
edbian_Piranah, I would bet it's kernel related.  It always is :)00:00
Piranahedbian_, lol ya prob :) Im gona wait it out. Its only freezing a cpl times per day. Only anoys me when im in the middle of a movie or something00:00
flip_Need some help i got a off brand sound card that isnt supported can some one help me install00:01
edbian_Piranah, use an older kernel00:01
edbian_Piranah, Don't you have like 10 built up in your grub menu by now?00:01
Piranahedbian_, Naa they all went away when i upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 latest kernel update seems to be the most stable thus far00:02
edbian_Piranah, ahhh,  deal with it then I guess :)00:02
mary_edbian_, well the radeon driver loads but my rez won't change, here's my xorg.conf:00:02
Piranahedbian_, i'll download and compile an older one if worse comes to worse00:02
edbian_Piranah, I suggest installing updates but still boot the old kernel00:02
edbian_Piranah, I don't think it will come to that00:02
dekenxhello, my Live CD is extremely slow (slower than previous releases), and syslog shows constant I/O errors, any help?00:03
edbian_mary_, Do you have something new in xrandr --current?00:03
riddleboxI bought a dell laptop with ubuntu on it, and everytime I do the updates I reboot and grub has issues I have to use their cd to reinstall grub to get it workingagain?00:03
edbian_mary_, So now you're running the radeon driver?  Not r128?  That's progress :)00:04
a3istdekenx, check the md5sum of the ISO you used to burn it.  If it checks out, reburn the cd on the SLOWEST possible speed00:04
mary_edbian_, yeah I'm running radeon driver, ok let me check xrandr --current00:04
dekenxa3ist: I have and I checks out00:04
mary_edbian_, xrandr --current shows the same info as before00:04
edbian_mary_, damn00:05
edbian_mary_, try fglrx00:05
edbian_mary_, This is quite the run-around isn't it!00:05
edbian_mary_, oh well, third times the charm :)00:05
a3istdekenx, reburn the CD at the slowest speed to reduce the chance of errors00:05
mary_I didn't think fglrx supported a rage?00:05
edbian_mary_, I don't know what else to try.  the "correct" driver is the r128.  Not sure if that's open or not.00:06
mary_edbian_, if I click Hardware Drivers it says there are no propeitary drivers00:06
edbian_mary_, see what the modprobe command says00:06
edbian_mary_, I think you're right but it's worth a shot.00:06
mary_run modprobe how?00:06
spotspoti am looking for the consoles, which i used to be able to get to via ctrl-alt-F100:06
edbian_mary_, sudo modprobe fglrx00:07
spotspotnow (with lucid) i just get a black screen00:07
spotspoti need a console to install NV drivers from their site00:07
mary_edbian_, well I don't have it installed00:07
edbian_mary_, how do you know what module is running right now?00:07
ubutom_spotspot, try ctrl alt f200:07
Jordan_Uriddlebox: The grub-pc package is probably configured to install grub to the wrong device. Run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" to change the install device, be sure to choose a drive (like sda) and *not* any partitions (like sda1)00:07
edbian_mary_, Are you sure?  Does modprobe tell you that?  It might come with ubuntu.00:07
mary_edbian_, I don't remember how to check what mod you are using00:07
spotspotubutom++ that worked wtf??00:08
edbian_mary_, sudo lspci -k00:08
edbian_mary_, shows the module you're using.  I'll look up how to get fglrx00:08
Jordan_Uriddlebox: That command will ask other questions. Leave them at their default (some will be blank, that is normal)00:08
ubutom_spotspot, sometimes tty1 is busy00:08
spotspotbut then tried alt-f2 3 4 etc and they were all black00:08
ubutom_spotspot, especially during installs and such, you have 6 consoles anyway :D00:08
spotspotanyway i'm good now00:08
ubutom_spotspot, okay, that's odd, well, it works now :)00:09
mary_edbian_, ahh this is odd, never seen this module before:00:09
mary_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TR00:09
mary_Kernel modules: aty128fb00:09
mary_aty128fb I thought that's framebuffer?00:09
DaekdroomIt is.00:09
edbian_mary_, http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1415509  does not bode well :(00:10
edbian_mary_, Never heard of it either?00:10
mary_so why the heck is Lucid loading a fb mod for my video? LOL00:10
qattusversehi all, I don't know if this is a good room to ask, but is it possible to use sed to rename files that match "Link to "* to just * ?00:10
edbian_mary_, So it isn't running r128 or radeon00:10
Jordan_Uqattusverse: Use the "rename" command00:10
mary_edbian_, no the stupid thing is loading a fb mod00:10
riddleboxJordan_U: thanks00:10
edbian_mary_, mmmm00:11
Jordan_Uriddlebox: You're welcome00:11
spotspotby electric sheep ftw! :)00:11
edbian_mary_, what did you modprobe before the restart?  What should be loaded?00:11
riddleboxJordan_U: yeah it shows its on sda3 right now, I guess dell put a recovery partition00:12
xfr0ghows ar5007 wifi minipcie supported? master mode work?00:12
mary_edbian_, radeon00:12
edbian_mary_, Apparently that's a very old card.00:12
qattusverseJordan_U, thanks, could you suggest what the perlexpr should be? would it be 'Link to '$ $?00:12
edbian_mary_, Do you have xserver-xorg-video-r128  installed?  That's the package that actually has the r128 module in it.00:12
edbian_mary_, unlike the other one that provided that wrapper.00:13
mary_edbian_, let me look00:13
siddhionhey again....how do i permanently edit the GRUB boot file so I do not have to do it everytime i restart Xubuntu ?00:13
mary_edbian_, man I hope that's the problem00:13
* mary_ looks00:13
edbian_mary_, So lemme get this straight, you can modprobe both r128 and radeon with no problems?  After you modprobe r128, look at lspci -k and see what's loaded.  Do the same with radeon.  I wanna see if it actually gets loaded.00:14
Jordan_Uriddlebox: If dell is configuring their Ubuntu machines to install grub to a partition that would be dissapointing. grub even warns you that it's not a reliable configuration (as you've found) when you try to do it.00:14
mary_edbian_, it's installed00:14
=== KungFuBear is now known as KungFuBear|WORK
edbian_mary_, good00:14
mary_edbian_, ok let me modprobe again00:14
edbian_mary_, I guess, that's good.  Makes the problem harder ;)00:14
lucas-arghello, ive uninstalled pulseaudio since all i want is alsa... and now i dont have sound, how can i install alsa?00:14
jameschI'm not exactly sure how the permissions through FTP work. Where should I set what permissions a file uploaded by a given user should have?00:14
siddhioni know there is a terminal method but am not sure what it is. also i do not know exactly what file to target00:14
StrangeCharmwhen i leave my computer playing tv, every so often the screen starts to fade to black, then it locks itself. how do i disable this behaviour?00:15
riddleboxJordan_U: yeah I reloaded my wifes laptop when I got it cause it came with an old version of ubuntu, but mine was current and I like the dell recovery app they put on it, you can create your own dvds for back up on it, but I may have to reload it00:15
Exxonhow to remove installed program with cli?00:15
mary_edbian_, ok I ran sudo modprobe r128 and radeon now you want me to run sudo lspci -k00:15
edbian_mary_, To see what loaded.00:15
riddleboxExxon: sudo apt-get remove appname00:15
edbian_mary_, yes00:16
riddleboxor aptitude remove I guess00:16
mary_edbian_, same aty128fb00:16
Exxonriddlebox thanks.00:16
lucas-argno idea how to install just ALSA instead of pulseaudio?00:16
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:16
edbian_mary_, You have to figure out how to modprobe the driver you want.  I have to go now :(00:16
edbian_mary_, Good luck! I suggest using /etc/blacklist00:16
siddhionhello? can anyone help me with this?00:16
Jordan_Uriddlebox: Well installing grub to the mbr will likely clobber whatever their using as a bootloader for the recovery app.00:17
robin0800siddhion: what version of grub?00:17
siddhioni need to find out how to change the GRUB boot file from Terminal00:17
siddhionwell the one that came with Xubuntu 10.0400:17
mneptoksiddhion: why>00:17
siddhionmneptok: because I need to enter i915.modeset=1 to the end of one of the boot lines00:18
siddhionmneptok: or eXubuntu wont load00:18
robin0800siddhion: try sudo update-grub00:18
Exxonanyone tried to install tor & to configure in ubuntu 9.10 ? simply does not work.00:18
mneptoksiddhion: ah, that's not changing a boot file, that's passing a kernel parameter.00:18
siddhionmneptok: oh ok, sorry to confuse it00:19
robin0800siddhion: sudo nano etc/default/grub00:20
alamillaalguien sabe configurar la red inalambrica en ubuntu 10.0400:20
Pici!es | alamilla00:20
ubottualamilla: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:20
Exxontor : unable to start configuration proxy server????00:20
siddhionrobin0800 that just turned my whole terminal into something strange...i see a weird menu below and i see no lines to edit00:21
mneptoksiddhion: edit /etc/default/grub and add "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=i915.modeset=1" (no quotes)00:21
mneptoksiddhion: then "sudo update-grub"00:21
Alphanauti just installed gopenvpn, how the hell do i find the folder00:22
Alphanautit doesnt show up anywhere00:22
Alphanauti'm having ubuntu pains00:22
mae_taehello people, can i ask squid matter here?00:22
Exxonanyone ! TOR specialist..00:22
jameschhow do I set the permissions of files uploaded by a user to a server via FTP?00:22
iflemasiddhion ctrl + x to close.... you may have a typo00:22
robin0800siddhion: perhaps you don't have grub200:22
h00k!anyone | Exxon00:22
ubottuExxon: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:22
mneptokrobin0800: more likely, siddhion has never used a CLI text editor.00:23
siddhionmneptok: i got an error ""Warning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/default/grub" -- using "application/octet-stream"00:23
siddhionError: no write permission for file "/etc/default/grub"00:23
mneptoksiddhion: close any terminals you have open00:23
mneptoksiddhion: press alt-f200:23
Exxonwhen i start vidalia | unable to start proxy server?? how can i fix this.00:24
siddhionmneptok ok00:24
siddhionmneptok a little window opened00:24
robin0800mneptok: I always install nautilus-gksu and then use gedit00:24
mneptoksiddhion: enter the command "gksu mousepad /etc/default/grub"00:24
sdwrageHey all.. I attempted to install Zend Server but it is running on port 10088 which leads me to believe I already have apache2 installed. Is there a way to see if I have more than one piece of software installed?00:24
amereservantWhat's the command using grep to search recursively through a directory/sub-directory's text files for a word or phrase?00:24
KaOSoFtDo you happen to know the equivalent of the @PAUSE command in Batch on Windows for a Bash script?00:24
LetsGo67Anyone from Canada?00:24
monokromegrep -r "phrase" .00:25
amereservantmonokrome: Thank you.00:25
h00k!ot | LetsGo6700:25
ubottuLetsGo67: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:25
siddhionmnetok i did that and nothing happened.. it jsut disappearsd00:25
monokromeNo problem, amereservant.00:25
mneptoksiddhion: did the file open in a text editor?00:25
LetsGo67All right.  Canada PM me please!  I wish there was #ubuntu-canada00:25
mneptokLetsGo67: #ubuntu-qc00:25
h00kubottu: tell LetsGo67 about loco00:26
ubottuLetsGo67, please see my private message00:26
mneptokLetsGo67: and i believe #ubuntu-ca exists00:26
siddhionmneptok no it did not....i remember how to do it just now...i typed:.... gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub00:27
mneptoksiddhion: i didn't think Xubuntu had gedit00:27
siddhionmneptok that brought up gedit with the right lines....the boot lines are right....i just have to make that change permanent ....how do i do that? grub update?00:28
mneptoksiddhion: add "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=i915.modeset=1" without quotes to the end of that file. save the file and close. press alt-f2, run "sudo update-grub"00:28
* monokrome wonders why "Wiping swap space for security" is taking so long on a 2GB partition00:29
sdwrageHey all.. I attempted to install Zend Server but it is running on port 10088 which leads me to believe I already have apache2 installed. Is there a way to see if I have more than one piece of software installed?00:29
Exxoncan some body help with the tor issue.!00:29
siddhionmneptok: i instead ran "sudo update-grub" in terminal. is that ok? looked like it worked.00:29
mneptoksiddhion: that's fine00:29
bastidrazorsdwrage: apt-cache policy packagename00:29
mneptoksiddhion: reboot and see if it worked00:29
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
BabyJesusI've had multiple burns of Win7 fail from different .iso sources. I have 3 logs saved of failures, and I'm curious if anyone would be able to tell me if it's a hardware or software related issue by looking at the logs? They all fail in the same section of the burn and it shouldn't be the .iso since I've tried multiple.00:30
Exxonok guys! see you00:30
bastidrazor!piracy | BabyJesus00:31
ubottuBabyJesus: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o00:31
mneptokBabyJesus: this is #ubuntu. not ##i-want-to-steal-a-crappy-os-but-cannot-figure-it-out00:31
siddhionmneptok ok but before i do that.. hold on00:31
bastidrazorheh, nice channel name00:31
BabyJesusHaha, goddamnit. Thank you anyway.00:31
Doctehbastidrazor: its possible to download windows from microsoft.com :p00:31
h00k!windows | BabyJesus also,00:31
ubottuBabyJesus also,: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:31
h00kBabyJesus: Also, you need to watch the language in here.00:31
jameschCan someone please help me setup my FTP server?00:31
BabyJesusSorry, h00k00:32
skreetBabyJesus: Are you burning the .iso files in Ubuntu?00:32
=== cbill is now known as cbilljones
IdleOneBabyJesus: i suspect you will get the same answer there as you did here, warez is wrong00:32
siddhionmneptok: the "p" key on my old laptop's keyboard just gave out00:32
siddhionmneptok: the "p" key on my old laptop just gave out!00:32
IdleOneskreet: WE do not support Windows and especially not Illegally download versions of it00:32
mneptokskreet: it doesn't matter. it's piracy, and it's unwelcome here00:33
DoctehIdleOne: why are you assuming its pirated00:33
BabyJesusskreet, Yeah, but don't worry about it. I'll figure something out.00:33
mneptokDocteh: ".iso files from multiple sources"00:33
BabyJesusI'm just trying to restore my MBR without my Seven DVD00:33
skreetmneptok: He's having a problem burning an ISO using Ubuntu.  I don't really care what the bits are in the .iso file.00:33
mneptokskreet: the channel does. piracy is unwelcome here.00:33
gilsonsomeone knows how to install openldap?00:33
IdleOneDocteh: because I have been around the block a few times.00:33
siddhionmneptok: i wanted to know if you knew how to reorder the panel items to how they were at default settings. after messing with my Network Connections... the icons on the left moved to the right00:34
bastidrazorDocteh: i'm sure if he paid over 200$ for a windows OS download he would be calling them for support on burning it00:34
eyeqHow do i get anny hits in search in linux dc++?00:34
mneptoksiddhion: GNOME user, no idea about the XFCE panel.00:34
skreetbastidrazor:  Probably not, in fact.  I don't think they would support burning their images using Linux.  =)00:34
siddhionmneptok: ok00:34
jamescham I invisible in this channel?00:35
gilsonneed help with openldap!00:35
CaptainTrekjamesch:  no00:35
CaptainTrekjamesch:  stuff just moves fast here so we miss things00:35
jameschoh, well I'm trying to get help with my FTP server00:35
benkong2hey all00:36
patty_ hello00:36
eyeqHow do i get any hits in search in linux dc++00:36
benkong2my network manager in lucid keeps forgetting my wireless passwd what can I check?00:36
jo-erlendjamesch, there is a guide for that on http://help.ubuntu.com, or we have a channel that specializes on server setups in #ubuntu-server.00:36
patty_ how do i fine chat room over 6000:37
jameschjo-erlend: thanks, will have a look00:37
jo-erlendpatty_, that's not really related to Ubuntu, but the Freenode network. They have a nice help channel in #Help.00:37
cbilljonesCan someone help me dpkg-buildpackage? im getting "dpkg-buildpackage: warning: Failed to sign .dsc and .changes file"00:38
stepstoolsI need some help, can anyone help me?00:38
jo-erlendstepstools, not unless you ask a real question. :)00:38
IdleOne!details | stepstools00:38
ubottustepstools: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:38
eyeqCan anyone help me?? I don't get any hits when i search..00:38
IdleOneeyeq: search where?00:39
eyeqIn dc++ linux00:39
IdleOneeyeq: details!00:39
IdleOnelinux is a big universe00:40
stepstoolsI still use my Zip 250 USB drive, it worked okay on 8.10/9.04, but then on 9.10 it stopped mounting.  Any ideas?  I'm using 10.04 now.00:40
eyeqIdleone : I can logg on to a hub but when i search nothing is commin up!!??00:41
IdleOnestepstools: take a look at !mount00:41
IdleOne!mount > stepstools00:41
ubottustepstools, please see my private message00:41
happyfacewow, youtube.com is down :S00:41
stepstoolsAlright one sec00:42
IdleOneeyeq: hub? what hub? what are you trying to do exactly?00:42
skreethappyface: I was looking forward to telling you it was your internet, or something.  But you're right.  Down here too.00:42
happyfaceskreet: I checked http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ first, of course :p00:42
bastidrazorhappyface: skreet up here.00:42
skreetWow, that is *awesome*.00:42
eyeqidleone: in any place (linuxdc++)00:43
=== jesset is now known as Guest54046
happyfacebastidrazor: its up now, google is usually fast at getting stuff back up... those world dominating basterds00:44
mary_say I need to load the ubuntu cd cause I can't get Ubuntu to bootup I blacklisted my fb device thinking it would just load vesa then but it didn't. If I boot the cd then ctrl alt f1, can I then run 'mount  /dev/sda2 /mnt -t ext4' to mount my partition?00:44
IdleOneeyeq: I am finding you a little irritating but I think what you want is linuxdcpp00:44
jo-erlendhappyface, perhaps this channel isn't the best one for chat about youtube or google being up or down? #Ubuntu-offtopic might be a better choice.00:44
VBoxUserI'm having some problems with VBoxManage. Anyone know much about it?00:44
happyfacejo-erlend: thank you, sir00:45
ryannnanyone know how to calibrate touch screens in lucid?00:45
jo-erlendVBoxUser, you should join #VBox00:45
darkangelwhat do i type into terminal to see what hardware i have in my computer???00:45
stepstoolsI still need some help00:45
jo-erlendVBoxUser, and you should ask real questions...00:45
eyeqIdleOne : I'm sorry, but i'm new at this... But what is that?00:45
jellowdarkangel: lspci and lsusb00:45
darkangelthank you jellow00:45
Alphanautis there any way i can list what i've installed recently in ubuntu?00:46
jameschjo-erlend: ok, I looked at the help, nothing. The ubuntu server channel is DEAD.00:46
IdleOneeyeq: linuxdcpp - Port of the Windows file-sharing program, DC++00:46
mary_anyone please?00:47
eyeqthanks idleone00:47
stepstoolsI still use my Zip 250 USB drive, it worked okay on 8.10/9.04, but then on 9.10 it stopped mounting. Any ideas? I'm using 10.04 now.  Any one?00:47
jo-erlendAlphanaut, have a look at your logs. There is one for apt. The files are stored in /var/log/apt, but you can also use the system logs application in System > Administration.00:47
jellowAlphanaut: you could try ls -l /usr/share/ | grep "somedate"00:48
IdleOneeyeq: you are welcome and also i apologize for losing my patience with you00:48
braintorchHello. I installed hddtemp and turned logging on. Now hddtemp is flooding my syslog and daemon.log. Is there any way to redirect this messages in separate file?00:48
mary_say I need to load the ubuntu cd cause I can't get Ubuntu to bootup I blacklisted my fb device thinking it would just load vesa then but it didn't. If I boot the cd then ctrl alt f1, can I then run 'mount  /dev/sda2 /mnt -t ext4' to mount my partition?00:48
Alphanautodd, the log only goes up to about 8 hours ago00:48
stepstoolsAnyone want to help me?00:48
Alphanautthe sys/admin log viewer that is00:49
Alphanautit's not up to present time00:49
Alphanautonly up to 8 hours ago00:49
=== Rafael is now known as rgotten
amereservantmonokrome: Can grep also be used to replace a particular phrase or word in all of the files it's found in with another word?00:49
stepstoolsLooks like no-one can help me00:50
stepstoolsGood bye00:50
IdleOnestepstools: unplug the device then in terminal run dmesg and plug the device back in. see if it is recognized00:50
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:50
jo-erlendstepstools, that doesn't help. Your first question, where you stated the problem, the device and everything, was good. Repeat it, but not too often.00:50
=== dane is now known as dangertrobinson
ryannnanyone know how to calibrate touch screens in lucid?00:56
VBoxUserOk. #vbox looks very quiet. When I try to do port forwarding using VBoxManage "vmname" modifyvm --natpf1 "etc..etc" it reports "unknown option : natpf1" also natpf doesn't appear in the help for the modifyvm option00:57
rgottenwho can help me with the error on http://pastebin.com/iwEqYvv4 i do use XINETD00:57
h00kVBoxUser: #vbox is still probably going to be the place to ask00:57
ryannnNobody know how? :/00:58
h00k!info touchcal00:59
ubottuPackage touchcal does not exist in lucid00:59
rgotteniceroot or Farkier can you help?01:02
siddhionh00k mneptok: i fixed it01:04
siddhioni had to switch to open DNS01:04
h00ksiddhion: cool.01:04
siddhionconnection is at 100%01:04
siddhionthanks : )01:04
a3istI've been digging through xmodmap wiki articles and man pages for a while now...anyone know how I can block mouse move (MotionNotify) events unless a certain key is held?  IE, prevent the mouse from moving the pointer/cursor unless a specific button is being held down01:04
siddhionits like the hugest techno weight i have ever encountered has been lifted01:05
|Patch|How to make xchat highlights with sounds?01:05
paraintjI'm getting a system error when trying to install some propietary driver software for a wireless card. Is anyone good with repositories? Error: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.60.48.36+bdcom-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb Could not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'.01:06
paraintjI'm googling but have not found anything assuming I have to add a repository for the driver.01:06
skreetparaintj: That's a DNS error.  It can't find the host 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'01:06
h00kparaintj: You might want to try changing your mirrors01:06
paraintjahh ok thanks guys let me give it a shot01:07
skreetparaintj: What happens if you type 'host us.archive.ubuntu.com' into a Terminal?01:07
paraintjlet me see01:07
=== me is now known as Guest34633
rooshUbuntu has often been booting up only in text mode for awhile. Can anyone help me?01:07
paraintjskreet: it pings out doesn't work01:07
rgottencan anybody help me with this: http://pastebin.com/iwEqYvv4 i need to convert this:  ftpstreamtcpnowaitroot/usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/proftpd to xinetd01:07
kreppnardoes anyone here running ubuntu with a Creative Sound Blaster XF-I Platinum card, that has the external docking bay?01:08
skreetparaintj: Can you try 'host google.com'?01:08
BluesKajroosh, which graphics card ?01:08
phong__does vmware work for ubuntu?01:08
rooshim not sure exactly, but its brand is "nvidia"01:08
skreetphong_:  It works as a host and a guest, yes.01:09
kreppnarroosh, go and edit your /etc/X11/Xorg.conf file..make it load the vesa driver..just to get you into the gui so you can configure it01:09
paraintjskreet: yea that's not working either. I didn't realize i lost the network entirely going to restart the network see if that helps thanks.01:09
skreetparaintj: No problem.01:09
kreppnarthen you can go into the hardware drivers program and have it load the nvidia driver01:09
AndrzejLHi guys01:10
kreppnarroosh: vesa is usually pretty standard and always works01:10
jellowphong__: yes01:10
rooshkreppnar: im already in graphical mode. from text mode i inputed: startx which got me in grphical mode01:10
kreppnaroh i see01:10
kreppnarwhat are you planning on using? gdm or kdm?01:10
BluesKajroosh,  in the konsole , lspci | grep VGA01:11
rooshkreppnar: i don't understand, im new to linux01:11
kreppnarroosh: gdm and kdm are the gui login programs for ubuntu01:11
AndrzejLLet me say at the start I am a PCLinuxOS user - no mean to start a flame war / spam - I came here to look for a support for something the systems have in common  however wanted to mention that its not ubuntu I am seeking help with01:11
rooshhere is the output: 00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)01:12
BluesKajerr konsole - console = terminal01:12
skreetAndrzejL: Ubuntu has quite a bit of customization, what is it that they have in common you're referring to?01:12
kreppnarroosh: if your video card is starting the x system fine after startx ..it must be the gdm or kdm configuration01:12
AndrzejLapt-get / synaptic package manager01:12
phong__how to short cut paste?01:12
phong__CTRL + V?01:13
sdwrageHow do I see the running process using port 80?01:13
kreppnarroosh: u can sudo apt-get install kdm  .. and try that01:13
skreetsdwrage: lsof -i :8001:13
kreppnarroosh: or gdm01:13
phong__what is the short cut paste ?01:13
skreetas root01:13
lorenzohi, i tried extracting an ISO from a CD but brasero told me i need toc2cue and cdrdao. I installed the latter but the former i cant seem to find. how do i solve this? I am on lucid 64, thanks01:13
phong__ctrl + v or not?01:13
rooshkreppnar: which one?01:13
a3istanother nice login manager for those with limited resources is "slim"01:13
kreppnarroosh: i prefer gdm01:13
AndrzejLskreet: apt-get / synaptic package manager - we use it with apt4rpm01:13
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skreetphong_: ctrl+c/ctrl+v, also highlight to copy and middle click01:13
IdleOnephong_: ctrl+c to cut ctrl+v to paste01:13
paraintjok this is going to sound crazy but I setup my entire family with ubuntu the last few days. Laptops freaking desktops media server etc etc 9 total new users now on linux :p I only have 1 complaint so far and I'm going to find a way to duplicate it.01:13
rooshalso, it only boots to text mode happens some of the time01:13
skreetAndrzejL: So what are you needing help with, exactly?01:14
IdleOnephong_: ctrl+c is copy   ctrl+x is cut01:14
rooshshould i try anyways?01:14
upgrdmani think i have a problem with one of my kernel drivers. is there a regular (non-ubuntu) kernel package I can install temporarily to test things?01:14
braxtonparaintj, why would you want to duplicate the complaint?01:14
phong__IdleOne, dont work in terminal01:14
paraintjMy mom is complaining lol that the only thing she can't do on ubuntu so far that she could on vistacrapola is double click a browser to do a double side by side browser comparison?01:14
IdleOnephong_: ctrl+shift+c or v01:14
a3istI think he means there's some bug someone asked about that he's trying to replicate01:14
phong__IdleOne, that works ;)01:14
paraintjTo be honest I don't even know what she's talking about but I'm 99% sure somewhere out there ubuntu can do it lol01:14
kreppnarparaintj: were you using firefox on vista??01:15
IdleOnephong_: in terminal you have to use the shift key also01:15
skreetroosh: Please post the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/Xorg.1.log to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ -- it may help.01:15
paraintjkreppnar: yes sir she was using ff on vista is that a ff option she is talking about?01:15
a3istkreppnar, its his mother that was asking about it, he's just getting it secondhand from her01:15
braxtonparaintj, I think she means the snap thingy where the windows go half and half across the monitor.01:15
skreetparaintj: Sounds like the Windows 7 (Vista also??) side-by-side feature.  KDE has that.01:15
AndrzejLskreet - till sometime ago I was able to reload synaptic / apt-get update via command line and then upgrade the system NOW when I am booting up and starting synaptic it hangs instead of reload the package list. When I will use as root apt-get update it downloads upgrades list and it hangs - wont relaod the packages and I cannot upgrade the system01:15
paraintjbraxton: yep I think your right.01:15
kreppnarparaintj: for one thing..old people who use vista and only know windows....can easily get confused to linux..its just fact01:16
a3istthere should be a way to set that up in compiz with the window snap01:16
paraintjskreet: kde hu I'm going to check it out for her.01:16
a3istcould also set rules specific to firefox01:16
skreetAndrzejL:  apt-get update just updates the package contents.  Can you pastebin the output.  Also, does PCLinuxOS have a support channel?01:16
kreppnarparaintj: firefox is pretty much the same as windows version..some slight difference..it just runs better01:16
AndrzejLskreet: I think apt-get package list got corrupted somehow and I am unable to overwrite it01:16
paraintjkreppnar: yea that's true but I've been teaching them for 2 days now and they really love ubuntu and are taking to it well. My fam only uses IM's and browsers.01:16
phong__how to log in terminal as su ?01:16
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skreetAndrzejL: Does it?  At work my firefox is super slow, much faster in Windows 7 :(01:17
paraintjkreppnar: ok I'll try that I been having them all use google chrome beta for linux but I'll switch her back to ff01:17
bastidrazorphong__: sudo -i01:17
phong__bastidrazor, it works thank01:17
AndrzejLskreet: it does however I am forced to seek help in bigger group of users.01:17
kreppnarparaintj: well there are a ton of browsers available. Opera, Chrome, Firefox, SeaMonkey, etc etc01:17
Typos_Kingphong__:   usually; sudo su01:17
kreppnarparaintj: even konqueror from KDE is pretty simple to understand01:18
phong__Typos_King,  no, bastidrazor  sudo -i is correct one01:18
skreetTypos_King:  sudo su can leave you with a lot of carryover environment vars.  sudo -i or sudo su - is preferred01:18
braxtonparaintj, how old are you?01:18
* Typos_King checks01:18
bastidrazorTypos_King: sudo su would require root to have a password01:18
paraintjkreppnar: well she explained it as - (and I wiped it so its gone now) as a double click in the bottom center of the screen and it somehow duplicated the browser and did a side by side comparison so she could copy over data. I'm going to check out this KDE option braxton is mentioning.01:18
kreppnarparaintj: as for IM... alot of good ones there too, Pidgin, kopete, Amsn01:18
skreetbastidrazor: Not true.01:18
phong__i want to do a notepad>.txt file01:18
phong__how would i do.01:19
paraintjbraxton: 23 the oldest of 701:19
phong__i want to open a file to read it01:19
braxtonphong_, do you have a diffent native language?01:19
a3istparaintj, things like window snap aren't managed by the programs themselves, or the kernel; that's the domain of your window manager, like compiz, metacity, etc.  Check the options for the one you're using to see about settings rules for window snap and program-specific rules01:19
phong__pico txt.txt01:19
Typos_KingI see01:19
paraintjkreppnar: they are taking to this empathy pretty well.01:19
kreppnarparaintj: you on the standard gnome desktop now too right?01:19
phong__braxton,  ;)01:19
braxtonparaintj, cool. I'm 15 and my parents are clueless when it comes to any cognitive abilities.01:19
bluechilePoll: what irc client are you using?01:19
paraintja3ist: ahh that's right! compiz might have that option nice thanks.01:19
kreppnarparaintj: i personally love the new LXDE desktop ...so awesome01:19
kreppnarthe new Enlightenment 17 desktop is looking cool too01:20
skreetbluechile: Empathy01:20
a3istparaintj, you can set rules specifically for certain windows with compiz01:20
paraintjbraxton: I'm just so freaking tired of my whole family calling me every 1-3 years to fix their WINBLOWS pc cause of malware or viruses OR how slow they are.01:20
paraintjThis fam is done with winblows lol01:20
kreppnarparaintj: yeah Compiz has a set of a bunch of options for all those cool features01:20
a3istyou only get called every 1 to 3 years?  Consider yourself lucky01:20
phong__can anyone tell me why i can't install  the vmware 7 x64.bundle ?01:20
skreetparaintj:  Is it Windows fault that they're incompetent, or their fault?01:20
AndrzejLskreet: any idea how to fix this issue? some lock file that needs to be removed? package list cache to be cleared? I was browsing the net for a solution for 3 days now...01:21
phong__where can i post the text file ?01:21
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ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents01:21
paraintjskreet: mostly my fams installing dumb stuff01:21
a3istparaintj, if you don't have it yet get "compizconfig-settings-manager" from the repo01:21
paraintjskreet: I can't wait to see the little ones try on ubuntu lol01:21
BluesKajroosh, run this in the terminal , sudo nvidia-xconfig01:21
phong__is there a paste website so i can paste it?01:21
kreppnarparaintj: LOL i feel yeah..im family tech support too..i wish they would all switch to Linux so i could just ssh to their box's and fix stuff from my house01:21
skreetparaintj:  Then you can probably safely stop calling it Winblows.01:21
IdleOne!paste > phong_01:21
ubottuphong_, please see my private message01:21
a3ist!pastebin | phong_01:21
ubottuphong_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:21
a3isterr whoops01:21
Farkiea3ist why wouldn't that work for me :(01:21
skreetkreppnar: I recommend copilot.com for remotely fixing family PCs -- it's free on weekends! :]01:21
paraintjskreet: I have issues with the us gov and microsoft I appologies then lol... I'm a bit biased.01:22
hufxphong_   try pastebin.org01:22
Farkiecos it was in a different channel01:22
kreppnarskreet: been using teamviewer ...pretty awesome stuff01:22
skreetkreppnar: Checking it out...01:22
paraintja3ist: thanks giving it a shot now01:22
Farkieteamviewer is ace, i use it on all the pc's and my ipod01:22
rooshsorry could you repeat that, my client got messed up01:22
skreetWhat's the catch with the free verson?01:22
Firstgearis there a command that will shutdown ubuntu after a certain number of minutes?01:22
Farkiesame as pro01:22
kreppnarno catch01:22
kreppnarit just works01:22
skreetWhy buy?01:22
Farkiebut pro is for commercial01:23
skreetHow do they make money, I guess is my Q.01:23
braxtonparaintj, I like that  pseudonym for windows.01:23
BluesKajroosh, run this in the terminal , sudo nvidia-xconfig01:23
phong__i need to open a babla.log  with gedit text file.. how can i access /tmp folder?01:23
a3istFirstgear, the "shutdown" command from the CLI can take time parameters01:23
skreetbraxton: paraintj:  I hate fanboyism -- sorry :)01:23
Farkieonce you disconnect as a free user it say "THANKS FOR USING FREE VERSION"01:23
braxtonphong__, go into the terminal and type "sudo gedit".01:23
AndrzejLskreet: http://pclinuxos-pl.pastebin.com/2EvnqV4K << like You have asked - after that it hangs - no more lines01:23
paraintjskreet: lol its ok its true you called it I guess I am a linux fanboi these days01:23
phong__i can't see /tmp folder when using open with gedit text program01:23
braxtonphong__, Then you can look at it.01:23
phong__oh okay01:23
braxtonskreet, What is that supposed to mean?01:24
rgottencan anybody help, i installed proftpd and i am getting this fatal error:  Starting ftp server proftpd01:24
rgotten - Fatal: MasqueradeAddress: unable to resolve "myplasticare.serveftp.org" on line 2 of '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'01:24
rgotten   ...fail!01:24
paraintjbraxton: I use 1 copy of win7 for gaming hah that's about it and I strip out all the services its fun.01:24
monokromeIs there a way to skip this whole "Wiping swap space for security" thing01:24
phong__braxton, another word, if i want to open a program with system admin  , i use terminal and sudo program_name ?01:24
siddhionhi again ... does anyone know how to add applications to the Launcher in the panel? for example, i would like to add Chrome to it. All I see now is Firefox01:24
skreetbraxton,  With the 'Everyone should use Linux Winblowz sucks Macs r stupid' stuff, etc.  It's why people stereotype linux users.01:24
siddhioni am using Xfce01:24
braxtonphong__, Pretty much, yeah.01:24
monokromeIt never stops, and it's just ruining my 6th installation attempt.01:24
braxtonskreet, I can have opinions.01:25
phong__braxton, wow complicated.  i wish they got the right click run as admin.01:25
rooshBluesKaj: its here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/447481/01:25
jameschsiddhion: can't you drag and drop?01:25
braxtonphong__, Then go back to windows.01:25
skreetbraxton:  Right there.01:25
skreet"Then go back to Windows."01:25
braxtonskreet, I know.01:25
skreetThat's the stuff I'm talking about.01:25
IdleOnephong_: to run GUI apps like gedit with sudo privs use gksudo gedit01:25
FloodBot2skreet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:25
braxtonskreet, I didn't say I don't like being a fanboy, lol01:25
skreetSorry, FloodBot2.01:25
hufxFirstgear:   -h halt after shutdown (implies -h)    SO 60 SECS IS 1 MIN01:26
siddhionjamesch well first of all the only place i can find the Chrome icon is in Applications>>Networks01:26
skreetbraxton: I got a linux fish on the back of my car.  I'm definately a 'fan', just not a Fanboy.01:26
kreppnarhaha nice01:26
rgottendoes anybody knows what the MasqueradeAddress should be?01:26
braxtonskreet, linux fish?01:26
siddhionjamesch and no i can not drag Chrome to the Launcher01:26
AndrzejLright thank you for the help01:26
jameschsiddhion: with me it was in :internet"01:26
braxtonskreet, I would have gotten a penguin.01:26
kreppnari had a cthulhu fish on the back of my car...but someone ripped it off01:26
skreetbraxton: sec, i'll find a pic.01:26
paraintjskreet: I take it back I guess I'm more of a fanboi of f13 these days then ubuntu but for my teenage sisters and rents ubuntu is the bomb :p01:26
jameschsiddhion: and I could drag and drop it01:26
skreetbraxton: http://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/front/lg-linux-fish.gif01:26
phong__ok anyone help me with error trying to install vmware workstation 7 x64.bundle01:26
BluesKajroosh, that's ok , it's a std output, you now have an xorg.conf file , it should help load X when you login01:27
jameschsiddhion: applications->internet01:27
braxtonskreet, that's nice.01:27
siddhionjamesch are you using Ubutnu because I am using Xubuntu01:27
skreetparaintj: Linux is linux.  they just change the software :]01:27
upgrdmanwhere do i put firmware so the kernel can see it?01:27
jameschsiddhion: ah, yes, I am01:27
a3istupgrdman, cli command "modprobe"01:27
skreetparaintj: We use RHEL at work... it's really old software but still Linux =)01:27
rooshBluesKaj: i also reinstalled gdm, as you or someone else asked. I'll try this out to see itf it works01:27
siddhionjamesch yeah, hmm.01:27
BluesKajroosh, try a reboot01:28
kreppnaranyone here using a Creative Sound Blaster XF-I Platinum?01:28
a3istI've been digging through xmodmap wiki articles and man pages for a while now...anyone know how I can block mouse move (MotionNotify) events unless a certain key is held?  IE, prevent the mouse from moving the pointer/cursor unless a specific button is being held down01:28
skreetkreppnar: I wish :[01:28
phong__can some one help me witht his paste: i'm trying to install vmware 7 :   http://paste.ubuntu.com/447482/01:28
paraintjskreet: wow nice I just started using centos for hosting and it is amazing - you must be a linux system admin that's what my father in law does hes always trying to get me to do that.01:28
kreppnarskreet: it works for me and everything..but the external docking pay with the extra plugins was just left out of the entire picture01:28
upgrdmana3ist, ok. what flag do i need to use with modprobe to install or find the location for firmware01:28
skreetparaintj: Yep, I'm a sysadmin.  Good guess :P01:28
kreppnarskreet: lol its like they didn't want to make a driver in the first place, so they just skipped it01:29
a3istupgrdman, you'd install from a repo or deb like normal, and then udev should detect it automatically on boot01:29
paraintjskreet: yea he tried to get me to use unix years ago and even recently but I ran into ubuntu luckily I am just not unix material01:29
skreetphong_:  My guess is you dont have make, or any other build tools.  run 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'01:29
a3istyou can load or unload modules on demand with modprobe and rmmod01:29
upgrdmana3ist, i have the module. i have the firmware... but where does the firmware go. it's not a package01:29
braxtonI wish I had a programming job, lol01:30
dsfwea23can anyone recommend a good app to take a bunch of mpeg files and put them into chapters for DVD .iso file?01:30
monokromeAnyone know how to get my terminal to not cut off letters on my widescreen? :/01:30
monokromeIn Ubuntu Server01:30
kreppnarparaintj: i love trying all different types of linux's01:30
skreetparaintj:  Being a sysadmin means working at the commandline level 99% of the time.  though we do have linux desktop users...01:30
rooshalright it seems to work for now. Thanks a lot!01:30
paraintjskreet: yea that's how he is too you guys are elite and the fastest when you think about it GUI just slows you down for the most part01:30
skreetparaintj:  For some stuff, yeah.01:30
kreppnarroosh: aye np01:30
kreppnari <3 shell01:31
phong__skreet, how to list current open processes?01:31
raincomplexAfter I enabled nvidia drivers, I hit "log out" instead of "restart" and it complained about not having the nvidia module, then when I rebooted it didn't start X, just left me at the console login. Is there an easy way to fix this or should I just reinstall? (it's a clean install already)01:31
kreppnari spend alot of time in that thing anyway01:31
paraintjkeppnar: nice what distro you having fun with these days? I'm having fun with fedora 13 desktop wise and centos 5.5 for servers01:31
thune3lastlog upgrdman01:31
skreetphong_:  ps aux|less is my preference01:31
phong__skreet, how about current running applications..01:31
phong__that is too much process01:31
skreetraincomplex: Should have given you options about starting in low graphics mode, right?01:31
braxtonparaintj, I don't think I would like any other distros.01:32
skreetphong_:  processes are applications.  I think GNOME has a 'task manager' app of some sort that might give you more details (or less details as it were)01:32
phong__oh okay.01:32
kreppnarparaintj; i have seven computers...i have a server, which i still need a server rack for...but it runs ubuntu-server, this gaming computer runs kubuntu, 1 of my laptops runs Open Suse 11.1, and my other laptop runs Linux Mint, and my PPC mac runs Ubuntu01:32
kreppnarthe other two run slackware 1301:32
kreppnarwhich i really like01:32
a3istI've become a fan of arch linux01:32
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kreppnaranyone here tried Puppy Linux?01:33
skreeta3ist: I was using Arch for a while -- it's nice if you have time to build it up.01:33
skreetI cut my teeth on Gentoo years ago.01:33
paraintjbraxton: other then ubuntu? f13 aint so bad the repos arn't setup as nice as ubuntu though ubuntu really has that going on and the documentation is WAY better atleast from what I have seen.01:33
raincomplexskreet: Yeah, and I picked "just for this session" and then rebooted, then it dropped me at the console.01:33
skreetBut nowadays I'm so busy that I just want it to work.01:33
kreppnarskreet: lol i remember gentoo install... i failed..hard01:33
paraintjkreppnar: open suse that's a distro my father in law tells me is great I have got to try that one some day.01:33
SuperMariohy all01:33
skreetraincomplex:  Are you comfortable at the command line?01:34
a3istgentoo, arch and other lightweight "build it yourself" type distros can pay off big time when you're working with lots of restraints01:34
paraintjkreppnar: what is good about linux mint? I have never heard of that distro01:34
raincomplexskreet: Yes01:34
skreetraincomplex:  Basically, you want to look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why the NVIDIA modules are failing.  Should be (EE) lines with errors.01:34
braxtonparaintj, it's an ubuntu derivative.01:34
kreppnarparaintj: its ubuntu based...very stable though01:34
a3ist!mint | paraintj01:34
ubottuparaintj: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:35
phong__skreet, i can't install vmware.....i am trying to replace existing vmware01:35
phong__skreet, when i click vmware program..it ask to install..but then it fail01:35
skreetphong_:  What happened after you installed build-essential?01:35
kreppnarparaintj: yah i love Linux Mint. It runs well.01:35
phong__how to paste picture01:35
phong__skreet, build is good01:35
ActionParsnipyo yo yo01:36
skreetphong_:  Not sure what it's trying to install but you may have to install as root?  Pasting a picture is more complicated, can you transcribe the error? :)01:36
phong__phong@phong-desktop:~/Downloads$ sudo sh VMware-Workstation-7.0.0-203739.x86_64.bundle01:36
phong__Extracting VMware Installer...done.01:36
ActionParsnipcan someone please give me the output of: ls -al /etc/default/kerneloops     thanks01:36
raincomplexskreet: No valid modes. It's probably this monitor (1920x1080). How do I disable the nvidia module(s)?01:36
skreetraincomplex:  Running 1920x1080 with 9800GT right now...01:36
bastidrazorActionParsnip: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 84 2010-04-19 05:07 /etc/default/kerneloops01:37
skreetAre you using DVI?01:37
raincomplexskreet: Although xrandr tells me it supports 800x600, and I saw that line in the log...01:37
ActionParsnipphong__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player01:37
ActionParsnipbastidrazor: thanks01:37
skreetraincomplex:  DVI or VGA?01:37
raincomplexskreet: The errors are like "Not using built-in mode "WxH" (hsync out of range)" -- VGA01:38
skreetraincomplex:  Is DVI an option?  DVI has better negotiation in my experience.01:38
phong__ActionParsnip, they told me to uninstall everytying first:  this is what i dont know cd /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/misc01:38
rgottencan somebody help...please01:38
phong__<kernel_version> where can i find this info01:38
skreetraincomplex:  If not, you need to start learning about modelines and how to edit Xorg.conf.01:38
skreetphong_:  uname -r01:39
phong__oh okay01:39
phong__skreet, this is what i got: 2.6.32-22-generic01:39
phong__so use it right?01:39
ActionParsnipphong__: run it in a terminal, see if there is stuff there01:39
skreetphong_:  It's kernel version 2.6.32, the rest is Ubuntu-specific.01:39
XStatikDoes ubuntu support the pentium i701:39
skreetXStatik: Yes.01:39
raincomplexskreet: My card only has VGA out; I don't suppose slapping a DVI converter on the end of the cable would do it, eh? :P01:39
XStatikskreet, ty01:39
duke_= =01:40
skreetraincomplex:  Haha, nope.  Go google your monitors model # and "ModeLine"01:40
a3istI've been digging through xmodmap wiki articles and man pages for a while now...anyone know how I can block mouse move (MotionNotify) events unless a certain key is held?  IE, prevent the mouse from moving the pointer/cursor unless a specific button is being held down01:40
kreppnarXstatik: those are nice processors..my friend has one01:40
kreppnardoes anyone know if ubuntu does will with SLI?01:40
XStatikkreppnar, yea i might pick up a new comp that has one01:40
tertl3kreppnar: i would like to know :)01:40
skreetkreppnar:  99.9% sure it does, nvidia drivers are very good.01:40
kreppnarXstatik: yeah a bit expensive for me at the moment..but yeah i would get one01:41
tertl3if you need that much GPU01:41
skreetduke_:  join #ubuntu-jp01:41
tertl3maybe for 3D design01:41
kreppnarhaha yeah i just curious01:41
tertl3or fast FPS games01:41
Typos_King_!jp | duke_01:41
ubottuduke_: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい01:41
kreppnari got a card..but its like two slots wide..and about a foot long..and probly weighs about 3 pounds..dont see how i could fit another one in there01:41
skreetTypos_King_: neat.01:42
skreetkreppnar:  Do you own a hammer?01:42
XStatikkreppnar, sucks there putting windows 7 on all the pcs now01:42
tertl3kreppnar: it goes under or above it i think01:42
raincomplexskreet: The only complication is I copied the xorg.conf.failsafe over the xorg.conf (in hopes that this would at least give me back the old mode) and then it wouldn't even give me a console. So I'm on the liveCD.01:42
skreetXStatik:  Not a fan?  I'm digging 7.01:42
kreppnarXstatik: yeah i wish you could walk into a store a have an option to buy a formated computer..would save alot on price :p01:42
Typos_King_!fr | TANK01:43
ubottuTANK: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:43
XStatikskreet, ive never used it, just looks and sounds scary01:43
skreetXStatik:  It's like Vista, but without all the /slow/01:43
TANKdo I look french?01:43
tertl3that wasnt french01:43
Typos_King_'look'? hehe01:43
kreppnarXstatik: haha i used the RC1 version of 7, and it was fail01:43
skreetkreppnar:  I used an RC, probably 2.  What didn't you like about it?01:43
* tertl3 goes to play Nexuiz01:44
kreppnarskreet: its windows :p01:44
Typos_King_TANK:   dunno about that, you look new zealander actually :P, your hostmask does though01:44
skreetkreppnar:  Oh, we're going with that eh?01:44
XStatikkreppnar, yea i never had time to install the rc101:44
skreetThought we were having a conversation.01:44
kreppnarskreet: lol im pure Linux now01:44
skreetkreppnar:  I got 2 Linux, 3 Windows (XP, 7, XP) and a Mac.01:44
XStatikis the ATI Radeon HD 5570 a good video card01:44
TANKTypos_King_: Really? then my security is doing something right01:44
phong__is there a way to completedly uninstall vmware01:44
skreetNot being bias is fun!01:44
phong__got i can't never get it to work01:44
kreppnarXstatik: for Linux i just prefer Nvidia cards :D but thats just me01:45
skreetXStatik: Gotta go nvidia for Linux these days.  Terrible ATI support.01:45
TANKkreppnar: nvidia drivers for linux are usually more complete than ATI ones, thats why01:45
XStatikskreet, im trying to find a good phat nvidia pc on bestbuy.com01:46
Typos_King_well, I have an Intel 915gms  and works peachy :P~01:46
XStatikI dont feel like building a pc right now01:46
kreppnarXstatik: New egg is your friend :p01:46
skreetXStatik:  I like Dell for prebuilts.01:46
TANKxstatik: try lenovo, theyre having a sale01:46
skreetdesktops though?01:46
=== Kane_Hart_2 is now known as Kane_Hart
kreppnarXstatik: maybe you can find a good company that sells pre installed Ubuntu machines01:47
ActionParsnipyo yo01:47
kreppnarXstatik: just stay clear of Alienware..ive seen those things get returned so many times because of Video card problems01:47
ActionParsnipkreppnar: and heat01:47
XStatikskreet, windows 7's backwards compatible right01:47
kreppnarthey just dont have the best cooling01:47
duke_= =01:48
kreppnarspecially when they cram 2 1 gg video cards in there with SLI in a laptop..LulFail01:48
rgottenanybody know what is the MasqueradeAddress01:48
XStatikOrigin pc's were showcased on G4 as the fastest gaming laptops on the market01:48
ActionParsniprgotten: its used in systems running as routers01:48
phong__skreet, do u want to access to my pc ?01:48
phong__skreet, i need help with getting vmware to work.01:48
ActionParsnipXStatik: voodoopc is fast too01:48
kreppnari have VMware 7 on here working well01:49
phong__ActionParsnip, can u help me?01:49
XStatikI want a pc that can support having multiple 3d programs open at once01:49
phong__ActionParsnip, how to start vnc and open port so u can access help me getting vmware to work?01:49
rgottenActionParsnip: i just installed proftpd and i am getting an erro on the MasqueradeAddress..any idea?01:49
kreppnarXstatik: lol well with enough ram, and that i7 processor, and a nvidia card or two...you should have no problems..lol01:50
XStatikkreppnar, thats what im thinking01:50
XStatikI can always replace the ATI card with a nvidia01:50
kreppnarXstatik: aye01:50
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kreppnarXstatik: i have the Nvidia eGeforce 7900 GTX 512 mb pci express 16x01:50
TANKwho here knows stuff about xfce? has a question01:51
kreppnarXstatik: was 500 dollars when i bought it...and now its like 100....sad01:51
XStatikkreppnar, damn the luck01:51
ActionParsnipphong__: i dont use vnc, i think its vulgar01:51
raincomplexskreet: no luck on the modeline search... how do I revert to before enabling the drivers?01:51
XStatikHow does this look http://www.bestbuy.com/site/HP+-+Pavilion+Elite+Desktop+/+Intel%26%23174%3B+Core%26%23153%3B+i7+Processor+/+8GB+Memory+/+1TB+Hard+Drive/9919073.p?id=1218195230378&skuId=991907301:51
hiexpokreppnar,  they always do that01:51
BluesKajkreppnar, it will work fine with nvidia current driver01:51
kreppnarXstatik: computer hardware is constantly dropping in prices01:51
phong__what do u use?01:51
ActionParsnipphong__: ssh or web interfaces01:52
kreppnaryeah i use the standard Nvidia driver provided01:52
phong__i dont know, but how will i let u access01:52
XStatikkreppnar, i could probably build a beefy computer with 1200$01:52
kreppnardoes well01:52
phong__i need ur help my friend01:52
kreppnari run a AMD system as well01:52
kreppnarwas gonna go for the FX dual core..but at the time it was 100001:52
hiexponvidia gets more linux support01:52
kreppnari hate when companies fail at linux support :(01:53
zetherooI am experiencing a big lag between the GDM and the desktop ..... what could be causing this?01:54
kreppnardoes it just not load or takes forever to load?01:54
zetherooit loads .. just takes so much longer than Karmic did01:55
TANKanyways: I have 2 quake 3 shortcuts in the "other" applications list in xfce? how can I go about changing that to one shortcut in the games application list01:55
ubuntujust installed linux and xchat ghome. ho can i log into my bnc shell?01:55
ActionParsnipzetheroo: read dmesg01:55
TANKyes. i've compiled quake and I feel like a bawss01:55
=== ubuntu is now known as [DreamZ]
hoosiers83any particular reason why in ubuntu my fans are running full speed, 100% of the time.  nothing's running, cpu usage is very low.  i don't have this issue in win7, unless i'm playing a new game01:55
zetherooActionParsnip: how do I do that again? ... just in the terminal right ... ?01:55
ActionParsnipzetheroo: yes run:    dmesg | less     and read01:56
kreppnarzetheroo: i was having some problems with loading too..but mine wouldn't load at all..found out that my .ICEAuthority in my home folder didn't have write permissions...so i kept having to chmod it01:56
[DreamZ]anyidea how i input my shell bnc details on xchat? im used to mirc01:56
ActionParsnipTANK: right click the menu and select edit menu01:56
zetherooActionParsnip: anything to look out for?01:56
phong_anyone here is kind enough to help me with vmware ?01:56
kreppnar[DreamZ] bnc details?01:56
kreppnarphong__ whats going on with it?01:57
ActionParsnipzetheroo: large gaps in the time on the left, towards the bottom01:57
phong_i really need you to remote access to my ubuntu and help..i am not good at ubuntu01:57
paraintjok my friends thanks for the help I'm off a bit everything is setup so nice01:57
[DreamZ]kreppnar: yea, like ip port number etc01:57
ActionParsnipphong_: have you considered virtualbox. its a lot easier01:57
phong_kreppnar, it always ask me to do a vmware kernal update01:57
kreppnar[DreamZ] have you tried "man xchat"?01:57
TANKActionparsnip: not using GNOME, using xfce01:57
TANKright clicky dont work01:57
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phong_and when it did ...it fail 3 updates01:57
ActionParsnipTANK: you can look in /usr/share/applications  the desktop files there make up the menu01:58
kreppnarphong__ : does this help any? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/827862/why-i-need-to-re-compile-vmware-kernel-module-after-a-linux-kernel-upgrade01:58
[DreamZ]kreppnar: how do i install man xchat?01:59
kreppnarnah you dont01:59
kreppnarman is a manual program01:59
kreppnarjust type in man xchat02:00
zetherooActionParsnip: is there a way to get the output of that command into a text file ...?02:00
[DreamZ]im on live cd02:00
phong_kreppnar, i have not a clue, anyway i will isntall virtual box02:00
koshieIf I want to make a dd (for make an USB Live with an .iso of Ubuntu) I will use an USB key with a new table of partition with any file system, unmounted (the key) and I will make the dd on (for example) on /dev/sdb and not /dev/sdb1 right ?02:00
[DreamZ]kreppnar: is there a way to partition one of my other hdds so i can install ubuntu?02:00
kreppnarphong_: i was having trouble with Virtual Box.02:00
TANKkoshie: I believe its gonna be sdb102:00
kreppnar[DreamZ] i personally like to use cfdisk02:00
TANKremember, sda is usually a harddrive, so dont screw that up!02:01
kreppnar[DreamZ] gparted is another good one02:01
koshieTANK, Are you sure ?02:01
koshieFrom memories... On the debian wiki it say on sdb and NOT on sdb102:01
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I have a Sony Vaio VGN-CR520d and whenever I put down the lid this light at the bottom of the laptop comes on. Does anyone know how I could disable this in Ubuntu 10.04?02:01
koshieI'm searching TANK.02:01
TANKim almost completely positive, I was playing around with archlinux last night, thats how mine worked at least02:01
TANKkk koshie, make sure02:01
[DreamZ]ok but kreppnar: i have some shit on the hdd like 360 isos etc, it wont delete them all will it? i just want to make a 1gb partition so i can use ubuntu etc02:01
kreppnarshould give you an option to just resize it02:01
kreppnarshouldn't hurt the existing partition02:02
paul__there is a partition editor yea02:02
zetherooActionParsnip: nvm ... I did it with   dmesg > output.txt02:02
[DreamZ]ok is gparted a windows app yea?02:02
fuzzybunny69y[DreamZ], you could use Wubi if you have windows installed02:02
kreppnarsudo apt-get install gparted02:02
BluesKaj1gb isn't gonna cut it [DreamZ]02:02
paul__wipe windows. you will thank me later02:02
kreppnaryeah ubuntu takes about up to 3 gigs02:02
[DreamZ]i can make a 7gb partition its not a problem...02:03
kreppnarso yeah gparted lets you resize your partition for windows to make room for linux02:03
[DreamZ]but when i boot my pc, will it give me an option to boot into windows or ubuntu from another hdd i have installed?02:03
mdl-unitSo, uh, I bought an external 2TB USB hard drive, it came formatted NTFS... should I leave it as is or format as ext4?02:03
koshieTANK, in the french wiki of ArchLinux I've see that : "dd if=archlinux-2009.08-core-i686.img of=/dev/sdb"02:03
[DreamZ]kreppnar: are u on efnet?02:04
paul__ya should give you the option to boot either02:04
kreppnarmdl-unit: you just plan on using it for strictly linux?02:04
[DreamZ]i can log into windows and talk to you then?02:04
hoosiers83is there a reason why my fans are running full speed, 100% of the time in ubuntu 10.04.  but not in win7, unless while gaming?   there's very little cpu usage, no reason for it02:04
hlx_Does anybody here use KDevelop? All I have is C++, I would like to add more. Do not know how.02:04
kreppnar[DreamZ] : No, but i do have skype and MSN02:04
mdl-unitI don't forsee using it in anything other than linux, but I guess I could envision a scenario where I would want to access it otherwise... bleh02:04
[DreamZ]ok kreppnar: add me dannyman31"hotmail.com02:04
[DreamZ]@ *02:04
[DreamZ]ill be on in a min02:05
zetheroook here is the output of dmesg on my machine ... I cannot find any errors but there are a few lags (I think) ... though what to do I am not sure ... is it normal to have such a long output right after booting up? http://paste.ubuntu.com/447501/02:05
kreppnarmdl-unit: well if gparted can take a linux partition and resize it to make room for a windows partition..then i dont see why it would be no problem to make it a ext402:06
mdl-unitkreppnar, that's a good point, thanks02:06
kreppnarmdl-unit : aye np02:06
hoosiers83hmmm  weird.  i've done nothing and the fans are finally slowing down.   took 30 minutes to realize all i'm running is xchat.   lol02:08
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I have a Sony Vaio VGN-CR520d and whenever I put down the lid this light at the bottom of the laptop comes on. Does anyone know how I could disable this in Ubuntu 10.04?02:08
hoosiers83was kinda freaking out02:08
FloodBot2lamsin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
zetheroodisappointing cause I was really looking forward to a faster desktop experience with Lucid ... but it takes longer to get to the GDM from boot and even longer to get to the desktop ... :P02:09
BjornLopezTired of niggers?02:09
phong_why am i having problem with this: Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'02:09
phong_isntalling virtualbox02:09
BjornLopezSick of their monkeyshines?02:09
BjornLopezTired of nappy-ass nigger idiots being subhuman apes?02:09
zetheroophong_: get the 64bit version?02:09
BjornLopezJoin Chimpout Forum!02:10
FloodBot2BjornLopez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:10
BjornLopezc h i m p o u t . c o m / f o r u m02:10
phong_what is i386? 32 bit?02:10
zetheroophong_: Cpu architecture02:11
hoosiers83hmm well.  i guess the ubuntu irc chat aura fixed my fans.  if they start going nuts again i'll be back here and confused.  :)02:11
phong_zetheroo, i have I702:11
zetheroophong_: are you running 64bit Ubuntu?02:11
mary_I have an ati rage 128 and Lucid is loading a fb driver instead of r128 lspci -k shows,  aty128fb instead of r128, how can I get it to load the correct mod?02:11
phong_zetheroo, i think so02:11
jub369help i got a floppy drive and when i insert a blank floppy and hit detect media so i can format it ubuntu searchs and find nothing02:11
KB1JWQphong_: What does uname -a say?02:11
phong_Linux phong-desktop 2.6.32-22-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 3 19:31:57 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:11
KB1JWQYes, that's 64 bits.02:12
zetheroophong_: 64bit02:12
phong_oh okay.02:12
pr0xyhey, wildbat thanks again for helping with my external drive02:12
phong_yeah, it is installling virtualbox now02:12
zetheroophong_: so you need the 64bit version of everything you install on that system02:12
zetherooanyone else having long boot/login times?02:13
jub369nope i boot nice and quick02:13
pr0xyI used to, zetheroo02:13
MaxCrashI have a Acer Aspire running Ubuntu remix 10,04 and the suspend does work. do anyone have a insight on this?02:13
zetheroojub369: nice :)02:14
zetheroopr0xy: solution?02:14
jub369help i got a floppy drive and when i insert a blank floppy and hit detect media so i can format it ubuntu searchs and find nothing ( even tried Kfloppy )02:14
pr0xyI replace fedora 12 with ubuntu.02:14
zetheroojub369: you can't be serious ... I mean ... about using floppy's .... :D02:15
pr0xyno joke, I had a 20 minute boot time from power on to login window02:15
jub369yhea when i made my serer i made it with everything02:15
jub369smartmicro cd/dvd/floppy02:15
jub369all in one02:15
monokromeDoes anyone know how to set up the tty font to work for 915 resolution?02:16
RobNychello everyone how come i just booted up on ubuntu 10.04 and im getting a gdm with a login required?02:16
jub369now i got a loptop that only boots floppy so i trying to make a bootable flopy disk here but ubuntu wont pick up floppy disk02:16
pr0xyjub369: try using some media that wasn't outdated around a decade ago.02:16
monokromeMy text cuts off the screen02:16
pr0xytry a cd/dvd/usb drive02:16
zetherooRobNyc: why not?02:16
jub369doestnt have usb02:16
mary_anyone know how I can stop aty128fb from loading as my vid driver and get r128 to load?02:16
hlx_usb key?02:16
jub369or cd on the pc02:16
monokromeEveryone says to use /boot/grub/menu.lst02:16
monokromebut grub2 doesn't use that02:17
pr0xyhow old is the PC02:17
RobNyczetheroo: since when theres a login required i dont even know what sthe login on this livecd never happened before02:17
duke_= =02:17
jub369old its a compaq presino 109002:17
zetheroo jub369: no usb on the laptop? how old is this thing again?02:17
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I have a Sony Vaio VGN-CR520d and whenever I put down the lid this light at the bottom of the laptop comes on. Does anyone know how I could disable this in Ubuntu 10.04?02:17
jub369nothing but harddrive and floppy disk02:17
XStatikwhat is the largest pci slot02:17
jub369over 10 to 15 years old02:17
jub369one of the first compaq laptops02:18
pr0xyjub369: okay, can you show some pics of all of the ports, so i know what i'm working with?02:18
zetherooRobNyc: so your booting from the LiveCD and it's asking you to login?02:18
RobNyczetheroo: yes02:18
jub3691 min02:18
zetherooRobNyc: makes no sense ...02:18
RobNycit doesnt02:18
gbear14275anyone gotten pci passthrough to work with kvm on ubuntu 10.04?02:19
zetherooRobNyc: your at a login screen and your running straight from the bootup CD?02:19
RobNyczetheroo: correct02:20
pr0xyjub369: have you looked into any legacy programs?02:20
zetherooRobNyc: did you do a logout or anything?02:20
stuartpbentleyI'm having some trouble with installing IUP as described in http://novalug.com/node/82 (sort of)02:20
RobNyczetheroo: nope i just popped in the cd, went to the kitchen for 10mins came back and was at login prompt02:20
zetherooRobNyc: and what is on the machine? Windows?02:21
pr0xyCan anyone help me with PlaneShift?02:21
stuartpbentleyI've copied the lib*51.so files to /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1 and renamed them to just the *.so02:21
zetherooRobNyc: ddi you make this CD yourself?02:21
jub369proxy u want me to put it on sendspace02:21
zetherooRobNyc: and was it an ISO from the Ubuntu site?02:21
stuartpbentleybut now when I require() them they can't find the other libraries02:22
RobNyczetheroo: yes i just burned it on here from my macbook02:22
zetherooRobNyc: turn the system off and try again ... this time stick around and watch ....02:22
RobNyczetheroo: doing so now02:22
stuartpbentleyie. require("iuplua") can't find libiup.so02:22
pr0xyjub369: ok. link? also there's a '0' not an 'o' in my name. I'm not getting alerts.02:22
Anthony0is sir loell is here???02:22
zetherooRobNyc: and it is definitely an Ubuntu login ...02:23
stuartpbentleyhow can/should I set up IUP so it can work?02:23
moliangfengI come from china!02:23
MaxCrashI have a Acer Aspire running Ubuntu remix 10.04 and when I put it in suspend mode it locks up, same thing happens when I close the lid.. Does anyone have a insight on this?02:23
jon_high9000I have been experiencing problems trying to install Ubuntu 10.04. when i load and restart i get the splash screen or whatever and anything i press afterward it goes to sleep and does't install02:23
jub369pr0xy want me to pm u links02:23
pr0xyjub369: k02:23
gbear14275thats a big flop02:24
gbear14275anyone here have a service contract with canonical?  I'm thinking about getting one02:24
pr0xycan anyone help me with PlaneShift?02:25
mary_for Lucid how do they write the Home Page in firefox so you pull that up?02:25
pr0xyhit the home button...02:25
mary_no the name they use02:25
mary_it's ubuntu something...02:25
pr0xymary_: about:home02:25
mary_instead of an url it's just a name02:25
mary_ahh ok02:26
pr0xymary_: or http://start.ubuntu.com/10.04/Google/02:26
mary_yeah about:home thanks02:26
falserunes_how do you add station to rhythmbox and where might I find ogg-vorbis stations02:26
mary_now I need if someone can PLEASE help me to get my vid driver loaded, on startup Lucid is loading aty128fb instead of r12802:27
juliohi yall, i'm experiencing strange video behaviour on lucid, anyone with time to help me out?02:27
falserunes_have you tried radeon driver instead02:27
guoanybody can speek Chinese?02:27
foxmulder881guo; join #ubuntu-cn02:28
zetherooguo: what you need is someone who can read and write chinese :)02:28
Ganymede!cn | guo02:28
ubottuguo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:28
falserunes_with ati based cards you can usually get them running with envyng02:29
mary_oh what a pain in the rear I thought damm Lucid wouldn't being acting like this02:29
* mary_ bangs head02:29
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falserunes_what are you getting too and why do you think your driver isn't loaded02:29
=== downix is now known as A`Adjensenu
mary_why the heck wouldn't X load the correct vid driver instead of a fb driver?02:30
moliangfeng我有个SHARP ar-3818s无LINUX驱动怎么办?02:30
Exxonguys ! how to join mint.02:30
moliangfeng 我有个SHARP ar-3818s无LINUX驱动怎么办????02:30
mary_moliangfeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:31
mary_this is ENGLISH channel :)02:31
foxmulder881Cut the Chinese crap and join a native language channel.02:31
phong_is virtualbox free?02:31
foxmulder881phong_; yes.02:32
Jordan_U!cn | moliangfeng02:32
ubottumoliangfeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:32
TANKI would like to try recompiling quake 3 arena, how can I make sure that my first attempt is cleanly removed?02:32
falserunes_praise the open source software community02:32
KB1JWQ!jp | moliangfeng02:32
ubottumoliangfeng: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい02:32
hyuukaiim having a problem with  nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio i have no sound :/02:32
foxmulder881TANK; since when does q3 require compiling?02:32
xxporfoxmulder881: its GPL, the code is mainly used to write mods02:33
TANKfoxmulder881: since im ripping it off the windows version?02:33
falserunes_they are here to save us from M#cro$0ft02:33
fearfulhyuukai, be more specific please02:33
jon_high9000can anybody help me out getting started installing Ubuntu 10.04?02:33
GryllidaHow do I turn font smoothing off in Firefox on linux?02:33
hyuukaii have  nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio and i am getting no sound output?02:33
TANKbut if you can, can you point me to the open source one? that would work too02:33
foxmulder881TANK; are you using it to build something else or just for q3 game itself?02:33
hyuukaithats best i can do lol02:33
TANKjust Q302:34
fearfulhyuukai, what version of ubuntu02:34
hyuukainewest one02:34
xxporTANK: do you have the pk3?02:34
foxmulder881TANK; so why do you have to compile?02:34
fearfulhyuukai, sec02:34
mary_does anyone know how I can get Lucid to load my vid driver for r128 instead of a fb driver that it's loading?02:34
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I have a Sony Vaio VGN-CR520d and whenever I put down the lid this light at the bottom of the laptop comes on. Does anyone know how I could disable this in Ubuntu 10.04?02:34
foxmulder881TANK; just run it through wine and it works a treat.02:34
TANKfoxmulder881: even on a netbook?02:35
foxmulder881TANK; Should do.02:35
xxporfoxmulder881: there is a linux native client of q302:35
falserunes_Mart: does lucid no longer support the xorg.conf file02:35
TANKfoxmulder881: ill try it, thanks02:35
foxmulder881TANK; I just run the Windows version through wine. Or used to...02:35
xxporTANK: h/o02:35
enyawixthis distro offer a net install? trying not to download a BIG cd or dvd iso02:35
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phong_i'm installing win7 with virtualbox02:36
fearfulhyuukai, have you checked the sound options?02:36
phong_is virtualbox cool?02:36
falserunes_why windows02:36
mezquitaleyes it is02:36
hyuukaito do what? make sure sound is up? yes02:36
fearfulphong_, yes I have win7 works like a charm on virtual box.02:36
=== mezquitale is now known as tucemiux_
Jordan_U!mini | enyawix02:36
ubottuenyawix: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:36
Gryllida!netinstall | enyawix02:37
ubottuenyawix: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:37
mary_anyone here good with X, can help me to get it to load my correct driver because it won't?02:37
xxporTANK: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/51375-installing-quake-iii.html#post28139202:37
tucemiux_virtualbox is good, just dont try to sysprep win7 or try to test WDS on virtualbox, it doesnt work02:37
Gryllidafalserunes_: "why windows"? whatwhat?02:37
falserunes_I would try if I would get a response from you MARY02:37
foxmulder881Gryllida; I guess some people still use Windows!02:37
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TANKxxpor: ty for the link02:37
foxmulder881I do.02:37
xxporTANK: np02:37
mary_falserunes: what ya mean if you got a response?02:38
falserunes_what do you need windows for?02:38
xxporfindM: no02:38
TANKfoxmulder881: If windows is life without walls, then wtf do you need windows for?02:38
foxmulder881TANK; work stuff.02:38
findMcan anyone tell me how to reinstall cron?02:38
falserunes_does lucid no longer support xorg.conf file02:38
mary_yes it does, but you don't need one02:38
TANKfoxmulder881: wine isnt just for games dood02:38
trismGryllida: you need to edit your ~/.fonts.conf, this is an example without antialiasing http://pastebin.com/JbQZgFue02:38
falserunes_well why can't you make it use the conf file just to make it work?02:39
foxmulder881TANK; yeah I know. What makes you think I thought that?02:39
Jordan_U!grub2 | monokrome02:39
ubottumonokrome: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:39
Gryllidatrism: but it has aliasing and hinting settings, while I want to turn _smoothing_ off.02:39
falserunes_there must be some way to override huh?02:39
mary_falserunes: I made the xorg.conf but it still loads aty128fb at startup and not my r128 driver even though it shows up in xorg.conf02:40
fearfulhyuukai, did you check your sound preferences, to see if anything is muted and the correct channels are working?02:40
falserunes_wait,, I know this one...02:40
hyuukaifearful nothing is muted in sound preferences02:40
fearfulhyuukai, have you tried using Pulse Audio?02:41
hyuukaifearful no?02:41
MaxCrashI have a Acer Aspire running Ubuntu remix 10.04 and when I put it in suspend mode it locks up, same thing happens when I close the lid.. Does anyone have a insight on this?02:41
phong_oh my god, how can i get cursor out of virtualbox02:41
phong_to ubuntu02:41
p1oooopright control?02:41
phong_i got stuck in virtual box02:41
p1oooopcontrol alt delete?02:41
foxmulder881phong_; right ctrl key.02:41
p1oooopi think the default is right control02:42
Dr_WillisRight ctrl Key = 'ungrab'02:42
phong_ok let me try again02:42
falserunes_fisrt things first, have you downloaded the driver in synaptic?02:42
Dr_WillisTIme to check the virtualbox manual :)02:42
falserunes_or some other way?02:42
trismGryllida: oh I see, you want like the best shapes setting in Appearance/Fonts? didn't realize, just set antialiasing to true, and that's setting is pretty close (that's what I have, I turned on antialiasing cause I was confused about what you wanted)02:42
enyawixthank you Jordan_U02:42
fearfulhyuukai, do you have the drivers installed?02:42
trismGryllida: turned off that is02:42
hyuukaifearful pulseaudio? according to synpatic i do it ahs a green box in synaptic?02:43
fearfulhyuukai, ok, well do you have the suitable drivers?02:43
fearfulhyuukai, and up to date02:43
Gryllidatrism: I have full hinting, no smoothing, no idea what about antialiasing02:43
hyuukaifearful i have not done anything but a clean install of ubuntu02:43
fearfulhyuukai, ok02:43
fearfulhyuukai, one sec02:44
juan_can anyone tell me were the mount point for the ipod touch is at? i can't find it.02:44
phong_foxmulder881, u are right about the key02:44
phong_foxmulder881, u're the best of the best.02:44
mary_back falserunes02:44
foxmulder881phong_; cheers mate. Glad you got it sorted.02:44
trismGryllida: if you have smoothing set to none, then you want antialiasing false02:45
trismGryllida: and you should set hintstyle to medium02:45
phong_foxmulder881, if it is free why vmware sale it?02:45
tucemiux_juan_, is it a brand spanking new ipod touch?02:45
trismGryllida: I mean full02:45
phong_foxmulder881, stupid vmware02:45
dayrotHi everyone! I am having trouble sharing folders over the network from an NTFS drive between two computers both running Ubuntu. I have been searching all over for the solution, but have yet to find it. Anyone have any suggestions?02:45
Gryllidatrism: will JUST full anti-aliasing solve it?02:45
falserunes_what is your vendor:device number?02:45
phong_foxmulder881, i'm sure no one buy vmware..they rather use virtualbox02:45
boingnewbee, I would like to install compiz but stuck at apt-get install compiz02:45
juan_tucemiux. no it's about 3weeks old02:45
phong_foxmulder881, vmware should close down?02:46
falserunes_and have you gotten the driver module downloaded02:46
tucemiux_juan_, i mean have you ever connected the ipod to any computer ?02:46
trismGryllida: just play around with the settings till you get what you like, it updates as soon as you refresh a page so you get instant feedback02:46
foxmulder881phong_; vmware is mainly for commercial environment and is much more advanced and capable that vb.02:46
mary_falserunes: I'm using the X driver02:46
falserunes_so, you have it?02:46
tucemiux_dayrot, can you describe the trouble you are having sharing the folders?02:46
phong_foxmulder881, like what is 1 thing advance?02:46
falserunes_what card are you using?02:47
juan_tucemiux. yes, and i can see it and use it here on this os. but i need to find out the mount point so i can use my virtual box with it.02:47
phong_foxmulder881, all we want is to run os  what advance can it be better ;002:47
mary_falserunes: I just made an xorg.conf -- sudo Xorg -configure and in it now it says  Driver      "r128"02:47
mary_                                  02:47
Gryllidatrism: ok02:47
Ganymedeso i had this XFS partition at /dev/sdd...it used to mount fine a LONG time ago...then /dev/sdd just didn't appear to the kernel for a while....today /dev/sdd appears again but i can't mount it. the xfs volume seems to not be there...sudo fdisk -l shows sdd1 but blkid shows no UUID, it can't be mounted, and xfs_check claims it's not a XFS filesystem, what can i do?02:47
mary_falserunes:  Rage 128 Pro Ultra TR02:47
foxmulder881phong_; virtualization goes beyond just running an operating system at home.02:47
fearfulhyuukai, I have no idea man I was trying to search for a solution. Sorry02:47
phong_foxmulder881, i see02:47
mary_falserunes:  that's what lspci says, it's a rage 128 pro pci card02:47
hyuukaifearful oh :/ thanks anyway ive read around it was a problem though it would be solved02:48
hyuukaifearful im a noob though02:48
boingnewbee, I would like to install compiz but stuck at apt-get install compiz02:48
jon_high9000is there anyway to get the live cd for Ubuntu 10.04 to behave so i can install it?02:48
phong_foxmulder881, i saw the settign in virtual box  1 cpu to 16cpu  > i have Intel i7  so how many cpu is that?02:48
fearfulhyuukai, we are all noobs here, we can never learn enough02:48
phong_foxmulder881, currently i set it to 102:48
foxmulder881phong_; especially when you get multiple servers running performing different tasks. Then it all gets complicated. You see what I mean.02:49
falserunes_ok, great then if the driver is downloaded then it should be using it right02:49
hufxjon_high9000: what do u mean   install it?02:49
phong_foxmulder881, i dont know but i'm setting it to 1 ...is that okay?02:49
dayrotSure, I set a folder to shared using the GUI, when I browse to it from the client and attempt to open/mount it, it says "Unable to mount location. Failed to mount windows share"02:49
foxmulder881phong_; I'm assuming your cpu is dual-core.02:49
phong_foxmulder881, Quad core I702:49
mary_falserunes: should be but it's not, this is what lspci -k says:02:49
mary_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TR02:49
mary_Kernel modules: aty128fb02:49
jon_high9000<hufx> install the OS.02:49
phong_4 cores = 8 thread02:49
trismGryllida: man fonts.conf documents the settings that are available02:50
foxmulder881phong_; try setting it to 4 and see what happens.02:50
boingphong_,  oh yea02:50
fearfulhyuukai, google "nvidia audio driver for ubuntu 10.04" some promising02:50
phong_foxmulder881, core = cpu?02:50
phong_i thought i only have 1 physical cpu02:50
mary_falserunes: Lucid is loading a fb driver instead of r128 :(02:50
foxmulder881phong_; no.02:50
dayrotI have no problem with sharing folders which are on my OS drive.02:50
falserunes_open the conf file again to make sure it saved if you haven't already02:50
foxmulder881phong_; you do. But that one cpu has 4 cores running.02:50
phong_so my setting is correct..... 1 cpu02:51
juan_tucemiux. do you happen to know were it's at?02:51
boingit is partition like a hard drive02:51
holmser_I'm trying to get snort to update using oinkmaster, but it seems like the version that I have installed with apt-get is depreciated.02:51
phong_foxmulder881, so my setting is correct then...i set to 1 cpu02:51
foxmulder881phong_; much as my own old Pentium D is only single core. Meaning it runs only one core.02:51
findMhelp im trying to start cron02:51
foxmulder881phong_; yes, leave it set to one and you won't have any dramas then.02:51
falserunes_what does your glxinfo say02:51
phong_foxmulder881, i got ur core point02:51
findMbut i keep getting cron: 45: start-stop-daemon: not found02:51
findMwhat does that mean?!02:51
tucemiux_juan_, no sorry, I typically used amarok to put songs into an ipod, never bothered finding out where the ipod was mounted, amarok worked like a charm02:51
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findMim on hardy install02:52
findMwhat am i doing wrong?!02:52
phong_foxmulder881, last question for u, is it better to run windows and have ubuntu run in virtual box?02:52
phong_or vice versa02:52
juan_tucemiux. it won't for me. it says it doesn't support mp3 does not reading my ipod.02:52
findMi searched the google but no answers02:52
tucemiux_i have noticed windows running better in ubuntu than windows on the hardware02:52
phong_foxmulder881, i'm very confused about it.02:53
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hyuukaifearful no idea :(02:53
Ganymedehow would i identify what filesystem is on a partition...i have this partition here and i KNOW it has valid data on it...but i can't mount i02:53
dayrottucemiux_ did you get that?02:53
foxmulder881phong_; what are you confused about?02:53
tucemiux_juan_,  have you installed mp3 functionality in ubuntu?02:53
guoanybody has PS/2 Compatible Mouse driver for linux?02:53
phong_foxmulder881, should i run windows and have ubuntu as in vb02:53
phong_or the other way02:53
juan_tucemiux. don't know what are the packages name?02:53
foxmulder881phong_; whichever is your preference. Personally I just dual-boot and don't bother with virtual machines.02:54
mary_falserunes: xorg.conf is fine02:54
phong_foxmulder881, i have 2 choices to choose:        windows then ubuntu in vb  or ubuntu have windows in vb02:54
tucemiux_dayrot, nope, you have to describe the problem you are having, all in one line, otherwise youre going to lose everyone if you type line by line02:54
hyuukaibtw fearful this is onboard sound from mobo02:54
foxmulder881phong_; what do you do and use most?02:54
falserunes_ok, bear with me, I have to get it figured out on my end, I'm tying02:54
Jordan_Uguo: PS2 mice should Just Work™02:55
jalexbrownI'm having problems with Flash 10.0 r45 on Ubuntu 10.04 with Firefox.02:55
phong_most of my work is windows02:55
mary_falserunes: xorg.conf --- http://pastebin.com/FsMJB52Y02:55
phong_foxmulder881, and i am currently trying to learn linux02:55
tucemiux_juan_, how do you "add/remove" software in the version of ubuntu that you have?  I typically go to "Add/Remove Applications" then search for "mp3" and then install "ubuntu restricted extras" package02:55
hyuukainVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio anyone know how to get this working?02:55
jalexbrownEvery time I go to a Flash-enabled page, my browser will crash.02:55
foxmulder881phong_; so definately use Windows as your host and just have Linux as your guest(s).02:55
dayrottucemiux_, I set a folder to shared using the GUI, when I browse to it from the client and attempt to open/mount it, it says "Unable to mount location. Failed to mount windows share"02:56
TANKphong_: ive been playing around with linux for about a month, and im loving it.02:56
foxmulder881phong_; especially considering you're only still learning!02:56
phong_tank is it easy to learn?02:56
Strongholdin my humble opinion linux should be the guest as there is a crapton more support for windows-based virtual machines right now. However the best idea is dual boot.02:56
foxmulder881phong_; yep. I recommend you learn the command line also. Valuable knowledge.02:56
hlx_try xenserver free02:56
TANKphong_ ubuntu is a great start, but if you want to have a crash course, use archlinux for at least a day02:57
tucemiux_dayrot,  you are sharing the ntfs drive in ubuntu and attempting to access from another machine using ubuntu?02:57
hlx_is LFS still around?02:57
TANKim running xubuntu on this netbook im using02:57
dayrottucemiux_, Correct.02:57
guo请问我的触摸板在xp下认出来是PS/2 Compatible Mouse,但是在linux下却不能用02:57
xxporTANK: phong_: I learned the most about linux just doing a gentoo install02:57
mary_falserunes: just pm ok, cause I have to work on a computer next to me THANKS02:57
hyuukainVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio anyone know how to get this working?02:57
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:57
xxpor!cn | guo02:57
ubottuguo: please see above02:57
TANKxxpor: howd that work out for ya?02:57
mary_falserunes: or make sure you msg to my nick in the channel so I see it :)02:58
tucemiux_in my humble opinion, windows should never touch a hard drive, it runs too flaky, windows actually runs **faster** as a virtual machine within ubuntu02:58
phong_foxmulder881, wow, i can't click on accept..i just did crtl+alt+del02:58
jalexbrownDoes anyone know of an application that will let me access databases on a SQL Server in Windows from Ubuntu?02:58
phong_sorry foxmulder88102:58
xxporTANK: great. Ive done it 10 times now. I would still be using it on my desktop if it wasnt such a pain to get my wlan working02:58
Rodericklol root02:58
tucemiux_dayrot, on the machine that has the ntfs drive, try creating a permanent mount for it02:59
TANKxxpor: wireless card?02:59
xxporTANK: yea02:59
phong_foxmulder881, is there a way to do like windows does  ALT+TAB to switch to diff app.02:59
foxmulder881phong_; never mind. I was just gonna let you know to email me if you have any dramas or need any help. foxmudler881@gmail.com02:59
TANKi mean whats yours?02:59
Strongholdon a side note, that has nothing to do with anything in this channel, whats a good programming channel?02:59
phong_oh okay.02:59
xxporTANK: some pos gigabyte thing from 10,000 years ago02:59
foxmulder881phong_; email address should be foxmulder881@gmail.com02:59
hyuukainVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio anyone know how to get this working?02:59
phong_got it02:59
TANKatheros drivers are usually extremely easy to find if you ever upgrade02:59
foxmulder881phong_; ALT+TAB should also work in Ubuntu.03:00
gothicsatan187_prong, alt+tab should work, u could also use the windows key+tab to get a different view if u have the extra effects enabled03:00
xxporhyuukai: are you sure you are not muted? what program are you trying to play sound with?03:00
hyuukaiyoutube on firefox03:00
phong_yeah, it works03:00
xxporhyuukai: is the video working?03:00
gothicsatan187do you have flash installed, Hyuukai?03:00
tucemiux_dayrot, MountManger might be able to help using a gui,  basically you need to crate a mount point and then create an entry in your /etc/fstab so that it gets mounted automatically at boot time03:00
hyuukaiyeah it is03:00
hyuukaiyoutube is working fine03:00
xxporhyuukai: are you using 64-bit?03:01
hyuukaiive tried normal audio from vlc as well03:01
MaxCrashI have a Acer Aspire running Ubuntu remix 10.04 and when I put it in suspend mode it locks up, same thing happens when I close the lid.. Does anyone have a insight on this?03:01
hyuukaino 32bit03:01
xxporhyuukai: are you using 10.04?03:01
jalexbrownhyuukai, I was having a similar problem with Flash in Firefox not playing sound.03:01
xxporhyuukai: i have the same card and it worked out of the box.03:01
foxmulder881phong_; good to hear. ;-)03:01
gothicsatan187hyuukai have you tried typing in a terminal "sudo killall pulseaudio"?03:01
hyuukaino shall i try it?03:01
phong_foxmulder881, installation of win 7 fail for vb03:01
dayrottucemiux_, thanks for that, this uuid thing looks scary03:02
xxporhyuukai: try changing the plug that speakers are plugged into. sometimes it is a different port than windows. thats what happend to me03:02
gothicsatan187u can try.03:02
phong_foxmulder881, are there real 3d good games for linux?03:02
phong_foxmulder881, most are for windows i assume.03:02
hyuukainot the green port? :S03:02
gothicsatan187make sure you only have 1 audio driver selected.03:02
foxmulder881phong_; not too sure mate. I use Windows for gaming.03:02
jalexbrownIs there a place where I can get Flash 9 still for Firefox?03:02
xxporhyuukai: unfortunatly, it seems the defaults ar screwed up sometime03:03
juan_tucemiux, i already installed thos already. i tried opening amarok but it keeps freezing on me.03:03
xxporhyuukai: try the killall first though03:03
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tucemiux_dayrot, the UUID is quite easy, actually, first find where the ntfs partition is, then get the uuid, sudo blkid, i believe, then use the UUID in your /etc/fstab03:03
xxporhyuukai: "sudo killall pulseaudio"03:03
jalexbrowngothicsatan187: All I've been able to find is Flash 10, and my laptop with 10.04 and Firefox is hating Flash 10.03:03
ABBADONHello, I've noticed the past few months that when using Update Manager in Hardy, the package libsoup2.4-1 does not want to update.  I thought I might be missing a dependency, so I did a search on it and found a few places to download all the package files again.  Is it possible I need libsoup2.4-dev?03:03
hyuukainothing came up in terminal?03:04
dayrotSo one would use the uuid instead of sdb or whatnot?03:04
gothicsatan187hyuukai cause it killed it all.. try to hear sound now03:04
hyuukaii got a crackle when i put it in mic port03:04
tucemiux_juan_, amarok freezes on you?!? try opening amarok in a command line and see what error you get when it freezes03:04
xxporABBADON: no, usually the -dev packages are for people who want to write software that links agaist the package03:04
gothicsatan187check all volume levels03:04
sshdhelpCan somebody help me set up an sftp-only ssh server with ChrootDirectory enabled? I have got everything else working except that directive and unless I messed up the command somehow, the permissions on the to-be-chrooted directory are correct03:04
foxmulder881phong_; why don't you dual-boot? It may be easier than using virtualized environments for you.03:04
tucemiux_juan_,  actually, first kill all amarok processes: ps aux|grep amarok; killall amarok03:04
phong_which to install first?03:05
juan_tucemiux, right. i got it working let me see if i can use my ipod.03:05
phong_i have windows now03:05
xxporhyuukai: yes, all of the volume levels, make sure you expand volume manager to include all possible things03:05
phong_and i have 2 HD...is it posible to have ubuntu boot on it's own disk?03:05
foxmulder881phong_; Install Windows first and then Ubuntu and it should detect Windows and install the grub boot loader giving you the option of which to boot upon startup.03:05
phong_windows is on it's own03:05
hyuukaieverything in sound preferences is up03:05
phong_foxmulder881, i dont want it boot load to windows HD03:06
foxmulder881phong_; Just don't wipe over Windows!03:06
phong_assume i have no window HD03:06
tucemiux_!ask| phong_03:06
ubottuphong_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:06
juan_tucemiux, it's working. can u edit everything on here like on itunes?03:06
hyuukaihow can i check its actually finding my soundcard and it SHOULD be working?03:06
foxmulder881phong_; that's how you dual-bootl03:06
tucemiux_juan_,  what's "itunes"?03:06
phong_foxmulder881, i got ur point, but is there always to install it on and boot on a seperate HD ?03:07
xxporhyuukai: open gnome-volume-control03:07
sshdhelpCan somebody help me set up an sftp-only ssh server with ChrootDirectory enabled? I have got everything else working except that directive and unless I messed up the command somehow, the permissions on the to-be-chrooted directory are correct03:07
ABBADONxxpor: Ok, so just when I re-download it, just go ahead and get the non-dev packages and it should take it off the list of updates then?03:07
xxporhyuukai: go to the "hardware" tab03:07
foxmulder881phong_; you could install them on separate hdds.03:07
phong_foxmulder881, worst is i will choose the HD boot up at bios03:07
xxporABBADON: correct03:07
hyuukainothing in there...03:07
xxporhyuukai: thats your issue then03:07
juan_tucemiux, the apple player for ipods made specifically for ipods. never mind. but can u edit everything on each song including ratings?03:07
vinici was able to get the thumb drive to stop black screening by adding "nomodeset" to the launch options. after installation and into the reboot it's black screening again. f6 during boot doesn't bring up any launch options. how can i get into console or get some launch options on boot?03:07
tucemiux_sshdhelp, maybe someone in #ubuntu-offtopic might be able to help you but remember that channel is not a support channel03:08
foxmulder881phong_; you'll learn as you go. But just backup any valuable data.03:08
hyuukaixxpor what is the problem then?03:08
phong_foxmulder881, i really want to choose to boot buy HD only..so it is better to install it and boot on it's own. even if i take the windows HD out03:08
xxporhyuukai: i dont know how to get it to detect it sorry :(. are there propritary drivers avalable?03:08
sshdhelptuxemiux thanks03:08
hyuukaii have no idea im a super noob03:08
phong_foxmulder881,  i dont have any important files ;)03:08
ABBADONxxpor: Thank you, will do.03:08
hyuukaiis it plugged in? how can i tell that has something come lose in the pc? :S03:08
macovinic: on an installed system, you put that option at the end of the kernel boot line in grub. hold shirt during boot, then hit "e" to edit the line03:09
phong_foxmulder881, normally i install ubuntu by unplug the power for the windows HD out03:09
foxmulder881phong_; actually, it's easier to install side-by-side with grub.03:09
tucemiux_juan_, i believe you can, if not then you can try other clients that will do it for you, like rhythmbox or whatever, just look around, the only reason i ever used amarok on my machine was to put songs on an ipod03:09
xxporhyuukai: go to the system menu, then one of the submenus should have a "hardware drivers" or something similar03:09
foxmulder881phong_; but whatever is easier for you.03:09
juan_tucemiux.ok thanks.03:09
xxporhyuukai: im not on gnome so i dont remeber the exact sequence03:09
xxporare you there?03:09
vinicmaco: thanks03:09
phong_foxmulder881, 1 thing i like about ubuntu is that it copies files process are faster then windows03:10
hyuukaixxpor ok has come up with accelerated graphics driver...03:10
phong_foxmulder881, i copy a 1 gb file less time then windows03:10
xxporhyuukai: thats it?03:10
hyuukaithats a graphics driver nothing to do with sound?03:10
foxmulder881phong_; yeah filesystems in linux are much better than Windows' ntfs.03:10
tucemiux_juan_,  if you type the first few letters of someone's nick name, then hit tab maybe your chat client will complete the rest of the nick, if that happens when your post will be red on my chat client03:10
xxporhyuukai: yea, nothing to do with sound :(03:10
dayrottucemiux_, Ok, rebooting, hopefully I didn't screw it up ;)03:11
phong_and to copy like a 4gb files take short time then windows copying process ;)03:11
xxporhyuukai: i'm out of ideas, sorry. try googling for your sound card + ubuntu03:11
phong_foxmulder881, however learning ubuntu is kind of hard ;)03:11
foxmulder881phong_; and they don't require stupid bloody defragging like Windows!03:11
hyuukaithe way i got the name of the sound was doing some sort of list.03:11
testsvnhi, is there anyone that can help me figure out why i can't connect to my ubuntu from windows using ssh?03:11
hyuukaiand yeah ive tried that...03:11
xxporhyuukai: sorry :(03:11
foxmulder881phong_; it's not hard. It's probably just different to what you're used to.03:11
phong_foxmulder881, yeah, when i'm in windows...i saw my HD light keep on flashing..working all day03:11
hyuukaiman this is sad times :(03:11
gogetatestsvn: ssh port is closed by the firewall by defult03:11
tucemiux_dayrot dawn he left, you didnt have to reboot, this is not windows O_o03:12
xxportestsvn: is sshd running?03:12
foxmulder881phong_; how much ram do you have?03:12
Gryllidatrism: here is what I have: http://typewith.me/EEqNOzaw2S but I reloaded the page, and the font smoothing is still there.03:12
stuartpbentleywhat would be the command to make links for every file matching a pattern to a filename using a capture from that pattern?03:12
hyuukaiit should be in hardware in sound properties?03:12
testsvnhow can i check if ssh is running?03:12
tucemiux_testsvn, can you describe the problem, all in onel ine?03:12
foxmulder881phong_; even Windows should not be thrashing the hdd like you describe with 4gb ram.03:12
DeliriumTremensAnyone have a fix for a black screen when I try to VNC to my machine?03:12
foxmulder881phong_; oh well.03:12
phong_foxmulder881, 4GB originally ihave 6GB  tooke 1 out fro my bro comp03:12
foxmulder881phong_; fair enough.03:13
xxporhyuukai: yea03:13
phong_foxmulder881, i found that diskeeper is keep on scanning03:13
phong_i hate diskeeper03:13
juan_tucemiux_, oh ok sorry about that. thanks i got it working now. does it take a will for ur music to load on?03:13
hyuukaiso its not detecting the sound card?03:13
foxmulder881phong_; oh yeah, that'll do it.03:13
xxporhyuukai: correct03:13
phong_so i kill diskeeper03:13
xxporhyuukai: or it doesnt have a driver03:14
DeliriumTremensor if no fix for the VNC black screen, are there any other ways beside SSH to remote to ubuntu from windows?03:14
stuartpbentleyspecifically, I'm trying to make links for every file in my working directory of the form lib<module name>51.so at the location lua/5.1/<module name>.so03:14
foxmulder881phong_; I no longer use diskeeper. Just defrag every now and then with Auslogics Disk Defrag.03:14
foxmulder881phong_; it's much quicker and better.03:14
foxmulder881DeliriumTremens; use putty.03:15
tucemiux_juan_, does it take a who for the music to load? i didnt understand your question03:15
juan_tucemiux_, oh sorry a long time? oh and i found that mount point also.03:15
foxmulder881juan_; where was the mount point?03:16
dayrottucemiux_, ok, now we are getting somewhere. It gave me an error about not being the owner.03:16
DeliriumTremensfoxmulder881: I use putty to SSH into my machine, but what if I want to use things other than the terminal03:16
testsvntucemiux_, i think i found out my first problem, i don't know if i really installed a ssh03:16
foxmulder881DeliriumTremens; fair enough.03:16
hyuukaixxpor :(03:16
Kardoshey, so my laptop has a vga output port, and "xrandr" fails to turn on the external vga port ----- so is there anything else i can try to get it to work?  my "fn" key is broken03:16
xxporhyuukai: I know, getting hardware working is one of the most difficult things with linux03:17
tucemiux_testsvn, you need to configure and install ssh server and ssh client03:17
hyuukai:( :(03:17
juan_foxmulder881, here /home/juan/.gvfs/Juan/iTunes_Control/Music03:17
hyuukaiits not that old a mobo though03:17
hyuukairuns quad core03:17
boingscreensaver doesnt start when idle03:17
testsvngogeta, where is the config for firewall to let ssh pass?03:17
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.03:17
foxmulder881juan_; ok. Was just curious, that's all. ;-)03:17
xxporhyuukai: I would try searching/posting on ubuntuforums03:18
tucemiux_dayrot, did you configure your /etc/fstab manually??  you dont have to reboot when you make changes to your /etc/fstab03:18
juan_foxmulder881, no problem03:18
hyuukaiive searched03:18
xxporthen post ;) lol03:18
dayrottucemiux, ok, didn't know that, came from windows so i pretty much reboot after everything03:18
testsvntucemiux_, is ssh server installed by default in ubuntu?03:18
Flanneltestsvn: No, you need to install it afterwards03:19
vinici have no idea what to add to these boot options to stop the blank screening03:19
xxpordayrot: you're going to have to get used to not having to reboot so often. sorry :)03:19
foxmulder881testsvn; yes it is.03:19
Flanneltestsvn: (sudo apt-get install openssh-server)03:19
GryllidaAnyone? How do I turn off font smoothing in Firefox? It ignores OS settings, here is my .fonts.conf: http://typewith.me/EEqNOzaw2S03:19
foxmulder881dayrot; you should only ever have to reboot after a kernel update/upgrade.03:19
dayrotxxpor any short way to tell me what things require a reboot and what doesn't?03:20
dayrotlol, thanks03:20
tucemiux_testsvn, on ubuntu server it is, if you chose ssh server, otherwise most likely it is not03:20
foxmulder881dayrot; or something that intergrates into the system-boot process somehow.03:21
foxmulder881tucemiux_; I thought it was installed out-of-the-box on desktop also? Correct me if I'm wrong.03:21
Flannelfoxmulder881: No, it's not03:21
testsvnFlannel, i have just installed the server, how do i know its running?03:22
foxmulder881Flannel; ok thanks for the correction.,03:22
boingscreensaver doesnt start when idle03:22
tucemiux_foxmulder881, the ssh client ***maybe*** but definetely not the server03:22
Flanneltestsvn: It runs by default :)  If you want to verify (besides trying to use it), `ps aux | grep sshd` should show you it running03:23
foxmulder881tucemiux_; perhaps I was getting confused.03:23
Flanneltucemiux_, foxmulder881: client is installed by default03:23
OwnerHello friends, is there some bootable sys CD to run bootable OS from .iso from HDD source?03:23
xxportestsvn: i just installed it as well, and at least for openssh, it started automaticly03:23
nUboon2AgeDeliriumTremens: I was looking at NX Technology.  Haven't tried it yet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NX_technology03:23
testsvnFlannel, cool, now if i want to connect to it from my windows machine, i configure my router to port forward 22 on my ip address of ubuntu03:23
Flanneltestsvn: Is your windows machine inside the same LAN as your Ubuntu machine?03:24
dayrottucemiux_, Success! Created the permanent mount, changed the smb.conf and it works now! Thanks a lot! :)03:24
xxportestsvn: if you want to access it from outside your router, yes03:24
testsvnFlannel, ya, is that a problem :( ?03:24
foxmulder881dayrot; good work mate!03:24
tucemiux_foxmulder881, there's your answer, the ssh **client** is installed by default, so you can use the ssh client to connect to any ssh server, if you want to host a server you have to install the ssh server AND configure it03:24
Flanneltestsvn: No, it means you don't need to port forward if you don't want to.  Only if you want to connect from "the outside world"03:24
tucemiux_dayrot, youre welcome03:24
Flanneltestsvn: Another thing you should look into is setting a static IP on your server, since it makes finding your server easier ;)03:25
vinichow can i get to a terminal on boot03:25
dayrotSee you guys later!03:25
testsvnFlannel, i got dyndns service for that03:25
sporkboyso, the network I'm connecting through blocks damn near everything. bypass proxies used to be the answer, but now that only lets me through about 25% of the time. a) how does that even happen? b) is there a solution?03:25
phong_foxmulder881, is there away u can connect to my ubuntu and help me out?03:25
Flanneltestsvn: That's for your external IP.  But your internal IP would change too ( could be today, could be .106 tomorrow)03:25
phong_foxmulder881, some sort of remote access...i'll let u control03:26
tucemiux_testsvn, you have your ssh installed and **configured** ??03:26
testsvnFlannel, true true03:26
UbuntuHello is Code Brainzed here i need him to give me that code that fixed my sound03:26
testsvntucemiux_, server is installed, didn't do anything to configure, in my ufw firewall i let ssh allow incoming03:26
Flanneltestsvn: So, internal IP static (which you set through your interfaces file, I can give you more documentation if you'd like) makes it easier to find (and basically without it, port forwarding is only useful for a few days, then you have to fiddle with your router again)03:26
Flanneltucemiux_, testsvn: you don't need to do any configuration by default03:27
foxmulder881Yeah, you'll have to enable rdp access for the outside world.03:27
testsvnFlannel, cool, now to test if i did it right, on my windows, i open putty and just put my ip03:27
phong_if u show me and show me what port to open in router03:27
phong_then i let u03:27
xxporFlannel: some routers (like mine) support fowarding by host name, so even if the ip changes, it doesnt matter03:28
foxmulder881phong_; what exactly do you need help with?03:28
phong_i want to get vmware to work03:28
tucemiux_Flannel, testsvn by default I have seen root login allowed and I think blank passwords as well, cant remember.  O_o03:28
phong_i have trouble with vb ;)03:28
Flanneltestsvn: Your LAN IP (192.168.*) if you want to test that SSH is running, your external IP (or your dyndns thing) if you want to test port forwarding, etc.03:28
erebusHas anyone found an ubuntu/Debian app to open OLE2 compound documents such as those from M$ publisher?03:28
phong_it works before with ubuntu 9.103:28
phong_once i upgrade it wont work03:28
foxmulder881phong_; do you know of TeamViewer?03:28
testsvnFlannel, cool :) it worked, i have the "login as:" , now i'm gonna try and see if my svn server works03:28
phong_not a clue03:29
phong_just tell me what i should do03:29
foxmulder881phong_; hold on a second.03:29
Flanneltestsvn: I've always found it easiest to do svn through apache03:29
=== crazyspai_ is now known as CrazySpai
UbuntuCan any 1 here help me with my sound on my usb headset there is no audio03:29
foxmulder881phong_; are you using 32bit or 64bit?03:29
testsvnFlannel, thats what i'm trying to do, can u help me if i run into problems?03:29
GryllidaAnyone? How do I turn off font smoothing in Firefox? It ignores OS settings, here is my .fonts.conf: http://typewith.me/EEqNOzaw2S I reloaded a page, no effect. smoothing is difficult to read03:29
Flanneltucemiux_: Looks like by default root is enabled (although the account is locked, so it's not a big issue) and blank passwords aren't allowed03:30
foxmulder881phong_; hold on.03:30
foxmulder881phong_; http://www.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux_x64.deb03:30
UbuntuCan any 1 here help me with my sound on my usb headset there is no audio03:30
testsvnFlannel, i've already installed Apache2 with mod-security and ssl, configured it and now i'm gonna try and see if i did it right03:30
foxmulder881phong_; download and install that ^^03:30
hyuukaianyone any ideas why ubuntu is not detecting my sound card in hardware on sound properties?03:30
vinichow can i access a terminal on boot?03:30
foxmulder881vinic; CTRL+ALT+F203:31
Flanneltestsvn: Yeah.  Have you seen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion03:31
Ubuntuare u using a usb head set03:31
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete03:31
testsvnFlannel, yup, thats what i'm trying to follow :)03:31
vinicfoxmulder881: i'm getting the blank screen before i'm able to do that03:31
vinici can get to grub03:32
marenostrum!off topic03:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:32
testsvnFlannel, i'm trying to connect via svn+ssh03:32
edbianI have openSuse with KDE 4.X and it was this really cool feature where you can set the background to be a map of the earth or a fractal.  Does gnome have plans for anything like this?03:32
hyuukaianyone any ideas why ubuntu is not detecting my sound card in hardware on sound properties?03:32
foxmulder881vinic; sorry. I misunderstood.03:33
acerimmer_edbian: see nome-art.org03:33
Flanneltestsvn: the apache access works.  I haven't tried any of the other methods.  Also, I personally don't like putting the repositories in /home/svn but that's not significant ;)03:33
viniciz all good03:33
acerimmer_edbian: right.  sorry for bad info03:33
testsvnFlannel, well i'm doing this on a vm cause i'm new at doing servers and stuff, so i'm practicing before doing it for real03:33
tucemiux_hyuukai, it could be because it's not supported, you want me to help you trouble shoot? You can send me a PM03:33
Ubuntuubottu; its me Ubuntu_and_Coffe do u remember codebrainzed helping me with a problem with my sound do u remember all the commands he told me to do?03:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:33
trexGryllida: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84952303:34
phong_foxmulder881, it's installing03:34
foxmulder881phong_; let me know when it's finished.03:34
phong_foxmulder881, it finished03:34
Flanneltucemiux_: Eh, I wouldn't worry about that too much.  It's entirely normal to reinstall at least a couple of times ;)03:34
foxmulder881phong_; run it from your apps menu.03:34
testsvnFlannel, have u ever connected to your svn with turtoise on windows?03:34
foxmulder881phong_; and can you pm me the login and password details?03:35
Ubuntuo thats great!03:35
foxmulder881phong_; i need yours?03:35
phong_foxmulder881, do i need to configure router to port fowarding something?03:35
Ubuntujust ubotto tell me all the stuff he sent me03:35
Ubuntuevery message03:35
foxmulder881phong_; no you don't.03:36
Ubuntuif u scroll up it should be there aways up03:36
tucemiux_Flannel, you wouldnt worry about who?  If youre talking about the ssh config that was a few conversations ago, i recommend you comment all one line otherwise im goign to have a little trouble following you.  :-)03:36
foxmulder881phong_; TeamViewer bypasses all that. It's great.03:36
Flanneltestsvn: I think I may have at one point, but it would've been long enough ago that I wouldn't be able to tell you much about it03:36
xxporUbuntu: are you serious?03:36
Flanneltucemiux_: Oh, sorry.  Tab complete issue03:36
Ubuntuabout what03:36
Flanneltestsvn: I wouldn't worry about that too much.  It's entirely normal to reinstall at least a couple of times ;)03:36
xxporUbuntu: talking to ubottu03:37
Flanneltestsvn: ("that" in this case is practice-on-VM before real install)03:37
Ubuntuhes a bot03:37
Ubuntuisnt he03:37
xxporyea lol03:37
gothicsatan187does anyone know a program that will 'burn' ANY .iso file to usb.. not just linux install CDs.. i want to 'burn' a disc for a friend of mine to a usb to where he can just plug it in, and it'll react like he put in a CD?03:37
zetheroowhats the command to create an X config while X is running?03:37
Ubuntuhey how long have u had your x chat open03:37
xxporgothicsatan187: isorecord03:37
brwarnerHey, I have Ubuntu Server 10.04 and I am trying to get espeak/festival (either) to work but it looks like sound is not set up, how can I fix this?03:37
xxporUbuntu: i dont use xchat ;)03:38
gothicsatan187ty xxpor03:38
=== gothicsatan187 is now known as Gothicsatan187|A
xxporUbuntu: but a long time03:38
=== owner_ is now known as bricky
Ubuntuhow long has your chat client been open03:38
brickyHey guys I have my laptop fixed!03:38
xxpora long time03:38
=== Remixman_ is now known as Remixman
brickylinux was successfully installed hardware migration ftw03:38
Gryllidatrex: No, this thread suggests to install new fonts, but I just want to make these ones be not smooth as they are in the whole OS. Firefox simply ignores the preferences that I set though.03:39
brickythanks you guys saved my life03:39
xxporUbuntu: what do you need03:39
phong_foxmulder881, are u in yet?03:39
xangua!usb Gothicsatan187|A03:39
Ubuntuif u dont mind scroll up and find anything about messages between Ubuntu_and_coffe and Codebrainzed if u can!03:39
xangua!usb | Gothicsatan187|A03:39
foxmulder881phong_; yeah I'm in. What can I do for you?03:39
ubottuGothicsatan187|A: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:39
Ubuntuthere a command need upder in chat some where03:40
phong_foxmulder881, look at that.03:40
Ubuntuits for my sound03:40
Gothicsatan187|Anot that xangua03:40
Gothicsatan187|Ai'm running ubuntu, i want to burn an .iso image, not a linux bootable image.. like, a game iso03:40
foxmulder881phong_; what caused that to pop-up?03:40
Gothicsatan187|Aor any other software .iso file, to usb to boot like it was a CD when my friend plugs it in03:41
tucemiux_Flannel, yeah i suspected it was a tab issue but had to comment there just in case someone was expecting your input03:41
phong_foxmulder881, go to app and run vmware03:41
Gryllidatrex: pingping!03:41
xxporUbuntu: do you know the time?03:41
xxporUbuntu: im not going to go though 1000000 lines of chat lol03:41
Ubuntuabout 5:00 thro 7:0003:41
foxmulder881phong_; passworD03:41
Ubuntuits as on tuesday03:42
Gothicsatan187|AGryllida: Hellow03:42
Ubuntuit was a tuesday03:42
GryllidaAnyone? How do I turn off font smoothing in Firefox? It ignores OS settings, here is my .fonts.conf: http://typewith.me/EEqNOzaw2S I reloaded a page, no effect. smoothing is difficult to read. I do not want to install new fonts.03:42
=== Gothicsatan187|A is now known as Gothicsatan187
xxporUbuntu: oh I havent had it open that long03:42
civixierHi. I use ifconfig to setup my ip and netmask on one on my devices. After a couple of minutes it seems to "revert" itself. Look at this: http://notepub.com/?fb=&note=3739603:42
trexGryllida is that setting false in the firefox about.config page tho?03:42
civixierAnyone knows why?03:42
foxmulder881phong_; can you post details of that log?03:42
Ubuntuhhhhmm ok03:42
Ubuntuty any way03:42
thune3brwarner: do you have any sound from anything working?03:43
xxporUbuntu: thats why you should log ;)03:43
Ubuntuya but i had Ubuntu then i swicthed 2 Xubuntu03:43
brwarnerI'm not sure, what can I run to make some sound03:43
Gryllidatrex: Which exact setting should I look in about:config for?03:43
Ubuntuformated then installed it03:43
Gryllidatrex: ^03:43
IdleOne!logs | Ubuntu03:43
ubottuUbuntu: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/03:43
phong_foxmulder881, okay03:44
xxporUbuntu: you know you can install xfce in normal ubuntu03:44
OwnerPlease for guy, who inform me about the debian solution to mount ISO source file from HDD to boot a OS... thanx03:44
xxporIdleOne: oh, i didnt know about that, thanks03:44
Ubuntunnaahh i am Xubuntu fan03:44
Ownerchatzilla crash me03:44
IdleOnexxpor: yeah, first time I see an occasion to point someone to logs so they can find info03:44
xxporOwner: you cant mount an iso then  boot from that mount03:45
Ubuntu!logs | Ubuntu_and_Coffe03:45
ubottuUbuntu_and_Coffe: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/03:45
trexGryllida: gfx.use_text_smoothing_setting03:45
Big_Migafter latest updates can use volume knob anymore03:45
brwarnerthune3: What can I run to test sound03:45
IdleOneUbuntu: you need to go to the link and search03:45
Big_Migusing Karmic03:45
foxmulder881phong_; paste.ubuntu.com03:45
foxmulder881phong_; or pastebin.com03:45
vinici can't even get into recovery mode03:46
phong_foxmulder881, http://paste.ubuntu.com/447536/03:46
Big_MigI have a dell keyboard and after my latest updates my sound knob on it doesnt work anymore03:46
civixierHi! Could anyone please help me with this? http://notepub.com/?fb=&note=3739603:46
thune3brwarner: paplay whatever_soundfile03:46
bluechilewhy is there clamav for linux? what is the reason anyone needs AV on linux?03:46
Gryllidatrex: it is false03:46
macobluechile: so you dont mistakenly pass viruses to windows users03:46
acerimmer_bluechile: bcz linuz gets virii too, just not so often.  if a system is turned on, it's not secure03:46
phong_foxmulder881, u got it ?03:46
macobluechile: for example, if you have a mail server, you want to scan attachments before letting them through so the receiver doesnt get a virus if they use windos03:47
Ownerxxpor, or some bootable system CD to manage that mounting from the hdd iso file03:47
xxporbluechile: i thought you meant audio/video, and im like is this guy dumb or something?03:47
foxmulder881phong_; yeah just having a look at it now.03:47
macoacerimmer_: eh theres none in the wild right now...not for a few years03:47
phong_foxmulder881, okay03:47
zetheroodoes this command work in Lucid? sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:47
macoacerimmer_: also, the plural of virus is viruses03:47
jdsbluedevlhi, I seem to have extreme trouble in setting up an ICS between my Ubuntu box and my Roku set-top box.  The instructions in the howto aren't helping.  Can someone help me?03:47
Big_Migsound knob on keyboard not working after update. anybody?03:47
trexGryllida: do you mean the fonts when a website is rendered or the firefox UI fonts03:47
bluechileok, makes sense for e-mail server03:47
xxporOwner: why would you make a bootable cd to boot from an iso? why not burn the iso03:47
testsvnFlannel, it worked, i was able to commit a file, but how come i don't see it in my ubuntu machine?03:48
phong_foxmulder881, pm me if u want to say something so that i know u're chatting to me03:48
foxmulder881phong_; failed to compile vmci seems to be the main issue.03:48
Ownerxxpor, forexample if I have large ISO than DVD size03:48
UbuntuIdle what do i do03:48
Ubuntui am looking thro the logs03:49
Gryllidatrex: both03:49
xxporUbuntu: use ctrl+f03:49
brwarnerthune3: Can it play Mp3 files?03:49
trexGryllida: idk if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42386603:49
Gryllidatrex: both Fx gui and webpage fonts ignore the OS settings03:49
foxmulder881phong_; try your password again.03:49
Gothicsatan187Gryllida: install ur video driver03:49
Big_Migok. since my last update screwed up the volume knob on my keyboard, how can i determine and uninstall it. using Karmic03:49
Flanneltestsvn: What do you mean?  Where are you looking?03:50
GryllidaGothicsatan187: whatwhat? some video driver? why? the fonts work fine elsewhere in the OS03:50
testsvnunder my home/svn/03:50
testsvnFlannel, under my home/svn/03:50
brwarnerthune3: I tried a WAV file with paplay and it said: Connection failure: Connection refused03:50
foxmulder881phong_; hang on a second.03:50
zetherooanyone here know about Xorg in Lucid?03:50
thune3brwarner: are you trying to do this on a local machine or across a network03:50
Flanneltestsvn: SVN stuff is stored in database like things, there won't be a file laying about on the filesystem03:50
brwarnerthune3: I'm running it right from the server computer03:50
Gryllidatrex: No, this thread suggests to install new fonts, but I just want to make these ones be not smooth as they are in the whole OS. Firefox simply ignores the preferences that I set though.03:51
testsvnFlannel, really, so where is it stored?03:51
brwarnerthune3: And play on that computer, so local03:51
xxporBig_Mig: try the forums if noone knows here03:51
Gryllidatrex: I do NOT want to install new fonts03:51
Gothicsatan187Gryllida: DPI settings are sometimes determined by the video driver, depending on the app, installing the correct driver, and configuring it might work.03:51
Big_Migthanks, xxpor thought for sure somebody would know03:51
foxmulder881phong_; solutions seems to be here... http://blog.gnu-designs.com/solved-building-vmware-workstation-modules-on-linux-2-6-3203:51
foxmulder881phong_; you see that?03:52
testsvnFlannel, hmmm i do see a file .db in a subfolder of the svn, maybe it is stored there?03:52
phong_ok i'll follow that03:52
phong_foxmulder881, i'll follow that okay?03:52
foxmulder881phong_; yeah try that.03:53
phong_foxmulder881, stay connect please03:53
trismGryllida: I told you if you want to turn off the smoothing you need to set antialiasing to false03:53
trexGryllida: im not sure, have you tried to restart ff after you adjusted the settings you're talking about?  websites define what fonts they use, i'm not sure how to override this, firebug?03:53
phong_foxmulder881, dont get out of remote..stay connect with me ;)03:53
Ubuntui cant find it03:53
foxmulder881phong_; I have to go now mate. Email me and let me know how you got and if it fails, we'll do another TV session and see what we can come up with. Cheers for now. Good luck,03:53
nUboon2AgeDeliriumTremens: One thing: the first time I ever tried to vnc into my machine I got a black screen because i forgot i'd set it so that i had to 'accept' the connection on the server side.  Once I realized that and accepted it I was off and running.03:53
phong_ok foxmulder88103:53
=== Gothicsatan187 is now known as Gothicsatan|AFK
Mgamerzalright so i have this dvb-c usb tuner03:54
Mgamerzand i ran w_scan and it finished03:54
zetheroodoes this command work in Lucid? sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:54
testsvnFlannel, why do we install apache for the svn?03:54
Mgamerzbut i have no idea where the channels.conf file is03:54
jdsbluedevlcan someone help me with my ICS problem?  It won't allow me to set up a share between my Ubuntu computer and Roku set-top box03:54
Flanneltestsvn: I believe it's stored in a few places.  But its not terribly important, so I wouldn't worry yourself with it.  If youwanted to know how all those files worked, there's documentation on the web03:54
phong_foxmulder881, have a good day...03:54
phong_foxmulder881, thanks u're nice03:54
UbuntuWho here has had there chat open for atleast 2 days03:55
Flanneltestsvn: Because it's easier to just communicate over apache most of the time, and it gives you the benefit of being able to browse your repository files over the web, *and* it decouples the authorization process from your users03:55
UbuntuWho here has had there chat open for atleast 2 days03:55
mary_say in Lucid my mouse cursor slightly flickers and disappears when moving it around on the dekstop, anyway to fix this?03:56
UbuntuWho here has had there chat open for atleast 2 days03:56
wildbat!ics | jdsbluedevl03:56
ubottujdsbluedevl: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php03:56
kreppnarthis computer never gets shut off unless i get a kernel update03:56
jdsbluedevlwildbat: tried that, doesn't work03:56
FlannelUbuntu: quite a few of us, actually.  Please take non-support discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic so we can keep this channel useful to everyone, thanks.03:56
testsvnFlannel, thanks so much for the help, i've been trying for 4 hours :S and now it works :)03:56
Mgamerzi guess i'll repeat myself03:57
Mgamerzalright so i have this dvb-c usb tuner03:57
testsvnFlannel, soon i will install my svn server for real ;) , can't wait :)03:57
Flanneltestsvn: Good luck :)03:57
Mgamerzand i ran w_scan and it finished but i have no idea where the channels.conf is and the manpage does not specify03:57
wildbatjdsbluedevl, try firestarter then easiest03:57
licquorcan someone tell  me  how  to  fix  my  virtual box  when  i   make it full  screen the  browser  just stays  in the middle  how  do  i  fix  this or  change it03:57
jdsbluedevlwildbat: tried that, too03:57
wildbatjdsbluedevl, ....03:58
jdsbluedevlit keeps saying my second Ethernet card is "not ready"03:58
UbuntuWho here has had there chat open for atleast 2 days i need 2 know because because my nick was Ubuntu_and_Coffe and i was talking to Codebrainzed and he gave me a code that saved my audio03:58
jdsbluedevlwildbat: all the connection profiles want to go to the same card03:58
jdsbluedevlI can't get it to specify that I want input in one and sharing in another03:59
bahadunnhow do you access grub during boot?03:59
bahadunnESC key?03:59
Gryllidatrism: ok, works now.03:59
wildbatjdsbluedevl, there is a wizard tools for firestarter03:59
jdsbluedevlwildbat: again, I tried that04:00
shane2peru_laptobahadunn, hmm, you can access it before but, but I don't think durning boot04:00
mkquistUbuntu: the chats are logged and available for review04:00
wildbatjdsbluedevl, you have to manually pull up the LAN side thou04:00
mkquistUbuntu: publicly04:00
jdsbluedevlit says "device eth3 is not ready"04:00
xanguaUbuntu: you are looking for the logs04:00
bahadunnshane2peru_lapto: well during the boot process04:00
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/04:00
jdsbluedevlwildbat: ok, how?04:00
licquorcan   anyone  help me with my  virtual box04:00
Chaos_Zeropacket driver? =P04:00
bahadunnshane2peru_lapto: grub comes up and says you have X ammount of seconds etc...04:00
wildbatjdsbluedevl, ifconfig04:00
mary_anyone know how I can keep the mouse cursor from flickering in Lucid?04:00
bahadunnshane2peru_lapto: I need to get to grub before it auto boots04:00
jdsbluedevlwildbat: pastebin?04:00
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
wildbatjdsbluedevl, no you pull up the LAN side one with ifconfig04:01
shane2peru_laptobahadunn, ok, that is before boot, but anyway, if you want to edit a line press e or b I don't remember I think it is e for edit and then after you modify things, b for boot.04:01
jdsbluedevlwildbat: ok, so I typed in ifconfig.  What next?04:01
wildbatjdsbluedevl, say eth0 is the LAN side, you do : sudo ifconfig eth0
licquorneed   help  with  my virtual box please04:02
shane2peru_laptobahadunn, or press an arrow key up or down and that should stop the seconds from ticking down.04:02
Izinucslicquor: what's up?04:02
jdsbluedevlwildbat: ok, next?04:02
wildbatjdsbluedevl, then start the firestarter04:02
jdsbluedevlwildbat: same problem04:02
jdsbluedevlmoreover, ifconfig shows eth2, Firestarter shows eth304:02
Flannelswitchgirl: Can we help you?04:02
jdsbluedevloh, hold on a sec04:02
licquorIzinucs: when   i   open the  browser  in the  vb   it  wont max04:03
IzinucsCan scp use wildcards?  like scp /home/user/.something/* user2@IP:/home/user2/.something/ ??04:03
jdsbluedevlwildbat: it's saying eth3 isn't ready, but there is no eth3 listed under Network, just eth0 and eth204:03
licquorIzinucs,:the  vb  will  but  not  the  windows04:03
switchgirlFlannel,  i need a company to develop software for me to sell to public sector04:03
Izinucslicquor: have you installed the guest additions?04:03
wildbatjdsbluedevl, run ward again then04:03
shane2peru_laptoIzinucs, yes I'm pretty sure it can04:03
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
licquorIzinucs, probably   not   how  do  i  do that04:04
Izinucsshane2peru_lapto: how bout with recursive directories?04:04
jdsbluedevlwildbat: you mean wizard?04:04
shane2peru_laptoIzinucs, you may have to use -r option for recursive, if you want to cpy folders04:04
xxporshane2peru_lapto: wouldnt it be a function of the shell, not the program itself?04:04
Izinucsshane2peru_lapto: ok.. tried with -R but I'll try again with -r04:04
jdsbluedevlwildbat: wizard lets me select eth2 as LAN device, but when I try to start, it keeps looking for eth304:04
wildbatjdsbluedevl, firestarter got a wizard for jumpstarting it04:04
shane2peru_laptoIzinucs, man scp will give you all the options04:04
switchgirlanyone know where i can look?04:04
shane2peru_laptoxxpor, I'm not for sure, just know I have done that before.04:05
Izinucslicquor: in the main vm box you have open at the top left there are three drop down menus.. one will say "Install guest additions".. cliick that04:05
Flannelswitchgirl: Alright.  You might try #ubuntu-offtopic, but I'm not sure that'd get you a lot of leads.  This channel wouldn't though04:05
shane2peru_laptoswitchgirl, look for what?04:05
wildbatjdsbluedevl, ... hmm ~04:05
shane2peru_laptoswitchgirl, I scrolled back, don't have a clue.04:06
jdsbluedevlwildbat: purging and reinstalling firestarter, maybe there's something the config files that it doesn't like04:06
wildbatjdsbluedevl, ok, good luck04:06
xxporgood night all04:07
licquorIzinucs,   i  dont  see it   i  did  b4  tho   how  can  i  get  it back04:07
shane2peru_laptojdsbluedevl, doesn't ubuntu come with ufw now?  pre-installed?04:07
jdsbluedevlshane2peru_lapto: dunno04:07
brickyokay I got Linux working but it wont recognize my wireless card04:07
Izinucslicquor: you mean you can't see the option to install the guest additions?04:07
acerimmer_bricky: broadcom??04:07
brickyacerimmer_: how did you know04:08
licquorIzinucs,  right04:08
brickyacerimmer_: lol04:08
jdsbluedevlwildbat: it keeps insisting on looking for eth304:08
jdsbluedevlwildbat: and that's with a purge04:08
licquorIzinucs, i  do remember seeing  it  b4 tho04:08
acerimmer_bricky: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php04:08
kreppnardamn small linux FTW!04:08
Izinucslicquor: what are the 3 menu options at the top04:08
brickyacerimmer_: thakns I did that, I did 'make' and nothing04:08
wildbatjdsbluedevl, no idea then, do the manual way then04:09
licquorIzinucs,  file, machine, and help04:09
brickyacerimmer_: the readme will have to tell me :)04:09
Izinucslicquor: Is the vm started?04:09
Ubuntuya but where do i go for logs what dirictory is for june 804:09
Izinucslicquor: that's the window I'm talking about04:10
Izinucslicquor: not the main (first) virtual box window that you start a vm from04:10
acerimmer_bricky: sorry man.  here's a maybe solution.  Dell makes their ubuntu iso available WITH the broadcom driver included.  Suppose you could download the iso, mount it, add cdrom to your source list then run Hardware Update to see if it detects...04:10
edbianbricky, Sorry to barge in.  What's the bcm  number?04:10
edbian4318? 4306?04:11
brickyedbian: I do not know about that i'm sorry04:11
edbianbricky, sudo lspci04:11
licquorIzinucs, ok   i  found it   it was  under devices  thanks gotta  download it tho   thanks for ur  help04:11
brickyacerimmer_: Thanks I might try04:11
edbianbricky, sudo lspci | grep broadcom04:11
acerimmer_bricky: https://launchpad.net/dell-recovery04:11
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl System-Administration-Network make Eth3 inactive and make active eth204:13
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: what's the command for that?04:13
UbuntuCan any 1 give me the dirict link to the logs of june 8 pls04:13
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: oh, nvm, I see. Network doesn't have an Eth3 associated with it04:13
brickyebdian: sudo lspci, only detetcs AMD and ATI04:14
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: you mean Network Tools?04:14
edbianbricky, sudo lspci should report a bunch of stuff about your system...04:14
UbuntuCan any 1 give me the dirict link to the logs of june 8 pls04:14
=== bumbacel is now known as `Agentul^007
licquorIzinucs,  thanks  again   i  really  appreciate it04:14
UbuntuCan any 1 give me the dirict link to the logs of june 8 pls04:14
UbuntuCan any 1 give me the dirict link to the chat logs of june 8 pls04:15
=== gnome is now known as lawford
brickyebdian: Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor ?04:15
Callum__gDesklets is broken... 'Could not import tiling module' it reports when trying to open it from command line and then times out connecting to the daemon after a little while04:15
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: there is no eth3 entry under Network Tools, just eth0, eth2 and lo04:15
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/04:15
Callum__^ this on x64 Ubuntu Studio 10.0404:15
Chaos_Zeroi thought realtek   was the integrated motherboard sound04:16
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: however IPv4 lists IP address for the eth2 (LAN out) card as
Chaos_Zeroat least it is in all the instances i have seen it04:16
edbianbricky, sudo lspci | grep BCM04:16
DoctehChaos_Zero: realtek makes ethernet controllers and wireless as well04:16
ZenMastaI have a 2 USB devices, 16HGB flash key and 150GB external HD. When I try to move an ISO to either device it fails saying the file is too large... I have 15GB free on the flash key and 60GB free on the external HD Any ideas?04:16
vishaltelangreTrying to convert videos to .mp4 for my nokia mobile phone, how should I do this? (video's audio quality must be mp3 and graphic quality may be like 3gp)?04:16
DoctehZenMasta: thats a fat32 problem04:16
Doctehoh wait, iso is not over 2gb, whoops04:17
Docteh<-- crazy04:17
ZenMastaDocteh okay so how do I get around this?04:17
ZenMastaDocteh yeah it is a DVD about 5gb04:17
Chaos_Zerouse fat16 ;)04:17
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, give openshot a try04:17
Doctehoh, use ntfs or format the drive with a bigger block size04:17
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, sudo apt-get install openshot04:17
ZenMastaDocteh just use gparted?04:18
UbuntuCan any 1 give me the dirict link to the chat logs of june 8 pls04:18
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, or pitivi is another option, both a little buggy, but decent apps04:18
Ubuntunot the log page04:18
DoctehZenMasta: I'm not sure if it'll format fat32 properly04:18
Ubuntubut the log of june 804:18
Ubuntustupid bot04:18
DoctehUbuntu: cant you find it yourself? you have faster internet than i do04:18
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, shane2peru_lapto, it does, I'm having nokia 2700c... Pitivi not have option to convert videos for my mobile phone?04:18
Ubuntuit is very confusing04:19
ZenMastai dont care what format really for this task. Just trying to use unetbootin to boot from a dvd iso04:19
DoctehZenMasta: see if it'll format ntfs then04:19
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, openshot does I couldn't remember which had it, both have options, simple conversion04:19
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl you have two network cards?04:19
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: yes, two network cards04:19
ZenMastaDocteh: okay I'll do that and see if i can make the bootable flash key04:19
DoctehUbuntu: click 2010, then 06 or june, then 8th04:19
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, Previously I convert my videos on windows using nokia pc suit or using AVS converter (cracked!)04:20
turtle-manI'm trying to install a SATA hard drive with a PCI adapter04:20
turtle-manshould i be looking for the drive in lshw?04:20
DoctehZenMasta: hopefully it works, unetbootin failed me when i tried it ;)04:20
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl on-board and pci?04:20
edbianturtle-man, It should show up there.  lshw "lists hardware"04:20
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, Okay I'll try it... Suggest else others that you know...04:20
Ubuntuya but then there is big list of files04:20
ZenMastaDocteh i've used it before on regular cd iso's and it worked fine. Just never tried with a dvd iso yet04:20
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: both are PCI04:20
turtle-manedbian: and if it doesn't? where should i start looking for problems?04:21
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl ok04:21
edbianturtle-man, You could make double sure by running sudo lshw -C disk04:21
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, hmm, I never did videos till I started with Linux,  kdenlive is ok, but I don't know that it has options like openshot, if all else fails ffmpeg on command line is pretty simple, and once you get the options down, should be simple04:21
edbianturtle-man, which is obvious...04:21
coolmadmaxwchich one is active?04:21
UbuntuDocteh there in only a big list of files04:22
turtle-mansweet :D it's there04:22
Ubuntui serched almost all them04:22
edbianturtle-man, good04:22
Ubuntuwith a text sercher04:22
turtle-mani just expected this whole thing to go poorly04:22
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, I use ffmpeg for dvd like this ffmpeg -i infile.anything.avi -target dvd-ntsc newvideo.mpg04:22
edbianturtle-man, Now, does it show up in sudo fdisk -l ?04:22
DoctehUbuntu: what are you searching for04:22
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, I tried w/ ffmpeg (yeah in text mode though) but not get succeed yet.. Anyway thanks... Cheers!04:22
cornernotehow do i know which xwindows i am running?  i have a clean install of 10.404:22
Redcl0udwhat would cause the problem where ubuntu 9.04 can see my wireless card and connect to the net yet after upgrading to 9.10 it sees the net connection but won't connect?04:22
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, no prob04:23
Ubuntuthe logs of june 804:23
DoctehUbuntu: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/06/08/%23ubuntu.txt04:23
turtle-manedbian: what does fdisk do?04:23
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl which one is active?04:23
Doctehthats here04:23
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: eth004:23
UbuntuTHANK U04:23
igorcI cant burn a DVD iso with brasero it just tells me to replace the disk with a supported one.04:23
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, mp4 videos are mpeg, but mine mobile supports only mp4 which are exactly made for it! :)04:23
edbianturtle-man, It's a command line utility to partition drives. fdisk -l just lists all of them.  It will show us if the system sees your device as a harddrive and is using it as such.04:23
turtle-manedbian: okay, because the drive is already formated to ext3. it was in one of my other computers. I'll try said command :P04:24
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl make active eth204:25
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, ffmpeg -i file.to.convert.flv newfile.mp4  perhaps??  You can resize it too a smaller format too, but that is roughly it.04:25
edbianturtle-man, I don't want to format it either.  It is a good idea because it will show that the system recognizes it as a HDD04:25
brickyedbian: the guy that fixed my pc had to install linux using VM ware on another computer04:25
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: how do I do that?04:25
edbianbricky, wow04:25
edbianbricky, serious business04:25
brickyedbian: LOL04:25
turtle-manyup... sdc1 shows up04:25
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl System-Administration-Network  make active eth204:25
turtle-manedbian: next step is mounting?04:25
brickyebdian: i was going to ask you where my ubuntu dir is04:25
brickybut nvm lol :)04:25
igorcAnybody have any ideas?04:25
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, Okay I'll try... Thanks again!04:25
edbianturtle-man, yes.  Did it show up there?04:26
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: how do I make it active?04:26
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: there is no option04:26
turtle-manedbian: sure did. sdc104:26
brickyedbian: thats also why it didnt detect broadcom04:26
edbianturtle-man, Does it show up in places -> computer?04:26
edbianbricky, oooohh! :)04:26
mawstAnyone know of a download manager type app that could say, grab all .pdf links from a page and download them?04:26
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, sudo ifconfig eth2 up04:26
turtle-manedbian: I'm actually using crunchbang 9.04 :P04:26
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: how will I know if it's up?04:27
Sunderphonquestion: is there a list somewhere of tablets that will be supported by  the tablet flavour of ubuntu?04:27
igorcWhy does ubuntu Think my dvd drive is connected via SCISI04:27
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, ifconfig /all04:27
edbianturtle-man, awesome! :) Do you not have places -> computer?04:27
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl go to System after that Administration then Network and you have option to make active eth204:27
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: no, I don't04:27
edbianturtle-man, then you need to PM me and we can finish but I don't want to clog up the ubuntu channel with it.04:28
turtle-manedbian: not that has a list of drives... i've mounted sdb1 to media/disk/04:28
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, no prob, man ffmpeg in the terminal will give you all the options for ffmpeg04:28
edbianturtle-man, Then you're done! ?04:28
christ__how do i access my router ip04:28
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: it's giving me an "error fetching interface information: Device not found"04:28
palomerhow do I run a process in a new terminal from a bash script?04:28
christ__i mean the does work sometimes but not always04:28
christ__yesterday i did access my router but today i am not able to04:29
christ__what setting do i have to change in firefox04:29
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, should't it be eth1?04:29
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: I'm not seeing an option to make eth2 active04:29
Doctehchrist__: its ip address shouldn't change04:29
stanley_robertsoanyone worked on RAC setup in linux with oracle 11 G ?04:29
jdsbluedevlrafelsoaresbr: somehow, it became eth204:29
Doctehcan you ping it?04:29
sikihavacan anyone tell me why my *.deb package installer is showing previous versions of a package that i am trying to install as being in conflict?  it used to install right over the old versions.04:30
tucemiuxstanley_robertso, maybe someone in #ubuntu-offtopic might have?04:30
christ__Docteh: That is rt.. I did not change the ip04:30
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, ffmpeg -i One_Less_Lonely_Girl.avi newfile.mp4 gives me no such file or directory04:30
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: am I just supposed to pull up eth2 under "Network device" and it somehow magically becomes active?04:30
christ__Docteh: Yesterday some pop up window came04:30
cornernoteim reading this guide, but i cant get synergy (client) to run at startup: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto04:30
christ__Docteh: There is no pop up window today... cant actually figure it out04:31
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl no04:31
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, you have to be in the same directory as the avi file, or include the full path.04:31
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: then how do I make it active?  Network Tools isn't giving me that option, unless it's hidden somewhere04:31
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, does ifconfig /all list 'eth2'?04:31
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, sorry typo mistaken!04:31
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: I told you, it's giving me an error of "Device not found"04:31
Gothicsatan|AFKjdsbluedevl: dhclient04:32
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, if you type the first few letters then hit tab, it should auto-complete the rest, without typos. :)04:32
tucemiuxsikihava, maybe it's because youre tryin to install dependencies that you already have?  And the dependencies that you already have are newer?  But what's the error messasge that youre getting?04:32
Doctehchrist__: could try power cycling the router04:32
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: ok, what next?04:32
=== Gothicsatan|AFK is now known as Gothicsatan
christ__Docteh: what is that.. i did not understand04:32
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, Unsupported codec for output stream #0.104:32
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl run in terminal system-config-network04:32
Doctehrouter go off, router go on04:32
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: command not found04:33
vishaltelangrejdsbluedevl, avi to mp4 gives me above error!04:33
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, hmm, perhaps ffmpeg doesn't like mp4, I'm pretty sure openshot should be able to do that.04:33
sikihavatucemiux: just saying that the old virtualbox version is in conflict when i try to isntall the new version.  but this seems to be happening with other *.deb packages, too04:33
Doctehcornernote: did you follow the gdm suggestion but with synergyc instead of synergys?04:33
`Agentul^007some girls on here: P?04:34
vishaltelangreshane2peru_lapto, okay... Thanks...!04:34
Doctehjust "synergy" is a gui iirc04:34
mib_mib_can someone help ssh into my server? i'm locked out for some reason... it was working a few weeks ago.04:34
mib_mib_i can login through the web console to administer it04:34
shane2peru_laptovishaltelangre, no problem04:34
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: where is system-config-network?  Was it somehow taken out of Lucid?04:35
Doctehmib_mib_: what kind of problem, times out, connection refused or it just doesn't like your password?04:35
vishaltelangre`Agentul^007, no one girl is here, have a nice day, bye! Look at forum's topic...04:35
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: what next?04:35
tucemiuxsikihava, what is the actual error that you are getting when attempting to install the actual *.deb package ?04:35
pogidudeis there a dedicated channel for ubuntu server 10.04?04:35
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, can you pastebin the output of 'ifconfig /all'?04:36
=== Professor_Generi is now known as Pokeruler
sikihavasorry tucemiux.  i already fixed the probably manually and i don't remember the exact error.  just that the package was inc onflict w/ a previous verison.04:36
mib_mib_Docteh: it just times out, doesn't even say anything back to me04:36
jdsbluedevlI can give it to you right here: "/all: eroor fetching interface information: Device not found"04:36
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: I can give it to you right here: "/all: eroor fetching interface information: Device not found"04:36
Doctehmib_mib_: are you sshing to right hostname, also check firewall/port forwards04:36
Doctehmib_mib_: is a web console a command line?04:36
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: that's it04:37
mib_mib_Docteh: yeah, i added the port to my local router to allow the proper ssh port. I can ssh on a different port to a different server fine. I turned the firewall off on the server04:37
Gothicsatandoes anyone know for sure that cdrtools (aka cdrecord) will take an ISO image and 'burn' it to a USB Disk?04:37
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, so, type only ifconfig04:37
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/447560/04:38
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: eth2:avahi was my attempt at doing the manual instructions per the howto page04:39
Doctehmib_mib_: is the server in question on a home internet connection? my isp blocks incoming to port 2204:39
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl look you can open network connections04:39
mib_mib_Docteh: nah its slicehost04:39
Coded1im running 9.10 w/ all latest updates and mplayer installed, tried a fresh install of 10.04 but sleep/hibernation crashes the box.  Was wondering if I could get any video acceleration.  I have an amd athlon 5500+x2 proc, 2gb ram, radeon hd3200 integrated gpu04:39
reactorwhat's the reason of most of ircds failing on ubuntu 10.04?04:39
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: that's Preferences, not Administration04:39
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: and no, there is no eth2 entry in Network Connections04:40
mib_mib_Docteh: on my belkin router it asks for inbound port, private ip address and private port -- the open port on my server is 8787, does this mean i put 8787 in both inbound port and private port?04:40
mib_mib_Docteh: or do i use 22 on private port and 8787 on inbound port?04:40
GothicsatanCoded1: Install the ATI Drivers under 'System>Administration>Hardware Devices'04:41
Coded1Gothicsatan, done already04:41
GothicsatanCoded1: what's it say/do?04:41
Doctehmib_mib_: if you cant ssh in to your slice, and you can get on IRC from behind your router, probably dont have to worry about the router04:41
_jesse_Hi all, I'm following the directions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs but I get stuck on sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh since that file doesn't exist04:42
_jesse_I'm running 10.0404:42
coolmadmaxjdsbluedevl can you see eth2 inside network tools - network device04:42
Coded1720p mkv / h264 runs like garbage, says driver is activated and in use04:42
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: yes, I can see that04:42
jdsbluedevlcoolmadmax: but it isn't showing up in Network Connections04:42
_jesse_is there anywhere else I can find this file?04:42
mib_mib_Docteh: okay, when i use the -vv option for ssh it says connection refused04:43
Gothicsatan_jesse_ google04:43
_jesse_Gothicsatan: tried that already04:43
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, sorry, what exactly are you trying to do?04:43
Doctehmib_mib_: do netstat -ntpl on the slice and see what port sshd is listening on04:43
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: I'm trying to set up an ICS, but it's all FUBARed04:43
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: and the client is a Roku set-top box for streaming to TV04:44
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, okay, have you already established the connections?04:44
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: hell if I know04:44
linux_is_my_herohow do i install java and flash on a new install of ubuntu?04:44
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:45
mib_mib_Docteh: yeah its listening on the same port i'm trying to ssh into04:45
thune3_jesse_: you installed libdvdread4?04:45
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: I at least tried to do the server-side setup according to the manual instructions with iptables04:45
IdeAleSs_Running Lucid 32 and having browser issues.  Anyone know a solution the the FF java issue?  Google is still turning up blank.04:45
drew212anyone know what canonical pays a software engineer on average?04:46
Coded1Gothicsatan, is says in catalyst control center 2d Driver version : 8.66.1004:46
_jesse_thune3: I did04:47
_jesse_thune3: the folder is there, but there is no .sh in it04:47
Bigshot_is there "Super Grub Disk" in ubuntu I can install?04:47
Coded1Gothicsatan, maybe try removing it and installing the one off ati.com?04:47
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, firestarter can automatically config an ICS, but I don't known if it would solve your problem. If I were you I would try.04:47
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: it didn't04:47
nico_quick question, how do i fix an issue i am having with my .deb file loader. when i try to install any .deb program when i click to install it the installition box to open it comes up but then disappears and never installs the program. why?04:47
wildbatjdsbluedevl, you need to fire up the LAN setting first be4 you do the iptables04:47
jdsbluedevlrafaelsoaresbr: in fact, it keeps insisting on trying to find eth304:47
linux_is_my_herohow do i install java and flash on a fresh install of ubuntu?04:47
jdsbluedevlwildbat: ok, how?04:47
Bigshot_is there "Super Grub Disk" in ubuntu I can install?04:48
wildbatjdsbluedevl, ifconfig eth2
wildbatjdsbluedevl, sudo may be04:48
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, installing ubuntu-restricted-extras will install both flash and java04:48
Doctehnico_: could be anything, run dpkg -i filename.deb and see what its problem it04:48
mgamerzeh... im in irssi, and for some reason alt-1 does not change the window...04:48
wildbatjdsbluedevl, have your Roku do manually ip like
linux_is_my_herozykotick9: I uninstalled firefox and only have google chrome04:49
mgamerz... i can't go to act 2 :(04:49
thune3_jesse_: i've never done it that way before, i add medibuntu repository and install libdvdcss204:49
wildbatjdsbluedevl, unless you wanna bother with dchp-server04:49
Doctehmgamerz: are you using tabs?04:49
Doctehtry escape then 104:49
jdsbluedevlwildbat: the Roku doesn't do anything manually04:49
_jesse_thune3: I'll give that a try, thanks04:49
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, so?  ubuntu-restricted-extras will work with Chromium as well (possibly chrome but i'm not sure)04:49
wildbatjdsbluedevl, you have to setup a dhcp-server then04:50
jdsbluedevlwildbat: ok, how?04:50
wildbat!dhcp | jdsbluedevl04:50
ubottujdsbluedevl: dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP04:50
Doctehwow i didn't know about that ubuntu-restricted-extras metapackage04:50
mgamerzit says Act: 1,2 (with 2 in white)04:50
linux_is_my_herozykotick9: yeah it doesnt work with chrome. what is chromium?04:50
mgamerzit works04:50
jdsbluedevlwildbat: oh, great.  That doesn't help me one bit04:50
ZykoticK9linux_is_my_hero, chromium is the open source version of Chrome04:50
mgamerzthansk docteh04:50
mgamerzjust what i needed04:51
Bigshot_is there "Super Grub Disk" in ubuntu I can install?04:51
ZykoticK9!info chromium-browser | linux_is_my_hero04:51
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.375.38~r46659-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11558 kB, installed size 38424 kB04:51
Bigshot_ZykoticK9, is there "Super Grub Disk" in ubuntu I can install?04:52
jdsbluedevlwildbat: I was able to get ICS working before, but somehow in the past 10 days it got FUBAR'd and I can't get it back to how it worked04:52
ZykoticK9Bigshot_, no idea man, good luck04:52
CutMeOwnThroatis there some page or something that describes what generally happens with packages that come from debian to ubuntu?04:52
wildbatjdsbluedevl, strane things is you got eth3....04:52
jdsbluedevlwildbat: yeah, how do I get rid of it?04:52
wildbatjdsbluedevl, i will sugegst you do a grep on your /home/<user> for eth304:53
rafaelsoaresbrjdsbluedevl, look for a small and easy-to-config dhcp server.04:53
jdsbluedevlwildbat: ok, I'm looking back at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules04:53
_jesse_thune3: well I got the library's installed, but brasero is still complaining that it is missing them, any ideas?04:53
jdsbluedevlwildbat: and I found the entry for eth304:54
_jesse_thune3: says I'm missing libdvdcss.so.204:54
jdsbluedevlwildbat: should I just remove the eth3 entry?04:54
Sivikalright, i'm having an issue with ntfs and ubuntu 10.04.  I installed windows 7 and now trying to install ubuntu 10.04 but its not seeing the ntfs partition I used for the windows installed.  What am I missing04:55
thune3_jesse_: did you restart brasero?04:55
tucemiuxSivik, update grub04:55
nico_ok tried that and it is sayingno such file or directory04:55
_jesse_thune3: yeah I restarted it04:55
wildbatjdsbluedevl, hmmm can try but make backup04:55
jdsbluedevlwildbat: yeah, already did04:55
Siviktucemiux, its not grub thats not seeing it, its the actual install of ubuntu 10.04.  its not seeing a partition.  It sees the partition table as empty04:55
_jesse_thune3: do you think this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/134828 is still a problem?04:56
jdsbluedevlwildbat: hmm, Firestarter still insists on finding eth304:56
jdsbluedevlwildbat: ok, how do I do that grep thing again?04:56
_jesse_thune3: and if so, where might I just throw a symlink (rather than compiling it myself)04:57
Sivikhas anyone seen the issue I am having?04:57
thune3_jesse_: that was because brasero used to look for libdvdcss.so instead of libdvdcss.so.2, but you should have .2 now04:57
tucemiuxSivik, i like to play it safe, I would first fire up a live CD with gparted and create space or partition the hard drive for ubuntu just the way I want it -- then I install04:57
celeritasSivik, have you tried a forced mount using ntfs-3g04:57
SivikI don't know how to force mount during the install.04:58
_jesse_thune3: ah I see :(04:58
mib_mib_Docteh: here is my sshd conf file http://pastebin.com/MEPvCfGi04:58
wildbatjdsbluedevl, fgrep eth0 `find ~`04:58
celeritasSivik, are you using the automated installer?04:58
wildbatjdsbluedevl, fgrep eth3 `find ~`04:58
jdsbluedevlwildbat: need to be sudo?04:59
jdsbluedevlwildbat: getting permission denied, even with sudo04:59
jdsbluedevlwildbat: telling me argument list is too long04:59
wildbatjdsbluedevl, just some file you can't access ~ look for a match05:00
IdeAleSs_typing in twitter is crazy slow on Lucid.  Any ideas how to fix this.  I am guessing it has to do with java or javascript.05:00
Doctehmib_mib_: try to ssh to the box from the box like: ssh -p 878705:00
celeritasSivik, try ls /dev|grep sd and see if your drive is listed05:00
DoctehIdeAleSs_: javascript05:00
mib_mib_Docteh: yep thats what i'm doing05:00
ankushim using lucid..network manager is no where on the panel..05:00
Doctehif you cant ssh from the box to itself somethings really wrong05:00
jdsbluedevlwildbat: that doesn't mean anything to me05:00
IdeAleSs_Docteh, that would be my guess?  Do do you correct it.  Google hasn't been much help.05:00
nico_ok just to remind every one here is my issue quick question, how do i fix an issue i am having with my .deb file loader. when i try to install any .deb program when i click to install it the installition box to open it comes up but then disappears and never installs the program. why?05:01
jdsbluedevlwildbat: I'm getting really close to wiping the disk and starting from scratch05:01
DoctehIdeAleSs_: dunno, i havent noticed twitter being slow ever, and I've used it with firefox and chromium05:01
nico_and i was told to run dpkg -i filename.deb05:01
celeritasnico_, try sudo dpkg -i *.deb, where *.deb is your package05:01
kathenico_ i've seen that when associations are messed up05:01
katheso try doing command line05:01
IdeAleSs_Docteh, chromium is fine, just FF has the issue.05:01
kathenico_, try command line with dpkg05:02
mib_mib_Docteh: okay so try to ssh to the box from the box05:02
mib_mib_Docteh: let me try that05:02
wildbatjdsbluedevl, :<05:02
christ__i would like to know how to access my router using
nico_after i did that it said that no sufch filw or package exists. what does that mean now?05:02
kathechrist_ what type of router05:02
Gothicsatanmight not be that addy05:02
ankushdoes anyone here knows how to bring back the network-manager in lucid?05:02
jdsbluedevlwildbat: yeah, really.  I've been trying to get answers for the past week whenever I've been free, yet nothing.05:03
Gothicsatanalt+F2 > nm-applet05:03
katheankush , do you mean the notification one or the one in the system menu05:03
celeritasnico_, are you in the correct directory in the terminal? make sure you cd'd into the directory, or use an absolute handle for the .deb05:03
wildbatjdsbluedevl, ok i find there is a entry in /root/.firestarter05:03
ankushkathe: the one in system menu05:03
jdsbluedevlwildbat: I just need to partition my external HD that I use a backup for my MacBook so I can back up my irreplaceables05:03
wildbatjdsbluedevl, ok i find there is a entry in /root/.gconf/apps/firestarter05:03
Gothicsatani've been having the same issue, the notifier just dies..05:03
nico_yes i did it in the terminal box.05:04
jdsbluedevlwildbat: again, don't know what to do05:04
katheankush go to system->prefrences->main menu05:04
Sunderphonis there a utility to add support for application specific volume control for ubuntu?05:04
wildbatjdsbluedevl, try rename it and see if it reset the firestarter05:05
jdsbluedevlwildbat: rename what?05:05
wildbatjdsbluedevl, /root/.gconf/apps/firestarter05:05
IzinucsI'm having issues with scp maybe someone can spot my error.. I'm ssh'd in machine A trying to copy a directory to machine B(the one I'm sshing from).. using.. scp remotemachine@192.168.x.x:home/user/.VirtualBox/Machines user2@IP address:home/user2/.VirtualBox/Machines  .. Is this correct? I get connection refused errors05:05
jdsbluedevlwildbat: I can't access that05:05
mib_mib_Docteh: okay, so it worked fine, sshing from the remote box to itself using both and its own ip address05:05
brickygot a problem I dont know where to install grub05:05
ankushkathe: nucc1 yesterday was helping me troubleshooting the problem, he had askd me to remove it from genome-session-properties05:05
brickywhen updating my system05:05
wildbatjdsbluedevl, sudo -s05:05
SivikAlright.  I set up the partitions as I wanted but the installer is still not seeing them.05:06
wildbatjdsbluedevl, this give you root shell05:06
brickysda, sda1, sda 2, or sda 305:06
jdsbluedevlwildbat: ok, foundit05:06
jdsbluedevl*found it05:06
jdsbluedevlwildbat: now rename what?05:06
jdsbluedevlyou mean firestarter to firestarter.bak?05:06
wildbatjdsbluedevl, ya05:06
celeritasSivik, how did you setup your partitions?05:06
Sivikusing fdisk05:07
katheankush ah, that's a bit more complicated, i know the file is in /usr/share/gnome/default.session05:07
jdsbluedevlwildbat: no dice05:07
katheankush but what to do to put it back, that I don't know05:07
wildbatjdsbluedevl, :<05:07
Sivikbut when I use gparted, it shows nothing05:07
Gothicsatandoes anyone know a good program to burn an .iso image to USB disk? (UNetbootin isn't what i'm lookin for)05:07
jdsbluedevlwildbat: like I said, I think I'm gonna have to wipe and start all over again.05:08
wildbatjdsbluedevl, ok :< sorry can't help05:08
stanley_robertsothanks tucemiux05:08
jdsbluedevlwildbat: any easy way of getting a list of what I can reinstall without having to write them down/print it out?05:08
ankushkathe: to put it back, it uses the command nm-applet -disable something..05:08
celeritasSivik, i just had a similar error with gparted. try running gparted from the terminal and see if it reports something about the hal library being locked05:08
pranay_09unable to use mic on my systsem05:08
wildbatjdsbluedevl, you mean the packages?05:09
katheankush, let me see what my file says, i might be able to figure it out05:09
vblandowhat's the current kernel version being used in Lucid now?05:09
jdsbluedevlwildbat: yes05:09
jdsbluedevlwildbat: I want to install them back without having to do that manually05:09
Siviksomething about GPT that I haven't a clue how to get rid of05:09
jdsbluedevlwildbat: I guess I could just get an output, put it in a text file, save it to a thumb drive, and then sudo aptitude install PASTEHERE05:10
celeritasSivik, how did you initially partition the system?05:10
SivikI know its valid cause I can leave the live cd and load that nasty word 7 without any issues.05:10
Sivikceleritas, created a 50 GB partition via the nasty word 7 install05:10
vblandowhat's the current kernel version being used in Lucid now?05:11
katheankush try sudo nm-applet --sm-disable05:11
jdsbluedevlwildbat: anyways, I have to go.  I'm already late for a timepoint in an molecular-biology experiment I'm doing05:11
GothicsatanSivik: is this dual boot?05:11
jdsbluedevlwildbat: and then off to slee05:11
Sivikyes, its going to be05:11
celeritasSivik, that might be the problem. Is your Win7 install kind of old or would you be ready to reinstall?05:11
wildbatjdsbluedevl, dpkg -l05:11
jdsbluedevlwildbat: thx.  I'll do that05:11
SivikI just did a fresh install.  Its a new drive.  300 GB 10k drie05:11
ankushkathe, yes thats the one..but nucc1 used that to troubleshoot, it will not bring back the network manager!!105:11
GothicsatanSivik: Fresh install of Linux?05:11
celeritasMight be easier to let ubuntu repartition the entire drive, then install win7, then rewrite the mbr with grub or use a customized boot loader for windows05:12
katheankush, then try05:12
kathe1. Go to /usr/share/app-install/desktop and find Network Manager05:12
Sivikceleritas, sounds like it.05:12
kathe2. Right click.. Properties.. copy the command line05:12
GothicsatanSivik: how many HD's u have?05:12
kathe3. Go to System.. Preferences.. Startup Applications and look for Network Manager05:12
kathe4. Click Edit and paste the command then save05:12
kathe5. Log out, log in05:12
histoHow the hell can you remove a folder from rythmbox?  Its importing a network share that I don't want it to do anymore. Everytim I open rythmbox it mounts the share.05:12
SivikGothicsatan, just one plugged in right now05:12
celeritasIm not sure how to fix the partition table with the screwing it in the process05:12
ironfoot495Hi is there a way to install vlc-1.0.6 on ubuntu 9.10?05:12
GothicsatanSivik: and that's the one u want to install ubunto to?05:13
celeritasbut you should look into it, sounds like worthwhile knowledge05:13
mib_mib_hey guys, it seems i've tried almost everything and i still can't ssh into my remote box -- anyone have any ideas? here is my sshd conf http://pastebin.com/MEPvCfGi05:13
histoI've deleted every reference to it in gconf-editor apps > ryhtmbox.  I have no idea how it still knows05:13
Sivikyes Gothicsatan05:13
katheankush, the only other thing i can think of is: sudo restart network-manager05:13
GothicsatanSivik: Ubuntu should auto-format the drive correctly, atm it seems u have 4 partitions goin05:13
pizzlecan anyone help me with java overloading my system load?05:14
Sivikyes, thats because I just created them using fdisk05:14
celeritasSivik, just read something out of a forum for mac. if you saved the changes with fdisk, that might have fixed it. did you restart?05:14
GothicsatanSivik: if u have nothing to lose, get rid of them all, and start over05:14
SivikNo, I didn't try to reboot yet.05:14
SivikI will try a reboot.05:14
celeritasSivik, go for it. that might fix it05:14
Sivikif not, i will install ubuntu first and then just using grub to fix the mbr05:15
Gothicsatani used the Ubuntu installer Partitioning software and formatted past a Physical error on my HD just with that, nps05:15
Gothicsatanand i run 10.04 Lucid 64bit :)05:16
pizzleanyone encounter java issues which make their computer run slowly?05:16
pizzleI'll take that as a no I guess05:18
Msnbcanyone helpful with samba problems? i can't manage to get my windows machine to see my ubuntu laptop so i can transfer files and fix a bad root partition05:18
Jordan_Ubricky: sda only05:18
spezticlehow do i log my terminal window? i google'd it and found a thousand posts about people asking how to log ssh or similar05:18
NineTeen67CometIs there a way to remove a single user from the GDM login? I've got 2 main users, and my self. I don't normally use the machine and would like my name removed.05:19
brickyJordan_U: I installed it on 'all' of them05:19
brickysince I was unsure.. and that's wat it said05:19
brickyhow do I check if Grub still works? like test the waters before restarting..05:19
Gothicsatanbricky: Grub works05:21
licquorhow  can i play dvds  in  the virtual box05:21
celeritasMsnbc, if your installation seems to working correctly, you might want to try asking in the windows channel. on windows there is something similar to a forced mount on linux. net use \\machine\share /user:bla passwd might do it05:21
spezticlescript. got it. thanks :)05:21
Jordan_Ubricky: If you read carefully, it says to install to all *drives*. It doesn't hurt to install to the partitions, they will just be ignored (unless you had windows on one of those partitions, in which case it's now unbootable)05:21
celeritasMsnbc, cutting out explorer sometimes helps05:21
brickyJordan_U: no windows05:21
brickyJordan_U: I will install windows on my 80 GB , so I did the right thing by installing on all?05:22
ankushok.. network manager is included in startup aplications , a process nm-applet is running, yet no netork manager icon in panel in lucid?05:22
Gothicsatanankush: do u run some sort of custom GUI?05:22
Gothicsatanankush: or icon package?05:23
ankushGothicsatan, no? never tried such thing...sounds fun though :)05:23
Jordan_Ubricky: No, you almost never want to install grub to a partition rather than the MBR. It just hasn't done any damage if you don't use windows.05:23
licquorcan  anyone tell  me  how  to   play dvds in  my  virtual box05:24
Gothicsatanankush: do u have any extra icon things installed?05:24
linux_is_my_heroflash wont work with chromium :-( how do i make it work?05:24
ankushGothicsatan, no extra features installed, just default theme and installations05:24
brickyJordan_U: I dont05:25
licquoror  which   application  i  can  install so that  it  plays the store  bought dvds....it  wont  play them  but   any bootleg dvd i  insert  will play correctly05:25
PigeonClusterhow do i find the cpu use from the command line? i just want the cpu use once for use in a script, and i want total not per-process. not using much cpu to figure it out is a plus.05:25
foxmulder881ankush; I had this exact issue myself, yet I can't for the life of me remember how I fixed it?!?05:25
Gothicsatanankush: ubuntu version?05:25
ankushGothicsatan, 10.0405:25
NineTeen67Cometa few releases ago; I could remove individual users from the GDM greeter. I would like to remove a user from the list (but not the system) so the day to day users can click their names; but he can enter his name/pw Ideas? gconf-editor doesn't help.05:25
Gothicsatanankush: 64 bit?05:25
ankushGothicsatan, 32 bit05:25
licquorIzinucs, r u  still  here05:25
brickyJordan_U: but is it possible to find out if it works before reboot?05:26
PigeonClusterNineTeen67Comet, sorry, i think that was one of the things they removed to make the gdm setup "more userfriendly". idiots.05:26
ankushGothicsatan, ive upgraded it from 9.10 , it had the same problem there..05:27
Jordan_Ubricky: Not easily.05:27
pizzlepigeoncluster: top05:27
NineTeen67CometPigeonCluster: "magine" that .. more user friendly always seems to = less configurations ..05:27
lopezeHey guys. Quick question. I noticed that with lucid after opening any program I am unable to click anything including the panels or other buttons within  a program. Anyone have an idea on how to fix that problem?05:27
rafaelsoaresbrlicquor, mount the DVD image inside virtualbox05:28
brickyJordan_U: well, I sure hope it will boot then,05:28
linux_is_my_heroanyone know how to install java and flash on chromium?05:28
licquorrafaelsoaresbr,  ok05:28
pizzlepigeoncluster: or install htop via the repository - it's much more pleasant on the eyes05:28
brickyJordan_U: if it dont im gonna have a fit, I have to migrate my HDD to install another OS05:28
PigeonClusterpizzle, that's ncurses. i want a 0.0 - 1.0 value that represents cpu percent usage. i don't mind processing stuff to get it, but ncurses is not an option05:28
PigeonClusterpizzle, this is not for human eyes05:29
pizzlelinux_is_my_hero: java in chromium is currently giving me all kinds of system load problems05:29
Gryllidalinux_is_my_hero: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer, http://tinyurl.com/java6u2005:29
pizzlepigeoncluster: ok .. sorry I'm not advanced enough to give you an answer then :)05:29
charles_I like this Ubuntu05:30
bearclanhey room05:30
rafaelsoaresbrlicquor, start the virtual machine then click on Devices -> Mount CD/DVD05:30
PigeonCluster!room | beachbrake05:30
charles_I am able to get off  Microsoft05:30
PigeonClustersorry wrong tab and bearclan it's a channel not a room05:31
bearclansorry pigeon05:31
charles_I have been using Open Office for at least a year, it is a good program05:31
bearclanconcerning panels in gnome, i have been having issue with mine....05:31
licquorrafaelsoaresbr, it doesnt give  me that   option  only getting an  unmount and that was there  b4 i put the dvd in05:31
mib_mib_can someone help me diagnose my ssh problem?05:32
celeritasmib_mib_, what wrong with it?05:32
rafaelsoaresbrlicquor, first unmount any CD/DVD.05:32
=== owner is now known as bricky
brickywell it worked :)05:32
licquorrafaelsoaresbr, i did that05:33
mib_mib_celeritas: it was working fine, but i moved to a new location, and i can no longer ssh into my server -- at first i thought it was my router, but i can ssh into a different server fine05:33
thune3PigeonCluster: what are you trying to do exactly?05:34
celeritasmib_mib_, did you ip change?05:34
rafaelsoaresbrlicquor, then mount what you want05:34
licquorit says  something is missing05:34
mib_mib_celeritas: nope05:35
mib_mib_celeritas: rather, the ip of the server that i ssh into didn't change05:35
celeritasmib_mib_, but yours did?05:35
mib_mib_celeritas: the ip of my local computer most certainly changed05:35
PigeonClusterthune3, keep system load below 50% avg over 10 minutes05:35
mib_mib_celeritas: but i don't have ssh setup to allow only my ip05:36
celeritasmib_mib, have you tried sshing to the server from another machine other than yours? and do you use certificates for authentication?05:36
PigeonClusterwriting a script to freeze high cpu processes every so often05:36
NineTeen67CometI'm also trying to share our printer (CX 6400) works great on this box, but even though I've got Sys>Admin>Printing selected, Server>Settings showing Publish shared connected to this and the printer its self Enabled, Accepting Jobs and Shared. Ideas?05:36
katheankush remove and readd the notification panel05:36
logieI need members of my group to have write access to all files in a folder but when I create new files they dont have write access.  How can I solve this?05:36
OldPetePigeonCluster: Have you tried using top in batch mode?05:37
PigeonClusterthune3, btw ##linux told me how05:37
celeritasmib_mib_, does the server give you a login prompt, or does it ignore your connection?05:37
PigeonClusterOldPete, just was informed about that on ##linux, but thanks05:37
mib_mib_celeritas: dont use certificates, i tried it from another machine on the network and that didn't work05:37
kathelogie does your group have those permissions over the directory/folder you are creating the files in05:37
PigeonClusterdidn't think to investigate top farther05:37
licquorrafaelsoaresbr, which decoder  should  i  download or  install05:37
celeritasmib_mib_, is the machine outside your lan? and if it is, have you tried logging in from an external machine outside the lan?05:38
OldPetePigeonCluster: Cool.05:38
rafaelsoaresbrlicquor, you'd better install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:38
linux_is_my_herofirefox and chrome wont run flash.  ive tried everything.  i need someone to help me before i do something stupid like go back to windows05:38
celeritasmib_mib_, by machine i mean ssh server05:38
kathelinux_is_my_hero what version of firefox and chrome, will it display any flash or just not video or sound05:39
mib_mib_celeritas: yeah i tried sshing into a different machine (worked fine) and then from that machine sshing into my server, which failed (timed out -- if i use ssh -v option, it says connection refused)05:39
linux_is_my_heroit wont even recognize the damn plugins.05:39
celeritaslinux_is_my_hero, going back to windows for flash is not a good motive at all. have you tried alternative flash plugins for firefoc05:39
Name141Does anybody have any idea if Steam would work well enough under Wine with an ATi card for a Radeon 4670 ?05:39
linux_is_my_heroi would like it if linux would what it normally does, work without excuses.05:39
vinici've got an nvidia chipset and ubuntu goes to a blank screen during boot, any tips on how to solve this?05:40
kathelinux_is_my_hero I assume you tried to remove the plugs and readd them05:40
celeritasmib_mib_, sounds like the problem is your ssh server, not your client. are you sure the ssh server is running on the remote machine?05:40
licquorrafaelsoaresbr, will that   let me  play the dvd without using the virtual box05:40
linux_is_my_herokathe: yes05:40
rafaelsoaresbrmib_mib_, are you using password to authenticate? can you ping the server's ip?05:40
mib_mib_celeritas: yeah i've confirmed it with ps aux | grep ssh and netstat -ntlp05:40
licquorrafaelsoaresbr,  none of  the  apps that  i  installed  will  play the  dvds that arent bootleg05:40
linux_is_my_heroand im running a clean install since i got a new hard drive05:40
Jordan_U!dvd | licquor05:40
ubottulicquor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:40
fatsopithello, may I ask for help with my ubuntu 8.04?05:40
quietonehow do I (can I?) use ubuntu as a DLNA server?05:41
Jordan_Ufatsopit: Yes05:41
Izinucs!ask | fatsopit05:41
ubottufatsopit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:41
kathelinux_is_my_hero what version of flash are you running05:41
Name141I guess I could install Wubi to test how games would run if I did a full install ?05:41
fatsopitjordan_U: can I pm you?05:41
linux_is_my_herokathe: the latest version of the gnash flash plugin05:41
IzinucsName141: Wubi is not a good test environment..05:41
celeritasmib_mib_, well your ssh server is clearly the problem. check the server logs and try restarting the daemon05:41
logiekathe: yes they do05:42
bearclanreply, yeah not so much05:42
kathelinux_is_my_hero have you tried the adobe 1005:42
linux_is_my_heroyes, and it gives me an error at the end of installation.05:42
mib_mib_celeritas: I can't ping the server....maybe ping is disabled?05:42
thune3linux_is_my_hero: try flashplugin-installer package before getting fancy05:42
Name141Izinucs: why is that? It ran fine for the most part last time I tried it05:42
Jordan_Ufatsopit: You may, but it's better to ask the channel as a whole. That way others can help / correct bad advice.05:42
linux_is_my_herolet me try it again ill tell u exactly what it says05:42
mib_mib_celeritas: what server logs? i've checked messages, and auth, and syslog, nothing out of the ordinary05:42
IzinucsName141: it's prone to errors.. better to run ubuntu in a virtualbox vm05:43
fatsopitUbuntu8.04: I have problem when clicking the shutdown/logoff button, the panel just disappeared05:43
pvl1why does drawer lag05:43
kathelogie then you probably need to adjust the unmask settings05:43
Name141Izinucs: I think Virtualbox would have it's own acceloration and stuff though, rather than the real ATi driver?05:43
kathelogie here is a link i've used in the past05:44
kathelogie http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugfilesp.html05:44
celeritasmib_mib_, netstat and grep may be reporting listening services but you interface may be mapped incorrectly. are you using a nat to connect your server to the internet? and is you server able to make outgoing connections?05:44
kathelogie near the bottom are some unmask examples05:44
fatsopitjordan_U:Ubuntu8.04: I have problem when clicking the shutdown/logoff button, the panel just disappeared05:44
logiekathe thanks05:44
X_ohi world05:44
kathelogie np05:44
Jordan_Ufatsopit: Did this only happen once, or every time you try to log out?05:45
celeritasmib_mib_, by server logs i mean ssh specifically, which may or may not be logging to syslog05:45
katheankush, where are we at with your nm05:45
fatsopitJordan_U:everytime... this happened after a lib update05:45
kathelinux_is_my_hero, where are we at with your flash problem05:46
X_osudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd start05:46
X_oRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)05:46
X_outility, e.g. service vsftpd start05:46
X_oSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an05:46
X_oUpstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start vsftpd05:46
FloodBot4X_o: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
X_ovsftpd start/running, process 515805:46
Gothicsatandoes anyone know a good program to burn an .iso image to USB disk? (UNetbootin isn't what i'm lookin for)05:46
pvl1Gothicsatan, what OS05:47
linux_is_my_herokathe: thanks :-)05:47
fatsopitJordan_U: and this started yesterday...also I've removed my firefox but it's still partially active when I click the icon.05:47
linux_is_my_herokathe: ;-)05:47
darkkraihow do I access the keyring manager?05:47
linux_is_my_herokathe: it worked...i installed from tty this time05:47
h0rnmandoes anyone know where I can place a 'power=off' command so that my wireless interface is started with that parameter?05:47
X_osudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd start05:47
X_ovsftpd start/running, process 515805:47
X_oUpstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start vsftpd05:47
X_oSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an05:47
kathelinux_is_my_hero,  good deal05:47
Jordan_Ufatsopit: "partially active"?05:47
linux_is_my_herokathe: it get giving me errors if i tried to install from the firefox plugin finder05:48
linux_is_my_heroill report a bug05:48
fatsopitJordan_U:it can start but it cannot connect to the internet as if I used the google search it won't do anything05:48
linux_is_my_herogoing to bed, thank you for your help, have a great night :-)05:48
upgrdmananyone here use lirc?05:48
Gothicsatanpvl1: Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 AMD6405:49
X_onop irssi05:49
upgrdmani want to have my remote's power button launch or close mythfrontend but i can't figure it out. someone told me to use irexec but i dont know what i need to do05:49
pvl1Gothicsatan, what os are you looking to install05:49
Jordan_Ufatsopit: Can you try creating a new user, or logging into the guest account? (not sure if the guest session feature existed in 8.04)05:49
Gothicsatanpvl1: not an OS, a game.. i want to burn it to a USB disc like it was a CD..05:50
Sam_FisherHowdy ya'll05:50
X_oI have a quetion05:50
X_oabout vsftp05:50
maxxistok.  I have to say this.  Ubuntu on my Santa Rosa MacBookPro is freaking awesome.  Everything including two finger scrolling, wireless, video, isight works out of the box.  Life is good!!!!!05:50
pvl1Gothicsatan, ah i see. so your lookin to emulate a cd through usb, or simply copy the contents05:50
xsjjoin ubuntu-cn05:51
X_oI'M Tried to run vsftp05:51
Gothicsatanpvl1: Correct05:51
katheGothicsatan, you don't really burn those to a memory stick like a cd, memory sticks are a different medium, you can emulate a cd by mounting an io image from any source including the usb05:51
X_oby /etc/init.d/vsftp restart05:51
X_obut i get this05:51
pvl1X_o, we saw please dont05:51
Sam_Fisherwhat do I need to backup if I want to reinstall Lucid again? I have some weird vidio and wifi issues I don't want to fix05:51
katheGothicsatan, or you can uncompress the image and copy the fiels over, but a lot of DRM won't like it depending on the game05:51
Gothicsatankathe: it's so i can give the stick to someone else and they plug it in, and it reacts like it was an inserted disc05:51
fatsopitJordan_U: I can make new user but I don't think I can switch user without turning off the computer first05:52
Jordan_UGothicsatan: That's not possible.05:52
pvl1X_o, either begin using the service, or change the scripts for it05:52
katheGothicsatan, dependins on their operating system05:52
Gothicsatankathe: not lookin for OS boots05:52
pvl1Jordan_U, how does like sandisk do it then05:52
GothicsatanJordan_U for real? :(05:52
X_oI did it05:52
logieupgrdman i have lirc set up hto do exactly that let me look how i did it05:52
Jordan_Upvl1: With hardware that emulates a CDROM drive05:52
Gothicsatanno no05:52
mib_mib_celeritas: how can i check if things are mapped correctly? this was working before so its weird that it no longer works05:52
katheGothicsatan, on linux, you can setup a command to auto mount an iso file and execute it through the command line,  past that, not possible05:53
pvl1Jordan_U, thought so05:53
X_oI did the same steps but now I have that05:53
katheGothicsatan, windows you buy alcohol 120%05:53
pvl1Jordan_U, jw05:53
Gothicsatani have an .iso.. i want to 'burn' to USB so when i give it to my friend it just pops up like a CD05:53
katheGothicsatan, mac I'm not certain05:53
katheGothicsatan, not possible05:53
Gothicsatankathe: windows = suxx05:53
Gothicsatankathe: damn05:53
pvl1X_o, what command did you actually send05:54
ldvxGothicsatan: this is an iso on what?05:54
ldvxof what*05:54
Jordan_Ufatsopit: You can safely reboot by pressing alt+f2, which should bring up a run dialog, and run "gksudo shutdown -r now"05:54
Gothicsatanit's a Windows game, totally installable in ubuntu.. he's just lazy05:54
katheGothicsatan, there is something very close to what you want to do that is very easy on linux05:54
Gothicsatanthat and it'd be fun to figure out how to do05:54
Sam_Fisherwhat do I need to backup to restore after complete rein05:54
Gothicsatankathe: yeah?05:55
celeritasmib_mib_, if you are using a nat managed by a router, logging into the router should not be a problem as most come with web interfaces. if your server is able to make outgoing connections, take a note of its ip and machine name. in the nat configuration of your router, make sure that the ports for ssh are correct. and you ping may be failing because the gateway is not responding to the message05:55
katheGothicsatan, here is a link for how to mount an iso image from the command line  http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-iso-image-under-linux.html05:55
celeritaskathe, mount -o loop iso folder05:55
Gothicsatankathe: i know how to use mount -o loop05:55
celeritasi think05:55
Gothicsatankathe: he don't05:55
ntiyhey. any gnuplot experts here?05:55
katheGhoticsatan, write a script then05:55
Gothicsatankathe: i was tryin to make it "idiot-proof" for lack of a better term05:56
pvl1X_o,  /etc/init.d/vsftpd doesnt do anything05:56
katheWhen he plugs in the memory stick, have it auto run a command file that does the mount05:56
fatsopitJordan_U:... tried the "#gksudo shutdown -r now" nothing happened05:56
Gothicsatankathe: that's a good idea xAD05:56
pvl1X_o, firstly unless you are already root, you need a sudo, second you need to tell vsftpd what to do. regardless, its already started from the other command. so try sudo service vsftp stop05:56
pvl1or vstp start05:57
GothicsatanThanks kathe05:57
Jordan_Ufatsopit: Remove the '#'05:57
katheGothicsatan, your welcome05:57
fatsopitdid it "gksudo shutdown -r now"05:57
IDlucashello to each and everyone of you05:57
fatsopitstill no thing05:57
fatsopithello id lucas05:57
=== anj is now known as anjtheodd
X_oI tried and I have that error05:57
logiefatsopit gksu not gksudo05:57
X_oi right sudo /etc/init.d/vsftp restart05:58
Jordan_Ufatsopit: Try "gnome-terminal" then run "sudo shutdown -r now" in the terminal that comes up05:58
celeritasJordan_U, fatsopit, why shutdown with gksudo. if you are in tty, you need sudo05:58
Gryllidalogie: fatsopit: gksu and gksudo are same.05:58
Jordan_Uceleritas: He's not, he's using the alt+f2 dialog (lost his top pannel)05:58
pvl1X_o, are you saying that you tried to run "sudo service vsftp stop" already05:58
thune3Gothicsatan: i don't understand why mounting the iso, and copying the contents to a fat32 formatted flash drive will not do what you want. (You plug it in and the files are there).05:59
pvl1X_o, in that case run sudo killall vsftp05:59
celeritasJordan_U, ah looks like whatever he chose worked :)05:59
Gothicsatanthune3: that would work, but the guy i'm gonna give the disk too won't understand how to mount the files right.. since it's a window program that needs to get installed through wine..06:00
Gothicsatanthune3: i'm tryin to make it very simple for him06:00
thune3Gothicsatan: mount what files?06:00
mib_mib_celeritas: ah okay well i can't even ping my server, so something must have happened to it06:01
Gothicsatanthune3: he's have to do the sudo mount -o loop options, since he don't understand how that works, he won't do it06:01
mib_mib_celeritas: what do I do to make it so my server can accept outside connections?06:01
Gothicsatanthune3: he's really wierd06:01
upgrdmanlogie, ever figure out how you did it with lirc?06:01
ldvxGothicsatan: create a script!06:01
thune3no, i'm suggesting that you unpack the iso, and just give him the files on a flash drive06:02
Gothicsatanldvx: that's what i'm doing now :)06:02
Sam_FisherI need to reinstall Lucid but before I do what do I need to backup ? I already grabbed my Home folder.06:02
sirninjaIt's taking me a lot longer to log into ubuntu than it used to. Is there a program to see which startup programs are taking the most time?06:02
NinoScriptHow can I make bluetooth to be turned off by default when I powerup my notebook?06:02
kathesirninja, i think there is a diagnostics command in init.d06:03
thune3Gothicsatan: i assume i'm missing something06:03
sirninjakathe: Isn't that more for system files? I still boots up fast, it just takes a long time to load gnome06:03
Gothicsatanthune3: i had no probs just mounting the .iso file via 'mount -o loop'06:04
kathesirninja, ah, sorry misunderstood the question06:04
celeritasmib_mib_, well if you were able to connect before something must have been either setup correctly, extremely insecure, or a little of both. a server accepts connections through tcp and udp connections that are either mapped by a nat table on your router or directly routed to the machine when the router is running as a dmz. it really depends on your needs. if you only need ssh, setting up a nat to allow only ssh through will do t06:04
celeritashe trick. most routers won't respond to pings in order to keep scanners like nmap from detecting the machine, but there are way around that06:04
Gothicsatanthune3: he's not so swift, lol06:04
kathesirninja, what version of ubuntu are you running06:04
sirninjakathe: 10.0406:04
Gothicsatanthune3: i just thought i'd be fun to pick brains and see what to do about making it simple, and making a startup script is the easiest.. i'm gonna do that.06:05
thune3Gothicsatan: i'm saying, don't give him the iso, unpack the iso and give him the files. in other words, just copy the files from your loop mounted iso to a flash drive. why doesn't that work?06:05
kathesirninja, sorry haven't played with 10.04 yet, still running 9 series myself, they have an updated gnome there, and not familiar with it06:05
kathethune3, that does not always work depending on what he is trying to run.06:06
sirninjakathe: the thing is, it used to log in really fast, but not it's a lot slower and I don't recall changing anything major like that06:06
celeritasGothicsatan, will the startup script mount the image only, or does it also trigger other programs. keep in mind the simple startup mounting can be done with fstab06:06
Gothicsatanthune3: haven't tried it yet, i'm just gonna make a script that mounts the iso from the USB Stick and auto starts the wine 'install.exe' for him, then he won't even notice06:06
mib_mib_celeritas: i can ssh into other remote servers fine, how do i make my remote server allow outbound connections and such? sorry if i'm being dense.06:06
Gothicsatanceleritas: see above lol06:07
X_othat what I get after tried to run  sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd start06:07
X_oRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)06:07
celeritaslol i saw it06:07
kathesirninja, hmm...  there are a lot of forum entries for slow booting because of multimedia and video06:07
celeritasmib_mib_, pm06:07
X_outility, e.g. service vsftpd start06:07
X_outility, e.g. service vsftpd start06:07
Gothicsatani <3 you guys, ya'll have pointed me in the right direction when i was just blind to the oblivious.06:07
Kane_Harthey for a website with mysql/forum/some load from the sql database not tons but I'm running a game server that access the database but not crazy just here and there to save char data and such. Anyways I'm wondering what a good vps specs be to start out with like ram and cpu use.06:08
fatsopitjordan_U: seemed that I'm running low on disk space06:08
X_oSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an06:08
X_oUpstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start vsftpd06:08
kathesirninja, have you checked out the forums yet?06:08
X_oalso try to stop I get the same error06:09
sirninjakathe: I've been looking around06:10
logieupgrdman: http://pastebin.com/wu0Z7EFP06:10
kathesirninja, lots of complaints, this is the only one i have seen that has a workaround http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=934206906:11
fatsopithello everyone06:12
katheit points to your bios settings, make sure everythign is disabled that should be, like if a non-existant floopy drive06:12
Surlent777have any of you uninstalled the indicator-applet volume monitor and replaced it with the normal gnome-volume-monitor? If so, did you find a way to make it blend better with the Light themes? Mine shows up as black with green waves instead of tan with tan waves. Tried copying/renaming the volume-panel files in the theme's directory (under 22 and 24) but that didn't seem to do it06:12
wintalloI keep getting the message "ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [f7c82dec] 'on'". How do I disable ACPI checks in grub?06:12
Surlent777wintallo: the noacpi option?06:13
fatsopit@all: how can I free some disk space ... I'm ubuntu8.04, have 3 active user, 1 guest user06:13
Surlent777fatsopit: the usual. Delete unneeded/unused programs, mostly06:14
Jordan_Ufatsopit: If you boot into "recovery mode" there is an option to free up disk space by deleting package file caches06:14
kathefatsopit, have you cleared your package manager/app-get unused files06:14
Gothicsatanfatsopit: delete/remove stuff u don't need/use06:14
edbianWhat is software called that lets me share my mouse and keyboard amoung multiple computer?06:15
kathenight all06:15
katheedbian synergy is one product06:15
Gothicsatannight kathe06:15
kathenight all06:16
fatsopitjordan_U: how to get to recovery mode?06:16
edbiankathe, yes but what type of software would that be called? (Thanks btw :) )06:16
anyoneofusi have error after i run command "/etc/init.d/havp start". This is my error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/447591/06:16
celeritasedbian: synergy06:16
anyoneofussomeone help me, please06:16
Jordan_Ufatsopit: It should be an option in the menu you see at boot06:16
Gothicsatanedbian: KVM Switch06:16
Gothicsatanit's not software, it's hardware, buy it06:16
edbianGothicsatan, But I want a virtual KVM.  Is that right?06:16
celeritasedbian: synergy is the name of the software06:16
celeritassynergy is available for linux, windows, and mac06:17
edbianceleritas, apache is a web server, synergy is...06:17
celeritasallows sharing the mouse and keyboard among various machines, respecting the organization of screens06:17
linux_is_my_heroanyone know of a good sound editing software for ubuntu?06:17
linux_is_my_herofor aspiring musicians06:17
Surlent777edbian: a hardware multiplexor06:17
celeritaslike an extended desktop on windows or xinerama on x06:18
edbianSurlent777, A ha!  What a great name.06:18
h0rnmanmaybe a different question then:  does anyone know if adding a 'power=off' line to /etc/NetworkManager/systemconnections/Auto <network_SSID>' start that device with power settings disabled?06:18
edbianI understand what it does.  Just needed the name.  Thanks everybody!06:18
grendal_primeok guys this who glipper thing is fucked up.06:18
grendal_primeand im sorry but that just hast to be said06:19
linux_is_my_herowhat is glipper?06:19
linux_is_my_herogothicsatan: ill try that, thanks :-)06:19
grendal_primeits a clipboard manager06:19
Gothicsatanlinux_is_my_hero: it's just like Cooledit Pro06:19
grendal_primelike klipper06:19
grendal_primebut for gnome..and it still crashes..its been like  a year...what the hell??06:20
linux_is_my_herogrendal_prime do they make it for KDE?06:20
Surlent777linux_is_my_hero: they make Klipper for KDE, glipper for GNOME06:20
GothicsatanUbuntu>Kubuntu :/06:20
thune3anyoneofus: http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/2009/10/05/eol-clamav-094/06:21
grendal_primeevery other time you reboot..it crashes and says something like...it didnt load right, bla bla do you want me to remove it from the pannel..that sort of crap..06:21
grendal_primething is..its been in this state for like a year now..06:21
Gothicsatangrendal_prime: have you tried running it in a terminal to see exact probs?06:21
Gothicsatangrendal_prime: u might not have all dependancies06:22
grendal_primeklipper works great!!!  but installing an all the kde libs for a damn clipboard manager?06:22
Gothicsatando it06:22
grendal_primeGothicsatan, its part of the ubuntu desktop package!!06:22
Surlent777you can get amarok while you're at it06:22
=== este is now known as es-te
Gothicsatangrendal_prime Kubuntu maybe, i had massive probs with Kubuntu, and waaaay less with ubuntu06:23
Sam_FisherDoes anyone know an app that will make a list of programs I have installed so I can set them up again after full reinstall?06:23
Surlent777Gothicsatan: Funny, I seem to have it the other way around most times06:23
anyoneofusthune3: my Clamav version is 0.9606:23
WarCthulhuI'm having some trouble with Wine, can someone help me out?06:23
Surlent777Sam_Fisher: Yes, Synaptic06:23
grendal_primeim usint ubuntu..preinstalles...  Gothicsatan its a known bug...pages of crap on it.06:23
grendal_primeit just makes me crazy06:23
Surlent777Sam_Fisher: File > Save Markings As06:23
anyoneofusthune3: debian:~# clamd -V06:23
anyoneofusClamAV 0.96.1/11171/Thu Jun 10 08:45:50 201006:23
Gothicsatangrendal_prime: ahh.. i had more probs with Kubuntu.. guess it depends on hardware06:24
Sam_Fishersurlent777 Thanks!06:24
GothicsatanWarCthulhu: what sort of probs?06:24
Surlent777Sam_Fisher: Then File > Read Markings. Make sure when you go to Save Markings As... to tell it to save the entire state, not just changes. Just to be sure.06:24
Surlent777oh...guess he left06:25
banker247how do i remove programs i've installed that dont have an uninstaller?06:25
Surlent777hope he knows to save his sources.list too =(06:25
tenshinoneko_I'm having such a big problem T_T06:25
Surlent777banker247: sudo aptitude remove program ?06:25
tenshinoneko_I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and now my windows partition says it needs to be CHKDSK06:25
Gothicsatanbanker247: sudo apt-get purge program?06:25
tenshinoneko_anyone knows how can i CHKDSK from ubuntu or create a recovery diisk?06:26
fatsopithello all again... this is the 3rd time I rebooted06:26
Surlent777tenshinoneko_: doesn't it try and run chkdsk when you boot into Windows?06:26
thune3anyoneofus: http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/support/faq/faq-upgrade/   looks like havp 0.89 doesn't support latest clam: http://www.server-side.de/06:26
banker247i installed a game savage2 i can't remove it06:26
Jordan_Udukz: Did you ever get your boot problem fixed?06:26
Surlent777banker247: how did you install it? We need details06:26
banker247Surlent777 executed a .bin file06:27
grendal_primeGothicsatan,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glipper/+bug/21349406:27
grendal_primeits insane06:27
grendal_primeand im going crazy with this crap06:27
tenshinoneko_Surlent777: I can't boot into Windows, right now on Gparted that i have to run CHKDSK -F and reboot twice but i can't since I cant go on windows T_T06:27
Gothicsatanafk reading link06:27
VIPeRpuchòóò ñ ðóññêèì êàê?06:28
Surlent777VIPeRpuch: English06:28
NinoScripthow do I tell my bluetooth to start off by default?06:28
celeritastenshinoneko_, is windows asking you to chkdsk?06:28
Surlent777tenshinoneko_: gparted is telling you you have to run chkdsk?06:28
celeritastenshinoneko_, who is asking you? :)06:28
fatsopithelp:.... I use sudo apt-get update n at the end I get these  "W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages)06:29
fatsopitW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems06:29
tenshinoneko_Surlent777 celeritas: OK this is what happened: I installed Ubuntu 10.04. After the installation was done I'm able to log onto ubuntu but on the boot menu Windows wont show up. Right now i booted from the CD and i check with GParted and it says that the Windows partition can't be mounted that i should run CHKDSK06:29
celeritastry apt-get clean06:30
Surlent777fatsopit: this should be easy enough. Open Synaptic, go to Repositories, and make sure you don't have two of the same. If you do, delete one.06:30
celeritasfollowed by apt-get update06:30
Jordan_Utenshinoneko_: Can you pastebin the output the output of "sudo blkid"?06:31
Surlent777fatsopit: and uh, what does that emoticon/smiley?06:31
Surlent777err mean^06:31
tenshinoneko_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo blkid /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"  /dev/sda1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="DellUtility" UUID="07D8-0B19" TYPE="vfat"  /dev/sda2: LABEL="RECOVERY" UUID="8482A64182A63816" TYPE="ntfs"  /dev/sda3: LABEL="OS" UUID="CAFAA9CEFAA9B75B" TYPE="ntfs"  /dev/sda5: UUID="0a2cadeb-ae72-4d03-893b-7bc6da0bfca7" TYPE="ext4"  /dev/sda6: UUID="c1ed37fa-448d-46ea-a214-f66b5bf6e312" TYPE="swap"  /dev/sdb1: LABEL="360 N VBOX" UUID="06:31
celeritastenshinoneko_, seems like your chainloader is missing. a winxp boot floppy or cd can be downloaded quickly and will boot the winxp. nonetheless, adding the grub entry is importat06:32
tenshinoneko_the one that is having problem is /dev/sda206:32
tenshinoneko_I don't have a Windows CD since the computer has a partition to recover, which is not working either T_T06:33
Jordan_Utenshinoneko_: Can you mount /dev/sda3?06:34
edbiansynergy is AWESOME06:34
infidget synergy+ synergy is deprecated06:34
edbianinfid, I'm using debian06:35
tenshinoneko_Jordan_U: oops i meant the problem is with /dev/sda3      I can't mount it, i tried force mounting it and it tells me that:  sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /home/ubuntu/Desktop/work -o force $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 1). Failed to mount '/dev/sda3': Input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboo06:35
celeritas_tenshinoneko_, have you tried booting window from grub?06:36
infidhow can i check if samba is running?06:36
edbianinfid, ps -e06:36
edbianinfid, Do you mean a samba server?06:37
fatsopitHELP please: still I can't use the shutdown/logoff button... if I click it ... the whole panel disappeared :(06:37
celeritas_edbian, infid, grep to filter?06:37
edbianceleritas_, ps -e | grep smb06:37
celeritas_fatsopit, is acpi working correctly?06:37
edbianceleritas_, ps -e | grep sm    (not really sure what it'll be called)06:37
engineerhello all . you all are good06:37
tenshinoneko_celeritas: grub wont show06:38
edbianfatsopit, Well as a work around you can just sudo shutdown -h now06:38
engineerany1 used pfsense. i need help in it. ?06:38
fatsopitceleritas: I don't know, I'm quite new at this... can I pm you?06:38
celeritas_fatsopit, seems like this would be a relevant conversatioon for this channel. do you mean your machine's button or gnome/kdes button?06:39
MacGugeshello! trying to fix my networking which wouldn't come up after an update. after editing /etc/network/interfaces I can see eth0; before it had claimed it couldn't find wlan0, which I hadn't used in months. now that I have an eth0, what's keeping me from the network?06:39
fatsopitI think its gnome06:39
edbianMacGuges, Are you ready to delve into networking?06:39
anyoneofusthune3: any idead for my?06:39
fatsopitcos since yesterday it has downloaded stuffs... lib/kernel and since it has become unstable06:40
celeritas_fatsopit, the power button is handled by your display manager. can you look up those logs?06:40
edbianMacGuges, sudo ifup eth0  should make eth0 work.  eth0 Should be a wired connection BTW06:40
MacGugesedbian: yes, I am ready to delve. bring it on!06:40
thune3anyoneofus: you saw my last post to you?  http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/support/faq/faq-upgrade/   looks like havp 0.89 doesn't support latest clam: http://www.server-side.de/06:40
fatsopitceleritas: how can I do that with no panel in sight06:40
engineerMacGuges. are getting an ip?06:40
edbianMacGuges, Then you should be able to ping www.google.com06:40
celeritas_Ctrl+Alt+F2 will give you another tty06:41
edbianMacGuges, Tell me if you can't, well work from their :)06:41
celeritas_fatsopit,  Ctrl+Alt+F2 will give you another tty (tty2), should work06:41
engineeranyone using PFSENSE?06:41
edbianMacGuges, Pardon me for being rude but.  What is taking you so long?06:42
celeritas_engineer, what is it?06:42
MacGugeshmm, it looks like ifup eth0 failed on finding dhcp leases.06:42
infidedbian: yeah a samba server, i grep'd ps ax for smbd,b ut it's not running and smbclient -L says nothing06:42
engineerceleritas. have u used it for load balancing?06:42
edbianMacGuges, Can you pastebin your /etc/networking/interfaces?06:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:42
edbianinfid, I'm not sure if ps ax will show it.  I know ps -e would for sure.  If it's not running sudo /etc/init.d/samba start06:43
engineerceleritas. i need help in PFSENSE? its a networking tool06:43
MacGugesedbian: what? well, maybe because I'm still unused to my phone's keyboard.06:43
edbianMacGuges, You're running ubuntu on your phone????06:43
celeritas_engineer, i know what load balancing is but the technical details: nope06:43
MacGugesedbian: haha no, just irc.06:44
engineerceleritas... how u did load balancing? what u used ? hardware based or software?06:44
edbianMacGuges, Oh, well that will make pastebin difficult won't it.06:44
SeanInSeattleHey peoples.  Can someone help me to understand where the value for $PATH is stored in linux, and how to edit specific commandline environment variables, including $PATH?06:44
MacGugesedbian: I was confused by your question. yes, it would.06:44
R3cur51v3What software should I use to convert a 1080p mkv movie to 720p?06:44
edbianMacGuges, you want DHCP for eth0?  I'll send you a /etc/network/interfaces that is perfect and you can check against yours.06:44
celeritas_engineer, like i said. i know what it is and often throttled by it. no idea how to implement or troubleshoot06:44
linux_is_my_heroanyone tried to put ubuntu on a ps3?06:45
engineerceleritas. ok fine. i have done it all through sofware and hardware. just have an issue. thought i will get an expert here06:45
linux_is_my_heroor an old xbox?06:45
celeritas_SeanInSeattle, look in your home folder for .bashrc etc06:45
MacGugesedbian: alright, that would be useful, thank you06:45
fatsopit@celeritas: tried the CTRL+ALT+F2 n got text interface... cannot do anything and just restarted06:45
SeanInSeattle@celeritas  cool.06:46
ankushmy lucid's booting is slow, what should i check in order to decrease boot time?06:46
celeritas_engineer, possibly in linux or networking channels06:46
edbianMacGuges, http://pastebin.com/tLavZR3G  Is yours different?06:46
celeritas_fatsopit, cd /var/log06:46
celeritas_fatsopit, ls and look around for *i think* gdm.log for the gnome display manager06:47
engineerceleritas.. thankyou. i am already searching for some one there as well. till now  no success.06:47
celeritas_anybody know the log file for the gnome display manager?06:47
SeanInSeattle@celeritas "path" not found... :(06:47
Jordan_UCan someone give a message to tenshinoneko_ for me when he comes back?06:47
MacGugesedbian: there are a few differences in order, and more newlines in mine.06:48
brickywow I cant believe you can scroll with two fingers06:48
infidedbian: thanks, it worked, it's called smbd in lucid and is part of upstart so i can start it with 'start smbd'06:48
edbianMacGuges, You didn't actually write the /n write?  You mean just spacing?06:48
brickyI thought MAC patented that, lol06:48
edbianinfid, awesome!06:48
edbianinfid, I think you did more than I did though ;)06:48
fatsopit@celeritas: done ls got gdm but no gdm.log06:48
edbianbricky, What hardware are you using?06:48
brickyedbian: an HP laptpo.06:49
celeritas_fatsopit, gdm should do. can you put that in pastebin, i think you can do it through wget06:49
edbianMacGuges, Did you change the file at all?06:49
brickyI can even side scroll like that hehe06:49
fatsopit@celeritas: how? wget gdm ?06:49
edbianbricky, Apparently HP has some tech that lets their touchpad recognize multi-input.06:50
brickyedbian: and windows never even bothered?06:50
brickythats pathetic06:50
edbianbricky, You need hardware and software for it to work.  I guess you didn't install any on windows and it didn't come with any like Ubuntu06:50
brickyI was asking around before like years ago06:50
thune3SeanInSeattle: what are you trying to do?06:50
celeritas_fatsopit, use lynx06:50
brickyedbian: right on, never thought id find anything cool in preferences>mouse.. =p06:51
celeritas_fatsopit, lynx pastebin.com06:51
edbianbricky, ha ha.  Linux is full of school stuff.06:51
brickynot that its that 'cool' but still its handy06:51
brickyedbian: yeah I installed my braodcom drivers from the synaptic pck manager06:52
brickybut nothing worked so far06:52
celeritas_use ctrl+x when posting and enter filename of file to upload (/var/log/gdm)06:52
brickyso I gave up , for now06:52
fatsopit@celeritas: confused????=-O06:52
edbianbricky, Oh  :(06:52
edbianbricky, Sorry to hear.06:52
Jordan_Uceleritas_: Yes?06:52
celeritas_Jordan_U, the message06:52
brickyedbian: no problem at all, It recognized it before, I will make it happen06:53
Jordan_Uceleritas_: Add this to /etc/grub.d/40_custom http://paste.debian.net/76822/ then run "sudo update-grub" then reboot into windows.06:53
edbianbricky, good attitude.  I think you'll get it eventually.06:53
brickyalthough I dont know why some drivers dont have auto cfg packages that just run the commands06:53
brickyedbian: :)06:53
Tam^I have a problem with ubuntu install06:53
fatsopit@celeritas:how can I see what's inside gdm?06:53
Tam^When I choose Install or Try06:53
Tam^I have a black screen06:54
Tam^and nothing happens06:54
edbianbricky, yeah, it's complicated I'm sure06:54
MacGugesedbian: beforehand, I removed the lines referencing wlan0; just now I added "auto eth0"  before the ^iface eth0 inet dhcp.06:54
Yosihi al06:54
Yosianyone else have the problem... that after a full shutdown, next time u boot up.. fsck run and freezes06:54
edbianMacGuges, Are you trying to get your wired connection up or your wifi?06:54
celeritas_fatsopit, first "lynx pastebin.com" then page down until the posting part and at the x press ctrl+x, then enter "/var/log/gdm", then page down and submit06:54
R3cur51v3What software should I use to convert a 1080p mkv movie to 720p?06:54
Tam^anyone has an idea?06:54
Yosinext time u reboot worksw fine, just after a full shutdown06:54
Jeff-watersYosi: 10.04?06:54
SeanInSeattlethune3: sorry for the delay, I'm trying to add the path to the django-*.py files to my path so that I don't have to give the absolute path each time.06:54
edbianMacGuges, eth0 is for wired connections, wlan0 is for wifi.06:54
Yosiyes 10.0406:54
celeritas_Jordan_U, got it06:54
Jordan_Uceleritas_: Thanks06:55
Jeff-watersYosi: have you tried alt+F2?06:55
Yosiif I hit ctrl-alt--del irt aborts, and reboots fine, but after the next full shutdown same issue again06:55
MacGugesedbian: my wired connection. (I haven't used wireless since I moved)06:55
Yosijeff - what does that do?06:55
Yosijeff: I'm new to linux/ubuntu06:55
thune3SeanInSeattle: you are running something from shell? or you need this in the global environment?06:56
Jeff-watersYosi: BRB06:56
SeanInSeattlethune3: Yes, I'm running on the bash shell.06:56
edbianMacGuges, ok then.  It is plugged in I'm assuming.  Try and bring the interface up again since you changed the file.  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart (to restart the entire networking stack) or just simply ifup eth006:56
fatsopitwhere I can find lynx pastebin.com???06:56
celeritas_its a command06:56
celeritas_just run it06:56
fatsopitjust did ad I get bash: lnyx: command not found06:57
celeritas_i guess try sudo apt-get install lynx06:57
MacGugesit's strange. my networking was working yesterday, with ubuntu update and firefox, but this old file still had the same old stuff.06:57
celeritas_hey fatsopit, can't you just restart and then post the log file?06:57
fatsopittried getting lynx now06:57
celeritas_fatsopit, getting the pastebin though lynx is the cooler thing to do hehe06:58
fatsopitstill @ 70% on lynx apt-get update06:59
edbianMacGuges, So does that mean it isn't working?06:59
SeanInSeattlethune3:  Wait a min, I think its working.  Nevermind.06:59
MacGugesedbian: when I do that, I see "no DHCPOFFERS received". but my nic is blinking..06:59
SeanInSeattlethune3:  I did successfully add it to my path.  :)06:59
thune3SeanInSeattle: at the end of your ~/.bashrc file you can add "export PATH=$PATH:~/bin" <-- line06:59
edbianMacGuges, You do have a DHCP server running right?06:59
thune3SeanInSeattle: too late ;)06:59
SeanInSeattlethune3:  Why the use of the keyword "export"?06:59
fatsopitk... got lynx pastebin.com07:00
MacGugesedbian: sure, it's part of my ambit modem from rr07:01
celeritas_MacGuges, sounds like no DHCP server on your lan. if you know your gateway ip, just use a static ip and a public dns to get some net07:01
thune3SeanInSeattle: when you run a shell script, the variables stay in the executing environment unless you export them to the calling shell.07:01
edbianMacGuges, sudo ifconfig -a07:01
edbianMacGuges, That should list eth0 (among other things)07:01
fatsopit@celeritas_: got lynx pastebin.com07:02
fatsopitnow what?07:02
celeritas_fatsopit, scroll, or rather page down until the posting area07:02
GothicsatanDoes anyone play Anarchy Online?07:02
SeanInSeattlethune3:  So I would normally use export if I want the environment variable to become available to other processes that do not utilize the .bashrc configuration file?07:02
Gothicsatanon linux*07:02
fatsopitdid it07:02
MacGugesedbian: yes, I see eth0 along with a eth0.avahi interface I hadn't seen before.07:02
celeritas_at the x, press ctrl+x07:02
celeritas_then enter the filename /var/log/gdm07:03
edbianMacGuges, I don't know why you can't get a DHCP lease :(07:04
edbianMacGuges, It should be working07:04
grimlyhello guyx07:04
grimlyi'm trying to launch scheduled tasks from ubuntu 10.0407:04
grimlybut it doest work07:04
MacGugesI don't understand why I wouldn't have dhcp; and besides; I was online yesterday.07:04
fatsopit@celeritas_: do you mean beneath the "post a new pastebin"?07:04
R3cur51v3What software should I use to convert a 1080p mkv movie to 720p?07:05
GothicsatanMacGuges: what type of internet do you have? (Cable, DSL?)07:05
thune3SeanInSeattle: it doesn't look like export is required in .bashrc07:05
Yosijeff: u there?07:05
marcin_kurwa mac07:05
SeanInSeattlethune3:  Interesting... :)  I tried searching for it on the interwebs, but didn't find much.07:06
thune3SeanInSeattle: for more global path (outside of running in a shell), there are other mechanisms for setting the path07:06
aLemmerIs there an easy way to access my Windows Server 2003 shares via the Internet, primarily upon my Ubuntu laptop? I've considered VPN, but all the applications I've downloaded seem needlessly complicated, or don't work cross-platform.07:07
grimlyDoes anyone ever had a problem lauching scheduled task?07:07
thune3SeanInSeattle: this page is a mess but it lists the options https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables under "Persistent Environment Variables"07:07
fatsopithelp please.. I'm a newbie and using ubuntu 8.04.... seemed that my panel disappear everytime I click shutdown/logoff07:07
MacGugesI suspect ubuntu update got a package last night that changed something else, before I shutdown and lost my networking. but it's bizarre. I've never used static networking with rr.com07:07
grimlyfatsopit, try to switch off your wireless07:08
fatsopit@grimly: no wireless07:08
MacGugesedbian: thank you for your efforts.07:08
NinoScriptfatsopit, you could try upgrading to 10.04 :)07:08
grimlyfatsopit, got to system ->preference->apeareance and remove the effect07:09
MikeChelenare there any pdf viewers that are meant for use with ebooks and support bookmarks?07:09
fatsopithmm... if I try updating... then its gonna be 8.04 - 10.04... not enough internet speed07:09
fatsopit@grimly: no system effect07:09
ubottuDas Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.07:09
Yosianyone else have the problem... that after a full shutdown, next time u boot up.. fsck run and freezes07:09
GothicsatanMacGuges: have you tried typing07:10
GothicsatanMacGuges: sudo dhclient07:10
thune3thune3: for setting global path there is /etc/environment (applies to all users) and ~/.pam_environment (w/special syntax) for global environment variables per user07:11
thune3SeanInSeattle: darn see ^07:11
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:11
fatsopit@any1@all.... please help07:12
SeanInSeattlethune3:  lol.  I really appreciate your having looked that up.  Thanks for your help!07:12
fsnt好的 谢谢 ubottu07:12
thune3SeanInSeattle: thank you. i got to learn the latest way ubuntu does this stuff.07:12
tripelbHello. My CHROME has lost sound, youtube eg. FIREFOX has not. Anyone heard of this?07:13
fatsopit@any1@all.... please help... ubuntu 8.04 panel lost after clicking shutdown/logoff... and nothing happened07:13
Gothicsatantripelb: don't use chrome?07:14
solidturtleHi I have installed kubuntu-desktop over ubuntu and when I am connecting to kde session I have the gnome-keyring app launched automatically I looked in System > Advanced > Applications Start automatically and there is no other gnome app activitated, how do I remove the gnome keyring app automatically launched in kde?07:14
GothicsatanKDE +Gnome = ouch07:14
fatsopit@any1@all.... please help... ubuntu 8.04 panel lost after clicking shutdown/logoff... and nothing happened07:15
zoskyhi yall07:15
fatsopitseemed no one can help07:15
tripelbGothicsatan, are you serious? (Chrome has been much better than firefox) ((or is this like the dr. who said, "Your knees hurt? Get a mop.))07:16
zoskyam looking for a way to look at how much power my ubuntu lucid server is using. googe'l points to tons of posts on power mgmt, but im not finding anything to monitor what it needs ??? any suggestions07:17
Gothicsatantripelb: in my experiance firefox has never done me wrong07:17
Yosizosky: using a device called "KILL A WATT"07:17
aschmitztripelb: This may not be the issue, but I've had some problems with Flash in Chrome (well, Chromium) at times. Go to the "Control the current page" button -> Developer -> Task Manager, click on Flash, and click "End process."07:18
zoskyYosi, sure that sounds usefull. but is there no way for ubuntu to figure this out on its own ?07:18
manulauhi all07:19
manulauhave someone tried to use google chrome on ubuntu ? and is it worth anything to use07:19
Yosizosky: dunno07:19
wildbatmanulau, ya ~ it is fast07:19
Gothicsatanmanulau: i use firefox, it's fast, and stable07:20
Gothicsatanlucid 64 bit07:20
Doctehzosky: cant identify every single component in a computer, also last time i checked, hardware for even checking voltages has crap support07:20
nmvictori installed Mac4_Linux theme yesterday and on launching openoffice, the progress bar on the openoffice splash laods upto almost 3/4 way then stops and dissappears, eventually openoffice does not open. Is their a wayi can invetstigate the cause of this, where can i find the most recent log file for openoffice?07:20
aschmitzzosky: You'll pretty much need to measure it from outside the computer, using a Kill-A-Watt or similar. You can find them fairly cheaply online.07:21
Gothicsatannmvictor: openoffice just updated, ur theme may not support the new code07:21
DoctehGothicsatan: it should still eventually show up even if the theme is wack07:22
zoskythanks Docteh & aschmitz.07:22
fatsopit@any1@all.... please help... ubuntu 8.04 panel lost after clicking shutdown/logoff... and nothing07:22
DoctehGothicsatan: run like ooffice from a terminal and see if any errors pop up07:24
GothicsatanDocteh: yeah.. up but i seem to rely on how things mess up for no reason on updates.. and go from there, if he's using a 3rd party theme, it may not support the program07:24
nmvictorGothicsatan: did you say open office just updated?? please what do you mean?07:24
aschmitzfatsopit: Try checking /var/log/syslog (or using the Log File Viewer), and see if anything happens when you click shutdown.07:24
Doctehnmvictor: ooffice in a !terminal ;)07:24
fatsopit@aschmitz: will try07:25
Gothicsatannmvictor: i'm running 10.04 Lucid Ubuntu.. Openoffice just has updates go through.. something may have changed that interferes with the current theme u have..07:25
Doctehthe openoffice update was a few days ago, today was a mysql security update07:25
Gothicsatannmvictor: i'm not for sure, but maybe default back and see if it boots07:25
Gothicsatani'm a few days behind.07:26
Gothicsataninternet/jail issues lol07:26
DoctehI've been fiddling with apt-mirror and apt-cacher is why I know07:26
fatsopit@aschmitz: now its working...07:26
nmvictorDocteh: the splash screen starts then goes off as i explained, im returned to the promp. NO output07:26
fatsopitconfused how did it solve itself07:26
Doctehthats odd, does oowriter do the same thing?07:27
aschmitzfatsopit: That is weird. Perhaps just a temporary bug?07:27
Gothicsatannmvictor: if u choose to use the default ubuntu theme, and try to load openoffice.. does it?07:27
fatsopithow temporary if it last 2 days07:27
ActionParsnipYo yo yo07:27
Yosican anyone help me with my fsck bug in 10.0407:28
Doctehwhat sort of bug07:28
ActionParsnip!anyone | yosi07:28
ubottuyosi: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:28
fatsopit2nd problem: I've tried apt-get remove firefox... but its still there when I click from menu07:28
Yosiafter a full shutdown (not a reboot), next time I boot up.. fsck runs and freezes07:28
Yosigood, point thanks07:29
ActionParsnipFatsopit: if you run: dpkg -l | grep fire ,are there any packages relating to the browser there?07:29
fatsopit@aschmitz: could you assist 2 help?07:29
Gothicsatanfartsopit sudo apt-get purge firefox07:29
ActionParsnipFasopit: sudo apt-get --purge remove firefox* ,is how I get rid of it07:29
aschmitzfatsopit: No idea on the firefox removal. Have you also removed firefox-3.0 and/or firefox-3.5?07:29
nmvictorGothicsatan: i found the update thing interesting because immediately after openoffice launch&fail, i had these process, cant remember their names quit well[ apt-show-version, update-apt-xapi, gzip ] hoging 60-80% of my CPU. I am also running Lucid lynx07:29
aschmitzfatsopit: Go with what ActionParsnip said.07:29
wildbatYosi, new disk?07:29
ActionParsnipFatsopit: you can alsways run alacarte and remove the entrys manually07:30
killownhey peoples i do not understand why my system is using 480MB swap of 512MB  if i have 2gb of memory ram free in total its 3gb ram and why its using swap? my system is very slow because that07:30
Yosiyes, new raid array...  but ran many tests on it, any everything says its fine07:30
killownhelp me?07:30
ActionParsnipFatsopit: remember to run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove07:30
wildbatYosi, seagate 1TB?07:30
Callum__hmm, I wish someone could tell me why Ubuntu One Music Store's music is encoded in MP307:30
YosiI may have shut it down once inproperly b4 i knew the linux command "shutdown -h now"07:30
Yosinew to linux07:30
ActionParsnipKillown: try: lsof | grep sw | less07:31
Gothicsatannmvictor: i would have to say that the current theme ur running don't like the way open office works.. and to try a default theme, and see how things go.. if all is well, the the theme is the problem, not openoffice.07:31
Yosiwildbat: 4 Intel SSD ona LSI Raid controller07:31
ActionParsnipCallum__: interesting.07:31
ActionParsnipKillown: if you have 2gb ram you can set vm.swappiness to 1 and be fine07:31
fatsopitactionParsnip: cool... did what you tell me and its great07:31
tripelbaschmitz, thanks man. It worked. Also I thought I had closed chrome and reopened it but with two screens (workspaces) I think I hadnt closed ALL of chrome windows. And again thanks for the help.07:31
killownActionParsnip ok07:32
DoctehCallum__: mp3 is a common denominator, whats your beef? circle one    its not flac, its not ogg, its not wma07:32
fatsopitactionParsnip: thanks a lot07:32
Yosianyway to make fsck run once properly and clean that flag that makes it run and freeze on every normal bootup07:32
ActionParsnipFatsopit: its one of the first things I remove on a clean install. I hatee firefox07:32
Callum__Docteh: when OGGs are smaller per bitrate and are supported in Ubuntu without installing legally questioned plugins07:32
DoctehYosi: might be improper shutdowns07:32
GothicsatanYosi: are there physical errors on the disc?07:32
wildbatYosi, hmm you wanna ship to me for fix ;p j/k sorryon't know about fsck freeze~...07:32
ActionParsnipDocteh: mp3 requires extra codecs wheras ogg will work on any ubuntu ootb07:32
Yosii checked a few programs, and don't see any physical errors being reported on the disk/array07:33
aschmitztripelb: Cool, glad it worked. (And yeah, Chrome is sometimes hard to close.)07:33
ActionParsnipCallum__: exactly. I think its real weird07:33
GothicsatanYosi: can u boot, and run a system test within Ubuntu?07:33
killownActionParsnip, sudo sysctl -p07:33
killownvm.swappiness = 107:33
Callum__ActionParsnip: for a company promoting open source and patent-free products, I think its almost hypocritical07:33
Doctehis canonical running the music store or is it third party07:33
nmvictorGothicsatan: i like the theme though, its best for my iBook. its true i have been working with open office on other themes, why lie. But im gonna work to keep the theme first with support fo ooffice.beside, just realized that openoffice is set among the upgradable packages, according to aptitude07:33
YosiGothic: I can boot, by hitting crtl-alt-del, and it boots up fine, what test should i run...07:34
YosiI even tried to boot with a live-cd, but don't know what test to run07:34
ActionParsnipKillown: cool but weird how you are chewing swap. The lsof should show swhats in swap though afaik07:34
Gothicsatannmvictor: but if the theme is the only problem, and all u get is looks, i'd rather go for function than looks anyday07:34
DoctehActionParsnip: never heard of that being a use for lsof07:34
killownActionParsnip, i set it in /etc/systcl.conf will it auto start this setting each boot?07:35
killownevery boot*07:35
ActionParsnipCallum__: all I can think is its so folks can download the music as dumb ipods don't play ogg as its too awesome :)07:35
ActionParsnipKillown: yeah that's the idea dude07:35
killownActionParsnip, thank you07:35
ActionParsnipDocteh: yeah the file is open. I believe it reads swap too07:35
Callum__ActionParsnip: who uses Linux only with an iPod when they have to have either Mac OS or Windows to set it up using iTunes >_>07:36
Callum__set it up first time*07:36
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nmvictorGothicsatan: your right, im gonna default to you advice when their wont be much left to do07:36
nmvictorGothicsatan: really appreciate07:36
ActionParsnipCallum__: I don't use apple products on principle as well as they suck07:36
GothicsatanYosi: System>Administration>System Testing07:36
Doctehlets see, 7.4mb of swap in use, i'll try this07:37
Gothicsatannmvictor: sorry i can't say much else, it was more of a test to see which is the problem.07:37
Callum__ActionParsnip: same here, the only one actually worth considering IMO is the iPod touch07:37
DoctehActionParsnip: i just see kswapd0 process07:37
Callum__and then jailbreak it of course07:37
Doctehhmm the music store is drm free, nice07:38
ActionParsnipCallum__: could log a bug ;). All ipods are rubbish, so little features for so much cash, but its shiny shiny07:38
ActionParsnipCallum__: oh yeah jailbreak definately required07:38
nmvictorGothicsatan: no, i really apreciate anyway. Its not always easy to have someone come out to help, i have been a victim of that before07:39
Doctehwhen the 4g was new, the apple ui was more intuitive than the competition07:39
Callum__but then again I could pre-order a Pandora and get a much more powerful Linux pocket-small portable that can play pretty much anything07:39
DoctehI should get my 3g ipod working off of a cf card07:39
YosiGothic: ran the test and it gave me a report, now what?07:40
Gothicsatannmvictor: i'm no pro, but i've had my fair share of problems with linux, and have found workarounds, anything i can do to help..07:40
GothicsatanYosi: what does it say? do you have any errors anywhere?07:40
GothicsatanYosi: it'll tell ya07:40
ActionParsnipKillown: if you run top you should be able to sort by ram use and see the highest offender. I suggest you close firefox if its open as a good first move07:41
YosiGothic: no erros, just a run down of system equipment etc..07:41
seluthaquestion: I read that ktorrent allows you to list an order of download instead of using high/low flags, is there another torrent app for gnome that does that? also is there any issues with installing ktorrent even though i use gnome desktop?07:42
GothicsatanYosi: sec..07:42
killownActionParsnip i was using blender for rendering a model and this model take a lot cpu.07:42
lazaroI installed maverick but still said I have lucid ???07:42
fatsopitanyone can help with mounting/unmount problem?07:42
Doctehis there no way to directly get a list of whats using swap?07:43
zen0selutha: doesnt transmission do that07:43
ActionParsnipLazaro: what does: lsb_release -c ,say?07:43
nmvictorGothicsatan: if my updating direction fails, is their a way i could restrict openoffice to the default theme and keep the new theme for other applications, abiword wirks fine as i can see07:43
fatsopitanyone can help with mounting/unmount problem?07:43
Doctehlazaro: but are things crashing? :)07:43
lazaroI have no idea ActionParsnip07:43
ActionParsnipLazaro: if it says lucid then reboot and hold shift when grub loads, then select the maverick kernel07:43
Doctehfatsopit: !ask the question07:43
ftnHI there. I'm trying to setup a cron job. But when I enter "1 * * * * ~/myScript.sh" on "crontab -e" nothing happens. Do you know what else could I do?07:44
ActionParsnipLazaro: then test it dude (obviously)07:44
Gothicsatannmvictor: iirc there is a command to set default theme options.. but u'll have to google the exact command07:44
lazaroi will try that07:44
ActionParsnipFtn: install gnome-scheduler its a gui to cron07:44
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
ActionParsnip!info gnome-scheduler07:44
ubottuPackage gnome-scheduler does not exist in lucid07:44
seluthazen0, all i saw was using flags high,low,normal. ktorrent can allow you to set dload this one then this ect ect for like a season of anime so you can watch ep 1 while the others go on. So i can set a few as high then leave the others as normal, just sounds nicer to have it dl this one then the next so on and so on07:44
ActionParsnip!info gnome-schedule07:44
ubottugnome-schedule (source: gnome-schedule): GNOME scheduler for automatic tasks. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.1-3 (lucid), package size 1094 kB, installed size 2684 kB07:44
ActionParsnipOk its gnome-schedule07:45
GothicsatanYosi: i'm out of ideas :(07:45
fatsopit@docteh: mounting/unmount internal partition drive... yesterday when I try to mount my internal ntfs (data from previous microsucks version) I had to do it from terminal... cannot automount when I click... said only root can mount/unmount07:45
aLemmerIs there an easy way to access my Windows Server 2003 shares via the Internet, primarily upon my Ubuntu laptop? I've considered VPN, but all the applications I've downloaded seem needlessly complicated, or don't work cross-platform.07:45
Poizonhello guys, i got a problem with phpmyadmin... when i put the user, in this case, root, and the password it doesnt join. show up the same login page but without any error message or anything07:45
ftnActionParsnip Alright, thanks!07:45
YosiGothic: fair enough, someone told me to try the recovery shell or boot option07:45
GothicsatanYosi: wish i could help  ya more :/07:46
ActionParsnipAlemmer: exposing internet shares on wan is a bad idea dude. I'd use some form of service. You can install openssh on the server and use sshfs to connect securely07:46
ActionParsnipAlmmer: you could also use an ftp service07:46
Gothicsatanftpes ftw07:46
DoctehaLemmer: I'd suggest ftp on a non standard port, or openvpn07:47
NeonLightningi'm trying to set /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs to 1500 but after a few seconds i check it and it is saying 0 again how would i see whats changing it back07:47
Doctehdotch: hey are you the guy that made that boinc livecd?07:47
nmvictorGothicsatan: i'd be glad with that07:48
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fatsopit@all: mounting/unmount internal partition drive... yesterday when I try to mount my internal ntfs (data from previous microsucks version) I had to do it from terminal... cannot automount when I click... said only root can mount/unmount07:48
dotchafraid nt Docteh07:48
Gothicsatannmvictor: like i said, u'll have to google that command.. should be very easy to find07:48
shawncm217Can I run full Ubuntu Desktop Edition instead of netbook remix on a netbook?07:49
thune3NeonLightning: can you give the full command you are using07:49
Poizonanyone can help me with the phpmyadmin problem?07:49
GothicsatanYes shawncm217.. but don't expect the extra visuals and stuff07:49
Doctehshawncm217: netbooks are still commonly regular computers, just smaller with less ram, how much ram ya got07:49
Gothicsatanit'll be very basic, but more versitle07:49
ActionParsnipPoizon: what about if you log on as your user (not root)07:49
shawncm217Docteh: 1GB07:50
NeonLightningthune3: sudo su - then i typed in echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs   and it goes to 1500 when i cat it and keep doing so for a few seconds then it goes back to 007:50
Doctehfatsopit: thats odd, are you logged in on the first account that was made or?07:50
fatsopit@docteh: yes07:50
Doctehshawncm217: go for it, dont try 64bit though o/c07:50
Doctehfatsopit: what version of ubuntu, 10.04?07:51
nmvictorI never knew metacity has a compositing manager until i installed cairo-dock yesterday which automatically enabaled it for me07:51
fatsopit@docteh: ubuntu 8.04... on second thought I think it was the 2nd user07:51
PoizonActionParsnip still the same problem07:51
Doctehfatsopit: if you're using gnome, it should just work07:51
ActionParsnipShawncm217: if you use lxde it will be more responsive due to lightness07:52
fatsopit@docteh: yes but some problem yesterday with gnome07:52
NeonLightningthune3: having same things happen with my audio powersave module trying to set it to 107:52
shawncm217Gothicsatan, Docteh: thank you07:52
Gothicsatanshawncm217: the netbook versioin of ubuntu is made to be very portible/user friendly.. if u want to run more than internet/email/im, install the standard, and choose the lowest visual settings.. it will run awesome..07:52
nmvictorand cairo-dock is damn light on CPU, as opposed to AWN07:52
ActionParsnipLazaro: what dide the command output?07:53
ActionParsnipNmvictor: so is simdock. Doesn't need compositing either07:53
thune3NeonLightning: i'm looking of the setting of laptop_mode conflicts with these settings07:53
holoceneGothicsatan, is the netbook version made to be upgraded like the non-netbook versions are?07:53
lazaroI restarted pressing shift but maverick never showed up07:54
shawncm217ActionParsnip: I'll be sure to give LXDE a look, but I am a bit of a GNOME/GTK+ fan. ;)07:54
Gothicsatanholocene: i can't say for sure, but i've tried the netbook version, and it's so simplified, it's like.. whoa.. wth07:54
thune3NeonLightning: what is your laptop_mode value?07:54
ActionParsnipShawncm217: lxde uses gtk07:54
NeonLightningthune3: thanks. trying to get some extra battery life out of my msi wind07:54
ActionParsnipLazaro: did you see the maverick kernel?07:54
NeonLightningthune3: where am i looking for that?07:54
holoceneGothicsatan, ok. will try it.07:54
thune3NeonLightning: /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode07:55
NeonLightningthune3: 007:55
nmvictorActionParsnip: i tried that but i dint like the idea that i have to define lauchers on my own, i cant simply drag&drop icons to it, besides its not extensible, too simple for the desktop.I'd rather "Gnome-panel" that simdock07:55
Gothicsatanholocene: imo, just use the basic, turn down the visuals.. u'll be happier than using the netbook version.. but if all u do is check email and whatnot, then netbook is the way to go07:55
lazaromaybe I dont know how to identify it07:55
DoctehI prefer icewm on my netbook but thats just me07:56
ActionParsnip!info linux-image maverick07:56
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)07:56
holoceneGothicsatan: I agree!07:56
NeonLightningGothicsatan: i'd say its prefrence i found the une stuff a pain i went back to alternating between xfce and fluxbox07:56
ActionParsnipLazaro: I would be 2.6.35 in the grub menu07:56
nmvictoris their gnome2-globalmenu for Lucid?07:56
ActionParsnipLazaro: if you don't see that then you need to install it07:57
ActionParsnip!find globalmenu07:57
GothicsatanNeonLightning: agreed. Preference.. but some don't know what they want/need07:57
ubottuPackage/file globalmenu does not exist in lucid07:57
lazaroI saw that ,but when I go to about gnome , it says lucid07:57
histoI'm having a problem with a flash app that worked fine earlier today. Is there any sort of cache somewhere I can delete to make sure its completely a fresh load?07:57
Doctehhmm if i can dredge up 10 or 15gb i'll try maverick07:57
ActionParsnipNmvictor: I think there's a ppa for it, or a deb07:57
nmvictor!info gnome2-globalmenu07:58
ubottuPackage gnome2-globalmenu does not exist in lucid07:58
histoI've cleared all browser cache there must be a flash cache somethign i';m missing.07:58
arandActionParsnip: The unity/UNE one yes07:58
nmvictor!info gnome2-globalmenu | ActionParsnip07:58
ubottuActionParsnip: please see above07:58
ActionParsnipLazaro: if you run; uname -a ,does it output 35?07:58
xrohi, i use openldap... i have to create a local user that is already in ldap db... someone knows how add it in my local machine? when i do adduser ... i get users exists... i need to reload users cache!07:58
lazaroone second07:58
shawncm217ActionParsnip: My bad. I should have just said I'm a fan of GNOME. However, I am looking at LXDE now. I am a little concerned that LXDE won't support some of the Ubuntu features that I understand are integrated into GNOME, like Ubuntu One.07:58
NeonLightningthune3: i've also noticed my system keeps thinking its got critically low battery when i unplug07:58
ActionParsnipNmvictor: maybe not on the default repos but I use it in maverick so it will be available for lucid07:59
nmvictor!info xcompmngr07:59
ubottuPackage xcompmngr does not exist in lucid07:59
histoOr is there a way to sandbox a browser just to make sure its cache related?07:59
thune3NeonLightning: looks like some daemon keeps resetting it, if you plug in do the settings stay?07:59
ActionParsnipShawncm217: its just a different desktop. Everything under the hood is identical07:59
NeonLightningthune3: gimmie a few gotta find a outlet in this room08:00
lazaroActionParsnip 2.6.35-2-generic #2-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 8 19:15:10 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux08:00
ActionParsnipShawncm217: so you can press alt+f2 and launch ubuntuone or see if its in the menu and use it08:00
Doctehalt+f2 is the run something dialog?08:00
ActionParsnipLazaro: that's the maverick kernel. You are using maverick. Your support is now in #ubuntu+108:00
ActionParsnipDocteh: indeed it is08:01
trollboyhow do I switch pidgin to my default IM client in the latest ubuntu?08:01
NeonLightningthune3: nope still after a few seconds it set it back08:02
lazaroActionParsnip then why it says lucid when I press about gnome ?08:02
trollboyeverything's still defaulted to empathy08:02
nmvictorActionParsnip: i was in their lauchpad page yesterday and i found out that their are no download for that project, but their was a post that was instructing users to add  the ppa on intrepid in /etc/apt/sources.list . so i did that but instead changed the "intrepid" to "lucid". I got some erros rearding PUBLIC_KEY on doing sudo apt-get update08:02
Doctehtrollboy: what sort of everything?08:02
piyushmishraho can anyone help me with auto code indent and balance braces kinda plugin for gedit?08:02
Gothicsatanhe wants to remove the empathy defaults08:02
ActionParsnipLazaro: no idea and as long as your software sources all say maverick you are golden. Check sources.list as well as in software sources so they all say maverick instead of lucid08:03
Gothicsatanempathy is tied into the ubuntu lucid message center.. using pidgeon stops that08:03
Gothicsatanu have to remove empathy08:03
piyushmishraI use pidgin and I have removed empathy08:03
piyushmishracan anyone help me with gedit?08:03
Doctehoh the popups?08:03
nucc1piyushmishra, check gnome live for gedit plugins. dunno where the page is, but isn't hard to find via google08:04
p1ooooppiyushmishra: what's up doc08:04
Gothicsatanyeah, i'm guessing; docteh08:04
trollboyif I click on trollboy on the top right of the menu bar, I get a chat option... I click it and get empathy not pidgin.  I prefer pidgin over empathy.  Pidgin is failing to flash on msg now, and as there's no indicator in the systray anymore, I'm missing msg's08:04
ActionParsnipGothicsatan: what is this message centre?08:04
Blue1piyushmishra: what's up?08:04
lazaroActionParsnip yeah software sources says maverick everywhere08:04
p1oooopActionParsnip: HEY!08:04
NowhereBoybye all08:04
lazaroActionParsnip thank u brother, see ya08:04
ActionParsnipLazaro: then you are on maverick and this channel is no longer your source of support08:04
Doctehtrollboy: i suspect the menu bar thing is hard coded for empathy or don't run it, but the notifications not showing up is a problem08:05
ActionParsnipp1oooop: yo yo yo08:05
p1oooopActionParsnip: nice to meet you again, oh great master08:05
piyushmishrap1oooop ,Blue1: Coding for enjoystudies08:05
ActionParsnipp1oooop: I'm just a user like you dude08:05
GothicsatanActionParsnip: In Ubunto Lucid, there is a message center (kinda, it's what i call it) that kinda groups up facebook, all ur IM's and email to 1 icon in the 'system tray'08:05
nmvictori cant seem to find info regariding the key for gnome2-globalmenu in launchpad, can anyone please help me with that08:05
spezticlecould someone link me to a default /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl file?08:05
ActionParsnipGothicsatan: yeah pidgin hides in there sometimes08:06
p1ooooptrollboy: hmm, you mean innotify is no longer doing anything pidgin?08:06
elnurI've installed ruby1.9.1 and to use I have to run ruby1.9.1. How can I run it as just ruby? Must I make a simlink by myself or there is a less hackish way?08:06
p1ooooptrollboy: I believe there is a plugin for innotify. install the plugin pack for pidgin from the repositories08:06
GothicsatanActionParsnip: he wants to change to Pidgeon, not sure how to do that.. they both seem the same to me08:06
ubottuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.08:06
trollboywell previously, pidgin had a little icon in the top that flashed on msg.. now all systray support in pidgin is gone08:06
Doctehelnur: try that08:06
elnurDocteh, just a sec08:07
Gothicsatancause Lucid has it all combined08:07
p1ooooptrollboy: you mean like innotify or something? like if a song changes in rhythmbox?08:07
Gothicsatanemail/IM/facebook(and the like)08:07
ActionParsnipGothicsatan: cool :)08:07
trollboylike my xchat..08:07
p1oooopbye oh great master08:08
Gothicsatanit's sortal like that p1oooop08:08
trollboyright now its got a icon next to the network icon and on the other side of it is quick synergy08:08
trollboyand its great08:08
owneranything that I can change fan control with?08:08
trollboyif you guys say my name, the icon flashes and I'm happy08:08
mcl0vinhow can i access where firefox keeps its bookmarks from cli please08:08
trollboybut pidgin has no such icon anymore08:08
* owner bricky08:08
trollboynor does it flash on the bottom app list08:08
p1oooopI have no problem with pidgin, except the occasional crash, and that's only because I enabled a few unstable plugins08:09
Gothicsatantrollboy Empathy is Pidgeon..08:09
trollboyGothicsatan, no.. its not08:09
nmvictoris their a way to tweak the metacity compositor?08:09
trollboyI don't like empathy, there's a difference08:09
nmvictor!info metacity08:09
ubottumetacity (source: metacity): lightweight GTK+ window manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.30.1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 245 kB, installed size 664 kB08:09
=== owner is now known as bricky
Gothicsatantrollboy: i used to like pidgeon better, now i'm suck with empathy cause it just works with everything..08:09
Gothicsatantrollboy: usage over visuals08:10
elnurDocteh, I tried `sudo update-alternatives --config ruby` and it told me, "update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for ruby."08:10
NeonLightningthune3: out of ideas?08:10
trollboyyeah, that's the thing Gothicsatan08:10
p1ooooptrollboy: me neither, but I'm not sure about the flash thing... I have an audio alert instead...08:10
trollboyI don't want to have ubuntu decide what im client I use08:10
p1oooopeasier that way08:10
Doctehelnur: odd08:10
p1ooooptrollboy: did you remove empathy yet?08:10
Gothicsatani've spent alot of time on google, using ubuntu lucid 10.04 and i have all my messengers/email working just fine08:11
nmvictori want to change my GDM theme in Lucid, is that possible?08:11
trollboynow the chat clients thing does nothing08:11
trollboyI'm searching pidgin plugins08:11
p1ooooptrollboy: oh mu...08:11
Gothicsatannmvictor: theme support has changed drastically from Hardry to Lucid08:11
p1oooopI'd rathe have innotify notify me...08:11
p1oooopthere is a plugin to do that.08:12
mokulanyone use gmail video chat in browser?08:12
nmvictorGothicsatan: so its not possible to do that08:12
elnurDocteh, seems like I have to hack it with a symlink, right?08:12
p1oooopmokul: does it work?08:12
Gothicsatannmvictor: u can.. but don't expect much support yet..08:12
Doctehelnur: yea, change the symlink in /etc/alternatives08:12
farciarz84hi, I shared my folder in the network, how it can be accesibble from the other comupters?08:12
nmvictorGothicsatan: how can i08:12
thune3NeonLightning: i have ideas, and i'm looking but it's not coming fast08:12
mokuli cant do that so i m asking "anyone use gmail video chat in browser?"08:13
aLemmerFacairz84: You could use a simple VPN like Hamachi.08:13
p1oooopfarciarz84: it's accessible through the network... places > network08:13
elnurDocteh, you know, there is NO alternatives for ruby ;)08:13
elnurDocteh, so, there is no symlink in /etc/alternatives08:13
Gothicsatannmvictor: System>Preferences>Apperance08:13
p1oooopfarciarz84: it's also accessible through windows machines ;)08:13
Gothicsatannmvictor: that's how i change it..08:13
farciarz84p1oooop: sorry, but there is only windows-network without my machine08:14
NeonLightningthune3: no worries(its already quarter after 3 in the morning here so i'm not likely to sleep tonight anyway)08:14
Doctehso you get ruby1.9.1 and it doesn't try and take over ruby, thats odd08:14
nmvictorGothicsatan: i meant GDM theme, the login manager...08:14
farciarz84p1oooop: can it be accessible trough ip adress?08:14
p1oooopfarciarz84: I prefer hostname08:14
farciarz84p1oooop: whatever08:14
Gothicsatannmvictor: they removed alot of that from the lucid build08:14
Doctehthats interesting08:14
p1oooopfarciarz84: //(host hame)/(share)08:14
Gothicsatanditto NeonLightning08:14
farciarz84p1oooop: thx08:14
p1oooopfarciarz84: no prob.08:15
nmvictorGothicsatan: too bad08:15
Doctehelnur: i guess it makes sense, last time i installed ruby it didn't even make a ruby -> ruby1.8 symlink ;)08:15
Gothicsatannmvictor: i know, i loved that customization..08:15
Gothicsatannmvictor: i had found something online about how to modify it, made my OS not want to boot, so i sugguest not doing that08:15
nmvictorGothicsatan: thanks08:16
grimlyhaving a problem with gnome scheduler08:16
farciarz84p1oooop: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered08:16
p1oooopgrimly: fire away08:16
nmvictorGothicsatan: i had enough of reinstalling, dont wanna do that again08:16
elnurDocteh, it's just this way: ubuntu (debian) uses ruby1.8 as the current version, so, if you install a package called just ruby, it will install ruby1.8 and calling `ruby` will work08:17
p1oooopfarciarz84: hmm, seems like you already mounted it08:17
Gothicsatannmvictor: lucid don't wannna let u customize it like u could before.. but u still have a certain lvl..08:17
farciarz84p1oooop: can you tell me how I can access the directory from windows?/08:17
p1oooopfarciarz84: go to your /home/(your name)/.gvfs/ folder and see if it's there08:17
ActionParsnipYo yo yo08:17
p1oooopfarciarz84: yeah, map network drive...08:18
Gothicsatanfarciarz84: mount the windows partition..08:18
nmvictorGothicsatan: whats that08:18
guslhello all, I'm struggling with installing LaTeX. I get "updmap-sys failed".08:18
lefantomedloperawhat is the syntax to mount /dev/sda1 to /media/sda1 :?:08:18
ActionParsnip!hi | lefantomedlopera08:18
ubottulefantomedlopera: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:18
farciarz84p1oooop: no it is not there '(..)/.gvfs'08:19
farciarz84it's empty08:19
ActionParsniplefantomedlopera: sudo mkdir /media/sda1; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /meda/sda108:19
p1oooopfarciarz84: so, your .gvfs folder is empty?08:19
farciarz84p1oooop: but the folder has double arrows08:19
Gothicsatannmvictor: i've made custom graphics for toolbars and window backgrounds.. been workin on new scrips for window borders, but that's more of a hobby for me, nothing offically supported08:19
grimlyploooop, when i just finished installing gnome-scheduler from the terminal and when i try to lauch scheduled tasks from system tools it doesnt start08:19
farciarz84the shared folder08:19
farciarz84p1oooop: .gvfs is empty08:20
p1oooopfarciarz84: huh, I guess you didn't mount it...08:20
ActionParsnipgrimly: launch it from terminal to get intelligent output08:20
farciarz84p1oooop: should I?08:20
p1oooopfarciarz84: hmm...08:20
lefantomedloperawe have to make mkdir08:20
nmvictorGothicsatan: id love that, is their a way i can have you as a friend on this channel?08:20
Gothicsatanmount loop08:21
Gothicsatanmkdir /mnt/iso08:21
RondoRavenI'm running into this error too much lately: The script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, but lsb-header is not supported for Upstart jobs.08:21
ActionParsniplefantomedlopera: yes it is not mounts job to make mount points08:21
Gothicsatannmvictor: i only design for myself..08:21
grimlyActionParsnip, what should i type? scheduled tasks??? it doesnt work08:21
ActionParsnipgrimly: type: gnome-s ,then press tab a couple of times08:22
Gothicsatannmvictor: soz08:22
* nucc1 wonders what hplip is possibly downloading that is taking forever to finish installing08:22
lefantomedloperabut if we umount automated monted media, t automaticaly delet the folder /media/disk08:22
ActionParsnipgrimly: trying to guess commands is silly. Tab will allow you to autocomple or see what's available08:22
lefantomedloperaidem for media mounted my nautilus08:23
RondoRavenam I having a problem with insserv or do I need to patch lsb-header somehow?08:23
ActionParsniplefantomedlopera: yes the gnome-mount-manager or somesuch doing its job08:23
wavezwhat's a good torrent client available for ubuntu?08:24
grimlyActionParsnip, ok08:24
wavezI'm a fan of uTorrent. I don't know if it's available for ubuntu08:24
RondoRavenwaves: I like transmission08:24
lefantomedloperabut if I make sudo umount /media/disk-monted-by-nautilus08:24
p1oooopfarciarz84: places > connect to server > (service type: windows share; server: (your server); share: (your share name)08:24
p1oooophello xfact_08:24
Gothicsatantransmission = utorrent08:24
lefantomedloperaonly umount make the unmount job? and the delet of the disk folder?08:24
zen0wavez: it will be soon08:25
xfact_Hello p1oooop08:25
ActionParsniplefantomedlopera: if the partition is ntfs, use this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows08:25
zen0utorrent is getting ported to linux soon08:25
ActionParsnip!torrent | Waves08:25
p1ooooplefantomedlopera: I don't think it deletes the folder...08:25
ubottuWaves: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P08:25
grimlyActionParsnip, gnome-s doesnt work but when i press tab i have a list of file08:25
wavezzen0, cool, can't wait :)08:25
wavezlooks like transmission is already installed :)08:26
ActionParsnipGrimly: yes, read the list. One will be the command you need08:26
lefantomedloperaif the folder isn't mounted by terminal, umount by terminal delet the folder :/08:26
SirMooAnyone know of WinAMP works well using Wine on here? :/ Or is there another mp3 player that has an auto lyrics plugin?08:26
ActionParsnipWavez: why do you like utorrent?08:26
grimlyActionParsnip, ok08:26
GothicsatanTransmission works good, make sure u got it configured to ur Inet connection08:26
ActionParsnip!winamp | sirmoo08:26
ubottusirmoo: winamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use audacious as alternative.08:26
Gothicsatanand ports and whatnot08:26
trupheenixhi i'm trying to use sshfs and i keep getting this error read: connection reset by peer.08:26
lolrenthere is a uttorent port for linux i forgot his name...08:26
p1ooooplefantomedlopera: hmm, well then there should be a command to stop that08:26
=== karthik is now known as Guest75938
trupheenixi'm trying to connect to an amazon ec2 instance with a pem file08:26
p1ooooplefantomedlopera: dunno actually, I just always remade the folder..08:27
lefantomedloperaso I thought nautilus used sudo mount --option ....08:27
MikeChelenare there any pdf viewers that are meant for use with ebooks and support bookmarks?08:27
wavezActionParsnip, I like the graphical representations, details that are shown, and UI08:28
SirMooActionParsnip, I realize that it's a windows thing. Thats why I mentioned wine... However, does this audacious have a lyrics plugin?08:28
ActionParsnipWavez: transmission has a good ui08:28
ActionParsnipSirmoo: I believe so. You'd have to check the audacious site to be double sure08:29
p1oooop^^ I agree08:29
GothicsatanMikeChelen: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS come built-in with PDF Viewer08:29
p1ooooperr, I agreed with ActionParsnip08:29
ActionParsnipWaves: it also has a web ui like utorrent can too08:29
p1ooooptransmission also has a web interface :_)08:29
MikeChelenGothicsatan, evince doesn't have many ebook reader features, such as bookmarking pages08:29
p1oooopoops, forgot to look at screen, sorry08:29
grimlyActionParsnip, gnome-schedule i ve found it but still not working08:29
p1oooopgrimly: for some reason, it doesn't work...08:30
ActionParsnipWaves: some smartphones even have apps to connect to the web interface for remote goodness from your phone (android has transdroid which rocks)08:30
MikeChelentrupheenix, use ssh-add key.pem08:30
GothicsatanMikeChelen: have you checked the Software Center?08:30
grimlyploooop, what am i suppose to do?08:30
p1oooopgrimly: dunno why though...08:30
ActionParsnipGrimly: what is output when you run it08:30
MikeChelenGothicsatan, looking through there now, only found okular to try so far08:30
p1oooopgrimly: I haven't found the answer to that one, but I'll let you know if I find something08:31
trupheenixMikeChelen, ok wait i'll tell u what command i'm using08:31
xerox1i get /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). error when i write on terminal sudo update-grub2. im on live cd now (ubuntu 10.04) im trying to install grub2 again because windows has deleted it after format. can you please help me ?08:31
grimlyActionParsnip, nohing happen the windows act like it wanna start something but nothing08:31
ActionParsnipGrimly: no output in the terminal at all?08:31
grimlyActionParsnip, nothing08:31
p1ooooptrupheenix: hmm, wrong command?08:31
grimlyploooop, cool08:32
MikeChelenGothicsatan, okular seems to be better, thanks :)08:32
p1ooooptrupheenix: I remember running something... forgot what it was though, sorry08:32
grimlyActionParsnip, yeah really strange i was trying to do this http://www.simplehelp.net/2010/05/31/how-to-set-a-rotating-picture-of-the-earth-as-your-wallpaper-in-ubuntu/08:32
Wexiso, anyone have any ideas how to get /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default ton run at reboot/shutdown on Lucid?08:32
ActionParsnipGrimly: incidentally I did something similar the other day :)08:33
p1oooopWexi: I know how to get it to run in the beginning...08:33
ActionParsnipGrimly: I use gnome-schedule to cron the script to analyse the hour08:33
shay27Hello , I am using Evolution for mail , until last night everything was great , and now when i clicking on the Evolution icon i get the new account wizard , it seems my account setting gone somehow .. does it mean all my stored data gone ? how can i restore my data ? why this thing happen ?08:33
grimlyActionParsnip, but when i try to run gnome-schedule nothing happens08:34
p1oooopshay27: did you have any hardrive errors while booting?08:34
Gothicsatanupdate to smtp protocols ?08:34
trupheenixplooop MikeChelen still get a read:connection reset by peer08:34
Wexip1oooop: what's the use of that?08:34
ActionParsnipgrimly: could just use cron as is08:35
p1oooopWexi: I know, right08:35
ActionParsnip!cron | grimly08:35
ubottugrimly: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm08:35
Gothicsatantrupheenix: router port settings08:35
MikeChelentrupheenix, use ssh-add -l to check if it was added properly, might want to temporarily remove other ssh keys08:35
grimlyubottu. thanx08:35
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:35
MikeChelentrupheenix, could also try ssh -i key.pem user@host08:35
trupheenixMikeChelen, that works08:35
brickyI installed a broadcom driver in synaptic and it does not do anything, why? :)08:35
shay27p1oooop: i think so , before a day when i turn on the computer i see the hardrive scanning process and i pressed skip (but the computer didn't crashed at any point (before the scanning , so i assumed its regular scanning from time to time)08:35
no-nameunable to mount CD-R Disc -- Error mounting: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only -- mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so08:36
* no-name clueless08:36
ActionParsnipBricky: if you run: sudo iwlist scan ,do you see access points?08:36
MikeChelentrupheenix, great, it can be picky when more than one key get used08:36
Gothicsatanno-name: please use pastebin08:36
trupheenixMikeChelen, no there is only one key atm08:36
brickyActionParsnip: :( nope08:37
MikeChelentrupheenix, hmm well thats weird08:37
no-nameGothicsatan: sorry, will do next time08:37
=== cbill is now known as cbilljones
DJ_HaMsTahow does one use twonky ?08:37
ActionParsnipBricky: then its probably not installed right08:37
p1oooopshay27: hmm... maybe you wanna scan it yourself... just to be sure nothing is wrong?08:37
ActionParsnip!broadcom | bricky08:37
ubottubricky: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:37
grimlythanx guyz see you later08:37
Gothicsatanno-name google mounting ISO08:37
p1oooopshay27: and, I also believe that your account information is stored in your home folder...08:37
brickyActionParsnip: ok08:38
p1oooopshay27: but, I am not sure what folder.08:38
trupheenixMikeChelen, this is amazon EC2 running a ubuntu server08:38
trupheenixMikeChelen, would u know anything ?08:38
no-nameGothicsatan, it is a real disc08:38
Gothicsatanno-name is it a windows install disc?08:38
no-nameGothicsatan: yeah08:38
=== KungFuBear|WORK is now known as KungFuBear
shay27p1oooop: its in .evolution , but the question how can i restore it ?08:39
Gothicsatanno-name do you have wine installed?08:39
Gothicsatanno-name or simalar?08:39
MikeChelentrupheenix, my experience was that multiple keys could cause authentication denials08:39
no-nameno, i'll install it now08:39
MikeChelentrupheenix, did ssh -i work?08:39
fcuk112ubuntu doesn't seem to remember my visual effects setting between reboots - it goes back to none?08:39
trupheenixMikeChelen, yea ssh -i works08:39
no-name(is new ubuntu install :)08:39
Wexior, does anyone know how to edit gnomes shutdown option in the menu08:39
trupheenixMikeChelen, it's only sshfs which seems not to play well08:39
ActionParsnipFcuk112: what video card?08:39
Gothicsatanno-name: open a terminal window, and type in 'sudo apt-get install wine'08:40
trupheenixMikeChelen, is it a different protocol?08:40
MikeChelentrupheenix, but ssh-add -l only shows the one, correct key?08:40
Wexifor example in such way that it first performs a logout and then shuts down the computer08:40
trupheenixMikeChelen, yes08:40
fcuk112ActionParsnip: ati 467008:40
Gothicsatanno-name: once that has finished type 'wine <path to .exe file>08:40
ActionParsnipFcuk112: try adding an item in startup items to run: compiz --replace ,should be ok then08:40
no-nameGothicsatan: no matter. I'm just getting it through ubuntu software centre08:40
Gothicsatanno-name: same difference, lol08:41
fcuk112ActionParsnip: thanks will try that!08:41
Gothicsatanno-name: i just like to see what's install, and if there are errors, i know where/what/how to fix08:41
MikeChelentrupheenix, same protocol, they should both work the same way08:41
no-nameit is a windows os install, not software /for/ windows08:41
trupheenixMikeChelen, :(08:41
p1oooopshay27: ./evolution, .gconf/apps/evolution/, and .gnome2_private/evolution08:41
no-namefor virtualbox08:41
Gothicsatani run windows apps with wine all the time.. just beware.. u will have to configure each08:42
Gothicsatanno-name: if u plan on gaming and stuff. you will need winetricks08:43
no-namethank you Gothicsatan08:43
Gothicsatanno-name: nps08:43
icerootcan you gave the the url from the firefox startpage? (the ubuntu startpage for 10.04 using google) cant remember the adress08:43
=== Gothicsatan is now known as Gothicsatan|AFK
Salahany ideas how to install minimal gnome desktop? I am currently using only a command line system08:45
zen0install ubuntu-desktop08:45
xerox1/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?) i get this error when im writing on live cd ubuntu 10.04 terminal sudo update-grub2. can someone please help me ?08:45
trupheenixMikeChelen, ah i see the problem. probably sftp isn't enabled in the sshd08:46
Jordan_Uxerox1: Follow this guide (you can ignore the grub-install command if you really only want update-grub / grub-mkconfig): grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide08:46
MikeChelentrupheenix, -i might work with sshfs too08:47
farciarz84p1oooop: I've already check that but with hostname this is not possible, with ip address I see also some error, but I can see the folders08:48
nucc1anybody know what "bits per plane" mean in printer options?08:48
egtuxhello i am using ubuntu 10.04 after last system upgrade , the empathy give network error for msn ,yahoo and hotmail account08:48
xerox1Jordan_U: it is very difficult. is there any command to re-install the grub automatically (i know where the linux has installed)08:50
chaturi have an ubuntu 10.04 with ATI radeon 7500 .i haven installed any drivers for my graphics card as of now08:51
Jordan_Uxerox1: No, it can only be done automatically from the booted system (which has all of the information needed to install already saved/accessable)08:52
chaturi have an ubuntu 10.04 with ATI radeon 7500 .i haven installed any drivers for my graphics card as of now.whenever i watch some movies in fullscreen the entire screen seems choppy.how so i set it right08:53
Jordan_Uxerox1: You can use Super GRUB2 Disk to boot your system automatically though, if you have an extra CD / Flash drive08:53
frallzorhello   Having some issues when trying to follow this guide  http://www.rantakokko.net/tapani/blog/2009/04/29/lg-l1730sf-touch-screen-display-in-ubuntu-linux-804-hardy-heron/    Cant get the touch to use the correct driver, no matter what08:53
llutzgreezmunkey: the word "linux" in the url doesn't make it on-topic here08:53
anyoneofusi get a error when i type: "apt-get remove clamav" http://paste.ubuntu.com/447633/08:53
anyoneofussomeone help me08:53
mtx_initanyoneofus: you must first stop the daemon08:54
mtx_initgive me a minute08:54
mtx_inittype this08:54
mtx_initsudo /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam stop08:54
mtx_initthen try to remove08:54
Gothicsatan|AFKchatur: install the plugins for the media player08:55
anyoneofusmtx_init: http://paste.ubuntu.com/447634/08:56
anyoneofusit's not work08:56
mtx_initdo this08:56
mtx_initsudo apt-get install clamav08:56
mtx_initthen stop it08:56
mtx_initthen remove08:56
greezmunkeyllutz: I try not to go off t too much, interesting "computer" related story though...I know...no excuses :)08:57
anyoneofusmtx_init: hix, i can't install clamav08:57
llutzgreezmunkey: #ubuntu-offtopic for that08:57
Gothicsatan|AFKsudo apt-get purge clamav08:57
Gothicsatan|AFKsudo apt-get --purge clamav08:58
xerox1Jordan_U: i dont think that i can. anyway. thank you! i will wait for other answers...08:58
=== owner is now known as bricky
Gothicsatan|AFKwb owner/dwar08:59
lefantomedloperaHello I'm on lxdx: how can I do to mount the media and to write on this media without to be root?08:59
anyoneofusmtx_init: they aren't work08:59
brickyGothicsatan: Thanks :)09:00
Gothicsatan|AFKlefantomedlopera sudo09:00
lefantomedloperabut i don't want to make sudo pcman to edit the file on the media09:00
brickythis is weird, I dont know what happened but somethings seriously messed now :P09:00
Gothicsatan|AFKyw bricky09:01
mtx_initis it started anyoneofus?09:01
=== kasun is now known as Guest12745
brickyI cant use any shortcut keys, my X is messed too09:01
brickyGothicsatan: yw?09:01
lefantomedloperaand I want that the owner of the media is " lefantomedlopera " and not " root "09:01
Gothicsatan|AFKyour welcome*09:01
brickyThanks dude, you scerwed me?09:01
Gothicsatan|AFKlol, no, unless ur a female that's hot :P09:01
brickyGothicsatan: lol09:01
mtx_initanyoneofus: do this09:02
FlannelGothicsatan|AFK: That's not appropriate at all.09:02
mtx_init/etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam force-reload09:02
anyoneofusmtx_init: yep :D09:02
brickyGothicsatan: someone screwed me man I think you did it09:02
brickysince I was stupid enough to log on here as owner09:02
Gothicsatan|AFKFlannel: i know lol09:02
mtx_initthen try to stop iot, anyoneofus09:02
Type-Obrian, what happend?09:02
Gothicsatan|AFKi plead the 5th09:02
brickyGothicsatan: put it back to how it was!09:02
Gothicsatan|AFKoh uhh uhh. /me kicks the computer09:03
Gothicsatan|AFKi hope that helped lol09:03
brickyGothicsatan: your a piece of crap dude, It cost me money to fix this09:03
Gothicsatan|AFKbill me09:03
xerox1can someone help me please to install my grub2 :(09:03
brickyGothicsatan blow me09:03
lefantomedloperaI don't want this about my usb kay! http://nsa15.casimages.com/img/2010/06/10/100610100419958694.png09:03
Flannelbricky, Gothicsatan|AFK: please stop.09:03
Gothicsatan|AFKFlannel: k, soz09:04
brickyGothicsatan: where you live09:04
CrshmanIs there a CLI version of the "find fastest mirror" feature for ubuntu server?09:04
Flannelbricky: What's the issue?09:04
Gothicsatan|AFKbricky: not appropriate for this channel09:04
brickyFlannel: he just rooted me and screwed up my OS by the looks of it..09:04
Flannelbricky: What makes you think that?09:04
Gothicsatan|AFKFlannel: cause i'm the devil lol09:05
Type-Obricky, are you behind a router?09:05
brickyFlannel: he randomly said 'wb' and I said my system was screwed and he followed it up with a 'Yw'09:05
Jordan_Uxerox1: This won't help for updating the grub.cfg (which is what update-grub does), but for re-installing grub to the boot sector you can do "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda" (not /dev/sda1) where your Ubuntu partition is mounted to /mnt09:05
brickyType-O: no09:05
Flannelbricky: Alright, so apart from that, what is messed up with your system?09:05
brickyType-O maybe It was dumb of me to log on as owner.09:05
brickyFlannel: my close buttons are gone, half my X is missing, no shortcut keys are available09:06
Type-Obrian, you mean root?09:06
=== Gothicsatan|AFK is now known as Gothicsatan
Type-Obricky, *09:06
Flannelbricky: And what were you doing last when this happened?09:06
mtx_initanyoneofus: Hows it going?09:06
brickyFlannel: I was just trying to install my broadcom driver, then before reboot09:06
brickyit claimed to be looking for ongoing or unsaved changes09:07
Gothicsatanbricky: what was wrong with the old one?09:07
chaturi have a ati radeon 7500 graphics with ubuntu 10.04.i dont have any graphics driver installed as of now as its not available.but whenever i try to watch some movies in full screen,the whole screen seems unclear.how do i solve this issue?09:07
xerox1Jordan_U: i did something but i dont know if it is worked. i will restrt now my computer. if it is not worked i will come back. thank you!09:07
brickyGothicsatan: nothing, but thanks for helping me out man, lol09:07
Type-Odo you have telnetd running?09:07
brickyGothicsatan: im gonna get you back one way or another,09:07
brickyType-O probably do09:08
Gothicsatanchatur: there's a fixx09:08
Flannelbricky: Did you install openssh server?09:08
Gothicsatanbricky: lol, thanks for the warning09:08
chaturGothicsatan:how can i do that.09:08
brickyFlannel: I did get the recent updates so most likely but not directly09:08
induschatur, maybe its a settings problem, try using vlc09:08
Gothicsatanchatur: System> Administration > Hardware Drivers09:08
Gothicsatanchatur: Install the ATI Propriatary drivers.09:09
Flannelbricky: It won't be installed without you doing so.  So, I think it's highly unlikely that anything happened other than things breaking.09:09
brickyFlannel: it just seems odd he would say those words in that order, lol09:09
Flannelbricky: does `ps aux | grep sshd` return anything (anything other than the grep line itself)09:09
brickyFlannel: oh yeah, I cant use terminal either.09:10
Type-Obricky, I suggest setting up iptables with firestarter if you don't have a hardware firewall/nat09:10
brickyah there we go09:10
jo-erlendbricky, you said thanks, and then Gothicsatan said you're welcome.09:10
brickyits working again09:10
Gothicsatanchatur: it will have a button to "activate" the drivers.09:10
induschatur, you dont need any drivers, your card uses the open source driver , do you see something in admin>hardware drivers?09:10
Gothicsatanjo-erlend mis-tell?09:10
brickyI sugest im going to sell this laptop and buy a new one tomorrow09:10
Gothicsatanbricky: i'll buy for 20 bucks :P09:11
chaturIndus,Gothicsatan:i have vlc installed in my system already.and admin>hardware drivers does not show up any drivers which can be enabled09:11
brickybut thanks Flannel09:11
Type-Obricky, how much?09:11
Gothicsatanjo-erlend: that's me09:11
FlannelGothicsatan, bricky: drop it.09:11
Flannelor take it elsewhere.09:11
induschatur, yes because there isnt any driver available for your card, and you are already using the open source driver09:11
brickyType-O you dont want this one unless you want to re-seal the heatsinks09:11
induschatur, in vlc, have you set the video filter options ?09:11
induschatur, and output xv etc09:12
brickyits got a good screen, keyboard, etc, lol thats about it tho09:12
Type-OI'll stick with mine ^_^09:12
Gothicsatanchatur: VLC has nothing to do with your video drivers..09:12
brickyim buying a new one but this is just out rageous whats happening here09:13
Gothicsatanchatur: AMD/ATI supports linux.. u can either use the built in software to install the drivers, or download straight from AMD09:13
Flannelbricky: There's no way your heatsinks became unseated from someone in this channel.  Please drop the subject, thanks.09:14
Gothicsatanquote: <chatur> i have a ati radeon 7500 graphics with ubuntu 10.04.i dont have any graphics driver installed09:14
trupheenixMikeChelen, it works! :) i removed the .ssh/known_hosts entry09:14
Gothicsataninstall the drivers09:14
crdlbGothicsatan: chatur: there is no driver to install for such and old GPU09:15
crdlbthe preinstalled radeon driver is all there is09:15
Gothicsatancrdlb: a 7800? i think hes confused between nvidia and ATI09:15
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Gothicsatani have an ATI Radeon 4200HD Mobility, and i had the option09:16
firekraaglspci | grep -i vga09:16
Gothicsatango to the ATI site, and download the driver09:16
crdlbGothicsatan: a radeon 7500 is very old09:16
chaturcrdlb,Gothicsatin,indus:if graphic driver isnt the problem.then how can i modify the settings in VLC09:17
Galeriencrdlb: so is the Nvidia 7500...09:17
Gothicsatancrdlb: true... so the default driver should take care of it, but they should still have something09:17
SailorRealityi tried downloading Ubuntu windows installer but it keeps saying 'cant download metafile and therefore ISO abort download'09:17
Galerienchatur: tool ==> preferences09:17
Gothicsatanchatur: what galerien said09:17
crdlbGothicsatan: there never was a proprietary driver for the 750009:18
crdlbnot even when it was new09:18
Gothicsatancrdlb: u sure?09:18
zfmfhi i have a new harddisk, i try to install ubuntu, parted -l show that the new harddisk partition is a lvm , can i install ubuntu on this, the installer show on point 4 nothing, must i create the partition with live cd09:18
{g}Hello Ubuntu! When I telnet to another computer, my terminal title switches to me@othermachine. But when I exit telnet, it doesnt switch back. Any idea why? I have to say that new terminals only display "terminal" in the title. Maybe thats related?09:18
rocket16People, I once asked a question, on how to reduce excessive memory consumption in Pidgin. My Pidgin took 120 MB RAM, and I didn't find any way to solve this. Even by reinstalling this, I couldn't get a fix. Now, I found one. If anybody has this problem, use sudo apt-get purge pidgin to remove it completely, and then reinstall it. Now, remove the .purplr folder in your folder, and you're done. Now Pidgin takes only 11 MB RAM, :D Thought it might help peop09:19
crdlbGothicsatan: they originally supported 8500 and up, then only 9500 and up, and now only HD **** cards09:19
rocket16* .purple09:19
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Gothicsatancrdlb: figures.09:19
crdlbchatur: do you have desktop effects (compiz) on? turning that off might improve video performance09:20
vishaltelangrerocket16, I liked empathy in lucid than pidgin which was in my prev jaunty09:20
chaturcrdlb,gothicsatan,indus:Thanks guys...i tried the settings you ve told.....its working perfectly.09:20
SailorRealityhttp://wubi-installer.org/ why cant it download the metalink and thereofre the ISO09:21
Gothicsatanchatur: Your welcome.. enjoy some movies now..09:21
Gothicsatanchatur: :)09:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:21
chaturmuch i better than before...i ve to test it out in some other movies as well.09:21
Gothicsatanchatur.. did u download from the ati site?09:22
crdlbchatur: do you mean setting the output to 'xv' fixed it?09:22
Galerienchatur: for me the best setting is GNU/Linux framebuffer09:22
manishehi guys. anybody knows, did i can use grep and cat inside tar, zip archives?09:22
crdlbchatur: that should have been the default :/09:22
Gothicsatanlol, specify,. so many replies09:22
Gothicsatanmight help someone who's back-quiet09:22
rocket16vishaltelangre: Well, depends on choice. Empathy in lucid has a nice theme, of Adium. Telepathy control and Adium themes might beautify Empathy, but IRC features are really basic there. Also, Pidgin can be themed like Adium too, :)09:23
Gothicsatanwb bricky ;)09:23
kiamohello :)09:23
brickyGothicsatan :)09:23
rocket16Hi kiamo, welcome to Ubunutu IRC09:23
brickythank you sir09:23
brickynow on to business :P09:24
FloodBot2SailorReality: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:24
kiamohow do I determine what version of grub I have installed?  I tried grub-setup --version, and it says 1.98, however I don't have a menu.lst file which makes me think it is version 2...09:24
rocket16SailorReality: Please don't flood, this is a support area.09:24
SailorRealityrocket16 can i plz get support for my windows installer09:24
manishekiamo: 1.98 is a newest version09:24
SailorRealityof ubuntu09:24
vishaltelangrerocket16, yeah, it's unable to open new private message pane/window there... But nice!09:24
vishaltelangrerocket16, prev comment is about *IRC in empathy09:25
kiamomanishe, oh ok.  I thought there was a version 209:25
rocket16SailorReality: Sure,09:25
rocket16vishaltelangre: Yes, :)09:25
SailorRealityrocket16: it says 'cant download metalink and therefore ISO download aborted'09:25
manishekiamo: 1.98 is a beta of 209:25
brickyGothicsatan: turns out it was in recovery mode , lol =(09:25
kiamomanishe, I dont get a grub menu when starting up, how do I enable that and add my windows partition to it?09:26
Gothicsatanbricky: how'd u manage that?09:26
manisheanybody knows, did i can use grep and cat inside tar, zip archives?09:26
Jordan_Umanishe: No, it is not. Just like 0.97 (the last release of grub legacy) was not a beta09:26
rocket16SailorReality: I see, better to download an ISO image of Ubuntu, and then burn it to a CD, and install from it. It will be better, error-free and easy.09:26
manisheJordan_U: I see09:26
bricky*sigh, another lesson learned the hard way :)09:26
vishaltelangrekiamo, fix it using ubuntu's live cd...09:26
rocket16vishaltelangre: Here is a Screenshot of how Pidgin can be made to look like Adium/Empathy http://imagebin.org/9891009:26
vishaltelangrekiamo, grub or grub2?09:26
Gothicsatanrocket16: i installed my Ubuntu from an SD card09:27
SailorRealityrocket16: I tried making a DVD of it but I downloaded the CD versin idk if that matters, but it never showed up on the DVD09:27
kiamovishaltelangre, 1.98 lol09:27
Gothicsatanrocket16: runs great09:27
rocket16Gothicsatan: Ah, great. I once decided t try, but then decided to make an USB Installer, as it is somewhat faster than CD in installation.09:27
brickyGothicsatan: if I only knew how lol09:27
Gothicsatanrocket16: google up 'Unetbootin'09:28
rocket16Gothicsatan: I tried that already, :) And have made it too.09:28
Gothicsatanrocket16: will take an ISO of ubuntu and make it a bootable SD/USB09:28
vishaltelangrekiamo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub09:28
Gothicsatanbricky: doh09:28
kiamovishaltelangre, aha! thanks I'll take a look09:28
rocket16Gothicsatan: Yes, I did use Unetbootin to make USB installer, :)09:28
MikeChelentrupheenix, ah great, nice catch :)09:28
Jordan_Ukiamo: "sudo update-grub" should detect your windows install and add a menu entry for it09:29
duxbuzis there a way to see make menuconfig options for my current kernel, to see the difference between my ubuntu machine and another running a different kernel?09:29
chaturIndus,Gothicsatan:i tried changing those settings...Improve the quality at all.09:29
rocket16Jordan_U: Sorry, but won't that be sudo apt-get update grub2?09:29
rocket16Jordan_U: Sorry , I meant, sudo update-grub209:29
chaturGothicsatan,Indus:i tried changing those settings...Improve the quality at all.09:29
Gothicsatanchatur: i'm not really 'up to par' on the older cards, so maybe someone else may be able to help you more, sorry :/09:30
vishaltelangrerocket16, great it supports opening a side pane, can I configure my empathy as like your pidgin so as I chat on IRC from there?09:30
Jordan_Urocket16: update-grub2 just calls update-grub (try running "cat $(which update-grub2)"09:30
chaturk thank you09:30
=== vahid is now known as kiamo2
irvkenif I use Konqueror as an sftp client, it constantly keeps asking me for the password as I drill down directories, but I don't get that when I ssh into the same remote machine, this happens on a couple of remote machines, is it a bug in Konqueror or do I have to set something up differently09:31
garyliebermanHi, I just installed Ubuntu and it's not working. If anyone isn't busy, I could use some help.09:31
Jordan_U!ask | garylieberman09:31
ubottugarylieberman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:31
rocket16Jordan_U: Thanks, :)09:31
kiamoJordan_U, yay it did :)09:31
Gothicsatanirvken: download filezilla, it's a great FTP Client with native linux support, and has all encryption types09:31
Jordan_Ukiamo: You're welcome.09:31
Jordan_Urocket16: You're welcome.09:32
AscavasaionHow do I change my ident... so that a /whois Ascavasaion shows soemthing like elflord@whatever.com09:32
rocket16garylieberman: So, what's the error?09:32
rocket16Jordan_U: :)09:32
garyliebermanWell I installed Ubuntu and it told me to restart. Now it's just giving me a purple screen and a mouse. I can move the mouse, it doesn't seem to be crashing or freezing, but I can't do anything. This is on a seperate laptop from the one I am using to type this, obviously.09:32
vishaltelangreGothicsatan, Nautilus itself allows FTP support, just open File > connect to server menu09:33
kiamo2Jordan_U, I just rebooted my laptop and grub menu appeared with windows choice, but then I get error: no such device: fc...blah09:33
kiamo2hd1,1 cannot get c/h/s values09:33
Gothicsatanvishaltelangre: Filezilla is alot easier to maintain FTP servers, and dont' require u to input the password multiple times, like he was having a problem with.. i <3 that prog09:34
rocket16garylieberman: I see, does this happen everytime?09:34
garyliebermanI have only restarted once, it requires me to hard shut down.09:34
vishaltelangreGothicsatan, I use both! LOL! :P09:34
garyliebermanso I would prefer to not have to restart much.09:34
Gothicsatanvishaltelangre: lol09:34
VagueDustinhi all09:34
garyliebermanIt appears to be running the OS, as the screen just went black due to inactivity and lit up again when I moved the mouse.09:35
garyliebermanThere just isn't anything on the desktop.09:35
rocket16garylieberman: No problem, try it again, and it will work. In case it doesn't, press Ctrl+Alt+F2, and login to shell there, and type: killall -user username      (username is your username there)09:35
vishaltelangregarylieberman, no panels also?09:35
garyliebermanno panels as well yes. But thanks, I'll restart.09:35
Gothicsatangarylieberman: did you try to install another WM?09:36
rocket16garylieberman: That happens because some applets fail to load sometimes, this will fix them up. After you login, reset the panels:09:36
rocket16!resetpanel | garylieberman09:36
ubottugarylieberman: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:36
FireCrotchirvken: there is a "Remember password" checkbox when you login via SFTP in Konqueror, I believe.  There should be, at least.09:36
SailorRealitydo DVD Isos different from CD ISos09:37
huyngochoang1DVD iso contains more package than CDs09:37
kiamo2does anyone know what "error: no such device. error: hd1,1 cannot get C/H/S values." means when I try and boot windows from grub menu?09:37
FireCrotchSailorReality: The DVD isos contain a whole bunch of translations for Ubuntu. Other than that, they're mostly the same09:37
huyngochoang1but the core package is the same in two of them09:37
garyliebermanExcuse me if this seems rude, but everyone seems to be giving me different advice. I'm in the ctrl+alt+F2 menu now.09:37
garyliebermanshould I try everything suggested or just one?09:38
SailorRealityFireCrotch: I downloaded the CD Iso but i only had a DVD and then i tried to burn it to the DVD but it wouldnt work09:38
Gothicsatangarylieberman: did you try to install another WM?09:38
irvkenFireCrotch, yeah, doesn't matter how many times I tick it, I still get prompted for the password, Filezilla, which I had installed does work better, but I prefer the Konqueror interface, c'est la vie09:38
Jordan_Ukiamo2: Try asking in #grub09:38
kiamo2Jordan_U, good call :)09:38
vishaltelangre!resetpanel | garylieberman09:38
ubottugarylieberman: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:38
garyliebermanwhat is a WM exactly?09:39
GothicsatanWindows Manager09:39
vishaltelangregarylieberman, just do this from single user (command line) mode, to return to GUI press ctrl+alt+F709:39
Gothicsatangarylieberman: instead of Gnome or KDE, u installed Enlightenment or fluxbox09:40
SailorRealityis installing hard09:41
Jordan_Ukiamo2: It's a slow channel, but if you wait long enough (sometimes hours) you'll almost always get a good answer.09:41
SailorRealitywut do u have 2 do09:41
garyliebermanI don't think I have a way of installing those. My OS appears to consist of nothing but a purple screen and a mouse right now. Let me try resetting first.09:41
FireCrotchSailorReality: What do you mean by "it doesn't work"? The disc doesnt get burned? You can't boot from the disc after successfully creating it?09:42
vishaltelangregarylieberman, ctrl+alt+f1 then try above command by ubottu09:42
huyngochoang1I lost my Me Menu. How can I get it again in the top panel09:42
Gothicsatanhuyngochoang1: ..09:42
Gothicsatanhuyngochoang1: right click and add to panel..09:43
vishaltelangrehuyngochoang1, add to panel > main menu09:43
Gothicsatanthat ^09:43
FireCrotchirvken: Try putting at least the username into the SFTP url, like this: sftp://username@example.com09:43
garyliebermanIt asked me for my login. I entered my login, and it encountered some sort of error09:43
Gothicsatanirvken: if it's an FTPES, i've noticed Konquerer dont like to accept the certificates, filezilla will however09:44
vishaltelangregarylieberman, login: <ur username> | password: <ur passwd>09:44
garyliebermannow it's repeating the same script over and over, consisting of but not limited to 'failed command: READ DMA' and 'error: {UNC}09:44
garyliebermanIt's not giving me that option. It's just telling me error, over and over again.09:44
garyliebermanAfter I entered my username.09:45
SailorRealityFireCrotch: well i burned it to the DVD and then I went to my drive and cicked on it and it was empty09:45
Gothicsatangarylieberman: sounds like a Hard Drive issue09:45
vishaltelangregarylieberman, Oh...!09:45
garyliebermanI used this same hard drive to run Windows earlier today09:45
FireCrotchSailorReality: What program are you using to burn the disc?09:45
garyliebermanI just now formatted it.09:45
Gothicsatangarylieberman: my hard drive has bad sectors, i had to format over and over again to find the bad ones, then format around them to make it work.. if it's a bad hard drive..09:46
vishaltelangreSailorReality, I think you forgotten to write your data to DVD! lol! :P09:46
SailorRealityIm using NAruto09:47
SailorRealityi mean Nero09:47
vishaltelangreSailorReality, use brasero to create images and write them to CD/DVD..09:47
SailorRealityvishalelagre: i clicked burn data to DVD and it went through the proces09:47
vishaltelangreSailorReality, nero? on ubuntu or windows?09:47
garyliebermanHow do you locate a bad sector and format around them?09:47
vishaltelangreSailorReality, .iso image?09:48
Gothicsatangarylieberman: mostly guess and check, if it freezes and messes up, ur not far enough09:48
garyliebermanI was able to enter my username and password successfully before.09:49
Gothicsatangarylieberman: i had to format my 500gig drive from the end, and leave the first 100gigs empty/unformatted for it to work09:49
FireCrotchSailorReality: I have had that problem before (although I was burning from within Ubuntu).  It's most likely cheap, crappy discs.09:49
vishaltelangreSailorReality, possibly you check: write image to disc > record or write | I'm having very less knowledge in nero handling, sorry! :(09:50
SailorRealityok thanks09:50
Gothicsatangarylieberman: but that was me, and my case.. it may not be like that for u.. twas only a suggestion.. if u know that your hard drive has sustained dmg... then u have to go with it and do what u can09:50
garyliebermanwell, is there anything else I can try?09:50
Gothicsatangarylieberman: you can try to format using either the first or last half of the drive, and go from there..09:51
Gothicsatangarylieberman: trial and error09:51
garyliebermanare you sure it's a hard drive problem?09:52
Gothicsatangarylieberman: DRM error sounds Hard Drive to me..09:52
garyliebermanI had this same problem on my current laptop when I tried installing Ubuntu alongside Windows.09:52
beejeebusmysql-server package on lucid seems to be borked?09:52
Gothicsatangarylieberman: u can also google the 'Ultimate boot CD' and run tests to see where ur system is failing09:52
FireCrotchbeejeebus: what's "borked" about it?09:53
garyliebermanIt doesn't say DRM error09:53
garyliebermanit says failed command: read DMA09:53
beejeebusdoesn't start09:53
LuciusMareHi, i've got a fresh install of 10.04, but firefox just flashes and segfaults - any ideas?09:53
beejeebussorry, gathering more useful info now09:53
GothicsatanLuciusmare: u need to update09:53
GothicsatanLuciusmare: might need to uninstall the current firefox version, and use a package manager to re-install latest version09:55
nucc1is Wine able to access usb devices?09:55
Gothicsatannucc1: u don't need wine for that09:55
beejeebusthe upgrade process is stuck at that point09:55
donaldkellyHallo there. I recently installed 10.04LTS on my MacBook Pro, however the issue I'm having is getting WiFi to work, I've tried manually extracting files from the Broadcom B43 driver, and copying them to /lib/firmware, but I still have no luck in getting it working.09:55
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LuciusMareGothicsatan: i'll try that, thanks09:56
Gothicsatandonaldelly: are there any 'hot keys' that enable the wifi? or motherboard settings?09:57
donaldkellyGothicsatan: There aren't any 'hotkeys' to enable/disable the radio, I'm not sure about motherboard settings, seeing with a Mac you don't get much control over that09:59
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beejeebusawesome, i'm going to have to kill -9 :-(09:59
garyliebermanOkay, I tried the earlier suggestion that included 'killall gnome-panel'09:59
garyliebermanI got the response 'gnome-panel: no process found'09:59
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: yeah, i'm not very 'up to par' with mac's but i had issues with my gateway, it's got a hot key that i had to fix for the onboard to work.. are u running multiple network adapters?10:00
Sandkingdoes anyone know a free service for tomboy notes sync?10:00
donaldkellyGothicsatan: I had a pc with a hotkey for it, so I'm aware what of meant, I'm not running any other network interfaces besides the broadcom wifi chip, and the standard ethernet connection. When I boot from my DVD, it shows the broadcom driver, with fwcutter, but if I try and activate it, It fails.10:01
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: what version of Ubuntu?10:01
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popeySandking: uhm, Ubuntu one?10:02
donaldkellyGothicsatan: I'm running 10.04LTS, off a DVD I was sent through the mail.10:02
popeySandking: I sync my tomboy notes on Windows, OSX and Ubuntu to Ubuntu One.10:02
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: so ur running a live dvd or instal?10:02
inertialhow do i edit the shortcuts in ubuntu netbook edition?10:03
Sandkingpopey: i saw that i can do that with dropbox, but i'll check ubuntu one10:03
inertialie if i need to add some command line args to them10:03
garyliebermanOkay, I tried everything suggested here. I still have no panel, no nothing. Just a mouse and a purple screen. Help?10:03
popeySandking: you can't sync notes in the same way with dropbox10:03
donaldkellyGothicsatan: I have an actual install on a second partition.10:03
popeySandking: tomboy uses the snowy server protocol developed by the tomboy people, dropbox does not10:03
Gothicsatangarylieberman: sounds like X isn't even starting10:03
garyliebermanwhat does that mean?10:04
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: hmm10:04
Sandkingpopey: http://techie-buzz.com/how-to/synchronizing-tomboy-with-dropbox.html10:04
Sandkingit seems like it works10:04
popeySandking: yup, that's just file syncing, not recommended by the tomboy developers10:04
popeySandking: it does, I have used it, but it goes horribly wrong in some situations10:04
popeySandking: especially when a note is edited in two places10:05
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Sandkingpopey: thanks for pointing that out10:05
popeySandking: np10:05
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: what happens when u type into a terminal 'ifconfig'10:05
inertialanyone know how to edit the command line of desktop shortcuts in ubuntu netbook edition??10:05
Sandkingpopey: can i use ubuntu one on windows machine?10:06
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: iwconfig*10:06
popeySandking: for syncing tomboy notes, yes10:06
popeySandking: i sync my tomboy notes on windows, osx and ubuntu10:06
donaldkellyGothicsatan: I can dual boot into my install and find out. :p10:06
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: need to see if linux even see's ur network adapter\10:07
Sandkingpopey: i'm looking at this ubuntu one and to be honest aside 2 gb of sync memory and tomboy notes - is there anything worth looking at?10:07
popeySandking: it's music store10:07
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: iwconfig pulls up the wireless connections, if they are connected.. and whatnot10:07
donaldkellyGothicsatan: I'll boot in and see what it says and report back. back in 5.10:07
popeySandking: they're adding features with each release of Ubuntu.10:07
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: k10:07
Sandkingpopey: it looks like it has a lot of potential when in sync with os10:08
garyliebermanI just restart for the 4th time. Still no panel or anything. I tried all advice here.10:09
Sandkingpopey: is there some address book / web pages marking there by any chance? :]10:09
Gothicsatangarylieberman: longshot, but hit 'ALT+F2' and type in "gnome-panel"10:09
guzuhello all10:10
garyliebermanI'm guessing you mean ctrl alt F2?10:10
guzucan ubuntu scan from canon imagerunner 2018 over network?10:10
Gothicsatanshould pull up the 'run' command10:10
llutzguzu: does xsane support that scanner? if "yes", yes10:10
donaldkellyGothicsatan: lo, eth0 and pan0 all return "no wireless extensions"10:11
garyliebermanAlt F2 does nothing.10:11
X-Sleepy-Xis it adviced to have ufw running?10:11
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: then it's something with the macbook hardware.. might wanna hit google for a bit, see what u pull up.. search for "Ubuntu +Macbook (ur network driver)10:12
tPl0chWhere do I find sambashares by default10:12
donaldkellyGothicsatan: i'll try google and then the Apple sub-forum in the ubuntu forums.10:12
tPl0chI mounted a smb share via the file browser10:12
tPl0chbut I can't find it using the shell10:12
Gothicsatangarylieberman: i'm lost, sorry :/10:12
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: sorry couldn't be much more help :/10:13
guzullutz: i don't "see" the scanner in scanimage -L10:13
Gothicsatandonaldkelly: but that's not to say someone else in this chat can't help ya.. never give up. :)10:14
garyliebermanWhy never give up exactly? Windows is a much easier OS and there are far fewer errors.10:14
llutzgarylieberman: why don't you use it then?10:15
bz 10:15
garyliebermanI wanted to give Ubuntu a try, I heard a lot of good things about it.10:15
bz  10:15
Gothicsatani run linux cause i like it.. if i wanted 'easy mode' i'd spend 300 bucks on software that's "sorta good"10:15
Gothicsatanubuntu is awesome, community is nice, and support isn't lacking.10:15
Gothicsatanand is always improving10:15
garyliebermanwell, no offense but support seems to lack here10:16
bztfe                                  fgfywetu86iotyy10:16
garyliebermanI presented a problem and got shrugging shoulders.10:16
Gothicsatanfor your problem.. with what we have to go off of..10:16
SirMooYou're asking for support at 4am in central USA10:16
donaldkellyGothicsatan: http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1401290&page=2 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/395630 seems to be the most likely fix. i'm going to hope it works. hah10:16
SirMooMeaning you'll get support from a specific portion of the worl.d.10:17
Gothicsatanwe don't have exact probs.. to me, sound like ur X isn't even booting.. and i know u don't wanna hear this.. but maybe u got a bad burn of the disc10:17
llutzgarylieberman: you realize that all guys helping here are volunteers?10:17
guzugarylieberman: history teaches us that you can't have both have freedom and easy in the same time10:17
guzugarylieberman: what is your problem10:17
Gothicsatanhighfive to llutz; guzu10:17
garyliebermanI'm not accusing anyone of anything here. I was simply pointing out a flaw in his argument. He said support isn't lacking, I found it lacking.10:17
garyliebermanI don't have anything against Ubuntu except for the fact that it won't work.10:18
Gothicsatanwell, ur in an IRC, with live ppl10:18
Gothicsatanget that with windows?10:18
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Gothicsatanand like above said, we're volenteering10:18
Gothicsatantrying to just help10:18
garyliebermanWell, with windows I enter the problem into Chrome and I get an immediate answer with exactly what I need to do. And it always works.10:18
garyliebermanI don't mean to offend anyone here. I'm very gratious for your help.10:19
Gothicsatannone taken, but u have to remember, none of us get paid to do this, we're just here to help those with less knowledge10:19
Gothicsatanand help inform10:19
Gothicsatanbest we can*10:19
garyliebermanYes, and I admire that. It's one of the reasons I wanted to try Linux in the first place.10:20
garyliebermanI'll try this again tomorrow at a better time. Thanks for your help.10:20
Gothicsatanand linux is mostly built around your computer, so if there's something wrong with your computer, it might not always be the same workaround10:20
atjehcyberhai all10:20
SirMooTry a time when europe and the US are both on...10:20
atjehcyberGothicsatan, what up...10:21
FireCrotchgarylieberman: I scrolled up and saw your problem. Maybe I can help.10:21
atjehcyberGary, ...10:21
Gothicsatanatjehcyber: hi?10:21
atjehcyberam new used ubuntu10:22
Gothicsatani think he logged10:22
atjehcybercan you help me Gothicsatan10:22
Gothicsatanatjehcyber: maybe.. maybe not.. what's up?10:22
FireCrotchOh, wonderful... I try to help the poor guy and he leaves. :(10:22
Sandkinghttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/828706/AAA.JPG great - looks like ubuntu doesn't have answer for this one :]10:22
Gothicsatanya know :/10:22
atjehcyberam inters with backtrack tool, can i install it on ubuntu,10:22
atjehcybercan i get a deb. ?10:22
llutzatjehcyber: what tool? most are in the repos10:23
Gothicsatanu want the wep testing stuff?10:23
Gothicsatanatjehcyber: google aircrack-nt10:23
Gothicsatanthat's what u want10:23
Gothicsatanthey only support hardy ubuntu.. but i have it on lucid, and it works10:24
Sam_FisherPoor garyL he will delete Ubuntu and turn back to the dark side10:24
Gothicsatanhis loss10:24
Sam_FisherWe lost another10:24
llutzSam_Fisher: if it works for him, fine10:24
Gothicsatansooner or later he'll learn10:24
Gothicsatanagreed. ^^10:25
FireCrotchSam_Fisher: He said he would be back later, fortunately.10:25
Sam_FisherGothicsatan, Hope he comes back10:25
GothicsatanSam_Fisher: Ditto10:25
FireCrotchIt seems that he has another computer he can use in the meantime10:25
greenjonHe'll be less frustrated if he does come back :)10:25
Gothicsatanyeah.. a phailbox10:25
Gothicsatani mean.. windows10:25
Sam_FisherI feel for him I just did a reinstall of Lucid after how long since it came out? I was never happy with the Upgrade method and won't do it again10:26
Gothicsatani never upgrade, i always fresh install10:26
GothicsatanNAT ftwq10:26
GalerienSam_Fisher: I know what you mean...10:26
Galerienbtw, how many partition can you have inside an extended one?10:27
FireCrotchI actually just finished installing Ubuntu Studio today to replace Kubuntu (which had been upgraded to 10.04)10:27
Gothicsatani started with Kubuntu Lucid, and had alot of probs, went to Ubuntu Lucid and all was great10:28
Sam_FisherThe biggest thing I disliked was it had all my mistakes and attempts still there with the nice new 10.04.10:28
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FireCrotchGalerien: That's a good question... one that I don't have an answer for10:28
llutzGalerien: there was a restriction to 15 (63 on IDE) partitions, not sure if it still is10:28
guzuGalerien: during rh9 days, 11. now should be more10:29
Sam_Fisherhey that sneaky X X guy is changing his name! to hide. LOL10:29
greenjonSam_Fisher: Exactly. Haven't taken the time to do a fresh install on this netbook, but I did do a fresh on on my desktop. Seems a lot better :)10:29
greenjon*one on10:29
Sam_FisherIt was worth a try I like to learn10:29
FireCrotchGalerien: From what I'm reading, it seems that its only limited by the size of the disk10:29
phretorhi, is nspluginwrapper the only alternative for running the Adobe Reader Plugin on Firefox?10:29
erUSULllutz: Galerien in msdos partitions tables still holds... if you use gpt there are other limits.10:29
greenjonSame. You never know until you do it too10:29
llutzerUSUL: i meant msdos-partitions, no idea about gpt10:30
chuzzanyone know why 'Synaptic Package Manager' won't run? I click System -> Sysnaptic Package Manage  and it asks for a password which I enter correctly, then nothing... :(10:30
Sam_FisherI had Nvidia problems and Broadcom and finally the wired part would only work for one minute10:30
Sam_Fisherchuzz, wrong PW for sure10:31
erUSULchuzz: can you launch it fom terminal ? « gksudo synaptic »10:31
FireCrotchchuzz: try running it from the command line10:31
GalerienOk, because I have a 1.5 TB hard drive and i'll have to install windows xp and 7, ubuntu and fedora (we have a complicated family :) ), so that's already 5 partitions, with swap 6....10:31
chuzzSam_Fisher: if I type wrong password it tells me10:31
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FireCrotchGalerien: Oh, that'll be no problem. Well, aside from the usual Windows problems10:31
greenjonSam_Fisher: Ouch. I've heard Nvidia's a real pain to get working at times. Either it works or it doesn't type stuff. I got lucky and my Nvidia is fine so far10:31
Sam_FisherGalerien, have you considered VM for some?10:31
* chuzz suspects he has to logged in as the *first* user added to the system10:31
brickyhi, does anything extract a .inf from a .exe file?10:31
FireCrotchbricky: You can try cabextract10:32
guzutry cabextract , zip , rar etc10:32
GalerienSam_Fisher: I have, and my sister and partents told me something like "no way in hell" ;)10:32
nilli got a problem10:32
Sam_Fishergreenjon, It worked fine since April then random things started breaking10:32
pipThere is10:32
brickyFireCrotch ty10:33
GalerienFireCrotch: yeah, I know what i'll have to face, don't worry10:33
greenjonSam_Fisher: Without you having made any noticeable changes to the system?10:33
Sam_FisherGalerien, I know I have to set the systems up here so no one can tell which they are using.10:33
nillIm using a 3G modem. and still its working as a 2G modem. I cant find selection option  for  3G or 2G. please help me10:34
GalerienSam_Fisher: like windows xp = windows 7 = linux???10:34
Sam_Fishergreenjon, well come on! Maybe a few ;-)  I trimmed the list of options at boot up to one.10:34
chuzzSam_Fisher: my bad.. you were right. Wrong password. I was thinking it wanted the root password...10:34
pipHi, how to transfer files within Empathy ?10:34
greenjonSam_Fisher: Haha. Never hurts to add a couple ;P10:34
pipIt seems that function is not available10:34
sburjananyone know how can I extrect information from a windows .exe ? my guess is that it's a SFX file actually10:34
greenjonat times lol10:34
Sam_FisherGalerien, I just make sure FF has matching bookmarks and extensions and Photos all point to one folder etc10:34
nillbefore we did that. But now i dont remember10:35
mfraz74how do I make FF come to the front when clicking on a link?10:35
Sam_FisherGalerien, have you had that many systems booting?10:35
GalerienSam_Fisher: I do that too, All my windows and linux folders point to the same onces10:35
Sam_FisherGalerien, I had 3 and it was hell! After that mess I went to 3 hard drives 1 system each and it's better10:36
GalerienSam_Fisher: I've had 3 linux (ubuntu fedora and solaris) and windows 200010:36
FireCrotchsburjan: an SFX file is a self-extracting type of archive, I believe. You'll probably have the most success running it with Wine10:36
greenjonchuzz: Glad it wasn't a huge problem. :)10:36
llutzSolaris != linux ;)10:36
Gothicsatantest is good?10:37
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wildbattest failed!10:37
Sam_FisherGalerien, Are you going to let Grub2 do your booting and how does your family know to choose?10:37
sburjanFireCrotch : it;'s the office 2010 instlall, and It's only ONE executable file. And I getsome error, and in order to fix that error, I have to unpack the .exe and edit some files10:38
Gothicsatansburjan: ur not using open office?10:38
FireCrotchsburjan: you may have some success with cabextract then10:38
Gothicsatanopenoffice ftw10:38
GalerienSam_Fisher: I just put their names... My parents use xp, sister 7, an my brother use whatever he wants (gaming = 7, something else = fedora)10:38
Galerienand I'm with ubuntu10:38
Galerienllutz: yeah ok sorry ;)10:39
Sam_FisherGalerien, Grub2 booting?10:39
sburjanI have to test the plugin of my company with Office 201010:39
GalerienSam_Fisher: well, if it can do that for me, yes, if not... I've already configured grub....10:40
Gothicsatanjust save to a default file.. 2010 will open anything prior to it, and openoffice will save into those formats10:40
Sam_FisherGalerien, you should tell your parents XP is not supported any more and go to 7 it's faster and safer.10:40
Sam_FisherGalerien, get a copy of SuperGrub Hybrib so if (when) your boot gets hosed up you can boot anything you want until you can fix it and it will help you fix it.10:41
GalerienSam_Fisher: I did, but my faster doesn't care about it as long he has firefox, word 2000 and winamp...10:41
GalerienSam_Fisher: I have like 5 supergrub cds !10:41
red2kicGalerien: In the future, decline giving your father Windows support when he need it. Until he upgrade. ;o10:42
Galerien(i burn one every time I need one because I can't find the other 4...)10:42
Sam_FisherGalerien, have you tried Hybrid? I have it in the desktop drive because of some boot error in Win7 that I can't fix yet. It just pops up and says locate any OS? Why yes thank you!10:43
Galerienred2kic: If I do that he will format and reinstall... he already did when I was in the uk...10:43
GalerienSam_Fisher: no, didn't...10:43
Sam_Fisherred2kic, you got the right idea.10:43
Gothicsatanhis loss?10:43
brickyarg, can I install the driver in wine? lol10:44
brickyand than do something to make linux recognize it10:44
FireCrotchbricky: What are you trying to do here? I assume you're trying to get a wireless card driver to work with ndiswrapper?10:44
brickyi installed the .inf on windows wireless drivers and it said hardware found:no :)10:44
red2kicGalerien: Meh. If he think he's better off with that OS, let him go. :'(10:44
brickyndiswrapper.. yes that rings a bell10:44
atjehcyberaef_, what up10:45
atjehcyberaflynn, what up10:45
atjehcyber... nice day10:45
Galerienred2kic: yeah, and for what he needs, I think he is... you know, it's hard for him to change, 70 yo10:45
FireCrotchbricky: I suggest using the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper10:45
Sam_Fishershould I enable backports?10:45
red2kicSam_Fisher: You should not have to.10:46
brickyFireCrotch: that was the page I was looking for ty10:46
atjehcyberbricky, can i help10:46
seema_icHello there10:47
stanley_robertsohi seema_ic10:47
Sam_Fisherwhat software do you add after a fresh install for general computing. I grabbed Xchat, Pidgin, wifi radar10:47
atjehcyberhallo seema_ic10:47
atjehcyberhiya Gothicsatan10:47
red2kicubottu: tell seema_ic about hi10:47
ubottuseema_ic, please see my private message10:47
chuzzSam_Fisher: weechat!10:47
Sam_Fisherseema_ic, hola, howdy,10:47
brickyatjehcyber: Im not sure, your more than welcome to10:47
red2kicSam_Fisher: geany10:47
GalerienSam_Fisher: wine?10:47
Gothicsatanatjehcyber: ?10:47
FireCrotchSam_Fisher: For general computing, Ubuntu pretty much comes with everything anyone would need. Except flash10:47
stanley_robertsoAny ubuntu developer online ?10:48
stanley_robertsoi mean who contributes to ubuntu development10:48
Gothicsataneveryone is a developer :)10:48
Gothicsatanwhat's up?10:48
seema_icI need help installing Yahoo Messenger with webcam and voice chat support. I'm using latest Ubuntu 10.0410:48
atjehcybernot thin Gothicsatan10:48
Galerienseema_ic: I guess that pidgin support it10:49
Gothicsatanseema_ic google it, there are plugins for empathy/pidgeon10:49
Gothicsatanin the ubuntu software center there is a package for 30 most used plugins10:49
Gothicsatanthat should take care of it10:49
GalerienSam_Fisher: google chrome / opera...10:50
seema_icI've pidgin and empathy and their plugin..they don't support webcam..I'm specifically looking for Yahoo Messenger to be running with its features..10:52
Gothicsatananyone play Anarchy Online?10:52
Gothicsatanafk googling..10:52
foxmulder881seema_ic; Y-Messenger runs on Windows, not Linux.10:53
Gothicsatanwhich messenger do you use in Ubuntu?10:53
GothicsatanEmpathy or Pidgeon?10:53
seema_icPidgin, amsn10:53
darttcan anyone recommend gud music player apart from rhythmbox...its sucky10:53
seema_icsome people have manage to run Yahoo Messenger with all its features using Wine10:54
foxmulder881seema_ic; why bother when you have native clients readily available to you in the repos.10:55
brickywell I tried to install it and it says it's installed10:55
vltHello. I have some JPEG files with wrong EXIF-Data (date 2054-01-01). When I try to modify the date in f-spot the program crashes. Any idea how to correct the date?10:56
llutzvlt: use exiv210:56
Hagge2Does anyone know how to enable the powerbutton (so I can shutdown my computer cleanly) in Ubuntu 10.04 Server?10:56
seema_icTell me the native one..who can communicate with other yahoo contacts with webcam and voice chat?10:56
vltllutz: Thanks10:56
brickywhich is good I did it right at least10:56
foxmulder881Hagge2; what's wrong with the "halt" command?10:57
Gothicsatanseema_ic: empathy should support webcam/live call10:57
brickywith command line using ndiswrapper AND with wireless windows driver10:57
atjehcyberhai... my amarok can't musik10:57
atjehcyberany budy can help me..10:57
Hagge2foxmulder881: I have no montior or keyboard attached to the computer/server, and sometimes want to turn it off10:57
atjehcyberam used ubuntu 10.0410:57
Gothicsatanyeah.. rythmbox ftw10:57
seema_icr u sure? can Empathy connect with other yahoo contacts and do webcam and voice chat?10:58
foxmulder881Hagge2; putty into it.10:58
greenjonseema_ic: Maybe try gyachi... http://www.webupd8.org/2009/05/howto-linux-ubuntu-gyachi-yahoo.html10:58
brickyalso it told me to do apt-get autoremove, will that help?10:58
Gothicsatanseema_ic: it might not be empathy, but the drivers needed to run the hardware10:58
Hagge2foxmulder881: no, I want to use my powerbutton as I used to do before I installed Ubuntu 10.04, someone have disabled the function and I want to know how to enable it again10:59
Gothicsatanbricky: apt-get autoremove get's rid of un-needed software10:59
foxmulder881Hagge2; suit yourself. Sorry, but I can't help you with that mate.11:00
seema_icJaunty and Intrepid packages are not there..???11:00
seema_icwhat should I do on this page?11:00
Gothicsatanhagge2: System>Preferences>Power Management11:00
seema_icshud I intall the flashcam?11:00
Gothicsatanhagge2: general tab11:01
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Hagge2Gothicsatan: I have no X.org installed, it is "Ubuntu 10.04 Server"11:01
MilindMKHello All11:01
GothicsatanHagge2: can't help with server, sorry :(11:02
greenjonseema_ic: Let me look it over11:02
MilindMKI am facing problem with bluetooth dongle11:02
MilindMKits not detecting11:02
seema_icok..thanks..I really appreciate you help11:02
greenjonseema_ic: Not sure if it works in 10.04 anymore11:02
greenjonseema_ic: Np.11:02
GothicsatanMilindMK: who makes the dongle?11:02
MilindMKlsusb shows following11:03
MilindMKBus 006 Device 005: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)11:03
seema_icIs there any way..as I'm running an Internet Cafe. Without yahoo it is incomplete11:03
Hagge2Gothicsatan: Some developer have changed the default action (to do nothing) for the serverinstallation, and I waant  to know where to change it back to normal operation11:03
MilindMKit was working yesterday when i was trying to configure phone remote control11:03
GothicsatanHagge2: i have no experiance with linux serves.. just front end.11:03
MilindMKbut i configured manything but it didn't worked11:03
greenjonseema_ic: Not gyachi after all. Search google a bit for alternatives11:04
MilindMKbut now bluetooth stopped working too11:04
GothicsatanMilindMK: chances are it is still working.. just not showing u11:04
greenjonand I'll do the same11:04
Hagge2Gothicsatan: ok, thanks anyway11:04
GothicsatanHagge2: sorry.. best of luck to  u11:04
MilindMKi have tried to detect it but it didn't11:04
MilindMKi am not able to pair my system with phone11:04
GothicsatanMilindMK: if the device is showing on the bus.. it's there.. the app that ur used to seeing isn't booting up..11:05
MilindMKGothicsatan: hmm...any thing i need to doo?11:05
GothicsatanMilindMK: System>Preferences>Bluetooth?11:05
MilindMKit shows all disabled11:06
seema_icI came here after lot of googling..I was hoping to find a way out here11:06
MilindMKdmesg shows following error:11:07
mfraz74seema_ic: does kopete do webcam with yahoo?11:07
MilindMK[ 9885.200802] btusb_intr_complete: hci0 urb e0ef4900 failed to resubmit (19)11:07
MilindMK[ 9885.200813] btusb_bulk_complete: hci0 urb e0ef4780 failed to resubmit (19)11:07
MilindMK[ 9885.201800] btusb_bulk_complete: hci0 urb e0ef4d80 failed to resubmit (19)11:07
FloodBot2MilindMK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:07
MilindMK[ 9885.201946] btusb_send_frame: hci0 urb f34bfa80 submission failed11:07
greenjonseema_ic: I know what ya mean. Sometimes takes a lot of googling. I may have found an option or two. Just give me a bit to look them over, k?11:08
MilindMKGothicsatan: please check http://paste.ubuntu.com/447696/11:08
seema_icGreat Man..take your time..I'm also looking11:08
MilindMKfor dmesg11:08
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GothicsatanMilindMK: it reads like the device isn't reading right through the usb.. have u tried different ports?11:09
Gothicsatanalmost 1500 ppl in chat. 10 tops chatting :/11:10
Gothicsatanand all give same error MilindMK?11:10
MilindMKjust the code e0ef4900 is different every time11:11
Gothicsatanman, i'm at a loss, i have a cheap o Bluetooth adapter that just worked when i plugged it in..11:12
Gothicsatanthat code is like it's que in how the information is processed11:12
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greenjonseema_ic: http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/ <---- Try that. It seems like the only option besides kopete, pidgin, and empathy. Best I can do for you without ever trying one for yahoo11:12
Wexianyone know how to edit the indicator-session commands?11:12
liebHi, I was wondering if there is a way to fix the laggy flash plugin(nonfree). It doesn't lag in fullscreen but only in windowed mode, it makes browsing youtube or streetfire quite the unpleasant experience, Distro:10.04, cpu:amd3200+,gpu:radeonx850xt (non fglrx)11:13
seema_icThanks Man..I'm looking into it..I just need this issue to be resolved. Yahoo Messenger on Ubuntu is quite a Challenge.11:13
Gothicsatanlieb: 64 or 32 bit?11:14
lieb32 bit11:14
greenjonseema_ic: Ya, it looks like it's going to be quite the challenge indeed. Just try not to give up!11:14
GothicsatanAdobe has a .deb file11:14
lieband I did read up a lot on it before coming here11:14
Promethesanyone experience slow performance of nvidia in Lucid?11:14
Gothicsatani had ALOT of probs with flash, and if u have any remnants of any other type of flash in your system.. they will collide and cause problems11:14
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greenjonseema_ic: It seems there were a couple different variations of that client, but the link I gave you is the most recent I could find of the variations. I really hope it works for you11:15
GothicsatanPromethes: install ur video driver11:15
Promethesin mine scrolling in ff/chrome/nautilus/rhythmbox is terribly slow, like 38611:15
liebClean 10.04 install, I did the wordpress checklist and I also have the latest flash plugin, and my video card works superbly on everything else including emulating games with WINE11:15
Ou42FWIW - i'd still call myself a noob... and i haven't posted to the forums, but i did get around the laptop rebooting instead of shutting down w/ acpi_osi="Linux" in grub11:15
PromethesGothicsatan: i have propertiary driver installed, i have GTX 27511:15
MilindMKGothicsatan: ohh it just detected.... waiting to detect my phone... fingures crossed11:16
kalehow do i list the files in a package?11:16
llutzkale: dpkg -L package11:16
liebI wish I could install the proprietary drivers in hopes that it would fix it, but I can't remember when flash worked correctly for me, this is why I keep switching back to winbloze11:16
GothicsatanPromethes: i heard there were problems with that series cards.. but i could be wrong, dosent Nvidia have a native linux driver on thier site u can use?11:16
Promethesnvidia performance was way better in 9.10, 9.04, in 10.4 is total crap11:17
Gothicsatani'm running ATI.. so kinda at a loss, the last nvidia i had was a 9800 and it ran sweet11:17
greenjoni have the 8800 and it seems to run okay... *shrug*11:18
liebheck even my old geforce4 mx is supported by proprietary drivers11:18
Gothicsatani have a 4200 HD Mobility and i game all the time with it, nps (unless it uses my Hard Drive.. that's shot)11:18
HypothesisFrogdoes anyone have any clue why the brightness feature on totem doesn't work now I've installed Lucid Lynx? ATI Radeon X1600 video card.11:18
GothicsatanATI has settings in the driver for that11:19
seema_icOk. I've already done this thing..it's complex..don't know what to expect installing PPA?11:19
dbdavidall latest linux  distros don't work well with atheros wireless card in  ath5k driver.dmesg  keeps saying:no probe response for ap,disconnectioning in few seconds  each connection established11:19
dbdavidwhat's wrong?11:19
greenjonseema:_ic: Hmmm... Gimme a bit11:20
liebso I guess i'm screwed since i'm using xorg-video-radeon, sigh, I just thought maybe there was a workaround, and the flash optimization thing won't work11:20
Gothicsatani had problems with my video driver.. using the built in Ubuntu installer didn't give me the performance i was expecting..11:21
liebIt's funny how my whole computer slow down to a crawl when watching 480p/720p but if I download it to my pc it plays great, hell I even watched district 9 in 720p the other day.11:21
Gothicsatani had to remove/purge and manually remove remnants of the driver, and install from the download from AMD's sit11:21
Gothicsatansite to get what i waednt11:21
lieb <Gothicsatan> me neither, I mean it works good, but it could be better11:21
Gothicsatan(stupid touchpad)11:21
liebwhat ati r u running?11:22
Gothicsatanlieb: maybe it's not the video driver, but the internet streaming11:22
GothicsatanATI Mobility 4200 HD11:22
monitor110im trying to add additional ip's to my server..can somebody check (http://pastebin.com/XRQMqihQ) to see if my /etc/resolv.conf is correct?11:22
greenjonseema_ic: I guess you do have to install that11:22
Promethesi heard that ati drivers also have many issues on linux11:22
liebnah , connection is fine, I can tell it's the flash that ain't using hardware acceleration correctly, like I said in fullscreen it's fluid even the flash controls are more responsive11:23
Gothicsatani had ALOT of issues using the one from the "hardware drivers" menu..11:23
seema_icLet me go through this once again..quite a learning curve11:23
liebin windowed mode, not so much11:23
greenjonseema_ic: I remember seeing that person's name before and I believe they're the one that manages gyachi11:23
Gothicsatanonce i removed all those, and installed the ,deb packaged from AMD, it ran alot better..11:23
Gothicsatannot sure why11:23
liebeveryone else seem to have the opposite problem11:23
kiamohow do I run a wine program from the command line?  wine [program name]  right?11:23
greenjonseema_ic: Take your time. I'm trying to help, but I can't be much since I've never used that program before so can't vouch for it11:24
Oysterkiamo, yep11:24
Promethesso is there today a graphic card that works well with lunux/ubuntu? In desktop and in opengl 3d?11:24
greenjonJust seems like it's the only other alternative for you11:24
liebGothicsatan mine doesn't even show up in the hardware drivers menu, from what i've read the x850 isn't supported anymore11:24
Gothicsatanyes kiamo.. wine <path to exe>11:24
carl0s-Any idea why the dns resolver seems to be broken? the resolv.conf points to the correct DNS server, but I can't ping or browse to "server.ourdomain.local", yet an "nslookup server.ourdomain.local" works fine. It's as though the system is using a different DNS server to the one in /etc/resolv.conf. I have the same problem on another Lucid system11:24
Gothicsatanlieb: doh11:24
liebthe 4200hd IS supported but mine , bleh11:24
liebit really sucks, so much for giving a 2nd life to an old pc11:25
daniel_whats up ppl11:25
carl0s-oh it's OK I got it. I think it might be appending a bad suffix11:25
daniel_what is this?11:25
seema_icIt's new for me also..I wish these big companies like Yahoo can offer some to Linux users also11:25
Gothicsatanit works, just don't expect much?11:25
erUSULmonitor110: well seems ok... dunno if auto can have more than one iface specified ...11:25
Gothicsatanseema_ic: that's too much work for them11:25
daniel_well they have a thing u can use to have all ur messangers in 111:26
greenjonseema:_ic: No kidding. Exactly what Gothicsatan said lol11:26
greenjonbeat me to it11:26
seema_icbut worth it if you can connect with people sitting on Linux11:26
liebI'm not expecting much, but it sucks when everything was working fine in previous versions and now it's not, I mean this is silly I can play 720p flv files , so why not in firefox/opera/chrome/konqueror11:27
carl0s-No it's definitely broken. "ping server" comes back with "response from server.company.local". "ping server.company.local" fails to find server.company.local11:27
Gothicsatanu can always downgrade to a prior version11:27
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carl0s-Does the glibc resolver have a bug with .local fqdns ?11:27
liebI cant even play 480p, I have to stick to 360p and even then in windowed mode it lags way too much11:27
Gothicsatannew code + old compter = gonna have probs11:28
liebin fullscreen it's smooth as hell, even without buffering the entire video11:28
Gothicsatancause it renders differently11:28
lieboh for sure, but everything else is fine, and I'm just mad at ati for dropping the card11:28
Gothicsatanfull screen apps take precidence11:28
Gothicsatandual core proc?11:29
liebnot even close, lol11:29
monitor110erUSUL - just saw your msg. thanks. i guess I don't need the additional gateway...im only supposed to specifiy it once11:29
Galerienlieb: witch one?11:29
liebit's not even multithreaded11:29
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liebgpu:Radeon X850xt CPU: Amd3200+ 32 bit11:29
liebclocked at 2.2ghz11:29
Galerienlieb: X**** are dropped? arf11:30
liebthat's what I read, anything below a x1200 or some crap11:30
liebI think only the HD series is supported by fglrx now11:30
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sagarsdewhois xxx11:31
liebTHis is making me lean towards a nvidia for my next video card, shrugs11:31
Gothicsatani'm stuck between the 2..11:31
Gothicsatanati does have support atm.. and it runs my games.. but i've always loved Nvidia11:32
Gothicsatanso.. eh..11:32
Galerienlieb: one of my friend modified a x800 with ceramic passive coolers and nearly double it's power (under windows)... that was a nice card11:32
GalerienGothicsatan: sometime you can't choose your card...11:32
liebBoth are good, I've had both , but most of my cards have been ati's, they had their ups and downs11:32
sagarsdeHi all How to use whois11:33
greenjonseema_ic: How's that coming along?11:33
liebyeah, I like how I can overclock my x850 easily, but I'd need upgraded cooling for sure11:33
Galerien  /whois sagarsde11:33
sagarsdethank you Galerien11:33
Galeriensagarsde: pas de soucis, l'breton11:34
Gothicsatanno sense in overlocking anymore when the cards are getting cheaper11:34
liebOn one hand Nvidia has physx, but on the other hand ati has, well, amd's support11:34
Gothicsatanlol, yeah, and Nvidia has more gaming support (in windows)11:34
sagarsdeI cant understand what u(Galerien) have written11:35
liebfor sureLet's f**k with everyone and buy matroxes11:35
liebwe'll crash the gpu market11:35
Gothicsatanyeah, i can see the kiddies sayin that to mommie11:35
liebI even had a matrox in my young days, and also a 3dfx11:35
Galerienlieb: and is cheaper and most cards are more powerfull than their "equivalent" in nVidia11:35
seema_icstill digging..11:36
liebGalerien c'est sur!11:36
Galeriensagarsde: sorry, your whois says "pratchett.freenode.net :Rennes, France", I just guessed you were French11:36
sagarsdeNo I am Indian11:36
RiotingPacifistmy network manager won't find any wifi networks and knetwormanager says Network Management is disabled, how can i either fix this or get enough info to make a meaningful bug report11:36
sagarsdeGalerien: No I am from India11:37
duffydackah the old matrox complete with destruction derby.. with 'smoke' FX lol11:37
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist: type into a terminal "NetworkManager"11:37
liebI had a matrox millenium 16 mb or something similar11:37
GupWhat can I try when kill -9 isnt killing?11:37
Gothicsatanthen try11:37
sagarsdeGalerien: /whois ... is not showing anything11:37
clipp_14i use opendns but i can not go to google ? can someone please help me ?11:38
guzusagarsde: leave no space before /whois11:38
greenjonseema_ic: Alright. I'm sorry if that doesn't work for you. I was having trouble sleeping and so figured I'd hop on here to try and help, but my brain is about ready for bed. I'll try and stay up a little longer to try and help :)11:38
greenjon3:38 a.m. here hehe11:38
RiotingPacifistGothicsatan: NetworkManager is running, but nm-tool shows no wifi and knetworkmanager says the same thing11:38
Galerienlieb: but before I upgraded to the 10.04 RC, my ati card was quite good, I could play games like wow with full details, 1440x900 and 40 fps (HD3650) I think it's getting better11:39
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist: laptop?11:39
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Galerienlieb: let's keep it english, so that other can understand ;)11:39
RiotingPacifistyeah dell studio 15 something11:39
sagarsdeguzu: I have typed "/whois guzu"; Am I wrong to type? or where else I have to type?11:39
MrokiiIs there a way (via a Nautlis-plugin) to add something to the toolbar of each folder-window?11:39
liebhey you started it11:40
guzusagarsde: no quotes, right?11:40
Galeriensagarsde: you need to look at "freenode" not "ubuntu"11:40
liebwhy do I always get put in my place for saying 1 sentence11:40
sagarsdeguzu: yes that I have used11:40
sagarsdeguzu: I mean I used it coorrectly11:40
guzusagarsde: that's strange, /whois sagarsde worked fine for me11:40
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist, do you have a network button.. that disable the network adapter?11:40
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist, do you have multiple wireless adapters?11:41
red2kicsagarsde: Look in other tab/tree.11:41
liebGalerien this almost makes you wanna switch back to 9.04 or 9.10 eh?11:41
sagarsdeguzu: I am using ubuntu11:41
Gothicsatani'd hope so sagarsde lol, ur in a ubuntu irc11:42
Galerienlieb: no, the problem was that I tried the RC, otherwise it would have worked fine11:42
RiotingPacifistGothicsatan: the network adapter is on (im connected using iwconfig now, but when i was trying to use nm i did check, by toggling and checking dmesg (Is there a better way to check)), no just 1 card an intel one (iwlagn)11:42
sagarsdeguzu: Thank u, finaly I get it11:42
lieboh yeah? I thought the rc would have been good as it's not a beta11:42
Galerienlieb: but I need to keep this one because I've got important work and weird apache setttings, and if I lose it i'm dead11:42
guzusagarsde: great :)11:42
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist, disabling and enabling the network adapter with the built in laptop button is known to cause problems11:43
RiotingPacifistGothicsatan: oh and it was working fine till i rebooted this morning and got into a failed hibernate..resume thingy11:43
liebGalerien time for backup!, I shouldn't talk, I also should do backups and I never do it11:43
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist, might have been a stuck driver.. linux likes to remember what u were doing11:43
seema_icThanks for your efforts..you should sleep..thanks again11:43
liebI recently lost a 120gb hard drive that had years worth of electronic music on it including my own vinyl rips11:43
clipp_14can someone help me please. i can not go with openDNS to google and gmail :(11:44
guzuquite a loss11:44
liebI can still fix it, but I need to find an exact clone of my drive, hell i'm not paying hundreds of dollars for a data recovery service11:44
RiotingPacifistGothicsatan: I didn't disable until i'd run into the problems, i reloaded (a few times) it and it's now working using the same driver, i'm pretty confident its something messed up in networkmanager11:44
Gothicsatanit's only data guzu11:44
greenjonseema_ic: No need to thank me. Just trying to help where I can even if I'll be learning at the same time as you haha11:44
Galerienlieb: it was good, but graphic stuff is always tricky (and one of my friend did it too and broke his installation, and had an Nvidia)11:44
tibroxI have lucid and winXP installed.  Each time I reboot from xp my gru breaks and I have to go in with a live disk to fix this.  Is there any permanent fix available?11:44
guzuGothicsatan: yes, but ripping vinyl is no asy task, and is certainly time eating11:45
Gothicsatanguzu very true11:45
liebtibrox bad block on hard drive maybe?11:45
SirMooTibrox. I had a similar issue with Vista.11:45
SirMooAre you booting using the windows loader or the ubuntu one?11:45
liebright where the mbr is11:45
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist, with mine, if i hit that button, i have to shutdown, and then it work the way it should11:45
SirMooWhich one do you select the boot with?11:45
tibroxlieb, nothing wrong with my disk afaik11:45
Galerienlieb: yeah well, I have four external hard drives with all important stuff stored in all four of them, plus my phone and a USB key in my parents vault11:46
tibroxSirMoo, how did you fix it?11:46
liebalright, you never know, I also dual boot (lucid and xp) and have no issues11:46
clipp_14 i can not go with openDNS to google and gmail. please help me!11:46
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guzuGothicsatan: enable/disable networking is not good?11:46
liebGalerien : nice! if I was rich i'd get a tape backup device11:46
tibroxSirMoo, grub2 loader11:46
SirMooI don't remember. When it boots and it asks you which to load Ubuntu or Windows... is it a windows screen or ubuntu boot screen?11:46
RiotingPacifistGothicsatan: i rebooted and left it off for a few minutes, and tried 2 different kernels, I don't think it's a problem with the driver11:46
sagarsdeThank u guys, I have to go11:46
liebin the meantime i'll just build myself a raid setup11:46
Gothicsatanguzu with laptops that have a button to enable/disble the network adapters, is known to cause problems11:46
SirMooTry using the windows boot loader?11:47
seema_icyeah..I guess we all need to learn to grow..isn't11:47
skarhi, i'm running lucid for server x64 and cron isn't starting automtically on boot. anyway to fix it?11:47
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist, u can always locate the driver, and re-install it11:47
greenjonseema_ic: That's the beauty of going from Windows to Ubuntu and just life in general. We need to take the opportunities to learn when given the chance. :P11:48
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist, if that's what you think the problem is.. but if u were using that button, that's just bad news. i went through that cause i have 2 wireless network adapters (one for injections, one for monitor)11:48
tibroxI've had grub2 issues with dual booting windows since karmic :(11:48
SirMoo._. I think if you switch from which ever screen lets you select wich you're going to boot too, it should fix the issue.11:49
liebI had booting issues with karmic as well, it would take 20-25 seconds just to show the grub menu11:49
liebluckily lucid lynx seemed to have fixed that for me11:49
tibroxlieb, in karmic - grub2 would freeze.  In lucid - i get the error of invalid boot disk11:50
optiafter installing the proprietry nvidia drivers, I cant set my CRT higher than 1024x76811:50
optiactually, before I installed them even :p11:50
tibroxSirMoo, I don't even het the grub menu11:50
RiotingPacifistGothicsatan: I only used the button after the problem started. btw you can usually capture and inject on the same card these days, just use airmon to create a virtual monitor interface tied to the correct freq (i know it works for iwlagn and atheros, not sure about others)11:51
Gothicsatanopti, have you tried configuring the settings using the driver itself?  maybe ur refresh rate is too high and limits the resoluton11:51
liebtibrox : that's bad, I hate to repeat myself but do a thorough hard drive check, sometime you may even be aware that you have a bad drive, happened to me11:51
GothicsatanRiotingPacifist, my builtin don't support injection11:51
optiwhat, like the nvidia applet for changing the res?11:51
SmokeyDhey everyone, I have a gpg encrypted text file. Is there any tool that I can use to decrypt the text file into memory, edit it, and save it again encrypted. I could use gpg to decrypt it into plain text, edit that and then encrypt it again, but I am wondering if there is a way to do that on the fly11:52
GothicsatanYes.. lower the refresh rate to 60, and raise the resolution11:52
ThrmSmokeyD: use a ramdisk. make sure your swap is encrypted or nonexistent.11:53
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RiotingPacifistSmokeyD: you could extract it to a ramdisk (like /dev/shm, i think), but there may be a tool to do what you want anyway11:53
RiotingPacifistThrm: if smokeyD uses a ramdisk he doesn't need to worry about it being swapped out AFAIK only tmpfs gets swapped, ramfs stays in ram11:54
SmokeyDRiotingPacifist: that is actually a good idea, but I just found a gnupg plugin for vi that lets me transparently edit gpg encrypted files11:54
optiok, i think i found the problem, has very generic monitor config in xorg.conf11:54
ThrmRiotingPacifist: but he'll use an editor on the file, no?11:55
domedagenxfce self-destructed. If I burn 9.10 to a DVD and install it from there will my files remain intact?11:55
jovaroI can only start Lucid in failsafeX mode, if I try to boot in the regular way, the computer crashes. What can I do to find the problem?11:55
SmokeyDThrm: that indeed is something to worry about11:55
SmokeyDThrm: thanks for the tip11:55
Gothicsatanat 1024x768 with CRT's most drivers like to set the refresh rate to 75.. which is to high for the higher resolutions11:55
RiotingPacifistThrm: good point11:55
liebYou guys must know that, how to access my ext4 partition (with extent) from winbloze, I heard I can virtualize my actual ubuntu OS to make it happen, but how does virtual box SEE the ext4 to begin with11:56
SmokeyDThrm: is the performance of an encrypted swapfile noticably worse than an unencrypted one?11:56
Gothicsatanwhy on earth would u want to do that?11:56
liebbecause it's phun! emphasis on the ph11:57
SmokeyDGothicsatan: was that in response to my question?11:57
Gothicsatanlike ph4il11:57
liebin case I forget files and I absolutely CANNOT boot in ubuntu at the time being11:57
GothicsatanSmokeyD no, sorry, was to someone else11:57
aranddomedagen: If you have a separate /home and choose to use the partition but not format it, it will, otherwise you could use the liveCD to more all your files to a temporary storing place (usb?) of some kind11:57
liebpretty much11:57
RiotingPacifistSmokeyD: on small loads, i've never noticed it and when i'm using a lot of swap my computer was slow anyway, so IMHO there is no noticable difference11:57
Gothicsatanboot a live CD :P11:57
liebI like to try stuff, I hate to say it but I need windows11:57
vargadanishello all! how can i install a source package in 10.04? apt-get source packagename?11:58
Gothicsatannaa.. it's like smoking, break urself from the habit and enjoy the good life11:58
RiotingPacifistlieb: http://ext2read.blogspot.com/2010/04/ext2read-22-released-now-with-lvm2-and.html11:58
liebboot from a live cd, but I mean if I want to access my actual ubuntu partition from windows11:58
liebext2read doesnt work with extent on does it?11:58
domedagenxfce self-destructed. If I burn 9.10 to a DVD and install it from there will my files remain intact?11:58
Gothicsatanvargadanis u don't install from source, u compile11:58
liebI would hate to have to reformat just to run ext2read11:58
vargadanisGothicsatan, yeah I got that.. However i want to see the ubuntu source of a package11:59
Gothicsatanvargadanis, no idea :/11:59
RiotingPacifistvargadanis: to get the source you run that command and it puts the files into a subdir of your current dir, to build it you need to use build-dep and add a -b to the source command11:59
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lieb <RiotingPacifist> that's funny, I googled the program like yesterday and saw no mention of ext4 support, I only read on other websites that it worked with the extend disabled12:00
Gothicsatandomedagen it will format.. u'll lose saved data unless it's backed up12:00
vargadanisRiotingPacifist, thank you...12:00
domedagenGothicsatan: TY12:00
vargadanisRiotingPacifist, as well I get this error: E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list12:00
vargadanisRiotingPacifist, does that mean I am missing some configuration?12:00
aranddomedagen: I did answer ↑ ... do you have a separate /home?12:00
Gothicsatanthe file your trying to install vargadanis is looking for dependancies that aren't listed in ur sources list12:01
domedagenarand: Missed that12:01
Gothicsatanis what that says*12:01
RiotingPacifistvargadanis: yes you have to add source URIs to your source list, either use the GUI to enable this or add entries to your /etc/apt/sources that look like deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security multiverse12:01
jovaroI can only start Lucid in failsafeX mode, booting in the normal mode results in a crash right before the login screen would appear. How can I identify the problem? I figured that it could be a Blank Screen issue as on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen . But since the computer crashes instead of just giving a blank screen, I am not sure...12:01
vargadanisRiotingPacifist, wow.. ok, for some reason I ignored deb-src thing12:02
RiotingPacifistvargadanis: all thi is going from manuals i've read, i usually use PPAs or howtos if i really need to build from source12:02
vargadanisRiotingPacifist, that has solved the problem12:02
Gothicsatanjovaro it's prolly a video issue12:02
domedagenarand: Don't have such fancy things. My situation looks like this. I can't log in the normal way, I can't start xfce, I can't log in as SU. Is there a way to repair12:03
jovaroGothicsatan, I figures as much, but what to do about it?12:03
vargadanisRiotingPacifist, well I need a module for PHP that isn't supported and I would like to get it right with the current PHP version12:03
Gothicsatanu have to boot to terminal, remove-re-install the correct driver12:03
vargadanisRiotingPacifist, thank you for your help, been very helpful12:03
Gothicsatanshould give u an option12:03
aranddomedagen: Does "recovery mode" in the boot menu help?12:03
RiotingPacifistvargadanis: np, check-install might be usefull for what you want too12:04
domedagenThere is a recovery mode?12:04
aranddomedagen: (Hold down shift on boot to get the boot menu)12:04
domedagenLet me try12:04
vargadanisRiotingPacifist, check-install? ok... I'll google it12:04
Gothicsatanokay, i need coffee now.. brb12:05
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RiotingPacifisterm checkinstall even :CheckInstall keeps track of all the files created or modified by your installation script ("make install" "make install_modules", "setup", etc), builds a standard binary package and installs it in your system giving you the ability to uninstall it with your distribution's standard package management utilities.12:05
robustko hieu ji het12:07
vargadanisRiotingPacifist, ohh very very nice12:08
robusthelp me12:08
lieb <robust> what's the question12:08
liebwe don't speak, whatever that is12:08
machine__Hello ..12:09
delganhi there. I'm having a little trouble starting root in ubuntu. i had a mess with the display settings a while ago and its showing the desktop wallpaper but thats as far as it gets...12:10
delgani can log into a normal user12:10
robusti don't undertand english12:10
domedagenarand: Recovery mode was not to be found12:10
liebrobust , well isn't that quite the dilemma, do you speak french?12:10
delganis there anyway i can restore the settings. bit of a nub at linux im afraid.12:11
robusti am vietnamese12:11
ThrmSmokeyD: one more thing. the file editor could still leak the data to random places. for example, to fix vi: TMPDIR=/ramdisk vi /ramdisk/my.txt12:11
lieboh you'se trolling12:11
domedagenIs there any other distro that uses xubuntu's wireless connection program?12:11
liebyou're not supposed to log in as root12:12
liebif you can log in user mode, thenonly use root for terminal commands12:12
delganlike i said... bit of newbie.12:12
sllidehow do i convert a bin file to a img file?12:12
liebthat's fine, it just l;eaves your machine vulnerable12:12
bazhangrobust, /join #ubuntu-vn12:12
dbdavidrobust,do you play with satellite receiver hacking?12:13
delganis there any reason i would need to log into root then?12:13
liebI mean it's vulnerable if you log in as root12:13
delgani wont fix it if it doesnt matter12:13
bazhang!ot > dbdavid12:13
liebunless you do heavy server stuff, I don't think so, and even then in a console you tend to use "sudo"12:13
bazhangdbdavid, that is offtopic here12:13
lieb dbdavid nice stereotyping12:14
robustco ai biet tieng viet ko vay12:14
dbdavidlie,everything can be much different from theory in practice12:14
SmokeyDThrm: hmm, that is a good one as well. I think I'll ask the vi people if they have any more suggestions on where data could be leaked12:14
zetherooanyone have a clue as to why Lucid will not load on a Thinkpad X31 ?12:14
zfmfi cant install whois , whats the right command? apt-get install whois?12:14
bazhangrobust, english here ; /join #ubuntu-vn12:14
bazhanglieb, that is not necessary12:14
dbdavidlog as root never undermined my box though12:15
robusthinh nhu minh bi lac vao the gioi ubuntu tu khi nao ma ko biet roi12:15
bazhangzfmf, just /whois in your client12:15
liebyeah but if that his only issue, it's pretty much a non-issue no?12:15
nmvictori get this message during boot up: [/build/buildd/linux2.6.32/drivers/rtc/htcosys.c : unable to open rtc device], whats up and how do i fix it?12:15
Galerienthere is nearly never any obligation to be root, sudo is ok most of the time12:15
liebdbdavid, I know, me too12:16
lieb <Galerien> spot on!12:16
bazhangsudo -i for a root shell if you must12:16
GalerienI only had to use sudo -i twice, with advanced packages configurations12:16
Galerienlieb: "spot on" ?12:16
dbdavidbazhang,why my atheros keeps disconnecting in few seconds after associated with ap?12:16
lieb <Galerien> meaning that's where I was getting at12:16
lieb[07:15] <Galerien> there is nearly never any obligation to be root, sudo is ok most of the time12:16
Galerienlieb: ok, good then12:17
liebdon't worry i'm not here to be a smart ass12:17
delganwell it's probably my fault. i was messing with the monitor settings cos I used a really old monitor and it couldn't auto detect the settings12:17
Galerienand what the hell are you doing up this early in canada?12:17
dbdavidI love root much more than sodu ,su..etc12:17
robustare you install kde on ubuntu12:17
delganso i messed with the xconf file12:17
bazhangrobust, install the package kubuntu-desktop12:17
Galerienrobust: sudo tasksel12:17
liebGalerien, slept in yesterday afternoon, and didn't go to bed yet, sigh12:17
robustwhat else12:18
Galerienand then chose kubuntu-desktop,12:18
dbdavidbazhang,what's wrong with my system?12:18
delganit works now though... just can't start root12:18
Galerienpress <spacebar> and then enter12:18
Galerienreboot, your are done12:18
bazhangrobust, that is it, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:18
delgananyway. Thanks for your help peeps :)12:18
greenjonseema_ic: how's that coming along? haven't heard from you in a little while12:20
dbdavidhey,so many guys left?12:21
vaughanHey all. Anybody runing ubuntu on an Aspire One 532H netbook?12:21
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dbdavidvaughan,what's wrong12:21
Guest9893ive googled and found a bug, but the SD card reader doesnt work... It shows in dmesg when inserting a card, but its not mounted12:22
Guest9893Wondered if anybody had conquered this one yet12:22
liebWell , think it's about time to hit the old dusty trail.12:22
liebgood night(or day)12:22
=== Gothicsatan|AFK is now known as Gothicsatan
Galerienlieb: I've been at work for 5 hours now, grrr12:22
Galerien(but good night)12:23
liebif only I could FIND work12:23
liebdamn stupid economy12:23
Gothicsatani agree with lieb12:23
GothicsatanIF only lol12:23
greenjonlieb: right there with ya. have a good day (night)12:23
domedagen Is there any other distro that uses xubuntu's wireless connection program?12:23
Gulopineanybody know where's a good place to ask questions about ubuntugis?12:23
GalerienThat's another problem yeah... (but i'm not getting paid, it's an internship :s)12:23
liebI mean im willing to work, but I get absolutely no interviews, and the one I was supposed to get last week, the guy tells me to call the next morning, then I call and he tells me he gave the job to someone else12:24
liebI was... fuming12:24
Gothicsatanmy payment is helping atm12:24
* lieb says cya!12:24
* Gothicsatan waves12:24
jattthis stupid clock applet keeps freezing. date says it's 13:24 but the clock applet says it is 13:0412:25
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jattit worked until 13:04 then it freezed12:25
nmvictori think i have a security issue, i fire up my iBook, type Linux single at the yaboot prompt then im taken to a menu where i have an option to drop down to root prompt which i do and their i am with access to the entire system. what if i wasnt the owner of this iBook, is their anything i couldnt do with a root access without a password?12:25
djugglerI'm trying to get railo installed on 8.04 and am following this guide http://wiki.eclipse.org/FAQ_How_do_I_remove_a_plug-in%3F  It mentions putting railo in /usr/local/tomcat/lib/ but tomcat5.5 doesn't have such a directory. Does it really matter?12:25
vargadanisfor a Daemon process, what is the UID and GID?12:25
erUSULnmvictor: physical access == all bets are off // (only solution is full disk encryption)12:26
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  use the password feature of the bootloader so you couldent get into 'single' mode if you want to be extr secure12:26
Galerienlast time one of my friend gave me a clock applet, it was a random() time and date every 20 minutes, he wanted to make that like H2G2...12:26
robustdo you know shell ?12:26
jattthis clock applet sucks big time12:26
Galerienrobust: where is a shell there is a way12:26
jattand it freezes on two different laptops12:26
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Galerienjatt: so don't use it ;)12:27
Galerienjatt: did  you tried cairo-dock ?12:27
jattno, can be docked in the panel?12:27
sllidewhat /dev thing are usb's connected to?12:27
sllidei think i'm asking it very unclear lol12:28
Galerienjatt: it's like the apple bottom bar, and they have a good clock applet12:28
Dr_Willissllide:  it can depend on the kind of usb device12:28
bobthemilkmansllide: It depends on what usb device it is. Check dmesg | tail12:28
Gothicsatansllide, my usb devices are usually sdb1.. USUALLY, but it may be different12:28
bobthemilkmansdb1 is the first partition of the second hard drive. it might be a usb device...12:28
Gothicsatanfor me sda1 is my HD12:29
Gothicsatansdb1 is the next stoarge device that's not cd12:29
Kauzmik1drAWN is real nice too..looks just like apples bar as well12:29
Gothicsatanfor me*12:29
robustTell me about shell programming management student list12:29
nmvictorerUSUL: Dr_Willis i know i have that option of disk encryption which i regret having avoided and as for the bootloader password im gonna look into that, but why have that anyway.cant something be done about it.if i had a friend who knows all about linux commands but is strongly attached to windows, how will he ever believe that Linux is secure if he ever stumbled on that, i even thought it was restricted to system access..like just administration yet i 12:30
robustbye .!!! @};-12:30
bobthemilkmannmvictor: linux has never been secure to physical access...12:31
Gothicsatanif ur that worried about ppl loggin into ur comp, pw protect the bios12:31
bobthemilkmanFull disk encryption is the only way to do so.12:31
bobthemilkmanGothicsatan: BIOSes can be flashed.12:31
Galerienbobthemilkman: no software system has and will ever be...12:31
erUSULnmvictor: this is brought up regularily. once someone has phisical access to a computer nothing works except full disk encryption is a facvt of live. do you think that's different with a windows laptop or a Mac ?12:31
Gothicsatanbobthemilkman, true, but takes more time12:32
erUSULfact of life*12:32
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  with physical access to a machine - there basically isent much a person cant do. I can do a similer trick with most windows machines12:32
Gothicsatanbobthemilkman, less likely they will try12:32
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  every so often the idea to 'default password protect grub' comes up -  its yet another password for people to forget basically so it never gets used,.12:32
bobthemilkmanGothicsatan: Which, from a security standpoint, is about as good as putting a key under the mat instead of in the keyhole.12:32
Galerienon windows xp, if you boot has recovery mode, you can enter has an administrator without password12:32
Gothicsatanbobthemilkman, lol, yeah12:32
DiverdudeHow do i install fortran g95 compiler on ubuntu?12:32
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  with a live cd -  even a password protected grub can be bypassed12:33
bobthemilkmanIn security, you don't assume that someone won't do something because it's inconvenient. You assume someone won't do something *only* because they can't.12:33
wildbatwell~ there is no prefect security anyway ~12:34
tefalHi, there !12:34
bobthemilkmanwildbat: Says you!12:35
Dr_WillisPower off. stick machine in a Vault.. bury vault..12:35
Galerienabout security : http://www.journaldugeek.com/files/2010/06/collegehumor.636b9ebe0aff78a197ffca7a04d5f171-540x405.jpg12:35
erUSULDiverdude: sudo aptitude install gfortran  ?12:36
tefalFor a few days, I can't print anymore, getting a "/usr/lib/cups/backend/dnssd failed" error, what's this ?12:36
wildbatGalerien, lol i love this chart12:37
nmvictorbobthemilkman: @ erUSUL might not be different in windows and mac, i know its worse their @ Dr_Willis , so whats so secure abot the grub password if that can be bypassed, @all >> my question is cant something be don about it? I bet the menu that took me to that promp is a linux based thing, not a computers stuff.so whoever came up with the menu, cant they extend a password prompt to match the sudoers password, atleast that'd be secure to say the least12:38
GalerienDr_Willis: do you know how the French army hide their datas? In the walls of their underground bases12:38
Gothicsatanhiya 1500 ppl12:39
GothicsatanAnyone play Anarchy Online?12:39
erUSULnmvictor: well with a grub password you need more work ( livecd/supergrubdisk ) if you also lock bios with a password and only permit hd boot then you force the attacker to do more work ( clear cmos memory / reset bios defaults / take out the disk to another computer)12:40
erUSULnmvictor: is all a trade off12:40
GalerienerUSUL: did you know that MSI wants to abandon bios?12:40
erUSULGalerien: read about it, efi is still a bios ( modern one but still bios/firmware )12:41
dbdavidbazhang,could you kindly tell me what's regpair ?12:42
Dr_WillisStill havent seen a  pc other then apples that use EFI.. or do the ARM based ones use efi yet?12:42
dbdavidwhat's the disadvantage of bios?12:42
GalerienerUSUL: it's a firmware, not a bios, and uses C, not assembly12:42
erUSULDr_Willis: arm systems use its own thing ( and probablñy each arm system uses something different than the rest)12:43
Galeriendbdavid: err, some problem with huge hard drives as I recal12:43
Dr_Willisdbdavid:  its  normal 'bios' system is old old and old.. and been  tweaked/patched/hacked.. and is starting to  be a barrier to new designs.12:43
Galerienabout msi : http://www.thinq.co.uk/2010/6/8/exclusive-msi-bios-will-be-dead-three-years/12:43
erUSULdbdavid: it is a 30 years old thing full of kludges/workaraunds that can not be extended further ?12:43
aruntomaris there any documentation on how to configure ubuntu 10.04 for multiseat configuration?12:45
dholbachPackaging Training Session in 15m in #ubuntu-classroom: Operation Cleansweep and the Patch Reviewers Team!12:45
motarohello everybody, need some assistance here with wireless connectivity12:46
erUSUL!details | motaro12:47
* erUSUL mourns the bot12:47
erUSULmotaro: give us more details or we will be unable to help. hardware; ubuntu version; specific errors ....12:48
motarodmesg shows: b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43/ucode5.fw" not found12:48
SlimGDoes network-manager lack support for 802.1Q (VLAN)?12:48
erUSULmotaro: sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter12:48
Dr_Willisaruntomar:  I recall seeing a wiki page on that topic12:48
erUSULmotaro: while connected to internet via wired12:48
erUSULmotaro: that will install the missing firmware files12:48
ghoulsbladeheya, i want to setup a raid, i made the partitions already, is there a good guide on how to exactly call mkfs.ext4 with options for raid ?12:48
motarocool I'll try that12:48
erUSULmotaro: once installed do « sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 »12:49
ghoulsblade(raid5 that is)12:49
wildbat!raid | ghoulsblade12:49
erUSULghoulsblade: is mdadm to assemble the raid. then you do mkfs in the resulting /dev/md* device12:49
sjltaylorHas anyone had VimMate working for Ubuntu Lucid? I installed it using gem but when run it says "Module Gtk2 is required"12:50
erUSULghoulsblade: i think that the disks utility has support to aseemble raids graphically12:50
erUSULghoulsblade: System>Admin...>Disk utility12:50
aruntomarDr_Willis, the one's i saw is for 9.0412:51
erUSULghoulsblade: never tried it myself so " caveat emptor " :)12:51
ghoulsbladehmm, i got the raid running already, but had some weird problems, so my guess was i did something wrong during  formatting12:51
Dr_Willisaruntomar:  i recall some comercial company with tools for that and a free 2 seat version.. thats about all i rember. Ive not looked into it for ages12:52
ghoulsbladethanks for the pointers, i'll take a look at it12:52
wesselIs there an XOR operator in openoffice ?12:52
pepper_hazewhat happend to ubottu?12:53
nogothe bot?12:53
nogoshould we care?12:53
icerootpepper_haze: she is dead at the moment12:53
Galeriennogo: it's easier to give some link with ubotu12:53
pepper_hazeWhen is ubottu going to be back up?12:54
Dr_WillisSome days it seems 60% of the questions asked.. are allready answered in one or more ubotu Factoids. :)12:55
nogoand the internet can answer all questions12:55
PicierUSUL: Please wait a bit for ubottu to sync up. ;)12:56
erUSULPici: i will12:56
* erUSUL cresses fingers behind its back12:57
greenjonok 5 a.m. off to bed now. good day all :)12:57
SlimGIs there a nice way to avoid starting network-manager at boot without removing the packages?12:58
aruntomarSlimG, update-rc.d -f network-manager remove13:01
* Dr_Willis wonders if network-manager is ran by upstart now a days,.,.13:03
j0rdis there a way to see/configure my wifi power settings for my laptop. I have a feeling, it's using "ondemand" performance and it messing up my wifi connections. I want to give it full juice13:03
SlimGaruntomar: Doesn't seem to be quite good enough -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3389670&postcount=613:03
j0rdi'm using intel 4965 agn pci-e card13:04
Dr_Willis SlimG  its handled by upstart in 10.04 the update-rc.d command dont work with services launched from /etc/init13:04
qgelhi, does anyone have an idea why i cant connect to google.com but to its IP?13:04
qgeli.e. in firefox13:04
j0rdqgel: because myabe google doesn't want you using the ip?13:04
Dr_WillisSlimG:  if you want to disable a service ran from /etc/init rename the  /etc/init/whatever.conf file to somthing like /etc/init/whatever.DONTSTART13:05
qgelno, i CAN connect using the ip, but not the domain13:05
j0rdqgel: bcause you DNS is not working. set your DNS to
indusqgel, check your dns addresses13:05
nogodon't use google's dns13:05
qgelif it wasnt working ping would not give me the right ip, would it?13:05
nogoyou will be redirect to hk13:05
nogochinese are watching you13:06
jurohi, I am experiencing problems with (it seems) PulseAudio, whenever I use sound (Skype, Rythmbox, etc), I get error messages regaring ratelimit.c - any help is appreciated!13:06
qgelindus: im using openDNS (
nogoin my case, the google dns is not faster13:07
BigGreenCanoegood morning, can anyone give a pointer to any upgrade issues from 9.10 to 10.4?  Speciifcally with older wireless cards.13:07
xro_hi, i have a .bin file and the key. I have to decrypt it... i think that is a simple xor... what can i use to unxor the file?13:07
induswhats wrong with your isp dns13:07
indusBigGreenCanoe, which wireless card exactly13:07
qgelindus: its just down from time to time and i never had any problems with opendns before, so i stuck with it13:09
SlimGGeneral DNS tip: Use NameBench to find the best DNS for you internet connection using it's built-in DNS database13:09
qgelindus: but as i said, i dont think its a DNS problem, i can ping google.com, the right ip is resolved (i.e. i can open that ip in firefox and it works) , i just can not open google.com directly in firefox13:09
indusqgel, any other sites open ?13:10
waynes /leave13:10
qgelindus: yeah, some, everything else works (even gmail oder code.google.com)13:10
neurochromeHey there folks, is anyone else having trouble with docky failing to load at startup ~ 1 in every 10 boots?13:10
indusqgel, i would say its a temp problem with the dns , try laters?13:10
BigGreenCanoeindus: Broadcom BCM431813:11
SlimGqgel: Still sounds like a faulty/nonexisting DNS server13:11
BigGreenCanoeI'm currently out in Ely, Mn with only wireless connections13:11
neurochromeI'm on Lucid BTW (Karmic did the same, Jaunty with Gnome-Do was fine13:11
indusBigGreenCanoe, generally i have seen that more and more cards work nice with the latest releases, broadcoms included13:11
nogoff has a big bug, it's called the dns leaking13:11
qgelSlimG if its a DNS problem how does ping resolve the right ip?13:11
indusBigGreenCanoe, are you upgrading a lot of machines ?13:11
erUSUL!b43 | BigGreenCanoe13:11
nogoff doesn't act what it should13:11
erUSUL!broadcom | BigGreenCanoe13:11
ubottuBigGreenCanoe: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:11
BigGreenCanoeindus: nope, just mine13:11
nogobe careful13:12
indussometimes can be a cache issue13:12
indusqgel, cleared cache? it remembers dns cache13:12
SlimGqgel: Then you might be behind a firewall that blocks http(s) traffic to google.com13:12
BigGreenCanoeubottu: I switched to ubuntu from another distro because of the BCM support availble13:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:12
juroin my log file, how can I see a message that is suppressed?13:13
BigGreenCanoeindus: thanks for the info.  Later, time to go to work.13:13
qgelindus: yes, cleared my cache (i suppose you mean firefox cache)13:13
JyZyXELhow do i compile the linux-source-2.6 package?13:13
sivanghi all13:13
erUSULjuro: if it was supressed then you can not13:13
sivangwho is maintaining the ubuntu arm port for Marvel?13:13
erUSUL!kernel | JyZyXEL13:13
ubottuJyZyXEL: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages13:13
indusqgel, ya, its always good to be sure13:13
sivangare they doing it?13:13
SlimGqgel: Try: wget http://google.com (just to make sure it's not a clientsoftware problem)13:14
qgelSlimG i tried lynx, diddnt work either but 1 mom13:14
juroerUSUL, but then how can I ever see what the problem is?13:14
indusqgel, how about using the search bar to find google, then click on that to go to google.com,13:15
chalcedonyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1267097  line from top --> 7201 root      30  10  180m 139m 1172 R   93  3.8   0:35.63 update-apt-xapi it froze everything and knocked my xchats offline13:15
SlimGqgel: Have you tried another google domain, like http://google.no ?13:15
chalcedonyhow can i file a bug report?13:15
indusqgel, could indicate somethhing, i have been having similar issues sometimes13:15
erUSULjuro: i've seen the ratelimit message myself; the message is supressed bcouse it makes no sense to print 1000 times the same message. so the repetitions are supressed13:15
qgelSlimG yes, tried google.tk and google.co.uk and google.de13:16
indusqgel, but cant really pinpoint ,my knowhow is limited13:16
SlimGqgel: and you get timeout errors?13:16
qgelSlimG yes13:16
erUSULjuro: i see it when there is a high cpu load in the system; looks like PA have problems in that situation. it is a warining/informative message13:16
qgelSlimG 1 time i got connection reset13:16
qgelSlimG but only once13:16
juroerUSUL, I understand why it is suppressed but I would still like to know what is wrong ... when I keep my pc runnign for a few days, it pretty much locks up13:16
jattis there a way in GNOME to run an application without the title bar?13:17
erUSULjuro: you are sure is becouse of this ?13:17
qgelidnus: what do you mean by "use the search bar"?13:17
chalcedonyi don't mean to be stupid, but how to file a bug report?13:17
erUSUL!bugs | chalcedony13:17
ubottuchalcedony: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:17
SlimGqgel: Is this the only computer on your network with this problem?13:17
juroerUSUL, I don't see any other reason ... that doesn't mean there isn't one though13:17
erUSULchalcedony: usually « ubuntu-bug packagename »13:17
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qgelSlimG uhm, good question, let me boot up another one real fast and check13:17
erUSULjuro: afaics the ratelimit from PA is harmless13:18
chalcedonyerUSUL, ty i'll look for you next time i have questions :)13:18
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sureshanyof you running a ubuntu dom0 Xen ? here13:18
juroerUSUL, weird13:18
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qgelSlimG Same problem diffrent PC (same router) with Win713:19
jan_ist jemand on13:19
SlimGqgel: Alteast you know it's a network problem somewhere between your PCs and the internet, might be time to call your ISP/Network admin13:20
qgelSlimG yeah, will do that. Thanks for the help13:20
SlimGqgel: np, maby you should try the "I've lost my google" with the person in the telephone to make their day ;)13:21
j0rdis there a way to see/configure my wifi power settings for my laptop. I have a feeling, it's using "ondemand" performance and it messing up my wifi connections. I want to give it full juice.13:21
j0rdi have a feeling my wifi is also having issues when there's other computers around. it seems when someone sits next to me, my connection craps out13:22
j0rdeveryone else seems to surf fine13:22
erUSULj0rd: you want to disable power management. « sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off »13:22
chalcedonyerUSUL, *blinks* Package update-apt-xapi does not exist13:22
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qgelSlimG yeah i think ill go with "the search does not work"13:22
j0rderUSUL: i think that'll shut off my wlan0 no?13:22
erUSULchalcedony: dpkg -S $(which update-apt-xapian-index)13:23
erUSULj0rd: no; that disables power management13:23
chalcedonyerUSUL, im not sure what to do with that?13:24
j0rderUSUL: can you recommend some other settings to boost things up? because all these windows mac people around me here, seem to have no issues . and my ubuntu really sux at connecting to this net13:24
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erUSULchalcedony: get the name of the package that contains the command13:24
erUSULj0rd: no sorry :( you can try with a newer driver? install « linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic  » package13:25
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j0rderUSUL: ok, thanks fo rthe tips13:26
erUSULchalcedony: so « ubuntu-bug apt-xapian-index »13:26
erUSULj0rd: no problem13:26
ukixxhallo pps any one now any good app that send file in same network whit out install any bull codes :)13:27
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funcqshunso whats th emost tinkerable linux smartphone out there? if this is not the right channel, pls tell me another13:28
qgelfuncqshun the ones you can get root on13:28
bazhangfuncqshun, #ubuntu-offtopic please13:28
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qgelSlimG OpenDNS [] failed test #2/7: www.google.com.: www.google.com.: Timeout  ---  maybe it is a DNS problem after all... other servers dont seem to have the problem in namebench..13:31
mkhaderhello all13:31
mkhaderi need support for my laptop13:32
mkhaderany one can help me ?13:32
ukixxwhat do u need ?13:32
SlimGI doubt it from what you told us (ping works, http don't), but it's worth a try, did the other computer use OpenDNS as well?13:32
qgelSlimG yes, its configured in the router13:33
mkhaderi need support for my laptop using ubuntu linux13:35
mkhadercan any one help me please13:35
SlimGqgel: Worth trying another DNS, I'm currently using the ISP one since it's the fastest here, and it doesnt serve crap when accessing a nonexisting domain like opendns does13:35
ukixxmkhader what do u need for help ?13:36
mkhadercan we talk private please13:36
ukixxwhat is u problem ?13:36
ben__Anyone available to help with Lucid Lynx install problem?13:36
vargadanisI'd like to buy a laser printer but I do know know if it would work with ubuntu.. Is there a database where I could look it up?13:36
puweiWhat problem you meet13:36
mkhaderi need an application to scan my device drivers and update it13:36
SlimGvargadanis: http://www.cups.org/ppd.php13:36
ben__done install but went to blank screen after install finished13:36
bazhangvargadanis, linuxprinting.org13:36
ben__said to reboot13:37
firekraagvargadanis: I got a presentation remote with laser pointer but i don't remember which brand13:37
ben__and just goes to blank/black screen13:37
firekraagvargadanis: OK I read pointer instead of printer >>13:37
mkhaderhello room13:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:38
mkhaderany one free here to help me13:38
anonymousemkhader, what is your problem?13:39
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:39
bazhangmkhader, ask a question, all on one line, with plenty of details13:39
indusmkhader, i charge a 100 dollars13:39
mkhaderi need drivers13:39
bazhangindus, ??13:39
johwirDrivers for what?13:39
mkhaderi'm new with linux invironment13:39
mkhaderfor my laptop13:39
mkhaderi'm using lenovo 300 n10013:39
coz_mkhader,   drivers for video    wireless  etc etc?13:39
johwirFor what device? graphics card, network card or what?13:39
Gothicsatani'm not free, but i might help :P13:39
Gothicsatanwhat's up?13:39
mkhaderi need in fact13:39
vargadanisahm... what is this information with the laser printers: monthly load 10000 pages13:40
vargadaniswhat if I print more?13:40
mkhaderapplication to update drivers13:40
indusvargadanis, nothing happens13:40
mkhaderi already installed driver manager13:40
vargadanisI c, thanks, indus13:40
coz_mkhader,  ok  do you have the video driver installe?13:40
mkhaderlike device manager in windows13:40
indusvargadanis, where is this written13:40
qgelSlimG ok now im completely confused... i changed primary dns to DynGuide (namebench recommended) and google works13:41
indusmkhader, in linux mostly you dont need any 'drivers' its all built in13:41
mkhadercoz can we chat private13:41
vargadanisindus, in the description of the printer...13:41
Gothicsatanmkhader.. what type of video card do you have?13:41
mkhaderintel gothicsatan13:41
anonymouseqgel, did you use OpenDNS before?13:41
mkhaderbut my problem not with the vedio driver13:41
coz_mkhader,  we can yes   the disadvantage is that others cant catch my  mistakes  or  give better advice and users wont see the solutions13:41
indusmkhader, except for few things like wireless ( that too a few brands) and ATI/NVIDIA DRIVERS13:42
Gothicsatanthe included drivers that come with ubuntu should handle the intel card13:42
ben__Just installed Lucid Lynx on other laptop, installation finished and said to reboot, rebooted but just wen to blank/black screen???13:42
Gothicsatanyour online now.. so i'm guessin the network card works13:42
indusvargadanis,so it says it can print 10000 pages a month?13:42
qgelanonymouse yes13:42
vargadanisindus, yes13:43
indusvargadanis, so how much is that in a day13:43
Gothicsatanmkhader, what is your exact problem then?13:43
qgelanonymouse but as i said ping was working fine13:43
indusvargadanis, 10000/ 30 , 333.3333333333313:43
anonymouseqgel, I'm using OpenDNS too, and Google won't load13:43
indusvargadanis, hmm a lot of pages :)13:43
qgelanonymouse very strange, well guess it will be fixed soon13:43
vargadanisindus, yup.. I am not worried about printing that much but just in case you know13:43
vargadanisindus, i don't wanna get into a funny situation cause of that13:44
indusvargadanis, well, maybe heat is an issue, i sugest call the company and find this out but i think shouldnt be an issue as long as you can feed enough toner to the printer13:44
jattis there a way to tell metacity to run a gui application like xclock without title bar?13:45
indusvargadanis, which printer is this13:45
SlimGqgel: Google search might have been moved between IPs when they launched their new search today, and OpenDNS might be slow to update, my guess atleast13:45
vargadanisindus, shouldn't be a problem... one toner can print a lotta pages :)13:45
indusvargadanis, ah ok13:45
vargadanisindus, well it's been displayed on all of the printers13:45
anonymouseSlimG, aha ok13:45
vargadanisindus, just the number is different.. in some cases it's 10000013:45
vargadanisindus, XeroXer Phaser 3140 eg13:46
indusvargadanis, just a marketing thing to show huge numbers on box13:46
Gothicsatanmkhader, ?13:46
vargadanisindus, haha ok :)13:46
SlimGqgel: you might be able to confirm that by pinging google again, and see if the IP has changed from when you pinged using OpenDNS13:47
anonymousecan anyone with three working screens in ubuntu tell me which grafics card they use?13:50
ben__Installed Lucid Lynx, install finished, said to restart, now laptop goes to blank screen, but does nothing else????13:50
Dr_Willisanonymouse:  i had it working with my nvidia's one onboard, one pcix (with 2 monitor outs)13:51
dbdavidben_,go to repair shop13:51
ben__no other options?13:51
Picidbdavid: Please stop.13:51
qgelSlimG yes it changed, guess that is the case then13:51
Piciben__: No, this is a support channel and dbdavid seems to forget that.13:51
dbdavidubuntu destroyed your hw,I'm guessing13:51
FoppHi guys, I'd like to do a clean install of 10.04. I have a disc ready, and upon booting it, I'm asked where I want to install 10.04. Given I want to reinstall, rather than make a new installation, what should I select?13:52
MrDudlethat's funny dbdavid13:52
Picidbdavid: If you are not here to be helpful then you can leave.13:52
bazhangben__, try rebooting using recovery mode13:52
ben__has anyone else encountered this problem?13:52
hlx_ben__: I have that happen once, I had to remove my video driver via recovery mode I think, it happened a long time ago, so don't quote me13:53
ben__bazhang - how to do this?13:53
SlimGqgel: nifty to know13:53
anonymouseDr_Willis: okay13:55
bazhangben__, get into the grub menu, should be hold shift on boot, select recovery mode then check that the hardware drivers you selected are properly installed, you may wish to adjust the video resolution as well13:55
xro_hi, i have a crypted file data.bin and the key... i would like to decryt it... what should i use?13:55
anonymousexro: truecrypt?13:55
ben__tried that - no luck13:55
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bazhangben__, failed to reach grub menu?13:56
Dr_Willisben__:  you did see/get to a grub menu?13:56
ben__yeah, it won't go to Grub menu13:56
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bazhangben__, first boot after install?13:56
Dr_Willisben__:  is it doing anything else? see caps lock flashing?  you do see the bios boot screen/post messages?13:56
ben__install finished, then said to restart13:57
j0rderUSUL: from digging around in the logs, i found some error message. problem on the intel agn module, which requires you to disable ipv6 in the kernel to get it working (and not disconnecting)13:57
ben__it makes all the right sounds for start up13:57
ben__but the screen just stays blank13:57
j0rderUSUL: i also updated to the backport modules. we'll see if it resolves the issue13:57
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Dr_Willisben__:  clarify that.. you DO hear the 'gnome login sound' ?13:57
ben__no - no login sound13:58
dbdavidben_,few situations need restart ,linux is not windows..maybe you get virus13:58
cyborgsmurfwhy cant I push buttons in flash like YouTube sharedtalk in Ubuntu 9.10?13:58
Dr_Willisben__:  you just heard the hd spinning and so forth you mean then?13:58
bazhangdbdavid, please stop that.13:58
anonymousecyborgsmurf, update your flash13:58
dbdavidbazhang ,am i not right?13:58
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Dr_Williscyborgsmurf:  known flash issue. with a dozen possible fix's. one 'work around' i hear is to right click, and holding the right button THEN click on the flash item button.13:58
bazhangdbdavid, NO13:58
xro_anonymouse, but truecrypt cannot decrypt a file? it for volume protection???13:59
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anonymousexro_, it can also decrypt files that are encrypted with truecrypt14:00
cyborgsmurfDr_Willis: yeah it works most of the times but it dosent solve the problem, but thanks.14:00
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:00
xro_anonymouse, but it is not encrypted with truecrypt.... i have to find how it is encrypted.... i think about xor...14:00
mozajkaHow to install ethernet for other than current network card ?14:01
Dr_Williscyborgsmurf:  theres other 'fixs' out there.  its some sort of compiz/flash issue last i looked into it. Check the ubuntu forums, or google and you  can find a few sites that list perhaps 5+ differnt possible fix's that depend on the exact system.14:01
mozajkaI mean the driver14:01
ben__laptop was working earlier with Vista???14:01
JuJuBeeI have a website I need to take a test on and the site is telling me no JRE isntalled in the browser. I have openjdk-6-jre installed14:01
anonymousexro_ oh okay14:01
Dr_Willisben__:  what video card is in that laptop?14:01
ben__and can hear the hardrive spinning14:01
cyborgsmurfDr_Willis: I see... thank you14:02
Dr_Williscyborgsmurf:  another 'fix' was to just disable compiz.14:02
dbdavidben,get a live cd with linux or win pe to see if your box is really dead14:02
ben__it's a Siemens Amilo14:02
phlak_userJuJuBee: did you restart the browser after you installed openjdk?14:02
JonRobhi, i was wondering if someone could help me figure out why my guest os can't connect to any outside systems (only the host), but its services can be accessed by the host?14:03
JuJuBeephlak_user: yes14:03
JonRobthe guest is bridged, and running in virtualbox14:03
dbdavidben_, very old pc?14:03
ben__got the live cd for Lucid Lynx ready14:03
phlak_userJonRob: the output of the route command on the guest os would help (pastebinit)14:03
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tautvydas_Hello. I newbie in Rails. I creat my first app. Its ok. I try look at test page first time its ok. But when I refresh page i see error on my screen "Internal Server Error"14:04
ben__it's an MXM graphics card, think the laptop is 200614:04
JonRobphlak_user, thanks, i'll check that out and post what i find :)14:04
Dr_Willisben__:  an Nvidia Geforce MX You mean?14:04
JuJuBeephlak_user: should I install sun-java6-jre? instead14:04
phlak_userJuJuBee: to check whether java is in your path; type $which java . It should (normally) tell you /usr/bin/java14:04
JuJuBeephlak_user: yes that is the path14:05
Dr_Willisben__:  its weird you cant even see a GRUB menu.   You do see some 'special' keys on the laptop that toggle the external monitor/lcd ? I had a laptop Once that for some reason under linux defaulted to turning OFF the lcd. and turned on the external monitor. I had to hit the laptops FN-Whatever key to reenable the lcd.14:05
ben__ok, will try that - need toilet, brb14:06
civixierHi! I stream movies from my computer to my xbox. I use a crossover cable and has set the ip in my xbox to be and in the comp to be But after a while the computer IP reverts itself to nothing. Why? For details: http://notepub.com/?fb=&note=3744714:06
phlak_userJuJuBee: what browser are you using?14:07
JonRobphlak_user: http://pastebin.com/xJP2PErq14:07
JuJuBeephlak_user: firefox14:07
tautvydas_Hello. I newbie in Rails. I creat my first app. Its ok. I try look at test page first time its ok. But when I refresh page i see error on my screen "Internal Server Error"14:07
bazhang!cn | ylmfos14:07
ubottuylmfos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:07
linusoleanderI'm trying to install ruby 1.9.1, using apt-get, the problem is that when I run ruby -v, it sas that I'm using 1.8.714:08
mozajkaHow to install sis network card driver ?14:08
bazhangdbdavid, english here14:08
dbdavid是啊  还是管理员呢14:08
bazhangylmfos, /join #ubuntu-cn14:08
dbdavidok ,english now14:08
bazhangtautvydas_, that language is not acceptable here14:09
mkhaderi have webcam issue14:09
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mkhaderanyone can help please14:09
Farkiemkhader please just tell us your issue14:09
Farkiestop asking to ask14:09
mkhaderi have lenovo laptop14:10
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras mkhader check this to see if its supported14:10
mkhaderand cam is built in14:10
phlak_userJuJuBee: does this site work --> http://www.javatester.org/version.html14:10
mkhaderbut not working14:10
civixierHi! I stream movies from my computer to my xbox. I use a crossover cable and has set the ip in my xbox to be and in the comp to be But after a while the computer IP reverts itself to nothing. Why? For details: http://notepub.com/?fb=&note=3744714:10
ben__right, no joy with the Fn key14:10
mkhaderno built in on vertual usb port14:10
dbdavidcivixier ,we have no x and browser...14:11
Dr_Williscivixier:  so the PC is Only networked to the Xbox ?14:11
mkhader dbdavid: wertual usb port built in14:11
civixierdbdavid: What? Sorry, but I didnt understand that.14:12
civixierDr_Willis: Actually its two network cards. One of them use a crossover link to xbox and the other one connects to the web.14:12
mozajkaHow to install sis network card driver ?14:12
JuJuBeephlak_user: it tells me java is disabled, but in prefs only see javascript and it is enabled.14:13
dbdavidmozajka,follow the readme14:13
mks1992can somebody help me with a keyboard shortcut for terminal14:13
BluesKajcivixier, do you connect to the internet thru a router or a regular modem?14:13
phlak_userJuJuBee: do you have the icedtea plugin for firefox installed?14:13
mozajkadbdavid, where ? Do you suppose I have the driver downloaded ?14:13
Dr_Willismks1992:  if you want 'quick access' to a terminal you may want to check out that guake tool.14:14
Dr_Willis!info guake14:14
ubottuguake (source: guake): A drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-3 (lucid), package size 139 kB, installed size 960 kB14:14
JuJuBeeshould I?14:14
civixierBluesKaj: Through a router.14:14
mks1992how to add a shotcut for terminal on xubuntu14:14
phlak_usercivixier: that ip will only stay for long if it is configured either in NetworkManager as manual or in /etc/network/interfaces14:14
Foppany advice on reinstall over my current installation of 10.04. guys? thanks14:14
phlak_userJuJuBee: yes14:14
JuJuBeeOK, let me go install it14:14
civixierphlak_user: I tried to edit /etc/network/interfaces, but maybe I got it wrong. Gonna try again. Thanks!14:15
DurfAnyone know the IRC for open office?14:15
phlak_usercivixier: try with sudo before that command14:15
bazhang#openoffice.org Durf14:15
dbdavidmozajka,need download driver and build it yourself..all rebuild the latest kernel...should read your card.maybe your card is bricked?14:15
BluesKajcivixier, then why not use the network option in nautilus to connect to the xbox , aslong as the xbox is also connected to the router, then there's no need for a crossover cable14:15
BluesKajcivixier, the router will auto asign an IP which will remain stable14:16
mks1992what is the command for runing a terminal14:16
civixierBluesKaj: Its not a possibility to connect the xbox to the router, Im afraid. Its in another room I havent got access to. Therefore I use a crossover link with another network card.14:16
Dr_Willismks1992:  theres several terminal programs out  'xterm' 'xfterminal' 'terminal' 'gnome-terminal'14:16
Dr_Willismks1992:  and more.....14:17
bazhangxserver-xorg-video-sis mozajka is this installed?14:17
PC_Muzehey all14:17
civixierphlak_user: is there a manual for how to type in /etc/network/interfaces properly?14:17
phlak_usercivixier: man interfaces14:18
Foppany advice on reinstall over my current installation of 10.04. guys? thanks14:18
JuJuBeephlak_user: that seems to work.  Now, it asked me for the sudo password when installing it. How can my students install this plugin if they do not have sudo privs?  Do I login to the admin acct and install the plugin?14:18
tflgen2morning guys14:18
Dr_WillisFopp:  what sort of advice?14:18
civixierphlak_user: Thanks!14:19
Dr_WillisFopp:  if you want to do it.. then do it.. or is there somthing else you are wanting to do?14:19
FoppDr_Willis my specific problem is, upon booting the cd, I'm not sure what option to select. I don't want to install alongside my current installation, you see.14:19
dbdavidben_,still there?are you crying for your simens lap?14:19
AIPDo you know the meaning of AIP? "American Is Pigs"14:19
phlak_userJuJuBee: it should have done it system-wide; try as a different user14:19
JuJuBeeOK, thanks for the help.14:20
phlak_user!language | AIP14:20
ubottuAIP: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:20
Dr_WillisFopp:  use the custome partitoning option, select your existing partitions,  mount / where its supposed to be and any other partitions.. and tell it to format them14:20
dbdavidAIP  why hate americans?14:21
Dr_Willisdbdavid:  dont even bother.. :) (and dont wonder why he couldent use proper english either)14:21
phlak_userdbdavid: pl dont feed the troll14:21
FoppDr_Willis custom option... ok, thanks for the help.14:21
FoppAlso, AIP is blatent troll.14:21
tflgen2i'm trying to install ubuntu studio 32bit onto a macbook pro 2.1 and am at the grub-install step. Got a fatal error when trying to install grub2 to /dev/sda3 "Unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda3 Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda3' failed." Can anyone help?14:22
lefantomedloperaHello, If I have a tripe to the USA, have I to remove the MPE codec from ubuntu?14:22
lefantomedlopera(I'm frensh)14:22
phlak_userlefantomedlopera: only dont disclose this fact at immigrations14:22
lefantomedloperaso the restriction is only for american people?14:23
Dr_Willisrestriction.. heh.. :)14:23
BluesKajcivixier, ok, open /etc/hosts.allow ..this is my setting to keep all our computers available to one anther on our lan http://pastebin.ca/1880400 , list all your IPs here so the network cards will see them14:23
phlak_userlefantomedlopera: ;)14:23
dbdavidno one check for that,lefantomedlopera14:23
tflgen2i don't know what to do regarding the grub install option :/14:23
phlak_user!hi| Vivek14:23
ubottuVivek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:23
lefantomedloperaeven if i 'm asked to switch on the computer in the airport?14:24
dbdavidshut x-windows,those guys have nothing to do...14:24
VivekHow to install sndfile in ubuntu 9.0414:24
phlak_userlefantomedlopera: especially if you are asked to14:24
tflgen2partition setup is /dev/sda1 = efi, /dev/sda2 = hpa+, /dev/sda3 = grub partition as created by "use largest contiguous space", /dev/sda5 = ext4, /dev/sda6 = swap14:24
VivekI tried installing using Synamtec manager and apt-get14:24
mks1992can somebody help me with the command for home place14:24
VivekBut cmu-sphinx is not able to recognize that sndfile is already installed14:25
phlak_usermks1992: what command?14:25
Galerien!ask | mks199214:25
ubottumks1992: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:25
civixierBluesKaj: Ahh, thanks! Can i change the word ALL to eth1, or should it be unchanged?14:25
Zenith77Does anyone know how I can only allow IP addresses from one country to access SSH?14:25
civixierBluesKaj, ah, nvm, didnt read first :)14:25
BluesKajno use ALL civixier , the eth0 is used in the /etc/network/interfaces14:26
Dr_WillisZenith77:   You can limit based on IP.. not sure about country.14:26
mks1992home place command14:26
phlak_userZenith77: like this --> http://ts1-en.blogspot.com/2009/06/ssh-access-control-with-geoip.html14:26
tflgen2is there a better place i should be looking for grub related issues?14:26
Dr_Willismks1992:  clarify what that even means..14:27
dbdavidzenith77,could you let me log into your box?I don't wanna be censored by our china firewall14:27
frallzorhow to make a touchscreen use a certain driver instead of the default one in 8.04?14:27
phlak_usermks1992: what is it that you are trying to do?14:27
mks1992i want to add a shotcut14:28
BluesKajtflgen2,what are you asking ..or trying to do ?14:28
MrChrisWhat is the command to update ubuntu, not upgrade.14:28
dbdavidfrallzor,you should edit xorg.conf manually14:28
wesselhello, I have a simple question, how to remove this slider bar? http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/2127/howtoremovethissliderba.jpg14:28
frallzordbdavid tried according to this http://www.rantakokko.net/tapani/blog/2009/04/29/lg-l1730sf-touch-screen-display-in-ubuntu-linux-804-hardy-heron14:28
frallzorbut no go14:28
Galerienmks1992: for what and where?14:28
frallzorstill uses default14:28
tflgen2BluesKaj: trying to complete an install of ubuntu studio 10.04 32bit onto a macbook pro as a dual boot. Grub will not install :/14:28
Galerienmks1992: we can help you, but you have to give use something to work with14:29
BluesKajMrChris, sudo apt-get update , then if you want to upgrade the apps available then upgrade14:29
mks1992for my home dir14:29
Galerienmks1992: where do you want to use this shortcut?14:29
Zenith77phlak_user: thanks much!14:29
mks1992on a keyboard14:29
Galerienmks1992: you mean in the "console"?14:30
Galerienmks1992: (or terminal, konsole, shell)14:30
Dr_Willismks1992:  perhaps start over from the beginning with what you are trying to do exactly14:30
Galerienthen just use "cd", without anything else14:30
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:31
Galerienmks1992: then just use "cd", without anything else14:31
mks1992I only need a command line for my home dir14:31
aj00200I have uploaded my public key to some keyservers, but I lost the key file. Can I remove them?14:31
Galerienmks1992: no need for short cut14:31
mks1992If i14:32
Galerienmks1992: tip "cd" and you get there14:32
mks1992Nice idea14:32
Galerienmks1992: thanks14:32
Galerienmks1992: but next time, give us a little more ;)14:33
tflgen2BluesKaj: if you were directing the mac bot at me, i know how to mount partitions. I'm in the alternate ubuntu installer. On the step where I am to install bootloader. When selecting /dev/sda3 (a valid partition) it fails and cannot insatll grub.14:33
Galerienmks1992: where are you from by the way?14:33
Dr_Willis!terminal | mks199214:33
ubottumks1992: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:33
mks1992I know how to open a terminal14:33
mks1992and how to use it14:34
Dr_Willismks1992:  via an icon....14:34
tflgen2mks1992: also if you use ~/ in your path, it is the same as typing /home/USER :)14:34
Galerienmks1992: "Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal"14:34
Dr_Willismks1992:  read the docs the bot  are posting14:34
* frallzor is starting to hold a grudge against ubuntu and linux14:34
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aj00200frallzor: why is this?14:34
Galerientflgen2, mks1992 : or cd $HOME14:34
=== jungli is now known as fdisk`
frallzoraj00200 since its so damn hard to get things going =)14:35
Dr_Willisfrallzor:  i dont seem to have any issues14:35
raluxgazaCan anyone recommend a good vm for running windows on, from ubuntu?14:35
frallzorwell I do with a simple touchscreen :P14:35
aj00200frallzor: Are you new to it? It takes a bit to get figure it out sometimes14:35
bazhangraluxgaza, virtualbox14:35
koter84hi all,14:35
frallzorim pretty new but im following a nice guide but still no go14:35
aj00200frallzor: have you installed the drivers?14:35
Galerienraluxgaza: vitualbox14:35
tflgen2raluxgaza: virtualbox :)14:35
Dr_Willisfrallzor:  touchscreens are  one of those things that   can be problematic under any os.14:35
Galeriensorry bazhang ;)14:35
raluxgazawow, thanks guys14:36
NET||abusehey guys, anyone know what's happened to getdeb?14:36
raluxgazawell triangulated14:36
Dr_Willisfrallzor:  you are using 8.04 ? or what version14:36
frallzorit wont use the driver i installed14:36
BluesKajtflgen2, I've never seen the grub option when installing ubuntu , only the partitioning options ...sorry , I have no idea....can anyone else help ?14:36
frallzoryup 8.04 =)14:36
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  i heard it was down, there are mirrors14:36
fdisk`what is getsebool ?14:36
DJ_HaMsTaI have samba in a machine here in my network. How can i access the address via ubuntu ?14:36
NET||abuseDr_Willis, oooh, mirrors,, that'd be nice.14:36
Dr_Willisfrallzor:  and you ahve a good reason to not be using 10.04 that proberly has MUICH better touch screen support?14:36
frallzortrying to get evtouch going14:36
NET||abuseDr_Willis, it's been down nearly 2 weeeks though?14:36
frallzoryup, precompiled with emc214:36
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  i saw mirror info on  webupd8.org i think14:36
aj00200!samba | DJ_HaMsTa14:37
ubottuDJ_HaMsTa: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:37
mks1992thanks for the manual14:37
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  i rarely mess with getdeb. had to many issues  with them in the past.14:37
frallzorgetting emc2 going from scratch would be a even larger job for me =)14:37
Dr_WillisI think they need to put a link to the ubuntu manual right in the middle of the desktop. :)14:37
NET||abuseDr_Willis, i was using them for the alien invasion game on playdeb  their game builds are good14:37
NET||abuseDr_Willis, but just curious ;)14:37
frallzorthe screen just wont accept my changes in xorg.conf so it uses the new driver =)14:38
DJ_HaMsTa<aj00200> I installed it on a linux server and i can access SWAT, is it only to communicate with windows ?14:38
adjpghi, I've got a problem running some linux apps via terminal. When I try to run something.mojo.run it says that I don't have enough priviliges and sudo doesn't work. Either does two other .bin and .sh ending software.14:38
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  ive not paied attention to how/where/why they went down. I just recall webupd8 having a mirror listing for them14:38
aj00200DJ_HaMsTa: I think you also need to install samba on the other computers to access it.14:38
DJ_HaMsTaaj00200, you mean on my ubuntu machine ?14:38
Dr_Willisadjpg:  sudo ./paththwhatever.bin   IF you have done a 'chmod +x whatever.bin'14:39
phlak_useradjpg: sudo chmod a+x something.mojo.run14:39
aj00200DJ_HaMsTa: yes, but on windows you can just connect to it14:39
Dr_Willisadjpg:  what are you trying to install anyway? its best to find debs if you can14:39
Mattiasjust tried to update my vmware ubuntu to 10.04 LTS.. and it is now stuck on "Configuring grub-pc" basically, nothing happens when I press "Forward" apart from the button getting highlighted...14:39
MattiasAnyone know a solution?14:39
DJ_HaMsTaaj00200,  that is what i am trying to achieve. I can connect to the server via windows but i would like to access it via ubuntu. I have samba installed in this machine14:40
koter84i would like udev to recognise a secondary keyboard and send all input from that keyboard to a bash script or something...14:40
koter84i managed to get udev to recognise the right keyboard and run a bash script, now i need X to not grab the keyboard..14:40
koter84my udev-rule file currently holds:14:40
koter84SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{product}=="WebKey", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/etc/scripts/myscript.sh"14:40
koter84but my X still responds on keypresses on the secondary keyboard14:41
aj00200DJ_HaMsTa: I'll look this one up. I had samba working once, but then I reinstalled everything14:41
DJ_HaMsTaaj00200,  i think i got it, Places, Connect to server, windows share14:41
koter84is anyone around that has some udev knowledge14:41
adjpgDr_Willis: I tried to install my Humble-Bundle to this Ubuntu...14:42
adjpgDr_Willis, phlak_user: thanks14:42
aj00200DJ_HaMsTa: Did it work?14:42
DJ_HaMsTaaj00200,  working on it lol14:42
cautionwhen I use apt-get it usually installs an older version, how do I get the latest version of a package?14:43
Mariutzcaution: try sudo apt-get update first14:43
cautionI have14:43
aj00200DJ_HaMsTa: This first link from before seems to have a way to keep them mounted: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently14:43
mks1992I need a shotcut for a file manager14:43
icerootcaution: you mean a major-update?14:43
Dr_Willismks1992:  clarify what you mean by 'shortcut'14:43
icerootcaution: e.g. firefox 3.5 to 3.614:44
phlak_usermks1992: do you mean like a launcher?14:44
icerootcaution: you will never get a major update in the normal repos14:44
iceroot!backports | caution14:44
ubottucaution: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging14:44
mks1992keyboard shotcut14:44
cautionhow do I find a repo with the latest versions?14:44
Dr_Willismks1992:  You are using xfce/xubuntu ?14:44
BluesKajcaution, you need to edit your sources.list to include all repositories, some are commented to be ignored by default when you first install the OS, Make sure you remove the # if front of the deb urls ., except the cdrom .14:45
Dr_Willismks1992:  i would suggest axking in #xubuntu and checking the XFCE docs/homepage for manuals/guides14:45
lukassI have a question or two about ubuntu server and raid arrays, can I ask about this here?14:45
Dr_Williscaution:  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-firefox-37-40-with-webm.html14:46
koter84is anyone around with some udev knowledge? or should i go elsewhere?14:46
icerootcaution: backport or ppa14:46
iceroot!ppa | caution14:46
ubottucaution: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.14:46
BluesKajcaution, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list14:46
ubutom_lukass, sure you can, but I think there is also a channel called ubuntu-server if noone can help here14:47
cautionnone are commented out BluesKaj14:47
icerootlukass: there is no difference between ubuntu server and ubuntu (expect the PAE kernel)14:47
ubutom_iceroot, thought the channel was more for server related issues than here, could be mistaken, never was there;)14:48
krauthow do i start the volume-control applet in gnome manually?14:48
BluesKajcaution, what makes you think you don't have the latest apps then ?14:48
cautionthe official website14:48
Pirate_HunterNeed help getting 8.04 Live Cd booting on an advent 3929, can someone please take a look at my pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/447780/14:49
lukassubutom: like iceroot says it's probably not specific to ubuntu server :). I'll try my luck here.14:49
icerootubutom_: ah yes, you are right but the software is the same, just another focus on support/questions14:49
bazhangcaution, ubuntu is not a rolling release distro, you won't get the very newest and latest unless you go outside the Ubuntu repositories14:49
cautionhow do I find which repositories to use bazhang?14:50
bazhangcaution, and that is 100% at your own risk14:50
Mattiascaution, use Arch14:50
bazhangcaution, some were suggested above14:50
BluesKajofficial website ? caution14:50
bazhangMattias, not helpful14:50
Dr_Williscaution:  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/how-to-install-firefox-37-40-with-webm.html14:50
Mattiasbazhang, but it's bleeding edge :)14:50
cautionI don't want firefox Dr_Willis14:50
Dr_Williscaution:  theres  ppa's for most all stuff you want.14:50
bazhangMattias, but offtopic and not support related here14:50
Dr_Williscaution:  you never said what you did want.. that i saw14:50
lukassMy first question is if the mdx_raidx process should always be running at roughly 25%, even though there is no io activity.14:50
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mks1992thanks for your help Dr_Willis14:51
lukassusing raid514:51
Dr_Willismks1992:  Why are you usint xubuntu instead of the normal ubuntu anyway?14:51
mks1992I heard that is faster than normal ubuntu14:52
rad4ChristGood morning.I have an LTSP server going very well, few things. Does anyone know how a user setup with sabayon (User Profile Editor) works as a client, then quits working and returns to the fully default gnome? Seems to happen if I change the session at login, but also does it on its own.14:52
elb0whow can I disable unattended-upgr14:52
Dr_Willismks1992:  thats a bit of a myth in many ways.. You have a old/slower machine? thatn i could see a reason.. if you have a decently mondern machine.. I suggest you go with ubuntu14:52
mks1992and I am testing new OS14:53
mks1992that arn't windos14:53
Dr_Willismks1992:  if you have a VERY low end machine 'lubuntu' is even lighter then xubuntu14:53
lukassSecond question may be related, I'm having trouble getting my hard drives to spin down.14:53
Dr_Willismks1992:  but theres a cost for 'lightness' :) often lack of features14:53
NET||abusehey guys,, if i have a default  bottom panel in gnome, and i want to startup awn, is there a good way to save the layout of my gnome panel and just remove it when i run awn, and add it back again if i shut down awn14:53
mks1992what if i install ubuntu and then I use fliuxbox14:53
Dr_Willismks1992:  thats trivial to do14:53
mks1992or lxde14:54
civixierBluesKaj: Seems that the IP stay put. Thank you so much!14:54
Dr_Willismks1992:  you can install ubuntu, then have xubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, and proberly others all installed on the same system and just pick what one to use from the Login screen14:54
BluesKajcivixier, np , glad to help :)14:54
rad4ChristNET||abuse: YOu can right click, unlock the panel items, and move them to the upper panel.14:54
ian__in GNOME there is a brightness slider applet, but I can't find the equivalent in LXDE. My function brightness buttons don't work, so I need another way to change the screen brightness. Any ideas?14:54
Dr_Willismks1992:  mixxing in so many desktops can lead to cluttered menus.. but its not  a Huge problem.14:54
albertolempirahey guys, when i open banshee it closes after play the first song, just when it changes to the second, can somebody help me with that?14:55
elb0wAnyone know how to disable unattended-upgrade from cli?14:55
NET||abuserad4Christ, i already have my upper panel removed, and everything runs in the one bottom panel, i just prefer the screen realestate14:56
FrtWheres the open office IRC?14:56
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Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  ive not seen a 'good' way to remove a panel.  gnome likes to force you to keep one14:56
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rad4ChristNET||abuse: or simply right click on the panel, go to Properties, and change the orientation to Top. That way it can stay there until you know you are happy with AWN, then remove it.14:56
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  or move it to the right side. enable autohide. and just use it for a 'launcher' :)14:57
rad4ChristThat's a good idea.14:57
cautionI have jaunty, how do I get add-apt-repository to work? Are PPAs supported on jaunty?14:57
Dr_Williscaution:  they are. but that command i dont think is in jaunty14:57
ubutom_lukass, don't know anything about raid, but there are different controllers, some let the cpu do some work and others work mostly for themselves, thin in motherboard integrated ones sometimes aren't that good14:57
GuTTaHow to I rotate an image in open office?14:57
JyZyXELi did wget "http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.34.tar.bz2" and extracted the package14:58
lukassubutom_: I'm using software RAID.14:58
cautionwhich of these: https://launchpad.net/~twisted-dev/+archive/ppa should I use for jaunty?14:58
JyZyXELhow do i now compile the kernel?14:58
rad4ChristNot trying to spam, but does anyone know why a user setup with sabayon (User Profile Editor) works as a LTSP client, then quits working and returns to the fully default gnome? Seems to happen if I change the session at login, but also does it on its own.14:58
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages14:59
ubutom_lukass, yeh, could explain the cpu activity14:59
ubutom_lukass, as for spinning down, maybe hdparm could help14:59
BluesKaj!compile | JyZyXEL14:59
ubottuJyZyXEL: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:59
JyZyXELno i just wanna compile it14:59
JyZyXELnot configure and install and all that fancy shit14:59
phlak_user!kernel > JyZyXEL14:59
ubottuJyZyXEL, please see my private message14:59
BluesKaj!kernel | JyZyXEL15:00
ubottuJyZyXEL: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:00
jonasI'm trying to enable autologin from console using ubuntu.15:00
JyZyXELit doesn't have to be a working kernel image15:00
JyZyXELi just wanna compile it to stress test15:00
jonasI've added 'login -f jonas' in /etc/event.d/tty115:00
JyZyXELi wanna compile it over and over again15:00
jonasjonas: but nothing happens.15:00
JyZyXELin a loop15:00
lukassubutom_: I'm using hdparm already. I've set the timeout to 1 minute, but I haven't seen them spin down at all.15:00
jonasAnd ubuntu doesn't have a inittab file ?15:00
tflgen2BluesKaj: got it working, installed to the ubuntu ext4 partition....don't know why insatller created grub partition that wouldn't work :P All setup and working now15:00
JyZyXELso i need to skip all the configuring shit15:01
ubutom_lukass, maybe because they are permanently used by some process15:01
Sivikdo specific drives default using GPT partition type?15:01
JyZyXELsince its not gonna be used15:01
lukassubutom_: that's what I'm thinking too15:01
ubutom_lukass, maybe some indexing daemon thingy15:01
phlak_userJyZyXEL: what are you stress testing? the ability of your PC to compile?15:01
ubutom_lukass, or it's swapping around all the time, dunno15:02
JyZyXELto see if it will remain stable under load15:02
JyZyXELcompiling kernel should be a stress15:02
phlak_userJyZyXEL: so it doesnt really matter if the compile happened successfully?15:02
lukassubutom_: does an index daemon come with ubuntu server? I didn't install one.15:02
JyZyXELi guess so15:02
JyZyXELas long as it does stuff15:02
Dr_Willislinusoleander: to index what?15:02
lukassubutom_: swap partition is on the system drive15:03
vishnuhi, as "window media player" is for windows., what is it for ubuntu? i m unable to find an option to save a music file in movie player here. plz help15:03
Dr_WillisJyZyXEL:  theres some 'burn in' tools in the package maanger to stress test hardware15:03
jeff93063Hello, can anyone tell how to fix the choppy video playback in 10.0415:03
Dr_Willisvishnu:  clarify what it is you are wanting to do.15:03
phlak_userJyZyXEL: you should be looking here --> http://www.overclockers.com/forums//showthread.php?t=48649515:03
JyZyXELburn tools are too simple15:03
JyZyXELit won't stress memory at all15:03
ubutom_lukass, don't know about ubuntu-ser er, but I think it comes with the desktop version15:03
Dr_WillisJyZyXEL:  theres benchmark tools out also15:04
JyZyXELsee the site says to execute "make" in kernel source directoryu15:04
JyZyXELthat doesn't work15:04
vishnuDr_Willis, i want to save a music file15:04
Dr_WillisJyZyXEL:  you have to configure it first i recall.. from years ago.15:05
ubutom_lukass, yesterday someone mentioned tuning on the swappiness behaviour, just a sec, gonna look for it15:05
phlak_userJyZyXEL: did you see what errors that threw up?15:05
Dr_Willisvishnu:  a music file from where?15:05
ubottuThe Ubuntu Kernel gets updated in stages.  If you have the updated kernel, but do not have the corresponding restricted modules, you may be leaving yourself with no X when you reboot.  If you have compiled binary versions of your video driver, eg from the nVidia site, you will need to recompile them for the new kernel.  This is normal, and not a bug.15:05
lukassubutom_: thanks :)15:05
Dr_Willis!info stressapptest15:05
ubottustressapptest (source: stressapptest): stress test application for simulating high load situations. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.1-3 (lucid), package size 104 kB, installed size 292 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel avr32 hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc s390 sh4 sparc)15:05
JyZyXELit says that15:06
ubutom_ActionParsnip was it, gonna paste it15:06
lxsysHi all. I am currently investigating an issue in the BBC Bitesize website, and I would appreciate it if anybody who is running Ubuntu 10.04 is able to acces http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/bitesize/ and to click on "GCSE Bitesize" and report whether it redirects to the mobile site or not. Thanks:)15:06
phlak_userJyZyXEL: that means you dont have the kernel headers installed15:06
vishnuDr_Willis, i downloaded it from a site.. in xp it is such that, when i click on a particular song.it automatically opens in wmp and from FILE menu i can saveit. so, i want to know, how i could do the same in ubuntu??thanks, in advance15:06
JyZyXELwhat kernel headers15:06
JyZyXELi wgetted the latest source from kernel.org15:07
FUMOShello people! I was wondering whether anyone here is familiar with this ubuntu single sign on thing: I've got a bunch of questions about it :-/15:07
ubutom_set vm.swappiness to 1 in /etc/sysctl.conf too. Always helps :) <ActionParsnip> setting the vm.swappiness lower will make the system use swap less. I believe the default is 60 or somesuch15:07
JyZyXELthe headers should be included15:07
dbdavidlxsys,I'm on debian.but i guess  the answer is no15:07
MeekohiHey does anyone know a good server/channel to get help debugging on openGL code?15:07
JyZyXELit has all the code15:07
ubutom_lukass, set vm.swappiness to 1 in /etc/sysctl.conf too. Always helps :) <ActionParsnip> setting the vm.swappiness lower will make the system use swap less. I believe the default is 60 or somesuch15:07
JyZyXELthe whole kernel15:07
Dr_Willisvishnu:  use the save link to.. type feature of the browser15:07
lxsysdbdavid: I beleive the issue is the BBC site not recognising the User agent of Ubuntu 10.04 under firefox, but thanks anyways.15:08
adjpghas any ever installed Gish on Ubuntu?15:08
Dr_Willisvishnu:   I rarely ever let things download and get 'auto loaded into an app'15:08
FUMOSI was wondering about ubuntu SSO: with which sites is it compatible? is the username = full name? (coz they ask this upon creating an account for some reason)15:08
phlak_userJyZyXEL: have you installed this --> linux-libc-dev15:08
rad4ChristOK, no help on the LTSP client session, how about this: all local apps do not have a theme applied to them. The panels, windows, and GUI for all apps run on the server are using the human theme, but local apps are blocky and dull grey on the clients. Any ideas?15:08
vishnuDr_Willis, its firefox 3.6.315:08
phlak_user!info linux-libc-dev15:08
ubottulinux-libc-dev (source: linux): Linux Kernel Headers for development. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.32-22.36 (lucid), package size 753 kB, installed size 4172 kB (Only available for all i386 amd64 lpia ia64 powerpc sparc armel)15:08
BluesKajtflgen2, glad to hear it's working.15:09
vishnuDr_Willis, oh i see :)15:09
bazhanglxsys, works fine here15:10
lxsysbazhang: thanks, just out of interest, what's your user agent?15:10
kikekillawhere can i buy ubuntu?15:10
kikekillaand does it support crysis?15:11
BluesKajwe shouldn't be wasting our efforts on ppl who want to compile a kernel ... when i asked about this several yrs back i was chastized for wasting ppl 's time.15:11
bazhanglxsys, whichever one is default in Ubuntu Lucid firefox15:11
lxsyskikekilla: ubuntu is free software15:11
zoskyhi yall. crontab is running my script in sh not bash ??? google says make sure the first line of the script it '#!/bin/bash' ... it is. and out of desperation i also tried '/bin/bash my.script' in crontab. both are no go. any suggestions15:11
Dr_Williskikekilla:  you may want to do a little more research/reading up on what linux is.15:11
kikekilladoes ubuntu support Crysis?15:11
Dr_Williskikekilla:  its not windows.. if you want best windows game prefoirmace.. use windows.15:11
lxsysbazhang: 32 or 64bit?15:11
Dr_Williskikekilla:  many games CAN run in linux/ubuntu with wine15:11
bazhang!appdb | kikekilla15:11
ubottukikekilla: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:11
bazhangkikekilla, check that and /join #winehq15:12
kikekillamy friends were right15:12
bazhanglxsys, 32bit15:12
unopzosky, how do you know it's running under sh and not bash?15:12
phlak_userBluesKaj: thats just your opinion right?15:12
kikekillalinux is just too much effort for a piece of steaming shit15:12
induskikekilla, shh15:12
lxsysbazhang: ok thanks, I think the bbc doesn't recognise the 64bit default user agent.15:12
Nitrodisthe's wrong ;(15:12
Nitrodistnow I'm sad15:12
maxime_I want to replace a SQLGrey interface, do you know a equivalent to that ?15:12
maxime_For the gestion of postfix policy15:13
zoskyunop, if i run my script manually with sh i get the output cron is doing... if i run it manually using ./myscript or bash ./myscript... i get the correct output15:13
phlak_usermaxime_: do you want to replace this --> sqlgrey.sourceforge.net ?15:13
unopzosky, and what is the output?15:14
maxime_phlak_user, yes15:14
phlak_usermaxime_: or use this --> http://www.vanheusden.com/sgwi/15:14
Nitrodistzosky: do you know about directing stdout and stderr in a script?15:14
maxime_phlak_user, I will see that thank you15:15
phlak_usermaxime_: thats only a php interface to sqlgrey15:15
zoskyNitrodist, i do. its not throwing any errors (into cron's logs)... i would get them via email15:16
wenbinroot@wenbin-laptop:/usr/share/virtualbox# ls15:17
wenbinMSDN-xp-sp3.iso  nls  VBoxGuestAdditions.iso  VBox.png  VBox.sh  VBoxSysInfo.sh15:17
wenbinroot@wenbin-laptop:/usr/share/virtualbox# mv MSDN-xp-sp3.iso /wenbin15:17
wenbinroot@wenbin-laptop:/usr/share/virtualbox# ls15:17
wenbinnls  VBoxGuestAdditions.iso  VBox.png  VBox.sh  VBoxSysInfo.sh15:17
wenbin   where can i find MSDN-xp-sp3.iso?15:17
FloodBot2wenbin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:17
llutzzosky: "sh" is a link to /bin/dash , does that cause the difference?15:18
zoskyunop, here is the script http://zosky.pastebin.com/57R6xNVP .... its an hddtemp hourly monitor .... in sh it creates empty an empty output file. in bash it captures the tempts properly.15:18
maxime_phlak_user, Ahhh oki15:18
maxime_phlak_user, I already use that interface15:18
LjLwenbin: in /wenbin where you've moved it, i'd assume?15:18
maxime_I need somethin more user friendly (boss stuff)15:18
kubunfdHello everyone15:19
zoskyllutz, yes, i need cron to run it in bash not dash15:19
bazhang!cn | kubunfd15:20
ubottukubunfd: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:20
kubunfdthank you15:20
MrcheesenipsDoes anyone know how I can temporarly disable window controls on Ubuntu?15:21
MrcheesenipsSo my friends can't move around windows and such15:21
unopzosky, i'd say -- place a ''set -x'' just below the shebang -- and get the script to log the output from cron so that you can debug15:21
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ben__Lucid Lynx on laptop, where can I download the internet drivers?15:22
jon_high9000I am having problems with my 10.04 Live CD. can anybody help me?15:22
phlak_user!ask | jon_high900015:22
ubottujon_high9000: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:22
Nitrodistjon_high9000: just ask your question, and someone will probably answer15:22
xro_jon_high9000, ???15:22
phlak_userben__: what did you mean by internet drivers?15:23
unopzosky, my guess is that it is behaving differently under cron - but still running under bash.  the way you quote your variables is inconsistent - you should always quote your variables except when you know specifically not to.15:23
ben__it's not connecting to web via wireless15:23
jon_high9000I have a problem with my Live CD, it has a tendency to load up and then go to sleep and not installing the OS.15:24
Dr_Willisben__:  normally i plug in a wired connection and use the 'hardware-drivers' tool to let it download the needed wireless drivers15:24
zoskyunop, i didnt claim i knew what i'm doing. (thats why im asking for help). thanks for the pointers15:24
ben__ok, will try that15:24
unopzosky, /join #bash15:24
MattiasI like the new 10.04 :)15:25
kubunfdi like too15:25
ben__I have one laptop running Lucid Lynx, can I not just copy/paste and transfer via memory stick?15:25
Dr_Willisben__:  totally depends on thw wireless chipset ...15:25
Adaszi want do a shell script that count numbers15:25
ben__okey dokey15:25
Adaszhttp://pastie.org/999387 where is the problem15:25
NitrodistAdasz: and?15:25
zoskyunop, good call15:25
AdaszNitrodist, http://pastie.org/999387 syntax error15:26
ben__Dr_Willis - as to my earlier problem, after leaving laptop for about half an hour, it just loaded up Xubuntu...15:26
=== kubunfd is now known as zcf115
jon_high9000has anybody expetienced this problem before?15:27
abstraktanyone know offhand why my ethernet port (while working perfectly) is blinking orange and yellow instead of green?15:27
AdaszNitrodist, i want to make a loop that print numbers of the variable15:27
NitrodistAdasz: I don't htink bash supports a for loop in that manner. join #bash and ask there. There are also tons of tutorials out there with google on how to do an iteration15:27
phlak_userabstrakt: to indicate activity?15:27
Dr_Willisben__:  be more clear in what you mean. and cut down on the extra commentary15:27
NitrodistAdasz: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-for-loop/15:27
AdaszNitrodist, thx15:27
zcf115goodbye seeyou!15:27
loewiAdasz: try $a in the for construct15:28
abstraktphlak_user: i'm just used to having the light be green15:28
unopAdasz,  change the shebang to #!/bin/bash15:28
abstraktso it kind of annoys me and makes me nervous when it's not15:28
abstrakti guess i'm superstitious like that15:28
unopAdasz, sh doesn't support your loop variable, but bash does15:28
phlak_userabstrakt: this is an ubuntu support channel15:28
abstraktphlak_user: yeh and i'm running Ubuntu 9.10 6415:29
abstraktphlak_user: that's the computer in question15:29
Adaszunop, thx that was my mistake15:29
abstraktthe one tha blinks orange15:29
phlak_userabstrakt: and that Led is *NOT* controlled by ubuntu15:29
ben__ok, connected to web via ethernet cable, how to update drivers?15:29
Dr_Willisben__:  normally i plug in a wired connection and use the 'hardware-drivers' tool to let it download the needed wireless drivers15:30
abstraktphlak_user: omg like easy there buddy, we're all friends in here15:30
Dr_Willisben__:  no idea what its called on xubuntu.  under gnome its 'jockey-gtk' from a terminal15:30
jatzhey guys, I'm using ubuntu netbook edition on an acer aspire one, and how do I make it _not_ lock on suspend?15:31
phlak_userabstrakt: you're right, i have no clue about led light colors on laptops; you might have to ask again15:31
Dr_Willisjatz:  under screen saver settings, or the powersaver settings  I think.15:32
=== xx is now known as Guest24293
Guest24293Hey guys15:32
martianThis morning, the mysql server process on two separate ubuntu machines I adminster was not running. Anyone know why they would have 'decided' to turn off?15:33
Guest24293Could anyone help me out with a grub / multiboot setup?15:33
jatzDr_Willis: thanks, screensaver worked. changing it in gconf under gnome-power-manager did nothing15:33
martianGuest24293: better to just ask your question and see who may know the answer, than to ask to ask.15:33
phlak_usermartian: the mysqld logs might give a clue15:34
jatzquestion #2! whenever I wake it up from suspend, it gives me a dialog saying "Authentication required by network" but "connect" greyed out and only cancel is available15:34
Milp_mainwhich kernel module would i want to compile if i want to do swapping on my linux machine?15:34
phlak_userMilp_main: what swapping would that be?15:34
Guest24293Well I already have Ubuntu installed, I assume I need to resize the partition and then install W7, but how do I then add it to grub?15:34
Milp_mainswapping to a file15:34
martianphlak_user: I can't even think of a reason why I didn't check them first... duh :)15:34
delacmy music pauses when I change session. Any remedies?15:35
maxime_Do you know other tools for postfix greylisting with web interface than SQLGrey15:35
=== sree is now known as sreR
phlak_userGuest24293: the recommended way is to install windoze 7 first and then Ubuntu15:35
Milp_mainphlak_user i want to swap to a file, and my kernel does not natively support it, so i want to create a module for it15:35
NibinaearHow long does it normally take to get a response on a bug you've submitted?15:35
Guest24293Thanks for responding phlak_user, I have installed this way before, but doing it now would require me to loose my current Ubuntu installation15:36
phlak_userMilp_main: do you mean that instead of a swap partition, you want to swap to a file?15:37
NitrodistNibinaear: depends on who's assigned the bug15:37
Milp_mainphlak_user well either swap to a file or swap to a partition which is a file mounted as loop device, any swapping at all, i just want my kernel to support swapping ;)15:37
phlak_userGuest24293: ok; its a little tricky; the Windoze 7 installation will overwrite the MBR and hence you would need to recover grub by booting off a livecd and running grub-install again15:38
phlak_userMilp_main: arent you on ubuntu?15:38
=== Guest63937 is now known as karthi
waxbell I have a Sony Vaio VPC CW2S1E and I have problems installing Ubuntu on it. When I boot from a USB startup disc I end up with a blank screen. Does anyone know what's wrong?15:39
Milp_mainphlak_user: well, im in a chroot ubuntu, the main system is android15:39
Guest24293Gotcha, I also have Ubuntu 8.04 installed on my grub, when I install W7 and it rewrites the boot, how will I go along adding both Lucid and 8.04? 8.04=BT4.15:40
junglihello i was install redhat nash version in my system at that there is no internet connection now i have internet connection but i connect the network i do some changes in /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfgconfig how can i take my machine to ethernet15:40
martianphlak_user: How does one read the archive files of the syslog without individually extracting them? Is there a way to grep the .gz's?15:40
phlak_usermartian: less archivefile.gz opens them normally (less is the command)15:41
BluesKajjungli, join #redhat, this is ubuntu support15:41
martianphlak_user: Thanks!15:41
edbianmartian, those are old logs though.  The most current one isn't compressed15:41
bazhangjungli, redhat? is Ubuntu somewhere in the picture?15:42
phlak_userMilp_main: im not sure i can help you there cos i would imagine that the chrooted ubuntu came with a default kernel that supports swap (just use swapon to enable)15:42
lolaIm 1115:42
phlak_user!hi | lola15:43
ubottulola: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:43
Milp_mainphlak_user: just talking generally, what ways would i have to enable swapping in a kernel without having to recompile the whole kernel?15:43
Zenith77Okay, I need someone outside the United States to test something for me15:43
phlak_userZenith77: go ahead15:43
Zenith77anyone mind lending a hand, it will take two seconds (just need you to connect)15:43
lolaIm spain15:43
phlak_userMilp_main: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq15:44
phlak_user!es | lola15:44
ubottulola: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:44
tiger2wanderhey men!15:44
phlak_userZenith77: try and ssh to your access controlled server?15:44
MilindMKHello Everyone15:45
Milp_mainphlak_user well that just tells me what it is, but i need to know how to add support for it into a kernel that doesnt support it15:45
MilindMKI am facing problem with bluetooth +phone15:45
tiger2wanderI have upgraded to 10.04 soon after it is released, so resolution of tty (text mode) is high and I like it :)15:45
MilindMKwhen I try to "setup new device"15:45
MilindMKit stuck while scanning for devices15:46
lola"/join #ubuntu-es"15:46
MilindMKbut doesn't detect my phone15:46
phlak_userlola: without the commas15:46
tiger2wanderbut after I activate ATI driver then it become to low :(, any suggestion to get back high resolution for splash screen and tty15:46
jatzlola: sin comillas15:46
MilindMKanyone suggest any solution?15:47
=== Whitorr is now known as Whitor
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup15:47
MilindMKphlak_user: thx for the url15:49
MilindMKlsusb shows "Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)"15:49
MilindMKbut hcitool dev shows nothing15:49
phlak_userMilindMK: you might need to turn on bluetooth in both devices and set to "discoverable"15:50
martianedbian phlak_user: the most current syslog started this morning when the machine was restarted at about 9 AM for some mysterious reason, but I see no record of why the machine was started. On top of that, the mysql server decided to not start up when the machine rebooted.15:50
edbianmartian, Odd.  I suspect hardware.  linux doesn't just reboot because it's in the mood to.15:51
MilindMKmy phone is set to descoverable15:51
MilindMKand bluetooth is enabled on both the devices15:51
martianedbian: Of course not. I use the term 'decided' tongue-in-cheek ;)15:52
phlak_usermartian: is the mysql server setup to start at boot?15:52
MilindMKok i have disabled and enabled bluethoth on my system15:52
jgoldschrafePSU issues?15:52
MilindMKnow hcitool dev shows device15:52
martianphlak_user: yes, all other times I have manually restarted, it's done so just fine.15:53
martianedbian: the strange thing is that this happaned to two separate (although same model dell server) machines in two separate buildings on the same night15:53
phlak_usermartian: are they set to replicate each other's database?15:53
edbianmartian, mmm, now you're on to someting...15:54
MilindMKphlak_user: but it still unable to connect to the phone15:54
martianphlak_user: yes!15:54
bdiuanyone know of a decent web-based management panel that works w/ ubuntu 10.04? free is best15:54
phlak_userMilindMK: sorry i dont know enough about bluetooth to help you further15:54
phlak_usermartian: thats a start15:54
MilindMKok np15:54
MilindMKthansk for your help15:55
phlak_userMilindMK: yw15:55
phlak_usermartian: did you take a look at the mysql logs?15:55
zeroXtenanyone know of a gui text editor like gedit that allows font color/weights etc? say, half way between vi and openoffice15:56
n0cturnalzeroXten: gvim?15:56
icerootis there something like yakuake for gnome (so without kde-dependencies and working with gnome-terminal)15:56
edbianzeroXten, abiword15:56
zeroXtengvim supports wysiwyg font color?15:57
llutziceroot: guake15:57
jatziceberg: there is! I don't remember what it's called though15:57
jatzerr iceroot15:57
icerootllutz: thx15:57
zeroXtenedbian: abiword takes stupid amount of time to load a 15M file15:57
zeroXtengedit does it in seconds15:57
llutziceroot: "tilda" too15:57
zeroXteni guess i'm after something like an rtf editor15:58
icerootllutz: i will have a look at tilda, because guake is hard to build for my custom ubuntu-distro.15:58
martianphlak_user: well, they all go into syslog, and all I see is 'server started' when I started them this morning. The last record in syslog.1 just cuts off at 6:45 yesterday doing normal stuff. No errors.15:58
willie1968morning everyone16:00
phlak_user!hi | willie196816:00
ubottuwillie1968: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:00
phlak_usermartian: sorry cant help you beyond that; you might want to take a look at this --> http://www.maatkit.org/16:01
willie1968I need a little assistance about plugins for DVD media16:01
phlak_userwillie1968: ok16:02
willie1968I am un able to play DVDs because of missing plugins I have looked thru some of the packages and well I am still looking is there any help someone can give me to help me find what I need16:03
icerootllutz: thank you for the tip, tilda did the job :)16:03
jordanwbI want to use rsync to backup the contents of /home onto my external hard drive. However I cannot figure out what parameters to use to delete files from the destination that no longer exist in the source directory16:04
jordanwbwillie1968: take a look at libdvdcss16:04
anna-karinWhat is the name of the application that makes the baloons in the upper right corner?16:04
llutziceroot: not as nice as yakuake, but hey...16:04
SlimGanna-karin: libnotify16:05
anna-karinSlimG: thx16:05
rpetersonokay, so I am trying to figure out how to remove .volume file thats stuck on "Desktop" from nautilus, if anyone can PM me a message here it would be awesome16:05
jordanwbrpeterson: what happens when you click it and press delete?16:05
nacitarI was wanting to use xvnc to access an ubuntu box from a windows box, but xvnc appears to not be in the repository anymore... but I do see xwnc.  xwnc looks like it would work, however, it doesn't appear that I could use a VNC viewer on it and as such I can't seem to find any viewer I could use on windows to view it... am I missing something?16:05
jbwiv_what's the modern equivalent of Xnest? (i.e., what gives you the capability to run an embedded X session in the current X session?16:05
=== pikachu is now known as Guest43970
sick_foxGuest43970, hi16:07
erUSULjbwiv_: xnest is still aviable; xephyr is the modern version you are looking for probably16:08
timwoodWith the latest 9.10 mysql update (http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/950-1) I got a message during install about needing to perform REPAIR TABLE on all tables that use UTF-8 and have a FULLTEXT index.16:09
timwoodBut I cannot find any information about why this is part of this update.  I'm on 9.10 which already has mysql 5.1.16:09
Nibinaearjungli: lol16:09
bazhangjungli, stop that16:09
jordanwbhow do we block users in IRC?16:09
timwoodAnyone else get this message when upgrading to the latest mysql package for 9.10?16:10
craigbass1976What's the best software to use for getting songs off a record, splitting them up into individual songs, and encoding to mp3?  I've already got the record player, and the software that comes with it (for windows) sucks16:10
Nibinaearjordanwb: It would make for a very broken up chat experience I think.16:10
phlak_usernacitar: if its only the desktop that you want to connect; vino does a good job of it16:10
erUSULcraigbass1976: a sound editor such as audacious ?16:11
nacitarphlak_user: that could work; I'm really only trying to view a gnome-terminal, in reality.16:12
llutzerUSUL: audacity you mean?16:12
craigbass1976erUSUL, is that and audacity somewhat similar?16:12
erUSULllutz: craigbass1976 yep audacity ... ^.^16:12
bazhangerUSUL, you mean audacity I presume16:12
Fopphi guys, im having trouble reinstalling 10.04. Upon booting my cd, I'm asked to select where to install as normal. I want to over write my current ubuntu partition (it's dual boot), but i'm told I cant do this. any suggestions? thanks16:12
phlak_usernacitar: or you could install tightvncserver16:12
phlak_user!info tightvncserver16:12
ubottutightvncserver (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-6 (lucid), package size 727 kB, installed size 1540 kB16:12
phlak_user!info vino16:13
ubottuvino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.2-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 166 kB, installed size 2840 kB16:13
nacitarphlak_user: I'm researching both now, but, is there a common preference among the two?16:13
OpenSourcedNickI have a weird question: ubuntu keyboard is not responsive as the keyboard when I use windows16:14
OpenSourcedNickfor instance: if you write something quick like ,nubv16:14
phlak_usernacitar: vncserver lets you do a lot more (like allow people to connect to a headless machine and run X sessions remotely)16:15
phlak_usernacitar: vino is great for remote desktop16:15
OpenSourcedNickit would almost always come as ,nbuv16:15
=== linux is now known as runawaytrain
jordanwbI want to use rsync to backup the contents of /home onto my external hard drive. However I cannot figure out what parameters to use to delete files from the destination that no longer exist in the source directory16:16
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick: did you play around with the accessibility settings?16:16
OpenSourcedNicknot sure... how do I check that?16:16
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick: System-Preferences-Keyboard-Accessibility tab16:16
OpenSourcedNickphlak_user, ok I'm there, what am I searching for?16:17
llutzjordanwb: --delete16:17
jbwiv_erUSUL, any idea how to connect Xephyr to the local gdm process?16:17
phlak_userOpenSourcedNick: is the bounce option selected? that might cause the issue you're describing16:17
OpenSourcedNickphlak_user, no, it's disabled16:17
jordanwbllutz: Files are still there16:18
junglii want my old grub16:18
OpenSourcedNickphlak_user, any ideas ? :I16:18
junglii install redhat16:18
Fopphi guys, im having trouble reinstalling 10.04. Upon booting my cd, I'm asked to select where to install as normal. I want to over write my current ubuntu partition (it's dual boot), but i'm told I cant do this. any suggestions? thanks16:18
jungliand every thing get ......fuk16:19
bazhangjungli, that is offtopic here; this is Ubuntu support16:19
bazhangjungli, watch the language16:19
junglibazhang: how can i reinstall grub ?16:19
bazhangjungli, for redhat?16:20
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:20
BluesKajjungli, this not redhat!16:20
zer0her0is sun-java5-jdk preinstalled in lucid?16:20
llutzjordanwb: rsync -aux --delete src/ dest/                works as expected here16:20
junglinoi install its nash vesion16:20
NibinaearSerious question: I have dual boot windows 7 / Ubuntu 10.04, if I delete the windows partition will I loose GRUB?16:20
jungliit cant' read ext416:20
bazhang!ot > jungli16:21
ubottujungli, please see my private message16:21
jordanwbllutz: That works, thanks16:21
junglibazhang: do you kaushal :)16:21
BeamboomHi all! I'd like to manually startx after boot, just like when I boot in recovery mode. I've googled but viwht confusing results16:21
junglibazhang: do you know  kaushal :)16:21
bazhangjungli, please stop being offtopic16:21
ksmyifnebazhang, did you receive my pm?16:22
BluesKajtroll ?16:22
timwoodLet me try again, on one line this time...Anyone know why I would have gotten an apt-listchanges message (Make sure to do a REPAIR TABLE on all tables that use UTF-8 and have a FULLTEXT index.) while installing the latest MySQL security update package for 9.10?  Url included in message is: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/upgrading-from-5-0.html, which talks about when upgrading from...16:22
timwood...mysql 5.0 to 5.1.16:22
ksmyifneanyone one know how to fix display problems16:23
ksmyifneubuntu 10.0416:23
NibinaearSerious question: I have dual boot windows 7 / Ubuntu 10.04, if I delete the windows partition will I loose GRUB and Ubuntu?16:23
jordanwbNibinaear: is windows on it's own hard drive?16:24
Nibinaearjordanwb: both os are on the same hdd16:24
NibinaearSeparate partitions16:24
jordanwbNibinaear: You won't lose ubuntu and grub but you'll have to reinstall grub to the beginning of the drive16:24
Nibinaearjordanwb: Is that hard?16:24
jordanwbNibinaear: Not really, you'll have to use the terminal though16:25
al-tabqdoes anyone know where the rhythmbox plugins directory is in lts? it used to be ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins i think16:25
NibinaearHow can I use the terminal if I can't get back into Ubuntu?16:25
NibinaearI've got some docs here which might help anyway.16:26
jordanwbNibinaear: You'd have to use a LiveCD16:26
al-tabqNibinaear or liveUSB for that matter16:28
UbuN2==>> /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins16:29
Nibinaearal-tabq: ok16:29
Fopphi guys, im having trouble reinstalling 10.04. Upon booting my cd, I'm asked to select where to install as normal. I want to over write my current ubuntu partition (it's dual boot), but i'm told I cant do this. any suggestions? thanks16:29
al-tabqUbuN2 thanks16:29
jordanwbNibinaear: That a look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD16:30
jordanwbNibinaear: You can ignore the "nano /etc/default/grub" bit16:31
willie1968I will be back later thanks for everyones help16:32
Dr_WillisFopp:  use the partioning tool or the terminal and delete the prexisting partitions. or use the custom install partionier . it can do it.16:32
ksmyifnebazhang, how to register with services16:33
NinoScriptI have a problem with the power manager! Each time I power up my notebook, it's random if it detects the battery or not :S … What can I do about it?16:33
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:33
bazhangksmyifne, /join #freenode for help16:33
FoppDr_willis: I actually tried deleting my current ubuntu partition, but I was told I couldn't. Can't remember why, I'll try again soon though.16:33
Dr_WillisFopp:   proberly dident run the disk paritioning tool as the root user.16:33
=== Guest63918 is now known as crazygir
phlak_userNinoScript: are you on an eeepc ?16:36
NinoScriptphlak_user, No, I have a MacBook Pro16:36
phlak_userNinoScript: oh ok;16:36
p1l0tI am upgrading my server (has gui) and halfway through the process I put the terminal window down... I have no taskbar though and alt-tab is not working since I started the upgrade... HELP16:36
quesoHow do you scroll up in xterm using the keyboard?16:37
edbianp1l0t, ha ha, silly little problem16:37
edbianalt + f216:37
phlak_userqueso: shift+pgup16:37
NinoScriptphlak_user, Until now, my solution has been "keep restarting until everything's ok", so if it doesn't detect it, it usually takes 1 or 2 restarts… but I don't think that's acceptable :S16:38
quesophlak_user: aaah, thank you :) tired of using the scrollwheel.16:38
zorichanhow to full screen in vmware?16:38
p1l0tedbian, not really because I need THAT terminal window where it is halfway thru the process...16:38
edbianp1l0t, Ummm, use the other terminal to create a new gnome panel, then add the window switcher to the gnome panel16:39
edbianp1l0t, Will that work?16:39
phlak_userNinoScript: looks like a known problem --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1469819&page=216:40
Dr_Willismaking a panel and adding an applet should work.. Unless  You closed the other terminal window and dident minimize it..16:40
p1l0tedbian I can right-click and get many of the xfce options still... can I get it back that way?16:40
lun4tichttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/make-grub-themes-beautiful-look-nicer.html works really good16:41
McPhistozorichan: try http://communities.vmware.com/thread/16157616:41
lun4ticeven the fancy ubuntu bootscreen still works after install :D16:41
p1l0tedbian, although when I click on panel manager nothing happens16:41
edbianp1l0t, Oh, you're on xfce.  I'm not that familiar with it but the same trick should work, create a new xfce panel, add a window switcher16:42
lun4ticwhats missing in the article is that you should deactivate the "#" in the burg config that you don't have two ubuntu logos in the bootloader selection screen. with two ubuntus (normal and rescue mode) and no text its quite confusing16:42
edbianp1l0t, alt + tab, AND super + tab don't work?  You could go to the keyboard shortcut settings in xfce and turn them back on.16:43
antivirtelhello all, I have Sapphire 3600, but when I apply close source driver, every window minimalizing process is slow... what can I do?16:43
p1l0tedbian there is nothing under keyboard shortcuts, I will have to add them. What is the name of program that switches windows again?16:44
patdk-wkhow come in lucid I can't make a window larger than one monitor anymore?16:44
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  using twinview?16:44
edbianp1l0t, There isn't a program that switches your windows.  It's a feature in your window manager.16:45
edbianp1l0t, Apparently in your case that's xfce16:45
patdk-wkDr_Willis, yep16:45
patdk-wkworked fine in karmic16:45
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  drag a window so its just partway onto the 2nd monitor and you can resize it to span across both. No idea about doing a 'maxamize' however16:45
antivirtelI have Sapphire 3600, but when I apply close source driver, every window maximalizing process is slow... what can I do?16:45
Asad2005can someone help me get ridoff the following error "16:45
patdk-wkDr_Willis, I tried that16:45
patdk-wkit lets me to go the edge of the monitor and that is it16:45
Asad2005can someone help me get ridoff the following error "cx24123_i2c_readreg: reg=0x0 (error=-121) in my home part16:46
edbianp1l0t, Try alt + f816:46
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  i can do it - if i do it 'just' right16:46
edbianp1l0t, middle click on the desktop16:46
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  did you recenetly just enable twinview?16:46
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:   compiz might beable to force a resize across both monitors also16:46
darksifer hi i am using deluge 1.2.3 on lucid 64 bit. Everything was working amazingly well for 2 month. now i get no incoming connection. all these time uPNP was enabled in deluge and on my router netgear dg834g. i googled but didnt find the answer. can someone help me16:46
darksiferbtw i get the same problem with transmission16:47
robustchat use software ????16:47
p1l0tedbian window manager is FAIL too :(16:47
darksiferthanks in advance16:47
p1l0tedbian MIDDLE CLICK FTW! thank you so much that worked16:47
edbianp1l0t, I think you might be SOL.  If you don't have any software to manage your windows then you can't very well expect to be able to.16:47
edbianp1l0t, oh good. :)16:47
ubutomrobust, empathy?16:48
Dr_WillisI always install some little 'backup' window manager like 'flwm' or 'icewm' for emergancies :)16:49
darksiferhte problem stil persist with port forwarding16:49
JoshyFoxDoes anyone know how to change the colour of the little popup messages on the Ubuntu Desktop?16:49
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rpetersonjordanwb: you still here16:50
antivirtelI have Sapphire 3600, but when I apply close source driver, every window maximalizing process is slowly reagates... what can I do?16:50
rpetersondoesn't look like it16:50
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rpetersonokay, so to repost what I was going to address before I got pulled into a meeting: I am trying to figure out how to remove .volume file thats stuck on "Desktop" from nautilus...when I try and delete it says "the specific location is not supported"16:51
qgeldoes anyone have an idea how i could get my steelseries siberia usb soundcard to run?16:52
Phong_foxmulder881, r u there?16:52
{g}Hello Ubuntu! Whats a good way to append 10mb of zeros to a file? some dd wizardry? dd --append if=/dev/zero of=file BS=1MB count=10 ?16:52
New2Ubuntu Hi I need help please, I made a update yesterday and since then my system is unstable, evolution hangs takes long to log in wifi takes forever to connect16:53
Phong_question: why i can't install ubuntu with virtual box ?16:53
Phong_it booted but got stuck16:53
Dr_WillisPhong_:  ive installed it in Vbox dozens of times16:53
JackTOAfter GRUB, I see a blinking cursor and nothing happens in 10.04.  The Live CDWorks, but not my new installation... any easy way to debug and troubleshoot the bootup process, see what is causing the reeze?16:53
ZenMastaanyone know of a good spot to get help with unetbootin?16:53
NightTailHey guys got a quick question. I had my webcam working like a week ago but when I booted up today it went to the wrong kernal and I think it messed something up. I am back where I should be kernal wise but skype does not show a webcam and cheese kills itself16:53
Dr_WillisZenMasta:  unetbootin homepage, or perhaps pendrivelinux web site forums16:54
Phong_Dr_Willis, won't work...why?16:54
Dr_WillisPhong_:  Never had an issue.. so how do i know. :)16:54
Dr_WillisPhong_:  perhaps bad iso file16:54
Phong_Dr_Willis, when i press enter on the menu with "Install Ubuntu"16:54
Phong_nothing happened16:54
erUSUL{g}: dd does not have --append. you will have to use seek16:54
patdk-wkDr_Willis, no, twinview has been enabled for over a year16:54
robustwhat is software use to chat in ubuntu?16:54
erUSUL{g}: man dd16:54
erUSULrobust: empathy16:54
patdk-wkand it will let me expand, on the monitor MOST of the window is on16:54
coz_robust,  I use xchat16:54
NightTailxchat here16:54
patdk-wkso if I have it 51% on the left monitor16:54
darksiferhi i am using deluge 1.2.3 on lucid 64 bit. Everything was working amazingly well for 2 month. now i get no incoming connection. all these time uPNP was enabled in deluge and on my router netgear dg834g. btw i get the same problem with transmission.i googled but didnt find the answer. can someone help me16:54
patdk-wkI can extend it left al lthe way16:55
patdk-wkbut if I touch the right side, it snaps back to the left monitor16:55
coz_patdk-wk,  which video card16:55
{g}erUSUL: im using "dd if=/dev/zero BS=1MB count=10 >> file" now16:55
robustsame yahoo massage16:55
patdk-wknVidia Corporation NV41.1 [GeForce 6800]16:55
patdk-wkit's a N1500 or soemthing16:55
coz_patdk-wk,   ok and I assume you installed the driver via hardware dirvers? yes?16:56
patdk-wkcoz_ in karmic, yes16:56
patdk-wkit worked fine in karmic16:56
coz_patdk-wk,  ok  and how did you enable twinview??16:56
NightTailany idea on the webcam issue?16:56
robustsame yahoo massage16:56
coz_nighter,  not here I have always had issues with web cams16:56
patdk-wkOption         "TwinView" "1"16:57
robustsame yahoo massage in window16:57
New2Ubuntuanybody have problems with the latest ubuntu 10.04 update?16:57
coz_patdk-wk,   ok try this    open   nvidia-settings16:57
coz_patdk-wk,  click the  X Server display configuration16:57
NightTailOnly problems I had with 10.04 was driver issues for video and wireless darn hp people16:57
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  weird. I use gimp all the time spread across both monitors.16:57
coz_patdk-wk,   tell me if both monitors are detected16:57
patdk-wkthey are16:57
marie_na ihr wie gehts denn so16:57
patdk-wkand it says configuration: twinview16:57
marie_muss off bb16:58
Pici!de | marie_16:58
ubottumarie_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:58
patdk-wkDr-Will, this is firefox I'm dealthing with, should try gimp16:58
coz_patdk-wk,  ok  the way I generally tell people to enable twinview are 2 ways  either enable it for the session in the dialog you are in now or...open   nvidia-settings with sudo   ie     sudo nvidia-settings   then enable twin view  and then  "Save to X Configuration file"16:58
coz_patdk-wk,  I generally use dinamic twinview which is set after boot  and only for that session16:59
patdk-wkcoz_ but I clearly have twinview enabled16:59
patdk-wkso that isn't my issue16:59
askhadercoz_: Uh, you're forgetting manual X configuration.16:59
coz_askhader,  yeah perhaps  but I never do permanent twinview here :)16:59
coz_patdk-wk,  ok an gimp is still snapping back?16:59
spleenjoin #noagenda16:59
askhadercoz_: I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on many old machines with outdates ATI's or nvidia, twinview will not work without a manual Xconfig16:59
patdk-wksame issue with gimp17:00
coz_askhader,  ah ok  that makes sense....not even dinamic twinview ???17:00
askhadercoz_: Absolutely not17:00
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  i can do it with gnome-terminal also.. trying firefox17:00
coz_askhader,  wow interesting   thanks .. I will have to keep that in mind :)17:00
askhadercoz_: Try it out yourself   ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]17:00
askhaderIf you have one of em laying around =]17:00
Hex2Hello can some one help me?17:00
askhaderHex2: Just ask, don't ask to ask17:01
coz_askhader,   well I dont have  ati at all here I prefer nvidia17:01
JackTOhi all, in ubuntu,  is there a safe mode or a step by step/line by line loading like windows?   my system freezes in the bootup process, i need to fiund out what is causing it...17:01
askhadercoz_: Good on you17:01
askhadercoz_: Also something released in the past five years generally works =]17:01
robustsoftware extract .rar17:01
Hex2:) i have a problem with Ubuntu 10.04 64bit17:01
askhaderHex2: And what is it?17:01
edbianHex2, We can't help you unless you tell us the problem.17:01
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  firefox works same way for me also.. I drag a window so its half way across both. and i can then resize it to be all the way to the right, and all the way to the left17:01
coz_askhader,  yeah  that makes sense   I just wish the nvidia driver would deal with lesser hardware at times especially for some of my clients17:01
Dr_Willis!rar | robust17:01
ubotturobust: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:01
AlessandroPrevithi guys17:02
robustare you extract file .rar17:02
patdk-wkDr_Willis, heh, that is how I'm attempting it, but the monitor that has *less* of the window on it, gets snapped back17:02
askhadercoz_: Er, you want the driver to deal with less hardware? =P17:02
coz_askhader,  :)17:02
patdk-wkI wonder if it's comviz17:02
Phong_ubuntu dont install on windows17:02
Phong_i can't get ubuntu to install with virtualbox17:02
Hex2i cant "install" anything... when i am trying to install something i get a lot of errors...17:02
Hex2but the software still installed....17:02
askhaderPhong_: What's the error?17:02
wng-Is this mcelog telling me a processor is going bad? http://pastebin.com/f4P0WkxR17:03
askhaderHex2: go to www.pastebin.com and paste the errors17:03
edbianHex2, What are the errors about?  How are you installing things?17:03
AlessandroPrevit=) sorry to interrupt, i'm a mac user but i <3 ubuntu! somebody knows how to bootcamp it without killing mac and w7 partitions?17:03
askhaderHex2: And give us the link17:03
Phong_askhader, when i boot it, after i select "install ubuntu" it stuck17:03
Asad2005How do i check my home partition for errors and fix them ext417:03
askhaderPhong_: Did you check the integrity of the image and the cd?17:03
Phong_how to check that?17:03
askhaderAsad2005: fsck from livecd17:03
coz_wng-,   ooooo  that doesnt look good17:03
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  i just havwe a little bit of the window hangint to the right monitor and it still lets me do it.17:03
Phong_askhader,  it's the iso17:03
coz_wng-,   did you check the cpu is seated correctly on the motherboard?17:03
Phong_askhader, download from ubuntu x32 bit17:04
Hex2with the Ubuntu software center17:04
askhaderPhong_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM17:04
patdk-wkDr_Willis, turned off compviz and it works17:04
detrate` anyone know how I can specify a terminal to use a specific network interface? I have multiple nics and I want to be able to create a terminal profile / conf for each network17:04
wng-coz_: ill try that, thanks17:04
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  but now if you maxamize it will go across both.. and many apps will now 'center' btweeen  the displays17:04
coz_wng-,   its just a thought and the first thing I would check17:04
Phong_askhader, i'm in windows trying ot use virtualbox to install ubuntu17:04
askhaderPhong_: And?17:04
Asad2005askhader: fsck /dev/sda8   just like this ? how about unmounting /home and with root do the check without livecd17:04
New2Ubuntuanyone how i can get some help here?17:04
askhaderPhong_: It has a windows section17:04
patdk-wkbut using, visual effects, normal, doesn't work17:04
askhaderNew2Ubuntu: Just ask17:05
Dr_WillisNew2Ubuntu:  ask a question.. and have patience17:05
askhaderAsad2005: As long as it's not mounted.17:05
Phong_askhader, wont install after i hit enter at the menu screen "Install Ubuntu"17:05
askhaderAsad2005: man fsck for more options17:05
New2Ubuntutried that17:05
Phong_askhader, it just doing nothing17:05
askhaderNew2Ubuntu: Ask again, it's loud in here17:05
heff09how do i open fgrun ? have it installed ubuntu 10.04 ty17:05
AlessandroPrevit°_ °' plz.. somebody able with mac and ubuntu17:05
coz_patdk-wk,  out of curiosity  in terminal    lspci | grep -i vga17:05
askhaderPhong_: Please read the document I showed you section "MD5SUM on Windows"17:05
Dr_Willis!info fgrun17:05
ubottuPackage fgrun does not exist in lucid17:05
patdk-wkcoz_ I already posted that17:05
coz_patdk-wk, o017:05
New2Ubuntucool, after yesterdays update i have some serious issues17:05
askhaderNew2Ubuntu: What issues?17:05
coz_patdk-wk,  and you installed the driver then rebooted afterwards?  yes?17:06
patdk-wk01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV41.1 [GeForce 6800] (rev a2)17:06
patdk-wkSubsystem: nVidia Corporation Device 024517:06
patdk-wkcoz_, yes, a year ago17:06
rpetersonfigured it out, had to remove link from desktop-metadata file in the nautlilus dir under gconf/apps17:06
Hex2Here is the link to the errors i got:17:06
heff09so i can only fly 1 plane in fg now?17:06
coz_patdk-wk,  a year ago?17:06
patdk-wkKernel driver in use: nvidia17:06
patdk-wkKernel modules: nvidia-current, nvidiafb, nouveau17:06
patdk-wkcoz_, yes, when I got this computer and set it up17:06
coz_patdk-wk,  has there been kernel updates since that time?17:07
New2Ubuntuafter yesterdays update evolution hangs after boot my taskbar takes long to come up and it takes forever to connect to my wifi network17:07
patdk-wkand it's been rebooted many times since17:07
patdk-wkI dunno how I would upgrade to karmic and then lucid without a reboot17:07
patdk-wkdoesn't sound good :)17:07
coz_patdk-wk,  that card should not be too much dificulty even if it is built in17:07
patdk-wkit's not built in17:07
patdk-wkit's in a pcie x16 slot17:07
heff09so how do i add planes to flight gear ?17:07
coz_patdk-wk,  then  even less difficulty17:07
Dr_Willispatdk-wk:  i got an 8800gtsxxx - wonder if it could be a driver version differance17:08
coz_patdk-wk,  when you opne nvidia-settings  which driver version is noted there?17:08
patdk-wkI have an 8800gt at home, and craploads of gt220 and gt240's17:08
epaulinaptitude removed from standard? why?17:08
Hex2askhader did you saw the errors?17:08
hyuukaihello im running ubuntu 10.04 and my sound wasnt working so ive plugged in a usb sound card, which people have said works with ubuntu... but nothing has happened17:08
Dr_Willisepaulin:  disk space.. and see #ubuntu+1 for  the next release information/chat17:08
hyuukaibut getting no sound?17:08
Chuck is there a way to find out what kind of cd burner i have?17:08
hyuukaiwhen i press volume up and down on it, it controls the volume though17:09
coz_patdk-wk,  Ok  i believe that is the current version via hardware drivers17:09
coz_patdk-wk,  and that should definitly work with that card17:09
heff09is there any way of adding aircraft to fg 10.04 lucid?17:09
edbianChuck, Does it show up in lspci  ?17:09
Piciheff09: You'd probably want to talk to the flightgear people about that, I don't see why it would be any different than other Ubuntu releases (not that I know anything about flightgear anyway though).17:10
coz_patdk-wk,  I may not be of much help since I wont run lucid  until certain issues are solved so I am on karmic with the 256 driver17:10
soreauChuck: lspci is a command you run in your terminal17:10
Hex2someone saw the errors i got?!17:10
Chuckok i'll do it17:10
patdk-wkcoz_ I'm running lucid on everything, and maverick17:10
heff09ok ty PICI17:11
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New2Ubuntuaskhader: did you get my problem?17:11
epaulinDr_Willis: thx17:11
coz_patdk-wk,  yeah I have maverick but it still has the same issues as lucid  so I think I will wait because I have to test the upstream kernel to see if it solved these issues17:12
ChuckIt doesn't show up17:12
DJ_HaMsTaSynamtic package manager freezes when i start it, any reasons this can happen ?17:12
hyuukaimy usb sound card is letting me control volume up and down but im getting no sound?17:12
DJ_HaMsTaalso updates freeze and wont work17:12
lep2need a bit of guidance troubleshooting an ltsp server ... fresh install from alternate cd 10.04 ... I am getting an error when booting clients "cannot connect to NBD server"17:13
fbianconihyuukai, have you selected the output device?17:14
New2Ubuntudoes ubunutu have a repair install?17:14
tyranos_DJ_HaMsTa, try to update from the command line, type "sudo apt-get update" then  "sudo apt-get upgrade" in the terminal without the quotes17:15
hyuukaifbianconi in sound preferences in output there is only dummy output stereo?17:15
hyuukaibut the buttons on my sound card allow me to adjust volume17:15
DJ_HaMsTatyranos_,  is this a fix for the synaptic package manager or a work-around ?17:15
tyranos_well after the update it should work normally , or at least that was my experience17:16
fbianconihyuukai, does it show up in the hardware tab (of sound preferences?)17:16
hyuukainope neither does my onboard sound on my motherboard.17:16
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:18
hyuukaiyeah ive done all that17:18
jcapincis it possible to pipe sound from one ubuntu machine to another ubuntu machine?17:18
hyuukaiits not finding my onboard sound or my usb sound, even though the usb sound card when i click buttons on it, it changes the sound volume in ubuntu17:18
fbianconihyuukai, I would google the output of lspci and/or lsusb, good luck17:20
hyuukaiim a complete ubuntu noob what you just said means nothing too me17:20
DJ_HaMsTatyranos_,  moment of truth17:21
tyranos_hyuukai, it means open a terminal window type in lspci or lsusb , copy the output and gpoogle it17:21
Galerien!terminal | hyuukai17:21
DJ_HaMsTatyranos_,  ah it works17:21
ubottuhyuukai: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:21
salilHow do you edit the compiz settings of a particular plugin (Widget layer)? I can't launch ccsm..17:21
hyuukaiits found my external hard drive keyboard mouse, and Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub17:21
Galerienhyuukai: enjoy ;), it's not absolutely necessary but it's better to know how to use a terminal in linux17:22
hyuukaii know how to use a terminal...17:22
soreausalil: Why can't you launch ccsm? Have you tried running it from a terminal?17:22
Galerienhyuukai: take a look at the guide, you might find something useful there17:22
salilsoreau: It stopped working since i changed that one damn setting... ccsm launches but doesn't show up.. I have to kill it from the terminal..17:23
hyuukaiguide for what? i know how to use a terminal17:23
tyranos_DJ_HaMsTa, i think it was a problem with gksu  which is the graphical version of sudo , if you killl gksu the updater would unfreeze17:23
soreausalil: ccsm is invisible because of opacity setting?17:23
salilsoreau: No, I added the ccsm window class to widget layer settings.. I don't know how that makes it invisible..17:24
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Galerienhyuukai: clearly not, lspci and lsusb are really simple and basic commands17:24
tyranos_salil try pressing f917:24
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hyuukaiyeah ive done them...17:24
hyuukaii just said what lsusb has shown17:24
soreausalil: Do Alt+F2 then type 'metacity --replace', then open ccsm and fix it17:24
Galerienhyuukai: what a performance....17:25
salilsoreau: k17:25
soreausalil: or invoke the widget layer?17:25
ben__Can someone take a look at this thread and help please?http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150649417:25
hyuukaigalerian can i pm you?17:25
soreausalil: F9 by default17:26
salilsoreau: Fixed.. How to get back to compiz?17:26
soreausalil: Alt+F2 -> compiz --replace17:26
Galerienhyuukai: why?17:26
salilsoreau: Cool that launched my emerald also :D17:27
soreausalil: great17:27
hyuukaiso i can show you what lsusb has shown.... how can my usb sound card allow me to adjust sound up and down but seemingly not appear in the list?17:27
DJ_HaMsTaI have a 5 button mouse but only the standard buttons (right click, left click, scroll) work. How can i get the 5 button function?17:27
papertigersdoes anyone know if ext4 still has the 16tb partition size limit under 64bit17:28
Galerienhyuukai: useless, I know nothing about sound cards17:28
hyuukaioh ok :/17:28
darksiferhi i am using deluge 1.2.3 on lucid 64 bit. Everything was working amazingly well for 2 month. now i get no incoming connection. all these time uPNP was enabled in deluge and on my router netgear dg834g. btw i get the same problem with transmission.i googled but didnt find the answer. can someone help me17:28
soreauhyuukai: Generally, I try to not confuse the system by having only one audio card enabled at a time. you might be able to disable your on-board audio in the bios17:28
kombaxciao lista17:28
ben__Can anyone help me with this thread - have posted screenshot...17:28
hyuukaisoreau i cant even get the onboard working...17:28
mbeierl!repeat | ben__17:29
ubottuben__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:29
hyuukaiAudio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2) thats my onboard one but it doesnt appear in sound preferences hardware...17:29
ben__Mbeierl - link and screenshots there17:29
mbeierlben__: all I can say is it looks like the hard drive got corrupted and the system cannot even begin to boot.17:30
mbeierlben__: and, yes, that is the equivalent of a bsod, sorry17:30
ben__Have you seen the 2nd screenshot, will any of those options work?17:30
soreauben__: Looks like it's broken. Kernel panic, do the keyboard led's start flashing too?17:30
ben__no, Leds not flashing17:31
hyuukaisoreau any ideas?17:31
soreauben__: Well something went wrong in the upgrade. Could be related to grub or whatever17:31
soreauhyuukai: I would disable the on-board audio in the bios first and go from there17:31
soreauhyuukai: either that or scratch the usb audio and try to figure out why on-board audio isn't working17:32
hyuukaii want either of them working... but cant figure out either17:32
soreauben__: Can you say which is the latest kernel it shows in the grub list?17:32
soreauhyuukai: Did you run alsamixer and see that all the settings are sane there?17:33
hyuukaisoreau i dont know what that is17:33
soreauhyuukai: open a terminal and run alsamixer then use arrow keys and 'm' to (un)mute17:33
mbeierlben__: another test to do later: boot using the live cd then run a disk check (fsck).  See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55049117:33
BiGViCwhy does flash have to suck so much :(17:34
hyuukaisoreau how do i run alsamixer in terminal? sudo alsamixer?17:34
ben__ok, the computer is refusing to start now, will check that thread and try again tomorrow - thanks17:34
soreauBiGViC: because it's proprietary which means FOSS community cant do anything to fix or improve it17:34
soreauhyuukai: Never use sudo unless you know why you need to17:34
nacitarwhat's the command to open update manger from command line17:34
papertigersdoes anyone know if ext4 still has the 16tb partition size limit under 64bit17:35
soreaunacitar: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade17:35
Sasquatch7nacitar: sudo apt-get update17:35
MauL^ubuntu 10 does not load automatically my external usb hd. how can I force it to load ?17:35
OpenSourcedNickHow do I auto-sync between 2 directories in linux (actually I'm making changes only in one directory and want the other to always update) ?17:35
hyuukaiok well alsamixer doesnt run if i just type alsamixer or sudo alsamixer it says cannot open mixer: No such file or directory17:35
mbeierlben__: refusing to start?  as in it won't even power on anymore?17:35
soreauOpenSourcedNick: Simplest way is to make a symlink to that directory, but it's just a shortcut, not an actually mirror copy17:36
OpenSourcedNicksoreau, the question is, if I put it on my /var/www/ will I be able to surf it17:36
soreauOpenSourcedNick: huh?17:36
sunsonmy /proc/net/arp seems to get flooded with tons of IP addresses with HW address all set to 00:00:00:.... This happens only in one specific network. When I'm connected to my office network, all is well. What is wrong?17:36
BiGViCsoreau: yeah I'm just so discourage everything works PERFECT on ubuntu except flash can't even play simple flash games :( wihtout 100% cpu ussage yet I can play a 720p h.264 movie :(17:37
OpenSourcedNicksoreau, say I have a directory of PHP files on my /home/... and I do a symbolic link to /var/www/.. will I be able to surf it?17:37
soreauOpenSourcedNick: No idea. Try it17:37
soreauBiGViC: Are you using the proprietary nvidia driver too?17:37
baddassmuthaHi. Can anyone point me in the direction of a case study that explains how someone has setup an Ubuntu Server domain environment with Ubuntu Desktops authenticating againsts that Ubuntu server, basically an equivilant Windows Server and Windows PCs environment (not joining to a Win Env)?17:37
OpenSourcedNicksoreau, I rather master the rsync command, but it's difficult to find clear info on it17:38
rocket16Hello friends, I wished to use Chrome, but it uses too much memory. And, multiple tabs consume more memory, as it handles tabs as separate processes.17:38
tyranos_BiGViC, do you have a 64 bit system17:38
soreauOpenSourcedNick: man rsync?17:38
rocket16So, does Chromium use less memory than Chrome?17:38
BiGViCsoreau: no I have an ATI radeon 9800 pro and no tyranos_  I don't17:38
hyuukaiok well alsamixer doesnt run if i just type alsamixer or sudo alsamixer it says cannot open mixer: No such file or directory17:38
inveratuloOpenSourcedNick: you can use a hard link instead of symlink17:38
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soreauhyuukai: I'm not helping you anymore17:38
Sasquatch7hyuukai: have you tried installing it? apt-get alsamixer?17:38
soreauhyuukai: I told you not to use sudo and you did it anyway17:39
OpenSourcedNickinveratulo, hard link? and then I would be able to surf the hardlinked directory using apache?17:39
hyuukaisoreau i had done it before u had said17:39
soreauwell I have to go anyway17:39
hyuukaisoreau E: Invalid operation alsamixer17:39
DJ_HaMsTaMy 5 button mouse works for the browser to go back and forth, how can i use this in the file manager ?17:39
inveratuloOpenSourcedNick: Possibly.  A hard link is like creating another link to the data that a file points to on the disk.17:39
soreauhyuukai: I did not tell you that17:40
soreau<Sasquatch7> hyuukai: have you tried installing it? apt-get alsamixer?17:40
paraintjmorning linux muchachos17:40
hyuukaisoreau i just tried it and thats the outcome i got17:40
soreauhyuukai: I know because that's an ignorant commant17:40
tyranos_BiGViC, if you have have an old cpu then flash is just too heavy on CPU  linux and macosX, and you can't really do a thing17:41
mbeierlhyuukai: it's sudo apt-get install alsamixer if you want to install a prog17:41
OpenSourcedNickinveratulo, hard link is not allowed for directory17:41
mbeierlhyuukai: but I know nothing about the problem, or alsa, so I cannot help any further than that...17:41
hyuukaiE: Couldn't find package alsamixer17:41
mohjakEmpathy failure can't establish audio stream there was a failure in the call engine how to fix it?17:42
trismOpenSourcedNick: the symlink will actually work as long as the path to the php files in your home directory is accessible by others17:42
BiGViCyeah tyranos_ I have an old Intel Celeron D CPU 3.2ghz and flash just eats it for breakfeast it ran better in Windows but not enough for me to go back though I like Linux a lot so far17:42
inveratuloOpenSourcedNick: then you must symlink it, but I think you'll find permissions will get a little sticky.  It is better to have a directory NOT in your home and symlink to it from your home instead.17:42
mbeierlhyuukai: sorry "aptitude search alsamix" shows alsamixergui and gnome-alsamixer17:42
OpenSourcedNickWhy couldn't I just RSYNC it?17:42
mbeierlhyuukai: so it would be one of them...17:42
soreaumbeierl: alsamixer is already installed by default17:43
soreauAll's you have to do is type 'alsamixer' and done.17:43
inveratuloOpenSourcedNick: Well, then you're duplicating data and that's just silly.  Have one place where it changes and you don't have to bother with the overhead that rsync involves.  Also using rsync on local disks is silly.17:43
mbeierlsoreau: doh!  I see.  well, I shouldn't jump in without reading first.  thanks17:43
OpenSourcedNickinveratulo, ok, how do I symlink it then/17:43
tyranos_BiGViC, that is nice to hear that you want to stick with linux, if you can use the command line, i ll tell you a secret google get_flash_videos there is a deb package for it and u can use it to watch 720p youtubes from the command line, there are also gui versions of that17:44
soreaumbeierl: I told the guy to run that someone else yelled 'install it' and now he's trying to install something that's already installed17:44
inveratuloOpenSourcedNick: so to recap:  move what you've got in your home to somewhere else apache can get to it.  symlink from apache's docroot to your content, and also symlink from your home to the content17:44
bastidrazormbeierl:  dpkg -S alsamixer will tell you what package brings in the file17:44
mbeierlbastidrazor: got it, thanks.17:45
OpenSourcedNicksuccess! thanks guys17:45
BiGViCalsamixer one disappear on me on restart so I had to reinstall it...17:45
OpenSourcedNickln -s location destination did the trick17:45
JackTOhi all, in linux, is there any easy way to debug the boot process like windows, either step-by-step to see what is causing it to hang on boot?17:45
mbeierlsoreau: ah ... I get it now.  ok.17:45
soreauOpenSourcedNick: symlink ftw :)17:45
BiGViCtyranos_: sounds nice man how does that work?17:45
OpenSourcedNickand I guess rsyncing is pointless17:45
BiGViCtyranos_: and yes I can use the command line17:45
soreauOpenSourcedNick: I've never had to mess with rsync directly17:45
inveratuloOpenSourcedNick: its just not the correct solution, its awesome for other things17:45
OpenSourcedNickinveratulo, like making coffee.. and then having it copied to other people! :)17:46
jackuzzyhello everyone17:46
jackuzzycan anybody help me?17:46
OpenSourcedNick(hopefully permissions would change respectively)17:46
inveratuloOpenSourcedNick: hehe, possibly.  I always find it useful for moving stuff over tcp/ip, so keep that in mind.17:46
baddassmuthaHi Does anyone know of a Ubuntu Server channel I can join to ask questions?17:46
Gerwin!ask | jackuzzy17:46
ubottujackuzzy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:46
hyuukaiit wasnt installed17:46
hyuukaihad to do sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer17:46
tyranos_BiGViC,  i sent you a Private Message17:46
bastidrazorbaddassmutha: #ubuntu-server17:46
jackuzzyhow do y get root on my terminal?17:47
OpenSourcedNickinveratulo, now my development on Yii platform could continue with ease :}17:47
jackuzzythe root user is inactive17:47
jackuzzyy`m new in this17:47
bastidrazorjackuzzy: for a root session use sudo -i .. for a single command use sudo ..17:47
Sasquatch7jackuzzy: type sudo followed by the command17:47
hyuukaigot it working now ty17:47
baddassmuthaThank you bastidrazor. Appriciated :)17:47
bastidrazorbaddassmutha: good luck17:47
Sasquatch7hyuukai: what did you do to get it working?17:48
soreaujackuzzy: The rule of thumb I use is to never run as root unless you know exactly why you need to have escalated privileges17:48
hyuukaii installed gnome-alsamixer and alsamixergui17:48
Sasquatch7hyuukai: great.17:48
baddassmuthaThanks bastidrazor! with all these posts on alsamixer, i thought id joined the wrong channel :)17:49
hyuukaialtjhough vlc player is not playing sound...17:49
hyuukaiany ideas on that, youtube is vlc isnt17:49
ajdrappermy monitor should be 1280 x 1024, but this is not an option. I only have 1024 X 768 is there an easy fix? I am on 10.0417:49
trexhow come this channel is the same as #ubuntu on irc.ubuntu.com17:49
bastidrazortrex: irc.ubuntu.com and freenode are the exact same17:50
jackuzzyy`m installing xampp and in the instructions from apache friends are diferent17:50
hyuukaido i need codec to play mp3's or will that just come with vlc player?17:50
Sasquatch7hyuukai: tried looking at the alsamixer and making sure volume is up?17:50
DJ_HaMsTaCan ubuntu do thumbnails of pictures within a folder ?17:50
jackuzzythey say to use "su" command17:50
trexbastidrazor but why?17:50
dekushrubI'm using ubuntu 10.04 with dual monitors and when I change the wallpaper it freezes the computer for about 15 seconds17:50
soreauJackTO: But why are you needing a root prompt?17:50
soreaujackuzzy: ^^17:50
quesoSo I upgraded from Jaunty -> Karmic -> Lucid yesterday.  Now all my postgresql databases are gone.  What happened?17:51
hyuukaithe volume is ok as its working on youtube17:51
bastidrazortrex: some genius came up with the idea?17:51
hyuukaisasquatch7 do i need codec with vlc or do they come with it?17:51
bastidrazorqueso: you probably overwrote your manually edited config files17:51
slartibartfasshi evrbd17:51
Sasquatch7hyuukai: ok, not sure. i use rhythem box for music and it automatically searches mp3 codecs17:52
hyuukaiill get that haha17:52
tyranos_queso, just reinstall them? lucid did that to me too, it removed some packages on its own17:52
quesobastidrazor: you are probably right.17:52
slartibartfasswonder how to print several weeks in evolution, any ideas?17:52
Sasquatch7hyuukai: you can open ubuntu software center and search for gstream plugins17:52
quesotyranos_: the packages are still there.17:52
ajdrapperanybody know about adding a screen resolution in 10.04?17:52
Sasquatch7hyuukai: you should already have rhythm box installed :)17:53
hyuukaioh so i do haha17:53
zenergiWhat's the best way to regenerate the default conf files in /etc/shibboleth? I tried removing and purging the libapache2-mod-shib2 package and deleted the /etc/shibboleth dir, but none of the conf files are regenerated when I reinstall.17:53
quesobastidrazor: so the databases are still there?  is there an easy way to get them back?17:53
Sivikanyone have any success with doing dual boot with a gpt partition?17:53
Sasquatch7hyuukai: run it with your music and it should automatically prompt you to download the correct codecs for mp3's excetera17:53
bastidrazorqueso: start making the changes to the config files you had done before.17:54
SivikI cannot even get ubuntu to regoinize my ntfs partition after installing windows17:54
steffan!hi | newbintu17:54
ubottunewbintu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:54
coventryI have /home on a separate partition.  I need to reinstall ubuntu.  Are there explicit instructions on how to do this without touching /home?  If I choose "Specify partitions manually", set the /home partition's mountpoint to /home, and specify that it should not be formatted, will that suffice?17:54
newbintuI was wondering how do I connect to a shell through terminal17:54
hyuukaiok sasquatch ive got mp3 player codec on it by click the install mp3 codec button it gave me17:54
hyuukaistill no sound17:54
hyuukaiyet ive got sound on youtube17:55
Sivikcoventry, as long as you don't re-install over the home partition or format it when you set it up in fstab, you should be fine.17:55
Sasquatch7hyuukai: hmm, so it doesn't install when it prompts you in rythmbox?17:55
hyuukaii click a button that said install mp3 codec17:56
hyuukaiit did that17:56
coventryThanks, Sivik.17:56
tyranos_newbintu, what shell ??17:56
hyuukaiit plays the song, but no sound17:56
Sasquatch7hyuukai: not sure then.17:56
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quesobastidrazor: I don't remember ever changing the config files, actually. :/17:56
Sasquatch7hyuukai: the song is mp3?17:56
hyuukaihow can youtube have sound and not a piece of software im confused17:56
hyuukaiand yeah17:56
tyranos_newbintu, do you mean ssh -l username hostname ?17:56
Sivikyw coventry17:56
unopnewbintu, the terminal already gives you a shell.17:56
Sasquatch7hyuukai: checked the ubuntu forums, probably have a solution there for ya.17:57
unopcoventry, nothing saves the day like a backup before something as drastic as this though.17:57
newbintutyranos_: thank you17:58
buppa_Anyone know if Ubuntu and ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphic card work well? I have installed the propretary drivers for my graphic card but the CPU usage is very high, espescially when moving around windows or surfing with firefox.17:58
newbintuunop I mean how do I connect to a shell IP17:58
geboyI really want to use this new ubuntu but still so very affraid to disapointing my curios17:58
newbintuthrough terminal17:58
coventryunop: Yep, I have a backup.  Thanks for the advice.17:59
unopnewbintu, I don't know what you mean by that. Are you referring to a shell account?17:59
Sasquatch7newbintu: connect to another machine using the terminal?17:59
slartibartfasscould anybody please give me a hint where to put specific "evolution" questions ?17:59
Zenith77newbintu: use the ssh command17:59
jonathansizzHow can I restart the window manager without logging out?18:00
geboybeen stop using desktop version since 8.10 ^_^ now seing the rivies somes are cons some are pros. i need to know how you guys doin on ubuntu 1.4 64bit version18:00
shanekhani am goinh to  hell..........I am using ubuntu 10.04 i am face this error "There is problem  with the configuratrion  server.(/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)"  on login page  and cannot  login on my laptop18:00
fbianconibuppa_, I noticed that too with fglrx on an HD3200, I went back to open source drivers.18:00
geboysorry if it offend anybody here18:00
Sasquatch7newbintu: type 'man ssh' in your terminal and should help you18:00
MrPink52hello, I just installed Ubuntu 10.4 and then installed OpenSceneGraph through Synaptic... where did it install it to? I believe I need to add the Path Variable, so I can start OpenSceneGraph in Terminal with "osg" anyone have any experience there?18:00
shanekhanany body can help me please please18:00
tyranos_jonathansizz, gnome or kde  or xfce ?18:00
jackuzzyanother question18:00
cvexkeksHi, after update the other comps can not connect to my shared folder. When i want to share a new folder i get this http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy25/cvexkeks/Screenshot-1.png. Why can't I check guest accounts? sorry for bad english18:00
Sasquatch7jackuzzy: shoot.18:01
tyranos_jonathansizz , metacity or compiz18:01
jackuzzyhow do y give root access to another user in ubuntu?18:01
Sasquatch7jackuzzy: they need to simply use the sudo command and know the password18:01
Sasquatch7jackuzzy: just like you did.18:01
geboywill i be able to run adobe master suite cs5 here on ubuntu 10.5 and hows the performance will be? can anybody gimme some rough estimation or even share experience18:01
tyranos_jackuzzy, go to administration and then users and group and unlock then you shoul be able to do it there18:02
jackuzzyy have the password but in the graphic interface y can not do anything18:02
tyranos_jackuzzy, that wasnt for you18:02
jackuzzyroot user is disabled and y don`t know howto enable it18:02
bastidrazorjackuzzy: add them to the admin group.. sudo adduser username admin18:02
tyranos_y do you want root18:02
jackuzzyit`s not in the users and groups18:02
shanekhanI am using ubuntu 10.04 i am face this error18:02
shanekhan"There is problem  with the configuratrion  server.(/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)"  on login page  and cannot  login on my laptopdisconnected18:02
Sasquatch7jackuzzy: why do you need root?18:03
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slartibartfasssudo su main user than su18:03
jonathansizztyranos I assume compiz, as I have the desktop effects enabled18:03
slartibartfasssorry than sudo18:03
cvexkekswho do I have to unlock, smbguest?18:03
unopslartibartfass, sudo su? that's a redundant use of su.18:03
tyranos_jonathansizz, just do a sudo apt-get install fusion-icon18:03
jpdssudo -i18:03
MrPink52anyone have Experience with OpenSceneGraph Installation in Ubuntu?18:03
shanekhanGNOME Power manger has not been install correctly18:04
Sasquatch7jackuzzy: type 'man sudo'18:04
shanekhanhow i can solve this18:04
tyranos_jackuzzy, sudo -i would turn your normal shell into a root shell if the user is in the sudoers list18:04
hyuukaican anyone explain why my firefox has sound and vlc player does not?18:04
shanekhanError "18:04
shanekhan(10:03:41 PM) shanekhan: GNOME Power manger has not been install correctly\"18:04
jackuzzythank`s everyone18:04
fbianconicvexkeks, are you in sambashare group? check with the command 'groups' on a terminal18:05
jackuzzyit was helpfully18:05
shanekhanhow we can open  command line in ubuntu\18:05
rabbit1command to kill firefox process ?18:05
bastidrazorrabbit1: killall firefox18:05
tyranos_killall -e firefox18:05
rabbit1bastidrazor: thx :)18:05
bastidrazorshanekhan: ALT+F2  then gnome-terminal18:05
shanekhan bastidrazor hi18:06
DJ_HaMsTaImages within ubuntu's folders are not showing as thumbnails, how can this be fixed?18:06
shanekhanthanks for repty18:06
rabbit1tyranos_: no result, says "Firefox: no process killed "18:06
hyuukaican anyone explain why my firefox has sound and vlc player does not?18:06
tyranos_DJ_HaMsTa, are you using the compact view ?18:06
DJ_HaMsTaI amk using Icon view18:06
craigbass1976Is anyone here perhaps developing (LAMP) in ubuntu lucid but their live box is something older, like CentOS 5, and having trouble making things work on both servers?18:06
shanekhan i am goinh to  hell..........I am using ubuntu 10.04 i am face this error "There is problem  with the configuratrion  server.(/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)"  on login page  and cannot  login on my laptop..18:06
Phong_does ubuntu work well in virtual box?18:07
tyranos_hyuukai, sudo kill -9 `pidof firefox`18:07
bastidrazorDJ_HaMsTa: folder thumbnails need to be set manually. iirc18:07
rabbit1:( how to kill firefox process ?18:07
llutzrabbit1: pkill firefox18:07
ActionParsnipYo yo yo18:07
craigbass1976rabbit1, or pkill -9 firefox18:07
rabbit1previous commands don work, i even tried pkill llutz18:07
hyuukaiERROR: garbage process ID "firefox".18:07
MrPink52Where does Ubuntu install Programs when you install them through Synaptic?18:07
paraintjDoes ubuntu have any proprietary free opensource sms sending or voip type applications?18:08
tyranos_hyuukai, maybe its firefox-3.518:08
ActionParsnipMrpink52: all throughout the system18:08
hyuukaiits the one that came with 10.0418:08
DJ_HaMsTatyranos_, bastidrazor, got it.. it was because i was accessing a shared drive18:08
rabbit1craigbass1976: o, great -9 works, what is it all about?18:08
MrPink52ActionParsnip: how can I see where "OpenSceneGraph" is on my system?18:08
shanekhanerror "There is problem  with the configuratrion  server.(/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)"  on login page  and cannot  login on my laptop18:08
ActionParsnipMrPink52: it doesn't install apps to a single place like windows, libs are shared and make downloads smaller and will go in /lib18:08
craigbass1976rabbit1, -9 means not nice; kill it NOW!18:09
lunganHaving som trouble with sounddricers. If I start firefox and youtube before Spotify my sound in youtube etc works but not my Spotify. And if I start Spotify before I start Firefox my sound in Firefox doesn't work?18:09
ActionParsnipMrPink52: which openscenegraph ,may show you18:09
jonathansizztyranos actually, 'compiz --replace' worked. thanks.18:09
hyuukaityranos ERROR: garbage process ID "firefox".18:09
MrPink52ActionParsnip: OSG 2.8.118:09
rabbit1craigbass1976: thx buddy, :)18:09
Sasquatch7i've installed a process manager better than top, but for the life of me cant remember it's name, something to with top, anyone have ideas?18:09
tyranos_rabbit1, these are signal send by kill to the processes and 9 is for terminating processes18:09
fbianconiSasquatch7, htop18:10
craigbass1976Sasquatch7, is it a GUI front end to top?18:10
PhoenixSTFhi guys18:10
llutzrabbit1: explanation in "man 7 signal"18:10
hyuukaican i uninstall pulseaudio will that help?18:10
Sasquatch7fbianconi: thanks thats the one :)18:10
bastidrazorSasquatch7: htop ?18:10
jackuzzyanyone can connect to this server via ssh?
ActionParsnipMrPink52: how did you install it? 'which' is a UNIX command. Tells you which binary is ran when you type a command18:10
Sasquatch7craigbass1976: it's htop, thanks.18:10
tyranos_jonathansizz, but it is better to install fusion icon because sometimes the keyboard doesnt work if the replace goes bad and u have no window manager18:10
hyuukaiim well confused to how firefox has sound and vlc player does not :/18:10
craigbass1976jackuzzy, nope18:10
PhoenixSTFi got a problem with my sound card on ubuntu! its a realtek and i gcant get the mic to work its problably drivers can i get some help?18:10
jackuzzyit`s my pc and y want to know it`s disabled the firewall of router18:10
lunganHaving som trouble with sounddricers. If I start firefox and youtube before Spotify my sound in youtube etc works but not my Spotify. And if I start Spotify before I start Firefox my sound in Firefox doesn't work?18:11
MrPink52ActionParsnip: I downloaded the .deb from here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openscenegraph/2.8.1-1.1build1/+build/156236518:11
MrPink52ActionParsnip: #  openscenegraph_2.8.1-1.1build1_i386.deb  (2.9 MiB)  to be exact18:11
ActionParsnipMrPink52: then it 'should' have a binary in $PATH18:11
bastidrazorjackuzzy: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host18:12
MrPink52ActionParsnip: meaning?18:12
hyuukaiany ideas?18:12
MrPink52ActionParsnip: sry, just haven't used Ubuntu much before18:12
csxdfcsdfcsdHow me send bold text in Mirc18:12
csxdfcsdfcsdHelp me send bold text18:12
ActionParsnipMrPink52: if you type: open in a terminal and press tab a few times, you will see all the commands beginning with the word open and you can find out what to run from there18:12
trismMrPink52: if you're already installed it, dpkg -L openscenegraph and look for what is in /usr/bin18:13
ActionParsnipMrPink52: you could narrow it down with: opens then press tab, you will eventually get the command.18:13
hyuukaiim well confused to how firefox has sound and vlc player does not :/18:13
Phong_hi ActionParsnip18:13
fbianconihyuukai, vlc can choose which driver to use, and it also might be muted (in a per aplication basis) in sound preferences18:13
ActionParsnipPhong_: yo yo yo18:13
Phong_ActionParsnip, do you know of foxmulder881 is here?18:13
youevilmonkeyHey, I installed ubuntu 6.06 from an old disc I had lying around after Windows crapped out on an old computer, I realize that this version is no longer supported but I had no other easy access to an operating system at the time. Everything was working fine, then I installed a bunch of the standard software updates and now Ubuntu doesn't even acknowledge that my wireless adapter exists... How can I fix this?18:13
hyuukaiits not muted in sound applications so its a driver issue?18:14
MrPink52ActionParsnip: Its not there18:14
ActionParsnipPhong_: try: /whois foxmuler881 ,see what channels s/he is connected to18:14
hyuukaiooo ive got it18:14
hyuukaistupid thing18:14
MrPink52ActionParsnip: OpenOffice, Openssl, Openvt18:14
tyranos_hyuukai, does the sound work if firefox is open18:14
trollboyis there a package for mysql workbench yet?18:14
tyranos_hyuukai, i mean if firefox closed18:14
ActionParsnipMrPink52: then try: scene and press tab a few times18:14
hyuukaityranos i ahd to change output on vlc to unix oss audio output18:15
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MrPink52ActionParsnip: Scene gives me nothing18:15
Phong_ActionParsnip, how come virtualbox is free....why not vmware?  i assume vmware is better cause it has the cost to it18:15
ActionParsnipMrPink52: if all else fails you can extract the deb and see what files it contains, it may give clues18:15
Phong_ActionParsnip, am i right?18:15
ActionParsnipMrPink52: avoid caps too, linux is extremely case sensitive18:16
bastidrazorPhong_: there is a free version of vmware.. it is vmware-player18:16
ActionParsnipPhong_: vmware want to charge. Vbox could charge if they wanted also18:16
Phong_ActionParsnip, isn't it products that has value is always better then free?18:16
icerootPhong_: because software costs money does not mean it is better18:17
ActionParsnipPhong_: if cost means better product then windows is better than linux?18:17
Phong_ActionParsnip, maybe i'm wrong.18:17
youevilmonkeydoes anyone know how to make ubuntu re-recognize a wireless adapter?18:17
sdertk '<  :)18:17
sunsonI had been here a little while ago complaining about /proc/net/arp being polluted by _something_. Uninstalling network-manager did the trick. I'm (still) on 8.10.18:17
icerootPhong_: with your theory, windows > gnu/linux18:17
jetteroI wish to update-manager --devel-release ... and download all the packages, but not actually install them quite yet...18:17
ActionParsnipyouevilmonkey: if you run: sudo lshw -C network ,you will see what wireless chip you are using and can websearch for guides18:17
bastidrazoryouevilmonkey: is your base system still 6.06?18:17
Phong_iceroot, where do they get the money for free product man18:17
icerootPhong_: support18:18
Phong_iceroot, i'm sure someone is paying for programmers18:18
Phong_iceroot, by whom?18:18
ActionParsnipPhong_: both have advantages and disadvantages, just like a comparison between any 2 products18:18
youevilmonkeybastidrazor- yes, the base system is still 6.0618:18
lunganHaving som trouble with sounddricers. If I start firefox and youtube before Spotify my sound in youtube etc works but not my Spotify. And if I start Spotify before I start Firefox my sound in Firefox doesn't work?18:18
sunsonbut life is quite tough without network-manager (especially on 8.10 which doesn't even have wicd)... :) civilization is convenient, but it isn't the most "right" way of living ;)18:18
icerootPhong_: i am working for a linux distributor and earn money18:18
icerootPhong_: and the software is of course free18:18
Phong_iceroot, where do they have the money for u..since it's free products18:18
icerootPhong_: support, special development, consulting18:19
bastidrazor!eol | youevilmonkey18:19
ubottuyouevilmonkey: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:19
bastidrazoryouevilmonkey: you should really get your box up to at least 8.0418:19
Sasquatch7iceroot: what do you develop?18:19
tyranos_Phong_, he said support which means this same thing people do here but for paying companies18:19
ActionParsnipPhong_: vbox has a non open version also. Canonical make money too by selling support and other things18:19
steve33quick question.  I have an ethernet connection and dont need my computer to connect to wireless. can i set the unlock keyring feature not to come?18:19
Phong_iceroot, i wish windows and mac and all other OS should be free ?18:19
icerootSasquatch7: univention corporate server18:19
Sasquatch7iceroot: neat.18:20
icerootPhong_: i dont care about windows and mac os18:20
drewzf_But after Googling I think I may have a solution18:20
youevilmonkeyActionparsnip - i had to move my modem and connect through the ethernet port, it doesn't even show it as existing anymore18:20
ActionParsnipPhong_: they are seperate companies and wish to charge for their products18:20
Pici!ot | Phong_ iceroot18:20
ubottuPhong_ iceroot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:20
bastidrazorPhong_:  you can pay iceroot with kittens18:20
ActionParsnipyouevilmonkey: then reboot with it attached, run the command. Then use ethernet to find guides18:20
youevilmonkeyBastidrazor- it was my only option at the time since I had no internet access and only a disc for 6.0618:21
ActionParsnipyouevilmonkey: my bet is its a cheap broadcom thing. This guide will help you then18:21
ActionParsnip!broadcom | youevilmonkey18:21
bastidrazoryouevilmonkey: i completely understand.18:21
ubottuyouevilmonkey: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:21
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ActionParsnipyouevilmonkey: the output of the lshw command will identify the chip though. You must do it first18:23
youevilmonkeyActionParsnip: I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm needing to do18:24
ukixxOmG how come tha ubuntu is free os ..... it is batter then mac and win18:24
youevilmonkeyI have the terminal open, i ran your first command, it listed the ethernet adapter i'm using currently, the wireless one does not show (and the power light on it no longer comes on)18:24
ActionParsnipyouevilmonkey: reboot, have the device attatched. Once logged in run: sudo lshw -C network ,then connect to the ethernet (if you haven't already) and find guides based on the product line in the command output18:25
youevilmonkeyubottu: I went to that link but i'm not understanding its instructions (this is the first time I've used any form of Linux in 8 years)18:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:25
youevilmonkeyActionparsnip:  I've rebooted a few times now and nothing has changed, is there something i should do before rebooting?18:26
ActionParsnipyouevilmonkey: if its still not showing run: dmesg | less ,and read the boot, see what is going on18:26
youevilmonkeyHow can I copy and paste this to you without actually having it take up all the space here?18:28
tyrantyouevilmonkey, use pastebin.com18:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:29
ActionParsnip!paste | youevilmonkey18:29
ubottuyouevilmonkey: please see above18:29
chrishaumCan anyone please help me get my Ctrl and CapsLock keys working?18:29
adi_hello all18:29
buppa_fbianconi, where can i find open source drivers for Radeon HD 5770?18:29
adi_can i use jmicron webcam in 1004?18:29
Sivikanyone have any success of getting ubuntu to install on a gpt drive?18:30
sllide!paste | sllide18:30
ubottusllide, please see my private message18:30
ActionParsnipAdi_: run: lsusb with the cam attached, websearch for the 8 character hex id for the cam18:30
tyrantadi_, just open cheese and see if it works ?18:30
fbianconibuppa_, they come with ubuntu, but if wou want them updated check https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/drivers-only18:30
blockcoldhello how can i mount jfs file system18:30
blockcoldhow can i put it on grub18:31
youevilmonkeyActionparsnip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/447850/18:31
ActionParsnip!mount | blockcold18:31
ubottublockcold: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:31
blockcoldi lost my grub installing iother distro18:31
blockcoldi lost my grub installing i installing other distro18:32
blockcoldhow to install grub ?18:32
ActionParsnipyouevilmonkey: try: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; dmesg | pastebinit18:32
ActionParsnipyouevilmonkey: what is output?18:32
blockcoldhow to install grub ?18:32
ActionParsnip!grub2 | blockcold18:32
ubottublockcold: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:32
chrishaumCapsLock and Ctrl keys broke several days after 10.04 upgrade. Haven't found working solution anywhere. Any help?18:33
adi_tyrant, omg! it works! > ActionParsnip18:33
DarkSectorblockcold: you need to boot from a live session and repair it by mounting your fs18:34
ActionParsnipchrishaum: if you run xev in terminal. Do the keys make events18:34
KULLYI have a question; i enabled remote desktop on a ubunto 9.10 install and accessed it from a windows PC via realVNC the problem i am having is the res is two high in the remote ubuntu computer how can i get vnc to resize the desktop from ubuntu18:34
youevilmonkeyActionparsnip: I'm not sure I typed that correctly, at least not the second part18:34
ActionParsnipAdi_: I thought tyrant fixed you up ;)18:35
chrishaumActionParsnip: no18:35
adi_ActionParsnip, i tried camorama* and it said there's no /dev/video*18:35
* adi_ is removing the useless thing18:35
youevilmonkeyAction: it's actually saying 0 newly installed, but that can't be right...18:36
buppa_fbianconi, when i had the drivers that came with ubuntu, it said "unsupported hardware" icon in the right corner.18:36
ActionParsnipyouevilmonkey: the dmesg output is quite large. Try: dmesg > $HOME/dmesg.txt; gedit $HOME/dmesg.txt ,pastebin all that18:36
chrishaumActionParsnip: any other suggestion?18:37
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x_Having a Problem on 10.04 where ubuntu knows what all my media keys are ( and displays volume/mute animation ) however no muting or volume activity actually happens.. tried using xbindkeys no luck18:38
youevilmonkeyActionParsnip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/447858/18:38
youevilmonkeyoh no, he left :(18:38
jamil_1Hello, is possible to ssh into localhost as a root user18:39
etteyafedHello, I know this is a busy channel and I would appreciate any help that I can get. Quickie: I can open a VNC (Remote Desktop using 'vinagre") connection to a PC and view an initial screen and cursor, but I get no screen updates after that. Both PC are running Ubuntu 10.04. Are there any ports that need to be opened/forwarded on either side?18:39
Aliv3i have a problem in 10.04 where I can't get into the desktop because it wont let me type in my password18:39
bastidrazorjamil_1: it is possible but a horrible idea18:40
buppa_Anyone know if Ubuntu and ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphic card work well? I have installed the propretary drivers for my graphic card but the CPU usage is very high, espescially when moving around windows or surfing with firefox.18:40
etteyafedjamil_1: Yes, if your ssh configuration has ssh as root option set to 118:40
Aliv3ubuntu wont let me type18:40
youevilmonkeybastridrazor: do you still have an idea of what I should do?18:41
etteyafedjamil_1: But as bastidrazor says it is not a good idea to leave that setup in place for long. IE use as needed only.18:41
Aliv3im using VMWare workstation... everything went perfect until it asked me for a password then it stopped accepting characters18:41
fbianconibuppa_, I see that now, try downloading the drivers directly from ati site18:41
Aliv3need help18:41
Phong_i'm using virtual box: how do i change the resolution ?18:41
jamil_1bastidrazor: ok18:41
Phong_currently i have 800x600: i dont see any other option to choose from.18:41
forceflowPhong_: install guest additions first18:41
forceflowPhong_: after that, you can select more18:41
Phong_what do u meant18:42
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bastidrazoretteyafed: in what situation is that a needed use?18:42
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Phong_forceflow, oh i got ur point18:42
x_Having a Problem on 10.04 where ubuntu knows what all my media keys are ( and displays volume/mute animation ) however no muting or volume activity actually happens.. tried using xbindkeys no luck18:42
Phong_forceflow, ok i am doing it18:42
=== smiter is now known as smiter_
Aliv3click ond devices18:42
Aliv3and go to the bottom where it says install guest additions18:42
Blackcamaro8Hey Channel, if I'm installing on a 32-bit computer, but it's an AMD Sempron processor... Should I be installing the AMD64 version?18:42
youevilmonkeyI have all the info of the PCI driver from the box it came in before i installed it years ago.  I installed ubuntu last night, it was working for a while, then i rebooted after and upgrade and now ubuntu no longer recognizes its existence18:42
Aliv3u have to use the i686 version18:43
Phong_Aliska_, nothing happend18:43
Aliv3it wont be compatable18:43
heff09any 1 here able to help, ive fgrun installed but don know how to open it ?18:43
Phong_Aliv3, i'm using windows18:43
Aliv3I need help18:43
Phong_Aliska_, windows xp18:43
Aliv3a virtual machine right?18:43
Phong_Aliska_, a virtualbox18:43
Blackcamaro8Thanks, Aliv3. Where would I find that? I don't see anything except i386 and AMD64. I understand the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit, Aliv3.18:43
Phong_i got ubuntu to install already..but i need resolution change18:43
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Aliv3it has to be i38618:43
Aliv3its just the resolution18:44
Phong_Aliv3, i think so18:44
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:44
bastidrazorBlackcamaro8: use the i386 iso18:44
Aliv3hm,, shouldn't have worked in the firstplace but18:44
etteyafedbastidrazor: Well I have done it in some situations where I was on a local network or with VMs to do inital (like setup sudo etc) setup but it is usually much better to use SU. On ubuntu 10.04 desktop or server even it is not ever needed.18:44
Phong_yeah i just need resolution change, i only see 800x600 what is what i have18:44
Aliv3go to the Devices tab at the top18:44
Phong_i did18:44
Aliv3and it should drop down18:44
jamil_1I used to connect to my ubuntu box remotely from windows using xming but I don't know what happened that now I get a connection timed out error18:44
Pici!who | Aliv3 Phong_18:44
ubottuAliv3 Phong_: please see above18:44
Aliv3then go to install guest additions18:44
Phong_i did that18:44
Phong_but see nothing install18:44
Aliv3idk then18:45
Phong_Aliv3, i did click "install  guest addition"18:45
Phong_nothing happened18:45
Aliv3go into ubuntu18:45
tyranos_jamil_1, are you connecting to the right ip adress ?18:45
Aliv3and right click desktop18:45
chrishaumDoes anyone have any suggestions on getting Ctrl and CapsLock to work? They don't show on xev.18:46
Picicsxdfcsdfcsd: Stop that.18:46
Phong_yeah then?18:46
Aliv3holld up18:46
Aliv3im trying to find it for you18:46
tyranos_chrishaum, do you have a mac keyboard ?18:46
raptor500is this the right channel for asking for help with installing a new linux kernel on Ubuntu 10.04?18:46
x_Having a Problem on 10.04 where ubuntu knows what all my media keys are ( and displays volume/mute animation ) however no muting or volume activity actually happens.. tried using xbindkeys no luck18:46
Phong_Aliv3, i'm using ubuntu 10.0418:46
Phong_what ever the lastest is18:47
chrishaumtyranos_: no, Logitech18:47
etteyafedcsxdfcsdfcsd: that is rude and this is a real channel for real wordds. please consider others.18:47
youevilmonkeyon this site, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx it gives a broken link to the restricted repository, does anyone have a working link for it?18:47
Aliv3im not sure18:47
Phong_plsu yjrm18:47
Phong_okay then18:47
chrishaumtyranos_: It was only a few days after I upgraded to 10.04 that the problem appeared18:47
Aliv3i just got ubuntu too18:47
Aliv3if i figure it out ill tell you18:47
tyranos_chrishaum, did you try system-> preferences -> keyboard ?18:47
tyranos_kick him again18:48
FlomasterI am a Ubuntu Noob looking for some halp18:48
etteyafedi hope an OP boots you for that garbage18:48
chrishaumtyranos_: I have changed system > preferences > keyboard to the standart US kb, and to the Logitech kb.  No bueno.18:48
Aliv3what was your problem?18:49
jamil_1tyranos_: my bad, I didn't realise that ip address of linux machine had changed :)18:49
Aliv3not typing?18:49
gerardheffernan_how do i open fgrun in ubuntu ?18:49
etteyafedFlomaster: Feel free to pm me this chan is pretty hard to follow on my screen atm. If i cant help you ill tell you straight awey.18:49
tyranos_try googling ubuntu and your exact keyboard name18:49
Aliv3i dont think it works with VMWare18:49
kkszysiuVanDyke, hello18:49
Aliv3i had the same thing18:49
Piciyouevilmonkey: refresh and look again.18:49
Flomasteretteyafed: thanks Pm forthcoming18:49
scottsFlomaster: Please state your question18:49
youevilmonkeypici: thanks18:49
tyranos_chrishaum, try googling ubuntu and your exact keyboard name18:49
kkszysiuVanDyke, whats your libgwibber branch? Its something new to handle Gwibber modules etc? Or just helper to Gwibber API?18:50
lunganHaving som trouble with sounddricers. If I start firefox and youtube before Spotify my sound in youtube etc works but not my Spotify. And if I start Spotify before I start Firefox my sound in Firefox doesn't work?18:50
Aliv3all the keyboards are dvorak18:50
tyranos_jamil_1, it happens if you re using a dhcp server on your router for examples, some routers allow you to bind ip adresses to mac adresses, or you can just use static ip adresses18:50
Aliv3there are no qwerty options!!!18:51
Aliv3-shanks ubuntu-18:51
Aliv3i fixed ubuntu18:51
Aliv3is out18:51
FloodBot2Aliv3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
x_Having a Problem on 10.04 where ubuntu knows what all my media keys are ( and displays volume/mute animation ) however no muting or volume activity actually happens.. tried using xbindkeys no luck18:52
PiciAliv3: No, 10.05 does not exist.18:52
chrishaumtyranos_: did that. nada.18:52
Aliv3i just made a 10.05 by shanking it18:52
PiciAliv3: Excuse me?18:52
Aliv3thanks for ubuntu18:52
tyranos_chrishaum, ok give me your keyboard name etc18:52
FoolishOwlWhat's the configuration file for the placement of panel items in Gnome?18:53
ubottufoolishOwl: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:53
amigravehow could I make the following key stroke "Win + Down" produce the PageDown keycode ?18:53
chrishaumtyranos_: Logitech Deluxe 250 Keyboard. Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit. HP TX2500Z.18:53
Aliv3i dont see a qwerty option for usa18:53
Aliv3@chrishaum are you using VirtualBox or VMWare Workstation?18:55
pgpkeysI have a kcrash report created when amarok died (actually after it died several times and I finally just saved a report of it) what application do I use to submit it?18:55
chrishaumAliv3: No18:55
chrishaumWell, yes, actually18:55
chrishaumIt's not currently running, though18:55
Aliv3whats the keyboard problem then?18:56
chrishaumCtrl keys and Caps Lock do not work.18:56
chrishaumThey don't show on xev, either.18:56
scottsamigrave: control center -> keyboard short cuts18:56
youevilmonkeyCould someone please help me get my Wireless PCI adapter to work once again?18:56
davidov009Is there a program or series of pictures I can download to use to calibrate my display colors? such as: brightness, gamma, digital vibrance, etc...?18:56
youevilmonkeyI have info on the hardware and i even have a CD that came with it (although it technically only supports Windows)18:56
Aliv3@youevilmonkey VBox or VMWare?18:56
raptor500I am trying to install a newer kernel on my Ubuntu 10.04 machine but it quits on me with this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/447868/18:57
raptor500Any ideas?18:57
youevilmonkeyaliv: what's the difference..?18:57
xanguaraptor500: try with the deb of precompiled kernerl http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/18:57
Aliv3Are you using a virtual machine?18:57
youevilmonkeyaliv: i don't believe so18:57
Aliv3oh nevermind then18:57
raptor500!xangua: thanks, I will look into that18:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:58
youevilmonkeyaliv: but i'm not even sure what you mean by that18:58
godzirrahowdy folks.18:58
Aliv3its a program to run operating systems inside your computer18:58
Aliv3so you could do ex: run ubuntu on windows18:58
godzirraI installed Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud edition and it didn't give me the information to log into the UEC when I installed.  How do I login?18:58
youevilmonkeyoh no, ubuntu is the only operating system on this computer now.18:58
chrishaumAliv3: Could some aspect of my Virtualbox config be the issue?18:59
Aliv3@chrishaum it might,but im not sure18:59
davidov009Anybody know if there is a program or series of pictures I can download that I can use to calibrate my display colors? Gamma, brightness, etc?18:59
raptor500xangua: do you install the linux-headers or the linux-image first? does it matter?18:59
chrishaumCan anyone tell me if there is a better IRC channel for me to go to get help with my keyboard issue?  Thanks!19:00
Aliv3no not really19:00
Aliv3try saying /msg <user> <text>19:00
Picigodzirra: I suggest asking in #ubuntu-server, they are more UEC knowledgable19:00
godzirraThank you Pici19:00
bastidrazoretteyafed: setting up sudo? su is also a bad idea.. sudo -i is the proper way to get a root terminal session19:01
Aliv3whats uec?19:01
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PiciAliv3: Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud19:01
youevilmonkeyI'm trying to follow the directions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx but i'm using ubuntu 6.06 and some of this isn't right (i don't see "Hardware Drivers" in the list)19:01
Aliv3I have a question19:01
tyranos_chrishaum, i looked into it but google didnt give me any results, and no i dont think there is a better channel19:01
scottschrishaum" Tis is probably best place .. (1) need to be patient..(2) may need too wait till another time when different people are on.19:01
Aliv3if ubuntu is free how do you make money?19:01
nacitarIn the repo i see both a "mingw32" package as well as a "gcc-mingw32" package, and i can't install both... what's the diff?19:01
oCean_Aliv3: this is only tech support19:02
etteyafedbastidrazor: That is opinion. I know people that think sudo is insecure. It really depends on the system in question, its purpose and who needs access.19:02
Jordan_Uyouevilmonkey: Is there a reason you haven't upgraded to 8.04 (or even 10.04) yet?19:02
oCean_Aliv3: this channel, that is. Other issues and social chat in #ubuntu-offtopic19:02
acerimmerAliv3: google opensource business model.  off=topic19:02
youevilmonkeyYes, until yesterday I was using windows but had some lame trojan that was impeding with my internet connection.  I had had a disc for ubuntu 6.06 lying around for the last 4 years and it was really my only option19:02
tyranos_youevilmonkey, download ubuntu  10.04 and burn it and see if your card works there ?19:03
Jordan_Uyouevilmonkey: Can you connect via ethernet long enough to download a 10.04 CD?19:03
oCean_youevilmonkey: you are on 6.06 currently?19:04
tyranos_youevilmonkey, if it works on 10.04 livecd then you should install it :)19:04
youevilmonkeytyranos- my internet is incredibly slow and I don't believe i have any blank CD's large enough for that.  I have blank DVD's but I don't think I can write to them19:04
tyranos_youevilmonkey, you can burn it to a dvd19:04
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jarlgIs there a way to mount my raid setup on the ubuntu Live CD?19:05
youevilmonkeyI am still on 6.06 currently and I do not have access to a disc with a newer version19:05
youevilmonkeytyranos i don't think this machine has the power to write to DvD19:05
nacitarubuntu 10.04 fits on a blank cd19:05
nacitarblank cds don't really vary in size, so.... burn it.19:05
Aliv3get it off the internet at ubuntu.com19:05
oCean_youevilmonkey: ok. 6.06 desktop was eol july last year.19:05
youevilmonkeyI am aware of that, but it appears Ubuntu no longer sends free discs like they did 4 years ago19:06
Aliv3i still havent solved my problem19:06
Jordan_Uyouevilmonkey: Yes they do.19:06
acerimmerAliv3: contact your local ubuntu local community - they probably have cd's19:06
Jordan_Uyouevilmonkey: To get 6.06 up to date (without even upgrading to a newer version like 8.04) will take more bandwidth than just downloading 10.04.19:06
ubutomyouevilmonkey, https://shipit.ubuntu.com/19:06
darksiferhi i am using deluge 1.2.3 on lucid 64 bit. Everything was working amazingly well for 2 month. now i get no incoming connection. all these time uPNP was enabled in deluge and on my router netgear dg834g. btw i get the same problem with transmission.i googled but didnt find the answer. can someone help me19:06
youevilmonkeythat link requires me to donate19:07
tyranos_darksifer, you can start transmission and in the options u can check if ports are open19:07
ubutomno, it does not, it's only a suggestion, register and then you'll see youevilmonkey19:08
tyranos_youevilmonkey, do you have friend with a faster inet connection ? or someone that could burn you a newer version ?19:09
darksifer@tyranos_: transmission says port closed19:09
youevilmonkeytyranos, yeah I guess a few, they're just all at work now and I'm somewhat impatient with this since it just spontaneously stopped working19:10
youevilmonkeyI don't think it's the the old version that is the problem19:10
ubutomyouevilmonkey, shipit takes a few *weeks*19:10
Aliv3that sucks19:10
Appetitegparted won't let me selected to format as NTFS, am i missing a package?19:10
youevilmonkeybecause the wireless card worked initially when i first installed 6.06.  I had downloaded a bunch of software updates and it asked for a reboot. It was only after that reboot that the wireless adapter no longer worked19:10
bastidrazordarksifer: http://portforward.com/19:11
darksiferi tried almost all  solutions that are available in goole and in forum stil no results19:11
acerimmeryouevilmonkey: find you ubuntu local community19:11
lunganHaving som trouble with sounddricers. If I start firefox and youtube before Spotify my sound in youtube etc works but not my Spotify. And if I start Spotify before I start Firefox my sound in Firefox doesn't work?19:11
tyranos_youevilmonkey, newer ubuntu versions ship newer drivers for many devices and you have like a 4 years old version of ubuntu, i bet there are hundreds of new or improved drivers than in 6.0619:11
darksifer@bastidrazor: yes already tried that19:11
Jordan_Uyouevilmonkey: Sorry, didn't realize because I still had the option (apparently because I'm a "contributor").19:11
youevilmonkeyBut this wireless card is about 3 years old as well19:11
Jordan_Uyouevilmonkey: Where do you live? You can probably get a free CD from a local LUG.19:12
shootasI have problem installing java on 10.04. can some one pleas help a noob? Please send me a msg if u think u can help with this19:12
youevilmonkeytyranos- i'll try it, but it will probably take about 2 days to finish the installations19:12
darksiferApparently i dont get this problem when i install a  fresh copy of ubuntu everytime. but the solution is not so good. lol19:12
youevilmonkeyJordan_U- Riverside, California19:12
Appetitegparted won't let me selected to format as NTFS, am i missing a package?19:12
oCean_youevilmonkey: anyway, 6.06 is no longer supported.19:12
tyranos_Appetite, are you using a livecd ?19:12
Jordan_Uyouevilmonkey: Then there's definitely a LUG near you that you can get a CD from.19:13
davidov009Is there a better chat room that I should go to for nvidia graphics cards?19:13
Appetitetyranos_: no, i'm reformating a usb flash drive19:13
acerimmeryouevilmonkey: http://www.lalugs.org/19:13
tyranos_Appetite, than unmout it first from nautilus19:13
tyranos_Appetite, if that doesnt work you may have to install ntfs-3g19:13
Appetitetyranos_: it's showing me the abliity to format as ext3, etc, but just not ntfs, xfs, nfs19:13
oCean_davidov009: well, you haven't stated your issue here, yet. So try this channel (if it is ubuntu related), and find out.19:14
Piciyouevilmonkey, acerimmer: Actually Ubuntu's California LoCo team is quite active, they can be found in #ubuntu-us-ca19:14
youevilmonkeyacerimmer - do you know if there's one in Riverside county anywhere?19:14
darksifer@Appetite: you need to install ntfsprogs from synaptics19:14
acerimmeryouevilmonkey: googlefu that link19:14
Appetitethanks darksifer, i'll try that19:14
davidov009oCean, i was just wondering if it was normal for an Nvidia Geforce 8600M GT to be running at or in excess of 60 celsius.19:15
Phong_do i have to run:  sudo sh VBoxlinuxAdditions-x86.run myself to work?19:15
davidov009Even on idle, with solid black as desktop background.19:15
nacitarPhong_: if autorun doesn't pick it up on its own, that works just fine19:15
Piciyouevilmonkey: did you see my response?19:15
ubutomdavidov009, my hd3870 runs sometimes at 100 celsius19:15
oCean_davidov009: you might try ##hardware on that issue19:16
PhoenixSTFGuys have a big problem instaling ACL850 realtek soundcar on Ubuntu 10.04, Thanks in advance!19:16
manowar3Phong_, i think you need to run it from inside the virtual box' linux19:16
tyranos_davidov009, mine is running at 77 right now19:16
nacitarmanowar3: I pray that he knew that part ;)19:16
davidov009Okay. Anyone know the max safe temp rating on those things?19:17
=== tyranos_ is now known as tyranos
ubutomdavidov009, google should know that19:17
nacitardavidov009: that's something the manual/specification for the hardware would tell you19:17
delacI use "indicator applet session" to switch users. There is a timeout for how long until it ask password again. How do I change this timeout?19:17
tyranoschrishaum, try joining ##hardware19:18
oCean_!google | ubutom19:18
ubottuubutom: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.19:18
tyler_dtrying to get a bluetooth adapter to work(F8T001) on ubuntu 10.04... ?19:18
shootasis there a norwegian ubuntu channel?19:18
nacitardavidov009: there's not a general answer anyway, some hardware operates in different temperature ranges than others.19:18
Pici!no | shootas19:18
ubottushootas: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!19:18
DaekdroomHello, I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and earlier today I got a complete system lock up and had to force a reboot. Now when I try to boot up I get a EXT4-fs error related to /proc and a Kernel panic caused by an I/O error. Is there any way to recover my system other than reinstalling?19:19
Phong_manowar3, it works like a charm did u know that?19:19
buppa_Anyone know if Ubuntu and ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphic card work well? I have installed the propretary drivers for my graphic card but the CPU usage is very high, espescially when moving around windows or surfing with firefox.19:19
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=== divinity is now known as zela
Phong_nacitar, works like a charm19:20
LucidGuyOk ssh scenario.  Want to creat an account that can ssh in but NOT have access to the local mounted NFS directories.  Any ideas?  Chroot of some sort?19:20
ubutomoCean_, I am sure there are sithes out there that know the maximum temperature a gpu could and should have, especially hardware reviews, so why can't I tell to use google?19:20
oCean_ubutom: because that is not why people come here. They know about google.19:20
lunganHaving som trouble with sounddricers. If I start firefox and youtube before Spotify my sound in youtube etc works but not my Spotify. And if I start Spotify before I start Firefox my sound in Firefox doesn't work?19:21
joeubuntucan anyone help me i am trying to flash my bios using freedos but i have no floppy don't want lectures the disks are not sold here anymore nobody carries them19:21
davidov009nacitar, just trying to get an idea on typical temperatures that they run at. I know 100 celsius is critical temp for a lot of hardware.19:21
ubutomIt was in a conversation oCean_ , to tell to look in the instructions should have been bad then also, or what?19:21
jamil_1from KPackageKit when I do the software update -> refresh I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/KeAYbzEc19:21
joeubuntui installed freedos on a cd and it works and my bios update file is on there but i don't see it from freedos19:22
Slartjoeubuntu: it might not be possible.. not all bios-flashing software runs in dos..19:22
ubutomdavidov009, for a GPU 90 Celsius can be a normal temperature as well under heavy load19:22
Picidavidov009: Thats not something that is on-topic for #ubuntu, no would we be expected knowledgable about, ##hardware has already been suggested to you.19:22
oCean_ubutom: no, the instructions is a good suggestion. We ask helpers not to suggest "go search google"19:22
scottsaekdroom: I had that happen once and when I rebooted it went through and did a disj check and reciver.  You can force the check but I need to remember how.19:22
miniuserjoeubuntu, does your bios support USB-booting? you can make a bootable USB with freedos and the required flashing program and files ...19:22
joeubuntui have a gigabyte board19:23
joeubuntuyes it does but no usb drive19:23
miniuserjoeubuntu, well you need to look in the BIOS-menu .. to see if there's a option for botting of USB ... or in the manual of the mainbaord19:23
joeubuntuwhy doesn't freedos see the file on the cd19:23
joeubuntuthere is but i do not have a usb flash drive19:24
ubutomoCean_, I think you are projecting some bad intentions into me, so you are right, I will not tell to use Google, my bad19:24
delacI use "indicator applet session" to switch users. There is a timeout for how long until it ask password again. How do I change this timeout?19:25
joeubuntumy problem is no matter what i put freedos on it will not see the file19:25
joeubuntuif it does not read it on the cd it won't on flash or anything else19:25
joeubuntufreedos is useless if it does not read anything but its own files19:26
YerushalmiWhere can I get a plugin for "Microsoft Media Server (MMS) protocol source"19:26
Jordan_Ujoeubuntu: This channel is for Ubuntu support, try #freedos on irc.i7c.org19:27
DaekdroomHello, I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and earlier today I got a complete system lock up and had to force a reboot. Now when I try to boot up I get a EXT4-fs error related to /proc and a Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!. Is there any way to recover my system other than reinstalling?19:27
airtonixi'm having some problems dealing with linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic, it wants to install whenever i try to install something else but it fails.19:27
Jordan_Ujoeubuntu: Or, http://flashrom.org/Flashrom19:27
joeubuntui will but since i did the whole thing in ubuntu 10.04 i thought you could help19:28
poincare101Daekdroom: oh god. Every other question on here is about ext4 dying.19:28
poincare101I have very good question (IMHO). How do you get ext3 back again on ubuntu 10.04?!19:28
scottsOcean_: Many people (not you of course) come here or other help chats and never evven tr to search or do not search effectively.  Sorry, but please be understanding too.  no one here gets paid, we are all volunteering information.19:28
FunnyLookinHatIs there a way to show my entire bash history instead of up-arrowing through it?  i.e. is there a file I can just grep or something ?19:28
Picipoincare101: I haven't seen an ext4 question for over 2 hours and that was about the capabilities of that filesystem.19:28
joeubuntuuseless os you cannot even maintain your own hardware from it i should have stuck with windows19:28
manowar3FunnyLookinHat, i think it's ~/.bash_history19:28
manowar3FunnyLookinHat, also check the command `history`19:29
FunnyLookinHatmanowar3: ah cool - thanks!19:29
MrWisemy computer just stops instead of booting up the ubuntu install from my USB key19:30
MrWisesup with that eh? ;_;19:30
tyranosDaekdroom, that looks really bad, try using a livecd and mount your partition and do a fsck -a19:30
YerushalmiReasking my question not out of impatience but so as I can input more information: Where can I get a Firefox plugin for "Microsoft Media Server (MMS) protocol source" and/or "MMSH protocol source"? The automatic searches in Firefox aren't finding anything. I'm willing to install another browser if I have to (Chrome?).19:30
poincare101MrWise: have you selected SCSI (or similar) on your bios?19:30
Daekdroomtyranos, well, I'm on the liveCD already and it mounted.. so...is there any danger to my other partitions? I don't mind screwing up this specific one, but spending a whole day reinstalling it..19:30
MrWisepoincare101; what do you mean?19:30
manowar3Yerushalmi, is it something related to mako and other israeli news websites or smt?19:31
llutzYerushalmi: isn't mms handled by mplayer-plugin?19:31
mkhaderi need some help for built in webcam driver19:31
poincare101MrWise: Boot device. did you select it properly? (yes, I have screwed that up before)19:31
mkhadermy laptop is lenovo19:31
Yerushalmimanowar3: Wow, how'd you guess? Yeah, I want to watch the World Cup matches on channel 1's site.19:31
Phong_why are you guys know so much about linux19:32
FunnyLookinHatmanowar3: Yeah - it was in ~/.bash_history - but you could also do something like history > log.txt and get it that way19:32
Phong_i start to learn alot about ubuntu now19:32
MrWisepoincare101; yeah the usb is listed as a harddrive, and I put it above the actual harddrive in boot priority19:32
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manowar3FunnyLookinHat, good to know19:32
Yerushalmillutz: No idea. I'm quite new to Ubuntu.19:32
oCean_scotts: I fully agree - that's why we rather have helpers learning others how to effectively use Google then just say "google should know". (..learn a man to fish... et cetera)19:32
Phong_manowar3, u're good right?19:32
poincare101MrWise: On my computer (laptop), the flash drive was actually listed as another hard drive. Go ahead and check that.19:32
tyranosDaekdroom, well if you dont want to lose your data try backing  up first the other partition that are not affected and then do the fsck -a /dev/sdX#19:32
manowar3Yerushalmi, you should've checked the israeli forums or israeli irc channel :)19:32
MrWisepoincare101; that's what I just said19:32
manowar3Yerushalmi, i'll search specific posts for you just a minute19:32
mkhaderany one can help me19:32
Phong_manowar3, for some reason i found that vmware works better then virtualbox19:33
Phong_manowar3, faster then virtualbox19:33
manowar3Phong_,  they are two differnet software19:33
Yerushalmimanowar3: Heh, thanks - I didn't think that this was a specific problem for here, I thought it was a general I-need-to-install-what-everyone-else-probably-already-has.19:33
poincare101Phong_: the ubuntu pocket guide (google it) is very nice to get you started.19:33
Phong_poincare101, good advise19:33
mkhaderany body can help please19:34
Yerushalmimanowar3: And if I ask on the "ubuntu people from everywhere" channel I'm more likely to find someone who knows the answer. :)19:34
scottsaekdroom: was the machine accidentally powered off prior to this problem?  That is what happened with me.  And what tyronus suggested should work.19:34
ubottuOer, please see my private message19:34
poincare101MrWise: sorry :) hmm.... can you boot from a CD? is your usb port working?19:34
Daekdroomtyranos, should I really have it mounted? fsck says it's dangerous19:34
MrWiseI don't have any CD to boot from around here, the USB port is working I can see the contents of the USB in windows, poincare10119:34
ubottuphong_, please see my private message19:34
spezticlewhat kind of link does ln -s /file /path/file make? and would a proper symbolic link be ln -sf /target /path/destination ? i can't tell the difference?19:35
Jordan_UDaekdroom: Unmount before running fsck19:35
manowar3Yerushalmi, i think it's because most israeli websites just use microsoft-friendly formats19:35
poincare101MrWise: ooh. does it directly jump to your harddrive when you boot or does it do something weird like a system crash?19:35
llutzspezticle: symbolic links, both. -sf means just "force". read "man ln"19:35
DaekdroomJordan_U, hmm, k. Should I answer y to all questions?19:35
Yerushalmimanowar3: Indeed they do, the bastards :p19:36
tyranosDaekdroom, you first mount the partitions u want to backup and then mount the faulty one19:36
Phong_wow acerimmer19:36
wal3hello. when I use my usb headset under ubuntu I cannot regulate the volume. when I go under 100% sound is completly off. whats wrong?19:36
Jordan_UDaekdroom: Yes.19:36
acerimmerPhong_: ?19:36
Phong_acerimmer, u're good at giving that advise19:36
mkhaderhello room19:36
tyranosDaekdroom, if your data is on the same partition you have no other choice19:36
mkhaderi need support for linux19:36
acerimmermkhader: ask19:36
spezticlellutz: i did read it i was using that exact command but it wasn't making symbolic links. modification to /source didn't reflect changes in /path19:37
poincare101mkhader: please don't use enter as punction.19:37
MrWisepoincare101; system crash I believe, just as I would assume it to boot from the USB, the boot text just jumps a row and it stays like that, and is unaffected ctrl alt del19:37
Pici!ask | mkhader19:37
ubottumkhader: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:37
manowar3Yerushalmi, did you install the greasemonkey addon on firefox?19:37
poincare101MrWise: hmmm... how did you create this boot disk? did you dd' it or actual used the program inside ubuntu?19:37
MrWisepoincare101; I created it as the instructions on ubuntu.com where you download the iso19:38
llutzspezticle: what kind of modification?19:38
poincare101MrWise: ah.19:38
mkhaderacerimmer, i need to install webcam driver for my laptop lenovo 3000 n10019:38
MrWiseit's also x86 so I'm not trying to isntall x64 on x86 or anything like that19:38
Yerushalmimanowar3: Never heard of it, but I'll be glad to do so19:38
poincare101MrWise: so, you have an ubuntu system already up and running?19:38
DaekdroomDone. Will try boot it up19:38
MrWisepoincare101; nope, windows19:38
Jordan_Uwal3: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/decibel-data.html19:38
poincare101MrWise: did you use Unetbootin?19:38
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manowar3Yerushalmi, basically you install greasemonkey, and then you add scripts to it, adn if fixes all kinds of things on different sites19:39
manowar3Yerushalmi, this is the script that suppose to help with mako http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/3620719:39
remanifestAny e17 users here?  I'm wanting for EFM to simply "follow" into folders instead of opening up each new folder as its own window19:39
wal3Jordan_U: thx. i'll try19:39
manowar3Yerushalmi, i didn't try it myself so ....19:39
Jordan_Uwal3: You're welcome19:39
MrWisepoincare101; Universal USB Installer, that's the program ubuntu.com lists to use19:39
Phong_manowar3, i think virtualbox is sux...i'm going to back to vmware..it's the best19:39
buppa_Anyone know if Ubuntu and ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphic card work well? I have installed the propretary drivers for my graphic card but the CPU usage is very high, espescially when moving around windows or surfing with firefox.19:40
Yerushalmimanowar3: Interesting. I'll check it out. Although I also need one for Mabat, I'll look around for it. thanks!19:40
poincare101MrWise: ah.19:40
spezticlellutz: it's apache stuff /etc/apache2/sites-enabled to /etc/apache2/sites-available , when i do the command and edit /sites-enabled files and go back to /sites-available, the available file is original, where enabled file has the modifications19:41
poincare101MrWise: try it again, if it doesn't work, try using Unetbootin, I have done it successfully with that program.19:41
Phong_what is meant by Host +F  in virtual box19:41
Phong_what is Host key?19:41
MrWisepoincare101; I would bet that this USB would boot on any other machine though19:41
liebright shift19:41
nacitarisn't there a gnome launcher that you can call like "<progname> myapp arg arg arg" that runs the app outside the shell?19:41
MrWiseis there any way to install ubuntu from windows?19:41
liebis the default host key for vbox19:41
Phong_right shift + F = host + F?19:41
dotblankPhong_, or control19:41
nacitaras if i hit alt-f2 and typed the command there.19:41
liebPhong_ yes19:41
manowar3Phong_, you can change that key to other key if you want19:42
dartthow to disable ip6 in lucid?19:42
spezticlellutz: which tells me i'm not making the symbolic link correctly because it's not linked to the orig file it's making a new file19:42
llutzspezticle: then you did the command wrong and haven't created a link. "ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled"19:42
liebPhong_ you can change it, but I believe that by default it's right control; (not shift as I said) but not sure, try both19:42
Yerushalmimanowar3: That was an unintentional quit, had to restart firefox to finish installing Greasemonkey. Thanks for the help!19:42
spezticlellutz: ah, ls not ln? that would be why lol19:42
erUSULnacitar: alt + f219:43
llutzspezticle: nope, paste the output of that command please19:43
manowar3Yerushalmi, so it works?19:43
YerushalmiTesting now.19:43
nacitarerUSUL: yes, but to do that from the command line?19:43
bastidrazordartt: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="ipv6.disable=1"   .. i added this to /etc/default/grub then did a sudo update-grub  and rebooted19:43
nacitarerUSUL: i want the command line equivalent of alt+f2 & typing program info & pressing enter.19:43
llutzspezticle: to create the links, use "sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/site1  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/"19:43
goruka2hi guys! question i accidentally removed the battery applet, and i have no idea where it is to add it again!! (right click on panel and add applet doesnt list it)19:43
mkhaderhello, any one can help me to install missing drivers on my laptop ????19:44
MrWiseanyone know if I can install ubuntu from windows somehow like for example... copying the install files to the root and making a boot entry for it? :P19:44
erUSULnacitar: do not see the point of that; why is that you want to avoid by using a program like that?19:44
spezticlellutz: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 2010-06-10 05:03 000-default -> ../sites-available/default19:44
darttoops its a bit risky19:44
poincare101mkhader: graphic card drivers?19:44
unopllutz, spezticle - there's already a util called a2ensite to do this for you "safely"19:44
bastidrazordartt: eh?19:44
poincare101mkhader: do you have to get the propertery ones? Can't you go with xvesa?19:44
dartterm editing grub19:44
mkhaderall drivers19:45
goruka2where on earth is the battery applet? :(19:45
mkhaderwhat is xvesa19:45
nacitarerUSUL: I'm using ssh -X foo@bar "gnome-terminal", but the ssh instance isn't terminating after I close the gnome terminal, trying to figure out why.19:45
poincare101mkhader: all drivers? There's a billion things in the world and most of them have drivers, what are you talking about?!19:45
mkhaderpoincare101: what is xvesa19:45
lieb I think <mkhader> needs webcam drivers19:45
llutzunop: thx for the hint, i don't run any apache19:45
mkhaderpoincare101: webcam and card reader19:46
mkhaderlied: yes19:46
mkhaderlieb: yes19:46
strange_cathectI currently run Karmic, but when I try to do an update for the upgrade to 10.02, I can't get the upgrade button to appear. I have the upgrade utility set to offer upgrades. But no dice.19:46
erUSULnacitar: not enough ssh-fu in me ... try  #ssh or #openssh19:47
mkhaderlieb: do u have any idea about it?19:47
buppa_Anyone know if Ubuntu and ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphic card work well? I have installed the propretary drivers for my graphic card but the CPU usage is very high, espescially when moving around windows or surfing with firefox.19:47
darttu installed within windows?19:48
spezticlellutz: unop: thanks :)19:48
MrWiseThis Wubi how does it work exactly? does it need a new partition or harddrive? or does it just install it on this ntsf partition where I have windows19:48
llutzspezticle: but anyways, any change to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default  will apply to   ../sites-available/default  too(its the same file)19:48
liebmkhader : nah I wish I could help you, but even I was never able to install webcam drivers for my old intel webcam, and also playstation 2 controller to usb controller as well,19:48
poincare101MrWise: installs right inside windows. sorta weird with the filesystem though. IMHO, virtual box works better.19:48
scottsgoruka: gnome-applets19:49
mkhaderlieb: no solution ?19:49
mkhaderpoincare101: r u there ?19:49
MrWisepoincare101; couldnt I install it through wubi then convert the filesystem and remove windows?19:49
spezticlellutz: yeah, i know that part, i'm backtracking now to figure out how i did it to make them individual files. i missed proper syntax somewhere19:49
poincare101MrWise: no.19:50
liebmkhader : I haven't found any for mine yet, I don't carfe about my webcam, but i'd really like my ps2 controller to work though19:50
poincare101MrWise: just making a CD would be very simple and easy.19:50
poincare101MrWise: or, you could try doing the flash drive with Unetbootin but that might be a waste of time if there's a hardware problem with your computer19:50
mkhaderlieb: thank u so much19:50
llutzspezticle: but " lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 2010-06-10 05:03 000-default -> ../sites-available/default" is a correct symlink19:50
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Jordan_UMrWise: You can convert a wubi install to a regular one, but you'd need a liveCD to be able to do the conversion anyway19:51
liebmkhader : Just ask your question again at some other time, i'm sure someone wil help you19:51
mkhaderlieb: sure lieb thank you19:51
SeitoHi! Can anyone help with the probelm? I have a hdd with encrypted with ecryptfs partition. I attached the drive to a desktop PC (originally it was used with a laptop). username and password is the same on both laptop and the PC, but when I try to mount encrypted partition it fails. The output is here http://pastebin.ca/188058319:52
mkhaderany one can help me to update my drivers19:52
MrThomHello, I am looking for program like QIP Infium for linux. I want mainly ICQ,Jabber, Google talk/mail,  and facebook and irc. Please advise me some program. Thx ...19:52
webBuilderhello to everyone I am having problem in installing java 6 on Ubuntu 10.4 is there anyone who can tell me what need to be done19:52
webBuilderthank you19:52
poincare101webBuilder: do you want the properitery version or the open source?19:53
spezticlellutz: i'm thinking then i DID do the command right, i made the error by pointing to a wrong file and naming the files wrong19:53
mkhadermrthom: u can use pidgin19:53
SeitowebBuilder: enable partner repo and the run "aptitude update"19:53
MrWisepoincare101; how do I create an install CD with unetbootin19:53
junglihello how can install software via yast19:54
webBuilderpoincare101, I am not looking for open java some application wont work for me on that19:54
MrThommkhader: will pidgin notify me when email to gmail has come ?19:54
MrWisepoincare101, do I just choose the Disc image option and select the iso manually?19:54
spezticlellutz: thanks again though i got it working right now19:54
webBuilderseito, I'll try your suggestion19:54
llutzspezticle: so remove the link and use that command mentioned by unop19:54
strange_cathectCan anyone help me solve up upgrade issue? I am not getting the upgrade button to appear in the update manager.19:54
poincare101MrWise: in what? Virtual Box?19:54
prodcutnewssomone suggest some better sites for free ebooks to download on oracle,  unix shell programming19:54
MrWisepoincare101; unetbootin19:54
poincare101MrWise: yes, try it that way first.19:55
a3istanyone know how to pass a parameter for screen dimensions when launching a gnome-session from the command line, like with x-forwarding?  -screen and -geometry don't do it19:55
poincare101MrWise: if it doesn't work, try using the included version in Unetbootin19:55
unopprodcutnews, please don't ask for that here, it's off topic19:55
webBuilderSeito, is not working your suggestion either19:55
mkhadermrthom: i think yes19:55
Seitodid you update packages?19:55
MrThommkhader: ok, thats good, thx19:56
mkhadermrthom: ut welcome19:56
Flomasteranyone know how to customize an IR remote to work and do certain things , my play button doesn19:57
Flomastert play when I am using XBMC19:57
Flomasteror I want a button on the remote to act like I am pressing the "C" button the keyboard19:57
Phong_i'm aware that vmware 7 has problem with ubuntu kernel19:58
Phong_saira, amigo19:58
mkhaderi have installed amsn for msn messenger any idea about same application for yahoo messenger19:58
frallzoris it possible to "fix" input/event for a usb unit?19:58
frallzorso that it cant change19:58
glorious_I'm trying to connect from tsclient on 10.04 to a Vista machine. I get error "Autoselected keyboard map en-us, ERROR: [other computer's IP address] unable to connect.  Can anyone help?19:58
buppa_Anyone know if Ubuntu and ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphic card work well? I have installed the propretary drivers for my graphic card but the CPU usage is very high, espescially when moving around windows or surfing with firefox.19:58
garyliebermanInstalled Ubuntu successfully. When I boot, I get a purple screen and a working mouse. After a couple of seconds, I hear a few bongo drum noises (I assume this is normal). It gives me menu options when I shut down, and I can access the prompts from pressing any of the CTRL+ALT+Fx buttons. There is no panel of any sort though, and ALT F2 doesn't work. Help?19:59
Phong_question: i'm use to minimize, maximize, and close button on the right top side of a window...why does ubuntu 10 switch them to the left side?19:59
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d619:59
Phong_is there anyway to make it on the top rightside?19:59
SlartPhong_: see ubottu comment above19:59
jugglerbry evening all is anyone able to help with an issue i'm having with running Ubuntu 10.4 in a virtual machine ?19:59
poincare101Phong_: wow.20:00
Phong_poincare101, what?20:00
Slartjugglerbry: just describe your issue, if someone knows they might answer20:00
PC_Muzehey all20:00
poincare101Phong_: nothing..20:00
prodcutnewsnow i could do ubuntu 9.04 USB booting where ever i go, but i do also have winxp.vdi ( guest os winxp image file too on my usb drive) ...should i carry virtualbox  setup file and install everytime and go with winxp  or  it do lack loading of vbox kernel module now, how can i later on load them after booting or how can i integrate it with bootable usb image, so that i should not setup/install virtualbox all the time20:00
jugglerbryissue is as follows.....have installed ubuntu in VM and rebooted ok.  screensaver kicked in and locked screen.  i was unable to type in the password, so turned the VM off.  restarted it, but now it won't boot, getting error "Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount fs on unknown-block(0,0)20:00
jugglerbryfirst time i've really had issues with it.  9.10 worked with several different os's running, but now.....have tried VMachine from both the software centre, AND downloaded from the website20:00
PC_Muzejugglerbry: kernal panic = not good20:01
PC_MuzeJugglerbry: try booting into a different kernal?20:01
glorious_I'm trying to connect from tsclient on 10.04 to a Vista machine. I get error "Autoselected keyboard map en-us, ERROR: [other computer's IP address] unable to connect.  Can anyone help?20:01
sebsebsebbuppa_: ATI tends to suck with Ubuntu,  might work better with other distros, but I think its mainly lack of manufacture support why there are issues.  Altough I think  ATI is working on a new driver that will work quite a bit better when ready.20:01
lepineCan someone recommend a graphical SCP client for gnome? I would have loved to use the one that's already there, but it doesn't support private key authentication20:02
llutzlepine: filezilla, nautilus20:02
jugglerbryPC_Muze, i suspected as much, luckily this is in a Virtual Machine.  It's a fresh install and have downloaded t139Mb worth of updates, bbut now this.  dont get a grub menu to change kernal version20:02
lepinellutz: nautilus supports PK auth?20:03
Jordan_Ujugglerbry: Hold shift during boot.20:03
lepine(i'd really love that)20:03
PC_Muzejugglerbry: hm theres not much you can do if the install hasnt really been used yet20:03
a3istbut yeah nautilus has decent remote fileserver support, like sftp, samba, etc20:03
PC_Muzejugglerbry: do you get this error repeatedly?20:03
llutzlepine: i thought it does... not sure, sorry20:03
YerushalmiWhere can I get a Firefox plugin for "Microsoft Media Server (MMS) protocol source" and/or "MMSH protocol source"? The automatic searches in Firefox aren't finding anything, and I've tried installing mplayer and VLC. I'm willing to install another browser if I have to (Chrome?).20:03
PC_Muzeyerushalmi: try googling it?20:04
a3istanyone know how to specify the dimensions for a new gnome-session spawned via CLI?  -geometry and -screen don't work20:04
Pici!google | PC_Muze20:04
ubottuPC_Muze: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:04
MrPink52has anyone successfully compiled FLTK ?20:04
jugglerbryPC_Muze, Yes, have tried booting 5 times now, this last one, holding the shift key to change kerel version (no different version displayed), and same error each time20:04
YerushalmiPC_Muze: I have. Every place I've gone tells me to install mplayer and VLC.20:04
garyliebermanCan anyone help? I installed everything successfully but can't seem to even use the OS. All I have is a blank purple screen and a mouse.20:05
buppa_sebsebseb, wich distros?20:05
PC_Muzejugglerbry: i would try and reinstall... what kinda of resources are you allocating to your vm?20:05
Jordan_Ujugglerbry: With a VM it can sometimes by hard to coordinate, but you have to be sure that your keyboard is captured before grub starts so that the fact that you're holding shift gets registered.20:05
=== mOOey is now known as m00se
jugglerbry8Gb Drive and 512Mb RAM20:05
PC_Muzeshit brb20:06
=== m00se is now known as Guest50090
jugglerbryone thing i'm thinking, is i currently have 64bit installed on my laptop, but installed 32 bit in VM.  would this have anything to do with it ?  Only ask because in 9.10 i again had 64bit, but VM told me to install 32bit20:07
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scottsPC_Muze: Language please!20:07
poincare101scotts: lol.20:08
dheenanhiii any tamilans here?????20:08
poincare101dheenan: um.20:08
poincare101dheenan: that wasn't random.20:08
LucidGuyneed to chroot an ssh shell ... anyone ideas?20:08
dheenanhiii any tamilans here????20:08
lepinellutz: I was sort of wrong. nautilus *does* support PK auth ... but now when the key is in .pem format20:08
lepineeg, x50920:09
poincare101LucidGuy: what do you mean?20:09
jugglerbryJordan_U, Thanks for that. Have just tried again, and it does seem to be booting using an earlier Kernel.  How can I remove the one that doesnt work properly ?20:09
dheenanhiii any tamilans here????20:09
poincare101LucidGuy: (I don't really know how to help, I just want to know what you're talking about)20:09
llutzLucidGuy: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ap-chroot-ssh-env.en.html20:09
spezticlewould enabling the root account password, considering the password is strong, pose significant remote threats?20:09
sebsebsebbuppa_: You could try something else and it might work better, but chances aren't that high, were on about ATI after all.20:09
dheenanhiii any tamilans here????20:10
dheenanhiii any tamilans here????20:10
dheenanhiii any tamilans here????20:10
=== oddnamezor is now known as frallzor
FloodBot2dheenan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:10
blackxoredmy gwibber post message pane, is gray, anyone knows why, also i can't add my facebook account20:10
sebsebsebblackxored: you mean on the top panel or?20:10
sebsebsebblackxored: or the actsual Gwibber?20:11
blackxoredthe bottom pane of gwibber where I normally post the message to send20:11
spezticlei'm using ssh to connect through lan IP's only, to connect to my server to edit files files, but can only do it with nano or vi. the goal is to be able to edit files with gedit on my desktop box20:11
jugglerbryblackxored: could it be that no accounts are set up, hence messagebox being greyed out ?20:11
willwork4fooHi All - forgive this, but I've been googling and RTFM'ing for quite a while now without any luck. I'm trying to do a PXE bootstrap of Ubuntu 10.04 onto an Acer Aspire Revo using a Mac as a server, no joy yet. Does anyone have any experience of this?20:11
wolsspezticle: ssh -X20:11
frallzoras I asked earlier, can one fix a event number for a certain unit?20:11
justgregi am having some trouble watching streaming videos online20:11
justgregcan anyone help20:11
blackxoredjugglerbry, i have twitter setup now i removed it and created it again20:12
wolswillwork4foo: state your actual problen20:12
MrWisepoincare101; unetbootin didnt work .P20:12
blackxoredjustgreg, still gra20:12
poincare101MrWise: dang it.20:12
willwork4foowols: I'm trying to work out which file I need to send over the network for bootstrapping20:12
soreaujustgreg: Do you have a link or what kind of video is it (or what error message does it show)20:12
sebsebsebbuppa_: Nivida have good Linux support, shame though that there are issues with the propritary driver and Plymouth, the boot up 10.04, Fedora, Mandriva, and I guess also some other distros use, but other then that Nivida :)20:12
willwork4fooI think it's pxelinux.0 ?20:12
ne7workhow to install gnome on ubuntu server edition 9.10?20:12
Jordan_Ujugglerbry: You could remove the package with apt/synaptic. But try just reconfiguring the package for that particular kernel version, it may have been interrupted in the process of installing when you powered off the VM.20:12
MrWisepoincare101; what about... net boot install? what is required for that20:12
poincare101MrWise: can you burn a CD? or, if you can't, try the builtin ubuntu inside unetbootin20:12
erUSULne7work: install ubuntu-desktop20:12
poincare101MrWise: I netboot server. Its slow and sometimes error prone. I've never had the heart to try it.20:13
k-radMrWise, probably just a host and the ability to boot from ethernet20:13
sebsebsebne7work: normally you woudn't want to install a GUI into the server edition,  I mean people.  Also you could run servers in the desktop version, but then no server specific kernel,  and  no five years of support.  Also if you put Gnome into the server edition Gnome won't be supported five years.20:13
blackxoredi'm not connected through network manager, might that be an issue/???20:13
ne7workerUSUL, i don't want ubuntu-desktop i want to install only gnome graphic enviorment20:13
jugglerbryblackxored:Go to Edit/Accounts.  highlight the twitter account, and click advance.  check there's a tcik in the box "Send Messages"20:13
blackxoredjugglerbry, it's checked i'm not lol20:13
willwork4fooEither that, or need a way to create a bootable USB stick to do an internet install of Ubuntu - but I have a mac to create it with20:14
wolswillwork4foo: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ the netboot one20:14
MrWisek-rad; are there servers with ubuntu dists available to use for it?20:14
amigraveI often get the boot of ubuntu stucked to the loading of the ata_piix module, then I forced to reboot in order to retry and retry, ... until I can boot. Does someone have an idea about this issue ?20:14
willwork4foowols: netboot.tar.gz ?20:14
erUSULne7work:  gnome-desktop-environment then ?20:14
Chuckcan someone help me get a playstation one emulator?20:14
k-radi'm not sure.  you might be able to do it on another machine on your lan20:14
sebsebsebChuck: theres something in the repo20:14
taptaptapireI want to use a proxy with my ubuntu. But the gnome proxy settings only allow "ignored hosts". What I want to do is the set up "allowed hosts" because I want the proxy activated for only some web sites. is it possible?20:14
blackxoredso, guys any help with gwibber???20:14
sebsebseb!repo | Chuck20:15
alex-hphello everyone. I was wondering if someone could help me install matlab on my machine (ubuntu 10.04)20:15
ubottuChuck: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:15
ionutdoes anyone knows a good mp3 cutter???20:15
=== Bersam is now known as Bersam|brb
wolswillwork4foo: https://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install20:15
ojwif I install Ubuntu on a PC with 1 hard disk containing 1 partition, is it possible to keep certain files from that disk without moving them off the PC?20:15
sebsebsebChuck: yes what  apt-get,  Software Centre, or Synaptic, will all use20:15
sebsebsebor aptitude even20:15
=== edge is now known as Guest55042
tyler_dtrying to get a bluetooth adapter to work(F8T001) on ubuntu 10.04... ?20:15
wolsalex-hp: ask the matlab company?20:15
keeklesi need some help with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1366605  my makefile just returns 'nothing to be done for default'20:15
ZykoticK9Chuck, check out pSX at http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/ it's NOT in the repo and has a manual install, but is one of the better PSOne emulators out there20:15
poincare101ojw: hmmm... back em up?20:15
sebsebseb!info psx20:16
poincare101ojw: or, what you can do is, install ubuntu on a seperate partition20:16
ubottuPackage psx does not exist in lucid20:16
willwork4foowols: yeah, that's for using a Linux box as a boot server20:16
wolsojw: use gparted to resize your partition to create free space before you install20:16
poincare101ojw: get the files you need20:16
erUSULojw: the installr can shrink the partition to make room for ubuntu keeping data intact (if there is enough free space on the partition )20:16
willwork4fooI have a mac as a boot server20:16
sebsebsebZykoticK9: Chuck  uhmm I think it is PSX or something like it, that is in the repo20:16
poincare101ojw: and then throw away the other partition using something like sysrescuecd20:16
wolswillwork4foo: doesn't matter. the files the CLIENT needs are the same...20:16
guzuhello all20:16
sebsebsebChuck: give Synaptic a look20:16
willwork4foowols: OK, thanks20:16
ojwahh, those all sound like good ideas.  <-- goes to read about partitioning20:16
blackxoredit was that20:17
sebsebsebChuck: for playstation emulater, search for Plystation or something, I know there is or was something in the repo20:17
wolswillwork4foo: besides, OSX has tftpd too20:17
ojwwhat's kde equivalent of gparted20:17
deedeeHey all, I can't mount cd's... when I try I get wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr020:17
blackxoredi activated network-manager now i can send20:17
sebsebsebojw: qtparted20:17
guzuhow can i install grub to the parition boot sector in 1004?20:17
willwork4foowols: I've got a TFTP server app20:17
sebsebsebojw: np20:17
blackxoredanother matter, why can't I add a facebook account??20:17
wolsojw: resizing partionts doesn't absolve you frm having backups. you MUST have backups of your data20:17
Jordan_Uguzu: Why do you want to install to the PBR?20:17
sebsebseb!synaptic | Chuck20:17
ubottuChuck: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto20:17
taptaptapireany linux proxy gurus around?20:17
wolsguzu: grub-install /dev/sda  for example20:18
guzuJordan_U, because i don't want to messwith the grub everytime ubuntu is updated.20:18
guzuwols, like grub-install /dev/sda8?20:18
wolsguzu: NO20:18
ojwwols: it's not unique data, only the result of a long calculation that I'd have to redo20:18
poincare101guzu: NO20:18
guzuwols, poincare101 why not?20:19
poincare101guzu: KNOW THE CORRECT PARTITION BEFORE YOU FSCK YOUR HARDDRIVE (see what I did there?)20:19
Jordan_Uguzu: You shouldn't have to mess with grub every time Ubuntu is updated. And I don't see what that has to do with installing to the PBR rather than the MBR.20:19
wolsguzu: causa sda is a disk and sda8 is a partition20:19
regeyaI DON'T KNOW WHY WE'RE YELLING???!?20:19
kde185is there a way to set the default boot options for linux kernels so that I don't have to re-edit menu entries every time I update the kernel?20:19
poincare101regeya: neither do I.20:19
poincare101regeya: sorry.20:19
guzuJordan_U, because grub in mbr belongs to fedora20:19
wolskde185: yes20:19
guzuwols, that's exactly what i wanna do20:20
TheBestthere are some one20:20
wolsguzu: if you already have grub in the MBR why do you want to overwrite it?20:20
TheBesteho can hel me?20:20
kde185wols: how?20:20
ManDayAnyone here using Audacious and can tell me why this program stops playing once it has played all songs in "shuffle mode" once and there appears to be NO OTHER WAY to keep playing in shuffle mode other than rewiding all the songs manually?!20:20
TheBestto configure a ipv6 tunnel?20:20
wolsguzu: then learn to ask what you want and not something else20:20
Jordan_Uguzu: Then just don't install grub to any partition.20:20
Guest21261hello, finally decided to move to ubuntu from win7, having some troubles, first, i cant get the mic to work20:20
poincare101Jordan_U: wait, what's the bootloader then?20:20
freudwhat is the easiest servlet container?20:21
Guest21261all other hardware is working, but not the mic20:21
spezticlein order for ssh -X to work, destination needs to have the applications installed?20:21
wolsspezticle: for remote X, yes20:21
guzuwols, Jordan_U , poincare101 thank you20:21
Jordan_Uguzu: Then you can load Ubuntu from fedora with "root (hd0,7); kernel /boot/grub/core.img"20:21
ionutdoes anyone knows a good mp3 cutter???20:21
remanifestGuest14778: type "/nick YourNickname" to change your name so it's easier for people to address you20:21
TheBestthere are some one who can help me to configure a ipv6 tunnel on ubuntu 10.04?20:21
TheBestthere are some one who can help me to configure a ipv6 tunnel on ubuntu 10.04?20:21
=== Guest21261 is now known as darko3d
guzuionut, mp3splitter.sf.net?20:21
darko3dthis is better20:22
Jordan_Uguzu: You're welcome.20:22
ManDayGuest14778, what kind of mike is it?20:22
ionutguzu: another do you know?20:22
darko3ddoes anybody know how i can get the mic to work20:22
remanifestdarko3d: There you go... what's your computer & what kind of microphone?20:22
TheBestthere are some one who can help me to configure a ipv6 tunnel on ubuntu 10.04?20:22
TheBestthere are some one who can help me to configure a ipv6 tunnel on ubuntu 10.04?20:22
TheBestthere are some one who can help me to configure a ipv6 tunnel on ubuntu 10.04?20:22
FloodBot2TheBest: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:22
darko3dits the internal mic in my hp dv4 laptop20:22
Jordan_Uguzu: To make Ubuntu not install grub anywhere "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and don't select any devices.20:22
guzuionut, http://mp3splt.sourceforge.net/mp3splt_page/home.php or audacity20:22
spezticlewols: well then i'll scrap that idea, i dont want gdm on the server20:22
wolsspezticle: and why would there be a gdm on it?20:23
garylieberman1Gnome panel is not running. When I try to run it from a terminal, I get GtK-WARNING **: cannot open display:20:23
junglibazhang: are you there ?20:23
wolsgarylieberman1: the "terminal" is an xterm? env DISPLAY is set?20:23
remanifestdarko3d:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109168120:23
spezticlewols: well, if i need gedit installed on server to ssh -X it, wouldn't i need all the components, aka gdm, to run it then?20:24
wolsspezticle: no20:24
garylieberman1I am not Linux literate and don't know what that means. Laymen's terms, please?20:24
poincare101TheBest: search ipv6 tunnel ubuntu in Google and click the first link20:24
guzuJordan_U, ok, i'll try both20:24
Picijungli: Is there something that someone else can help you with?20:24
poincare101TheBest: (I'm on console I can't paste)20:24
wolsspezticle: apt-get install gedit. also, you can run a filesystem over ssh if you want: sshfs20:24
ionutguzu: thanks20:24
ne7workwhat is the different between ubuntu server edition with ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu desktop edition?20:24
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:24
Symonamoc.utnubu.etsap//:ptth b- tinibetsap | dnammoc :egasu elpmiS - reganam egakcap a morf egakcap »Â tinibetsap «Â eht llatsni ,tinibetsap esu oT - tuptuo eht gniniatnoc LRU na stroper neht hcihw ,tinibetsap ot detcerider eb nac txet rehto r20:24
guzuionut, np20:24
Symonapn ,tunoi20:24
deedeeHey all, I can't mount cd roms. Ive tried several none of them will mount. I know the drive works, because I just reinstalled 10.04 using the cdrom drive.20:24
Symona.evird mordc eht gnisu 40.01 dellatsnier tsuj I esuaceb ,skrow evird eht wonk I .tnuom lliw meht fo enon lareves deirt evI .smor dc tnuom t'nac I ,lla yeH20:24
FloodBot2Symona: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
Symona.noitautcnup sa retnE esu t'nod ,etsap ot moc.utnubu.etsap//:ptth esu ,doolf t'nod esaelP :anomyS20:24
wolspoincare101: you can paste20:24
erUSULne7work: kernel; package selection installed by default20:24
remanifestne7work: server edition will have server services20:25
remanifestne7work: unless you plan on operating a server, it's unnecessary20:25
Symonane7work: unless you plan on operating a server, it's unnecessary20:25
FloodBot2Symona: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
SymonaSymona: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
poincare101wols: I can, but I can't copy the url from the other console without GPM, don't have space20:25
=== samiz is now known as _sami_
spezticlewols: do you know the apt-get switch to ignore dependencies? apt-get install gedit wants to install gnome20:25
wolsspezticle: you CANNOT ignore dependencies. you can disable recommends tho20:26
remanifestdependencies are as they imply20:26
Firstgearwhat is the point of using sudo before a command? :)20:26
Doctehto be root20:26
remanifestFirstgear: It gives you "administrator" access.20:26
wolsFirstgear: using root priviledges for the command. linux is a real multiuser system20:26
kde185what is the proper way to change boot options in grub2?20:26
jungliPici: where is Indus ?20:27
erUSULFirstgear: give it admin privs20:27
erUSUL!sudo > Firstgear20:27
ubottuFirstgear, please see my private message20:27
Picijungli: Why does it matter?20:27
kenshinquien habla español20:27
erUSUL!es | kenshin20:27
ubottukenshin: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:27
Doctehkde185: fiddle with /etc/grub.d and the update-grub220:27
FloodBot2kenshin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
poincare101kenshin: dude. don't flood.20:27
erUSULkenshin: already told you where to go20:27
deedeeHey all, I can't mount cd roms. Ive tried several none of them will mount. I know the drive works, because I just reinstalled 10.04 using the cdrom drive.20:28
remanifestdeedee: How are you trying to mount them?20:28
Doctehdeedee: what sort of error you getting20:28
remanifestdeedee: And what errors are you getting?20:28
kde185Docteh: unfortunately /etc/grub.d entries are complete jibberish to non-grub experts20:28
Jordan_Ukde185: Edit the default kernel options in /etc/default/grub (you don't need to do anything with /etc/grub.d for this Docteh)20:28
ManDayCan anyone tell me how to prevent Audacious from reaching the "end of the shuffled playlist" ?20:28
erUSULkde185: /etc/default/grub20:28
Doctehkde185: its complete gibberish to people used to grub120:28
erUSUL!grub2 | kde18520:29
ubottukde185: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:29
taptaptapireproxy heeeelp20:29
poincare101ManDay: might wanna check back in a bit later; they're already handling someone's question and its flooding the cht20:29
kde185Jordan_U: thank you that's exactly what I was looking for20:29
poincare101taptaptapire: ?20:29
Doctehtaptaptapire: try asking a proper question ;)20:29
lunganHaving som trouble with sounddricers. If I start firefox and youtube before Spotify my sound in youtube etc works but not my Spotify. And if I start Spotify before I start Firefox my sound in Firefox doesn't work?20:29
poincare101Docteh: I like your nickname20:29
taptaptapirehehe :D at leas I got some attention20:29
remanifestAny e17 users here?  I'm wanting for EFM to simply "follow" into folders instead of opening up each new folder as its own window20:30
Jordan_Ukde185: You're welcome.20:30
suboneI have an ATI card and an internal NVidia card, i dont use the NVidia card, but for some reason i cant turn desktop effects back on after turning it off, and it searches for nvidia drivers first, then when i cancel that it turns on desktop effects and then tells me it cant enable it and turns it back off... is there any way i can disable the nvidia card or get around it to turn compiz back on?20:30
oCean_poincare101: don't tell people to come back later20:30
poincare101oCean_: okay. sorry.20:30
taptaptapirepoincare101: Docteh: how do I set up "allowed hosts" instead of "ignored hosts" for system-wide proxy?20:30
jamil_1Hi, When I use the KPackageKit to update software I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/KeAYbzEc20:31
keeklesi need some help with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1366605  my makefile just returns 'nothing to be done for default' any ideas on where to start?20:31
deedeeI've used mount /media/cdrom0, I've also tried sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 The error I get is http://pastebin.com/kFE1AWyd remanifest Docteh]20:31
remanifestdeedee: Do you use KDE by chance?20:32
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garylieberman1I typed env display into terminal. I got this: "display: unable to open X server `' @ display.c/DisplayImageCommand/422"20:32
deedeenot on this computer but usually yes... why?20:33
ZykoticK9deedee, is that a Data CD or Audio CD that you are trying to mount?20:33
ZykoticK9deedee, you can't mount Audio CDs!20:33
remanifestdeedee: Because usually, Dolphin will automagically mount volumes for you20:33
oCean_garylieberman1: you actually tried to run 2 commands, it seems. The command "env" and the command "display"20:33
remanifestAyup, no mounting on audio20:33
deedeeok, I'm using gnome...20:33
deedeeand when I put the cd in, rhythmbox does not see it, or mount it, or anything20:34
deedeeI don't even see my cd drive under system in places20:34
palacechanhow do i grep for a pointer syntax (aka ->)? when i do grep '->' it interprets it as an option to grep..what must i escape the - or the > or both?20:34
ToeKutterQ - how do you go back from # to $ in bash ?20:34
garylieberman1oCean_: I tried just display and got the same message. My problem is gnome-panel will not show up no matter what I do.20:34
darko3dhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1091681, the first step just ruined my audio buttons20:34
ZykoticK9ToeKutter, # means you are root!20:34
darko3dand when i click on sound it say wait for the audio system to reponse20:34
ToeKutterbut if Im done wit admin chore - how to get out of root20:35
erUSULToeKutter: exit20:35
PiciToeKutter: type exit20:35
oCean_!resetpanels | garylieberman120:35
ubottugarylieberman1: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:35
llutzpalacechan:  grep -- "->" file20:35
panfistok, i meant to alt-click near a window corner to resize it, but instead it selected a small portion of the screen and zoomed in. how do i leave this mode20:35
Jordan_UToeKutter: "exit", but you should not start root shells like that. Just use sudo for individual commands as needed.20:35
palacechanllutz, why the -- ?20:35
junglihow can i see which version of ubuntu i am using20:35
Jordan_U!version | jungli20:35
suboneAnyone know how I can disable my internal video card entirely?20:35
ZykoticK9jungli, lsb_realease -a20:35
ubottujungli: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:35
llutzpalacechan: -- says: no more options to follow20:35
remanifestdarko3d: Did you go through the rest of the steps?20:35
darko3dstep 2 wont work20:35
palacechanllutz, oh wow didn't know that, thank you!20:36
jmichaelxjungli: cat /etc/lsb-release20:36
garylieberman1Sorry for the noobishness, but do I include the question mark in that?20:36
remanifestdarko3d: What about it doesn't work?20:36
llutzpalacechan: works in a lot of commands, not only grep20:36
darko3dsystem>prefrences>sounds gives "Waiting for sound system to respond"20:36
palacechanllutz, i see, i think i might have seen that mentioned in scritping manuals but never really caught on20:36
frxstremis there a program to preview fonts in Ubuntu?20:36
junglithanks jmichaelx20:36
edbianHow does ubuntu set the system time?  Does it set the hw clock?20:36
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remanifestedbian: Same way as windows, though a bit more intelligently.20:37
edbianremanifest, What I'm asking is, does it set the hw clock or the system clock to UTC time?20:37
ZykoticK9frxstrem, saw this yesterday it appears to have a font preview http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/gloobus-preview-gets-slideshow-support.html20:37
pepePluhey guys,. few days ago while i was playing a game on winblowz something bad happened to my screen resolution after few fixing it still didn't show up 1400X900 it showed 1600X1200 and other lower resolutions, so since i was so familiar with that reso i added it on windows using nvidia cp, when i went back to ubuntu it was 1600X1200 and a lot of low resolutions, how can i add 1400X900 ?20:37
MundixHello people some one i needa little help installing unreal on ubuntu 10.4lt20:37
pepePlui opened xorg.conf btw but it was empty20:37
darko3dremanifest: how do i reverse the first step??20:38
remanifestedbian: Yes, if you're in UTC20:38
panfisti meant to alt-click near a window corner to resize it, but i must have hit the wrong key because instead it selected a small portion of the screen and zoomed in. how do i leave this mode20:38
ZykoticK9Mundix, which version of Unreal?20:38
garylieberman1oCean_: "gnome-panel: no process found"20:38
edbianremanifest, No I'm GMT -5 hrs20:38
Mundixbut i want native of ubuntu to play without problemas20:38
pepePlunever mind, that's why ubuntu rocks it was fixed automatically just now :D20:38
remanifestedbian: Then it will be set to GMT-520:39
azloni have a 5 drive software RAID-5. one of the drives is not being recognized, what can i do?20:39
Mundixthey say me i neet a lib20:39
remanifestdarko3d: sudo apt-get remove esound && sudo apt-get install pulseaudio20:39
ZykoticK9Mundix, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming has steps for UT an UT2004 (ut2003 fails)20:39
Mundixlibgtk-1.2.so.0 cannot open shared object file20:39
Mundixooo nice20:39
Mundixit's this withour wine ?20:39
ZykoticK9Mundix, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming/error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libgtk-1-2-so-0 if you are on 64bit20:39
ZykoticK9Mundix, no wine!20:39
YerushalmiCan somebody please help me get MMS streams working in firefox? I'm going crazy - I installed mplayer and VLC and did a million other things and I still can't get it to work.20:40
edbianremanifest, Here is the real problem.  I'm dualbooting openSuse and Ubuntu.  After I installed Ubuntu the clock on suse changed (to GMT).  Should I tell suse that the HW clock is UTC? Both OS's think I'm in GMT - 5 (Central time)20:40
erUSULazlon: details ? what type of raid ( linux software one)? not being recogniced is that it does not appear in /dev/ ? or in the array ?20:40
Mundixthis how to fix that problem ?20:40
darko3dok thanks20:40
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Mundixlet my try thanks a lot man20:40
erUSULedbian: both should set hw clock to utc time20:40
deedeeremanifest: ZykoticK9 Ok, so I tested mounting a data cd, worked perfectly, but I still can't play, or rip audio cd's in rhythmbox.20:40
Mundixoooo sorry20:40
darko3ddoes anybody here know how to get the internal mic on an HP Pavilion dv5-1251nr to work?20:41
Mundixmy ubuntu is  64bit20:41
Mundixfor a laptop20:41
erUSUL!intelhda | darko3d20:41
ubottudarko3d: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto20:41
guntbertedbian: if you have only linuxes on your machine set both to use GMT20:41
remanifestdarko3d: Didn't you just say it was a DV4?20:41
oCean_garylieberman1: means that there's no gnome-panel process to kill. Sorry, don't think I can be of further assistance.. Need to run. Just describe your issue in channel (detailed, but try to keep it i one line)20:41
azlonerUSUL, it is an mdadm raid. at first it wasnt recognized at all when i listed the drives. then i did a ls -l /dev/disk/by-id and found which drive was missing. then i turned off the machines, reseated the drive and booted back up. now i can see the drive when i do my ls -l /dev/disk/by-id, but my cat /proc/mdstat still sasy 4/5 [UUUU_]20:41
darko3dremanifest: yeah, turned out its dv5, my fault20:41
remanifestdeedee: Sorry, I don't know much about rhythmbox20:42
edbianThanks guys.20:42
deedeeI tried using totem, instead, and it says "no media in drive"20:43
flip_Can some one help me i have a  Rockwell International Riptide PCI Audio Controller and i cant seem to get it working i tried following guides online etc nothing20:43
garyliebermanhow do I install gnome-panel? it seems to be missing from my computer.20:43
edbiangarylieberman, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:43
remanifestdeedee: What about Audacity or Amarok?20:43
edbiangarylieberman, It should be included in there.20:43
erUSULgarylieberman: sudo aptitude install gnome-panel ?20:44
darko3derUSUL: that doesnt make any sense to me, i just want the mic to work, isnt there a simpler solution20:44
edbianerUSUL, I don't think it's a package on its' own.20:44
ZykoticK9edbian, it its20:44
erUSUL!info gnome-panel | edbian20:44
ubottuedbian: gnome-panel (source: gnome-panel): launcher and docking facility for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.30.0-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 399 kB, installed size 1204 kB20:44
flip_so no one can help me?20:44
edbiangarylieberman, Well there ya go.  sudo apt-get install gnome-panel20:44
deedeeI tried VLC, and vlc fails aswell.20:44
edbianflip_, Restate the question?20:44
flip_edbian Can some one help me i have a  Rockwell International Riptide PCI Audio Controller and i cant seem to get it working i tried following guides online etc nothing20:45
azlonerUSUL,  http://www.pastebin.org/32340420:45
garyliebermanwell it says that I already have it installed, but then when I try to open it, it says it doesn't exist.20:45
darko3dremanifest: any solutions?20:45
edbianflip_, I don't know :/20:45
DoctehRockwell makes regular sound cards?20:46
remanifestdarko3d: Have you tried installing the latest ALSA?20:46
flip_Docteh,  i suppose when i type lspci thats what i end up with as my multimedia controler20:46
erUSULazlon: sdd1 missing ? maybe it is dropped from the array for some error ? checked dmesg ?20:46
Doctehcan you pastebin lspci -nnk?20:46
erUSULazlon: also ask in #ubuntu-server ; more people familiar with raid issues there i suspect ...20:48
shishirewhat's a good tool to run a full diagnostic on an unknown external hard drive?  I have a drive that I don't know the history of, and I want to know if it's in good condition.20:48
PhoenixSTFCan anyone give me a hand on ts3? i got a shound problem each time i put 5.1 and analog the ts3 doesnt recognize the mic, while the systems does20:48
flip_Docteh, http://pastebin.org/32340720:48
darko3dremanifest: but my sound card isnt Realtek, here's what i have http://www.pastebin.org/323406, does that make any diffrence20:48
flip_brb 2 secounds though20:48
darko3dif not, how do i install the latest ALSA20:48
edbianshishire, sudo fdisk -l is a start20:48
shishireedbian, it's got a functioning file system, with stuff on it, mounts fine and everything.  I basically want to give it a quick stress test, to see if it's failing.20:49
edbianshishire, gparted has a check function20:49
erUSULshishire: you can get the SMART info with "smartctl"; you can run badlocks (slow) apprt from that i dunno20:49
remanifestdarko3d: No, it doesn't make a difference.  Updating ALSA is easy:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6589810#post658981020:50
MrWiseok so I found a CD to burn the install on, now my system hangs as it tries to boot into the installer GUI after I hit enter at Install Ubuntu Server option20:50
erUSULdarko3d: install linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic20:51
YerushalmiCan somebody please help me get MMS streams working in firefox? I'm going crazy - I installed mplayer and VLC and did a million other things and I still can't get it to work.20:51
flip_Docteh,  ne thing?20:51
MrWisepoincare101, still there? system hangs when it tries to boot the install after I sellect Install Ubuntu Server when I boot from install CD20:52
sleshalgum brasileiro??20:52
erUSUL!br | slesh20:52
ubottuslesh: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:52
shadows090I did a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 server (first install) with ubuntu-desktop added via apt-get, and my mouse is not functioning properly. i tried cat /dev/input/mouse and it works on there. i did another fresh install with kde instead of gdm with the same problem. anyone know what the problem could be?20:52
azlonerUSUL, i think my drive labels changed. i think my OS drive was /dev/sdd1 and now it is /dev/sdf1, can i update mdadm with the new drive labels?20:52
Doctehflip_: I've never heard of rockwell making a sound card, but you've even got a driver loaded so this is weird20:52
Doctehshadows090: is it not functioning at all or wonky20:53
ZykoticK9Yerushalmi, i just tried an MMS stream from Firefox and it opened with Totem successfully (this is all out-of-the-box)20:53
erUSULazlon: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ?20:53
JackTOcan anyone help me debug my bootup issue... 50% of the time it locks on bootup with a blinking cursor...20:53
shadows090it is not fully functioning, it will seem to get stuck on one window and will not right click at all. right clicking in /cat /dev/input/mouse ran from the terminal works though.20:53
JackTOafter grub20:54
YerushalmiZykoticK9: Which is wonderful, but it's never worked for me - neither with this version of Ubuntu nor with the previous one.20:54
YerushalmiZykoticK9: It keeps asking me for plugins.20:54
ZykoticK9Yerushalmi, have you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?20:54
darko3derUSUL: is it just me or is that a 32 mb package20:54
guntbert!crosspost | JackTO20:54
ubottuJackTO: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.20:54
azlonerUSUL, already tried it... doesnt say anything about the drive labels, just says: ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid5 num-devices=5 metadata=00.90 spares=1 UUID=54ccbda2:f3a5cecc:01f9e43d:ac30fbff20:54
shadows090Docteh: it's not really a concern since it's a server so I'll just configure it and leave it, but I'm quite curious if anyone may know what would cause that20:54
edbianWhere can I set my default web browser and such on KDE?20:54
YerushalmiZykoticK9: What is that and how do I get it?20:54
erUSUL!info linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic20:54
ubottulinux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic (source: linux-meta): Backported drivers for alsa-driver snapshot.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)20:54
ZykoticK9Yerushalmi, it adds "restricted" codecs etc - "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"20:55
guntbertedbian: probably #kubuntu is better suited for KDE issues20:55
azlonerUSUL, i used mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdd1 and now it is recovering... hopefully this will work and i didn't screw things up even more... i have all the info backed up but it would be a huge pain to recover 10TB over a Gigabit p2p connection...20:55
YerushalmiZykoticK9: If I get it through Software Center does it make a difference?20:55
shadows090edbian: it's on the bottom left, similar to windows20:55
erUSULazlon: good luck20:55
ZykoticK9Yerushalmi, same20:55
erUSULdarko3d: should be 8 MiB or so20:55
YerushalmiZykoticK9: Awesome, I'll try that.20:55
shadows090edbian: it should just be firefox IIRC20:55
edbianshadows090, I'm on KDE, it's konqueror20:56
shadows090edbian: oh ok my bad (not too familiar with kde)20:56
darko3d!info  linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic20:56
ubottulinux-image-2.6.32-22-generic (source: linux): Linux kernel image for version 2.6.32 on x86/x86_64. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.32-22.36 (lucid), package size 30204 kB, installed size 94652 kB (Only available for all i386 amd64 lpia ia64 powerpc sparc armel)20:56
edbianshadows090, no worries. Let me know if you figure it out!20:57
ManDaySomeone spoke to me (audacious=?20:57
darko3derUSUL:  its downloading this  linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic20:57
ManDayMissed the highlight - scrollback too short20:57
Nibinaearkget is running but not in the tray. Clicking on it's menu item doesn't launch it.20:57
erUSULdarko3d: :/ so you are not using the latest kernel ... after that install finish make sure you have the "linux-image" package installed20:58
shadows090edbian: you want to know how to start it via command line? or the icon? i thought it was under the menu on the bottom left20:58
guntbertManDay: never mind, that wasn't helpful in any way :-)20:58
miazgatorI've got a still unanswered question: why does Kubuntu handle flash player content MUUUUCH better than Ubuntu?20:59
MrWisesystem hangs shortly after I choose install ubuntu server, I see one line of text flash by and then around 12 blinks of an underscore, then it just stops20:59
darko3derUSUL: but im running 10.04, isnt that suppose to have the latest kernel20:59
ManDayguntbert, thanks for admitting that it was you :P20:59
edbianshadows090, What are you talking about?20:59
soreaumiazgator: could be different wm or browser20:59
OpenSourcedNickKeyboard reaction is extremely slow in Ubuntu, what gives?20:59
OpenSourcedNickwell, not extremely slow, but evidently, there are letters that are being missed.21:00
miazgatorFirefox on gnome vs firefox on kde = KDE wins21:00
guntbertManDay: no, it wasn't me21:00
darko3derUSUL: will installing the new kernel have any effects on the applications and setting i already installed and configured21:00
edbianshadows090, I got it BTW21:00
OpenSourcedNickmiazgator, at what, speed?21:00
soreaudarko3d: not usually21:00
miazgatoron fullscreen flash in gnome is laggy when it comes to interaction21:00
shadows090edbian: oh jeez i'm sorry i misread your original question. i just found the answer, but you just said you got it21:00
ManDayguntbert, ah, okay21:00
nighmihi, I want to reconfigure my touchpad in a way that I can use its right part as a scroll wheel instead of scrolling with two fingers, however I'm not even sure it's really recognised as a touchpad... what can I do?21:00
guntbertManDay: only --  I *can* read back :-)21:00
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nighmiI have had a look at the forums and everything21:01
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edbianshadows090, ha ha.  Yeah, thanks for the effort though!21:01
miazgatorboth playback perfectly but in gnome flash player controls are laggy and unresponsive21:01
OpenSourcedNickmiazgator, yeah well it's not until a couple of versions back when you couldn't play full-screen flash in gnome at all because it was VERY Laggy... but I think it was a problem with KDE as well21:01
gothenburgCan I install xubuntu if I got win7+rescue partition?21:02
miazgatorfor some reason Konqueror has flawless, perfect same as windows performance in fullscreen21:02
ManDayguntbert, you enjoy that, heh21:02
AaronMwas 9.04 recently updated to the 2.6.24 kernel ?21:02
remanifestgothenburg: Yes, of course.  But Lubuntu is better :P21:02
gothenburgheard that I can't have more than 4 partitions21:02
miazgatorFirefox is just a step behind but only a little step21:02
icerootgothenburg: 4 primary partitions21:02
gothenburgremanifest: lxde is nice21:02
soreaumiazgator: Compiz is likely your wm in gnome, kwin with kde.21:03
shadows090gothenburg, yes you should be able to. depending on how many partitions you may have to do it on an extended partition21:03
guzuJordan_U, for reasons i don't understand, the core.img method worked. thank you very much21:03
darko3dhey isnt suspend the same as standby on windows, or am i getting it wrong, if not what is the equivalent of standby21:03
miazgatorsoreau that's correct, compiz isn't the source of problem, as I tried other wms, metacity included21:03
Jordan_Uguzu: You're welcome.21:03
PhoenixSTFproblem with ts3 and sound anyone can give a hand please????????????????????????21:03
icerootdarko3d: suspend to ram = standby from windows21:03
gothenburgshadows090: huh?21:03
soreaumiazgator: well that was my only idea21:03
soreaumiazgator: Have you tried konqueror in gnome?21:04
icerootdarko3d: suspend to disc = silent mode? (dont know the english word)21:04
kermitif aptitude full-upgrade is synonymous with dist-upgrade, how do i upgrade while staying with an LTS version?21:04
darko3dwell when i click suspend it just locks the window and doesnt go into standby21:04
miazgatorsoreau no and I dunno if it is worth to bother21:04
shadows090gothenburg, you can install xubuntu (or whichever), but depending on how many partitions you already have on the hard drive it may have to be done in an extended partition (which you can configure with gparted IIRC)21:04
soreaumiazgator: then why are you bothering to ask?21:04
miazgatorsoreau shitloads of dependancies21:04
icerootkermit: dist-upgrade doesnt mean "upgrade to a new ubuntu-version"21:04
sjmgothenburn, you can have 4 primary partitions on a disk.  If you want more, one primary would contain the extended partitions, so you could have 3 usable primary partitions and about as many as you want of extended partitions21:04
ascheel!language miazgator21:04
kermiticeroot: oh21:04
soreaumiazgator: I thought you had kde and gnome on the same system21:04
kermiticeroot: what command does21:05
icerootkermit: have a look at man apt-get for the difference between upgrade ad dist-upgrade21:05
ascheel!language | miazgator21:05
ubottumiazgator: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:05
miazgatorsoreau because I want an explanation, I've got Kubuntu and Ubuntu separate os-es21:05
iceroot!upgrade | kermit21:05
ubottukermit: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:05
gothenburgshadows090: okay. So the installer doesn't automatic... ?21:05
bastidrazorkermit: sudo do-release-upgrade21:05
shadows090you'll have to select advanced install when you're given the option of where to install it IIRC, it's been a while since i've done it21:05
soreaumiazgator: Well if you dont want to try anything and then dont ask for help to fix it21:05
soeecan u tell me how can i make ALSA work in 5.1 mode in all applications? now i have 5.1 but only one app can use sound21:05
gothenburgshadows090: okay21:05
gothenburgshadows090: only installer xubuntu in virtualbox before21:06
miazgatorsoreau I guess it's a gnome problem, gnome is ignorant to serious problems unlike KDE21:06
shadows090gothenburg; the installer should have gparted on it21:06
gothenburgNow I must find a good laptop... :D21:06
PhoenixSTFwell i have 5.1 with analog input but ts3 doesnt recognize the mic21:07
kermiticeroot: thanks21:07
gothenburglike most €80021:07
darko3dwhen i click suspend it just locks the window and doesnt go into standby21:08
NET||abusehi folks,, i have been messing with my gnome panels, and i've lost the network manager applet21:08
NET||abuseanyone know what i have to re-add to the panel to get it back?21:08
edbianNET||abuse, It's in the notification area applet.21:09
soreauNET||abuse: notification area21:09
PhoenixSTFHow do i get alsa working?21:09
gothenburgNET||abuse: right click?21:09
edbianNET||abuse, I know, kinda tricky to find.  On my system I don't use it at all ;)  I just set up the files correctly.21:09
gothenburgPhoenixSTF: unmute in an alsamixer21:09
mtx_initPhoenixSTF: It should work on fresh install, what sound card fo you have check here for support http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main21:09
edbianNET||abuse, Did you find it?21:09
NET||abuseedbian, gothenburg i added notification area already,, but the nm-applet isn't running, not visible21:09
gothenburgI don't use gnome (shit)21:10
gothenburgI use Windows xp :D21:10
MrPink52I am trying to run make on a program, and it can't find any of the GL functions starting with glViewport.... I have mesa installed, any idea why it can't find them and what I can do to fix the problem ?21:10
edbianNET||abuse, sudo apt-get install nm-applet21:10
gothenburgMrPink52: have you compilers?21:10
blockcoldhow can i see that which jfs module is loded in kernel ?21:10
PhoenixSTFmtx_init: i have a realtek ACL:850 but the problem is i got 5.1 configured with mic in the system and it works, but Teamspeak3 doesnt recognize the mic!!21:10
MrPink52gothenburg: I have gcc and g++21:10
edbianblockcold, lsmod21:11
soreauMrPink52: You are likely missing dependencies. Can you pastebin the complete failed output to pastebin.org?21:11
llutzblockcold:  grep -i jfs /boot/config-$(uname -r)21:11
MrPink52soreau: yes one second21:11
edbianNET||abuse, ok what?  Ok it worked? Ok I'll install that... ?21:11
darko3di click on the new panel option and i think it added an invisible panel to the right, how do i remove that21:11
mtx_initPhoenixSTF: Go into Sound Preferences and make sure your input device is properly set21:11
=== highguy is now known as foolguy
NET||abusethat got it back, i had to kill the old process.21:12
MrPink52soreau: This is after running make a few times, so only the error part: http://pastebin.org/32343821:12
edbianNET||abuse, awesome.  Glad you got it! :)21:12
blockcoldthanks llutz edbian21:12
miazgatorsoreau I witnessed problems with flashplayer on diffrent computers I installed Ubuntu on21:12
foolguyhow do I open a winrar file on ubuntu?21:12
edbianblockcold, no problem21:12
PhoenixSTFmtx_init: i did and its working in the system, the mic is recognized and active!21:12
edbianfoolguy, install the rar archive manager thingy.21:12
miazgatorsoreau: I mean the playback is ok but the fullscreen controls ain't21:12
YerushalmiZykoticK9: It worked! You are so awesome, I've been working on this for months and nobody could figure it out! Thanks! :)21:12
gothenburgfoolguy: install unrar or unrar-free ?21:12
buppa_Anyone know if Ubuntu and ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphic card work well? I have installed the propretary drivers for my graphic card but the CPU usage is very high, espescially when moving around windows or surfing with firefox.21:13
mtx_initPhoenixSTF: Thats a application problem then, I guess maybe theres a setting for the program21:13
gothenburgbuppa_: are you using compiz?21:13
ZykoticK9Yerushalmi, glad you got it fixed!21:13
buppa_gothenburg, yes, but its still the same if i turn off compiz21:13
gothenburgbuppa_: ok21:13
vltHello. I added some directories to the "Places" area in Nautilus. How can I rename an item there?21:14
Yerushalmiand now I head home and get some much-needed sleep. G'night!21:14
soreauMrPink52: Try installing libglut3-dev21:14
gothenburgAti and GNU/Linux aren't friends as far as I know..21:14
edbianvlt, Open some folder at look at the right.21:14
MrPink52soreau: ok one sec, I will give it a shot21:14
darko3di clicked on the "new panel" option in the top panel and i think it added an invisible panel to the right, how do i remove that21:14
gothenburgpcmanfm <321:14
edbianvlt, and by right on mean left.21:14
MrPink52soreau: can I just run make after installing additional libs or do I have to run make clean ?21:15
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.21:15
soreauMrPink52: Also libgl1-mesa-dev if you dont already have it (no you do not need make clean)21:15
soreauMrPink52: Just run make again21:15
ne7workfor what i need partitions for / for /home and for what else?21:15
edbianne7work, Bare minimum you need / and /swap21:15
edbianne7work, If you don't have a separate /home it will just be placed in /.  It is a good idea to have a /home though.21:16
tyranosbuppa_, install fusion-icon and then check the compiz options in there and see if it changes something especially when moving windows the option are indirect rendering and loose binding21:16
vltedbian: ok, and then?21:16
foolguygothenburg: thanks!21:16
MrPink52soreau: I already have that... and i am still getting the same error :-/21:16
gothenburg /swap should be 2*mem ?21:16
edbianvlt, See the folders on the left?  Those are the same that are in the places menu.  You change there names and such right there.21:16
vltedbian: What I tried was: right click -> rename21:16
makdinaloww smuanya21:16
soreauMrPink52: What program is this?21:16
MrPink52soreau: FKTL21:17
buppa_tyranos, do i write sudo apt-get install fusion-icon in terminal to install that?21:17
tyranosbuppa_, yes21:17
PhoenixSTFmtx_init: the program has the input audio selected but doesnt get any audio to it its like if i turn the program test on, the system has no output on the mic, the moment i turn it of, mic is working on system21:17
edbiangothenburg, That's a rule of thumb.  It's good up until about 2GB of ram.  Really 2GB of swap is enough.  4GB or more of swap is a TON.  You won't ever fill it.21:17
vltedbian: Then I typed the new name and hit Return. AS soon as I did this the old name was shown. What do I have to do?21:17
darko3di clicked on the "new panel" option in the top panel and now when i maximize a windows there's a black space from the right21:17
soreauMrPink52: can you link me to the source code?21:17
gothenburgedbian: mhm21:18
edbianvlt, What are you trying to rename?  Folders?  Just go rename them?21:18
PhoenixSTFmtx_init: i think its a problem with the pulse audio21:18
tyranosMrPink52, do you have a nvidia card ?21:18
vivienedbian: Independent /tmp can be safe too21:18
MrPink52soreau: sry FLTK  http://www.fltk.org/software.php?VERSION=2.0.x-r7513  version 2.021:18
gothenburgedbian: is 64 bits good now?21:18
edbiangothenburg, What do you mean?21:18
viviengothenburg: yes21:18
edbiangothenburg, 64 bit ubuntu?21:18
vltedbian: I want to rename the "link" to the folder in the "Places" on the left left.21:18
MrPink52tyranos: To be honost I am not exactly sure... its an onboard Intel Graphics Card in my laptop21:18
gothenburgIs it "safe" and the program works fine with 64 bit instead of 32?21:18
viviengothenburg: the 64-bit version of Ubuntu works perfectly, if this is your question.21:19
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edbianvivien, gothenburg You can have a separate /<anything>  /var /tmp /usr /home21:19
gothenburgI know21:19
tyranosMrPink52, give me a link to the tar package u re trying to compile21:19
mtx_initPhoenixSTF: tbh im not really sure21:19
edbiangothenburg, Yeah.  Do you know what 64bit arch is used for though?21:19
soreauMrPink52: ok let me see if I can get it built21:19
gothenburgedbian: nah21:19
PhoenixSTFmtc_init thanks anyway m821:20
MrPink52soreau: thanks!21:20
edbianvlt, I don't know how to do that :(  I'm sure you can though! :)21:20
gothenburgI use my p4 2.8 Ghz and 512 mb ram in win xp xD21:20
paraintjWhats the lightest fastest stable linux distribution known to mankind?21:20
LjL!ot | paraintj21:20
ubottuparaintj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:20
tyranosMrPink52, then type lspci | grep VGA and post the output21:20
gothenburgparaintj: dsl or arch21:20
paraintjoh thanks ljl21:20
ne7workedbian, else /home what else is good for performance?21:20
vivienparaintj: ubuntu installed with netboot :)21:20
darko3dparaintj: dsl21:20
edbiangothenburg, 64 bit architecture OS should only be used on a system with a 64 bit processor and >3GB of ram.  64 bit allows you to map the addresses 4GB of ram (or more).  It is also more efficient at the programming level.21:21
gothenburg separate /home is good if you want to reinstall your system. But yeah21:21
soreauMrPink52: Ok I see it has a makefile but it also has a configure script. Did you run ./configure first?21:21
vivienne7work: independent /home is not for performance. See gothenburg comment21:21
gothenburgedbian: okay :)21:21
MrPink52tyranos: ntel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)21:21
darko3dcant anybody help21:22
edbianne7work, I none of those separate partitions increase performance.  They are useful if your hard drive fails or you want to reinstall the OS.  The data on separate partitions won't be lost.21:22
darko3di clicked on the "new panel" option in the top panel and now when i maximize a windows there's a black space from the right21:22
MrPink52soreau: I just saw that, ran configure and then tried make, still the same error21:22
edbiangothenburg, Any more questions?21:22
liebparaintj : I quite like puppy linux21:22
miazgatorgothenburg: how can arch be stable?21:22
vltDoes anyone know how to actually rename one of the "links" in the "Places" section in Nautilus? What key do I have to press after rightClick->rename->typing_the_new_name to apply?21:22
gothenburglieb: ot21:22
dekroninganyone know a good graphical editor in Ubuntu? one that shows a tree of my files in the current directory and allows me to edit files?21:22
Vooloohow much space do you need for / partition really? is 10 GB a lot or ok, is 150 GB too much? Consider you add another called /home21:22
dekroninggedit doesn't seem to have this drawer with a tree of my files21:22
gothenburgmiazgator: what? He asked for one small dist21:22
lieb <gothenburg> the new 5.0.1 is pretty much built on lucid21:22
edbiandekroning, you mean a file manager?21:23
LjLVooloo: 10 is ok, 150 is way too much. i'm using 10, but if i had to make a new install, i'd make it 2021:23
miazgatorgothenburg: fast and stable :P21:23
vltdekroning: gedit should be able to do this21:23
darko3di read an article about pimping gedit and it said that there'21:23
viviendekroning: what do you mean by a tree of files in current directory?21:23
gothenburglieb: aha21:23
edbianVooloo, 10Gb is good.  My / is 7GB and has been about 1/2 full for over a year now.21:23
miazgatorI don't think arch is gonna be stable for long time, it's rolling release21:23
corpseok, im having a hard time connecting to my seedbox via lftp. its an sftp server so i use lftp sftp://username.site.adress.com:port  and i will be prompted for my password which i enter. Then when i !ls i just get the output of the directory i was in before i ran lftp, i.e servers /home21:23
tyranosMrPink52, what are you trying to compile ? give me a link so i can try it and see what i can do for you21:23
darko3dthat there's a plugins package that can be downloaded but i cant find it21:23
VoolooLjL: ok thanks, I will put more in /home21:23
darko3di read an article about pimping gedit and it said that there's a plugins package that can be downloaded but i cant find it21:23
gothenburgyou can use a link if the size of root doesn't work fine. Like with games21:24
turbo_hi there. Just trying to compile ufoai on Ubuntu Karmic 64 and found out that libmxml-dev is missing in the debian section of required packages21:24
gothenburgI think21:24
lieb <gothenburg> I take that you don't like puppy, I've tried dsl and it never really worked right for me, also puppy uses a 2.6 kernel and not a 2.4, so dsl is good for really really old machines21:24
LjL!info gedit-plugins | darko3d21:24
ubottudarko3d: gedit-plugins (source: gedit-plugins): set of plugins for gedit. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.30.0-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 372 kB, installed size 2236 kB21:24
edbianVooloo, It depends how much software you install.  The more software the bigger / will be.  However most open source software is small.  Not like windows were a lot of things are 700+ MB21:24
MrPink52tyranos: http://www.fltk.org/software.php?VERSION=2.0.x-r7513  v2.0  soreau is also trying to build it21:24
Voolooedbian: I know, but I will also run virtualbox, but I guess I can put those images in /home21:24
MrPink52tyranos: soreau: Thanks for the help guys :)21:24
miazgatoredbian: yes but you need LOADS of dependancies21:24
soreauMrPink52: are you sure configure succeeded? The easiest way to know is to mv the Makefile then rerun the script. It will create a new Makefile if it succeeds21:25
edbianmiazgator, arch will never be as stable as debian or even ubuntu because it is rolling.  The packages are updated every week.  They don't have a new version ever 6 months.  Essentially they have a new version every week.21:25
dekroningvivien: i want to do something like:   cd ~/src/my_code  &&   gedit .21:25
tyranosMrPink52, give me a couple minutes21:25
miazgatoredbian: that's why arch will never be stable at all21:25
MrPink52soreau: I can try that21:25
dekroningvivien: so i see all my files in a nice file manager and allow me to select which files i want to edit21:25
edbianYou can also boot a live CD and change the partitions on the disk (shrink or grow them) but it is slow.21:25
soreauMrPink52: It built here so pastebin the output of dpkg -l|grep dev|grep -i gl|grep -v grep21:25
edbianVooloo, Those images will go in /home automatically.21:25
viviendekroning: Have you tried emacs? It does that.21:26
tyranosMrPink52, version number ?21:26
tyranossoreau, check your command again21:26
soreautyranos: what?21:26
dekroningvivien: ok thanks i'll try that21:26
user766hi, I have a video resolution limit of two and one refresh rate.  How do I get the full capability?21:26
Voolooedbian: alright nice. is there a easy overview to see how much each directory in / holds?21:26
tyranosgrep -v grep?21:26
darko3dever since i installed ubuntu 3 days ago, i downloaded around 2 gbs worth of packages, is there a way for me to backup the packages i downloaded for future use21:26
soreautyranos: man grep21:26
viviendekroning: "emacs ." opens the directory in dired mode. It is a very powerful mode. Generally speaking, if you can invest some time on Emacs, it is well spent. This software can do about everything. A long-term companion...21:27
edbianVooloo, What do you mean?  You want see how big each folder is on your install right now?  Use the disk analyzer.21:27
MrPink52tyranos: 2.021:27
edi_99Hi. Anyone else experiencing crazy (not normal) cpu boosts using kubuntu koala?21:27
SirMooNot all an ubuntu question, but why when I mouse over someone in chatzilla does it not show their ip/host name where as on my other linux computer computer it does? ._. Is there a setting I'm missing?21:27
soreauMrPink52: please pastebin the output of the dpkg command I gave you21:28
dekroningvivien: ok thanks21:28
icerootedi_99: top will tell you21:28
tyranossoreau, sry for my ignorance but i still dont get y you grep for grep ?21:28
tyranossoreau, -v is for inverting the match21:28
DigitalFluxHi Guys21:28
Voolooedbian: yeah thanks21:28
MrPink52soreau: http://pastebin.org/32346321:28
edbianVooloo, no prob.  Disk analyzer is awesome!21:28
vltHello. In a fresh install of 10.04 I can't write the letter "s" in a Gnome session. Instead of writing "s" the shutdown menu from the upper right taskbar corner expands. Without running gnome-session it works. Any idea?21:28
MrPink52soreau: I moved the makefile ran configure and no new makefile appeared21:28
gothenburgnow film :D21:28
DigitalFluxI am having problems with my Western Digital My Book under Ubuntu 9.1021:28
DigitalFluxOn my Hp Mini 214021:29
gothenburgDigitalFlux: what problem?21:29
soreautyranos: From the grep man page:  -v, --invert-match  -  Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.  (-v is specified by POSIX.)21:29
gothenburgDigitalFlux: do you have NTFS?21:29
edbianDigitalFlux, What is the problem? :)  Can you mount it?21:29
drizzt_how to remove floppy disk support?21:29
soreauMrPink52: Ok pastebin the output of configure21:29
DigitalFluxnope, i cannot mount it21:29
DigitalFluxlsusb shows it21:29
DigitalFluxbut fdisk no21:29
DigitalFluxBus 001 Device 007: ID 1058:1100 Western Digital Technologies, Inc.21:29
SirMooInteresting. Western Digital My Books works wlel for me...21:29
edbianDigitalFlux, fdisk doesn't show it?21:29
MrPink52soreau: ok one sec21:29
tyranossoreau i know what -v does  but y do you search for grep ??21:29
edbianDigitalFlux, sudo fdisk -l  ?21:29
DigitalFluxedbian: no, it doesn't21:29
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DigitalFluxedbian: Yes, it is not listed there21:30
edbianDigitalFlux, What about "sudo lshw -C disk"21:30
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soreautyranos: You obviously do not know what it does21:30
vltCapital "S" or any other key work fine. Just the small "s" doesn't.21:30
MrPink52soreau: http://pastebin.org/32346921:30
soreautyranos: Its stripping any lines with the string grep in it21:30
tyranossoreau, my bad21:31
soreauMrPink52: I think you just need to install libglu1-mesa-dev then rerun configure and make21:31
DigitalFluxedbian: Also not there21:31
DigitalFluxedbian: lshw doesn't list it21:31
soreauMrPink52: but it looks like configure succeeded so just put the makefile back in place21:31
DigitalFluxedbian: I faced this with a usb stick too BTW21:31
edbianDigitalFlux, Then your system doesn't recognize it as a HDD.  Very odd, are you sure it's connected?  Does it show up in dmesg?  Plug it in and remove it a couple times and see if it shows up in dmesg21:31
edbianDigitalFlux, Maybe the USB port is dead?21:32
MrPink52soreau: I have libglu1-mesa-dev already21:32
MrPink52soreau: ok makefile is back in place21:32
soreauMrPink52: What about libgl1-mesa-dev?21:32
MrPink52soreau: have that too21:33
soreauMrPink52: I dont know why its failing then.. worksforme here :P21:33
DigitalFluxedbian: the USB port works with my 3G USB modem and other devices just OK21:33
DigitalFluxdmesg shows nothing21:33
DigitalFlux/var/log/messages shows only 3 lines21:33
DigitalFluxJun 10 23:32:49 GMini kernel: [  734.188081] usb 1-7: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1221:33
DigitalFluxJun 10 23:32:50 GMini kernel: [  734.323895] usb 1-7: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice21:34
DigitalFluxJun 10 23:32:50 GMini kernel: [  734.328678] scsi24 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices21:34
DigitalFluxSorry for the flood ..21:34
MrPink52soreau: Is there any reason its not finding the gl libraries? I mean can I tell the linker to look for them in specific directories ?21:34
edbianDigitalFlux, Then the system doesn't even see that something is being plugged in.  Are you sure it's not USB 1.0 and you're using 2.0 devices or something?  I think this is a hardware problem.21:34
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soreauMrPink52: you really shouldnt have to do anything special in a typical setup other than install the -dev packages21:34
DigitalFluxedbian: It's an HP 2140 netbook, so it is 2.021:35
DigitalFluxedbian: May be i will check the BIOS settings ..21:35
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profxavieranyone know things about managing subversion, from an admin's point of view? do you create the svn folder structure [branches, tags, trunk] within the /var/svn/projects folder? or do you do it where your code is, that you want to commit ?21:36
edbianDigitalFlux, Something is up. dmesg should at least recognize something is plugged in.  Even if it doesn't work at all.  I could probably jam some ancient modem in there and dmesg would print something.21:36
DigitalFluxedbian: I see21:36
darko3dthanks alot guys, the mic problem has been fixed21:37
darko3dbut the new kernel update seems to have broken my nvidia driver21:39
darko3dhow do i fix it21:39
MrPink52soreau: tyranos: Any ideas what to do from here? Because I really need to get this installed so that I can continue with my Bachelor Thesis Project :-/21:39
remanifestdarko3d: Reinstall the NVIDIA drivers from the NVIDIA site21:40
vltWhat can I do to write the character "s" in a gnome-session? It opens the shutdown menu here on a fresh install of 10.04.21:40
jeannotyea u boot into the console and run the .sh file21:40
darko3dremanifest: is there a linux version??21:40
jeannotu should install the drivers that are under protected drivers in ubuntu tho21:40
jeannotthen u wont have to do that21:40
tyranosMrPink52, i just successfully compiled that, let me try on the eeepc which has a intel cardlike yours21:40
scottsprofxavier: you might want to try a development channel like #ubuntu-begginers-dev or one of the others.  I have limited experience with that tool, but unlike cvs it seems to really want to be in the development directory structure for easiest use.21:40
remanifestdarko3d: Yes.  NVIDIA has been supporting Linux for a long time... about 10+ years21:41
guntbert!u | jeannot21:41
ubottujeannot: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:41
Cyrosiushi there21:41
MrPink52tyranos: Everyone around me can compile it without problems... -.-21:41
MrPink52tyranos: but I appreciate your effort, thanks21:41
profxaviersvn admin, anyone ?21:42
vltguntbert: What does "Ne1" actually mean?21:42
Cyrosiushi people, got a little problem: today i started to use latest elementary theme on ubuntu 10.04, everything's fine except for window title bar21:42
guntbertvlt: anyone :-)21:42
Cyrosiusi have buttons on the left21:42
Cyrosiusand the title of the windows appears slightly centered to the right21:42
guntbert!controls | Cyrosius21:42
ubottuCyrosius: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d621:42
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MrPink52profxavier: I assume there is a SVN IRC Channel... haven't set up one myself yet, only have used it21:42
vltprofxavier, guntbert: Thanks. (Ne1, omg)21:43
Cyrosiusyeah yeah21:43
scottsprofzavier: did you see my response?21:43
Cyrosiusi know that21:43
darko3dremanifest:  at the login it gave an error that said the driver failed, is that normal, i mean, cant i fix the driver i already installed yesterday without have to re download it21:43
Cyrosiuswhat i mean21:43
guntbert!enter | Cyrosius21:43
ubottuCyrosius: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:43
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Cyrosiustitle of the windows is not just after the buttons21:43
remanifestdarko3d: Yes of course.  Just re-run the install script for nvidia21:43
cmdlinenewbieI have a question about key-bindings... what combination is this one?... ^a-@21:43
jeannoti use u for brevitys sake lol21:44
darko3dremanifest: what install script? i just clicked on the driver that appeared in the hardware drivers window21:44
erUSULcmdlinenewbie: crtl + a + @21:44
steven78700en francais ?21:44
wamichohow do you know the partition to which grub is installed ?21:44
j_dalmondam, guys, it it possible to disable compiz for concrete app, like openoffice, for example?21:44
soreauMrPink52: You seem to be having some kind of linker error but no idea why since I cant reproduce it21:44
soreauMrPink52: This is ubuntu 10.04?21:44
cmdlinenewbieerUSUL ... so you press shift at the same time to get "@"?21:44
MrPink52soreau: yes a fresh install21:44
guntbert!fr | steven7870021:45
remanifestdarko3d: Simply download the driver from the nvidia website and run the install script21:45
ubottusteven78700: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:45
MrPink52soreau: for some reason it just can't find the Open GL Libraries... but I dont know why and I dont know how to tell the Linker where to look21:45
erUSULcmdlinenewbie: probably... GNU screen I  guess ?21:45
Cyrosiusagain, in one line: i use now elementary theme, title buttons are on the left, ok with that. then the title is not just to the right of the buttoms, it's centered but slight to the right. what i want is the window name next to the right of the title buttons21:45
UndeonHey guys. I'm having a weired problem with my squid.. My server has 2 NICs, static IP. From server, I can access the internet without problem... And I can ping the client too.. But the client can't access the internet...21:45
scottscmdlinenewbie: where do you see this key designation?21:45
soreauMrPink52: My guess is you have some environment variable set you dont realize21:45
holocenehow do you start the ubuntuone client? It's not in accsys.21:46
mcnellisI'm trying to create a package of a program I have the source for. I used dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot but the last line of output when running that command I get is "dpkg-buildpackage: warning: Failed to sign .dsc and .changes file"21:46
darkangelhey im having troube installing screem on the new lucid lynx, any help???21:46
wamicho how do you know the partition that grub is installed in?21:46
soreauMrPink52: because it doesnt make sense that it would work here, unless some other dep is missing (which is seeming less likely)21:46
darko3dremanifest: ok, thanks21:46
mcnellisI'm not sure if it's created the .deb package or not - where would the resulting package be?21:46
guntbertUndeon: #ubuntu-server is probably the better place for that21:46
remanifestdarko3d: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index5.aspx?lang=en-us21:46
cmdlinenewbiescotts ... I see it with byobu. I accidentally switched the keybindings of the original configuration.21:46
Undeonthanks guntbert =)21:47
MrPink52soreau: hmm is there a way to compare environment variables... I mean I just installed Ubuntu today... so I have installed OpenSceneGraph and Cmake and thats about it...21:47
remanifestdarko3d: the graphics card you're looking for is the GeForce 9200M21:47
darkangeli have a tar.gz that im trying to install in the new lucid lynx can anyone help me?21:48
soreauMrPink52: pastebin the output of env21:48
erUSUL!compile | darkangel21:48
ubottudarkangel: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:48
icerootdarkangel: isnt the program in the repos?21:48
darko3dyeah, downloading21:48
darkangeli looked for it in the repos but couldnt find it21:48
remanifestdarko3d: "9M series"21:48
icerootdarkangel: name?21:48
inspironHey guys I have windows + wubi installed ubuntu (10.4) Now I want to install it properly but I'm afraid that the wubi installation will be inaccessible. Any help?21:48
icerootdarkangel: with ee? and not ea?21:48
inspironI had to install via wubi the first time21:48
profxaviersvn admin, anyone ?21:48
scottscmdlinenewbie: I would really suggest changing it to something without the shift.  Unfortunately I am not familiar with the app to know where you do that.  That me be the question you want to ask.21:48
darkangelyes with ee21:49
darkangelits a html/xml editor21:49
darko3dremanifest: its a .run file, is that correct21:49
vltIs there a year 2038 problem with f-spot and images taken in 2054 (according to EXIF data)? I tried to adjust the timestamp but f-spot crashes as soon as I open the time adjust dialog.21:49
MrPink52soreau: one sec, tyranos asked me to do something too I will get back to you :D21:49
remanifestdarko3d: Should be - do you know how to use the terminal?21:49
icerootdarkangel: sudo apt-get install screem   its in the repos21:49
cmdlinenewbiescotts .. Yeah, I'd love to change it back.  I'm new to this and I goofed.  So you are saying I press all those 4 keys at once?21:49
uLinuxHow can I run a script that uses "#!/usr/bin/expect spawn telnet IP.."21:49
iceroot!info screem21:50
ubottuPackage screem does not exist in lucid21:50
icerootdarkangel: hm, its in the karmic repos21:50
uLinuxit worked on karmic but maybe I need something to run it21:50
darko3dremanifest: yeah, but what do i need to use it for21:50
goldinshow do I tell ssh to not check host keys?21:50
DigitalFluxedoceo: Rebooted to windows, USB HD is working fine, so i guess it's not a hardware issue ..21:50
scottscmdlinenewbie: es....but your milage may vary  :-)21:50
remanifestdarko3d: go into terminal, chmod +x *.run21:50
iceroot!info screem karmic21:50
ubottuscreem (source: screem): A GNOME website development environment. In component main, is optional. Version 0.16.1-4.2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1962 kB, installed size 7624 kB21:50
erUSULvlt: well the 2038 yeaqr problem is in al the system not just f-spot :)21:50
darkangelyeah i know its not in the repos ive looked for it21:51
icerootdarkangel: you are on lucid?21:51
remanifestthen sudo ./*.run21:51
cmdlinenewbiescotts .. egads!  ok, hopefully that will get me to the main menu so I can switch it back :-)21:51
darkangelyes i am on lucid21:51
scottscmdlinenewbie: try it and let us know....21:51
iceroot!who | darkangel21:51
ubottudarkangel: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:51
erUSUL!nvidia | remanifest darko3d using the run file shouild be the last resort21:51
ubotturemanifest darko3d using the run file shouild be the last resort: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:51
darkangel!iceroot yes i am on lucid21:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:51
remanifesterUSUL: *shrug* it's not that big of a deal dude21:51
icerootdarkangel: its in the karmic repos, so maybe it have another name in lucid? or there is a reason why it is not in the repos anymore21:51
vlterUSUL: I had no problems on that very same 32bit machine to alter the date with exiv2.21:52
Jordan_Uvlt: Please file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug f-spot"21:52
remanifesterUSUL: I've been using nvidia's stuff for over a decade without issue21:52
vltJordan_U: ok21:52
erUSULremanifest: reinstalling/recompiling everytime there is a kernel update can be a big deal...21:52
Im010.04.1 installed gnokii 0.6.28 (universe/comm) with "apt-get install gnokii".  Apparently gnokii has a later version and is available in universe: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gnokii/ . Shouldn't "apt-get upgrade" upgrade this package to 0.6.29? Using default /etc/apt/source.list21:52
remanifesterUSUL: Really?  it takes 2 minutes21:52
icerootIm0: if it is a metapackage, yes21:53
remanifesterUSUL: Also, if someone updates to their own kernel before the repositories do, what other option is there?21:53
icerootIm0: is "apt-cache policy gnokii" showing the universe-repo?21:53
darko3dremanifest, erUSUL too late already deleted the driver i had installed before21:53
coventry`The Network Management applet icon does not appear in my panel. "killall nm-applet && nm-applet &" runs without reporting any error, but without restoring the icon.  Removing and reinstalling the gnome-network-manager package doesn't fix the problem.  The workaround suggested in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/439448/comments/64 does not restore it, nor do any of the other icons appear confused, so I don't21:54
coventry`think it's that bug.  Any other suggestions?21:54
Im0iceroot: lucid/universe  Version table: 0.6.28.dfsg-121:54
erUSULremanifest: i use the run and i use my custom kernel; but i do not recomend that to others.21:54
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/21:54
darko3dremanifest: what is that command suppose to do, giving permission to .run files?21:54
remanifestdarko3d: you have to run it as root, so it would be "sudo ./*.run (where * is the name of the run file)21:55
remanifestafter you chmod +x it21:55
coventry`Regarding the Works For Me page:  All concepts are fundamentally flawed. :-)21:55
Im0iceroot: apparently it is using http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/universe Packages21:55
holocenehow do you start the ubuntuone client? It's not in the accessories menu...21:55
inspironHey guys I have windows + wubi installed ubuntu (10.4) Now I want to install it properly but I'm afraid that the wubi installation will be inaccessible. Any help?21:56
darko3dremanifest: chmod: cannot access `*.run': No such file or directory21:56
remanifestdarko3d: replace "*" with the actual file name21:56
darko3dremanifest: wait, i should wait until i download the file, shouldnt i21:56
remanifestdarko3d: Also be sure you're in the same directory as the .run file21:56
headbashaIm wanting to add another hard drive to my system, can someone please point me in the write direction on how to do that. Im wanting to add it to my existing drive total and not add another mountable drive if that is possible? Thanks :)21:56
remanifestlol yeah, gotta download it first21:56
profxavierneed help with setting up my first svn packages to be committed, can someone explain the directory structure for me ? -please21:57
darko3dremanifest: ok, but its gona take sometime to finish the download21:57
remanifestheadbasha: ?  I don't understand your question21:57
erUSULheadbasha: no possible afaik you will have to add it as a mountable21:57
willwork4fooscuse that.21:57
mmarc__1hi guys, I'm out of ideas how to make mplayer and vlc installable on ubuntu netbook remix. Could you please point on a helpful guide? TIA!21:57
erUSUL!fstab | headbasha21:57
ubottuheadbasha: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:57
headbashakk thanks..thanks again :)21:58
remanifestdarko3d: No worries there... you'll be surprised how easy this is21:58
papertigersdoes 10.04 still have nfs321:58
buppa_Anyone else having problems with ATI graphic card on GNU/Linux? (Radeon HD 5770)21:58
willwork4fooOK - has anyone here had any dealings with Linpus Linux? I have spent the last FOUR HOURS trying to create a bootable USB stick that I can use to boot a minimal Ubuntu iso and install a proper OS21:58
darko3ddoes anybody know how i can get gedit to number the lines21:58
willwork4fooI am having a NIGHTMARE. I have a Linux system with nothing, it seems, except dd installed21:58
willwork4fooand a mac.21:58
willwork4fooNOTHING I have tried works.21:58
erUSULheadbasha: depending on how much space you have in your root partition now maybe the correct thing would be to move /home/ to the new partition?21:58
profxaviersubversion! anyone ?21:59
darko3dremanifest: i know, i installed ubuntu like 2 years ago and removed it but this time around everything is alot easier and user friendly, i just need to get used to it21:59
remanifestdarko3d: Ahh you'll be golden then21:59
willwork4fooseriously - can anyone help me out here please? :( I am about to go out of my tiny mind22:00
remanifestwillwork4foo: What's the question?22:00
mmarc__1please, anyone? What kind of additional repos do we need for ubuntu netbook to resolve the broken dependencies?22:00
|DeMolay|willwork4foo: I understood Linpus is a kinda fork from Fedora, you could start from there22:00
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holoceneon Ubuntu one, when you mark a folder for sync, does that mean the contents of the folder will sync? No folder contents show online.22:00
willwork4fooI have a system here with a horribly, horribly broken version of Linux - "Linpus". There is no optical disk on the system22:00
Loshkioops. Pardon my fat fingers...22:00
profxavierok, I just need to add 'seriously' into my question...22:00
willwork4fooI am trying desperately to get a USB stick to boot the minimal iso of Ubuntu22:00
darko3dremanifest:  how do i get gedit to number the lines, i installed the plugins package22:00
willwork4fooand so far, NOTHING will correctly create the bootable USB stick22:01
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:01
|DeMolay|willwork4foo: did you tried to get unetbootin22:01
remanifestdarko3d: I'm not sure - I don't use gedit (I use leafpad or kate)22:01
=== Nerran_ is now known as Nerran
willwork4foo|DeMolay|: yes, and there are so many dependencies that I can't resolve on the Linpus box22:01
willwork4fooI have a mac and a Linpus box22:01
profxavierseriously! subversion! anyone ?22:01
remanifestwillwork4foo: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/linux-live-usb-creator/22:01
Doctehwillwork4foo: what boot loader does linpus use22:02
Aliska_what about subversion¿22:02
willwork4fooremanifest: I don't have windows22:02
darko3dremanifest: which do u recommend22:02
|DeMolay|willwork4foo: check this: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-create-an-ubuntu-installation-usb-on-the-mac/22:02
willwork4fooDocteh: grub22:02
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brickyhello ppl wats new22:03
Kane_Hartin ssh how can I see my ip address I can ping to google so I do have a net address but not sure what ip22:03
Heppyhello i need a driver for a Canon MP540,can anyone  tel me how i can get and install it??? sorry my english is very bad22:03
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: If you're just using the netboot image anyway, it's probably easiest to just have grub (from your currently installed system) load the kernel / initrd directly (the mini.iso's kernel / initrd files contain everything needed to boot)22:03
Kane_HartI did ifconfig but saw nothing really22:03
darko3ddoes anybody know how i can get gedit to number the lines22:03
Doctehwillwork4foo: boot the kernel and initrd off the hard drive but refer to usb for the root :)22:03
Kane_Hartn/m I see it now22:03
remanifestdarko3d: kate is much more like gedit, but leafpad is very lightweight22:03
profxavierAliska_ need help understanding how to setup the correct directory structure, have you had much experience with svn ?22:04
Aliska_remanifest, I guess he should avoid installing all that kde library22:04
willwork4fooJordan_U: it doesn't show the grub menu22:04
Doctehwillwork4foo: manually edit the grub conf so it does22:04
zenodako3d:preferences;line numbers;display line numbers22:04
Doctehlook for a menu.lst file22:04
darko3dzeno: lmao, dont i look stupid, thanks22:06
buppa_Anyone else having problems with ATI graphic card on GNU/Linux? (Radeon HD 5770) My CPU usage is very high espescially Xorg is very high.22:06
Aliska_profxavier, no, basically I make one subversion for my projects, then I add projects to that subversion directory22:06
zenodarko3d:  we all make mistakes22:06
remanifestAliska_: Yeah, depends how many K apps he likes... I'm partial to KDE apps, but prefer E17 and LXDE as my WM22:06
Aliska_remanifest, leafpad is nice for what he neads22:07
darko3dzeno: have u ever used notepad++22:07
Raydiationhi how can i sync my nokia 5230 with evolution?22:07
zenodarko3d: no, I haven't why?22:07
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: For 64 bit 10.04 download this, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz then extract just the kernel and initrd (ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux and ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz) to /boot and create a menu entry for it in /boot/grub/menu.lst22:07
Aliska_notepad++ runs under linux ?22:07
Mundix people i have problema to install unreal tournament 2004 on ubuntu22:08
darko3dzeno, Aliska_: no, but im so used to it that im trying to find the perfect alternative for it22:08
Mundixplease some one help me22:08
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aykuthi all22:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:09
brickywhats the command that opens the .exe to extract the inf22:09
darko3dwell anyway, notepad++ has this tool we can use to escape quote, as in convert " to \22:09
Aliska_darko3d, how about JEdit, it's very nice and cross platform. lot of funny and nerdy functions22:09
darko3d" to \"22:09
MrWiseMy system hangs after Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30 on ubuntu server install, I'm using a very old (p4 pre-x86-64) computer with an onboard ATi rage card.22:09
zenodarko3d:  what do you need it to do?  There's plenty of tools available.22:09
uLinuxWhy isn't this script working anymore? http://pastebin.com/ED9nxydZ22:09
mmarc__1guys, I'm really looking for some assistance. Anybody with 10.04 netbook remix? Anybody with it and vlc/mplayer/openssh-clinet?? They all have broken dependencies for me. What's the issue? I've enabled medibuntu, but the situation is pretty the same :(22:09
vivien Mundix: maybe it is supported by playonlinux http://www.playonlinux.com/en/22:10
Aliska_mmarc__1, why dont u install a basic ubuntu distrib22:10
Mundixi have this site and went i follow the steps22:10
darko3dzeno: convert \" to ", ' to ", back and forth, and the ability to look for a string in a directory22:10
Mundixi choose ut200422:11
remanifestdarko3d: Notepad++ might run under wine22:11
tyler_dwhat happened to /proc/bus/usb in 10.04 ??22:11
Mundixand then are a url with download game but don't work22:11
SirMooPlayonlinux is kind of iffy if you don't have the game CD's. :(22:11
remanifestkind of a clunky solution but it's up to you22:11
darko3dlike give it the string and the directory and it will look through all the files in that directory22:11
Aliska_tyler_d, disappeared, as well as usbfs22:11
darko3dremanifest: yeah exactly, read somewhere a tutorial but not a good feedback22:12
tyler_dAliska_: bit unrelated then, but how do you forward usb devices through to vbox then??22:12
micaelHello does the server have a gui or is it just command22:12
zenodarko3d:  I'm not sure to be honest.  I haven't much experience.  Perhaps you should look at bluefish editor22:12
tyler_dAliska_: :s22:12
Aliska_darko3d, without better answer, try to run it under wine, like remanifest said. It's very probable it'll work fine22:12
vivienMundix: SirMoo: All right. I was mentioning it. I never used playonlinux, but it supposed to help...22:12
alvarezpInteresting... if I set "nomodeset" in Grub, the laptop ends up using >400 MB after a clean login. If I leave it as the default, it uses ~170 after a clean login. Any idea why this is?22:12
willwork4fooJordan_U: really sorry, I'm a bit of a newbie - what would the line look like in menu.lst22:12
alvarezp(Ubuntu Lucid)22:12
Mundix@vivien i neet to install on native ubuntu22:12
uLinuxWhy isn't this script working anymore? http://pastebin.com/ED9nxydZ22:12
willwork4foospecifically need the kernel and initrd line22:12
mmarc__1Aliska_: it's for eeepc, whose screen is netbok remix targeted for. But is Canonical making some special restrictions on it? Is there a conspiracy here about forcing non-US people to follow the US understanding of legality and pay for free mp3 codec? This what I have mostly looks like if repos were cut down in a very ugly manner.22:12
vivienMundix: Ok! No idea. Never cam across UT2004 myself!22:13
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: "kernel /boot/linux" "initrd /boot/initrd.gz"22:13
micaelanyone here that knows something about ubuntu server22:13
willwork4foocool thanks, I guessed that22:13
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: You're welcome.22:13
bauer_micael, just ask22:14
alecbenzeris there a way to install a <packagename>-<versionnumber> package but allow it to be accesed with just <packagename> commsnds? ie, install irb1.9.1 but have the irb command work (other than a manual symlink)?22:14
darko3dhey if a new version of ubuntu comes out, do i have to delete everything and install it or can i update from the update manager?22:14
SirMooUpdate it through the manager.22:14
erUSUL!upgrade | darko3d22:14
ubottudarko3d: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:14
micaelbauer_ i have installed it but i am new and like to know if tere is any gui22:14
|DeMolay|micael: if ou downloaded 10.04 server and you want a gui you must install it22:15
Jordan_Ummarc__1: Do you have universe and multiverse enabled?22:15
bauer_micael, dont ask mee just ask. there is 1580 in here22:15
micaeli dont know how to write in command22:15
|DeMolay|server has only a command line22:15
|DeMolay|sudo apt-get install anything-you-want22:15
=== hpmini is now known as miniuser
kinksi.e. sudo apt-get install cheeseburgerdiespenser22:16
kinksdispenser* :(22:16
alecbenzermicael: if you want the standard ubuntu desktop you can run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:16
SirMooPitty we can't get apt-get all things in life. :(22:16
micaelDemolay is the server only command line22:16
|DeMolay|like kinks says22:16
Nerransudo su x)22:16
vivienSirMoo: Agreed!22:16
darko3dso which is betterm kde or gnome??22:16
mmarc__1Jordan_U: I've got main, universe, restricted and multiverse. The full set it is, correct?22:16
alecbenzersudo apt-get love22:16
erUSUL!rootshell | Nerran22:16
ubottuNerran: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)22:16
alecbenzerdarko3d: lmao22:16
alecbenzerdarko3d: depends on your taste22:16
remanifestdarko3d: Totally subjective, but I like KDE better22:16
Jordan_Ummarc__1: Correct.22:16
NerranerUSUL: I know :P22:16
jeannotkde is ok22:16
alecbenzeragree with remanifest22:16
willwork4fooJordan_U: IT WORKS!!!!!!!!22:17
alecbenzerat least for now, io switch between kde and gnome a LOT22:17
willwork4foothanks so much - I'd not thought of that approach! :)22:17
alecbenzeri* switch22:17
* kinks uses neither kde or gnome.22:17
jeannotlol me too22:17
darko3dremanifest: any reasons?22:17
willwork4fooI have been wrestling with bootable USB sticks for HOURS22:17
Jordan_Ummarc__1: Could you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy vlc"?22:17
remanifestdarko3d: But I use LXDE and Enlightenment22:17
micaelalecbenzer i have the server on a old pc now but it is only command line22:17
Jordan_Uwillwork4foo: You're welcome :)22:17
mmarc__1Jordan_U: ookay, then I'll try to switch to main server. RU-server has bad reputation for me, since it already has errors some months ago22:17
jeannoti like xfce a lot22:17
* kinks uses ion3 :p22:17
darko3dremanifest: the whata whata?22:18
willwork4fooright - I'm off to get this system rolled up, THANKS!!!!!!22:18
remanifestdarko3d: It's much more "complete" to me, seamless integration, the apps (i feel) are higher quality22:18
alecbenzermicael: if you need a gui, get to a terminal and run the following command 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' this should set things up so that you have a gui22:18
bauer_micael, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:18
viviendarko3d: I prefer KDE over Gnome. If you faster software, use XFCE. If you want even faster and with full control (you need to be advanced user), have a look at Fluxbox.22:19
bauer_micael, takes time and afterwards you reboot22:19
darko3dremanifest: so if were to switch to kde would that affect the software i installed22:19
potatohey, i have a question...22:19
kinksvivien: you need to be willing to learn, not so much an 'advanced user'22:19
remanifestdarko3d: Nope22:19
alecbenzerpotato: you don't need to ask to ask22:19
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SirMooKDE annoyed me too much to the point I just put Studio Edition on my computer.22:19
kinkswho invented asking to ask anyway? I would like to shoot them.22:19
remanifestdarko3d: You can have KDE and Gnome and XFCE and LXDE and Enlightenment and Openbox and on and on22:19
remanifestAnd all apps will work across all the desktops22:20
alecbenzerkinks: lol, i had that urge when i was first introduced to irc22:20
darko3di read somwhere that gedit is the default editor with gnome, but it still works in kde, right?22:20
jeannotthe beauty of linux22:20
potatoi have a hard drive that was for back up, its about 10 gigs, how do i gain access to it?22:20
vivienkinks: well, if you have to go through the config files, installing you own panel and so forth... it is for advanced users. At least people playing well with computers.22:20
remanifestYeah, it'll work just fine in KDE22:20
alecbenzerpotato: is it hooked up to your computer?22:20
potatoim on a laptop22:20
mmarc__1Jordan_U: It seems I was right. RU-server is the source of my errors again. Could we kich them somehow?22:20
papertigersshould I be seeing a high cpu load when sending files over nfs?22:21
hardwired'llo. How can I check (in the console) whether my nic is transmitting with 1000 or 100 mbit?22:21
alecbenzerpotato: ok, so, is it an external hard drive?22:21
edbian_What is the best compression type for 10MB of files?  .zip? 7zip? .tar ?22:21
profxaviersomeone was helping me with subversion/svn, sorry, I went offline, can we pickup where we left off, or if someone else can shed some light on setting up svn initially and the directory structure...?22:21
darko3dever since i installed ubuntu(3 days), i downloaded around 2 gbs worth of packages, is there a way for me to backup the packages i downloaded for future use?22:21
remanifestthe only thing that sucks about glenn beck is these long ass commercials22:21
potatohow do i pm you?22:21
viviendarko3d: gedit works under KDE. But the default under KDE is kwrite I think.22:21
profxavieredbian_ what will be contained in the file ?22:21
potatoand no, its internal22:22
remanifestvivien: kate22:22
hardwirededbian: depends on the content, not the size. bz2 is usually very good.22:22
alecbenzeri really love kate, it's why I switched to kde to begin with22:22
Doctehdarko3d: look into apt-cacher22:22
edbian_profxavier, A bunch fo files from my highschool years.  Mostly office documents22:22
hardwirededbian: and 7zip as well I think.22:22
Doctehdarko3d: i'm not sure if the apt package includes the importer script though22:22
donaldkellyIs there any known issue with overheating when running 10.04LTS on a 13 inch MBP? I notice my fans never really spin up.22:22
Loshkihardwired: sudo ethtool eth022:22
jeannotmacbooks have really bad cooling22:23
remanifestdonaldkelly: probably because your computer is under less load22:23
jeannotfor one22:23
edbian_hardwired, profxavier A bunch of small files.  so 7zip or bzip ?22:23
hardwiredprofxavier: did you read the svn book? it tells you everything you need to know, and it's quite compact.22:23
viviendarko3d: You may just get the list of packages you installed, with "dpkg -l" in command line.22:23
alecbenzerpotato: so, it's physically hooked up to your computer, yes? if so you need to figure out which file in /dev corresponds to it. do you only have 2 hard drives hooked up right now?22:23
hardwiredLoshki: I don't have ethtool. Doesn't ifconfig tell me somehow?22:23
profxavierhardwired, I am in the processes of it now, but I am not clearly understanding the directory setup.  The book is good, but not clear in this area22:23
darko3dfound them all here /var/cache/apt/archives22:24
potatoalcbenzer: yes22:24
darko3dso i cant really give them to a friend and have run install them on his clean ubuntu box or anything like that22:24
hardwirededbian_: if you're on linux, I'd use tar (it just makes an archive, uncompressed), and then bzip2 that. It's the usual way to do it. If you're on windows, maybe use 7zip instead.22:24
alecbenzerpotato: it's mostly likely either /dev/sdb1 or /dev/hdb1, depending on the type of hard drive. you'll need to do something like sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /path/to/place to mount the drive22:24
donaldkellyremanifest: sort of what I was guessing. I had issues getting 10.04 to notice lots of things, I wasn't sure if it wasn't noticing temperature sensors or something.22:24
remanifestdarko3d: You could if you wanted to22:25
edbian_hardwired, Well of course I'm on linux :)22:25
alecbenzerpotato: then you can access the files at /path/to/plce22:25
potatook, im new to this...22:25
viviendarko3d: You can install a .deb package with "dpkg -i package.deb".22:25
Loshkihardwired: ifconfig tells you *some* stuff but not everything....22:25
profxavierhardwired: able to help me a bit with it ?22:25
remanifestdarko3d: then just "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"22:25
remanifestand it'll install all of them22:25
mmarc__1Jordan_U: thanksfor assistance!22:25
potatoi think, ill go and try and figure this out.. thanks though22:25
hardwirededbian_: I meant, if you need windows compatibility. Though most windows tools also do tar.bz2 I think.22:25
Jordan_Ummarc__1: You're welcome.22:25
micaelalecbenzer will not my server be a ubuntu desktop then22:26
darko3doh, ok nice22:26
hardwiredprofxavier: the usual setup to have three top level directories: trunk, tags, branches.22:26
profxavierhardwired: where though ?22:26
alecbenzermicael: um, yes? it can still function as a server. the words 'server' and 'desktop' are kinda subjective, they just refer to what you use the server for22:26
alecbenzermicael: use the *machine for22:27
tundrayeti311i have a test file with a list of file names that have spaces.  I want to go through them with a loop in a bash script, how can I do this without looping through with individual "words" as tokens?22:27
hardwiredprodcutnews: you current, in-development stuff lives in trunk, from that you do tags and branches when you want to mark a release, or continue work in a branch.22:27
profxaviermy source is at /var/www/project and my svn repo is at /var/svn/repos22:27
hardwiredprofxavier: oh ok, hold on a sec22:27
profxavierso I cd into /var/www/project and mkdir trunk ?22:27
kinksmicael: your only concern may be that running a desktop environment may use resources that would be otherwise spent, but this is likely negligible22:28
profxavieror I make trunk in /var/svn/repos22:28
unoptundrayeti311,  how are you doing it currently?22:28
hardwiredprofxavier: I'll pm you in a sec22:28
profxaviersure, thanks22:28
micaelalecbenzer ok thanks i was going to install the server in a hp mediaserver that have windows homeserver now22:28
kinksmicael: if that is in fact a concern, then you may want to install a lightweight window manager with the x server for a minimal setup, rather than using gnome or kde.22:28
unoptundrayeti311, while read filename; do echo "$filename"; done < /path/to/file22:29
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micaelkinks thanks i will check it out22:29
unoptundrayeti311, or better.  while read -r filename; do echo "$filename"; done < /path/to/file22:29
alecbenzermicael: ya, if you care about efficiency and need something more light weight, you can try xubuntu-dektop (which uses xfce), or set up something yourself22:30
vivienmicael: Or just install xdm and a window manager like Openbox or Fluxbox. This is even lighter than xubuntu.22:31
remanifestLXDE and E17 are a bit less consuming than XFCE (which isn't much better than Gnome nowadays)22:31
vivienAnd for exotic window manager, see awesome :)22:31
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remanifestE17 is actually less consuming than LXDE22:31
micaelalecbenzer well i like to have something like the windows home server that i have now22:32
vivienAnyone here under tilling WM?22:32
kinksvivien: I'm using ion322:32
alecbenzerwould there be any harm in re-symlinking irb in /usr/bin to irb1.9.1 (it's currently linked to irb1.8, which was done by apt)?22:32
pepePluguys how can i order files by modify/create dates in command line?22:32
micaelthanks vivien22:32
vivienkinks: for how long?22:32
kinkshm.. a few years22:32
kinksnot sure exactly22:32
vivienI am fascinating by tilling WMs, but I have never been able to use them.22:33
nacitarI've taken a 10.4 ubuntu server install and retrieved amarok from apt, and all is well except the tray icon is a blue question mark on a white "file" icon.  Any ideas why that might be?  Is there a dependency it's missing?22:33
vivienI am puzzled by the lack of control22:33
tundrayeti311unop: did i miss something "while read -r test.txt; do echo "$filename"; done < /home/user"22:33
kinksit did take some getting used to, but I don't think I would be able to use anything else now.22:33
unoppepePlu, ls -c , if you mean by using ls.22:33
kinksI do not feel as if I have any lack of control.22:33
calumI'm having trouble trying to dual boot Ubuntu and Fedora, Ubuntu is on my main hard drive (320GB) but how do I create a Fedora partition in gparted?22:33
nacitarI've done the same from an ubuntu desktop install and the icon was fine.22:33
kinksthere are some applications that do not display all that well with ion3, but there are not many that I use.22:33
alecbenzermicael: hm, well, kde is probably most simmilar to a windows environment, so you could try kubuntu-desktop, though kubuntu/kde is probably the most resource intensive out of all your options22:33
gwernso, I accidentally my whole music collection. oops. I have backups, but the working ones are pretty old and don't include stuff I've added in the past few months. fortunately, it being music, I can just get fresh copies. the problem is, at first I thought I had just mislaid my ~/music, so I did an updatedb... are there are any other lists-of-$HOME-files tucked away somewhere on a ubuntu system?22:33
unoptundrayeti311, errm yes.  while read -r file; do echo "$file"; done < /home/user/test.txt22:34
pepePluunop thanx but how can i use ls to display one page at a time22:34
gwernI also tried to undelete the files, but the ext3 util;ity only picked up a fraction of the files22:34
vivienkinks: some windows have a "right" size, and ion3 will resize them without any care, right?22:34
alecbenzermicael: also, I don't know how windows servers work, but most/all of the actual server configutation on linux is going to be done from a command line22:34
unoppepePlu, pipe to less?  ls -c | less22:34
darko3dremanifest: ok just finished donwloading the driver22:34
kinksvivien: hm, sometimes; not very often22:34
pepePluoh right thank you so much unop22:35
kinksdialog boxes generally stretch the entire width of the screen, but it doesn't do any harm.22:35
remanifestdarko3d: Ok sweet, now all you have to do is unpack it, chmod +x the .run file22:35
kinksyou *can* have floating windows if you want to.22:35
pepePluit doesn't work22:35
kinksI very rarely do.22:35
pepePluah because i am typing that in ftp22:35
pepePlulet me try ssh22:35
vivienkinks: also, you need to keep the number of windows low, right? Or it is a mess with many small windows?22:35
tundrayeti311unop: ok that worked... so we got read -r creating a token from a whole line of text to varialbe file, yeah? and < a reverse pipe of sorts?  just trying to understand22:36
darko3dremanifest: ok did that, now i run it?22:36
remanifestdarko3d: yup, just run it with sudo22:36
kinksvivien: I generally have at most 3-6 windows on a single desktop, but I have about 5 desktops with various arrangements of windows for certain programs.22:36
powr-tocIs Emacs 23.2 available in 10.04 of ubuntu yet/22:36
kinksvivien: there is also a "scratchpad" that will pop up over any desktop and can be set to any size22:37
kinksI generally use it for terminal 'stuff' and sometimes writing code.22:37
unoptundrayeti311, well, 'read' reads its input from STDIN and assigns that to the variable we specify here i.e. 'file' .. we can then operate on this variable in the loop.  and off course, we redirect the file in so that read can use it until it reaches the EOF22:37
gwernoh, so xmonad users here?22:38
darko3dremanifest:i got an error You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing22:38
vivienkinks: thanks for the introduction ;)22:38
darko3dnow what22:38
kinksvivien: I also don't use the mouse a whole lot.. I have hotkeys set up for just about everything.22:38
unoptundrayeti311, by default read takes in input delimited by newlines22:38
kinksbut that isn't really specific to ion3.. it just becomes all that much more useful on ion3.22:39
tundrayeti311unop: ah ok... don't see the -r option listed in man page, what is that for?22:39
kinksI feel that I can navigate from one application to the next much more quickly.22:39
micaelalecbenzer can you start ubuntu server from a nother computer22:39
_holmser_I just set up my postfix mail server, and all is working well except for the fact that some spam filters really do not like my emails.22:39
vivienkinks: I barely use the mouse myself. Emacs + Conkeror here ;) And Fluxbox as WM22:39
alecbenzermicael: erm, what do you mean?22:40
kinksI see.22:40
unoptundrayeti311,  use  ''help read''  instead of the manpage. -r ensures that backslashes are read in instead of allowing them to escape text.22:40
remanifestdarko3d: CTRL+ALT+F3 - this will bring you to a console where you can log in.  From there, log in with your username and password.  Once logged in, type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop", then run your install script again22:40
gwernkinks: ion3? is ubuntu even allowed to package that?22:40
_holmser_I found some tutorials on how to get postfix to route through gmail, but I would like the email address to be from my server, not from my gmail account22:40
kinksgwern: indeed22:40
_holmser_any ideas?22:40
unoptundrayeti311, greybot> http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/001 -- How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?22:40
micaelalecbenzer in my server i dont have for screen only usb and networking22:40
kinksgwern: ubuntu isn't really among the distros that there was a problem with.. I believe it was mostly arch linux.22:40
remanifestdarko3d: After install, run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start to bring it back up22:41
vivienkinks: BTW, why ion3 over awesome, dwm or others?22:41
gwernkinks: oh, that must be a fork from before tuomov went insane22:41
pepePluif a linked directory having the permissions 777 does that mean that the original directory have the permission 777?22:41
ikoniagwern: that's just your mail clients settings, relaying through gmail is fine, it just requires authentication22:41
kinksgwern: that could be.. but I don't think so.22:41
tundrayeti311unop: oh tyvm, that is veyr nice of you22:41
ikoniapepePlu: no22:41
gwernikonia: don't think that was for me :) not here over mail22:41
unoppepePlu, is this a symbolic link? yes, symbolic links take the permissions of the target22:41
ikoniagwern: sorry22:41
gwernkinks: I was sure tuomov had decided to start charging or something for ion22:41
kinksgwern: I'm pretty sure I still have to accept a disclaimer that hands my soul over to tuomov :p22:41
stepstoolsHey guys, I have an old Iomega ZIP 250 drive I am trying to use, I know ubuntu sees it (I ran dmesg) but it won't mount.  Any Ideas?22:42
powr-tocDoes anyone have Emacs 23.2 working in 10.04??22:42
kinksvivien: honestly, I've never actually tried awesome or dwm; I started using ion3 and I was happy with it, but perhaps I'll give them a try.22:42
ikoniastepstools: what file system is on it ?22:42
ikonia!info emacs22:42
ubottuemacs (source: emacs23): The GNU Emacs editor (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 23.1+1-4ubuntu7 (lucid), package size 21 kB, installed size 52 kB22:42
stepstoolsthe ZIP?22:42
alecbenzermicael: oo...well, you sort of need a screen to configure something I think, though if you can get a screen temporarily you can set up an ssh server and then access your computer from elsewhere like that22:42
gwernkinks: you might try xmonad too</plug>22:42
ikoniapepePlu: 23.1 is the current ubuntu release22:42
ikoniastepstools: yes22:42
viviengwern = xmonad user?22:43
stepstoolsikonia: It is FAT22:43
* gwern nods22:43
ikoniastepstools: what command are you using to mount it ?22:43
micaelalecbenzer ok thanks22:43
viviengwern = satisfied xmonad user?22:43
gwernalso dev22:43
pepePluunop i mean if the original directory isn't 777 but the linked yes22:43
ikoniapepePlu: the link's permissions aren't important22:43
stepstoolsIkonia: Just "Mount /dev/sdb"22:43
dominicdinadaquick question why the hell is a mysql daemon still running when i removed it everything with synaptic package manager?22:44
pepePluok thank you22:44
viviengwern: why xmonad over ion3, awesome & co?22:44
ikoniastepstools: ok so that's never going to work22:44
lightbricko1When inserting a compact flash card, I get "Device offlined - not ready after error recovery". How can I check if the file system is corrupt?22:44
ikoniastepstools: you need to give it a target also, and you may need to help it with the file system too22:44
ikoniastepstools: eg: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt22:44
gwernvivien: over ion3: not a fork hated by the original dev; over awesome: we don't break our config every month and bloat it with dozens of deps and space invaders games; & co: dunno, name names22:44
stepstoolsIkonia: I'll try that22:44
ikoniastepstools: that was just an example, you'll need to match it for your system22:45
viviengwern: dwm?22:45
Mundixsome one with unreal tournament dvd for pc i can install linux version ?22:45
lzantaltrying to boot into ubuntu I get this error: Alert! /dev/md0 does not exist. Dropping to shell22:45
gwernvivien: we actually have extensions :)22:45
dominicdinadaquick question why the hell is a mysql daemon still running when i removed it everything with synaptic package manager?22:45
ikoniaMundix: you are not allowed to share tht sort of media, please don't ask22:45
lzantalI installed ubuntu 9.10 server with raid522:45
gwerndominicdinada: if it bothers you, kill it22:45
stepstoolsIkonia: Sorry, Im a bit of a newbie, even though I done Linux for almost 2 years22:46
viviengwern: oops, yep22:46
magicianlordwhy is yum insisting on pulling in adobe reader, when i only need flash22:46
pedrohi all...I'm trying to change grub.conf but even using sudo it opens as a read-only file22:46
gwernvivien: kind of hard to compare dwm with ion or awesome or xmonad - dwm sort of takes the minimalism to an extreme22:46
dominicdinadagwern it is not a matter of bothering me IT was removed as i switched to Apachefriends Lampp build and it is conflicted with my install22:46
viviengwern: in the world of tilling WMs, there are tons of forks22:46
ikoniamagicianlord: this is ubuntu support, not redhat/fedora22:46
ikoniastepstools: don't worry, its not a requirement to be a master22:46
magicianlordthanks, ikonia22:46
calumHi. How can I dual boot Fedora 13 with Ubuntu 10.04 on my main hard drive? Do I need to create a Fedora partition with gparted?22:46
magicianlordthat post was for fun, informational purposes only. not to ask for support22:46
viviengwern: what's the most advanced tilling WM? in terms of features?22:47
ikoniacalum: now that ubuntu uses grub2 - this is a real problem22:47
dominicdinadaquick question why the hell is a mysql daemon still running when i removed it everything with synaptic package manager?22:47
magicianlordwhy does gnome power manager omit the suspend option and only shows hibernate?22:47
stepstoolsIkonia: so i'd have to do something like - sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/zip - ?22:47
ikoniamagicianlord: ok, please try to keep that noise out of the channel22:47
gwernvivien: hard to say. I'm not hugely familiar with awesome. I know xmonad has >200 modules in its extension library, but obviously it's not 1 module = 1 feature22:47
Doctehikonia: most distros make a link to a vmlinuz file somewhere that they update22:47
ZachK_!language |dominicdinada:22:47
ubottudominicdinada:: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:47
calumikonia:eah I tried to install Ubuntu alongside Fedora 13 but it wasnt detected22:47
Mundixok sorry22:48
dominicdinadaZachK_: I said nothing wrong22:48
ikoniaDocteh: yes, but updating the grub config files in /etc/grub.d from fedora is not going to happen22:48
magicianlordok calum22:48
gwernbrazilians and brazilians of users in here...22:48
ikoniacalum: it won't be22:48
calumIs this dual boot even possible?22:48
Doctehikonia: ubuntu has /vmlinuz /initrd.img if fedora does similar just manually add it in22:48
ZachK_dominicdinada: "Why the hell is" yes you did...you can ask a question without swearing my friend22:48
ikoniaDocteh: you'll have to manually edit your grub config with every fedora kernel update, that's a real headache22:48
magicianlordit's the same. you can edit grub.cfg manually, if you know the locations22:48
dominicdinadaZachK_: That is not even a swear word... my friend22:48
darko3dremanifest:i got an error You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing22:49
Doctehikonia: not if it maintains a symlink like ubuntu does :-/22:49
magicianlordikonia: he won't, even he uses the rpm command instead of yum22:49
magicianlordif he uses22:49
remanifestdarko3d: CTRL+ALT+F3 - this will bring you to a console where you can log in.  From there, log in with your username and password.  Once logged in, type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop", then run your install script again22:49
george_hi all22:49
ZachK_dominicdinada: ok.....I'll attempt to not argue as I could but I won't. Now what problem are you having22:49
remanifestdarko3d: After install, run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start to bring it back up22:49
ikoniamagicianlord: he won't what ?22:49
dominicdinadaquick question why the is a mysql daemon still running when i removed it everything with synaptic package manager?22:49
ikoniaDocteh: he will as the names on the menu need to be updated, and not all kernel updates are upgrades, some are along side updates22:50
Doctehdominicdinada: it didn't get killed22:50
ikoniadominicdinada: probably still running in memory22:50
magicianlordikonia: using an rpm command to remove a previous kernel will clean up the grub automatically, as opposed to yum, which will not. the ubuntu portion of grub will also be preserved22:50
dominicdinadaEven after reboot22:50
viviengwern: kinks: What puzzled me with tilling WMs is the lack of systray. Any comment about this?22:50
calumI don't want to run Fedora 13 from the DVD all the time but I want Ubuntu 10.04 as my primary OS permanently22:50
zcat[1]sudo killall mysqld should get it22:50
gwernvivien: how so?22:50
dominicdinadaFail remove packages22:50
ikoniamagicianlord: fedora will not update ubuntus grub config22:50
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zcat[1]After a reboot? ;)22:50
viviengwern: Is there a systray in xmonad?22:50
ZachK_dominicdinada: Hmmm is that an error you get?22:50
magicianlordthat's correct22:50
Loshkidominicdinada: it shouldn't be still running. Normally removing a package like mysql will shut down the daemon before removal by the removal script. Are you sure it got removed properly?22:50
ikoniamagicianlord: which is what I said22:51
magicianlordunless you have a common boot partition22:51
wthpr0dominicdinad: did you kill it before you removed the fils ?22:51
magicianlordthen it will22:51
ikoniamagicianlord: no - it won't then22:51
gwernvivien: which one do you want? a lot user xmobar or dzen, but I use gnome's status bar22:51
dominicdinadaAs linux and ubuntu moves closer to mimic other popular OS's it really does mimic the short commings as well22:51
ZachK_Loshki: I bet he didn't kill it22:51
ikoniamagicianlord: as ubuntu now uses grub2 which is manged from /etc from within ubuntus install, not /boot any more22:51
ZachK_dominicdinada: If you have issues with the OS don't discuss them here..this is for questions man22:51
zcat[1]check in synaptic that you removed ALL the mysql packages, perhaps you only removed a metapackage and mysql-server is still installed?22:51
ikoniadominicdinada: stop ranting, you should know how to manage it22:51
george_anyone know how I can change the splash screen?22:51
Voolooamazing how Win 7 default install takes up 25 GB and ubuntu is less than 822:51
LoshkiZachK_: well, the removal script should have killed it for him....22:51
ikoniamagicianlord: hence why I'm saying it's not a real headache22:51
magicianlordthat is true, dominicdinada. there are other distros which do not follow that trend22:51
suboneAnyone know how I can disable my internal video card entirely?22:51
dominicdinadaLoshki: There was no errors I marked every mysql for complete removal. Did so rebooted and search and nothing is marked as installed anymore22:51
viviengwern: do you understand what I mean by systray?22:52
gwernvivien: probably not. what is a systray?22:52
ZachK_Loshki: yes but ya know....crap happens22:52
dominicdinadaZachK_: my error is when i restartnning lampp saying Mysql daemon is already ru22:52
calumI even tried to dual boot Ubuntu with Backtrack 4 but after installing Backtrack Ubuntu wouldn't boot22:52
Loshkidominicdinada: if mysql were truly removed, there wouldn't be a binary to left to run, so obviously something went wrong with the removal...22:52
wthpr0dominicdinada: have you tryed sudo apt-get pure mysql-server ?22:52
ikoniadominicdinada: the database is probably already running, so stop/kill it22:52
jeannoti installed ubuntu with wubi22:53
jeannotworks good22:53
ikoniadominicdinada: it runs off a pid file normally, so make sure that's gone22:53
dominicdinadaikonia: WHY would i want that package when i am trying to get rid of it22:53
powr-tocikonia: do you know if Emacs 23.2 in a PPA?22:53
ikoniadominicdinada: I didn't say you want it22:53
viviengwern: this is not the panel. This is where you have some icons of applications like Amarok, pidgin/kopete/psi/..., number of unread emails, kmix, etc.22:53
ikoniadominicdinada: I said "stop it" by killing it22:53
gwernvivien: that sounds like stuff that the gnome status bar does22:54
magicianlordhas anyone installed the experimental 3d nvidia drivers? i have22:54
magicianlordthey are only 1.4 mb22:54
gwerngnome-panel? is that what it's called?22:54
ikoniamagicianlord: from where ?22:54
magicianlordthey are in the main repos now22:54
dominicdinadaikonia: your right it was wthpr0 who said it but it is running not my lampp mysql it is the package mysql running interfearing with my iinstall22:54
viviengwern: e.g., on the right, but before the time here: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Kicker_3.5.8.png22:54
magicianlordmesa experimental drivers22:54
dominicdinadawthpr0: : WHY would i want that package when i am trying to get rid of it22:54
ikoniamagicianlord: then they are not experimental22:54
magicianlordthe pacakge is called experimental22:54
ikonia!info experimental22:54
ubottuPackage experimental does not exist in lucid22:54
ikoniamagicianlord: doesn't look like it22:55
magicianlordi'm talking fedora repo22:55
magicianlordin ubuntu, you can add it22:55
ikoniamagicianlord: what part of "stop talking about fedora" am I not making cleaer to you ?22:55
gwernvivien: again, that looks like the gnome statuspanel, so I don't know any reason you couldn't use it with xmonad. xmonad replaces metacity pretty handily in my gnoem session22:55
george_anyone know how I can change the splash screen? because I change whit the os x theme...and I want to change my splash screen whit os x splash screen and dos't work...22:55
viviengwern: you can install any taskbar in xmonad? Is gnome panel consistent with xmonad?22:55
gwernvivien: sure. you tell xmonad to leave a gap for the panel, and it works fine22:56
=== bushy is now known as bushy2
iswI extracted a new application in my home/user/downloads directroy. Where is a good place to place to keep that application on linux?22:56
iswoh it starts with a .sh file22:56
bushy2how can i make virtual box read an actual partition?22:56
ikoniaisw: totally your call22:56
bushy2so i can install windows on that22:56
viviengwern: all right! Thanks22:56
iswkonia: k thanks22:56
VCooliogeorge_: since karmic it's no longer usplash but something I keep forgetting the name of (talking boot splash, right?)22:56
viviengwern: kinks: Thanks for the talk. I have to leave. I will surely try a tilling WM (again) soon! ;)22:57
bushy2can virtual box read an actual partition22:57
george_Vcoolio rghit22:57
gwernvivien: 'k22:57
bastidrazorVCoolio: plymouth22:57
Cap88Hello :)22:57
pedroI'm trying to edit grub.conf as root in vi, but it opens the file as read-only...howcome?22:57
ikoniaAndre_Gondim: one what ?22:58
ikoniabushy2: anyone what ?22:58
bushy2can virtual box read a partition22:58
soreaupedro: The filesystem is mounted as read only?22:58
bushy2like to install windows22:58
dominicdinadanothing in startup for the mysql daemon nothing in synaptic for the daemon22:58
george_bushy2 yes he can22:58
ikoniabushy2: no22:58
Vooloois ext4 safe yet? I chose ext3 for my new install22:58
bushy2you cant confuse me likethat22:59
ikoniaVooloo: it's used on production servers22:59
snypzzVbox can read a virtual drive parttiosion22:59
Loshkiisw: you can put it in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin, but I like to make ~/bin and keep it in there so it will be backed up when you backup /home. You also need to add ~/bin to your PATH for it to work...22:59
bushy2everything i find doesnt work22:59
Voolooikonia: which is best for 64-bit?22:59
ikoniaVooloo: 32/64bit has nothing to do with it23:00
ikoniaVooloo: it's just personal prefernce on your requirements23:00
unoppedro, the file has no write permissions? you'd still be able to write the file tho.23:00
iswLoshki: ok thanks Loshki I'm going to move it now then try to look up how to add it to ~/bin23:00
spacebug-I'm about to install ubuntu on my new computer (a 64-bit cpu). When I look at ubuuntu.com it recommend to use 32bit (64-bit not for everyday desktop usage). Which version should I use?23:00
dominicdinadaWhat is the mysql daemon named exactly because i dont even see a process for it either this is weird23:00
ohircrowd is not that expensive to deserve, um, "concealing". Its somewhat $2500/yr23:00
bushy2i have it on my64 bit laptop23:00
ikoniadominicdinada: mysqld and mysqld-safe, however I suspect it's the pid file it's complaining about23:00
bushy2but i need to dual boot windows23:00
pedrounop: right....it has only read permissions :S why?23:00
darko3dremanifest: seens to be working fine, thanks23:01
dominicdinadaikonia:  where would i find and remove the pid ?23:01
spacebug-bushy2: the 64bit version? works fine?23:01
Loshkiisw: something like: do 'mkdir ~/bin' then move the file into the directory. Then edit ~/.bashrc and add PATH=$PATH:~/bin23:01
spacebug-ok good23:01
remanifestdarko3d: Sweet, no problem23:01
nndHi there, I have just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and it actually looks quite nice. But one thing is really annoying: Why did the Ubuntu team integrate a dysfunctional Twitter/Identi.ca client?23:01
VCooliopedro: ypi23:01
bushy2but something strange happened23:01
remanifestdarko3d: Whenever you use a "custom" kernel (one not in repositories) you'll have to repeat the process23:01
bushy2i cant usemy hardware volume control23:02
iswLoshki: ok I'm a bit confused on how you add ~/bin to my PATH for it to work... I useually just start it by typing ./name.sh in command line23:02
VCooliopedro: you're not supposed to edit grub.cfg, but /etc/default/grub instead, then run update-grub23:02
unoppedro, well, for one, it's to prevent any writes to it - you shouldn't really be editing this file anyway23:02
remanifestdarko3d: Becomes much easier as you do it over and over23:02
ikoniadominicdinada: errrr /var/run I think23:02
dominicdinadaikonia: if it is not the pid it must be still binding to another process because I have no process's that mention/have/suggest there is mysql23:02
iswloshki: ok thanks just read your last msg23:02
bushy2i could use it, but then it just updatedandi cant23:02
darko3di tried to login using kde, but i just get the loading page then a black screen with the cursor23:02
ikoniadominicdinada: I suspect it's the pid then23:02
symm_hi, I keep getting kicked off when trying to use irssi, is this because I don't have identd?23:02
remanifestdarko3d: Have you installed kubuntu-desktop with synaptic?23:02
usiwhat about madwifi23:03
ikoniasymm_: ask in #freenode23:03
KungFuBearhi, embeded videos don't play for me in firefox. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04. I have flash installed and videos play fine from the original sites.23:03
symm_xchat seems to work fine, maybe it has its own identd?23:03
darko3ddoes that have something to do with my gfx card?23:03
ikoniasymm_: ask in #freenode23:03
symm_ikonia, this happens on any network23:03
remanifestsymm_: Probably, yes23:03
darko3dremanifest: no, do i have too? the kde option appears in my login page23:03
dominicdinadaikonia: ok i got mysqld folder there but ummm do i need to edit one of the system pids ? to remove it ?23:03
symm_remanifest, ok23:03
pedrois there a way to choose to display only one entry in grub?23:03
jonasI'm having some trouble getting my sound to work. Might anyone be able to assist me ?23:03
ikoniasymm_: that is not an ubuntu issue23:03
ikoniasymm_: ask in the networks support channel23:03
KungFuBearsymm_: what are you using as a command to connect with?23:03
ikoniadominicdinada: there should be a run file in there23:03
jonasI have lot's of information about my system setup at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=f0c7a321711c16a89278765c5ee58d915bcb5a3823:03
symm_./connect blah.com23:04
remanifestdarko3d: Yeah, try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop or install it with synaptic.  If it doesn't work after that we can troubleshoot some more23:04
cableneed some help23:04
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KungFuBearsymm_: without the . right?23:04
symm_of course23:04
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ikoniasymm_: ask in #freenode for their connection reqruiements23:04
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symm_ok, ikonia thanks23:04
KungFuBearsymm_: so, you would use: /connect irc.freenode.net ,correct?23:04
Guest94158can not get download and synaptic to run23:04
symm_yes KungFuBear23:04
lukushi - for a ubuntu server .. is it good practice to set it up to update automatically?23:04
nndIs it a known problem that gwibber on Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't verify account passwords and does not actually post any messages?23:04
KungFuBearsymm_: and you connect, but it doesn't identd you?23:04
[Screamo]Anyone know if it is possible to stream the video from my webcam across my network?23:05
darko3dremanifest: well not tonight, thats a 110mb, it took me an hour to get the 40 mb file, lol23:05
symm_I connect and then it says you are not authorized and kicks me off23:05
ikoniasymm_: ask in #freenode23:05
symm_only with irssi23:05
dominicdinadawell i screenshotted it and well :/23:05
symm_ikonia, I got you23:05
remanifestdarko3d: Yeah... lol maybe best to do it when you're sleeping23:05
iswikonia: thanks I did what you said created directory bin in my home folder and put teamspeak3 folder in it and added that line to my ~/ .bashrc file23:05
KungFuBearsymm_: I'd suggest moving to #irssi actually, since you clearly can connect fine with a different client23:05
ikoniaisw: well done23:05
symm_I was just curious guys, practically first day on ubuntu23:05
KungFuBearsymm_: :) welcome23:05
darko3dremanifest: im just guna let the update manager download all the updates and go to sleep, thanks alot for ur help23:06
symm_thanks KungFuBear and ikonia23:06
jonasI'm having some trouble getting my sound to work. Might anyone be able to assist me ?23:06
PolarBearJohndoes anyone have a dog that does that weird backwards sneezing thing?23:06
remanifestdarko3d: No problem man, any time23:06
Loshkiisw: does it work?23:06
PolarBearJohndoes anyone have a dog that does that weird backwards sneezing thing?23:06
KungFuBearMy embeded videos won't play on firefox (Ubuntu 10.04). Videos play fine on youtube for instance, and any site the video is hosted on. I do have flash installed23:06
Guest94158go to sound preference23:06
PolarBearJohndoes anyone have a dog that does that weird backwards sneezing thing?23:06
ikoniaPolarBearJohn: this is ubuntu support - please stick to that topic23:06
LoshkiPolarBearJohn: dog support is on #ubuntu-offtopic...23:06
ikoniaLoshki: no it's not, please don't miss-lead people with channels like that23:07
iswLoshki: Yes but I23:07
Loshkiikonia: oops, sorry...23:07
Cap88Hey anyone know how to turn OFF Lucid 10.04 security automatic updates? I said notify me ONLY yet it keeps installing them every once in awhile without my permission...23:07
iswLoshki: Is there a more convenient way to start it? Rather then cd ~/bin  $ ./runscript.sh ?23:07
Guest94158how do I change my tag?23:07
RandomTimeI have an old laptop here, which I put Xubuntu 10.04 via alt install CD on. They keyboad isn't working in X. The keyboard worked fine on the install CD, and the system is bootable, mouse support is good, but I can't get the keyboard to work. Any ideas (no network access, and I can use the onscrean keyboard with my mouse23:08
KungFuBearGuest94158: use: /nick [nickname]23:08
Kane_Hartthere a way to limit wget speed23:08
Kane_Hartit goes fast my vps cpu just dies23:08
Kane_HartI get something stupid like 12MB/s23:08
ikoniaKane_Hart: wget will not max out your cpu23:08
OerCap88 open softwaresources > [tab] updates23:09
Loshkiisw: if you added ~/bin to PATH correctly, you should be able to try runscript.sh from *anywhere*, and bash will check ~/bin and find and run it for you. That's what PATH is for...23:09
=== Guest94158 is now known as [cable]
Kane_Hartyes it is...23:09
[Screamo]ikonia, wget slows my comp way down :\23:09
Loshkiisw: try -> type23:09
ikoniaKane_Hart: then there is a problem with your vps23:09
nndAnyone has a solution for the gwibber problem on 10.04?23:09
KungFuBearMy embeded videos won't play on firefox (Ubuntu 10.04). Videos play fine on youtube for instance, and any site the video is hosted on. I do have flash installed23:09
ikoniannd: what gwibber problem ? be specific23:09
bastidrazorKane_Hart: use scp -l instead?23:09
Kane_Hartttop - 17:10:06 up  1:30,  3 users,  load average: 1.87, 1.05, 0.4123:10
Loshki[Screamo]: check the man page for the --limit-rate option to wget...23:10
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[Screamo]Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check connection :(23:11
Cap88Oer Thanks for reply. I am on the Updates tab and have it to "check daily" and "only notify me about available updates"... those settings are correct, yet the system will still do updates without my permission... just kinda curious if I got a bad file download or hacked version....23:11
glibhey, does anyone know of an app that downloads album art --near automatically but still allows me choice?23:11
iswloshki: checking it I made a mistake23:11
trollboyglib, that one kde based player does it pretty well23:11
trollboyI forget the name, but its their itunes alternative and is written in python23:12
[cable]my download center and synaptic will not work on 10.04...I need help with reinstalling both programs23:12
gliboh, amarok?23:12
OerCap88 updates are encrypted, do not worry23:12
nndikonia: Gwibber doesn't verify the account passwords and it doesn't send any messages to identi.ca/twitter.23:12
trollboylike most apps of its kind, however, it does like to puke and die a lot on larger collections23:12
Loshkiisw: you can check PATH by typing echo $PATH. You can check what bash will do by typing "which runscript.sh"23:12
Cap88Oer, sounds good. I'll maybe disable the daily checking and see if that fixes it. Thanks.23:13
Oerhave fun23:13
zvacet[cable]: can you use sudo23:13
glibtrollboy, i have heard that it is good but i am trying to avoid kde and i am really enjoying quodlibet right now23:13
dancalloI'm unable to update Ubuntu using sudo apt-get update, I get the error message that I have pasted at: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/447961/ can some assist?23:13
trollboyglib, I'm a gnome fanboy too, but its nice and good and ubuntu will still run it under your gnome environment23:13
iswLoshki: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games23:14
daedaluzisw: run "ps -a"23:14
iswLoshki: I am making a mistake with the path I created a directory in my home directory23:14
sogehi guys can anyone help me out here ? (im new to ubuntu)23:14
daedaluzisw: look for dpkg, kill it23:14
trollboyglib, I considered even re-writing it for gnome, but then remembered I'm lazy23:14
DaZdancallo: either turn off other apt-gets or delete /var/lib/dpkg/lock23:14
aliciapgis there a difference between the broadcom B43 wireless driver and the broadcom STA wireless driver? i'm not sure which one to use...23:14
ikoniadancallo: it looks like you have another package manager running at the moment23:14
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:15
bastidrazorisw: once you made changes to .bashrc you needed to source it.  source ~/.bashrc23:15
dancalloI'll try the latter since I don't have any other apt-gets running that I'm aware of.23:15
glibtrollboy, haha23:15
DaZor do that dpkg thingie :f23:15
glibexaile is pretty close to a rewrite23:15
glibbut not as robust23:15
Loshkiisw: note that ~/bin is still missing. Did you edit ~/.bashrc properly? Also, after editing, you need to restart bash per bastidrazor's msg above...23:15
sogecan anyone help me out ?23:16
iswbastidrazor: thanks23:16
nndIs it possible that I am the only one having this problem with gwibber? Its not in the list of Launchpad bugs ...23:16
AdaszI have a problem to start the game lbz3d23:16
Loshki!ask | soge23:16
ubottusoge: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:16
vinichow can i share a folder with a windows 7 or vista machine?23:17
Adaszin the debugreport is written that i need kdialog23:17
bastidrazorisw: good luck :)23:17
iswLoshki: thanks that fixed it.23:17
Deathspawnanyone know of a good hex/binary editor?23:17
ubottuvinic, please see my private message23:18
iswLoshki: bastidrazor: much nicer thanks23:18
acerimmeraliciapg: same same23:18
edbianIs there a way to see what's on my clipboard via cli?23:18
pete_mhi all . ..help please . karmic->lucid aptitude safe-upgrade seemed fine, but stuck on reboot(  documented troubles re plymouth n mountall/upstart ( beyind me . . ..23:18
Loshkiisw: once it's all working, best to logout/login once to make sure the new .bashrc changes get noticed everywhere...23:19
PurpleyHey I have two buttons on my mouse that I want to mod, how do i do it?23:19
pete_mHOWTO get internet from init=/bin/bash23:19
sogeI keep getting disconnected from my wireless network and i keep getting the message to enter my network password every 2 minutes23:19
nndMhm ... the channel over at #suse is a lot more helpful ;)23:19
quesadaI'm trying to change menu font size on a qt4 app, using qtconfig-qt423:19
aliciapgacerimmer: so just try one and hope it works?23:19
iswLoshki: ahh ok thanks23:19
quesadabut it simply ignores settings. any idea where to look for config files?23:19
dancalloDaz: deleting /var/lib/dpkg/lock fixed the issue. Thanks much.23:19
quesadaThe app is lyx23:19
acerimmeraliciapg: go for it.23:19
Cap88soge what version of OS you running?23:20
acerimmersoge: does this only happen on one network or does this happen on all nets?23:20
aliciapgacerimmer: alright i guess that's what i'll do >-<23:20
acerimmeraliciapg: good luck23:20
Adaszhow can i install kdialog on ubuntu23:20
ubottuadasz, please see my private message23:21
DaZdancallo: you're welcome.23:21
sogeversion 10.04 lts, only happens with the one network ( home network ) i try to connect to, i have no other networks23:21
aliciapgacerimmer: thank you ^^23:21
acerimmersoge: on wifi?23:21
Rafaelhas anybody configure livezila with the ftp settings in ubuntu?23:22
acerimmersoge: does it happen on other wifi networks?23:22
[Screamo]Can anyone help me with webcam issues?23:22
Adaszacerimmer, cant i use apt-get23:22
sogei wouldnt know, i cant connect to anyone else because they're locked23:22
acerimmerAdasz: "sudo apt-get install packagename23:22
[cable]anyone download deadly rooms of death?23:23
Rafaelcan anybody help with livezilla23:23
[Screamo]deadly rooms of death?23:23
Adaszacerimmer, which paclage include kdialog23:23
acerimmersoge: if it's only happening on the one network, you've got a setting or config issue - probably your login/password settings..  if it happens aon all nets, you might have hardware issues23:23
pete_mHELP/ HOWTO ? need to get to internet from root shell23:24
acerimmerAdasz: don't know...23:24
soreau! webcam | [Screamo]23:24
ubottu[Screamo]: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:24
PurpleyHey I have two buttons on my mouse that I want to mod, how do i do it?23:24
ikoniapete_m: you should not be using a root account, root is locked in ubuntu23:24
soreauPurpley: xmodmap IIRC23:24
[cable]i can not get game to work23:24
sogeoh, ... could it be that the wireless usb adapter that im using is really old ( its a G ), and maybe the signal is faiding in and out?23:24
acerimmerAdasz: http://rubyforge.org/projects/kdialog/23:25
soreau[cable]: Have you tried running it in a terminal and see if there is any interesting output?23:25
Purpleysoreau, xmodmap:  unable to open file 'IIRC' for reading23:25
Purpleyxmodmap:  1 error encountered, aborting.23:25
acerimmersoge: uhmmmm, YES!  possible.23:25
Cap88cable DROD? game?23:25
soreauPurpley: IIRC = If I Remember Correctly23:25
Adaszacerimmer, can i use kdialog if i have gnome?23:25
lakeIs there a way to create a clone of my internal HD to an external HD that can boot?23:25
Adaszkdialog is for kde23:26
soreauPurpley: its an acronym, not part of the command23:26
[cable]yes DROD23:26
acerimmerAdasz: you should be able to but it might require otehr dependcies.  lemme look and i'll get bck to u in a few...23:26
[cable]i can not get it to run23:26
Purpleysoreau,  Oh lol23:26
LoshkiAdasz: I see a kdialog in kdebase-bin. Dunno if that's the one you want. Most kde apps will run fine in gnome, thought they might be ugly...23:26
[cable]i tried terminal23:26
Purpleysoreau, Keyboard shortcuts wont detect it23:27
acerimmerAdasz: try sudo apt-get install kdialog from the command line23:27
Adaszacerimmer, already done23:27
soreauPurpley: Well that was my only idea23:27
[Screamo]soreau, i dont now what brand it is23:27
acerimmerAdasz: and???23:27
Adaszacerimmer, fail23:27
onkarahi guys I am using nfs mount in ubuntu lucid ... would like to know what are my other options to mount a remote filesystem23:27
ikoniaonkara: depends what your other machine supports23:28
soreau[Screamo]: Does lsusb show anything useful?23:28
Purpleysoreau, alright I want to use it to increase and decrease the volume and then you click the wheel to launch ryhtm box23:28
sogeacerimmer: alright... lol, thanks23:28
acerimmerAdasz: hmm.  yeah probably a dependcy or two.  try running an update and see if it catches23:28
Adaszacerimmer, sry for my bad english23:28
quesadais there any way to install lyx 1.6.6 on karmic (packages: 1.6.4(23:28
LoshkiAdasz: kdialog is *not* a package name, apparently...23:28
Purpleysoreau, Its like the same mouse wheel on the top of a mouse except I have two, one on the top and one on the side23:28
[Screamo]arg, it shows up in xawtv :\23:28
onkaraikonia: the remote filesystem is on CentOS Ext323:28
Adaszacerimmer, apt-get uppdate?23:28
ReilithionI want to mount something like ramfs or tmpfs.  But ramfs won't enforce a size limit, and tmpfs may end up using swap.  I want a fixed-size chunk of memory that won't be stored in swap.  Can this be done, or do I have to settle one way or another?23:28
acerimmeradasz; sudo apt-get update23:28
soreauPurpley: If you have terminal commands to adjust the volume, just map it in ccsm or whatever wm you are using23:28
Loshkilake: check out backup solutions...23:29
soreauPurpley: but not sure why you would only want to use your mouse for that23:29
Loshki!backup | lake23:29
ubottulake: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:29
Purpleysoreau, Easy to change the volume, plus what do yoiu mean? Its an additonal wheel meant to use it to launch things23:29
soreauPurpley: ah, like more buttons on your mouse?23:30
bastidrazoronkara: from ubuntu under Places > Connect to Server .. use SSH and create a bookmark. it will be available in Places drop down menu.23:30
Purpleysoreau, Exactly23:30
lakeLoshki: thanks, will look into these links. :)23:30
soreauPurpley: ok, do you use compiz?23:30
Adaszacerimmer, if i want to install kdebase-bin apt-get tell me that it cant catch "/var/cache/apt/archives/lock" - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)23:30
onkarabastidrazor: can I make ubuntu auto mount these SSHFS mounts that I am going to bookmark ?? if yes how23:30
dominicdinadasigh :(23:31
acerimmerAdasz: try later23:31
bastidrazoronkara: i think you need to click on them before they are mounted.23:31
dominicdinadawell i fixed my problem with failbuntu but it cause another problem :/23:31
Adaszacerimmer, lol in the background i had an 1hour old package install open23:31
Adaszi closed it and now it install the packages23:32
acerimmerAdasz: that'' do it.  try again23:32
Purpleysoreau, I have no idea23:32
soreauPurpley: do you have individual commands to increment/decrement the volume up/down from CLI?23:32
liebprofxavier : found it!, cool!23:32
donaldkellyNon-Technical question, for a blog post I'm doing, how many people in here use Ubuntu (or Linux) as their primary OS, no dual boot, just linux?23:32
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bastidrazordonaldkelly: possibly take polls in #ubuntu-offtopic23:33
UnsichtbarOk i've got a problem, in windows, if i go to Network, and i click on my ubuntu computer, under it it has the folder 'dev', then it has my home dir... i'm not sure why it's doing this, can i fix it?23:33
Adaszacerimmer, can you correct me if i write something wrong? i want to learn english23:33
zambawhat's the standard for the root password on a new ubuntu installation?23:33
Purpleysoreau, I think, I just use the Keyboard Shortcuts23:34
zambais the root user disabled?23:34
Random832zamba: yes23:34
Random832use sudo23:34
zambapasswd -l, basically?23:34
soreauPurpley: Well you need to *know*23:34
zambayeah, i'm using sudo23:34
zambabut one of my co-workers also used sudo and changed the root password when he tried to change his own :)23:34
Random832officially, ubuntu does not support any configuration which involves the root user being able to log in23:34
zambaso i need to set the root user back the way it should be23:34
Random832just use passwd -l23:34
zambaso passwd -l?23:34
vinicthanks for the help23:34
Adaszacerimmer, the installation of 103 packages takes time23:35
dominicdinadawhy does computer janitor remove things that should not be removed as nothing was set to remove such as google chrome23:35
Purpleysoreau, Yes I used to have two keys to increase and decrease the volume23:35
Random832actually, 'sudo passwd root' doesn't even set the root password for me23:35
soreauPurpley: I said commands you can run in cli, not keys23:35
Random832oh wait, /etc/shadow, duh23:35
dominicdinadait just decided on its own "hey i want to mess up someones day I am gonna remove google chrome without any request to do so"23:35
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Random832if you _really_ want to make it exactly the way it was, go to /etc/shadow and change the encrypted password to '*'23:36
ohirdonaldkelly: http://counter.li.org/23:36
dominicdinadaAnd I should feel so special because it has tried removing SQL workbench all the time :)23:37
Purpleysoreau, None that im aware of honestly I dont know much CLI, I just use alsamixer in the cli to change volume23:37
soreauPurpley: amixer -c 0 set PCM 2dB+23:37
Random832but just passwd -l or passwd -d will have the same effect23:37
soreauPurpley: This will increase the volume by a slight amount. Replace + wirh - at the end for obvious results23:37
apachecan anyone help me with my apache/mysql/myphpadmin problem? i am getting a warning when i try to connect to my databases. "Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /var/www/checklogin.php on line 923:37
apachecannot connect"23:37
FloodBot2apache: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:37
dominicdinadaSo why does it automatically decide what i should and should not keep on my computer23:38
soreauPurpley: Show the output of ps ax|grep compiz|grep -v grep23:38
bastidrazorapache: possibly check in #httpd23:39
UnsichtbarOk i've got a problem, in windows, if i go to Network, and i click on my ubuntu computer, under it it has the folder 'dev', then it has my home dir... i'm not sure why it's doing this, can i fix it?23:39
dominicdinadaSo why does Computer Janitor automatically decide what i should and should not keep on my computer23:39
apachecan anyone help me with my apache/mysql/myphpadmin problem? i am getting a warning when i try to connect to my databases. "Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /var/www/checklogin.php on line 9 cannot connect"23:39
dominicdinadaUnsichtbar: Shared ? by default ?23:40
Unsichtbardominicdinada: yeah i dont think i installed anything, if i did, what should i check?23:40
soreaudominicdinada: If you knew what to clean up and how, would you even need computer janitor?23:40
Purpleysoreau, None that im aware of honestly I dont know much CLI, I just use alsamixer in the cli to change volume23:40
ActionParsnipyo yo yo23:40
soreauPurpley: You are making it difficult for me to help you. I need to see the output of the ps ax command i gave you23:41
dominicdinadasoreau: Knowing is half the battle. and well It would be nice if the Janitor utility worked correctly eh ?23:41
thune3dominicdinada: you didn't have opportunity to deselect packages you wanted to keep?23:41
dominicdinadathune3: yes i did23:41
soreaudominicdinada: Your idea of correctly might not be the same of the developers idea of correctly23:41
thune3dominicdinada: then what is the complaint?23:41
dominicdinadabut why is it deciding to remove chrome, mysql workbench, various other software23:42
* MrDudle will bbs booting into windows23:42
UnsichtbarHow can i turn of sharing of my files? for some reason they are shared to the network but i dont remember enabling that at all23:42
halp_plsi'm tryint to install ubuntu netbook23:42
LetsGo67Why does my CSS refuse to load in Firefox 3.6?23:42
halp_plsi want it to install alongside win xp but it woon't let me create or resize partitions23:42
VoolooI just updated my ubuntu, kernel etc. and now my network card is not working. I have tried to ifconfig down/up manually23:42
dominicdinadaSo it is incorrect that I have google Chrome on my computer and the developers thought it might better suit me not to have the package when it is isntalled via Deb?23:43
soreauhalp_pls: Does it show an error message or give any reason why?23:43
halp_plsin the options it only gives me the option to install over win xp23:43
soreauhalp_pls: You need to go back and select manual partitioning option23:44
halp_plsand in the manual mode it only gives me the option to change the main partition into something else, or create a new partition table23:44
bastidrazorhalp_pls: you boot to the liveCD .. you don't run it inside windows23:44
halp_plsi am doing that23:44
UnsichtbarHow can i turn of sharing of my files? for some reason they are shared to the network but i dont remember enabling that at all23:44
nndHi there, does anyone have an idea why Ubuntu 10.04's Gwibber doesn't post anything to identi.ca/status net?23:44
i_need_a_devhow is everyone doing?23:45
halp_plsi've encountered this problem before, i think i must somehow resize the partition inside windows, disk manager is of no use, can you recomend something quick?23:45
thune3dominicdinada: it is not a judgement. it just offers to remove "local or obsolete" files that you would see in synaptic. I would guess you don't have chrome repository added. if you did your chrome would not be "local", since it is in a repo.23:45
ActionParsnipVooloo: can you give a pastebin of: sudo lshw -C network   thanks23:46
halp_plsthe hard drive is 16GB and it has 7 GB free space23:46
dominicdinadathune3: i guess that makes sense now that you put it that way but when i add the repos it causes problems23:46
ActionParsnipVooloo: I get this with the latest Maverick kernel too. Quite lame but expected23:46
aliciapgis there a way you can have numlock automatically activated when the computer is turned on?23:46
palacechani have | separated fields in a line..to retrieve say the third one what's a good way to do it? i tried the clumsy sed -e 's/.*|.*|\(|.*|\)/\1/g' but it actually didn't work23:46
ActionParsnipUnsichtbar: uninstall samba23:46
dominicdinadathune3: if you remember last week it automatically grabbed the Deb stable kernal...23:46
soreaualiciapg: yes23:47
thune3dominicdinada: i'm on 9.10, i have not seen the issue you describe23:47
aliciapgsoreau: could you please tell me how?23:47
Purpleysoreau, Sorry I lagged23:47
ActionParsniphalp_pls: part of the procedure is to resize the partitions, if you have just installXP i'd redo it and use only a portion of the disk space for XP to save having to mess around with resizing23:48
halp_plsi can't do that unfortunately23:48
dominicdinadathune3: here is the perplexing thing your danged if you do and your danged if you dont, If i add the google repo i get shoved the kernel but i get to keep my chrome if i remove the repo i cant use a integrial part of the system without the janitor trying to sweep my installs away :(23:48
i_need_a_devcan anybody help me on how to recompile gnome-panel with an edited source?23:48
trismpalacechan: maybe: cut -d\| -f323:48
Purpleysoreau,  1949 ?        S      0:36 compiz23:49
thune3dominicdinada: i would agree that calling "local or obsolete" file "unused" is a bit misleading23:49
Purpley 1987 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/compiz-decorator23:49
nndBut ive GNOME installed on a machine with Ubuntu.23:49
VCoolioi_need_a_dev: where do you get stuck?23:49
halp_plsany light free app that can help me resize it?23:49
nndHi there, does anyone have an idea why Ubuntu 10.04's Gwibber doesn't post anything to identi.ca/status net?23:49
i_need_a_devVCoolio: everything, I never programmed before. I want to recompile gnome-panel without the easter eggs...23:49
palacechantrism, that worked! i'll go to man pages to understand it thanks!23:49
UnsichtbarHow can i turn of sharing of my files? for some reason they are shared to the network but i dont remember enabling that at all23:50
thune3dominicdinada: are you trying to "pin" an older kernel?23:50
soreaualiciapg: numlockx http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-475321.html23:50
soreauPurpley: ok good23:50
soreauPurpley: Now run ccsm in your terminal and go to the Commands plugin23:50
owenll!hi | morgan223:50
ubottumorgan2: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:50
ActionParsniphalp_pls: please type my nick if you are addressing me, its hard to find text23:50
i_need_a_devdevs don't seem to understand that easter eggs are not funny, and can make a mess out of our life23:50
Morgan2I currently have archlinux dualbooting with windows 7. Is it sufficient to install ubuntu over that arch linux partition ? Will that work?23:51
ActionParsniphalp_pls: use tab, see how my text to yout highlights, thats not an accident23:51
soreaui_need_a_dev: what easter egg?23:51
defryskMorgan2, probably yes should work23:51
dominicdinadathune3: is there a way to force ubuntu to either disregard the kernel from the repo or force janitor to skip chrome/workbench... I mean honestly it is not like there is an ignore update,upgrade, ignore remove... And simply put as that stuff piles up you spend more time sifting through the crap you dont want changed to get to what you need23:51
VCoolioi_need_a_dev: that seems unnecessary; anyway, first download the source (apt-get source gnome-panel), then edit what you need, then install the dependencies (apt-get build-dep gnome-panel), then compile and install preferably with checkinstall: ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall23:51
nndHi there, does anyone have an idea why Ubuntu 10.04's Gwibber doesn't post anything to identi.ca/status net?23:51
Morgan2I dont/can-t mess the windows partition. I have too much data I simply can`t loose.23:51
aliciapgsoreau: thank you ^^23:51
ActionParsniphalp_pls: make sure all partitions on the internal drive are unmounted then you will be able to23:52
defrysksoreau, however if you use arch ubuntu might be too 'boring' for you ;)23:52
i_need_a_devsoreau: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-panel/tree/gnome-panel/panel-run-dialog.c#n42323:52
LividmimeProblem: No sound at all! Total linux-newbie installed ubuntu 10.4 on 5 yr old packard bell easynote. Checked http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 Soundcard is detected when trying aplay -l and lspci -v, all channels unmuted on alsamixer (I think, don't quite understand it) tried various other forums for solution; threads are either too technical (i.e. I don't get it) or not applicable. Any suggestions?23:52
soreauPurpley: amixer -c 0 set PCM 2dB+ <-- make sure that this command works from your terminal.23:52
i_need_a_devsoreau: "free the fish" and "gegls from outer space"23:52
Purpleysoreau, Ok hold on23:53
SocialSocialI have an nvidia 320m, I was wondering if there was a compatibility list for ubuntu 10,04.... they just released windows beta, was hopeing there was a linux beta too23:53
defryski used arch and am now using ubuntu and totally bored23:53
soreaui_need_a_dev: huh, thats different23:53
dominicdinadasoreau: is there a way to force ubuntu to either disregard the kernel from the repo or force janitor to skip chrome/workbench... I mean honestly it is not like there is an ignore update,upgrade, ignore remove... And simply put as that stuff piles up you spend more time sifting through the crap you dont want changed to get to what you need23:53
soreaui_need_a_dev: have you filed a grievance?23:53
VCooliosoreau: I guess he wants to get rid of all the bloat in ubuntu...23:54
Purpleysoreau, Is this neccasry? I just want to use buttons on my mouse that the computer wont recognize23:54
soreaudominicdinada: I have no idea since I dont use that janitor app. I just remove whatever I dont need manually23:54
soreauPurpley: If you dont want my help, just say so23:54
apachecan anyone help me with my apache/mysql/myphpadmin problem? i am getting a warning when i try to connect to my databases. "Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /var/www/checklogin.php on line 9 cannot connect"23:55
ActionParsnipdominicdinada: bleachbit does a more thorough job, just watch the option you use23:55
i_need_a_devsoreau: I don't know what is grievance, english is not my first language23:55
soreauPurpley: I am showing you what I would try to get it working how you asked23:55
soreaui_need_a_dev: a complaint or a bug23:55
ActionParsnipi_need_a_dev: grievance == complaint23:55
Purpleysoreau, Ok23:55
i_need_a_devsoreau, ActionParsnip : there are quite a number of bugs reports in ubuntu/gnome -> wontfix23:55
dominicdinadaActionParsnip: I have tried bleachbit23:56
taurenOne of my partitions has stopped auto-mounting when I boot. I have this in my fstab:23:56
taurenUUID=a1fbb275-2599-4507-9824-c8c65387fa0f /projects       ext4    defaults   0       223:56
soreauPurpley: Now after you made sure that command works to change your volume, next step is to put it in ccsm>Commands>command1 and command2, you want - instead of + at the end23:56
thune3dominicdinada: after an upgrade you might need to go cleaning because of a bunch of dangling packages, but other than that the only thing that needs regular cleaning is old kernels.23:56
IdleOnetauren: did the UUID change somehow?23:56
soreaui_need_a_dev: well I guess it is settled then23:56
taurenwhen I manually mount it, it mounts:  sudo mount /projects23:56
fr00dHello, I have a  hda-intel sound card and like to use the spdif out. but I didn't get any output, not from spdif and not from analog. Can somebody help me to setup this soundcard?23:56
liebPurpley, I tried to set my intellimouse earlier but I got frustrated with it23:56
i_need_a_devsoreau: you needed 6 years for the openoffice guys to remove their easter eggs23:57
taurenhow do I get it to automount again?23:57
soreaui_need_a_dev: They arent planning on fixing so unless you want to submit patches yourself, it will do no good to complain23:57
ActionParsniptauren: add an entry in /etc/fstab23:57
nndHi there, does anyone have an idea why Ubuntu 10.04's Gwibber doesn't post anything to identi.ca/status net?23:57
fr00dI tried to use a .asoundrc file, but this does not work.23:57
taurenActionParsnip, there is one in it23:57
X_ohi world23:57
Kane_Hartfor lamp is there a file I gotta comment or something a line that prevents outside connections accessing its local sql server of course I did grant access to a certian ip23:57
aliciapgis there a way to remove some of the boot options in the menu?23:57
Purpleysoreau, Now I would execute this multiple times to achieve the correct volume I would like right?23:57
taurenActionParsnip:  UUID=a1fbb275-2599-4507-9824-c8c65387fa0f /projects       ext4    defaults   0       223:57
ActionParsniptauren: then run the mount command and make sure the mount point exists23:58
ActionParsniptauren: check the UUID with: sudo blkid23:58
i_need_a_devsoreau: considering what I saw in the gnome bug reports, even if I send the fix, they won't do a thing, because they like their annoying easter eggs23:58
X_oI have problem running vsftp23:58
taurenActionParsnip:  I did run it, and it mounts just fine.23:58
SocialSocialaliciapg, edit your menu.1st file to remove stuff23:58
aliciapgSocialSocial: where is that23:58
halp_plsthe installer seriously need more disk management power23:58
UnsichtbarHow can i turn of sharing of my files? for some reason they are shared to the network but i dont remember enabling that at all23:58
lisa_Is there a utility to log all wifi spots you run across and some of the details of each?23:58
SocialSocial /boot23:58
SocialSocialor /grub usually23:58
halp_plssecond time this has happened to me, and for a noob user this will make it impossible to install ubuntu23:59
aliciapgokay thanks SocialSocial :)23:59
taurenActionParsnip, During boot, it looks like drives are being checked, but it goes by so fast I can't see the problem if any.23:59
Purpleysoreau, Now I would execute this multiple times to achieve the correct volume I would like right?23:59
soreauPurpley: Ok, when you put it in the commands tab, then you go to button bindings tab and set all buttons to try and figure out which number the button corresponds to23:59
nndHi there, does anyone have an idea why Ubuntu 10.04's Gwibber doesn't post anything to identi.ca/status net?23:59
taurenActionParsnip: output from sudo blkid:  /dev/sda7: LABEL="dev" UUID="a1fbb275-2599-4507-9824-c8c65387fa0f" TYPE="ext4"23:59
VoolooI just updated my ubuntu, kernel etc. and now my network card is not working. I have tried to ifconfig down/up manually... what to do?23:59
soreauPurpley: So when you scroll, it detects that button and runs the command. For example, regular scroll are buttons 4 and 523:59

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