
gichityHello all. When trying to install ubuntustudio from an alternate DVD on hard disk. After i have successfully partitioned and intending to install ubuntustudio i get a "Debootstrap error.. Failed to determine the codename for release". What is the solution?06:44
gichitymeant *am trying to install ubuntu studio not when06:44
mothersofinventiI can listen to MIDI normally using timidity through command line, I simply don't understand why don't I hear a sound when it comes to rosegarden. some problem related to jack, perhaps?08:23
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
rvchilagood afternoom19:58
abstraktrvchila: yup it is20:00
rvchilahow is going on ?20:01
astraljavaabstrakt: Btw. I am presently installing from a USB stick created from an alternate install .iso, so Ubuntu Studio might work out the same.20:06
abstraktastraljava: ?20:07
astraljavaabstrakt: :D20:07
abstraktastraljava: i can make live USB images out of the regular installers20:07
abstraktbut i haven't been able to get a live usb of studio to work for me20:07
abstraktof course i haven't tried doing anything more than using Fedora LiveUSB Creator20:07
astraljavaabstrakt: Ahh... then I _totally_ misunderstood you in the first place. :) Sorry.20:07
abstraktworks like a charm for vanilla 9.10 and 10.04 discs20:07
abstraktin fact i just did a LiveUSB install of 10.04 last night20:08
astraljavaabstrakt: Somehow my {eyes|mind} left out the 'live' part. :D20:08
abstraktastraljava: yeh i duno if there's some other stoftware for creating non-live USB images, maybe20:09
abstraktastraljava: i mean, the Ubuntu live images let you either run the installer or run the live OS20:09
abstrakttake your pick20:09
abstrakti just ran the installer, worked fine20:09
abstraktbut the alternate ones are text-based installer only20:09
abstraktno live20:09
astraljavaOk. Understood.20:09
holsteinhey guys21:02
holsteincheck out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuServerFlashDriveInstaller21:02
holsteinFireCrotch posted that the other day in here21:02
holsteinsaid that a bootable USB stick was made to install ubuntustudio from that same tutorial21:03
* holstein has not tried it yet21:03
holsteinastraljava abstrakt ^^21:03
abstraktholstein: awesome thanks21:04
abstraktholstein: for now it appears that i don't really need the defacto studio distribution21:04
abstraktholstein: i just installed 10.04 64 bit (regular, not studio) last night21:04
abstraktand it works great actually21:04
holsteini think i still prefer that21:05
abstraktholstein: actually i basically solved my problem twice over. for one, i bought a 100' ethernet cable so i'm not even using the wireless card21:05
holsteinthe upgade method21:05
abstraktso there won't be any conflicts with restricted drivesr21:05
holsteinabstrakt: nice21:05
abstraktbut i also21:05
abstraktfigured out that i don't need the RT kernel :)21:05
holsteinand the speed and relaibility is better with a wire too21:05
abstraktor at least figured out how to get away with not using the RT kernel21:05
abstraktholstein: yeah actually latency is lower21:05
holsteinif you dont need it, you dont ned it21:05
abstraktindeed, apparently i don't21:06
holsteini need it21:06
abstraktholstein: oh? what do you use it for then?21:06
holsteinwith my interface and my set-up21:06
holsteini get MUCH better latency21:06
holsteinand no xruns21:06
abstraktholstein: which interface?21:06
holsteinpresonus firepod21:07
abstraktholstein: oh21:07
abstraktyou don't really need the RT kernel for that though do you?21:07
abstraktjust for the firepod21:07
holsteinnot really21:07
abstrakti have a firepod21:07
abstraktit has the headphone/line out21:07
holsteinjust to get low latency21:07
abstraktwhich is zero latency21:07
holsteinwhen overdubbing21:07
abstraktyeh but the monitor outs are zero latency21:07
holsteinand no xruns21:07
abstraktbut ardour already accounts for the latency21:07
holsteintracking 8 tracks at once21:07
abstraktand moves your tracks into place for you21:07
holsteinabstrakt: so im told21:08
abstraktyou don't use ardour?21:08
holsteinBUT i get no lag with softsynths either21:08
* holstein uses ardour21:08
holsteinand i usually mix with a lower latency setting21:08
holsteinBUT now, i can use rakarrack for real-time effects21:09
holsteinwith out any lag21:09
holsteinand MIDI too21:09
abstraktyou mean jackrack?21:10
abstrakti'm not sure how mixing with a "lower latency setting" means anything21:11
abstraktanyway, i do all my monitoring through the headphone jack, which is zero latency21:11
holsteinabstrakt: i meant a higher latency21:11
holsteinmore relaxed settings to mix21:11
holsteinbecause the lag doesnt matter so much21:11
abstraktare you playing a physical/outboard/hardware MIDI keyboard?21:11
holsteinrakarrack is kinda like jackrack in a way21:12
abstraktcuz if you are, you don't need jack midi21:12
holsteinits nice21:12
abstraktyou should just use ALSA midi21:12
holsteinabstrakt: yeah, i know, but i like to route with JACK while im using the synths21:12
abstraktcuz otherwise your midi will be stuck on whatever latency jack audio is stuck with21:12
holsteinand it works well21:12
abstraktholstein: route the MIDI with jack while you're using the synths?21:12
abstraktcuz you can still route the jack audio21:12
holsteini think thats how im doing it21:13
holsteini just route it in Qjack21:13
holsteinand i think thats just a connections bay for that right?21:13
abstraktholstein: do you have 'seq' selected under MIDI in qjackctl ?21:13
holsteinid have to look21:14
abstraktyeah you don't need to have jack running in order to use the ALSA connection stuff21:14
holsteinit 'just worked'21:14
abstraktALSA midi that is21:14
holsteinand i didnt mess with it21:14
abstraktthere's three tabs in the connections21:14
rvchilaanyone know when ardour 3 will be realeased ?21:14
abstraktALSA, MIDI, and Audio21:14
abstraktrvchila: ask #ardour21:14
abstraktrvchila: the answer is "don't ask when ardour 3 will be released"21:14
holsteinand my MIDI connections that i use are under the ALSA tab21:14
rvchilawhy ?21:14
abstraktholstein: oh ok well then you're fine21:14
holsteinabstrakt: COOL :)21:15
abstraktholstein: and you probably don't need the RT kernel21:15
holsteinprobably not21:15
holsteinbut thats how i role :)21:15
abstraktholstein: you can still use the JACK MIDI to route MIDI from application to application21:15
abstraktholstein: for which there is zero latency21:15
abstraktholstein: for hardware though you want to do it with ALSA21:15
abstraktotherwise you'll be stuck on whatever latency jack audio is on21:15
holsteinrvchila: i dont know if there is an offical date yet21:15
holsteindid you check the site?21:16
abstraktholstein: so like if you want to connect e.g. rosegarden to hexter21:16
holsteini think theres an alpha or beta of ardour 3.x21:16
rvchilayes, there is a svn version21:16
abstraktholstein: using JACK, there will be zero latency, because it's software-to-software21:16
abstraktrvchila: yeah there's a beta21:16
abstraktrvchila: basically Ardour 3 has MIDI support21:16
abstraktdunno what all kind of midi support it has, but it has it21:16
rvchilafor this reason i would like it21:16
abstraktrvchila: but there's already rosegarden21:16
abstraktso in a way it's almost redundant21:17
abstraktwe'll see though, i have faith that las will make it good21:17
rvchilai have seriously problems with rosegarden ( sorry i´m spanish and i don´t know much english enough )21:17
holsteinrvchila: theres an interview with paul davis at..21:17
holsteinits been a while though21:17
rvchilamy rosegarden crash every time i load it21:17
holsteini hate to talk about another distro here21:18
abstraktholstein: try it without the RT kernel :)21:18
holsteinbut the musix guys are mostly spanish speaking21:18
rvchilatraverso or qtractor, they need, for me, a stretch21:18
abstraktholstein: i had issues with rosegarden crashing also21:18
* holstein too21:19
abstrakti'll try to double confirm whether or not this is still an issue for me tonight21:19
rvchilabut i mean in the first moment when i load21:19
* holstein would trust an ardour beta release though21:19
holsteinthose guys are ACTIVE21:19
rvchilajust i click rosegarden, and crash, i have to kill this pid21:19
abstraktyeah they are active21:19
abstraktrvchila: are you on ubuntu studio?21:19
rvchilayep, exactly 10.0421:20
abstraktrvchila: 9.10? 10.04? 32 bit? 64 bit?21:20
rvchila64 bits21:20
rvchilawith rt kernel21:20
abstraktrvchila: try it without the RT kernel21:20
* abstrakt actually can't see a reason that the RT kernel is useful anymore ... :/21:20
rvchilai will try21:20
rvchilabut first i will have to learn how is work ardour21:21
abstraktrvchila: i was using it for MIDI, but apparently it's better to just use ALSA for MIDI21:21
holsteinthe RT kernel crashes quite a few things i think21:21
abstraktholstein: yeah it does21:21
abstraktyeah it crashes zyn for sure21:21
abstraktand rosegarden21:21
rvchilayou mean rt kernel on ubuntu 10.04 ?21:21
abstraktrvchila: i mean any RT kernel21:22
holsteinthe RT kernel in gerneral21:22
abstraktrvchila: the RT kernel is not specific to ubuntu21:22
rvchilafor example, on 9.10 i hadn´t got problems21:22
abstraktrvchila: fedora has an RT kernel available in Planet CCRMA21:22
abstraktrvchila: 9.10 32 bit? 64 bit? 9.10 with the rt kernel? non-rt kernel?21:22
rvchila9,10 64 bits with rt kernel21:22
rvchilai just did the upgrade21:22
abstraktrvchila: did you do an "upgrade" or did you do a full/fressh install?21:23
rvchilai will try to install normal kernel21:24
abstraktrvchila: ahh, i always do a fresh install21:26
rvchilabut will i have to change the limits conf ?21:26
rvchilain case i use the normal kernel stuff ?21:26
abstraktno those limit clauses don't affect anything21:27
abstraktif you're not running RT anyway21:27
abstraktit just gives your user *permission* to run as realtime21:27
abstraktdoesn't mean you are or have to run realtime21:27
rvchilaok, understood21:28

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