
paultagOK. Well it's 7:0000:00
MootBotMeeting started at 18:00. The chair is paultag.00:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]00:00
paultagHowdy, ya'll. The wedding is down two doors00:00
Vantraxawww, but this looked like a lovely spot00:01
paultagWell, our agenda is quite thin this month. Any items that need to be brought up?00:01
paultag( team-wide, before we poke FG teams )00:01
paultagGoing once!00:01
paultagMmmkay. On to FGs00:02
paultagduanedesign, poke. Any LP updates?00:02
paultagI'm guessing he is AFK :)00:02
ddecatorforgot the meeting was in here :p00:02
paultagstlsaint, ddecator, welcome. Any team biz to discuss before moving on?00:02
ddecatornot that i know of00:03
stlsaintno sire00:03
paultagRighto. Let's wait a few minutes. This is not a great turnout00:03
DarkwingDuckI'm here00:03
paultag[IDEA] Start emailing the Mailing List more often00:03
MootBotIDEA received:  Start emailing the Mailing List more often00:03
paultagDarkwingDuck, getting to membership soon :)00:03
ddecatorpaultag: +100:03
paultagDarkwingDuck, we need to make sure we have enough UBT members around00:04
DarkwingDuckpaultag: not worried about it.00:04
DarkwingDuckI waited this long, what's a few more minutes. ;)00:04
paultagwojox is not here00:04
ddecatortenach should be here too..00:04
paultagtenach is not here :/00:05
paultagnor shredder1200:05
ddecatorhopefully people are just running late :\00:05
paultagddecator, yeah, that's almost half no-show for their membership00:05
paultagWhich UBT members are here?00:06
paultagOK. I don't think we have enough members to go on.00:07
* DarkwingDuck sighs00:07
paultagibuclaw, are you here?00:07
paultagduanedesign, what do you think about moving membership to the mailing lists for this one month?00:07
paultagWell. Seeing as I am the only UBT council member here, I'm going to have to make a gut call00:08
paultag[VOTE] End the meeting early and move membership votes to the Mailing List00:08
MootBotPlease vote on:  End the meeting early and move membership votes to the Mailing List.00:08
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:08
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:08
paultagUBT members are free to vote00:08
MootBot+1 received from cjohnston. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:09
MootBot+1 received from paultag. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 200:09
ddecatorheh, so just you two..00:09
paultagDamn shame.00:09
paultag[AGREED] End the meeting early and move membership votes to the Mailing List00:09
MootBotAGREED received:  End the meeting early and move membership votes to the Mailing List00:09
MootBotFinal result is 2 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 200:09
cjohnstondo we ahve enough people to vote to end the meeting?00:09
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:09.00:09
paultagThanks for showing up guys00:09
ddecator9 minutes, new record00:10
cjohnstonI think we had one shroter00:10
paultagI'll write an email to the team00:10
paultagsorry to our new guys, ddecator and DarkwingDuck00:10
ddecatorsounds god00:10
ddecatornot your fault paultag00:11
* DarkwingDuck chuckles 00:11
DarkwingDuckpaultag: New guy?00:11
paultagDarkwingDuck, fair enough :)00:11
paultagDarkwingDuck, prospective members :D00:11
DarkwingDuckLOL paultag, not offended... Just finding humor00:12
DarkwingDuckAfter that LoCo email I needed to ;)00:12
phillwpaultag: would PM be okay when you get chance?00:12
paultagof course phillw00:12
phillwpm me when you are free00:13
stlsaintpaultag: i gotta go in about ten00:14
paultagstlsaint, meeting is over. You can leave :)00:14
stlsaintoh sorry..i missed that log entry :D00:15
DarkwingDuckGuess I'll read about it on the ML :P00:15
cprofittsorry I am late UBT00:25
ddecatorcprofitt: meeting ended a while ago :p00:26
cprofittit took less than 30 minutes... wow00:26
ddecator9 minutes. not enough people to vote on new members00:27
cprofittyeah 7pm is a bit rough for some folks in the US00:27
cprofittI normally can make 7pm, but tonight I was at another meeting00:27
ddecator6pm for some of us :p00:27
cprofittI should have said 23:00 UTC00:28
cprofittbecause that is 7pm -> 3pm depending on where you are in the states00:28
cprofittI guess... 1pm if we throw in Hawaii00:29
cprofittsorry you did not get votd on ddecator00:30
cprofittHopefully we can get this done the next meeting00:30
ddecatorcprofitt: nah, it's fine, it's being brought to the ML (paul just sent an email)00:30
cprofittgood way to do it00:31
paultagthanks. These guys have been waiting for a long while. No need to punish them on account of idle members00:32
* cprofitt nods and agrees with paultag 00:32
* pleia2 nods00:32
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* xnox 0/16:01
mvoso the order today is:16:02
mvosurbhi, ev, doko, barry, mvo, Keybuk, cjwatson16:02
mvofor the lighting round16:02
mvoI did not get any agenda additions by mail, anything somebody wants to add now?16:03
psurbhinot much from my end.. could not do much, sorry about it :( ..set up qemu and still testing btrfs.. went through btrfs code.. thats it.. i really hope by next meeting i have something16:03
barrynot from me16:03
* psurbhi thought the round began16:04
mvothanks psurbhi :)16:04
mvothe round has began16:04
dokoonline, but still in cambridge16:04
mvoso your lighting round item is "sprinting" :)16:05
macolightning round?16:05
mvo"2-4 sentences on current work/roadblocks "16:05
barryis ev here?16:06
mvono ev today?16:06
cjwatsondoesn't look like it ...16:06
mvoso its barry16:06
xnoxev on vacation?!16:06
barrybug 589227 (2.6.32-22.35 breaks kvm); virtual machine hacking (vmbuilder, kvm, libvirt); foundations-m-python-versions (building the py27 ppa stack); foundations-m-continuous-integration (emails, and package tests). done.16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589227 in linux (Ubuntu) "booting to 2.6.32-22-generic prevents kvm machines from starting (dup-of: 589163)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58922716:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589163 in linux (Ubuntu) "Cannot start kvm guest" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58916316:06
mvoapt: improve mirror method; move stuff to aptdaemon backend (gnome-codec-instal\16:07
mvol, update-manager), some merges, work on software-center launchpad integration,\16:07
mvo buy-stuff work16:07
mvoactually, the mirror:// method is something I would like to briefly talk about, it looks like the launchpad side of things is working well, so we may consider it for maverick, at least get feedback on it16:08
mvo(after the lighting round of course)16:08
barrymvo: need more context :)16:08
* cjwatson first remembers that coming up in UDS Mountain View (the first one)16:08
cjwatsonno Keybuk?16:09
* cjwatson checks the holiday system16:09
cjwatsonah yes, ev and Keybuk are both on holiday today16:10
cjwatsondone: more grub2 bug-fixing, somewhat desperately trying to get a new version into Debian testing and maverick; Linaro infrastructure sprint; initial work on foundations-m-uefi-support, got a test CD out and do16:10
cjwatsonne some early experimentation with grub-efi16:10
mvothe idea is that mirrors.ubuntu.com hands out a list of mirrors via geoip to apt and that picks one and one 404,403 etc it can retry the next. there are more fancy plans, but that is the basic feature16:10
cjwatsontodo: fix grub-efi (or my sample EFI implementation) to the point where I can make serious progress on installer side of foundations-m-uefi-support; likely to spend most of Friday at Linaro infrastructure sprint, but available tomorrow; finish sorting out team work items16:10
cjwatson(and speaking of team work items, I have an agenda item to slot in later)16:10
cjwatsonxnox: do you want to slot anything into the lightning round?16:11
xnoxsure. =)16:11
xnoxwiped my harddrive parition table & restored. Got grub-efi to chainboot another grub, boot kernel/initrtd from iso.16:12
xnoxgot grub-pc to boot on macs as well to boot iso from usb16:12
xnoxit's impossible to compile grub2 on a mac. Figuring out how to do usb-creator backend on macs....16:12
cjwatsondefinitely need to talk with you once I'm a little further along with uefi-support and am doing better than guesswork16:12
xnoxcjwatson: openSUSE are doing geolocation mirrors (not sure if they use geoIP)16:13
cjwatsonthat's -> mvo16:13
dokobinutils cross build fix integration, gcc upstream cross build fix, sprinting16:13
cjwatsonthat's all for the lightning round?16:14
cjwatsonour lightning is slow today :)16:14
mvodo we have any outstanding actions from the last meeting?16:14
* mvo can not see any16:15
xnoxdoko: will gnat-4.5 be uploaded to maverick? (and debian experimental)16:15
dokoxnox: yes, if you port it from 4.416:15
xnoxdoko: =) gotcha16:16
mvothe alpha2 buglist looks pretty small currently16:16
dokoxnox: you might want to get in touch with lbrenta16:16
mvo(buglist is at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+bugs?field.milestone:list=27560 - just fyi)16:17
mvoif there are no further comments from the buglist, then I think its best to let cjwatson talk about work items16:18
cjwatsonwell, I was going to nag people about the work items mail I sent, but I think the only people I need to nag are actually ev (who has a fairly decent set of work items already) and doko (whom I nagged in person earlier today) :)16:19
cjwatsonso I think it would be best if people went to look at http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-foundations.html16:20
cjwatsonbarry, mvo, you two want to check back in an hour or two, since I just accepted a bunch of your specs for maverick and fixed up work item formatting etc.16:20
barrycjwatson: sure :)16:20
cjwatsoneverybody else, please check that this list is representative of what you'll be doing this cycle by way of feature work16:20
cjwatsonwe need to adjust things so that there's slightly less stuff creeping in from people who've moved teams, but ignore that16:21
cjwatsonif it's *not* complete, please mail me a list of the specs that should be on there16:22
cjwatsonand write up work items for them if they aren't there already, please16:22
cjwatsonhere endeth the nag16:22
mvothanks cjwatson16:22
mvomy bit is really only16:23
mvoplease try: "deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt maverick main restricted" (or lucid) in your sources.list16:23
mvoand let me know if you experience any issues, it should be working well now16:23
mvoin both maverick and lucid16:23
mvoonce there is more confidence in it (there is a update for maverick pending) we can talk about making it default16:24
mvoor at least expose it better in software-properties16:24
mvo(thats it from on the mirror method)16:25
cjwatsoncool, I'll give that a go16:25
mvonext item is "Any business from activity reports " - please add your activity reports to the wiki page16:26
mvoso far only barry did …16:26
* mvo blushes because his is missing too16:26
cjwatsonmine is also missing, sorry - will do before EOD16:26
* psurbhi notes16:26
psurbhiwhere is the foundations wiki?16:27
psurbhii mean where do i put them up?16:27
psurbhimvo, thanks16:27
mvoI did send out a mail about it, did I accidently forgot to include you psurbhi ? if so, I'm  sorry16:27
psurbhimvo, np16:28
mvo"Good news " anyone?16:28
* psurbhi checks email as well16:28
cjwatsonat least some level of graphics support appears to Just Work Already in grub-efi16:28
barrydon't forget there's a private mailing list we can use so you don't have to remember everyone's email.  i'm not sure if psurbhi's on it, but i'll double check the membership16:29
cjwatson(except for the fact that my EFI implementation only has a 256-colour emulated video card, so the Ubuntu background colour gets smashed to some kind of dark red, which confused me until I did the maths and confirmed that it was correct)16:29
mvobarry: could oyu please mail that list and remind about it?16:29
barrymvo: will do16:29
mvomy SoC student is working on apt multiarch rocks16:30
cjwatsonI gave psurbhi access the other day, though I think she'd have had to press a button in LP to actually subscribe16:30
mvothat should read "and he rocks"16:30
mvobreaks the ABI all over the place too :P16:30
cjwatsonapt ABI in "breaking" shocker ;-)16:30
* psurbhi eww.. notes16:30
barrycjwatson: right.  we can't subscribe someone else to a list16:30
cjwatsonironically, at that point I noticed that I was not subscribed to that list either16:31
barrycjwatson: can you emulate efi for a vm?16:31
cjwatson(and fixed it)16:31
xnoxcjwatson: =)))) blindly including all grub-efi modules boot lucid with wobly windows and compiz for me without fakebios & without efiframebuffer with nice plymouth and kms =)16:31
cjwatsonbarry: yep - grab OVMF from http://sourceforge.net/projects/edk2/, unpack in a directory, kvm -L .16:31
cjwatsonxnox: oh, I meant graphics in grub itself16:31
* psurbhi subscribed now16:31
barrycjwatson: cool16:32
cjwatson(though glad to hear it)16:32
barrycjwatson: i'll remove the members who have moved on16:32
cjwatsonsomething's a bit wrong at the moment and grub can't load the kernel from OVMF, I'll investigate that16:32
cjwatsonalso the acronym is nearly impossible to remember16:32
xnoxcjwatson: =))) well i played around with just regular grub menu16:32
mvook, moving on to "AOB"16:34
mvo"# Next week's chair "16:36
mvoanybody who wants to do it? otherwise its going to be (in the just started tradition) the first one from the shuffle script16:36
barrymvo: that's a great way to do it :)16:37
dokoI think I am next16:37
mvoaha, a volunteer, even better. thanks doko16:37
psurbhidoko, thanks, i think i was first otherwise..16:37
dokoI was volunteered ...16:37
mvoEOM - thanks everyone :)16:38
psurbhimvo, thanks!16:38
xnoxthanks =)16:38
psurbhio/ bbye!16:38
barrymvo: thanks!16:38
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highvoltagegood evening20:02
bencrisfordevening :)20:02
highvoltageapologies if I seem somewhat aloof tonight, I've had some stomach bug the past few days and have mostly been sleeping due to pills I've taken20:03
highvoltageRubén Romero20:04
highvoltageoops, premature paste :)20:05
highvoltageRubén Romero e-mailed me today about collaboration between debian-edu and edubuntu20:05
mhall119yay, meeting time20:05
* stgraber waves20:06
highvoltagehe's willing to facilitate that, he has some good ideas, he'll share with the list too20:06
mhall119highvoltage: cool, I wanted to collaborate with them on QImo20:06
* alkisg waves too20:06
highvoltageI suggested that he also look at Utnubu (Ubuntu backwards, a collaboration link between Debian-Ubuntu - http://wiki.debian.org/Utnubu)20:06
highvoltageso perhaps some of it might happen under the Utnubu umbrella as well20:06
highvoltagemhall119: great20:08
highvoltageI was busy speaking to Hedgemage until the meeting started about the Edubuntu site, she'll be getting some things ready and I'll possibly have it after the meeting20:09
highvoltageI told her that we might have to move on without her work for now since we really need a site, and that she shouldn't be offended if we do. She's ok with it and if we have to do that we'll just retro-fit some of her work again. She had lots of unexpected work coming up this month so that kind of messed with the planning for it20:10
highvoltageI haven't had a chance to look at vikram's documentation spec yet, have anyone else? any thoughts?20:13
highvoltageah, there's some ideas in there but it's not a plan per se20:15
mhall119I know we've talked about moin->docbook before, that would be really nice to have20:15
highvoltageI like the sidewiki idea, but I'm not sure how many educators/end-users typically use that. easy feedback would be great though20:16
highvoltage(sorry got a bit distracted)20:22
highvoltagealkisg: did you want to talk about copying that package to the stable ppa from yours?20:23
alkisgTuxpaint got demoted to universe in the Lucid cycle20:23
alkisgThat resulted in the translations missing in the lucid package (it should have had been reuploaded for the translations to not be stripped)20:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 572994 in tuxpaint (Ubuntu) "Unable to change the language in Tuxpaint" [Undecided,New]20:24
alkisgI don't know if there's going to be an update to lucid-updates or lucid-proposed, but in the meantime we could upload it to the edubuntu stable ppa20:24
alkisgI already uploaded it to my ppa, so a "copy packages" is all that's needed20:24
alkisgIf anyone agrees, I could copy it right now and send an email to the mailing list + mention it on the bug report...20:25
* highvoltage +120:25
mhall119oh, so that's why Qimo doesn't translate tuxpaint...20:26
drubinIn my opinion, the best Web 2.0 development system out there is Google's GWT. There are many frameworks, such as YUI and jQuery that provide exceptional features, however they require you to code in JavaScript and whilst these libraries themselves offer tested and debugged code that is highly portable across browsers, hand-coding JavaScript yourself quickly becomes a quagmire of browser20:26
drubincompatibility issues and arcane debugging techniques.20:26
highvoltagealkisg: is it an update to the package, or is it a new package that has to be included?20:26
alkisghighvoltage: just a reuploading was needed20:26
drubinwow sorry for that copy/paste fail!20:26
alkisgNothing was modified except for a version bump20:26
highvoltagealkisg: hmm, ok, then we could possibly get a SRU for it20:26
alkisgThat'd be best20:27
highvoltagealkisg: for some reason I thought there was an additional package, but I was probably thinking of another discussion earler20:27
mhall119why was it dropped to universe?20:27
highvoltagemhall119: at a guess there probably isn't any dedicated person to maintain it20:28
* mhall119 makes a note to check maintainers for all Qimo's packages20:28
highvoltagededicated person / dedicated core-dev :)20:29
ScottKThings only stay in Main for a specific reason.  In this case it was dropped from the default intall, aiui, and so it would be natural for it to go to Universe.20:30
highvoltageScottK: which default install? it wasn't ever in the Ubuntu one, I'm quite sure that it's still in the default Edubuntu20:34
ScottKhighvoltage: I'm not sure then.20:34
ScottKIt may be just a fallout of the fact that Edubuntu used to all be in Main and isn't anymore.20:35
* ScottK looks.20:35
highvoltageyep, that makes sense20:35
highvoltagehi dhillonv1020:36
dhillonv10highvoltage: hi :) sorry I am a little late, is the meeting over?20:37
highvoltagenope, but probably close20:37
highvoltagedhillonv10: I looked at your blueprint, will respond on the list later, I meant to do so sooner but it just didn't work out20:38
highvoltageI think the sidewiki idea is great, not sure how many educators use it though20:38
dhillonv10highvoltage: that alright :) so anything else for me?20:38
dhillonv10highvoltage: its quite easy to use you see, I can do a screencast like 2 mins. long which can explain all its goodness :)20:39
highvoltagedhillonv10: I talked to Hedgemage before the meeting as well, she'll tar up the parts we need for the site, so if you'd like to do a screencast, then we can include a video on the site20:40
highvoltagedhillonv10: we could do with plenty of other screencasts as well :)20:40
dhillonv10highvoltage: sure :) that would be great20:40
dhillonv10highvoltage: I'll try but my video skills aren't that good :)20:40
highvoltagedhillonv10: that study on finding out what people often asks about also sounds great20:41
highvoltagedhillonv10: it could also be useful for knowing what kind of screencasts are required20:42
dhillonv10highvoltage: yeah like I said in the blueprint, I have the code and its in one of the branches but its not efficient, it just searches "some" common phrases and I may have to write a lot of it over to make it more useful20:43
highvoltageyep, we also only get a few common questions on IRC, I guess we could do some of it manually on the forums/bug reports/lists as well20:45
ScottKhighvoltage: In karmic it was in main due to being in ubuntu-edu-preschool.20:45
highvoltageScottK: it still is20:46
ScottKhighvoltage: Yes, but an Edubuntu seed no longer forces it into Main.20:46
ScottKSo it's as I thought.20:46
highvoltageScottK: *nod*20:46
dhillonv10highvoltage: that also links with something else I am working on, you know how launchpad has an answers service where you can ask question about ubuntu and other softwares, now we can use google to search the terms in the question and get more information then in the template of the answer we can send those links back, like the top 5 or something20:47
highvoltageI'll try to put together some summary of our UDS work items and what needs attention and get it out to the list and make sure everyone knows what they need to do20:48
dhillonv10highvoltage: with what I have currently it can find some common terms but attaching them back to the email template is not working good20:48
highvoltagepersonally I haven't been giving Edubuntu as much attention recently as I'd like to, but I'll get back on track soon :)20:48
dhillonv10same here :)20:49
mhall119me too20:49
highvoltageI think the most important thing on my list is probably getting the installer stuff going, also an improved ltsp-live, although  I'll probably do the edubuntu-artwork package split over the next week20:51
dhillonv10mhall119: hiiiiiiiiii :)20:51
mhall119highvoltage: will you be able to help me get started on an alternative installer for Qimo 2?20:51
mhall119hi dhillonv1020:51
highvoltagemhall119: yep20:52
highvoltagemhall119: you know what would be cool? (at least imho) a text-based front-end for ubiquity20:52
mhall119but you'd still need RAM enough to expand the squashfs20:53
dhillonv10true :)20:53
highvoltagethat doesn't take much20:53
highvoltagethe image is only read as needed, it doesn't all get stored into RAM20:53
mhall119well something causes Qimo to need 192 MB to install, even running just ubiquity20:53
highvoltagemhall119: is that with the ubiquity-only session? because that's supposed to work on 128MB afaik20:54
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mhall119sometimes, if you dont' have onboard video, it'll work on 12820:55
mhall119but rarely20:55
mhall119sometimes with onboard video, even 256 isn't enough20:55
highvoltageyeah that's just a case of ubiquity needing lots of memory, would've been the same even if you didn't use squashfs.20:56
mhall119oh, I didn't know it needed that much20:57
highvoltagenot sure where all the memory is going to, and if a text-based front-end would help20:58
highvoltageI imagine not running GDM or X would already help at least20:58
mhall119but I've run desktops on 128MB after installing with an alternate CD20:59
highvoltageI can't even survive on 1GB these days :)21:00
* highvoltage blames firefox (for one)21:00
highvoltageI guess it's time to move back to  #edubuntu :)21:01
dhillonv10highvoltage: yeah firefox takes a lot of memory :)21:01
mhall119I have 4GB now, I'm happy21:01
alkisgWell even if the installer worked with 128 RAM, the installed system would be unusable with anything below 512, so it doesn't really matter...21:10
mhall119I've had Qimo running on 128MB21:21
mhall119it's not great21:21
mhall119but 256 runs it just fine21:21
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