exigraff | tonyyarusso: little late, but thanks, this has potential | 00:47 |
exigraff | though I agree with h00k, the notifications could use more content. the notifyosd bubbles are devoid of anything useful. | 00:58 |
Takyoji | What are some reasonable brands for wireless cards? | 23:12 |
kermit | oddly my intel cuts out a lot, so not that.. and broadcom has a history of closed APIs which causes problems | 23:13 |
kermit | linksys is linux famliar, thats a possibility | 23:14 |
kermit | nanosys is linux friendly, so any of these might be good http://www.nanosys1.com/networking-modem-wireless-networking-pci-network-adapter.html | 23:14 |
kermit | Takyoji: ^ | 23:19 |
Takyoji | Another thing I'm curious of is: does USB or PCMCIA supply more power? | 23:21 |
Takyoji | I was thinking on getting a USB wireless interface with packet-injection support and other things to toy around with various security-related things. | 23:21 |
kermit | i would assume that to meet whatever standards there are it wouldnt be on a port that doesnt have enough power | 23:22 |
kermit | i wouldnt think the WiFi certification would hand it out to an underpowered device | 23:23 |
Takyoji | ahh | 23:23 |
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