
tpjmiamijust wondering if aveilleux or anyone can help00:00
zkriessetpjmiami: ASK AWAY!00:00
* zkriesse wonders if people think that I don't count00:00
tpjmiamiexternal mic wont' work00:05
tpjmiaminew ubuntu user00:05
tpjmiaminot recognised in sound pref or vol control00:05
aveilleuxzkreisse, you're not a perso00:05
aveilleuxsee, I can't even spell it right, you're such a not-person00:05
tpjmiamizkreisse is a bot?00:05
aveilleuxNo no, hehe00:05
* zkriesse is a bot00:06
tpjmiamianyway, still w/o a working mic00:08
zkriesseMic. A device used by the human race to record random sound waves interpreted as speech00:09
ubot2Factoid 'mic' not found00:12
zkriessebuzzard: A bird which scavenges for food usually found on dead animals00:12
ubot2Factoid 'microphone' not found00:14
ubot2If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:14
zkriessecollinp: PING!00:15
collinpUh, pong?00:15
zkriessecollinp: MEETING?!?!!00:16
collinptpjmiami: You can look at the links in that factoid, and if you still need help then feel free to come back.00:18
tpjmiamiam looking at the links now00:22
paultagI just fell in love with a new band00:23
goodtime2nd time i froze up today00:24
paultagekseniks, Venetian Snares00:24
ekseniksdo they sound like anyone else?00:25
paultagekseniks, nope, that's why I love them. They remixed the hell out of classical tracks00:26
paultagekseniks, let me find it on youtubes00:26
ekseniksdo you know apocalyptica?00:26
ekseniksi recently found them00:26
ekseniksits like 4 guys with cellos00:27
ekseniksthey started doing metalica remixes but they do other stuff now00:27
tpjmiamiok, none of them worked00:28
buzzardbuzzard = bird of prey of the genus Buteo (in Europe); neat hawks; also vultures in the US00:28
zkriessepaultag: sup pint o' beer00:28
tpjmiamirecorded test wav file, and no sound00:28
paultagzkriesse, yo00:29
paultagekseniks, they are ill00:29
paultagekseniks, I can't find the track I love on yins tube00:29
eksenikswhats the songs name?00:29
paultagekseniks, it's in like finish. Let me see if I can copy paste it00:30
eksenikslol ye i noticed the names are hard to pronounce00:31
tpjmiamishould i do this 14-step troubleshooting by typing this:00:31
tpjmiamiwget -O alsa-info.sh
tpjmiamias an fyi, this page suggests it can be an alsa config issue:00:32
paultagekseniks, Kétsarkú Mozgalom00:33
paultagekseniks, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNRHbUBPanc00:33
paultagekseniks, found it :)00:33
ekseniksjamming it off listen.grooveshark.com00:34
paultagekseniks, dude this track does not have two bars of the same beat. Amazing00:35
ekseniksbuild up is epic!00:35
tpjmiamiany ideas guys?00:36
paultagtpjmiami, still the same audio issue?00:36
ekseniksit has like a drum and bass feel to a grungy/classical/psy its insane :D00:38
paultagekseniks, yeah man, I'm in love00:38
tpjmiamino external mic00:38
paultagtpjmiami, let me meditate on it. Did you run windows before this?00:39
tpjmiamisadly yes, vista on my acer aspire 505000:39
paultagtpjmiami, did it work under windows?00:39
tpjmiamiworked perfectly under vista00:39
paultagtpjmiami, ok, so it's 100% a linux issue00:39
paultagtpjmiami, let me meditate on it and think about it00:39
tpjmiamiboth blocking of the speakers and mic input00:39
paultagtpjmiami, aye00:39
paultagtpjmiami, might be a sound card issue, /me thinks00:40
paultagtpjmiami, what's the sound card?00:40
tpjmiamiremind me what terminal command i should type to answer that00:40
paultagheyya ddecator00:41
tpjmiamihow can i paste the output from that command?00:42
tpjmiamior tell me what line i need for u00:42
paultagtpjmiami, lspci | pastebinit00:43
ddecatorhey paultag, just getting on for a sec to leave a message for someone, figured i'd answer the question real quick :p00:43
paultagheyya DarkwingDuck00:43
paultagddecator, :)00:43
paultagerm, DarkwingDuck_ *00:43
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
paultagtpjmiami, just FYI -- ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)00:44
paultagtpjmiami, well this is good00:45
paultagtpjmiami, there are lots of bug reports on it00:45
DarkwingDuckHey paultag00:46
tpjmiamipaultag: lots of pain on this, yes00:47
=== _rwc is now known as _rwc_afk
tpjmiamipaultag: any chance this could explain it?  mocha's feb 25th comment on: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1381013&page=200:48
tpjmiamipaultag: will log off now, back here tomorrow night00:53
tpjmiamiappreciate any leads00:53
tpjmiamithks and see u then00:53
paultagI just got back00:55
paultagOh well. I need to hit the washroom anyway00:55
eksenikslol cheers dude00:56
smeag0lhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/J7qcXN5H would anybody please look at this pastebin there is a suspicious line at 70 and 7101:14
smeag0lafter running chkrootkit01:15
nUboon2AgeThe following suspicious files and directories were found:  /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/.noinit /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/.path /usr/lib/xulrunner- /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.3/.autoreg01:19
=== _rwc_afk is now known as _rwc
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000
* fulldarkness is away: like mklove05:08
kermiacanyone know of a good wiki page or tutorial on backing up evolution?06:30
kermiachttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Evolution is a bit lacking & I need to point someone in the right direction as I don't have time to walk them through the whole process atm06:32
kermiacnvm - found something that should be enough. http://www.go-evolution.org/FAQ#How_can_I_completely_backup_evolution.3F06:36
=== _rwc is now known as _rwc_afk
zkriessehello Bryn13:21
Bryndoes anyone know how to change the install path for software installed through the package manager? I'd like to have it on a different partition, so I can keep software / data separate to Ubuntu itself13:23
BrynI'm not very familiar with Ubuntu, I had it like that in Windows, all programs on a different partition, is it more acceptable to keep software in the same partition in Ubuntu?13:24
zkriesse!installing software13:37
ubot2zkriesse: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:37
ubot2A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents13:38
ekseniksstop confusing the bot :D13:38
zkriesseBryn: ^^13:38
zkriesseekseniks: oh hush up13:38
Bryni'll give it a read thanks13:38
zkriesseBryn: :D13:39
kermiacBryn: most of the programs in Ubuntu are stored in "/"13:39
kermiacBryn: also see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning & https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DrivesAndPartitions for more info13:40
shahanI am in wifi internet speed problem  on Lucid but working excellent in windows XP. it was good before one week.. and was giving me good service for a month(after the lucid released).13:40
kermiacshahan: yes, I've heard about your issue - it seems very strange :(   Have you tried #ubuntu as a few of us have discussed your problem & unfortunately we still haven't came up with any solution yet. Personally, I've never heard of that kind of issue before13:43
kermiacshahan: Can you remind me which wireless card you have again? I'll try to see if my google-fu is any better tonight13:44
shahankermiac: sure13:45
shahankermiac: from lsusb output "Bus 001 Device 002: ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp."13:46
shahankermiac: its Ralink13:46
shahankermiac: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150830113:50
kermiacshahan: can you please pastebin the output of "lsmod | grep -e rt2 -e rt3" (without the quotes)13:52
shahankermiac: http://pastebin.com/m67VQ6DD13:53
kermiacshahan: hmm.. ok, what i was thinking of wont work :(    Still googling13:55
kermiacshahan: you're pieroxy in that ubuntu thread, right?13:56
shahankermiac: no... I am not pieroxy13:59
shahankermiac: I hve got this post...13:59
kermiacshahan: why did you link [22:48:59] <shahan> kermiac: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150830114:00
kermiacshahan: I thought that was your post14:00
kermiacshahan: is this system freshly insalled from the 10.04 cd (i.e. after 10.04 was released) or has this machine been upgraded from a Lucid beta install?14:05
kermiacshahan: also, have you tried using the livecd? does this problem exist when using the 10.04 livecd?14:06
shahankermiac: I have made a fresh install14:09
shahankermiac: not tested from the live CD14:09
shahankermiac: I am going to test it14:10
shahankermiac: another thing is , my Wifi doesnt detect automatically after fresh install.. I tried on several PC14:11
shahankermiac: here is how I connect my wifi http://pastebin.com/DGZ2Xw1j14:11
kermiacshahan: have you filed a bugreport?14:13
kermiacshahan: as a few of us have unsuccessfully tried to troubleshoot this issue with you & with you having to do http://pastebin.com/DGZ2Xw1j yo get your wifi recognised correctly, I would suggest that you file a bug report again the kernel. You can do that by running "ubuntu-bug linux" (without the quotes) from a terminal window14:16
kermiacshahan: people who ....NOOOOO!!!! ping timeout14:17
kermiacI'm off to bed. If shahan returns can someone please advise him/her to file a bug report again the kernel by running "ubuntu-bug linux" (without the quotes) from a terminal window14:20
kermiacthanks Silver_Fox_ :)14:25
eksenikshey guys whats a nice IM client? for msn and gtalk mostly14:27
shahnakermiac: is there any possibility to have any hardware problem on my wifi modem which could make problem on ubuntu but works fine on windows?15:39
=== Chesamo is now known as aveilleux
eksenikshey guys i tried to instal the qc-usb package using "sudo apt-get install qc-usb" but it says "Couldn't find package qc-usb"16:22
ekseniksany ideas?16:22
geirhaaptitude search qc-usb16:23
eksenikshow do i do that?16:24
geirhaType it at the terminal. It'll list all packages that has qc-usb in their name16:25
ekseniksok thanks16:25
ekseniksit lists qc-usb-source and qc-usb-utils but i'm sure i've installed both of them16:28
geirhaWhat does the letter in front say, p? i?16:28
geirhaYeah, that means they're installed.16:29
ekseniksso how do i run it? how do i see my webcam16:29
geirhaNo idea, never heard of it before. You can see what files it installed with: dpkg -L qc-usb-utils16:30
zkriesseekseniks: have you looked at "Cheese"16:30
ekseniksor are those just the drivers and i need a program for an interface16:30
eksenikszkriesse, i have not16:31
ubot2Factoid 'Cheese' not found16:31
ekseniksi'll google it :)16:31
zkriesseekseniks: look it up in the software center...it's a webcam program..worked for me in the past16:31
ubot2Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:31
zkriesseekseniks: ^^16:31
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100
ekseniksnice bot is nice16:32
TarashellDoes anyone know if the Wacom Bamboo Fun has drivers that will work with http://ubuntu-minimal-desktop.blogspot.com/ ?16:45
aveilleuxHello hello what have we here16:46
aveilleuxTarashell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom  Anything that works with the base Ubuntu install will work with UMD16:47
TarashellI see... Well... Maybe...16:48
TarashellHonestly at this point everything just looks like the code you used to get when you viewed the source of a geocities page >.o16:53
TarashellI'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.16:54
sabqat9can i ask an un-ubuntu related question to tech people out there?17:24
Silver_Fox_Sure :)17:25
sabqat9looking for hard drive recovery software - any recommendations?17:25
sabqat9one of my drives started pinging or clicking - now there are sections files and folders that are missing in the drive17:26
* holstein likes http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/17:27
mohi2911sabqat9, you deleted those files??17:29
sabqat9I did not delete files on purpose - the drive held my os and documents - when I started it up, it froze during startup, the hdd clicked many times (I knew to shut down right away) - now I seem to be missing whole sections of files and folders17:32
aveilleuxsabquat9: if the drive is clicking, that means there was a head crash. Software ain't gonna recover it.17:32
sabqat9I am actually a windows user - I was moving systems around the house to setup a ubuntu server edition (which did not work out because I lack the linux/ubuntu know how - I am a newbie to ubuntu) - so I opted for Freenas (which is working now) - during these moves, one of the drives suddenly failed17:32
aveilleuxsabqat9: I don't usually recommend paying for repair services, but you're going to need a professional if you want your data bac17:33
sabqat9that is nice to hear - there is not a lot of data there - more personal than professional level data - however it does constitute about a years worth of work17:34
aveilleuxsabqat9: I'm sorry to hear that :-( I hate spontaneous data loss.17:35
sabqat9dumb question -  is there a diy method of recovering this data without software?17:35
aveilleuxsabqat9: Is there? Yes. Is it easy? Noooooooo.17:35
sabqat9another dumb question - what is the method17:36
aveilleuxsabqat9: http://free-backup.info/diy-hard-drive-recovery-for-the-extremely-desperate.html17:37
sabqat9the title sounds about right - 'Extremely Desperate'17:37
aveilleuxsabqat9: Figured that would get a chuckle17:38
squaregoldfishCan I mention the 'B' word now?17:40
aveilleuxsquaregoldfish: "'B' word"?17:40
aveilleuxsquaregoldfish: PPPPAAARRGH17:40
aveilleuxsquaregoldfish: Prior Proper Planning Prevents AAARRRGH17:40
sabqat9I feel the aching pain of not following the mantra of the all powerful 'b' word17:41
sabqat9god have mercy on my data17:41
squaregoldfishI suspect most people only learn to back up after they've lost their data. I did.17:41
aveilleuxsabqat9: As soon as I learned how to use crontab I set up a service to copy my /home partition to a network drive every hour17:41
squaregoldfishIncidentally, I'd look into pro data recovery services. From what I've heard they're generally pretty good, but it will depend how much your data's worth to you.17:44
aveilleuxactually, if you can spare the change, Ubuntu One is pretty nice.17:44
sabqat9I just called a local data recovery outfit in my area - the starting price for data recovery for my situation . . . . . . . . $500 . . . . . . for a $100 drive that is 6 years old17:51
sabqat9to anyone reading this chat - - - Backup - - - Backup now - - it is like those crazy street people with the biblical billboard signs - - you never know the day or the hour - - the end is upon us - - backup now and backup often17:53
squaregoldfishsabqat9: That price sounds about right. Bit cheaper than I was expecting to be honest.17:54
sabqat9you are not going to believe this17:56
sabqat9during my search for my user files in windows xp - i had loaded several users - the user i thought held my files was empty - searched through other users and voila! my files are safe and recoverable17:57
squaregoldfishDO NOT switch off that drive until you've got everything off it! Good luck - I have to go...17:57
sabqat9I sorry for taking up your time - my heart was in my mouth for the past hour dealing with this situation17:58
Silver_Fox_I was worried sabqat9 ,  now feeling better :)17:59
Silver_Fox_Get a copy QUICK17:59
sabqat9I am backing everything up from the drive - - This has taught me the valuable lesson of - - BACKUP - - which is why I have switched FreeNAS to store my data - - with the goal of creating other ways of creating Backups of my Backups to my Backups18:00
sabqat9Also learned that working in the data recovery business makes good money - great business model - - desperate clients wanting unique services - - second only to prostitution18:03
aveilleuxsabqat9: hahaha. But I have to warn you18:04
aveilleux!language |sabqat918:04
ubot2sabqat9: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:04
sabqat9sorry - i was watching my language - i was wondering if the 'p' word was going too far - maybe it was the context - my apologies to everyone18:06
Darkness_DesIs anybody else having an issue with a D-Link router where your connection is reset every few seconds?18:07
aveilleux!networking |Darkness_Des18:07
ubot2Factoid 'networking' not found18:07
aveilleuxThat's lame.18:08
Darkness_DesI can give you networking info if you want.18:08
aveilleuxDarkness_Des: Have you tried ##networking ?18:09
sabqat9Anyways - I won't bother you guys anymore - thanks for listening though - I will watch my wandering fingers (on my keyboard) next time - backups are running smoothly - thanks again18:09
Darkness_DesNever heard of it.18:09
aveilleuxDarkness_Des: This is really a general Ubuntu support channel, not so much other things.18:09
aveilleuxDarkness_Des: It's an IRC channel on FreeNode.18:09
Darkness_DesWell, thing is, it works fine on any other OS that we run it works fine. I know it's not my wireless card, I dual boot with XP and it works perfect on there. Thanks, I'll give them a shot.18:10
aveilleuxDarkness_Des: Oh th-- uh shffdnjadsu darn it.18:10
ekseniksdoes anyone else have a problem with loading web pages especially google?19:09
aveilleuxenseniks: Nopw19:09
ekseniksits only on linux and i've tried different browsers19:10
ekseniksits not like i have a funny connection its just straight adsl19:11
mohi2911ekseniks, goto terminal and type ping www.google.com19:11
mohi2911and see the response time19:11
ekseniksbetween 400 and 1000 ms but the thing i'm talking about is if the page doesn't load within a second or two, it times out19:13
aveilleux1000ms is a second :P19:13
mohi2911its tooooo slow19:13
ekseniksi mean if it doesn't load then after like 30 seconds it times out19:14
ekseniksif i search something in google i normally spam the search button for a while then it'll go through19:15
ekseniksits not a major issue its just really annoying19:15
ekseniksis there anything i can try? i'm relatively sure its not the line, router or the browser19:16
sugnacan any one please tell me roughly what size they would expect /var/log to be?19:29
sugnaor even what size it is on your system19:30
ekseniksmines "unknown" :/19:31
aveilleuxsugna: Mine is 6.3 MB19:31
aveilleuxekseniks: Applications > Accessories > Disk Usage Analyzer can give you that information19:32
duanedesignekseniks: you could try different DNS entries. Namebench will test the different Name Servers and tell you which is faster for you  http://www.ohbuntu.blogspot.com/2010/01/find-set-fastest-dns-server-for.html19:32
ekseniksoh wait mines 5.1 excluding some unreadable stuff19:32
sugnamine seems disproportionately large: 2.1GB19:32
ekseniksthanks duanedesign! i'll give it a try19:33
duanedesignsugna: yeah, mine is 253 items, totalling 6.3 MB19:33
aveilleuxsugna: Look at the usage analyzer I showed ekseniks and see what's taking up all the room19:33
ekseniks/var/log is no place to hide your porn collection :P19:33
sugnalooking in a terminal the ones that number 100+megs are kern.log, kern.log1 messages messages1 syslog1 and ufw.log19:37
sugnais that unusual?19:37
aveilleuxsugna: That looks like your system has major problems19:40
sugnado you know what sort?19:40
duanedesignsugna: it might be ACPI filling up your logs19:41
sugna+duanedesign:sorry whats ACPI19:42
duanedesignsugna: might check the kern.log and see if any particular messages are repeated over and over19:42
sugna+duanedesign:it contains hundreds of references to UFW19:44
sugna+duanedesign:could it be ufw logging what it does19:44
duanedesignhmm, ok19:48
sugnaI'm trying to have a look at messages1 but it's taking a while to open19:48
duanedesignsugna: are all the UFW messages different? Does it seem like an error.  you can also look at the files under System > Administration > Log File Viewer19:53
steelstevehey, I have a problem with thunderbird, I have an e-mail account that I must send my e-mail through but outgoing does not work at my home network19:55
aveilleuxsteelsteve: Have you double-checked your SMTP settings?19:55
steelsteveI use Verizon e-mail and ports and servers are correct, AND it works elsewhere19:55
steelsteveit just doesn't work at home19:56
steelsteveSMTP is correct19:56
aveilleuxsteelsteve: Is this the only account on that setup? ie. Do you have a GMail or something else on Thunderbird?19:56
steelsteveI have Gmail and that works19:56
steelstevesending that is19:56
steelstevethe Verizon account DOES work when receiving19:57
sugna+duanedesign: just realised what might be the cause. A few days ago i turned up the ufw logging level then turned it down again yesterday19:57
sugnaduanedesign:could that be the cause19:57
aveilleuxsteelsteve: Doublecheck the account server settings. You may have it set to use the GMail SMTP server by accident.19:57
duanedesignsugna: yes it could19:58
steelstevenope, it's all correct, I just used that account to send an e-mail and it worked19:58
steelsteveon a different network19:58
steelsteveso obviously the problem is the DSL network at home, since everything works elsewhere19:58
aveilleuxsteelsteve: How odd. The only thing that comes to mind is blocking SMTP traffic, but you have to manually set that up.19:58
duanedesignsugna: could you check if this command returns anything.     pgrep -fl cron19:58
duanedesignpgrep -fl cron19:59
steelsteveaveilleux: but the fact that I can send (at home) using my G-mail account that uses SMTP rationally takes that problem out of existence19:59
aveilleuxsteelsteve: Yeah, I figured that. I really don't know what to say.20:00
sugnaduanedesign: that returns 1112 cron20:00
duanedesignsugna: ok thats good20:00
steelstevehum, well, I also have a problem with torrents but I think that because my Dad blocks any unnessicary ports (80, 25, 110, ect.)20:00
duanedesignsugna: there is a cron job that rotates your logs.20:00
sugnai know20:01
aveilleuxsteelsteve: In regards to torrents, just randomize your port20:01
steelstevethose ports names are nessicary20:01
duanedesignsugna: so croon is running. I would bet it was the increased log level setting.20:02
steelstevebut I only get 3, maybe 4 ports running EVER20:02
steelsteve80, 25, 110, and a few others are the only ones that are open20:02
sugnadoes the rotator ever delete old logs?20:02
aveilleuxsteelsteve: He blocks incoming traffic??? Geez20:03
steelsteverandomizing ensures that few can even hit the ones that are open20:03
sugnabecause this is currently the biggest dir on my hd20:03
steelsteveincoming and outgoing20:03
steelsteveso yes aveilleux20:03
aveilleuxsteelsteve, that's so weird!20:03
steelstevehe's paranoid but it comes with his job20:03
steelsteve(when you work with how a certain energy plan is made, and make sure it's up to code, you tend to be excused for being paranoid)20:04
aveilleuxsteelsteve: Fair enough. It's still really paranoid by my standards, and I work for a DoD contractor :P20:05
steelstevemaybe you can convince him otherwise20:05
steelsteve(he also takes all his work home with him, so I don't know about you)20:06
ekseniksDay of Defeat? that was like the best HL mod evar20:06
aveilleuxsteelsteve: I'm pretty sure an <insert age here> father isn't likely to take advice from an 18-year-old college student :P20:06
aveilleuxekseniks: Hahaha. Department of Defense.20:06
ekseniksoh lol that makes more sense20:07
steelstevewait, 18 and work for the DoD (indirectly)?20:07
steelsteveI knew it, being a linux person DOES make you pale in comparison to your peers20:07
aveilleuxsteelsteve: http://stl.uml.edu/staff/student.html  Anthony Veilleux, at the bottom20:07
* steelsteve is 20 and in danger of failing community college20:08
duanedesignsugna: yes, look at gedit /etc/logrotate.conf to change settings20:08
steelsteveso, because you're a software person, by default you take your homework with you20:08
steelstevebut at the same time, you're dealing with lasers20:09
aveilleuxsteelsteve: I'm actually not allowed to take my work with me20:10
ekseniksduanedesign, "OpenDNS-2          364 ms | Incorrect result for www.google.com" i'm guessing that was my problem?20:10
steelstevethen you've got no right to say my dad's paranoid20:10
steelstevehe takes his codes with him20:11
steelstevealso, when you compare nuclear energy plants to a laser, what's less destructive? Nuclear energy goes in all directions, Lasers, one, maybe two...20:11
aveilleuxsteelsteve: The lab doesn't even have those kind of restrictions20:11
aveilleuxsteelsteve: These lasers can travel for upwards of 30km, through concrete and steel.20:11
steelsteveand only in one direction20:12
aveilleuxThe laser structure's only ~10 feet long, it's mobile20:12
steelstevenuclear energy can go 2-3 kilometers in all direction20:12
steelstevenot including the extra effect from fallout20:12
aveilleuxImagine the range of destruction, one of these rotating at 5 deg/s for five minutes20:12
aveilleuxANYWAY! My apologies for going offtopic.20:13
aveilleux!offtopic |aveilleux20:13
ubot2aveilleux, please see my private message20:13
aveilleuxubot2 can PM now? Nifty20:13
ubot2aveilleux: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:13
aveilleuxAnd respond to queries :o20:13
ekseniksits ok ubot2 we don't like you for your brain we like you for your body :D20:15
steelstevecrap, black lagoon episode 4 has been removed...20:15
zkriesseaveilleux: HEHEHE20:24
aveilleuxspeaking of sentient bots, here's zkreisse20:25
zkriesseBOT: A supposed person in a channel who is actually a program20:26
aveilleuxzkreisse: !zkreisse20:27
zkriessezkriesse: zkriesse is a bot meant to help20:27
zkriessezkriesse: the bot is going away to eat some electrons20:28
aveilleuxOooooh yay cloak.20:28
aveilleuxzkreisse: Have fun :P20:29
ubot2Factoid 'huh?' not found20:30
zkriessezkriesse: is back20:43
zkriessesuprengr: hello20:43
ekseniksduanedesign, i thank you very very much! Its working awesome now! it looks like it was the dsn servers20:49
duanedesignekseniks: ahh great20:53
duanedesignekseniks: i was just about to send you this link and i got busy doing something else. http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html20:54
zkriesseaveilleux: A good gal who knows the stuff about stuff20:54
duanedesignekseniks: glad it is better20:54
zkriesseduanedesign: a guy who's knowing is awesome20:54
ekseniksi may have jumped the gun a little :/ how it resolves fast but then it sits on "waiting for <websites name>" until it fails20:57
tpjmiamihi, i was wondering if someone could shed light on the mic issue i discussed yesterday21:35
tpjmiamitalked to hobgoblin and paultag about this21:36
tpjmiamican anyone assist?21:40
stlsainttpjmiami: sup21:41
stlsaintubot2: !ask21:41
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:41
stlsaint!ask | tpjmiami21:41
ubot2tpjmiami: please see above21:41
tpjmiamican someone assist w/ my external mic issue?  pls see yesterday's and today's (till 1am) logs21:43
tpjmiamipaultag was close to a solution21:43
stlsaintouch, im not worth jack with sound issues! lol...get it....jack...as in jackd...21:44
pedro3005stlsaint, omg21:45
tpjmiamias in, i wish my mic jack worked!21:45
stlsaintpedro3005: GET IT!!! LMBO!!!21:46
pedro3005stlsaint, :)21:47
tpjmiamidefinitely an ubuntu issue21:49
tpjmiamiworked under vista, bad as it was21:50
tpjmiamionly if i can talk to paultag too21:55
tpjmiamiany support appreciated22:03
tpjmiamiis anyone the point person now to get some advice?22:12
geirhatpjmiami: Hm. Ok, a quick scroll through the backlog. It sounds like you've tried all the "obvious" things. I'm thinking the next step is a bug report.22:12
tpjmiamiwell, before that i wonder if i should do either of the following 2 things:22:17
tpjmiamimocha's feb 25th suggestion on: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1381013&page=222:17
tpjmiamii'm just hesitant to change settings via terminal w/o a second opinion22:22
geirhaThe help.ubuntu.com does not appear to cover microphone issues, so I'm not sure about that.22:22
geirhamocha's post look very promising. gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf22:24
tpjmiamido paultag and hobgoblin come in here frequently?22:25
geirhaYes, I've seen them alot in here.22:25
tpjmiamiok, just wondering since they looked into this a lot for me22:27
tpjmiami(no offence intended)22:27
geirhaWell, paultag has a +, so he's a trusted member in here ;)22:31
Bodsdaevening all22:57
goodtimeisnt a+ microsoft hardwear?22:59
goodtimeor is it just hardwear22:59
Bodsdagoodtime: its not hardware, thats hardware+23:00
Bodsdagoodtime: it is a generic(ish) microsoft(ish) based entry level computing certification23:00
goodtimei should save and take the exam23:01
goodtimethe guide is easy to get23:02
Bodsdagoodtime: it is quite well recognised, but in reality it is seriously easy23:02
goodtimei have a book here thats way over my head "linux command line and shell scripting23:04
Vantraxgoodtime, any self respecting geek should be able to walk through it easily23:04
Vantraxits mostly hardware and network with a little diagnostics thrown in23:05
goodtimei wasnt a geek till i hit 3023:05
goodtimenow im 4023:05
BodsdaI wasnt a geek until I hit 1623:05
goodtimebenn outa school 23 years ago23:05
goodtimesee lol23:05
VantraxIm still at school, work at a university now23:06
goodtimei need to do something though im on ssi and i have alot of down time23:07
goodtimei have a year to improve myself23:07
goodtimeplus i live right in the hart of boston city23:08
goodtimei like it here better than rochester n.y.23:08
stlsaintgoodtime: dont waste your time on A+ right now, get security plus23:08
goodtimehmmm whats that23:08
ekseniksi just checked i'm having the same problem as tpjmiami with the mic not working thing... but i have a desktop pc not a laptop23:09
stlsaintSecurity+ is way better than a+ or net+ and its required to get a MCSA!23:09
stlsaintgoodtime: no net+ is networking23:09
Bodsdalinux+ ftw!!23:10
goodtimeyeah ftw man!!!23:10
stlsaintLPI!!!! WOOT!!!!23:10
goodtimeits beyond me i bet23:10
Bodsdagoodtime: you are very negative23:11
stlsaintits beyond alot of people!! :D23:11
goodtimeim just nervous23:11
Bodsdagoodtime: well, your on the right track23:11
stlsaintim taking sec+ exam next month...if you take the exam this year you will be sec+ certified for life23:11
goodtimelife changing things were talking about here23:11
stlsaintgoodtime: if you wait until 2011 you will have to re-test every three years23:11
goodtimei know23:12
stlsaintbest to get certified now23:12
goodtimewell your right23:12
goodtimehow much is security +23:12
Vantraxseriously stlsaint23:12
Vantraxthat sucks23:12
Vantraxits not like sec+ is worth the paper its written on but still23:13
Vantraxand you dont want to get MCSA anyway, you want to head for CSSIP23:14
goodtimehow much is security +23:14
Bodsdagoodtime: $25823:15
stlsaintgoodtime: +1 on what bodsa said23:16
Bodsdagoodtime: prices: http://www.comptia.org/Libraries/Certification_Documents/Global_Certification_Prices.sflb.ashx23:16
stlsaintVantrax: im going for all of them! LPI/MCSA/Cisco!23:16
stlsaintand mcse23:16
Vantraxdo cssip and cisco23:17
stlsaintits a rough economy we are in23:17
Vantraxccna type stuff23:17
BodsdaVantrax: your good with networks and security malarky right?23:17
goodtimehey ty Bodsda23:17
Bodsdagoodtime: your welcome23:18
stlsaintive already taken all courses for the MCSA, now its just down to money for the exams!!23:18
Vantraxim good, but not an expert23:18
Vantraxwell, not a paid expert :P23:18
Vantraxbodhi is good with security, as is tronyx23:19
BodsdaVantrax: I have a problem, I have a vps that will accept ssh connections from me without an issue, but it denies the connection when my dad tries (different IP, same user account/password)23:19
BodsdaI have removed all known_hosts files, and restarted the sshd services, no help23:19
Vantraxping bodhi_zazen23:19
Vantraxbodhi has a VPS and might have solved that already23:19
bodhi_zazen'lo Vantrax23:19
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: pingady ping ping, you about buddy?23:19
Bodsdaoh, hey23:20
Vantraxhe he he hi bodhi23:20
stlsaintBodsda: are you running iptables?23:20
Bodsdastlsaint: yarp23:20
tpjmiamiguys, any thoughts on whether the command suggested to me at around 11pm will help my mic issue?23:20
bodhi_zazenBodsda: it is either23:20
VantraxBodsda is having fun with VPS SSH, im guessing iptables23:20
stlsaintBodsda: are you sure your not blocking outside connections?23:20
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: can I pick your brains about ssh + vps issues?23:20
bodhi_zazen1. TCP wrapper - hosts.deny / hosts.allow23:20
bodhi_zazen2. iptables / firewall23:20
stlsaintBodsda: also are you running username/password or key authentication?23:21
bodhi_zazen3. configuration options in /etc/ssh/sshd_config23:21
bodhi_zazenALLOW user@ip_address23:21
* stlsaint shys away as the guru enters the room *fade*23:21
bodhi_zazenLOL, keep going stlsaint23:22
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: I am using key auth by the looks of it, but local username/password auth. There is nothing in hosts.deny and I have made no changes to iptables23:22
bodhi_zazenBodsda: can you ssh into da VPS and run a few commands for us ?23:22
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: sure23:22
bodhi_zazenDopes your father have the key ?23:22
stlsaintlol...bodhi said "da"!! :D23:22
stlsaintand has that key been added to your server?23:23
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: hmm... come to think of it, it never requests a key, but ssh murmers about rsa jeys when you connect23:23
Bodsdamaybe I am not using key auth - I connect with  root@hostname23:23
stlsaintBodsda: can we take a look at your server config?23:23
Bodsdasure, just let me know what to pastebin23:24
bodhi_zazenBodsda: do you use seahorse to load your ssh key ?23:24
tpjmiamiany help would be nice... u can see yesterday's and today's logs23:24
Vantraxjust make sure if you mess with iptables your first entry is an explicit allow for your ip23:24
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: I am almost tempted to say what is seahorse23:24
stlsaintBodsda: we need to see your sshd_config23:25
* Vantrax says what is seahorse in his best school kid voice23:25
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: nice, wanna see my splunk? http://www.splunk.com/23:26
bodhi_zazenBodsda: do you have a key to your VPS in ~/.ssh ?23:26
bodhi_zazenAnd does your father also have the key ?23:26
stlsaintbodhi_zazen: have we established that he is using key authentication?23:26
Bodsdastlsaint: no23:27
stlsaintBodsda: so do you have to enter a password when you ssh in?23:27
bodhi_zazenBodsda: pastebin ssh -vvv root@server =)23:27
Bodsdastlsaint: bodhi_zazen: sshd_config http://pastebin.com/bDcTYqJY23:28
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: http://pastebin.com/KLSYjqvR23:29
Vantraxpretty stock standard sshconfig23:29
stlsaintBodsda: have you made any changes to your sshd_config?23:30
BodsdaVantrax: ... has this conversation not made you realise I know jack schit about ssh? :)23:30
Bodsdastlsaint: nope23:30
stlsaintBodsda: than you are using passwords23:30
stlsaintBodsda: does your father have the password?23:30
Bodsdastlsaint: yeah, isnt that what I said?23:30
Bodsdastlsaint: as in the root account password, yeah its schoolBoyError23:31
bodhi_zazennope, you are not using keys ;P23:31
stlsaintbodhi_zazen: hehe, thats what i just said23:31
bodhi_zazenBodsda: what is in /etc/hosts.deny23:31
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: comments23:31
bodhi_zazeniptables -L -v -n23:31
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: http://pastebin.com/traskB3W23:32
stlsaintbodhi_zazen: he has nothing set right?23:33
Bodsdahow about left?23:33
stlsaintBodsda: LOL..im just stating that you have NO iptable rules23:34
bodhi_zazenBodsda: can you have your father post ssh -vvv root@server ?23:34
stlsaintBodsda: is your father on your network or outside it?23:34
Vantraxstlsaint, thats normal23:34
Vantraxunless you set some, its pretty blank23:34
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: no sorry - he is erm... unavailable... as in unconscious23:34
Vantraxthats either good... or very very bad23:35
* Bodsda opens the bookies for the bets23:35
stlsaintVantrax: i know...thats why i said he has none set ;)23:35
Vantraxim with you on that one bodhi23:36
Vantraxeverything looks very clean23:36
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: your telling me to tell a IT technician with over 30 years experience that he cant spell 'root'?23:36
Vantraxtoo clean... put some iptable rules in there23:36
bodhi_zazenBodsda: PM me the root PW and I will look around if you like, but yes23:37
Vantraxwhats the machine hes connecting from?23:37
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: actually, considering his current nueral state your probably right23:37
BodsdaVantrax: multiple. Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows23:37
bodhi_zazenThe only other thing would be a service such as denyhosts that temp banned him, and now has not trace in /etc/deny.hosts23:38
VantraxI would have to guess the problem is at his end, there is nothing there that would restrict him at all23:38
Vantraxits all clear23:38
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: did you get in?23:39
bodhi_zazenBodsda: w23:42
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: groovy - thats good enough for me, its his fault. He aint getting his pr0n back if he wont get the pwd right23:44
bodhi_zazenyou can look in home if you like23:44
Bodsdacheers for your help bodhi_zazen Vantrax stlsaint - really appreciate it23:45
bodhi_zazenI do not see any problem server side, I would tighten security a tad23:45
bodhi_zazenYou do have some security in place so that is good23:45
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: I'll be sure to read the security fg wiki page for some tips, unless you got any quick links?23:46
VantraxBodsda, thats got to be motivating for some people:P23:46
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: thats a stock ubuntu server. I have done little to no config23:46
BodsdaVantrax: youd have thought so23:47
bodhi_zazenBodsda: I would learn to use ssh keys and change AllowRootLogin to withoug-password to a minimum23:47
* Bodsda adds ssh to todo list23:47
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: cheers. I'll lock it down over the next couple of days23:48
bodhi_zazenI would do that in fairly short order , you will get hammered with your current config23:48
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: I'm, on it :)23:48
bodhi_zazenMake sure you can log in w/ the key, then disable passwords23:49
Bodsdasounds reasonable. I'll give it a whirl ty23:50
bodhi_zazengrep ssh /var/log/auth.log =)23:51
bodhi_zazengrep sshd /var/log/auth.log23:52
bodhi_zazenis logging working ?23:52
Bodsdaguess I got some work to do :)23:52
bodhi_zazenIs it an OpenVZ VPS ?23:53
bodhi_zazendo you own the host ?23:53
BodsdaopenVZ? no I don't, its hosted by fivebean23:53
bodhi_zazenYou may need syslog-ng23:54
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: I am probably not gonna be online much in the next few weekes. Could you please pass my thanks onto the council, especially paultag for there recent push for activity. Its nice to see the team pipe up again :)23:54
bodhi_zazenBodsda: they had a little nudge re: activity23:55
Bodsdabodhi_zazen: :) good work23:55
Bodsdaanywhoo, almost morning. Night guys23:56

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