
grantbowAn SJ Mercury News story was just filed giving a link to edubuntu.org : http://www.mercurynews.com/mike-cassidy00:03
grantbowIt's the main newspaper of the Silicon Valley.00:04
grantbowSJ = San Jose, CA, US00:04
will12337Hello everyone00:19
will12337I'm working on documentation for a FOSS club, an I've gotten stuck can anyone help?00:25
Fudgeanyone have a vm of edubuntu theyd like to share?05:11
Fudgeis there a torrent fo redubuntu07:00
Fudgeah just realised i can isntall the packages from ubuntu :D07:20
=== HedgeMage is now known as adamselene
=== adamselene is now known as HedgeMage
wima1does anyone know what happened to the volume control applet?11:06
wima1it is no longer available in my 10.04 LTSP setup11:06
alkisgwima1: did you upgrade from an older setup or user account?11:07
alkisgHere's a command that resets the panels to their default values (it'll delete any buttons you may have added):11:08
wima1but i no longer have it in the applet list11:08
wima1ah, interesting11:08
alkisggconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel11:08
alkisgIt takes effect immediately11:08
wima1ah! volume control11:08
wima1strange that it is not in the applet list11:09
alkisgSome applets are embedded into the notification area now11:09
wima1now contemplating if i should do this with all my users...11:09
wima1but i had a notification area11:09
alkisgE.g. there isn't a keyboard applet anymore, it automatically shows when one has multiple keyboard layouts11:10
alkisgSome setting was badly upgraded, you could file a bug about it11:10
wima1i think i will tweek the defaults a bit, and then reset for all users11:11
wima1my users are not of the tweeking kind11:12
wima1the pilot users of the new server didn't notice that the window buttons moved11:12
wima1thanks a lot!11:15
wima1anything else i should know about LTSP in 10.4?11:15
wima1is sabayon in a usable state now? I know sbalneav did a lot of work to get in in shape...11:17
alkisgI don't use sabayon, but I'm hearing it's OK11:18
wima1i'll give it a try11:19
Fudgehi im installing  edubuntu-artwork ubuntu-edu-preschool and primary other than the highschool tirtiary what other edubuntu packages are there i shoudl isntall12:20
rad4ChristHey guys in 10.04, ltsp-manager comes up blank when running with ltsp-server-standalone installed.16:09
rad4ChristAny ideas why?16:09
alkisgIt isn't maintained anymore16:10
rad4ChristOK, that explains it. Thanks16:11
rad4ChristI'm trying to set up NAT so my thin clients running Firefox locally can connect to the internet, but when I bring up my /etc/network/interfaces, the interface for eth0 isn't there. is it because I'm using the gnome-network-manager? How do I set it up?16:24

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