
qwebirc93032what do you use for the blaster settings if you have a pvr-150?  Anybody know?01:45
qwebirc93032what do you use for the blaster settings if you have a pvr-150?  Anybody know?02:18
rhollananyone home? Getting a mythfrontend crash when inserting a DVD (yes, have decss installed, and crashes on encrypted and unencrypted disks). VLC plays the disk fine03:11
qwebirc93032I haven't seen but two questions all day and no answers03:27
qwebirc93032lights are on...03:27
qwebirc93032I'm dying here guys.  Running 10.04 with a PVR-150.  All I got left to do is get the blaster working.  All of the fixes online aren't working (they're all for older versions anyway).  Can someone PLEASE help me?03:29
Fudgepci express card wont go in a normal pci slot will it?13:17
Jay2k1with enough force and a saw you might succeed13:24
Jay2k1but i guess you won't be pleased by its outcome13:24
Fudgenow i understand why i cant put it in eithe rof these boxes but my shuttle which is off being replcaed on warrenty13:28
Fudgethere are normal pci cards one could buy though right13:28
Fudgei really want to use my little asus micro atx13:29
Jay2k1Fudge if you're talking about tv tuner cards, yes. i'm using two pci cards, 1x dvb-t and 1x dvb-c.16:01
Fudgeah well thats good to know16:03
Fudgeill find one on centrecom tha tworks hopefully then and get rid of this one16:03
rhpot1991Fudge: where are you located?16:05
Fudgeaustralia www.centrecom.com.au16:06
Zinn[www.centrecom.com.au] CentreCom - Cheap Notebooks & Computers16:06
Fudgeur quick16:06
Fudgecurrently the pcie is leadtek WinFast PxDVR3200H PCIEx1 Hybr16:07
Fudgewell i guess its not goign to change its identity hehehe16:07
rhpot1991silicon dust makes a HDHR for austrailia I believe16:07
rhpot1991the US version is great16:07
Fudgeif possible if you can find it on centrecom and give me the link ill save the url and get it in a couple of weeks16:08
rhpot1991Fudge: not really, at work16:08
Fudgehopefully dual core 2.9gig 2gig good ddr2 and 500gb is enough for a myth system16:08
Zinn[www.silicondust.com] Silicondust16:09
rhpot1991is where you can find info about it16:09
rhpot1991what kinda video card?16:09
Fudgeoh, didnt think of that16:10
Fudgeit son board. doesnt the capture card have outputs?16:10
Fudgei never buy dedicated video cards because it doesnt really make any difference to me16:10
Fudgebeing legally blind16:10
Fudgeits a intel 945chipset16:12
Fudgeprob crappy16:13
Jay2k1it's about playing back HD video16:15
Jay2k1all the work has to be done by the CPU unless you have a video card that supports VDPAU16:15
Jay2k1e.g. nvidia 8xxx and above16:15
Jay2k1you can of course try if it works before you buy one16:16
rhpot1991so your system most likely will not be able to support HD video without a better video card16:16
rhpot1991its generally easier to just throw a VDPAU capable video card in there than worry about getting the most out of your system16:16
Jay2k1i'm using a gf 8400gs for about 30 EUR, i guess they're available for like 30-40 USD, no idea about australia though16:17
mcl0vinGood morning folks16:41
jolarenIf I want to remove like 80episodes from a particular series (this case - Xena Warrior Princess). How would I do this? I don't want to remove them one by one17:58
mrandjolaren: is it all the episodes from that series?  If so, I think you can add them to the "playlist", and then delete all items in the playlist.17:59
mrandActually, even if it isn't all episodes, you could probably still add the whole series to the playlist, and then just remove the ones you want to keep for now.18:01
jolarenmrand: aha, sweet. How to add to playlist?18:21
jolarenDidn't know you could do that18:21
jolarenmrand: Ive managed to add to playlist18:23
jolarenmrand: but can still only delete one by one using M interface18:23
jolarenI managed now, sorry. Thanks18:23
mrandjolaren: cool.18:27
jolarenWhile I'm active here.. I'm recording alot of duplicates. How can I avoid this?18:31
jolarenAnd also, after a systemcrash I have alot of "unborn videos" not located in mythtv but in the myth folders (wasting space)18:32
jolarenAnd also It seems like on older days my mythbox has become really useless on skipping commercials in recordings18:37
mrandjolaren: My commercial skipping still works well.  It is all dependent on the channel, programming, and actual commercials.   I think there are some scripts to handle "orphans" discussed on the mythtv wiki.   As for duplicates, I seem to recall that there are is a setting for that, either on the frontend settings or when you create the schedule.19:00
jolarenI can't manage to view my flash recordings with my mobile device20:43
jolarenThey should really start to include the flash recordings in the mobile edition of the website20:43
rhpot1991jolaren: there should be a "reset view" link somewhere near the bottom20:53
rhpot1991or make your user agent not send mobile20:53
rhpot1991jolaren: does your phone have flash on it?20:53
jolarenrhpot1991: yer, it does.. still havin problems gettin it to view20:57
jolarenrhpot1991: will try again, didnt work earlier20:58
Doug_I'm trying to investigate the problem I have here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/514727 (ICEauthority issues after remote frontend wakes up database server). It looks like the problem only happens in xfce. Is there any other logs that I can post?23:05
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #514727 in Mythbuntu: “ICEauthority issues after remote frontend wakes up database server”23:05
jedixso.. I upgraded nvidia-current and now the box starts in low graphics mode23:33
jedixthis is with preempt kernel.23:34
jedixany words of wisdom?23:34
jedixk, I just crammed nvidia's binary package into place for now23:37
jedixit seems like the kernel driver was not installed by the package23:37
jedixat least not in /lib/modules23:38

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