
ubuntu_Hello, h.ow can I make dm-crypt volumes visible in dolphin's side panel? I saw it in Fedora 13 Live cd00:45
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dbc254how do I see a list of chatrooms?00:55
Typos_Kingjust type -> /channels00:56
nerdy_kidanyone know how i might solve this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/594854 without going through all my .desktop files?01:15
nerdy_kidi thought maybe disable ubuntu's translation system01:16
aliceinwirei can't connect with wifi01:27
aliceinwirei click on the wifi spot in the network managaer but don't happen nothing01:27
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Typos_Kingaliceinwire:   can you install another network manager? :) other than knetworkmanager01:29
aliceinwirelike ยง?01:29
Typos_Kinglike network-manager-gnome01:29
aliceinwireoh ok01:29
aliceinwirebut i have first to disinstall knetwork manager01:30
Typos_Kingyou can have it there, just not run it :)01:30
aliceinwirewhy kubuntu exist ?01:31
Typos_Kingwhat do you mean?01:31
aliceinwireis not gnome sufficent gui ?01:31
pegrankaIf knetworkmanager pops up "unmanaged" perhaps your wifi is not managed by network manager?01:32
aliceinwirewhy you have to make difficult stuff is not better to have only one gui and bind the power for make it grown01:33
aliceinwirethan be dispersive and develope similar gui ?01:33
Typos_Kingaliceinwire:    yes and no, depends hehe, gnome and kde are just 2 different desktop and window managers environments, they both work for what they do, I like kde apps seem I find more practical ones there, than in gnome suite, thus01:35
pd_gettin on01:42
pd_why is windows still so easy to use compared to linux01:45
pd_why is windows still so easy to use compared to linux01:46
djusticepd_: ;) you must be new eh?01:46
djusticepd_: stay calm and keep your learning hat on..01:46
seattlegauchois there a channel for lighttpd? anyone knows?01:47
djusticeseattlegaucho: does their webpage have any infos?01:47
seattlegauchoI didn't find it01:47
* seattlegaucho re-checks01:47
djusticeseattlegaucho: yep. freenode. #lighttpd01:48
seattlegauchodjustice: thank you!01:48
djusticeseattlegaucho: np01:48
pd_i am. i just tried to install second life and it said that my processor aint powerfull enough i have a alienware m17 with a i7 forgods sake. whats up with that01:48
nerdy_kidhow would i prevent kde from loading a particular line in .desktop files system wide?01:49
nerdy_kidplz help!01:49
djusticepd_: heh, binary fail. it's their fault. they use mac. try either a) forum posting about it (might be your drivers) b) building it yourself.01:49
djusticepd_: tough cookies i guess.. id go poke the linden people. if i cared. im not a secondlifer rly..01:50
djusticepd_: to be fair tho, it runs fine here. x64, 2gbram, lame intel810 card.01:51
pd_is there any known issues with the i7 on ultimate edition 2.7 it seems very slow especially when i try to run any flash websites01:51
djusticenerdy_kid: i might suggest mailing Riddell or jono ;) if i were a kubuntu guy.. its a kde/locale/rosetta? issue i guess.01:52
pd_or is ultimate edition linux just crap01:52
djusticepd_: who knows.. try one that will teach you. :) arch. gentoo. even debian minimal or something.01:53
nerdy_kiddjustice thanks :)  i find them on launchpad?01:53
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djusticepd_: i cant use any *buntu.. they keep borking and breaking with weird minutia bugs..01:53
* djustice apologizes to the channel01:53
djusticenerdy_kid: i have no idea. ;) hint: the emails are in the kubuntu-meta package info iirc.01:54
pd_whats mandriva like i heard thats a good one to learn with01:54
DarthFrogYou want to learn?  Slackware or Gentoo. :-)01:55
djusticepd_: yea i learned with mandrake.. its alright i guess. pretty straightforward to learn. lots of distro specifics there tho..01:55
djustice*cough* arch01:55
seattlegaucholearn? nothing better than lfs01:55
pd_arch ok il try that.. Thank you01:55
djusticeseattlegaucho: indeed :) takes forever tho..01:56
seattlegauchobut you *do* learn :)01:56
seattlegauchoif you don't have that much patience, the LFS LiveCD is a good alternative01:56
djusticeyep. and alfs is automated even. just pop it in and read. ;D01:57
djusticestill. archlinux for news. chakra linux for wizards. kubuntu for windows refugees.01:57
djustice;P sry..01:57
seattlegauchokubuntu for lazy users :)01:58
pd_ultimate edition for nobs01:58
nerdy_kiddjustice lol thanks :P01:58
* seattlegaucho that's why I <3 kubuntu01:58
AreioWolfQuick question:  Does anyone know of a way to print out media library information?  Like a track listing and such?02:47
harriseldonYou could possibly pipe eyeD3 output to lpr, but I cannot think of a gui solution off the top of my head.02:52
AreioWolfErm... how would I go about doing that?02:52
harriseldonyou can use the find command to find all of your mp3 files and execute the command eyeD3 for each then finally pipe to lpr. Let me visualize the script and I will paste it in.02:53
AreioWolfThanks ^_^02:54
AreioWolfWould this work for other formats as well?  The majority of my library is .flac, with a few .ogg and .mp3 mixed in.02:54
harriseldonhmm ok. eyeD3 will work for id3 tagged mp3 and flac, but not ogg02:58
harriseldonI know there is a more generic cli tool to do it.02:58
AreioWolf*nods*  That's okay.  Nearly all of the files are .flac and .mp3.02:59
harriseldonbut not all flac have id3 tags, but they can. It is kind of odd.02:59
harriseldonflac support both vorbis tagging and id3 tagging02:59
AreioWolf*nods*  All of mine are tagged... I can only assume that they're id3, but I'm really not sure.03:01
harriseldonI am trying to install  libtaglib2.0-cil to see what options that has. It seems to support ogg, flac, mp3 and more. It is based on taglib.03:03
AreioWolfAh, that seems to already be installed for me.03:04
harriseldonthat is just a mono library for it. I misread the package details.03:07
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harriseldonAreioWolf I posted a quick python script to http://pastebin.com/t6m108xe03:22
harriseldonit requires the python-tagpy package to be installed03:23
harriseldonby default it goes against the current working directory03:23
harriseldonI put the script in ~/bin and made it executable03:23
harriseldonThen at the root of my music folder I ran it.  $ printtags03:24
harriseldonYou could use printtags | lpr to print it to a printer03:24
AreioWolfWow, thanks  ^^03:25
AreioWolfOkay... I'm installing python-tagpy.03:25
Yandertalhi ;)03:25
AreioWolfWhat do I save the script as to make it recognized?  Is there any way in particular?03:25
harriseldonI just saved it to the bin directory in my home folder and named it printtags03:26
harriseldonthen I made it executable03:26
harriseldonThe #!/usr/bin/env python tells the system how to execute it when it is ran.03:27
AreioWolfany particular filename/extension?03:27
harriseldonI am not sure if that directory is in your path by default. I cannot remember if I manually added it or not.03:27
harriseldonIf it is not, you can just use the full path name when executing ie /home/yourname/bin/printtags03:27
AreioWolfOkay... let met try this.03:28
harriseldonok. try it without going to lpr first so you do not waste paper by mistake03:29
AreioWolfOh, this is going straight to the printer?03:29
harriseldonyou could even put it into a file instead, then use a text editor to print it03:29
harriseldonif you pipe it to lpr via | lpr03:29
AreioWolfThat would work.  How would I put it to a file?03:29
AreioWolfI'm feeling like a newb here.  What's "lpr?"03:30
harriseldonyou would use >> filename ie /home/yourname/bin/printtags >> mymedia.txt03:30
harriseldonline printer03:30
AreioWolfAh, okay.03:30
harriseldonit is just a quick and dirty way to send text to a printer from the command line03:30
AreioWolfOkay, so what would the command be?03:31
harriseldonfirst goto the directory that contains your media03:31
AreioWolfokay, hold on03:31
harriseldonOnce there use   ->      ~/bin/printtags >> mymedia.txt03:32
harriseldonThis will create a new file in that same directory called mymedia.txt03:32
harriseldonthe >> means to not overwrite the file, just append. using only one > will overwrite the file if it is already there.03:32
harriseldonI am assuming that you saved the script to your bin directory in your home folder03:33
harriseldon~ is the short way to reference your home directory03:33
AreioWolfI'm getting a "permission denied" error03:33
harriseldonok, so it is not executable03:33
harriseldonyou can do   python ~/bin/printtags >> mymedia.txt03:34
harriseldonthis will force it to run using python and avoid having to make it executable03:34
AreioWolfOkay, I successfully ran it, and it created the file, but it's blank, just showing the tops of the columns  with "Artist" "Title", etc.03:35
harriseldonyou can use dolphin to make it executable via properties of the file, permissions tab03:35
harriseldonI have no music on this computer to test with03:35
harriseldonlet me see if I can hook up my media player and try again03:36
AreioWolfThanks a lot for your help.  I'm learning a lot, whether or not the problem's solved, lol.03:36
harriseldonIt seemed to work for me. The output sure isn't pretty though. Can you paste your command that you ran?03:38
AreioWolfpython /usr/bin/printtags >> mymedia.txt03:39
harriseldonand you are at a directory that contains your media?03:40
AreioWolfI had copied and pasted everything that I'm interested in making a list of, and put it all in one directory.  And the terminal is pointed at that directory.03:41
goodtime cool03:41
goodtimeworks fine03:42
harriseldonit will do a recursive find anyway for the files. My battery is about to run out. I will check back in IRC in 10 minutes.03:42
AreioWolfharriseldon >  Okay03:43
AreioWolfgoodtime >  What did you do to get it working?03:43
goodtimeidk dir/cd/get naww lol03:44
goodtimethat the fserve03:44
goodtimeyour file system does everything you said it should work03:45
goodtimei think it just worked for me other pc's might be a prob though03:46
AreioWolfI'm running Ubuntu 10.04.03:47
AreioWolfwelcome back04:02
harriseldondid you get it working?04:02
AreioWolfNo, I didn't04:02
AreioWolfThe file is in /usr/bin, and is called "printtags", just as yours is.04:03
AreioWolfIt just doesn't seem to pick up on the media in the folder.04:03
AreioWolfAck!  Hold on.  I pointed the program to my music folder, and it spit out a huge, organized list.04:04
AreioWolf(my usual music folder, not the one that I compiled the files into)04:05
harriseldonyeah, it should recursively search through all files04:05
AreioWolfHang on...04:05
AreioWolfit only seems to have read through three albums04:05
harriseldonit may be running into an error and exiting04:06
harriseldonI did not put in any error checks04:06
AreioWolfAha!  It only exported tags for .ogg and .mp3 files.04:08
AreioWolfThat might be the problem.04:08
AreioWolfBut not all of the .ogg and .mp3 files04:09
harriseldondo all have valid tags?04:13
AreioWolfNearly all of my music is recognized by Banshee/Rhythmbox/etc., and shows Artist, Title, and other information04:14
harriseldonok. I am going to change it so that it writes the data into an html table instead. Then you can open in your browser and print it from there. I will also put in a little bit of error checking. I will put the new pastebin when it is done04:18
harriseldontry http://pastebin.com/RV759HsD04:22
harriseldonit will output it as html to bring up in a browser04:22
harriseldonjust use > mymedia.html instead of .txt04:22
harriseldonthen you can just open the file in a web browser (xdg-open mymedia.html) will work from the command line04:23
AreioWolfokay, hold on04:24
AreioWolfIt comes up as blank.04:26
harriseldonhmmm. It did not for me. Are you running it against the media directory that mostly worked before?04:28
AreioWolfNo.  Let me try that again.04:29
AreioWolfOkay, it partially worked again.  The same files that showed up before still do.04:31
AreioWolfAh, okay.  I've examined things some more, and found that the media that goes through is exclusively .ogg.04:35
ussher_is there any way to assign a key combination to stuff in a KDE4 Plasma panel? (want a key combo to open a folder view' )04:38
harriseldonAreioWolf it is a problem with my find command04:46
harriseldonI will give you the updated line of the file to change manually04:46
harriseldonAreioWolf update line 14 with the following: cmd = 'find . \( -iname "*.mp3" -o -iname "*.flac" -o -iname "*.ogg" \)  -print'04:48
harriseldonthen save the script and try again04:48
bbeckIs there a papercuts project specifically for Kubuntu?05:48
Perundoes someone use pidgin with skype? I get there general protection errors and pidgin crashes when I log in to skype network07:06
greenmang0hello friends, i am using Kubuntu 10.04 with Firefox 3.6.3, my firefox is not able to render devanagari fonts properly, where as with same os and version of FF on my friend's system rendering is proper08:03
greenmang0what am i missing? any package / plugin?08:03
greenmang01) http://imagebin.org/101392    2) http://imagebin.org/10139308:04
greenmang0mosa: what's your problem??08:04
mosai don't  have anu proplem08:05
kohwjhelp, setting application shortcuts in kmenuedit isn't working :(08:07
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=== amit is now known as Guest89457
Fleg_Hi All! Please help. after upgrading to lucid X11 segfaults on starting KDE4. http://pastebin.ca/188412708:24
greenmang0Fleg_: the logs says "try installing NVidia Driver"... did you try that?09:03
greenmang0Fleg_: what is the output of "aptitude search glx" ?09:03
Fleg_greenmang0: yes nvidia-96 is installed09:03
Fleg_greenmang0: also nvidia-lgx-96 (it's an old gerforce 4ti)09:04
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greenmang0Fleg_: what about "xtrap" module?09:29
Fleg_greenman0: libxtrap ist installed also09:29
greenmang0Fleg_: which package does libxtrap belong? i didn't find it in ubuntu repos09:34
greenmang0Fleg_: but there's libxtrap6 in Debian repo09:34
Fleg_greenmang0: i'v installed it libxtrap6 manualy. what can I do to do it the clean way (to be pooled with dependecies)?09:36
greenmang0Fleg_: ok.. i found libxtrap6 in ubuntu repos09:36
greenmang0Fleg_: just "aptitude install libxtrap6" is fine09:37
Fleg_greenmang0: I'v gone it.09:37
greenmang0Fleg_: first remove it "aptitude purge libxtrap6"09:37
greenmang0Fleg_: then install09:37
Fleg_greenmang0: ok.09:37
greenmang0Fleg_: did you find the package?09:41
greenmang0Fleg_: libxtrap6 was available in karmic repos but it's not in lucid repos09:42
greenmang0Fleg_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libxtrap609:43
Fleg_greenmang0: "c libtrap6" what does "c" mean there?09:43
greenmang0Fleg_: package is not there but just the configuration files09:44
Fleg_greenmang0: ok. removed.09:44
Fleg_greenmang0: yes. it isn't there.09:44
greenmang0Fleg_: since the package is not available in lucid repo, the manual install is the only option09:45
Fleg_greenmang0: Why I would need it after an upgrade. I used to have a newer version of Xorg then.09:45
greenmang0Fleg_: newer version of Ubuntu doesn't always mean newer version of every package comes with it09:47
greenmang0Fleg_: I have never tried nvidia myself, i am helping you on the basis of EE errors in xorg log09:48
Fleg_greenmang0: well Xorg shoud have been upgraded I think. Is there a way to fix the whole system? (like emerge world in gentoo)09:48
greenmang0Fleg_: at the most you can try "aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade", i don't know what "emerge world" does09:49
Fleg_greenmang0: sorry for such questions, I'm new to debian/ubuntu. Have been using gentoo for about 10 years.09:49
greenmang0Fleg_: what's wrong with gentoo?09:50
Fleg_greenmang0: emerge world build all the system from scratch making sure all the packages are in place and all dependencies are correct.09:50
greenmang0Fleg_: i like gentoo but never really tried that much09:50
greenmang0Fleg_: then "aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade" this is proper command09:51
Fleg_greenmang0: I's a PC for my girldfriend. Wanted to install something simple for her.09:51
Fleg_greenmang0: aptitude safe-upgrade says all packages are up to date. =/09:52
greenmang0Fleg_: hmm09:52
Fleg_greenmang0: maybe I can do a fresh install and then copy over the configs....09:53
Fleg_greenmang0: I would install gentoo if it would take 2 days to compile the whole system....09:53
greenmang0Fleg_: :)09:54
greenmang0Fleg_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libxtrap609:54
greenmang0Fleg_: from this link install the deb file09:54
greenmang0Fleg_: dpkg -i filename.deb09:54
greenmang0Fleg_: and then try if it works09:55
Fleg_greenmang0: ok. thx.09:55
greenmang0Fleg_: also try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:55
greenmang0Fleg_: lunch time... see you after some time09:55
Fleg_greenmang0: yep.09:56
Fleg_greenmang0: didn't help.10:03
naazeimali nqkoi ot BG???????10:07
greenmang0Fleg_: any luck?10:50
Fleg_greenmang0: no.10:50
Fleg_greenmang0: didn't help10:50
greenmang0Fleg_: so what are you doing? reinstallation?10:51
Fleg_greenmang0: I guess it's the only choice.10:51
greenmang0Fleg_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/TechnicalOverview#New%20default%20open%20source%20driver%20for%20nVidia%20hardware10:53
greenmang0Fleg_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Lucid#Install_Latest_Nvidia.2FATI_drivers10:53
greenmang0Fleg_: the second link is useful for you i guess10:55
Fleg_greenmang0: will try those soon. make an HDD image first.10:55
greenmang0Fleg_: ok10:55
Fleg_greenmang0: yes. thx.10:55
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otswimi'm trying to svn up in an old svn folder that i haven't updated since a few weeks, and i get: "Password for 'default' GNOME keyring: " but i don't have GNOME :/12:40
stamp_Hi, im using 10.10 and some packages were stoped form upgrade. Is it safe to upgrade without them?12:46
James147stamp_: do you mean blocked updates?12:51
James147stamp_: i beleave it is safe to ignore them... they tend to be packages that require another package to be removed (or something similar) so kpackagekit 'blocks' them as they have a higher risk of breaking things (although I havent noticed them ever breaking things) if you want to install them anyway you can run this from terminal: "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"12:53
stamp_James147: thx12:54
stamp_there are some KDE and xorg packages12:54
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James147stamp_: take it you have the backports ppa enabled?12:54
stamp_James147: no12:56
Machtinhttp://pastebin.org/336182 <- what is that? :/ (it's a line from iotop).. and i know it's dolphin, but what does it do?12:57
James147stamp_: I would recommend installing them... just check that they arnt accedently upgrading to the beta version (version number will be >=4.4.85 if they are)12:58
stamp_James147: you now i'm using kubuntu 10.10 so they are beta12:58
James147Machtin: looks to me like dolphin started with a spific session12:59
James147Machtin: Qt option: --session <sessionId>     Restore the application for the given 'sessionId'13:00
bentob0xwhat's the name of the new Kubuntu logo font ?13:05
MachtinJames147: but why does it read with 50mbyte/s all the time? is it indexing something or just trying to be annoying?13:05
James147Machtin: didnt think that dolphin did indexing (it relays on strigi and nepomuk for that) only think I can think of is moving files...13:07
Machtinwhy would it do that without me telling it to do such a thing?13:08
James147Machtin: It wouldnt so I doubt it is doing that (also there is no write so it cant be)13:09
Machtinhm, right.13:09
Machtinthat's strange.13:09
James147Machtin: But I really cant think of what it could be doing... I suggest closing and reopening it see if that helps...13:09
pkosthello. is there an ssh plugin for KRDC? where can i find it if there is?13:14
MachtinJames147: mh, just had to reset, couldn't do anything anymore.13:14
Machtinbut thanks! :)13:14
Andrew9how to apply kde style for gtk ?13:28
zePh7rhi I just fresh installed kubuntu 10.04 and my wi-fi isn't working (it was pretty fine with 9.10 though)14:07
James147zePh7r: you might want to try the gnome networkmanager (installs: network-manager-gnome run: nm-applet after killing knetworkmanager)14:15
zePh7rJames147: already done that. both seem to have deactivated the option to enable wireless14:16
James147zePh7r: do they give any message?14:18
zePh7rno, simply don't let me enable wireless14:18
Dyrconayou probably need to install the driver for your wireless, then.14:20
Dyrconayou need to know the make of your wireless hardware.14:21
otswimmy mouse acceleration is at 0.1x; how can i decrease my sensitivity even further (and remove the acceleration)14:26
zePh7rDyrcona: any way I can know that?14:29
Dyrconayou can google your laptop model. see what comes up.14:31
galvaoHi guys. Using Kubuntu 10.04 here:  I've accidentally messed up with the mixer (KMixer) settings and now I don't have any sound at all. My card is Sis SI 7012. Does anyone can recommend a fix for this? Maybe a way of resetting the sound config to Kubuntu's default?14:31
=== otswim is now known as babalu
James147galvao: open the mixer and make sure that none of the channels are muted or have the volume turned down... if none of them work go to settings > configure channel > drag channels from Availble to Visable and make sure they arent muted/turned down14:35
BluesKajgalvao, open alsamixer in the terminal, speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav14:36
galvaoJames147: Doing that now, let's see if it solves the problem (fingers crossed) Thanks for the quick reply14:36
BluesKajoops don't open alsamixer14:36
* BluesKaj backs off14:37
galvaoJames147: Did that. Had a few mutes. Unmuted everything and all volume indicators are up14:40
galvaoJames147: Still no sound14:40
Dyrconagalvao: are the speakers plugged in? :)14:41
galvaoDyrcona: Yes =)14:41
Dyrconagalvao: is the kernel module for your sound card loaded?14:41
galvaoDyrcona: How do I check it?14:41
Dyrconagalvao: lsmod14:42
galvaoDyrcona: This line? snd                    54148  16 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_oss,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device14:43
Dyrconalooks like it is loaded if those are the right modules.14:44
galvaomy sound card is SiS and not Intel tho... *confused*14:44
Dyrconayou have an intel chipset on the motherboard or SiS?14:44
galvaoSiS SI701214:45
Dyrconaright, but the motherboard chipset is also SiS?14:45
galvaooh... That's a good question. It might be intel...14:45
galvaoDoes lspci provides that info?14:45
Dyrconadon't remember of the top of my head.14:46
galvaoLike "Host Bridge"?14:46
Dyrconathink so.14:46
galvaoIf so, it's SiS14:47
galvao00:00.0 Host bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 760/M760 Host (rev 03)14:47
Dyrconasounds like you might have the wrong modules loaded for sound, then.14:47
galvaoDyrcona: Does messing with Kmixer causes that?14:47
Dyrconatry googling for your sound chipset and "kernel module" see what comes up.14:47
James147galvao: does "lspci | grep Audio" output anything? if so tahts your sound card14:48
James147and I dont think kmix can screw that up14:48
galvaoYeah, my thoughts too. hold on, running14:48
Dyrconagalvao: i don't think it should, but i don't do the programming.14:48
galvaoJames147: 00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)14:49
galvaoI've only messed up with Kmixer and Alsamixer, guys14:49
galvaoI've opened Alsamixer in an attempt to try solving this14:49
James147galvao: and ther are no muted changels or ones with the volume turned down?14:50
James147galvao: its usually PCM and Master/Front that control the speakers14:50
galvaoJames147: Not at all. I have one marked "capture" tho... Mic14:51
James147galvao: the mic shouldnt matter :)14:51
galvaobut no mutes or down volume indicators14:51
galvaoJames147: k =)14:52
galvaoCan't Alsamixer screw this up, since I've opened after I've messed with Kmixer trying to solve the problem?14:52
galvao*opened it14:52
James147galvao: aslamixer is just a commandline util similar to kmix... not sure what they could do to screw it up14:53
galvaooh my...14:54
galvaoWhat can I do?14:54
galvaoOh, I remember I've also opened the "Select master channel" popup, but I didn't changed anything there14:54
cato37what is the glassy looking desktop window on the desktop for?14:55
James147galvao: that only choses the chanel that kmix will change when you click it... does "speaker-test -t wav" preduce any sound? (ctrl+c to exit)14:55
galvaoJames147: No sound14:56
James147cato37: the folder view widget? its for displaying the contents of a folder (desktop by defalt)... acts similar to how the old style desktops work where the desktop is just the contents of a folder14:57
cato37ic. i deleted it and wondered where it went to and what it was for.14:58
James147cato37: its place there by default because people are use to seeing folders on the desktop (or atlest thats why I think its there) since plasma is trying to move away from the desktop being a static folder view you place widgets on it instead of folder (although you can change this behavour)15:00
cato37ic. i like my desktop clean.15:00
James147cato37: It basically allows quick access to a common folder but isnt needed if you dont care about it15:00
James147galvao: you might want to check out: system settings > Multimedia  and see if everything looks fine there15:02
galvaoI see my card there, repeated with additional information. But if I test any of them the test button stays pressed and I get no sound15:03
galvaoJames147: And I see a Jsck Audio Connection Kit as well15:04
James147galvao: you see your card repeated?15:05
galvaoJames147: Yes, like: 1) SiS SI7012 with AD1888... 2) SiS SI7012, SiS SI7012 (IEC958....15:06
galvaoand the third item is the Jack Audio thing15:07
James147galvao: not sure what to do now :S15:07
galvaooh my15:07
galvaoJames147: Thanks anyway, man. =)15:08
James147!sound | galvao15:08
James147you can try the below links for more help15:08
ubottugalvao: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:08
[GuS]guys, in 10.04, Ozone window deco is not more available? cause i used to use that to change window border color, which with Oxygen i think i cant15:10
galvaohahahahahahaha SOLVED IT!15:12
galvaoJames147: Jack Sense was "unmuted"! I've muted it and now it works =D15:13
James147galvao: heh15:13
James147galvao: note sure why that broke it15:13
galvaoJames147: Thanks for your time, I've really appreciated15:14
galvaoand thanks to whoever triggered the bot's help =)15:14
galvaoI'm out! =)15:16
carofenew in kubuntu. i like it a lot!15:22
carofei have installed it in pc's at home and at work. Good OS, good work.15:23
James147!hi | candeias15:26
ubottucandeias: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:26
James147candeias: sorry hit the wrong person :)15:26
babalumy mouse acceleration is at 0.1x; how can i decrease my sensitivity even further (and remove the acceleration)15:32
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apparleguys pleas help me install this source package http://www.princeton.edu/~cad/nanotools16:01
hrwsomeone here uses pulseaudio with kde/maverick?16:13
Guest49593Hello does anybody know how to make dm-crypt volumes auto-added to dolphin's side panel? I'm on Debian but I saw it on F13 live cd.16:39
lontrahow can i make kmail use the indicator applet?17:14
lontraalso will the 4.4.4 packages get put into kubuntu 10.04 lts as these are just maintainence releases and are there to fix bugs?17:23
James147_lontra: kde 4.4.4 is already in lucid's updates ppa ( http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.4.4 )17:34
lontrabut that's not officially supported right?17:35
James147_lontra: not sure if it's 'officially' supported but its the only (read: easiest) way to get it.17:37
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calamihallo welt18:42
chusohi! :) First of all, sorry for my english. I have just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04, but now, when I try to launch the "process launcher" with ALT+F2, it doesn't work. Same when CTRL+ESC to launch the process manager. Any advice?18:46
James147_chuso: first check to see if krunner is running18:53
jmichaelxwhat kind of process manager is chuso referring to?18:58
James147_jmichaelx: I am guessing krunner/ksysguard19:00
jmichaelxksysguard launches with alt+escape by default?19:01
jmichaelxok, apparently not19:01
chusojmichaelx, James147_ I mean the task manager which runs when you push CTRL+ESC19:02
James147_jmichaelx: somthing similar i think its embedded in krunner with alt+esc19:02
chusobtw, when I type "krunner" in konsole, I get this output: <unknown program name>(7828)/: Communication problem with  "krunner" , it probably crashed.19:03
jmichaelxah haa.... CTRL+Esc works19:03
James147_chuso: well, theres they problem :) krunner wont start... this happened imedently after uprading?19:04
chusoJames147_: yes, it worked before upgrading19:04
James147_chuso: try running: "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install -f" and see if it installs anything19:05
James147_chuso: if it does it means you had a broken package dependency and it should try to fix it19:06
chusoJames147_: nothing happens after doing what you said :(19:06
James147_chuso: nothing at all, or no packages installed?19:07
chusono packages installed, and I tried again to run "krunner"19:07
James147_chuso: hmm19:08
James147_chuso: you could try deleteing ~/.kde/share/config/krunnerrc19:09
James147_chuso: that will reset it to the default settings and fix and errors inside it (if there are any)19:09
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chusoJames147_: it didn't worked. I'm going to create a new user, to test a new login without any kde config.19:10
chusoI will be back in a minute19:11
James147chuso: that would be my next move :)19:11
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chusoJames147: I can't believe it... With the newly created user, krunner didn't work, but now, when I login again with my default user, krunner is working again :/19:16
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James147chuso: heh, dont you just love problems that fix them selves (after hours of debugging...) :)19:17
chusohaha programs are becoming smart19:20
James147chuso: nah, they are just figuring out how to most anoy us19:20
cato37i am having trouble migrating my files from winrar saved backups divided into 4.5 gig dvd sections saved at zero compression with a 5% redundancy check. ark keeps crashing or giving an unexpected end file error (winrar divides between the files when going to another disk volume). is there another archiving tool that can get my files transfered to kubuntu?19:21
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chusoJames147: btw, thanks a lot for your help! :)19:22
apparleguys what is the meaning of ' failed to open pty.'19:22
zeldhi all i want know about the "fine tunint" settings of kde inside the "Apearance" of "System-Settings"19:26
James147apparle: I am guessing that 'pty' couldnt be opened :S can you give more info into what you are trying to do?19:27
zeldso. if i set low cpu and low display means wich kde have a low resolution and use the minimum of cpu?19:27
apparleJames147: I have compiled a software from source and when I try to run its executable it outputs that msg19:27
James147apparle: what program?19:27
apparleJames147: its something related to carbon nanotubes, wait I'll give you link19:28
apparleJames147: http://www.princeton.edu/~cad/nanotools19:28
cato37anyone know of an archiver that can handle specialized .rar files made by winrar?19:31
apparleJames147: while compiling it was looking for /usr/bin/lex and /usr/bin/yacc. I pointed it to the ones in freebsd-buildutils19:31
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free19:32
apparle!info unrar-free19:32
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (lucid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB19:32
apparle!info unrar-nonfree19:32
ubottuPackage unrar-nonfree does not exist in lucid19:32
apparlecato37: install the package unrar. then default archiver will support rar19:34
apparleJames147: ??19:35
cato37i did. it (ark) keeps crashing.19:36
cato37i wil read the url helps.19:36
cato37for future reference what is a good compression format to save to for backups?19:38
James147apparle: not entirly sure what its ment to do :S19:38
apparleJames147: goto http://www.princeton.edu/~cad/projects.html and read the description of the TELS/MALS (That's the one we are concerned with)19:39
apparleJames147: do you get anything?19:42
James147apparle: that tells me practally nothing :S19:43
apparleJames147: I know... I am also stumped here.19:44
apparleJames147: in general what is the meaning of unable to open pty19:44
apparleJames147: as the source is pretty old, maybe I would have to modify source a little19:44
James147apparle: as I said, pty cannot be opened :) sounds to me like a device... might want to find out what it is19:45
apparleJames147: its totally a software, does nothing with hardware as such19:45
James147apparle: dosnt mean it dosnt use decives... looking at the source a bit it seems to be looking for /dev/ptyXX19:46
apparleJames147: what is ptyXX?19:48
apparleJames147: I mean like sda is harddisk, tty is terminal, what is pty19:48
James147apparle: my guess is some kind of terminal as its trying to pair with with a tty19:48
apparleJames147: you have any ideas to fix it?19:49
James147apparle: not really sorry... but I would guess it is because you dont have a pty :)might want ot look into what that is19:50
removido hello, how configure kaffeine with phonon in kubuntu 10.04 all I have is transparent screen19:54
apparleremovido: kaffeine I think automatically uses phonon I think, you are installing kaffeine from repo's right?19:56
James147removido: um, isnt phonon multimedia library in kde? meaning kaffeine is built with or without it...19:56
James147and I am not sure what what has to do with a transparent screen19:57
apparleremovido: illustrate what do you mean by transperant screen19:57
removidoyes I used apt-get install kaffeine . Dragon show same problem19:58
James147removido: what problem exatly?19:59
removidothe sound is ok but I can't see the video19:59
removidoall instaled19:59
skramer_I want to access my USB scanner via WLAN19:59
dave19901forgett it19:59
skramer_it's connected to deskop with Ubuntu Lucid & my laptop is with Kubuntu Lucid20:00
skramer_do what do I have to do to make it possible?20:00
dave19901i try it 2 weeks, its impossible20:01
removidoin hardy was working fine with xshm I can't find where configure that in kubuntu 10.0420:02
apparleremovido: what codec, video are you playing20:04
James147skramer_: you might want to look in to 'sane'20:04
removidoI don't know kaffeine doesn't show xine config20:04
skramer_James147: hmm... whatever I've found so far was for older versions of Ubuntu and did not work for Lucid20:06
removidowhere phonon config files20:06
James147skramer_: dont know much about scanner sorry, but you could try asking in #ubuntu since it isent a kde specific problem or in #sane20:07
skramer_James147: I'll try that,thanks20:08
hellslingerso at some point through the latest updates of 10.04, I had to reconfigure my xorg.conf, and now I no longer have a "desktop activity" on my secondary monitor, although I can move windows and use it for everything else.... how do I get it back?20:12
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goodtimei got it working21:11
ofirkWhen I click on a remote video file (over samba or ssh), dolphin copies the file locally and than plays it21:27
ofirkIs there a way of just streaming the file?21:27
ofirkI mean, like in gnome when clicking on a file placed on a remote location (smb/ssh) the player opens immediately21:28
goodtimei got them both working now21:32
bendersteedHello guys, is there any better indexing app than strigi that intergrates with dolphin?21:57
bendersteedI think beagle is one, but..21:57
wizkoderbendersteed: Strigi integrates with dolphin22:08
bendersteedYeap, but strigi stinks..22:09
cato37the sound doesnt work on my toshiba laptop. :(  i thought it made sounds when i first installed it, but i might have been mistaken, and nothing with sounds makes sounds.22:11
cato37how do i get sounds?22:11
doztenuscato37: Is there your output device in Multimedia settings?22:14
cato37output device?22:14
cato37like the speaker icon in the task bar?22:15
cato37it is called called hda intel22:15
doztenusYeah I have the same...22:16
cato37do you have sound?22:16
James147!sound | cato3722:18
ubottucato37: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:18
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:20
cato37bbiab. reboot.22:21
wizzy_hello people22:35
wizzy_where is groub config file?22:36
wizzy_i want to auto bood w7 not kubuntu22:36
Atamiskhello all, what would cause kubuntu to fail to connect wirelessly, but regular gnome connects fine?22:37
Atamiski guess is hould say kde22:38
MartiiniAtamisk : , just a shot in the dark here .. maybe network configuration ... that net applet in the bottom right corner22:41
Atamiskwireless is enableld, but the applet says unavailable with an ethernet icon (?)22:41
Martiinihave You configured the wireless settings in network applet ?22:42
Atamiskit also shows as connected22:42
Atamiskbut no internet apps will function22:42
Atamiskdefine configure?22:43
MartiiniAre You and advanced KDE4 user or beginner ?22:43
Atamiskit's an unsecured network22:43
Atamiskmoderate linux user, but just beginning the kde experience22:43
Martiinino idea .. I dont know ... Im only linux beginner22:43
Martiinifor me kde4 network config applet work just as well as gnome does22:43
Martiiniwep key , ip, dhcp ..22:44
Atamiskmaybe kde just hates me lol22:44
wizzy_so noones here22:47
wizzy_maybe u can help me lol22:48
Atamiskwhat's up?22:50
wizzy_cant find grub config file22:50
wizzy_i want to auto login w722:50
wizzy_cause gf doesnt know kubuntu22:50
Atamiskoh just hold shift during boot22:50
Atamiskit'll find it22:51
James147Atamisk: knetworkmanager is a bit flaky sometimes, if your having problems with it try the gnome one (install: network-manager-gnome run:nm-applet (after you kill knetworkmanager)) or try wicd22:51
wizzy_yes i know22:51
wizzy_i know how to select22:51
wizzy_just GF doesnt22:51
Atamiskoh idk22:51
wizzy_so i want to PC boot w722:51
James147wizzy_: /etc/defaults/grub  after you edit it run "sudo update-grub"22:51
Atamiskthat works22:52
Martiiniwizzy_, to configure grub2 ... apt-get install startupmanager22:52
James147wizzy_: for more info also see:22:52
James147!grub2 | wizzy_22:52
ubottuwizzy_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:52
wizzy_James147: well i just want to configure it in shell22:52
wizzy_oh startup manager is gui right?22:53
Martiiniit is .. heh ,  nobody knows grub2 command line22:54
wizzy_ok thx22:54
wizzy_dont have that problem on ubuntu-server huh22:54
Martiiniwizzy_ : where do you live22:54
James147Martiini: wizzy_: just need to change "GRUB_DEFAULT=0" to the number of the entry you want (-1) and run "sudo update-grub"22:55
Andrew9does anyone know how to delete auto eth0 from network manager?22:55
wizzy_i gotta find which number w7 is22:55
wizzy_Martiini: why u ask where i live?22:55
Martiinihowcome noone ever says on IRC where where they live ??22:56
Martiiniwhat if I wanna know who Im talking to ...22:56
wizzy_where u from?22:56
Martiinitallnn, estonia.. so .. why22:56
MartiiniTallinn, Estonia .. since .. Im gussing .. You live in USA22:57
James147wizzy_: to see the list of menu entrys "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg"22:57
Martiiniwell ,, why should I believe that anyway22:57
wizzy_huh i got that startup manager22:57
Andrew9UK here, what's up? =D22:57
wizzy_jsut selected w7 as default22:57
wizzy_uk !! welcome matey22:57
Andrew9wizzy_: thanks =D22:58
wizzy_Andrew9: are you fishing>?22:58
Andrew9wizzy_: no, not at the moment22:58
wizzy_Andrew9: you got great carp fishing there22:59
wizzy_this new kubuntu looks sick22:59
Andrew9 so anyone knows how to delete auto eth0 from network manager?22:59
wizzy_u wanna do static ip?23:00
MartiiniIP-address on IRC does not tell anything , does it `? .. I mean.. I get some euro IP shown for eveyone , correct ?23:00
Andrew9wizzy_: yes23:00
Martiinifuck america23:01
Atamiskkde's nm tool is randomly workking now. thanks guys23:01
wizzy_Andrew9: u know how to work in console?23:01
Atamiskwait, wat?23:02
Andrew9wizzy_: yes23:02
James147!language | Martiini23:02
ubottuMartiini: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:02
Andrew9wizzy_: i hope i do..23:02
wizzy_Andrew9: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces23:02
Andrew9wizzy_: i wanna delete auto connection or at least make it static23:03
Andrew9wizzy_: ok23:03
wizzy_Andrew9: u see there "auto lo iface lo inet loopback"??23:03
Andrew9wizzy_: yeah23:04
wizzy_Andrew9: first change "auto lo" to "auto eth0"23:04
Andrew9wizzy_: yep23:05
wizzy_Andrew9: change "iface lo inet loopback" to "iface eth0 inet static"23:05
Andrew9wizzy_: yep23:05
wizzy_Andrew9: then on next line write " address: your ip"23:06
wizzy_thats LAN IP23:06
wizzy_IP of you computer on Local Area Network23:06
Andrew9wizzy_: and i won't need gateway and dns stuff?23:06
wizzy_Andrew9: then on next line write "netmask:"23:07
wizzy_Andrew9: next line write "gateway:" or whatever is your routers IP23:07
Andrew9wizzy_: netmask: do i need space after : ?23:07
wizzy_Andrew9: space after what?23:08
Andrew9wizzy_: netmask: or netmask: ?23:08
wizzy_address , gateway and netmask have to be on separate line23:08
wizzy_Andrew9:  "netmask
wizzy_no dots just space23:08
wizzy_my fault huh23:09
Andrew9wizzy_: what's next?23:09
Andrew9wizzy_: is that it?23:09
wizzy_u got as i told you?23:09
Andrew9wizzy_: yea23:09
wizzy_u know how to use pastebin?23:10
wizzy_Andrew9:  go to pastebin.com and copy and paste23:11
Andrew9wizzy_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/450790/23:11
wizzy_i want to see if everything is right23:11
Andrew9wizzy_: oops23:11
wizzy_ok good23:11
Andrew9wizzy_: address is
wizzy_Andrew9: check if IPs are correct23:12
Andrew9wizzy_: they should be23:12
wizzy_Andrew9: router should be setted up for it too23:12
wizzy_othervise you can loose internet connection23:12
wizzy_Andrew9: after everything is done run "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"23:12
Andrew9wizzy_: yea, i reserved this ip for my mac23:13
Andrew9wizzy_: mac address23:13
BluesKajloose internet connections lose the internet ,...so true )23:13
wizzy_Andrew9: if everything is right it will restart your connection and you shoulld have static ip ;)23:13
Andrew9wizzy_: why is that we cannot remove auto connection in the first place?23:14
wizzy_i only change to static my servers23:14
BluesKajAndrew9, I'll bet you use a 2wire router ..23:14
Andrew9wizzy_: something is wrong. it says "unmanaged"23:15
Andrew9BluesKaj: 2 wire router? is belkin n+ that kind of router?23:16
BluesKajAndrew9, no but they use the same chip/firmware23:17
BluesKajusually when umanaged is shown , then NM is longer being used , replaced  by /etc/network/interfaces23:18
BluesKajerr unmanaged23:19
wizzy_Andrew9: looks good but id press "TAB" before netmask , address and gateway23:20
wizzy_so it will be little space23:21
Andrew9wizzy_: will it make a difference ?23:21
wizzy_i always do that23:22
Exaucutionersomething as been bothering me for a while im pretty sure its easy to fix but i can't figure it out23:22
wizzy_Exaucutioner: if i can help i will if not my good friend Google.com will help for sure ;)23:23
wizzy_Andrew9: is it working yet?23:23
Exaucutionerk well i checked in my bios and my numlock is supposed to be activated by default when i start my comp23:23
Exaucutionerbut when i get to the loging screen its not activated and i need to press it23:24
Andrew9wizzy_: no23:24
Andrew9wizzy_: i found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1470677&page=223:24
Andrew9wizzy_: should i try to use gnome applet instead?23:25
James147Exaucutioner: I think kde toggles it... remember a setting somewhere..23:25
* James147 starts digging in system settings23:25
BluesKajAndrew9, your computer IP , should be different than your gateway IP , check the IP undergateway iwith this command, ip a | grep inet23:25
Andrew9BluesKaj: i know, i said that the address is
Exaucutionerdid that allready i looked in keyboard options23:26
Exaucutionerand put the toggle to "on" still didn't change a thing :S23:26
Exaucutionersom im like wth >.>23:27
wizzy_BluesKaj: his configs looks good23:27
wizzy_i dunno why it doesnt work23:27
BluesKajdo you still have nm ?23:28
wizzy_maybe he need to change nameservers23:28
BluesKajif you are going to use /etc/network/interfaces , then NM needs to be ither disabled or removed23:29
James147Exaucutioner: The option in the keyboard settings will be for your user (ie after you log in)23:29
Exaucutionerahhh i see  makes sense ...23:29
wizzy_BluesKaj: huh  how do u disable NM>>??23:29
BluesKajwizzy , just remove network manager23:30
BluesKajotherwise you have a conflict23:31
wizzy_huh so "apt-get remove network-manager23:31
wizzy_or to disable " sudo update-rc.d NEtworkManager remove"23:31
James147Exaucutioner: cant see a way to do it in the login manager page :(23:32
Exaucutionerawww :(23:32
carofei ve got problems with my printer23:33
BluesKajwizzy_, dunno , that last command could work , not sure23:33
carofemy printer is hp laser jet p100523:33
wizzy_or to disable " sudo update-rc.d NetworkManager remove"23:33
wizzy_NEtwork should be changed to Network23:33
carofeand when I send something to print, the printer does not print anything23:33
wizzy_BluesKaj: thx to my good friend google ;)23:33
carofein ubuntu 9.10 worked fine23:34
wizzy_carofe: !printer23:34
carofebut in the 10-0423:34
carofestop working23:34
James147Exaucutioner: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51481 might help23:34
BluesKajyeah,google is your friend . especially google-linux :)23:34
wizzy_BluesKaj: huh google-linux?23:35
carofei ve looked up some help googling but nothing23:35
BluesKajyeah google-linux http://www.google.com/linux23:35
carofesomebody here can help me?23:36
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wizzy_BluesKaj:  huh my new homepage23:36
James147wizzy_: ! needds to be the first char when you want a bot responce:23:36
James147!print | carofe23:36
ubottucarofe: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:36
torettohi everybody )23:36
wizzy_James147: huh thx ;)23:37
torettoplease anybody help me with cucumber23:37
James147toretto: You might want to describe your problem if you want some help23:38
torettosure, sorry23:39
torettoI want to run my tests in cucumber...23:39
wizzy_toretto: cucumber ? huh cut it , some salt vinegar and tomato and eat it ;)23:39
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torettonice idea huh23:40
torettobut it's not my situation23:40
James147toretto: I have a feeling not many here know what 'cucumber' is (apart from the obvious)23:40
wizzy_toretto: just explain whats your problem is23:40
wizzy_James147: huh  i dont :(23:41
torettoi can't run tests in cucumber23:41
torettoit says that webrat is missing23:41
torettobut i have it23:41
torettoa latest version23:42
torettoi need someone who knows how to install cucumber23:44
wizzy_sorry man i dont even know what cucumber is :(23:44
torettois there any ruby programmer ?23:44
James147toretto: #ruby might have a few :)23:45
torettoyou should know what cucumber is?23:45
torettoit's a testing framework23:46
torettofor BDD23:46
wizzy_huh i dont my friend , i always start with kubuntu and use it only for some time23:46
wizzy_i am more into server stuff ;)23:47
James147toretto: you might want to join #ruby for ruby specific help23:47
torettowhere is it ?23:47
wizzy_toretto: type "/join #ruby"23:48
James147toretto: type "/join #ruby"23:48
James147wizzy_: :p23:48
torettothanks a lot :)23:48
wizzy_James147: i am amazed how many command i remember23:48
wizzy_Andrew9: how is it going?23:49
Andrew9wizzy_: bad23:49
wizzy_just curious any of you using UFW?23:49
wizzy_Andrew9: did you try disable NM?23:49
Andrew9wizzy_: yes, i was able to install gnome applet instead of kde23:50
Andrew9wizzy_: i removed auto connection and set my own23:50
wizzy_Andrew9: and it works?23:50
Andrew9wizzy_: now i wanted to remove gnome and put kde back23:51
wizzy_so just reverse command23:51
wizzy_instead "install" type "remove"23:51
Andrew9wizzy_: gnome applet removed and kde cannot be installed because for some reason system cannot access internet, but can be ping'ed localy23:52
Andrew9wizzy_: i just need to install kde applet back...23:52
wizzy_so do it23:52
Andrew9wizzy_: can i download it online?23:53
James147Andrew9: you should be able to install it from the cd23:53
=== toretto is now known as nozim
Andrew9James147: i am trying but cd won't responf23:53
James147Andrew9: O-o23:53
Andrew9James147: now it says "a problem that we weren't expecting has occured"23:56
James147well that aint good23:56
Andrew9James147: sometimes i just hate every os exist23:57

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