
seb128robert_ancell, yeah, didn't do that many late hacking evening recently00:00
seb128robert_ancell, I need one every now and then ;-)00:00
robert_ancellseb128, heh :)00:00
robert_ancellseb128, yay, do we have pygi now?00:00
seb128robert_ancell, yes00:00
seb128robert_ancell, I did get pygobject built with it on as well00:00
robert_ancellseb128, did you notice it was faster to get it in via debian than via ubuntu?00:01
seb128robert_ancell, it was not00:01
seb128your copyright was not correct for the ubuntu upload00:01
seb128I reviewed the first upload the day you uploaded! ;-)00:02
robert_ancellseb128, yeah and they fixed it and uploaded it.  Don't know why it took so long to hit the archives after that though00:02
seb128robert_ancell, because an archive admin needs to do it00:02
seb128and it was a 3 days weekends for most europeans00:02
seb128and we don't work on weekends00:02
seb128robert_ancell, btw how did you get it in Debian?00:03
robert_ancellseb128, added my package to the bug report, they fixed up the details00:03
robert_ancellsomeone else had a package but there's was really complex.  I finally worked out how to make a proper Python package00:04
seb128yeah, packaging is still not as easy as it could00:05
seb128robert_ancell, btw dunno if you have seen but I assigned you some bugs00:05
robert_ancellit will be better when everything finally migrates00:05
robert_ancellwhat packages?00:06
seb128robert_ancell, you don't read bug emails!00:06
seb128robert_ancell, you should try to have a mail folder for things assigned to you00:07
robert_ancellseb128, I have a lot of bug email!00:07
seb128robert_ancell, so they don't get in the noise00:07
seb128robert_ancell, gdm and compiz00:07
robert_ancelloh. thanks.00:07
seb128robert_ancell, compiz is an issue with the compiz decorator when it fallback to no using compiz00:08
seb128the decorator seems to be still running and creating issues00:08
seb128robert_ancell, gdm there is a vt switch issue and passwd reading one which is said to be ubuntu specific00:08
seb128there is no hurry for those00:09
seb128but they are on the list of "would be nice to fix for lucid .1"00:09
seb128robert_ancell, you know about https://bugs.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/+assignedbugs00:11
seb128robert_ancell, ?00:11
seb128robert_ancell, you should try to keep that list matching what you have on your todolist ;-)00:11
seb128robert_ancell, if you sort by newest first the 3 I mentioned are listed first on the list00:12
robert_ancellseb128, heh, can you see the OEM bugs?00:13
seb128robert_ancell, no, I've 15 bugs on your list00:13
rickspencer3well, now that the seb128 whip cracking is over ...00:19
rickspencer3robert_ancell, TheMuso, RAOF quick Easter Edition?00:19
rickspencer3it was a very "statusy" meeting00:20
rickspencer3so how about if I hit the high points first00:20
rickspencer3then let you guys read through and see if you have questions00:20
rickspencer3so chrisccoulson is working his a** off getting the mozilla update ready00:21
chrisccoulsonheh :)00:21
rickspencer3he's encountered a couple of issues that he thinks he can fix00:21
rickspencer3before they ship the new FF00:21
rickspencer3or shortly thereafter00:21
rickspencer3FF will release soon00:22
rickspencer3lots of good testing done, but still expect some breakages00:22
rickspencer3Unity 0.2 was release on Friday00:22
rickspencer3and is now in universe00:22
rickspencer3didrocks has MIRed it, but need to get those acked00:22
rickspencer3I have an action to see if I can unblock the stack of MIRs and SRUs00:23
rickspencer3Ubuntu One and Dx are on a weekly release cadence again00:23
rickspencer3we are above the trend line00:23
rickspencer3so we discussed work items that we could move to A300:23
rickspencer3I think those were the high points00:24
rickspencer3RAOF, how are the xorg-xserver updates going?00:24
RAOFrickspencer3: They're pretty much done.  There are a couple of syncs outstanding, and then we need to upload the xorg to flip the final switch.00:25
rickspencer3so the actual update is not yet available?00:26
RAOFmvo had a busy afternoon of sponsoring, yesterday :)00:26
rickspencer3do you guys want to skim the irc logs, and let me know if you have any questions?00:27
RAOFAll the updates are available, but the metapackage built from the “xorg” source package doesn't yet point to all the new ABIs.00:27
TheMusoAlready started to.00:27
RAOFI'm looking to see if anyone's shouting about breakage yet ):00:28
* ajmitch only has virtualbox drivers to complain about, but they're expected to break, it seems :)00:33
seb128chrisccoulson, oh btw, "WARNING (desktop-maverick-mozilla-team-discussion): assignee "yokozar" is not a valid Launchpad account"00:42
seb128chrisccoulson, not sure if that's a typo or somebody who is not on launchpad00:43
seb128TheMuso, WARNING (desktop-maverick-gnome3-accessibility-readiness): no work items defined00:43
seb128TheMuso, should that spec be on the maverick list of not or have work items?00:43
TheMusoseb128: No, it was informational00:43
seb128TheMuso, ok, thanks00:43
ajmitchseb128: yokozar is scottritchie, I think00:43
TheMusoYes thats correct.00:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks00:44
seb128ajmitch, chrisccoulson, TheMuso: thanks00:44
micahgsorry, my fault :)00:44
* RAOF sees whether launchpad will accept the 200Mb vmcore attached to that kernel crash.01:00
TheMusoRAOF: is that compressed?01:07
RAOFDunno.  It's the apport kernel crash script.01:08
TheMusoah ok01:08
RAOFIf it doesn't work this time I'll just file a bug normally and attach the apport report to it.01:09
robert_ancellrickspencer3, what was the python binding you wanted to work in pygi?01:19
rickspencer3robert_ancell, it's for empathy01:19
rickspencer3tomeu is working on it01:19
rickspencer3he will make it easy to use the contact picker01:19
rickspencer3than writing a sweet Python API to make tubes easy and fun01:20
robert_ancellrickspencer3, and the existing python bindings didn't do it?01:20
robert_ancellrickspencer3, I'm looking for an example to blog about doing something there wasn't bindings for previously01:20
rickspencer3robert_ancell, they hated the existing API or something01:20
rickspencer3I forget01:20
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Laneydidrocks: looks like we missed that, please file a bts bug02:51
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robert_ancellRAOF, do you know how X chooses what VT to start on?07:06
RAOFI think it gets told which VT to start on, by gdm.07:06
robert_ancellRAOF, no, it doesn't.  I'm looking at a patch that adds the functionality and wondering what happens now.  There is a bug where you create a lot of X servers then log out and you are left on an empty VT.  I'm not sure if it's the next X process doesn't know what VT to start on or GDM doesn't know what VT to direct you to07:08
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RAOFX would be much easier to read if there weren't all these global variables scattered about the plaec.07:18
robert_ancellRAOF, is no-one cleaning those up?07:19
RAOFNot that I can see.07:20
robert_ancellRAOF, oh, what is your opinion on xcb?07:20
RAOFA better way of talking to the X server isn't unwelcome, but I've never really had to care.07:21
RAOF*I* tend not to talk X11, anyway.  I talk GTK, cairo, etc.07:21
RAOFioctl(fd, VT_OPENQRY, &xf86Info.vtno)07:22
RAOFThat's where X gets its VT from07:22
RAOFxf86OpenConsole, in hw/xfree86/os-support/linux/lnx_init.c07:23
robert_ancellRAOF, nice, just what I wanted.  The patch was trawling through /proc to find a free vt.  This is much nicer07:24
pittiGood morning07:46
didrocksgood morning07:53
james_wmorning desktoppers!07:55
baptistemmhi there07:56
baptistemmpitti, I need to talk for 2 months about a regression in bluetooth potentially caused by fix done by you07:56
baptistemmI have no motivation to look at bluetooth atm :)07:57
pittibonjour didrocks, baptistemm07:57
pittihey james_w07:57
baptistemmhi pitti07:57
baptistemmand james_w07:57
pittibaptistemm: oh, by me?07:57
baptistemmI wanted to have a look but dodn't had time, so i guess I'll point you the bug number07:58
didrocksGuten morgen pitti07:58
didrockshey james_w07:58
didrockslut baptistemm07:58
james_wdidrocks is a man of many languages07:59
didrocksjames_w: if only it was true :-)07:59
baptistemmpitti, bug 55028808:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 550288 in bluez (Ubuntu) "bluez fails to discover mx5000 keyboard and mouse (affects: 36) (dups: 1) (heat: 185)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55028808:01
baptistemmnow I have to go, but you can ping me08:01
pittibonjour seb12808:31
seb128hello pitti08:31
pittibaptistemm: ah, got it; I updated the bug accordingly08:31
didrockssallut seb12808:32
seb128lut didrocks08:34
seb128pitti, is there a way to spy on a running process stdout?08:52
seb128or somebody else who might know08:53
pittiseb128: one workaround would be to attach strace and listen for write(), and look for writes to fd 1 and 208:53
seb128pitti, doesn't do what I need08:54
pitticat /proc/4289/fd/1 -> that doesn't work, anyway08:54
seb128 writev(6, [{"l\3\1\1\376\3\0\0\34\0\0\0O\0\0\0\6\1s\0\5\0\0\0:1.71\0\0\0"..., 96}, {"\371\3\0\0Traceback (most recent call "..., 1022}], 2) = 111808:54
seb128I'm interested in the stacktrace08:54
pittiseb128: but it's there? (with -s10000 anwyay)08:55
seb128pitti, oh right, it is08:58
seb128I didn't know about -s08:58
pitti(it's stderr, BTW)08:59
pittiRAOF: for https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-xorg-gpu-freeze-reports, what would you like add_video_info() to do?09:00
pittiRAOF: doesn't the xorg hook already collect all information about this? i. e. should I just move it from the package hook to hookutils/09:01
didrocksseb128: you told on both fspot bug reports that we are considering 0.6.2 for lucid which contains both fixes? Is there any news about that?09:01
seb128didrocks, we will not do the update, lot of changes there09:02
seb128didrocks, ie some ten thousand codelines changes09:02
didrocksseb128: ok, just to confirm before backporting the changes :)09:02
seb128didrocks, btw did you figure what is wrong with banshee yesterday?09:02
didrocksseb128: wrong packaging in debian, I'll fix it in ubuntu and fw the patch to Debian09:03
didrocksseb128: then, I want to play a little bit with the interface to see what's and how to change to fit our needs09:03
RAOFpitti: What we wanted was a bunch of stuff from /sys that KMS drivers produce.  Specifically: dpms  edid  enabled  modes power/ status from /sys/class/drm/card$NUM-$CONNECTOR09:03
pittiRAOF: perhaps you can add the stuff that you need to the whiteboard?09:04
RAOFI'll do that now.09:04
pittiRAOF: cheers09:06
pittiI'll try to get that done soon then09:07
pittiRAOF: my other question is about the other WI of mine in that spec; what does "turn debugging on" mean?09:07
RAOFpitti: That's partially dependent on the outcome of some of the kernel team's WIs on that spec.  If they don't come up with anything better then “turn debugging on” would mean “add drm.debug=0x06” to the kernel command line.  I'll add that to the whiteboard, too.09:09
pittiRAOF: many thanks09:10
didrocksRAOF: we don't have f-spot bzr branch?09:14
RAOFdidrocks: Not apart from the auto-import, no.09:16
didrocksRAOF: ok, thanks09:16
seb128pitti, hey09:44
seb128pitti, robert_ancell did a gdm update to lucid-proposed to fix a bug we want to sru09:44
seb128pitti, it's based on your new version which failed verification though09:44
seb128pitti, how do we move forward there?09:44
pittiseb128: my preferred option would be to back out the new upstream version for now, and use 2.30.1+reverted2.30.0 or so09:45
pittiseb128: the two bugs which I marked v-failed were for the xsession.d scripts, but they are fine09:45
seb128was the new version breaking things?09:45
seb128or failing to improve things?09:45
pittibut the new upstream change to attempt to fix the login buttons and user switcher caused crashes09:45
pittihang on09:45
pittiso I'd like to have the packaging fixes (xsession.d for XRESOURCES etc.) for now, and ignore the new upstream version09:46
pittiseb128: bug 579044 is the regression09:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 579044 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Setting disable_user_list to true causes gdm to crash on clicking "Log In" (affects: 3) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57904409:46
pittiseb128: I haven't had time to track that down yet, so unless you or Robert want to I'd suggest to revert it back to 2.30.009:47
pittithe "Login" -> "switch to" fix never worked anyway09:47
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:47
alf__didrocks: Hi!09:47
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:47
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:47
seb128pitti, did you upstream the regression issue?09:47
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, i'm good thanks. how are you? are you enjoying your new role? :)09:48
pittiseb128: no, not yet; sorry, no time yet09:48
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?09:48
pittichrisccoulson: I do, although I keep being pulled back :)09:48
seb128pitti, ok, do you want me to take over doing the sru with version downgrade and upstream that one09:48
chrisccoulsonpitti - heh, there's no escaping ;)09:48
pittiseb128: if you or Robert can, I'd appreciate09:49
seb128pitti, in exchange you can maybe review some of the srus when you have free slots ;-)09:49
pittiseb128: yes, I plan to09:49
seb128pitti, rick has an action item to try to see if he can bring manpower to help on mir and sru09:49
didrocksalf__: hey09:49
huatsmorning everyone09:49
seb128lut huats09:49
didrocksgood morning huats09:49
huatspitti, and seb128 o/09:49
huatsand didrocks too of course :)09:50
asacseb128: pitti: i plan to reach out to desktop and foundations team managers asking for fresh blood on MIRs09:50
asaclool confirmed that he is on zero this cycle too ... so that makes it hard09:50
seb128asac, ok, thanks09:50
seb128asac, we have quite some need for mir right now09:50
pittiit's tricky; it does need some experienced developers to judge how maintainable a package is, but yes09:51
seb128asac, ie unity needs several of those09:51
seb128kubuntu as well09:51
pittiunity ones should be easy, though09:51
asacseb128: well. if its strategic there is not much around no MIRing them, so prepromotion should be fine in worst case09:51
pittithere's little debate over those09:51
seb128well easy or not if nobody has time for mir they will be stucked09:51
pittiseb128: promote them to main and milestone the bugs to beta09:51
pittiit's primarily an issue of having a package check09:51
seb128pitti, asac: thanks09:52
asacif you feel you are blocked09:52
pittinot a yes/no decision09:52
pittisame for Kubuntu (Riddell already does that in some cases)09:52
asacat best wait a few days ... then complain in bug and say you pre-promoted09:52
seb128asac, I'm not "blocked" but UNE switching to unity is waiting on those09:52
alf__didrocks: We have been talking with asac about our needs concerning the clutter package. We mainly need to be able to produce multiple libraries from that package for various backends of clutter.09:52
pittiseb128: please don't block on those, just do it09:52
seb128asac, pitti: if you are happy to promote now and deal with paperwork later I would be happy09:52
pittithe earlier we have that in the dailies, the better09:52
seb128pitti, thanks09:52
seb128didrocks, ^09:52
asacseb128: sure go ahead09:52
seb128asac, thanks09:52
asacseb128: just update the bugs that you did that and milestone them09:53
alf__didrocks: I have made a first attempt at it at ppa:afrantzis/clutter09:53
didrocksseb128: pitti: ok, changing seed and -default-settings today09:53
seb128asac, will do09:53
pittiyohoo! welcome, unity09:53
seb128didrocks, can you let me know what need promotion there or in query?09:53
didrocksalf__: I'm afraid I won't have time today to review it, do you trigger more than one build?09:53
didrocksseb128: one sec09:53
alf__didrocks: Yes, it needs to be configured differently for each backend09:54
didrocksseb128: do you want the list of binary package or source package is enough for you to get the list?09:54
seb128didrocks, sources09:55
seb128didrocks, just give me the mir bug numbers if you want09:55
didrocksseb128: so https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-06-08#UNE Update you have the MIR list09:55
seb128didrocks, thanks09:55
didrocksseb128: thanks to you for pushing the red button :)09:55
didrocksalf__: ok, I'll have a look later this week, do you have a packaging branch somewhere?09:56
alf__didrocks: No, I 'll make one and let you know09:57
didrocksalf__: sweet, thanks09:57
alf__didrocks: thank you :)09:58
seb128shouldn't xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.11.0-1ubuntu1 have the new abi version?10:12
seb128pitti, is marking a spec informational enough to get if off the tracked specs for the cycle?10:51
pittiseb128: the WI tracker doesn't currently look at the spec status10:52
seb128pitti, or should the serie goal be unset?10:52
pittiseb128: if you want it to, patches appreciate :)  (or just commit yourself)10:52
seb128ok, so serie goal unsetting it is10:52
pittiseb128: unsetting target works10:52
seb128(I don't want it enough to work on it ;-)10:52
seb128mvo, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-software-center-front-end10:53
seb128"WARNING (desktop-maverick-software-center-front-end): assignee "olivier-tilloy" is not a valid Launchpad account"10:53
seb128mvo, ^ do you know who is olivier and what is his real launchpad account name?10:53
seb128osomon it seems10:54
mvoseb128: yes, osomon10:54
chrisccoulsonhmmm, my phone line has completely died today :(11:14
chrisccoulsonit's a good job i've got 3G11:14
seb128chrisccoulson, how did the call to support for your speed issues go?11:15
chrisccoulsonseb128 - they did the usual "did you reboot your router routine", but it magically fixed itself in the end anyway11:15
seb128so maybe they did something ;-)11:16
seb128pitti, the gdm xsession.desktop, do you think it should be in the sru?11:38
pittididn't I?11:39
seb128pitti, it adds a non translated technical item to the list11:39
pittiseb128: I don't insist on it, it just seemed an easy thing to do11:39
seb128pitti, well, I'm redoing a sru which should have a chance to go to updates11:39
pittiif you have any doubt about it, just kill it, and we'll just add it to maverick11:39
seb128so I want only safe changes ;-)11:39
seb128pitti, I will delay for now, I think it's a quite technical item for normal users11:39
seb128and it's not translated11:39
seb128so let's get maverick feedback first11:40
seb128pitti, I uploaded the current sru to maverick11:40
seb128so we can debug the new version issues there11:40
pittiseb128: ah, good, since that's already in bzr11:40
seb128now I'm doing a sru based on the current lucid version11:40
seb128pitti, I don't want to push for my srus (yet) but bryceh mentioned that the xorg-server sru would appreciate a review11:41
pittiok, I'll have a look11:41
seb128pitti, if you have some time to unblock this one11:41
seb128pitti, thanks11:41
pittiuh, three xorg uploads with the same version number11:43
ogramakes it probably better :)11:44
ograwho knows11:44
* pitti takes the latest ones and rejects the older two 7.1 uploads11:44
pittibryceh: ^ FYI11:44
seb128pitti, I guess yes, the 2 old ones are the same "change contact informations for issues to launchpad"11:45
seb128pitti, which is included in the recent upload which has other bug fixes as well11:45
pittiright, but that's contained in the latest one as well, together with some crash fixes11:45
seb128pitti, if you have still some sru time after that one I sort of lobby for the telepathy-butterfly update, it fixes some crasher and a bug which makes empathy not display some messages coming from some msn clients11:48
seb128pitti, the other ones are "nice to fix" but there is hurry to get those in so I'm happy to wait until some other sru team member doing regular review11:48
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)11:48
pittiseb128: shall I reject robert's gdm upload then, and wait for your's?12:00
seb128pitti, yes please12:01
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didrockspitti: thanks for the SRUing12:49
seb128pitti, thanks!12:50
didrocksseb128: did you see my comment on fspot, what do you think about, still worth uploading the partial fix?12:50
seb128didrocks, which one?12:50
didrockson bug #11268412:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 112684 in f-spot (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "F-Spot deletes temporary image files too early when sending mails (affects: 5) (heat: 37)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11268412:51
seb128didrocks, the one of the bug saying it fixes the email issue but not some random click one?12:51
seb128didrocks, I didn't understand the click issue12:51
seb128didrocks, but it seems to fix the bug described there, other bugs should be tracked with other tickets12:51
didrocksit fixes the timeout (the temp file was removed)12:51
didrocksno, it diesn't fix the bug described12:51
didrocksthe description was: click on File -> Send12:51
didrocksthen click an another image on fspot12:51
didrocksand then, you can't send your email with thunderbird12:52
didrocks(it removes the temp filename)12:52
didrocksthis usecase isn't fixed12:52
seb128so it's only if you keep the photo you want to send selected?12:52
seb128ok, seems not worth a sru12:52
didrockswell, the other use case is:12:52
seb128if you keep the email composer open there is a good chance you keep browsing in fspot12:52
didrocksclick on file -> Send12:52
didrocksso yeah, not worth sruing this one12:53
didrocksthe other is harder to test, but it seems to work12:53
seb128let's sru it when upstream fixes the cleaning on selection change12:53
didrocksok, we can wait for both12:53
seb128well try to sru it and ask people who complained to test the sru12:53
didrocksbut I'm not sure this case is clear in upstream's mind as the upstream bug was closed12:53
seb128didrocks, can you drop a comment there on on #f-spot on irc.gnome.org?12:54
didrocksso, maybe opening a new one describing again this particular case12:54
didrocksseb128: sure, will do that in 10 minutes, finishing some seed playing first :)12:54
seb128rubenv is the upstream maintainer on #f-spot, you can ping him directly12:54
didrocksok, thanks, I will12:54
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alf__didrocks: I have uploaded the packaging branch to lp:~afrantzis/ubuntu/maverick/clutter-1.0/latest-with-eglx13:22
didrocksalf__: thanks, I bookmark that and try to have an eye on that tomorrow or on Friday :)13:23
alf__didrocks: Great, thanks!13:23
didrocksalf__: yw :)13:23
didrocksok, all unity transitionned is ready, just need to rebuild the netbook metackage once all components are detected as being in main13:27
didrocks(and then, the scare about CD size will come back) :)13:27
kenvandinedidrocks,  yay13:30
didrockshey kenvandine13:30
* kenvandine wonders when u1 file sync will become reliable again :/13:30
seb128didrocks, ok, promotion, forgot to do those since I was waiting on the unity binaries to be published now13:34
didrocksseb128: there is a new binary (-ubuntu2), maybe you should wait for it if not already there?13:34
didrocksnot sure if it can trigger some kind of race condition :)13:35
seb128no race don't worry13:35
seb128let's me finish that gdm sru and look at those promotion as well13:35
didrockssure :)13:35
didrocksthanks seb12813:35
seb128didrocks, do you have time to design and upload some xorg updates from RAOF?13:35
seb128didrocks, nothing to build, just sign and sponsor13:36
didrocksseb128: sure, that can be quick13:36
seb128RAOF, ^13:36
seb128didrocks, you rock ;-)13:36
didrocksseb128: heh thanks, you rock too :-)13:36
RAOFdidrocks: www.cooperteam.net has all the packages.13:48
didrocksRAOF: waow, can you point me to some dsc file that needs sponsorship? :)13:48
didrocksRAOF: the 21 of them?13:49
RAOFI can double check for you, if you like :)13:50
didrocksok, getting and pushing so :)13:50
didrocksRAOF: well, as you wish, I assume you've done an rm -rf * before pushing the new ones :)13:50
didrockshum, there is 24 _sources.changes13:50
didrocksnot matchin the 21 .dsc :)13:50
RAOFSorry.  There were 3 siliconmotion changes in there which shouldn't have been.13:51
RAOFShould now match13:51
didrocks22 :)13:52
didrocksone more!13:52
didrocksRAOF: you have xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion_1.7.4.orig.tar.gz and xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion_1.7.3.orig.tar.gz13:52
didrocksoh ok, you just remove the *.changes13:53
didrocksjust have to track which one shouldn't be there :)13:53
RAOFIt's the savage one.13:53
RAOFThey now match.13:54
didrocksright, just found it too :)13:54
didrocksRAOF: that was a fun game, thanks ;) Ok, will sponsoring that now13:54
RAOFNext time I need 21 no-change rebuilds sponsored I'll dput them individually to my server, rather than copying the Rebuilds/ directory accross :)13:55
didrocksheh :-)13:56
seb128pitti, bug #585574 has the new gdm upload debdiff14:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 585574 in gdm (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "With timed login enabled, logging in as another user fails. (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58557414:20
pittiseb128: ah, so you backported changes from .2? nice14:29
* pitti hugs the new gdm maintainer14:29
seb128right, I backported some fixes which seemed not risky and worth it14:30
* seb128 hugs pitti14:30
pittiseb128: how come the debdiff has changes to upstream source?14:30
seb128which one?14:31
seb128read the comment14:31
pittiah, right14:31
seb128it was to make your job easier14:31
pittidouble-hug :)14:31
seb128the real debdiff is before14:31
* seb128 hugs pitti14:31
seb128robert_ancell's fix is non trivial14:32
pittiugh, yes14:34
seb128if you want to let it settle some days in maverick before accepting I guess that would be ok14:34
pittiwe can let it settle in proposed14:35
seb128that as well14:35
* pitti still running lucid, and I suppose a lot of other folks do as well14:35
seb128I still do14:35
seb128I think I will upgrade my main machine in some weeks14:35
seb128waiting for the sru wave to settle14:35
seb128there is still GNOME .2 updates coming14:36
seb128I've my desktop and my netbook on maverick though14:36
seb128it's also nice to keep my laptop in a working suspend resume state etc ;-)14:36
dobeyseb128, pitti: any idea why i only received e-mail for one of my uploads yesterday? I never got an e-mail confirmation from the ubuntuone-storage-protocol upload to maverick15:02
pittiperhaps it was only sponsored yesterday?15:02
pittioh, you're a PPU now, aren't you?15:02
dobeyyes i am15:02
pittino idea then, I'm afraid15:03
dobeyubuntuone-client got uploaded, but i did it last night, hours after i'd done the dput for ubuntuone-storage-protocol15:03
pittiusually they get accepted within 5 mins15:03
dobeyis there any way to figure out what wen wrong, or should i just try to dput again?15:03
pittidobey: you didn't get a "REJECTED" mail either?15:04
dobeyno, i got no mail15:04
pittidobey: try to dput again (and remove the .upload file before), and watch for error messages15:04
pittiunsigned .changes don't get reject emails, perhaps you forgot to debsign or so?15:04
dobeynope, it signed, but i'll re-do the debuild -S too15:05
dobeythere was no .upload file. i guess dput lied to me yesterday perhaps15:06
pittiat least that points to a local problem then15:07
dobeywell i'll check my e-mail again in a few minutes i guess :)15:08
jcastrohi didrocks, on upgrade to UNE on maverick I don't get the launcher thing, am I missing something?15:08
didrocksjcastro: yeah, you are missing the last ubuntu-netbook-default-settings which is <checking state>15:09
jcastrodidrocks: ah ok, I can wait!15:09
didrocksjcastro: not yet built :)15:09
didrocksjcastro: and ubuntu-netbook metapackage will be soon updated too to get all the dep for you15:10
* jcastro nods15:10
jcastrodidrocks: do you know if this unity has the support for the global menu?15:10
didrocksjcastro: it has the panel for it, I haven't tested it (ie, installed the package) as I try to keep my maverick box only "maverick" and don't mix with lucid component15:11
jcastroyeah, I kind of drove over that mongrel cliff already. I'll let you know, heh15:11
didrocksso, I guess if you install the global menu from the une ppa, you should have it15:11
didrockssweet, thanks :)15:11
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
dobeypitti: just got the accepted mail. :)15:19
pittidobey: solar flares, I say!15:19
dobeymust be15:20
dobeythey must have burned the sky too, because all i see today are clouds :)15:21
pittihere, too15:21
pittithunderstorms since yesterday :-(15:21
cassidyseb128, I just released Empathy But check release notes, you'll probably have to revert a commit (assuming you still ship an old version of gnome-icon-theme)15:29
seb128cassidy, we do yes, I will, thanks15:29
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
seb128desrt, hello16:53
seb128desrt, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/50019388/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.glib2.0_2.25.8-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:53
seb128desrt, "/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.8/glib/gvariant-parser.c:2290: error: incompatible type for argument 2 of 'IA__g_variant_new_parsed_va'"16:53
seb128"/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.8/glib/gvariant-parser.c:2174: note: expected 'struct va_list *' but argument is of type 'va_list'"16:53
seb128desrt, is that a known issue? do you have a bug about it in bugzilla.gnome.org?16:53
seb128didrocks, bug #542345 is yours when you have some time17:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 542345 in gdm (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "gdm crashes when it encounters a .desktop session file it can't read (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54234517:26
didrocksseb128: will have a look, thanks17:26
seb128+        res = get_session_comment_for_file (filename, &comment);17:27
seb128+        if (! res) {17:27
seb128+                g_critical ("Cannot read specified session file: %s", filename);17:27
seb128+                g_free (filename);17:27
seb128+                exit (1);17:27
seb128+        }17:27
seb128didrocks, I think the exit there is the issue17:27
seb128didrocks, if there is no comment it should just return17:27
seb128didrocks, I've added a comment on the bug17:28
didrocksseb128: right, I should return an empty string17:29
didrocksseb128: all is clear, thanks17:29
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)17:29
seb128didrocks, no hurry to fix it, I just did a SRU update today17:29
seb128but seems robert_ancell has other issues to fix in his change17:29
seb128so we might do another SRU in the next days17:30
seb128would be nice to get that change in if we can17:30
didrocksok, I will do that with a fresh brain tomorrow morning, I should have some memory leakage there, being very slow now :)17:30
seb128didrocks, enough work, time for some easy tasks and calling it a day!17:30
didrocksseb128: exactly! I'm puzzled about the main promotion, I saw you did it, but rmadison keeps telling me the component are in universe17:31
didrocksshould be some publisher daily, would be nice to refresh ubuntu-netbook today to get an iso tomorrow17:31
chrisccoulsonooh, thunder17:31
chrisccoulsonfirst thunderstorm of the year :)17:31
seb128bigon, you might want to backport the git commit I just backported to pygobject in maverick to Debian as well17:31
seb128chrisccoulson, thunder there as well17:32
chrisccoulsonheh, excellent :)17:32
* hyperair gets thunder every afternoon.17:32
seb128bigon, http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/commit/?id=46c91a11d448e5e11d142d3362aff1483226bca417:32
seb128bigon, it avoids having error displayed on "import gtk" if pygi is not installed which is the case since pygobject is built with it17:33
seb128bigon, you are welcome to grab also the 2 others fixes we have in maverick if you want, one should be not be required with pygi on now but the second can be useful17:33
desrtseb128: we have a bug17:42
desrtseb128: will be fixing it17:42
seb128desrt, thanks17:43
pittigood night everyone!17:45
seb128pitti, 'night17:47
desrtseb128: pushedf17:50
seb128desrt, thanks!17:51
didrocksgood night pitti17:51
didrockshey desrt17:51
seb128didrocks, you need libgee to be mir as well for unity17:53
didrocksseb128: oh it's not in main? sorry, will do the MIR now17:54
seb128didrocks, not it's not, no hurry17:54
seb128didrocks, I tried to apt-get install on my netbook to see if everything installed was in main now17:54
didrocksseb128: sorry about that, I looked at all the dep but for well known one, I was convinced they all were in main, my bad17:55
seb128didrocks, no worry17:55
seb128didrocks, you can do that tomorrow no hurry17:55
didrocksseb128: ok, will do tomorrow morning, after the gdm fix :)17:55
seb128ok ;-)17:55
didrocksmaybe unity should recommends ubuntu-netbook-default-settings thinking about it (I removed that yesterday), but as without the session, it's difficult to launch unity by oneself, that should be done (for people who apt-get install unity, without installing ubuntu-netbook)17:57
LaserJockdidrocks: maybe the unity package should hold the GDM session?18:18
didrocksLaserJock: not really, some settings aren't for unity, but for UNE18:19
didrockslike power management, and so on18:19
LaserJockI mean put the unity stuff in the unity package18:19
LaserJockand then the rest in the -settings package18:20
LaserJockso if somebody wanted to get just unity it would at least start up18:20
didrocksLaserJock: not sure that changing the defaut session option will please everyone, and it's needed for starting unity in fullscreen (in non windowed mode)18:22
LaserJockit just seems a little odd that you would need ubuntu-netbook-default-settings to get Unity to work18:24
didrocksyou can launch unity in windowed mode, but as other new ui, you should launch a complete session to enjoy it18:25
didrocksdinner time, ++18:26
LaserJockah, then that makes sense18:26
seb128pedro_, hey18:28
seb128pedro_, do you think we should drop n-c-b from maverick now?18:29
seb128pedro_, I see you set one bug there to triaged today18:29
pedro_seb128, hello, yes i think so, we're not having any new bugs there since last year19:05
pedro_seb128, most of people are using brasero now and upstream is not really interesting on keep developing n-c-b anyways19:05
rickspencer3kenvandine, who's on point for getting gwibber working again in maverick?19:06
kenvandinerickspencer3, kees19:08
kenvandineit is a kernel thing19:09
kenvandinehe knows, it is breaking other things too19:09
rickspencer3it's anything that uses desktopcouch, right?19:09
kenvandinealso launchpad19:09
rickspencer3you have to run them with sudo19:09
rickspencer3it's a PITA19:09
kenvandineit breaks a couple things other than desktopcouch19:09
didrockslaunchpad integration is broken as well because of the ptrace restriction19:12
didrocksbut it's fixed, the kernel is waiting for building19:12
kenvandinerickspencer3, that fix will also fix desktopcouch19:12
rickspencer3well, this is the time in the cycle to make changes like this19:13
seb128rickspencer3, kenvandine: the linux change was in yesterday's upload19:17
rickspencer3seb128, ah19:17
kenvandinenot built yet though  right?19:17
rickspencer3well, I'm waiting for xorg to be done before I dist-uprgade19:17
seb128kenvandine, what arch?19:18
rickspencer3The following packages will be REMOVED:19:18
rickspencer3  xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-input-mouse xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse19:18
rickspencer3  xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-video-tseng19:18
rickspencer3doesn't look like I want to dist-upgrade );)19:18
kenvandinewell, maybe i didn't test today19:18
seb128kenvandine, it built 17 hours ago19:18
kenvandineok, i'll reboot and test19:18
seb128it should be available now19:18
seb128rickspencer3, I've been looking to those rebuilt, you can probably upgrade once intel is built19:19
seb128rickspencer3, it's weird mouse and vmmouse have been updated19:19
seb128the only input binary not rebuilt is wacom19:19
rickspencer3I'll wait until tomorrow19:19
seb128sounds good19:19
seb128it will be sorted tomorrow for pretty sure19:20
seb128I plan to upgrade once intel is published there19:21
didrocksthe new linux kernel is still not available here, despite it's built on i38619:22
didrocksI've checked all this day, waiting for it :)19:23
seb128didrocks, use an another mirror?19:23
didrocksseb128: I changed from fr. to s/fr.//19:24
didrocksand nothing still19:24
seb128didrocks, apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.35-2-generic 2.6.35-2.219:24
seb128didrocks, apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.35-2-generic19:24
seb128didrocks, apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.35-2-generic  <- try that19:24
didrockshum, I have it as a candidate, weird19:25
didrockslet me try a dist-upgrade again, maybe -generic is uninstalled there19:25
seb128or maybe those didn't get updated yet19:26
seb128to bring the new one19:26
seb128but you can install it manually if you want19:26
didrocksseb128: yeah, the -generic aren't updated aparently19:26
seb128those got uploaded around 17h19:27
seb128so they might not be there yet19:27
seb128next publisher run19:27
didrocksok, that explains it :)19:27
=== asac_ is now known as asac
rodrigo_kenvandine, you haven't merged my couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb branches, have you?19:37
rodrigo_kenvandine, can't even get trunk now on maverick, so that's why I ask19:37
kenvandineno... i can't either19:37
rodrigo_it gives a weird error though:19:39
rodrigo_$ bzr get lp:~ubuntu-desktop/couchdb-glib/ubuntu/ trunk19:39
rodrigo_bzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/couchdb-glib/trunk/.bzr/)19:39
rodrigo_is not compatible with19:39
rodrigo_it thinks the package branch is related to the vcs-import?19:39
kenvandinethat is what i get too19:40
kenvandinehaven't had time to dig into it19:40
rodrigo_kenvandine, so that's maverick's bzr's fault, right?19:40
kenvandinei think so19:40
kenvandinealthough i haven't only had this problem on your branches :)19:41
rodrigo_oh :(19:42
kenvandinerodrigo_, so not sure what is up with that...19:44
jcastrodidrocks: did the other bits finish building?20:09
didrocksjcastro: unity 0.2.7-0ubuntu2 is dep wait on libgee-dev, it will be promoted tomorrow, but you can already run 0.2.7-0ubuntu120:12
didrocksjcastro: do you have ubuntu-netbook installed?20:12
didrocksor you are in a classic ubuntu-desktop environment?20:12
jcastroclassic currently20:13
didrocksjcastro: ok, so, ensure you have:20:13
didrocks- unity20:13
didrocks- ubuntu-netbook-default-settings20:13
didrocks- indicator-datetime20:13
* didrocks checks again the seed20:13
didrocks- libunity-misc20:14
didrocksthen, logout and choose in gdm the UNE session20:14
didrocksnot tested in a clean system, uploaded today /!\20:15
didrocksensure that ubuntu-netbook-default-settings version is 0.8.020:15
jcastrodidrocks: rock, I am rocking now.20:19
jcastrothis is on my clean system so thumbs up!20:20
jcastrodidrocks: since you're going to rev it tomorrow I'll just wait for that and then do a status report on the ayatana list.20:20
didrocksjcastro: awesome, hope it will work :)20:20
* didrocks should maybe run away NOW! ;)20:20
didrocksjcastro: the only difference from tomorrow is that ubuntu-netbook will install those packages for you20:21
didrocksso if you can test that, I would know if that works :)20:21
jcastrodidrocks: won't there be a new unity release tomorrow?20:21
didrocksjcastro: tomorrow evening for me (not really "my tomorrow" :)), but yeah, in the morning for you20:21
jcastrothat should get the global menu support then.20:22
didrocksjcastro: is the global menu in maverick already?20:22
didrockskenvandine: ^20:22
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jcastroit's in there, the unity panel doesn't support it yet20:22
jcastroIf you run the normal desktop and add the applet that should work20:22
didrocksjcastro: what are the name of the package, already?20:23
didrocksI guess :)20:23
didrocksso, I should add it to the UNE seed as well20:23
didrocksand mark it to push it into main20:23
didrocksok, will do that tomorrow20:23
didrockskenvandine: did you write the MIR already?20:24
didrocksjcastro: so, today's version should already have the global menu support, checking20:27
jcastrodidrocks: man dude, this is so confusing20:28
didrocksjcastro: let me check20:28
jcastrodidrocks: you are correct!20:29
bcurtiswxkenvandine: would backporting the ubuntu-adium-theme be an option?20:34
bcurtiswxto Lucid20:35
bcurtiswxim talking about omer's patchs specfiically20:37
Sarvattwhats the name of the appliet in the add to panel list? i dont see it after having installed indicator-applet-appmenu20:37
jcastroSarvatt: "Indicator Applet Appmenu"20:47
Sarvattodd, checked 6 times and it wasn't showing up but now its there :) thanks!20:48
* didrocks waves goodnight21:44
kenvandineok... that was full of fail21:45
kenvandinedidrocks, no, i was going to upload it tomorrow and do the MIR once it was in universe21:46
didrockskenvandine: great, this will interest jcastro ^21:46
* kenvandine installed just linux-image-2.6.35-2-generic21:46
kenvandineand ended up without a bootable laptop!21:47
kenvandineand my usb stick was bad...21:47
kenvandinespiraled downhill from there... sigh21:47
* kenvandine needs a beer21:47
kenvandinehad to download a new iso (all my isos are on my laptop)21:47
kenvandineto create a new bootable usb stick21:47
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, i don't know if we should backport that... it would make a visible change for users21:48
kenvandineseb128, thoughts on backporting a fix to the adium theme so it doesn't hard code font sizes?21:49
seb128kenvandine, does it do any change to default installation?21:49
kenvandineyes, user's fonts might look a little different21:50
kenvandineseb128, actually we shouldn't21:50
kenvandinei think it is only part of the fix21:50
kenvandinethe theme shouldn't hard code font sizes, but i don't think empathy handles using the desktop settings for font sizes21:51
kenvandineat least not in adium21:51
seb128kenvandine, ok, if that's going to change rendering we shouldn't21:51
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, ^^21:51
seb128in any case let's get feedback in maverick first and then we can consider it21:52
kenvandineso empathy does appear to use the application font, but i think the chat should be document font21:53
kenvandineand it doesn't handle font changes21:53
kenvandineso you have to restart or at least close/open a chat21:53
kenvandineanyway, it needs some time to settle :)21:53
rickspencer3tremolux, + merge branch, finish integrating hide non-apps feature: DONE21:59
ubot2Factoid 'nice!' not found21:59
ubot2I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:59
tremoluxrickspencer3: heh21:59
didrockskenvandine: just to tell you that booting on the new kernel fix the desktopcouch issue22:09
didrockstremolux: sweet, what algorithm do you use? We should use the same for oneconf :)22:09
didrockstremolux: for oneConf, right now, it's apps with .desktop file in /usr/share/applications or shipping something in {/usr,}/{s,}bin which doesn't end with -dev22:10
tremoluxdidrocks: it's using Xapian queries out of the apt-xapian db22:10
didrockstremolux: does it have that knowledge of "apps" right now?22:10
tremoluxdidrocks: it does, yes22:11
didrockstremolux: hum, I should maybe have a look at this branch to change my backend so22:11
tremoluxdidrocks: yes, actually, it's a really good idea I think22:12
tremoluxdidrocks: it's in lp:~software-center now22:12
didrockstremolux: so CLI apps are listed too?22:13
tremoluxdidrocks: sorry, lp:software-center22:13
* didrocks downloads22:13
tremoluxdidrocks: hmm, I'm not sure about CLI actually22:14
didrockstremolux: well, you can try apt for instance, does it show up?22:15
tremoluxdidrocks: yeah, apt is hidden by default22:17
didrockstremolux: I'm trying your branch, is there a way to trigger the "apps only view" or is it the default?22:17
didrocks(the new UI looks awesome btw)22:17
didrocksubuntu-dev-tools, for instance, does show up and contain only CLI tool22:19
tremoluxit's the default, and you will see a small pane at the bottom with a link for "x other technical items"22:19
didrocksubuntu-restricted-extra shows up too, is there some kind of whitelist?22:19
tremoluxdidrocks: we use a xapian query like this to decide what is an "app":   xapian.Query("ATapplication")22:21
tremoluxdidrocks: (see softwarecenter/view/appview.py)22:22
didrockstremolux: is xapian able to tell you if apps are installed or not? if so, I should maybe use that instead of python-apt22:23
tremoluxdidrocks: no, unfortunately, xapian doesn't know that; we use a separate cache for that22:25
tremoluxdidrocks: you know what you should do:  run your idea by mvo tomorrow morning 'cuz he really knows that stuff cold22:26
didrocksok, so, I should just use the xapian query to decide if the application is an app or not (which isn't part of the default on the machine)22:26
didrockswell, it was just to use the same algorithm, my heuristic isn't so bad, but it's probably not as effective as this xapian query22:26
didrockssure, I'll ping mvo tomorrow about that22:27
tremoluxdidrocks: yes, that would be the idea22:27
tremoluxdidrocks: it would be interesting to run it by him, you want to make sure you are getting the exact list you want22:27
didrockstremolux: sure. I guess the need is {"ATapplication"} - {defaults}. The difference is that today I build with the previous definition my "Atapplication" list and I will use this query, we'll figure out22:28
didrocksthanks for the info tremolux, software-center really looks awesome :)22:29
tremoluxdidrocks: thanks a lot!  I like it too, we have this great GTK hacker (nzmm) who whipped up that new main category pane22:30
didrockstremolux: just a thought, in French, most of description are cut in the pane22:31
didrocksbut apart from that, the main category pane seems really fresh :)22:31
tremoluxdidrocks: oo, really?  in the front page or in the actual details view for the app?22:31
didrocksin the front page, let me get a screenshot22:31
tremoluxdidrocks: doh!  ok, thanks22:32
didrocksok, the new kernel just froze when I hit print screen22:37
didrockstremolux: anyway, http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/software-center.png22:38
didrockstremolux: see how Blender and Moovida descriptions are cut?22:39
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: OK, thx22:42
* didrocks really go to bed now :)22:42
tremoluxdidrocks: yep, I see it, thanks!22:44
tremoluxdidrocks: and good night to you  :)22:44
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
rickspencer3robert_ancell, TheMuso, RAOF good morning gents23:59
RAOFGood morning, fearless leader!23:59
robert_ancellrickspencer3, hello23:59

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