
=== SC|Away is now known as ShroudedCloud
sjokkiscurrently, empathy's unity icon only shakes if there's an incoming message in an existing conversation, and not if there is a pending message. why was this behaviour chosen?03:26
sjokkisedit: pending messages in unacknowledged channels03:27
thorwilah, thanks vish for clearing up that theme topic!08:16
vishthorwil: seriously a waste of time :/08:16
vishthorwil: hehe , i had a huger rant about OMG , but kept it above the belt ;p08:17
thorwilvish: i guess with OMG in the title, you set certain expectations and have to try to meat them somehow ^^08:18
vishthorwil: hmm , i cant seem to find the link for the mailing list etiquette , [no top posting one] , any idea?08:41
thorwilvish: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/mailinglists08:43
vishthorwil: neat thanks08:46
thorwilvish: this one goes to some length in explaining it all: http://idallen.com/topposting.html08:46
visheven better ;)08:47
thorwilvish: yes and no, as the first is ubuntu-official ;)08:47
vishthorwil: yeah , well gonna send both :)08:48
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
sjokkisnjpatel: the empathy icon in unity only vibrates when incoming messages are part of an existing conversation. is that by design?13:10
sjokkisnjpatel: in other words, it doesn't notify of new incoming conversations13:10
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
njpatelsjokkis, not by design, could you please file a bug at lauchpad.net/unity14:17
sjokkisnjpatel: sure. if you point me to the right part of the code, i can look into fixing it, as well14:21
=== \vish is now known as vish
njpatelsjokkis, well, depending on exactly what's happening, it's either a bug in bamf (launchpad.net/bamf, which gives us the list of open applications and properties about them) or unity14:35
sjokkisnjpatel: ah, i figured unity had a built in telepathy observer14:36
njpatelsjokkis, I think the indicator-me might be doing something like that, but no, the launcher goes by the window of the application setting the urgent-hint 14:37
sjokkisnjpatel: indicator-me does that, yes14:39
sjokkisnjpatel: how do you feel about moving towards launching empathy (or whatever other client the user prefers) on demand, and handling automatic login etc in unity itself?14:40
sjokkisnjpatel: the empathy team has also expressed interest in doing things that way, in general14:41
sjokkisnjpatel: if we have a people place, it would make sense to be able to control IM status from there14:42
sjokkisnjpatel: and instead of an empathy icon in the sidebar, we could have a widget to replace itt14:42
njpatelsjokkis, I'm not sure, we rely on indicator-me to provide the presence bits14:44
njpatelsjokkis, however it's interesting, would be interesting to here mpt's or djsiegel1's thoughts14:45
sjokkisindicator-me could be made to do this, sure14:46
sjokkisi don't think it does currently14:46
sjokkiseven if indicator-me controls presence, we could do it from our people place as well14:46
sjokkisboth would just be sending requests to telepathy's mission-control daemon14:46
sjokkismpt, djsiegel1: any opinions on the above?14:49
mptsjokkis, sorry, we're in a meeting right now14:49
sjokkismpt: no problem. ping me when you've got a moment15:00
mptsjokkis, what you described is actually how it's supposed to work, it's just not implemented yet. See the test cases in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeMenu#Instant%20messaging%20statuses>15:15
mptGreat minds think alike? :-)15:17
sjokkismpt: what i'd like to see is the ability in indicator-me to set your presence without empathy running15:29
sjokkismpt: it seems to depend on empathy (specifically) being run as well, and not just any client15:29
sjokkismpt: i think that's actually very bad15:29
sjokkistedg: around?15:31
jcastroI think he's on a call right now15:31
sjokkisthat's ok. i'm in no hurry15:31
jcastrompt: may I add that me menu item to that list I'm putting together?15:32
mptjcastro, sure15:34
sjokkisjcastro: got a link to that list?15:35
jcastrosjokkis: not yet, it's an email15:35
jcastrosjokkis: basically all the unfinished bits15:35
sjokkisyeah, that's why i wanted to see it ;)15:35
jcastro*   Length-sensitive duration for Notify OSD bubbles.   <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#duration>15:35
jcastro*   Experimental positioning for Notify OSD bubbles.   <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#position>15:35
jcastro*   The ability to remove Evolution from the messaging menu.  <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu#Evolution>15:35
jcastro*   The ability to remove Gwibber from the messaging menu. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu#Gwibber> (needs updating)15:36
jcastro*   Notification area porting, once we have a high-priority list. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationAreaTransition/CompatibilityFixes>15:36
sjokkisjcastro: apparantly i have to be a team member to join the mailing list15:37
sjokkiscan anyone join?15:38
jcastroI believe so15:38
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|away
sjokkismpt: you didn't really touch upon what i proposed re: the empathy icon in the sidebar, btw17:11
sjokkisit could be made into a more general "telepathy widget" rather than just a simple empathy icon17:11
mptsjokkis, sorry, I don't know what you mean by the sidebar17:15
sjokkismpt: http://static.arstechnica.com/assets/2010/05/shell-desktop-1-thumb-640xauto-13892.png17:16
sjokkismpt: i mean the bar on the side of the screen. the sidebar.17:17
sjokkismpt: the dock, if you prefer17:19
=== bratsche is now known as br-away
nigelbvish: LOL @ maverick-round-8-potpourri18:11
* hyperair smelt potpourri18:12
nigelbhyperair: milestone for papercuts18:12
qensevish: You've taken the lead in the Paper Cuts project now? Or are you just doing the hard work on instruction of someone else?18:15
vishqense: i'm jcastro of papercuts ;p18:16
qensevish: Woot! That sounds like good news for the next release and bad news for the paper cuts as they will be gone in no time!18:17
jcastrovish: I'll have a response to your mail after lunch!18:17
qensejcastro: Were you aware of the small discussion we had about the GTK+/AppInd bug with gnome-bt? Ted said he would work on the AppInd side of the fix on Bug Fix Friday.18:18
jcastroqense: that would be great, iirc that bug was affecting something else18:37
jcastroqense: thanks for tracking that down!18:37
qensejcastro: That was Sebastien, really. I'm just bringing it to your attention. :)18:38
jcastrowell thanks for that then, heh18:38
qensejcastro: How're things going with AppInd? Still a lot of work to do?18:39
jcastrosome wrap up things really18:39
qenseStill considering to hire a contractor?18:39
jcastroI am hoping to get a contractor18:39
jcastroI should know more about that in about a week18:40
=== MacSlow|away is now known as MacSlow
C10uDwow, did he just say "spirit of ubuntu"?21:14
C10uDnoone's watching the south africa ceremony i guess lol21:14
=== br-away is now known as bratsche
ShroudedCloudC10uD, Ubuntu was a word/concept before it was an OS.22:27
C10uDi'd say "orly"22:27
mptsjokkis, oh, you meant the launcher?23:44
mptsjokkis, I have no opinion on how or when that should wiggle, I'm not familiar enough with it.23:44
sjokkismpt: i'm talking about more than just that23:45
sjokkismpt: i'm talking about expanding the launcher into a widget, that can do a lot more than just open empathy23:46
sjokkismpt: and if you have no opinion, who am i supposed to talk to about this?23:46
mptsjokkis, as far as I'm concerned, one of the reasons for the me menu to exist is to reduce the number of launchers you need23:47
mptsame with the sound menu and the messaging menu23:48
mptBut djsiegel is in charge of design for the launcher.23:48
sjokkismpt: is there an overall vision for how messaging should be handled in unity?23:50

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