
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
DarkwingDuckAre we planning on releasing Koffice with 10.10?02:36
nixternalhow do you all stand gui-based irc clients? this is kind of annoying :/02:42
valoriekonversation is <3!02:44
nixternalirssi can't be beat, sorry02:44
nigelbnixternal: irssi++02:44
nixternalgotta get a new hard drive for my communications box so i can get my irssi back up and running02:45
jjessenixternal welcome back :)02:45
DarkwingDuckYOu need one nixternal?02:45
nixternalyeah, checking ebay now02:45
DarkwingDuckSATA or EIDE?02:45
jjesseone of each?02:46
DarkwingDuckI have a 300gig SATAdrive I'm not using anymore02:46
nixternalhehe, the machine takes either02:47
nixternalthat is to much drive for what i need02:47
nixternal20gb is more than enough02:47
DarkwingDuckand I have an 80 GIG EIDE02:47
nixternalgrr, see my irssi would have used bit.ly or such to shrink that bad boy02:47
DarkwingDucknixternal: You want my 80gig?02:48
DarkwingDuckI'll never use it... I have a 1TB and a 3TB in my desktop02:48
nixternali have to look here again..there has to be a spare drive somewhere02:49
DarkwingDuck*shrugs* I'll give it to ya. :P02:50
nixternalhrmm, lemme check the mac...didn't even think about that02:50
nixternali need to test the drive in my server a bit more...i did a reboot and it wasn't clicking...it was trying to do something and I could hear a knocking sound02:50
nixternalafter a reboot it didn't do it02:51
nixternali backed up all of my stuff to my external hard drive02:51
nixternalmy server is booting up, and the drive isn't making a damn sound...need to see if i can ssh into it02:51
valorieyikes, knocking sound02:52
valoriethat's a bad one02:52
DarkwingDuckseems to work02:55
nixternalsee, no problem right now02:57
* nixternal clears dmesg and keeps an eye on it02:57
valorieI hope it's all backed up.....02:59
nixternalit is...just all of my irssi and email stuff really...the rest is kept in sync with dropbox and all of my tunes are on an external drive03:01
nigelbnixternal: about time you backed up ~/.irssi03:03
nixternalit has always been backed up, but better to be safe in case I changed anything in the past 5 years :)03:08
jjesseDarkwingDuck did you talk to mdke about updating lucid doc packages?03:12
DarkwingDuckjjesse: I have not yet... Looking for a house :s03:13
jjesseoh yeah03:13
jjesseand a job03:13
jjessegood luck03:13
nixternalme too!03:13
nixternaljjesse: what needs to be updated?03:13
jjessenixternal DarkwingDuck and I were trying to fiugre out if all of these merge requests for typos, etc should be going in both maverick and lucid branches03:14
DarkwingDucknixternal: We need to keep Lucid up to date seeing that it's a LTS03:14
nixternalwhat DarkwingDuck said03:14
nixternalwell..let me rephrase that03:15
nixternalif it is just a silly little typo, maverick only...if it is a life or death situation, then lucid as well03:15
nixternalif someone spelt to too or some crap, I don't care then03:15
nixternalI was actually thinking about the docs on a recent bike ride03:16
DarkwingDuckWhy don't we fix everything thats posted and when we submit Maverick to the translators we submit Lucid as well03:16
jjesseyeah?  i thinking about docs while i was on the toliet the other day03:16
DarkwingDuckI was thinking about the docs yesterday when I was squashing bugs03:16
nixternalmaybe that's where I was thinking about them03:16
jjessei've really liked the merge requests that have been happening for ubuntu-docs and kubuntu-docs03:17
nixternalDarkwingDuck: well, in order to upload a new package to lucid, we have to file a SRU, and in order for that to get approved, it needs to be more than a silly typo03:17
nixternalotherwise they will not get approved, even for documentation03:17
jjessehow bout a bunch of typos :)03:18
DarkwingDuckEven though it's an LTS?03:18
nixternaleven though it is an LTS03:18
DarkwingDuckwe are talking almost 20 bugs03:18
nixternalhell, we never got to update Dapper at all03:18
nixternalare they major bugs?03:18
jjessenot major bugs03:18
DarkwingDuckA couple are semi major03:18
nixternalfix um then03:18
DarkwingDuckI am.03:18
nixternalI can probably get the SRU approved and pushed through03:18
DarkwingDuckin between finding a job and a house.03:18
DarkwingDuckIf we are going to get the SRU then we should get all of them.03:19
nixternaland upload the fixes to the lucid docs, let me know when you are all finished, then I will regenerate the POT files and create a new package03:19
nixternalthen in 1 week, I will download the translated tarballs and get the translations in03:19
nixternalmaybe 2 weeks03:19
DarkwingDuckI'll let you know when they are done. I'll finishing them by Friday03:19
CIA-91[libqapt] jmthomas * 1137689 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/TODO SVN_SILENT: Update todo03:19
jjessenixternal do you have it documented how we do this process?  and the steps/etc?03:19
nixternali am afraid to see what the translations are going to look like anyways...how many busted tags there are03:19
nixternaljjesse: of course not03:20
jjesseplease do one day03:20
DarkwingDuckThat would be nice ;)03:20
nixternalthough it is real easy to read the scripts and figure it out..the translations are all done manually...though with the fixes that dpm did for me, we might be in decent shape03:20
nixternalyeah, especially since i don't know how long i will be lasting around here...i need to spend more time finding a job and less time here03:21
DarkwingDuckI just need a part time... Navy is going to pay for my college and a housing allowance while I go to school.03:21
DarkwingDuckSoooo, while I go to ITT Tech I need a part time. :)03:23
jjessenixternal good luck getting that job03:23
nixternalyeah, probably looking at a complete change in profession possibly03:25
jjessewhat now?03:26
nixternaldunno yet03:26
jjessemoving away from computers03:26
nixternalit would be moving away from puters03:26
jjessethat sucks a bit03:26
nixternalnobody is looking to hire someone with a little KDE knowledge03:26
DarkwingDuckLots of Drupal jobs there in Chicagoland03:27
nixternalI applied for another Canonical job, however I know how those go, at least for me03:27
nixternali don't know php03:27
nixternali know enough to do a little here or there, but that's about it03:28
DarkwingDuckwhat job you apply for?03:28
nixternaldesktop something or other03:28
nixternalbut nowhere on my resume does it say GNOME, so I doubt it makes it an interview03:28
jjessesoftware engineeer?03:30
nixternali think i applied for that one previously but got pwnd in the interview03:30
nixternaldidn't know enough about filesystems03:30
jjesseubuntu desktop display and input engineer?03:30
nixternali sure as hell hope not03:30
jjesseubuntu desktop engineer03:30
nixternalit was something about firefox or chrome...can't remember03:31
nixternalmaybe that is it03:31
jjesseyou can't get jorge or jono to hire you ?>03:31
nixternali was going to make a joke about 'maybe i should have drank more with certain people so they could create a job for me'03:31
nixternalbut...you kind of ruined that one03:31
nixternalholy hell....my email is taking forever to sync03:32
nixternali was only offline for a couple of days03:32
jjessewe missed you03:33
nixternali don't believe that at all03:34
nixternalactually, i am kind of amazed that you are even online03:34
jjessehey DarkwingDuck and i talked about you03:34
nixternalyou send an email once a month complaining about your netbook...that's about it :p03:34
nixternalno, the guy behind you03:34
jjessethat hurts man03:34
jjessemy dog?03:34
nixternalyour twin?03:34
jjessei've been trying ubuntu unity and been busy filing bugs against it03:35
nixternali tried it, then nixed it03:35
nixternalhey, if you are running 4.5b2, click on that folder view next to the menu...see if it crashes the desktop03:41
nixternalQuickAccess Browser03:41
jjesserunning windows 7 on this laptop03:43
nixternaloh, and everyone gives me shit03:43
DarkwingDuckjjesse: Win&03:44
claydohnixternal: bug 59189103:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 591891 in Kubuntu PPA "Quick Access widget crashes plasma" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59189103:44
DarkwingDuckWin7 rather... hethen.03:44
nixternalclaydoh: groovy03:47
nixternali accidentally clicked it, as I never use it anyways03:47
claydohgetting a new workstation for the office, and some sort of box for online trainig at work, I wonder if it will be a move f rom xp to Vister03:47
nixternali would quit if they gave me vista03:47
nixternalif they gave me win7 and allowed me to at least use eclipse, i would think about staying :D03:48
claydohhopefully they at least allow me to install open office03:48
nixternaluse latex and be done with it03:48
claydohhah something else to learn, just for posting notices for my crew, and other banal stuff?03:50
valoriefor that you use identi.ca03:51
claydohvalorie: not in a fast-food restaurant, they already are on their phones when we are not looking :/03:52
claydohtho it would be neat to tweet someone taking a 5th "bathroom break " in 2 hours :)03:53
claydoh but I cant be too harsh, I *have* been on irc at work, after closing :)03:54
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you consider http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2010/04/solving-little-problem-with-slightly.html in your config stuff you were doing?04:07
JontheEchidnaDon't think anybody's done anything about the .js file conflicts. We did come to the agreement that we probably do want to patch the upstream .js files, and patching the "default panel package" would be a necessary step04:09
JontheEchidnaSo its been though about, but nobody's been un-lazy enough to take care of it yet :P04:12
CIA-91[libqapt] jmthomas * 1137702 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/ (5 files in 3 dirs) Implement a search function using the Ept Xapian search shiz. The code is quite ugly to look at, but it works really fast. Introduces a dependency on the libept library.04:19
JontheEchidna(Search code stolen from synaptic and made less braindead formatting-wise)04:19
CIA-91[libqapt] jmthomas * 1137703 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/TODO Quash another TODO item \o/04:22
ScottKJontheEchidna: Could you have a look at Bug #586497 - glaztor pitched it at unattended upgrades.  Not sure that's right.04:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 586497 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Lucid) "kpackagekit install security update in automatic mode without authorization" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58649704:26
JontheEchidnaew ew ew04:34
JontheEchidnait turns out kpackagekit does have a separate setting specific to kpackagekit to auto-install security updates04:34
JontheEchidnabut we don't show the option since we patch the settings pane to show a button for software-properties-kde :(04:35
JontheEchidnadantti isn't here, unfortunately...04:35
nixternalOK, shutting down for the night...had some other issues related to the drive...don't want to have anything blow up while I am sleeping05:00
nixternalg'nite all05:00
shadeslayer_apachelogger: seems everyone is in favour of a seprate codec like install,more work for me yayy :D08:36
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shadeslayer_apachelogger: maybe we can do it like : Install extra library to get additional functionality > This will enable the Universe repo,are you sure you want to continue > yes > Enable universe repo > install libkopete-gcall 08:53
shadeslayer_then we can upload packages to universe without having to file MIR's08:54
shadeslayerbtw any idea where the qt-doc-html package installs the docs too?09:01
jussiyou know something... whoever is designing kde ikons has a real issue with connected network icons :(09:33
valorieI didn't like the new bleached out ones at first09:43
valoriebut now they are growing on me09:43
valorieI can still get oxygen back if I get tired of 'em09:45
apacheloggershadeslayer_: you cannot do it like that09:55
apacheloggershadeslayer_: Well, you can, you just will get all sorts of headachy.09:56
apacheloggershadeslayer_: Build-dependencies of main packages must be in main, so having the binaries in universe does not make any difference to the problem :/09:56
apacheloggerAlso, Universe is active by default.09:57
jussivalorie: no, the icons are fine mostly, its just the network icon, when connected, looks disconnected. we had this issue before also...10:22
ScottKapachelogger: It would help with the "takes 5MB on the CD" problem.11:27
apacheloggerScottK: Not with the filing MIRs though.11:27
ScottKTrue.  Still gotta do that.11:28
Riddellplural?  isn't there only one11:28
Riddelland it's been filed11:28
apacheloggerRiddell: 2 I have counted ... libortp and linphone11:28
Riddelllibortp-dev come from linphone11:28
apacheloggeroh, then indeed only one11:28
steveireapachelogger: Most of the kdepim mobile stuff is happening outside of trunk in branches/work/komo.11:58
apacheloggersteveire: but targetting back to trunk?11:59
steveireWe hope to have it finished at the same time as KDE 4.611:59
steveireAfter freeze it goes back to trunk11:59
apacheloggerasac: ^ I think the best that can happen are preview packages in a PPA11:59
steveireIt's not clear yet whether it will be part of SC release tarballs. It might be in separate tarballs or something.12:00
asacapachelogger: yeah. so be it.12:44
* apachelogger notes that one could always throw loads of developer resources at the problem ^^12:45
shadeslayer_apachelogger: hmm..12:56
EagleScreencan you use your Launchpad OpenID in http://www.kdedevelopers.org/ ?13:09
Riddelldoubt it13:13
EagleScreenwhat reason?13:13
apacheloggerEagleScreen: Just try it?13:15
RiddellI don't kno wif kdedevelopers.org have enabled openid13:15
apacheloggerIt is offered as login option.13:17
apacheloggerSo technically it should be working13:17
EagleScreentwo webtites told me thet the launchpad openide is wrong, but better to talk about this with launchpad people13:21
mfraz74Is anyone else having trouble bringing up k3b's options?13:48
mfraz74k3b crashes here when I try to bring up the options window13:57
Riddellhmm, pkgkde-symbolshelper has no man page, where can I read about this?13:58
Riddellmfraz74: same here :(13:58
mcasare there any kubuntu tools written in perl?13:59
mfraz74Riddell: http://pastebin.com/U3fXWDAd13:59
Riddellmcas: thankfully not14:05
shadeslayer_Riddell: seems everyone is in favour of a codec type install14:10
shadeslayer_regarding kopete.... :)14:11
mfraz74bug 59412114:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 594121 in Kubuntu PPA "k3b crashes when selecting configure k3b" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59412114:12
shadeslayer_ah... confirmed in maverick too :)14:14
shadeslayer_will check with kde svn if its a problem in our packaging or upstream issue14:15
mfraz74shadeslayer: is that kopete or k3b?14:17
shadeslayerk3b :P14:44
ghostcubethe settings dialogs inside systmsettings are a bit beastie14:50
ghostcubebut the second screen wallpaper killing is known?14:51
RiddellTonio_: are you able to merge konq-plugins?  it's the last kde package on https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html14:51
Tonio_Riddell, sure14:53
ScottKJontheEchidna: Do you mind if I assign the kpackagekit/automatic updates bug to you?14:53
txwikingerSomehow it seems odd that the notifier comes up with upgrades even when there is no network connection14:59
* txwikinger has some Knetworkmanager problems again14:59
JontheEchidnaScottK: go ahead15:01
Tonio_apachelogger, do we want to keep konq-plugins-searchbar since we might switch to rekonq this time ?15:01
Tonio_apachelogger, you introduced that to preserve space on the cd, and that's the only difference between our konq-plugins and debian's15:02
ScottKJontheEchidna: Done.  Thanks.15:03
Tonio_apachelogger, more precise question... do we still want to split out konq-plugins package cause that's a hudge diff with the debian package15:06
Tonio_Riddell, since the changes were made by apachelogger , I'm waiting for his opinion before merging or uploading the debian package15:09
shadeslayer!find Qalculate15:10
ubottuFound: libqalculate-dev, libqalculate-doc, libqalculate4, qalculate, qalculate-gtk (and 1 others)15:10
JontheEchidnadantti: ping15:12
danttiJontheEchidna: pong :D15:12
JontheEchidnadantti: Hi, I've got a question about KPackageKit15:12
JontheEchidnaIt seems to have an "auto-install security updates" feature. Shouldn't this be a backend feature controlled by the packagekit daemon itself?15:13
shadeslayer_!find Exiv215:13
ubottuFound: exiv2, libexiv2-6, libexiv2-dev, libexiv2-doc, libkexiv2-8 (and 2 others)15:13
JontheEchidnaOn Debian/Ubuntu systems, we already have cron jobs for APT that handle auto-installing security updates, and this conflicts with those cron job options15:14
shadeslayer_Tm_T: how long does kdebase take to compile?15:14
shadeslayer_2-3 hours?15:14
danttiJontheEchidna: I see, well at first I don't think that this should be handled by cron15:15
danttiJontheEchidna: for example, I'm using my laptop which has low mem, then an update starts and I don't even know about it.15:15
danttiJontheEchidna: now, the probem with auto install security updates, is a problem with the kubuntu patch  for the kpackagekit settings kcm15:16
danttiwhich imo should be rewritten, ( I could do that but I'm without time now)15:16
* shadeslayer_ starts building kdebase15:17
JontheEchidnadantti: what changes do you think should be made?15:17
danttiprobably as of version >0.6 the default is to update nothing15:17
danttiJontheEchidna: I think you should remove all the patch that hides KPK settings and make that kcm ugly, and just add a button to Edit software origns15:18
danttithis way the user can control how often kpk will refresh the cache, which sources he has, and if he want's to always update everything15:19
JontheEchidnaThe patch adds a button that launches software-properties-kde, that already does all of this, but on the apt level.15:19
JontheEchidnaIt would be nice if KPackageKit could look to the backend (apt/aptcc, whatev) to see how often it should update the cache, etc15:20
danttiimo it's not consistent to have updates being instaled while you can't visually see your system doing it, that's why the cron stuff is not good for me15:20
danttiJontheEchidna: yes that patch, the problem is that is hides everything and make the ui very weird15:21
JontheEchidnathe cron job is standard for all Debian/Ubuntu systems, so it's still going to be there unless a user manually removes the cron job15:21
danttiJontheEchidna: I agree that this kind of settings could be done in packagekit it self  so that admins could set a reasonable value15:21
danttiJontheEchidna: I never saw it in debian btw15:22
danttiwhich file should be it?15:22
danttihmm I had never saw it, 15:23
danttiprobably it's debina 615:23
danttino it's not :P15:23
JontheEchidnaIt's in lenny, at least: http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=contents&keywords=/etc/cron.daily/apt&mode=path&suite=stable&arch=any15:24
JontheEchidnaand sid15:24
danttiJontheEchidna: yes, I'm seeing it, but somehow it looks like disabled since all my servers don't get auto updates15:25
danttiprobably i have to configure that15:25
JontheEchidnayes, the feature is auto-disabled by default15:25
danttihmm k right, so it wouldn't conflic with kpackagekit by default then?15:26
JontheEchidnakpackagekit seems to have auto-install for security updates on by default15:26
danttiJontheEchidna: it was on by default on the past15:26
danttifedora dudes also complained about this so i changed15:27
danttibut as of now the user can't change since the kcm module hides it15:27
JontheEchidnaWe still have KPK 0.5.4 since PackageKit hasn't released an ABI-stable release compatible with KPK 0.615:27
danttialso if a user updates from 0.5 to 0.6 and can't see the option it might still be on15:28
JontheEchidnawe hide it because the option already exists in software-properties-kde, which our patch has a button to launch15:28
danttiJontheEchidna: well it should be ABI ok afaik15:28
JontheEchidnaSo if we update PK to 0.6.5, we aren't going to break gnome-packagekit or whatever?15:29
danttiJontheEchidna: well the best would be to merge the two although i prefer it to be in kpk since the user will see an icon when auto updates starts15:29
danttiJontheEchidna: well you probably have to update the gnome-pk too15:30
danttii just don't know to which version exactly but i can as richard15:30
shadeslayerugh... seems that if you open huge files with ark it keeps extracting those files until you kill it manually15:33
danttiJontheEchidna: <hughsie> gpk 2-30 or better15:34
JontheEchidnawe have 2.29.2 :(15:34
JontheEchidnaI don't really have all that much experience with gnome packaging...15:35
ScottKAnyone know where /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksgmltools2/ went in Maverick?  It seems to have gone missing out of kdelibs5-data.15:35
shadeslayerScottK: hold on checking15:35
JontheEchidnaScottK: kdoctools15:35
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks.15:36
ScottKI've seen other FTBFS because that moved, but I can't remember what package ATM.15:40
JontheEchidnakdelibs5-dev depends on it, fwiw15:44
ScottKWeird.  Then that probably won't solve the problem I was having.15:45
* txwikinger fixed his networking problem.. wasn't knetworkmanager after all16:03
apacheloggerTonio_: all the same to me at this point16:03
Tonio_apachelogger, let's sync the package and fix the seed to drop the konq-plugins-searchbar package then ?16:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: so we split kopete package? 16:09
danttiJontheEchidna: great (or not), I'm not the official maintainer for pk-qt which means that the bugs I was planning to fix, now I have to :P16:09
apacheloggershadeslayer_: seems so, but it is not really a split, what you need to do is a secondary build from within the same source16:09
danttis/I'm not/I'm now16:09
apacheloggershadeslayer_: I think quassel does something like that if you seek inspiration :)16:09
shadeslayerwill have a look at your ubuntu one package after kdebase compiles and then do kopete :)16:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: and can you help me with the codec notification thingy patch16:11
lex79kdepim 4.4.4 is not in archive....16:19
lex79but it's in bzr https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdepim/ubuntu16:19
RiddellI can fix that16:19
shadeslayer\o/ .... kdebase compiles in a hour here :)16:32
shadeslayerwell.. its almost done.. at 85 pc :P16:33
Riddellbeware of saying "almost done" for compiles, that's often not true16:33
shadeslayerRiddell: will it fail at 99 pc? :P16:33
shadeslayerbecause if does fail... thats sad :'(16:34
shadeslayerRiddell: fully built \o/ now installing16:42
Riddelllex79: kdepim uploaded17:15
Riddelluploaded with the all new sftp upload17:15
Riddellwhich just got added to soyuz today17:15
lex79great :)17:15
lex79Riddell: qtwebkit in bzr17:23
Riddellgroovy, uploading17:26
lex79someone has fixed my English grammar mistakes in my personal wiki page :D17:28
CIA-91[kdebase-workspace] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100614164538-p5leo59gsfcds0xa * debian/ (changelog control) -dbg replace and conflicts kdebase-dbg << 4.4.80 since files got moved around inbetween versions (LP: #588768)17:45
Riddellpulseaudio support seems pleasantly working except for the small issue of it not detecting my internal sound card17:53
Riddelland userconfig needs to not put people into the audio group17:54
Riddellcrimsun_: are you still answering pulse issue like the above or should I hassle luke?17:56
JontheEchidnaaww, agateau left. I wanted to show him this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~echidnaman/kapti_cplusplus.tar.bz217:56
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
Riddellcrimsun_: success, firefox was blocking pulseaudio getting the internal sound card18:33
Riddellkmix looking nice, skype working18:33
Riddelleven flash seems to work18:35
Riddellonly issue is plugging in my usb headphones they're on full volume even though kmix shows it at less18:36
claydohRiddell: would it be resonable to edit the 4.5beta2 announcement to better clarify for the general public that it can be considered vbery buggy for some :)18:37
claydohI terms like "crack" and 'there will be bugs" don't mean much, as the label "beta2" means it is OK for everyone :)18:38
Riddellcan do although better to also fix the bugs of course :)18:39
Riddellwell it already says "This is beta software so expect bugs."18:40
Riddellwhat more can I put?18:40
apachelogger"We recommend that you do not use this release in a production system."18:40
apacheloggersomething like that maybe?18:40
apacheloggeror write about it eating little kittens18:40
apacheloggerthat always helps18:41
Riddelldunno aseigo wrote that KDE 4.0 would eat babies and people still moan it had bugs18:42
JontheEchidna"If you have read this, you have forfeited all rights to say that you didn't expect there to be bugs, and will be a poopey head if you do"18:42
apacheloggerI am now folling iDontCare mantra.18:43
apacheloggermakes me overall happier18:43
apacheloggerIMHO we should stop announcing pre-release software on the website to begin with TBH18:44
apacheloggerBut instead blog about it.18:44
apacheloggerIt will be perceived much less official hence much less reliable. Then again most people get such news via relay anyway...18:45
Riddellwell is there actually a problem here?  someone installed beta software and found a bug, only problem is he didn't report the bug in the right place18:45
apacheloggerRiddell: Apparently he did not judge the reliability of the beta software properly.18:46
apacheloggerWhich happens a lot it seems.18:46
claydohno, jut comnplaaints about it being beta2, so it should be considerd more stable and bug free18:46
rbelemhey Riddell, have you seen agateau?18:47
Riddellrbelem: agateau is usually on baby duty after 17:00UTC18:47
apacheloggerclaydoh: Send him my way, I am all up for discussions on the matters of release labeling.18:48
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claydohapachelogger: you expect a forum guy to go to irc??? :)18:49
apacheloggerHe can write me an email if he wishes18:49
apacheloggerHe can even call me if he wants to.18:49
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
* claydoh wishes more devs would spend a small amount of time in kubuntuforms.....18:50
* apachelogger spends a small amount of time in kde forums now :P18:50
apacheloggerclaydoh: Everytime I browse the kubuntu forums I either get depressed or annoyed or both :/18:52
claydohapachelogger: thats cuz you don't let anyone get to know you and your greatness18:52
apacheloggerAlso the artwork could be improved. The coloring does not help with the prevention of depresson or annoyance.18:52
apacheloggerSomething pink maybe ;) ;) ;)18:52
claydohI get annoyed there, but seldom depressed18:52
* apachelogger remembers that case of letting others know one's greatness as seen yesterday on some irc channel and giggles away18:53
claydohblue is the soothing color I thought :) pink is nice tho18:53
apacheloggerclaydoh: kubuntuforums is using a gnome blue though.18:54
claydohapachelogger: you don't brag, you just let your karma flow out  :)18:54
apacheloggerWell, if there is a chance of getting more groupies I shall browse the kubuntu forums more.18:54
apacheloggerAnything to improve my rockstar status.18:54
apacheloggerNightrose: right? ;)18:55
apacheloggerclaydoh: You should post a forum 101, I do not know how to use forums properly :(18:55
apacheloggerclaydoh: The bot protection stuff is ludicrous TBH.19:00
* claydoh makes a forum post on how to use a wiki in order to make a wiki page about how to use forums19:01
claydohapachelogger: necessary, tho atm the spam bots were aweful and many and filled with pr0n19:02
apacheloggermaybe just use a sensible forum software ^^19:02
claydohand the new forum software with better security is still in perpetual rc status...19:02
apacheloggerAlso I cannot list no jabber address! Nor IRC!19:03
apacheloggerOh dear19:03
claydohapachelogger: I would, though smf is not bad really. The owner gets to choose what we run19:03
apacheloggerWho is the owner anyway?19:04
claydohjust a guy called Open Source, one Zack Brantley19:04
claydohIf I didn't work 50+ hrs a week, i would have started my own. But we do now have a decent core of mods and regulars now19:05
claydohI dunno if he has a launchpad or wiki page, he is not active much iirc19:09
apacheloggerWell, I reallly think this beastie needs a change of artwork.19:10
rbelemhey guys, i need some help with kde reviewboard19:11
rbelemI want to submit a patch19:12
apacheloggerrbelem: ^19:12
rbelemapachelogger, thank you very much :-)19:13
apacheloggeryou're very welcome :)19:13
apacheloggerclaydoh: even the smiling faces look depressing :/19:16
apacheloggersabdfl: o/19:16
claydohapachelogger: too much fluffy makes everything else bland, I'll bet :)19:18
apacheloggerWell, fluffy saves me therapy :P19:18
apacheloggerBut if you compare the KDE forum to the kubuntu one ...19:19
apacheloggerOne of those two is using enlightning colors and the other is not...19:19
claydohapachelogger: kde forum has coders/hackers working on the sites code :)19:20
claydohbut i agree19:20
apacheloggerTheme color selection has nothing to do with coding :P19:21
claydohhtml/css is still code :) 19:23
claydohthe real underlying issue is the free hosting service, and the portal add-on. which is no longer maintained. 19:24
apacheloggerno they are not19:25
claydohwe are slow to move, but we have been doing little changes19:25
apacheloggerHTML is markup19:25
apacheloggerand CSS is probably to be called markup too19:25
claydohapachelogger: its still, a foreign language to us :)19:25
apacheloggerin either case colors would only envolve color notations anyway, which does not qualify at anything19:25
claydohbut I won't argue19:25
apacheloggerclaydoh: like one is supposed to know what country is south of the USA19:26
claydoh, um south usa?19:26
apacheloggeras I was asked when registering19:26
claydoharg thyat was supposed to have been changed19:27
apacheloggerapparently it was not19:27
claydohI don't have admin access19:27
claydohbut will gripe loudly (again)19:27
claydohvictory on the forum thread! just after your post, too!19:29
claydohsee, you had a positive effect :)19:29
apachelogger<= rockstar19:29
nixternal<= loser19:32
* claydoh is already a member of one, will not join the other19:33
nixternalI hate when people friend you on twitter, look legit, then when you research them a bit more, they link their photos to some stupid porn site19:34
claydohnixternal needs groupies, not haters19:34
nixternali don't need any groupies19:34
nixternaldon't want any either19:34
* claydoh stops creating the nixternal's pedal pushing groupies group then19:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: know anyone from berlin?19:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: depends on what for?19:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: my dad is coming next week to berlin,and i was wondering if they could suggest a hotel...19:36
nixternali had one person cheer for me at last weeks race..and i have no idea who it was...kind of felt a bit weird19:36
shadeslayerit should be near Maritim Hotel berlin ....19:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: dholbach is from berlin19:37
apacheloggerneversfelde: isnt someone from kubuntu-de also living in berlin?19:37
neversfeldeapachelogger: yes, blizzz19:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: 2 candidates we have19:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: ah :)19:37
apacheloggerneversfelde: can you send him shadeslayer's way when you see him?19:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: meanwhile you can try dholbach19:38
apacheloggermaybe he is around :)19:38
neversfeldeCzessi is also from Berlin, but I haven't seen him for ages19:38
neversfeldeapachelogger, shadeslayer: sure19:38
apacheloggeryeah havent heared from him in a long time :/19:38
shadeslayerneversfelde: dholbach doesnt seem to be around :)19:39
* shadeslayer pings google maps instead19:39
neversfeldeshadeslayer: I guess blizzz will be here sooner or later19:39
shadeslayerneversfelde: hmm.. ok i might not be around long... need to learn Qt/ Sleep :P19:40
apacheloggerotherwise there is still #kde-devel ;)19:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: im to scared to ask there :P19:40
apacheloggerkde-cafe then19:40
apacheloggeror kdelounge19:40
* apachelogger does not really get the difference of those two actually19:40
shadeslayeri harassed them with build KDE questions all day long :P19:40
apacheloggerNightrose: ^ mind to enlighten me19:41
nixternalapachelogger: well, one was kind of private, until you blurted it out :p19:41
apacheloggerdidn't know 19:42
nixternalbut if it were really private, it should have had the ##19:42
nixternalthey only want KDE dev types in there, at least that is how it used to be19:42
nixternalI got kicked out years ago and Riddell went all ninja on them19:42
nixternalcan't remember if that was pre-kubuntu or not19:42
* shadeslayer starts feeling awkward now....19:42
nixternalshadeslayer: I always feel awkward, so join the club :)19:43
* apachelogger does feel awkward ever since everything is his fault :/19:43
* apachelogger hugs shadeslayer and nixternal19:43
* shadeslayer gets cracking on apachelogger's ubuntu one package for maverick :)19:44
nixternal13:44 and I have not opened a single project at all today19:44
shadeslayerthe powa of a hug :)19:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: which one? ubuntu-one-kde 0.0.0 alpha right?19:45
apachelogger20:45 and I did write 300 sloc even though it should have been 3k :/19:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes19:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: you need libqoauth too19:45
shadeslayershall be ported :)19:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: Also, ScottK says you should just need to copy it to maverick and it should build19:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: will check :)19:46
ScottKIIRC you can forward copy binaries too.19:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw i was thinking about the kopete stuff19:47
shadeslayerwe could just add a package to control with a replaces on the old kopete19:47
apacheloggerXand3r: https://edge.launchpad.net/~we-love-harald still aint got no fancyness!!!19:47
* apachelogger refuses to copy anything anywhere without fancyness19:47
* txwikinger wonders if every bad habit of rock groups must be cloned in open source19:49
apacheloggerclaydoh: is the wiki 101 and forum 101 already done?19:49
claydohapachelogger: no, I ma eating pizza, drinking diet soda, and then I will think about it19:50
* apachelogger hasnt eaten all day and there is nothing here to eat anyway :/19:51
claydohwhat do you find difficult or what do  you need to know19:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: package fail : http://pastebin.com/Ued8h2Na19:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: isnt fregl from berlin too?19:52
apacheloggerclaydoh: I do not know how to operate it at all19:52
shadeslayeror am i mistaken :P19:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: nope19:53
apacheloggerdanimo is in berlin these days, then again he hides from us ...19:53
txwikingerwhat is going on in Berlin?19:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: what are the build deps  for the authentication stuff?19:54
claydohapachelogger: sure you do, you made a post,ggod pic of you, btw19:54
apacheloggershadeslayer, ScottK: copying work sindeed19:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: the one listed ;)19:54
apacheloggershadeslayer, ScottK: but only binary copy, you cannot copy the source and rebuild it for maverick19:54
apacheloggerwell, IMHO this renders the feature useless as soon as a a lib got a different soversion in another series etc.19:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: no one knows how the binaries will react in the new enviroment :)19:55
ScottKIf it needs rebuild, there's an undocumented BIC change that needs fixing.19:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: yep19:55
* shadeslayer wonders how to get qtcreator fixed in maverick19:56
ScottKapachelogger: It works the same way the archive does, so that's reasonable I think.19:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: whats the procedure to get a package updated in the archives? like qtcreator from beta to rc?19:56
apacheloggerJust that feature would make a whole lot more sense if it were to automagically fiddle with the changelog as to make multi-series deployments easier.19:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: package new version, find someone with upload rights to sponsor the upload19:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: cool.. will do :)19:57
shadeslayerhopefully this will fix bugs with qtcreator19:58
=== Oceanwatcher is now known as Oceanwatcher-tra
shadeslayerand make new ones more interesting to troubleshoot :P19:58
shadeslayeroh btw i might be working on video conferencing protocols as a part of my training,so i might be able to add video support to jingle libs :)19:59
ScottKThere's a script somewhere to do the multi-version changelog fiddling.19:59
shadeslayerbut that really is up to the institute :P19:59
=== Oceanwatcher-tra is now known as Oceanmobile
CIA-91[libqapt] jmthomas * 1137951 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/ (backend.cpp backend.h) Speed up bigger searches a bunch by using a lower-level implementation for finding a package pointer by string.20:01
JontheEchidna^4x speed improvement on "kde" at the least. (kde gives a bunch since its so small) Used to take 2 seconds, now it takes < 1 sec20:03
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: nice!20:04
JontheEchidnasearching for "a" still takes a really long time, though that's to be expected :P20:08
JontheEchidnamost guis set a limit of 2 chars or greater for search because of it20:08
ScottKAny suggestions on what to do about http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49822011/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.kphotoalbum_4.1.1-3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz - I see similar failures in a couple of places.20:12
shadeslayerScottK: doc book problems again?20:18
shadeslayertried changing the format to 4.2 ?20:19
shadeslayerif its not that already?20:19
ScottKNope, but if it can't find the dtd, isn't that an earlier problem?20:19
JontheEchidnait could be looking for the older version dtd (< 4.2)20:20
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: btw any idea on http://pastebin.com/zmk1kUVB20:21
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: trying to build qtcreator locally 20:22
shadeslayerusing debuild20:22
JontheEchidnaI have no clue :(20:22
rdieterScottK: this may help with kphotoalbum, did for me on fedora : http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/devel/kphotoalbum/kphotoalbum-4.1.1-docbook_fix.patch20:27
ScottKrdieter: Thank you.20:27
rdieterScottK: I'm slowly working through the 4.1.2-dtd build failures too.20:30
rdieterso I feel your pain20:31
ScottKSo far I hit that one and kmediafactory.20:31
ScottKDo you have a list?20:31
ScottKDid anyone else fix 4.1.2-dtd failures?  Maybe we have patches that would be useful for rdieter.20:32
rdieterkphotoalbum was the first one I fixed, I think there are at least 2 others, I'll let you know as I find them if you want20:32
ScottKYes.  Please.20:32
rdieterI'll poke at kmediafactory in the meantime20:33
ScottKCool.  I'm not sure which version you have, but it's still not upated in the newest upstream release.20:33
rdieter0.7.1 I think20:33
rdieteroh boy, much newer is available I see, fun.20:34
ScottKIt's on Google code now too20:36
shadeslayerScottK: can you tell me what the purpose of debian/includes/ folder is?20:46
* shadeslayer checks new maintainers guide20:46
ScottKNo.  I don't recall that one.20:47
lex79shadeslayer: see debian/changelog maybe it's usefull20:47
shadeslayerlex79: oh my : Qt Creator 2.0 depends on private headers used by Qt, include Qt20:48
shadeslayer    headers in debian/includes and point to them in debian/rules20:48
shadeslayerRiddell: thats your doing :P20:49
shadeslayernow i just have to update those files....20:50
shadeslayerlex79: where do i get the new private headers?20:54
shadeslayerany ideas?20:54
lex79in Qt source20:54
lex79apt-get source qt4-x1120:55
shadeslayerlex79: then copy them headers over>20:55
lex79I think so, but I didn't see the package....20:56
shadeslayer135 MB source package20:56
lex79yeah :)20:56
shadeslayerlex79: btw http://pastebin.com/zmk1kUVB << i got that while compiling qtcreator20:57
shadeslayerwhich i guess is due to outdated files in debian/include20:57
shadeslayeram i correct? ( the moc has changed too much errors )20:57
lex79#error "cannot be used with the include files from this version of Qt."20:58
lex79yes, I think you have to use the new headers20:58
shadeslayeryayy... MOTU told me that it wasnt the old headers :P20:59
shadeslayerninja >>> MOTU :P20:59
shadeslayerlex79: btw any particular folder/files that need to be freshend up?21:00
lex79uhmm, I think the problem is in debian/includes but if Motu say is not.... :P21:02
lex79I don't know...21:02
lex79those headers come from an older version of Qt btw21:02
lex79so.... .)21:02
shadeslayerthats why the error says the moc is old21:03
shadeslayerRiddell: doh! you built qtcreator with qmake-qt3 i think :P21:07
shadeslayerlex79: is there a particular build script for qmake-qt4 ?21:08
shadeslayeror is it just include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/qmake.mk21:08
neversfeldeBlizzz: shadeslayer needs a hotel recommendation in Berlin21:12
neversfeldeshadeslayer: :)21:12
shadeslayerBlizzz: something in the range of 100 euro near the maritim hotel :P21:13
Blizzzwell, hotel is tricky as i don't need one here and thus don't know those :) do you know where maritim is located?21:16
shadeslayerBlizzz: Stauffenbergstraße 2621:18
shadeslayer10785 Berlin, Germany21:18
shadeslayer030 2065-021:18
Blizzznot the cheapest area, indeed21:21
Blizzzi think21:21
ScottKapachelogger: Since it appears you can change bug 594276, would you please make it unprivate too.21:22
ubottuBug 594276 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/594276 is private21:22
shadeslayerhe ( my dad ) has a conference in that hotel,anything within a 20 min commuting distance will do :)21:23
shadeslayerScottK: do we have a specific qmake-qt4 build script?21:24
ScottKNo idea.21:24
shadeslayerScottK: apparently qtcreator seems to have been built with the older version ( i think ) and needs qmake-qt4 21:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: we have qmake which alternates to qmake-qt4 or qmake-qt321:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok any way to set it to use qt4 ? or does it pick that automatically ?21:29
apacheloggerit should always pick qt4 unless told otherwise I think(tm)21:29
Blizzzshadeslayer: i find 3 hotels in the near. 1) http://mirnet-it.de/hotelphp/h00001_alt/ (400m distance, starts from 39€), 2) http://www.esplanadeberlin.com/ (500m, starts at 99€) and 3) http://www.hotelbb.de/en/berlin-potsdamer-platz (also 500m, starts at 59€)21:30
shadeslayerBlizzz: thanks :D21:31
Blizzzi'd offer my couch but that's more than 20min away21:32
shadeslayerhehehe :D21:32
shadeslayerBlizzz: how  far are you from there?21:32
Blizzzshadeslayer: 5km, at least 40min by public transit21:34
shadeslayerBlizzz: thanks for the info tho :)21:35
shadeslayeri wonder if breakfast is included :)21:35
rdieterScottK: here's what I have so far for kmediafactory, http://rdieter.fedorapeople.org/rpms/kmediafactory/  (not sure if that's all of the fixes required, the build is still going)21:35
ScottKrdieter: Thanks.  I'll try and look at that one tonight.  Just uploaded kphotoalbum.21:37
Blizzzshadeslayer: at my place? sure, as long as something is here ;)21:37
* apachelogger never gets offered couches21:43
shadeslayer_Blizzz: i meant at the hotels :P21:44
* shadeslayer_ can only offer his bed to apachelogger :)21:45
apacheloggercome to think of it, I wonder why couchdb is called couchdb and not beddb21:46
Blizzzshadeslayer_: first and third say ~7€ per breakfast, can't find any information on the snd one21:48
shadeslayerhmm.. good enough :)21:49
shadeslayertotal cost should be around 100 euro per day.. not more than that.. :)21:49
Blizzzapachelogger: maybe it's too similar to baddb 21:49
apacheloggerYou have not looked at it, have you? ;)21:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: maybe the code was written while sitting/sleeping on a couch? :P21:50
apacheloggerkubotu: order cookies for jefferai21:50
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to jefferai.21:50
Blizzzapachelogger: :)21:50
* apachelogger gets a long point stick and pokes Xand3r21:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: i was looking at kubotu help for that :P21:53
shadeslayeryou didnt document it :P21:53
apacheloggerI know21:53
apacheloggerthe documentation would be massive :P21:53
apacheloggerkubotu: help bar21:54
kubotuYou may also have a look at 'help order goods/machines/replies' ... Placing an order is actually easy as hell. 'order GOOD' => GOOD gets slid down the bar. 'order GOOD for NICK' => GOOD get slid down the bar to NICK. 'order GOOD for everyone' => everyone gets GOOD (in case the good is finite it will end as you place this order). 'order birthday package' => in case you want to make a special birthday present ;-)21:54
apacheloggershadeslayer_: ^21:54
shadeslayerkubotu: order beer for Blizzz21:54
* kubotu gives Blizzz a nice frosty mug of beer.21:54
Blizzzah!  beer! tasty! ty ;)21:55
ScottKkubotu: order whisky for Riddell21:55
* kubotu slides whisky down the bar to Riddell21:55
ScottKNot bad.21:55
ScottKIt should have something special for that though.21:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: how many SLOC is kubotu?21:55
apacheloggeryou can order" bar, bed, beer, birthday package, breakfast, (+, au|, at|, de|, hangover|, po|, uk, full|, us), brain, can of whoopass, capatain, chocolate, ciarettes, coffee, coke, cookies, cookie, (cookies, xmas), cushion, data, enterprise, good beer, heineken, jean-luc, kubuntu, lighter, lunch, party, party set, painkiller, release, taepodong-2, tea, (tea, earl grey, hot), wine, cocktail, ... varoius cocktails21:57
apacheloggerthat is of course only the stuff that comes with custom made replies21:57
apacheloggergenerally you can order anything, kubotu will get it for you ;)21:58
apacheloggerand since I just noticed something21:58
apachelogger~order jean-luc for shadeslayer_21:58
KRFkubotu: order bed for KRF21:58
* kubotu is placing a cot for KRF in the corner of #kubuntu-devel.21:58
* kubotu places shadeslayer_ on Nightrose's toilet and says - ENGAGE!21:58
* apachelogger rofl21:58
apacheloggeryou must know, back in the days we had a radio amarok and one week we were voting on a name for Nightrose's toilet, ever since it is called jean-luc ;)21:59
KRFdidnt know jean-luc is a synonym for the loo21:59
* KRF falls to bed21:59
apacheloggerKRF: *bling*22:00
KRFapachelogger: *bling*22:00
apacheloggerkubotu: order release22:01
* kubotu pokes apachelogger.22:01
apacheloggerthat must be super old22:01
* apachelogger updates22:01
apacheloggerkubotu: order bar22:02
* kubotu slides Konqueror opening http://code.google.com/p/rbotbar/ down the bar to apachelogger.22:02
apacheloggerkubotu: thank you :*22:02
apacheloggerkubotu: rescan22:04
kubotusaving ...22:04
kuboturescanning ...22:04
kubotudone. 10 core modules loaded; 50 plugins loaded; 34 plugins ignored; 1 plugin failed to load22:04
apacheloggerkubotu: np22:07
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "(I've Had) The Time Of My Life" by Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes [Dirty Dancing] [http://open.spotify.com/track/5UqqOfFa9DYXALpCCF8VwB] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more22:07
apacheloggeroggy oggy oggy!22:21
ScottKWhat am I supposed to depend on instead of kde-icons-oxygen?22:47
JontheEchidnaScottK: does it also depend on kdebase-runtime?22:49
JontheEchidna(if so, it can be dropped.) The new one is oxygen-icon-theme, which kdebase-runtime depends on22:49
nixternalargh! my only somewhat powerful machine just died! I am now stuck in netbook hell22:50
neversfeldesame here22:52
nixternalclaydoh_: you can start https://edge.launchpad.net/~nixternal-needs-a-new-puter :p22:52
neversfeldemainboard of my dektop died22:53
nixternalwell, i lost my laptop finally as well as my powerful desktop to the tornado crap a month or so back...which was never covered by the insurance thank you very much22:53
nixternaland now my server, which was having hard drive problems the other day, just died22:53
nixternalI tested the power, it is good, the mobo isn't sending power anywhere, and the mosfets around the CPU are cooked22:54
claydoh_neversfelde: once I start https://launchpad.net/~claydoh-needs-new-hardware-too-pretty-please22:54
claydoh_oops that was for nixternal22:54
nixternalI have no hardware though right now22:54
nixternalI have a really old p4 that needs RAMBUS, a video card, and a hard drive :)22:55
claydoh_ahh I have a 1998 thinkpad you can have, no bettery 22:55
nixternalyeah, don't see that building packages, c++, java, and such22:55
claydoh_my laptop mis a 7 year old p4 mobile, runs well22:55
claydoh_nixternal: yeah, tried gentoo on it years ago, I stopped after the 3rd day of compiling22:56
nixternaloh, i do have an old p4, but it doesn't have a video card that can run anything graphical22:56
nixternalgentoo in 3 days of compiling on an intel i7 isn't even half way done22:57
nixternali could be like some people who blog and say, "hey, donate money so i can add a fruity little button to the gnome menu" or some shit22:58
nixternalI might be able to get $3 that way22:58
apachelogger[x] [visternal Ultimate]23:01
nixternali am a cheap date!23:01
apachelogger[x] [nixernal Kubuntoo]23:01
claydoh_lol that was kde 2.something,23:01
apachelogger[ ] [nixternal KDE Edition]23:01
nixternaljjesse admitted to using windows, i never did23:01
claydoh_gentoo=overrated for me23:01
apachelogger[ ] [nixternal Cyclists Edition]23:01
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
nixternalgotta have a cyclist edition23:01
apachelogger[x] [nixternal Cloud special offer for 5 billion billion]23:02
nixternalluckily for me, my race team is taking care of me and getting me a new wheel...they are a nutty bunch just like all of you23:02
apacheloggerthere I made you a dialog23:02
claydohI may have a working video card of the nvidia 5000 range around if you need it23:02
nixternali could have made it, and got into GSOC for a GNOME project :p23:02
apacheloggerthat would have been nice23:02
nixternalyeah, I don't think a video card would help an old g4 400mhz system23:03
apacheloggerthen we could over a nixternal soul too23:03
apacheloggerfor only 5k23:03
apacheloggerkubotu: np23:03
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Imagine" by John Lennon [Lennon Legend: The Very Best of John Lennon, 1998] [http://open.spotify.com/track/2ZShbEYZYNcR4d9VklmdPp] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more23:03
nixternalplus, if i utilized my g4, ScottK couldn't do ppc testing23:03
claydohnixternal: I'd give you my 'spare' 7 year old laptop, except that the mrs has taken it away from me :(23:08
claydohtho that one overheats when compiling - it was "upgraded" to a 2,4 p4, probably needs better heatsink compound or a cpu downgrade23:09
nixternalok...guess i will go clean something...i was looking forward to building the documentation translations and packages (not!)23:09
crimsun_Riddell: I'm still answering them but very sporadically.23:56
crimsun_Riddell: and, I'm online less often these days, so someone else is probably better unless it's a really nasty driver question.23:57
crimsun_nixternal: have any opinions on the Dell Inspiron 11z?23:57
crimsun_nixternal: i.e., http://www.dell.com/us/en/home/notebooks/inspiron-11z/pd.aspx?refid=inspiron-11z&s=dhs&cs=1923:58
nixternalI think that is the one Mario had, and I do remember it being a kick ass little computer. As a matter of fact, I even tried to steal the damn thing from him :)23:59

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