
=== djay-il|mobile is now known as alourie
alouriegood morning08:10
aramorning alourie08:36
alouriehi ara08:43
alourieara: what "other" issues with the site were you talking about? The ones I might take a look at?08:43
alourieoh, and btw: are there plans to update it to PHP5.3 and drupal 6/7 ?08:44
araalourie, to your second question, no, no plans yet08:45
araalourie, to your first question, let me check08:45
araalourie, these are some on the pile:08:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 291089 in ubuntu-qa-website "[iso.qa] "Not complete" filter " [Wishlist,Triaged]08:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 507950 in ubuntu-qa-website "iso tracker should indicate some how that tests are under way on the topmost screen (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [Low,New]08:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 436450 in ubuntu-qa-website "iso.qa. needs a working admin interface (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]08:46
arathe third one is more complex, but the two before should be an easy way to start08:47
alourieara: great, let me take a look08:47
alourieara: btw, the update to php5.3 as I can see it off my head means updating ereg* functions to preg* functions.08:48
alouriewhich should be solvable by simple sed08:49
alourieor sort of08:49
davmor2morning all11:03
aramorning davmor211:35
alourie|workara: I installed the site on another computer. What would be the reason that I don't see filters on the site? Just a list of editions...11:47
alourie|worksomething isn't right...11:48
araalourie|work, mmm, shouldn't change, any other difference between your two installations11:49
alourie|workara: nope, at least I don't think so.11:49
araalourie|work, can I see a screenshot?11:50
alourieara: http://img704.imageshack.us/i/qatracker.png/11:52
araalourie, you have to update qawebsite_site to point to localhost11:56
alourie|workI believe I did, but hold on11:56
araupdate qawebsite_site set subdomain = 'localhost' where id = 1;11:56
alourie|workara: I have an "aha!" moment :-)12:00
araalourie|work, what happened?12:00
alourie|workit should be subdomain="<IP>", so if using locally - then "local", in my case - just an IP, as I access the site from another computer :-)12:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== bulldog is now known as bulldog98
fader_We're having a QA team meeting in #ubuntu-quality in ~10 minutes.  Please join in and participate!19:51
cjohnstonstgraber: ping20:21
waxxhi, i was wondering if anyone could help me with some pointers on installing ubuntu on my laptop21:43
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter

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