
=== cpg|brb is now known as cpg
cheriotanyone around that can help me trouble shoot something?04:14
facundobatistacheriot, if I can...04:15
cheriotI can see the song I bought on the website, but the folders on all of my computers stay unsynched04:15
cheriotWith the proper unsynchronized emblem in nautalis04:16
facundobatistacheriot, open a terminal, execute "u1sdtool --state", and tell me what it says04:17
facundobatistacheriot, this way we could see the stat of the ubuntu one syncdaemon04:17
cheriotUsage: u1sdtool [option]04:17
cheriotu1sdtool: error: no such option: --state04:17
facundobatistacheriot, sorry, --status04:18
cheriotah, ok04:19
cheriot$ u1sdtool --status04:19
cheriotState: READY04:19
cheriot    connection: Not User With Network04:19
cheriot    description: ready to connect04:19
cheriot    is_connected: False04:19
cheriot    is_error: False04:19
cheriot    is_online: False04:19
cheriot    queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH04:19
facundobatistacheriot, the syncdaemon is ready to connect04:19
facundobatistacheriot, it has network, but you still didn't tell it to connect04:20
cheriotis there a way I can force it to connect?04:20
facundobatistacheriot, that's why it says "not user"04:20
facundobatistacheriot, do u1sdtool -c04:20
facundobatistaor --connect04:20
cheriotthe status has changed to QUEUE_MANAGER04:21
cheriotI take it that's a good thing?04:22
facundobatistacheriot, there's a graphic tool to see the syncdaemon status... it's really in alpha state, but you may find it worthwhile04:22
facundobatistacheriot, yes, QUEUE_MANAGER manages the metadata and the content queue04:22
cheriotthanks for the help04:22
facundobatistacheriot, if you want to try the graphic tool, install it from the PPA04:23
cheriotI'll have to check it out04:23
facundobatistacheriot, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chicharreros/ppa04:23
facundobatistacheriot, sudo apt-get update04:23
facundobatistacheriot, sudo apt-get install magicicada04:23
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Coudyhi, any news about sync on 9.10 ?06:19
* rye is in University network with transparent proxy and it appears that syncdaemon works great.09:18
Coudyrye,  hi, any news about sync on 9.10 ?09:20
Coudyduanedesign, Hi, any news about sync on 9.10 ?11:13
psyhi, does the bookmark sync actually work?11:27
psyI've got ubuntu one hooked up to 3 machines with boolmarks enabled, and they all have the plugin installed on firefox11:28
psybut my bookmarks are not being updated11:28
duanedesignhello Coudy11:42
duanedesignhello psy11:42
Coudyduanedesign, hi, any news ?11:42
psyhi duanedesign11:43
psycan you confirm for me how bookmarks are supposed to work?11:43
psybecause from what I can see so far, they don't work the way I would expect11:43
duanedesignCoudy: considering there wasnt much consensus from those who know the software best, I would be inclined to say either upgrade to Lucid or if you really like Karmic install the Beta/PPA11:44
psyLucid rocks, do the upgrade ;)11:44
duanedesignpsy: as far as I know the Bookmark and Contact Sync is being turned on gradually11:44
psyduanedesign: ok, so it's a new feature?11:44
duanedesignpsy: so they are turning it on 5,000 people at a time, as i understand it. When they turned it on full blast it didnt go so well11:45
psyI just started using ubuntu one so I don't have a clue where things are at11:45
duanedesignpsy: they turned it off when the Lucid upgrade so many users that it started to degrade U1 performance11:45
Coudyduanedesign, :-(, I'm afraid to upgrade. Every time when I upgrade, something is broken, 8.10>9.04 agp drivers, 9.04>9.10 autofs problems, but I'll do upgrade11:45
duanedesignCoudy: if you want to try the Beta/PPA first i have the command...11:46
psyCoudy: I know where you are coming from, but backup your system.11:46
Coudyduanedesign, bata/PPA of what ? of ubuntuone ? ,.. I'll try it11:46
duanedesignsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuone/beta && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:47
duanedesignCoudy: ^^11:47
psyUbuntu need a simple system wide backup and recovery tool11:47
duanedesignthat will put a newer client on Karmic. There is one change that throws people a little. The applet is replaced with the U1 Preferences Panel11:47
duanedesignCoudy: The Preferences Panel is usually accessed through the Me Menu. Since Karmic does not have that, to access Ubuntu One you go to System > Preferences > Ubuntu One11:48
Coudyduanedesign, Yes I know, at home I'm on Lucid,11:49
duanedesignCoudy: ok great11:50
psyI just read the note on the status page, Monday, June 7, 2010: migrating customers, blah, blah, blah...11:50
psyI think that was the day I joined up11:50
Coudyduanedesign, Lucid is LTS, so I hope, than U1 will work at least 3 years in Lucid11:50
psywas wondering why it was so damn slow11:50
duanedesignpsy: yes it was sloooow. Better now though11:51
psynot a good impression for a first timer11:51
psythey should have put a notice on the site11:51
duanedesignpsy: i heard Lucid brought 10's of thousands of new U1 users.11:51
psythe one you have to visit to join your computer11:52
psyI think ubuntu one is a brilliant idea for getting a real idea of just how many Ubuntu users there are in the world11:52
psyalthough, I guess it's only useful if you have lots of Ubuntu boxes in different locations11:53
psydoes canonical make money out of it yet?11:54
duanedesignpsy: i dont know. They pay for all the 2GB accounts so I imagine it might take awhile to break even and profit from it.11:56
duanedesignBut i am no business person so i have no idea :P11:57
psyWell I just like the bookmark sync idea so far11:57
psyI don't think I need anywhere near 2GB of space11:58
Coudyduanedesign, ok, upgraded, but I can't change anything in ubuntuone client12:02
duanedesignCoudy: you mean you open Ubuntu One Preferences12:04
Coudyduanedesign, yes12:04
duanedesignCoudy: under Devices does you computer name show up, or does it say <Local Machine>12:04
Coudyduanedesign, nothing, only limit bandwidth and disconnect button12:05
Coudyduanedesign, do you want to view image ?12:06
duanedesignCoudy: can you take a screenshot?12:07
Coudyduanedesign, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7883291/Obrazovka-Predvo%C4%BEby%20Ubuntu%20One.png12:09
duanedesignCoudy: oh wow, ok12:10
Coudyduanedesign, should I restart my desktop after upgrade ?12:11
duanedesignCoudy: can you open Applications > Accesories > Password and Encryption12:11
Coudyduanedesign, and ... ?12:11
duanedesignClick the arrow next to password12:12
duanedesignlook  for Ubuntu One Token12:12
Coudyduanedesign, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7883291/UbuntuOnetoken.png12:13
duanedesignCoudy: and at http://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines  do you see your computer12:16
Coudyduanedesign, I've deleted token, and registered again, but still I can't see nothing in devices, only bandwidth and disconnect12:16
Coudyduanedesign, yes 2x one from yesterday, and one from today12:17
duanedesignthats ok i have a few :)12:17
duanedesignCoudy: i have never seen that. I am trying to think what would cause that.12:17
duanedesignCoudy: could you please look at ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log12:18
duanedesignand see if anything is in that file12:18
Coudyduanedesign, thank you for your help, but maybe I must upgrade. If I will have problems after upgrade, I'll contact you12:18
duanedesignCoudy: can you try one thing. Run the command : gnome-keyring-daemon12:20
Coudyduanedesign, exsptions.log is empty12:20
duanedesign gnome-keyring-daemon; ubuntuone-preferences12:20
duanedesignand see if the device list is still empty.12:20
Coudyno devices, but exception in terminal:12:21
CoudyDBusException(dbus.String(u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/dbus_interface.py", line 1068, in set_throttling_limits\n    aq.writeLimit = upload\n  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/storageprotocol/client.py", line 1451, in _set_write_limit\n    raise ValueError(\'Write limit must be greater than 0.\')\nValueError: Write limit must be greater than 0.\n'),)12:21
duanedesignCoudy: ok. Could you open ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf12:23
duanedesignCoudy: and under Bandwidth throttling12:23
duanedesignyou want a read_limit = something greater than 012:24
duanedesignread and write12:24
Coudyread_limit = 6553612:24
Coudywrite_limit = 012:24
Coudyon = False12:24
duanedesignwrite_limit = 209715212:24
duanedesigntry that^^12:24
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duanedesignafter you save it close the preferences (if still open) and run the command: u1sdtool -q12:25
duanedesignthen open the Ubuntu One Preferences and see if any better12:25
Coudybut still limits are FALSE12:26
Coudyno change...12:26
Coudyok, I'm going to upgrade12:26
duanedesignCoudy: even if they are off they need to be something other than 012:26
=== JUMPA is now known as jumpa
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directhexis anything stuck at the server end of u1ms? i just bought a track which isn't arriving on my u1 storage (i.e. it's not something i can sort at my end)14:33
ryedirecthex, hi, redirecting the question to the person in charge...14:40
ryedirecthex, could you please download and run this script in terminal and provide us with the Id value? http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-account-info14:45
directhexId: 9674514:46
ryedirecthex, is "If I Could Fly by Joe Satriani on Is There Love In Space?" the missing song?14:55
ryedirecthex, is the song listed as Queued on the music store page in rhythmbox?14:57
directhexyeah, for about 45 minutes now14:57
ryedirecthex, ok, the issue is confirmed, alecu is now looking into that. alecu should a bug report be filed?15:08
alecurye, it seems to be a server problem15:08
duanedesignrye: have you ever seen this? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7883291/Obrazovka-Predvo%C4%BEby%20Ubuntu%20One.png16:13
ryeduanedesign, well, in karmic that was the limit setting... what exactly?16:15
duanedesignrye: ahhh, ok :P I am getting rusty on my Karmic knowledge16:16
duanedesignrye: i didnt even notice. It was supposed to be the preferences window after an upgrade. Probablly needs to restart U116:17
duanedesignthank you16:17
ryeduanedesign, or stale ppa entry16:20
duanedesignrye: ohh, you know what, that is definetly a possibility. He did have the PPA16:22
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brotroI can't get to purchased music from Ubuntu One Music Store17:15
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brotroI purchased the songs, got a receipt, and now the "my downloads" section of rhythmbox is just showing them all as queued.  Cannot access them through the website either.17:16
brotroany ideas?17:19
alecubrotro, we are currently experiencing some issues with the server process that fetches songs from the music provider into your u1 storage.17:20
alecubrotro, we are working on solving them right now.17:20
alecubrotro, sorry for the delay.17:20
brotroso, this will be fixed in the near future and they will download themselves?17:20
alecubrotro, right.17:20
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mattgriffinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status page has been updated. some customers are still reporting a 'queued' state for purchased music. we're investigating the cause.17:27
frogdoganyone know when contact and bookmark sync will work?17:31
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Jon__I need help, bad. Does anyone have a couple minutes?18:15
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alecuJon__, what's the problem?18:16
Jon__Does UbuntuOne store the files it deletes anywhere?18:17
Jon__I'm using UbuntuOne between two pcs, one at school and one at home18:17
Jon__I turned on the one at school for the first time in a while, and today at home, my file is gone.18:18
Jon__the file is my 112 page thesis18:18
Jon__I did not delete it from the pc at school or here, that's for sure.18:18
Jon__there is no .u1conflict file18:18
Jon__and it's no longer on the server18:18
alecufacundobatista, jdobrien: is there a way to help ^^^ ?18:31
Jon__alecu, did I scare you off?18:31
alecuJon__, sorry, no :-)18:31
Jon__oh, sorry.18:31
Jon__I was trying to be patient, but I'm sure you understand that 15mins feels like a long time right now ; )18:32
alecuJon__, I'm sure there's a way, I'm calling the people who understand this better.18:32
Jon__excellent. thank you.18:33
jdobrienJon__, what is you email in Ubuntu One18:33
Jon__if it makes a difference, I'd just updated the pc at school to 10.04. my home pc is still 9.1018:33
Jon__jdobrien, can I PM you?18:33
jmlhow do you edit a document with desktopcouch?18:34
jmlI'm guessing fetch it by id w/ get_record and then call put_record18:34
jdobrienJon__, yes18:34
Jon__alecu, jdobrien, I've got it. thank you very much. you have no idea18:42
jdobrienJon__, sorry for the trouble.18:46
Jon__now? not a problem. ;) workflow time change though. Going to work in a separate directory and just copy into/out of the Ubuntu One directory at the start/end of each day I think...18:47
alecudirecthex, did your song download?18:47
CardinalFangkenvandine, are we talking about the circ-dep in 2 minutes?18:59
kenvandineCardinalFang, hey... i hadn't seen the mail until just now19:00
kenvandinei can though19:00
CardinalFangstatik appears to be away.  thisfred, Chipaca?19:00
dobeycirc dep? fun!19:01
Chipacathe problem with circular dependencies is that you get circular dependencies19:02
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dobeythisfred: maybe BP could use some of those right now...19:04
kklimondaam I insane or is desktop couch has its own log handlers for g_debug?19:04
kklimondaor has*19:04
thisfreddobey to lift themselves up by the bootstraps?19:04
dobeythisfred: to soak up their incontinence?19:05
thisfredoh that kind of depend19:05
dobeykklimonda: i guess you're insane? what's the problem? :)19:06
kklimondadobey: well, the moment I create a DesktopCouch.Session () object my debug function is redirected to /dev/null ;)19:07
dobeyChipaca: You know… for kids!19:07
jmlI feel like I need a good javascript reference, a good python-couchdb reference, a good couchdb reference and a good desktopcouch reference in order to use desktopcouch19:07
kklimondadobey: hmm.. g_log_set_handler:235 has g_log_set_handler (NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, debug_message, NULL);19:08
dobeykklimonda: not sure what that is. your code?19:09
kklimondadobey: and debug_message checks for COUCHDB_ENV_DEBUG_MESSAGES variable..19:09
kklimondadobey: no, that's the part of the couchdb-glib code I've grepped fro the g_log_set_handler :)19:09
dobeyrodrigo_: ^19:09
rodrigo_kklimonda, yes, it has its own log handler, iirc19:10
dobeyjml: please complain at aquarius then :)19:10
rodrigo_kklimonda,  DesktopCouch.Session ? are you using the introspection? from which language?19:11
kklimondarodrigo_: well, it's Vala19:11
rodrigo_kklimonda, cool19:12
dobeykklimonda: I blame Claudia Black then :)19:12
rodrigo_kklimonda, in couchdb-session.c -> g_log_set_handler (NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, debug_message, NULL);19:13
kklimondarodrigo_: but it's #ifdefed so it shouldn't happen in the production code.. /me is confused19:14
rodrigo_kklimonda, hmm, I thought you had compiled it with debugging on19:14
kklimondaor maybe DEBUG_MESSAGES are set anyway?19:14
rodrigo_hmm, let me check19:14
rodrigo_it's disabled by default19:15
rodrigo_are you using the packages?19:15
rodrigo_maybe we enable them in the packages, let me check19:15
rodrigo_no, we don't19:16
kklimondaok, time for debugging then :)19:16
kklimondahmm, it's being set..19:21
kklimondathe log handler from couchdb-glib..19:22
kklimondarodrigo_: a lucid packages has DEBUG_MESSAGES set to 1 as far as I can see19:25
kklimonda(only when you can ./configure with --disable-debug-messages it's not set and debian package doesn't have it)19:27
rodrigo_kklimonda, oh, right19:35
rodrigo_kklimonda, we fixed that after lucid, so yeah, it's enabled by default in lucid19:36
* kklimonda thinks it's a nice candidate for an SRU so he's going to prepare a patch later..19:37
CardinalFangstatik, kenvandine, thisfred, aquarius:  I remember now the reason that python-desktopcouch-record depends on desktopcouch.  We didn't want to make the user specify the host they're connecting to.  When they specify nothing, they connect to their own couchdb, which involves a lot of searching for what that means and maybe even making it.20:21
CardinalFangstatik, kenvandine, thisfred, aquarius:  I can try to make that a special case, sort of, and import lazily.  That makes me nervous, though.20:22
thisfredCardinalFang: I don't have enough context to make sense of that.20:22
CardinalFangthisfred,   db = CouchDatabase()  # what happens?20:23
CardinalFangthisfred,   db = CouchDatabase("foo")  # what happens?20:23
thisfredah right20:23
CardinalFang(The latter one.)20:23
thisfredI think the library code should just always get a host. In python-desktopcouch we can then create a superclass that looks up the host or something20:24
CardinalFangSo, for all that magic that goes on, I can act like that is not the normal case, and try to import the code necessary to enmagickify it, so that the just-records-only solution works.20:25
thisfredI would prefer no magic in records, imported or not20:26
CardinalFangthisfred, What is "library" here?  CouchDatabase(db_name) ?20:26
thisfredput the magic in the app20:26
thisfredthe library is desktopcouch-records20:26
thisfredthe app is desktopcouch20:26
CardinalFangthisfred, What is "library" here?  desktopcouch.records.CouchDatabase(db_name) ?20:26
thisfredCardinalFang: that should get a host20:27
thisfredthen have desktopcouch.dedidedlynotrecords.CouchDatabaseSubclass(db_name) where the lookup magic happens20:27
thisfredprobably just desktopcouch.CouchDatabase20:28
thisfredthat subclasses desktopcouch.records.CouchDatabase20:28
thisfreddesktopcouch.records should ideally not have any knowledge of the desktop20:29
thisfredI think that could be a relatively small refactoring20:30
CardinalFangthisfred, I left out ".server" earlier, fwiw.  desktopcouch.records.server.CouchDatabase  .20:31
CardinalFangThat's what people use, that name.20:31
thisfredyeah so we break API20:31
thisfredor we keep the circular dependency20:31
thisfredI vote we break API20:32
CardinalFangThird choice is unify the packages.20:32
thisfredyeah, but the whole point was to not do that20:32
CardinalFangI thought the point of today was to break the circle.20:32
thisfredI mean we can, but desktopcouch.records was never meant to include anything desktop specific20:33
thisfredCardinalFang: probably the easiest now is indeed to unify20:33
thisfredand then factor out the library code20:34
thisfredinto a new package20:34
thisfredor something20:34
thisfredsince it's not just records20:34
CardinalFangFourth choice is to clobber the library desktopcouch.records.server.CouchDatabase with a app desktopcouch.records.server.CouchDatabase , depending on what is imported.  This makes Guido cry.20:34
thisfredthat would solve our immediate problem now, and postpone solving the more philosophic problem20:35
thisfredCardinalFang: yeah, let's not do *that*20:35
thisfredCardinalFang: I would like a promise though: please everyone be *super*careful not to put anything into desktopcouch.records that will break on the server due to it needing the gnome keyring or anything else desktoppy20:36
thisfreduntil we can split out the library for real, that is a danger20:37
thisfredbut not enough to break the API over20:37
CardinalFangthisfred, I promise not to move anything in to desktopcouch.records that would depend on the desktop.20:42
thisfredawesome, so do I, so let's wait until a last minute change from aquarius breaks it ;)20:43
statikso what was the conclusion here?20:43
thisfredstatik: we stuff it all back into one package20:43
thisfredand then properly split out the library code soon20:44
statiki like that idea20:44
thisfredwhich should not be supermuch work20:44
statikbecause we aren't even using the packages on the server side20:44
thisfredI kanbanned it already20:44
statikand we can deal with API renames on the server side20:44
CardinalFangstatik, Unify the packages for the moment.  We can't split without adding some conditional imports,  Make a new lower CouchDatabase class that does all the desktop run-couch, find-port magic, and add a warning to the library CouchDatabase class for when people use it and it relys on that magic.20:45
statiki for one welcome our new unified desktopcouch package20:46
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kklimondais there any plan to suggest developers using namespaces for their couchdb dbnames? the current way seems to lead straight to hell :)21:14
CardinalFangkklimonda, we want some ad-hoc-ery in design, but we want every record type to be publically defined, and those SHOULD suggest a database name.  Anarchy: bad.  Flexibility and public definition: good.21:18
kklimondaCardinalFang: well, the problem is what if two projects decide to use the same name? even if they don't we already have a not so good situation when some applications add their name as a prefix, some don't.. and that's only the beginning :). Can you write something more about using record types to suggest database name?21:23
CardinalFangkklimonda, the same name DB doesn't matter at all.  Record types in "rows" are what's important.  Don't touch records that aren't in your type.21:26
CardinalFangCollision is not a problem.  Fragmentation is.  So, record types should suggest a DB name.  We shouldn't have a registry of DB names, though.21:27
kklimondaCardinalFang: isn't it a problem that either couchdb or application has to check if the record has the right type? how expensive is this check? or maybe I just don't know how does couchdb work (well, I don't :) ) and it's not a problem at all?22:00
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jon_snowi have a question: i want remove a file uploaded on ubuntu One22:57
jon_snowi removed it from ubuntu One web page22:57
jon_snowbut it is still accessible from google22:57
jon_snowsorry for my english22:57
mkarnickijon_snow: you mean google has cached your public link??22:58
jon_snowmkarnicki: no, no. file is a PDF with my name/surname22:58
jon_snowwhen i search my name/sourname on google it appear the first result22:59
jon_snowbut i've removed file from Ubuntu One22:59
facundobatistajon_snow, which is the url that google is showing you?23:03
jon_snowyou can open it?23:04
facundobatistayes I can23:07
jon_snowOn Ubuntu One - My Storage there is not that file23:07
jon_snowbecause i've removed it23:07
facundobatistajon_snow, you removed it from the web interface, right?23:08
mkarnickijon_snow: you're sure it hasn't been reuploaded from your PC again?23:08
mkarnickithat looks like a bug..23:08
jon_snowi'm sure23:08
jon_snowi can give you a screenshot23:08
mkarnickidang. then it's work for the devs..23:09
facundobatistajon_snow, it's not needed, thanks23:09
mkarnickijon_snow: no, it's fine. I gotta go learn anyway.23:09
jon_snow"No files in this folder"23:09
* mkarnicki had to go away23:09
jon_snowbut i want to know if google will keep the file stored23:10
kklimondait's up to google - you can send them an email asking to remove it23:10
mkarnickijon_snow: http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=16473423:12
facundobatistajon_snow, ubuntuone.com should not show the file any more, if I'm right23:14
facundobatistajon_snow, could you please file a bug for this?23:14
jon_snowyes, i do23:14
* facundobatista needs to go now :|23:14
facundobatistasorry, bye!23:14
jon_snow"After these changes are made and Google has crawled the site again, the content should naturally drop out of the Google index"23:17
jon_snowit's right?23:17
mkarnickijon_snow: strange message, but it should be fine.. check again in few days23:22
jon_snowthanks :)23:28
mkarnickinp :)23:28

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