
JackTOanyone know what this means in the debug log: Resume from disk failed.00:11
JackTOexact line is:    Jun 10 18:48:13 cs1 kernel: [    1.988767] PM: Resume from disk failed.00:12
JackTOthis is on system bootup00:12
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
godzirraCan anyone take a look at this and tell me why I'm getting "Not enough resources" when I try and start my instance?  The paste is at http://pastebin.com/6quhxphh00:23
godzirrai'm lagging out I think.00:25
godzirraCan anyone take a look at this and tell me why I'm getting "Not enough resources" when I try and start my instance?  The paste is at http://pastebin.com/6quhxphh00:26
UndeonHey guys.. I'm almost finishing my squid... The client can ping anysite, but I can't connect using name or IP...00:44
godzirraWhat should "virsh list" show on my node controller?00:47
UndeonHey guys.. I'm almost finishing my squid... The client can ping anysite, but I can't connect using name or IP...00:49
=== lau is now known as Guest25697
godzirraCan anyone take a look at this and tell me why I'm getting "Not enough resources" when I try and start my instance?  The paste is at http://pastebin.com/6quhxphh01:04
corpsedoes anyone run xbmc in server, or recommend a good command line media server?01:10
AndChat|Is there a floppy image I could use to try and boot an ubuntu cd on my server?01:14
AndChat|For some reason my cd rom won't even try and read the ubuntu cd01:14
AndChat|This is really driving me nuts.01:17
=== AndChat| is now known as holmser
holmserAnyone in here?01:22
godzirraCan anyone take a look at this and tell me why I'm getting "Not enough resources" when I try and start my instance?  The paste is at http://pastebin.com/6quhxphh01:26
AndChat|I got booted, did anyone have any input on the boot disk?01:30
corpseIf i have a download going in a SSH connection, how can i get a new command line without stoping the download?01:38
godzirraAndChat|: No one has said anything.01:38
godzirracorpse: SSH in again? :p01:38
corpsethought there would be a more convient way01:38
pmatuliscorpse: you can interrupt the download and then put it in the background01:42
corpsepmatulis: yeah i suppose that would work as well. Thank you01:43
godzirracorpse: I run screen.02:04
godzirracorpse: Screen lets you open up additional ... well.. screens.02:04
godzirraSo I ssh back into a box, just run "screen -x" and it reconnects my screen.02:05
godzirraI've got irssi on 2 servers, a bot running in the background, a few edit windows, etc.02:05
godzirraCan anyone take a look at this and tell me why I'm getting "Not enough resources" when I try and start my instance?  The paste is at http://pastebin.com/6quhxphh02:05
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uvirtbotNew bug: #592493 in libnss-ldap (main) "runlevel arguments (2 3 4 5) do not match LSB Default-Start values (none)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59249302:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #592491 in kvm (main) "Problems to autostart a VM with kvm on 10.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59249102:07
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jturekgreetings all02:53
jturekquick question,  I have a VirtualBox Guest with Lernid, Virtualboxt host is Karmic.  Headless setup, where I remote into the guest via ssh only -  I am finding there is lag in my Lucid, that i don't see in my karmic guest, same settings default install02:54
holmser_anyone have experience with pxe installs?02:54
jturekWas wondering if anybody had suggestions of places to look to figure out where this "lag" is coming from.  CPU looks ok with htop02:54
jturekits a notible delay as  i type into the session that i don't see with karmic doing same app/function02:55
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:56
jturekthanks twb lo02:56
twbjturek: that was for holmser_.02:57
jturektwb: oh ok!  i said "anybody" too i guess haha02:57
twbjturek: pastebin the output of "ps auxf" within the guest.02:58
twbDoes Ubuntu have an HCL somewhere?03:05
jturektwb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/448045/  for the lag issue03:06
twbjturek: that all looks fine.03:06
jturektwb: not much runnong on the box :)03:07
twbI would next look at the host OS, e.g. if the niceness or ioniceness is different for one host to the other.03:09
twbRe. HCL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:10
jturektwb: i'll check, but same host for both karmic and lucid guest :)03:12
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
godzirrahow do I get mykey.priv to copy to my image before starting it?03:20
twbgodzirra: what is a mykey.priv?03:24
godzirratwb: in this doc, it says to create a keypair and use it to start your VM.  mykey.priv is the file it says to write it to, but mine says "mykey already exists"03:25
godzirraand I'm not sure how to get the correct version03:26
godzirrahttp://open.eucalyptus.com/wiki/EucalyptusGettingStarted_v1.5.2 is the url I'm reading from03:26
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=== Rafael is now known as rgotten
rgottenhow hard or easy is to use a webserver03:53
bcrgotten: nginx should be easy to set up. Apache, not too much more difficult.03:55
rgottenbc: i know i have php, apache and other stuff installed, but from here to place and make my we  up and running?03:57
bcrgotten: service apache start, then open localhost in your browser03:58
bcrgotten: sorry, make that apache2, probably03:58
rgottenbc: i use webmin to manage the ubuntu server ( i know people dont like it) but is easy for me to manage the server...i cansee ther i have apache installed and i see i have a default server and a virtual sever..which i have to use04:02
bcrgotten: I have no experience with webmin. I've never used it.04:03
bcrgotten: by default I believe apache binds to, which will probably just work if you start it up.04:04
rgottenok but if i use he terminal..any easy how to?04:04
bcrgotten: in terminal, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start04:04
rgottenbc: it says already running04:07
bcrgotten: surf to the IP of the web server and you should see an apache page.04:08
rgottenbc...you mean the ip of the computer..like
bcrgotten: yes sir04:09
rgottenwhat about to be seen by people outside of my network..i mean with my static ip04:10
rgottenby the internet04:10
bcrgotten: if your webserver is, and it is behind a router, then you may have to forward port 80 to from the router.04:10
bcrgotten: if your provider blocks 80, then you will have to use another port, like 8000. E.g.
rgottenbc: can this expose my server to hackers or this is pretty safe04:13
bcrgotten: that entirely depends on what you host with Apache.04:14
bcrgotten: if you host just .html files.. pretty safe. close to fort knox safe, at least if you keep up with apt updates.04:15
CppIsWeirdi just tried to install ubuntu-server on a computer using a usb flash drive. i downloaded the normal ubuntu-server iso and put it on the pen drive with unetboot. the installation stops because it cant find the ubuntu cd in the cdrom.04:15
bcrgotten: if you host something like wordpress or phpbb or phpgallery, you have to watch it like a hawk.04:15
rgottenbc: on hich folders of ubuntu shuld i download the folders of the website to be safe?04:16
bcrgotten: I don't understand04:16
panfistis there any sort of backup ability included in ubuntu server?04:16
bcpanfist: there's a couple options listed on help.ubuntu.com04:17
bcrgotten: grep -R DocumentRoot /etc/apache204:17
rgottenbc: well i am new..so sorry if i sound dum....i am using a software call webplus x2...thia will upload the folder to the web server..i gues i havere to find a place were to uploaded?04:17
bcrgotten: the grep above should show the location of the web directory04:18
panfistthere seems to be a lot of specific documentation available for the last LTS but not lucid yet, or am i not looking in the right palce?04:19
bhavamitrahello, at ubuntu 10.04 server install, i've created two lvm volumes encrypted and one not encrypted. the not encrypted one i could successfully set it to mount at /boot, but the encrypted ones i couldn't as it just flashed the screen and kept on the same menu portion. anything wrong?04:20
bcpanfist: most of the tools exist in all of them04:21
bhavamitrahello, at ubuntu 10.04 server install, i've created two lvm volumes encrypted and one not encrypted. the not encrypted one i could successfully set it to mount at /boot, but the encrypted ones i couldn't as it just flashed the screen and kept on the same menu after activation. anything wrong?04:22
bcpanfist: I use rsnapshot. It has no pretty GUI, but the hard linking and ease of getting at the files was a winner to me. I've been using it for years and years.04:24
bcpanfist: single config file04:25
bcpanfist: to illustrate the hard linking benefit, currently my backups are 514G, and that's a couple of high traffic web servers combined.04:29
mathiazhallyn: re https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/maverick/qemu-kvm/update-to-12.4/+merge/2729304:48
mathiazhallyn: almost - I've requested a review from the ubuntu-sponsors team04:49
mathiazhallyn: which is the way to ask for sponsorship04:49
mathiazSpamapS: (late) pong04:51
holmser_I am really confused right now... I just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my server, but it still rebooted to windows server 200304:52
holmser_I don't know how the hell to get it off my server.04:53
holmser_I just want to erase the damn thing and start from scratch04:53
e_t_holmser_: when you installed Ubuntu, did you select the option for 'use entire disk' (or similar)? That is what will wipe out WS2003.04:55
holmser_yeah... I did.04:55
holmser_I selected "guided, use entire disk"04:56
holmser_and when it installed grub it said that ubuntu was the only operating system04:56
twbholmser_: boot a live image and write zeroes to the entire disk, then confirm that you have no other disks or ROMs on the system.04:56
holmser_is there that option on a pxe boot?04:56
twbSure, just go to a shell and use dd04:57
holmser_whats the dd command to zero the disk?04:59
e_t_dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda04:59
twbdd if=/dev/zero of=<whatever the disk is>04:59
twbe_t_: it won't be /dev/sda in d-i, it'll be something horrid like /dev/discs/scsi/lun/0/0/1/part/004:59
twbIt should be listed in /proc/partitions05:00
e_t_Only if he's go a SAN.05:00
twbe_t_: er, no, for SATA, too.05:00
twbAt least, that's my experience05:01
e_t_My laptop's SATA drive is /dev/sda.05:01
twbe_t_: *in d-i*?05:01
e_t_I don't know what that means.05:02
twbWhich is rather my point.05:02
e_t_Care to educate me?05:02
twbholmser_: "cat /proc/partitions", which should list every disk and partition the kernel can see.  The largest one is likely your largest drive.  Have dd target that.05:03
twbe_t_: d-i is the debian-installer, a kernel and ramdisk used for all installs of Ubuntu other than the desktop CD.05:03
mopiDoes anybody know how to use windows group policies with samba server05:07
twb!anybody > mopi05:07
ubottumopi, please see my private message05:07
mopitwb: thanks you are a big help05:08
holmser_he likes to do that05:08
holmser_he's done that to me 2x so far05:09
twbI like people to contribute to the signal, not the noise.05:09
holmser_he is also very helpful though....05:09
bcubottu: what are you?05:10
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:10
bcubottu: what kind of bot are you?05:10
twbubottu: version05:10
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »05:10
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-server's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:11
bcAh, it is supybot, or based upon it.05:12
ubottuAu revoir!05:20
holmser_is there an easy way to give dd a progress bar?05:22
bcholmser_: maybe pv05:23
twbholmser_: pkill -HUP dd05:23
twbRecent dd should respond to a HUP signal by emitting progress information to stderr05:24
twbSorry, usr105:24
twbDon't use HUP, it'll stop dd05:24
twbholmser_: In *theory* you should only need to blow away the first 512 bytes or so, but since that happens during install and didn't appear to work, you're blowing away the entire disk.05:25
holmser_This server is a hand me down, and its the first actual server I have ever played with, so there are some things I am a little unclear about05:28
holmser_when I run the cat /proc/partitions it gives me sda and sda1, both 75 or so gigs05:28
holmser_I know previously it was set up as a raid 105:29
holmser_when I was in the install, it showed 1 drive with 140+ gigs05:29
twbHuh, how about that.05:30
holmser_but when I look inside the box, there are 3 drives05:30
twbholmser_: it's probably hardware RAID5, then.05:30
qman__if it successfully booted 2003, I'm guessing ubuntu only wiped one of the disks05:30
qman__and the RAID decided that was wrong05:31
twbYeah, that's possible05:31
twbBut then I'd expect him to be able to see all the drives05:31
twbholmser_: do you WANT to have a RAIDed ubuntu?05:32
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holmser_I don't really care.  I just want to be able to boot at this point05:39
holmser_I've gone through so much damn trouble with this machine05:39
* ball sighs05:40
twbholmser_: if you just want to boot, unplug two of the three drives05:40
twbBut note that it's not easy to turn a raidless install into a raided install; if you want raid later, you'll have to reinstall05:42
holmser_could it possibly be my raid settings?05:48
twbWe don't even know if you're using raid05:49
holmser_I just looked at the raid settings, and apparently I have 2 147 gig drives05:49
holmser_so now I'm really confused05:49
holmser_I know the server 2003 install is using raid05:49
twbYou said there were three drives.  Where does the third come in?05:50
ballPerhaps you've got one array of three drives partitioned into two spaces?05:59
twbWho knows05:59
twbI'd wanna check if it was a fakeraid card, too05:59
ballI'd wanna set fire to it, but that's just me.06:00
twbNever trust a machine you can lift06:01
* ball nods06:01
twbSo is auth-client-config supposed to be broken in 10.04?06:03
twbNo, it's my coworker's fault for being an ass06:07
twbHe created a new auth-client-conf profile and didn't do it properly.06:07
holmser_ok... I just reset the raid config to defaults, and now the installer recognizes a 140 gig raid 5 disk06:07
ballholmser_: how large are your individual drives?06:08
holmser_I have 2 140 gig and 1 80 gig06:08
holmser_I think06:09
ballholmser_: I wouldn't try RAID 5 on those then06:09
ball...especially not hardware RAID506:09
holmser_it freezes when I don't activate the raid, and it doesn't boot when I install to the 80 gig, so I'm kind of stuck06:09
ballholmser_: Can you build a RAID 1 mirror from the two 140 Gbyte drives?06:10
twbThere is little point raiding disks of varying sizes06:10
balltwb: at least with a hardware RAID controller.06:11
balltwb: with software RAID it's possible.06:11
twbIt's *possible* with anything06:11
* ball nods06:11
=== register is now known as Guest77168
balls/possible/possibly useful/06:11
twbs/disks/partitions/ and the same applies to md raid06:11
ballWhat is "md raid"?06:12
twbThe RAID that is implemented by the kernel's multiple disk driver, "md".06:12
ballAh, so Linux software RAID then?06:12
twbAs opposed to software raid that is fakeraid06:13
twbmd raid = mdadm = linux software raid06:13
* ball <- limited Linux experience.06:13
twbI try to avoid the term "software raid" because it could mean md raid OR fakeraid06:13
holmser_I have never configured raid before, this is a gift server from a law office that I want to use as a file server06:14
ballholmser_: Why do you (think you) need three drives in there?06:14
twbholmser_: we can help you if you're using md raid.  If you're using hardware raid, you need to talk to your hardware vendor.06:14
twbholmser_: you need to look at the raid card and determine if it's hardware or fake raid.06:15
balltwb: Would lspci or dmesg help him or her figure that out?06:16
holmser_If it was me, I would use one disk for OS and the raid array for a database06:16
twbball: possibly.06:16
ballholmser_: I'd take out the 80 Gbyte drive and just run on a mirror of the two 140 Gbyte drives.06:17
twbholmser_: well, it IS you.06:17
holmser_I didn't realize that this would be a literal crash course in server admin06:18
holmser_I couldn't even get it to boot from a cd, so I had to configure a pxe boot06:18
holmser_this thing has been a pain in the ass since the minute I brought it home06:19
twbI'm actually impressed that you got PXE working on your own06:19
ballholmser_: It's good to figure these things out during (or shortly prior to) installation.06:19
ballholmser_: set fire to it.06:19
holmser_and it sounds like there is a damn jet engine in my living room06:19
holmser_my wife is pissed :)06:19
ballholmser_: They tend to be.06:19
holmser_luckily I had my web server in the closet that I could configure as the pxe hose06:19
holmser_I was really surprised that pxe worked too.06:20
twbholmser_: maybe you should reconsider putting this crappy box in your home06:21
twbA new, small-form-factor unit with two 500GiB drive would cost maybe $400 to $800.06:22
holmser_I'm a broke ass college student06:22
holmser_not really much choice06:22
holmser_I am stuck with hand me downs06:22
twbDo you pay for the power and A/C in your place? ;-)06:22
holmser_yeah.... but once I get it up and running I am gonna throw it in my detached garage.  its on seperate power that the landlord pays for :)06:23
ballDoes the detached garage have crickets in it?06:23
holmser_I don't think so06:25
holmser_do crickets like servers?06:25
twbsnakes do06:25
holmser_I believe it06:26
* ScottK knows cockroaches like televisions. Not sure about servers.06:27
ballSome people I know had roaches crawl out of a desktop PC recently (not their own, thankfully)06:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #592523 in ethtool (main) "Please sync ethtool 1:2.6.34-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59252306:31
* bc killed one of the biggest "outside" roach bugs I've ever seen in my life yesterday trying to summit the ceiling.06:31
bcI'm guessing it's the 90F heat06:31
bcHe had to be 2"x0.5"06:32
jo-erlendI have a local apt mirror. How do I make the installer use that mirror instead of accessing the default ones?06:32
twbjo-erlend: d-i or ubiquity?06:33
jo-erlendah. d-i, yes.06:33
twbd-i should prompt you to select a mirror during the install.06:33
jo-erlendit doesn't. It does ask if I need to use a http proxy though.06:34
twbI suppose if canonical have gotten too "helpful" again, you will need to either do an "expert" install or manually supply it on the boot: prompt or in a preseed file.06:34
twbThere is an appendix to the Debian Install Guide that covers these.06:34
criminyis there a hook for any of the linux ftp servers to delete a file once a client has downloaded it?06:36
criminyI've solved it by cludging together awk, sed, bash, cron, and lsof but I'd like a more integrated approach that doesn't rely on log file analysis and such06:37
twbcriminy: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie06:39
criminythat doesn't really help me. nor will it load. We are working with a lazy vendor. We typically use webservices over HTTPS but this vendor demanded a non-secure FTP in a DMZ06:40
holmser_well, it doesn't boot to windows server 2003 anymore06:40
holmser_but it just freezes on boot after post06:40
holmser_I am starting to think that lighting it on fire is a viable option06:41
criminyask a valid question and I get snark. fml06:41
* ball nods, enthusiastically.06:41
ballholmser_: take out the 80, configure your array and install your OS>06:41
ballbrb, pop06:42
twbholmser_: the fact that it hung is progress06:47
twbholmser_: now you can be confident that when you install ubuntu, it won't boot into windows afterward.06:48
bcball: pop? soda?06:48
* ball nods06:49
bcball: North east? :)06:49
bcball: Penn?06:49
ballbc: of what now?06:49
bcball: when you wrote pop, do you mean, for instance, pepsi/coca-cola?06:50
ballI think this one's some sort of odd cherry pepsi thing.06:50
twbI thought they had it in cans now06:51
twbYou wouldn't need to leave your terminal to go to the fountain06:51
balltwb: Some days, walking to the fridge is the only exercise I get. ;-)06:52
bcball: you must be originally east of Missouri and north of Virginia06:52
* ball thinks about it.06:52
bcball: heh06:52
ballI suppose technically you're correct.06:53
ball...though perhaps not in the way you imagine.06:53
bcball: were you born in the area I described?06:53
ballbc: I was born and raised in England.06:54
bcball: yikes, way off, by about an Atlantic06:54
twb"England, Kentucky or England, Ottawa?"06:55
balltwb: :-)06:55
bcI'm out before my mind explodes. G'night, foreigners. ;)06:56
ballbc: I live in Illinois now though.06:56
bcball: What is the termin people in England use? Do they use "pop"?06:59
ballbc: I don't know.  I'm not in England.07:01
ballbc: It may vary by region.07:01
ball"Soda" sounds American though.07:01
ball...so perhaps it's just "pop".07:01
bcball: no doubt it varies. OK, 'night.07:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #592529 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59252907:21
rahmanHi, is it possible to setup a kvm machine on a remote host via ssh? I need to install and configure a vm on our server but Its out of my reach and it also headless linux server without X. the guest system will alse be plain linux without X. So any hint?07:23
unewbierahman have you installed the guest os?07:33
qman__rahman, I don't have experience with it, but I see no reason why that wouldn't work07:33
unewbiei have to stop apparmor to be able to manage my guest os07:33
rahmanunewbie: Nope, As I try to say, I need to install it but I have only ssh access to host os. I used to use graphical tools to manage VMs. So I realy don't know how will I manage the VM when I start it up. Will it redirect its output to my current ssh console? Or Will I need to connect another port of the Host OS?07:37
unewbieinstall the vm with ip07:38
unewbiethen ssh as usual07:38
unewbiei just installed vm 2 days ago07:38
unewbiei'm new too07:38
rahmanunewbie: I figured out that I need to use virt-manager on my desktop to connect and see the output of the VM guest after I do "virt-install --connect qemu:///system -n vm10 -r 128 --vcpus=2 -f ~/vm10.qcow2 -s 2 -c archlinux-2010.05-core-x86_64.iso --vnc --noautoconsole --os-type linux --accelerate --network=bridge:br0 --hvm" So I am trying it know . Thanks07:46
CppIsWeirdi cant seem to install ubnutu-server through usb. i've tried using unetboot and this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/run-ubuntu-9-10-server-edition-installer-from-usb/ it all gets stuck wanting files from the CD rom08:39
Jordan_UCppIsWeird: Easiest way is to just use the mini.iso (netboot). Everything needed to boot is contained in the kernel and initrd08:49
twb*Technically*, I think the 12MB mini.iso is distinct from the 120MB-ish netboot .iso.08:50
twbJust to make things confusing08:50
twbNever mind, that's "netinst", not "netboot"08:51
huatssoren, sorry for giving anwers to your questions yesterday (questions that you asked to hep me)... I was struggling with  my host and guest configuration and at the end it was the time to get my son...08:57
huatssoren, in the server mailing list you mention that you had configured an host as a router (in a datacenter), I would be really interested to hear a little more about that08:58
NineTeen67CometHi all; I'm running 8.04 (since it came out of beta/rc) on my server (mainly a web server with a little extra mysql help around the network). My question is; to weather I should go ahead and update to 10.04 yet, or hang on until the end of the life cycle of 8.04? It's been working great; upgrading would mean I could jump in and clean it out at the same time.09:10
twbNineTeen67Comet: wait for 10.04.109:11
NineTeen67CometI've tried a few odds and end on it over the years (Nagios 2 and some others) that failed .. as well as several different e-mail server tutorials gone bad. So I know there are some dead config files laying around in there.09:12
NineTeen67Comettwb: good idea; I always forget the small updates and their security/stability improvements.09:12
sorenhuats: There's not much to it, really. Let me look it up.09:18
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.09:19
sorenhuats: These days, it should be even easier. That box is still running Hardy, and libvirt in Hardy didn't support this very well.09:19
soreneagles0513875: Can you please do stuff like that in private?09:20
sorenDon't be sorry. Be better :)09:20
sorenhuats: You can create a network in libvirt that isn't NAT'ed, but just routed.09:21
sorenhuats: It was added to support this very use case.09:21
huatssoren, that was my idea since apparently I have read in many places that the dataceter where the server is does not really support bridge09:22
huatsso I'll continue that way09:22
sorenhuats: http://www.libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html under "Connectivity"09:22
huatsthanks soren09:22
sorenhuats: You set <forward mode="route">09:23
leanderbtw, is ipv6 addressing syntax already properly supported in libvirt?09:23
sorenhuats: ...and that's pretty much it. Of course your firewall needs to allow the traffic to pass through and all that, but otherwise, that's it.09:23
huatssoren, ok I'll try that way09:25
huatsI'll let you know more during the day09:25
sorenhuats: sure thing.09:32
baddassmuthaApart from the Ubuntu main site, does any body know of a resource where I can find out about real world ubuntu server / desktop implimentations? i.e. someone who has installed from new or replaced a windows server / desktop domain with Linux (not just adding a Linux PC to a Win AD). Thank you all in advance!!09:37
optikfluffelhey guys.. i try to get a pptp vpn running on my ubuntu vserver.. could anyone help me with this, cause i'm getting some error and googling arround didn't fixed it..09:49
corpsequick noob question, once i have a iso mounted how can i go about installing the application?10:03
corpseor is that not possible from command line?10:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #592579 in bind9 (main) "bind9 crash at resolver.c:3093: REQUIRE((((fctx->queries).head == ((void *)0)) ? isc_boolean_true : isc_boolean_false)) " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59257910:26
jussiHow does one create a new ssl certificate?11:05
cicatrixHey guys. Looking for something like similar to supervisord. I found that supervisord rarely works properly on 9.10, not sure I want to try again with 10.04. Suggestions?11:07
angelete2how can i install xen on my 10.4?11:07
sorenangelete2: You can't.11:08
angelete2and is it planed to add xen capabilities for newer versions=?11:08
jussiangelete2: kvm is the way to go now, iirc.11:12
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sorenIf someone wants to maintain Xen, they're welcome to, but as it stands, noone does.11:13
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sorenUbuntu works fine as a Xen guest, though.11:13
angelete2thank you11:17
cicatrixNobody knows any alternatives to supervisor then?11:17
rahmanHere is my kvm guest xml: http://pastebin.com/uLeeQ5US  virsh reports its running but I cant connect to it via virt-viewer, KRDC (kde remote desktop for vnc and rdp) how can I connect to the vm and setup a guest os?11:27
a_okI am trying to do a iSCSI boot with ubuntu 10.4 but i'm getting the following error12:02
a_okipconfig: eth0: SIOCGIFINDEX: No such device12:03
mac_nibbletAnyone alive?12:05
RoyK 12:05
mac_nibbletgot a question about hardware compability12:05
RoyKjust ask12:05
mac_nibbletdoes ubuntu server take full use of multiple processors on the motherboard12:05
sorenOf course.12:05
sorenDude. It's 2010.12:06
mac_nibbletyeah i know but i read on google about some issues12:06
sorenEven Windows does SMP these days.12:06
mac_nibbletthe company is going to buy 3 dell poweredge 2850 servers12:07
mac_nibbletand i know im going to be the one the configurate them12:07
a_okmac_nibblet: I have a few R510 here with two Intel Xeon E552012:09
mac_nibbletand u didn't have any major issues?12:09
a_okas long as the program is multitreaded all 8 cores are utilized and no issues at all12:10
a_okmac_nibblet: well I do have an issue but not cpu related12:10
a_okiSCSI boot is a pain and I don't know wether its simply a missing driver in the initram or some config thingy12:11
sorenrahman: ...but it's ok in here.12:13
sorenrahman: that screenshot doesn't help at all. You need to explain what you're doing.12:13
rahmansoren: thanks, so #kvm  is for only developer chats?12:14
sorenrahman: No, it's for kvm.12:14
sorenrahman: You're not having problems with kvm.12:14
sorenProbably, at least.12:14
rahmansoren: thanks, never mind I give up to setup kvm, and will try VBoxHeadless instead12:15
sorenHave fun.12:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #592610 in samba (main) "Shared folders (through Samba) when following instructions sometimes does not work correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59261012:16
eagles0513875!bind9 | eagles051387512:22
a_okwhat modules do I need for a broadcom netxtreme212:27
thefisha_ok: bnx2 ifaik12:27
a_okok thanks12:27
thefisha_ok: been having wierd problems on a dell blade with that here, are you having issues?12:27
a_okthefish: iSCSI boot not working so I want to make sure the driver is in the initram12:29
thefishah k12:29
eagles0513875is anyone having strange issues with ssh on a non standard port with iptables as a firewall12:34
eagles0513875for some reason for me unless i restart ssh i cant connect to my server via ssh12:43
eagles0513875the port im using instead of port 22 is 220012:44
eagles0513875iptables is set to allow connections on that port12:44
thefisheagles0513875: unless you restart ssh?12:44
thefishso you cant connect, then you restart ssh and you can connect?12:44
eagles0513875the operation either times out or is refused12:45
thefishthis is after some time passes?12:45
eagles0513875this is on a vps12:45
thefishyou say it works after you restart ssh12:45
eagles0513875thefish: ya12:45
eagles0513875since this is a vps i have a java consol on this panel and i can access the server from there to restart ssh12:45
thefishdid you change your sshd_config to listen on 2200?12:46
eagles0513875first thing i did12:46
eagles0513875iptables -L shows 2200 is allowed12:47
thefishso to reproduce, you restart sshd, login sucsessfully with ssh, then wait a while for it to stop working again?12:47
eagles0513875thefish: yes it seems to also happen if the server closes the remote connection from its end then the problem also arises12:49
eagles0513875if i enter the password im fine12:50
eagles0513875also happens after a reboot of the server12:50
eagles0513875thefish: http://pastebin.com/xzqQhLCk <-- iptables -vL from a bit earlier shows that the port is open12:50
eagles0513875it seems like a massive delay though before it asks me for my password thefish12:51
eagles0513875seems to be fine now O_o12:51
jdstrandunewbie: please file a bug if you have to disable the apparmor profile when using libvirt13:31
jdstrandunewbie: file it against libvirt and state all the steps to reproduce13:32
_rubeneagles0513875: sounds dns-problem'ish13:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #592639 in samba (main) "[Master] Update-alternatives problems " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59263913:36
diagoIs it possible to install and setup DRBD on a system that is already in use?13:45
SnadderDoes ubuntu server 64bit have an dvd with all packages? I only see the cd on ubuntu.com.13:49
a_okI am trying to build a cpio archive but keep ending up with doubles... can someone please tell me whats the correct way to build a cpio archive?13:59
a_okarg never mind messed up my find command14:04
eagles0513875_ruben: its not dns is fine14:06
phretorhi, I have a number of dbus-daemon open for almost every user. Is it normal?14:08
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zulttx: what do you think of bug #342056?14:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 342056 in samba "Samba automatic account creation assumes local accounts" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34205614:13
dassoukiwhat is the best way to give a user access to their home and /var/www/their_url ... I'm adding a developer to what pretty much was a solo project14:20
SnadderHi.. I installed ubuntu 10.04 with grub2 (previously had debian lenny with grub1).. Now I booted to a grub 15 error.. Anyone know how to fix it?14:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #592660 in libezmorph-java (main) "Sync libezmorph-java 1.0.6-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59266014:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #592667 in libjson-java (main) "Sync libjson-java 2.3-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59266714:41
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OmahnAnyone fancy reviewing some upstart scripts for NIS?15:06
dassoukiawesome .. /wc 415:08
zulOmahn: yeah that would be cool...if you open up a bug in launchpad that would be great!15:12
Omahnzul: I'll upload to bug #56975715:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 569757 in nis "NIS upstart dependancy broken for lucid" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56975715:12
zulOmahn: thanks15:14
Omahnzul: Done. This is my first attempt with writing upstart scripts. I've tested the client side (ypbind) and that works fine on our test machines. I haven't tested the server parts as comprehensively, but they appear to work ok. I might of course be heading in completely the wrong direction. Looking forward to some feedback :-)15:16
zulOmahn: gotcha15:16
Omahnzul: Thanks.15:17
OmahnI understand that nis is no longer in main but the fact that nis doesn't reliably come up in Lucid has completely stopped the roll out of Ubuntu at our site. Hopefully we can get it sorted sooner rather than later. :-)15:18
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ttxDaviey: you didn't send me the euca merge to review ?15:41
Davieyttx: No.. i'm trying to establish why only the CC works at the moment15:43
ttxDaviey: ok15:43
DavieyI was unable to even touch it yesterday15:43
OmahnBit stuck now. What's the correct way of installing an upstart job when building a package?15:43
a_okcan someone tell me how I add something to the initrd image? so far all my attempts end in a kernel panic (eg my initrd file is not accepted)15:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #560182 in php5 (main) "php5-cgi crashed with SIGSEGV in php_log_err()" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56018216:01
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leonel-vaiohello ... is there an estimated time for python-django 1.2.1 gets merged from debian unstable to maveric?16:54
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ScottKleonel-vaio: It's when someone gets to it.16:59
leonel-vaioScottK: any one ?17:00
leonel-vaioeven me ?17:00
ScottKYou could prepare a merge and propose it for a developer to review.17:00
leonel-vaioGreat .. squeesing my schedule to make time ..17:01
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mathiazhggdh: hi!17:07
mathiazhggdh: what's the state of the ubuntu10.2 eucalyptus SRU verification process?17:07
hggdhmathiaz: I tested it, and marked the bugs verification-done (yesterday)17:09
hggdhmathiaz: and hi ;-)17:09
mathiazhggdh: awesome - so ubuntu10.2 should be pushed to -updates soon?17:09
MTecknologyI have a server that has everything sitting on a single HD. (and it's hosting 4 vm's) I'm going to get pretty read/write heavy (hdparm tells me I'm getting anywhere from 4 to 90 mb/s on the guests and ~150 on the host). I'm hitting my head here and my guess is that the only way to alleviate this is to get more drive i/o available. I'm not sure what the best way to do this is, but I know cheap is extremely important. I was thinking of ge17:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #592728 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (universe) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59272817:21
hggdhmathiaz: hold on. I think I misunderstood you17:22
hggdhmathiaz: I tested euca 1.6.2-0ubuntu30.2. What is Ubuntu 10.2?17:23
mathiazhggdh: oh no - you were correct17:32
mathiazhggdh: I mistyped17:32
mathiazhggdh: I was referring to 1.6.2-0ubuntu30.2.17:32
hallynmathiaz: i'm still failing to see exactly how the bzr qemu-kvm tree relates to the package i built.  In particular, I can see pretty trivially how I would base on a custom +noroms tgz by editing the .dsc file by hand.  But where under debian/ would I do the change to be reflected in .dsc?17:35
mathiazhallyn: hm17:36
mathiazhallyn: here is the process I would follow to update to the new upstream release17:37
mathiazhallyn: 1. download the upstream tarball17:37
mathiazhallyn: 2. unpack and remove the binary roms17:37
mathiazhallyn: to create +noroms.orig.tar.gz17:37
mathiazhallyn: 3. import the +noroms.orig.tar.gz:17:37
mathiazhallyn: bzr merge-upstream +noroms.orig.tar.gz17:37
mathiazhallyn: 4. Update the package and rebuild the debian src package17:38
mathiazhallyn: bzr bd -S17:38
hallynmathiaz: thanks!17:38
mathiazhallyn: does that answer your question?17:38
hallyn(i'll have to look into how merge-usptream is coded)17:38
mathiazhallyn: bzr help merge-upstream17:39
mathiazhallyn: with the bzr-builddeb plugin installed17:39
mathiazhallyn: with the bzr-builddeb *package* installed17:39
hallynmathiaz: thanks, i'll go try, hopefully i won't be bugging you any more17:40
* hallyn off17:40
mathiazhallyn: if you run into other issues don't hesitate to ask around17:41
mathiazhallyn: I would actually ask in #ubuntu-devel instead17:41
mathiazhallyn: since more people may be able to answer there17:41
mathiazSpamapS: hi!17:42
mathiazSpamapS: I've finished up the mongodb merge you've asked for sponsoring17:43
hallynmathiaz: ah, ok17:43
BrixSathello how do i enable "Tun" module?17:43
mathiazhallyn: you can still ping me from #ubuntu-devel (I'm there...) - doing it there will increase your chances to have an answer if/when I'm not around17:44
mathiazSpamapS: I'd suggest you quickly review the whole diff17:44
mathiazSpamapS: as I've added some things17:44
SpamapSmathiaz: I took a look last night .. I think I understand everything. :)17:46
SpamapSmathiaz: I got side tracked when I accidentally deleted my entire /home when trying to remove schroots. ;)17:47
mathiazSpamapS: great - so now we can work on the other bugs I looked at yesterday17:47
mathiazSpamapS: oh....17:47
* SpamapS is thankful for hourly backups. :)17:47
SpamapSI lost nothing.. amazingly enough17:47
ShinhanHow can I change resolution in command line mode? Everything I google about changing resolution CLI talks about various commands for X server, while this installation of ubuntu server doesnt even have X. It just has too high resolution so the letters are really small. (its a 19" CRT)17:48
hggdhmathiaz: then all is good -- 30.2 was already in the -proposed, should now go to backports17:48
mathiazhggdh: hm - s/backports/-updates/?17:48
hggdhmathiaz: duh. Indeed, sorry17:48
BrixSathello how do i enable "Tun" module?17:48
ShinhanI found something that might help me, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=682377 but I dont have a menu.lst file in /boot/grub/ Am I safe to create menu.lst with only contents being "vga=792"?17:54
Shinhanor is that some other file that I should change? or is that file elsewhere?17:55
SpamapSmathiaz: wait, I didn't realize what you were saying. Where can I get your .dsc for 1.4.3-2ubuntu1?17:56
SpamapSmathiaz: never mind, found it on launchpad :)17:56
mathiazSpamapS: I'd suggest to use bzr pkg branches17:57
mathiazSpamapS: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/mongodb17:57
mathiazSpamapS: and you'll get the unpack source code17:57
SpamapSmathiaz: I've been using apt-get source only.. though just because thats "the way I learnt it" ;)18:01
SpamapSthat or 'dpkg-source -x' ..18:01
mathiazSpamapS: right - bzr pkg branches in the new cool thing in Ubuntu18:02
mathiazSpamapS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/18:02
mathiazSpamapS: nowadays I rarely do apt-get source ....18:02
mathiazSpamapS: instead I usually start with:18:02
mathiazSpamapS: bzr init-repo src-pkg-name18:02
mathiazSpamapS: cd src-pkg-name/18:03
mathiazSpamapS: bzr co lp:ubuntu/src-pkg-name/ maverick18:03
mathiazSpamapS: that way I get the complete source18:03
mathiazSpamapS: If I need to have the debian source:18:03
mathiazSpamapS: bzr co lp:debian/sid/src-pkg-name/ sid/18:03
mathiazSpamapS: and when I plan to work on a fix:18:03
mathiazSpamapS: bzr branch maverick fix-bug-XXXX18:04
mathiazSpamapS: to merge a package from debian:18:04
mathiazSpamapS: bzr branch maverick m-merge-from-debian18:04
mathiazSpamapS: cd m-merge-from-debian/18:04
mathiazSpamapS: bzr merge-package ../sid18:04
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hallynmathiaz: so 'bzr branch' pretty much works like git checkout?  i can do unlimited cheap branching?18:10
SpamapSmathiaz: I like it if for no other reason than I can use launchpad's collborative features for branches. :)18:14
SpamapSmathiaz: given that, can I use merge proposals instead of sponsorship queued bugs? ;)18:14
BrixSathow do i enable "Tun" module?18:15
mathiazSpamapS: yes - that's the goal of the project18:15
mathiazSpamapS: I'll happily review merge proposal18:16
mathiazSpamapS: as it's easier than bug and patch attachements18:16
mathiazhallyn: yes - kind of18:16
mathiazhallyn: I haven't enough knowledge from git though18:16
mathiazhallyn: but I usually start by setting up a shared repository18:16
mathiazhallyn: (bzr init-repo src-pkg-name)18:17
mathiazhallyn: and then get the pkg branch from lp18:17
mathiazhallyn: IIRC git checkout will do the checkout of the branch in the directory you're in18:17
mathiazhallyn: where as with bzr you still have one directory per branch18:17
hallynmathiaz: yup18:18
mathiazhallyn: but the .bzr/ directory is shared amongst all of them18:18
mathiazhallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/448341/18:18
mathiazhallyn: ^^ this is what I created while reviewing your qemu-kvm branch18:19
mathiazhallyn: I started by get the maverick branch18:19
mathiazhallyn: and then got your own branch18:19
mathiazhallyn: as they're using a shared repository (the .bzr/) getting your branch from LP is much faster18:19
hallynto be honest the git branches "feel" cheaper since they don't take up extra directories :)18:20
mathiazhallyn: agreed18:20
mathiazhallyn: you're not changing directories18:20
hallynbut that's just a perceived diff...18:20
mathiazhallyn: for bzr you can still refer to other branches18:20
mathiazhallyn: so given the directory structure above I diff your contentn with:18:20
mathiazhallyn: update-to-12.4/$ bzr diff --old ../maverick18:21
mathiazhallyn: and when working with merges the best trick is to use the ancestor: option when doing diff18:23
mathiazhallyn: maverick/$ bzr diff -rancestor:../sid18:23
mathiazSpamapS: ^^18:23
mathiazhallyn: SpamapS: using -rancestor:../other-branch you can easily review what has changed in Debian,Ubuntu since the last point of merge18:24
SpamapSmathiaz: I like it, but its going to take me a few times to get used ot it. ;)18:26
mathiazSpamapS: yeah - it took me a while to figure it out18:27
SpamapSmathiaz: ppa question.. if I upload things into the PPA first, can they be used as build deps for other things that I upload to the PPA? (hoping YES)18:27
mathiazSpamapS: yes!18:29
mathiazSpamapS: it's one of the advantage of using PPAs18:29
mathiazSpamapS: it's like mini-archive18:29
mathiazSpamapS: it will use the Ubuntu archive by default18:29
mathiazSpamapS: but also the PPA itself18:29
mathiazSpamapS: which is useful when you need to add dependencies18:29
SpamapSmathiaz: right.. have to do that for the Cassandra debs18:29
mathiazSpamapS: this is what I did for the backport of bzr-git in https://launchpad.net/~mathiaz/+archive/bzr-git/18:30
mathiazSpamapS: I *think* you can upload everything and LP will take care of building the build dependencies correclty18:30
mathiazSpamapS: but I haven't tested it yet18:30
mathiazSpamapS: for the PPA above I took care of the ordering by myself18:31
SpamapSmathiaz: I'm ok with having to upload the build deps first, waiting for them to build, then uploading main package18:31
mathiazSpamapS: first uploading the dependency, waiting for it to be build and then uploading the other package18:31
mathiazSpamapS: right - IIRC LP takes care of that in ubuntu18:32
mathiazSpamapS: I guess it may do the same thing for PPA18:32
diagois there a way to shrink a qcow2 image. I made a 500GB image and only about 50GB is being used. I want to shrink it so I can transfer it to an lv18:34
BrixSathow do i fiz this "FATAL: Module tun not found." ?18:38
SpamapSBrixSat: when do you see that?18:40
BrixSatSpamapS:  sudo modprobe tun18:42
BrixSatSpamapS:  any ideia how to enable mod tun?18:44
SpamapSBrixSat: it may be built into the kernel18:45
SpamapSBrixSat: try 'ifconfig tun0'18:45
zulmathiaz: ping is the weelky accepted SRU suppose to be sent to ubuntu-server ml?18:45
BrixSattun0: error fetching interface information: Device not found18:45
hggdhsmoser: around?18:49
smoserque pasa?18:49
hggdhwhen you were testing, you saw a series of instances that did not get a public IP address, correct?18:50
smoseri'm not certain.18:51
smoseri believe when you look at the logs, you will see that all those failures do not have IP addresses.18:52
smoserthat said, i think (this is fuzzy memory), that the logs only show the final 'describe-images' output18:52
smosererr... describe-instances18:52
hggdhmay be. I see many of them now with both IPs set to the private18:52
smosermy experience is that instances can lose their public ip address18:52
smoserso its possible it got one, and then lost it.18:52
smoserhggdh, right.18:53
hggdhwell, ça va sans dire, I guess18:53
smoseri'm just not certain that that was *always* the case for a given instance.18:53
hggdhI will try to zero in that18:54
hggdhthe metadata issue, when it happens (at least all my last tests) it shows an internal IP address -- 169.something18:55
hggdhmeaning there was no response from the DHCP server18:55
hggdhI wonder if their fix will also affect this error18:55
hggdh('this' meaning no public IP)18:55
SpamapSBrixSat: something in the back of my mind is telling me there is a commandl ike 'tunctl' that needs to create the tun device18:55
* hggdh meanwhile pushes a series of small adjustments to the uec testing scripts18:56
BrixSatSpamapS:  installed the tunctl18:57
BrixSatSpamapS:  should i install the tunctl?18:57
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newbieHey can someone recommend me a program that is able to attempt a internet/ network trace rout and provides more network information then the default installed unbuntu one19:00
kpettitnewbie, mtr19:01
kpettitit's kind of like a ping but shows you a updated route with info about those routes.  helps spot problem spots19:01
SpamapSBrixSat: you're trying to create an IP-IP tunnel, right?19:01
newbieWould that help me identify why I can connect to the internet and yet my network is fine?19:02
BrixSatSpamapS:  yes for (coovachilli)19:02
SpamapSBrixSat: after 'modprobe tun' what is the next instruction you're supposed to follow?19:02
newbieInternet worked perfectly when I installed unbuntu 2 days ago and installed tor yesterday which fine and today nothing19:02
kpettitit might.  It will let you know how far you can get.  So if you try to do  "mtr google.com"19:02
kpettitif you don't go anywhere that lets you know you probally have a settings issue19:03
newbieThink running it off a pen drive could make a difference? such as the settings not saving right after a shutdown?19:07
BrixSatSpamapS:  the problem is that altought i have a tun0 i dont see any trafic on it19:15
zulmathiaz: ping19:36
bventurahello!  ? for a dovecot expert is it possible to automate deleting messages in a dovecot installation using Maildir format?  IE, trashing junk mail in a specific folder after it's been run thru the spamassassin filter with a script?19:51
bventura"run thru sa-learn" i should have said to be precise19:51
bcbventura: you may be able to use crontab -e -u <user> to simplify things.19:54
bventurasure, but what I'm missing is how to delete the messages from a command line?19:54
bcbventura: I'm not sure if it keeps some kind of journal of messages, but you may be able to just rm -f files from a cronjob at a specific interval. Or wrap sa-learn in a script that rm -f's after, then call that from crontab.19:57
oru_workgreetings. how can I go about backing up entire filesystem ?19:58
bcbventura: however, depending on the scope, you might be able to automate the deletions from your mail client if this is only for you.19:58
bventurabc: i was thinking the same thing but am hesitant because I thought Maildir also maintians a database of the messages and I dont want to jack up my DB19:58
bcbventura: yes, that's what I was uncertain about.19:58
AdylasHello ! Ubuntu 10-04 server at host. Ubuntu 10.04 as guest. As soon as I start using the VM (read, using all the memory) I got a kernel panic. The Guest seems to never write to swap. Any idea ?20:09
mathiazzul: hey - asupz?20:11
zulmathiaz: for the weekly accepted sru should it be sent to the ubuntu-server list?20:12
oru_workanyone ?20:12
mathiazzul: the weekly *nominated* sru20:12
mathiazzul: the accepted will be listed somewhere else20:12
zulmathiaz: ok20:13
SpamapSmathiaz: just getting the build-deps for cassandra is turning out to be *almost* as hard as the runtime deps20:13
mathiazSpamapS: :)20:13
mathiazSpamapS: it usually is the hardest part actually20:13
hggdhoru_work: dd works20:14
SpamapSmathiaz: yeah ... dep dep dep.. I'm just putting the jars in lib since we're giving up on doing this "the right way" :-/20:14
mathiazSpamapS: yeah20:14
mathiazSpamapS: that's probably the easiest way20:14
mathiazSpamapS: put all the binary jars into the .orig.tarball20:14
SpamapSmathiaz: maven-debian-helper, btw, is failing me now.. the first thing I did with it worked fine, but ever since it hasn't worked, and most of the time for mysterious reasons. :-/20:15
oru_workhggdh, will that work in virtual envirenment ? I"m payinb for VPS from linode20:15
SpamapSmathiaz: oohh.. I was going to put them in debian.. no?20:15
mathiazSpamapS: hm - you could put them there20:15
mathiazSpamapS: it may be better - I've never done that20:16
Picioru_work: Theres no reason why it wouldn't work.20:17
oru_workPici, so with dd i can copy an "image" of my entire disk over ssh ? am I understanding it right ?20:18
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Picioru_work: sure.20:19
oru_workPici, what would be the command ?20:20
Picioru_work: That, I do not know, sorry :(20:21
prodcutnews1asking ubuntu Q in ubuntu room.... whatz best  internet download manager for ubuntu 9.04 ?20:33
guntbertprodcutnews1: the same rule applies here: try them - nobody can tell what is "best" for you :-)20:34
SpamapSERROR [pool-1-thread-1] 2010-06-11 12:35:40,452 CassandraDaemon.java (line 78) Fatal exception in thread Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main]20:35
SpamapSjava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space20:36
SpamapSahh... java.. so sweet... so bloated.. ;)20:36
prodcutnews1ont get me wrong ...i dont even started with any IDM in ubuntu, im not trying for poll here,  the use of word 'BEST' is a crime in the room20:36
guntbert!crosspost | prodcutnews120:37
ubottuprodcutnews1: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.20:37
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oru_workI remember in 9.04 by default when using screen it first gave you a choice which screen profile to use, and one of them on the bottom showed system time, version and some other very useful info. How would i go about using that in 9.10 or 10.04 ?20:41
SpamapSoru_work: byobou20:43
SpamapSoru_work: specifically, apt-get install byobou, and then if you want to enable it by default, 'dpkg-reconfigure byobou'20:44
SpamapSoru_work: sorry, byobu20:44
hallynthen run dvtm in byobu :)20:48
oru_workdvtm ?20:51
hallyntiling terminal manager.  if you have a big screen it can be useful20:51
hallyn(like splitvt of old)20:52
hggdhSpamapS: byobou... like couscous? ;-)21:19
OmahnCould anyone tell me what the correct way of including an upstart job in a source package is?21:25
oru_workSpamapS, what would be the proper way of exiting from putty with byobu ?21:28
oru_workto detach ?21:29
oru_workand then logout21:29
guntbertoru_work: if you want to keep the byobou session, yes21:33
oru_workguntbert, hmm on one of my servers dpkg-reconfigure byobu worked, on the other diddn't21:35
oru_workjust returned an empty line21:36
oru_workdidn't go into config21:36
kirklandoru_work: to exit all windows, you can use ctrl-a-\21:36
kirklandoru_work: to detach, and leave your stuff running, use F621:37
guntbertoru_work: you don't need to use byobou - screen has the same capabilities, only no bottom line with help21:37
oru_workhow can I enable byubu for all users ?21:38
guntbertoru_work: if you installed it anyone can use it21:39
oru_workits installed. I'm trying to make it enabled by default for all users21:39
oru_worksudo dpkg-reconfigure byobu21:40
oru_workthat apparantly does nothing21:40
kirklandoru_work: cat /etc/issue21:40
guntbertoru_work: sorry, I never use it myself21:40
kirklandoru_work: the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure byobu" was added in 10.0421:41
oru_workkirkland, 9.1021:41
kirklandoru_work: okay, there you go ...21:41
kirklandoru_work: any chance you can upgrade to 10.04?21:41
kirklandoru_work: otherwise, each user needs to run "byobu-launcher-install"21:41
kirklandoru_work: or, if you're an admin, perhaps you can run that on behalf of each user21:41
oru_workkirkland, yup, after scheduled backup at 17:00 my time today21:41
oru_workkirkland, "byobu-launcher-install" ? I don't get it21:42
kirklandoru_work: byobu-launcher-install (and byobu-launcher-uninstall) are two commands that any user can run to toggle on/off byobu to launch automatically at login21:47
kirklandoru_work: those two commands exist on both 9.10 and 10.0421:47
kirklandoru_work: while 10.04 introduced the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure byobu" method of always launching byobu for all users21:48
oru_workbyobu-launcher-install: command not found21:48
kirklandoru_work: so, if you want to upgrade 9.10 to 10.04, you can use the dpkg-reconfigure method21:48
oru_workkirkland, ^^21:48
kirklandoru_work: ls /usr/bin/byobu-* for me21:48
oru_workkirkland, ^^21:50
kirklandoru_work: one sec ...21:51
kirklandoru_work: okay, found it ... /usr/share/byobu/byobu-launcher-install (and -uninstall)21:52
kirklandoru_work: so in 9.10, you can ask each user to run that command21:52
kirklandoru_work: or, if you can su - to those users, you can run it for them21:52
kirklandoru_work: alternatively, you can upgrade to 10.0421:53
kirklandoru_work: or, you can install byobu from this PPA: https://edge.launchpad.net/~byobu/+archive/ppa21:53
kirklandoru_work: actually, if you install from that PPA, you'll get the latest/greatest byobu will new features too21:53
oru_workkirkland, i just ran /usr/share/byobu/byobu-launcher-install which returned nothing, should i trying to re-login ?21:54
kirklandoru_work: yup21:54
oru_workworked but when I hit F9 and select change colors, here is what I get  Error: /home/paul/.byobu/profile file exists, but is not21:55
oru_workis not ..... nothing21:55
kirklandoru_work: okay ... do this ...21:55
kirklandoru_work: your setup sounds buggered21:56
kirklandoru_work: mv your .byobu out of the way entirely21:56
kirklandoru_work: and remove the line in your ~/.byobu/profile that says anything about byobu21:56
kirklandoru_work: then run "byobu"21:56
kirklandoru_work: then press F9, and Toggle Byobu to launch by default21:56
oru_work sec21:56
larsemilarent there any jeos with 10.04?21:57
oru_workkirkland, should i try apt-get remove byobu instead ?21:58
kirklandoru_work: no21:58
oru_workso then mv /usr/bin/byobu/ /usr/bin/byobu.bak ?21:59
kirklandoru_work: no21:59
kirklandoru_work: mkdir /tmp/foo21:59
kirklandoru_work: mv ~/.byobu ~/.screen /tmp/foo21:59
kirklandoru_work: byobu21:59
kirklandoru_work: F922:00
kirklandoru_work: configure away22:00
sbeattielarsemil: the server install offers a minimal install for virtual environments under the F4 menu option.22:01
oru_workkirkland, mv: cannot stat `/home/paul/.screen': No such file or directory22:03
oru_workkirkland, you know lets not worry about this for now22:05
oru_workkirkland, thanks for help, i'm about to start the backup and then just upgrade to 10.0422:05
oru_workkirkland, thanks for help and have a great weekend i'm out here :)22:06
dazmanWas just about to say ~/.screenrc too.22:07
larsemilsbeattie: found it thanks alot22:09
larsemili have heard libvirt + kvm is slower in 10.04 then earlier, is that the case?22:18
malchiasI tried a dpkg --get-selections > out.deb and on another server dpkg --set-selections && apt-get -f install.   Isn't this supposed to copy the package configuration so the 2 machines have the same base install?   if not, how do I do that?22:29
malchiasI meant dpkg --set-selections < out.deb ....sorry22:29
webPragmatistRoAkSoAx: you around… have a question about http://roaksoax.wordpress.com/2008/06/20/cluster-sinchronization-tool-csync2/22:37
webPragmatistor anyone know what the point of the certificates are if you are doing -k22:37
webPragmatiston that link22:38
ziesemer_What is the easiest way to create a new partition to fill a disk on gpt that is "properly aligned"?22:40
ziesemer_I made sure both the start and the end size were evenly divisible by 512 (matching reported 512B sector size), and parted still complains that it isn't aligned.22:41
ziesemer_Guess I needed to align to cylinders, not just sectors...22:53
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larsemilhelp commands23:04
webPragmatisthey guys23:14
webPragmatisti'm trying to use csync2 but get Identification failed23:14
webPragmatisti had to recreate the keys a few times… i deleted the old sqllite db23:14
webPragmatistis there something else ih ave to do?23:14
webPragmatistthats the exact same pickle i'm in23:15
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webPragmatistoooh idea23:18
webPragmatistdammit what the heck23:19
malchiashow do I make sure one server is the same as another as far as packages installed is concerned?23:21
jpdsmalchias: dpkg --get-selections > packages.txt on both and diff the output.23:22
webPragmatistooh got it23:22
malchiasjpds: can I --set-selections too?23:22
malchiasit didn't do anything when I did, and I did a apt-get -f install too23:22
jpdsdpkg --set-selections < packages.txt && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade23:23
malchiasah, ok I will try that, thank you23:23
malchiasjpds: perfect, thank you  - it showed me the diff in a cut and paste apt-get install too so I can document it quick.  Thank you23:30
jpdsmalchias: No worries.23:31
cybrocopHi all. I got a question about Eucalyptus on 10.04.   eucalyptus-cc is not automatically starting upon system boot. I don't think this is normal behavior as all other euca* services start properly. When I manually start it, it works.23:32
cybrocopIs it possible that eucalyptus-cc is not enabled to start by default for some reason?23:32
hggdhcybrocop: no, it is not normal behaviour23:33
SpamapShrm.. I really do need to build an apt mirror on this 500G USB drive I bought... starbucks 2Mbit connection just isn't enough for installing 40MB of dependencies 5 times.. :-P23:38
linxehSpamapS: better than my home connection :p23:41
SpamapSlinxeh: heh... at home I have AT&T U-verse .. 6Mbit is the low end... can get 30Mbit down/5Mbit up pretty cheap.23:42
malchiasfor security, how should apache logs be group & permission?   Actually how should all of the web directories be?  assume the group is www-data.   Can anyone recommend an article that spells it out for me?23:49
SpamapSmalchias: not necessarily.. its up to you on what strategy you want to use. It may be better to make it an alternate user/group from the webserver, and world readable. That way you can give multiple users write access w/o allowing the web server scripts to change the content.23:54
malchiasis there a best practices document somewhere?23:54
malchiasI don't feel like I know enough to choose a proper strategy23:54

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