
=== Dominus is now known as Guest36360
makerprofazeanyone ever use open octave midi?03:18
backharlowanyone know how well the 10.04 rt kernel works with older nvidia?06:04
vagenendethis may sound very stupid but is ubuntustudio an os or just a layer for ubuntu09:18
vagenendein an other way: do i need to backup my system before installing09:18
astraljavavagenende: How are you planning to install? If from an .iso, then yes, if only applying the additional packages that constitute the application selection and meta-packages on an existing Ubuntu installation, then no, it's not necessary.09:55
vagenendei'm going to search the howto for the met-packages, thx for the help09:56
astraljavavagenende: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation might help out in a way.09:57
jussi!vanilla | astraljava10:26
ubottuastraljava: To install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation10:26
jussithat preparation page is a bit weird...10:27
astraljavajussi: Gotcha.10:43
neitchoHi! The low latency/real time patch is it designed to optimise audio or or audio/graphic/video?12:05
zylogz80hi all! I installed karmic and then upgraded to ubuntu studio via apt right after install. does ubuntu have a graphical grub configuration tool so that I can tell the system to boot into the rt kernel?12:22
neitchozylogz80> try "Esc" on boot12:25
zylogz80neitcho, thanks but I was looking for something to configure grub from within gnome to make the change permanatly12:26
zylogz80neitcho, not just to select it on boot12:26
holsteinneitcho: i was told that the RT kernel could help with video as well16:01
holsteini havent really tested it on any level though16:01
neitchoholstein> ok16:02
=== Dominus is now known as Guest53862

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