
Dimmuxxhmmm maybe there will be no 64bit 10.1 alpha/beta then00:07
micahgDimmuxx: which is why I refused to entertain the idea of packaging it in the archive :)00:08
Dimmuxxthe security hole probably won't be targeted for linux system anyways so I can live with the old version :P00:10
micahgDimmuxx: IIRC, all platforms were affected00:11
Dimmuxxindeed they are but to use it you still need to target linux systems for it to do any real harm00:11
Dimmuxxwindows trojans won't work in linux :P00:11
Dimmuxxheh they even closed the forum for it00:13
micahgDimmuxx: the forum was to discuss the alpha release00:13
Dimmuxxthat's pretty much a f**k you to all their testers00:13
Dimmuxxthe statement says 10.1 64-bit linux beta, I have only seen the 10 64-bit linux alpha00:14
Dimmuxxso maybe there are some 10.1 64bit betas out somewhere ;)00:15
BUGabundofta WTH!! 217?00:19
BUGabundowas at 14400:19
[reed]how quickly can 10.1 be pushed out?01:37
bobby_It'll be avalible on October 10th01:37
[reed]it's released now01:37
bobby_That is just the alpha 1 release01:38
[reed]or is that just for windows?01:38
bobby_... What are you talking about?01:38
bobby_10.10 is currently an Alpha 1 release, which is pre-beta01:38
[reed]it was released today01:38
micahg[reed]: it should be out soon01:38
[reed]Flash 10.101:38
micahg[reed]: it's in maverick already01:38
[reed]not Ubuntu01:38
[reed]micahg: ok, good01:38
bobby_I was like "WTF?"01:38
bobby_10.1 is already out, but should be available in the repos soon01:39
micahg[reed]: tomorrow maybe? I know that the security team is working on it01:39
bobby_I built it myself already, and it is loading flash pages much faster01:40
micahg[reed]: do you know who I can poke about lightning bugs?01:40
[reed]#calendar or #sunbird on moznet or whatever?01:41
micahg[reed]: I've tried calendar and no one is active :(01:41
[reed]it's not a very active project01:41
micahg[reed]: ah01:41
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BUGabundo_remoteraises the sales,row to south!09:16
fta2BUGabundo_remote, i score 227+10 at home10:13
BUGabundo_remotelet me retest10:19
BUGabundo_remotesame here10:19
BUGabundo_remotedidn't notice the extra bonus10:19
fta2i only get 217+10 here10:20
fta2same version10:20
fta2different arch10:20
BUGabundo_remotefta ff3.6 139+411:31
BUGabundo_remoteff 3.7 176+911:32
gnomefreaki think i found my zsync problem12:07
gnomefreakthey prefer we use zsync instead os rsync they should install it by default. IIRC rsync is still default12:08
gnomefreak76Host 'Development', running Linux 2.6.35-2-generic - Cpu0: Intel 1681 MHz; Up: 2:00; Users: 4; Load: 0.48; Free: [Mem: 35/243 Mio] [Swap: 637/714 Mio] [/: 23168/37885 Mio]; Vpenis: 30.8 cm;12:48
gnomefreak76ok at least that works12:48
gnomefreak76ok maybe this will work12:49
BUGabundo_remotegnomefreak v*penis* ???13:12
gnomefreak76BUGabundo_remote: its part of the script13:13
* gnomefreak76 didnt write it13:13
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakok i have to get this done. ill be back in an hour or 213:14
gnomefreakthe alternate iso's came back but they are oversized. the past few weeks there are not there or they are oversized. ok im going before i throw things13:19
jdstrandchrisccoulson: hey, why is seamonkey listed in http://mozilla.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4173? I don't see xul listed in its depends...14:03
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, ara added that because it is in the PPA14:04
jdstrandchrisccoulson: are we hoping to push 2.0.5 out as well or just do that some other time?14:04
chrisccoulsonwe were going to replace seamonkey 1 in the older releases at the next security update, as that's been rotting for a while now14:04
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I'm going to ignore it for now14:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's ok14:05
jdstrandchrisccoulson: when you/others have tested it and you tell me to push the button, I'll push it to -security14:05
chrisccoulsonthanks. we're just waiting for the proper release for that now14:06
jdstrand(that's normally how we handled seamonkey, since it is in universe)14:06
jdstrandcool, thanks14:06
jdstrandfta: hi! mdz told me that he upgraded to chromium-browser in lucid-proposed and that the fonts look different, especially in google docs14:11
BUGabundo_remoteasac: you are getting as boring as the bot15:38
BUGabundo_remotejust join #ubuntu-offtopic15:38
BUGabundo_remotebefore your page refreshs, you know you are online or not15:38
asacis a bot there?15:38
asacno i dont know that15:39
asacwebsite pages reload even after IP changed15:39
asacwhile irc stays offline for a longer time15:39
asacand if i get an answer from bot i at least know that everything i sent before my ping got submitted ;)15:40
asacanyway ... i am not in offtopic15:40
asacBUGabundo_remote: they dont want me to use offtopic for !test :(15:45
* asac feels not loved15:45
gnomefreakbot is in all *buntu channels15:48
BUGabundo_remoteasac: that's NOT what I mean15:48
gnomefreakhell this bot wont let me log in iu dont think15:48
BUGabundo_remoteasac: I meant that if you are there, or any other active channel,15:48
ubot4gnomefreak: I don't recognize you.15:48
BUGabundo_remoteyou will see messages15:48
gnomefreaksee :(15:48
BUGabundo_remoteif you don't, then you are offline15:48
asacBUGabundo_remote: ok :)15:49
asaci might send a !test now and then here too ... just to spread the pain for lurkers ;)15:50
asacactually they said i should go into #test15:50
BUGabundo_remoteor #ubuntu-bots15:51
BUGabundo_remoteor you can query the bot directly15:51
* sebner hugs asac ;)15:58
* asac hugs sebner 15:58
sebnerasac: do you feel loved now? :D15:59
ftaasac, do you find adding the official repos to my dashboards useful?16:01
ftaasac, like here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/chromium-daily.html16:01
asacfta: what does "x" mean?16:02
asacis that supposed to be green or red or none?16:02
asacin general i find it useful16:02
ftaasac, well, it means, "i haven't decided what to put there yet"16:02
asacis that second table a "wrapped line" table?16:03
ftaall arches will sure be too wide16:03
asacah  yeah16:03
asaci would say just make green16:03
asacand if there is a failure you could make a red with arch name16:03
asaclike in ppas16:03
ftait's not really a wrapped table. i used -r --grouped --output chromium-daily.html chromium-daily/stable,beta chromium-daily/ppa,dev16:04
ftaso it's two tables grouped on the same page16:04
BUGabundo_remoteLOL @ (2010-06-11 16:02:52) fta: asac, well, it means, "i haven't decided what to put there yet"16:04
ftaalso, it seems only useful for me, so i'm not sure if it's worth spending more time on this16:05
=== asac_ is now known as asac
micahgjdstrand: did someone upload openjdk for the hardy backport already?16:26
jdstrandmicahg: chrisccoulson uploaded icedtea-gcjwebplugin that fixed the issue, yes16:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i uploaded the icedtea plugin, but that's a separate source package from openjdk isn't it?16:27
micahgjdstrand: so we don't need the full backport?16:27
jdstrandmicahg: I've updated the wiki and test results page for it as well16:27
chrisccoulsonthat wasn't what you were already working on was it?16:27
jdstrandit is a separate source package16:27
micahgchrisccoulson: no, I was going to do a full backport of openjdk and replace the plugin from the in source one16:27
jdstrandit doesn't require the new openjdk afaics16:27
jdstrandthough, that update would be nice to have (unrelated to the ff update)16:28
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ah, there's probably no need to now. i got the plugin working yesterday without doing a backport16:28
micahgchrisccoulson: great16:28
jdstrandmicahg: if you are doing more with that, keep me posted as I will need to redo my tests/wiki page16:28
micahgjdstrand: well, I'm half way done with the backport, but I could work on that later if it's not needed for this update16:29
jdstrandmicahg: that is up to you. I'm interested in the openjdk update in as much as I like people to provide updates for universe security :) but for the firefox transition, it is not required16:30
* micahg will go back to finishing kazekhase this weekend and midbrowser16:31
micahgjdstrand: midbrowser is in main in hardy16:34
jdstrandmicahg: noted16:35
* jdstrand updates wiki16:35
micahgjdstrand: unless chrisccoulson wants to do it today, it'll be ready monday16:35
jdstrandmicahg: is it moving to webkit or the newer xul?16:36
micahgjdstrand: new xul, I think it was a custom ubuntu app that was dropped16:36
micahgjdstrand: ah, it was an attempt at a mobile xul browser, but we have fennec now16:37
* jdstrand wonders about xulrunner-1.9.2 down the line...16:38
jdstrandwill we need to provide 1.9.3 to hardy if 1.9.2 is deprecated? I guess hardy desktop will be eol by then...16:39
micahgjdstrand: that's the hope :)16:40
micahgjdstrand: xul192 is the last xul to support PPC on OS X, so they'll probably keep it around a little longer16:41
micahghopefully we can make it till next April16:42
* micahg is hoping Lucid can jump straight to xul-2.0.116:42
ftajdstrand, 5.0.371 introduced some changes wrt the fonts. see http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/2010/04/dev-channel-update_08.html16:42
micahgjdstrand: kazehakase is also missing from the wiki, but it's in universe16:44
jdstrandfta: thanks16:44
ftaBUGabundo_remote, i confirm i get 227+10 on i386, and 217+10 on amd6416:44
jdstrandmicahg: yeah-- I haven't added all the universe bits cause I'm not actively testing most of them. I recommended QA get involved16:44
micahgjdstrand: k16:44
jdstrandmicahg: I might have mentioned that to chrisccoulson off-channel...16:45
ftaBUGabundo_remote, oh, i know16:48
fta$ grep CHROMIUM_FLAGS /etc/chromium-browser/default16:48
ftaCHROMIUM_FLAGS="--enable-webgl --enable-extension-timeline-api"16:48
ftawebgl gave me some points16:49
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
chrisccoulsonjdtrand - i figured out why its not using the freetype LCD filter now16:59
chrisccoulsonoops, jdstrand ;)17:00
chrisccoulsoni spelt your name wrong17:00
jdstrandoh cool17:01
jdstrandchrisccoulson, micahg: re universe> let me clarify slightly-- I'm not testing the universe bits as much, but I do need to have a complete list for pocket copying to -security (they just won't be in the USN). so as you upload stuff, please let me know17:03
chrisccoulsoni've been keeping a list here as i upload things17:03
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ftaBUGabundo_remote, is xserver-* upgradable for you? mine is stuck since yesterday17:41
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, the fonts are looking really good on hardy now :)18:36
jdstrandchrisccoulson: so will this be in a .3 upload?18:37
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - yeah, i will do a .3 upload tonight18:37
chrisccoulsonand then there will likely be another one next week for the last remaining font issue18:37
chrisccoulsonbut, i'm pretty much done with hardy now :)18:38
chrisccoulsonother than testing everything is still working18:38
jdstrandchrisccoulson: did you figure out the issue with totem-mozilla?18:38
chrisccoulsonah, no, i've got no idea what would cause that. i did another upload to put the symlinks in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, which is consistent with where we put them on lucid18:39
chrisccoulsonbut that doesn't solve your issue18:39
chrisccoulsonit's like something deleted all the symlinks from your plugins folder ;)18:39
jdstrandchrisccoulson: well, flash worked, and it isn't in /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins18:40
jdstrandactually, hold on...18:40
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, yeah, flash works because it is in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins18:41
jdstrandchrisccoulson: openjdk seems to work, and it isn't in /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins18:43
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I purged and installed totem-mozilla and still nothing18:43
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, yeah, that's in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins too18:43
jdstrandchrisccoulson: maybe totem-mozilla should be put in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins since that seems to work?18:43
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_vacati
=== BUGabundo_vacati is now known as BUGa_vacations
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, it should be in there now (i did that with the last upload)18:44
jdstrandchrisccoulson: ubuntu4?18:44
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, it's currently ubuntu3.8.04.318:45
chrisccoulsonwhere did you get ubuntu4 from? :)18:45
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I didn't upgrade yet and guessed that is what you used, since you used ubuntu3 before18:46
chrisccoulsonah, ubuntu3 is the version in -updates18:46
jdstrandchrisccoulson: let me try that one. if it works, I'll stop pestering you about it :)18:46
chrisccoulsoni hope it works, otherwise i'm completely confused ;)18:47
jdstrandchrisccoulson: that update fixes it here. thanks!18:53
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, excellent, that's ok then :)18:53
chrisccoulsoni will start on karmic now18:54
jdstrandchrisccoulson: when you have the final hardy ff package, I'll run my tests through with clean VMs18:54
* jdstrand updates wiki and QA page18:54
jdstrandmicahg: are you working on midbrowser? I get "Could not find compatible GRE between version and
jdstrandmicahg: that is with the released version..20:19
micahgjdstrand: yeah, this weekend20:19
jdstrandthat is a fairly nower version range ;)20:19
jdstrandmicahg: k20:19
micahgjdstrand: yeah, I'll try to make it variable like the rest of the xul apps20:20
jdstrandcool, thanks20:20
ftamicahg, the timeout bug didn't move an inch :(20:29
* micahg checks the archvie admin queue20:30
micahgjdstrand: you have time for bug 591758 today?20:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 591758 in tct (Ubuntu) "please remove 'timeout' from Maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59175820:31
micahgfta: wait20:31
micahgfta: it's still being built, we need a new upload that doesn't build it20:32
* micahg doesn't see why it would build in ubuntu and not debian20:33
jdstrandmicahg: that bug is not clear to me. tct is in unstable, and we both have the same version20:34
micahgjdstrand: yeah, I just noticed that...20:34
micahgjdstrand: so, do we need an upload to drop the timeout binary and then have archive admin remove it?20:34
jdstrandtct is also in universe, so anything in main or restricted won't pull that into a build20:34
micahgjdstrand: the binary was removed in debian w/out removing it from the package20:35
jdstrandmicahg: that would be one way to do it. it would be best to just follow Debian. Is there a Debian bug reference?20:35
jdstrandoh, that is weird20:35
* micahg looks for it20:35
micahgdebian 57099720:36
ubot4Debian bug 570997 in ftp.debian.org "RM: timeout -- ROM; uninstallable; superseded by coreutils" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/57099720:36
* micahg wonders why they didn't do a -2 to drop the binary first20:37
micahgjdstrand: ^^^20:37
jdstrandmicahg: in that case, a Debian bug should be filed, it should get fixed in 0.19-2 at which point we can sync it20:37
jdstrandmicahg: yeah20:37
micahgjdstrand: k, should you unsub archive admin from our bug until that happens?20:37
micahgjdstrand: k, thanks20:38
jdstrandI can do that and add a reference20:38
micahgfta: so, do you want to file the bug for debian to release a 1.19-2 to drop the binary?20:38
micahgfta: or I can do it over the weekend20:38
ftamicahg, please do. i'm bad at following bugs elsewhere20:39
micahgfta: k, will do20:39
ftajdstrand, micahg: just fyi, the reason i filed the timeout bug is that it broke chromium in maverick. it was fine in a ppa, but someone sync coreutils from debian in the meantime :(21:04
jdstrandfta: that is the latest security relevant one?21:05
jdstrandfta: I'll see what I can do. I'm unable to login to perform the removal atm21:10
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_is_MAD
=== BUGa_is_MAD is now known as BUGa_depressed
micahgfta: does switching the order to coreutils > 7,5 |  timeout help?21:34
jdstrandfwiw, it is removed21:34
ftamicahg, no: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/50008608/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.chromium-browser_5.0.375.70~r48679-0ubuntu2~ucd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:34
ftai still see it in apt-cache policy timeout, i guess it takes some time to reach the index21:36
micahgfta: that seems to just have timeout21:36
jdstrandchrisccoulson, micahg: fyi, ctxextensions doesn't work, but I couldn't get it to work in hardy with 3.0.19 either. see the QA tracker for details22:06
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - yeah, that was my experience too. i'm not too bothered about making things work that didn't work before22:06
jdstrandno, me either22:06
jdstrandhence the 'fyi' :)22:06
micahg+it's in universe22:07
jdstrandthough I could go to the upstream site and get it to work with 3.0.19, so it probably a packaging bug22:07
jdstrand(ie, by installing the xpi directly)22:07
BUGa_depressedfta: Jun 11 22:07:23 BluBUG kernel: [12916.541271] chromium-browse[22510]: segfault at 8 ip 0000000000f5fd6c sp 00007fff93765ca0 error 4 in chromium-browser[400000+27e2000]22:07
jdstrandanyhoo, I gave extensions a PASS on the wiki for what I tested and what others reported22:08
micahgjdstrand: chrisccoulson: I can try to look at it after I finish my other packaging tasks this weekend22:08
jdstrand(but noted the ctxextensions issue)22:08
jdstrandmicahg: imho it would be a fairly low priority22:08
micahgjdstrand: k, so karmic updates would come first then?22:09
jdstrandit's broke now, it will continue to be broken22:09
chrisccoulsonyeah, i wouldn't waste too much time looking at things which already don't work22:09
jdstrandmicahg: oh yes :)22:09
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, karmic would be better22:09
* micahg hopes to accomplish something this weekend :)22:09
=== BUGa_depressed is now known as BUGabundo
ftaBUGabundo, me too. chromium-browse[22083]: segfault at 4 ip 08ba5177 sp bfa72e90 error 4 in chromium-browser[8048000+23c5000]22:22
BUGabundogot the log filled with those22:23
ftaBUGabundo, but i didn't loose any window. it's just the new flash crashing22:23
BUGabundoor just oververbose?22:23
BUGabundoyeah I got that at work22:23
BUGabundoflash crashed a few times22:23
BUGabundodidn't notice it here, yet22:23
micahgchrisccoulson: build7 for 3.6.4 FYI22:46
chrisccoulsonmicahg - cool, will get that uploaded in a bit22:46
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks22:47
Dimmuxxwhat's fixed in build 7?23:28

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