
thumpertowski: there is an RSS feed00:07
thumpertowski: go to the person's code page00:07
thumpertowski: there is a link there for the revision feed for the person, you should be able to see the link in the browser RSS support00:08
towskiah ok awesome00:08
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CynthiaGRepeat from 1 hour ago: ~codedread gave me trunk writing access to the Scour project as part of the team Scouring Pads (LP ID: ~scouring), and Launchpad is saying "Updating branch, will take a few minutes" for the trunk. However, it's been an hour and a half now. Is something up with Launchpad?00:27
CynthiaG[Update: It's been 2:30 h now]00:28
thumperCynthiaG: hmm...00:36
thumperCynthiaG: yes I think we have a bug somewhere00:37
CynthiaGI do have bug supervisor permissions though00:37
thumperCynthiaG: is launchpad showing the lastest revision for that branch?00:37
CynthiaGIt is showing the lastest; ~codedread hasn't committed any code lately00:37
thumperwhen was the last update?00:37
CynthiaGand I couldn't push a change (it's a Python file, so I just added a line with # [a comment] to test)00:38
CynthiaGThe last update was 4 weeks ago00:38
CynthiaG$ bzr push lp:scour00:38
CynthiaGbzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(lp-69481744:///~codedread/scour/trunk/.bzr/branchlock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport00:38
thumperCynthiaG: ah ha00:38
thumperCynthiaG: you need to do a bzr launchpad-login00:38
CynthiaGDid that00:38
CynthiaGso I could write to my branch00:39
* thumper looks at trunk00:39
CynthiaGI think Launchpad is stuck updating the permissions. Formerly, ~codedread was the owner, but ~codedread said that ~scouring is now the owner, and asked me to test if I could write to the trunk.00:39
thumperCynthiaG: why do you think you have rights to edit the branch?00:39
thumper~codedread is still the owner AFAICS00:40
CynthiaG~codedread sent me a mail through Launchpad saying so, and I got a membership notice for Scouring Pads00:40
CynthiaGHm. So ~codedread might have messed up a little in changing the owner of the branch?00:40
thumperCynthiaG: but the trunk branch is still owned by ~coddread00:40
CynthiaGPerhaps this is the change that Launchpad is processing, because seriously the code hasn't been touched in weeks00:41
thumperCynthiaG: no, it doesn't work that way00:42
CynthiaGThe permission/ownership change00:42
CynthiaGAh ok00:42
CynthiaGI'm stumped then00:42
thumperwhen was the ownership supposedly changed?00:42
CynthiaGthumper: 16:45:02 GMT-4, or about 3 hours ago now00:43
thumperCynthiaG: we'll I'd say something went wrong with the renaming00:44
thumperwhere renaming == ownership of trunk00:44
CynthiaGI'll recontact ~codedread then, thanks for taking the time to investigate this00:44
* thumper wonders of the intent of ~codedread, was it "coded read" or "code dread"00:47
CynthiaGI don't know :) I think it's code dread00:48
=== maxb changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: jelmer | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
CynthiaGhttps://code.launchpad.net/~louis-simard/scour/rework  "Updating branch"... has been for 7 minutes now. Usually branch updates take 1 minute, and exceptionally 2. The trunk for Scour is still frozen from 6 hours ago. I think something's really up now.04:21
CynthiaG[Repeat from 26 min ago] https://code.launchpad.net/~louis-simard/scour/rework  "Updating branch"... has been for 33 minutes now. Usually branch updates take 1 minute, and exceptionally 2. The trunk for Scour is still frozen from 6 hours ago. I think something's really up with Launchpad...04:47
spmCynthiaG: looking...04:50
CynthiaGspm: Thanks04:50
thumperspm: does it have next_mirror_time not null?04:55
spmthumper: haven't tried the DB yet - was still looking logs04:55
thumperspm: it'll be the db04:55
spmhookay, ta04:55
thumperspm: I think there is some code path calling requestMirror04:57
thumperspm: which doesn't make sense for hosted branches any more04:57
thumperspm: I should update the method to barf and run the test suite04:57
spmthumper: https://pastebin.canonical.com/33277/ ?04:59
spmoh yuk. formatting hell.04:59
spmnext_mirror_time is a null by the look of it05:00
spmlast mirroed 2010-06-10 03:07:04.33780805:00
thumperspm: better formatting next time plz05:00
spmtruly, not sure what happened there05:01
thumperspm: can you paste again, I need to check other attributes05:01
spmthumper: https://pastebin.canonical.com/33278/ better05:02
thumperok, it thinks there are pending writes as the last scanned id differs from the last mirrored id05:03
CynthiaGFor the record, I did just try to commit something, but I don't think ~codedread committed anything to the trunk. What he did was to change the trunk's ownership from himself to a team called Scouring Pads.05:05
thumperspm: can you do a 'select branchjob.*, job.* from branchjob, job where branchjob.job = job.id and branchjob.branch =352900' ?05:05
spmthumper: https://pastebin.canonical.com/33279/05:05
thumperactually it actually looks like it hasn't been scanned from an hour ago05:06
* thumper sighs05:06
thumperspm: actually this appears to be a scan issue05:08
thumperspm: back to the logs05:08
spmthumper: there must be some way we can blame mwh for this tho surely?05:08
spmno bzrsyncd hung processes fwiw05:09
thumper2010-06-10 03:07:15 ERROR   Job execution raised an exception.05:10
thumper -> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/50049410/rabeY1Z39czhtbmsxFBVMfGBvUu.txt (CHKInventoryRepository('05:10
thumperis not compatible with05:10
thumperCynthiaG: the branch that you are stacked upon has been upgraced05:10
thumperyou should just be able to say upgrade on your branch05:10
thumperand it should just work again05:10
CynthiaGWhat would I need to do to upgrade my branch without losing commits? Just 'bzr upgrade' in my local version of the branch?05:11
thumperCynthiaG: there is a button on the launchpad page05:11
thumperwell, a link I think05:11
thumpernear the bottom05:11
thumperCynthiaG: you should also upgrade your local copy05:12
thumperalthough something seems wrong with lp:scour05:12
CynthiaGThe branch lp:scour is under format 605:13
thumperit says it is 2a05:13
CynthiaGActually 6 is what the page for lp:scour says05:13
thumperthe page is wrong05:13
thumperyou've just reminded me of the other bug05:13
CynthiaGAwesome :(05:13
thumperthe upgrade process is one of the places calling the wrong method05:13
thumperif you upgrade your branch05:14
thumperit should be fine05:14
* thumper crosses fingers05:14
CynthiaGI did upgrade my branch just now, with the link on my branch page and 'bzr upgrade'05:14
CynthiaGHowever, only ~codedread would have access to upgrade the trunk to unfreeze things05:14
CynthiaGif applicable05:14
thumperCynthiaG: trunk is upgraded05:14
thumperit is just showing that it isn't05:15
* thumper tweaks05:15
thumpershowing 2a now05:17
thumperalthough needs to be tweaked at the db to remove the next_mirror_time05:17
* thumper looks at the other branch05:18
thumperCynthiaG: you branch upgrade is in progress05:19
thumperI'll check on it later05:19
* CynthiaG nods05:19
CynthiaGThanks a lot for your time by the way05:19
* thumper goes to make some fud05:20
thumperCynthiaG: there is a problem with your branch upgrade05:52
thumperCynthiaG: the simplest solution would be to rename the current branch on launchpad so we can track down the problem05:52
CynthiaGIs there anything I can do to fix the problem?05:53
thumperCynthiaG: upgrade your local repo to 2a05:53
thumperCynthiaG: then repush your local branch05:53
thumperCynthiaG: I don't think there is anything you can do with the LP branch05:53
* thumper dashes again05:53
CynthiaGrenamed the old rework to rework-2, created rework, pushing to it now05:57
CynthiaGpush done, it didn't complain about repository incompatibilities05:57
netshinegood morning all, i have some question08:59
netshinewhen i finish translating some program, why its still not on 100%?08:59
netshineand the other part is on "newly translated in launchpad"09:00
FullFlannelJackeWhy are so many i386 build machines disabled?10:08
wgrantArgh, not again.10:08
cody-somervilleIts already being worked on.10:08
bigjoolsbuilders are back11:13
=== jelmer_ changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
ftathere are plenty of actions i can no longer do in edge, because of timeouts11:21
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vishhi, we setup milestones for maverick , but are now not sure how to close the lucid milestones. could someone mention how it is to be done? > https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+milestones14:38
vishthe problem is , when we try to set a milestone for the maverick , we can still see the lucid ones14:39
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thekornvish, not sure if I understand your question correctly, but you can deactivate a milestone,15:15
thekornun-tick the "active" control on the /+edit page15:15
thekornlike https://edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+milestone/lucid-round-10/+edit15:16
vishhmm , i dont have the access to that page :s15:17
asachola ... whats the process for getting a new bugzilla tracker enabled in launchpad?15:17
asacjust file a bug against malone or a question?15:17
vishthekorn: are you able to access that link/page?15:18
thekornvish, no, but the project owner should be able to access this page15:18
vishhmm , weird , i can access the maverick page :(15:19
thekornvish, sorry, don't know what's going on there, but there seems to be one difference, you are release manager of the maverick series, but not of the lucid one15:21
vishyeah , might be the cause :s15:22
mwhudsonasac: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/+newbugtracker15:23
asacmwhudson: thx15:40
vishthekorn: yeah , the release manager was the blocker . fixed thanks.16:36
barryhi folks, are there any soyuz admins around?  noodles775 or bigjools perhaps?16:45
noodles775what's up barry?16:45
barrynoodles775: hi.  i'm trying to figure out some build problems.  could you do me a favor and bump up the priority of a rebuild request?16:46
noodles775Sure... but do you know you can use pbuilder to diagnose those locally?16:46
barrynoodles775: yeah, but the problem is it works locally :)16:46
noodles775oh, can you also point me to the log of the failure?16:47
bigjoolsbarry: URL to your build pls :)16:47
barrybigjools: https://edge.launchpad.net/~barry/+archive/py27stack/+build/178254616:47
bigjoolsbarry: how long does it take to build?16:48
barrynoodles775: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/50044452/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.distribute_0.6.10-4ubuntu2~ppa5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:48
barrybigjools: it should be fairly quick, it's just a python package16:48
noodles775I've updated the score.16:48
noodles775shoud build in 6mins16:48
bigjools"python-sphinx: Depends: python-jinja2 (>= 2.1) but it is not going to be installed"16:48
barrynoodles775, bigjools there is an apparent build dep circularity i'm trying to work out, but debtree doesn't indicate the circularity.  mvo and i are looking at why this is happening16:49
barrybigjools: yep.  it *seems* like there's a loop: python-setuptools -> python-sphinx -> python-jinja2 -> python-setuptools16:49
barrybigjools: but i can't see how that should possibly work in a normal archive rebuild.  mvo thinks that my python-defaults package might be confusing things16:50
noodles775barry: can you let me know when you figure out why it works using a pbuilder environ, but not on the PPA builders?16:50
barrynoodles775: sure :)  i suspect pebkac16:51
barrynoodles775: thanks for the bump btw16:51
noodles775np :)16:51
barrynoodles775, bigjools oooh, pretty animation!16:52
noodles775Night all!16:54
barrynoodles775, bigjools okay, same failure.  which does tell me something useful.  i'm going to test mvo's theory16:54
barrynoodles775: night, and thanks!16:54
barrybigjools: thanks16:54
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ftacan i see -security & -updates using lp.distributions['ubuntu'].main_archive.getPublishedSources()?17:46
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mwhudsonfta: yes, i think so18:03
mwhudsonyou can filter by pocket if you want18:03
ftamwhudson, yep, seems to work fine: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/chromium-daily.html18:06
ftai wanted to add the arches too but there's probably too much stuff on the page already18:07
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kb9vqfAny idea what "format '1.0' is not permitted in lucid" would refer to?19:56
kb9vqfThat came from a local PPA rejection Email19:56
* kb9vqf doesn't know where to start troubleshooting unfortunately19:57
idnarkb9vqf: at a guess, that's referring to the source package format (as in dpkg-source)20:06
idnarkb9vqf: see the man page for more details20:06
kb9vqfOK, I'll look20:06
idnarI'm not sure of the details as they relate to Launchpad / Ubuntu though20:07
leighmanhiya, cc by-nc-sa is not suitable for free use of Luanchpad, is that right?20:08
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stefanlsdusing lplib, i have a bug_task object, but am struggling to get the bug id.  I see thats a property of bug object, and bug_task could return bug_link, but not sure how to use that to get the id then. any suggestion?20:22
stefanlsdlaunchpad.bugs[link].id works20:28
thekornstefanlsd, just use task.bug.id20:28
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ : all systems operational | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
thekornstefanlsd, like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/447913/20:29
antileetHi, I am not able to upload to my ppa20:30
antileetI am able to run debuild and generate the "changes" file properly, but if I run dput, it uploads but I am not seeing anything on my ppa20:31
antileetThis is my debian folder http://github.com/ninjagod/Screenlapse/tree/master/debian/20:31
antileetUnfortunately I am working on a different computer and cannot sign packages with my old key so I created a new key for my backup id ad added it to launchpad20:32
antileetand I used that email address in the changelog and tried to sign using that, could that be causing the problem?20:32
stefanlsdthekorn: heh. works. thanks. i had a really long way round20:34
stefanlsdis there a way to download files (attachments from lp) using wget or something. I see there is file handling code, but wget in this case would be better. my url is https://api.staging.launchpad.net/1.0/bugs/474917/+attachment/98866820:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 474917 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 (Ubuntu) "nvidia drivers 185.xx compile into kernel 2.6.28 instead of 2.6.31 on update from jaunty to karmic (affected: 6, heat: 40)" [Critical,In progress]20:39
stefanlsdthanks ubot5 :)20:39
stefanlsdwget gives unauthorized20:40
thekornjust use the python methos to save this file20:40
stefanlsdthekorn: kk. thanks.20:41
thekorne.g. write the content of this attachment object to a local file20:41
oojahWhich component of launchpad should I file questions/bugs against when code imports are failing?20:52
maxboojah: launchpad-code, but first, which import?21:12
maxbantileet: Most likely your signature is not correct. Verify that your .changes file really is signed, and that the key it's signed with *is* registered with your Launchpad accunt21:14
antileetmaxb, there is a gpg signature at the end, but I don't know which key it's signed with21:17
antileethow do I find that out (sorry, I'm new)21:18
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maxbantileet: gpg --verify foo.changes21:18
antileetmaxb, the RSA key and email address are both verified by launchpad21:19
maxbcheck the key-id against the list of key ids appearing on your launchpad profile page21:19
antileetmaxb, it's the same21:25
antileetdoes it take some time?21:25
maxb5 minutes21:25
antileetthis is the second key and I registered it an hour go21:25
antileetlemme try again. hate that I have to add to the changelog every time I update21:25
macohow do we find hardware profiles?21:25
macothere used to be a spot in our lp profiles that showed hardware info we'd uploaded from ubuntu's checkbox thingy. where'd that go?21:26
beunomaco, API only21:26
beunoI don't think it was ever exposed on the UI21:26
macoit was21:26
macoyou used to be able to click on and download the tarballs21:26
macoor maybe they were txt.gz21:27
macosome sort of files21:27
beunomaybe 2 years ago?   I don't remember them every being there, so maybe it was before my time21:27
antileetmaxb I build my .changes file using "debuild -S -sa" is that the appropriate command to use?21:27
macobut bahhh this means unless i go do programming and fight with python for a few hours, i cant compare my hardware with someone else's on a bug21:28
beunoI've seen scripts around to play with this21:28
beunobut I don't know the specifics21:28
maxbantileet: yes21:29
antileetmaxb, one last question: no matter what error my rules file, install etc might have it'll still send me an email that it's failed right?21:29
antileetI need to figure out where the error is first :\21:30
maxbit should send you an email when it accepts an upload, too21:30
oojahmaxb: Sorry, got moved away from the computer. The import is a mercurial import: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mosquitto-dev/mosquitto/trunk21:32
antileetmaxb, in the worst case, can I run pbuilder build ../foo.dsc and get a deb file and distribute that instead?21:33
maxboojah: Hmm. I know nothing about the guts of bzr-hg, but as it seems to be exploding within bzr-hg rather than the Launchpad import system, I'd probably file that against bzr-hg itself21:33
maxbYou can't distribute .deb files you build via PPAs21:34
antileetokay. but I can distribute them standalone right?21:34
oojahmaxb: Ok, thanks for your help.21:34
maxboojah: Although, bzr-hg seems to work branching that locally21:35
antileetmaxb, I'll try thatfor now. thanks for your help21:36
maxboojah: It might be worth reviewing recently closed bug reports for bzr-hg (since it seems to work using bzr-hg trunk)21:36
maxbAlso, maybe it would be informative to try a clean import into launchpad... let me try registering another import21:37
maxboojah: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~maxb/mosquitto/trunk succeeded21:43
maxbSo, I suppose it is some bug in bzr-hg relating to the current state of the branch21:43
oojahI haven't found any related bugs.21:46
CynthiaGThe trunk branch of Scour is still updating:  https://code.launchpad.net/~codedread/scour/trunk  as last reported yesterday afternoon. Looks like that branch is completely frozen too.22:39
CynthiaGShould I ask ~codedread to rename trunk to trunk-2 and make a new trunk?22:40
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maxbCynthiaG: I'd suggest filing a question on launchpad-code asking for an admin to fix the existing branch22:56
CynthiaGmaxb: Done, thanks23:00
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