
MTecknologyHow is the Ubuntu website setup to be multilingual? Were any custom modules used?13:04
jcastrohi! We have a small request to add to planet15:10
jcastrowe would like to add this slider to the top to give vidibility to the patch review team15:11
jcastrosimilar to what GNOME did: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1187037/planet-ruler.png15:11
knomehey jorge :)15:39
newz2000I just sent an email to the list about the theme. I think it's time to start working on the individual app themes.16:45
newz2000stas: you ready?16:45
stasnewz2000: great news16:45
stasyep, I can start working on sunday, got an exam these days if its ok16:46
newz2000stas: you're taking summer classes and doing soc?16:47
stasnope, our university if fsck'd up the exams session will be over in a couple of weeks16:47
stasand yes, now I'm soc-ing :)16:48
newz2000Well, good luck, but I hope you don't need luck to do well. ;-)16:48
mhall119now I can start incorporating it into my Django apps16:48
newz2000yes, go for it, I can't wait to see what you do16:49
newz2000mhall119: would you please sahre your work centrally on launchpad so that others can use it?16:49
mhall119newz2000: sure, it'll probably be in https://launchpad.net/classroom-scheduler to begin with16:49
stasnewz2000: thanks, I saw you're also busy these days :)16:50
mhall119then into loco-directory16:50
newz2000stas: I'll announce this formally on the mailing list (today probably) but I'm actually not going to be the webmaster for ubuntu.com any more16:50
newz2000that job is changing and I'm more of a dev so I'm switching to the same team that does single sign on and shipit as a web developer16:51
newz2000however, I'll still be working on ubuntu.com and a lot of the same stuff16:51
stasnewz2000: hmm dunno to celebrate for you or be sad, depends on who's going to take your place16:52
stasyou did a great job imho16:52
newz2000Celebrate. I get to do the stuff I like (coding) and someone else gets to do the stuff I don't (fixing typos). ;-)16:52
stasok so free beer than :)16:53
mhall119SSO and shipit, are those django sites?16:53
newz2000shipit is launchpad/zope based16:53
mhall119ah, ok16:53
newz2000I don't know much about the SSO.16:53
newz2000I'll be more of a front-end developer. HTML, CSS, JS, Themes16:54
mhall119okay, all the parts I don't like ;)16:55
newz2000I think it's fun. :-)16:55
newz2000Its a funny story, but I actually got my job at Canonical because of work I did withe themes as part of the Ubuntu community16:55
newz2000so there you go, I hope you feel inspired now.16:57
mhall119I was inspired before16:57
mhall119and I think a lot of people get hired by Canonical based on the work they did for the community16:58
mhall119I won't lie, I put LoCo Directory on my resume when I appied16:58
newz2000It's a good idea.16:59
mhall119all the openings right now are launchpad/zope through16:59
newz2000well, there will be a webmaster role opening up soon. ;-)17:00
mhall119I'll keep my eye out for it17:00
newz2000nothing would please me more than to help one of you to get accustomed to that job17:00
mhall119though I'm really wanting to work on things like the Music Store17:00
mhall119the Django side of things17:01
newz2000jpds was also hired from the community and he posts the jobs. So if you want early notice, get friendly with him. ;-)17:01
mhall119heh, already have been, so I'll be sure to ask17:02
mhall119I need to talk to him about doing a translations class for me anyway17:02
mhall119wait, that's dpm, nevermind17:02
mhall119too many short-nicks17:02
newz2000ok, gotta run17:03
newz2000good luck on the themeing17:03
* mhall119 is just waiting to see it land in the branch17:05
newz2000hey jpds20:39
* newz2000 delayed ping20:39
newz2000(just saying hi, no business to discuss)20:39
MTecknologynewz2000: pong20:49
newz2000hey MTecknology20:49
MTecknologynewz2000: how's it going?20:49
newz2000Good here, how are yo MTecknology?20:50
MTecknologyswamped but that's life - doing ok20:50
MTecknologynewz2000: I never noticed this - "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought." - I like it21:33
newz2000I read it from my box of tea21:33
MTecknologyThe kinda tea that makes you smart21:38
knomecongrats newz2000 :)23:13

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