
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk-sagan: http://ubuntuone.com/p/6jA/00:03
ubuntujenkinsthis is me going to bed :)00:03
ubuntujenkinssome one on the mailing list did it I am going to work out what I didn't quite do right my stuff was very close00:03
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk ^00:03
godbyk-saganubuntujenkins: awesome!00:04
godbyk-saganyeah, we'll have to figure out how all that works since we'll be doing it for more languages.00:04
ubuntujenkinsI am not sure how to order aplications in english and stuff in tamil00:04
ubuntujenkinsI was very close with my stuff00:05
ubuntujenkinsI will diff the files to work out exactly where I went wrong. The only concern I have is I don't think all the letters are coverd for tamil yet00:05
godbyk-saganAh, gotcha.00:08
godbyk-saganYeah, and different languages have different collation rules.00:09
godbyk-sagan(Some languages *cough*German*cough* have multiple sets of collation rules.)00:09
ubuntujenkinsI will work it out with shrini at the weekend00:11
godbyk-saganAwesome job so far, though!00:11
ubuntujenkinswhat all i got wrong was two file names were slightly out makes sense00:18
ubuntujenkinsI was very close \0/00:21
ubuntujenkinsnight all00:22
humphreybc-miniping flan or godbyk-sagan01:51
ubuntujenkinsmorning all07:35
ubuntujenkinsshrini  http://ubuntuone.com/p/6kf/ . Please can you check for words that are ordered wrong. How do you want to order the english with the tamil? Not every character is supported yet (due to the alphabet being so long). I am working with the xindy guys to understand what needs to be done to support all of the letters.11:07
shriniubuntujenkins: thanks a lot11:08
shriniubuntujenkins: awesome work11:17
ubuntujenkinsno problem shrini, Is there anything that needs changing? Even if it is a really small problem, I would like to get it correct11:18
shriniubuntujenkins: thanks a lot11:18
shriniindex is fine11:18
shrinistill some issues are there11:19
shrinibut they are spelling errors11:19
shrinime only have to fix them all11:19
shriniwill will sit together tomottow11:19
shriniand fix it in LP11:19
shrinithe left index panel shows japanese chars11:19
shrininot tamil11:19
shriniubuntujenkins: please fix the left index pane11:20
ubuntujenkinsshrini: I will look into it I don't know how to do that bit yet11:21
shrinino hurries11:22
shrinihope godby knows that11:22
shrinion setting font11:22
ubuntujenkinsshrini: I will talk to him about it later11:23
ubuntujenkinsshrini: can you look at this please http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0B80.pdf and can you explain which order the letters are sorted in the alphabet please. The http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamil_script#Tamil_in_Unicode table shows that all the the longer letters such as னௌ -> 0B95 0BCD 0BB7 0BCC are converted into individual letters with its unicode code.13:33
shriniubuntujenkins: checking13:34
ubuntujenkinsbecause of this I only need to include the short letters in the rule for sorting.13:34
ubuntujenkinsagain we get "<struhevol> that was helpfull did not know about that" .. "Dr_Willis> struhevol:  yea. they need to make a big icon pointing to that manual on the desktop :)"13:47
ubuntujenkinsshrini: what order should the letters go in then?15:11
hannieCannot find what Idots in ``Custom Message\ldots'' means. I suppose ...16:10
hannieI translated this to Aangepast bericht...16:11
shriniubuntujenkins: sorry16:27
shriniwent on office work16:27
shrini http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamil_script#Tamil_in_Unicode16:28
shriniuse same order as i told some days before16:28
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk-sagan: can we play ping pong when you want a break from working :)21:38
ubuntujenkinshannie: with your last question the \ldots should stay I have not looked at what it does I will double check23:13
hannie@ubuntujenkins Understood. I will leave /Idots in the translated text23:15
manualbothannie: Error: "ubuntujenkins" is not a valid command.23:15
hannieubuntujenkins: thanks, I will leave /Idots in the translated text.23:16
ubuntujenkinshannie: no problem I does do three dots but it means if we want to change the style we can. sorry i could not answer earlyier23:16
hannieThat is ok23:17
ubuntujenkinshow is the transaltion going? What language are you doing?23:17
hannieI am a Dutch translator23:17
hannieWe are at 39 % at the moment23:17
hannieAre you a member of the manual team?23:18
ubuntujenkinsyou are doing well. yes I am a member of the team I also do quickshot23:18
hannieThis chatroom is great, I always get answers to my questions23:19
ubuntujenkinsthats good we always like to help. bye23:20

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