
cjohnstonmdke: I need to try to talk to you at some point very soon please00:00
jpdscjohnston: Off to London, old chap?00:08
cjohnstonYou paying?00:09
jpdsOh, I thought you were going to actually 'talk'. ;)00:09
jpdsActually, 'tis midnight over here.00:10
cjohnstonya... its always really hard for me to talk to him00:10
cjohnstonmdke: ping13:45
mdkecjohnston: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)13:45
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
cjohnstonhey newz200019:56
newz2000hey cjohnston, what's up?20:09
cjohnstonnot too much20:09
cjohnstonouch... new bug20:12
cjohnstonhttp://www.ubuntu.com/community  Project Teams points to an invalid wiki page20:12
dakerhey stas21:17
stasdaker: hi, good, what about you?21:18
dakergood thanks :)21:18
stasdaker: you're the guy from ubuntu-manual team, right?21:22
newz2000cjohnston: do you know who's in charge of hall of fame?21:23
cjohnstonnewz2000.. I actually just talked to jcastro about it three minutes ago..21:24
cjohnstonI think Daniel initially set it up21:24
dakerstas, yes21:25
newz2000cjohnston: I've uploaded the files for the maintainer to grab, who should I assign this to so they can fix it?21:25
stasoh, good, just wanted to be sure (new people :)21:25
newz2000I can ask jorge if you don't know21:26
cjohnstonI'm asking him now21:26
cjohnstonDaniel for nwo21:27
cjohnstonthat was har21:27
newz2000Daniel, the guy on Jorge's team at Canonical?21:27
newz2000ok, got it21:27
* newz2000 crosses one more thing off of his list21:28
newz2000Down to only four bugs assigned to me.21:29
* newz2000 goes to get a brownie21:29
* cjohnston notes he must go assigning more bugs21:29
newz2000cjohnston: I have on my calendar content for the landing pageā€¦ am I doing that or did someone else step up?21:30
cjohnstonI have someone working on it..21:30
cjohnstonWhen I get something I will pass it on to you21:30
newz2000ok, then I'll move on to closing more ubuntu-website bugs after I get my brownie21:30

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