
rickspencer3sun is finally coming out here in Seattle00:00
rickspencer3getting cold there?00:00
rickspencer3I'm guessing cold for you is hot for us00:00
RAOFI'm guessing 5℃ isn't particularly hot for you.00:01
rickspencer3I thought it was always hot in Australia00:01
rickspencer3with the deserts and kangaroos and all00:01
RAOFThe stuff up north, around the equator, yes. :)00:01
rickspencer3anyway, 5 isn't all that cold00:02
RAOFNot inside, no.00:03
* RAOF is about the same lattitude as Wellington & Auckland00:04
rickspencer3I think the deal is, that it's always hot there when it's cold here00:04
rickspencer3so it seems like it is always hot for you guys00:04
rickspencer3RAOF, I see dist-upgrade is still wanting to uninstall xorg-xserver00:07
rickspencer3but I think your email worked00:07
rickspencer3only one person asked me about it, and they asked if they should wait to upgrade for a few days00:07
RAOFA bunch of the drivers got built against the wrong xserver ABI.  They're all rebuilt now, leaving siliconmotion which requires a new upstream to build against the new xserver.00:08
rickspencer3I have a 7:05 am flight tomorrow00:11
rickspencer3so going to step away now00:11
rickspencer3cu guyz later !00:11
RAOFHave fun flying.00:12
TheMusorickspencer3: enjoy your fliht.00:12
rickspencer3thanks TheMuso00:13
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=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
SarvattRAOF: wacom still needs merging, evtouch needs a fakesync, xorg meta needs uploading, geode, displaylink, virtualbox-ose-guest-x11, glamo,  nvidia-current, nvidia-173, nvidia-96 all need rebuilding01:25
RAOFsavage wants a merge, too.01:26
Sarvattoh duh, need to disable edgers to see everything else providing xserver-xorg-video-6 and xserver-xorg-input-7, i just had a list of things not installed :)01:30
RAOFAlso, siliconmotion needs a new upstream to build against 1.8 :)01:30
RAOFSavage and siliconmotion are in git.01:30
RAOFAnd I want to touch nvidia-*'s apport hook before uploading them.01:30
RAOFMan, these chocolate biscuits are *awesome*.  ½ 70% cocoa, ½ 85% cocoa chocolate + dark chocolate drops.  MMmmm.01:38
Sarvatt173 and 96 don't work with xserver 1.8 and current really shouldn't be providing an ABI I'd think since its compatible with multiple ones01:38
RAOFIt could provide multiple ABIs then, but that's the reverse of what the XSF is going for.01:38
LaserJockdoes PyGI replaces pygtk?01:39
Sarvattxserver-xorg-core breaks xserver-xorg-input-7 and xserver-xorg-video-6 so its really tricky, nothing can provide those and have it be installable :( if the meta was uploaded people without xserver-xorg-{video,input}-all could at least upgrade now01:40
Sarvattwell wacom would need to be updated too01:42
AmaranthLaserJock: I think the idea is to layer pygtk on top of pygi so you can keep using the same API01:44
LaserJockAmaranth: but if I was making a new app I could just use pygi, right?01:49
Amaranthassuming it exposes what you need, yes01:50
Sarvattah video-fbdev too01:58
RAOFOh, yeah.  That's merged locally too.02:01
Sarvatthmm background transparency in gnome-terminal doesn't work with a rgba theme02:50
RAOFWorks here.02:52
Sarvattwith darkroom?02:53
RAOFWith Radiance02:54
Sarvattthats not rgba yet? darkroom is still the only one with transparency everywhere here02:54
RAOFEdit the gtkrc and flip argb to TRUE.02:55
RAOFIt'd work better if compiz blur didn't segfault in mesa.02:56
Sarvattadjusting the transparency slider crashed gnome-terminal that time :D02:58
Sarvattman abiance/radiance looks ugly with a side panel :(02:58
RAOFYou're basically on a hiding to nothing with a side panel :)03:00
Sarvattcan't get transparency working in it, weird03:00
Sarvattok it works when i run it in gdb from a VT... :D03:14
Sarvattthats so odd, installing the dbg packages and running it in gdb from a VT fixed it, its not crashing anymore either03:16
Sarvattin that screenshot it was a little transparent wasnt it.. the settings must have just been stuck03:18
Sarvattnow to figure out how to get indicator applet application menu to show anything :)03:22
RAOFTheMuso: Would you be able to sponsor some X uploads for me?  There are a bunch of no-change rebuilds and a couple of easy merges from Debian. http://cooperteam.net/Packages/ have the source packages.04:10
TheMusoRAOF: Right, so I don't need to pull from git for any of them?04:11
RAOFTheMuso: No.  I've done all that for you :)04:11
TheMusoRAOF: dude, thanks heaps.04:12
RAOFYou can pull them from git if you'd prefer, of course. :)04:12
TheMusoRAOF: no its fine. Do these need to be uploaded/built in any particular order?04:14
Sarvattalso have xorg meta here if possible- http://sarvatt.com/downloads/merges/xorg/ and it's in git here http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/debian/xorg.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ubuntu04:14
TheMusoRAOF: any particular reason the changelog entries from debian aren't included in the changes file for xserver-xorg-video-fbdev?04:15
TheMusoSarvatt: Lets get everything up first, and I'll pull your source package, thanks.04:15
TheMusoRAOF: same for xserver-xorg-video-savage04:15
RAOFTheMuso: Because I forgot them!  Whoops, I'll just fix that up.04:16
TheMusoRAOF: thanks. BTW where do I get the orig tarballs from? Debian I assume.04:17
RAOFFor the ones which aren't simply no-change rebuilds of what we've got in Ubuntu.04:18
TheMusoRAOF: ok04:18
TheMusoRAOF: ok let me know when you have fixed those changes files.04:19
RAOFTheMuso: Fixed.04:24
TheMusoRAOF: thanks04:24
TheMusoNow to fetch the orig tarballs.04:29
RAOFWant me to upload them?04:30
TheMusoRAOF: nah its fine04:31
* TheMuso sighs at the new spam bot crap going around the last day or so.04:32
RAOFTheMuso: Can I add siliconmotion to that list, sorry?04:33
TheMusoRAOF: sure.04:33
RAOFIt's up, and has everything including orig.tar.gz04:33
TheMusodude you are a legend! thanks04:34
TheMusoAlready building xserver-xorg-video-displaylink anyway04:35
TheMusoRAOF: just doing a mass test build now.04:42
RAOFYou know what?  It's lunch time.04:44
* TheMuso had his about an hour ago. :p04:45
robert_ancellRAOF, when I go to dist-upgrade my maverick box it wants to remove xserver-xorg-input-mouse - that's a bad thing right?05:01
RAOFWell, actually, if that's the _only_ thing it wants to remove you'd be ok.  evdev handles mice.05:02
robert_ancellit's just that and xsever-xorg-video-tseng which is n/a for me05:02
RAOFYou won't miss xserver-xorg-input-mouse.05:02
robert_ancellso is input-mouse deprecated in favour of evdev?05:02
robert_ancelldist-upgrading now...05:03
* RAOF disappears back to lunch in case of breakage05:04
TheMusoRAOF: nothing yet, build wise.05:10
TheMusojust doing dummy test build05:10
RAOFThat seems a surprisingly slow rate of builds - why do they take so long for you?05:11
TheMusoRAOF: I am running them in a linear fashion because I am too lazy to try and parallelize them.05:19
TheMusoRAOF: and dpkg takes ages to install packages...05:19
TheMusoRAOF: all uploaded05:21
* RAOF likes his sbuild union-mount-on-tmpfs quite a lot.05:22
RAOFTheMuso: Gratsias.05:22
RAOFOr however you spell it ):05:22
TheMusoRAOF: I should consider that myself05:22
TheMusoRAOF: how much of RAM do you allocate to it?05:22
RAOF80%, so I can build huge packages like mesa.05:23
TheMusoHow much RAM do you have?05:23
RAOFBut almost nothing needs nearly that amount.05:23
RAOFMinus shared GPU memory05:23
TheMusoah ok05:23
* TheMuso has 4GB as well, so that sounds reasonable then05:24
RAOFAnd sbuild is now more memory efficient than doing the same with a pbuilder.  Yay!05:24
Sarvattexcept vmmouse is in input-all and depends on mouse05:25
TheMusoSarvatt: haven't uploaded x meta yet05:27
TheMusoif you have more tweeking to do, go ahead05:27
Sarvattno tweeking left in meta if thats what you meant, i was just saying vmmouse depends on mouse regarding the earlier conversation, if it wants to remove mouse it must want to remove a lot more than just mouse and its a bad thing05:31
TheMusoah ok05:31
TheMusoSarvatt: So xorg meta is ready to go?05:32
Sarvattyeah, wacom needs a merge though still for xserver-xorg-core to be installable and i havent had any luck with that05:33
TheMusoSarvatt: Same as I asked RAOF about before. Is there a reason why you left out debian changelog entries from the changes file for the merge?05:33
TheMusoSarvatt: so I'll hold off then?05:34
statikhi hi05:41
statikanyone around who would be interested in sponsoring a merge of protobuf from debian?05:41
Sarvattwell that was a nasty surprise, got a hang and apparently plymouth no workie when your xserver doesn't support -nr :)05:41
SarvattTheMuso: is there a different way I should have created the source package to include that?05:42
Sarvattdebuild -S -sa -i -I doesn't include that apparently, is there another flag I can pass to include it or just something that needs to be done manually?05:43
RAOFYou need to pass -v$LAST_UBUNTU_VERSION05:44
statikooh, i didn't know about that05:46
SarvattTheMuso: fixed it up then, sorry about that - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/merges/xorg/05:48
TheMusoSarvatt: Right, because of wacom/xserver-xorg-core, shoudl we not wait till wacom is sorted?05:49
Sarvattit doesn't matter really, it's better to have the meta in early so that the xserver-xorg-video-all | xserver-xorg-video-7, xserver-xorg-input-all | xserver-xorg-input-9 depends actually work for people that dont have input/video-all installed but yeah wacom really needs to be updated so xserver-xorg-core is even installable05:52
TheMusoWell its up to both you guys05:54
TheMusoI won't act on it unless explicitly given a yes.05:54
RAOFTheMuso: Yes.  Uploading the metapackage is fine.05:57
TheMusook uploading05:59
Sarvattthanks TheMuso06:00
robert_ancelldoes anyone know why we're running such an old version of dbus?06:23
TheMusorobert_ancell: But keybuk might.06:26
TheMusorobert_ancell: no, but keybuk might06:26
robert_ancellTheMuso, thanks06:26
Sarvattis it me or does dbus git look screwed up? master and dbus-1.2 branch are the same06:29
Sarvatt(dbus-1.2 has 1.3.1 in it)06:30
robert_ancellSarvatt, that doesn't sound good06:45
TheMusoSarvatt: Hopefully that could be recoverable with tags.06:46
TheMusoAt least mostly.06:47
Sarvatti was looking here  to see how far we were behind - http://cgit.freedesktop.org/dbus/dbus/06:47
TheMusothat would depend on whether there were changes included that weren't part of a tagged release.06:47
statikhi TheMuso, any chance you would have a few moments to sponsor an upload of protobuf? it's just a merge from debian+patch refresh.06:47
TheMusostatik: will take a look.06:48
statikTheMuso, thanks! I tried to hassle robert first, but he is still waiting on core-dev rights06:48
TheMusostatik: just running a test build.06:51
statikTheMuso: thanks. I've testbuild in a maverick cowbuilder, and also we've been running a backport of this on our lucid test servers and the hardy servers in the datacenter, so i'm reasonably confident that it is sane.06:52
statikbut I am quite a salesman, so a testbuild is completely appropriate :)06:53
TheMusoI always run a test build to be safe anyway.06:53
pittiGood morning06:53
TheMusoMorning pitti.06:54
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?06:54
TheMusoGah! More list moderation queue spam to deal with.06:54
statikhi pitti06:54
TheMusopitti: very well thanks, yourself?06:54
pittiI'm great, thanks06:54
TheMusoI sware some new bots have come online this last few days06:54
pittihey statik06:54
pittifor a few days now I get very strange spam, and tons  of it06:54
TheMusoMe too.06:55
pittijust random words, which always make it through my spam filter06:55
pittilooks like there's a large-scale attack to confuse the adjustments of all Bayesian filters out there06:55
robert_ancellpitti, hey, I'm doing a dbus merge, is there anything in particular to look out for?06:55
TheMusoThe recent stuff I have seen is messages with twitter in the subject, as well as some outlook notification or some such.06:55
pittirobert_ancell: just that Keybuk claimed the merge06:55
robert_ancellpitti, ok, makes my life easy.  Whose domain is dbus?  Can we get it into bzr?06:56
TheMusoI'd suspect dbus is foundations now.06:56
pittiand a million fake "account notifications" with javascript; go viruses06:57
pittirobert_ancell: Keybuk is one of the upstreams06:57
pittirobert_ancell: conceptually it's rather desktop-ish, though; I suggest to ping/email him and check who should merge06:57
TheMusopitti: Yeah seen something similar.06:58
TheMusostatik: uploading07:02
statikTheMuso, you rock07:03
RAOFThe xserver-xorg-input-wacom is ready for sponsoring - available here: http://cooperteam.net/Packages/xf86-input-wacom_0.10.6-0ubuntu1.dsc http://cooperteam.net/Packages/xf86-input-wacom_0.10.6-0ubuntu1_source.changes07:25
pittiRAOF: doing07:26
RAOFpitti: Rocking.  Thanks.07:27
Sarvattjockey's data/handlers/nvidia.py needs something like this for nvidia-173 to work -07:43
Sarvatt        if self.version == '173':07:43
Sarvatt            self.xorg_conf.addOption('ServerFlags', 'IgnoreABI', 'True', optiontype='Option', position=0)07:43
Sarvattstill no nvidia-173 release that works without IgnoreABI :(07:43
didrocksgood morning07:59
pittibonjour didrocks08:13
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti, how are you?08:13
pittiI'm great, thanks! how about you?08:13
didrocksI'm fine, thanks. It's almost dark outside because of the bad weather though08:14
pittiwow, we have bright sunshine08:16
didrockstotally different story there :)08:16
seb128hey there08:25
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?08:25
pittibonjour sebastien08:25
seb128lut didrocks08:25
seb128nickel, et toi ?08:25
didrocksça va, il fait juste presque nuit sur Paris ^^08:25
seb128donc tu peux bosser sans distractions? ;-)08:27
didrocksseb128: roh, tout de suite :-)08:31
pittiRAOF: ahh, got rejected; you dropped the epoch08:31
pittiRAOF: shall I reupload with epoch, or do you want to fix in git and produce a new source yourself?08:32
seb128hey pitti08:32
seb128how is the xorg transition going?08:32
RAOFPlease reupload with the epoch; we're not really using the git.08:32
pittiRAOF: done08:34
RAOFseb128: Once wacom is uploaded & built xserver-xorg-video-all and xserver-xorg-input-all will be installable; upgrades should now go through.  Unless you're using proprietary drivers :)08:34
RAOFpitti: Thanks muchly!08:34
seb128RAOF, I uninstall wacom yesterday08:37
seb128those seems to still need an update: glamo geode fbdev ivtv siliconmotion08:37
seb128those are the drivers with the abi at 6 and not 708:38
seb128those are the drivers with the abi at 6 and not 7 there08:38
RAOFRight.  fbdev, ivtv, siliconmotion have builds pending.08:39
RAOFglamo is tremendously obscure, and requires some patching to get building.08:39
pittiwe could temporarily remove it from -all to get back installability?08:41
RAOFgeode (should) will just require a no-change rebuild.  I haven't got to it because I'm not on i386 :)08:42
seb128RAOF, btw I did the intel no change rebuild but I didn't commit anywhere, do you use a vcs? can you commit for me the changelog update?08:45
RAOFseb128: That's already been done, thanks :)08:45
seb128thank you08:45
seb128I guess I can update now08:46
seb128I don't need any of the drivers I listed08:46
didrocksseb128: libgee MIR done (bug #592060). Once you have some free time if you can push it to main so that unity can build, that will be a good way to start the day :)08:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 592060 in libgee (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libgee (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59206008:51
seb128pitti, ^08:52
pittisure, feel free to pre-promote it08:52
seb128pitti, thanks08:52
didrocksthe package just produce a single library, however, there are a lot of sources in vala08:53
robert_ancellseb128, pitti, hey, what happened with that gdm patch?08:58
seb128hey robert_ancell08:58
seb128robert_ancell, which one?08:58
pittirobert_ancell: seb ported it to the current -proposed version08:58
robert_ancellseb128, the one pitti was talking about, was there another proposed not in bzr?08:59
seb128robert_ancell, no, but 2.30.2 failed verification and has new crashers and bugs08:59
seb128robert_ancell, so it's a no go to lucid-updates08:59
robert_ancelloh, ok08:59
seb128robert_ancell, I rebased on the current lucid version08:59
robert_ancellso it's all ok now?09:00
seb128robert_ancell, I rebased on the current lucid version for now09:00
seb128robert_ancell, did you read my comments on the bug?09:00
robert_ancellyeah, but I was confused.  I thought you'd done that but I wanted to check09:00
seb128robert_ancell, the update doesn't fix the issue09:00
seb128robert_ancell, the changes we have seems to have the same "watch files in user directories trigger automounting storm" issue09:01
robert_ancellseb128, I think they were using the old SRU09:01
seb12816_gdmserver_user_manager.patch:+        user->icon_monitor = g_file_monitor_file (file,09:02
seb128robert_ancell, ^ I think that's still an issue09:02
robert_ancellmy patch means this code is never executed if IncludeAll=false (which is the correct behaviour for NFS systems afaik)09:03
seb128robert_ancell, see 91_git_no_icons_watching.patch in my upload09:03
seb128robert_ancell, EtienneG tested the update and says it's still an issue09:03
seb128robert_ancell, I can check today with him he's running the right version but I think he was09:04
robert_ancellEtienneG says he tested -0ubutntu1 which is the SRU before my one09:04
robert_ancellI made -0ubuntu209:04
robert_ancellso your saying the 2.30.2-0ubuntu1 SRU has failed verification and was pulled back, so you took my changes in 2.30.2-0ubuntu2 and applied them to 2.30.0-0ubuntu6?09:05
seb128robert_ancell, no09:06
seb128robert_ancell, I did 2.30.2.is.2.30.0-0ubuntu109:06
seb128robert_ancell, get the source from launchpad09:06
seb128robert_ancell, I rebased on the lucid version your changes and some git commits and some pitti changes09:06
robert_ancellok, but that hasn't been tested by EtienneG afaik, as he says in the report he tested 2.30.2-0ubuntu109:07
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seb128robert_ancell, oh ok, I will check today with him what version he tested09:10
seb128robert_ancell, I'm not sure if people got confused by the version I used or if they are still running the previous one09:10
didrockstalking about that, there is no lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gdm/lucid, where is the lucid branch?09:10
didrocksjust to start with the good base :)09:11
seb128didrocks, there is none09:11
seb128apt-get source09:11
seb128I didn't work in bzr09:11
didrocksok, no worry09:12
seb128I tend to no do a bzr for stable updates09:12
didrocksseb128: really? ok, I should remove some lucid branch I've pushed so :)09:12
robert_ancellseb128, ok, the patch looks fine - it should work np09:12
seb128robert_ancell, nice, thanks09:13
seb128robert_ancell, what are you working on now otherwise btw?09:13
robert_ancellmerging mostly09:14
seb128robert_ancell, we have low overlap atm, it's hard to follow what you do09:14
seb128out of rocking merges and getting pygi in09:14
seb128which is already a lot ;-)09:14
seb128but it seems we settle down09:14
seb128the merges list is almost done no?09:14
seb128robert_ancell, GNOME 2.31 increased my stress level btw09:15
robert_ancellI was looking a the other GDM bug but there's only so much GDM I can take at one time09:15
robert_ancellseb128, why?09:15
seb128robert_ancell, it seems some things will depends on gtk309:15
robert_ancellseb128, I've got a list of things we should talk about GNOME 3.0 at the sprint.  I think that's when we should make the decision on how much we can take in Maverick09:15
seb128and I don't want gtk3 in the default installation09:16
robert_ancellStill a lot of merges to go, it's hard to tell how long as some are easy and some are very hard09:16
seb128the schedule is not reliable09:16
seb128it would mean duplicate the gtk stack09:16
seb128ie CD space issue09:16
seb128and we can't have an app loading gtk2 and gtk3 at the same time09:16
seb128ie we need duplicate builds of each lib09:16
robert_ancellright, I was going to ask about that.  Is there anything useful in gtk3?09:16
seb128robert_ancell, which ones are on your list to merge still?09:17
seb128robert_ancell, things like gdm we should not bother with09:17
seb128or gvfs09:17
robert_ancellseb128, anything on versions that has gnome- in from of it09:17
seb128there is just lot of work for no win09:17
robert_ancellagree not moving gdm09:17
robert_ancellI think there's not enough time to get new stuff in anyway, we should just pick some interesting apps (if there are any)09:17
seb128robert_ancell, gtk3 has nice changes09:18
robert_ancellseb128, are they backportable?09:18
seb128the new layout thing, multi touch, symbolic icons, libunique09:18
robert_ancellmulti touch would be very nice09:18
robert_ancellwhat is the layout thing?09:18
seb128robert_ancell, we will likely backport symbolic icons09:19
seb128robert_ancell, having gtklabels to rewrap dynamically09:19
robert_ancellGTK3 is on the gtk-2-90 branch?09:19
robert_ancellthe labels would be nice09:19
seb128let me find the email about it09:20
seb128it's non trivial work to how gtk work09:20
robert_ancellI've got the GTK 2.90.2 release email but haven't seen anything else09:21
didrocksif we don't take evo 2.32, it would be great to take the new patches for netbook and --express that land into trunk09:22
didrockssome other distro uses them with 2.30, so it should be mergeable easily09:22
seb128robert_ancell, http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2010-April/msg00044.html09:22
robert_ancellah, I don't follow gtk-devel09:23
robert_ancellseb128, thanks09:23
seb128robert_ancell, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10196809:23
ubot2Gnome bug 101968 in GtkLabel "(extended-layout) Height-for-width layout" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed]09:23
robert_ancelloh, I remember reading a blog post about this09:23
huatshello seb128 didrocks and robert_ancell09:23
robert_ancellhuats, hey09:23
didrockssalut huats09:23
seb128lut huats09:24
seb128robert_ancell, in any case I can see softwares will depends on gtk309:24
seb128I want to get gtk3 in09:24
robert_ancellseb128, software will already depend on other GNOME3 stuff (e.g. gsettings/dconf).  We will have to pick wisely :)09:24
seb128but not on the default installation09:25
robert_ancellseb128, is anyone packaging it yet?09:25
seb128robert_ancell, well, I've no real issue with gsettings in the default install09:25
seb128it's in glib09:25
seb128but a new gtk stack...09:25
seb128we have no CD space and it's going to do a lot of work09:25
seb128especially since they don't version symbols09:25
seb128which means you can use gtk3 and a gtk2 client library09:26
seb128so we will need to duplicate quite some libs to have gtk3 versions09:26
robert_ancellanyway, I have to go.  See you guys later09:27
seb128see you09:27
seb128robert_ancell, yes for gtk309:27
seb128some gnome-shell ppa guys09:27
seb128and debian started some work09:27
seb128I will try to get people to work together09:27
seb128and get it in debian09:27
seb128robert_ancell, have fun09:27
seb128robert_ancell, see you!09:27
robert_ancellseb128, oh, one last question.  what is the deal with the xdg/autostart gnome/autostart changes in Debian.  Which one do we use?09:27
seb128robert_ancell, etc which is the upstream location09:28
seb128robert_ancell, but I'm open to discuss it09:28
seb128it's just annoying since you need to clean etc in preinst etc09:28
seb128and it's useless diff over upstream09:28
robert_ancellseb128, I just keep coming up against it in merges, and I've matched debian which I think now is the wrong way09:29
seb128debian changes it because they don't want those to be conffiles09:29
seb128robert_ancell, if you move to usr and didn't add preinst cleaning code you will still have the etc entry on upgrade09:29
robert_ancellseb128, well, I copied the debian code so it has the cleaning09:30
robert_ancellanyway, later09:30
RAOFAnyone want to sponsor a -geode no-change rebuild?  http://cooperteam.net/Packages/xserver-xorg-video-geode_2.11.8-4build1.dsc09:31
pittiRAOF: do you have a source.changes?09:32
RAOFYup, same location.09:32
pittiRAOF: uploaded09:33
didrocksseb128: ok, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gdm/ubuntu/revision/257 contains the fix and I pushed it to maverick, don't know if you want to wait for more fixes for lucid before pushing -proposed09:35
RAOFpitti: Danke09:36
pittiI suggest to get the current gdm in proposed to -updates first09:36
seb128didrocks, yes let's see how etienneg's testing go09:36
seb128if the current update can go to updates wait for that09:36
didrocksok, just ping me when I need to push it to -proposed09:37
seb128didrocks, ok, we might batch other changes with it09:39
seb128didrocks, just set the bug to fix commited with the bzr url09:39
didrockson the lucid task? ok09:39
seb128didrocks, yes09:39
seb128didrocks, or feel free to import my current upload in a bzr and push yours is the vcs09:40
seb128we can use that for the next update09:40
didrocksseb128: well, if you prefer not using a vcs for -updates (and as we have done most of them, I guess), I don't want to change your workflow, I have no strong opinion about that, so let's wait for -proposed to be opened again for gdm09:41
seb128didrocks, it's not that I prefer or not09:43
seb128I'm just to lazy to set one09:43
seb128I did what was easier09:43
seb128I would have used a vcs if there was one09:44
didrocksyour current upload content, do you mean something different than -ubuntu2 ?09:44
seb128waouh, new xorg seems to work ;-)09:44
seb128didrocks, ?09:45
seb128didrocks, 2.30.2.is.2.30.0-0ubuntu109:45
didrocks"feel free to import my current upload in a bzr" -> not sure I'm following, do you talk about the -ubuntu2 gdm upload in maverick?09:45
seb128didrocks, if you want to do a sru bzr09:45
seb128you can import that09:46
seb128or take the revision from the current one which as common09:46
seb128commit my update to it09:46
seb128commit your change09:46
seb128then push somewhere09:46
seb128as -> was09:46
seb128ie before we did a maverick commit09:46
seb128didrocks, btw I've some time now, did you want to discuss that UNE transition wiki of yours?09:47
didrocksseb128: sure, even if I have even take some decision fom yesterday's upload :)09:47
seb128didrocks, hum09:48
seb128didrocks, do you still need my input and on what?09:48
seb128will be easier this way ;-)09:48
didrocksI've talked to LaserJock too and he agreed in a plan (as he wants to take over netbook-launcher maintainership)09:48
didrockswell, I can do a "FYI" thing, so that you can give your input09:48
didrocksthe idea is:09:48
seb128so it seems you don't need my input ;-)09:48
pittiwow, there's someone taking over the 3D launcher?09:49
didrockspitti: right09:49
pittiwho will maintain the -efl one, BTW?09:49
didrocksseb128: basically to avoid corner cases, the idea is to ship a new source package with netbook-launcher and rename it09:49
didrockspitti: I guess it's still the ARM team (that what was discussed at UDS)09:49
pittiah, thanks09:50
didrocksnetbook-launcher is a transition package to unity now09:50
pittiI really started to like it; it's tremendously fast09:50
didrockspitti: don't you find it too much blinging?09:50
pittilooks quite nice to me..09:50
didrockspitti: people seems to like that, I keep have feature requests about animations that are implemented in -efl09:50
milanbvhey guys, do you think someone could find the time to SRU upstream bugfix releases for system-tools-backends, liboobs and gnome-system-tools?09:51
milanbvI'm really ashamed of their buggy status in Lucid09:51
milanbvwe can't keep this for several years anyway!09:51
didrocksmilanbv: did you prepare some packages? (I would rather have a check for SRU team about the amount of changes)09:53
milanbvdidrocks: I'm really lame at packaging09:54
milanbvshould be quite easy for you09:54
milanbvbut I'm really fighting with downstream patches09:54
didrocksI think huats wanted to redo some active packaging tasks :)09:55
milanbvat least for system-tools-backends and liboobs, it should only be a matter of merging from upstream09:55
milanbvfor gnome-system-tools, we need to drop a downstream patch09:56
huatsdidrocks, I am indeed...09:56
huatsI can do it milanbv if you want09:57
milanbvhuats: that would be great!09:57
huatswell I have said that without looking at the log09:57
huatsbut :)09:57
milanbvlog is relatively short09:57
milanbvthose are bugfix releases09:58
milanbvfor gnome-system-tools, I've done a merge request to add a new downstream patch09:58
milanbvplus we need to drop 10_disable_interfaces.patch (which is a nightmare to merge anyway)09:59
huatsmilanbv, let me look at the various packages you mentionned09:59
milanbvsure :-)09:59
huatsI'll get back to you during the day09:59
milanbvI can link bugs to the branch if you want, since I know which are fixed09:59
milanbv*which ones10:00
huatsmilanbv, that might be great10:00
chrisccoulsonhey seb12810:29
seb128gnome-screensaver doesn't detect mouse activity with the new xorg10:29
seb128ie moving the mouse when it starts kicking it doesn't stop the locking10:29
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:29
seb128how are you?10:29
chrisccoulsoni'm good thanks, how are you?10:29
seb128I'm fine thanks10:30
chrisccoulsondoes it detect the mouse movement once the screen is locked?10:30
seb128the mouse cursor moves if that's what you mean10:30
seb128and I can click on the unlock button10:30
seb128it seems that the idle timer is not resetted or something10:31
seb128or not sure what should stop the lock on unactivity10:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can't remember what stops it when you move the mouse as it's fading10:32
seb128whatever that is it broken with the xorg 1.8 update10:33
chrisccoulsonok, it's the idletime counter resetting that cancels it mid-fade10:34
milanbvbtw, have you noticed how sound skips when screensaver activates?10:39
milanbvhappens since Karmic, really weird10:39
chrisccoulsongrrr, no internet again11:29
pitti3G FTW?11:29
seb128chrisccoulson, oh btw thanks for fixing firefox startup notification11:29
seb128that bug was driving me crazy11:29
seb128it made firefox not get focus when launched from a launcher11:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i realised we weren't even enabling the feature ;)11:30
seb128so I kept typing urls in xchat-gnome11:30
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i'm on my 3G now11:30
seb128didrocks, unity building btw11:38
seb128the build started some minutes ago11:38
seb128lunch time11:39
didrocksseb128: yeah, I triggered a rebuild, can't wait :)11:43
didrocksseb128: enjoy11:43
didrocksInternet issue there too :/ the wifi seems down, got a cable11:43
ftain maverick, to obtain a "`" using a french keyboard, i need to type it twice. how can i revert that to the old behavior?12:13
seb128what keyboard do you use?12:15
seb128keyboard layout rather12:15
seb128I can't confirm there12:16
ftaseb128, "France (Legacy) Alternative"12:17
seb128"France Autre"12:18
seb128try this one, it's the default one12:18
seb128otherwise it's a xkeyboard-config issue I guess12:18
ftaok, better. thanks12:20
ftathe only pref i change is to drop un-breakable space12:21
ftanot sure why i got the legacy layout though. it's a quite fresh install12:22
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ftaevolution crashes in plugin_lib_invoke() while trying to format a message with a text/calendar attcht. http://paste.ubuntu.com/447726/12:37
ftawell, SIGSEGV in format_itip()12:38
seb128fta, you can probably search for similar bugs on bugzilla.gnome.org12:40
seb128fta, there is no active evolution hacker there so better to upstream crash issues you get12:40
seb128fta, they are responsive usually12:40
ftaseb128, not really, i have a few bugs there opened for more than a year12:47
ftaeven with patched12:48
seb128well depends of the bugs12:49
ftagnome 61995912:49
seb128you can lobby for those in #evolution12:49
ubot2Gnome bug 619959 in Mailer "Crash in format_itip at itip-formatter.c line 2567" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61995912:49
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seb128they are often responsive12:49
ftaso that crash is already known12:50
cassidyseb128, gst packages have been tagged verification-done on lp, what's the next before having them in lucid-upgrade?12:52
seb128cassidy, nothing12:52
seb128cassidy, one week delay12:52
cassidyah that's automatic12:52
seb128cassidy, to catch eventual issues12:52
cassidygood good12:53
seb128fta, try adding a comment saying you get it as well12:54
ftaseb128, done, but i can't change the status, it's still Unconfirmed12:54
seb128fta, it doesn't make any difference12:56
seb128bugzilla.gnome.org people tend to not make any difference between unconfirmed and new bugs12:56
ftaseb128, #evolution is almost empty (2 + me)12:57
seb128fta, it's on irc.gnome.org12:58
ftaoh, damn12:58
seb128mvo, bug #57966913:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 579669 in software-properties (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Creates sources.list.d file with illegal character in name (affects: 1) (heat: 113)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57966913:11
seb128mvo, could you review the patch on that bug?13:11
seb128mvo, thanks ;-)13:11
ftawould be nice if software-properties was more etckeeper friendly..13:14
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
milanbvseb128: regarding GTK+ 3.0 dep, see13:27
milanbvI think you should talk with upstream if Ubuntu wants to stick with 2.x13:28
milanbvfor example, I think Colin was willing to backport GtkApplication to 2.22, but Matthias wasn't really in favor of it13:28
seb128milanbv, talk about what,13:28
seb128that's their choice to say 2.31 requires gtk313:28
milanbvseb128: but if you don't say that you plan to try using 2.22, people won't have any reason to be compatible with it13:30
milanbvoften that's not a strict requirement, just easier for maintainers13:30
seb128vuntz, there?13:30
seb128milanbv, well I guess it basically means we should not go for GNOME 2.31 this cycle13:30
seb128we were already not sure with dconf13:31
milanbvthe mail didn't say GNOME would require GTK+3.013:31
seb128well it says that next GNOME 2.31 will have  gtk 2.9013:32
milanbvwas a question13:32
milanbvbut if nobody knows some distributions want to use 2.22, 2.31 may well end up with most modules requiring 3.013:32
seb128which means 2.31 tarball can depends on it13:32
seb128which is basically a GNOME choice13:32
mclasenmilanbv: I don't think we want to make this an opt-in decision for distros...13:33
seb128I don't think it would be fair to ask them to slow down GNOME3 for distro considerations13:33
seb128it just meants distros get to choice to stay on what they have now13:33
seb128or go for GNOME313:33
milanbvI'm not talking about forcing GNOME to use 2.2213:33
milanbvbut you were talking about patching 2.22 with features from 3.013:34
mclasenmilanbv: also, gtk3 is not really a scary thing; it is fully parallel installable13:34
milanbvbetter do this upstream13:34
milanbvmclasen: yeah, I know, I'm basing my tought on Ubuntu plans here13:34
seb128mclasen, it's just lot of work because you need to maintain the stack twice13:34
seb128because gtk doesn't use versioned symbols13:35
mclasenthats a red herring13:35
seb128which means you can't use gtk3 and a lib which uses gtk2 at the same time13:35
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seb128so you need to duplicate libraries to have gtk2 and gtk3 builds13:35
mclasensymbol versions will not fix that problem for you13:35
seb128having those installable together as well13:35
seb128it's tedious work if nothing else13:36
seb128didrocks, http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-desktop-team-maverick-alpha-2.html13:58
seb128didrocks, desktop-maverick-une-app-selection and dx-m-app-menubar13:58
seb128didrocks, is the wi duplicates between both?13:58
seb128or are those different components to install?13:58
didrocksseb128: I deleted a few minutes ago the duplicated one13:59
seb128didrocks, ok thanks14:00
didrocksyw :)14:00
seb128kenvandine, hey14:03
kenvandinehey seb12814:06
seb128kenvandine, how are you?14:07
kenvandinegood, and you?14:07
seb128I'm fine thanks14:08
seb128kenvandine, could you give me a summary of what's going on with indicator-appmenu?14:08
kenvandinegetting appmenu-gtk and indicator-appmenu ready to be sponsored :)14:08
kenvandinereviewing the packaging, waiting for dx to make releases14:08
seb128let me know if you want me to do a review of the work at it's now14:09
seb128I've some free slots today14:09
kenvandinewill do14:09
=== \vish is now known as vish
ftabratsche, fyi, BadMatch in gtk-recordMyDesktop too14:39
seb128fta, open a bug and tag it gtk-csd14:42
ftaseb128, well, yeah. i wanted to expose a bug, i found another one.14:46
ftaseb128, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/broken-menu-when-hovering-up.ogv14:46
seb128fta, it's a gtk bug fixed in git14:47
seb128will be fixed in gtk 2.21.214:47
seb128unhappy internet today15:10
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rodrigo_kenvandine, I'm doing another couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb package, so I'll keep using my branch until we can merge it, ok?16:11
kenvandinerodrigo_, yeah, thx16:12
kenvandinei am going to find someone that can help debug that later today16:12
rodrigo_kenvandine, cool, thanks16:12
and471mpt: happy birthday!16:24
mptThanks and47116:24
mptHaven't seen you around for a while, how's things?16:24
and471mpt: I have only 3 more exams left! (out of 17)16:24
and471they have been going pretty well, so good!16:25
and471mpt: and you?16:25
and471mpt: I have been looking at some of your new work, really excited :-) (i.e. sound menu)16:25
mptgood good16:25
and471after friday, I might be able to start doing some more work on software center (my next two exams are spread over 3 weeks...)16:26
and471mpt, mvo: ^ if you will let me back.. :-(16:26
mptI won't speak for mvo, but I'd be delighted16:27
and471only joking :-)16:27
and471mpt: I also might be working on a project of my own, but I shall definitely try to get back contributing to software-center16:27
and471you have done LOADS since I stopped :-)16:28
mvoand471: welcome back!16:29
and471mov: hiya!16:29
and471oops mvo: hiya!16:29
and471well I am back after friday... just popping on to wish mpt a happy birthday16:29
and471but I have maths tomorrow - which is easy16:29
rodrigo_hmm, another bzr in maverick breakage? It tries to get couchdb-glib_0.6.92.orig.tar.gz as the upstream tarball ??16:36
rodrigo_kenvandine, ^^16:36
kenvandinewhat's wrong with that?16:37
rodrigo_kenvandine, the tarball is couchdb-glib-0.6.92.tar.gz16:37
rodrigo_without the orig16:37
rodrigo_but it seems it's just contacting the out-of-date mirror16:37
rodrigo_so seems a false alarm, sorry :D16:37
kenvandineok :)16:38
jpdsrodrigo_: Which mirror?16:38
rodrigo_jpds, gnome ftp mirror16:38
jpdsAh, OK.16:38
rodrigo_kenvandine, yeah, false alarm indeed, it now gets it correctly :)16:45
kenvandinegreat :)16:45
seb128slomo, hey16:51
seb128slomo, speaking about gtk and gir, what do you think about making gtk in experimental build its gir? the ubuntu change is in the bts if you want to use it16:52
seb128slomo, it depends on doing that for atk and pango before though, changes for that are in the bts as well16:52
slomoseb128: sounds good, just needs someone to do it ;)16:53
vishseb128: hi.. when is shotwell , replacing F-spot? [or has it already replaced]16:54
seb128vish, hi, when it's ready16:56
seb128vish, check with robert_ancell when he's around or check the blueprint work items16:56
vishseb128: will do thanks...  someone said that was scrapped and f-spot was being used for M , hence the confusion started16:57
seb128you should not read what random someones say on the internet though ;-)16:58
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zygamvo, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/447835/17:39
zygamvo, software-center 2.1.117:40
zygafile it?17:40
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=== bratsche is now known as br-away
hyperairanyone here familiar with udev?18:14
* hyperair needs a udev rule that matches all ipods and runs "podsleuth --rescan"18:14
mvozyga: please try 2.1.2 (uploaded today)18:20
zygamvo, I just did but that earlier bug was not so easy to reproduce18:20
zygamvo, IMHO it was a race of some sort18:20
zygathe UI was in flux when that occured18:20
zygamvo, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/447846/18:24
zygamvo, once you click on the 'share via microblog' link18:24
zygamvo, (I was searching for getting things gnome) -- for context18:24
mvozyga: thanks, that looks like a bug for kenvandine :)18:28
* kenvandine should upload a fix for that :)18:29
zygakenvandine, it might be just my local installation18:29
zygakenvandine, none of this social stuff really works on my computer, it keeps crashing on startup18:29
kenvandinezyga, that is fixed with the latest kernel18:29
* zyga runs gwibber18:30
kenvandinebut this bug is real... just need to upload a fix18:30
* zyga runs away, see you guys18:30
kenvandinezyga, fix uploaded to maverick18:35
mvothanks kenvandine!18:45
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jcastrotremolux: you are on a roll today!20:28
tremoluxjcastro: wazzat?20:29
jcastrotremolux: just noticing a ton of your work scrolling by in my launchpad folder!20:29
tremoluxjcastro: ahh  :)20:30
tremoluxjcastro: well thanks!20:30
LaserJockjcastro: you know if anybody has done a greader messaging menu app?20:31
jcastroLaserJock: doesn't ring a bell, I know someone ported liferea to app indicators20:32
jcastroLaserJock: if you see one lmk. Or better yet add it to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu/Applications20:32
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LaserJockjcastro: I love the gmail one, but I get more greader "messages" than email so I'd like to see it done too20:38
jcastroI will keep an eye out for one20:42
Daniel_NeelHello, I'm doing a bit of work on Ubuntu's Project Cleansweep and found a bug that could be pertinent to the Desktop Team. Here's the link to the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/351322 - as far as I know, the patch attached to the bug should work. However, I'm not sure whether the "problem" fixed with the patch is desirable. Would a member of the Desktop Team be able to take a look at the21:13
Daniel_Neel patch and either confirm that the patch is or isn't valid and desired, or point me to another source that would be able to make a decision regarding this matter?21:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 351322 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Make GNOME menu entry for Thunderbird consistent with Firefox, Evolution (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:13
chrisccoulsonDaniel_Neel, thanks. i will discuss that with other members of the mozillateam first though before changing it, but I agree in principal21:17
Daniel_NeelOk, good deal. Should I wait on a response from the mozillateam before taking further action on the bug or hold off and let you guys take care of it?21:20
chrisccoulsonDaniel_Neel, yeah, there's no need to do anything else with it atm21:21
Daniel_NeelAlrighty, sounds good then, thanks for the help.21:21
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chrisccoulsoni'm sure the lucid kernel is leaking memory like crazy :/21:32
* didrocks waves goodnight21:44
i_need_a_devhello desktop team23:59
i_need_a_devany dev here?23:59

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