
doctormo_empathynigelb: For all those doing user day graphics: http://doctormo.org/2010/06/10/inkscape-templates/00:08
pleia2cool, thanks doctormo_empathy :)00:11
doctormo_empathypleia2: NP, let me know if it's useful to you.00:14
nigelbczajkowski: you need help with throttling ;) ?04:02
jturekping nigelb04:43
nigelbabuListening to rock music and coding is fun! ;)05:46
nigelbabu(as long as I don't sing along aloud) :p05:50
dholbachgood morning07:45
jussinigelbabu: its fun for you singing... just probably not fun for others :P07:49
jussimorning dholbach07:49
dholbachhi jussi07:49
dpmgood morning everyone08:24
jussidpm: morning good sir!08:27
dpmhey jussi, good morning :)08:27
dholbachhola dpm08:44
dpmhey dholbach!08:44
czajkowskialoha folks09:25
dpmmorning czajkowski, buenos días randa_09:28
randa_morning dpm, czajkowski, dholbach09:28
dholbachhola randa_09:29
* czajkowski hugs randa_ 09:29
randa_czajkowski: :)09:30
czajkowskiThank you09:30
dholbachhola czajkowski09:30
czajkowskidpm: dholbach morning :D09:31
nigelbabuok, to keep pinging short, Morning ALL!09:36
dpmI'll ping you anyway. Regardless of the timezone, it's good to keep people awake: good morning nigelbabu!!! :)09:43
dholbachyo nigelbabu!09:46
nigelbabudpm: haha09:47
nigelbabuoff to lunch, its 1420 here!09:47
dholbachnigelbabu: what are you having for lunch?09:47
dpmnevermind, just making sure you're not doing a siesta on us!09:47
dholbachdpm: man… that's what the Spanish (and Catalan, and Asturian and Basque, and …) are known for09:48
dpmit's a good tradition to export worldwide, though :)09:49
* dholbach would love to go to lunch with nigelbabu now09:50
dholbachI had a look at the pictures from India with a friend a few days ago… it's high time I go there again :)09:50
randa_dholbach: are you at Linux Tag?09:56
dholbachranda_: I'll be there tomorrow, the whole day09:56
dholbachgive three talks09:56
czajkowskidholbach: talks all done?09:56
dholbachczajkowski: almost09:56
dholbachczajkowski: the one I'm giving together with others, I'm still chasing them up09:57
randa_dholbach: great can you check if there are Ubuntu Cds when you go, there should be loads09:57
dholbachranda_: will do09:57
randa_thanks dholbach!09:58
czajkowskidholbach: excellent10:00
czajkowskidholbach: who are the others giving the talk wiht you10:00
dholbachnoodles (Michael Nelson) from the LP team10:01
dholbachhenninge (Henning Eggers) from the LP team10:01
dholbach(they're both done with their stuff)10:01
dholbachbdrung (Benjamin Drung), Ubuntu Berlin guy, Ubuntu and Debian developer10:01
dholbachccm (Caspar Clemens Mierau), Ubuntu Berlin guy, sort of the team leader :)10:02
dholbachthat's one of the talks10:02
jussiIv lost my blog password :(10:08
czajkowskidholbach: hope it's recorded10:09
dpmdholbach, that looks like a launchpaddish talk10:09
dholbachczajkowski: I dunno10:09
dholbachdpm: actually it's going to be "Ubuntu - thousands of projects, millions of users - how it all works in 50 minutes"10:09
dholbachdpm: it'll be a lot of everything10:09
dholbachthen I'll give another one about how fixing bugs is easy because of people like james_w10:10
dholbachand another one about launchpadlib10:10
dholbachand an interview about bug jams and ubuntu berlin10:10
dpmI should go to LT some time10:11
dholbachparticularly Saturday is good fun10:12
cjohnston|cellczajkowski: Do you want me to get itnet7 to smack me for ya?10:27
nigelbabudholbach: I assume you like paneer.  Had a paneer cheese sandwich and a watermelon juice10:29
nigelbabucjohnston|cell: at work?10:31
cjohnston|cellNope. Me and itnet7 and pak33m are on a road trip10:32
nigelbabucjohnston|cell: running from czajkowski ?10:33
cjohnston|cellYes. Lol10:33
dholbachnigelbabu: nice :)10:41
cjohnston|cellMornin dholbach10:42
czajkowskicjohnston|cell: I didnt see any emails...10:42
dholbachhiya cjohnston|cell10:42
dholbachcjohnston|cell: I got your email, but was too busy to reply yet - sorry10:42
dholbachcjohnston|cell: I'll try to go and fix the HoF asap, at least make the css show up again10:43
cjohnston|cellczajkowski: I wouldn't do that to you10:43
dholbachcjohnston|cell: other than that the HoF is not in a releasable state right now unfortunately10:43
cjohnston|cellIs it on a canon server10:43
dholbachcjohnston|cell: the code is a terrible mess and apart from my vanity the code right now also contains passwords :)10:43
dholbachcjohnston|cell: so thanks a lot for your offer of help, but I first need to put some work into it, so it's more fun to help out10:44
dholbachI'd love to make it open source a nice project again10:44
dholbachbut it's a little less priority than all ther other stuff :-/10:44
czajkowskicjohnston|cell: smart lad!10:44
dholbachI'll keep you in the loop10:44
czajkowskioh I passed the technical interviews for AOL and HR, and now have another techincal and face to face interview10:45
* dholbach hugs cjohnston|cell10:45
dholbachczajkowski: congratulations10:45
czajkowskidholbach: thanks10:45
nigelbabuczajkowski: *hugs* All the best!10:45
cjohnston|cellSounds good. Jono had wanted to get it going again so I kinda voluntold.10:45
cjohnston|cellYay cz10:45
cjohnston|cellCell phone tab fail10:46
nigelbabucjohnston|cell: you can't even autocomplete her name? LOL10:46
nigelbabudholbach: that seems to be most of what cjohnston|cell is doing :p10:46
cjohnston|cellIf I miss the button on my phone it's suckage10:47
cjohnston|cellnigelbabu: Did you see that I got Zack to move? I'm going to see if I can get qense to move to Zach's old spot and have Zack at 1010:48
nigelbabucjohnston|cell: lyz told me you got Zach to move.  Just FYI, its first day of sense's holiday.  Don't ruin it ;)10:49
nigelbabu(I mean July 10th)10:49
cjohnston|cellI'll see what we can work out10:49
jcastrohey dholbach14:59
jcastro(and bobbo)15:00
jcastroI had an awesome idea15:00
jcastroand jono is like "ok do it"15:00
jcastrobut once again my mouth is writing checks my body can't cash!15:00
jcastroI think we should do that ^^^ for the patch count15:00
jcastroThey gave me this: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnomeweb-wml/tree/www.gnome.org/friends/ruler/update-ruler15:01
dholbachjcastro: what would it do?15:01
dholbachlike this http://daniel.holba.ch/review/example.html ?15:01
jcastroit would be a planet-wide patch slider15:01
dholbachahhh planet-wide15:01
jcastroexcept instead of per blog15:01
jcastroand then we make it so whatever we care about those weeks or cycle we put there15:01
dholbachit'd be sweet to have it on planet15:01
jcastroso, patches, RC bugs15:01
jcastroI am talking to TheDoctor now15:01
jcastrosince they are redesigning planet15:02
jcastrobut it won't be for a bit15:02
jcastrocan you look at how hard it would be to hack it in now?15:02
dholbachbasically it's:    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://daniel.holba.ch/review/gadget.js"></script>15:02
dholbachand you're done15:02
dholbachadd it, all set15:02
jcastrooh so you think keeping the current one?15:02
dholbachI'm not sure what you would like the "new one" to do?15:03
jcastrothe same thing as the one you have now15:03
dholbachbut look different?15:03
jcastrobut i didn't think of adding the one you have15:03
jcastroyeah, it just looks cooler I think, but whatever, let's have the design team do it on the new planet15:03
dholbachI personally am not too attached to any kind of artwork15:04
jcastrowe just need to change the text I think15:04
jcastroinstead of powered by15:04
dholbachconsidering that I did this http://daniel.holba.ch/review/meter.png15:04
dholbachand daker kicked some ass with with http://daniel.holba.ch/review/example.html15:04
jcastrosomething like "Help review patches in Ubuntu!" or something15:04
jcastrosomething that makes it obvious what the meter is15:04
dholbachif somebody wants to make it prettier, sure15:04
dholbachI'll fix that instantly15:05
jcastrook, so basically I can pull planet and mess with it right?15:05
dholbachI think so, yes15:06
dholbachI just don't know if the .css is included in the bzr branc15:06
dholbach(or whatever)15:06
dholbachhttp://daniel.holba.ch/review/example.html is fixed now15:06
jcastrobah, it is not.15:06
jcastrook so for today I'll have them put that on15:07
dholbachthen it's this15:07
dholbachtemplate_files = config/members/rss20.xml.tmpl examples/rss10.xml.tmpl examples/opml.xml.tmpl examples/foafroll.xml.tmpl config/members/index.html.tmpl15:07
dholbachneed to touch the .html file I guess15:07
dholbachand add that line there15:07
jcastroand then I'll task the design team to use the GNOME code to make something slick and built in and generic so we can use it in the future.15:08
jcastrook so the webteam probably has access to that?15:08
dholbachjcastro: I guess so15:09
dholbachjcastro: they can go and mess with http://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-review-overview15:09
dholbachjcastro: it's the "countdown.py" script that writes the necessary .js file15:10
czajkowskihmm anyone seen forums council folks ?15:14
jcastrodholbach: oh did you get my mail about HoF?15:15
dholbachI talked to cjohnston about it already15:16
jcastrohigh five15:16
dholbachcjohnston: short version: I'll fix the CSS for now, but the code is in an unreleasable state15:16
dholbachjcastro: and that's not just my vanity because the code sucks slightly, but also because it contains passwords :-)15:16
jcastrohah, awesome15:16
dholbachso a bit lower on my priority scale is to revamp it and make it suck less and then make rock more15:16
dholbach(and invite others to help me with that)15:17
* dholbach goes back and rehearses a talk that has way too much information for too short time :)15:18
jcastrojono: are you on maverick?15:37
doctormo_empathyjono or jcastro: Morning, do either of you know who to contact for details on the Canonical partner program?15:38
jcastrono clue15:38
czajkowskidoctormo_empathy: ask AlanBell15:39
dholbachdepends what kind of partner, etc.15:40
doctormo_empathydholbach: Support I think15:40
cjohnston|celljcastro: I think he said he is on -m. Just had breakfast with him15:53
czajkowskicjohnston|cell: where are you15:53
czajkowskiah fun15:54
czajkowskigive akgraner a big hug from me15:54
cjohnston|cellczajkowski: Im here with itnet7 and pak33m15:56
czajkowskiohhh give itnet7 a massive hug15:57
czajkowskipoor chap has not been online in ages for me to nab him to do so15:57
czajkowskifor those who are interested in couchdb http://twitter.com/janl/status/1593396967716:05
dholbachI call it a day now - have a great WE!16:49
czajkowskidholbach: bye16:50
dholbachbye czajkowski16:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
qensegood afternoon17:24
qensejono: Finished the Ayatana content, and placed it at <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperStackTour#Ayatana>. If you've got any remarks on my work, please tell me and I'll see what I can do!18:55
cjohnstonqense: ping19:55
cjohnstonqense: nm19:56
czajkowskiTechnoviking: ping20:28
Technovikingczajkowski: pong21:01
jonojcastro, so is the app menu working with the unity release?22:03
jcastroon both maverick and lucid/ppa.22:05
jcastrodo an update, log out, then back in22:05
jcastroand the bugs on the apps are really starting to come in now22:05
jonojcastro, safe to upgrade now? X issues fixed?22:06
jonoin maverick22:06
jcastrotoday was a good day, everything finally synced up22:06
doctormoOK got my IRC back to semi-rationale using a proxy to connect to all the channels. Empathy is such a rubbish irc client, we should fix that.22:08
jonobandwidth is crap here, will update later22:08
jcastrojono: the menu has a slight little fade thing too when you move over it22:08
jcastroit's badass22:08
jonosweet :)22:10
greg-gjono: things got crazy yesterday and today, but since it is already 5:20 on a Friday, I think I'll write it up this weekend and post it on Monday (that blog post). Cool?22:21
jonogreg-g, sounds great :-)22:23
jonothanks, man22:23
greg-gjono: np, man.22:25

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