
gnomefreakanyone handy i ned a good way of saying X is broken do not upgrade01:03
* gnomefreak cant come up with anything nice sounding01:03
IdleOnehow about..01:04
IdleOneX is broken. DO NOT UPGRADE!01:04
IdleOneclean, simple, clear01:04
Tm_Twhat is broken where what!01:06
Tm_TI mean, uh, you have to have some source preferably01:06
IdleOneX is Maverick01:06
PiciI thought X was X01:06
gnomefreakTm_T: X is borken in marverick really bad01:06
IdleOneright now I have 36 packages being held back01:07
gnomefreakall X01:07
IdleOnebut nvidia is working for me01:07
PiciUnless you're blind, don't upgrade?01:07
gnomefreakno 35 are x IIRC01:07
PiciThere are four lights.01:07
gnomefreakoopps make that 39 are X01:07
IdleOne36 packages upgraded01:07
gnomefreakIdleOne: nvidia works fine with the 1.7 X01:07
IdleOneahh ok01:08
* IdleOne is going to hold off 01:08
Pici39 X or 1.7 X? I'm confused.01:08
gnomefreakits 8 i wont be here long at all. if you can think of a nice way to say it please feel free to add it01:08
gnomefreak39 X packages version 1.7*01:09
Picioh. :P01:09
gnomefreakor 7.5+5 as they may see it using policy01:09
IdleOneAt the present time X is experiencing issue with it's visual identity in the sense that it choses not to show itself. Don't upgrade unless you absolutely can handle a broken X on your own.01:10
IdleOneto wordy?01:10
gnomefreakthey dont read it now, you think long form will help? if so im good with it :)01:10
IdleOnecan't hurt01:10
IdleOnebut I still think my first suggestions was better01:11
gnomefreaki have >100 songs maybe close to 200 and none have the bands name or even the albums name now to find something to edit them with so i have something to do tomorrow other than break things01:12
gnomefreaksorry its 302 from nautilus saying01:12
gnomefreaki guess i could start over and tag them with name band and album and song title01:13
gnomefreakthat seems like a lot of work01:13
IdleOneI gave up on trying to have a uniform naming scheme for my media01:13
* gnomefreak cant remember what song is by who so i dont know if i imported it already01:14
gnomefreaki know some example "Run to the Hills" is iron maiden01:15
gnomefreakif they were grouped together would help too01:15
gnomefreakah maybe listen to them all and than edit title or learn to tag01:16
knomethat little? :)01:16
gnomefreakthanks IdleOne that very helpful01:16
IdleOnewhat was?01:17
gnomefreakIdleOne: your above comments they made me think01:17
gnomefreakits too late for my brain to work on its own. so instead of 2 hours you helped me come up with it in 10 minutes01:17
IdleOneso your gonna give up on it ?01:18
gnomefreakbe back smoke/think/sleep01:18
gnomefreakIdleOne: tonight yes01:18
IdleOnegood night :)01:18
IdleOneMartiini: How can we help you?01:34
MartiiniDid I talk to You earlier `?01:34
IdleOneyou did01:34
IdleOneHow can I help you?01:35
MartiiniHow does one get a ban on #ubuntu lifted01:35
IdleOneMartiini: we discussed this earlier today and you were provided with the information and links you needed01:36
MartiiniAre you a real person ?01:36
knomeMartiini, are you?01:37
IdleOneYou were also asked by Flannel to come back in 48 hours and discuss further01:37
IdleOneMartiini: it has not been 48 hours01:37
MartiiniAre you able to unban someone on #ubuntu ?01:38
IdleOneI am.01:38
Martiiniyou are what01:38
IdleOneI am able to unban in #ubuntu01:39
gnomefreakMartiini: he can unable users and ban users but its normally best to wait gfor the op that banned you01:39
IdleOneby the way, please don't play me like I am stupid. you know full well what I meant01:39
knomeMartiini, stop swearing now01:39
Martiiniidiots .. finnish idiots01:39
IdleOneMartiini: you will not be unbanned today01:39
Martiiniok , I am afraid01:39
Martiinilearn to speak english first01:40
Martiinibefore start to play admins on IRC01:40
IdleOneit was decided by more then one op earlier. the decision is final. Please part the channel01:40
IdleOnegnomefreak: please reset the ban that tsimpson had set earlier on Martiini in this channel01:40
IdleOneWe spent over an hour talking with Martiini and got nowhere01:41
gnomefreakIdleOne: i wasnt here i am not familiar with the user. Pici might be of more help. hes always here :)01:41
gnomefreakMartiini: please come back in 48 hours from now01:41
=== MenZa is now known as baconsnacks
MartiiniI will find you in finland01:41
tsimpsonMartiini: if you have an issue with one of our operators you should follow the appeal process01:41
knomeMartiini, welcome.01:41
=== baconsnacks is now known as lhavelund
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.01:41
MartiiniI will find you in your finland hideoway and kick your teeth out01:42
IdleOneknome: don't feed please01:42
gnomefreaki hate threats01:42
Martiinipaska pekka01:42
* tsimpson runs away01:42
gnomefreaktsimpson: run to finland ;)01:42
knomehe didn't even know my name... :P01:42
knomei'm not pekka01:42
knomeIdleOne, sorry if i was feeding, he's just totally ridiculous01:43
IdleOneknome: agreed but he is looking for any reason to take make us look like we are the ones making him act the way he is01:44
knomewell looking at today's backlog, he isn't very far ;)01:44
IdleOnenot sure what you mean01:45
IdleOnein any case, we tried hard to reason with him01:45
IdleOnehe refuses to listen01:45
knomewell, more than one op was irritated by him01:46
knomeeven tsimpson ;)01:46
* lhavelund humms.02:55
Jordan_Uoobe in #ubuntu04:29
ikoniathank you Jordan_U07:17
ikoniaalabd again - banned now, enough is enough. Please don't remove the ban at this time08:26
alabdGood day all , humble (i) have very serious complaint with ikonia08:34
Flannelalabd: Howdy.  How can we help you today?08:35
alabdFlannel: hi thanks08:36
alabdprevious time -ikonia- banned me and told me you'r ban will last one week but after one month humble can here and asked you to remove ban . today again he/she banned me  , humble was discussing with someone he/she entered and answer my question with not true answers and humble started to repeating question to understand him/her , but he/she banned me08:39
alabdyou can chack logs of 8:30 and before it , GMT08:40
mneptokalabd: bans do not expire after a given time. bans are removed when we're assured that problem behavior will not be repeated.08:40
ikoniaalabd: let me correct you on your statment, then I'll leave it for the others08:41
alabdikonia:  here you are08:41
alabdwhy correct we should allow them to check logs08:41
alabdbefore today 8:30 GMT08:41
alabdubuntu channel08:41
ikoniayou are a known problem user who refused to obey the rules, I banned you and told you to come back within a week, you persisted to ban evade for weeks after so the ban was not removed. You where asking a question, and flooded the channel, I told you if you did it again you would be removed. You did it again straight away.08:41
ikonianow I'll leave it for the others to resolve08:42
mneptokalabd: as i said, bans are not removed after time. so if your ban was not removed, how did you enter #ubuntu?08:42
ikoniamneptok: it has been removed, it was not removed within the expected week due to persistant ban evading08:43
alabdmneptok:  read statement exactly08:43
alabdikonia:  says08:43
alabdYou where asking a question, and flooded the channel, I told you if you did it again you would be removed. You did it again straight away.08:43
alabdok Ops look here08:43
ikoniathey have the logs08:43
Flannelalabd: Let's focus on the ban today, there's no need to bring details of past bans into this.08:45
alabdFlannel: yes08:45
alabdok but humble copied it again here http://pastebin.com/reg9a0M8 , OPs see when ikonia asked me not flood and when did he/she banned me ? how long did it last ?08:45
alabdand how did he/she answered me , was it really my question answer ? and repating a question will be flood08:46
mneptokit was not a question.08:47
mneptokit was a screaming rant in caps.08:47
Flannelalabd: I'm confused.  You were asked not to flood, and then you did, and you were banned for it.  Are you saying you weren't flooding? or what?08:47
alabdFlannel:  when he/she answer my question badly , humble was forced to repeat question , he/she answered again those answers and humble asked them again is that flood ?08:49
Flannelalabd: Which question were you answering?08:49
Flannelor, no, you're saying that you were asking a question?  Which question were you asking? and how did he respond badly?08:50
alabdsee from first08:51
alabdhumble was discussiing with another user this way08:51
alabdalabd: nUboon2Age:  told you , themse should be ubuntu 10.04 default themse nothing esle but color scheme of it should be proper white and black08:51
alabdikonia said08:52
alabd(11:53:42 AM) ikonia: alabd: gnome-look.org for gnome themes08:52
alabdthis is one bad answer to my question08:52
alabdsee again08:52
Flannelalabd: why is that a bad answer?  what would a better answer have been?08:52
alabdyes because humble asked him that should be default 10.04 theme but only white and black08:53
alabdnot to change theme08:53
alabdok ?08:53
alabdagain humble described to him08:53
alabdor her08:53
alabd(11:54:30 AM) alabd: ikonia:  theme should be ubuntu 10.04 default themse nothing esle but color scheme of it should be proper white and black08:53
mneptokalabd: there is only one issue here.08:53
Flannelalabd: There is no default theme which has those properties.  The defaul theme is "black on white" not "white on black"08:54
alabdFlannel: default theme on ubuntu 10.0408:54
Flannelalabd: He can't change the defaults on your system, but you have the ability to install a new theme and set it as your default08:54
alabdFlannel: default theme on ubuntu 10.04 humble meant08:54
Flannelalabd: Right, he can't change that.08:54
Flannelalabd: but you have the ability to install a new theme, and set it as your default theme08:55
mneptokalabd: you screamed "IT SHOULD BE DEFUALT UBUNTU 10.04 THEME" three times in seconds. ikonia told you if you did it again you would be banned. you did it again.08:55
mneptokalabd: that is the ONLY part of the log that matters.08:55
alabdmneptok: don't go to the end from first wait humble answer Flannel first08:56
mneptokalabd: the end is the ONLY part that matters.08:56
mneptokalabd: what you are discussing with Flannel has no bearing on the fact you were banned.08:56
alabdFlannel: yes if this is answer ikonia should say it is not possible to edit theme for example not answering ikonia: alabd: gnome-look.org for gnome themes08:57
alabdsee after that08:57
alabd(11:54:30 AM) alabd: ikonia:  theme should be ubuntu 10.04 default themse nothing esle but color scheme of it should be proper white and black08:57
alabdagain he/she told (11:54:44 AM) ikonia: alabd: you install the themes you want08:58
alabd(11:55:06 AM) alabd: ikonia:  read question exactly08:58
alabd(11:55:16 AM) alabd: want to take white and black pictures from ubuntu 10.04 default theme but you know it is dark and will be make problem08:58
alabd(11:55:17 AM) ikonia: alabd: ask the question clearly08:58
Flannelalabd: It's not trivial to modify themes, which is why he didn't suggest you start off modifying one.  Instead, he suggested you find a theme that satisfies what you're looking for (because it probably already exists)08:58
alabdFlannel: but humble need that theme be proper white and black for book humble asked this nothing else08:59
alabdagain see08:59
alabd(11:56:05 AM) nUboon2Age: ikonia: the default theme set includes High Contrast Inverse, but alabd wants it to NOT be inverse.08:59
Flannelalabd: You just need a black and white image of the theme for a book? or what?09:00
alabdyes wait will be clear09:00
alabd(11:56:27 AM) ikonia: alabd: so ? change the theme as I've told you09:00
alabdthen humble copied question 4 time because humble thought he.she is not really reading my question09:02
alabdthen he noticed me not flood09:02
alabdand said09:02
alabd(11:57:09 AM) ikonia: alabd: 1.) use the application->accessories->take screen shot applications to take photos of your desktop 2.) install a theme you want for gnome09:02
alabdthose repeated answers09:02
alabdthen humble though heshe is not getting my question09:03
alabdso asked 2 time again that > (11:56:56 AM) alabd: IT SHOULD BE DEFUALT UBUNTU 10.04 THEME09:03
alabdthen heshe banned me09:04
mneptok(11:57:42 AM) ikonia: alabd: if you flood the channel like that again you will be removed from the channel09:04
mneptokand you did. and you were banned.09:05
alabdFlannel:  you can ask from nUboon2Age he is on now and is trying to answer me in priv809:05
alabdnUboon2Age told me in private09:05
alabd(11:58:51 AM) nUboon2Age: are you there alabd?09:05
alabd(11:59:16 AM) alabd: yes09:06
alabd(11:59:25 AM) alabd: he/she banned me09:06
alabd(11:59:52 AM) nUboon2Age: he/she is not very tolerant.09:06
alabdyou can ask nUboon2Age yourself09:06
alabdnow , nUboon2Age could undestand what humble want because humble and nUboon2Age was discussing minutes before ikonia comes09:06
alabdFlannel: here is good answer of nUboon2Age in PM > http://pastebin.com/ZpD0GKPn09:08
mneptokalabd: your PM sessions with other users is of no concern.09:09
alabdyes but humble you can see that nUboon2Age got my question some minutes before ikonia- comes  and you can see real answers and you can understand what is answer and what is not , now you can imagine that why humble am complaining ikonia- not good answers and banning , Flannel can see all to judge09:12
mneptokhttp://pastebin.com/Sbf3bnFN   <---- that is the only part of the entire conversation that is pertinent.09:16
mneptokanything else is superfluous.09:16
alabdyou mean any OPs can repeat useless  answer and after that user asked his question more than one time to understand him , Ops should ban him , this is true ?09:19
mneptokanyone can repeat any answer they like, as long as it does not flood the channel and cause the floodbots to take action.09:20
mneptokand as long as it is not actually malicious.09:20
mneptokand when you are asked by an op to stop a behavior, you stop.09:20
mneptokno arguments. no excuses. no delay.09:21
mneptokand if you feel it unfair, you come here to discuss it09:21
alabdyes it is unfair09:21
mneptokyou were told not to flood again. you did.09:22
alabdhumble repated question to understand him he is answering badly not flooding09:22
mneptokyou flooded. full stop.09:22
alabddid humble flood again ?09:22
mneptokgo read the log i have posted twice now.09:22
alabdafter heshe answered again the same answers humble asked the same answers09:22
alabdso if you want a user not to repeat his question  , OPs also should not answer the same answers09:23
mneptokwell, you're obviously unaware of what flooding is, why you should listen to ops' requests, and basic channel etiquette. so i am not inclined to remove your ban.09:23
alabdhumble don't know anything you can imagine09:24
alabdhumble say when a user ask his question again and emphasis on it OPs should not answer the same answers again09:24
alabdthis is fact09:24
alabdand humble am so complainant because this is not fair09:25
mneptokfor the record, and off-topic, people that refer to themselves in the third person *freak me out*09:26
mneptokso i'll go to bed.09:26
alabdam writing a ubuntu book in persian language , instead of supporting me , should you do this behavior ?09:27
alabdFlannel: what do you think , do you think ikonia- has not any delinquency  ?09:39
alabdwho deal with my complaint in this community ?10:00
popeyalabd: it looks like mneptok has gone to bed now. Is there anything else that needs discussing?10:01
gnomefreakdoes anyone care if we remove Thanks to you all for testing  Lucid and making it a great release10:16
gnomefreakfrom topic in +10:16
jussignomefreak: go for it10:23
alabdOne user asks a question another user discuss with him some minutes , in this time one OP comes and give not related answer , user tell OP that is not my question answer , OP answer the same answers , user tell OP what is question ...this continues until user will ban because of Flood , and no one says why user told his questions times and times to OP10:26
gnomefreakjussi: thanks10:37
alabdpopey: ^11:01
popeyalabd: it seems to me from reading the logs that you spammed the channel a few times in a short period, were warned and continued to do it. This warranted a kick/ban.11:03
popeyalabd: discussion from PMs, and further logs from #ubuntu are not required to come to that conclusion.11:03
ikoniaoh my word, is this still going on 2 hours later11:06
alabdpopey: yes humble have pasted my question some times but why ? have you read what humble have said from first here ? if yes read them again to know why humble repeated it some times11:06
ikoniaI'm ending this now11:06
ikoniaalabd: we cannot support you in your book11:06
ikoniaalabd: ubuntu is for support questions - not help writing a book11:07
alabd:) am not talking to you  ,11:07
ikoniathen this conversation is over - please leave the channel11:07
alabdyou are Accuser of this discussion so you stand beside11:08
ikoniaalabd: this conversation is over - please leave the channel now11:08
alabdhumble have complaint from you , and you can not ask me leave channel , humble am here to complaint from you11:08
ikonia!ops | please remove alabd from the channel, he has taken 2 hours to complain about his ban and is just wasting time now11:09
ubottuplease remove alabd from the channel, he has taken 2 hours to complain about his ban and is just wasting time now: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!11:09
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (please remove alabd from the channel, he has taken 2 hours to complain about his ban and is just wasting time now)11:09
ikonia!appeal | alabd11:09
ubottualabd: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.11:09
ikoniaalabd: please follow that appeals procecss - but we are now done in this channel11:09
ikoniagnomefreak: please remove alabd from the channel at my request, he has taken up 2 hours making a pointless agrument, he is now to follow the appeals process11:10
alabdikonia:  no there is written  please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit.11:11
ikoniaalabd: you have visited, and failed to resolve the issue, please follow the process11:11
gnomefreakalabd: may i please advise you to read the information given to you. than please exit channel11:11
alabdgnomefreak:  you are not aware of discussion read discussion  , yes but there is written  please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit.11:11
alabdand am asking you op's here to deal with my complaint11:12
ikoniaalabd: you have been here for 2 hours, and 4 operators have tried to resolve your issue, and failed. Please follow the appeals process and include details of your complaint11:12
gnomefreakalabd: i saw that you did not read the link given as it was given to you more than once11:12
gnomefreakwho banned him?11:13
gnomefreakikonia: thanks11:13
alabdgnomefreak:  humble have explained before that those links were not my answer , read all discussion here from first and then judge11:14
ikoniaenough now11:14
gnomefreakalabd: please come back in 24 hours to revist this. in the 24hours please read th appeals link.11:14
alabdgnomefreak: you mean humble come back tomorrow here ?11:15
gnomefreakalabd: i dont judge, however you are not getting anywhere, since ikonia will not unban you, you should follow up to apeal that way11:15
gnomefreakalabd: i mean come back in this channel or if ikonia needs more time he will let you know11:15
alabdikonia:  do you need more time ?11:16
gnomefreakis that ok with you, or do i need to explain it further?11:16
ikoniaalabd: I don't need any more time and I will not be progressing this ban at any time in the near future, so I suggest you follow the appeals process11:17
alabdgnomefreak:  thanks a lot11:17
alabdand thanks all11:18
alabdGod gives you peace11:18
ikoniaalabd: if you don't need anything else, can you please leave the channel11:22
alabdgnomefreak:  what does this mean ? > For other issues, a meeting will be scheduled where two independent people from the dispute resolution team can weigh in on the issue.11:22
gnomefreakalabd: please exit this channel if you dont have anything else11:22
gnomefreakalabd: 2 people other than ikonia will look over the logs and either ban stays or they will remove it11:23
gnomefreakpoeple. sorry hand is asleep11:24
alabdgnomefreak: should humble request that ?11:24
ikoniaalabd: 3 other operators have already looked at this in the past two hours,11:24
ikonia4 others if you include gnomefreak's recent interaction11:25
gnomefreaksorry i have to ask. what is "Humble"?11:25
ikoniaalabd: if you feel you want another two people to look at the issue, then request it and follow the process11:25
ikoniagnomefreak: it's a language issue, humble is his name,11:25
gnomefreakikonia: thanks11:25
ikoniagnomefreak: eg: 3rd person reference, it's just a language issues11:25
gnomefreakok be back11:26
ikoniathanks gnomefreak11:26
gnomefreakikonia: np11:26
alabdgnomefreak:  only 1 person mneptok that was in discuss from first ,  said his opinion11:26
alabdso humble require one another person11:26
ikoniaalabd: mneptok flannel, popey11:27
ikoniaalabd: they have all looked at this issue. If you want more people, follow the appeals process you have been given11:27
ikonia(sorry for the hilight guys - didn't think)11:27
gnomefreakalabd: follow the appleals process and some of us will look into it. unless called upon myself andf ikonia will not be the ones who will decide11:27
alabdgnomefreak:  Flannel did not say his opinion at last , and popey was not in discuss from first you can see above11:27
alabdsorry for highlight11:28
ikoniaalabd: then follow the process to request more people look at it11:28
gnomefreakplease follow the process than please exit the channel if you have nothing else we can help you with.11:28
gnomefreaknow i really will be back in a minute11:28
ikonialaters gnomefreak11:28
alabdgnomefreak:  you mean this ? #ubuntu-irc-council11:28
ikoniaalabd: do what the wiki page you have been sent tells you to do11:29
alabdIf the previous step has failed then feel free to join #ubuntu-ops. Another operator might be able to resolve the problem. For other issues, a meeting will be scheduled where two independent people from the dispute resolution team can weigh in on the issue.11:29
alabdshould humble request another person here or should humble go to #ubuntu-irc-council ?11:30
ikoniaalabd: ok -if you want to waste more time in this channel, fine11:30
ikoniaare there any other operators available to look at alabd's ban11:30
ikoniaalabd: if there is is no-one free at the moment (which it looks like there is not) I suggest you either join the council channel and ask there (however they are also in this channel) or send an email to the mailing list in the wiki page to arange a meeting11:32
popeyalabd: i have seen the entire discussion, I wouldn't have said anything if I hadn't.11:32
ikoniaalabd: ok - so popey has also reviewed the situation as I said earlier11:33
ikoniaalabd: would you still like another operator ?11:33
alabdpopey: thanks for that but have you asked ikonia why did he answered the same answers when humble told him that is not proper answer ?11:34
ikoniaalabd: they where the correct answers, you just didn't like them11:34
alabdno no11:34
ikoniawell, I'm not discussing that any futher11:35
alabdthis is the thing that popey should judge11:35
ikoniaalabd: no it's not, you are here to have your ban resolved, you where banned for flooding the channel in caps after being told not to11:35
popeyalabd: i merely examined the events leading up to the ban, and your conduct in here since. I see no reason for the ban to be lifted at this time.11:36
gnomefreakIIRC stage1: in here stage2 IRCCouncil stage3 CC but i havent read it yet11:37
ikoniaalabd: I suggest you just contact the irc council as described in the wiki page and we stop all futher discussion in this channel11:38
ikoniathis is going no-where, so contact the council11:38
gnomefreaki will be back in a little while i have to start laundry and make coffee11:38
alabdpopey: so a question , a user is talking with another user on a question , once OP comes and repeat his not proper answers , user says to OP the question again , OP again answer the same not proper answer , and after that user asks question for some time he will be banned , so hyou think this is true ?11:39
ikoniaalabd: take this to the council - lets stop in here11:39
popeyI agree, take it to the IRC Council who are tasked with dealing with these types of conflicts.11:40
alabdthanks a lot all who paid attention11:40
alabdGod gives you peace bye11:40
popeythat whole 'humble' thing is something I've not encountered before.11:42
ikoniait's just a language issue11:42
ikoniahis name is "humble"11:42
popeyhis actual name?11:42
ikoniafrom what he says, yes11:42
popeyok, that's less odd then.11:43
jussiits likely a translation of his name - the chinese do similar things - so you end up with honey and flower...11:43
jussiand humble...11:43
ikoniahe's persian, so that would make sense11:44
elkyis the above 2 hours of broken record, or worth actually reading/11:49
elky"no" is rarely a useful response to an "or" question :P11:50
ikoniasorry missread. Broken record is the correct response11:51
IdleOnein the above convo s/humble/humbly12:08
IdleOneit is not his name but a language barrier12:08
IdleOnehmm wait. maybe it is his name12:11
* Pici finished reading scrollback12:42
IdleOneyou read all that?12:45
IdleOneyou are a better man then I Charlie Brown12:46
jussiIdleOne: its our job to be upto date on everything...12:54
IdleOneI know :)12:54
PiciNo matter how many crazy logs it takes..12:55
knomei read most of the backlogs, even if didn't have to12:57
knomethat's a remnant of the irc addict days12:57
nhandlerWell, reading that scrollback was a fun way to start off the day. I end the day with one troll, and begin with a ban appeal ;)13:02
knomeheh :)13:02
IdleOnenhandler: so he did file an appeal?13:02
nhandlerI can't say. The channel and ML are private for a reason13:03
IdleOnesorry I forgot13:03
nhandlerIdleOne: No problem13:03
IdleOnewould be interresting to sit in on the process some time though13:03
PiciNot as much as you'd think.13:04
jussiPici: +113:06
IdleOneI suppose I can imagine what the process is like13:07
IdleOnemuch like an appeal in here except less public13:07
PiciIts a little more calm, as with email you get more time to organize your thoughts.13:07
* ikonia returns13:51
elkyOk, for reals, can we spank ljl?13:51
PiciI don't know whats going on.13:51
* ikonia leaves13:52
elkyPici, he's knowingly pushing buttons, that's what. We call that baiting.13:53
IdleOneall he did was say the word hitler13:53
IdleOnenot sure exactly how that is deserving of spanking13:54
elkyIdleOne, he compared a winning team to hitler, i believe. That's godwinning. Godwinning is bad.13:54
IdleOneI see13:55
elkyIt has to be done.13:56
IdleOneand after reading quickly what godwinning means I have to agree13:57
elkyFrom now on, no free passes for him.13:57
elkywhich ops is he talking about?14:04
bazhangnot sure, must have missed that whole episode14:09
elkyIdleOne, well i was hoping you could answer the question I'd asked.14:10
IdleOnefew days back he and Flannel had a discussion and Flannel told him to stop acting like an idiot14:10
elkyAnd was something said here?14:11
elky(as in this channel?)14:11
IdleOnenot sure if it was said in here14:11
IdleOneI don't remember exactly. logs perhaps. in any case Flannel was not publicly repremanded by me or any other op but it was clear by all our reactions that it was not acceptable14:12
IdleOneiirc I asked that they drop the subject and seemed as if they were both going to but ljl continued and Flannel did respond more respectfully from that point on14:13
IdleOneit was all just a clash of personalities14:13
elkyI wouldn't put anything ljl does down to a mere clash. He's cultivating stuff, not just wandering aimlessly in to it.14:14
IdleOneI do believe he has a point though, a lot of times I see people get away with some things that he would get called on. Not just ops but regular users also14:15
elkyWell if you see them doing it, why are you not calling it?14:15
elkyMost of the times people "get away with" stuff is because they sneak past our attentions.14:15
bazhangsev gets away with tons more tbh14:16
IdleOneelky: because sometimes I am just sitting idle and not "on"14:16
IdleOnealso depends on the convo and who is involved14:16
* Pici sighs14:16
elkybazhang, yes, and i'm sick of that too, but he does it all while i'm not around14:16
IdleOnecommon sense gut call14:17
elkybetween the two of them, they're dragging the channel down.14:17
IdleOnethey are not the ones14:17
bazhangdisagree there elky14:17
IdleOnethe ops team is to blame14:17
elkyThey are dragging it down, and we're not pulling it back up.14:17
IdleOnethe team allowed the channel to be "different"14:17
PiciWhat do you mean?14:18
elkyIdleOne, there's different, and then there's people who know the dynamic and know they're getting free passes cultivating crap.14:18
IdleOneI mean the rules although the same for all Ubuntu channels are not inforced as strictly in -ot14:18
elkyStop giving sev and ljl free passes. You'll soon find that non-former-IRC-team people won't be thinking they can settle at that level also.14:19
elkybut whilever we let ljl and sev get away with crap, we're going to have a hard time enforcing it on the others.14:20
IdleOneelky: and I believe that is all ljl was trying to say. enforce the same rules for everybody in the same way14:21
gordopping -ot can be kinda tricky. just because trolls in other focused channels are more obvious. if someone is breaking the rules they are delt with. if they aren't then you need to ping someone in here14:21
elkyIdleOne, which would be fine if I was not the only person willing to kick him.14:22
IdleOnegive me ops in -ot. I have no issues with kicking my friends when they are wrong14:22
IdleOneI like ljl and sev. they both can be difficult but I'll kick without hesitation14:23
elkyPici, can you suggest this to the IRCC please?14:23
Picielky: I can and will.14:23
IdleOneI see the ops title much like being a manager in a company. friend or not if you don't do the job I will fire you.14:24
bazhangIdleOne, you have ops in -ot?14:24
IdleOneI don't14:24
IdleOnethat I know of14:24
bazhangneed to apply then afaik14:24
elkyOh don't tell me we need to go through that process to expand a portfolio?14:24
ikoniahas anyone actually tried speaking to them properly asking them to try to not initiate an issue in the channel ?14:24
IdleOneyeah. I purposely avoided applying for that channel14:24
elkyikonia, yes.14:25
ikoniaI appreiciate it's an obvious question,14:25
elkyikonia, they laugh. It's a game to them.14:25
ikoniaI tried to speak to Seveas but he was marked as away14:25
elkyikonia, he's not responded to my PMs in over a year iirc.14:25
IdleOnebazhang: when I applied for ops I thought about what channels I believed I would be best suited for. I feel sometimes I am to rigid with my interpertation of the rules and knew that -ot was different14:26
IdleOneBasically I didn't want to become the enforcer14:27
bazhangmuch trickier as gord mentioned14:27
IdleOneonly trickier because the rules are applied differently14:27
elkyIdleOne, the channel needs enforcers. Not people too busy to engage in lengthy debates.14:27
ikoniaperhaps a council member ?14:27
Piciikonia: hrm?14:27
ikoniaPici: I meant a council member maybe try to have a word, as they are both good members, try to resolve whatever issue is upsetting them ?14:28
ikoniaolive branch sort of thing14:28
IdleOnein essence the poeple in -ot believe that the channel is a democracy. I am all for voting but at some point someone has to say " No! this is how it is and that is it."14:30
elkyikonia, well, I spoke to both while IRCC, if that counts for anything. It didn't count for much to them :(14:30
elkyIdleOne, no, channels are not a democracy. Channels have never been a democracy.14:31
IdleOneelky: that is what i am saying14:31
elkyI'm confused as to where the regulars have drawn the contrary conclusion from.14:32
IdleOnebut soon as anybody says anything to a user about breaking a rule. twelve other people feel it is ok to chime in14:32
elkyThen maybe we need to use +m more often.14:34
gorderm no14:34
gordits an ot channel, people talk about stuff like that. its boring and lame and i don't really listen but if thats what they are gonna talk about, its what they are gonna talk about14:34
IdleOnestuff like what?14:36
elkygord, when it's people being obstructive for the sake of standing up to the nearest authority figure, then something does need to be done.14:36
gordi don't agree, if someone is trolling ops thats a different matter. but if people are reasonably questioning a rule then fine, maybe they will come to a conclusion and take it to the council for discussion (i know they won't, but its the principal)14:38
IdleOnequestioning the rule and obviously skirting the rule to get a reaction and then saying that they didn't really break any rule is different.14:39
elkyIdleOne, yes, especially when done as a mob.14:39
IdleOneif they would ask, What is the reason behind rule X? and discuss it intelligently that would be different14:40
elkyEspecially when it also involves certain people throwing out blatant FUD to garner particular responses from passers-by14:40
IdleOneI want a cigarette, notice I said want and not need. I'll be back14:42
bazhangbalzac back in #xubuntu15:26
ikoniadidn't realise I hadn't rejoined15:27
PiciOh, is that the same guy who keeps calling me 'bruder' ?15:27
ikoniaand me15:27
bazhanghanzakevirgsze or something like that15:27
ikoniathe fact that he's using webchat makes me hope we've caught out all his dodging addresses15:28
bazhangclaims to be the all time Linux troll15:28
PiciI figured it was just some guy who thought I was hungarian, apparently 'Pici' means something in Hungarian.15:28
PiciHes been doing it for at least 6 months to me.15:28
ikoniaguess again, look at balzac in BT15:28
ikoniaand me15:28
ikoniaand much longer as balzac before that nick was banned15:28
bazhanghe had a different nick before balzac15:29
ikoniaoh really, wow, even older15:29
bazhangtwo years at least15:29
ikoniaas you can see, he's a delight15:30
bazhangsorry was ongaz something15:30
Piciikonia: hm?16:19
ikoniadon't worry, I think I read that wrong16:19
PiciOkay :)16:19
bazhangI suspect indian_munda is jungli16:37
Picibazhang: I don't think so.  That name is familiar from a while ago.16:37
bazhangPici, exact same issues as jungli16:38
zorkmidonHello all. it's been a week now that I have been banned from ubuntu. and I don't know why. can some one help me?18:39
mneptokone moment18:39
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:40
zorkmidonHello all. it's been a week now that I have been banned from ubuntu. and I don't know why. can some one help me? anyone?18:41
* mneptok blinks18:43
mneptokdo you want to wait patiently while i look into the issue, or would you like to repeat yourself every 4 minutes?18:43
mneptoki'll let you choose one before i proceed.18:44
zorkmidonI'll w8. and it would have been nice to know that you ment me.18:44
zorkmidonno flooding was intended18:45
mneptokyour host of red.bezeqint.net is banned from a number of Ubuntu channels because of repeated spamming and abuse from that domain.18:45
zorkmidonI'm banned because of my isp?18:46
mneptokgiven the amount of trouble from that host, i'm somewhat reluctant to remove the ban18:46
mneptokyou are affected by a ban that had to be set very wide in order to mitigate abuse18:46
zorkmidonis it because I'm from israel?18:46
mneptokit's because you use the same ISP as a number of very determined abusive people.18:47
mneptoknationality does not matter18:47
zorkmidonwell, it seems weird to ban the biggest isp from Israel18:48
zorkmidon3 m users18:48
zorkmidonmay I ask, what kind of abuse?18:48
mneptokfoul language. insults. spamming. flooding.18:49
zorkmidonit sounds like collective punishment for a lot of users18:49
zorkmidonthe ubuntu Channel is a great help. too bad that it's blocked18:50
zorkmidonhow long will this take?18:50
mneptokit's a regrettable situation when a peace-loving majority has to be isolated because of the actions of a minority determined to cause problems, i agree.18:50
mneptokif you have any suggestions on a better method to ensure the problems do not repeat, i'm happy to hear them.18:51
zorkmidonban the individuals. I don't think this method is the right one. it achieves nothing but frustration.18:52
mneptokthe individuals change nicks, change idents, and get new dynamic IP addresses via DHCP.18:53
mneptokthus bans set against them by nick, ident, or specific hostmask do not work.18:53
zorkmidonwould you have done this to O2, BT (uk)?18:53
mneptokif the abuse was at the level we saw, probably yes. but i did not set the ban, so what i would have done (or not done) is tangential to the issue at hand.18:55
zorkmidonis there something i can do to reach UBUNTU channel ? besides Changing ISP?18:55
mneptokwould you be willing to watch for abuse, note the hostamsk (which contains the IP address), and report those users to your ISP?18:56
mneptokIOW, if you don't want us to police our channels, will *you* volunteer to do it?18:56
zorkmidonsure, I don't like users who exploit the IRC for nonsense.18:57
mneptokperfect. please do watch. if we see abuse again, the ban may be set again. come here if you have issues in the future.18:57
mneptokone moment.18:58
mneptoktry joining now, please?18:58
zorkmidonthank you.18:59
mneptoknot a problem19:00
mneptokthanks for understanding19:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | LoCo channel discussion/issues to #ubuntu-irc | Please exit the channel once your issue is dealt with. | We reserve the right to remove idlers | Channel is logged | IRCC meeting: Sun 27 June 18:00
mneptokzorkmidon: we do have a "no-idle" policy for -ops. so if you have no other issue(s), could you please /part?19:09
mneptokbluebaron: how can we help?19:17
bluebaroni'm banned from ubuntu19:18
bluebaronor my host is19:18
bluebaroni'm not sure which19:18
mneptokyes, you are.19:18
mneptokdo you know why?19:19
bluebaronno.  is it my username that's banned?19:19
mneptoklet me refresh your memory19:20
mneptok2010-05-13T01:02:38 <bluebaron> jrib, can I rape you?19:20
mneptok2010-05-13T01:02:47 <jrib> bluebaron: umm...19:20
mneptok2010-05-13T01:02:54 <bluebaron> just a little?19:20
mneptok2010-05-13T01:03:00 <elky> bluebaron, what? stop that.19:20
mneptok2010-05-13T01:03:12 <bluebaron> elky, don't be jealous19:20
bluebaronah ... that was my praise for jrib19:21
bluebaronthat was a long time ago19:21
mneptokone month19:21
mneptokand time is not the issue.19:21
bluebaroni was really happy for his contributions to resolving my issue19:21
bluebaronokay thanks19:22
mneptokand you express that happiness via an offer of rape?19:22
mneptoksorry, but that makes no sense to me.19:22
bluebaroni would have offered sexual other favours, i was just excited19:22
bluebaroni can't even remember what for now19:22
mneptokare you familiar with the Ubuntu Code Of Conduct and the IRC Guidelines?19:23
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .19:23
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:23
mneptokyou'll need to read those carefully, and then tell people here that you agree to abide by them before the ban will be lifted.19:23
bluebaroni'm sure that it's don't be stupid generally ... and don't say things that are nsfw or otherwise inappropriate .. i can see that my comment was not in accordance with the these terms19:24
bluebaronk i'll bbl, have a meeting19:25
mneptoka meeting ...19:25
mneptok"Wow, Karl! Your work on the financial forecasts for Q3 2010 is absolutely stellar? Can I ...."19:26
marienzhmm, bluebaron /msg'd me about that ban too (while I was away), because he thought it had something to do with the conversation we had yesterday after he'd made a joke on ##linux with the key words being "jew" and "ashtray"19:42
marienzvery! I stalked him for a while after that (still had him hilighted just now actually)19:44
marienzfeel free to prod me if he pulls something like that in #ubuntu too19:44
marienzerr, actually a bit longer ago than yesterday, but still.19:45
mneptokmarienz: too bad zorkmidon and bluebaron were not active at the same time. that could have become ... interesting.19:51
PiciOh, looks like bluebaron tried to join from a webchat.19:52
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (Seb_)20:20
ubottuSlidingHorn called the ops in #ubuntu (Seb_)20:20
ikoniaXFGolden: hello, how can we help ?20:23
ikoniakuntau: hello how can we help you ?20:23
ikoniaSeb_: thanks for joining, I'll be with you in 2 minutes once XFGolden and kuntau are "ok"20:23
XFGoldenJust stopping by20:23
ikoniaXFGolden: well, if you don't need anything from us, there is a non-idle policy so we can deal with other peoples issues20:24
tsimpson|n800please see the /topic20:24
ikoniaXFGolden: hello ?20:25
XFGoldenactuall i went into the wrong ops chan .. was going to mention something about an abusive op but it's the wrong op chan to do it in20:25
ikoniaSeb_: be with you in just a moment, thank you for waiting20:25
ikoniaXFGolden: no problem,20:25
ikoniaSeb_: I just wanted to understand why you threw out such a potentially dangerous command to a channel of innocent users ?20:26
ikonia(thank you for waiting)20:26
Seb_The command itself is not dangerous. It's as dangerous as the user who uses it.20:27
ikoniaSeb_: the command is dangerous - you gave it out randomly in a channel full of different user ability, I'd to understand why and stop it happening again in future20:28
Seb_Ok. For once: It is funny to give out a command like this. Because either someone falls for it, or understands what it's doing. For the second part: Since you can't just run rm without typing in your password (thanks to sudo), it is harmless and nothing will happen.20:30
ikoniaSeb_: I'm not arguing this20:30
ikoniaSeb_: you told someone to become root - then gave out that command it IS dangerous, that's not open for debate20:30
ikoniaSeb_: what I'm trying to understand is why you gave out that command to someone, and stop it happening again20:31
Seb_I doubt that most people know how to become root.20:31
ikoniaSeb_: you TOLD someone to become root20:31
ikoniaSeb_: what part of "this isn't up for debate" am I not making clear to you20:32
ikoniaI brought you into this channel so I didn't have to ban you from ubuntu due to your dangerous advice, however if you don't start accepting what is being said there will be no choice but to remove you from the channel20:32
ikoniaso again why did you do it - and I need to know this won't happen again20:32
Seb_Why did I do it? Quote from myself: [quote]<Seb_> Ok. For once: It is funny to give out a command like this. Because either someone falls for it, or understands what it's doing. For the second part: Since you can't just run rm without typing in your password (thanks to sudo), it is harmless and nothing will happen.[/quote]20:33
tsimpson|n800we dusagree20:34
ikoniasince you chose to argue this point, and think it's funny to give out that command, I've banned you from ubuntu and you can now leave this channel as I dont progress this further20:34
Seb_gentoo ftw!!20:35
ikoniawow - hardcore20:35
ikoniayou give someone more room than they should have got, and they throw it back at you20:35
* tsimpson|n800 runs "emerge ubuntu-desktop"20:35
topylitsimpson|n800: won't work, you'rr on debian :)20:37
topylior something like that20:38
tsimpson|n800I have dual-boot ;)20:38
tsimpson|n800though 'plain' ubuntu  on this is not so nice20:38
topyliprobably not20:39
PiciI miss the !botabuse factoid that mentioned angry ops.20:40
ikoniaI'm going to finish talking to Fender USA and head off to watch a film20:42
ikoniababysitting fools tonight is not appealing20:42
PiciWhat movie?20:43
ikonianot sure, army thing, girlfriend is setting up20:48
ikoniastop something it's called20:55
tsimpson|n800there i am :)20:56
* mneptok runs "emerge out-of-my-parents-house"20:56
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (russell_simmons)22:42
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))22:49
mneptokh00k: why the ban?22:51
h00kmneptok: that was an accident. :|22:51
mneptokCppIsWeird: if that was a mistake, ensure you do not repeat it.22:51
mneptokerr ... i mean h00k22:51
h00kYeah...I was answering the phone at the same time. It won't happen again22:52
mneptoki was calling to order a pizza.22:53
mneptokdo you still do that?22:53
h00kcall to order pizza?22:53
h00kI do it online :$22:53
mneptoki wanted you to make me a pizza and deliver it.22:54
h00kI can't make pizza here, anyway22:54
mneptokOK, i'll go eat one of the cats.22:55
h00kI could, however, remote into a clients server and change some active directory stuffs22:55

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