
slangasekjcrigby: have opened bug #591968 with my notes to date on this issue (they were starting to fall out of my head)00:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 591968 in coreutils (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "coreutils 8.5-1ubuntu1 FTBFS on armel, powerpc, sparc (test-linkat assert fail) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59196800:17
NCommanderogra: so you fixed jasper?00:19
bullet9mmgo to bed...good night!  :)00:36
GrueMasterNCommander: ogra is either in bed or traveling.00:38
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jcrigbyslangasek: ok thanks00:47
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* mozzwald is away: off to grandmothers house I go01:29
* cwillu_at_work pokes around in rcn-ee's general direction02:14
jcrigbyslangasek: still around?02:14
slangasekjcrigby: yep02:14
jcrigbyjust added a comment to the bug02:14
jcrigbyI won't repeat it here02:15
slangasekjcrigby: hmm, is that strcmp() actually failing for you?  It didn't for me02:19
slangasekonly the SAME_INODE() check fails02:19
slangasek(sorry, the line number is wrong in the logs I posted to the bug report because I inserted some other debugging)02:19
slangasekshould be line 73 in the original file02:19
jcrigbyI only have your strace data.  Strace does not work in qemu user emulation mode02:21
jcrigbyfrom the strace data, I would predict that strcmp would fail02:22
jcrigbygiven the ... on the end of the strings02:22
slangasekI think that's an abberation in the strace output; if it was really non-null garbage data, I would have expected it inside the double quote02:22
slangasekrather - it may be signalling that there's more data there, but the string appears to be properly null terminated02:23
jcrigbycan you try using calloc instead of malloc in areadlink_with_size and see if the problem goes away?  Just to humor me:)02:25
slangaseksure, lemme find it02:26
slangasekyou want calloc(1, buf_size)?02:26
jcrigbyits in lib/areadlink-with-size.c02:27
jcrigbyyes, that should do it02:27
jcrigbyMeanwhile I'm going to figure out what strace really means by "string"...02:28
slangasekjcrigby: sorry, have to afk now and the build is still running (I took the lazy way out to rebuild, which means it's rebuilding everything and will take a while) - I'll report results when I return later this evening02:36
slangasekbtw, it looks like the code does append the trailing \0?02:38
slangasek      if (link_length < buf_size)02:38
slangasek        {02:38
slangasek          buffer[link_length] = 0;02:38
slangasek          return buffer;02:38
slangasek        }02:38
jcrigbyslangasek: oops02:41
jcrigbyslangasek:ok sorry about the wild goose chase.   I have noticed one other oddity.  The test uses the size returned from lstat in the call to areadlink_with_size which should be 17 according to the strace data.  areadlink_with_size adds 1 to it and calls readlink.  In the amd64 case we see 18 which makes sense.  However, the armel strace shows 1025 which means that 1024 was passed to areadlink_with_size.03:03
cwillu_at_workwhat would "unknown location" be implying?04:19
cwillu_at_worker, "unknown relocation" while loading a kernel module04:19
jcrigbyslangasek: I see this in the build log:  CC       test-linkat.o04:24
jcrigbyIn file included from test-linkat.c:44:04:24
jcrigbytest-link.h: In function 'test_link':04:24
jcrigbytest-link.h:47: warning: implicit declaration of function 'stat'04:24
jcrigbytest-link.h:98: warning: implicit declaration of function 'mkdir'04:24
jcrigbytest-linkat.c: In function 'check_same_link':04:24
jcrigbytest-linkat.c:65: warning: implicit declaration of function 'lstat'04:24
jcrigbytest-link.c does not get errors.  Its includes are different.  Can you try including sys/stat.h in test-linkat.c?04:27
cwillu_at_workhmm, I can't modprobe anything04:45
* mozzwald is away: time for some zeez04:56
slangasekjcrigby: oh, nicely caught06:35
slangasekjcrigby: I saw those link warnings but wrote them off, thinking that the prototypes would Just Work by default06:36
slangasekjcrigby: so, the tests pass now - do you want to put that into a bzr branch that I can merge & upload?06:38
ograNCommander, were your debian-cd changes merged or uploaded in any way ? (why did you close the workitem)07:46
NCommanderogra: the work is done, there is a seperate work item for merging I thought07:52
* ogra doesnt see one that talks about merging07:53
ograi see one that talks about debian-cd and one that talks about the post processing07:53
ograand one about bziping07:54
NCommanderogra: huh, maybe I'm loosing it07:54
ograanyway, leave it like that07:54
* NCommander is having one of those weeks07:54
NCommanderogra: I'm filing MIRs for x-loader/x-loader-omap4 and uboot-omap07:54
NCommanderogra: much sanier for the code if they're in main since apt-selection doesn't seem to work in universe, and seems non-trivial to fix07:55
ograit has to, how else would distros like edubuntu or xubuntu roll their images07:55
ograbut i agree, MIR is definately better07:55
NCommanderogra: its more a matter that when control passes into the boot/post-boot scripts, the necessary environment for apt-selection goes "poof" as far as I can tell07:56
NCommanderand its proving difficult to get that to work.07:56
NCommanderI'll keep poking at it, but we should have these in main anyway so only if we do a 10.04.1 do we need to care about actually retrieving these files from universe07:57
ograwell, there has to be a way that edubuntu and xubuntu use for the alternates07:57
ograbut dont bother now, MIRs are fine07:57
ograi'm still experimenting with jasper, it could be that we need to generate ext2 by default and convert after resizing to ext307:58
ograbug 5583317 is really bad07:58
ubot2ogra: Error: Bug #5583317 not found.07:58
* ogra pokes the bot07:58
ograbug 58331707:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 583317 in genext2fs (Ubuntu) "genext2fs creates revision 0 filesystems instead of revision 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 156)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58331707:58
ograthough thats apparently something to be fixed in genext2fs07:59
NCommanderogra: maybe we should use loop mounting07:59
ografor now i added an extra ext2fsck to livecd-rootfs but i'm not sure that will not make livefs.sh explode08:00
ograsince it exits with 208:00
ogralets keep that as last resort, i'm not a fan of loop mounting08:00
NCommanderogra: I think you can pipe to true, to force a return of 008:00
NCommanderor osme other stupid trick08:01
NCommanderor trap an exit code of two08:01
ograwell, it needs testing anyway but i wont have the time to run a livefs build on my lappie the next tw days08:01
ograluckily nobody uses the ext3 code so i could just add it to the function for now, if it doent work we can always revert08:02
ograusing ext2 might also have speed advantages08:02
ograin jasper08:03
ograthe resizing takes between 6 and 7 mins08:03
ograNCommander, btw, not sure you saw it in your backlog http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/jasper/08:03
ograthere is an image to test if you feel bored enough :)08:03
ograthough there is a lot that doesnt work yet, the resizing does at least08:04
* ogra wonders why his NM applet tends to disappear from the panel08:07
NCommanderogra: _\o/_08:09
NCommanderogra: I stll have tons to screw around with the d-cd backend code, but we should probably do an initial merger soon08:09
NCommanderogra: do we care about 10.04.1 for omap3 at all?08:09
NCommanderNow that I have maverick locally, I can choose not to care08:10
ograwe do08:10
NCommanderogra: so we want pre-installed images for 10.04.1?08:10
ograthere are a bunch of bugs we need to milestone before the meeting08:10
ograno, but we want some kernel SRUs for 10.04.1 in omap308:10
NCommanderogra: ok, so I'll leave the boot scripts for lucid alone, and just merge those into the maverick tree08:11
ogralike the USB NIC udeb misses a lot of drivers08:11
NCommanderogra: works for me, that makes my life simpiler. I'm going to add a work item on the MIRs for the bootloader08:11
ograwe wont change images, but there are some SRU bits we want, we need to add them to the release meeting report tomorrow08:11
ogradont !08:12
ograit will rise the WI count !08:12
NCommanderogra: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x-loader/+bug/59204508:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 592045 in x-loader-omap4 (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "[MIR] x-loader/x-loader-omap4/u-boot-omap3/u-boot-omap4 (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,New]08:18
NCommanderogra: ok, no work item08:19
ogragreat, thanks08:21
ograwe'll mention the bug in the report, that saves us the WI08:24
JamieBennett/join #ubuntu-devel08:52
=== lag_ is now known as lag
JameswStubbsCan someone please point me to some documentation for creating an initrd for an arm boot?10:30
JameswStubbsWhat's the difference between iop4xx, orion5x, iop32x10:38
bullet9mmhi all!!10:44
asacogra_cmpc: will you guys make good step forward on the thumb2 porting this cycle?10:54
asac(I assume not, but wanted to check if that is priority for your team)10:54
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JameswStubbsis armv5tej the same as armv6?11:52
hrwarmv6 runs armv5te binaries but not reverse11:56
JameswStubbsSo a distrobution compiled for armv5te won't work with an armv6 kernel?11:57
hrwwill work11:57
JameswStubbsAh, good, thank you11:57
hrwarmv6 binaries do not work with armv5te hardware11:57
hrwJameswStubbs: if you are rather x86 guy then remind i386<486<568<686 and then armv4 < armv4t < armv5te(j) < armv6 < armv7a11:58
JameswStubbsSo arm like x86 has backwards compatibilty with older archs11:59
hrwbut in arm world it is more clean11:59
hrwin x86 i586 != i586 if cpu are from diferent vendors12:00
hrwamd k5 has 3dnow which intel pentium-mmx do not have. but both are i58612:00
JameswStubbsDo you prefer arm to x86?12:01
hrwor intel pentium pro (first i686) contra Core i7 (latest i686). first has only mmx, second has lot of addons...12:01
hrwJameswStubbs: for my gadgets I prefer arm. for small low power I prefer arm. for my desktop I prefer x86-6412:01
JameswStubbsThis is my first experience with arm on embedded, atm it seems to be far more difficult to get a busybox than x8612:02
hrwmy laptops are x86 and x86-64. but arm powered one would be nice12:02
hrwJameswStubbs: what hw?12:02
JameswStubbsiPhone 3g12:03
hrws3c6410 iirc12:03
JameswStubbsYes produced by samsung12:04
JameswStubbsHas imgtech power vr althought gpu drivers are not yet reverse engineered12:04
JameswStubbsPowerVR (MBX Lite)12:13
JameswStubbshrw using rootstock now with iPhone's kernel, should be able to emulate using qemu12:53
hrwqemu requires qemu kernel12:55
JameswStubbsCan you not use a different arm kernel?12:55
hrwarm kernels are bound to machine or set of machines12:57
hrwthere is no such thing as 'one kernel image works on any arm device'12:57
JameswStubbsThe iphone kernel works on the iphone :/12:57
JameswStubbsAndroid is already booting12:57
JameswStubbsThe kernel is made just for the iPhone12:58
sivanghi all13:15
sivangso there's an official arm port? canonical supported?13:20
* sivang is curious who does the arm port for Marvell13:20
hrwsivang: depends which marvell cpu13:21
hrwsivang: there is official ARM port but armv7a only (cortex-a8/a9 core)13:21
sivanghrw: coretx-a8 is TI's no?13:22
sivanghrw: or are marvell also producing it?13:22
hrwsivang: nope13:22
sivanghrw: N900 uses TI's right?13:22
hrwsivang: Cortex-A8/A9/A5 and M0/M3/M4 are names from ARM Ltd.13:22
hrwsivang: yes, it has TI OMAP353013:23
sivanghrw: so it's their specs13:23
sivanghrw: and the port is officiall supported by Canonical due to OEM's demand?13:23
hrwsivang: ARM creates core, vendors buy license and make a silicon13:23
hrwso Cortex A8/A9 you can get from TI, Freescale, Marvell, ST-Ericsson, NVidia and few others13:23
hrwsivang: I was not here when port was created so cant comment13:24
sivanghrw: okay, cool, thanks.13:24
armin76sivang: considering they've done it without using public hw, i'd say yes13:24
armin76nevertheless ask ogra, lool and asac13:24
sivangarmin76: what do you mean using public hw?13:25
armin76hrw: qualcomm, how could you forget so important one? :P13:25
armin76sivang: one you can buy13:25
armin76sivang: as in smartbooks, nettops, you know...13:26
armin76stuff you can buy, not development stuff13:26
* sivang wonders if ogra_cmpc remebers him 13:26
sivangor asac for that matter13:26
armin76i can also tell you that here there are a lot of ppl from vendors, so that reinforces my thought :)13:27
sivangi see13:31
asacsivang: lucid has a official marvel dove port13:57
lagHas anyone seen this error before? omapdss DISPC error: SYNC_LOST_DIGIT13:59
lagIt renders my Panda unusable13:59
sivangasac: nice, I see.14:05
asaclag: we are waiting for the pandas ;) ... so cant tell!14:06
hrwasac: ogra has panda14:06
asacogra also has eucalyptus ;)14:07
* lag shouts "OGRA"14:08
lagogra_cmpc: Can you give me a shout when you return please?14:08
asacogra_cmpc: what triggeres the flash-kernel thing?15:01
asacis that in postinst of linux-image?15:01
asacor a trigger?15:01
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
GrueMasterasac: In answer to your question re:flash-kernel, I believe it is the postinst script that triggers it.  I know it runs whenever I install a test kernel.16:56
asacyeah i know its always run. just wanted confirm its not using a trigger17:03
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GrueMasterasac: actually, it might be a triggered event.  I looked at /etc/kernel-img.conf and it lists postinst_hook=flash-kernel.  I also don't remember flash-kernel requiring any parameters, so this could be it.17:09
asaci dont think its triggered because it didnt get triggered when installing a custom kernel .deb17:09
asacfrom rcn17:09
GrueMasterHmmm.  The custom test kernel packages I always get from clooney or ericm always initiated flash-kernel somehow.  I admit I don't know enough about the deb system to fully understand all the mechanisms used.17:11
asacright. i think they use the "official debian" packaging17:17
asacwhile rcn's lucid kernels do something else (supposed to be used without initram i guess)17:17
GrueMasterah, fun.17:18
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armin76asac: i am getting a panda too, right? :D20:13
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