
ddecatormicahg: i have sb 2.0.0 guilding atm, but it i'm supposed to go to my friend's house in a few minutes and it won't be done. if he doesn't fail, and it installs fine, then i'll push it when i get back tonight, otherwise i'll figure out any failures tomorrow00:42
ddecatorwow, terrible grammar on my part..00:42
ddecatorif it doesn't fail...00:43
ddecatorwell, you know what i mean00:43
gnomefreakPPA is good for that00:46
micahggnomefreak: he's test building00:46
ddecatori thought about pushing to my PPA, but that takes longer overall00:46
gnomefreakwhat is sb? i read it as sm00:48
gnomefreakoh that00:48
gnomefreakcant wait for that to be around00:48
gnomefreakall builds failed in PPA for a long while00:48
ddecatori've had it working on my comp for a while, but i had to update the branch and micah needs to review it00:49
ddecatorok, i have to head out, cya00:49
DASPRiDtake care of your head00:50
ddecatorof my head?00:50
DASPRiDwhen heading out00:50
ddecatoroh, haha, thanks. cya00:50
gnomefreakis that build about the same size as tb ff or most of mozilla apps?00:50
ddecatorgnomefreak: larger i believe, since it has to include it's own patches version of xr00:51
micahggnomefreak: yes, it has its own copy of xul00:51
ddecatorok, NOW i'm AFK00:51
gnomefreakoh damn.00:52
* micahg thinks he got it this time :)00:52
gnomefreakuploading music onto windows is much nicer than here but that is the only thing i will ever say about windows00:52
micahggnomefreak: at this point, it's unlikely songbird devs will worry at all about using system xul for songbird00:53
gnomefreakmicahg: hell i thought it was unsupported for a while, some long outstanding bugs00:53
micahggnomefreak: songbird?00:53
micahggnomefreak: was never officially packaged for ubuntu00:54
DASPRiDgnomefreak, just use mpd and be lucky :)00:54
gnomefreakmicahg: no i mean upstream bugs. plus 1 or 2 of fta's i think it was00:54
micahggnomefreak: PPA broke down about 8 months ago, I thought I could take over, but ended up w/too much to do, ddecator has gotten the build back into shape00:54
micahggnomefreak: ah, yeah, well, they abandoned linux as an official  release platform00:55
gnomefreakah well im glad i have wanted to try it for the longest time00:55
gnomefreakthat is what i may be remembering00:55
micahggnomefreak: hopefully we can get the dailies running again soon00:56
gnomefreakhell i would be happy with daily ISOs at this point00:57
gnomefreakmicahg: how can i upload cds into a folder (its been so long i dont recall how i did it) a couple of years long01:23
* BUGabundo needs to hog some of asac 100mbs since btaccel went 50301:23
* gnomefreak steping afk for 1 minute or so but is anyone knows please let me know so i can get started on that tonight01:25
gnomefreakk maybe realplayer01:31
gnomefreakthat was no help01:35
BUGabundonite, you owls01:38
ubot4For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar01:51
micahggnomefreak: k3b can rip01:55
gnomefreakmicahg: i found sound-juicer i thought it was without the - and forgot what it looked like but after seeing it that is what i have mostly used k3b does as well i have used it but im trying to keep gtk only no qt libs01:56
gnomefreakthanks for the suggestion01:57
micahggnomefreak: brasero?01:58
gnomefreakmicahg: it wont do it will it? take tracks off cd and put them into a folder?01:59
micahggnomefreak: ripoff01:59
gnomefreakoh yeah i remember that. adding to list to install01:59
gnomefreakok off to bed while it installs these apps.02:01
ddecatorbah, the build failed near the end..05:31
ddecatorhopefully i just had to set this flag, that'd be surprisingly easy07:22
ddecatorshoulda guessed it wouldn't be that easy..08:00
ddecatorsigh, doesn't see the vendor-binaries. i'll figure this out tomorrow with the latest revisions. night everyone08:12
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gnomefreakwhy the hell cant i rip a cd09:36
gnomefreaki there was maverick PPA for gwibber12:28
BUGabundofta: http://www.downloadsquad.com/2010/06/13/first-chrome-os-systems-made-by-acer-dell-hp/13:22
BUGabundooverlays :)13:22
micahgchrisccoulson: good morning, I might need a Seamonkey respin due to bug 593571, I'm checking it out now14:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 593571 in seamonkey (Ubuntu) "The file jar:file:///usr/lib/seamonkey-2.0.4/chrome/messenger.jar!/content/messenger/am-newsblog.xul cannot be found. Please check the location and try again. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59357114:15
micahgchrisccoulson: and while that's building, I'm working on the other stuff (kazekhase and midbrowser)14:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, no worries. i'm going to have karmic updated to ff3.6.4 today hopefully15:11
micahgchrisccoulson: k, have you seen a final date for release yet?15:11
chrisccoulsoni've not seen one yet15:12
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, I don't think my browser apport thing is feasible for Maverick, when I update it, I'll mark it defered or whatever is appropriate.  I still want to add a hook for chromium with what evan asked for though15:54
micahgs/not feasible/I have no time/ :)15:55
micahgbut I would like to do it before the next LTS15:55
micahgchrisccoulson: I also forgot, there's a useless symlink in /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.x/ firefox-16:23
asacif you click on https://edge.launchpad.net/~asac/+archive/armel1/+files/clutter-1.0_1.3.4-0ubuntu1~alf5~lucid.debian.tar.gz and firefox asks you and you say "Archive Manager" ...17:57
asacdoes that complain to you about missing helper app?17:58
* asac feels like there is a dejavu regression17:58
micahgyeah, I forgot which bug that is18:00
micahgasac: bug 23995218:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 239952 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "firefox - the associated helper application does not exist (affects: 42) (dups: 2) (heat: 242)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23995218:04
asacnot fixed? interesting18:04
asaci was sure that was fixed by a gnomevfs fix landing upstream a awhile back ;)18:04
asacbut well :)18:04
micahgI think it was a partial fix before, it's sporatic in terms of what files it happens with18:05
micahgasac: works in trunk18:06
* micahg never had time to dig on why18:07
asaccould be that the fix didnt make it to 3.6 branch18:07
asacwhich is kinda odd18:07
asacmight be that i requested landing, but it never got approved or i failed to check it in upstrema18:07
micahgasac: if I new which bug it was fixed in, I would request landing ;)18:07
asacmozilla bug 44444018:09
ubot4Mozilla bug 444440 in File Handling "Unexpected application launched when $HOME/.mailcap contains an entry for the handled mime type" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44444018:09
asacmozilla bug 445673 .. .which is fixed18:10
ubot4Mozilla bug 445673 in File Handling "mType member of class nsMIMEInfoBase is confusing" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44567318:10
asachmm but on may 618:10
asacand you saw the fix on trunk in april already18:10
asacmicahg: is ffox 3.7 still trunk?18:15
micahgasac: yes, rename will probably happen soon18:15
asacthought that moved to a branch18:15
asacmicahg: is our ffox 3.7 package already migrated to non-xulrunner (like 3.6)18:15
* micahg thinks when the rename happens they will branch18:15
micahgasac: no, I will do that after the backports stuff is done18:16
micahgasac: current plan is to use 3.6 for maverick and do the transition for +118:16
asacah ok18:16
asacwell. i would think the daily packages should also move to the same approach at least18:16
asacotherwise they are not really valuable as they reflect a different build configuration than what we will aim for18:17
asacbut *shrug* ;)18:17
micahgyes, I think it's on the list for this cycle18:17
micahghttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-mozilla-team-discussion <-- supposed to be for alpha2, but I think I'm going to move most of that to alpha 3 since porting is taking a while18:18
micahgasac: ^^18:18
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