
dholbachgood morning07:53
czajkowskialoha folks08:10
AlanBellElanorChen got approved by Asia Pac board on the 7th, bringing the total to 28 female Ubuntu Members13:18
AlanBellooh and IdleOne is up for membership on the 17th13:20
PendulumAlanBell: however IdleOne is not female13:21
AlanBellindeed not!13:21
elkygood for the project, not for that stat13:22
elkyin fact, i think we should be /preventing/ him for the sake of the stat13:22
* elky nods to self13:22
czajkowskietali: thanks for adding that note on fb request, wish more folks added irc nick :)13:23
AlanBellelky: I will hold him down, you can tie him up :-)13:24
* darkrose blinks "what's goin' on in here?"13:25
AlanBellalternatively, get more women involved faster.13:25
etaliczajkowski, thanks for adding me!  Only started doing that recently  I hate having to surf "friends of friends" trying to figure out who people are :)13:25
czajkowskietali: really good idea! my name and nick are the same so easy but not for others13:26
=== \vish is now known as vish
dakerreally http://ubuntu-women.org/ should be redesigned16:54
JanCdaker: people are working on that AFAIK16:57
nigelbdaker: vish is working on the logo16:57
nigelbdaker: if you want to help with the site, you can get in touch with pleia216:57
pleia2information on the redesign is on our roadmap, discussion is on the mailing list16:58
pleia2it's one of our key maverick goals, also of note is the ubuntu website team, whose design we'll be working with16:58
vishpleia2: daker was the one who did the manual site17:01
vishand i think daker maintains it as well .. daker ?17:01
vishnigelb: actually i intended to work on it , the original author [troy] himself had time to redo the logo , so he is doing it ;)17:05
nigelbvish: ah!17:06
dakerpleia2, there is no the mailing list17:07
pleia2daker: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-women17:07
dakerpleia2 = Elizabeth Krumbach ?17:21
pleia2daker: yes17:21
dakerright :)17:22
pleia2looks like our meeting didn't happen today17:33
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://women.ubuntu.com | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: Thursday, June 24th @ 22:00 UTC
=== daker_ is now known as daker
IdleOneelky: :(23:42
AlanBellyou can't argue with logic like that IdleOne!23:46
IdleOneAlanBell: I know but still made me :(23:48
* IdleOne will remove his name from membership list if it will help UWP23:48
AlanBelldon't be silly!23:48

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