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jcgshi, does anyone know what to do if i think i've found that a package in the repositories is unusable?00:41
lifelessyou should file a bug00:41
jcgsi already did00:42
jcgsin march00:42
jcgslifeless: i was just wondering if i could try and help get some progress on it00:45
lifelessif you want to work on it, that would be great.00:45
jcgsapparently there is a perfectly good package available from another repository00:46
jcgsi wondered if it would be possible to do a swap00:46
jcgslifeless: i don't think it's so much a problem with the code, as the specific package available in the repositories00:47
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RAOFjcgs: Working out precisely what the problem is is a great first step :)00:51
jcgsi've filed a bug report already, how would i go about decoding the information in that, and related bug reports00:54
jcgsis there a source package available i could recompile from?00:54
RAOFYes, of course.00:54
RAOF“apt-get source $PACKAGENAME”00:55
jcgsRAOF: that generated some errors00:56
jcgsapaprently public key not found00:57
RAOFThat's a warning, not an error.  You're good to go.00:57
jcgsRAOF: where did it put it? sudo find / -name "pango-graphite" returned nothing01:02
RAOFIt puts it in a subdirectory of your current directory.  $PACKAGENAME-$UPSTREAM_VERSION01:02
RAOFSo, it's likely to be in the pango-graphite-0.9.2 directory.01:03
cjwatsonnote that that find command returns only directory entries named exactly "pango-graphite" - you have to do a bit more to make it be a substring search01:05
CynthiaGwhat cjwatson said01:05
RAOFHm.  Looks like an interensting package, too.01:06
ajmitchthat package looks like a good candidate for removal01:06
ionYay, maverick’s kernel has an automatic workaround for an ACPI bug i had to work around manually in lucid. (Thermal sensor wouldn’t work, thus CPU throttling wouldn’t work, thus the laptop would overheat.)01:07
jcgsajmitch: why? is it beacuse it is broken?01:07
ajmitchjcgs: broken, and hasn't seen an update for quite awhile in debian01:08
ajmitchthough it doesn't look entirely dead upstream01:08
jcgsajmitch: apparently upstream are maintaining their own ubuntu repo01:09
jcgsi was wondering if someone could just swap their package into the ubuntu repositories?01:09
ajmitchif it's as severwly screwed up as it looks (crashing firefox, etc), then it's possible it could be updated in lucid after being tested for a bit in maverick01:12
ajmitchsomeone would need to spend time to do so01:12
ajmitchit'd depend on whether it needs other libraries to be upgraded as well01:14
jcgserm, sorry to waste your time so much, but what do i do with the file now that i've got them01:19
jcgsi seem to have two tarballs, i'm not quite sure why01:19
jcgsi think i'm ok now, but when i run the configure script, it seems to want three packages that don't exist: pango pangoft2 and glib-2.001:22
jcgsthese don't seem to be in the repositories01:23
CynthiaGjcgs: (sudo) apt-get install libpango-dev libpangoft2-dev libglib2.0-dev01:23
CynthiaGor similar names, see Synaptic or Aptitude for the real names or press Tab to check the names01:23
RAOFAnd, for future reference, install apt-file and try “apt-file search pango.pc”01:23
jcgsCynthiaG: thanks01:23
* ajmitch really doesn't like tarball-in-tarball packages01:24
* micahg wonders what ajmitch has against firefox :P :)01:29
jcgsit fails to make with error "memmove is not a member of std"01:32
jcgsand adding #include <string.h> hasn't remedied the situation :(01:33
jcgsaha! it meant what it said. std::memmove has become memmove01:36
psusik, so I'm reading the autoconf manual and managed to use the AC_CHECK_LIB macro to test for glib-2.0... how do I get the include path added to CFLAGS though for the glib headers?01:43
psusiAC_CHECK_HEAEERS tests if it works, but doesn't seem to have a way to specify the include path01:43
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antileetHi, is this the right place to ask for help with pbuilder?06:30
pittiGood morning07:31
ddecatormorning pitti07:32
dholbachgood morning07:45
CynthiaGGood morning07:50
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ttxpitti: could you reject etckeeper from the lucid-proposed queue ? I'll upload a better fix.08:06
netshinehey all..08:23
pittittx: *flush*08:27
pittide rien :)08:28
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ericmpitti, ping09:37
pittihello ericm09:37
ericmpitti, I saw your name at https://launchpad.net/libusb, just wondering who's still maintaining this libusb-0.1 package?09:38
ericmpitti, there is a bug 427805, which I found a fix and many else reported working, just wondering what is the right way to go09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427805 in libusb (Ubuntu) "usb_find_devices() crashed with SIGSEGV in free()" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42780509:38
pittiit's abandoned upstream09:38
ericmpitti, yeah - looks like will be replaced by the new libusb, yet it looks still used somewhere09:39
pittilibusb-1.0-0 is the current version, so it'd be better to port stuff over to that one09:39
pittibut if you have a patch for this, that's great!09:39
pittiericm: just subscribe ubuntu-sponsors09:39
ericmpitti, link?09:39
ericmpitti, ok - I'm reading, will let you know if I have further questions, sorry to bother09:41
pittiericm: no need to be sorry, thanks; as I said you just need to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors09:41
pittito the bug09:41
ericmpitti, ok09:41
ericmpitti, done09:42
_rene_no mvo here? hrmpf ;)10:28
pittihe's on vacation today10:28
* _rene_ will then write a mail. sorry for disturbing ;)10:28
asaccjwatson: i have someone who is scared about his complex multiboot setup and wonders if alternative installer asks before he wipes any bootloader10:57
asaccjwatson: he found bug 33795710:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337957 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "alternate installer doesn't ask where to install GRUB and overwrites MBR which may contain other bootloaders (dup-of: 47135)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33795710:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 47135 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Installation of GRUB to MBR should always be confirmed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4713510:57
cjwatsonI changed it in lucid to ask10:58
cjwatsonhence that fix-released10:58
cjwatsonsee the changelog for grub-installer 1.49ubuntu910:58
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stefanlsdworld cup kickoff parties here in south africa. stuff is going crazy11:46
pittistefanlsd: hey, how are you? heh, enjoy the next three weeks :)11:49
Chipzzstefanlsd: as someone who doesn't give a rats ass about soccer, I was hoping this channel would be spared of the nonsense. guess not :)11:50
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ScottKpitti: Would you please rescore kdepimlibs (just affects powerpc).13:17
pittiScottK: sure, rescored to 1 :)13:18
* pitti pushes it to the queue front13:18
sebnerpitti: immer diese vetternwirtschaft :P  hi btw :)13:23
pittihey sebner13:23
pitti*pfft* :-)13:23
pittiyes, we do have some bureaucracy these days, but rescoring doesn't yet need a written contract in triplicate :-P13:24
Chipzzpitti: a single contract signed with blood will do? ;)13:54
Chipzzbtw, is it just me or are a lot of the core developers on vacation this week?13:55
Chipzzmvo & keybuk13:55
Chipzzhrrrm probably taking a break post-lucid13:57
ScottKMaybe they are football fans.14:12
pittiwell, at least mvo is rather a wedding fan :)14:14
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LucidFoxSpeaking of which, C++ really should have been named ++C. ;)14:24
sorenLucidFox: Or Java--.14:27
sorenI don't look at C++ and think, "wow, this is a much better C than C."14:27
LucidFoxJava isn't a much better C than C, either ;)14:28
sorenCertainly not.14:28
LucidFoxit's a completely different language that just happens to use curly brackets syntax14:28
* psusi remains convinced that Java was created by engineers in the field for schools to teach students so that they would learn to be bad programmers, thus insuring job security for the older engineers14:29
LucidFoxpsusi> You realize I earn, like, money from Java programming?14:32
psusiI hadn't, no... and that was half tounge-in-cheek ;)14:33
Chipzzpsusi: I have similar thoughts on Java tbh14:34
ChipzzLucidFox: my condolences :P14:34
* LucidFox hisses14:35
* soren recently stumbled upon his Java 1.4 Certified Programmer certificate :)14:35
* psusi often does miss having destructors and proper stack unwinding in C, that's for sure14:36
pittivala! vala! vala!14:42
pitti(hey, it's Friday afternoon, some trolling should be tolerated by now)14:42
psusihehe ;)14:47
* psusi passes out copies of e2defrag for everyone to review, test, and have eat their data over the weekend ;)14:48
pittipsusi: oh, new ureadahead goodness?14:49
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psusipitti: yea, I have some of that too I need to have keybuck review and merge14:51
psusibut I uploaded a new e2defrag release last night.... it burns up a good deal of cpu at the start... room for optimization there... but it works now on a 1.5 tb drive with only 2 gigs of ram14:51
psusiI modified it to use an extent based block relocation map instead of two paralell arrays of block pointers, which needed 666 megs of ram for a 320 gig drive14:52
ionBtw, did you manage to fix the problem of readaheaded device blocks not being considered by the filesystem code when reading files etc?14:53
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ionpsusi: (It was you who mentioned encountering that problem, wasn’t it?)14:58
psusisort of... had to split the reading into two passes to do it... first read all the directory blocks via the dev node, then read the normal file data the usual way14:58
psusiI also want to get a patch applied I made to e2fsprogs so we can turn on lazy_itable_init by default and vastly speed up mkfs on large volumes... very frustrating to have Ubiquity sit at 5% complete for 20 minutes while it formats a 1.5tb disk with no apparent progress15:01
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bdrungjdstrand: why did you upload arc-colors? we had it removed from lucid.16:03
jdstrandbdrung: it was sitting in maverick's NEW as part of a sync I assumed. I figured since it wasn't blacklisted we would try again in maverick16:04
bdrungjdstrand: can we remove and blacklist it?16:04
jdstrandbdrung: sure. can you file a bug listing why it should be removed and it should be blacklisted, and assign my to it?16:05
bdrungjdstrand: bug #55030616:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550306 in arc-colors (Ubuntu) "Please remove arc-colors from lucid" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55030616:06
jdstrandbdrung: k, I tasked it and assigned it to me16:08
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jdstrandmdz: fyi, fta pointed me to http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/2010/04/dev-channel-update_08.html regarding font changes16:43
mdzjdstrand: thanks16:44
jdstrandsure, np16:45
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mdzjdstrand: I guess we can all look forward to our browsers changing in random and unexpected ways in SRUs from now on :-/16:49
jdstrandmdz: *sigh*, yes, unfortunately. That is the new world order starting with chromium and mozilla following suit...16:51
jdstrandmdz: but, on the plus side, the experience is more like Windows now :P16:52
mdzjdstrand: hooray for matching user expectations :-)16:52
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crimsun_TheMuso: I'll push it to bzr after flight-hell17:53
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hallynjinkeys:  bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(lp-69481744:///~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/qemu-kvm/maverick/.bzr/branchlock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport18:23
mathiazhallyn: did you try to bzr co lp:ubuntu/qemu-kvm?18:25
hallyni had started with bzr co lp:ubuntu/maverick/qemu-kvm qemu-kvm-serge18:26
hallynthen did bzr merge-upstream18:26
mathiazhallyn: right - so bzr co will do a checkout which means you're bound to the branch in LP18:27
mathiazhallyn: if you commit locally it will try to commit directly to LP as well18:28
hallynso i should branch first18:28
mathiazhallyn: yeah - try to bzr branch instead18:28
mathiazhallyn: this may be the reason why you've ran into the error above18:28
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smoserhey all, i've a question. cloud-utils (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-utils) is a native package.18:41
smoseri believe that the numbering is wrong 0.11-0ubuntu118:41
smoseri think that should be just 0.11. right ?18:42
SpamapSam I the only one who thinks cdbs *.mk files just look like spaghetti in a blender?18:46
mathiazhallyn: could you use the same branch for your qemu-kvm update?18:49
mathiazhallyn: that way when creating another merge proposal the comments of the existing merge proposal will be kept18:49
mathiazhallyn: it makes the review easier as the comments I made in the review are still around18:50
mathiazhallyn: IIRC you need to use the same branch to do so18:50
cjwatsonsmoser: native packages should indeed not generally contain a dash in their version18:53
hallynmathiaz: ok.  i've got a new branch i'm developing it, but i'll update the old branch when i've tested18:53
cjwatsonSpamapS: just use dh instead then :)18:53
smosercjwatson, thank you.18:53
cjwatsonhmm - from the trend lines, dh should have overtaken cdbs in popularity in unstable by DebConf18:55
SpamapScjwatson: unfortunately, debian-maven-helper is tied to cdbs pretty heavily. ;)18:55
hallynmathiaz: so to be clear, when you say a single changelog entry, you mean debian/changelog, not bzr changelog, right?  I guess I wasn't quite sure whether you wanted a 1-1 relationship between those, but your comment above makes it clear that you don't.  (good)18:58
mathiazhallyn: right18:59
mathiazhallyn: I usually use debcommit instead of bzr commit18:59
mathiazhallyn: as debcommit will actually use debian/changelog to infer the commit message for the bzr commit message18:59
mathiazhallyn: you can test what would be done by using debcommit -n19:00
mathiazhallyn: but I definetely don't require to have a 1-1 mapping between changelog entries and bzr commit messages19:00
mathiazhallyn: on the contrary19:00
hallynbzr ci seemed to base on debian/changelog as well19:02
mathiazhallyn: you meant by looking at the bzr log for the existing branch?19:03
hallyni assumed it just took the top debian/changelog entry19:05
hallynand pasted that into my editor to start19:05
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hallyni'll play more in  a toy branch later19:06
hallynso is it safe to say that every package has a corresponding lp:ubuntu/package-name branch, which corresponds to what you get from 'apt-get source package' ?19:07
hallynor did i just get lucky?19:07
mathiazhallyn: nope - that's the plan19:07
hallyni see19:07
mathiazhallyn: almost all packages have a corresponding bzr branch19:07
mathiazhallyn: I think there is a minor number of packages that are not imported yet19:08
mathiazhallyn: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm19:09
mathiazhallyn: ^^ gives a good overview about the branches that are available for a package19:09
mathiazhallyn: I have it set as a shortcut in my firefox19:09
mathiazhallyn: so that I can easily lookup the state of src package19:10
statikhi SpamapS, thanks for working on the couchdb 0.11 merge19:40
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RoAkSoAxpitti: hi there! I was wondering why http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/.manifest-daily is not showing others flavors besides ubuntu desktop isos?19:52
RoAkSoAxother isos besides ubuntu desktop*19:53
ugaHi there, I hope this is the right place for asking, after an unhelpfull google search...19:54
ugahave there been big changes in the intel graphics drivers in maverick? after my upgrade I managed getting up to a 200frames in 5s in glxgears...19:54
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: that's probably more my thing, let me look19:54
ugaeither I'm missing important configs or something is pretty weird19:55
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: ok :)19:56
marcococoshello. can anyone please tell me why is gcc installed on ubuntu by default?19:56
cjwatsonbecause getting online to fetch more packages sometimes involves compiling a driver (which you got on a CD or whatever)19:56
cjwatsonit's a compromise19:57
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: heh, if you look closely at the file sizes it's actually a mislabelled xubuntu manifest19:58
micahgcjwatson: is there any follow up I need to do with you WRT the mozilla package set?19:59
marcococosmaybe one would need to compile wireless drivers... i see19:59
marcococoswell, thanks for the info19:59
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: fixed now20:00
cjwatsonmicahg: no, I think I still have the action20:00
micahgcjwatson: k, thanks20:00
cjwatsonI just suck20:00
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: thank you :). And would it be possible to haven such manifest for older Ubuntu releases?20:01
micahgcjwatson: ?  I wasn't complaining :)20:01
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: I'd rather not, the point of that manifest is to measure how well daily builds are being mirrored20:01
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ has its own manifest20:01
cjwatsonand the dailies built for older releases are unreliable and mostly stale20:02
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: this one then: http://releases.ubuntu.com/.manifest (but it shows only 10.04 and not older ones)20:03
cjwatsonI guess I'd rather let our mirroring folk decide on that - that originally had the older releases too but it was stripped back for release20:04
cjwatsonwhy do you need it?20:04
cjwatsonjpds: ^- do you care if the releases.u.c manifest grows older releases again?20:04
elmocjwatson: it should, please20:04
elmocjwatson: it's only meant to be stripped down during release to make the mirror prober run faster20:04
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: for testdrive. TO be able to add support for testdriving old isos, such as hardy20:04
cjwatsonok, sure, I can change that then20:05
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: awesome. Thank you :)20:05
cjwatsonok, I've moved .manifest.full back over the top of .manifest20:06
elmoRoAkSoAx: I wouldn't recommend relying on that file for anything20:07
elmoRoAkSoAx: it's going to change around every major release on releases.ubuntu.com (i.e. beta, rc and final)20:07
RoAkSoAxelmo: At first, TestDrive kinda used a hardcoded list of ISOs, but we decided to use the manifests to parse the available ISOs and add them to the list given the preferences desired20:08
cjwatsonmaybe testdrive should look for .manifest.full first, and only .manifest if that fails20:08
cjwatsonwhen we prune the manifest back for release, we put a full version on .manifest.full20:09
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: yeah than can also be done. The only thing I need the manifest for is to be able to grab the location of the ISO per each release/flavor20:09
RoAkSoAxit caches it and updates it daily20:10
cjwatsonthat sounds like the correct fix, then20:10
the-fallenI'd like to build my own kernel from vanilla sources and create a deb-package from it. I am following several howtos (even if I did it many times) but after installing the kernel-image and the kernel-headers, the link "build" unter /lib/modules/.../ points to the original source dir, not to the headers20:10
RoAkSoAxand from that cache, I generate the ISO list20:10
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: indeed :)20:11
the-fallenor -at least- does someone know if the maverick kernels do have the cpufreq driver as module again?!20:14
crimsun_and CONFIG_X86_PCC_CPUFREQ=m20:15
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RoAkSoAxjcastro: Are yu using the latest release of TestDrive?20:20
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jcastroRoAkSoAx: I'm using what's in lucid20:23
RoAkSoAxjcastro: use the one in ppa:testdrive/ppa. THat one has support for older ubuntu releases, which isos are in cdimage.ubuntu.com. Later on I'll add the support for ISO's that are on releases.ubuntu.com20:25
jcastroRoAkSoAx: oh I had no idea, thanks for the help!20:28
RoAkSoAxjcastro: np :)20:30
vishScottK: :D  neat! "Could we leave the fanboi stuff off and just deal with the actual issues"20:53
ScottKWould a buildd admin please rescore kdebindings kdebase-workspace kdepimlibs (only affects powerpc and ia64)21:23
cjwatsonScottK: done21:25
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.21:26
ScottKcjwatson: If you wouldn't mind, I accidentally left kdegraphics off my list.  Can haz too?21:31
psusioh boy... I just found a bug in the kernel device mapper... addresses over the  2 tb mark get quietly wrapped back ground to zero21:31
cjwatsonScottK: done (on powerpc)21:41
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.  That's the one I needed.21:41
jonoare the X issues fixed now in Maverick?22:05
jonosafe to upgrade?22:05
arandjono: I upgraded a whole slew of things today, and nothing broke too badly at least, this was on a kvm though.22:06
jonocool thanks arand22:08
barryis keyserver.ubuntu.com unhappy?  add-apt-repository for a ppa is timing out :(22:13
didrocksbarry: same here22:14
barrydidrocks: okay, at least it's not me :)  i'll see if there are any is folks around. since warsaw's 2nd law is in effect, it might just be time to call it a week :)22:15
didrocksright, same here, and getting late :)22:17
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barrydidrocks: seems to be back now, but it definitely s flakey22:31
CynthiaGGood evening22:32
CynthiaGcjwatson: A daily build of the LiveCD must have been done with bootchart included by now, correct?22:32
CynthiaGIf so, I'll deconstruct it and reconstruct it using my ready-made mksquashfs ordering script + post results in bug 59248522:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 592485 in Scour "Convert polylines and polygons into paths" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59248522:34
CynthiaG... wrong bug22:34
CynthiaGbug 58962922:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589629 in debian-cd (Debian) "LiveCD layout optimisation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58962922:34
anderskA few packages in maverick are older than lucid (e.g. apt, brasero, language-pack-en), even though the lucid packages aren’t numbered like SRUs. What’s up with that?22:42
slangasekandersk: SRU numbering isn't mandatory; and when the package is intended to be forward-copied from -updates to the next dev release early in the cycle, sometimes devs don't use the SRU versioning22:45
cjwatsonCynthiaG: yes, today's daily has it23:14
CynthiaGcjwatson: cool, I'll download it right now! :D23:14
cjwatsonyou can look in the .list and .manifest files to check23:14
cjwatson(sometimes it's in one or the other depending on details)23:15
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CynthiaG>> maverick-desktop-i386.manifest:  bootchart 0.90.2-723:16
JanCcan somebody familiar with udev & hdparm please have a look at bug #568120 ? -- there is no init-script for hdparm anymore in lucid, and because of that some (documented!) parts of hdparm.conf aren't used anymore, causing all sorts of regressions for people... (and people are getting pointed to using packages from Debian and other recipes for possible future disaster)23:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568120 in hdparm (Ubuntu) "[Lucid] hdparm.conf change doesn't have effect" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56812023:18
slangasekJanC: the "command_line" is a horrible misfeature which is deliberately omitted from the udev script, and it's not documented in the manpage.  What documentation points at this?23:23
JanCslangasek: it is (or was) at least documented in the default hdparm.conf23:25
JanCand lots of on-line docs about fixing hard disk related stuff uses it too23:26
JanCand it is actually documented in the manpage too23:27
slangasekno, it's not23:27
slangasekon-line docs> well, it's hard to stop the Internet from giving people bad advice23:27
JanCsee the paragraph just below the options...23:27
slangasekit is still present in the default hdparm.conf, yes; that's something we can fix23:28
JanCit's in the manpage in Lucid23:28
slangasekJanC: oh, sorry - it wordwrapped, making it impervious to my search command23:28
slangasekright, there's a documentation gap here we should fix23:28
CynthiaGand there's a bug in 'man' too :)23:28
JanCand probably include a warning about it no longer working23:28
CynthiaGsearches shouldn't be affected by wordwrap23:29
JanCit might be a cludge from the past, but people want their stuff to keep working, or at least know why it doesn't  ;)23:29
cjwatsonCynthiaG: not much man itself can do about that23:30
SpamapS"Nobody ever upgrades. They just buy new computers when they want new features." -- Steve Jobs (paraphrased, from a lifetime of behavioral patterns)23:31
cjwatsonit's the pager that handles most searches23:31
CynthiaGoh, didn't know that23:31
CynthiaGso basically it's 'less' handling the search?23:31
CynthiaGbah :(23:32
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CynthiaGanyway, sorry about interrupting the discussion about udev and hdparm23:36
cjwatsonif anyone in the MIR team is still awake, I'd really appreciate a review of bug 58218923:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 582189 in libisofs (Ubuntu) "MIR: libisoburn, libisofs, libburn" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58218923:38

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