
slimjimflimhelp!! jackd broke my sound!!01:04
slimjimflimi can't open qjackctl now because of it01:05
slimjimflimi actually didn't install ubuntu-studio, but i'm hoping someone in here knows what they're talking about01:05
slimjimflimas opposed to #ubuntu01:05
ScottLslimjimflim, what did you install that broke your sound?02:40
slimjimflimScottL: jackd03:14
ScottLslimjimflim, you installed jackd?03:25
ScottLand you could open qjackctl before?03:25
slimjimflimi've narrowd it down to this:03:26
slimjimflimBe aware though automatically starting JACK can cause the daemon (jackd) and/or the GUI (qjackctl) to crash/freeze if device settings change between two sessions (for example, a USB soundcard can get different device numbers across sessions). If so, set the appropriate entry (autolaunch) to 0 in the ~/.jackdrc file, qjackctl should work again.03:26
ScottLif you were opening (and presumably using) qjackctl then i would be surprised if you didn't have jackd already installed before03:30
ScottLbut nonetheless, if you try to open qjackctl from the menu what happens?03:30
slimjimflimi've been opening it from cli03:31
slimjimflim$ qjackctlBus error03:31
slimjimflimSuspending PulseAudio03:31
slimjimflimBus error03:31
slimjimflimidk what menu you're talking about03:31
slimjimflimthe window doesn't open of course03:32
ScottLdo you have menus at the top of your screen: Applications, Places, System ?03:32
ScottLunder Applications can you find Sound&Video ?03:32
slimjimflimthere's no applications03:33
slimjimflimi have jack control under multimedia03:33
slimjimflimit doesn't open anything03:33
ScottLwhat command were you using before to start jack from the cli?03:34
slimjimflimsame as above03:35
slimjimflimthe jackd man page is no help either03:36
ScottLi'm not sure i have an answer but i have some information that might be helpful to someone else to help you03:36
ScottLand i'll explain a bit so you really understand (and sorry if I treat you as if you were daft) but I do want you to understand03:37
slimjimflimit's ok i'm daft03:37
ScottLubuntu uses pulse audio for normal audio routing, regular desktop stop03:37
ScottLstuff     not stop03:37
ScottLjack is intended for low latency audio, recording and such03:38
ScottLintrinsically and historically they haven't been designed to work together03:38
ScottLback in ubuntu hardy, the ubuntu studio devs set up qjackctl to help this03:39
ScottLwhen you call up 'qjackctl' it should actually start a wrapper script instead of the qjackctl.bin03:39
ScottLthe script runs 'pasuspender' (which suspends pulse audio) and then calls the actuall qjackctl.bin03:40
slimjimflimis there anyway to disassociate jack and pulse?03:40
ScottLqjackctl.bin = qjackctl binary file (the real applicaiton)03:40
slimjimflimhmmm that might be useful info03:41
slimjimflimyou mean pauspender?03:41
ScottLdisassociate jack and pulse?  not terribly easily03:41
ScottLbut that is for a gnome desktop03:42
ScottLi'm not sure about an xfce desktop03:42
slimjimflimdon't worry about that03:42
slimjimflimi can run anything gnome can03:42
ScottLwell, it's not about running applications, rather it's that the gnome project has dictated that pulse audio is THE sound system for gnome desktops03:43
slimjimflimas it is for my xfce03:43
ScottLthat's one of the fundamental reasons that ubuntu uses pulse audio03:43
ScottLsince kde uses phonon for sound, pulse isn't really a problem for them :)03:44
slimjimflimyea, xfce uses pulse just like gnome03:44
ScottLkxstudio is a respin of ubuntu studio that uses kde and is based purely on jack03:44
ScottLcutting edge stuff, that03:44
slimjimflimi'm mortally afraid of jack now03:44
slimjimflimi want nothing to do with it03:44
ScottLyou might also try the ubuntu forums under ubuntu studio for answers also, there are some really knowledgeable people there03:45
ScottLparticurlaly mulan (or something like that, perhaps mulin) and autostatic03:45
ScottLgoogle search is also your friend (even if they steal your wifi)03:45
slimjimflimsteal my wifi?03:45
ScottLeven if they steal your wifi = bad joke03:45
slimjimflimhow do they do that?03:46
ScottLuse google to search google + wifi and you will see the news about it03:46
ScottLbut i would start with the forums and i seem to remember bus errors before03:46
slimjimflimk, thanks03:47
slimjimflimyou're about the only person who had a clue i've talked to about this yet03:47
slimjimflimin the last ~6 hrs03:47
slimjimflimi think pasuspender might just be my ticket03:48
ScottLwell, there are some truly brilliant people around, but usually they are rather busy doing other stuff and sometimes hard to catch03:48
ScottLyou might also check at #opensourcemusicians, some really experienced people there also03:49
slimjimflimoh i forgot about that one03:49
ScottLespecially holstein (who frequents here pretty regularly helping peole)03:49
slimjimflimoh i'm good friends w/ him03:49
ScottLmetric tonnes of helpful knowledge there03:49
slimjimflimbtw, check out #music-theory some time03:49
slimjimflimthat's my channel03:49
slimjimflimholstein and i are always in there teaching theory03:50
ScottLyeah, that makes sense, i've seen him talking about it :)03:50
slimjimflimjazz ftw03:50
ScottLi keep seeing people typing 'ftw' but i don't think others think what i think it means, what do you think it means?03:50
slimjimflimfor the win?03:51
slimjimflimwhat do you think it means?03:51
ScottLahhh,  fek the world03:51
ScottLbut fek is not really the right word :)03:51
slimjimflimwhat, not allowed to cuss in here?03:52
ScottLi prefer not to even if it is allowed03:52
slimjimflimfekin censorship03:52
slimjimflimmy channel is completely uncensored03:52
ScottLbut your definition certainly fits the context better when i have seen it used03:52
ScottLoh, i believe this channel is uncensored but again, i choose not to03:53
ScottLoh, do you have dbus installed ?   this may be the reason for your problem03:54
* slimjimflim installs03:54
slimjimflimi have qdbuss03:56
ScottLjust a minute, looking something up03:58
ScottLyou should look for this file:  /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf03:58
ScottLmake sure it has the following lines (or something similar):03:59
ScottL@audio - rtprio 9903:59
ScottL@audio - memlock unlimited03:59
slimjimflimya i did that already03:59
ScottLis this in the audio.conf file or the limits.conf file?04:00
ScottLand you probably should log out afterwards to make sure it takes effect04:01
slimjimflimi did04:01
ScottLhmmm, i'm running out of suggestions then04:01
slimjimflimit's all good04:01
ScottLalthough i did find a bug that says it's something to do with how pulse audio handles memory (but only effects select people)04:01
ScottLyou are using a USB audio card right?04:02
slimjimflimi'm gonna play with pasuspender04:02
ScottLon board audio or is it a pci card?04:02
ScottLwhich version of qjackctl were you using ?    if you know04:03
ScottLi have two more suggestions for you:04:03
ScottL1) reinstall jackd and qjackctl, sometimes this fixes some problems04:04
slimjimflimit won't tell me04:04
slimjimflimgives me that same error04:04
ScottLyou could use synaptic to see the version number04:04
slimjimflimoh right04:04
ScottL2) upgrade qjackctl via someones ppa04:04
ScottLi have the qjackctl (0.3.6 i think) built in my ppa :  https://launchpad.net/~slavender/+archive/lucid04:05
ScottLppa = personal packaging archives04:05
ScottLmini, personal archives (like the ubuntu ones) but you have to add them to your sources.list file to use them04:05
ScottLBUT, but very, very careful about which ones you use, you never know what what kind of crap they might have and it might bork your system04:06
ScottLright, i would suggest reinstallation at the least04:06
slimjimflimi don't think that necessarily reinstalled when i reinstalled jack04:07
slimjimflimnot sure04:07
slimjimflimno dice04:07
ScottLthen perhaps upgrading to 0.3.6 because it has "full dbussification" : see http://www.rncbc.org/drupal/node/192?page=104:07
ScottLthe quotes are taken from that link and it's their silly word :P04:08
slimjimflimshould i just install from source?04:08
ScottLyou certainly can if you feel apt at packaging (heh, sorry for the pun)04:09
ScottLsome prefer to do that04:09
ScottLothers don't bother and use ppa's04:09
ScottLi would suggest either mine at the moment04:09
ScottLi would suggest someone's named falktx but i think he built his against jack204:09
ScottLwhich is not available in the official archives yet04:10
ScottLit might be in the development one for maverick, but even then not sure04:10
slimjimflimcan you link me to the repo?04:10
ScottLwell, i guess packaging is not the right word, but if you are comfortable building from source then certainly04:11
slimjimflimi'd rather use a package04:11
ScottLthere is a section named 'Adding this PPA to your system' that will be helpful enabling the ppa04:12
ScottLon that page04:12
slimjimflimso just add ppa:slavender/lucid ?04:12
ScottLonly when you are using synaptic or software sources from the menu04:12
ScottLdon't add the directly to your sources.list ;)04:12
slimjimflimok brb, gonna reboot04:13
slimjimflimScottL: it works04:18
ScottLi'm very glad to help04:19
slimjimflimnow that i think about it, nothing you said probably affected it's working04:19
ScottLby the way, if you upgraded to 0.3.6 this will fix two bugs04:19
slimjimflimi'm dumb04:19
ScottLoh, lol04:19
slimjimflimi should have rebooted like 2 hours ago04:19
slimjimflimbut now i'm a jack expert04:19
ScottLhah!  that happens ;)04:20
ScottLdid you reinstall?  upgrade?04:20
slimjimflimwell i reinstalled04:20
slimjimflimbut i think it did that before when i reinstalled jack04:20
ScottLthen i will tell you about one particular bug in qjackctl-0.3.4 that you may notice (most do)04:21
slimjimflimthat frekin sucked though04:21
slimjimflimheeyyyy and jack works now too04:21
ScottLif you are using ardour and create a track and then rename the track you will not be able to use qjackctl to connect to the renamed track04:21
slimjimflimnow i can run ardour!!04:21
ScottLfor qjackctl-0.3.4 it does not handle renamed ports04:22
slimjimflimhmm lemme try04:22
slimjimflimhow do you name/rename a track?04:25
ScottLleft click on the name in ardour i believe and it will highlight04:25
ScottLjust type then04:25
ScottLyou may not be able to rename the master track however04:25
ScottLyou can always right click below the master track to create a new one (it will be named 'audio1')04:26
slimjimflimi renamed it04:26
slimjimflimis the bug that it doesn't play?04:26
slimjimflimi didn't connect the mic yet04:26
ScottLthe bug is if you try to connect to the renamed track in qjackctl04:27
ScottLqjackctl probably will not connect to it04:27
slimjimflimisn't it already conencted?04:27
ScottLlook at the 'connection' windows (click the connection button on qjackctl) and under +Ardour you probably will not see the renamed port, rather you probably will see the original track name04:28
ScottLwindow, not windows04:28
ScottLit is possibly connected already if you had Ardour to automatically connect new tracks04:29
slimjimflimoh yea it's not there04:29
ScottLseveral ways around this bug:04:29
slimjimflimi renamed master aaa04:29
slimjimflimnow i have master/out 1 and master/out 204:29
slimjimflimhad it before i guess too04:30
ScottL1) save ardour project, close qjackctl, restart qjackctl and then reload the project...all renamed tracks will be recognized04:30
ScottLat least until they are renamed again04:30
ScottL2) use patchage to make connections04:30
ScottL3) upgrade qjackctl to 0.3.604:30
slimjimflimthis isn't gonna affect me i don't think04:31
slimjimflimbut i'll keep it in the back of my mind04:31
slimjimflimi've had about enough jack hacking for one day04:31
ScottLi used patchage for a while until i could research the problem and figure out that the newer version of qjackctl would fix it :)04:31
ScottLi understand ;)04:31
slimjimflimi'm gonna go watch a movie or something04:31
slimjimflimi was gonna ask you04:32
slimjimflimdo you play an instrument?04:32
ScottLif you need more help ping me directly, especially if you want to move forward on fixing this bug04:32
ScottLyes, i do04:32
ScottLguitar, bass, crappy drums04:32
slimjimflimheh cool04:32
slimjimflimyou should definitely idle in #music-theory04:32
slimjimflimi can help you w/ that stuff04:32
slimjimflimi play guitar, drums, bass, keys04:33
ScottLhttp://wirblewind.rpmchallenge.com/   the latest i did (in february) all made with ubuntu studio04:33
slimjimflimi gig out...been in a bunch of bands04:33
slimjimflimnow i do jazz04:33
ScottLyeah, i might start idling there to pick up some stuff :)04:33
ScottLoi, time to put the kids down for the night, good night and i wish you well04:34
slimjimflimyou can hear me at http://ben-hopps.com04:34
ScottLif you have other problems let us know and well see if we can straighten things out04:34
slimjimflimk later04:34
ScottLi'll check that out tomorrow morning04:34
slimjimflimthanks 1,000,00004:34
ScottLyou are more than welcome, i'm just glad it was resolved04:34
holsteinFEK THE WORLD04:36
slimjimflimhey holstein04:37
slimjimflimi was just gonna go looking for you04:37
holsteinSO you got jack auto-starting?04:37
holsteinat login?04:37
slimjimflimhow much do you think an average bar makes in a night04:37
slimjimflimyes, 10 hours later04:37
holsteinslimjimflim: DUDE04:37
holsteindont stat doing that04:37
holsteinyou'll quit04:37
slimjimflimdoing what?04:38
holsteinyou get a small percentage04:38
holsteini guarantee04:38
holsteini counted heads a couple shows04:38
holsteini was playing for the door04:38
slimjimflimand they'll probably lie about how much they make04:38
holsteinand we got some of the money the door guy was stealing04:38
holsteini just dont even go there anymore04:39
slimjimflimi just got an offer in an email to do a gig like that04:39
holsteina bar owner is not going to be home doing the books04:39
holsteinand say...04:39
holsteinhey, those musicians could use some of this04:39
slimjimflimi know i know04:39
slimjimflimyea, i'm gonna email him back a price04:39
holsteini just try to get a strong guarantee up front04:40
slimjimflimwe're probably getting off topic04:40
holsteinOH yeah04:40
tucemiuxnot really04:40
slimjimflimk cool04:40
tucemiuxnobody mines04:40
holsteini had a hard time with JACK starting at login04:40
slimjimflimyay for non-censorship04:40
holsteinhey tucemiux :)04:40
tucemiuxplus jussi's getting married so not like he has time to actually come and see whats going on over here04:40
slimjimflimjack is a bitch04:40
holsteincan be04:41
tucemiuxholstein, what up, how youre doing04:41
slimjimflimi know i've had issues w/ it before04:41
holsteini was looking at falktx's release04:41
holsteinand i never got it to 'jive' with my firepod04:41
tucemiuxslimjimflim, you need to install the real time kernel, i just reinstalled using an ISO, installed the real time kernel and all's well so far04:41
holsteintucemiux: cool04:41
slimjimflimi don't need to do nothin04:41
slimjimflimit's working04:41
holsteinif you dont need the RT kernel04:42
holsteini wouldnt mess with it04:42
tucemiuxwhatever's clever matey04:42
holsteini really like it though04:42
slimjimflimwhat's so great about it?04:42
holsteinthe RT kernel?04:42
holsteini just get lower latency04:42
holsteinits handy with the softsynths04:42
slimjimflimi don't need lower latency04:43
slimjimflimi don't use synths04:43
holsteinthe sound happens when the key is pressed04:43
holsteininstead of later04:43
tucemiuxholstein, this is really weird, have you installed lucid using an ISO?  I had to install the ubuntu software center manually04:43
holsteintucemiux: i dont think ubuntustudio come with it04:43
holsteinthe software center04:43
holsteinid have to look04:43
holsteinslimjimflim: also, using rakarrack or some other live effects04:44
tucemiuxholstein, the weird thing is i upgraded from karmic to lucid and my "add/remove" applet disappeared and was replaced by that software applet04:44
holsteinthe RT kernel makes that happen04:44
holsteinwhen i installed lucid from the live CD04:45
tucemiuxhe doesnt need the real time kernel so it's all good, he's a happy camper and whatever he has suits his needs, he should be fine04:45
holsteini got the software ecnter04:45
holsteinand i did the netbook remix the other day04:45
holsteinand it had it04:45
tucemiuxso continue your story, you were both saying something about a door04:45
holsteinOH a cover04:46
holsteindoor vs flat fee04:46
tucemiuxyeah ubuntustudio replaced the "add/remove" with the software center in lucid04:46
tucemiuxi can foresee a lot of pumping action in the posterior if you choose option one04:46
holsteini think the clubs tend to slack off too04:47
holsteinif they are giving you a percentage04:47
holsteinthey got no invested interest in the show going well04:47
holsteinsay, your a big act04:48
holsteinand you charge a couple grand04:48
holsteinif the club has to come up with that money04:48
holsteinthey'll usually do something04:49
holsteinto protect the return on there investment04:49
tucemiuxeven if they make all the money, i seriously doubt youll get your cut, theyll come up with an excuse not to04:50
holsteinbut thats a breach of contract04:51
holsteinat least you have a little bit of power04:51
tucemiuxahhh so you actually have a contract?04:51
holsteinwell, technically04:51
holsteinyou always have a verbal contract04:52
holsteinbut, sometimes i do paper contracts04:52
holsteinif its a private party04:52
holsteinbut the clubs usually wont sign anything04:52
holsteini did recently say the term 'verbal contract' to a club owner04:53
holsteinand he knew i was right04:53
holsteinhe was talking about changing the time and the money around04:53
holsteinright before we wer about to go on04:53
holsteinand the band leader wasnt saying anything04:54
holsteinwhen i said 'verbal contract'04:54
holsteinhe went back inside04:54
holsteinand we did what we were contracted to do04:54
tucemiuxits kind of hard to enforce a verbal contract though04:55
holsteinits hard to enforce a written one too though04:55
holsteinit costs money04:55
holsteinBUT its good to have something in writing04:56
tucemiuxtrue but then you have evidence04:56
tucemiuxso you had witnesses to your verbal contract then04:56
holsteinwe all were 'there'04:57
holsteinthe band04:57
tucemiuxcan we continue your story in osm chat room? this is getting way off topic04:57
holsteinand some of his employees were envolved too04:57
holsteintucemiux: YEAH04:57
holsteinor #music-theory04:57
holsteini like to see people in this channel though :)04:58
KentrelAnyone find that timidity just takes up half your CPU when its running in the background?10:17
KentrelEverytime I notice my CPU at close to 100% I bet its timidity and i'm nearly always right10:17
bluenode_alphahi, have someone seen this message during ubuntu 10.04 installation?11:21
bluenode_alphathe installer has encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run11:22
=== Dominus is now known as Guest98701
vltHello. Can I install ubuntustudio via debootstrap?14:15

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