
lifelessjam: nice00:37
spmlifeless: where are we at with the pqm shiny? can I mark that RT as complete? Or we're still testing?01:36
lifelesswe rolled back last night01:37
lifelessI'm stabbing with a BIG KNIFE01:37
lifelessunfuckingbelievable where this was at01:37
spmwow, that bad eh?01:46
lifelessstdout and stderr are different fd's *for a reason*02:02
spmoh my. :-)02:06
dmuirCan anybody give me a hand with fixing history?02:51
maxbdmuir: elaborate :-)02:51
dmuirBasically, I have several revisions where files were deleted/added instead of moved, and I'd like to fix that.02:52
dmuirIs there some way I can create a branch up to the offending revision, fix it, then play back the other changes on top?02:54
maxbfix, from the point of view of making the actual old revisions look different, or fix, from the point of view of just stopping it causing a problem with future merging?02:54
dmuirwould be nice to fix so the old revision looks different, but primarily because it causes problems with merging.02:54
dmuirWhichever is easiest :-)02:55
maxbrewriting history is awkward. sorting future merging is easier02:55
dmuirsay the offending revno is 2002:55
dmuirbzr branch -r 19 trunk fix_moves02:56
dmuircd fix_moves02:56
dmuirdo I then do:02:56
dmuirbzr merge -c 20 ../trunk02:56
dmuirand then fix the problems? Or is there a better way?02:57
dmuirthe problem with the above is merging back into trunk is a pain with fixing all the conflicts...02:58
* maxb ponders02:58
maxbI've only ever fixed this sort of thing by carefully rearranging things *while* in the middle of doing a merge that generated contents conflicts02:59
dmuirah, ok. Yeah, a bunch of these are old revisions that are now causing problems...03:00
dmuirand the conflicts are really hard to figure out...03:01
zearinHello?  Anyone not AFK here?  I sheepishly approach, with a n00b question 0:-)03:02
dmuirzearing: ask away03:03
dmuirerr, sorry, zearin03:03
zearinlol np03:03
zearinK, so…2 computers.  House WiFi.  I have a Bzr branch on my desktop I want to access on my laptop.  I am embarrassed to admit that I found this to be waaaaay harder than I expected :D03:04
zearinBoth computers are Macs on OSX 10.6, latest version of Bazaar, and I have discovered the joy of Bazaar Explorer03:05
dmuirhmm... can you set up a shared folder?03:05
zearinOh yeah, I do sharing all the time03:05
maxbDoes OS X run a ssh server by default?03:06
maxbIf so, that'll be a good way to do it03:06
zearinI'm just clumsy and novice when it comes to networking and URLs that aren't Web-ish03:06
zearinI have successfully SSHed into my Desktop from this machine, but I want to be able to do it in Bazaar Explorer03:06
maxbbzr+ssh://othermachine/path/to/branch :-)03:07
zearin(Also, I think I want to make it a "bound" branch so both stay in sync…that is correct, right?)03:07
zearinoh! :)03:07
zearinNo username@machine/path/etc/etc ?03:07
zearin(with the protocol prefix I forgot to type?)03:07
zearin(gonna try it out right now…)03:08
maxbYou can stick a username@ in before the machine name if your username is different on one end of the connection to the other03:08
zearinno, same username.03:08
maxbno need, then03:08
maxb'bound' means 'when I commit, make sure it happens both remotely and locally'03:08
zearinAnd—I feel stupid asking as I'm pretty sure the answer is "yes", but—this is a URL, so I should choose "Open URL" instead of "Open" in Bazaar Explorer right?03:09
maxbuh, possibly. I'm a command-line person03:09
maxbno idea :-)03:09
zearinI have full respect and reverence for the CLI03:09
zearinBut I have a visual brain and I forget commands repeatedly unless I can see them as a button :)03:10
zearinThanks…gonna give this a shot, but I wanna say this was great support—you guys (and gals?) rock!03:10
dmuirmaxb: I've got another problem too... I have some cases where some stuff was added to both a trunk and staging branch, independently. When I try to merge between the two, conflicts galore... any "quick" way to solve?03:12
maxbum. not 'quick'03:12
dmuirbummer :-)03:12
maxbThe only way I know is to actually merge, get the conflicts, and then make sure you sort them out the right way such that you never need to do it again03:13
zearinGah.  No luck with bzr+ssh: "Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist." :(03:13
zearinGuess I'm off to launchpad :)03:13
dmuirzearin: That'll work too... the other alternative would be to set up a share, and put the branch there. You should then be able to access it via the file system.03:14
zearinunder /Volumes/ ?03:14
spivzearin: there's probably an error from SSH just before that line that may be relevant03:14
zearinI tried the SSH in the OSX Terminal and it worked fine03:15
dmuirmaybe  a password issue?03:15
zearinwell correction…I tried a plain SSH to my other machine in the Terminal, and it worked fine03:15
zearinI didn't test the bzr+ssh on the CLI03:15
dmuirmaxb: what's the "right way"TM to merge so I never need to to do it again? :-)03:16
dmuirzearin: I've found that by using ssh keys, you're much less likely to have issues when using bzr+ssh.03:18
zearinHm okay…again, this is something I have fiddled with.  Barely.  But I don't really know what I'm doing with keys.  I have a GUI app to help me manage them (don't laugh! :P)03:19
dmuirlast time I tried using bzr over a protocol requiring authentication, it would crap out if asked for a password.03:19
zearinthat seems to be what is happening03:20
zearinI tried it in terminal and after I gave the password it died03:20
lifelessbzr doesn't have the ability to do ssh passwords - ssh grabs the terminal entirely itself.03:20
lifelessso if you're using ssh (and lp: ends up using ssh), you have to use an agent that can prompt you, or hold the keys open for you03:21
zearindefine "grabs the terminal entirely" ?03:21
dmuirzearin: tutorial for setting up ssh keys: http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Ssh#Passwordless_Login03:21
zearinI have one already set up03:22
zearinI set it up for LP03:22
zearinI just don't know how to use it otherwise :)03:22
spivzearin: my point is that the "Connection close: Unexpected end of message..." error is usually not the whole error.  There's often some more output just before that that indicates why the connection failed.03:22
zearinOkay spiv … onesec03:22
zearinTonys-MacBook:~ tony$ bzr branch bzr+ssh://Tonys-iMac.local/Developer/Projects/org.lyris03:23
zearinUnable to load plugin 'rebase'. It requested API version (2, 1, 0) of module <module 'bzrlib' from '/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/bzrlib/__init__.pyc'> but the minimum exported version is (2, 2, 0), and the maximum is (2, 2, 0)03:23
zearinbash: bzr: command not found03:23
zearinbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.03:23
zearinThat "rebase" error always occurs03:23
zearinBut I've never used the rebase command, and other operations seem unaffected, so I ignore it.  It can't be connected to the SSH issue, can it?03:24
lifelesszearin: 'command not found' - you don't have bzr installed on your server.03:24
zearinI do, though03:24
dmuirzearin: iYou need to add the same key you added to LP to your other mac, and you'll be able to log in to it without a password.03:24
zearinboth the identity & identity_rsa ?03:25
lifelesszearin: is it in your path ?03:25
spivzearin: try "ssh Tonys-iMac.local bzr help", I think you'll see that fail too03:25
lifelesszearin: do this: "ssh Tonys-iMac.local bzr help"03:25
lifelessspiv: \o/03:25
zearinit did fail.  WTF?  I know I have bzr on my Desktop because I've already used it there!03:26
dmuirYes, when you log in directly, but it might not be on the path for ssh.03:26
zearinWell I also tried bzr+ssh://Tonys-iMac.local/~/rest/of/path , which according to the Documentation should unambiguously start me at the home dir03:27
zearinwith same results.  :(03:27
dmuirzearin: When you connect via ssh, it typically uses a different profile.03:28
zearinokay, so I just did this:03:29
zearinTonys-MacBook:~ tony$ ssh Tonys-iMac.local03:29
zearinLast login: Wed Jun  9 22:11:37 2010 from tonys-macbook.local03:29
zearin-bash: /Users/tony/.bashrc: No such file or directory03:29
zearinTonys-iMac:~ tony$ bzr03:29
zearinBazaar 2.1.2 -- a free distributed version-control tool03:29
zearinI am so beyond confused.  :(03:29
lifelessyou're setting the path to bzr in your bash_profile, not your bashrc, or vice verca03:29
lifelessI can never remember which is which :)03:29
zearinNeither can any of Google's search results :)03:30
lifelessor you may have it beyond an interactive-only guard in bashrc03:30
lifelessor something like that03:30
zearinTonys-iMac:~ tony$ which bzr03:30
zearin /usr/local/bin/bzr03:31
spivlifeless: I'm not sure that execing a command via ssh will run your bashrc (or whatever your shell of choice is) at all?03:32
zearinI'm not sure what you mean… :(03:32
zearinTonys-iMac:~ tony$ cat .bash_profile03:33
zearin. ~/.bashrc03:33
zearin#Setting PATH for MacPython 2.603:33
zearin#The orginal version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave03:33
zearinexport PATH03:33
zearin#@TODO - use "-G" and customize color outputs03:33
zearinalias ls="ls -aehAF"03:33
zearinDoes that help?03:33
dmuir.bashrc is used for non-login shells03:33
spivzearin: (please use a pastebin)03:33
zearinHow do I use a pastebin?03:33
lifelessspiv: zearin put the PATH version in .bashrc03:33
lifelesszearin: ^03:33
lifelessspm: ready for some monkey love?03:34
spmlifeless: perhaps not literally03:34
zearin*innocent look*03:34
lifelessspm - please pull lp:~lifeless/pqm/attachments into pqm, after grabbing the current revision-info03:34
zearinI prefer my girlfriend :)  She's much nicer than a monkey03:34
dmuirok... this is getting weird... back to work...03:34
spivzearin: you need to set PATH in your .bashrc03:35
zearinCan I be lazy and just…cp .bash_profile .bashrc?03:35
lifelessspiv: I wonder if thats the macosx installer's fault?03:36
spivlifeless: hmm, possibly03:36
spmlifeless: 232 robertc@robertcollins.net-20100422043204-70jn37kx2whdm8fr03:36
spivlifeless: worth asking someone that knows, at least :)03:36
lifelessspiv: will you file the bug, or should I?03:36
spmlifeless: Now on revision 252. u1 and ls are disabled for now; bzr is not03:37
lifelessspm: and do 'python -c "import bzrlib.tests"' just to check03:37
spivlifeless: please do, if you don't mind.03:37
lifelessspm: thanks03:37
* spm waves heyo to spiv-the-dad03:37
lifelesszearin: how did you install bzr ?03:38
zearinMac installer.03:38
spivspm: hey :)03:38
zearinlifeless: I installed it from the command line before, but I could never get Bazaar Explorer to install and work when I did that.  I tried installing all the dependencies from scratch and went through tons of grief in a long Launchpad troubleshooting dialogue.  Finally a new Mac installer came out, and I used it, and Bazaar Explorer worked.  I was ecstatic.  :)03:40
zearinlifeless: Both machines are using bzr from the Mac Installer now.03:40
zearinAll I want is to sync two machines in my house.  :(  Why do I fail?03:44
lifelesszearin: make the change spiv recommended03:45
zearinI'm too clumsy at this stuff :(  And tired.  I gotta go sleep.03:49
zearinBut you were really supportive and I totally appreciate that!  lifeless, spiv, dmuir, anybody else I forgot—thanks.  I'll try again soon.  ;)03:50
zearinGood night all, and may your commands complete execution flawlessly!03:50
dmuirmaxb: thanks for the help. I've been able to fix the conflicts and now merging works again :-)04:46
lifelessspm: again please05:01
lifelessdmuir: cool05:01
spmlifeless: Now on revision 253.05:03
lifelessspm: thanks05:03
spmthat was from lp:~lifeless/pqm/attachments again, to verify for you05:04
pooliehi lifeless05:09
pooliecan we talk about pqm some time?05:10
lifelesspoolie: sure05:10
lifelessnow is good05:10
poolieme too05:10
pooliehi lifeless, i'm back if you want to talk about fixtures06:06
lifelessplease ring me06:25
lifelesspoolie: ^06:25
m3gabzr 2.1.1 on lucid. if i do 'bzr merge /other/branch/' i get 'bzr: ERROR: Working tree has uncommitted changes (See bzr status).' but 'bzr status' says nothing. whats going on?06:35
spivm3ga: that's strange06:36
m3gahey spiv. yes, strange indeed06:36
spivm3ga: I suppose that might happen if you had aliased bzr status to actually do "bzr status ." and your cwd isn't the project root...06:37
m3ganope, thats not it06:37
spivYeah, that did seem a bit far-fetched.06:38
m3gais just did 'bzr revert' and it removed a couple of files.06:38
spivHmm, then 'bzr status' should have reported something before the revert.06:38
m3gai agree :-)06:38
m3gaand now it thinks there is no common ancestor06:39
spivOr perhaps 'bzr --no-plugins --no-aliases status' should have ;)06:39
m3gathay may in fact not have a common ancestor.06:39
spivYeah, that message is generally right :)06:40
m3gayep, no common ancestor06:40
m3gathanks spiv06:41
lifelessspm: hi07:33
spmlifeless: I'd thought you'd forgotten about me....07:33
lifelesssadly python 2.x sucks07:33
lifelessand something is upcasting things to unicode07:33
spmswitch to VisualBasic, make all our probvlems go away07:33
lifelessso it only shows up in prod :(07:34
lifelessmanaged to reproduce locally07:39
lifelessvia the magic of paranoia07:39
spmlifeless: just for the moment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpRiSb_Ir-s07:40
vilahi all07:45
spmhey vila07:45
lifelessspm: spmdo, 254 incoming07:46
spmlifeless: 254 from lp:~lifeless/pqm/attachments pulled in07:48
lifelessspm: nice song07:52
spmlifeless: you've not come across Garbage before? havea  few of their cd's. not too shabby.07:53
lifelessoh, I have cd's :)07:53
lifelessdoesn't stop it being a nice song07:53
lifelessI got into garbage at uni07:57
lifeless-not to be quoting thast-07:58
spmstruggling to remember who I was listening to at Uni. zztop, pink floyd, queen, icehouse for a local band - live at expo '88 - awesomeness; /me quickly checks his record (yes record) collection, gets embarrassed and stops describing right there.08:13
vilaspm: yeah, better stop there or you will look even older than me :) (There was a Status Quo appearance near Strasbourg a couple of weeks ago and that's how I learned that they weren't dead after all :)08:15
spmvila: you'll be pleased to know we've been educated our 7yo with Status Quo, (and Slade etc) which he tends to sing very loudly. I only hope it's a few more years before he discovers the meaning of some of those lyrics... :-D08:17
* vila takes note to listen to the lyrics again now that his english has hopefully improved enough to understand ;)08:19
spm'the wanderer' is a classic that way08:19
spmlifeless: how are we going with pqm? safe to open for U1 et al yet? or keep it wrapped?08:22
lifelesswaiting on spivs job08:22
lifelessthen my test one will go through08:22
lifelessso - 1.3 hours prob08:22
lifelessI'll liase with mthaddon08:22
vilalifeless: what is up with pqm ?08:23
* lifeless needs to send mail08:23
lifelesstrying to fix the terrible output people were getting08:23
vilafor value of terrible including None ?08:24
lifelesstruncated subunit stuff08:24
lifelessfiltered, no cause of error show, stdout+stderr conflated08:25
spmlifeless: oki, I'll make sure the R Tis updated with the deatils of where we're at08:25
vilalifeless: oooh, the one poolie mentioned, great, I think babune encountered it from time to time but I thought it was due to something else, since it was sporadic I had no way to diagnose, so any fix there will be warmly welcome08:26
vilalifeless: so you're fixing subunit or pqm ?08:26
mwhudsonvila: morning, how was your trip home?08:26
pooliehi there spiv, vila, mwhudson, lifeless08:26
lifelessvila: pqm08:26
spmhey mwhudson08:27
poolielifeless,  do you know off hand a good incantation to run a unittest from the interpreter08:27
poolieor more particularly from a doctest08:27
vilamwhudson: I missed a train in Cambridge, got the next one (luckily 20 mins later), had on horrible trip between London and Paris due to 6 guys playing cards, drinking beer and laughing louder than you can imagine, but I arrived safely in the end :)08:27
mwhudsonvila: :/08:28
mwhudsonvila: arriving safe is the main point i guess08:28
poolieand the worst thing... they work for us :/08:28
vilamwhudson: I managed to fix two bugs related to BZR_PLUGINS_AT. Since I couldn't fight the guys, I throw my anger at the bugs :)08:28
vilapoolie: hehe, no way, we have some guys who drink but they manage to make *us* laugh instead :)08:30
vilamwhudson: well, protecting the innocent(s) requires some blurry references :)08:31
poolieone guy who drinks? i think you need to pay more attention :)08:32
vilathere is drinking.... and then there is... drinking...08:34
lifelesspoolie: testscenarios has a doctest demo doing that08:35
lifelesspoolie: already fixed up to not chat to stdout/stderr08:35
poolieok thanks08:35
lifelessyou may recognize it still :)08:35
vilaI drink only water and I'm not responsible for what is added there by barmaids as long that it's less than say 20% of the total :)08:36
lifelessI hate python209:15
netshinei like java :+)09:17
netshinebtw lifeless, if i have changes in my files, and bzr know about that modified:09:17
netshine  ChangeLog09:17
netshine  src/cv_paintbrush_tool.c09:17
netshinewhy he still dosnt want to update... has uncommitted changes (See bzr status). Use --no-strict to force the push.09:18
lifelessnetshine: newer bzr doesn't do that, it says '--strict to prevent'09:46
lifelessnetshine: but are you pushing, or updating ? they are different things09:46
netshinethats ok fixed that. i was needed to mark the changes.09:48
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
mgzI have clearly gone mad14:10
mgzapparently left this branch in a completely broken state on the last commit14:10
mgzsyntax errors and everything14:11
mgzthis last bug is at least in codecs.open rather than my code14:11
bialixhey mgz14:33
mgzhey Alexander, just read the mail about a branch you want me to review14:34
vilaprivet sacha, hi mgz14:35
mgzvila has been practicing his russian? or is very interested in hedges.14:36
vilamgz: can jython use ctypes ?14:36
fullermdmgz: Either way, he's branching out    8-}14:36
vilaOne more joke going over my head :-/14:37
vilafullermd: _o/14:37
mgzvila: not currently, but there is com.sun.jna14:37
* fullermd buys vila a very tall hat.14:37
vilaI hate hats (sounds funny :)14:38
vilamgz: hehe, so, bialix told me privet is the closest to hello indeed ;)14:39
bialixwhy are hedges?14:43
mgzI was just making a little joke, bialix :)14:44
bialixali g?14:45
bialixI don't want a chicken14:45
bialixbonjour vila14:46
mgzbialix: lp:~jspashett/bzr/587868_args_handling_cant_debug looks sensible to me, could do with some tests though15:02
bialixyep, I think it's possible to write tests here by replacing sys.argv with some value and then back15:03
bialixcan you add such comment? I'm not sure is Jason will be able to write such tests though15:03
mgzno problem.15:05
bialixnice Bug 59208315:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 592083 in Bazaar "UnicodeDecodeError in get_password if user name is unicode (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59208315:11
bialixthere are several nasty bugs when user name is non ascii, or have a space inside.15:12
bialixI know, but never got enough time to fix :-/15:12
mgzyeah, the space inside one bugged me for agest15:12
mgzbut removing the default userid stuff last month was good enough for me15:13
bialixit's not enough15:13
bialixand that bug show15:13
=== TheLyle is now known as IslandUsurper
jamvila: are you still around?16:06
vilajam: hellloooo jam, yes16:06
mgzparthm... isn't in the channel...16:12
=== IslandUsurper is now known as IslandUsurperAFK
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
parthmjam: ping17:41
jamhi parthm17:52
parthmjam: hi17:52
parthmjam: i was looking into the "Will continue to try.." message. removing it totally seems good to me.17:53
parthmjam: if the timeout is always 0 i can also remove the code for it. do you know if "poll" is bzrlib.lockdir.wait_lock is used or is that also always 0?17:54
jamparthm: the timeout is not 0 locally17:55
jamjust for the smart server17:55
parthmjam: ok. in that case i suppose i will just put the message in a conditional for time > 017:56
=== IslandUsurperAFK is now known as IslandUsurper
parthmjam: thanks for the clarification. i will update the mp for this.17:57
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
mgzokay, let's finish this off, building py3k now.18:17
exarkunmgz: did you port bzr to python 3?18:19
mgzha, no, need to finish getting it working on less exotic pythons first18:19
mgzI need to check that my testtools change doesn't break py3k though.18:20
mgzokay, this is going to be a problem18:38
mgzlooks like testtools has been written to be source-compatible with py3k18:38
mgzdon't see how I can easily maintain that and actually test things related to unicode18:39
mgzwonder if they'd take a patch that ran 2to3 in setup.py instead18:41
mgzthough, does appear to be broken on py3k currently anyway18:50
mgzokay, back to work19:34
mgzwhy I hate DocTestMatches - what the hell is the mismatch here:19:35
mgzokay, got it.19:46
mgzpy3k removes the word "integer" from the exception message raised by `1/0` which means there's one too many spaces between the dots19:47
TresEquisanybody know how to get loggerhead to serve up robots.txt?20:22
TresEquisspiders suck, but at least some of them play by the rules20:23
mgzwhy should that be loggerhead's job? or are you using it without any kind of front end webserver?20:31
mgzmorning lifeless20:38
TresEquismgz: it is running proxied behind apache20:39
mgzso, get apache to serve up robots.txt then.20:39
TresEquisbut the "top level" for the domain is the loggerhead server20:39
mgzAlias robots.txt /path/to/robots.txt # or something20:40
mgzhm... my conf uses AliasMatch ^/robots.txt$ - but can't remember if I had a reason or was just being anal20:41
TresEquismgz: can you post the whole line?20:42
mgzwell, what I have to hand is:20:43
mgzAliasMatch ^/robots.txt$ "C:/Program Files/Apache2/htdocs/robots.txt"20:43
mgzI remember why I wrote it like that now, means paths like /robots.txt/extra/junk won't be translated20:44
TresEquisthat doesn't seem to do it in my case20:46
mgzwhat mechanism are you using to forward requests to the (I presume) seperate loggerhead server?20:47
TresEquisI have a working rewrite rule now21:00
mgzugh, could also be called mod_misuse21:01
TresEquismgz:  I've been using it to front Zope for more than a decade21:01
mgzbet you could do exactly what you are already with shorter, more readable config and just straight mod_proxy21:02
mgzfor some reason people treat mod_rewrite as a front end to everything else21:02
TresEquisI really do need to rewrite the URLs to get virtual hosting working21:02
mgzanyway, glad it's working.21:03
TresEquisit uses mod_proxy on the backend21:03
TresEquisI still think that loggerhead should be able to serve static files trivially21:03
lifelessI think that might be nice21:04
TresEquislifeless: howdy!  you find a house yet?21:11
lifelesswe've put an offer in on it21:13
TresEquisgood luck21:15
TresEquiswe lost a bidding war when I was looking 10 years ago21:17
TresEquisturned out the place would've sucked -- the one we got is better (and cheaper)21:18
lifelessthey have accepted out offer21:18
lifelessbut we're doing due diligence stuff atm21:18
lifelessso contract isn't unconditional yet21:19
TresEquisah, ok21:19
agrippaI want to make the first revision the current revision.  How do I do that?21:38
lifelessTresEquis: hey22:06
lifelessmars: since TresEquis is here, lets talk zope.testing briefly22:06
lifelessmars: you might like to read https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gz/testtools/unicode_tracebacks_501166/+merge/2609422:06
TresEquislifeless: I'm still around22:08
marslifeless, well, that is interesting :)22:08
lifelessTresEquis: I'm worried that I'm going to hold up actual fixes going into zope.testing for mars22:08
lifelesswhen it seems to be that all the proposed patches improve things, there doesn't seem to be a benefit holding one hostage to a separate infrastructure issue22:09
lifelessso I'm hoping to change your -1 that you put in the zope.testing utf8 traceback review ;)22:09
TresEquislifeless: new features that the Zope developers can't test shouldn't land22:09
TresEquisand bugfixes that we can't test are iffy, too22:09
lifelessTresEquis: they can test it, its just not convenient, AIUI.22:10
lifelessTresEquis: or am I wrong?22:10
TresEquistesting means that it can be run in buildbots, on multiple OSes, etc.22:10
lifelessand in the case in point it can be22:11
lifelessits just not convenient - which there is a separate task going on to fix.22:11
TresEquisIf somebody who actually uses subunit can take point on it, then I think we can merge fixes22:11
TresEquisfrankly, the original feature should never have landed without reproducible tests22:11
lifelessTresEquis: mars and sidnei both do - lp uses it for its c-i stuff, and landscape uses it for client tests22:11
TresEquisthat don't depend on having subunit installed in the OS default path22:12
lifelessYou had me totally convinced until that line; how something is installed is really irrelevant, isn't it ?22:12
TresEquisso, if sidnei wants to merge the fix, and promise that it actually helps, I guess I'm -0 on that22:12
TresEquislifeless: it needs to be testable in isolation22:13
TresEquison *every* machine where *anybody* develops zope.testing22:13
TresEquiswhich means one of the two solutions we talked about the other day22:13
marsTresEquis, does the test suite pass right now when subunit isn't installed?  I see that there are doctests for the subunit support.22:13
lifelessTresEquis: yes, thats orthogonal to virtualenv though: you have vm's, chroots, virtualenv, ec2 as different means to do isolated testing.22:13
TresEquismars: but nobody except you guys can keep from breaking the subunit support22:13
lifelessTresEquis: I don't buy every machine, as soon as you have any OS specifici stuff, *some* tests have to become conditional.22:14
TresEquise.g., zope.testing's testrunner is now deprecated22:14
lifelessTresEquis: I'm not saying 'dont improve the testing situation with subunit'22:14
TresEquislifeless: there is *nothing* actually OS-specific about htis22:14
TresEquisjust that subunit's Python support is tied at the hip (for now) to its C build22:15
lifelessTresEquis: I'm saying 'don't hold actual fixes hostage to a different *improvement*'. If mars was reducing test coverage, I wouldn't be saying what I'm saying.22:15
lifelessTresEquis: the risk you speak of already exists, and mars's patch doesn't make it worse - AIUI.22:15
TresEquisright now, *everything* to do with subunit in zope.testing is bitrotted22:15
lifelessTresEquis: which is impressive, as its what - 3 weeks old or something ? :)22:15
TresEquisno, its a year old22:16
TresEquisparticularly because zope.testing.testrunner is itself deprecated in favor of zope.testrunner22:16
lifelesswow, time flies.22:16
lifelessI was sure jml's patch only landed a month or so back22:16
TresEquisbut none of the developers working to manage the split to zope.testrunner can test the subunit stuff without a major timesuck22:16
TresEquisI did that merge22:17
TresEquisbut subunit support was around longer than that22:17
marsTresEquis, ok, would getting subunit onto PyPI solve the problem?  Then we can make zope.testing properly depend on subunit for devs.22:17
TresEquismars: yes, that would help22:17
TresEquis'subunit-python' or 'python-subunit', that is22:18
TresEquisI contributed a setup.py for that22:18
jmlTresEquis, I'm confused22:18
jmlTresEquis, I added subunit support to zope.testing this year22:18
TresEquisDidn't sidnei add other subunit-related stuff last year some time?22:18
jmlTresEquis, there's some other stuff related to running tests in subprocesses22:19
jmlTresEquis, which has, sadly, nothing to do with subunit22:19
jmlTresEquis, although if it were implemented properly, it would probably use subunit :)22:19
lifelessTresEquis: so what I think you are saying is "There is a testing and refactoring risk with subunit in zope.testing at the moment"22:19
lifelessTresEquis: and "That risk must not be increased and should be decreased"22:19
TresEquisin particular, we are actively refactoring zope.testing22:20
lifelessTresEquis: and I agree with both of those.22:20
jmlthe subunit stuff in zope.testing is very well tested, fwiw and was added just before the recent split-out of zope.testing.testrunner was proposed22:20
lifelessTresEquis: however you also seem to be implying "the patch from mars increases the risk"22:20
lifelessTresEquis: which seems entirely false to me, as it comes with tests.22:20
TresEquislifeless: I said earlier in this conversation that I could see mars' fixes landed by somebody like sidnei22:21
lifelessok cool.22:21
TresEquiswho can test them22:21
lifelessthen we're good. I will get to your subunit patch, I promise.22:21
lifelessnow we're not house hunting I should be able to catch up with my personal projects  :)22:22
TresEquisbut I'm unwilling to see *more* features added that can't be tested by anybody working on zope.testing22:22
marsTresEquis, yes.  I didn't even realize the subunit tests were conditional when I added them.  My subunit unit test would break on those dev's workstations :(22:22
TresEquisif subunit support in zope.testing were automated, for instance, then I or Lennart or somebody could help get them ported to zope.testrunner (without aforementioned timesuck)22:23
jmlsorry, I've joined late, but by "automated" you mean something more than the large number of doctests that are already present and run whenever subunit is installed?22:24
TresEquiszope.testing's self-dependency (it needs itself to run its own tests) has been a major stumbling block on porting zope.* code to Py3k, for instance22:24
TresEquisjml: they should run *always*22:24
TresEquisor else the code will bitrot22:24
jmlTresEquis, what about the code in z.testrunner that only works if Python is compiled with certain options?22:25
TresEquiswhich means that getting subunit-python into the buildout (or better, the virtualenv) is crucial22:25
TresEquisthose features are tested on buildbots22:25
jmlTresEquis, so, would it be good enough for me to set up a hudson instance (or I guess a buildbot) that runs the tests in an environment w/ subunit installed?22:26
TresEquisthose features are also used frequently by at least some of the folks who maintain zope.testing22:26
TresEquissubunit isn't (yet, at least)22:26
TresEquisexcept for sidnei, apparently22:27
jmlTresEquis, my outsider status aside, I do use subunit w/ zope.testing frequently and I do send patches22:27
TresEquisjml: right22:27
TresEquisit's just hard to do the refactoring of zope.testing / zope.testrunner without knowing whether we have broken the conditional tests22:28
jmlTresEquis, well, you'll have to test both paths anyway as long as it's an optional dependency22:28
TresEquismy branch for subunit adds a distutils setup.py for the package, for instance:  lifeless is going to look into merging it22:29
jmlTresEquis, I guess you could hack up something that tweaks sys.modules or what-have-you22:29
TresEquisjml: we have patterns for that:  e.g., the buildout has separate parts for separate Python versions, etc.22:29
jmloh right.22:29
jmlbuildout :)22:29
marsjml, I think the idea was to make subunit a required dependency for developers, but optional for users22:30
TresEquisjml: not everybody lives in a .deb monculture22:30
TresEquismars: rithe22:30
TresEquissorry, right22:30
TresEquisand make it trivial to install22:30
TresEquisI actually made a stab at doing a CMMI build *inside* the buildout22:30
TresEquisbut ran out of tuits22:31
jmlTresEquis, you should have read my blog post first :)22:31
TresEquissubunit is just a little cranky to build22:31
TresEquisthe Python bits are straightforward, though22:31
TresEquisat least for now22:31
TresEquiscreates an sdist which installs the library code and the tests cleanly22:33
TresEquissorry, s/tests/filters/22:33
jmlTresEquis, have you verified that this makes a usable egg for your purposes?22:34
marslifeless, does your testtools traceback branch obsolete my zope.testing traceback branch?22:35
lifelessI don't think so22:35
TresEquisjml:  that was at the end of the tuit stack, too22:36
TresEquisI did verify that it made an sdist installable in a virtualenv22:37
TresEquisand that the filter scripts could run with '--help'22:37
marslifeless, actually, it looks like they are unrelated.  testtools can't handle utf-8 : neither could the zope.testing subunit output.  Same bug, different pieces of code.22:37
TresEquismeaning that they could import subunit22:37
lifelessmars: right22:37
lifelessmars: the testtools fix that mgz is doing is rather deeper22:37
jmlTresEquis, cool.22:37
lifelessmars: because pedants22:37
meoblast001i have a friend who uses Windows who will be testing a project i'm working on.... he installed Python 2.6.5, Bazaar, and Bazaar Explorer, but he gets a cannot execute bzr error22:38
jmlTresEquis, I guess ideally I'd like to know it works before I merge it, particularly since setup.py's are quite hard to test automatically.22:38
lifelessmars: and interestingly I've got a patch I'm looking at right now to address a similar cause in subunit itself22:38
marslifeless, yes, I thought about finding and fixing traceback inputs for all of 5 minutes before moving to a defensive code solution22:38
TresEquisjml:  one trivial test is to run 'python setup.py --long-description', or whatever, and examine the output22:39
TresEquiswhich at least guards against syntax errors22:39
mgzlp:~mars/zope.testing/fix-subunit-utf8-traceback-reporting right?22:39
TresEquisbut the folks doing the release-to-PyPI are the ultimate watchdogs22:39
TresEquiswhich works because they rely on setup.py to do that task22:40
lifelessmars: yes22:40
jmlTresEquis, I don't know who's going to do that :)22:40
lifelessmgz: yes22:40
marsmgz, yep.  We had a crash where the traceback coming into the code could be uft8, unicode or ASCII.  And it is in a testrunner, so for the tb contensts, anything goes!22:40
mgzit's similar in that it adds handling for arbitrary bytestrings as tracebacks.22:40
lifelessjml: I'm happy for any subunit committer, which includes you, to upload stuff to pypi - I'd like them all to have permissions.22:41
lifelessin fact22:41
lifelessI'd like a lp-group-to-pypi-project permission syncer22:41
lifelessI can has automation please?22:41
jmllifeless, LP has APIs. Don't know about PyPI22:41
mgzthe branch for testtools is more like changing your OutputFormatter.format_traceback code to always return unicode22:41
mgzbut both are trying to squish the same kind of problem.22:42
lifelessjml: it has a web UI at lesat ;)22:42
TresEquisjml: Stephan Richter has some script he uses to bless / blast users with perms for zope.* packages22:42
jmllifeless, and james_w has beautifulsoup matchers. you should write the syncer now :)22:42
james_wdid you see my bug about matchers and addDetail?22:43
jmlno, I didn't.22:43
TresEquisPyPI speaks xmlrpc, I think:  http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyPiXmlRpc22:44
james_wMismatches should have a way to persuade assertThat to call addDetail with a bunch of Content if it fails due to them22:44
james_wI want to stop the Mistmatch.describe() methods in soupmatchers stop printing the whole html, as that's a terrible idea, but I would love to provide it for looking at if desired22:45
jmlTresEquis, if I merge this patch into trunk but don't release, will that help / unblock you?22:46
lifelessjames_w: oh thats a great aidea22:47
lifelessjames_w: please do it22:47
lifelessjames_w: I suggest a query interface on Mismatch22:47
lifelessjames_w: get_details, or something22:47
james_wI suggested an attribute, but that works fine22:47
lifelessand then, assertThat can do 'for content in Mismatch.get_details: self.addDetail(unique_name, content)'22:48
lifelessor roughly that22:48
james_wbug 59132722:48
lifelessadjust as you please22:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 591327 in testtools "Please allow Mismatches to add detail to the result (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59132722:48
lifelessthese abstractions are feeling really right22:49
james_wthough of adding disposition to Content?22:49
james_was in inline/attachment22:49
james_wwhich could be interpreted by a runner as to whether to display by default?22:50
lifelessI don't think it belongs there22:50
mgzderailing the Matchers topic a bit, did anyone play my spot-the-difference from earlier? http://paste.ubuntu.com/447885/22:50
lifelesscontent maps well to email, http, disk files22:50
lifelesswhat to do and how to address it is a wrapper issue - IMO, I may well be wrong22:50
TresEquisjml: we aren't really unblocked meaningfully until we can either install 'subunit-python' from PyPI (or another URL)22:51
TresEquisor else build subunit inside the buildout22:51
TresEquisI prefer the former at this point ;)22:51
jmlTresEquis, ok. that's good to know.22:51
TresEquisif somebody made the sdist from that branch and put it up somewhere "permanent"22:51
james_wplus there's my testtools merge request if someone wants to take a look?22:52
TresEquisthen we could point to that URL in the 'find-links' bit for the buildout22:52
jmlTresEquis, I'm a little reluctant to release subunit right now, mostly because it's too much of a context switch and I'm not 100% the setup.py does what we want. Also I have to leave for a flight in ~30mins22:52
james_w(t-i-p IRC channel?)22:52
jmljames_w, yeah, let's22:52
TresEquisand procede accordingly22:52
lifelessjames_w: that is #python-testing22:52
jmlTresEquis, but I'll try to get to it tomorrow or next week, and try prodding lifeless to get there first :)22:56
jmlmgz, nothing stands out22:57
TresEquisjml: OK -- in the meanwhile, sidnei or gary_poster or somebody with subunit-fu can go ahead and do the merge of mars' branch22:58
jmlTresEquis, cool.22:59
mgzindeed. only printing the actual line for the Mismatch would help, and putting the whole thing as an attachement as was being discussed22:59
jelmerlifeless: so, bug 30968223:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 309682 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "tags are copied but their revisions may not be (affected: 0, heat: 9)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30968223:35
jelmerjames_w: ^23:36
jelmerI'm wondering if the right approach is to fetch all revisions for which we have tags23:36
james_wjelmer: I'd be happy with that23:53
james_wjelmer: would it be any more expensive for bzr-svn?23:54
jelmerjames_w: not particularly23:55
jelmerjames_w: of course if there's a revision tagged that doesn't have any relation to the mainline it will mean fetching more data23:56
jelmerbut that doesn't seem unreasonable23:56
lifelessjelmer: I think we should do that23:57

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