01 |
coz_ | bruce89, no no...many have onlly given praise to ubuntu | 02:01 |
bruce89 | I know, I was explaining the differences in the words to seb | 02:02 |
coz_ | oh sorry :) | 02:02 |
bruce89 | no problem | 02:02 |
sebsebseb | bruce89: you know I don't understand that == stuff and what not, useaully | 02:03 |
sebsebseb | if ever | 02:03 |
bruce89 | no matter how many times we explain it | 02:03 |
bruce89 | not equal is equal to not equal it meant | 02:04 |
bruce89 | http://identi.ca/conversation/35246956 | 02:07 |
coz_ | bruce89, oooo synaptic at some point? I will complain then :) | 02:10 |
sebsebseb | coz_: Synaptic is going to be replaced by Software Centre in 10.10 | 02:10 |
sebsebseb | as far as I know | 02:10 |
sebsebseb | in the default install | 02:10 |
bruce89 | yes | 02:10 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, oo mmm... what about "history" freezing an application though... with this be available via software centre | 02:11 |
sebsebseb | coz_: whats that? | 02:12 |
bruce89 | pinning | 02:12 |
coz_ | sorry about that | 02:12 |
bruce89 | pinning a specific version of a package | 02:12 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, in synaptic you can vie | 02:12 |
coz_ | view histroy | 02:13 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, or freeze an application version | 02:13 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, would be nice if available in software centre as well | 02:13 |
sebsebseb | Synaptic is great, software centre realy isn't so far, except for the looks | 02:13 |
coz_ | agreed | 02:14 |
bruce89 | they should have got rid of synaptic and software-center | 02:14 |
bruce89 | and rely on the aptitude GUI | 02:14 |
bruce89 | or heaven forbid, packagekit-gnome | 02:14 |
coz_ | bruce89, well so far.... my clients all love synaptic... I think it is a cool front end and easily understood | 02:14 |
sebsebseb | bruce89: maybe, but they can't sell commercial apps with those? | 02:14 |
bruce89 | coz_: indeed, the UI is a bit yucky | 02:15 |
sebsebseb | bruce89: which ui is a bit yucky? | 02:15 |
bruce89 | synaptic's | 02:15 |
bruce89 | last I used it that is | 02:16 |
coz_ | bruce89, well it is simple looking but that is one of it's "ease of use" factors I believe | 02:17 |
bruce89 | sorry I keep banging on about PackageKit, but it really is a lovely system | 02:17 |
sebsebseb | Synaptic is great | 02:17 |
bruce89 | cov_: it wasn't that, it was the icons and the treeview size being all wide | 02:17 |
sebsebseb | it may be a bit old looking though, but even so | 02:17 |
sebsebseb | Synaptic is great | 02:17 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, I agree :) | 02:17 |
sebsebseb | well Gnome 2 is also a bit old looking, but it is great, without those not that good Canonical changes of course bruce89 | 02:18 |
bruce89 | I always used aptitude anyway, I like not having old packages lying around | 02:18 |
sebsebseb | however since Gnome Shell doesn't seem popular with a lot of Ubuntu users who have tried it so far | 02:18 |
bruce89 | because the version in ubuntu is bloody old | 02:18 |
sebsebseb | these Canonical edits, may turn into something good | 02:18 |
sebsebseb | bruce89: even those that done the ppa | 02:18 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, gome shell would be great if they actually incorporated that mock up of "Clever windows" | 02:19 |
sebsebseb | seems quite a lot of them don't like it | 02:19 |
sebsebseb | coz_: link>? | 02:20 |
sebsebseb | link? | 02:20 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, sure hold on | 02:20 |
bruce89 | coz_: the task pooper? | 02:20 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, bruce89 http://www.stefanoforenza.com/clever-windows-management-for-gnome/ | 02:21 |
bruce89 | the magic of gnome-shell is that things like that can be done relatively easily | 02:21 |
coz_ | bruce89, that would be cool ... sort of compiz replace ment although I would stick with ocmpiz | 02:22 |
coz_ | compiz | 02:22 |
bruce89 | DISCLAIMER: I'm a GNOME contributor | 02:22 |
coz_ | :) | 02:22 |
sebsebseb | yeah he translates Gnome into real English | 02:22 |
sebsebseb | yes I mean British English :D | 02:23 |
bruce89 | I haven't had any bugs filed yet, I don't think people know the difference | 02:23 |
sebsebseb | coz_: yeah that looks ok that video | 02:27 |
sebsebseb | I guess they used compiz to make it though? | 02:27 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, i think it was done in blender actually :) | 02:27 |
sebsebseb | coz_: compiz uhmm never really got far with it effect wide, can do the cube and wobberly windows and thatsa bout it | 02:27 |
sebsebseb | and compiz gets boring | 02:27 |
sebsebseb | and if I want eye candy more of it, well KDE | 02:28 |
bruce89 | gnome-shell never will! | 02:28 |
sebsebseb | and I like keep it simple stupid, hence why I like Gnome 2 | 02:28 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, I disagree... in fact a fellow working in the city of Largo florida had switched the entire city governemnt computers over to linux suse I believe along with compiz | 02:28 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, they love it | 02:28 |
coz_ | let me get his blog link | 02:28 |
bruce89 | sebsebseb: why not LXDE | 02:28 |
sebsebseb | bruce89: LXDE is also nice | 02:29 |
sebsebseb | ,but | 02:29 |
sebsebseb | I have used Gnome since 2004 :) | 02:29 |
sebsebseb | so rather used to Gnome 2 by now | 02:29 |
bruce89 | good thing that 3.0 is really 2.32 | 02:29 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, http://davelargo.blogspot.com/ we talk with him on occasion in #compiz-dev and #compiz when he is trying out new stuff | 02:29 |
sebsebseb | bruce89: why? | 02:29 |
bruce89 | because that's what it is called | 02:29 |
sebsebseb | also what about virtual machines, apparnatly can't do compiz in them? or Gnome Shell at the moment? | 02:29 |
sebsebseb | well thats not very good then | 02:29 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, I think that is waht the Nomad project is partily about | 02:30 |
coz_ | partly | 02:30 |
bruce89 | that's what gnome-panel3 is for | 02:30 |
sebsebseb | coz_: Nomad? the Gnome legacy one or? | 02:30 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, no the Novel project I believe that is its name let me check | 02:30 |
sebsebseb | coz_: you make Compiz? | 02:30 |
bruce89 | sebsebseb: Unity will save you | 02:30 |
sebsebseb | bruce89: no it won't | 02:30 |
sebsebseb | thats only for netbook version | 02:30 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, no I am part of the support team and graphics for compiz | 02:31 |
bruce89 | UNOME will then | 02:31 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, http://en.opensuse.org/Nomad | 02:31 |
sebsebseb | bruce89 loves Compiz! :D | 02:31 |
bruce89 | sebsebseb loves being annoying | 02:31 |
coz_ | :) | 02:31 |
sebsebseb | yeah he doesn't seem to like it much | 02:32 |
coz_ | Nomad is david raveman's baby I believe...same guy that created | 02:32 |
coz_ | compiz initially | 02:32 |
bruce89 | sebsebseb: I'll thank you to not air my opinions, I'll do that | 02:32 |
sebsebseb | right bruce89 lets try and find out here since your wondering | 02:35 |
sebsebseb | Can Ubuntu play WebM? | 02:35 |
bruce89 | maverick no doubt can | 02:35 |
coz_ | oh let me ask this again now that a few people are here... I notice in maverick global rgba however some applicatoins are not wroking properly with that ...ie some game but where would the conf file be to disable those applications for rgba? I cannot find /etc/probile.d/gtkrgba.sh | 02:36 |
sebsebseb | coz_: yeah this rgba stuff transparant look, thats something I am interested in, but other distros can already do it | 02:38 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, its already on my maverick system but some apps are not rgba ready or some I just want to exclude from it | 02:38 |
coz_ | cant't find the conf file for it though | 02:39 |
coz_ | ah well another day maybe :) | 02:39 |
coz_ | right now I have to break .. be back later | 02:39 |
coz_ | thanks guys for the completely offtopic conversation :) | 02:40 |
bruce89 | coz_: that was only added to GTK+ 3 hours ago | 02:40 |
bruce89 | http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=client-side-decorations&id=68a12cf28c12778942690d58d7d83b86286ece52 | 02:40 |
coz_ | bruce89, oh? | 02:40 |
coz_ | ah | 02:40 |
coz_ | bruce89, well its on my system :) | 02:40 |
sebsebseb | coz_: I thought bruce89 would know something, so told him to look here again | 02:40 |
bruce89 | due to Ubuntu patching an experimental branch of GTK+ in to their packages | 02:41 |
coz_ | bruce89, oh isee. mm ok I need to learn how to disable some apps with this | 02:42 |
coz_ | it was easy when I installed global rgba on karmic since the /etc/profile.d/gtkrgba.sh file was there | 02:42 |
coz_ | anyway I really do need to break here be back hopefully later :) | 02:43 |
jcastro | if someone see's coz when he comes back you can do "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" | 02:46 |
jcastro | that should allow the app to work | 02:46 |
avi_ | anyone know if Maverick will support the absolutely needed function to wake from suspend/sleep? | 02:47 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
BUGabundo_remote | yes mummy,I won't dance in the rain! | 09:01 |
ripps | I have a question, how come If I do `sudo nano code.c` there's no color highlight, but if I do it normally with `nano` or I enter a root environmet with `sudo -i` color works. | 09:50 |
Ian_corne | Because you don't have the config files in /root/ but do have them in your homedir | 09:52 |
Ian_corne | and sudo -i uses your homedir's config files | 09:52 |
ripps | Ian_corne: ah, that might explain it. what files do add to /root/ to get that working? | 09:52 |
Ian_corne | never having used nano for real, but I think .nanorc or something? | 09:53 |
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er | ||
nessita | good morning +1 crowd! I upgraded my desktop computer to maverick yesterday, and the eth0 interface is gone. Can I have some help please? :-) | 12:45 |
Ian_corne | morning | 12:45 |
nessita | hi Ian_corne | 12:45 |
Ian_corne | nessita: check if network isn't disabled in the network manager | 12:46 |
nessita | Ian_corne: I have not NM installed, I specifically uninstalled it in Lucid to be able to have a fixed IP | 12:47 |
Ian_corne | nessita: you can still have a fixed IP(on boot) if you input the details in /etc/network/interfaces | 12:48 |
Ian_corne | but that's beside the point | 12:48 |
Ian_corne | ifconfig eth0 up do anything? | 12:48 |
nessita | Ian_corne: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such Device | 12:49 |
Ian_corne | if you run ifconfig -a | 12:49 |
Ian_corne | does it show then? | 12:49 |
Ian_corne | oh | 12:49 |
Ian_corne | maybe it's been renamed to eth1 | 12:49 |
nessita | same error | 12:49 |
Ian_corne | try ifconfig -a to list all your thingies | 12:49 |
Ian_corne | hmm | 12:49 |
nessita | it just lists lo and vboxnet0 | 12:49 |
Ian_corne | is it in a virtualbox? | 12:50 |
nessita | nopes | 12:50 |
nessita | it has viertualbox installed | 12:50 |
nessita | I can uninstall it with no problem, if it will help | 12:51 |
Ian_corne | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1503296&page=2 I think this guy has the same problem | 12:51 |
nessita | (can't think how will it help, but hey) | 12:51 |
Ian_corne | Don't see any answer yet tho | 12:51 |
Ian_corne | file a bug report? | 12:51 |
nessita | Ian_corne: sure | 12:52 |
Ian_corne | is it a clean install | 12:52 |
Ian_corne | or upgrade? | 12:52 |
Ian_corne | oh upgrade | 12:52 |
yofel | checked dmesg? it should list the network card there when it initializes it | 12:52 |
Ian_corne | you could try deleting /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules | 12:52 |
Ian_corne | and rebooting | 12:52 |
Ian_corne | that also | 12:52 |
nessita | Ian_corne: replaced by hand lucid by maverick in sources.list and then aptitude update plus aptitude dist-upgrade | 12:53 |
nessita | Ian_corne: what project should I file the bug into? | 12:53 |
Ian_corne | well, do what yofel said first :) | 12:53 |
Ian_corne | I'm actually not sure which package to file this bug under | 12:54 |
nessita | yofel: there is no eth0, not "interface" word in dmesg | 12:54 |
nessita | I do see the Ethernet card in lspci | 12:54 |
yofel | nessita: search for 'Network' maybe? | 12:55 |
nessita | yofel: got this match: | 12:55 |
nessita | e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 1.0.2-k4 | 12:56 |
nessita | copyright bla bla | 12:56 |
nessita | alloc irq_desc for 10 on node -1 | 12:56 |
nessita | and it follows, want me to copy more? | 12:57 |
yofel | hm, any error? as it works fine here | 12:57 |
yofel | [ 1.762019] e1000e 0000:00:19.0: eth0: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection | 12:57 |
yofel | 2.6.35-1 | 12:57 |
nessita | yofel: same kernel version for me | 12:58 |
yofel | ok, network card: 00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection (rev 06) | 12:58 |
nessita | yofel: I don't have a line like that | 12:59 |
yofel | nessita: can you pastebin the whole dmesg output maybe? 'dmesg | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com' | 12:59 |
yofel | nessita: that was from lspci | 12:59 |
yofel | the previous one was from dmesg though | 12:59 |
nessita | yofel: how can I paste it? hmmm I guess I can copy the output to a USB stick | 12:59 |
nessita | and then read it from the laptop | 12:59 |
nessita | and theeeen pastebin it :-) | 12:59 |
yofel | ah yeah ^^ | 12:59 |
* nessita does | 13:00 | |
nessita | yofel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/591702 | 13:07 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 591702 in Ubuntu "After upgrade lucid -> maverick eth0 interface is gone" [Undecided,New] | 13:07 |
nessita | yofel: I attached the outputs there (dmesg, lspci, and the interfaces file) | 13:07 |
nessita | yofel: I'm not sure if it's related but I uninstalled network manager while being on Lucid, and now the static definition for eth0 is commented out in the interfaces file (it wasn't before) | 13:08 |
yofel | from dmesg: | 13:12 |
yofel | [ 2.982706] e1000e 0000:00:19.0: PCI INT A disabled | 13:12 |
yofel | [ 2.982814] e1000e: probe of 0000:00:19.0 failed with error -3 | 13:12 |
nessita | yofel: ouch | 13:13 |
nessita | what does that mean? :-0 | 13:13 |
yofel | no idea | 13:13 |
yofel | I'll assign it to the kernel | 13:13 |
nessita | yofel: is there anyone I can talk to about this? I kind of need that computer to work :-/ | 13:14 |
yofel | I hate to say this, but you do have backups? | 13:15 |
yofel | and let me ping someone | 13:15 |
yofel | nessita: can you add the output of 'uname -a' to the bug please? | 13:16 |
nessita | yofel: no I don't, I was convinced the upgrade would be smooth -- I was expecting issues with the video but not network, je | 13:17 |
nessita | yofel: sure I can, anything else? | 13:17 |
nessita | like the output of ifconfig eth0 up? | 13:17 |
yofel | actually... | 13:17 |
Ian_corne | yofel: not like anything's lost | 13:17 |
yofel | nessita: can you run 'sudo apport-cli linux' on that pc? Save the report, copy it to your other pc and file the bug from there, we'll get a lot more info with that | 13:18 |
nessita | yofel: sure | 13:19 |
yofel | (file a new bug, and mark the old one a dup of the new one) | 13:19 |
nessita | Ian_corne: shall I still try the removal of the file you mentioned in udev? | 13:19 |
Ian_corne | check that file out first | 13:20 |
Ian_corne | if you see anything wrong, remove it, it'll get generated next time | 13:20 |
Ian_corne | but if there's anything wrong, it should just name your device eth1 | 13:20 |
nessita | Ian_corne: I see nothing weird, though I'm not sure what weird is in this context :-) | 13:21 |
yofel | nessita: oh, and can you try one of the kernels from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ? especially 2.6.35-rc2 | 13:25 |
nessita | yofel: how can I try one of those? | 13:25 |
yofel | meh, rc2 failed to build | 13:26 |
yofel | maybe try http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/ and see if it works with 34 | 13:26 |
yofel | nessita: just download the deb files (the _all ones and the ones for your architecture) and install them | 13:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | nessita: two things: | 13:27 |
yofel | like with 'sudo dpkg -i linux*.deb' | 13:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | the proper method to upgrade is update-manager -d | 13:27 |
yofel | nessita: after you copied them to the other pc | 13:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | 2nd: maverick is alpha software | 13:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | it can and *will* cause brakage | 13:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | if you need stable production OS , please refer to lucid or other stable releases | 13:28 |
yofel | nessita: download the headers and the image, you don't need the source | 13:28 |
BUGabundo_remote | no support is garanteed in Maverick | 13:28 |
nessita | BUGabundo_remote: I know, I work for Canonical and I'm helping testing the aplha release of Maverick :-) | 13:28 |
BUGabundo_remote | ahahah | 13:29 |
nessita | BUGabundo_remote: and update-manager -d didn't offer the possibility to update to maverick | 13:29 |
BUGabundo_remote | complain to your boss then :) | 13:29 |
BUGabundo_remote | yes it does | 13:29 |
BUGabundo_remote | since alpha1 is out | 13:29 |
BUGabundo_remote | several of the users in here did it | 13:29 |
patdk-wk | unless you have it set to only show lts releases | 13:29 |
yofel | you need to set update-manager to accest non-lts releases first | 13:29 |
BUGabundo_remote | correct | 13:29 |
yofel | s/accest/accept/ | 13:30 |
* BUGabundo_remote keeps forgetting LL is lTS | 13:30 | |
nessita | BUGabundo_remote: my boss couldn't did it either, he did the dist-upgrade as well. | 13:30 |
nessita | BUGabundo_remote: ah, I probably dn't have the non LTS option enabled | 13:30 |
nessita | anyways, I don't like graphical tools, I strongly prefer command line | 13:31 |
nessita | yofel: new bug report is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/591707 and I maked the fomer one as dup of this one | 13:31 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 591707 in linux (Ubuntu) "After upgrade lucid -> maverick eth0 interface is gone" [Undecided,New] | 13:31 |
nessita | yofel: so, next step, to try kernel 2.6.34. I'll download those and install | 13:32 |
patdk-wk | hmm, I can't get my e1000's to messup :( | 13:32 |
nessita | patdk-wk: I had a static config in /etc/network/interfaces | 13:33 |
nessita | patdk-wk: no idea if it's related, but maybe? | 13:33 |
patdk-wk | nope, that happens much much later after your issue :) | 13:34 |
nessita | yofel: when installing the -34 kernel I see several "dkms_autoinstaller: Build failed. Installation skipped." | 13:51 |
nessita | for nvidia module at least | 13:51 |
nessita | yofel: shall I reboot the same? | 13:52 |
nessita | yofel: confirmed no eth0 on 2.6.34-020634 | 14:11 |
gnomefreak | 2.6.34? | 14:12 |
nessita | gnomefreak: yeap, I was testing 2.6.34 because I have no eth0 on 2.6.35 either | 14:12 |
gnomefreak | ah | 14:13 |
nessita | yofel: eth0 on kernel 2.6.32-22 does work, though video is awful | 14:20 |
patdk-wk | strange | 14:25 |
nessita | patdk-wk: any other idea? :-) | 14:31 |
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger | ||
patdk-wk | nope | 14:39 |
patdk-wk | only thing I can think of is maybe a change in your southbridge or something in the kernel source | 14:39 |
patdk-wk | why it would affect you but not me | 14:39 |
patdk-wk | not really sure | 14:39 |
nessita | patdk-wk: but why will -32 kernel work and not 34/35? | 14:40 |
patdk-wk | oviously something changed :) | 14:40 |
patdk-wk | if e1000 works for me but not you, Idoubt it was the e1000 driver that changed | 14:41 |
* nessita is sad | 14:42 | |
nessita | patdk-wk: how did you upgrade? | 14:50 |
dupondje | the xorg updates are almost thare | 15:09 |
dupondje | damn :) | 15:09 |
yofel | patdk-wk: are you using e1000 or e1000e? they're not the same | 15:10 |
yofel | e1000e works fine here though | 15:11 |
yofel | didn't try my other notebook yet | 15:11 |
patdk-wk | hmm, dunno, lets see | 15:11 |
patdk-wk | normal e1000 | 15:12 |
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna | ||
* gnomefreak hates bugs | 15:13 | |
patdk-wk | hmm, e1000e doesn't work on that system | 15:17 |
patdk-wk | I have two other systems I could try it on, but neither have maverick on them | 15:17 |
patdk-wk | and these two systems are using e1000e :) | 15:18 |
nessita | patdk-wk: e1000e worked perfectly for me till yesterday, and I was running lucid with latest updates | 15:20 |
patdk-wk | well, both of my e1000e systems are lucid | 15:20 |
patdk-wk | but yes, it's the >2.6.33 kernel issue probably | 15:20 |
patdk-wk | well, >= | 15:20 |
patdk-wk | guess I will have to setup maverick on one of these to test :) | 15:21 |
nessita | patdk-wk: I can help in any way you need, I need to have this cmputer usable | 15:29 |
patdk-wk | nessita, install a realtek card :) | 15:46 |
nessita | patdk-wk: buuuuuuuu! | 15:47 |
pmatulis | installer seems borked when using LVM | 15:48 |
patdk-wk | nessita, I carry around a usb network adaptor, just incase I need it, normally use it when I need to network connections on my laptop though | 15:50 |
nessita | patdk-wk: I do have one!!! | 15:50 |
nessita | whay I didn't try before? | 15:50 |
patdk-wk | cause it's non-optimal :) | 15:51 |
nessita | patdk-wk: I have an Encore ENUWI-G2 | 15:51 |
* nessita wonders if will it work while she plugs it in | 15:51 | |
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna | ||
nessita | patdk-wk: seems like there is an issue with this driver, as per http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/linux-netdev/2010/5/11/6276964 | 16:05 |
patdk-wk | hmm | 16:05 |
nessita | patdk-wk: my manager and I asked in ubuntu-desktop, and they added the patch to rc2 | 16:05 |
patdk-wk | I just have a linksys one | 16:05 |
nessita | which I'm now dowloading | 16:05 |
nessita | and about to install | 16:05 |
nessita | patdk-wk: new kernel didn't solve the issue, and tgardner is working on it (juts FYI) | 17:14 |
patdk-wk | heh | 17:16 |
patdk-wk | so 0 for 2 network cards :( | 17:16 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
=== bulldog is now known as bulldog98 | ||
DanaG | Argh, how am I supposed to WakeOnLAN if it takes the interface down before suspend? | 18:18 |
DanaG | The hub is still powered, but the usb-ethernet link goes down. | 18:18 |
patdk-wk | wake on lan has nothing to do with the interface being down, it's suppost to be :) | 19:06 |
patdk-wk | and how the hell can you wakeonlan over usb-ethernet, it's impossible :) | 19:06 |
dupondje | bleh | 19:56 |
dupondje | firefox is crashing @ random | 19:56 |
dupondje | jl 2653 6.2 11.4 1060072 234988 ? D 15:37 19:53 /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.3/firefox-bin | 19:57 |
dupondje | and now its locked :s | 19:57 |
kklimonda | hmm.. were aubergine icons reverted back to the orange ones in maverick? | 20:35 |
Volkodav | does the installer offer the brtfs ? | 21:01 |
dupondje | blehhh | 21:07 |
dupondje | iwl3945 brooooken :( | 21:07 |
Volkodav | dupondje: do you remember if the installer offer the brtfs ? | 21:10 |
dupondje | no idea | 21:11 |
DanaG | patdk-wk: actually, that asix will WOL in Windows. | 21:25 |
DanaG | If WOL is enabled, it stays up when the box goes into sleep. | 21:25 |
BUGabundo | guud evening dear friends and weird ones :) | 21:46 |
dupondje | lol | 21:55 |
dupondje | you the weird one ;) | 21:55 |
BUGabundo | I am | 21:59 |
gnomefreak | he is | 22:05 |
gnomefreak | shhhhh dont tell him | 22:05 |
gnomefreak | ok be bakc sooner or later :( | 22:06 |
dupondje | BUGabundo: xorg updates also waiting @ yours ? | 22:11 |
gnomefreak | dupondje: they are not ready yet | 22:12 |
dupondje | how you mean ? | 22:12 |
gnomefreak | i was talking with the X devs well 2 of them this monring | 22:12 |
dupondje | its weird | 22:12 |
gnomefreak | dupondje: there are a bunch of them but dont do them yet | 22:12 |
BUGabundo | dupondje: +1 | 22:12 |
dupondje | like on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-mouse | 22:12 |
dupondje | it shows newer version is published | 22:13 |
dupondje | but can't find it in repo's | 22:13 |
BUGabundo | don't force upgrade them | 22:13 |
BUGabundo | or move to xedgers ppa | 22:13 |
BUGabundo | they are ready there | 22:13 |
gnomefreak | published does not mean in the rpeos | 22:13 |
dupondje | gnomefreak: where are they then ? :) | 22:13 |
gnomefreak | it has to pass by an archive admin and there are only 1 or 2 at any given time | 22:14 |
gnomefreak | dupondje: expeck it in the next few days. that is not the only package holding X up | 22:14 |
gnomefreak | expect | 22:15 |
dupondje | alot got into archive today | 22:15 |
BUGabundo | dupondje: the packages are in the NEW queue | 22:15 |
BUGabundo | waiting to dep build | 22:15 |
h00k | Unity is also snowing the netbook-launcher in the background :) | 22:16 |
dupondje | kernel upgrade came out :) | 22:16 |
dupondje | sweet :D | 22:16 |
gnomefreak | dupondje: X is going to have alot of problems this cycle so just sit back relax and wait for breakage | 22:16 |
dupondje | héhé :p | 22:17 |
BUGabundo | dupondje: does it fix the gwibber bug? | 22:17 |
dupondje | kernel bug that fixes gwibber isue ?! | 22:17 |
BUGabundo | super duper security | 22:18 |
BUGabundo | broke desktop couch db | 22:18 |
dupondje | don't use Gwibber ... :) | 22:18 |
dupondje | so | 22:18 |
gnomefreak | desktopcouch will never get fixed to where it works all the time :( | 22:20 |
* gnomefreak smoke and break stuff | 22:22 | |
dupondje | hmmm | 22:22 |
dupondje | somebody updated to newer kernel? | 22:22 |
dupondje | upgrade seems broken | 22:22 |
h00k | 2.6.35-2-generic ? | 22:22 |
dupondje | yea | 22:23 |
h00k | I'm on it alright | 22:23 |
h00k | on this netbook | 22:23 |
dupondje | upgrade worked for you ? | 22:24 |
h00k | Upgrade to the new kernel? yeah | 22:24 |
dupondje | root 7688 0.0 0.0 10488 1120 pts/3 S+ 23:23 0:00 awk /^insmod/ { print $2 } | 22:25 |
dupondje | this is what it executes | 22:25 |
dupondje | keeps stalled ofc :P | 22:25 |
BUGabundo | h00k: can I test gwibber please | 22:27 |
h00k | BUGabundo: can you test it? You're asking me permission? | 22:27 |
h00k | BUGabundo: or you want me to test it | 22:27 |
BUGabundo | lol | 22:27 |
BUGabundo | s/I/you | 22:27 |
* gnomefreak updating atm | 22:27 | |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo: install it and use it ;) | 22:28 |
BUGabundo | I have it | 22:28 |
BUGabundo | I need it | 22:28 |
BUGabundo | so I'm back on kernel .32 | 22:28 |
BUGabundo | :( | 22:28 |
h00k | Oh, oh. | 22:28 |
h00k | okay | 22:28 |
BUGabundo | which is LAME , slow, and my GPU drags a lot | 22:28 |
BUGabundo | hence I need to know if .35-2 fixes it | 22:29 |
h00k | It let me add my Twitter account | 22:29 |
h00k | and it's loading... | 22:30 |
dupondje | gnomefreak: here it stalled @ creating initramfs | 22:30 |
gnomefreak | dupondje: kernel? | 22:30 |
dupondje | y | 22:30 |
dupondje | update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-2-generic | 22:30 |
* gnomefreak think i saw a bug but that is almost impossible | 22:31 | |
dupondje | then it locks :) | 22:31 |
BUGabundo | wow nice.. new power management icon... you know what? doesn't work... battery is at 35 min left, and icon shows 100% | 22:31 |
BUGabundo | h00k: thanks | 22:31 |
BUGabundo | will try to upgrade the kernel , and boot from it on next reboot | 22:31 |
gnomefreak | dupondje: i will test soon and see what it is if it happens to me | 22:31 |
gnomefreak | but also not uncommon | 22:31 |
* gnomefreak not likely to have X after reboot again | 22:33 | |
h00k | BUGabundo: no problem, lemme make sure it loaded | 22:36 |
h00k | BUGabundo: I don't see my messages loading however :/ | 22:37 |
h00k | BUGabundo: it does launch, I added Twitter and Identi.ca, but it isn't loading/aggregating my messages for either | 22:38 |
h00k | BUGabundo: if that helps | 22:40 |
h00k | heh, safe-upgrade reports 18 xserver-* packages held back :) | 22:41 |
gnomefreak | ok be back testing kernel | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | h00k: that's more then fine | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | means it connected to DB | 22:42 |
h00k | BUGabundo: alrighty. | 22:42 |
h00k | It just won't load the messages | 22:43 |
BUGabundo | that's another prob | 22:46 |
BUGabundo | end it | 22:46 |
BUGabundo | make sure you don't have gwibber or gwibber-services running | 22:46 |
BUGabundo | $ ps auxw | grep gwibb | 22:46 |
BUGabundo | then launch in console in debug | 22:46 |
BUGabundo | $ gwibber-service -d -o | 22:47 |
BUGabundo | and after that stops, on another console: | 22:47 |
BUGabundo | $ gwibber -d | 22:47 |
BUGabundo | you should *see* easilly what's missing | 22:47 |
h00k | I do have have gwibber service running yet | 22:47 |
h00k | not anymore. | 22:48 |
h00k | BUGabundo: would you like me to report this to you? or pastebinit? | 22:48 |
BUGabundo | no need | 22:48 |
BUGabundo | I won't debug it anyway | 22:49 |
h00k | I don't have a ton of time, I have to get running from work soon | 22:49 |
BUGabundo | I'm just an user with enough experience to do inicial debug | 22:49 |
BUGabundo | on most common probs with it | 22:49 |
h00k | :) | 22:49 |
BUGabundo | since I've been running it for so long from trunk and branches | 22:49 |
h00k | I'd assume they're aware it's broken, anyway. | 22:49 |
BUGabundo | don't worry | 22:49 |
h00k | but you know what happens when you assume...etc | 22:49 |
BUGabundo | if it is serious it will pop up again | 22:49 |
BUGabundo | NEVER assume that | 22:49 |
BUGabundo | that the worse thing ANYONE can ever do | 22:49 |
BUGabundo | assume devs know its broken | 22:50 |
h00k | BUGabundo: I jest, I know. | 22:51 |
gnomefreak | other than having to rebuild kernel mods it works fine here | 22:51 |
gnomefreak | it == kernel kernel mod. == upstream nvidia drivers | 22:52 |
gnomefreak | ok paste bug filed now i can work for ~3 more minutes than tv time :) | 22:56 |
gnomefreak | ok seems there was a blog about the X hold backs | 22:59 |
gnomefreak | well it seems i cant paste it but look at ubuntu archive status on indent.ca and is it most recent post | 23:00 |
gnomefreak | more on the X hold backs http://identi.ca/ubuntustatus | 23:06 |
* gnomefreak running script and off for tv and dinner | 23:06 | |
Ian_corne | brr | 23:06 |
h00k | Also, ubuntu-devel-discuss is a good place to keep watch on | 23:06 |
Ian_corne | is that a list or an irc channel? | 23:08 |
BUGabundo | list | 23:10 |
Ian_corne | I can't afford to read even more mail :p | 23:11 |
BUGabundo | I know | 23:12 |
BUGabundo | I stop reading MLs | 23:12 |
BUGabundo | I still get most of them though | 23:12 |
BUGabundo | I remember when I got out of ubuntu-users back in 2007 | 23:12 |
BUGabundo | I had 40k unread emails from 2y | 23:13 |
antonio2 | hi there, I have a question: let's suppose that I have a package that is present in Debian and it's present in ubuntu (distro: lucid lynx),is there any reason why the same package is *not* present in the latest ubuntu distro? (maverick) | 23:14 |
gnomefreak | antonio2: yeah but the package could be handy. either we removed it, it hasnt been merged yet or a number of other reasons. but im not here and wont be for at the very least 4 hours | 23:19 |
antonio2 | ok I'm wondering if anyone knows any URL where I can check the reason for some package not being there =) | 23:21 |
arand | antonio2: launchpad.net, more specifics might yeild a more specific answer ;) | 23:32 |
antonio2 | cfengine2 and cfengine3 are two specific examples :D | 23:33 |
BUGabundo | !info cfengine2 | 23:33 |
ubottu | cfengine2 (source: cfengine2): Tool for configuring and maintaining network machines. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.10-2 (maverick), package size 2601 kB, installed size 6444 kB | 23:33 |
BUGabundo | antonio2: the bot says its in here | 23:34 |
antonio2 | humm | 23:34 |
antonio2 | !info cfengine3 | 23:34 |
ubottu | cfengine3 (source: cfengine3): tool for configuring and maintaining network machines. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.4+dfsg-1 (maverick), package size 2045 kB, installed size 5252 kB | 23:34 |
BUGabundo | $ apt-cache policy cfengine2 | 23:34 |
BUGabundo | cfengine2: Installed: (none) Candidate: 2.2.10-2 | 23:34 |
BUGabundo | and so does apt | 23:34 |
arand | antonio2: Are you after a specific version? | 23:34 |
antonio2 | argh, ok, maybe I checked the wrong page :( | 23:34 |
antonio2 | I was checking packages.ubuntu.com, the other day | 23:34 |
arand | antonio2: Oh, that one hasn't been properly updated for mm I think.. | 23:35 |
antonio2 | ok, good to know =) | 23:35 |
antonio2 | thanks | 23:35 |
arand | Yea, still just errors on the MM link (I wonder whom to contact about it...) | 23:35 |
arand | I wonder if one would dare email the contact listed there, I reckon he must've his mailbox full by now :> | 23:37 |
Ian_corne | do it | 23:37 |
Ian_corne | :) | 23:37 |
arand | "Content Copyright © 1997 - 2009 Canonical Ltd" Hmm | 23:38 |
DrHalan | my virtualbox crashes when trying out alpha 1. any hint for me? | 23:38 |
arand | DrHalan: Try a daily? | 23:40 |
DrHalan | arand: live cd works. its just after the rebooting past the install taht virtualbox creates some error | 23:41 |
DrHalan | tahts kind of confusing me | 23:41 |
DrHalan | where do i find daily images? | 23:41 |
arand | !daily | 23:41 |
ubottu | Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 23:41 |
* arand just deleted the last .vdi file, god riddance, -> kvm | 23:43 | |
BUGabundo | I know , right? | 23:44 |
arand | Although vnc = :( and hardy mouse-tracking = :( | 23:45 |
DrHalan | so how is the new x doing? | 23:45 |
arand | BUGabundo: If you haven't sorted it otherwise, I can strongly recommend setting up serial consoles for terminal access ;) | 23:46 |
BUGabundo | hahaha | 23:49 |
arand | BUGabundo: virtual ones that is (although, I would the other if only I could...) | 23:50 |
arand | BUGabundo: So you can connect straight through virsh to the machines, not having to use vnc at all ;) | 23:51 |
arand | Kept back, that's what's the state of the new X | 23:54 |
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