
nuboon2age_bodhi_zazen: over on #ubuntu there's this question: <kaflowski> KlamAV and ClamTk keep getting stuck at 8% and 88% respectively. Does anyone know what could be causing this?00:10
bodhi_zazennuboon2age_: impatience ?00:20
bodhi_zazenjust let them run ....00:20
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Vantraxwhats the command to tell which architecture OS your running 32/6401:12
aveilleuxVantrax: uname -a01:12
aveilleuxVantrax: i686 is 32-bit, x86_64 is 64-bit01:12
bodhi_zazenuname -m01:14
Vantraxbah, i knew it was something stupidly simple01:14
ddecatoroh, i didn't know about uname -m01:15
aveilleuxI forgot about that :(01:15
aveilleuxI even use it in a script I publish, silly me01:16
ddecatorhaha, there are so many to remember, it's easy to forget01:17
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* ddecator jumps01:39
Vantraxi install wubi with a --32bit tag and it still installs x6401:39
Vantraxeven used the 32 bit iso01:39
ddecatoryou have to manually download the 32bit iso i think01:39
Vantraxhow does that happen01:39
ddecatorno idea. windows messed up wubi for me so i just went with a dual boot :)01:40
Bodsdawubi asks you to select the os type01:40
Vantraxhrm, does uname -m give you the system hardware type or the OS type01:40
aveilleuxOS type01:40
Vantraxthought so01:40
Bodsdaalmost all processors nowadays are x86-64 capable01:40
Vantraxyeah, im trying to build a wubi disk image that can go across 16 hardware types01:41
ddecatormy windows was 32-bit but i'm using 64-bit ubuntu01:41
VantraxBodsda, where does wubi ask you to select the OS type01:42
Vantrax... how can WUBI deploy a 64bit OS from a 32bit ISO without access to the net01:46
ddecatorhad it download the 64-bit previously?01:47
Vantraxand the ubuntu folder is gone, no iso files on the system except mine01:47
ddecatorthat's weird01:48
Vantraxyour telling me01:48
Vantraxim about ready to punch this monitor >.<01:49
ddecatorhm, not sure that would work..01:49
Vantraxbut ill feel better, then go get a spare01:49
acerimmer_Vantrax: dude.  take - a - break.  it's not that serious.01:49
Vantraxacerimmer_, I get paid to make it work:P01:50
Vantraxand by spare i mean i have 60 in storage down stairs as spares:P01:50
acerimmer_Vantrax: 60?!  sheeeeeeee - yo V!  I need a little monitor upgrade here!  How about hooking me up with a li'l UPS action on the side?01:51
ddecatorthere should be something on the wubi faq about how to install 32-bit01:51
Vantraxacerimmer_, my team supports 4500 pcs01:51
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acerimmer_Vantrax: then you ARE the man!01:52
Vantraxof which sevral hundred are linux dual boot01:52
Vantraxif it doesnt work this time....01:53
acerimmer_Vantrax: and here WE are complaining when ONE doesn't dance just right...LOL01:53
Vantraxim going to go listen to avenue q01:53
Vantraxyeah, i have to make a single image that works across hundreds of hardware types and automatically configures backgrounds and resolutions, correct naming etc01:54
ddecatorheh, of course the faq says to use --32bit or use a 32bit iso..01:54
Vantraxer hundreds of machines and 16 hardware configs01:54
Vantraxyou will notice after a while I tend to ask very difficult obscure questions:P01:55
Vantraxfor example, im trying to find a commandline way to change the ubuntu logo on the face browser to another logo01:56
ddecatorthe face browser?01:57
acerimmer_ddecator: think he means the "circle of fiends" logo...01:59
* zkriesse the bot is here02:03
Vantraxacerimmer_, yes, ddecator the face browser is the new gdm login applet that you see when you log in02:04
ddecatorVantrax: oh is that what it's called?02:04
Vantraxit worked02:04
Vantraxhe he he02:04
ddecatorVantrax: congrats! :D02:04
acerimmer_Vantrax: http://www.foszor.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/borat-thumbs-up.jpg02:05
aveilleuxacerimmer_: AAAUUUGH02:05
Vantraxi have a photo of my boss wearing one of those.....02:06
Vantraxcomes in handy02:06
acerimmer_Vantrax: not sure how much help this is, but i totally forgot about face browser bcz I used ubuntu tweak to disable it.  there's also a gdm logo setting in tweak...02:07
zkriessethat's evil02:07
Vantraxyeah, i know ubuntu tweak02:07
acerimmer_just give V a little congrats02:07
Vantraxlooking for a native way to do it02:07
Vantraxzkriesse = zachk?02:07
zkriesseVantrax: indeed02:07
Vantraxthought so, did you get your forums account sorted?02:08
zkriesseVantrax: yep...joeb fixed it for me02:08
zkriesseVantrax: For some reason i can't login to the Ubuntu Fridge02:08
Vantraxpoke the fridge people, the list might have to be updated with your new lp name? dunno really, dont have much to do with the fridge. Nhandler does (poke)02:11
zkriessenhandler: ping02:11
nhandlerzkriesse: Did you ever have access to it?02:11
zkriessenhandler: I don't know02:11
zkriessenhandler: I thought it was like the wiki02:12
nhandlerNo. And since you are not a member of ~ubuntu-fridge, you can't login to it02:12
Vantrax<- i think i still am02:14
nhandlerI believe you are Vantrax02:14
Vantraxoh crap, need to put the rmb meetings in there02:14
Vantraxwhats the link for the fridge again02:14
nhandlerVantrax: Calendar is at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar02:15
zkriesseVantrax: LP or wiki02:15
Vantraxzach... the actual page:P02:15
* zkriesse wanders off02:15
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Vantraxokies, all done02:21
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ddecatorhey tenach05:41
tenachAre there any cron jobs or other applications that are running in a stock 10.04 install that would cause my machine to slow down considerably when there seems to be a lot of activity on my hdd?  This is happening whether I am idle or not.05:41
tenachThe activity is enough to sound like something is being installed.05:43
tenachmy processor is also 100% in use...05:45
aveilleuxtenach: top?05:45
ddecatoryah, check top to see what's hogging the cpu05:45
tenachand now it's not.05:46
tenachThat was very strange, 'cause the hdd was as active as my cpu05:46
ddecatoryou can kill gwibber and just restart it, i know that's still a little buggy. flash tends to run rampant as well05:46
tenachI haven't had trouble with flash, as I don't use it. :D05:46
tenachRather, I use it, but i also don't let it load unless I want it to.05:47
tenachddecator, no, using the proprietary flash bin.05:47
tenachWow, I killed gwibber05:48
tenachand now my cpu is idling05:48
aveilleuxtenach: Yet another reason I don't like the "enhancements" of Lucid ;[P05:48
ddecatorwell, they'll be nice when they're fixed up in maverick, but i'm not sure why they introduced so many new things into an lts..05:49
tenachI'm not too fond of how integrated specific programs are getting.05:49
tenachddecator, I thought that adding so many new things was against the point of an lts?05:49
aveilleuxtenach: I'm just bitter about Empathy replacing Pidgin05:49
tenachaveilleux, I don't like the switch either.05:50
ddecatortenach: exactly, which is why i don't understand switching to plymouth, adding the memenu, gwibber, etc. they're nice, but they hadn't been tested well enough for an lts imo05:50
aveilleuxddecator: What exactly caused the switch to Plymouth? It just seems like an "Oh, look. A nifty program. Add it in!" type of deal.05:53
ddecatoraveilleux: supposed to be faster as well i think05:53
tenachI had to switch to a different graphics card because the geforce 6 series shits the bed with plymouth.05:53
aveilleuxddecator: If there's any speed improvement, it's too miniscule to notice on my systems :P05:54
tenachthe part that pisses me off the most about lucid is that both my 6 series and my current ati card, x1650 dont' run as well as they did before...05:56
tenachEr, before, as in when I ran karmic05:56
* zkriesse out05:57
* aveilleux waves bye to zkreisse05:57
zkriessebye aveilleux05:57
ddecatoryah, ati issues are aplenty, and i still get logged out sometimes when i hit <enter> thanks to plymouth :/05:58
ddecatori'm hoping maverick is a lot more stable05:59
aveilleuxThe implications of upgrading to an ATi card (from the 9800 GT to the 4870) have just struck me05:59
dan-uplateHello, I am fairly new to Ubuntu, and just am working on building it out.  However today when I booted up it seems to have failed.  I am using 10.04, and the boot process proceeds as it normally should until it launches the 'ubuntu' GUI screen and then i lose my monitors and the whole thing dies on me.  It used to work fine, and my belief is that a change I made prior to the reboot by asking ubuntu to 'automatically log in as username'06:28
dan-uplatebroke the feature.  Now I can log in with recovery mode as root, but I do not know how to undo the change and retest.  Can anyone suggest how I should proceed?06:28
ddecatordang, i can't think of what file has the auto-login option...06:30
mohi2911dan-uplate, you find something with Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-21-generic in the boot screen?06:32
dan-uplatemohi2911 that is correct, I do have that kernal option to boot from instead of the 2.6.32-22-generic.  I believe I have tried to boot from it and failed already, but if you like I can try again.06:36
dan-uplateI just attempted the same thing.  I got a blinking cursor in the top left portion of my screen, and then saw the purple backdrop with red blinky lights and the 'ubuntu' name and then it all died.06:38
mohi2911if it failed for sure, then i have to search for some other solutions06:38
dan-uplateI have also gone into grub and hit 'e' for edit and changed the splash settings so that instead it generated the logging messages, but they ran by my screen so fast i could not read it, and the machine still did not boot with xorg06:39
dan-uplatemohi2911 thank you for helping, I want you to know I appreciate it.06:40
mohi2911hmmm a strange problem in lucid06:41
dan-uplateAnyone else mind taking a look at my problem, as mohi2911 appears to have left?06:46
ddecatorhmm, i'm thinking about possible solutions06:48
ddecatorso when you boot into recovery mode, you log into a command-line interface, right? (it's been a while since i've had to use recovery mode, not sure if it has graphics or not)06:50
dan-uplateyes, it is command line.  I have full access and functionality on the command line, but the tool i used to automatically log in as username was in the gnome gui06:52
ddecatorright. let me try to figure out which file you need to change to switch off auto-login06:53
dan-uplateyes, if you could find that out I would be very grateful.06:54
ddecatorof course, there is information on where to make the change for karmic. i'm still hunting07:01
mohi2911I am sorry guys. My ISP is very bad and ddecator try seeing http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1407602.html07:01
ddecatorhuh... dan-uplate, when you get the blinking cursor, have you tried hitting enter?07:04
* ddecator thinks this smells of a plymouth issue :/07:06
dan-uplateddecator: If you like I can try that.  My impression is that while I am getting the blinking cursor there is actually a lot of logging taking place that is obscured from me for cosmetic reasons, as it follows this with the gui menu being launched.07:06
ddecatordan-uplate: the gui menu? which one?07:07
dan-uplatemy apologies, it is not a menu, it is just a screen that says 'ubuntu' and has five red lights.  When the load up is working the lights cycle around abit, but I just get five red lights and it stays there.07:15
dan-uplateI attempted the strategy of hitting enter with the blinking cursor.  Each time I hit enter the cursor moved down one line.  The boot process continued as in previous cases and I got the colorful 'ubuntu' screen with the five red lights.07:17
ddecatorah, so the splash is showing up after the blinking cursor then?07:18
ddecatorthe 'ubuntu' screen is 'plymouth' which is the boot splash07:18
dan-uplateyes, i get the blinking cursor then the plymouth boot splash and about 0.5 seconds after that the whole thing dies and i get black screens and my monitor informs me it lost signal07:19
BodsdaThat has a strange ring to it that reminds me of an old similar issue on gutsy. dan-uplate If you are using a graphics card, try running on motherboard graphics.07:22
ddecatordo you know if you have an ati graphics card?07:22
mohi2911hey Bodsda =]07:22
* Bodsda hides07:22
ddecatorwelcome back Bodsda :)07:22
* mohi2911 finds Bodsda 07:22
Bodsdasup mohi291107:22
mohi2911Bodsda, my ISP is making me feel bad :(07:22
mohi2911two to threee disconnects/min :'(07:23
ddecatorthat's harsh :(07:23
Bodsdamohi2911: go get your vodafone 3g usb stick that has run out of credit. Set up an ssh tunnel through dns to use as a proxy and your laughing07:23
* mohi2911 takes money from Bodsda's card :D07:24
* Bodsda notes that the above is not entirely legal, so any profit you make from using this solution, must be.... given to me07:24
* mohi2911 buys a new vodafone 3G :P07:24
mohi2911Bodsda, ^^ :P07:24
dan-uplateBodsda and ddecator you are correct, I am running an ATI Radeon HD 3450 graphics card.  How do I boot from the motherboard instead?07:24
Bodsdadan-uplate: just unplug the cable from the graphics card and attach it to the onboard vga slot (3 row)07:25
* Bodsda continues to steal one of mohi2911's packets every 30 seconds or so07:26
Bodsdaddecator: morning :)07:26
Bodsdaim off for a smoke07:27
ddecatordan-uplate: it seems to be an issue with the graphics driver07:27
mohi2911aww :'(07:27
* mohi2911 expects a powercut here07:28
ddecatordan-uplate: there are various things people have tried using at boot, one is 'radeon.modeset=0' in the boot command07:28
ddecatordan-uplate: this may work as well: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/560306/comments/2307:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 560306 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "[lucid] ATI hd5xxx cards wrongly doing kms? (affects: 34) (dups: 4) (heat: 172)" [High,Confirmed]07:29
ddecatorha, forgot we have ubot now07:30
mohi2911ok. powercut07:32
mohi2911later guys07:32
dan-uplateBodsda I removed the casing on the computer (it is a work computer) and it is one of those slim cases (vostro by dell), and I do not feel comfortable jamming my fingers into that cramped mess at all.  Everything is way too cramped, I miss the old school PC setup like I have at home.  I will try ddecator's advice first as I am reluctant to screw around with the hardware.07:34
ddecatordan-uplate: don't blame you. gone are the days of desktops that have plenty of space :/07:35
* ddecator wanted to clean his heat sink earlier, and it required taking the entire computer apart, but then hp decided to use thermal pads which i can't replace07:35
Bodsdadan-uplate: ...... you attach the monitor to a different port on the back. No need to open it up07:38
ddecatoroh, is this not a laptop? o.o07:39
Bodsdaoh, is this a laptop? o.o07:40
ddecatordan-uplate: if the computer a laptop? :p07:40
dan-uplateit's one of those narrow vostro's there, but its the 220 model.  I just couldnt find a pic of the 22007:41
Bodsdashould still have onboard vga07:41
ddecatoroh :p07:41
dan-uplateI have two monitors plugged into the graphics card, I do see an onboard VGA now, it is covered with some sort of a cap.  I do not however have a VGA connector.07:41
Bodsdadan-uplate: ah.. the comp will probably bitch and moan if you try to use onboard then, you will have to remove the graphics card first. After getting a vga cable of course :)07:43
dan-uplateddecator can you please explain to me exactly where i put the  'radeon.modeset=0' command in the boot command so I don't put it in the wrong spot?07:43
Bodsdadan-uplate: anywhere, just edit the boot line in grub07:43
dan-uplatek, that is what i expected, i just wanted to confirm07:44
dan-uplateI would like to try the non-hardware affecting strategy.  These computers are shared workspaces, and in 12 hours when I go home someone else is going to be logging into the same box with windows xp :p07:44
ddecatorfair enough07:45
dan-uplateok, i added that into the grub line of command and then entered ctrl+x.  I observed identical behavior07:46
ddecatorok, try adding 'nomodeset' as well07:48
dan-uplateok to the bottom of the default kernal i added nomodeset and am now trying to boot07:50
dan-uplatehrms, same thing07:51
ddecatordid you see the comment i linked to?07:53
dan-uplateyes, I will try that next07:54
dan-uplateinteresting fact, when I use nomodeset after when i go to hard reboot the machine the graphics resumes and i see one of the 5 lights red, and four of the five lights white for about a second.  The first time i hard powered it off fairly quickly, saw this behavior and decided to try it again.  The second time I left the computer in the state where it had 'crashed' for a long time and then hit the power button, and i again regained the 1 of07:56
dan-uplate5 red lights and ubuntu splash screen07:56
dan-uplateIn my apt-get update there is an fglrx update included.  I wonder if an update broke something now.  Regardless the update is still taking place.08:07
ddecatorhopefully it helps :)08:08
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dan-uplateI think with the link included i got an extra second of the plymouth splash screen before it crashed on me08:28
dan-uplateAt this point do I just back up and re-install?  I'd really like to avoid doing that if I can, it takes me afew days to rebuild.08:29
dan-uplateIt's especially frustrating if I cannot accurately pinpoint the problem which caused it to get to this state.08:29
ddecatorthat may not fix anything if it's due to the graphics driver08:30
ddecatorhm, the fix was committed 7 days ago..08:31
dan-uplateI am quite certain it is a recent change.  If it was the graphics driver the OS would not have worked for a month beforehand.  Also the live CD still works great.08:31
dan-uplateThat sounds reasonable, I have been on vacation and just got back.08:31
dan-uplateddecator what do you suggest I do to continue at this point?08:32
ddecatordan-uplate: i'm thinking about it..08:33
ddecatoryou said you don't have an older kernel to boot into?08:33
dan-uplatei had the 21 kernel which had the same behavior08:34
dan-uplate2.6.32-22-generic and 2.6.32-21-generic08:35
ddecatorhm, boot into a command line and try 'sudo aptitude reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati' (this is a shot in the dark, but it might work)08:37
dan-uplateheh sudo not required in rescue mode. :) trying to boot into it now since that change08:38
dan-uplatesame behavior08:39
ddecatoroh, right, root :p08:40
ddecatorwell, i'm honestly out of ideas :/08:40
ddecatorbut you can try here again later and someone else will hopefully have more ideas08:41
dan-uplateok.  Thanks for your help ddecator.08:41
ddecatorno problem dan-uplate, good luck!08:42
cavallilocoHi, I have a problem with owerheating on Ubuntu 10, Notebook lenovo 3000 N200, fan is working, cpu are scaling, can not see fan on sensors09:14
cavallilocoHi, I have a problem with owerheating on Ubuntu 10, Notebook lenovo 3000 N200, fan is working, cpu are scaling, can not see fan on sensors09:31
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cavallilocoHi, I have a problem with owerheating on Ubuntu 10, Notebook lenovo 3000 N200, fan is working, cpu are scaling, can not see fan on sensors. On high load computer turns off09:54
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Lady_MadonnaWhat do you use to monitor the sensors? GKrellm  ?09:59
cavallilocognome sensors applet, and sensors from shell (think it's lmsensors)09:59
cavallilocosensors version 3.1.2 with libsensors version 3.1.210:02
cavallilocoSample output:10:03
cavallilococoretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Core 0:      +47.0°C  (high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)10:03
cavallilocosensors do not report fan, just cpu temp10:03
cavallilocowhen cpu hits 90C, computer turns off10:04
duanedesigncavalliloco: has it actually hit shutdown temp?  :(10:06
cavallilocothere are some flash apps that are very effective in rasing cpu :)10:07
cavallilocosensors report 100C to be crit/high, but 90 is crit10:08
dan-uplateyou cant even boil water at 90, pssh10:08
duanedesigncavalliloco: if scaling and the fan is working, I would suspect dust10:12
cavallilocowas running winxp till now, and never had an issue10:13
cavallilocomaybe just crit/high are off and need to be adjusted10:13
duanedesigncavalliloco: this isa little old, but I thought it interesting;jsessionid=ADAC0F9A4603ED3A5B4A6685DE29009010:21
cavallilocobut what to do with this on ubuntu?10:25
duanedesigncavalliloco: what graphics does that laptop have? NVIDIA?10:28
cavallilocoI think so, how to check?10:29
duanedesignlspci | grep VGA10:30
cavallilocoIntel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller10:31
duanedesigncavalliloco: seems to be a common problem with no real consensus on the cause or fix??10:40
cavalliloconot sure I follow, but this output from sensors : high = +100.0°C, crit = +100.0°C, which is higher then my max, should I be worried about that?10:41
cavallilocoand why can't I see voltage, rpm and stuff in sensor output?10:43
cavallilocoduanedesign: managed to solve it, seems frequency scalling and temperature reading did not talk to eachother cause acpi did not get any temp readings. had to install cpufreqd a configure it to work with sensors13:59
karthipaultag, what happened to your voice!!!! mohi14:34
paultagkarthi: it's a secret14:39
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komputes_ubuntuduanedesign: do you know a way to remap keyboard keys, but only for a specific applications?17:08
Lady_MadonnaNever tried to do that...17:18
Lady_MadonnaNot sure if possible17:18
ddecatorremapping for a specific program? the only way i know is if the program has a menu entry that allows you to do so..17:23
* switchgirl_ crys as she killed her usb drive17:23
ddecatori wish smudo was a command..17:25
switchgirl_i corrected that - freaked out till i realised the err "wtf sudo is missing.... whats sudo's number i'm calling them in from holiday)"17:26
duanedesigni think you can remap for different windows. I am not sure about aplications komputes_ubuntu17:27
komputes_ubuntuduanedesign: ok, I guess I'll just use xev and make xmodmap scripts17:29
* duanedesign nods17:29
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goodtimeanybody know how to get a second monitor running through a lappy20:29
goodtimei have ubuntu 10.0420:29
goodtimei found a monitor20:29
goodtimeis there a ketstroke20:29
aveilleuxgoodtime: It's usually Fn+F520:30
aveilleuxer no20:30
goodtimei tryed that and everything went blank20:30
aveilleuxFn+F5 is wireless Internet control :P20:30
aveilleuxgoodtime: Was the monitor plugged in at boot time?20:30
goodtimeits on standby20:32
aveilleuxgoodtime: What happens whtn you hit Fn+F7 more than once?20:33
aveilleuxgoodtime: I ask because my laptop defaults to Duplicate behavior if an external monitor is plugged in at boot time20:34
goodtimethe driver doesnt work20:40
goodtimethats the prob then20:41
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tlpomtwhen booting ubuntu received error: no suitable mode found then error" unknown command "terminal" not found21:15
AJH101Hello Firefox will not allow Private browsing STOP private browsing is greyed out)! Any ideas?21:16
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AJH101Hello Firefox will not allow Private browsing - Any ideas?21:27
mohi2911AJH101, what you get when you hit Tools-> Start Private Browsing??21:28
goodtimegot it all running good22:11
* goodtime has 2 monitors running fine22:12
tpjmiamihi, does anyone know if updating alsa (running 10.04) is a good idea to fix a non working external mic?22:18
tpjmiamiworked under vista before i switched to ubuntu last month22:19
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lazybug1tpjmiami:open: sound preferences > input plug your external microphone in wait a moment until you can select it and then use sound recorder to record and play the file, this worked for me.22:56
duanedesigntpjmiami: also run the command 'alsamixer' without the quotes in a Terminal and make sure none of the mic settings are muted (MM). hit m to mute/unmute, esc to exit23:03
kermiactpjmiami: can you please pastebin the output of "ps aux | grep pulseaudio" (w/o quotes)23:06
kermiactpjmiami: reading through http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/06/13/%23ubuntu-beginners.html#t15:05 it seems like you may not be running pulse audio23:08
tpjmiamikermiac, can u remind me how to pastebin that command23:26
kermiac!pastebin | tpjmiami23:26
ubot2tpjmiami: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:27
tpjmiamidoes | !pastebinit come at the end of the command?23:29
kermiactpjmiami: if you have pastebinit installed the command you need to run rom the terminal is "ps aux | grep pulseaudio  | pastebinit" (w/o quotes)23:33
tpjmiamiso the pastebin site is pastebin.com/8DxWv05U23:34
tpjmiamion alsamixer i managed to discover that two mic indicators were muted, so i unmuted them as duanedesign said23:35
tpjmiamibut i plugged in the mic, made the "echo" test call on Skype, and not hearing my own voice23:35
kermiactpjmiami: ok, pulseaudio is running - that's good23:35
kermiactpjmiami: it's better to use gnome-soundrecorder (Applications --> Sound & Video --> Sound Recorder) to test your mic as skype sometimes has separate issues23:36
tpjmiamistrange thing is, i heard my own voice on the laptop's speakers23:36
tpjmiami(and indeed on the headset  itself)23:36
kermiactpjmiami: please try using Sound Recorder - if you are hearing your voice in the speakers/ headset it should mean that your mic is working23:37
tpjmiamiSound Recorder isn't recording anything23:39
tpjmiamii click on the red button, speak loudly on both external and internal mic, and no volume, saved file and can't open it23:40
tpjmiamigetting echoing when i unmute the mic, so something is working though23:42
duanedesignafter you click record and stop you can hit play and hear what you just recorded23:42
duanedesignthis app can be helpful   sudo apt-get install pavucontrol23:43
duanedesigntpjmiami: this explains how to use with Skype.  But its the same for all audio apps.23:44
tpjmiamii've got pulse audio vol control and chooser already23:45
duanedesignok :)23:45
tpjmiamii'm assuming pavucontrol and pulse audio volume control are the same thing?23:47
tpjmiamithis line from the webpage isn't true: 4. In pavucontrol there is a tab called Recording  where you can select the input device for the application Skype23:50
tpjmiamii can't select anything23:51
tpjmiamiwhen i briefly uninstalled pulseaudio and tried to install esound this weekend, the mic did work.... i realise it was bad advise so one of your colleagues helped me reinstall pulseaudio23:53
tpjmiamii just feel like there has to be a simple solution, some switch somewhere23:53

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