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htorquehello, to which process would i attach gdb to get a backtrace of a unity crash? is it mutter?12:59
didrockshtorque: right, mutter13:09
htorquedidrocks, thanks :)13:09
didrocksyw :-)13:09
kermiachi tedg or seb128 the indicator-applet hook (bug 583174) is ready for packaging in maverick. Do you want me to package it? Is https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/indicator-applet/ubuntu the the correct branch to use for packaging the hook in Maverick?14:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 583174 in Indicator Applet "Apport hook for indicator-applet (affected: 1, heat: 23)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58317414:28
tedgkermiac, Yeah, that'd be great!  That's the correct branch.14:30
tedgseb128, That'd be for Maverick, right?14:30
tedgseb128, Do we need an SRU to add apport hooks or could we add it to the Lucid package as well?14:30
seb128we need a SRU since we need an update14:31
seb128I'm for batching it with other changes14:31
seb128ie next time we do changes to the lucid source14:31
seb128let's get it in maverick to start14:31
tedgCool, okay.14:32
kermiacok, thanks tedg, I'll replace the branch attached to my bug report & poke you over the next couple of days after I've packaged it14:32
tedgBut should we ask kermiac to branch it from the last Lucid version then?14:32
tedgThat way it'd merge cleanly.14:32
seb128well let's get it in maverick to start14:33
seb128I can deal with the backporting later14:33
kermiacok, thanks tedg & seb128 :)14:33
seb128kermiac, thank you for doing the work14:33
kermiacnp seb128, glad to help14:34
qensetedg: Are you on the new ayatana-dev mailing list already? :)14:57
tedgqense, Oh, I didn't realize there was one.14:57
qenseit was just created yesterday or this morning14:57
tedgHeh.  I just woke up! :)14:57
qenseIt is meant for the implementation side of the Ayatana project.14:58
qensetedg: Good morning to you, then!14:58
tedgEh, so the designers are kicking us out because of the CSD thread on their mailing list ;)14:58
qensetedg: No, it was more initiated by suggestions posted by me and then the thing got its own life.15:00
qensetedg: To be honest: I didn't say mailing list: I said 'place'. Mark S. turned that into a mailing list.15:00
tedgqense, Ah, okay.  Seems like too many mailing lists, we'll see.  Perhaps some good will come out of it.15:01
qenseLets hope for something good!15:01
tedgI should really do release announcements if nothing else.15:01
seb128tedg, qense: did you investigate the bluetooth indicator update bug?15:02
* qense looks at tedg15:02
tedgseb128, I updated indicator-application but got my package rejected... I need to figure out why this morning :(15:02
seb128tedg, updated where?15:03
seb128tedg, can you give me the debdiff? I can test easily15:03
tedgseb128, I pushed it to my bugfix PPA15:04
tedgseb128, Let me find the link.15:04
tedgseb128, Uhg, it totally rejected it.  Didn't even make it to LP :(15:05
tedgseb128, Just a sec.15:06
tedgseb128, http://people.canonical.com/~ted/watch.diff15:09
seb128tedg, I like it15:10
seb128tedg, let me try that here15:10
qensetedg: Why could this be rejected? The patch looks good to me.15:10
tedgqense, I think that I forgot to attach the source.15:10
tedgqense, It's one of the problems (IMHO) with bzr build-deb -- you have to adding the -sa is hard.  "bzr bd -S -- -sa"15:15
qensetedg: Bug report!15:15
tedgbratsche, Can you review this?  I think getting it in will help you test registration.  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/indicator-appmenu/+activereviews15:28
tedgEh, wrong URL, but close enough :)15:29
bratscheted: What is the priv->props DBusGProxy for?15:35
tedgbratsche, Basically to track when the process or the object dies.  dbusmenuclient hides it, so I had to build a new one.15:39
tedgbratsche, dbusmenuclient will actually reconnect if it comes back.15:39
bratscheOkay cool.15:39
jcastrowait, there's a new mailing list?15:43
qensejcastro: yes indeed!15:44
qensejcastro: https://launchpad.net/~ayatana-dev15:44
jcastrooh cool, I can put my status reports here then I guess.15:44
qensejcastro: That would be a nice way to make the mailing list worth subscribing to.15:44
jcastroseems like the mailing list is becoming too noisy anyway15:45
qenseyeah, we need to divert some of the technical talk to a separate mailing list, or move technical talk to it when that is still done either in private or not at all15:46
seif_hey tedg 17:57
tedgseif_, What do you mean by custom?17:57
tedgseif_, You want to make an app indicator?17:57
seif_with a search ba17:57
seif_with a search bar17:57
tedgYou mean like a text area similar to the Me Menu?17:57
seif_yes sir17:57
seif_is it doable in pyton17:58
tedgUnfortunately we only have that code in the Me Menu right now.17:58
seif_or do i need C or vala for that17:58
tedgIt's on my TODO list for maverick to move it out.17:58
tedgBut, I need to nail this appmenu stuff first.17:58
tedgSo I can push it up in the stack, but it's probably a week or two away.17:58
LaserJockdidrocks: is it better to ask Unity questions here or #ubuntu-desktop?17:59
tedgYeah, Vala and Python would both work.17:59
didrocksLaserJock: here is good for Unity17:59
seif_tedg, thanks17:59
LaserJockI was just wondering if the launcher side panel is supposed to be able to hide18:00
seif_will rock it18:00
seb128tedg, qense: so with the indicator-application fix now devices are listed18:17
seb128it has a bunch of 18:17
seb128"(bluetooth-applet:2186): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_value: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed18:17
seb128and some menus are still not listed like the "visible" one18:17
seb128which is a toggle item18:18
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