
rad4ChristGood morning. LTSP server is going very well, few things. Does anyone know how a user setup with sabayon (User Profile Editor) works as a client, then quits working and returns to the fully default gnome? Seems to happen if I change the session at login, but also does it on its own.14:44
rad4ChristSecondly, all local apps do not have a theme applied to them. The panels, windows, and GUI for all apps run on the server are using the human theme, but local apps are blocky and dull grey. Any ideas?14:45
LedHedI'm having trouble with LTSP,  I'm running fat clients, and approx 1/3 of the time the clients fail to completely boot.  They stall out at the ubuntu boot splash screen19:32
LedHedany ideas on what might be causing this or where I should start looking?19:32
alkisgLedHed: try to disable the splash screen20:54
alkisgI.e. remove "quiet splash" from /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default20:54
alkisgAlso check if this affects you: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ltsp/+bug/58903420:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589034 in LTSP "nbd-proxy hangs the nbd-connection to server" [Undecided,New]20:55

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