
AquinaCan someone tell me how to read out a CD-ROMs name in a shell?15:33
highvoltage"read out"?15:33
AquinaI wanna verify a specific disc is inserted15:33
AquinaWhen looking in fstab no CD name is shown. In Thunar the media has a name for e.g. "opfor" in case its the Half-Life: Opossing force CD or "F22L3" in case the F22 Lightning 3 CD is inserted.15:35
AquinaI found "hal-device | grep volume.label" meanwile. :-)15:44
* likemindead isn't mad at his battery, just disappointed.17:36
Pres-Gas...and that is soooo much worse if your battery was raised in a guilt-ridden religion, likemindead17:36
likemindeadRecommended Playstation (the gray one) emulator?18:04
charlie-tcaps1 ?18:04
likemindeadSeems pSX or epsxe are the two front runners.18:05
likemindeadI was wondering if anyone here had experience with either.18:06
TheSheepepsxe worked pretty well for me18:07
TheSheepstar ocean was playable18:08
likemindeadYeah? Thanks!18:08
likemindeadDid you compile it yourself?18:08
TheSheepI don't remember, I guess so18:08
likemindeadI used ePSXe back in my Windoze days, over three years ago. :-\18:09
likemindeadMUCH WIN DETECTED --> http://pcsxr.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=7550318:13
TheSheeplikemindead: fail :(18:18
TheSheepE: Couldn't find package pcsxr18:19
likemindeadDid you add the PPA?18:19
likemindeadWorked fine here.18:19
TheSheeplikemindead: nevermind18:19
TheSheepmy system is a bit non-standard18:20
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likemindeadDang ghost...18:28
justgreghey i am having trouble playing videos online18:46
justgregmy computer used to play then fine until i upgraded to lucid lynx18:46
justgregnow nothing18:46
charlie-tcayou have to add medibuntu back in to the repositories, and install the restricted extras again18:47
justgregi see18:47
AppetiteMy menu bar (top left) went away suddenly, how do i restore it?19:04
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/19:04
Appetitecharlie-tca: ok, it (1) didn't return, and i (2) restarted and it didn't help19:05
Appetitethe bar itself at the top is still there, just not the dropdown menu19:05
charlie-tcathen just right click the panel, add new item, xfce menu19:06
charlie-tcaYou can change the menu name in properties to applications, if you prefer it19:06
Appetitehow do i remove it? it's in an odd spot19:08
Appetiteah nvm :)19:08
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:09
AquinaIs there a way to *automatically* add missing modes to xorg.conf?19:47
charlie-tcaI would like to know that, too, if you find a way.19:48
AquinaIt annoys me since the very beginning. It's a problem I also have when remastering my distribution. I simply cannot expect people to change it ba hand... :-(19:50
charlie-tcaWaaay back in earlier versions, it was automatically added to xorg.conf, then it became automatic and I lost more than half my available video modes.19:52
judgennyone using exaile? I am having a tiny trouble with it... as it only remembers my playlist from a few days back every time i restart. Even though i have quit the application properly several times with a different list, it still reverts back to the one from a few days ago.19:54
judgenand aslo in xfce4 the notifications are HUGE.19:55
judgenbut that is moslty due to larger resolution on the images.19:55
charlie-tcanotifications in Xubuntu 10.04 appear to be about the same as they were in 9.1019:55
charlie-tcaIn exaile, have you saved the playlist yourself?19:56
charlie-tcaright click the playlist tab, and save it. it has failed to be there for me when I do that.19:56
judgenNah i just start the app, and it is supposed to remember what i played last and continue... but it seems to have a mild case of alzheimers =D19:57
judgenalso, in xfce4, how do i put the notifications in somewhere less distracting place?19:58
judgenHmm seems to work now, the playlist part.19:58
justgregi am having trouble watching streaming videos online20:02
justgregthey worked fine before i updated to lucid lynx20:02
justgregi already added medibuntu to my repositories and installed restricted extras20:02
justgregbut still no video20:03
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justgregi would like some help watching streaming videos online20:10
justgregi am stumped20:11
justgregok so here is the problem20:13
justgregthe videos used to work fine but now since i upgraded to lucid lynx they don't work at all20:14
justgregi installed medibuntu and the restricted extras20:14
justgregi do not know what else to do20:14
justgregi mean i guess i could live without them but i would rather have the problem solved20:15
Bernuzelisello, I'm logged into Xubuntu LiveCD, Gparted and trying to remove my Linux disk and connect that space with Windows, but I can't do anyting for that..21:24
BernuzelisHow could I do that?21:24
Sysidoes it give some error?21:25
BernuzelisI see key painted to /dev/sda121:26
Bernuzelisin Gparted21:26
BernuzelisI was puted my Windows CD because I need reinstall it21:26
BernuzelisAnd I deleted windows and linux disk21:26
BernuzelisBut It not connected to one21:26
BernuzelisSo I decaded to rienstall and load LiveCD21:27
judgenBernuzelis, windows always clears the mbr. are you sure that you don't just need to reinstall grub?21:55
judgenoh you want to remove linux?21:55
judgenThat would be very simple to do. just boot windows and start the "computer management" and delete the linux partition(s) and then format it as a single drive with NTFS. Then you combine them. Easy as pie.21:57
judgenyou can not remove the linux disk you are using from linux. Sorry.21:58
judgenjust as you can not remove %systemDrive% in windows.21:58
Sysiyou can with livecd21:58
judgenSysi, you can remove the partition from the drive, yes. But no You can never remove the system drive from within the booted system.21:59
judgenunless you run some freak os like BeOS.21:59
Sysimy friend has done interesting things with debian..22:00
Sysifsck to entire drive without reboot22:00
judgenSysi, you can thrash it to unbootable but the table is still there.22:00
Sysii'm familiar with partitioning22:01
Sysii can't eat my head :b22:01
judgenwow, i need some good wallpapers.... I particularlar one with the dark background and the green saturn like planet..22:01
judgenSysi, my father can bite his own head.22:02
Sysibut not eat entirely22:02
judgenhe can also bite his own eye without removing his dentures.22:03
Sysiglass eye?22:03
judgeni think it is porcelein22:03
judgenbut teah22:03
AquinaCan someone tell me where the XFCE panel location (e.g. panel 1 top, 20px; panel 2 bottom, 24px) is stored in?22:18
Sysi~/.config/xfce4/panel/panels.xml i guess22:20
BernuzelisHow looks that command for console-partition manager22:21
BernuzelisI can't remember.. It's something like fsdisk22:21
Bernuzelisor something22:21
Sysior parted22:22
AquinaThy, Sysi! I found that file and put everything from "~/.config/xfce4/panel" to "/etc/skel". The contents are then copied during installation. Nevertheless the panels are not the way I expect them. :-(22:25
AquinaMy panels.xml gets awas overwritten. Do you have a clue why?23:12

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