
abogani2Anyone know where is persia?08:06
astraljavaabogani2: No idea, sorry.08:41
ScottLabogani2, astraljava i believe he is on vacation until 20 june11:59
* ScottL is leaving for work, i'll be on in thirty minutes as scott-work12:02
falktxabogani2: u there?12:04
abogani2falktx: yes12:05
falktxabogani2: i have a special request12:05
falktxabogani2: can you package kernel 2.6.34-lowlatency?12:06
falktxabogani2: please?12:06
abogani2falktx: https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa12:06
abogani2falktx: Right now I'm working on 2.6.35-lowlatency.12:07
falktxoh, nice12:07
abogani2falktx: Lucid or Maverick?12:07
falktxi though 35 was going to have realtime ?12:07
falktxabogani2: Lucid12:07
abogani2falktx: So my PPA is right. I suggest you to wait
abogani2falktx: No abosulately.12:08
abogani2The last "no" is referred to realtime.12:08
falktxabogani2:  it's just that pulse doesn't work in realtime kernels properly12:08
falktxabogani2: i have to use v3212:09
falktxabogani2: which has some intel graph issues12:09
falktxabogani2: a lowlatency v33 or v34 will be awesome12:09
abogani2falktx: If you let me give a suggestion...12:10
abogani2falktx: I would avoid linux-rt as possibile.12:10
abogani2falktx: Because it can create more problems than which it resolve.12:11
falktxabogani2: hmm12:11
abogani2When version aren't aligned it could create an infinite series of problems.12:11
falktxabogani2: i only use your kernels12:11
abogani2falktx: For examples: KMS, X.org, File system etc etc.12:12
abogani2falktx: My time is over.12:12
falktxabogani2: let me know when 35 is ready12:12
abogani2falktx: Lowlatency is made to resolve all these problems and offer good low latencies.12:13
falktxi understand12:13
falktxbut the v32 kernel doesnt work right for me12:13
falktxabogani2: that's why i ask for 33/34/35 lowlatency12:14
abogani2falktx: You could install the maverick 2.6.35-lowlatency on Lucid.12:15
falktxisn't 35 unstable right now?12:15
falktxphoronix reported some big performance issues some time ago12:16
falktxthey are fixed by now, but we never know when it could happen again12:17
falktxthat's why i stick with final releases only12:17
falktxhe, the 2.6.35-rc2 didn't build12:18
abogani2falktx: Seems to me the best approach.12:19
falktxabogani2: should i use this one:12:19
abogani2falktx: That is a ubuntu problem not upstream problem.12:19
abogani2falktx: Try 34-lowlatency first but not enable PPA simply install the appropriate deb   for your machine with GDebi12:20
falktxabogani2: where is 34-lowlatency?12:20
abogani2falktx: amd64 or i386?12:21
abogani2falktx: Sorry I wrong http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/ seems more appropriate.12:23
falktxabogani2: ok, thanks12:24
abogani2falktx: you are welcome12:25
falktxbtw, abogani2, many thanks for your work on the kernels!12:25
scott-workbitmeter is no longer showing up on the "uninstallable binaries" email from coling watons :)13:13
scott-workthanks quadrispro!13:13
quadrisprofalktx, we need to patch zyn's sources to drop addsynth_voice.h13:40
falktxquadrispro: sorry i was busy14:31
falktxquadrispro: shouldn't we package the git version instead?14:31
quadrisprofalktx, http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-multimedia/zyn.git14:31
falktxquadrispro: or we're going to use v1 + patch?14:31
quadrisproalready in progress :)14:31
falktxquadrispro: i never used git before14:33
falktxquadrispro: i'm not sure how this works :(14:33
quadrisprofalktx, I'm working on the git release, so no patch is needed14:34
falktxok, nice14:34
falktxwhy did you remove the build options?14:34
quadrisprofalktx, no longer needed14:42
quadrisprofalktx, please take a look http://maps.remixtj.net/unstable/pool/zyn_1+git.20100609-1/14:44
falktxquadrispro: nice14:45
falktxquadrispro: so it's on debian now14:45
=== alessio is now known as `Alessio`
=== `Alessio` is now known as quadrispro
quadrisprofalktx, does it work fine?14:50
falktxi run 64bit14:51
falktxcannot test it14:51
quadrisprofalktx, we could upload it to a PPA14:52
falktxi can do that14:52
quadrisprofalktx, ok, now I adjust some debian/copyright issues, the package will be ready in 10 minutes14:53
falktxi'll upload it now14:53
falktxif it's just the copyright u adjusted, then the build process will be the same14:56
falktxbtw, how i do assign to be part of the debian-multimedia team?14:56
falktxi cant login in https://alioth.debian.org/account/login.php14:57
falktx"Your account does not exist."14:57
quadrisprofalktx, sure, did you create one?14:57
falktxof course14:57
falktxmy password is right too14:58
quadrisprofalktx, what's your account name?14:58
quadrisprofalktx, try appending '-guest' to your account name14:58
falktxhe, it says my user doesn't exist14:58
quadrisprofalktx, have you already tried logging in with falktx-guest?15:00
falktxit complains about not activated account, just send a confirmation now to my mail15:01
falktxhopefully it will work now15:01
falktxAccess denied15:02
falktxCredentials you entered do not correspond to valid account.15:02
falktxthis is so stupid15:03
falktxi try to login and get:15:03
falktx"Your account is currently pending your email confirmation. Visiting the link sent to you in this email will activate your account. If you need this email resent, please click below and a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided in registration. [Resend Confirmation Email] "15:04
falktxclicking to get a new activating, and trying to login , i get:15:04
falktx"Credentials you entered do not correspond to valid account."15:04
falktxi'll try this later15:05
falktxquadrispro: https://launchpad.net/~falk-t-j/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1168153/+listing-archive-extra15:06
falktxquadrispro: just compiled the package here15:09
falktxquadrispro: works fine!15:09
falktxquadrispro: good job15:09
quadrisproyyy-aaah! :)15:10
quadrisprojust uploaded to debian15:10
scott-workquadrispro: the bitmeter fix apparently is in ubuntu now and built correctly15:13
quadrisproscott-work, got it, thanks!15:13
scott-workquadrispro: i am qualifying this from an email from colin watson that did not include bitmeter as an uninstallable binary :)15:13
scott-workthanks again15:13
quadrisproyou're welcome :)15:14
quadrisprohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TaskLV2Inclusion needs to be updated15:14
scott-workhopefully i will adjust the seeds soon that that all the lv2 stuff will be included on the next iso build15:15
scott-workand adjust the menus to include some of them as well :)15:16
scott-workit feels good when Stuff Gets Done15:16
scott-workyes i used capitals for that15:16
quadrisprojackmeter and jkmeter have been accepted into Debian too15:17
scott-worki've been thinking (and this reinforces it) that perhaps we need a matrix just for new applications going into Debian that we might want in Ubuntu Studio15:21
scott-workthis way it's documented that it's available but also to make sure we get them into the seeds and set up in the menu15:21
scott-workquadrispro: have you heard of quitarix ?  several ubuntu studio users are asking for it to be included15:22
falktxthere are a lot of new lv2 plugins that are not in that list15:22
scott-workplease add them falktx if you feel we need them15:22
scott-workquadrispro: sorry, that was guitarix...not quitarix15:23
quadrisproscott-work, you talk about this? http://guitarix.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html15:23
ubottuDebian bug 543923 in wnpp "RFP: guitarix -- rock guitar amplifier for jack" [Wishlist,Open]15:24
falktxi have guitarix on my ppa15:25
falktxi can easily push it to revu15:26
falktxbut i can't login to the debian multimedia now... some crazy login error15:26
scott-workquadrispro: yes, i do believe that is it :)   from what i hear it is really nice, certainly better looking than rakarrack15:26
irvieare there any good sites dedicated to FOSS DAWs?15:27
irvielike both hardware/software?15:27
irvie(besides you guys of course ;] )15:27
scott-workyou can check out the opensourcemusicians website and IRC channel irvie15:28
scott-worklots of people on the irc channel, many of them very, very knowledgeable15:28
scott-workabogani2: do you know about -rt kernel and nvidia graphics cards on 64 bit machines?  are there any problems with them?15:29
abogani2scott-work:  I don't know nothing _but_ I think that these driver are updated lately. Unfortunately I don't have anymore my 64 bit system so I can't check.15:31
abogani2scott-work: If someone have problems please request him to fill a bug.15:32
quadrisprook, let's start working on guitarix15:33
quadrisprofalktx, where is your guitarix pkg?15:34
falktxlucid ppa15:34
falktxthe guitarix already has a debian folder on the source15:35
falktxit just needs to be tweaked15:35
quadrisprofalktx, sources under src/faust-cc/* miss license information15:36
falktxjust added more lv2 plugins to the list15:38
falktxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TaskLV2Inclusion , at the end15:38
falktxquadrispro: why is this so important?15:43
falktxquadrispro: the license i mean15:44
falktxif a project declares that it's code is GPLv2, then the files without header, shouldn't they be considered gplv2 too?15:45
scott-workabogani2: thanks for the information, i will pass it on :)15:46
scott-workand i'll tell him to file a bug if he runs into problems15:46
irviescott-work: thx15:56
quadrisprofalktx, what do you think about this? http://gabe.is-a-geek.org/composite/15:56
quadrisproit would be great getting it in time for maverick15:57
falktxi don't think it's worth it15:58
quadrisproperhaps it needs some other improvements but upstream seems to be really active16:00
quadrisproI have to leave, see you later!16:11

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