
lightanone for know vsftpd well here ? got config issues http://pastebin.com/ZhVkyS1M03:01
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)04:22
owen1how to access the IBus configuration? do i need to install any package? i heard 10.4 moved away from scim to IBus but i still see scim under 'Settings'.04:25
owen1under 'language support' i see a dropdown with a few options - lo-gtk, scim, etc.. but no ibus, even though the tooltip tells me that ibus is the recommended way!04:28
owen1xubuntu, WTF is wrong with lucid?04:28
owen1it's not lucid at all in my opinion04:28
owen1i can't recommend ubuntu to my friends with so many issues like this.04:29
owen1and if i will, i'll become the tech support..04:29
lightaowen1, if you're a tech support can you help me with vsftpd ?04:34
owen1lighta: what is the issue? i think i used it before04:36
lightafor real ? oh wow finally. hmm config issue (almost got the wrong line) here my config : http://pastebin.com/dQYJJB2S comportement section is under comment cause is got a defaut in it. i'm trying to found it04:40
lightaowen1, perhaps come in #vsftpd if you got time ?04:40
owen1lighta: i am afraid all i did is testing it. looking at your config make my eyes bleed. sorry, i have no idea.04:41
lightaowen1, ok =(, did you put virtual users ?04:41
owen1lighta: i can't remember..probably no04:41
lightaok thx for try anyway04:42
lightafound error is hide_ips line whenever I enable or disable it I can't run vsftpd04:50
lightamaybe a bug04:50
lighta_Can someone help me configure vsftpd mysql-pam virtual users ?06:40
mumphsterHey I cant find the "Share Folders" menu option anywhere06:54
mumphsterAm I missing something here06:54
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:55
mumphsterI dont want to mount a folder or whatever06:55
mumphsteryes I know how to mount via cifs06:56
mumphsterbut I want to share it not mount an already exisisting folder06:56
mumphsterfrom what im reading in google there should be an option in the system menu06:56
mumphsterbut I'm not seeing it06:56
Bibbhello all10:41
BibbWhat VNC server do you recommend for xfce4/xubuntu?10:41
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:48
ShapeShifter499I'm still working on this old Dell Inspiron 2500 to make it an server but.....there are snags...   there are a few things and buttons that don't seem to work once my ubuntu/xubuntu system has loaded(at login screen), one the built-in trackpad and mouse buttons, two the power button doesn't do anything....how do I get these things working?10:49
ShapeShifter499oh and booting is god-awful slow10:50
ShapeShifter499takes like 5 minutes to get to the desktop after logging in10:51
ShapeShifter499any help?10:52
moetunesShapeShifter499: you seem to need the synaptics package10:56
ShapeShifter499that is......10:57
moetunesit's the module for the touchpad10:57
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad10:57
moetunesShapeShifter499: you can read the log /var/log/Xorg.0.log to find the graphics hassle10:58
ShapeShifter499moetunes: graphics hassle?  I don't have hany10:58
ShapeShifter499just booting time is slow....10:59
moetunes"ShapeShifter499> takes like 5 minutes to get to the desktop after logging in" - sounds like a raphics hassle - or really slow cpu10:59
ShapeShifter499well.....prolly the cpu, its a Pentium III10:59
* ShapeShifter499 thinks he should have just installed the server edition11:00
ShapeShifter499moetunes: I would check the xorg log but my comp hasn't gotten to the desktop yet D=11:02
ShapeShifter499moetunes: all I see right now is the desktop wallpaper and the mouse arrow11:03
ShapeShifter499moetunes: and the mouse is operational11:04
ShapeShifter499moetunes: and the hard drive light stopped blinking....11:04
moetunesShapeShifter499: is there a menu when you right click the desktop?11:04
moetunesdoes   alt+f2   give a run dialog?11:05
moetunesstart a terminal with it - do   xterm11:05
moetunesin that type   xfdesktop &11:06
moetuneslook for errors11:06
ShapeShifter499btw I'm working with two computers atm11:06
moetunesor for desktop icons11:06
ShapeShifter499ok ya the desktop icons poped up11:07
moetunesShapeShifter499: when you log out save the session11:07
ShapeShifter499so wait, log out now?11:08
moetuneswhenever you want11:08
ShapeShifter499ok going to look at xorg log11:10
rgnrhey ppl!11:50
rgnrany1 tried to install xubuntu inside windows?11:50
_chris__rgnr, what do u mean ? vmware ?12:07
rgnr_chris__:  nope? there's an option on live cd12:13
rgnr_chris__:  using wubi12:13
NgaWezyrola bruuudeerrzzz15:26
NgaWezyrikonia hallo brotha15:26
NgaWezyrbazhang brotha, hello15:26
NgaWezyrola ikonia bruder15:27
NgaWezyrwelcome again:S15:27
py_I'm running xubuntu 10.04 on my X60s and am really happy with it15:41
py_I just have one question: when in the office, I connect the laptop to an external display, and use xrandr to extend my desktop over both monitors. But how can I get my panels to stay on the internal (lvds) monitor? they are always sent to the external monitor15:43
py_I tried the --primary option from xrandr, but it has no effect15:43
py_basically, I would like the laptop's internal monitor to be the primary display all the time, whatever is connected (or not) externally15:44
TheSheepI found that I need to restart the panel for it to find the right screen15:49
TheSheepxfce4-panel -r15:49
=== [mccracken] is now known as likemindead
py_TheSheep: let me try that15:49
py_TheSheep: no luck, they disappear and reappear just at the same place, eg external monitor15:52
py_the xrandr command i'm using is "xrandr --output LVDS1 --primary --mode 1024x768 --output VGA1 --mode 1280x1024 --above LVDS1"15:53
py_(plus, after the panel restart, the "screen border" implied by the panels is not respected - eg the maximized windows take up the full monitor, even going under the panels, while they usually stop just above)15:54
diana1480my cdrom drive just never mounts properly and if I run mount /media/cdrom0 the light never comes on and after about 20 seconds I get mount: no medium found on /dev/sr017:36
diana1480couldn't find any help on google17:37
dalicouild anyone help me, please. when i see movies from net on xubuntu are very slow what can i do? i already install flash?18:02
dalicouild anyone help me, please. when i see movies from net on xubuntu are very slow what can i do? i already install flash18:23
TheSheepdali: is it a slow computer?18:24
dalii don't think so. where i see the characteristics of computer?18:40
dalicould you help me?18:44
TheSheepsorry, was afk18:47
TheSheepthere is little you can do with flash18:48
TheSheepdo you have the windows codecs installed?18:48
TheSheepthe w32codecs package?18:48
dalihow can i install it?18:53
dalithe browser midori is more faster than firefox?18:54
lightaHi, where can I found a bash skeleton ?19:03
TheSheepdali: midori won't help you with slow flash19:09
TheSheepdali: you can install w32codecs from the medibuntu repository19:09
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:09
TheSheeplighta: /etc/skel19:09
dalicould be the slower pc?19:10
TheSheepdali: try if installing the codecs helps19:11
dalii can t install by comands?19:12
lightanothing in the repertory TheSheep19:12
daliwhen i try install it says error dpendecy cant be sastified:libamrnb319:15
daliwhat can i do?19:15
lightadid u install libamrnb3 ? dali ?19:22
lightaI need a structure for a script, I want to use service ... start/stop/restart/reload19:22
dalin. how can i do it?19:36
dalidoes  it got any comand?19:37
dali\is anyone here that can help me?20:02

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