
judgenHi, how do i end all power savings measures in xfce... it pisses me off to hafve to ask the nurse to move the mouse every now and then to let me continue to watch the browns.00:13
judgenwow this chanel is dead..00:44
knomejudgen, no, this channel is for user support, and because xubuntu is so perfect, nobody has anything to ask!00:56
knomejudgen, anyway, check applications » settings » settings manager » power manager00:58
judgencant find it knome01:29
judgenwell i find the power manager.01:29
judgenbut i cant disable the screen from going black when i do notthing for a while01:30
judgeni must say though, that i love thunar01:31
ShyOk. I have a question. What exactly do I need to install xubuntu on a flash drive?03:49
judgenShy, an answer is slow to come04:19
judgenbut i would say, start with installing the netboot install+ eventual drivers if you need them.04:20
judgenafter that you just use "sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop"04:21
judgenthen you have a xubuntu on a stick04:21
Shyhrm ok thx :)04:21
judgenShy,  this channel is very slow, and i am happy to have atleast done some good,04:28
Shyhehehe, well I dont want to burst your bubble or anything but I dont quite know what you mean by anything you said. I downloaded netboot; thats as far as I got.04:28
judgenwhen the channel heats up though, it would be alot faster.04:29
judgenonly me not afk at the moment04:29
ShyDoes the channel ever heat up?04:29
judgendo you have an iso called nerboot.iso or simial ~12mb04:29
judgenor in american english approchisomething04:30
ShyThe only files I have that I know I need so far are...04:30
Shyunetbootin-windows-471.exe , and xubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso04:30
judgenoh, you have a booted xubuntu usb stick?04:31
judgenno that is not right04:31
judgenjust download the, wiat ill url you.04:31
ShyI am on windows right now. I want to put xubuntu on usb thing. xD04:32
Shyand I am total noob, I hope that clarifies everything that you need to know to help me lmao04:32
judgendo you have an spare blank cd-r disk or do you intend to install it from within something else?04:33
ShyI have a cd-r if I need one04:33
judgenalso do you have a recent computer that supports 64bit (since about 1999 opteron and later, and intel: almost there but stil needed since 1009)04:34
Shywhy would the computer need 64 bit?04:35
judgenOne last question would be, and this is important!: Are you usgin a wireless network to INSTALL the sytem.04:35
judgenfor the 64bit version it would, but im just making sure.04:36
judgento give you the correct link04:36
ShyI do, have a system, but I want to be able to move the 'system' from machine to machine04:36
Shyand no to the wireless04:36
judgenDo you have a non-wireless system that has broadband connection (this will not hamper your current installation)04:37
judgenif it is 64bit, http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso04:37
Shyif I use that, will any computer be able to use the xubuntu installtion?04:38
judgenbot from the cd, and partition the usb drive like you would a regular hard drive04:38
judgeninstall (would take about 10 min if you are using US cable or faster)04:39
judgenafter that just issue the command after login "sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop" and you will have the entire xubuntu on your flash drive.04:40
judgenDo not create a swap partition though, that will waste your write cycles.04:40
Shywhats a swap partition?04:41
judgenmake only a / partition of it all04:41
judgenyou wil have to raly on the ram on the host computer instead.04:41
judgenyou dont have to worry about thatm as you will be using the curses install, just make the entire space /04:41
judgen.     / is like the mase of the filesystem, like the windows equivalent of %systembase%04:43
judgenbasic directory*04:43
judgendamn im drunk, i cant even spell.04:43
Shy~cough~ your starting to confuse me and still didnt asnwer my other question04:43
Shy<judgen> if it is 64bit, http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso04:43
Shy<Shy> if I use that, will any computer be able to use the xubuntu installtion?04:43
ShyOk. lmao04:44
Shynot just x64?!?!04:44
judgenafter the isnstall just make sure you write the grub loader to the USB drive and you will be fine04:44
ShyIm going to print this just incase I forget all that lmao04:45
judgenthe x32 mahines will not run the x64 version, no.04:45
ShyI need a version that will allow alllllll the machines to run this04:45
judgenaaah let me url it for you.04:45
judgenthaqt 12mb iso only include wired networking drivers. so untill you install the xubuntu package: you dont have wireless... just wnt to let you know that.04:46
ShyI dont need wireless right away04:46
judgenShy, http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso is the url for the x32 version04:47
judgenand it runs on pretty much anything that isnt completley strange04:47
Shyhrm k04:47
judgenShy, do you install on the computer that you are running at the moment, or are you able to chat to me through the process if you have any problems?04:48
ShyUhm if I can install using a virtual machine, onto a physical usb thing, then i can chat with you04:49
Shyotherwise prob not04:49
Shyill try using virtualbox04:49
judgenthat would be preferable.04:49
judgenAlso the BIOS of hte machine you are booting from must be 2003 or older. since good usb2 speeds are not available before that and also your bios must support the notion of booting from usb (wich most of them do)04:51
judgenim too retarded at he momen04:51
judgennewer than 2003 i ment04:51
Shythats to use the thing right?04:51
judgenand that means working with OHCI and thus intel's version is a bit later...04:52
judgenyes you still have to have boot order in the bios to boot from it.04:52
judgenpretty simple.04:53
judgenmy little:est sister (25 years younger than me) can do it, so i guess you can to =D04:53
ShyYeah, but dont forget I am being directed by a drunk guy.04:54
judgenyeah that does not help.. atleast not much04:54
judgenAtleast im trying =D04:54
judgenwhen you boot it should be recognized and you should just pick it as / and then after install you should just run "sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop" and you will be fin04:55
judgenjust make sure during the colourful install that you write the bootloader to you usb drive and NOT to your current HDD drive..04:56
Shyok sooo04:57
ShyI started the virtual system with the iso in it.04:57
judgenok nice04:57
Shyi got a  black and white or grey screen saying04:57
Shyiso linux04:57
Shyblah blah04:57
Shythen boot: _04:57
ShyWhat now?04:57
judgenwrite cli>press enter>04:57
judgencommand line interface04:58
Shytrying to do the keyboard thing04:59
judgen? keybard thing?04:59
Shyyeah. i selected langauge05:00
Shythen it asked me to select keyboard05:00
judgenjust pick en-uk you can edit htat later if you want. it is just for the installation05:00
Shyok. it wants me to configure the network05:01
Shydoes it matter what hostname i put?05:01
judgenpick the correct timezone though to get better speeds on the net downloads05:01
judgenmy computers hostnames are all decepticons from the animated series05:01
judgeni have been doing that since 1987 and i wont change it onw =D05:02
Shywell i guess its doing something05:02
Shyit looked like it was downloading something05:02
Shyor such05:02
Shyand now its blue screen05:03
Shywith grey bar at bottom05:03
Shywith some black05:03
judgenkinda brings my programming skills to a bba moment... but yeah.05:03
judgenyeah the speed depends on your internet connection05:03
Shy..couldnt I of just used the iso I downloaded via the torrent?05:03
judgeni run at a 1000/1000mbit univ system so i dont personaly have to bother with bandwith.05:04
ShyOk you are just bragging now.05:04
judgena little, but not the pint.05:04
Shynow it wants me to configure that clock.05:05
judgenpick your timezone. it IS important.05:05
Shyand it guessed right.05:05
ShyOk now it says partition disks05:06
judgenthe god part about this install is that you dont HAVE to install xubuntu-desktop. You can install just whaqt you need.05:06
judgenpick "ALL" of it ti be /05:06
judgenNO swap or your flash drive will die05:07
ShyUhm what method should I do?05:07
Shyguided - use entire?05:07
judgenjust as it does when you use xp on a flash05:07
judgentake it all and make it ext4 if possible or reiserfs if you use alot of vermy small files05:08
judgenand by small i mean 8kb or less.05:08
Shywhat does configure iscsi volumes mean?05:09
ShyI have 3 options.05:09
Shyguided partitioning05:09
Shythe one with the virtual hard drive05:09
judgendont bother, if you can find the usb drive it is all good05:09
ShyI cant.05:09
ShyIt dont see it listed05:09
judgenare you using vmware?05:09
judgenhmmm. i havent tried VT out that muich. but i know it lacks some basic stuff in the ground. You could thy booting from the cd and run the process all the way untill partitioning to srr if you get signal ( eargerly waiting for an aybabtu reference)05:11
judgenthus you will not ruin anything at all05:12
judgenas it wont touch your data05:12
Shyhrm k05:12
judgenOr if you have ubuntu allready installed, i think there is an app for making slow and crappy usb drives =P05:13
judgenjust kidding, it is decent atleast05:13
judgenbtw i forgot to ask how large is your usb stick, AND does it follow standards so that it can be booted from?05:14
* Shy shrugs05:15
ShyNo idea.05:15
ShyIts a brand name..05:15
Shysan disk05:15
Shycruzer micro or something05:15
ShyWell. I found out why It didnt show up.05:16
judgensandisk are usually very god at following standards and doing it well.05:16
ShyVirtualbox says "state: unsupported"05:17
judgenunless you bought it as a part of a compq sale05:17
Shywhen i click the little usb thing05:17
judgenyes becaus you can not still runa proper x64 system in vt in either paralells or vmware.05:18
judgeneven though the host is 6bit05:18
Shybut its not x64 system im trying to run05:18
judgenreiterate the åroblem of late.... i am very very drunk05:20
Shyjust wondering, how old are you?05:20
ShyAh ok :)05:20
judgendoes  that matter?05:21
ShyNo :P I just wanted to be able to picture the fake you in my head at the right age.05:21
ShyI was picturing you like 50 or something, and it was quite amusing. Now its a little bit more realistic05:22
judgenfake or fate?05:22
judgenoh i am sorry, english is also my fifth language.05:22
ShyWhere do you live, hahaha :D05:23
Shylmao. figures.05:23
ShyAll the tech savy irc people are from there :P05:23
judgenI speak Pijt, Swedish, noregian, german and english as first languages... most paople only do three or so.05:24
judgennah they arent. the gods of coding is usually invisible, but from germany,05:25
judgen'garmany has surpassed china in exports now... im kinda scared =D05:26
Shy:O really?05:26
judgenwhat happened last time germany was the largest... nap wars, ww1,ww2 and so om.05:27
judgenthe us has 1/13th of german exports now... the trade differentiates have never been bigger.05:28
judgenOh i ment in revenue NOT in tonnage.05:28
judgenThere so muc i love about the americans, (especially the people) but why cant  a ton be just that.... nooo ab imperial ton is 900kilo's adn decimal  when rest of the world uses 1ton is 1ton=1000kg=1000000g and so on05:30
judgenin tonnage the US OWNS germany bu about 2/3s05:31
judgenI blame the brittish05:31
judgenthe americans woul be using the metric system if sweden still held delaware and france the lui's territoies.05:32
Shystandard all the way05:33
judgenThe US prooved with out a doubt that colonization is good.05:33
judgenStandards are good05:34
judgenthe only reason that imp system of measurements still lives is because of the US.. Even the country that it originated from is abandoning it and claiming it  silly and incomprehensible.05:35
judgenI mean who knows how many liters there is to a hogshead05:36
judgenor how many km there is to a furlong...05:36
judgeni just dont get it.05:36
Shyhow many miles are in a km?05:36
judgenthere is 1.6km in a km05:37
judgenhow many miles in a metric mile?05:37
ShyDont confuse me.05:37
judgena imp mile is 1.6, is what i ment to say05:38
judgenhow many miles on a metric mile?05:38
ShyI think someone had a little bit much to drink, and should prob consider going to bed, dont you think judgen?05:38
judgenyes i will leave it if you can answer the question =)05:39
oreni got GeForce 6200. i installed glx-180 and glx-185. when running nvidia-setting i am told i don't use nvidia X driver and advice me to install nvidia-xconfig but I can't find this package. advice?05:39
judgenoren, just try alktering the xorg05:39
judgenShy, so, how many miles does it take to make a metric mile=05:40
orenjudgen: i never had to do that in the past and i don't know what to change.05:40
oreni also want to have support for 2 monitores,05:41
Shywhats  a metric mile?05:41
judgenoren, what resolution are you using as main05:41
Shya km?05:41
judgenoren,  i had the same problem, so i fixed it.05:41
judgenShy, no05:41
judgena metric mile is 10km05:42
orenjudgen: i don't know. one is 29", the other 1505:42
judgeneverything is decimal... lol05:42
judgenoren, i ment resolution05:42
Shyx.x ok well im going to bed. Thanks for the help judgen. Dont confuse oren too much with your drunkness.05:42
judgenShy, have a lovely night05:43
Shyu 205:43
orenjudgen: i don't know05:43
judgenoren, my attention span is kinda limited due to a large amount of alcohol. but i'll do my best.05:44
orenjudgen: (-:05:45
judgenoren, could you run "nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:46
judgenand check if there is anything strrange05:47
judgenotherwise, tell me your resolution, your gfx chip amd your screen and i could probablt write an xorg .cong for ye.05:48
orenjudgen: before we dive into xorg, don't we want to make sure i have the relevant packages? this desktop worked with 2 monitors all the time. i recently install lubuntu lucid and that's where i had this issue.05:49
judgenI have to leave.. i fell on my girlfriend and now she wants carnal relations,,, i cant help you any more,05:52
judgenmy mail is judgen@gmail.com and judge@googledev.com05:53
orenjudgen: ok, no worries..05:54
judgeni'll help you tomorrow, but my drunkeness will do more bad than marm at this pinot.05:54
judgenIf she gets pregnaint again, i promis i will get a visectomy... and i leave you with those wise words. LOL05:55
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
pogI just tryed a 10.04 live cd on a sony vaio vgn S1xp.  It's strange that a application is flickering and opening and closing an application. I didn't find which process I have to stop or kill.15:49
pogI killed X-Session, but the next start had the same behavior. But I could open a terminal, and release a command (while the other prozess opened an closes Windows)15:51
ancariushello everyone17:50
ancariuscan anybody help me?17:50
ancariusso...i downloaded ubuntu just now, tried booting off the CD but it wouldn't load. the sucker freezes on me at the loading screen17:51
ancariusany ideas why?17:51
ancariusi'm running off an MSI dual core laptop17:51
ancariustried both the x86 and x64 distros17:52
ancariusand probably should mention that i already have windows on it17:53
charlie-tcaat what loading screen?18:06
charlie-tcaDo the dots quit flashing?18:06
charlie-tcadid it pass the cd integrity check?18:06
razer*sorry....my net froze up18:27
razeryes, the dots quit flashing18:28
razeri get 5 out of 6 dots18:28
razerand my cooler whirls up so i'm guessing it18:28
razerit's eating up my CPU18:28
razerhas anybody else had this error? did anyone find a solution? i found a remix with an intel driver upgrade 855gm. any comments on it?18:32
AquinaSysi, do you have got an idea hy my ".config/xfce4/panel/panels.xml" of a hardy installation on virtualBox gets always overwritten after each restart?18:36
gothenburgWhats the name of the default theme in xubuntu and can I download it somewhere?20:21
charlie-tcaalbatross is the theme, check with #shimmer to see if it is available20:21
gothenburgthis theme? http://chaostech.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/xubntu1004install1.png20:23
charlie-tcaIt is called albatross20:24
charlie-tcathe people who built it hang out in #shimmer on irc20:24
charlie-tcaSometimes they hang out here, too20:24
knomehi gothenburg, charlie-tca :)20:29
knomecharlie-tca, http://shimmerproject.org/projects/albatross/ for the direct link and latest downloads20:30
charlie-tcaI couldn't remember it, but I knew who could!20:30
gothenburgthank you20:36
gothenburggot it right22:22
tychogothenburg : eru go elle'?!22:32
gothenburgtycho: de e la mysigt!22:33

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