
wersi want to quickly test gtkrc changes. what I usually do is to save the gtkrc then fire up a new thewidgetfactory. any better and faster way to do this?04:20
=== \vish is now known as vish
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
thorwilamazing. http://fluffy.jussi01.com/wp-uploads/2010/06/fluffy_desktop.png10:18
thorwilkwwii: the thumbnails on http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ need frames. the first one actually needs ... content!? ;)10:56
=== SiDi_ is now known as SiDi
rafaelementI have made a mockup of nautilus and finery.look at it and tell me what you think pls.11:37
rafaelementHey People, another version of my Nautilus Mockup.pls tell me what you think and feel free to ask for the image if you want to do something with it.12:40
rafaelementBy Image I mean the actual file btw.12:40
thorwilrafaelement: i don't think having the canvas blend in with sidebar and toolbar is a good idea. there should be a clearer separation between scrolled area and all the static parts12:42
thorwilrafaelement: note that a few people over at #gnome-design (and #gnome-art) on gimpnet are working on a detailed redesign12:43
rafaelementthorwil:oh i didnt know that.i ll look about it.12:43
rafaelementthorwil:the blending imo just looks good,and edges/black lines dont.so maybe just a borderless color difference might work.12:45
thorwilrafaelement: note Gimpnet, not freenet. the man to talk with would be garret, but yesterday he said goodbye for the weekend12:52
thorwilrafaelement: his starting point was http://linuxart.com/log/archives/2009/07/24/nautilus-streamlined/12:53
rafaelementthanks a lot.12:53

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