
drew212is it best to click help > report a problem, or use the terminal "ubuntu-bug PACKAGENAME"?00:02
hggdhdrew212: IIRC, Help>report is integrated with apport. Nevertheless, ubuntu-bug is more generic00:15
hggdh(we have had a lot of bugs reported under FFox, for example, but not related at all with FFox)00:15
hggdhvia Help-report a problem, I mean00:16
drew212hggdh: yeah, i was just curious00:16
drew212hggdh: i'm finding that i'm dealing with alot of bugs that have nothing to do with FF because of it =P00:16
hggdhheh. There you go...00:16
hggdhwelcome to the game ;-)00:17
drew212hggdh: =)00:17
chrisccoulsonhaving firefox as the only app on the desktop with a "Report a bug" menu entry sucks ;)00:29
drew212chrisccoulson: true story... i've had to change packages multiple times =X00:30
* JFo needs to get into the ubuntu bug pool to get kernel bugs out00:30
JFowhere do the bugs marked against the ubuntu package hide out? I need to dig around in them00:35
ubot2If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:35
JFo:P I know how to file them. i need to find the list marked erroneously against the nonexistant ubuntu package so i can pick out the kernel bugs00:36
micahgdrew212: even when all the apps have a report a bug menu item, they report it against FF01:03
ddecatordrew212: sorry, i am now01:26
micahgddecator: apparently we're both here and he's not now :P01:29
ddecatormicahg: aw darn, haha, i was eating dinner01:30
nigelbmicahg: poke03:19
micahgnigelb: ow, my eye ;)03:19
drew212micahg: is there going to be a firefox 3.6 package on LP?03:20
micahgdrew212: source?03:20
drew212micahg: source? I'm running 3.6.3 in lucid...03:21
micahgdrew212: please be more specific03:21
ddecatordrew212: for bugs, we're just using the 'firefox' unversioned package now, if that's what you mean03:21
micahgddecator: well, not so true03:21
nigelbmicahg: I was wondering if there's something you might want to teach at ubuntu user day (as part of mozilla team) or otherwise03:21
ddecatorfor >= 3.6, right?03:22
nigelbthe potential audience is beginners to ubuntu03:22
drew212micahg: when it says affects, you can choose firefox-3.0 or firefox-3.503:22
micahgnigelb: yes, as long as it's not this month :)03:22
micahgddecator: no03:22
micahgddecator: for Lucid+03:22
nigelbmicahg: July 10th03:22
micahgnigelb: might be ok03:22
ddecatormicahg: oh, it'll be different after 3.6 is backported?03:22
drew212im a little lost in the direction the conversation is going now =X03:22
micahgddecator: yep, any hardy/jaunty regressions need a firefox-3.0 task and karmic regressionks will probably need a firefox-3.5 tas03:23
ddecatormicahg: oh, ok, good to know03:23
nigelbmicahg: \o/ Can you come up with time and topic so we can have in our plans?03:23
micahgdrew212: please restate your question more verbosely03:23
nigelbmicahg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/lucid03:23
micahgnigelb: I might be able to give a half hour session on the availability of different types of builds (daily, milestone, release)03:24
* micahg would need to confer with chrisccoulson about how useful it might be03:25
nigelbmicahg: hm, 1 hour is the alloted time.  I'm wondering how t work aorund that03:25
* micahg could go last and ring the bell early :)03:25
nigelbmicahg: perhaps you can talk about chromium too?03:25
micahgwith fta's ok :)03:25
ddecatordrew212: are you trying to reassign a bug?03:25
nigelbjust fill 1 hour with things that a beginner cares about :)03:25
nigelbmicahg: what shall I title as?03:26
drew212ddecator: i dont know how to explain it...03:26
micahgnigelb: the thing is, the only PPA I'd want to point out for a beginner might be the stable PPAs, everything else a user should at least be intermediate03:26
micahgnigelb: I could talk about bugs in general03:26
drew212ddecator: i used to be able to search ubuntu for firefox, and 3.0 and 3.5 would show up, and then i could search through those bugs03:26
micahgdrew212: you can go straight to the source package for a list of bugs03:27
drew212micahg: how do i do that?03:27
nigelbmicahg: ddecator took that one :D03:27
micahgdrew212: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/03:27
micahgdrew212: s/firefox/firefox-3.0|firefox-3.5/03:27
ddecatornigelb: huh? what'd i take? o.o03:27
micahgnigelb: not about LP03:28
drew212micahg: every time i try to look through bugs on LP it tells me that LP is not the system that mozilla uses for bug tracking =X03:28
nigelbddecator: Using Launchpad, but then you could leave the bugs part out and give bugs to micahg, that would work03:28
micahgnigelb: I could talk about apport/triage03:28
* micahg has no inherent need to talk :)03:28
micahg*give a talk03:28
ddecatornigelb: i was going to talk about reporting bugs and using answers03:28
ddecatornigelb: and using lp as openid, etc.03:29
nigelbddecator: can keep it limited to everything other than bugs?03:29
nigelbthat way we can have a more detailed class about bugs03:29
ddecatornigelb: if you need to to, sure. it'll be hard to fill in an hour though..03:29
ddecatorneed me to*03:29
nigelbddecator: or you and micahg can team up and take 2 hours03:30
* micahg still just wants a half hour :-/03:30
ddecatornigelb: maybe i go the first half hour, then micah the second?03:30
nigelbthat would work too!03:31
ddecatori can talk about non-bug stuff with lp, then micah can have his half hour03:31
ddecatorthen no need to change the schedule03:31
nigelb+1 then03:31
ddecatormicahg: work for you?03:31
micahgnigelb: I'm not confirming till later this month though03:32
nigelbawesome, so micahg and ddecator , make sure your schedules match :)03:32
micahgIf the week before alpha2 I'm not caught up, I'm not going to do it03:32
ddecatornigelb: but if micah can't make it then i'll fill the hour03:32
nigelbmicahg: no problem, worst, comes to worst, ddecator can take the whole class03:32
* micahg could always sit in as an SME03:32
ddecatordrew212: did you find what you were looking for?03:32
ddecatormicahg: w/e works for you, we can figure it out closer to the event03:33
drew212ddecator: kindof its more confusion on my part than anything03:33
ddecatordrew212: are you looking for a list of bugs related to FF 3.6?03:33
drew212ddecator: things on launchpad and the wiki aren't very intuitive...03:33
ddecatordrew212: yah, they take getting used to. i'll give you some tips when i have some more time this weekend or next week :)03:34
drew212ddecator: not specifically, i just dont know how to navigate LP03:34
micahgdrew212: ask away :)03:34
ddecatordrew212: the thing that has helped me the most is using google to search LP. for example, 'site:bugs.launchpad.net firefox' shows the link to firefox bugs as the second result :)03:35
ddecatorthat's how i search for possible dupes too03:36
drew212micahg: its not a question, more of wishing the wiki was organized differently03:36
micahgit's on my list for this cycle to improve the mozilla bugs wiki03:36
ddecatordrew212: i'll be working on the wiki over the summer, so if you have any feedback let me know03:36
drew212micahg: in LP under the bug title there is a set of links showing you how to get back from where you came, and the wiki doesnt have this kind of navigation, i'm constantly using it in LP and its frustrating to have to click the back button several times to get back to a title page03:37
* micahg thought it did depending on the theme03:38
ddecatorthe wiki has links showing what pages you've visited, but it's not bread-crumb style03:38
drew212ddecator: thats what i'm looking for =D03:38
ddecatordrew212: a lot of times you can just change the URL, but i'll see if there isn't a way to make the bugsquad wiki more easily navigable03:40
drew212ddecator: it may just be personal preference...03:40
micahgddecator: maybe make sure the header is on the subpagews03:40
ddecatormicahg: yah, that's my current thought03:40
drew212ddecator: but i find that i have to bookmark all the links you give me, it would be nice if it was in a workflow or something03:40
ddecatordrew212: nah, it can use improving, just not sure the best way to do it yet :)03:41
drew212you, as in ddecator and micahg =P03:41
ddecatoradded it to my gtg to-do list03:41
drew212ddecator: i feel that all webpages should logically proceed from another page, unless it is a main page istelf03:41
micahgdrew212: that's the way the web was created :)03:42
ddecatordrew212: most people try for that, but since anyone can edit the wiki it has led to some inconsistencies03:43
drew212ddecator: true03:43
micahgdrew212: bug 406237 is likely a dupe03:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 406237 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox crashes without messages when disk full (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40623703:45
micahgdrew212: one of the other 3k bugs :)03:46
drew212i just noticed it was old and started from there =P03:46
micahgdrew212: there should be a few bugs about full disks, idr which ones right now or if this particular issue is addressed in them03:47
drew212i searched, there isn't any FF bugs about disk full03:47
* micahg sees what global search in TB3 says :)03:48
ddecatordrew212: Thunderbird 3. did you use LP to search?03:49
drew212ddecator: yeah =X, im not very efficient03:49
micahgdrew212: nah, sometimes I already looked at it, so checking my email is faster l)(03:50
ddecatordrew212: haha, no worries, that's what makes the most sense, but the LP search isn't very thorough. try using google site searches since that will search comments and everything on the bug reports :)03:50
ddecatorthere may be something in the description about the disk being full, but not the title, and LP searches have a hard time catching anything not in the title03:51
drew212ddecator: you'll have to brief me on that one03:51
micahgdrew212: no, the other one is about download manager being unresponsive03:52
ddecatordrew212: in a google search box, just type 'site:bugs.launchpad.net <keywords>', then it will search all LP bug reports for those keywords. so, for example, 'site:bugs.launchpad.net firefox disk full'03:52
drew212found one bug 23466103:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 234661 in xulrunner-1.9 (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "firefox crashed, when downloading an file on full hd (heat: 3)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23466103:53
micahgdrew212: BTW, you change the status to incomplete when you ask for data, not if there's no response03:53
drew212i think i did ask for data earlier03:54
drew212i meant, since there hadn't been a response since i replied, the bug is incomplete03:55
drew212i noticed that i forgot to mark it incomplete when i asked for data previously03:55
drew212micahg: is that the duplicate you were talking about?03:56
micahgdrew212: right, I'm saying it should be marked incomplete when asking :)03:56
micahgdrew212: yeah, looks like it, but I don't know if I want to dupe it, it's old and the upstream bug is as well03:57
drew212micahg: yeah, i forgot to =X, and made up a reason so i could mark it incomplete =P03:57
drew212yeah its very old03:57
ddecatordrew212: if you click the little arrow next to the package name on a bug report, an expanded area shows up where you can change the status and leave a comment at the same time :) (you may have already known that, but doing that helps me remember to change the status if i need to)03:58
drew212ddecator: yeah, i use the comment box on the bottom a lot and forget to do things03:59
ddecatordrew212: that's alright, we've all been there, that's why we're giving you the tips that helped us :)04:00
drew212micahg: or ddecator: check out bug 591991, there isn't alot of information, but i believe this was meant to be listed as a brasero bug, and he only left the error message.04:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 591991 in firefox (Ubuntu) "brasero files (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59199104:00
drew212ddecator: thanks =), i appreciate the criticism04:00
ddecatordrew212: good, as long as you know it's constructive and meant to help. you're doing a great job, and we appreciate the help :)04:01
drew212should i change the package? or just ask for more information first?04:01
micahgdrew212: well, I would ask what the user has an issue with04:01
ddecator...i'd ask for information, i have no idea what it's about04:01
drew212the title says brasareo i was just wondering if it was safe to assume that was the package he was reffereing to04:02
ddecatordrew212: it's better to know before changing, saves on bugmail spam :)04:03
drew212ddecator: i appologize again on that, i forget to do things and remember later when i'm working on another bug so i have to go back and search through the bugs to fix them =P04:04
drew212like i just did on the disk full bug =X04:04
ddecatordrew212: no worries, i was doing the same things a few months ago :)04:04
micahgdrew212: I should probably fix the disk full bug, but not now04:05
micahgs/fix/clean up/04:05
ddecatorheh, there are higher priorities atm04:05
ddecatormicahg: pleia2 wants to know if 00:00UTC works for you for UUD (so 8pm on that saturday)04:12
ddecatorsorry, 7pm04:12
ddecatorit'll be 8pm for me :p04:12
micahgah, didn't notice it was a sat :(04:14
micahgnot before 10PM04:14
ddecatoroh, right04:14
micahgor 3AM UTC04:15
micahgddecator: it's all you :)04:15
ddecatormicahg: haha, alright04:15
drew212is there an ubuntu evangelism team?04:15
ddecatori honestly have no clue..04:19
drew212ddecator: i dont think so04:19
drew212ddecator: i got a friend to install ubuntu because he was using a pirated copy of windows that was crippled...04:21
ddecatordrew212: very nice :)04:22
drew212ddecator: i told him its completely free, and everything is funcitonal, and he was willing to try, but he had some trouble getting adobe flash, and a few other things installed, but otherwise he's good04:23
micahgdrew212: yeah, universe/multiverse isn't on by default04:23
drew212micahg: yeah...04:23
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drew212micahg: check out bug 592014, i think the website isn't working becuase it does the same thing when i try it in konqueror05:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 592014 in firefox (Ubuntu) "i tried to sort by rating but it does`t work (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59201405:10
micahgdrew212: done :)05:11
drew212so what should we do with it?05:11
micahgdrew212: take a look at what I wrote :)05:12
drew212what package is it?05:13
drew212i didn't think it had anything to do with a package... lol05:13
micahgdrew212: it doesn't05:13
micahgdrew212: but you can leave in FF since it's about mozilla05:13
drew212thanks for the help =)05:14
greg-gdrew212: there are LoCo teams, which could be similar to what you are looking for05:15
drew212greg-g: i didnt think about those, thanks!05:15
greg-gnp :)05:17
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Wilceyanybody home??08:51
vishWilcey: everyone is at work ;p08:56
ddecatornot everyone, but i'm about to go to bed, just realized what time it is..08:56
Wilceyhaha thanks, how do i report bugs?08:57
vish!bugs > Wilcey08:57
ubot2Wilcey, please see my private message08:57
ddecatorwell that was easy :)08:57
Wilceythat was a robot!!08:59
ddecatorkind of08:59
vishWilcey: hei , dont insult ubot2 it is part of the family :(09:00
Wilceyi want insulting it, i was just suprised09:00
ddecatora lot of ubuntu channels have some form of bot :)09:00
vishWilcey: just pulling your leg ;)09:01
Wilceyhahaha i know good to have a bit of fun09:03
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jovaroI can only start Lucid in failsafeX mode, booting in the normal mode results in a crash right before the login screen would appear. How can I identify the problem?11:58
jovaroI figured that it could be a Blank Screen issue as on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen12:00
jovaroBut since the computer crashes instead of just giving a blank screen, I am not sure...12:00
dholbachPackaging Training Session in 15m in #ubuntu-classroom: Operation Cleansweep and the Patch Reviewers Team!12:45
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xteejxHi guys is anyone here?17:33
charlie-tcaDo I count as anyone?17:54
xteejxcharlie-tca: lol Of course :) , I got my answer on #ubuntu-motu though it was about something motu related but no-one was answering :)18:01
Laibschsomebody please educate manjo account about responsible of elevated privs: bug 52736119:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 527361 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "hotplug interferes with ethernet card (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52736119:37
Laibschresponsible use of ...19:38
micahgLaibsch: that user is not a direct member of bugcontrol, you should talk to the user offline19:44
Laibschare you sure?19:44
Laibschlet me recheck19:44
micahgLaibsch: yes19:44
micahgLaibsch: user is an indirect member, so and isn't connected w/this team19:44
micahgLaibsch: maybe JFo can help you19:46
LaibschI see19:46
LaibschThanks for clarifying19:46
micahgLaibsch: np19:46
Laibschreally frustrating lately19:47
Laibschespecially the kernel team19:47
micahgLaibsch: it's a pretty high stress team as they have a very large impact on the distro as well as the most bugs19:49
Laibschyes, I understand19:51
Laibschthat's why they should REALLY act when everything is delivered to them on a silver platter19:52
Laibschfor a pretty important bug, no doubt19:52
Laibschlet me fetch the number19:52
micahgLaibsch: it's hard when you have that many bugs19:52
* micahg won't touch kernel bugs w/a 10 foot pole19:53
LaibschI used to be more understanding19:53
Laibschin the past19:53
Laibschwait a minute19:53
LaibschI want to show you a bug19:53
Laibschyou tell me that's not fishy19:53
Laibschbug 52196719:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 521967 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 4 other projects) "support for new atheros wifi chipset - AR2427/ath9k (affects: 13) (heat: 97)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52196719:54
LaibschI have zero understanding for that19:54
micahgLaibsch: a lot of regression testing has to go into kernel updates and they have to be very careful with what they pull in19:55
Laibschthrowing blame around or not, I think something needs to be done19:55
Laibschthis patch is straight from upstream19:56
Laibschupstream had it prepared within two day19:56
Laibschthere was lots of time for this to include it in lucid like it should have been done19:56
micahgLaibsch: great, but there is high risk with any kernel patch, so being conservative is required, you should discuss this w/the kernel team if you think it's been sufficiently tested, BTW, it's targetted for lucid-updates19:57
Laibschyou know how many times I tried to discuss with them?19:57
Laibschzero reaction!19:57
greg-gLaibsch: unfortuntately, talking about it in here won't make anything change with the kernel team19:58
Laibschunfortunately, I'm not sure where to talk for things to change19:59
LaibschI tried quite a few venues19:59
greg-gthe kernel team, respectfully and with solutions, not just complaints19:59
LaibschTHe only thing I can do is to try to raise awareness that something isn't going right19:59
Laibschgreg-g: what more of a solution do you expect?20:00
LaibschI find that comment quite disrespectful20:00
Laibschto put it mildly20:00
Laibsch*I* already did all the work you can do as a non-member20:00
greg-gLaibsch: I haven't engrossed myself with those bugs to know what is truly going on, and I won't even begin to assert that I know much about the kernel team's policies. So, I *expect* you to talk with them about it, in a respectful manner, to try to resolve this.20:00
Laibschread above20:01
micahgLaibsch: #ubuntu-kernel is the proper venue20:01
LaibschI contacted them at least thrice20:01
Laibschno reaction20:01
greg-ghow did you contact them?20:01
Laibschby the venue that micahg suggested20:01
Laibschyou still want to tell me everything is "just fine"?20:02
greg-ghave you attempted to write a calm email to the kernel team mailing list?20:02
greg-gI never said any such thing, Laibsch20:02
Laibschgreg-g: I think I'll end discussion with you on this point20:02
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LaibschI need to go to bed20:02
micahgLaibsch: in that case, maybe try to cactch JFo and find out what's going on20:02
Laibschmicahg: who is jfo?20:02
greg-gLaibsch: I'm sorry you feel I'm ignoring you, but I'm actually asking you questions to try to get this resolved20:02
* Laibsch hears the name for the first time20:02
micahgLaibsch: kernel bug coordinator20:02
* Laibsch can't find anyone with that nick20:03
greg-gyou're welcome Laibsch20:03
Laibschgreg-g: my feeling is you're not really asking questions but indirectly accusing of blowing this out of proportion, not doing my homework and being in need to calm down.20:05
greg-gLaibsch: I do feel you need to calm down. But I also feel that apparently something is wrong with the communication channels between you and the kernel team, so I'm trying to figure out where that happened.20:05
greg-gthen again, it is hard to descern stress online through just text, so I could be wrong, you might be calm, and if that is true, I apologize20:06
Laibschgreg-g: thanks.  And I do feel, I've listened enough.  And I'll calm down by not not listening to this any longer20:06
Laibschplease read the bug report20:07
Laibschfor what it is20:07
Laibschcompletely irrelevant of what I wrote here20:07
Laibschyou then tell me, everthing is peachy20:07
LaibschJFo seems to be offline20:07
LaibschI'll see if I can catch him some other time20:08
Laibschgood night20:08
Laibschthanks for your time20:08
greg-gagain, I'm not going to try to insert myself between you and the kernel team on this issue, and I do not have the time right now to review those bug reports for peachiness. Sorry about that, I was just trying to insert some other venues of communication.20:08
BUGabundophising from/to ubuntu MLs22:11
BUGabundoFrom: "lists.ubuntu.com support" <admin@lists.ubuntu.com>22:12
BUGabundo X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.0.1.33) Professional22:12
BUGabundo Reply-To: cobwebsj@rapak.com22:12
BUGabundo Message-ID: <832277894.84149781499980@rapak.com>22:12
BUGabundoDear Customer,22:12
BUGabundoThis e-mail was send by lists.ubuntu.com to notify you that we have temporanly prevented access to your account.22:12
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hggdhheh. Good old The Bat...22:56
hggdhnow, what are they trying to get from the lists?22:57
hggdhoh. Access, probably22:57
BUGabundoeven email passwords22:59
BUGabundothe js script uploads any cookie it finds23:00
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