
Sarvatthow do I get git diff between two branches to show newly added files?01:47
Sarvatttrying to backport some nouveau changes in mesa that way and its just creating an empty file01:49
RAOFThat diff should show newly added files?01:54
RAOFUnless they've been added locally but not committed?01:55
Sarvattin the middle of updating this vm to maverick to try building mesa, i was doing git diff HEAD..upstream path/to/directory/ and new files were just empty in the diff, i was on debian-experimental branch02:04
Sarvattwill check once its done updating I mean, cant open the diff at the moment02:04
RAOFYou probably had the missing -- in there locally, I guess.02:05
Sarvattguess i'll have to backport dpkg in edgers to lucid for whats in debian-experimental :D02:07
RAOFOr just drop the regexs from the symbols files.02:08
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Sarvattit looks like dist-upgrades to maverick work again at least02:09
brycehbtw, good work on the merges guys.  I think the versions-current page is closer to 0 than I think I've ever seen it02:15
Sarvattoh yeah speaking of which, need to look at xdm and xterm. will do that while mesa builds :)02:21
Sarvattis there some voodoo to import from a dsc?02:24
Sarvattor should i just make a new branch and import all the ubuntu stuff by hand?02:24
Sarvattlooking at http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/app/xterm.git;a=summary02:25
jcristauthere's a git-import-dsc02:25
Sarvattnice, yeah I just found that02:26
Sarvatthmm, looks like i need to create a new ubuntu branch from the 256 tag before importing it02:34
Sarvattgit branch ubuntu xterm-256-1 && git-import-dsc --no-merge --debian-branch=ubuntu --upstream-branch=upstream-unstable  ../xterm_256-1ubuntu1.dsc seems to work02:47
Sarvattah need to make it not tag02:47
Sarvattwhich doesn't seem possible :)02:49
jcristauworst case you can git tag -d $foo afterwards02:50
Sarvattguess it doesn't matter as long as i dont push the tags02:50
Sarvattoh yeah that too02:50
Sarvatthmm dont want to screw this up, looks like our tarballs differ? Switched to a new branch 'upstream-unstable'02:57
Sarvattrm 'vttests/query-fonts.pl'02:57
Sarvattah because that files new in 25902:58
Sarvattno big deal, just deleted the tags it added and reverted upstream-unstable, this is pretty sweet03:15
Sarvattso all I need to do to push this is git push origin ubuntu and it'll create the branch right?03:26
Sarvatti dont like how you cant see the upstream git history this way though03:32
Sarvattah its svn03:33
bjsnideradobe appears to have dropped the 64-bit flash plugin for linux03:35
RAOFBy “dropped” do you mean “released”, or “not bothered to release”?03:36
bjsniderthe download link has been removed. it is not mentioned on the site anymore03:38
bjsnideras if it never existed03:38
bjsniderok, the download link for the last known version still works. but it is not mentioned anymore03:40
bjsniderat least they haven't taken it off the web server (yet)03:40
bjsnidernamely: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
Sarvattok pushed xterm03:43
Sarvattyeah it sucks, i was complaining about that in #ubuntu+1 earlier03:43
Sarvattits cus 10 had a security problem and they released 10.1 and there was no 10.1 64 bit i'm sure03:43
Sarvattso i'm stuck using the one with the security problem, yay :)03:44
Sarvatt32 bit isnt an option at this point03:44
Sarvattok the xterm merge *seems* to be fine03:51
Sarvattoh RAOF, xdm is in universe so you can upload~ \o/04:10
Sarvattnot sure whats going on with mesa, i think they're waiting for the glsl2 stuff to do a 7.9 RC snapshot because it looks like -intel and libdrm are almost set for the next quartery release04:15
Sarvattand intel seems to be driving all the major release schedules04:18
SarvattAH I figured out why git diff was screwing up!04:28
Sarvattlrwxrwxrwx  1 sarvatt sarvatt    51 2010-06-10 20:28 nouveau_class.h -> ../../../../gallium/drivers/nouveau/nouveau_class.h04:28
Sarvattits a symlink to a file outside of the diff path04:29
Sarvattlooks like we can just add nouveau_class.h to the two directories and it'll work04:34
Sarvatttrying with git checkout upstream src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nouveau_class.h && git checkout upstream src/mesa/drivers/dri/nouveau/nouveau_class.h04:36
Sarvattwith upstream being a local branch tracking master04:37
Sarvatti dont think its recommended to use nouveau_vieux from 7.8.x04:46
Sarvattfedora backports it from master to 7.804:46
Sarvatti have a patch to do that too btw.. http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/nouveau-update.patch04:47
Sarvattmaking that patch was why ii was trying to figure out why nouveau_class.h was empty04:47
Sarvattping pong back and forth between irc channels, sorry :)04:48
Sarvatti'd like to get our libGL back into /usr/lib04:52
Sarvattit works fine now there, i hacked up nvidia-current to install the alternatives there and it takes priority correctly now that we removed the abi tag from tls from the lib04:53
Sarvattonce we get all this stuff fixed up i'll do that04:54
Sarvatthttp://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/log/src/mesa/drivers/dri/nouveau -- ah everything after march 4th isn't in 7.8 branch05:00
SarvattRAOF: is this normal?05:58
Sarvatt- (regex|optional=mesa internal ASM optimized functions)"^_mesa_.*@Base$" 7.8.105:58
Sarvatt+#MISSING: 7.8.1-3# (regex|optional=mesa internal ASM optimized functions)"^_mesa_.*@Base$" 7.8.105:58
RAOFSarvatt: Yes; I can tell you're building on i386, which doesn't have those x86-64 optimisations :)05:59
RAOFThis is why those are marked optional; they're processor-specific.05:59
RAOFIf I were more awesome I'd have provided a patch to ensure they don't get exported.06:00
Sarvatthttp://pastebin.com/JjHks0eS ?06:04
Sarvatti have no idea, just ripped off jcristau's libdrm changes :)06:05
Sarvattwhy have .symbols? libGL doesn't06:06
RAOFBecause .symbols make it easier to detect accidental ABI breakage.06:07
Sarvattwoohoo, she works with my backported cherry-pick commit!06:08
Sarvattneeded that nv50_screen.c change on top of the header06:08
Sarvattjust tested it on a nouveau machine and its working fine06:08
Sarvattbtw I'm going to commit this soon if i dont see any problems with it.. http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/mesa-ccache.patch06:09
Sarvattpain in the butt setting up my ccache symlinks on all these other machines i'm test building on :D06:10
Sarvattguess we should wait for libdrm 2.4.21 to clear debian NEW to upload to ubuntu? :)06:12
Sarvatti want to try building master with your spiffy debian/, to see what files actually get built06:15
lifelessRAOF: what would you say, if I said closing a full screen wine app hard-locks my machine ?06:33
RAOFI'd say that you were lying.  Everyone knows X is perfect.06:34
RAOFI might also consider the X crash that we used to have when closing GLX 1.3 apps, but that's *definitely* been fixed by not allowing GLX 1.3 apps.  Unless you're running Maverick.06:35
lifelessI'm on lucid, nvidia blob06:36
lifelessits 'plants vs zombies', if that helps.06:36
RAOFThat game sounds fun :)06:36
RAOFDebugging the binary drivers is unlikely to be very fruitful.06:37
Sarvattlifeless: tried the wine PPA version?06:37
lifelessSarvatt: In case its glue? Not since I upgraded to lucid; can/will do06:38
RAOFOne of our X PPAs has shiny new binary drivers you could try, too.06:38
Sarvattwhat game/app?06:38
Sarvattmore "fullscreen game X crashes the system!" bugs fixed in each of the 1.2-rc changelogs than I can count lol06:39
Sarvattmerging debian-experimental into ubuntu locally then gonna try that with mesa master06:42
lifelessSarvatt: 'plants vs zombies'06:52
Sarvattis the machine *completely* dead? can you ssh in at all?07:02
Sarvattanything in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old when you reboot about it?07:03
Sarvattlooks like lots of complaints about resolution problems with that game on winehq unless you disable 3D acceleration inside the game07:03
SarvattRAOF: building 7.9 with a merged debian/, will send ya the build log and full file list once its done07:05
m3gai have a bootable usb-key with lucid and I'm trying to boot a tablet device. problem is that the kernel (or possibly X) seems to try to switch the vga mode and screws up the graphics.07:05
m3gais there any way to work around this? i just want a console.07:06
lifelessRAOF: ^ how do you avoid X coming up ?07:12
Sarvattboot with text or single added to the command line and drop splash, hold shift while booting the livecd and press tab at the boot a live session option to edit the command line07:37
Sarvattmost likely you want to add nomodeset also but i have no idea what GPU you have without any more info07:38
SarvattRAOF: so you're replacing i915_dri.so with the gallium one here?07:38
lifelessSarvatt: thanks :)07:55
lifelessSarvatt: I'll pass that on07:55
SarvattRAOF: hmm first change is that debian/tmp/usr/glx/ doesn't exist in 7.9 and thats where some things are installing from like openvg08:00
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alf__Hi all, I just updated maverick and got new X packages that somehow broke fglrx. Is that expected?08:57
alf__Any way I can fix it now?08:58
alf__The strange thing is that it complains: [atiddxSetup] X version mismatch - detected X.org, required
alf__why is X.org detected as
brycehno there is nothing you can do to fix it09:02
alf__great, I 'll just use vesa then :)09:03
brycehif you must have fglrx, either use lucid or wait until maverick beta 109:03
Sarvattdarn net died, anyway looks like some of the problems might just be because i'm not passing --enable-gles-overlay, the es state tracker doesn't exist anymore09:27
Sarvatti dont know why usr/glx/whatever.so is being used instead of usr/lib/glx/whatever.so in the current packaging09:29
Sarvattdebian/tmp/usr/lib is OSMesa and debian/tmp/usr/lib/glx is everything from the confflags-dri target09:32
jcristauSarvatt: to avoid conflicts between the dri libGL and the swx11 libGL09:39
jcristauat dh_install time09:39
Sarvattdoes it matter that the .pc's are screwed up?09:40
Sarvattsome have libdir pointing at /usr/lib/glx in them I mean, and we're installing gl.pc from osmesa instead of the confflags-dri target one in libgl1-mesa-dev09:42
jcristauthe .pc with screwed up libdir is dri.pc where it doesn't matter09:44
Sarvattall of these new .pc's have the messed up libdir's in mesa 7.9 since they're in usr/lib/glx :(09:54
Sarvatthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/448165/ :(09:56
Sarvattany way to install osmesa/swx11+glu stuff, clean then install dri to reuse usr/lib?10:02
jcristaunot easily10:07
Sarvattyeah this looks to be a pain in the butt10:07
Sarvattare the .pc files generated at make install time?10:10
jcristauno, at compile time10:13
Sarvattcus if not we could just not use --libdir=/usr/lib/glx in confflags-dri, seperate out the dri install and make it install that one to debian/tmp/usr/lib/glx and tell it to install those things into usr/lib in the .installs?10:13
jcristauexcept that would require dealing with mesa's build system ;)10:14
jcristaubut if you want to do that, it sounds like a fine plan to me10:15
Sarvatti'll give it a shot10:15
jcristaumight be easier to set DESTDIR to debian/tmp/dri than install to debian/tmp/usr/lib/glx10:16
jcristaubut.  whatever works.10:16
Sarvatt        set -e; for config in $((filterout dri,$(CONFIGS))); do \10:53
Sarvatt                $(MAKE) -C $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/$$config DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp install; \10:53
Sarvatt        done10:53
Sarvatt        $(MAKE) -C $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/dri DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/dri install;10:53
Sarvattsomething like that?10:53
jcristaulooks plausible10:54
Sarvatterr set -e; for config in $($(filterout dri,$(CONFIGS))); do \ ?10:54
* Sarvatt needs to read a make manual10:54
jcristau$(filterout dri, $(CONFIGS))10:57
jcristauno extra $( )10:57
Sarvattany idea if i can just prefix the paths in the .install's with debian/tmp/dri or debian/tmp?11:09
Sarvatti'll dig through the debhelper docs and figure it out11:10
jcristauthe paths there are relative to debian/tmp11:11
jcristauso 'dri/usr/lib/foo usr/lib' should work11:13
Sarvattoh duh was confusing myself, dri is inside debian/tmp so its no problem, i was thinking i was making DESTDIR outside of debian/tmp11:14
Sarvattok trying out this - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/mesa-testing.patch11:50
Sarvatt+ the nouveau patch so it builds against libdrm 2.4.21 but i left that out11:53
Sarvattnot a single arm bug on launchpad with any X logs.. sheesh12:21
Sarvattdarn, this didn't work12:43
Sarvattset -e; for config in ; do \12:50
Sarvatt                /usr/bin/make -C /home/sarvatt/source/mesa-orig/build/$config DESTDIR=/home/sarvatt/source/mesa-orig/debian/tmp install; \12:50
Sarvatt        done12:50
Sarvatt/usr/bin/make -C /home/sarvatt/source/mesa-orig/build/dri DESTDIR=/home/sarvatt/source/mesa-orig/debian/tmp/dri install12:50
Sarvattmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/sarvatt/source/mesa-orig/build/dri'12:50
Sarvattthat variable must have been wrong12:50
Sarvatt        set -e; for config in $(filterout dri, $(CONFIGS)); do \12:51
Sarvattat least i can test this part without rebuilding it all :D12:54
Sarvattits only doing the dri stuff12:54
jcristauit's filter-out12:54
* Sarvatt slaps his forehead12:54
Sarvattyeah i had 3 working directories and pasted it from the first one where i didnt fix that, go me12:55
Sarvattset -e; for config in swx11+glu swx11+glu-static swx11+glu-i386-i686 osmesa osmesa-static osmesa16 osmesa16-static osmesa32 osmesa32-static; do \12:55
Sarvatt/usr/bin/make -C /home/sarvatt/source/mesa-orig/build/$config DESTDIR=/home/sarvatt/source/mesa-orig/debian/tmp install; \12:55
Sarvattnow the question is, are we supposed to use the dri gl.pc or the swx11 one? :)12:58
jcristaudoesn't matter imo13:04
jcristauthe only thing it does is give you -lGL13:04
Sarvattthe Requires.private and Libs.private aren't important? 13:09
SarvattRequires.private: libdrm >= 2.4.15 dri2proto >= 2.1 glproto >= 1.4.11 x11 xext xxf86vm xdamage xfixes Libs.private: -lm -lpthread -ldl     vs    Requires.private: x11 xext Libs.private: -lm -lpthread13:10
Sarvattcould install one each in libgl1-mesa-dev (that pulls in glx) and libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev and have them conflict? talk about asking for trouble :)13:12
kenvandinehas anyone seen the mouse jitter problem in maverick?14:54
kenvandinetrying to search for a bug with that symptom is pretty hard...14:55
kenvandinestarted happening yesterday14:55
Sarvattwhat type of mouse?14:58
Sarvattyou just did a major replacement of every X package yesterday so not surprising it started yesterday :)14:58
Sarvattis it a dell mini?14:59
Sarvattkenvandine: can ya pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log? its possible i screwed up something in the synaptics merge, or you dont have synaptics installed and are using evdev :)15:00
kenvandineSarvatt, actually i did some digging in my dpkg.log and saw that xserver-xorg-input-mouse got removed15:12
kenvandineshould it have been removed?15:12
kenvandineok... 15:13
kenvandinei do have a synaptics touchpad15:13
kenvandinebut bratsche saw the same thing using vmware15:13
Sarvattno it shouldn't have been removed I dont think, xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse is in xserver-xorg-input-all and depends on xserver-xorg-input-mouse15:14
kenvandinei am not sure if that got removed for him15:15
kenvandinei am not using vmware and seeing the same problem15:15
Sarvattkenvandine: do you have xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed?15:16
Sarvattbecause you're using evdev there15:16
kenvandinei just installed it again...15:16
Sarvattyeah thats why, you accepted a partial upgrade and it broke things15:16
kenvandinethat also got removed yesterday15:16
kenvandinedamn dist-upgrade!15:17
Sarvattsudo apt-get install xorg xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg just incase :)15:18
Sarvattyeah the breaks: on xserver-xorg-core were doing all kinds of nasty things like that for me too, it'd offer upgrading xserver-xorg-dev and xserver-common and stuff while holding back on xserver-xorg-core because of the breaks, but after you did that there was all kinds of breakage15:20
Sarvattlucky you dont have nvidia, you still would have things broken :)15:21
kenvandineSarvatt, thx!15:22
Sarvattno worries, sorry about the trouble, neither me nor RAOF can upload to main! :D15:23
Sarvattit took me about 3 hours to do the whole transition in a PPA but that was nonstop uploading and dropping ubuntu changes :)15:24
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jgSarvatt, RAOF: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28070 seems to have settled down to a minimal patch. Probably time to try it for real, if you can get me an image.16:12
ubot4Freedesktop bug 28070 in Driver/intel "[Arrandale] No output (black) on eDP" [Major,New]16:12
tseliotSarvatt: BTW I don't know if any other driver apart from nvidia 195 works with kernel 2.6.3516:16
Sarvattyeah they dont, but xserver-xorg-core breaks: xserver-xorg-video-6 so peoples package managers are all kinds of screwed up if they have it installed. i dont think nvidia-currrent should be providing an abi even since it works with multiple ones?16:18
Sarvatttseliot: btw wait until you see the fun nvidia had packaging up the 256 series! 16:19
Sarvatteverythings in one directory now16:19
tseliotSarvatt: I'm not sure about not providing an ABI with nvidia. It's not guaranteed to work with the new X ABI either16:20
tseliotSarvatt: yes, I know about about the new driver but I've been too busy with my OEM work to even think about packaging it16:20
Sarvattit works with 4 or 5 abi's and its just the package manager stopping people at the moment is all i was thinking16:21
Sarvatttseliot: well its mostly done in x-updates if you ever go to mess with it, could probably use a bit of refinement :)16:22
* ripps is building new version of wacom-dkms, doesn't require any xorg-dev files to work.16:22
rippsuploading to ppa:ripps818/wacom16:23
SarvattlibGL in /usr/bin does work now too, i hacked up a nvidia blob to test it out and am going to try to get the mesa side done16:23
Sarvattripps: yeah dont ship the X driver from linuxwacom, xf86-input-wacom is what you want to use you just need the kernel module16:23
tseliotSarvatt: to put back the mesa libraries where they used to be?16:24
tseliotalso it's good to know that there's a package for that driver, I'll have a look at it16:24
tseliot(when I have the time)16:24
rippsSarvatt: actually, it just because configure won't finish without them. So, instead, I have all the xorg-dev stuff as build-depends and I run configure while it's building the package on launchpad. When someone installs the package from the ppa, they will only need dkms and linux-headers-generic to build the module16:27
jcristaushouldn't the kernel stuff use kconfig instead of configure anyway?16:28
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bjsniderSarvatt, a shared lib in /usr/bin?17:40
Sarvatti meant /usr/lib17:41
bjsniderok, that makes more sense17:49
apwSarvatt, hey did you manage to sort out my xorg-edgers membership?17:50
Sarvattapw: yeah fixed ya up right when ya ask, did I not say anything? sorry man!17:54
apwSarvatt, missed it, thanks man17:55
Sarvattoh yeah speaking of membership renewal..17:56
Sarvattbdmurray: any chance I could get my bugcontrol membership renewed? got a mail saying it was expiring soon17:57
bdmurraySarvatt: what is your launchpad id?17:58
Sarvattbdmurray: appreciate it!17:59
Sarvattthanks :)17:59
bdmurraySarvatt: thank you for helping out!18:00
Sarvattthere has *got* to be a better way to manage 1 silly libGL.so.1 symlink. I have the GL stuff from nvidia-current, nvidia-173 and mesa all installed in /usr/lib at the same time and thats the only conflict18:00
rippsI remember somebody here talking about using appmenu in Maverick. Well, according to maverick-changes, someone added just that.18:02
Sarvattprobably me the other day, i was trying to run with a mix of ppa and archive packages and not having any luck :D18:03
rippsOkay, can someone help me figure this out. There's something wrong with my wacom-dkms packag in ppa:ripps818/wacom. For some reason, it's not adding the module build directory to the make -C called by dkms. It might be because I'm running the ./configure in launchpad, but I can't figure this out.19:38
rippsI'm thinking it might be impossible to keep the -dev files out of this. Since it seems that it's required to run configure locally.19:45
rippsHmm.... maybe I could just patche the configure so that it doesn't try to look for the xorg wacom driver dependencies19:46
alkisgI've a laptop with intel 945 which is misteriously broken, with Lucid or Vista it's only showing some broken lines in the first 30-40 pixels of the screen. Completely unusable.19:51
alkisgIt works fine with Intrepid though! And it also works fine with vesa.19:51
alkisgIs there any way to use the Intrepid intel module on the Lucid kernel? Or to downgrade the kernel? I wouldn't want to always stick to Intrepid...19:51
rippsOkay, I think I see whats wrong with my wacom-dkms. When I build it in pbuilder, it passes kernel source properly to configure. But, on launchpad, even though it install all the linux-headers packages, configure isn't able to find the linux source directory.19:56
rippsthis dumb, I shouldn't need a bunch of xserver development code just compile a kernel module that doesn't even use it.20:02
alkisgAh, it seems that the older versions (8.10 and 9.04) use the "intelfb" module, while 10.04 uses the "i915" module, and fails.20:17
alkisgCan I force the use of the intelfb module on lucid?20:18
jcristauyou shouldn't ever have used intelfb20:19
alkisgjcristau: it's some weird hardware/driver problem20:20
alkisgIt's also there on vista. But 8.10 and 9.04 work fine20:20
alkisgWill passing video=intelfb as a kernel parameter do it?20:20
alkisgAh, it seems that I misread "have used" with "have to use"20:21
alkisglspci -vv on 9.04 tells me that intelfb is used20:21
Sarvattoh yuck, debian/nvidia_supported in that 256.29 doesn't work right and only generates a tiny modalias file20:32
bjsnidermaybe hte file it scans has changed20:32
Sarvattnope, just checked, it just makes a tiny one with about 15 cards in it20:33
bjsniderthere's something else that wasn't in the changelog20:33
Sarvattfile is right, i did it by hand20:33
Sarvatt# This is a nasty kluge, but it seems to work. Better check the output when20:34
Sarvatt# upgrading to a new release of the nvidia driver, though.20:34
bjsniderwhat is a kluge?20:35
bjsnidermaybe the file location is different20:35
Sarvattit's not, i'm doing it by hand and its the same as its making at build time20:38
Sarvatt(thats the script)20:49
alkisgThe difference I see is in lspci -vv: Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 report "intelfb" there, and work fine. Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04 report "i915" there, and do not work.20:58
alkisgIs it possible to use the "intelfb" kernel module in Lucid? If not, I'll just uninstall it and install Jaunty instead...20:58
alkisgUgh, google says that "intelfb is blacklisted on lucid"...21:00
alkisgHmm I'll try blacklisting i915 and whitelisting intelfb - if that doesn't work, I'll just install jaunty.21:01
alkisgUrm, I don't even see an intelfb module in Lucid. OK, installing Jaunty instead...21:08
keeshm, shouldn't Xorg be installable now?21:18
keesI can't seem to install 1.821:18
keesThe following packages have unmet dependencies:21:18
kees  xserver-xorg-core: Breaks: xserver-xorg-video-621:18
keesE: Broken packages21:18
jcristauwhat driver?21:20
keesI have intel21:21
jcristaushould be ok then, afaik..21:21
keesI'm trying to sort out apt's clues on this, but it makes no sense.21:21
keesdist-upgrade wants to hold everything back.  explicit install of -core fails as above21:22
rippsokay, I think I *really* have wacom-dkms working. I made a custom makefile using 'uname -r' instead of the one generated by configure.21:25
Sarvattkees: what do you have providing xserver-xorg-video-6?21:30
Sarvatti'm going to guess virtualbox OSE21:30
Sarvatthmm then again that would be providing input-7 too21:31
Sarvattkees: do you have an nvidia driver maybe? if you open up synaptic you can search for provides: xserver-xorg-video-6, i never could find a way to search from the command line21:32
keesSarvatt: I'll try that.  what's weird is that aptitude can do the dist-upgrade, but doesn't show anything Xish being removed21:33
Sarvatti wouldn't do it, it'll upgrade one of the metapackages and put you in a screwed up state where it thinks everythings broken21:34
Sarvattweird though, wonder what you got providing that still21:35
jcristaui'm trying to get rid of the need for conflicts/breaks on x upgrades...21:35
keesthe only thing that shows up is xserver-xorg-video-apm which I don't have installed21:35
keesif I search for -7, I get lots of hits.21:36
jcristau7 is the current abi21:36
Sarvatthow about xserver-xorg-input-7?21:36
keesnothing there21:37
jcristauthat makes no sense..21:37
jcristauapt error messages are cryptic sometimes21:38
Sarvattsudo apt-get install xorg xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-all install anything?21:38
kees  xserver-xorg: Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:1.8) but 2:1.7.6-2ubuntu7 is to be installed21:38
kees  xserver-xorg-input-all: Depends: xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse but it is not going to be installed21:38
keesbut apt-cache policy shows 1.8 available21:38
Sarvattsudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-mouse fix it?21:39
kees  xserver-xorg-input-mouse: Depends: xorg-input-abi-9.021:39
kees                            Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:1.8) but it is not going to be installed21:39
jcristauapt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse?21:40
jcristauime if you add the packages it complains about one by one you eventually reach a useful error message21:41
keessame error, but I'll try21:41
jcristauah yeah add -core21:41
keesyeah, back to square one.21:42
keesafter this: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse xserver-xorg-input-wacom xserver-xorg-input-mouse xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-nv xserver-xorg-video-tseng xserver-xorg-video-i128 xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-video-s3 xserver-xorg-video-mach64 xserver-xorg-video-cirrus xserver-xorg-video-mga xserver-xorg-video-tdfx xserver-xorg-video-r128 xserv21:42
keesI get:21:42
keesThe following packages have unmet dependencies:21:43
kees  xserver-xorg-core: Breaks: xserver-xorg-video-621:43
keesE: Broken packages21:43
keesand aptitude says it'll do that install ... bug in apt?21:43
Sarvattsudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-cirrus && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? :)21:44
SarvattProvides: xserver-xorg-video-621:45
SarvattPackage: xserver-xorg-video-cirrus21:45
SarvattVersion: 1:1.3.2-1ubuntu121:45
keesthat didn't seem to do it, it still wants to hold it back21:45
jcristaubad apt.21:46
jcristaui blame mvo :)21:46
Sarvattok last try before i'm stumped21:49
Sarvattpurge xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-all21:49
keesPackage xserver-xorg-video-all is not installed, so not removed21:50
keesPackage xserver-xorg-input-all is not installed, so not removed21:50
keeshere are all the things I have installed for video-6 currently:21:50
keesxserver-xorg-video-v4l xserver-xorg-video-s3virge xserver-xorg-video-openchrome xserver-xorg-video-vmware xserver-xorg-video-radeon xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-tdfx xserver-xorg-video-r128 xserver-xorg-video-mga xserver-xorg-video-i128 xserver-xorg-video-s3 xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-video-mach64 xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-tseng21:50
keesbased on /var/lib/dpkg/status21:50
Sarvattcan you just install video-all? :)21:50
Sarvattopenchrome is providing video-6 too, that needs a rebuild :(21:51
Sarvattv4l was dropped21:51
keescan't install video-all, going one-by-one in the -6 list now, trying to purge stuff where there's no new version21:52
Sarvattoh man, I was looking at provides: on a lucid machine.... :\21:53
Sarvattall of those you listed are abi 721:55
keeseven fbdev.  wtf21:57
Sarvatttried just installing input-all? :)21:59
Sarvatti'm sure that gets stuck on vmmouse21:59
keeswill try that in a moment, purging all but -intel now21:59
Sarvattdid you remove the metapackages on your own before or did you try upgrading when things were broken to get this way?21:59
Sarvattupgrading while it was broken removed video/input all for me every time21:59
keesnot sure.  the -alls might have gone away for me during lucid.  :P22:00
keesooooh, got to an installable state22:01
keessudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-video-nv22:01
keesthat will let me install.22:02
keesmakes me think this is an apt bug somehow22:02
keespurging xserver-xorg-video-nv seemed to do the trick.22:03
keesthanks for all the help!22:04
Sarvattthats the exact same one that got me stuck 3 times22:05
Sarvattbut i thought it was my own packaging fault because I hacked it up locally22:06
Sarvattso something that gets installed when xserver-xorg-core is in a broken has problems with something about nv22:14
Sarvatti think you lucked out that nvidia-current isn't built against the new video abi yet because when i was in that exact situation it kept installing it when i had one that was :)22:28

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