[00:02] dinda: that reminds me, I'm meeting up with some folks from partimus.org this weekend, they've deployed Ubuntu is something like 6 public schools in the bay area (wow!) [00:03] pleia2: that's great! I just set up a new dimdim account to use to hold some teacher training sessions this summer [00:05] dinda: oh neat [00:33] Gotta find out how they did that pleia2 [00:35] doctormo: that's part of what I'm looking in to, they haven't done a great job of documenting things so I'll be documenting, getting some best practices and helping them with publicity and recruitment (plus pitching in sysadmin skills and on-site work as I can) [00:35] partimus.org is kinda sparse info-wise, the project is vibrant but they're all too busy doing amazing things to tell anyone :) [00:37] pleia2: Typical really :-D [00:37] * pleia2 nods [00:38] anyone know where the list of bugs filed against the erroneous ubuntu package live? I want to gather some kernel bugs out of there [00:38] I've been told there are tons [03:58] doctormo: poke [03:59] nigelb: facebook poke [03:59] doctormo: can you take a class at ubuntu user day? [03:59] what would you have me teach? [03:59] I topic is right up your alley, "Getting involved in the Ubuntu Community", with focus to new users [03:59] so its like how to get in touch with the community resources that you can use [04:00] and how to be one of them [04:00] doctormo: sounds like something you want to do for 1 hour on July 10th? [04:01] at 16:00 or 21:00 UTC [04:01] nigelb: I'm a programmer and artist, [04:01] doctormo: you're also a loco contact [04:02] * nigelb begs [04:02] no need to be, I'm sure there are others who would be happy to do it :) [04:02] well, it is doctormo :) [04:03] hehe [04:03] lol [04:04] doctormo: so whats your final call, yes or no? [04:05] nigelb: I'll do it, although the topic is rather generic, do you have a page written by the last guy who did it? [04:05] doctormo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays/01232010/GettingInvolved [04:26] thanks pleia2 [04:29] nigelb: OK I've put in a whole bunch of alarms [04:29] so I don't forget [04:29] doctormo: Thanks for helping out :) [04:30] nigelb: Will collect in beer at next UDS ;-P [04:30] doctormo: what time is best for you? (currently we have the class at 16:00 UTC, but 21:00 is possible too [04:30] doctormo: sure :D [04:30] nigelb: blog post done! [04:30] The time is set already [04:30] jcastro: yay, thank you! [04:31] jcastro: hows tumblr so far? [04:31] I like it [04:31] much simpler than wordpress [04:31] it's basically just a text box [04:32] I might move to something simpler [04:51] pleia2: ping [04:51] doctormo: hey [04:51] pleia2: Did I ever show you this kick ass systems admin image I did _ages_ ago: http://imagebin.ca/view/RwzVAd.html [04:51] I found it digging up images for paultag [04:52] doctormo: haha, that's great! [04:52] pleia2: I'll take that as a no :-D [04:53] yeah, never saw it :) [04:53] The shading is very incomplete and I feel red faced about the quality, but it still looks bad-ass to me. [06:38] doctormo: that is full of awesome. Inkscape? [06:38] AlanBell: yes [06:38] what? where? [06:39] link 10 lines above this nigelbabu [06:39] gah, not in the nigelb session [06:40] http://imagebin.ca/view/RwzVAd.html [06:44] looks a bit like Sarah Palin, but more intelligent [06:48] AlanBell: If sarah had taken up engeneering instead of shooting? [07:18] popey: heya, next UUD is around the corner. Do you want to try doing a session this time around? [07:53] good morning [08:10] morning all [08:10] aloha folks [08:10] hey czajkowski [08:11] dpm: moring hows things? [08:13] hey dpm, hey czajkowski [08:13] things are good, happy to see it has cooled down here. We had really warm days lately, really too warm. How about you? [08:13] morgen dholbach! [08:14] 22°C, millions of things to do, still one talk to prepare for Saturday :) [08:14] :) [08:15] well, that's already 66% of the talks prepared already! [08:15] :) [08:16] dpm: we have rain, care to swap ;p [08:17] hmmm, actually I'm fine. I would have swapped a week ago, though :) [08:19] smart :) [08:19] :) [08:19] dholbach: is your to do list getting any smaller? [08:20] czajkowski: not really :) [08:20] but at least there's a bunch of stuff where I still have all the cycle to do them :) [08:20] not so bad so [08:22] heya dpm, czajkowski [08:22] morning! [08:23] morning nigelbabu :) [08:36] ara: I thought you were on the road already! :) [08:37] dholbach, this afternoon :-) [08:37] ahhhhh, gotcha [08:37] ara: I was talking to a friend yesterday who made Berlin → Gibraltar in three days, but they did quite a bit of night-driving :) [08:38] dholbach, we prefer 4 and sleeping a bit :D [08:38] I totally see what you mean :) [08:40] I'm working from home today and it's getting hot in this room already, then rhythmbox decided to pick "thank god it's christmas" - slightly weird [08:42] hah that is weird [08:45] http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Why-open-source-developers-should-thank-Apple-1018783.html pretty good article [09:16] \o/ christmas! [09:16] * popey hangs out the decorations [09:17] * dholbach hugs popey [09:17] * czajkowski gaffa tapes popey up- NO [09:19] christmas in july... awesome :D [09:19] that's like living in Australia [09:19] ;-) [09:19] yup [09:20] * jussi is still hunting for perl coders if someone has some skills... [09:20] oh crap, Im late. see you all. [09:41] hola randa_ [09:43] hey dholbach, how are you [09:43] good good - how 'bout you? :) [11:35] jussi: I suggest blogging on planet. Last time I got stuck with code, got help that way [11:36] nigelbabu: good point, I shall do that. Im looking for people to help freenode, and thereby the IRCC, with the new group management system. [11:36] some of the features we are after: http://paste.ubuntu.com/443808/ [11:38] jussi: I know. I tried to help, but i know too little about irc protocol [11:39] popey: poke, re: uud [11:39] nigelbabu: thanks for trying in any case [11:40] jussi: I might try again for helping with design later on [11:40] probably after m cycle is over and patch review stuff is mostly done [11:41] nigelbabu: Im hoping we get some stuff done this cycle [11:41] jussi: Also, ask uupc to broadcast the call for help ;) [11:41] uupc? [11:43] ubuntu uk podcast [11:43] I'm sure a fair number of people listen to it, someone's got to be a perl coder [11:44] jussi: Meanwhile, try bribing elly :D [11:44] lol [11:44] yeah, Ill try that also [11:44] :D [11:45] nigelbabu: you know the email address :) [11:46] nigelbabu: we get about 6000 downloads between each episode [11:46] dunno how many listen :) [11:46] popey: you are part of uupc right? [11:46] yes [11:47] popey: I already mailed! This is for jussi :) [11:47] yeah, i know [11:47] popey: whats the proceedure if I want to get the word out about the gms coding? [11:47] hence the smiley [11:47] popey: the uud poke was whether you'd want to take a class [11:47] jussi: email the show, podcast@ubuntu-uk.org [11:47] popey: ok, will do. thanks :) [11:48] popey: when is next episode? [11:48] two weeks today [11:48] popey: ok, I'll send you folks more mails ;) [11:48] not sure about uud [11:48] when is it? [11:49] July 10th [11:49] (the weekend before my birthday :D) [11:51] Interesting read about apple and how they've benefited open source http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Why-open-source-developers-should-thank-Apple-1018783.html [12:00] nigelbabu: lol czajkowski posted that already [12:01] speaking of czajkowski, she did a nice interview on Ubuntu for an Irish tech podcast :) [12:03] jussi: she's fast ;) [12:05] the part about Apple bringing more freedom about what applications to install on mobile phones is actually backwards in Belgium though; in the past you could install whatever you wanted on phones that supported installing apps, Apple (and probably blackberry?) were the first to restrict what you can install on their phone... [12:08] it's forbidden to lock a phone to only work with one carrier here, so carriers couldn't really control anything--unfortunately that law got relaxed under pressure from... Apple [12:08] :( [12:09] the iPhone looked less attractive when people see the real price of it, I guess ;) [12:18] I'm happy with a cellphone that makes calls and send messages [12:18] thats all I want with a phone and it caters to it well [12:34] Pendulum: oi :p [12:38] czajkowski: people keep ignoring me when I mention it. You're the only one who notices :P [12:39] Pendulum: highligh name [12:39] I know [12:39] but I meant more that it's not doing any harm since no one has asked for a link yet :P [12:40] :) [12:40] link please [12:42] AlanBell: http://www.pcliveradio.ie/ubuntu-and-more/ [12:43] now czajkowski can smack me when she sees me next [12:46] * AlanBell listens [12:50] starts 6:30 in [12:54] it is very good [12:59] excellent in fact [13:02] jcastro, someone has suggested to me that the latest UUPC needs subtitles :) [13:02] (a brit, obviously) === \vish is now known as vish [16:26] ok my friends - I call it a day - see you tomorrow! [16:36] popey: I feel all uupc's need subtitles except the last one. I just abuot make out the british accents [16:37] I've not listened to this new episode, whos accent is the issue? [16:37] jorge and jfo :D [16:38] probaly jfo's southern accent is difficult for british to understand [16:38] pffft [16:38] we dont have accents [16:38] it's all you lot that do :) [16:39] haha [16:39] heh [16:39] so true [16:42] :) [16:46] oh JFo did you find out where to get the bugs that weren't reported against a package? [16:46] greg-g, nope :) [16:46] czajkowski: I can make out what you say better than the uupc folks, only some of the words/phrases/sentences don't make sense to me [16:47] greg-g, but I'd love to [16:47] JFo: http://ur1.ca/06jj8 [16:47] from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase [16:47] nigelb: :) [16:48] thanks much greg-g :) [16:48] JFo: is that what you were looking for? [16:48] I believe so [16:48] awesome, glad I could help [16:49] me too :) [18:26] oooh, nice article from cory doctorow: http://www.boingboing.net/2010/06/10/ubuntu-lucid-lynx-fe.html [18:47] jussi: :D [18:52] hah [18:52] check out the comments [18:52] "How in the hell did you get your multifunction mouse working? X doesn't support any more than the standard buttons" [18:57] jcastro: heh, since I'm using a mouse with 5 buttons that also doubles as a tablet and it works without any mods.... [18:58] If hardware works good on Linux, and it does that more and more these days, it works splendidly awesome, often better than on other OSes I won't name. [18:58] jcastro: that comment was sane, not random attack or anything ;) [18:58] qense: heya [18:59] qense: are you interested in taking a class for ubuntu user days on July 10th? [19:00] nigelb: That is the first Saturday of my summer holiday! [19:01] I think I'll have some time that day. [19:01] nigelb: What do you want me to teach? [19:01] qense: yay \o/ [19:01] qense: "Package Management Basics" [19:01] aargh [19:01] nigelb: lol [19:01] lol, its about installing packages for newbies to ubuntu, not packaging [19:01] phew [19:02] I now the basics of the basics of packaging, so I'm not suitable for teaching packaging. [19:02] know [19:02] like, trusted sources, ppas, and random debs that you find lying around (not to trust them), etc [19:02] qense: here's what we have now https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/lucid [19:02] can you pick a time you like, going early is fine I think, if 0300 is too late :D [19:03] 3:00 GMT? That would be 5:00 my time [19:03] What is the session "Trusted Software, Where to find it, and why" about? [19:04] nigelb: I'm in CEST, which is UTC+2 [19:04] qense: arg, hold on. lemme find what package management basics is about [19:05] qense: this is what its all about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays/01232010/PackageManagementBasics [19:05] qense, nigelb: not sure if this will be useful: http://doctormo.org/2009/08/06/systems-administration-package-management/ [19:06] * nigelb hugs doctormo [19:07] nigelb: This is why we wanted to write course material :-P [19:07] qense: does 10 am UTC soud ok? [19:08] oh no [19:08] jono's on a plane [19:08] you guys know what that means, expect inbox fury [19:09] haha [19:10] nigelb: That is doable. :) [19:10] qense: yay! [19:11] Glad I can help. [19:12] jcastro, lol [19:13] Internet on a plane? Are you spending Canonical's valuable money on not-dirt-cheap air carrier? [19:13] jcastro: lesson 1 at talking behind your boss' back, make sure he's not around :D [19:13] or don't ping him [19:14] or don't talk about him in PUBLICLY LOGGED CHANNELS [19:14] qense, Delta [19:14] hah, my team are pretty up front with how they read me, which is awesome [19:14] That doesn't sound hideously expensive, but not too Toepolev as well. [19:14] gotta manage your manager [19:14] Sometimes you just have to be tough to your manager, otherwise he will never learn to listen to you. [19:15] * nigelb googles that word with T [19:15] qense, *cough* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperStackTour *cough* [19:16] hah, told you guys! [19:16] jono: thanks for sending bobbo our way [19:16] this one week as been *awesome* [19:16] yes indeed, I can't believe he did all that in a week [19:16] jono: I know! But suddenly I discovered what huge todo-lists procrastination gives you now school is ending and several essays wait to be written and a test week is coming near. But that's no excuse for being late, I'm working on it! [19:17] nigelb, no worries, thanks need to go to bobbo though :) [19:17] jono: it will go there once he stops spamming the planet :D [19:17] and there was this school trip to a sunny island [19:17] qense, no worries, it didn't take me long to write mine - about 20mins max [19:17] jono: What is your deadline? [19:17] nigelb, hehe [19:18] The date you actually start getting mad at me? [19:18] qense, well I wanted it completed last week - but could you complete by the end of tomorrow? [19:18] seriously though, I'll write it on a weekly report that we plan to write every monday [19:18] nigelb, sweet! [19:18] Tjono: that should be possible. Sorry for making you miss the other deadline. [19:18] lets see if we can get some more work experience folks :) [19:18] qense, no worries! dude, you are a volunteer, its cool :) [19:18] ok! :) [19:18] jono, jcastro : If you've not seen http://bobbo.me.uk/index.php/planet-ubuntu/operation-cleansweep-day-four-update, please see and add counter to blogs :) [19:18] qense: can you get me a pony too? [19:18] I just wanted to put a very small version of me on shoulder that whispers in your ear [19:19] nigelb, yeah, that is awesome [19:19] I just tweeted it [19:19] we need the counter to link to the cleansweep page though [19:19] jcastro: I could draw you one. [19:21] jono: maybe we should make mini-jono a quickly app. [19:21] yes, it could fire off random metal riffs throughout the day [19:22] jono: its already there. bobbo is awesome ;) [19:22] jcastro: and floods mailboxes :D [19:23] I've subscribed to so many source packages and mailing lists that I think I feel a bit of the pain what it's like to be famous and have your mail address out in the public at the same time. So many mails and so many useless ones! [19:23] imagine that some people get that many useFULL ones! [19:24] nigelb, the link is there? [19:24] doctormo, lol [19:24] jono: the script and a static picture is there :) [19:29] nigelb, but when I click on the widget at http://bobbo.me.uk/index.php/planet-ubuntu/operation-cleansweep-day-four-update it does not link me to the cleansweep getting started page [19:29] and the fragment doesnt include a link either [19:29] jono: what link? [19:29] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperationCleansweep [19:30] ideally when someone sees the widget they can click on it and go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperationCleansweep [19:30] jono: ah, I'll poke dholbach about it :) [19:30] thanks :) [19:30] 26 [19:30] I will blog it today [19:30] grr, irssi [19:34] I may disapear from irc, my irc client konversation is being revaluated since It was removed in last nights upgrade. [19:35] doctormo, np [19:43] doctormo: Are you running Maverick or what? [19:47] czajkowski: im getting ready to reply to the loco-directory email.. what do you want me to change the title to? ;-) [19:57] akgraner, what is the SELF hashtag? [20:00] #SELinuxfest iirc [20:05] jono, what cjohnston said :-) [20:06] I have the World Cup kick off concert on in the background and the song currently being performed is about Africa and had a line about "the spirit of ubuntu" [20:06] thanks [20:06] jono, you and pgraner seem to always get the flights with wifi :-P [20:07] akgraner, yeah, we are lucky [20:07] :) [20:08] Pendulum: WOW [20:09] nigelb: well it's not that surprising [20:09] greg-g, ping? [20:09] jono: pong [20:09] I can't watch the football at all :/ stupid TZ [20:09] I dont ever get a flight with wifi [20:10] or if so its a one hour flight and they want 50$ [20:10] greg-g, did you see http://www.severedfifth.com/2010/06/10/severed-fifth-in-video-soundtracks/ - great example of Creative Commons empowering people [20:10] mind blogging it? [20:10] nigelb: there is no fottball in this, just music [20:12] jono: nice! I hadn't [20:12] jono: I'll try to get to that tonight [20:12] thanks greg-g [20:12] Pendulum: ah [20:12] I think these kinds of use cases are cool to share [20:14] nigelb: although now we've got Desmond Tutu wearing a football jersey [20:15] Pendulum: hahahaha [20:19] nigelb: jono: I think the patch review thing should be a little meter on all of planet [20:19] like how GNOME did with the fundraising [20:20] jcastro: thats a worthy idea! [20:20] jcastro: can you make it happen? ;)) [20:21] jcastro, agreed [20:21] lets get it hyperlinked and then could you take care of getting it on there? [20:21] 37 [20:21] grr [20:22] jcastro: I can get the hyperlink done and talk to you tomorrow, so you can talk to sysadmins [20:22] jcastro, perfect, thanks [20:23] I don't know how I'd get it on there, but I can look into it [20:23] they had a slicker slider that would look better on planet I think [20:23] * jcastro goes to look for it [20:24] cheers [20:26] do we need to have a discussion with anyone about putting something like that on planet? [20:27] hmm, you know what, nm, I'll JFDI it [20:45] jono: about the privacy issue thing, we already do give an entry message when you join #ubuntu and #kubuntu (though we should set one for the other core channels) [20:45] for instance, when you join #ubuntu ChanServ sends you this notice: "[#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/" [20:47] tsimpson, lets talk in msg [20:47] sure [20:47] good night everyone! [20:50] ok folks, about to touch down in Atlanta [20:50] back in a bit [20:50] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1187037/planet-ruler.png [20:50] yeah! [20:50] like that jono ^^^ [20:51] jcastro, I think so [20:51] lets do it [20:51] lets have a featured project in there [20:51] biab [20:51] yeah, I have to get the code from lucas [20:54] cjohnston: i will throttle you [20:58] czajkowski: what'd he do? [20:58] he threatened to change a subject thread