
arandWould anyone care to opinionate as to wether Bug #582035 is SRU-material, and maybe set the priority to.. hmm, low, if I read the importance guidelines correctly (easy workaround).00:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 582035 in e2fsprogs (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "User cancel of fsck gives: "fsck.ext4: Inode bitmap not loaded while setting block group checksum" (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58203500:03
jcgshi, does anyone know what to do if i think i've found that a package in the repositories is unusable?00:41
arandjcgs: unusable in what way, which one was the bug report?00:42
jcgserm , it breaks all applications (including GNOME apparently) that link to it00:43
arandThis channel is a bit more specific to bug-handling, by the way.00:43
jcgssorry, i'm kinda new at this (you might have guessed already)00:44
jcgsit's bug 54003500:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 540035 in pango-graphite (Ubuntu) "gimp-2.6 crashed on launch with SIGSEGV in gr::GlyphInfo::logicalIndex() (affects: 8) (dups: 2) (heat: 68)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54003500:44
arandHmm, that is definitely something that is worth fixing.00:46
jcgsi agree00:47
jcgsi'm also in #kubuntu-devel atm, but not getting so much of a response00:47
jcgsarand: what do you think of my swap suggestion?00:48
arandI'm not sure a complete upgrade to newer version will be accepted, as per...00:48
ubot2Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates00:48
arandThe best would be is the problem could be isolated to a small fix which could patch the current version...00:49
jcgsi think this package is so broken that no-one could possibly be operating it00:49
jcgsarand: i think this probably falls into the uninstallable category00:50
micahgjcgs: please try: aptitude why pango-graphite00:52
arandWell, more like "completely unusable", and in addition breaking other applications... Hmm, it *might* warrant a complete version upgrade, yes.00:52
jcgschris@sjoh2988:/usr/share/man$ aptitude why pango-graphite00:53
jcgsi   ttf-sil-doulos Suggests pango-graphite00:53
micahgk, not sure why it would be installled then00:54
arandYes, it's all the ttf-sil-* fonts that depends on it.00:54
jcgsit's not00:54
jcgsmichag: i installed it because it was suggested, and bad things happened00:55
arandAh, yes, you're right, only suggests00:55
arandHmm, have a look at: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango-graphite00:57
arandSeems like every single bug describes more or less this same issue00:57
arandAnd that's been going on since 2008 it seems00:58
micahgwas deleted from testing, not sure why00:58
arandhttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=471642 has some interesting info01:03
ubot2Debian bug 471642 in pango-graphite "libpango1.0-0: iceweasel is crashing permanently with pango enabled" [Critical,Open]01:03
arandAnd the last update to that package was in 2005 !01:10
arandIn sid, that is, seems to have been touched in ubuntu in 2008 at least01:11
arandNo, ahng on that is in unstable, ignore last two comments01:12
jcgsarand: it appears the debian maintainer hasn't done anything about this01:14
arandYes. Which is not very good indeed.01:15
arandjcgs: Hmm, If I look at http://packages.sil.org/ubuntu/ there doesn't seem to be any updated pango-graphite... ?01:21
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arandjcgs: But in the state of things, I would reckon the best solution would be to simply follow debians lead and pull it from the repo completely. Unless someone steps up wanting to maintain it.01:23
arandjcgs: Have you tested the SIL repo there, suggested by Johan Winge? (Like I said, I don't see and updated packages there at all..)01:25
jcgsno, but i'll have a look01:27
arandHmm, I'm bed-bound soon though, and it will likely be easier to get hold of people who know the proper procedure for this (I don't) at other times of the day. I'll keep the backlog here though, it's definitely something in need of attendance.01:31
arandhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive#Removing%20Packages is likely the process to follow in case removal is appropriate.01:34
jcgsarand: thanks a lot you've been v helpful01:38
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drew212micahg: are you around? i have a quick question05:58
micahgdrew212: yes05:58
drew212bug 483099, it doesnt sound like a bug, as i recieve it sometimes after a crash from firefox, and it is easily worked around by "killall firefox", what do you think?05:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 483099 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) " computer report Firefox not responding close firefox or restart computer (affects: 4) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48309905:59
micahgdrew212: it's a long standing bug05:59
micahgdrew212: there might be a master bug somewhere05:59
drew212ill look06:00
drew212found it bug 30860506:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 308605 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "[MASTER]Firefox is already running message (affects: 13) (dups: 10) (heat: 182)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30860506:00
drew212i really need to look at all the master bugs06:01
micahgdrew212: k, I guess that's the best place ATM06:03
drew212micahg: mark as duplicate?06:03
micahgdrew212: yep06:03
ddecatoryah that's been around a while..06:04
micahgdrew212: thanks06:04
drew212micahg: for? lol06:04
micahgdrew212: taking care of it :)06:04
ddecatordrew212: the work :)06:04
drew212micahg: no problem =), i'm going to school to be a software eng. this is great practice... and will look great on a resume, best of all its hella fun =D06:05
drew212we need to add a response in the wiki about crashes being reported as general bugs06:06
micahgdrew212: I'll tell you about my adventure with that in #ubuntu-chicago :)06:06
ddecatordrew212: btw, if you're still interested in getting involved with the kernel, at the last qa meeting JFo announced that there will be some changes to kernel triage and that they will be having classes on how to work with kernel bugs. i think there will be an email sent to the bugsquad ML, so keep your eye out for that :)06:07
drew212ddecator: thakns =)06:08
drew212micahg: is there a bug response about someone submitting a bug report thru apport that should be a crash report, such as bug 59241606:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 592416 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) "Firefox suddenly disappears several times lately (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59241606:09
micahgdrew212: what you did there is great06:11
micahgdrew212: w/out a crash report or specific reproduce steps, there's not much we can do06:12
drew212micahg: but what we need to do is add something like that kind of response to the wiki06:12
micahgdrew212: ah, yes06:13
micahgdrew212: I forgot to do that06:13
drew212i can do it actually =P06:13
drew212maybe =P06:13
micahgdrew212: there's something similar though06:13
micahgdrew212: maybe send to ML about it w/a suggestion06:13
drew212micahg: who is ML?06:14
ddecatorMailing List06:14
* micahg should have said the ML :)06:14
BUGabundo_remoteraises the sales,row to south!09:16
DrKenobiHi! I think this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/393720 should be Wishlist, ok?09:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 393720 in nautilus "To hide files/directories is complex (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:31
xelisterhi, please set priority https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/546728  to High.  Many users can not access internet! (so they cant get updates, find out how to resolve the problem, etc)09:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 546728 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Lucid] Huawei USB Modems not detected since upgrade. E620, E169 modems - need to install usb-modeswitch(-data) (affects: 17) (dups: 1) (heat: 82)" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:35
xelisteralso the solution is quite trivial, just by defailt install missing package09:36
BUGabundo_remotexelister: known09:39
BUGabundo_remoteand it's a dupe09:39
xelisterBUGabundo_remote: what is the dupe?10:06
vishDrKenobi: that bug has to be forwarded upstream , yes it is a wishlist10:09
DrKenobivish thank you, i'll right now10:10
DrKenobivish the bug status https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/393720 should be triaged now.10:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 393720 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "To hide files/directories is complex (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]10:22
xelisterBUGabundo_remote: could you mark it as a dupe?10:22
vishDrKenobi: done. thanks10:23
DrKenobivish, I think this is also a wishlist bug that should be sent to upstream https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/39365710:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 393657 in nautilus "Assigning backgrounds in Nautilus (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:26
BUGabundo_remotexelister: not at home10:26
BUGabundo_remotedon't have my handy mail to look for the dupe10:26
BUGabundo_remotebug searching for that description will find you a few of them10:26
vishDrKenobi: i think there is already a bug upstream for that, try searching if not there, yes , needs forwarding10:27
DrKenobivish, i will look again, but i didnt find anything. Looking again10:28
DrKenobivish, i found a bug upstream, what should i do? should i add a Bug Watch?10:39
vishDrKenobi: yup , add the upstream bug watch and add the ubuntu task as well10:39
DrKenobiwhats the ubuntu task?10:40
vishDrKenobi: nautilus , use the "also affect distribution"10:42
DrKenobivish, ok i'll try10:42
DrKenobivish, now Bug #393657 should be set as triaged and wishlist10:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 393657 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Assigning backgrounds in Nautilus (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39365710:54
vishDrKenobi: done10:56
DrKenobithanks vish!10:56
DrKenobidoes anyone knows hot to set as duplicate a bug at Bugzilla?10:58
vishDrKenobi: which bug?11:33
DrKenobivish, this https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=594168 and this https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158793 bugs11:45
ubot2Gnome bug 594168 in Backgrounds Emblems and Themes "Add support for specifying folder background properties on a per-folder basis" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]11:45
vishDrKenobi: yeah , if you havent reported the bug , you cant change that upstream .. they have their triagers/bug maintainers who set that11:48
DrKenobioh ok, so it was a good idea to leave a message. thanks!11:50
xteejxHey guys!13:09
xteejxWow I just looked at yesterday's bugday for gnome-games....nearly every single one was done!! :)13:10
DrKenobixteejx u did a great job13:13
xteejxThanks :) I actually had time to do it this week13:13
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xteejxKinda hopping between triaging now and merging for motu, but just starting so bug hunting is better at the mo lol13:14
DrKenobibut i found some bugs that where not triaged or fixed but highlighted with green :-S13:15
DrKenobic u later, wc2010!13:16
xteejxDrKenobi: Yeah that's fine as long as they're being dealt with13:16
xteejxAnyone on here that sees me around knows I always go back to old reports every 2 weeks or so :D13:16
DrKenobixteejx, i was not talking about u, i don't remember who did it. Just think that is not the ideal way to do it13:18
xteejxOh right :) But yeah I agree, especially with perhaps 'less experienced' triagers - I've seen plenty of bug reports that have a standard response and it's not been looked at since - bloody annoying makes us look bad!13:19
DrKenobixteejx, yep, u r right13:45
hggdhDrKenobi: you still need a dup set on b.g.o?14:04
pedro_oh wow nice progress on the bug day folks!14:05
hggdhDrKenobi: they are not actually dups -- one wants the same background everywhere, the other asks for *different*, specific backgrounds14:07
DrKenobihggdh, let me read them again14:08
DrKenobihggdh, i think Bugs 594168 it's included in Bugs 15879314:10
ubot2DrKenobi: Error: Bug #594168 not found.14:10
ubot2DrKenobi: Error: Bug #158793 not found.14:10
DrKenobibecause setting all the directories under a specific directory should be an option14:12
hggdhDrKenobi: ack14:30
hggdhDrKenobi: thinking more on it -- 594168 needs to be there in the first place; 158793 depends on it14:34
hggdhDrKenobi: but I agree -- I will set the others as dup of 158793, and add the specific comment14:35
DrKenobihggdh: ok, thank you!14:37
xelistercool, lucid-propsed kmail crashes too14:38
xelister4 years using kmail. No version yet was not-crashing.14:38
DrKenobixelister, thats a long time!14:38
xelisterI'm getting actually a number of __GI___*  backtraces from various applications.  what is that?14:38
xelister(3 or 4)14:39
hggdhDrKenobi: done14:39
DrKenobihggdh: thank you!14:40
xelisterkmail-dbgsym: Depends: kmail (= 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.4.4-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 is installed.14:40
xelister#5  0x00007f2516a4f337 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so.414:40
xelisterhow to get proper dbgsym for lucid-proposed's kmail?14:40
xelisterin sources.list.d I have also line    deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com lucid-proposed main restricted universe multiverse14:43
hggdhxelister: if the dbgsyms are not there, then have not yet being created14:44
xelisterso, lucid-proposed's kmail crashs (as EVERY other kmail version ever in ubuntu),  and there are not even debug symbols to debug it?14:44
hggdhxelister: (1) you can always build from source, and get it all; (2) you can try kdepim-dbg (which carries the symbols for this lib); (3) please tone down your comments14:46
xelisterhow my comments are not tonned down? Well, thoes are just facts, I have yet to see kmail version that is stable in every day advanced usage14:47
xelisterit seems many/all -dbgsym packages are broken in lucid-proposed, is this expected?14:50
xelisteraptitude install libkdepim4-dbgsym=4:4.4.4-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1  -->   Unable to find a version "4:4.4.4-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1" for the package "libkdepim4-dbgsym"14:50
hggdhxelister: if this came from a PPA (as the version string suggests) you have to take it to the PPA owners14:54
hggdhand a PPA will most probably not have dbgsyms, at most only dbgs14:55
xelisterkmail    kmail-dbgsym      There is no -dbg.  Only dbgsym would be detailed enough it seems for #5  0x00007f2516a4f337 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so.414:56
xelisterwouldn't it make sense to esepcially build dbgsym's for packages that are proposed and undergo reviews?  do you need machinepower to build that all, or what is the problem? I could build some dbgsym's if it's easy14:56
hggdhthe package that carries /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so.4 is kdepim-dbg. You can find from where a file comes via 'apt-file search'14:57
xelisterwell, http://pastebin.com/CftKSCyV14:58
hggdhyes, your installation is broken15:00
yofelxelister: the kmail debug symbols are in kdepim-dbg15:09
yofelshould read the whole backlog before answering ^^15:10
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arandIf the combination of pango-graphite and ttf-sil-doulos makes gnome not start, is the fault likely in pango-graphite, or may it be in the font package as well? I've tested three of the ttf-sil-* fonts packages, two induces the problem, one does not.17:37
micahgarand: most likely pango-graphite17:40
arandmicahg: Ah, yes, still poking in the same issue as yesterday.17:40
arandWould you say I should just go ahead and file a removal request?17:41
micahgarand: what happened to getting it updated in debian?17:41
micahgarand: I don't see any PPAs17:43
micahgarand: there's an 0.9.3 version released last year, maybe file an update request in debian17:45
arandmicahg: Well, I'm contacting the sil.org people, they've got a repo, but there's no pango-graphite in there..17:45
micahgarand: k, are they still developing it?17:45
arandJust to check if there actually is an updated version, or if they at all are supporting it...yea17:45
micahgarand: there's an updated version as of last year17:46
arandAh, hadn't stumbled upon that, ok, well then updating in debian becomes a more relevant option..17:47
micahgarand: right, so I'd suggest filing a request to update in debian17:47
arandYea, ok, we'll see how it works out there, since it has no maintainer atm17:48
micahgarand: there's a maintainer in debian17:49
* micahg will bbiab17:51
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vishcrimsun_: hi , could you update your time available > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors19:41
tawmasHi! I was trying to see if anything changed in #587142 after the latest updates to the appmenu, but I no longer can seem to get appmenus for any application. Is this just me missing something new, or there is some problem in act?21:26
jbichatawmas: did you try logging out and logging back in?21:29
tawmasjbicha: no, I just restarted the panel... isn't this good enough?21:29
jbichajbicha: I don't know; perhaps appmenu needs more than just the panel restarted though21:30
* tawmas is about to logout and login again...21:30
tawmasjbicha: thanks, for now, I'll let you know21:31
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tawmasjbicha: it works now, it indeed needed a logout/login. Thanks again21:35
micahgoh boy, bug  59283721:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 592837 in ubuntu "bug filing difficulties annoyance (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59283721:50
micahgpedro_: ^^21:50
kklimondamicahg: *shrug* some people have attitude like that, nothing we can do about that. I'm pretty sure there is no way of reasoning with him and he's entitled to his own opinion..21:54
micahgkklimonda: right, that's why I pinged pedro about it :)21:54
* micahg thinks someone official should respond21:54
yofeler... he even unsubscribed from the bug, filed it again as bug 592839 and marked that as a security vulnerability...22:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 592839 in ubuntu "bug filing difficulties annoyance (affects: 1) (heat: 260)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59283922:43
micahgyofel: I saw22:46

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