
RAOFSarvatt: Do you have any insights into why we have xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd in the archive?03:23
Sarvattsome people still use it, it's certainly more maintained than half the other video drivers.. :D03:24
RAOFI guess so.03:27
RAOFIt doesn't work with KMS, though.03:27
RAOFI guess we're not going to remove it, so we should rebuild it.03:29
RAOFHm.  Actually, we can remove it.03:30
brycehyeah it can be dropped now03:34
brycehwe pulled it in back when there was a lot of excitement about it, but really haven't done anything with it03:34
brycehand in fact I think I already unsubbed ubuntu-x@ from its bug tracker (and I think I wontfixed all its bugs)03:34
RAOFYou didn't wontfix them, but I've just confirmed & sub'd ubuntu-archive on the removal bug.03:36
brycehwell, the bugs certainly can be wontfixed now :-)03:37
RAOFYup :)03:38
Sarvattoh man, that canonical-desktop-team/une ppa trashed things :)03:53
Sarvattthink i'll hold off on indicator-appmenu until its in maverick03:54
Sarvattcant launch my most used app with it (geany)03:54
rippsSarvatt: unity is in the maverick repos now03:57
Sarvattappmenu-gtk isn't though03:57
Sarvatti can't find libappmenu.so in any package03:57
Sarvattwas trying to follow the ubuntu desktop installation section on here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationMenu03:58
rippsDamn, still can't downgrade from xorg-edgers yet.03:59
RAOFYup.  We're beavering away solidly at that.04:00
SarvattSource: xserver-xorg-video-glide04:10
Sarvattbuild depends on  libglide2-dev04:10
SarvattPackage: libglide2-dev04:10
SarvattSection: libdevel04:10
SarvattArchitecture: i38604:10
Sarvattfails on amd6404:11
Sarvatt[ 46933.281] xorg-server 2: (For technical support please see http://www.ubuntu.com/support)04:46
Sarvatthmm that looks kind of out of place for xorg-edgers :)04:46
Sarvattxserver 1.9 PPA looks good to go though, just need to refresh the nouveau autoconfig patch04:47
Sarvattthe BGNR stuff is all busted though, could be problems in maverick :)04:48
RAOFMaybe hang back a little bit on the update until people can downgrade.04:48
Sarvattoh yeah it'd be a week or two before i did it, its not even branched yet still04:48
RAOFIt got sent upstream, though, so that's +104:48
Sarvattyeah had to ask 3 different people if they'd upstream it in the past few months since noone knew who originally wrote it and airlied did the other day \o/04:49
RAOFOnce we *have* got maverick upgradable feel free to break everyone's X using -edgers.  There shouldn't be any ABI changes at this point, so 1.9 is good to go!04:49
Sarvattthe bgnr patch that got sent to the lists breaks the video abi04:49
rippsYeah, wait a bit on 1.9. I'm still unable to downgrade from xorg-edgers due to unfinished X migration in maverick04:56
Sarvattripps: i wouldn't, dont worry :)05:13
Sarvattand yeah it stinks, i have 9 machines here and can't test stock maverick on any of them, lucid ones cant upgrade to maverick, maverick ones are all on edgers because I was testing upgrades and cant downgrade05:14
Sarvattxorg metapackage really needs to be updated so people can just remove xserver-xorg-{video,input}-all and actually upgrade maverick now05:15
Sarvattbut xserver-xorg-core still needs wacom and i didnt have any luck with that merge, that package is such a PITA05:17
RAOFSarvatt: You don't have any wacom hardware, do you?05:19
Sarvattyeah i've got 2 tablets05:19
Sarvatti use that from git regardless of what i'm on though, too many fixes going into it too fast05:20
rippsI have to rebuild my wacom module every linux update now, kernel doesn't have support for bamboo ctl-460. I wrote a script that builds, loads, and configures it automatically.05:23
Sarvattripps: checked linux-input to see if they submitted it upstream even yet?05:26
rippsSarvatt: the last wacom patch was on april 2105:42
rippsDoes anybody know how make a kernel module backport package? I might be able to help some people by just having a package they can install easily.05:52
rippsEven better, how to make a dkms package.05:54
Sarvattthey haven't even tried sending them upstream :(05:56
Sarvattjust looked at the last 6 months of linux-input on patchwork.kernel.org05:56
Sarvattwhat was the deviceid again? 00d4?05:57
Sarvatt0xd4 works with xf86-input-wacom, just not the darn kernel module05:59
Sarvattmaybe fedora patches it in their kernel, lessee05:59
hyperairSarvatt: ah, seems i overdid my phc, which caused the hang yesterday.06:04
Sarvattlol ok that makes more sense06:04
Sarvattwas wondering why i couldn't find anything06:05
Sarvattthats odd, getting [ 46933.277] 1 XSELINUXs still allocated at reset in Xorg.0.log even though i'm building with --disable-xselinux06:59
RAOFSarvatt: want to try a new xserver-xorg-input-wacom?07:09
Sarvattyep throw it at me :)07:09
Sarvattamd64... :D07:10
Sarvattonly machine on amd64 is on lucid07:10
RAOFHave a source package, then.07:11
Sarvattgrabbing it, with that i should be able to downgrade to stock maverick  if xorg built07:12
Sarvattdebian/local should go07:13
RAOFOh, totally.07:14
RAOFWhoops, forgot about that.07:14
Sarvattlooks good to me07:19
Sarvattbuilt fine, files in the debs are right, and it works :)07:20
Sarvattthe udev rules probably could use some updating but might as well keep it the same as debian, only the serial part setting ID_INPUT_TABLET is needed anymore07:21
RAOFOh, really?07:22
Sarvattyeah the rest is done by the snippet07:23
Sarvattbut it works as it is, no point changing it really07:24
Sarvattis the ntrig device in 50-wacom.conf the same as we added? i can't remember07:25
Sarvattyep it is07:26
Sarvattlooks good to me!07:26
RAOFYeah.  And they've also dropped the tablet thingy that doesn't have a kernel driver.07:27
RAOFWith that, coffee time.07:27
RAOFThanks for testing!07:28
Sarvattmight as well just do no change rebuilds of nvidia-graphics-drivers* too?07:29
RAOFNo; I want to mess with their apport scripts.07:29
Sarvatttrying to see how we can add IgnoreABI to the xorg.conf installed by 173 to make it work07:30
Sarvattplanning on doing that today though? people with it installed have broken package managers until its rebuilt?07:30
RAOFPlanning on doing it after coffee.07:30
RAOFIt won't take long.07:31
Sarvattoh okie! 07:32
Sarvattwhat the heck package is the xorg.conf generated in07:32
Sarvattah jockey07:35
Sarvattjockey needs something like this07:41
Sarvatt        if self.version == '173':07:41
Sarvatt            self.xorg_conf.addOption('ServerFlags', 'IgnoreABI', 'True', optiontype='Option', position=0)07:41
Sarvattawesome, they're talking about doing video device matching with xorg.conf.d snippets upstream07:49
RAOFSarvatt: And it works properly with IgnoreABI?08:06
Sarvattyeah it does09:02
Sarvattso yeah, bug against fglrx-installer asking us to pick that patch up to make fglrx work with xserver 1.809:03
Sarvattgave me a good laugh before sleep :D09:03
alf__RAOF: Hi!10:27
RAOFalf__: Yo!10:27
alf__RAOF: What is the current status of mesa-egl on maverick?10:28
RAOFWaiting for me to finalise the packaging of unrelated parts of mesa.10:29
RAOFIt's been lower-priority with the xserver transition.10:29
alf__RAOF: I can imagine :)10:30
Sarvattit'd be worth investigating the changes in 7.9 too since thats the target in maverick and its *completely* different than 7.8 there10:30
RAOFRight.  I was going to do that, too.10:32
* Sarvatt tries building git with origin/ubuntu again to see whats u010:32
alf__RAOF: Any ETA on mesa-egl maverick?10:33
RAOFalf__: Is it blocking your work?10:42
alf__RAOF: Without it we have to do work on lucid instead of maverick10:43
alf__RAOF: So, yes and no :)10:44
RAOFThe packages in the mesa-egl ppa will build & work on maverick.  I can make maverick archive packages a priority if you like.10:45
alf__RAOF: If that isn't too much trouble it would be great!10:46
Sarvattit won't for long because libdrm will be updated any time now and it wont build against 2.4.2110:47
RAOFYay!  libkms will now build against the in-tree headers.10:52
Sarvattwell, we could disable nouveau until 7.910:54
seb128waouh, new xorg works on my mini10v10:55
RAOFOr pull in an appropriate nouveau_class.h10:56
seb128it just broke gnome-screensaver idle detection or something, when it starts locking moving the mouse doesn't stop it10:56
RAOFHm.  I haven't seen that.10:59
Sarvattseb128: you mean like a fade out before locking?11:00
* Sarvatt doesn't use gnome-screensaver so not sure11:01
Sarvattthe fade when locking was disabled in gnome-screensaver recently i think though, might have something to do with it?11:01
seb128when it starts locking after idle usually you can undo the locking by moving the mouse11:02
seb128that working this morning and I just upgraded the xorg stack 11:02
seb128ie sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg11:02
Sarvattodd, it works here11:15
Sarvattaspire one netbook but i'm using xorg-edgers11:16
Sarvattoh joy, this again12:00
SarvattFatal server error:12:00
Sarvatt[  2826.174] Caught signal 3 (Quit). Server aborting12:00
RAOFWhat fun!12:05
jcristausigquit knew you missed it, so it decided to come back?12:06
RAOFjcristau: So, final stab at libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental.  Nouveau's happy to go in there, but for radeong one of four things needs to happen: 1) it doesn't go in there at all, 2) the package conflicts with libgl1-mesa-dri, 3) dpkg-divert rears its ugly head, 4) alternatives madness!12:17
RAOFjcristau: I lean towards 1).12:17
RAOFDo you have any strong opinion here?12:17
jcristau1 seems best.12:35
jcristau3 i very much dislike12:36
RAOFYup.  Good.12:44
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
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keesRAOF: is it safe to update maverick yet?18:47
brycehkees, think he's asleep for a few more hours19:03
brycehhowever looking at http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/versions-current.html it appears all the video drivers are merged in now, so I'll bet it's safe19:04
bryceh(for the usual alpha-2 definition of the word 'safe')19:05
keesbryceh: ah, cool.  thanks!19:08
brycehkees, your comment break...  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/50085515/break2.png19:13
brycehbbiab (dr appt)19:13
rippsxserver-xorg-video-fbdev is still holding back my xorg-edgers downgrade19:16
Sarvattits stuck in NEW because of the udeb19:19
keesbryceh: rock!19:20
rippsI don't really understand the deal wit udebs19:24
jcristauthat's fine, you don't have to.19:26
Sarvattjcristau: it ok if I merge libdrm 2.4.21 in experimental? already have it done and test built locally - http://sarvatt.com/git/cgit.cgi/libdrm/20:12
jcristaushould be fine i think20:13
timboywith maverick can I have two mouse cursors yet?20:35
jcristauyou can with lucid.20:36
timboyjcristau, how?20:38
chek0vhey guys, i realise this is a dumbass qusetion most likley20:44
chek0vthats an official, or at least known/run by ubuntu folks repo 20:45
chek0vie you guys, right?20:45
Sarvattyep, whats up?20:45
chek0vwell im looking to update the nvidia drivers20:46
chek0vfrom .15 to .2420:46
chek0vand im just wondering how safe it is20:46
chek0vnot really game to roll the dice much on this machine as i use it for work20:46
Sarvatt.24 isn't in there20:47
chek0vok well, that answers that then20:47
chek0vnot sure why i thought itwas20:47
Sarvattit's got 256.29 (the newest beta release)20:47
SarvattI think 195.24 is in -proposed? or did that never get pushed to lucid?20:48
chek0vdo you know if these dirvers will eventually make it to the main ubuntu repos?20:48
chek0vyeah its still proposed afaik20:48
Sarvattnot for already released ones most likely but for the development version yeah20:48
chek0vso if im understanding you correctly, i will never get a driver update from the default ubuntu repos20:49
chek0vthat accurate?20:49
Sarvattpretty much for the binary blob driver, yeah :(20:50
chek0vnp, just want to understand20:51
chek0vill probabluy image this install20:51
chek0vthen roll the dice on one of the updated drivers ;)20:51
timboyIs the facility to just plug two mice in and get two pointers going to be in maverick?20:51
Sarvattchek0v: there is a package you can install in that PPA that will completely remove it20:53
Sarvattsudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge -p x-updates ubuntu-x-swat20:53
Sarvattit'll revert everything back to the stock ubuntu packages20:53
Sarvattso theres not really any harm in trying it20:53
chek0vahh roger20:54
chek0vthanks for that20:54
Sarvattripps: pitti just pushed fbdev through NEW so it should be all set here soon20:54
jcristauSarvatt: the LIBADD part of the libkms patch needs to stay afaict21:04
Sarvattoh you're right, unresolved symbols21:05
jcristaulet me know when you've fixed that i'll get the package in NEW.21:09
Sarvattok fixing it up now, just figuring out how i should do it.. add RAOF's changelog entry back?21:19
Sarvattrefreshed it here - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/02_build_libkms_against_in_tree_drm.diff21:20
jcristauyeah just remove the part about cflags21:23
jcristauand it'll be good21:23
Sarvatthttp://sarvatt.com/downloads/libdrm.patch -- that look good or should I change the release target to experimental?21:28
jcristaulooks ok21:42
jcristaui'm updating the copyright file.  it's a pita.21:42
Sarvatthmm, can't just add Copyright © 2009 VMware, Inc., Palo Alto, CA., USA  to it?21:49
jcristauthere's lots of minimally different versions of the license21:49
jcristauincluding ones with typos.  or ones which say 'copyright marcheu.  va linux systems is not liable.'21:50
Sarvattradeon_bo_int.h radeon_cs_int.h and radeon_cs.c arent even licensed21:51
jcristaui love how it says 'this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included' except they reordered them so there's no next paragraph :)21:53
Sarvattwhich one did that?21:53
jcristauthat's all over the radeon stuff21:53
Sarvattah why am i not surprised21:54
Sarvattupdating the copyrights in mesa/demos is going to be nightmare inducing21:58
jcristauSarvatt: the radeon bof stuff looks like it should be hidden22:12
jcristauradeon/bof.h is not installed anywhere22:12
Sarvattoh? i need to read the library packaging guide some more, didn't know that22:14
jcristaui'm hacking around it but ideally it should be fixed upstream..22:16
* ripps is testing a wacom-dkms package22:18
rippswoot! it worked22:31
rippsuploading to my ppa, so others can use it.22:31
Sarvattnice ripps! the wacom kernel module not supporting any entry level tablets from the last year or so is a pretty common complaint22:43
rippsSarvatt: ppa:ripps818/ppa, I'm going to bed now, so after there done building. Take a look at them.22:44
rippstwo versions: maverick has a patch that changes usb_buffer_alloc to usb_alloc_coherent and usb_buffer_free to usb_free_coherent, because apparently somebody changed the kernel api with telling anybody. Lucid version is unpatched, and should work with older versions of 2.6.30+ kernels.22:47

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