
JontheEchidnaCSD will actually prevent window managers from effectively managing windows: http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2010/05/technical-limitations-of-client-side-decorations/00:03
RAOFWell, unless you're sensible and extend the EWMH spec.00:04
RAOFIt'll only prevent window managers which don't understand CSD from managing windows, and CSD will only be turned on when the WM says “hey, I support CSD”!00:07
JontheEchidnaThis thread is also a good read: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg02576.html00:08
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olmariso... what inherently would be the _profit_ from CSD?01:08
RAOFMaking it easier for applications to do interesting things with the decorations while remaining coherent with the rest of the desktop.01:09
olmariRAOF: but why not make window decorator and/or rest of subsystem better instead of "show anything you want and break compliance in the way"?01:10
olmarinow I'm not saying rewamping, say, GTK would be easy task butwhen it has been01:10
RAOFApplications can *already* “show anything you want and break compliance” - see chromium and xmms, for examples.01:13
RAOFCSD allows them to show anything they want and *not* break compliance.01:16
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olmariRAOF: why not make window decorator (and/or related subsystems) work more better?01:44
RAOFBecause then you're still left with two theming engines which need to cooperate, rather than one.01:45
RAOFI mean, you can go one of two ways - you can extend the window manager so that application and window manager themes can be better integrated, or you can extend the application themes to also draw the window theme.01:48
slangasekbecause you would still have two separate processes handling the rendering of the window decorations vs. the application, and that's always going to put some (artificial) limits on what you can do01:49
slangasekthe classic example is setting an alpha channel for the window; but in general any compositing that has to be coordinated across drawing regions managed by two different processes is going to give Problems01:50
olmariwouldn't making a decorator "more flexible" be better solution than "let the app draw whaeva"01:51
slangaseks/processes/X clients/, that is01:51
RAOFolmari: Why?01:52
olmariRAOF: afaik, more coherent way to draw windows, rather than a app confined "space" to do SOME stuff it may like...01:53
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RAOFWhat's more coherent about having two separate processes draw different parts of the window?01:54
RAOFApps that want to do crazy things _already_ can do crazy things - xmms and chromium for two examples - they just can't do them in a way which integrates nicely.01:55
slangasekolmari: a) we've already answered why it's necessary, you're just repeating yourself b) it's always been possible for applications to declare themselves "unmanaged" anyway and avoid getting window decorations; the point of CSD is to do it *consistently* and in coordination with the WM instead of ad-hoc01:55
olmariRAOF: they do that "on their own" because there is no "window decorator way" to do it?01:56
olmarislangasek: well... that's first reasonable argument I've heard s9 far :)01:56
olmaristill I'd like more to way of telling window decorator that "I wanna fancy tab with earth moving wrong way as IE in there" rather than "gimme såace to draw bubkiss I want in that area" :p01:59
RAOFSo now every interesting feature you want to implement in your app's decoration requires you to (a) add a new WM spec, then (b) get the WM to implement it?02:00
olmarinow... as said I'm no developer, I might not understand all of the aspects involved.. but still it sounds like most best thin in long term would be to improve window decorator and/or related stuff instad of "give prgram a area that doesn't follow specs and let it draw whaeva it wants"02:00
olmariRAOF: not directly that way either (your a and/or b)02:01
slangasekthe more fancy you get in the window manager protocol, the more the interprocess communication would become a bottleneck02:01
RAOFI note that Sam Spilsbury's post in the ayatana mailing list appears to be essentially equivalent to CSD - you draw the app at 0,0 in the window and trust that it doesn't draw over the rest of the decorations, so it can draw whatever it wants.02:04
RAOFWell, actually it has all of olmari's objections but without some features that CSD allow.02:04
RAOFWow, xserver-xorg-video-savage is unloved.02:05
olmariRAOF: does CSD allow for example that "kill app" question when dead app02:05
RAOFSure, with a WM hint extension.02:05
olmariRAOF: hmm.. okay... is that "hint" a standard? I mean does it work allways? as in "any dead app in ubuntu" as is currently02:08
RAOFI don't think the hint is a standard yet.02:08
olmarimm well.. then I hope it will be as in CSD will be "normal"02:09
olmaridon't get me wrong... I'm all in for improvement, but we do need a really standard way of doing _at least_ what we are doing now...02:10
RAOFCSD isn't going to suddenly make unicorns dance along your decorations.  It's going to look almost exactly the same as now.02:10
slangasekolmari: only applications using a toolkit that implements CSD would have the application-provided decorations, and only when the WM supports CSD, and the toolkit implementation would be expected to use that WM hint02:11
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slangasekanything else is a (trivial) bug02:11
olmarislangasek: well.. would that window then be, say, "wobly"?02:12
RAOFolmari: In *exactly* the same way that the rest of the window is wobbly.02:13
RAOFolmari: With the added benefit that there's not an annoying aliased line between the titlebar and the rest of the app.02:14
slangasekright :)02:14
RAOFIn fact, isn't the radience theme in Maverick *already* using CSD?02:14
olmarihmm... I can 'accept' CSD as in when it provides benefit... and TNH, slangasek is pretty convincing actually02:15
RAOFHe's a convincing dude.02:15
olmariTNH = TBH02:15
olmaristill I "need" to ask... is it window decorator failure that no such thing is possible "as is" nowadays02:16
olmaripersonally (most OSS peoples hate me because of this) I like Opera 10.6 (or so) way or drawing windows in Windows02:18
olmariall in for opensource to draw similar things, if working any good02:19
olmarinow, slangasek has really said some convincing arguments, most deeply I jsut hope there will be a standard way to do things02:20
CynthiaGWhile that may be true, if Opera's buttons are any good and make sense, there still remains the issue of customisation, because Ubuntu's theme in Lucid+ moves buttons to minimise, close and maximise a window to the left02:21
RAOFCynthiaG: And?02:21
CynthiaGI'm all in favor of an "area" like the "close" area that the application can extend and draw icons onto02:21
CynthiaGRAOF: Do you know how Windows applications that need custom title-bar drawing do so?02:22
olmariCynthiaG: opera dev already doesn't care about buttons or ubuntu themes "as is"... I mean that part works at least in dev-version of opera02:22
RAOFCynthiaG: No.  It's been ages since I touched the Win32 API02:23
CynthiaGRAOF: The application draws on the "non-client" portion of the window. In Windows XP, if done carelessly, it can revert the window to the classic theme. In Vista, it reverts the window to the non-Aero theme without question.02:23
olmariCynthiaG: opera "next" version already drops need of QT02:24
CynthiaGBut the problem is that the application needs to perform all sorts of calculations of title bar widths and heights, button widths and heights (if it doesn't want to overwrite the buttons)02:24
olmariI like opera in windows that tabs are drawn in the "title bar" or such02:24
CynthiaGI'm not up to speed on the proposals in Ubuntu; would the CSD proposal already be like an 'area' of the title bar that the application can draw onto, without needing to know about the order of the buttons and things?02:25
olmaribut I like a standard way to do stuff in linux too... now.. if CSD _is_ the way to do it, then okay, bring it on, but if it instead is to more like need of improve GK and such, then bring that too ;)02:26
RAOFCynthiaG: Because *all* the decorations, including the buttons, are being drawn by the toolkit it's trivial to do that.02:28
CynthiaGAh. Not so bad then.02:28
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banishedWhat are the chances that we'll ever see cdrtools in ubuntu again?02:51
un214what happened to it in the first place?02:51
banishedit got replaced by wodim, which is rather dead and buggy02:52
un214the cdrecord main page carries a warning do not use the debian packages02:53
banishedsince it does not contain the original software but a fork02:54
RAOFAs soon as cdrtools is distributable by us it can come back into the archive.02:55
banishedwel, technically you already distribute it via ppa ;-)02:56
un214the code is under OSI licences, plain and simple02:57
un214and in fact it is wodim that is violating the licence02:58
LaserJockI thought the Technical Board already discussed it and decided it wasn't OK for Ubuntu02:58
un214banished: where's the ppa for the original cdrtools02:59
RAOFLaserJock: Yes.  As has debian-legal, and fedora-legal :)02:59
banishedun214: https://launchpad.net/~brandonsnider/+archive/cdrtools and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-burning/+archive/ppa03:00
un214and its stunts like this one that drive me to not use do-release-upgrade03:01
banishedsuse does, too: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Base:/System/openSUSE_Factory/i586/03:01
un214you know full well do-release-upgrade will override any outside packages with ubuntu ones03:04
ScottKun214: That's not exactly how it works.03:04
un214it happened to me when I had a local version of a package -- do-release-upgrade replaced it03:04
ScottKIt will disable any outside repositories and then upgrade packages to the newest version.03:05
ScottKIt doesn't matter where the old version came from.03:05
un214ScottK: yeah, that's the mistake03:05
ScottKThere are ways to override it.03:05
jcastrothat's not a stunt, it's designed to do that.03:05
RAOFFor those still interested in why cdrtools isn't in Ubuntu, here's the Debian removal bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=37710903:06
ubottuDebian bug 377109 in ftp.debian.org "RM: cdrtools -- RoM: non-free, license problems" [Serious,Open]03:06
un214how about the fact that's just plain old wrong03:06
ScottKun214: It's not.  That's the way the package management system works.  Apt or aptitude would do the same.03:07
un214ScottK: i tested apt-get upgrade beforehand. If do-release-upgrade hadn't tampered with the sources.list the package would not have been replaced03:09
ScottKAh.  I see.03:09
un214there was a newer version in my local repository03:10
ScottKThere is a way to include additional repositories in the ones it thinks are OK to leave in place.03:10
un214how about we just leave all of them and let apt bail if it can't resolve a conflict rather than do-release-upgrade going out of its way to remove conflicts (yes I read the code after seeing it do it)03:13
LaserJockyou can always just not use do-release-upgrade03:13
banishedRAOF: still opinions vary if this is a valid concern - e.g. suse, solaris and ark have them included. Ubuntu also includes packages that debian rejects for simmilar reasons, like the firefox or some audio codecs03:14
ScottKLaserJock: That's where this started.03:14
RAOFBecause apt bailing during an uprade is unfriendly.03:14
un214and a non-booting system is more unfriendly03:14
un214that's why I overwrote the package03:15
RAOFbanished: No, those are different issues.  I don't believe we have any packages that Debian have rejected due to copyright problems.  Firefox isn't in Debian over trademark issues, and codecs aren't in there because of differing policies regarding patents.03:15
RAOFbanished: If you'd like to see the issue done to death, http://www.mail-archive.com/fedora-legal-list@redhat.com/msg00463.html is a relatively recent Fedora-legal discussion.03:16
un214after seeing obviously unnecessary packages that essential ones depend on it's time somebody forked ubuntu to put an end to this madness03:17
RAOFun214: I'm guessing you mean plymouth?03:18
un214yes. chmod -x /sbin/plymouthd still results in a booting system03:18
RAOFWell, as long as you don't need any multiplexing, obviously.03:19
un214what are you talking about?03:19
banishedRAOF: actually in this post jörg is remarking licence issues with cdrkit03:19
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RAOFbanished: Right.  The rest of the thread is fedora-legal explaining their rationale for not shipping cdrtools because the CDDL is incompatible with the GPL.03:21
RAOFWell, and fedora-legal asking for specifics about what Jörg thinks cdrkit infringes.03:21
ScottKun214: plymouth also handles IO serialization in addition to display things.03:22
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RAOFun214: Which is necessary in a parallel boot situation.03:23
un214I can't imagine what mistakes of architecture would make such a beast necessary03:24
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RAOFun214: You're not aware of various attempts to parallelise the boot process for speed?  They've been going on for many years.03:26
ionun214: chmod -x /usr/sbin/cupsd also results in a booting system. That is, until you need to print something. :-P03:32
un214yeah and I should expect to boot without that package but trying to apt-get remove plymouth decides to remove e2fsprogs03:33
ionWhy would you want to remove the way for startup programs to interact with the user?03:33
un214I had to break it anyway -- bad drivers03:35
un214you're probably wondering why I do many crazy things03:44
un214truth is I don't have time to figure what they did to X architecture these days so I can rebuild kernel and X server to get the right drivers for my system03:44
un214and then run the whole rest of ubuntu from a chroot jail with no kernel or X server packages installed03:45
stanley_robertsohi all04:12
stanley_robertsoanyone online ?04:13
stanley_robertsoneed help in ubuntu04:13
CynthiaGthis is not a support channel, please see #ubuntu for this04:15
slangasekRAOF: no, firefox isn't in Debian because of copyright issues, not trademark issues06:30
slangasekRAOF: the copyright license on the artwork is restrictive; Mozilla maintains that this is ok because it's needed to protect trademark-like rights, but that still doesn't pass muster with Debian06:31
RAOFAah.  _That's_ where I'm getting confused.06:31
pittiGood morning06:53
ajmitchgood morning pitti07:04
CynthiaGGood morning!07:04
dholbachgood morning07:53
CynthiaGWhat's a good benchmark of seek distance reduction for the Ubuntu LiveCD?08:29
CynthiaGRecording the CD-ROM drive's seeking noise with one of those dictaphone things they market to university students?08:30
CynthiaG(or equivalent)08:30
spmCynthiaG: wag'ing; but could you proxy that by benching times to do "X"? where X may be sheer startup of common tools?08:31
spmwild guessing08:32
CynthiaGto me waging is like wagging a dog's tai-- oh08:32
spmI leave the 'a' undefined :-)08:32
CynthiaGspm: I did that for cjwatson's improvement of file placement within the .iso08:33
CynthiaGshall I do it again for the file placement within the .squashfs then?08:33
ograthere was support for sort lists in unionfs back in the days that speds up seeking inside the squashfs a lot08:33
ograbut i'm not sure thats still used or supported08:33
CynthiaGbug 58962908:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589629 in debian-cd (Debian) "LiveCD layout optimisation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58962908:33
ograhave a look at livecd-rootfs08:33
ograthats the wrong package08:33
ogradebian-cd only cares for bootability and assembling of the iso, you want to improve the squashfs, thats created by livecd-rootfs08:34
apwCynthiaG, could you perhaps use the same techniques ureadahead uses to record the informaiton during boot?08:34
ograright, but use them during build :)08:34
CynthiaG[processing replies from 3 people, plus typing one]08:34
CynthiaGI posted a patch to livecd-rootfs (which is marked as an affected package too) to use a broad list of folders used in order at boot; read that bug report, it's an interesting read I think. Also look at the CD layout image, you might have a laugh08:35
CynthiaGogra: per above, I also reported it against  livecd-rootfs08:36
ograah, i didnt open the bug08:36
ograsilly me trusted the bot :)08:36
CynthiaGapw: that would only work if the build server has access to a VM of sorts to boot the ISO into and deconstruct+reconstruct the filesystem after reading-ahead08:36
CynthiaGapw (+) Unless it's remade manually before "release" ISO builds (i.e. Lucid RC, Lucid release, Maverick RC, Maverick release...)08:37
apwCynthiaG, i am assuming the files that are read and the order is probabally relativly static over time, might be something we can at least get an approximation for ... just an idea though08:38
CynthiaGmy file order list for the squashfs just relies on the Linux kernel booting first, and the init scripts being read next, and then the X server starting, and etc.08:38
CynthiaGso /bin/, /lib/modules and /etc/ are first08:39
CynthiaGand /usr/share/doc is last08:39
CynthiaG+ src, include08:39
CynthiaGso then, at least the seeks are over less of the CD08:39
ograapw, i think thats what tollef initially did with the implementation, we had a .sort file08:39
ograbut it was dropped at some point and required patches to the unionfs module to even generate it iirc08:40
apwogra, yeah i suspect the techniques that ftrace let us do without modification might allow that to be reinstated08:40
CynthiaGlivecd-rootfs currently generates the squashfs file using mksquashfs and its sort file option08:40
ograwll, the url mentioned in the squashsort variable is long dead08:41
CynthiaGyeah it's dead, that patch in the bug report instated an inline list08:41
ograthe "using a blank list" condition is the default atm08:41
CynthiaGSo then, shall I benchmark the CD using a blank sort list and using the sort list from that bug? And then you can add your input08:42
ogradid you do speed measurements i.e. with bootchart installed ?08:42
CynthiaGUsing a readahead-like program would be best I agree, but can this be automated well from a chroot?08:42
ogratalk to JamieBennett once he is around, he did such benchmarks in lucid08:43
CynthiaGogra/bootchart: no; this needs to be installed in the CD per /wiki/LiveCDCustomization right?08:43
ograCynthiaG, well, you could just ask that we include it in the daily builds by default during development ;)08:44
CynthiaGAh :) Then I shall do exactly this!08:44
CynthiaGCould you please include bootchart by default in development builds of the LiveCD?08:45
ograindeed it will slow down booting a bit i guess08:45
ografile a bug ;)08:45
CynthiaGAw :P08:45
CynthiaGAgainst what?08:45
ogragood question, its essentially a seed change so probably against ubuntu-meta08:45
CynthiaGEasier said than done hm? :D I'd file it against Ubuntu itself, but that's not recommended08:45
CynthiaGI could also deconstruct+reconstruct the CD using LiveCDCustomization, unless other people would see benefits from including bootchart08:46
CynthiaGI've done it to test the PNG/SVG/XML optimisations I put forth on -devel-discuss, so it's not a problem.08:46
ograright, dont forget that you need to respin the initramfs for bootchart though08:47
CynthiaGAh, thanks for the info08:47
CynthiaG!info bootchart > CynthiaG08:52
CynthiaG!info boot-chart > CynthiaG08:53
CynthiaGAh. JamieBennett: good <appropriate greeting for your timezone>08:53
JamieBennetthey CynthiaG08:53
CynthiaGIt appears that you did boot speed benchmarks for Karmic and Lucid, and that you could both tell me how much faster Lucid's LiveCD is to boot, and more optimisations related to mksquashfs file sorting08:54
CynthiaGCould you tell me more? I'm trying to optimise stuff for Maverick's CD, and it seems that the mksquashfs ordering was lost08:54
JamieBennettCynthiaG: http://www.linuxuk.org/2010/02/ubuntu-live-cds-now-33-faster/08:54
CynthiaGSo it was debconf's fault I see. But there's another thing I see in the LiveCD, and it's that it has insufficient locality for seeking08:56
CynthiaGJamieBennett:  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49656420/cdrom-proposed.png  Could you look at this and tell me if you think that it will increase locality for the boot process? I actually already did this for a CD of mine (LiveCDCustomization) and saw a speed improvement + much quieter-running disc while opening programs08:57
JamieBennettCynthiaG: yes, there are other improvements to be had08:57
* JamieBennett looks08:58
CynthiaGthis is part of bug 589629, in which I describe the ordering in more detail08:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589629 in debian-cd (Debian) "LiveCD layout optimisation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58962908:58
CynthiaGignore that package, it's actually livecd-rootfs in Ubuntu08:59
JamieBennettCynthiaG: from looking at that I couldn't tell TBH. You would have to try it and see the exact numbers to determine if its worth it08:59
CynthiaGOk, then I shall try it with bootchart mixed into the CD with more LiveCDCustomization09:00
CynthiaGBut it's awesome that Lucid was 33% faster than Karmic to boot the LiveCD09:00
JamieBennettCynthiaG: the theory is sound, but the boot works in misterious ways ;)09:00
* ogra was rater pointing to JamieBennett because CynthiaG asked how to benchmark best :)09:00
JamieBennettCynthiaG: It was closer to 35% when I finished but :)09:00
CynthiaGAye ogra :)09:01
JamieBennettCynthiaG: there is a wiki page on exactly the process I used to determine the slowness, you could look at that if you need any help09:01
CynthiaGI just used wall-clock time from the ISOLINUX screen to the first appearance of the Try Ubuntu 10.04 button09:01
CynthiaGbecause I'm not acting on any single program; just on the boot sequence in general09:01
CynthiaGIs that timing methodology also sound?09:02
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JamieBennettCynthiaG: wall clock is OK for approximations09:03
JamieBennetthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/ModifyCasper is how I modified the live-cd boot sequence for timestamping and for bootcharting09:03
CynthiaGactually wall-clock time is just an expression, and I have a wristwatch precise to the hundredth of a second09:05
CynthiaGand would that ARM page be useful for x86 anyway?09:06
NCommanderCynthiaG: yes09:06
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JamieBennettCynthiaG: yes, all the speed-up work benefitted x86 too but I was on the ARM team at the time :)09:08
CynthiaGJamieBennett: with all due respect, I think I'll just start wall-clock tests right away and benchmark with bootchart and timestamps etc. only if I see a non-statistically-insignificant improvement :)09:11
CynthiaGI'll also have my ears listening out for my laptop's very loud CD seeks09:11
JamieBennettCynthiaG: sure09:12
cjwatsonhappy to add bootchart to the live CD for a while, up to maybe a bit before beta09:12
JamieBennettcjwatson: thats what we did to the ARM live-cd last cycle, actually helped quite a bit09:12
CynthiaGcjwatson: thanks - I'll use that in tomorrow's daily build if I see a sizeable improvement between these two modded Lucid LiveCDs09:13
CynthiaG(took Lucid release + shuffled its files only on the .iso, then on the squashfs too)09:13
CynthiaGthe iso shuffling is specified to be identical on both, so I can just get the improvement from the squashfs. scientific enough, yes? and I took your improvement as part of the iso shuffling, cjwatson09:15
cjwatsonbootchart will of course slow down wallclock time09:17
CynthiaGequally on both tests09:17
CynthiaGyeah :\09:17
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CynthiaGI just jumped because of Ubuntu's login sound :\09:24
mdzdholbach: buxy asked on ubuntu-devel who reads debian@ubuntu.com. can you confirm where that alias goes currently?10:05
Chipzzpitti: are core files removed after they10:05
Chipzzhave been retraced by the retracer?10:05
pittiChipzz: if the retrace was successful, then yes10:06
Chipzzthere was a discussion on #debian-devel couple of days ago about their debugging symbols debs, and this came up as a privacy issue10:06
seb128Chipzz, crash bugs are not made public by default10:09
Chipzzseb128: I know10:09
seb128Chipzz, some bugsquad member needs to review them and flag them as public after checking they have no private information10:09
seb128ie no crashdump or informations in the stacktrace10:10
Chipzzseb128: but there's still the privacy issue of storing the core dumps on launchpad, where presumably someone with access to where they're stored could access them10:10
Chipzz(at least that's what I assume they were alluding too)10:10
seb128Chipzz, well, when you send a dump you access that somebody will have access to it to debug10:10
seb128that wouldn't make sense otheriwse10:11
seb128"you accept that"10:11
Chipzzactually no10:11
seb128so why do you send it if you think nobody will be able to receive it?10:11
Chipzzbecause the dump is used by an automated program to resolve stack symbols10:11
seb128same difference10:11
seb128your password can land in clear text is that stacktrace10:12
seb128is -> in10:12
Chipzzwhich is very different from the hypothetical situation of someone abusing his privileges to access the core dump10:12
Chipzzpls note that I'm not accusing anyone of doing that; but that seemed to be the concern in the discussion on #debian-devel10:12
seb128well somebody will have access10:12
seb128the somebody being the retracer admins10:13
seb128I'm not sure how you can design a system where nobody will ever have access10:13
pittiChipzz: sure, that's a fundamental problem that we can't solve; we show the information in advance and ask the user to not send it if he was doing anything confidential; but I realize that this is sometimes hard to tell10:13
pittiChipzz: but for reasons like that we disable apport on stable releases, so that it's mainly developers who are exposed to this10:14
Chipzzbut I assume the time frame between when the core dump is uploaded, and when the retracer runs is sufficiently small to eliminate most of that concern in case the core dumps are automatically removed10:14
seb128well the issue is rather whether you trust or not the retracers admin10:14
pittiChipzz: stack traces and stuff from package hooks stay, though10:14
seb128but I think the concern is rather leak of infos10:15
seb128not especially the crashdump themself10:15
seb128ie having your password in clear in a stacktrace on the bug10:15
pittior in gconf10:16
Chipzzseb128: but there's also a difference between having the password in the stacktrace, or the password previously being stored in memory, and not having been (securely) zeroed out, and the possibility of inspecting the core dump to find said password10:17
Chipzzthe latter could happen if the core dumps are not removed, and a retracer admin abusing his powers10:18
seb128why would somebody bother to do that if the password is in clear text in the stacktrace in a bug comment?10:19
Chipzzlike I said, what if it isn't?10:19
seb128well it seems you are concerned about a very specific corner case there10:19
Chipzzs/me/some ppl in the discussion/10:20
seb128ignoring the common case which is that your password will show in clear10:20
pittiChipzz: if we aren't concerned about "rescuing" failed retraces, we can change the retracer bot to always remove core dumps, not just on successful ones10:20
seb128why are those people not concerned about the common password being clear case and are concerned about the corner case?10:20
Sarvatthas anyone ever once seen a password in a stacktrace in the clear?10:20
seb128Sarvatt, yes10:20
pittiseb128: I'm not sure it's such a corner case10:20
seb128quite often10:20
pittihaving your password in memory doesn't mean that most of the crashes go through a path with passing it around functions10:21
ChipzzSarvatt: it's not just stacktraces; say you're browsing a porn site and firefox crashes10:21
seb128pitti, well I often see passwords in clear in stacktrace, I don't see why it would be less a concern than having it in the crashdump10:21
Chipzzthe url may be in the stacktrace too10:21
pittiseb128: it's not less of a concern10:21
Sarvattreally? i only look at X bugs usually and have never seen anything worse than porn in xsession-errors10:21
Chipzzpitti: exactly10:21
seb128pitti, it comes down to whether you trust people who have access to private bugs or not10:21
pittiit's just that while we can't do much about the case wehre the pwd is in the stack trace, we can improve the case where it's not in the stacktrace, but in memory10:21
seb128if you don't just don't send crashdumps on the internet10:22
Chipzzseb128: not just private bugs10:22
seb128Chipzz, no public bugs has crashdumps10:22
pittiit's the main reason why I don't ever want to see this enabled in releases10:22
Chipzzalso admin access to the retracer, or, which is why I asked in the first place, the case where core dumps are not removed10:22
Chipzz(which they are)10:23
seb128Chipzz, if you don't trust admins of a server don't use this server10:23
pittiright, seb128 and me potentially have access to all reported coredumps10:23
seb128Chipzz, it's true for any service10:23
Chipzz11:20 < Chipzz> s/me/some ppl in the discussion/10:24
seb128Chipzz, if you don't trust google don't use gmail for your emails10:24
seb128Chipzz, well "you" being whoever has concerns10:24
Chipzzpersonally, I trust the launchpad ppl to dtrt10:24
seb128Chipzz, I'm not sure what we are discussing now ;-)10:24
seb128if those people don't trust the ubuntu or launchpad admins they should not send crashdumps there10:24
pittiwith Debian it's a trickier case10:24
pittisince the BTS is absolutely not suitable for apport in various ways10:25
seb128does the bts has a private bug notion?10:25
pittithey could set up a bugzilla or LP instance for crashes, of course, or implement a new crash database thing10:25
pittiand neither a sensible way of reporting bugs10:25
pittior removing attachments10:25
pittifrankly it's easier to implement a crash database from scratch than trying to implement a CrashDatabase backend for the Debian BTS :-(10:27
dholbachmdz: I'm afraid I don't - I think it's jono10:41
stanley_robertsohi all10:46
stanley_robertsoany Ubuntu developer online here ?10:46
BlackZstanley_robertso: do your question instead10:48
stanley_robertsoBlackZ, iam new to this ubuntu development group and want a startup for it.. need pointers.. i went through the ubuntu website.. but could not get any pointers10:48
stanley_robertsoAlso, iam searching for command line option to upgrade my ubuntu release.. not sure how to do that10:49
pittistanley_robertso: it depends on what kind of work you want to do; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu is a very good start page to give you further directions10:50
popey!upgrade | stanley_robertso10:50
ubottustanley_robertso: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:50
stanley_robertsothanks pitti/ubottu10:51
stanley_robertsoubottu ...the ubuntu iam working is behind a proxy.. will there be ay problem in that ?10:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:55
stanley_robertsobecaz.. when i ran the respective command for upgrade release10:55
stanley_robertsothe system/console just hanged10:55
stanley_robertsoand not progressing any further10:55
popeystanley_robertso: #ubuntu is the right place for these kinds of support questions10:57
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cjwatsonis somebody working on fixing X's installability?11:14
pitticjwatson: yes, RAOF11:14
cjwatson(in maverick.)  the packages still on old ABIs appear to be: xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-geode xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion xserver-xorg-input-wacom11:15
pittigeode and wacom were uploaded already11:15
cjwatsonanything I can do to help?  live CD builds have been broken for a couple of days now11:15
RAOFAll of which are in the build queue.11:15
cjwatsonok, cool11:15
cjwatsonfbdev isn't11:16
cjwatsonoh unless you mean your private build queue11:17
RAOFfbdev isn't?11:19
pittiRAOF: want me to sponsor http://cooperteam.net/Packages/xserver-xorg-video-fbdev_0.4.2-2ubuntu1_source.changes ?11:20
RAOFpitti: Let me check.  I thought mvo had sponsored that yesterday.11:20
pittino, just checked11:20
* pitti hovers over enter key and waits for RAOF's "go!"11:21
RAOFAh, ok.  It got rejected due to lack of .orig.tar.gz11:23
pittiRAOF: ok, uploading with -sa11:24
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cjwatsonsiliconmotion also isn't in the build queue11:33
seb128cjwatson, btw how did you list the ones not rebuilt yet?11:35
pittiRAOF: want me to sponsor http://cooperteam.net/Packages/xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion_1.7.4-0ubuntu1_source.changes ?11:35
seb128cjwatson, I did showpkg on the virtual pkg with some sort, awk and diff for both abi version11:35
seb128cjwatson, but I was wondering if there is an easy way11:35
RAOFpitti: Yes, please.11:37
Sarvattit just got uploaded to experimental about 30 minutes ago11:37
pittiRAOF: done11:37
pitticjwatson: ^11:37
cjwatsonseb128: grep-dctrl11:37
cjwatson-nsPackage -FProvides xserver-xorg-video-611:37
cjwatsonthat kind of thing11:37
seb128cjwatson, oh, seems a nice way to do it indeed, thanks11:37
* pitti grrs at recent javascript email viruses and deletes another metric ton of them11:48
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nmvictorfirst i wanna thank you guys for what you are doing. i think my issue is beyond ordinary support in #ubuntu so im gonna put it up for the real geeks behind ubuntu,  i get this message during boot up: [/build/buildd/linux2.6.32/drivers/rtc/htcosys.c : unable to open rtc device], whats up and how do i fix it?12:17
nmvictorfirst i wanna thank you guys for what you are doing. i think my issue is beyond ordinary support in #ubuntu so im gonna put it up for the real geeks behind ubuntu,  i get this message during boot up: [/build/buildd/linux2.6.32/drivers/rtc/htcosys.c : unable to open rtc device], whats up and how do i fix it?12:20
nmvictorplease someone help with my problem up their12:22
lagDoes this help you: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=5943412:23
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mdzbarry: is there any prescriptive advice available for choosing names for Python modules to fit into the global module namespace?14:04
mdzbarry: I'm looking for something a bit more specific than PEP 8, which says roughly "short lowercase names"14:06
barrymdz: not really ;)  i do think if it makes sense, start using a namespace package, e.g. zope.* or lazr.*.  what package are you trying to name?14:24
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Q-FUNKwould anyone happen to have an answer for bug #587186 ?15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 587186 in gcc-4.4 (Ubuntu) "libc6 upgrade fails: illegal instruction" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58718615:06
Q-FUNKdoko asked if I could figure out exactly which instruction was illegally called, but still hasn't said how I should narrow it down.15:07
cjwatsonQ-FUNK: gdb should let you stop on the illegal instruction and disassemble, shouldn't it?15:21
cjwatsonI assume something like that is how whoever it was tracked it down to a NOPL in the first place ...15:21
cjwatson(if necessary, dump core and run gdb on it elsewhere)15:21
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Q-FUNKcjwatson: the main problem is how to do that on a package that is in the process of being unpacked15:58
Q-FUNKcjwatson: more to the point, how to do that on the package that is the lowest in the library recursiveness, namely libc6 itself.16:00
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kidohi everybody16:06
kidoI'm sorry if my english is bad because I'm french16:07
kidoplease can you tell me where i can find the ubuntu source code? (git?, cvs?, svn?)16:07
dholbachone possibility is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation/GettingTheSource (in bzr)16:08
dholbachthe other one is to run        apt-get source <packagename>      in the running distro (if you're not interested in the history)16:08
kidothank you :)16:09
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arandcjwatson: What is the rationale for removing aptitude from standard (this meaning it wont be on a normal ubuntu-standard/desktop/server install?)16:15
cjwatsonarand: (a) size (not inconsiderable!) (b) the original reason we included aptitude was so that the installer could use it, and I've now made it install it only when it needs it16:19
cjwatsonarand: and (c) it is FALSE that it won't be on a normal server install16:20
cjwatsonarand: since d-i's "Select and install software" stage always installs it - it's only ubiquity that doesn't - any installation performed using d-i will have aptitude16:20
arandcjwatson: Ok.16:21
cjwatsonarand: I'm quite happy with desktop installations not having aptitude there - its usefulness doesn't justify its size, and those who can use it can quite easily install it16:21
cjwatsonthis was part of the foundations-m-spring-cleaning specification, agreed at UDS16:21
arandcjwatson: Yes, I can fully see that point, although I disagree, based on the usefulness and that for example in documentation it is often used interchangibly...16:22
arand(Although that is a bug in the doc, heceforth, I guess)16:23
cjwatsonyou're entitled to disagree, but we don't have room for luxuries in the desktop CD - it is perpetually tight on space, and this change gained us 2MB16:23
cjwatsonI'm prepared to bet that all that documentation can quite easily be changed to use apt-get (or, in some cases, synaptic or other desktop tools) instead16:24
cjwatsonand the effort involved in changing docs was why I made this change early in the release cycle16:25
arandcjwatson: So the dependency of ubiquity-frontend-debconf on tasksel, which in trun depends on aptitude, which seems to have aptitude on the liveCD anyways, currently. That is something that should not be?16:28
cjwatsonubiquity-frontend-debconf is not on the Ubuntu live CD16:29
cjwatsonit's intended only for the server CD16:30
cjwatsontasksel is still winding up there somehow, and I'll need to look at that16:31
arandAh, yes, I was just following the dependency chain. but tasksel, is there indeed in the latest daily.16:32
cjwatsonI think that may just be a reflection of the fact that the last successful live filesystem build was on the 5th16:33
cjwatsonthat's a short enough time after my ubuntu-meta change that it may not have stuck16:33
cjwatson'apt-cache show tasksel' on current maverick doesn't show any of the live tasks, so I think the next live filesystem build should make that go away16:34
cjwatsonthe next one that actually works, anyway16:34
arandAh, right, well thanks for the info, although it made me a bit sad.. :)16:35
smoserjames_w, thanks16:42
sivanghow odd, hardy's subversion source pkg misses both XS-Python-Version in debian/control and debian/pyversion, how would one go about building it anyways?16:52
sivang(I'm trying to rebuild with --with-ssl)16:52
sivangwhich is lacking in the original package16:52
ScottKsivang: If both are missing it will  fall back to using the list of supported versions.16:53
sivangScottK: that's what it tried to do, but it failed.16:53
* sivang recheks16:53
* ScottK guesses that isn't why it failed. Feel free to pastebin the log.16:54
sivangScottK: the build log or the configure log?16:54
ScottKsivang: wherever it failed.16:55
sivangScottK: how can I figure why it faileD? and yes, this does not look now the reason for the failure16:55
* ScottK has a vague recollection of trying to build with ssl around then and getting segfaults, but that may be kwallet support I'm thinking of.16:55
sivangScottK: you with for subversion?16:56
ScottKsivang: Yes.16:56
ScottKBut it was over two years ago, so who knows.16:56
sivangScottK: I hope the hardy repo is up to shape16:57
sivangwe use it for some production stuff16:57
sivangScottK: ah, so it says rules clean faild16:58
sivangScottK: odd16:58
sivangScottK: could it be related to fakeroot issues?16:58
sivangI did install once it yelled at me for needing it16:58
sivangand I have devscripts16:58
ScottKsivang: Pastebin the error and several lines before.16:58
* sivang does that16:58
sivangScottK: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/223946/16:59
ScottKsivang: I'm going to guess you changed something in line 72 or 73 of debian/rules.17:00
sivangScottK: geez, I apologize so much. I miss a /17:01
sivangfor line continuation17:01
ScottKsivang: No problem.17:01
sivangScottK: in configure...17:01
sivangrooky's mistake17:01
* sivang blushes17:01
sivangScottK: its building, thank you so much!17:03
ScottKsivang: You'll also need to take care with hardy about if you want subversion 1.4 or 1.5 (which is in backports).  1.4/1/5 client and server are not interoperable.17:03
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sivangScottK: we use the same versions, just need the SSL but thanks for the tip!17:04
* sivang tomboys this for further issues when upgrading17:04
sivangScottK: I'm out. thanks a lot.17:05
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RoAkSoAxpitti: I was wondering why is the .manifest-daily file of cdimage does not contain the other daily ISO's besides the Ubuntu Desktop ones?19:03
keeshm, there's no https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseNotes yet.  where's the right place to add release notes?19:26
arandkees: There is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview19:28
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keesarand: ah-ha thanks19:29
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CynthiaGposted some stopwatch results in bug 589629, I think it'll be worth the while to use cjwatson's Maverick daily build with bootchart in it20:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589629 in debian-cd (Debian) "LiveCD layout optimisation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58962920:33
CynthiaGlooks like my spacing got eaten by Launchpad20:35
CynthiaGit no longer looks like a table20:35
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pittiRoAkSoAx: hm, I don't know? so far I wasn't even aware that it exists20:42
didrockspitti: it seems there is no CD build from last Saturday, is it on purpose?20:44
pittididrocks: they kept failing on uninstallability20:44
pittifirst gnome, now X20:44
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pittiX should finally be fixes20:44
didrockspitti: oh right, the X transition, make sense :)20:44
didrockspitti: thanks for the info :)20:44
Sarvattany chance someone could take a look at xserver-xorg-video-fbdev? it's stuck in NEW, cd's probably will still fail without it20:45
psusiwhen is the 10.04.01 respin again?20:46
CynthiaGpsusi: I think it's meant to coincide with Maverick20:47
psusiohh, I thought it was only supposed to be like 2 months out20:48
pittino, it's 3 months after lucid release20:48
pittiso halfway into the cycle20:48
* micahg thinks in july20:48
psusiyea, that's about what I thought... need to try and get the dmraid fix in bug #568050 uploaded to -updates as an SRU and into the respin20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568050 in parted (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 10.04 can't create partition on fakeraid" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56805020:49
pittiSarvatt: can do20:49
pittiSarvatt: I suppose the udeb can go to universe20:50
Sarvattnot sure if anyone is planning on using it in ubuntu, its for the X11 based d-i20:52
pittiwell, we can still promote it later on if necessary20:53
pittiI sent it to universe for now20:53
pittigood night everyone!20:54
Sarvatt\o/ thanks pitti, night!20:54
psusiis there anything else I need to do to get the fix for bug #568050 SRU'd?  a tag perhaps?20:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568050 in parted (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 10.04 can't create partition on fakeraid" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56805020:55
fqhHi all, I found that command "hdparm -B 128 /dev/sda"  depend on gnome-power-manager. If gnome-power-manager is not running, "hdparm -B 128 /dev/sda" will not take effect. So if I close X and live only in pure-tty, I can't set 128 for /dev/sda. Is it a bug?20:57
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netshinehey all!21:09
netshineim developing with two other guys the project "gnome-paint", i have uploaded him yesterday to launchpad.21:10
netshinehttp://launchpad.net/gnome-paint, if someone want to look, and i think its important project, and should be considered to be default in ubuntu21:10
psusifqh: hdparm -B has nothing to do with g-p-m... it talks directly to the drive21:11
netshine(instead of GIMP, that out now)21:11
netshinewho should i talk with about this subject.21:11
fqhpsusi: Yes, I think so too. But running "sudo hdparm -B 128 /dev/sda" under icewm or pure-tty , it can't take effect.  "sudo hdparm -B  /dev/sda" shows that the setting will return to 254 soon.21:15
psusifqh: let's discuss this in #ubuntu+121:15
cjwatsonpitti: no no, I put the fbdev udeb in main deliberately, I just forgot to accept21:18
cjwatsonpitti: I'll move it back21:18
samgeeHi, where can I get some hints on patching openoffice.org's source package? A big chunk of its code seems to be wrapped in a tar.bz2 file.21:52
CynthiaGsamgee: looks like you'll have to extract the file, it's a bzip2'ed tar archive21:53
CynthiaGtar xjf FILE.tar.bz2, and 'man tar' for more information21:53
samgeeif I extract the tar file, make a change to its contents, wrap it back up and dpkg-buildpackage then dpkg-source complains about not being able to handle binary diffs.21:54
netshinelol,  http://microsoft.co.il/ was hacked and whats hidden there? "Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.15 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ Server at microsoft.co.il Port 80"22:02
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SpamapShaha.. best error constant ever23:59

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